AGM Docs Prague 2007 - Get a Free Blog

AGM Docs Prague 2007 - Get a Free Blog

AGM Docs Prague 2007 - Get a Free Blog


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Erasmus Student Network<br />

Annual General Meeting <strong>Prague</strong><br />

22 – 25 March <strong>2007</strong><br />

Official Documents

1<br />

Introduction and Procedural Issues 5<br />

2 Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 5<br />

3 Membership fee............................................................................................................................................ 6<br />

4 Membership fee policy.................................................................................................................................. 6<br />

5 Due Membership fees – exclusion of sections ............................................................................................. 7<br />

6 Section package ........................................................................................................................................... 7<br />

7 Agenda of the plenary sessions <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>Prague</strong> <strong>2007</strong> .................................................................................... 8<br />

Voting procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 11<br />

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46<br />

Mission, Vision & Values ...............................................................................................11<br />

Standing Orders and Statutes .......................................................................................13<br />

Standing Orders of the Annual General Meeting ....................................................................................... 13<br />

Standing Orders for the Council of National Representatives and the Board............................................ 17<br />

Standing Orders for the Election and Constitution of the Board ................................................................ 22<br />

Statutes of Erasmus Student Network AISBL ............................................................................................ 27<br />

Changes to the Statutes and the Standing Orders of the <strong>AGM</strong> .....................................35<br />

Proposal of the Board and the CNR to Change the Statutes of ESN ........................................................ 35<br />

Proposal of the Board and the CNR to Change the Standing Orders of the CNR and the Board ............. 37<br />

Proposal of the Board and the CNR to Change the Standing Orders of the <strong>AGM</strong> .................................... 48<br />

General Report..............................................................................................................53<br />

Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 53<br />

Network Inventory....................................................................................................................................... 53<br />

Board .......................................................................................................................................................... 55<br />

Board Meetings ...................................................................................................................................... 55<br />

President ................................................................................................................................................ 55<br />

Vice President ........................................................................................................................................ 57<br />

Treasurer................................................................................................................................................ 57<br />

Network Administrator............................................................................................................................ 58<br />

Regular Board member: external relations and communication............................................................ 60<br />

ESN Secretary............................................................................................................................................ 60<br />

Action Report.............................................................................................................................................. 61<br />

Projects of ESN International ................................................................................................................. 65<br />

Brussels – ESNHouse and Headquarters ......................................................................................... 65<br />

Active Presence in Brussels for Enhancing Student Mobility ............................................................ 66<br />

20 Years of Erasmus Programme - Project ESN .............................................................................. 68<br />

ESNCard............................................................................................................................................ 74<br />

ESNCard Coordinator........................................................................................................................ 75<br />

ESNSurvey 2006 – report.................................................................................................................. 76<br />

Long Term Vision............................................................................................................................... 80<br />

Webteam Annual Report ................................................................................................................... 88<br />

Communication: ESNSections' Bulletin and Newsletter.................................................................... 90<br />

New InfoCentre .................................................................................................................................. 91<br />

Promotion and PR.............................................................................................................................. 91<br />

Grants for which ESN applied in 2006/<strong>2007</strong>...................................................................................... 92<br />

Administrative Grant (Action 4.1) .................................................................................................. 93<br />

Accompanying Measures Grant "The experience of Studying Abroad for Exchange Students in<br />

Europe".......................................................................................................................................... 94<br />

47 Brussels’ Institutions...................................................................................................................... 95<br />

48 Meeting and Events.................................................................................................................................... 97<br />

49 Regional Platforms................................................................................................................................. 97<br />

50 Southern European Platform 2006 ................................................................................................... 97<br />

51 Central European Platform 2006 ....................................................................................................... 98<br />

Western European Platform (WEP) - Amsterdam/Utrecht 26-29 October ........................................ 99<br />

52<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

1<br />

Nordic Network Meeting 2006 ........................................................................................................ 100<br />

2 Trainings............................................................................................................................................... 101<br />

Bocconi Summer Factory in Milano, 16 th – 23 rd 3<br />

July 2006 .............................................................. 101<br />

4 Fun(d)raising conference Gdansk (7-10 September) ...................................................................... 102<br />

5 National Platforms................................................................................................................................ 102<br />

6 Other ESN Events................................................................................................................................ 103<br />

7 Cultural Medley, 9.-13. November 2006.......................................................................................... 103<br />

8 AYGO Erasmus ............................................................................................................................... 104<br />

9 Lustrum of SMIT – ESN Enschede – 15 Years! .............................................................................. 105<br />

10 ESN Day in Trento – Information, fun and music! ........................................................................... 105<br />

11 ESN Italy National Event ................................................................................................................. 106<br />

12 Third International Erasmus Gathering, Poznan, 7-9 April.............................................................. 106<br />

13 Erasmus ti cambia la vita – Benevento, Italy (23/24 Nov 06).......................................................... 107<br />

14 5 Years of ESN UJ in Krakow.......................................................................................................... 108<br />

15 deBuren Erasmus ............................................................................................................................ 108<br />

16 15th Anniversary ESN Tilburg ......................................................................................................... 108<br />

17 Sunweek 2006, every year like the first one.................................................................................... 109<br />

18 GrIStuF: Greifswald International Student Festival (May 27-June 4, 2006) .................................... 109<br />

19 Gent BEST meeting (Ieper, 17 November 2006) ............................................................................ 110<br />

20 UKESC Conference in the European Parliament (June 22-23 2006) ............................................. 111<br />

21 European Conference on Students’ Mobility – The Experience of Candidate Countries................ 111<br />

22 AEGEE Project Development Meeting ............................................................................................ 113<br />

23 Academic mobility: crossed perspectives – International bilingual conference (EN and FR) ......... 113<br />

24 EAIE (European Association for International Education) Conference ........................................... 114<br />

25 Multilingualism in the knowledge-based society.............................................................................. 115<br />

26 International Study Fair Amsterdam ................................................................................................ 117<br />

27 EMPOWER: European civil society forum, 9-10 November, Bergamo, Italy .................................. 118<br />

28 Eurotop for top students .................................................................................................................. 119<br />

29 Role of student organisations? ESN’s role in fostering mobility: Conference of Council of Europe 120<br />

30 Mind the Gap: seminar on European Communication - Viterbo, Italy (8-14 November 2006)........ 121<br />

31 Erasmus Welcome Day – Rome (9 Nov. 2006)............................................................................... 121<br />

32 Job Days Europe in Brussels........................................................................................................... 122<br />

33 Erasmus Building Europe – Conference - Rome, 28-29-30 April 2006........................................... 122<br />

34 Turkish NGOs workshop.................................................................................................................. 123<br />

35 Financial Matters ...................................................................................................................................... 124<br />

36 Financial Report 2006 .......................................................................................................................... 125<br />

37 Financial statement 2006 ..................................................................................................................... 125<br />

38 Policy for the reimbursement of the Board........................................................................................... 127<br />

39 CNR fund.............................................................................................................................................. 129<br />

40 The Council of National Representatives ................................................................................................. 130<br />

41 Report from the CNR meetings............................................................................................................ 130<br />

42 Report CNR Meeting Linköping, Sweden 11-14 May 2006............................................................. 131<br />

43 Report CNR Meeting in Teramo, 14th – 17th September 2006 ...................................................... 132<br />

Report CNR Meeting Koper, 7 th -11 th 44<br />

December 2006..................................................................... 132<br />

45 Report CNR Meeting in Brussels, Belgium (January <strong>2007</strong>) ............................................................ 134<br />

46 Changes in the CNR ............................................................................................................................ 135<br />

47 National Reports .................................................................................................................................. 137<br />

48 The Future ................................................................................................................................................ 194<br />

49 Working Groups........................................................................................................................................ 195<br />

50 Knowledge Management Working Group ............................................................................................ 195<br />

51 Marketing & Sponsoring Working Group Report.................................................................................. 196<br />

52 Public Relations Working Group Report .............................................................................................. 198<br />

Account Checking Working Group....................................................................................................... 199<br />

53<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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Country Development Working group.................................................................................................. 200<br />

ESNy Awards ....................................................................................................................................... 201<br />

20 Anniversary Working Group ............................................................................................................. 202<br />

<strong>AGM</strong> Working Group............................................................................................................................. 202<br />

Long Term Vision Working Group........................................................................................................ 204<br />

ESNSurvey Working Group ................................................................................................................. 204<br />

Partners .................................................................................................................................................... 205<br />

Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” - Milano ................................................................................ 205<br />

SkyEurope Airlines............................................................................................................................... 206<br />

Swisscare ............................................................................................................................................. 206<br />

Koeweiden Postma .............................................................................................................................. 207<br />

VISA Europe......................................................................................................................................... 207<br />

Nokia .................................................................................................................................................... 208<br />

Collaboration with SAFSA/EAIE........................................................................................................... 208<br />

Thematic Network Project In the Area of Languages III ...................................................................... 209<br />

IFISO .................................................................................................................................................... 209<br />

European Youth Forum (EYF) ............................................................................................................. 210<br />

Student NGOs...................................................................................................................................... 210<br />

WAGGGS – WOSM (World Guides & Scouts) .................................................................................... 211<br />

deBuren................................................................................................................................................ 211<br />

European Commission.......................................................................................................................... 212<br />

National Socrates/Erasmus Agencies.................................................................................................... 213<br />

The Policy Outline of ESN International ......................................................................215<br />

The Opinion of ESN International on the Bologna Process .........................................223<br />

Statement of Principles of ESN International...............................................................227<br />

Future ..........................................................................................................................228<br />

Candidates for the <strong>AGM</strong> 2008.................................................................................................................. 228<br />

Job Descriptions Board <strong>2007</strong>/08 .............................................................................................................. 232<br />

Action Plan Board <strong>2007</strong>/08....................................................................................................................... 238<br />

Budget ESN AISBL <strong>2007</strong>.......................................................................................................................... 240<br />

Guidelines for arranging Board Meetings and CNR Meetings .....................................242<br />

Policy Outline on How to <strong>Get</strong> ESN International Support ............................................243<br />

How to visit ESN House?.............................................................................................244<br />

Table of Abbreviations.................................................................................................246<br />

Section codes..............................................................................................................248<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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Introduction and Procedural Issues<br />

Introduction<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

Dear reader, first of all: compliments for engaging yourself in ESN, the biggest and<br />

most proactive student organisation concerned in student mobility. You are one of the<br />

10.000 volunteers providing services on a daily basis to 150.000 exchange students in<br />

31 countries and 241 (at the date) Higher Education Institutions. You are in good and<br />

bright company!<br />

Secondly, compliments for engaging yourself in the challenge of reading these<br />

<strong>AGM</strong> Documents – please do: you won’t regret the effort!, especially during the plenary<br />

sessions in <strong>Prague</strong>, when people and fellow ESNrs around you will be discussing about<br />

topics hereafter presented – and you will be able to state your say for you’ll be informed<br />

and have formed your own idea about the facts and decisions to be taken.<br />

In the next pages you will find an accurate and synthetic display of what ESN has been<br />

doing for one year. It is like a story, the tale of one ESNYear that doesn’t lack one of<br />

the protagonists: YOU and the work that your section has been doing for months: this<br />

part of the story is within you and you’ll have the chance to share during the four days of<br />

unforgettable experience in the Magic City.<br />

As for the rest of the story, it is as well one of dedication, devotion, commitment to<br />

one mission, fostering student mobility in Higher Education under the principle of<br />

students helping students, for succeeding in the vision, which is at the same time an<br />

ambitious project, of creating and fostering the development of a society based upon<br />

mutual knowledge, respect, trust and therefore peace among individuals, groups,<br />

communities, peoples and countries.<br />

From Helsinki to Madrid, from Porto to Vienna, from Amsterdam to Gdansk and Rome –<br />

passing through Brussels – the ESNYear has been one to remember, for our growth,<br />

for the quality and the quantity of the activities, for the gained professionalism, for the<br />

services provided to sections and national boards, for the respect gained amongst our<br />

stakeholders, be them commercial or institutional, for having brought Commissioner<br />

Figel’ to an ESNParty in Brussels and Vice President Wallström to an ESNConference,<br />

for having become, all in all, big, healthy and strong.<br />

Bearing this satisfaction for a shared and common achievement, I leave you to the story<br />

of this incredible, amazing, Pallomeri ESNYear, the one of 20 Years of Erasmus.<br />

Happy birthday, Erasmus, from your best friend, Erasmus Student Network.<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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Membership fee<br />

Written by Corinne Bryner, Treasurer<br />

Our network is self-financed by the membership fee contributions of the sections:<br />

The yearly membership fee of ESN is 50EUR per section. An exception is the first year<br />

membership in ESN:<br />

- sections accepted before 1 st November pay only 25 EUR<br />

- sections accepted after 1 st November do not pay for the current year<br />

Payments have to be made before 31 September by bank transfer to our account (cash<br />

payments are no more accepted):<br />

ESN AISBL bank account details:<br />

Name of the Beneficiary: Erasmus Student Network AISBL<br />

Address of the Beneficiary: Rue du Trône 98, Brussels Belgium<br />

IBAN: BE32390080136102<br />

Account number : 390-0801361-02<br />

SWIFT (BIC) code : BBRUBEBB<br />

Bank name: ING bank<br />

Bank’s address: Marnixlaan 24, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium<br />

Do not forget to<br />

- state the clear PURPOSE of payment (ex. Membership fee 2006)<br />

- write the FULL NAME of your section (ex. ESN AMG Gdansk) and the<br />


- cover all the TRANSACTION COSTS<br />

Membership fee policy<br />

Written by Corinne Bryner, Treasurer<br />

The Treasurer of ESN is responsible for collecting and monitoring membership fee<br />

payments.<br />

1. Sections get reminded to pay in time by email, the NR and personal face-to-face<br />

conversation.<br />

2. ESN Section gets an invoice for membership fee payment if this is requested.<br />

The invoice includes: Section name and code, ESN account details, amount to<br />

be paid, deadline for payment<br />

3. Treasurer prepares membership fee payment confirmation if this is requested.<br />

The payment confirmation includes: Section name and code, payment date,<br />

amount paid.<br />

4. National Representative is informed about membership fee payment process and<br />

has a very important position in contacting late sections.<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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Due Membership fees – exclusion of sections<br />

Written by Corinne Bryner, Treasurer<br />

Non-payment policy according to ESN statutes is:<br />

"4.2.1 A section can be excluded if:<br /> Its membership fee is more than one year overdue."<br />

Sections that have not paid for 2005 by 31 December 2006 have been excluded during<br />

CNR meeting in January <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Before excluding a section, the National Representative, the section and the University<br />

are informed at least three times in advance.<br />

Section package<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

Are you already a member section of ESN?<br />

Do you belong to a group of active and dynamic internationally minded students<br />

interested in getting in touch with and helping international students?<br />

Are you maybe wondering<br />

What you earn by BEING or BECOMING a SECTION of ESN?<br />

There we go: it is just a SECTION PACKAGE<br />

• ESNCard<br />

• 15% discount on SkyEurope flights<br />

• Brand new Corporate Design<br />

• Knowledge exchange<br />

• Website template<br />

• Evaluation tools: ESNSurvey and data for your sections<br />

• Network contacts - 240 sections sharing the same experiences!<br />

• International sponsorships<br />

• ESN trainings<br />

• ESN Newsletter<br />

• Monthly Bulletin<br />

• ESN international events<br />

• <strong>Free</strong> places for external events<br />

• PR material<br />

• Recognition and use of the ESN brand<br />

7<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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• Partnership between sections<br />

• Intranet (coming soon!)<br />

• Internships opportunities<br />

• Alumni network<br />

• Possibility of influencing the policies for Students’ exchange<br />

This and much more once become an ESNSection!<br />

Agenda of the plenary sessions <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>Prague</strong> <strong>2007</strong><br />

FRIDAY23/03/<strong>2007</strong><br />

13.00-15.00 Open Forum<br />

15.00-19.30 Plenary Session (240 min effective plus break 30 min)<br />

Standard (45min):<br />

• Legality and quorum, explanation of the voting procedure (5 min)<br />

• Election of the chairs (5 min)<br />

• Election of scrutinisers, procedural auditors, financial auditors and language<br />

auditors (5 min)<br />

• Approval of the agenda (5 min)<br />

• Approval of the Standing Orders for the Council of National Representatives and<br />

the Board of ESN International (10 Min)<br />

• Approval of the Standing Orders for the Annual General Meeting (10 Min)<br />

• Approval of the Final Documents of <strong>AGM</strong> 2006, Krakow (5 min)<br />

Board Reports (20 min each plus questions, total 120 min)<br />

• President Davide Capecchi: Presence in Brussels, Management of the Work of<br />

the Board, Partnerships<br />

• Vice President Ewa Krzaklewska: ESNSurvey, External Representation,<br />

Accompanying Measures Grant<br />

• Network Administrator Tomaso Bisol: Network Inventory, Country Development<br />

• Treasurer Corinne Bryner: Memberships Fees, Financial Report 2006/<strong>2007</strong><br />

• External Jakob Smets: Corporate Identity Development, ESN Sections’ Bulletin,<br />

ESN Newsletter<br />

Future Board <strong>2007</strong>/2008 (75min):<br />

• Job descriptions for the International Board 07/08 (15min)<br />

• Introduction of candidates for the International Board 07/08 (60 min)<br />

8<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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SATURDAY 24.03.2006<br />

11:00 - 13:00 Plenary session (120min, no break)<br />

13:00 - 14:15 Lunch<br />

14:15 - 19:00 Plenary session (255min effective plus break 30 min)<br />

Reports of events: (60min)<br />

• Regional Platforms: Southern European Platform, Central European Platform,<br />

Nordic Network Meeting, Western European Platform (5min each, so 20 min)<br />

• Cultural MADley (5 min)<br />

• Palermo Sunweek (5 min)<br />

• Fun(d)raising Conference (5 min)<br />

• Bocconi Summer Factory (5 min)<br />

• Zabinki (5 min)<br />

Council of National Representative (60min):<br />

CNR meetings report, Changes in CNR, CNR fund<br />

Working groups report<br />

Lunch<br />

14:15 - 19:00 Plenary session (225min effective plus break 30 min)<br />

Main International Projects of ESN (70minutes):<br />

• ESN.org and ESN Galaxy (Antonio) 20 min<br />

• 20 Years of Erasmus Programme – 20 min<br />

• ESN Card (Nick) – 10 min<br />

• Promotion and production (Magda) - 10 min<br />

• ESNSecretary Report: Administrative grant, office, EYF – 10min<br />

Cooperation and partnerships (depending who is coming, about 60min):<br />

• Non Commercial Partners: European Commission – Erasmus Team, EAIE etc<br />

• Commercial Partners: Bocconi, SwissCare, SkyEurope<br />

Plenary Discussions: How to improve work of the sections and National Boards so<br />

they support more effectively all foreign students? (30min)<br />

Long Term Vision (65min)<br />

Plenary discussions: Long Term Vision<br />

• Approval of the Long Term Vision Document<br />

• Approval of the Statutes Changes<br />

9<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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SUNDAY 25.03.2006<br />

13:30 - 18:30 Plenary session (270min, 30min break)<br />

Presentation of Workshops (30min)<br />

Choosing OC of future events (60 min):<br />

• Presentation of the candidates for the next Cultural Medley and election of the<br />

organisers of the next CM<br />

• Presentation of the candidates for the next Central European Platform and<br />

election<br />

• Presentation of the candidates for the next Southern- Eastern European<br />

Platform and election<br />

• Presentation of the candidates for the next Southern- Western European<br />

Platform and election<br />

• Presentation of the candidates for the next Western European Platform and<br />

election<br />

• Presentation of the organiser of Northern European Platform<br />

• Presentation of the candidates for the next Annual General Meeting and election<br />

Action plan for the Board for <strong>2007</strong>/2008 (75min)<br />

Plenary Discussions: What are the most important actions for the Board to take on in<br />

Brussels and around Europe in order to help exchange students? What are the biggest<br />

problems of exchange students in your section? (30min)<br />

• Approval of the action plan for <strong>2007</strong>/2008 (15min)<br />

• Approval of the provisional budget for the year <strong>2007</strong> (30min)<br />

Board (30 minutes):<br />

Election of the International Board 07/08 (20 minutes)<br />

Legality of candidates to the International Board 07/08 (5 minutes)<br />

Vote to release the International Board 06/07 (5 minutes)<br />

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Voting procedure<br />

During the <strong>AGM</strong> an electronic voting system will be used. This means that at the<br />

beginning of the plenary session the Chair of the <strong>AGM</strong> will clearly explain how voting<br />

will take place according to all the regulations of ESN and the <strong>AGM</strong>. If you feel that the<br />

Chair or anybody behaved incorrectly, check first in the relevant documents if you are<br />

right or not. In the event of a mistake, please make your comment and proposal. The<br />

valid Standing Orders of the <strong>AGM</strong> were approved at the <strong>AGM</strong> 2004 in Helsinki.<br />

According to the Statutes of ESN 5.1.3: an <strong>AGM</strong> is qualified to make decisions when<br />

51% of all sections are present.<br />

NOTE: The sections are able to delegate their votes to another section (which is<br />

present at the <strong>AGM</strong>); in case they are not able to be present at the <strong>AGM</strong>. This shall be<br />

done by a letter signed by the president of the delegating section, where it is clearly<br />

stated which section delegates the vote and to whom. This letter must be given to the<br />

Chair of the meeting by the delegated section before the plenary session starts in order<br />

to get the remote control.<br />

National Representatives not present on the election of the Board can delegate their<br />

vote to another National Representative present at the <strong>AGM</strong> by a letter signed by the<br />

delegating National Representative where it is clearly stated which National<br />

Representative delegates the vote and to whom. This letter must be given to the Chair<br />

of the meeting before the election of the Board by the delegated National<br />

Representative.<br />

Together with the voting remote control, delegates will be given the sections’<br />

questionnaire. Please fill it in by the first day of <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

Mission, Vision & Values<br />

Mission and Vision were discussed and approved in the <strong>AGM</strong> Krakow, March 2006<br />

The Values are the result of the Corporate Identity project developed in the period<br />

September-December 2005.<br />

Mission<br />

"The mission of ESN is to foster student mobility in Higher Education under the principle<br />

of SHS - Students Helping Students"<br />

Vision<br />

"Erasmus Student Network cooperates with the European Institutions and other relevant<br />

bodies and policy makers in the ambitious project of creating and fostering the<br />

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development of a society based upon mutual knowledge, respect, trust and<br />

therefore peace among individuals, groups, communities, peoples and countries.<br />

In this framework and with this purpose, ESN strives for a world were increasingly more<br />

young people will be in the condition to access, either by moving or by staying at<br />

home, the opportunities of personal growth offered by an international experience in<br />

Higher Education.<br />

However, such experience has to be one of quality: this means, that prospective and<br />

current exchange students have to be provided with all the necessary information and<br />

means for<br />

• choosing the destination that fits at most with their interests and personal<br />

development;<br />

• applying properly and in the due time for scholarships and for any other<br />

possible financial support, and in any case be granted enough resources for<br />

maintaining in the host city the same tenor of living they are used to held in their<br />

city of origin;<br />

• being integrated in the society and the culture of the hosting city, also by terms<br />

of linguistic tools and social opportunities;<br />

• succeeding in the academic aims of their stay and, once back to the Higher<br />

Institution of origin, having their gained knowledge fully and duly recognised, and<br />

being reintegrated in the social and academic life;<br />

• evaluating their exchange experience and having their evaluation considered<br />

and appreciated by the competent institutions, in order to foster and influence<br />

the evolution of the exchange programmes and policies;<br />

• helping, in turn, other students to succeed in their exchange study and in<br />

overcoming the same difficulties and challenges they experienced.<br />

Hence, we foresee a world where all the Higher Education Institutions support the<br />

principle of students helping students, who therefore find their way to mobility and to<br />

internationalisation, and all existing and possible threats and obstacles to mobility are<br />

annihilated".<br />

Values<br />

The Values that all ESN Members believe in and work for are<br />

� unity in diversity, diversity in the unity<br />

� students helping students<br />

� fun in friendship and respect<br />

� international dimension of the life<br />

� love for Europe as an area of peace and cultural exchange<br />

� openness with tolerance<br />

� cooperation in the integration<br />

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Standing Orders and Statutes<br />

Standing Orders of the Annual General Meeting<br />

Approved in Helsinki 2004<br />


1.1 The scope of these Standing Orders is defined in the Statutes of ESN.<br />

1.2 If the Statutes and Standing Orders are incompatible, the Statutes overrule the<br />

Standing Orders.<br />

1.3 These Standing Orders come into effect as soon as they are approved.<br />


2.1 All full member sections can send representatives to the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

2.2 All participants from member sections have the right to speak and vote at the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

2.3 The chair can extend the right to speak to invited observers and other guests.<br />

2.4 Sections can delegate their voting rights to another section.<br />

2.5 National Representatives can delegate their voting rights to another NR.<br />

3. THE CHAIR<br />

3.1 The person/persons actually chairing a session is referred to as “the chair”.<br />

3.2 The responsibility for chairing the plenary sessions of an <strong>AGM</strong> rests with the board,<br />

who will recommend chairpersons at the beginning of the <strong>AGM</strong>. These will then be<br />

confirmed by the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

3.2.1 Should the board’s proposed chairs be rejected, the board can make new<br />

proposals.<br />

3.2.2 Members can also propose chairs. These will also be voted on by the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

3.2.3 A vote to replace the chair may at any time be requested by any member. Such a<br />

vote must be carried by a two thirds majority of the sections present.<br />

3.2.4 If such a vote is carried, the board will recommend a new chair.<br />

It is the chair’s responsibility to ensure that the procedures laid down in these Standing<br />

Orders are adhered to, and that the agenda is followed.<br />

3.3.1 The chair may propose changes to the agenda.<br />

3.3.2 Such a proposal must be voted on by the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

3.4 The chair may at any time comment on procedural matters, but will otherwise be<br />

considered a normal speaker.<br />

3.5 The chair may resign the post, in which case the board must propose a new chair.<br />


4.1 During all discussions the chair keeps a speakers’ list, thus ensuring that all are<br />

heard.<br />

4.1.1 A participant indicates his/her desire to speak by raising one hand.<br />

4.1.2 If the chair wishes to participate in a discussion he/she must put his/her name on<br />

the speakers’ list like that of all other participants.<br />

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4.2 The chair or any member can propose to close the speakers’ list.<br />

4.2.1 If there are objections, a vote is required.<br />

4.2. Before the speakers’ list is closed, the chair must announce who is still left to<br />

speak.<br />

4.2.3 Once the speakers’ list is closed, it cannot be reopened before a vote on the<br />

matter under discussion has been taken.<br />

4.3 The chair may impose limits on speaking time, ensuring that this is applied fairly to<br />

all participants in the debate.<br />

4.4 If there are no speakers, or once all speakers have been heard, the chair may call a<br />

vote on the tabled proposal.<br />


5.1 During the <strong>AGM</strong> any member can propose amendments to all proposals made in<br />

the <strong>AGM</strong> documents.<br />

5.2 If more than one amendment to a proposal is made, the chair will decide the order in<br />

which they shall be voted on.<br />

5.3 Only when all amendments to a proposal have been debated and voted on, can a<br />

vote on the original proposal (amended or not) take place.<br />

5.4 There can be no secret ballots when voting on amendments.<br />


6.1 Any three members may at any time propose the exclusion of any person from the<br />

<strong>AGM</strong> on the grounds of unacceptable behaviour.<br />

6.2 Such a proposal will have to be carried by a two thirds majority of all members<br />

present at the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

6.3 On request, an excluded person must be informed if and when he/she can expect<br />

the decision of exclusion to be lifted.<br />

6.4 A simple majority is required to lift the exclusion.<br />


7.1 All decisions at the <strong>AGM</strong> are taken by a simple majority unless otherwise stated in<br />

the Statutes and Standing Orders.<br />

7.1.1 A simple majority is defined as when the number of votes cast for or against a<br />

proposal is bigger than the number for the opposing view, regardless of the number of<br />

abstentions.<br />

7.1.2 For a vote to be considered valid, 51% of all sections have to be present at the<br />

<strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

7.2 At the beginning of the <strong>AGM</strong> all members will be given two voting cards. One green,<br />

to indicate a vote in favour, one red to indicate a vote against, one white to indicate a<br />

blank vote.<br />

7.3 If an absent section has given their voting rights to a present section, these votes<br />

should be counted.<br />

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8. VOTING<br />

8.1 A vote must be held if proposed by a full member. If required, the purpose of the<br />

vote may be explained with the proposal.<br />

8.2 Before a vote is held, the chair will, in the following order:<br />

8.2.1 Announce that a vote will take place;<br />

8.2.2 Summarise the point to be voted on, stating clearly the meaning of votes in favour<br />

of and votes against the proposal.<br />

8.3 Voting procedure<br />

8.3.1 The chair asks for votes in favour of and opposing the proposal. The members<br />

indicate their opinion by raising one card.<br />

8.3.2 If the chair finds a clear majority in favour of or against the proposal, he/she may<br />

announce the result immediately, without the votes actually being counted.<br />

8.3.3 If the chair does not find a clear majority for or against the proposal, a second vote<br />

will be held, in which all votes will be counted. Likewise if a full member wishes it.<br />

8.3.4 The chair can decide to go straight to a counted vote.<br />

8.4 Secret voting.<br />

8.4.1 Unless otherwise stipulated, any full member can request that a vote be made<br />

secret.<br />

8.4.2 The chair will distribute ballot papers to all members present, and will oversee that<br />

they are collected when voting is completed.<br />

8.4.3 The chair will count the votes and announce the result.<br /> There should always be at least two people, of different nationality and from<br />

different sections, counting the votes.<br /> If possible two participants, one from either side of the argument being voted on,<br />

should be present when the votes are being counted.<br /> The votes will be recounted if any members have reasonable ground for thinking<br />

a mistake has been made.<br />

8.5 A vote will be considered invalid and will be repeated at once;<br />

8.5.1 if the number of votes is greater than the number of members present;<br />

8.5.2 if anybody participated in the voting without having the right to vote;<br />

8.5.3 if anybody voted more than once;<br />

8.5.4 if doubts about the procedural correctness are raised and cannot be refused;<br />

8.6 If the outcome of a vote is even, the proposal voted on is not carried.<br />


9.1 If a situation should occur that is not covered by these Standing Orders, the chair<br />

will propose an adequate procedure.<br />

9.2 Any member may challenge that procedure, and a vote will be taken.<br />

9.3 The following proposals are to be considered procedural ones, and will overrule<br />

both the speakers’ list and the agenda:<br />

9.3.1 Proposals to change the agenda;<br />

9.3.2 Proposals for closing the speakers’ list;<br />

9.3.3 A request for a secret vote;<br />

9.3.4 A proposal to exclude a participant;<br />

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9.3.5 A challenge to a vote, as laid down in article 7.5;<br />

9.3.6 The resignation or replacement of the chair.<br />

9.4 If more than one procedural proposal is made at the same time, the chair will decide<br />

the order in which they are heard.<br />


10.1 Changes to the Standing Orders must be carried by a two-thirds majority of the<br />

members present at the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

10.2 Changes to the Standing Orders take effect as soon as they are voted through by<br />

the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

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Standing Orders for the Council of National Representatives<br />

and the Board<br />

Approved in Gdansk 2005<br />

Unless otherwise stated, these Standing Orders apply to both the CNR and the Board.<br />


1.1 The Council of National Representatives consists of all National Representatives.<br />

1.2 The term of National Representative and National Observers begins at an Annual<br />

General<br />

Meeting and ends at the following Annual General Meeting.<br />

1.3 The National Observer can be anybody and has to be elected at the National<br />

Platform for a term not longer than one year. A country is only allowed to have one<br />

National Observer unless the OC and or the Board decides otherwise.<br />

1.4 The Observer can be anybody who is attending any meeting agreed by the Board<br />

and OC of the Meeting.<br />

1.5 If the result of the election of any designated members is doubtful, he/she will not be<br />

an official CNR member before clarity is achieved.<br />

1.6 If during the course of the term of the board a National Representative wishes to<br />

resign, the following procedure applies:<br />

1.6.1 A resigning National Representative shall notify all sections and the NB in his/ her<br />

country of his/ her resignation. The sections will have to ensure the designation of a<br />

new National Representative; otherwise the place on the CNR will remain free for the<br />

rest of the term.<br />

1.6.2 The resigning National Representative shall notify at least the President and the<br />

Network Administrator of his/her resignation. He/she shall report at the same time if a<br />

successor has already been nominated or elected.<br />

1.6.3 Letters from all national sections stating the election of the National<br />

representative. Sections may indicate if they are opposed to the person or to the way of<br />

election but are in no way obliged to do so. Letters must be sent to the President and<br />

the Network Administrator.<br />

1.7 Any National Representative can be expelled from the CNR for outstanding<br />

reasons. The following procedure applies:<br />

1.7.1 During CNR Meetings any National Representative can propose the expulsion of<br />

any other National Representative.<br />

1.7.2 The written proposal must be handed in to the chair of the meeting, and must be<br />

signed by the NR proposing the expulsion. The chair must then inform the CNR about<br />

the proposal without stating the name of the proposing national representative.<br />

1.7.3 Before the discussion on the proposal starts, the NR in question should leave the<br />

room. When the discussion comes to an end, he/she is asked back in. The chair gives a<br />

summary of the contents of the discussion. The NR concerned is then allowed to<br />

comment on the points made known to him/her. This speaking time for this comment is<br />

30 minutes plus 10 minutes for preparation and cannot be reduced by the chair or the<br />

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CNR. A temporary suspension of the standing orders is not possible or valid at that time<br />

either.<br />

1.7.4 After the comment is finished the procedure may start over again if a majority<br />

wishes to do so.<br />

1.7.5 Otherwise a secret ballot will be taken. The NR on whose expulsion the vote is<br />

taken can be<br />

asked to leave the room, but may participate in the vote. Only National Representatives<br />

will participate in such vote.<br />

1.7.6 The proposal for expulsion is carried when a two-thirds majority votes in favour.<br />

2. TASKS<br />

2.1 Tasks allocated to resigning or expelled National Representatives are not<br />

automatically<br />

transferred to his/her successor. Such tasks will be reallocated at the CNR meeting<br />

where the resignation or expulsion takes place.<br />


3.1 The responsibility for chairing meetings of the CNR and the Board lies with a<br />

member of one of these bodies. The chair should be chosen by a vote at the beginning<br />

of the meeting.<br />

3.1.1 Any member of the Board and CNR who has the right to vote at the Meeting has<br />

the right to chair the Meeting.<br />

3.1.2 The chair for elections of the chair of the CNR is the President or the Vice<br />

President of the Board.<br />

3.1.3 The CNR has the responsibility for the Minutes of its Meetings and has to present<br />

the Minutes of Meeting to the Board no later than one month after the Meeting takes<br />

place.<br />

3.2 Each NR can candidate himself for Chair of a CNR meeting. Requirements that<br />

must be fulfilled for candidacy are:<br />

3.2.1 Each candidate has one minute for presentation. After the last presentation NRs<br />

can ask questions.<br />

3.2.2 The chair presents all candidates in alphabetical order.<br /> The CNR performs a secret voting. Each NR has one vote.<br /> The chair of the elections does all counting.<br /> The candidate who has the most votes is the winner of the election.<br /> In case two or more candidates achieve the same result and their result is the<br />

highest; a second ballot will be carried out between them according to the rules,<br /> and<br />

3.3 The chair may at anytime resign, in which case another chair should be appointed.<br />

The chair may also be replaced according to a procedure in 3.2.2.<br />

3.4 It is the chair’s responsibility that the procedures stipulated in the standing orders for<br />

the CNR and the Board are adhered to. 26<br />

3.5 The chair is obliged to follow the agenda but may propose a change to the agenda<br />

himself/herself. Such a proposal shall be voted on immediately.<br />

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3.6 The chair may at any time given time make comments about procedural matters but<br />

will be considered a normal speaker in all other cases.<br />

3.7 The chair calls the speakers according to the speakers’ list.<br />


4.1 During all discussions, the chair keeps a speakers list in order that participants<br />

indicate their desire to speak. If the chair wishes to participate in a topical discussion<br />

he/she must put down his/her name on the speakers’ list.<br />

4.2 Speakers are called in the order they indicated their desire to speak.<br />

4.3 The chair may propose to close the speakers’ list. If there are objections, a vote<br />

must be taken.<br />

4.4 If a proposal for the closing speakers’ list has been made, voted and carried, the<br />

chair shall note all persons indicating their desire to speak. Then he/she verifies that the<br />

list is complete by reading it to the Board. If no objections are raised, the list is closed<br />

and cannot be reopened before a vote on the matter discussed is taken.<br />

4.5 If the proposal for closing the speakers’ list has been made and agreed on and if all<br />

persons on the list have spoken, but no proposal for voting has been made, the chair<br />

may propose a vote and may ask for suggestions for the wording of the proposal. The<br />

chair is free to move on to the next point on the agenda.<br />

4.6 Speaking time begins when the chair calls a speaker. It shall not normally exceed 3<br />

minutes. The chair can both reduce and extend speaking time. A simple majority of<br />

participants having the right to speak overrules such a chair decision.<br />


5.1 The Board is elected at the <strong>AGM</strong> in accordance with the relevant Standing Orders.<br />

5.2 The Board consists of five people, a President, a Vice President, a Treasurer, a<br />

Network Administrator, and a regular Board Member.<br />

5.3 The regular Board Member should have special tasks.<br />

5.4 The Board must send a monthly report of its activities to the sections.<br />

5.5 The Board is responsible for the action plans.<br />


6.1 The Action plan is a list stating all the actions that will be taken by ESN<br />

International.<br />

6.2 The Board is responsible for the accomplishment of the actions stated in the Action<br />

plan.<br />

6.3 The Board can delegate the actual carrying out of the actions stated in the action<br />

plan to sections, National Platforms, and/or CNR members. The Board can also decide<br />

to carry out all or certain actions on its own.<br />

6.4 The Board proposes the draft of the Action Plan to the <strong>AGM</strong>. <strong>AGM</strong> has to approve it<br />

then.<br />

6.5 Any member of ESN can propose additional actions to the Action Plan at any time.<br />

These additional changes need to be approved by the CNR.<br />

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6.6 The actions in the Action Plan approved by the <strong>AGM</strong> have the highest priority in<br />

comparison to actions additionally added to the Action Plan at any time after the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

6.7 No actions that have been approved by the <strong>AGM</strong> can be removed from the Action<br />

Plan, only the <strong>AGM</strong> can overrule its decisions.<br />

6.8 The Board is responsible for providing the succeeding Board with an Action Plan<br />

Manual that will contain all the actions taken during their mandate as well as the<br />

necessary information, contacts, guidelines, etc.<br />


7.1 National Representatives of all full member countries have the right to vote, the right<br />

to propose decisions and the right to speak.<br />

7.2 All Observers have the right to speak.<br />

7.3 Board members have the right to speak, and to propose decisions, but no right to<br />

vote.<br />

7.4 On request of one NR, the Board or any member of the Board must leave the<br />

plenary session.<br />

The Board can return to the meeting after the CNR has decided to invite the Board<br />

Members back to the meeting again.<br />


8.1 Board members have the right to vote, the right to propose decisions and the right to<br />

speak.<br />

8.2 National Representatives have the right to attend meetings, and the right to speak,<br />

but not to vote.<br />


9.1 A vote must be taken if proposed by a Board member. If required that Board<br />

member must explain the purpose and/or need for a vote. A discussion normally takes<br />

place between a proposal and voting.<br />

9.2 A vote will be taken without delay:<br />

9.2.1 If the speakers’ list has not been closed and nobody indicates a desire to speak<br />

and a proposal has been made.<br />

9.2.2 If the speakers’ list has been closed and all the speakers on that list have spoken,<br />

and a proposal has been made.<br />

9.2.3 If a proposal for closing the speakers’ list has been made.<br />

9.2.4 If the chair’s decision to reduce or extend speaking time is challenged.<br />

9.3 Before the vote is taken, the chair will in the following order:<br />

9.3.1 Announce that the vote is going to be taken;<br />

9.3.2 Summarize the point to be voted on, stating clearly the meaning of the votes in<br />

favour and votes opposing the proposal;<br />

9.3.3 Establish they way of voting;<br />

9.4 All voting is, unless otherwise stated, done by simple majority.<br />

9.5 The chair asks for votes in favour, opposing the proposal and abstentions, in that<br />

order. Board<br />

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members indicate their opinion by raising their hand clearly. The votes are counted and<br />

the decision announced by the chair.<br />

9.6 If one or more Board members request so, a secret ballot has to be taken.<br />

9.6.1 Pieces of paper are handed out to all board members and are collected after all of<br />

them indicated their opinion in writing and folded their piece once.<br />

9.6.2 The chair then opens the pieces one by one and announces the votes contained.<br />

This is double-checked by one of the persons sitting next to the chair.<br />

9.6.3 A vote that cannot be interpreted clearly as being in favour, opposing or abstaining<br />

is considered invalid.<br />

9.7 After the counting is completed, the chair announces the decision.<br />

9.8 A vote is invalid and must be repeated at once:<br />

9.8.1 If the number of all votes given is not equal to the number of Board members<br />

present.<br />

9.8.2 If anybody participated in the voting without having the right to vote.<br />

9.8.3 If anybody voted more than once.<br />

9.8.4 If anybody can prove that the counting has been done incorrectly. If doubts about<br />

the correctness are raised but cannot be proven, the vote is considered invalid and<br />

must be repeated at once by secret ballot.<br />

9.9 If the outcome of a vote is even, the President has the casting vote. If the President<br />

is not there, the Vice President has the casting vote.<br />

9.10 Any vote can be repeated on request if there are sufficient grounds for supposing<br />

that wrong incomplete or unclear information has caused the outcome of the vote. Any<br />

person present with the right to speak can request such a repetition. The request has to<br />

be voted on and carried by a simple majority in order to repeat the vote. This procedure<br />

also applies to votes concerning applications for membership.<br />


10.1 Votes must take place in the following circumstances:<br />

10.1.1 Approving a new country;<br />

10.1.2 Overruling a Board decision;<br />

10.1.3 Expressing no confidence in the Board or a single Board member.<br />

10.1.4 Changes to the Statutes.<br />

10.2 The same voting procedure applies as for the Board.<br />

10.3 Approving a new country is done by a simple majority of those present.<br />

10.4 Overruling a Board decision requires a two-thirds majority of those present.<br />

10.5 A vote of no confidence requires a simple majority of all NRs.<br />


11.1 A whole set or any single standing order is implemented as soon as it is carried by<br />

a two thirds majority of the sections present at the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

11.2 Any Board member having the right to propose decisions can propose changes to<br />

the standing orders of the CNR and the Board. A change is implemented as soon as it<br />

is carried.<br />

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Standing Orders for the Election and Constitution of the<br />

Board<br />

Approved in <strong>AGM</strong> Krakow 2006<br />


1.1 The scope of these Standing Orders is defined in the Statutes of the Erasmus<br />

Student Network International.<br />

1.2 The definition of “ESN bodies”, “bodies of ESN”, “bodies” or “body” is given in the<br />

Statutes of ESN International.<br />

1.3 “Sections” or “section” in the sense of these Standing Orders are full member<br />

sections according to the Statutes of ESN International.<br />

1.4 “Present” in the sense of these Standing Orders are all persons/sections, which are<br />

physically present at the actual event of the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

1.5 The “Chair of the elections” or “Chair” in the sense of these Standing Orders is the<br />

Chair according to the Standing Orders of the Annual General Meeting.<br />

1.6 “Scrutinisers” in the sense of these Standing Orders are scrutinisers according to<br />

the Standing Orders of the Annual General Meeting.<br />

1.7 “Procedural auditors” in the sense of these Standing Orders are auditors according<br />

to the Standing Orders of the Annual General Meeting.<br />

1.8 If the Statutes and the Standing Orders are not in compliance with each other, the<br />

Statutes overrule the Standing Orders.<br />

1.9 In case of interpretation problems of these Standing Orders it is on the Chair to take<br />

a decision.<br />


2.1 A whole set or any single standing order is implemented as soon as it is carried by a<br />

two-thirds majority of the sections present at the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

2.2 Any section, the Council of National Representatives or the Board, can propose<br />

changes to the Standing Orders. A change is implemented as soon as it is carried by a<br />

two-thirds majority of sections present at the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />



3.1 The ESN bodies participating in the election process for the Board are:<br />

3.1.1 The National Platforms in the sense of the Statutes of ESN International,<br />

3.1.2 The Council of National Representatives,<br />

3.1.3 The Annual General Meeting, that means all sections present at the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

3.2 The ESN bodies according to 3.1.2. and 3.1.3. have a weight of 50% each in the<br />

voting procedure.<br />


4.1 All members of the Council of National Representatives present at the <strong>AGM</strong> have<br />

the right to vote.<br />

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4.2 All sections present at the <strong>AGM</strong> have the right to vote, each section having one<br />

vote.<br />

4.2.1 In case a section is not able to attend the <strong>AGM</strong> it has the right to transfer its right<br />

to vote to another section.<br />

4.2.2 This can be done by a written and signed confirmation of the section not being<br />

able to attend naming the section to which the right to vote shall be transferred.<br />

4.3 All members of the Council of National Representatives and all sections present at<br />

the <strong>AGM</strong> have the right to interview the candidates for the Board during their<br />

presentation.<br />

4.4 All rights to speak follow the procedures fixed in the Standing Orders of the <strong>AGM</strong><br />

and underlay the authority of the Chair.<br />


5.1 The election of the Board is legitimate if:<br />

5.1.1 The number of members of the Council of National Representatives participating<br />

in its part of the election process exceeds 50% of the Council’s overall members.<br />

5.1.2 The number of sections, representing the <strong>AGM</strong>, participating in their part of the<br />

election process exceeds 50% of the sections being present at the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

5.1.3 The Quorum is not met as long as one of the requirements of 5.1.1. or 5.1.2. is not<br />

met.<br />

5.2 In case the Quorum cannot be met, a new attempt has to be made in the following<br />

plenary session.<br />

5.2.1 If the Quorum is not met in the second plenary session convoked, the body having<br />

the Quorum carries out the election with 100% of the votes. In this case the Chair of the<br />

election has to check if the Quorum is met after every single election step in the sense<br />

of 9.1.<br />

5.2.2 In case both bodies do not meet the required Quorum, the Council of National<br />

Representatives carries out the election with 100% of the votes.<br /> In this case the Chair of the election has to check if the Quorum is met after<br />

every single election step in the sense of 9.1.<br /> If the Quorum is met for one of the bodies the election is carried out as stated in<br />

5.2.3 All voting processes described in 9. and 10. have to be adapted to the procedures<br />

described in 5.2. in case the conditions for a normal election are not met.<br />


6.1 All candidates must be members of sections in Erasmus Student Network.<br />

6.2 Candidates should give a written application for a position in the board to the<br />

international board of ESN at least 30 days before the first day of <strong>AGM</strong>. If there are no<br />

candidates for a specific position by this time the international board is able to accept<br />

candidates also after this by moving the deadline forward to the plenary session before<br />

the election.<br />

6.3 The board must inform all the sections about the vacant positions at least three<br />

months before the first day of <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

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6.4 Candidates must have the support of their National Platform. This has to be proved<br />

during the voting procedure with a recommendation letter signed by at least 50% of the<br />

National Platforms’ sections present at the Annual General Meeting or at least 50% of<br />

all sections of the relevant National Platform. The recommendation letter has to be<br />

handed over to the Chair of the election and included in the minutes of the plenary<br />

session in which the elections are carried out.<br />

6.4 Candidates must present themselves in front of the Annual General Meeting.<br />

6.5 Candidates must be present at all assemblies being connected to the election of the<br />

Board in the Annual General Meeting, at least:<br />

6.6 The National Platform where the recommendation for the candidate is expressed.<br />

The recommendation letter has to contain a paragraph where this is confirmed.<br />

6.6.1 The presentation of candidates for the Board in a plenary session of the Annual<br />

General Meeting.<br />

6.6.2 The election process of the candidates for the Board in a plenary session of the<br />

Annual General Meeting.<br />


7.1 Not more than one candidate per section can run for a position in the elections for<br />

the Board.<br />

7.2 Not more than two candidates being member of sections from one National Platform<br />

can run for a position in the elections of the Board.<br />

7.3 The National Platforms are responsible for guaranteeing that the regulations 7.1 and<br />

7.2 are met.<br />

7.4 The Chair of the election has to control if the General Limitations are met if at least<br />

one section or one National Representative doubts the correctness of the set of<br />

candidates.<br />


8.1 Each member of the Council of National Representatives and each section has one<br />

vote per election.<br />

8.2 All voting is carried out as secret voting.<br />

8.3 In case an electronic voting system compatible with the needs of the voting<br />

procedure is available, it can replace the secret voting. If at least one section or member<br />

of the Council of National Representatives objects to the use of the electronic voting<br />

system, secret voting has to be performed.<br />

8.4 A vote is invalid and must be repeated immediately if:<br />

8.4.1 the number of all votes given is higher than the number of eligible voters present;<br />

8.4.2 someone participated in the voting without having the right to vote;<br />

8.4.3 someone voted with more than one vote, except for cases according to 4.2.1. and<br />

4.2.2.;<br />

8.4.4 someone can prove that the counting has been done incorrectly;<br />

8.4.5 doubts raised to the Chair about the correctness and cannot be refused;<br />

8.4.6 the election process has not been followed correctly.<br />

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9. VOTING<br />

9.1 The voting is performed in five steps:<br />

9.1.1 election of the President;<br />

9.1.2 election of the Vice-President;<br />

9.1.3 election of the Treasurer;<br />

9.1.4 election of the Network Administrator;<br />

9.1.5 election of the Regular Board Member.<br />

9.2 Candidates who have not been elected for the position they ran for can stand for<br />

another position in the Board; candidates for a position according to 9.1.5. are excluded<br />

from this regulation.<br />

9.3 The following procedure is applied:<br />

9.3.1 The names, countries and sections of the candidates for the relevant position<br />

have to be announced to the Council of National Representatives and the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

9.3.2 The Council of National Representatives votes.<br />

9.3.3 The <strong>AGM</strong> votes.<br />

9.3.4 The votes of the CNR and the <strong>AGM</strong> have to be collected and stored separately on<br />

the Chair’s table.<br />

9.3.5 The votes of the Council of National Representative have to be counted by the<br />

scrutinisers in the presence of the Chair.<br />

9.3.6 The votes of the <strong>AGM</strong> have to be counted by the scrutinisers in the presence of<br />

the Chair.<br />

9.3.7 The scrutinisers announce the result of the voting of the Council of National<br />

Representatives to the Chair.<br />

9.3.8 The scrutinisers announce the result of the voting of the <strong>AGM</strong> to the Chair.<br />

9.3.9 If there are more than two candidates and none of the candidates get more than<br />

50% of the votes, a second round is needed. The two candidates with the highest<br />

percentages will be in the second round.<br /> If more than two candidates have the highest percentages all will go to the next<br />

round.<br />

9.3.10 The chair announces the winner of the election.<br />


10.1 The Chair of the election does all calculations.<br />

10.2 The scrutinisers control and confirm all calculations done by the Chair.<br />

10.3 The results for elections are calculated as follows:<br />

10.3.1 The number of votes for a candidate received both from the Council of National<br />

Representatives and the <strong>AGM</strong> is transferred to a percentage from the respective ESN<br />

body.<br />

10.3.2 The percentages from the Council of National Representatives and <strong>AGM</strong><br />

according to 10.3.1. are summed up and divided by two.<br />

10.3.3 The candidate with the highest percentages in the final round is the winner of the<br />

election.<br />

10.3.4 In case a second ballot again leaves two or more candidates having the same<br />

and the highest result, the Chair will repeat the procedure according to 9.3. If then a tie<br />

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still exists, the Chair of the election shall operate as a tiebreaker to decide the voting for<br />

the relevant position.<br />


11.1 Elected Board Members stay in office from the <strong>AGM</strong> they were elected at until the<br />

second CNR meeting following the subsequent <strong>AGM</strong> or at most two months after the<br />

<strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

11.2 Between the <strong>AGM</strong>s the board members work in their respective positions. After the<br />

<strong>AGM</strong> following their election they have to act as advisory board members and take part<br />

in board meetings until the second CNR meeting or at most 2 months after the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

11.3 The release of the board from their duties in the elected positions is task of the<br />

<strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

11.4 The release from their duties as advisory board members will be proposed to the<br />

CNR.<br />

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Statutes of Erasmus Student Network AISBL<br />

Approved in Krakow, 2006<br />


Erasmus Student Network is based on the idea of cultural tolerance and exchange. We<br />

– the representatives of ESN sections - are convinced that solutions, guided by this<br />

idea, can and have to be found for every appearing problem and challenge.<br />


The name of the organisation is Erasmus Student Network, hereafter called ESN. ESN<br />

received its name and spirit from Erasmus who originated from Rotterdam, The<br />

Netherlands and today symbolises student mobility. ESN is an international non-profit<br />

association, founded in Copenhagen on the 10th of February 1990 and legally<br />

registered in Belgium on the 30th of November 2005. The organisation has its official<br />

seat at Rue du Trône 98, Brussels, Belgium.<br />

2. AIMS<br />

2.1 ESN aims at working in the interest of students who are spending part of their<br />

professional education at a higher education institution in a country other than the one<br />

in which their home institution is based, by means of:<br />

2.1.1 Improvement of the social and practical integration of exchange students at their<br />

host institutions.<br />

2.1.2 Representation of the needs and expectations of exchange students on the local,<br />

national and international level.<br />

2.1.3 Provision of relevant information about academic exchange programmes and ESN<br />

resources.<br />

2.1.4 Reintegration of homecoming students by making them active in the network.<br />

2.1.5 Contribution to the evaluation of different exchange programmes.<br />

2.2 ESN aims at concerning itself directly or indirectly with these goals, defined as<br />

broadly as possible.<br />

2.3 ESN aims at creating conditions for better understanding of each other’s cultures<br />

and national habits, between students of different nationalities.<br />

2.4 ESN is a non- political organisation, and works without:<br />

2.4.1 Connection to political parties or systems;<br />

2.4.2 Commitment to specific political thoughts or ideologies.<br />

2.4.3 Connection to any religious or confessional groupings.<br />

3. STRUCTURE<br />

The official bodies of the Organisation are the National Boards, hereafter called NB, the<br />

Annual General Meeting, hereafter called <strong>AGM</strong>, the National Platforms, hereafter called<br />

NP, the Regional Platforms, hereafter called RP, the Council of National<br />

Representatives hereafter called CNR and the Board. Of these bodies the <strong>AGM</strong>, NP´s,<br />

the CNR and the Board are the decision- making bodies.<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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4.1 Any student organisation, which operates legally and in accordance with the<br />

principles and aims of ESN, can apply for membership. That organisation will be<br />

represented as such by its president or other legal entity and will be legally based in its<br />

country of origin.<br />

4.2 An application for membership of ESN has to be presented by the applying section<br />

4.2.1 To the National Representative hereafter called NR of the corresponding country<br />

or to the coordinator of the CNR, if the country has less than 2 active sections.<br />

4.2.2 To the NR or NB of the corresponding country, if it has at least 2 active sections.<br /> The NP has the right to approve and expel sections from its national network.<br /> The approval or the expulsion of a section requires a 2/3 majority of the votes.<br /> The NR has to inform both the International Board and the CNR about an<br />

expelled or approved section in his/her country within 4 weeks from the decision.<br /> Approval or exclusion of a section from the national network affects the<br />

membership to ESN International.<br /> The CNR can revise the approval or exclusion of a section, on request.<br />

4.2.3 An accepted organisation shall be known as a “section”. It has the right to vote at<br />

the Annual General Meeting, and to propose candidates for the post of National<br />

Representative, hereafter called NR and for the Board.<br />

4.2.4. All the individual members of the approved sections are considered individual<br />

members of ESN.<br />

4.2.5 A section has to appear as being part of ESN International and should promote its<br />

membership whenever possible.<br />

4.2.6 In order to appear as being a part of ESN International a section may use the<br />

official ESN International Corporate Design.<br />

4.2.7 In addition to already existing names and logos, sections can use the official ESN<br />

International logo and name.<br />

4.3 A section can be excluded if:<br />

4.3.1 It works in ways that are incompatible with the spirit and aims of ESN.<br />

4.3.2 Its membership fee is more than one year overdue.<br />

4.4 At least one month before the meeting of the competent official body where the<br />

section will be excluded, that section must be contacted in writing and be informed of<br />

their imminent exclusion.<br />

4.4.1 The section will, from that date have three weeks to respond to the proposal of<br />

exclusion.<br />

4.4.2 A response has to be taken into consideration for the eventual exclusion.<br />

4.5 An excluded section may reapply for membership at the earliest twelve months from<br />

the date of exclusion.<br />

4.6 A section may withdraw by sending a written notice to the National Board or their<br />

National Platform.<br />

4.6.1 Any obligation, monetary or other, accepted by the section must be fulfilled before<br />

sending a letter of withdrawal.<br />

4.6.2 The withdrawal will be effective from the date of mailing.<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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4.7 The Board may extend associate membership to student organisations who wish to<br />

cooperate with ESN without being a full member section.<br />

4.7.1 Associate members are not entitled to vote at the <strong>AGM</strong>, to field candidates for<br />

posts in ESN’s formal structure, or to use the name of the organisation.<br />

4.7.2 The Board can revoke associate membership.<br />


5.1 A NB has the same rights and duties like a member section unless stated otherwise.<br />

5.2 A NB works in the interest of the sections in its country.<br />

5.3 It is a National Platform free will to set up its NB.<br />

5.4 The National Platform, according to its procedures and statutes, has to approve<br />

statutes and can approve budget, action plan, vision and strategy of the NB.<br />

5.5 A minimum of 3 sections in a country is required in order to set up a NB.<br />

5.6 A National Platform, according to its procedures and statutes, elects the members of<br />

its NB.<br />

5.7 A minimum of 3 people constitute a NB.<br />

5.8 The National Representative is member of the NB.<br />

5.9 The NB has no vote at the <strong>AGM</strong> but the right to speak.<br />

5.10 A NB does not have to pay membership fee to ESN International.<br />

5.11 A NB can raise additional national membership fees from its sections. The National<br />

Platform has to approve the national membership fee.<br />

5.12 A NB has to ensure the communication and collaboration between its member<br />

sections.<br />

5.13 A NB has to enlarge and strengthen the national network.<br />

5.14 A NB is responsible for national Public Relations and contacts.<br />

5.15 A NB is responsible for the National Platform being organised.<br />

5.16 A NB has to provide its National Representative with the financial and other<br />

resources necessary to fulfil his/her tasks, according to the statutes of the NB, if he or<br />

she has no support from other sources. The support depends on the NB’s own<br />

resources.<br />

5.17 A NB has to appear as being part of ESN International by using the official ESN<br />

International Corporate Design.<br />

5.18 Already existing names or logos that differ from the official ESN International<br />

Corporate Design can be used in addition<br />


6.1 The Annual General Meeting is the highest decision making body of ESN, and must<br />

be convened by the Board once every year.<br />

6.1.1 One third of the National Representatives can call an Extraordinary General<br />

Meeting.<br />

6.1.2 The organising committee takes full organisational, financial and legal<br />

responsibility for the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

6.1.3 An <strong>AGM</strong> is qualified to make decisions when 51% of all sections are present.<br />

6.1.4 Decisions are made, unless otherwise stated, by a simple majority.<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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6.2 Notice of the Annual General Meeting must be mailed to the sections at least ninety<br />

days in advance and must include information about date and place.<br />

6.3 All sections must receive agenda and documents for the General Meeting no later<br />

than thirty days in advance.<br />

6.4 For the <strong>AGM</strong> the Board must present a report of activities and general policy for<br />

approval.<br />

6.5 The Board must present task lists, possible changes of Statutes, policies and<br />

budget for the coming year for approval by the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

6.6 The <strong>AGM</strong> must at the end of the meeting vote to approve the Board’s record, and<br />

thereby release the board from their responsibility. The new Board cannot take over<br />

until such a vote has been given.<br />

6.7 The <strong>AGM</strong> shall be conducted in accordance with the Standing Orders for the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

6.8 The Final Documents will contain all approved reports and decisions and will be<br />

kept at the social headquarters.<br />


7.1 The sections of a country together form the National Platform.<br />

7.1.1 The National Platform elects a National Representative and a Vice National<br />

Representative in accordance with its own statutes or established procedures.<br />

7.2 A National Platform must be comprised of all the country’s sections to be recognised<br />

as such.<br />

7.2.1 The National Platforms must approve potential candidates for the Board before<br />

these make their candidature known.<br />


8.1 From each country with at least one member section, one National Representative<br />

and one Vice National Representative, hereafter-called vice-NR, should be elected.<br />

8.2 Their National Platform elects NRs and vice-NRs for a period of one year.<br />

8.3 NRs and vice-NRs can only be elected while being a student, or within the first<br />

twelve months after graduation.<br />

8.4 The NR represents the country for which he or she was elected and will act upon<br />

decisions made by the country’s NP and in the general interest of his or her country and<br />

the corresponding sections.<br />

8.4.1 For a CNR meeting an NR can delegate his or her rights to a delegate or an NR<br />

from another country in accordance with the country’s statutes or established<br />

procedures.<br />

8.4.2 An NR can only have one delegate vote beside her or his vote.<br />

8.5 The NR should participate in at least one Regional Platform.<br />


9.1 The CNR is composed of all National Representatives<br />

9.2 The CNR scrutinises and checks the work of the Board, and must be consulted on<br />

budgetary, strategic and policy matters. During the year, the CNR acts as a substitute of<br />

the <strong>AGM</strong> on budgetary, strategic and policy matters.<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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9.3 The CNR can make a decision when more than half of the total number of NRs from<br />

member countries are present or represented.<br />

9.4 All voting is, unless otherwise stated, done by simple majority of the present or<br />

represented NRs.<br />

9.5 The NR is responsible for the contact between the national and international levels.<br />

9.6 The CNR can reverse Board decisions.<br />

9.7 The CNR can remove single members of the Board, or the Board as a whole,<br />

through a vote of no confidence.<br />

9.7.1 An NR can be excluded from the CNR by his or her colleagues if his or her<br />

activities are deemed incompatible with the spirit and aims of ESN.<br />

9.7.2 An NR that does not attend two CNR meetings in a row or send a delegate or<br />

delegates his or her rights to another NR will be proposed to be excluded from the CNR<br />

and the country will have to elect a new NR.<br />

9.8 The Coordinator is the main responsible for the contact between the Board and the<br />

CNR.<br />

9.8.1 The Vice Coordinator is the main responsible for the meetings of the CNR.<br />

9.8.2 The CNR has to elect a Coordinator and Vice Coordinator among themselves.<br />

9.8.3 A new Coordinator or a Vice Coordinator can at any time be elected by simple<br />

majority of the CNR, when it has been proposed by one of the NRs.<br />

9.9 The Board must meet with the CNR once, right after the <strong>AGM</strong>, and three times<br />

during the year, of which the first meeting will take place no later than 90 days after the<br />

<strong>AGM</strong><br />

9.9.1 The President of ESN must by e-mail inform the NRs about a meeting with the<br />

Board at least one month in advance, stating the time and place. The Vice Coordinator<br />

must send the final agenda for the meeting to all NRs at least one week in advance.<br />

The secretary of the CNR Meeting must send the minutes of the meeting to the CNR<br />

and the Board at the latest one month after the meeting.<br />

9.9.2 An extraordinary meeting between the CNR and the Board must take place if twothirds<br />

of the NRs request it.<br />

9.10 The CNR must approve the final agenda and documents for the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

9.11 The CNR will conduct its affairs in accordance with the relevant Standing Orders.<br />

10. THE BOARD<br />

10.1 The Board consists of five people elected by two groups, the CNR and the sections<br />

present at the <strong>AGM</strong>, each group having half of the vote.<br />

10.1.1 The Board shall consist of the following members: a President, a Vice-President,<br />

a Treasurer, a Network Administrator and a Regular Board member.<br />

10.1.2 A Board member cannot be a National Representative.<br />

10.2 A Board member is elected for one year.<br />

10.2.1 After their release at the <strong>AGM</strong>, the former Board members have to act as<br />

Advisory Board members for a transition period according to the Standing Orders.<br />

10.3 A Board Member can be re-elected only once.<br />

10.4 The Board can make the decision when more than half of the total number of<br />

Board members are present. Decisions are approved by a simple majority.<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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10.5 A vote of no confidence requires a simple majority of all NRs present or<br />

represented.<br />

10.5.1 If such a vote is carried out, or if a Board member for other reasons decides to<br />

step down in midterm, the CNR will, at the earliest possible opportunity, elect one of its<br />

members to the vacant position. That person’s National Platform will then appoint<br />

another NR.<br />

10.5.2 A Board Member that does not attend two Board Meetings or two CNR Meetings<br />

in a row will be proposed to step down. The CNR will decide whether the Board Member<br />

has to step down or not.<br />

10.6 The Board has responsibility for the management of all tasks, and handles all dayto-<br />

day business.<br />

10.6.1 The Board can make decisions on all matters concerning ESN, except<br />

budgetary, strategic, and policy matters and exclusion of sections.<br />

10.6.2 Board decisions can be reversed by the CNR and the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

10.7 Working groups can be established under the supervision of a Board member, to<br />

assist with certain tasks.<br />

10.8 The President of ESN must inform the members of the Board of a Board Meeting<br />

at least one month in advance, stating the time and place. The final agenda for a Board<br />

Meeting must be sent to all the Board Members at least one week in advance. The<br />

minutes will be sent out to the Board Members and the NRs at the latest one month<br />

after the Board Meeting.<br />

10.9 Notice of Board meetings must be mailed to the CNR at least three weeks in<br />

advance, stating the time, place and final agenda at least one week in advance.<br />

10.10 The Board will conduct its affairs in accordance with the Statutes and Standing<br />

Orders of ESN International.<br />

10.11 The President has authority over the signing of documents that legally bind the<br />

association, and he/she can undertake actions in court, in demand as well as in<br />

defence.<br />

10.12 The name, nationality, date of birth and official permanent address of each board<br />

member shall be communicated to the Belgian Ministry of Justice immediately after his<br />

or her election, to be published in the “Annexes du Moniteur Belge”.<br />


11.1 Regional Platforms are composed of sections from different countries from a<br />

certain region.<br />

11.2 A Regional Platform expresses the opinion of sections present at the RP.<br />

12. ALUMNI<br />

12.1 An alumnus is a former ESN active who used to be a member of any ESN section,<br />

Organising Committee of an international ESN event, member of the CNR or the Board<br />

of ESN.<br />

12.2 Any former ESN member can become an ESN alumnus if he or she wants to.<br />

12.3 In order to be an alumnus he or she has to apply for it at his or her mother section.<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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12.3.2 The Board of ESN has to be informed about the change in an Alumnus status by<br />

the NR of the corresponding country.<br />

12.4 Alumni will regularly be offered information about what is going on within ESN.<br />

12.5 Every year one alumni meeting should take place. It has to be initiated by the<br />

Board of ESN and organised by any ESN member, section or alumni member.<br />

12.6 Alumni are welcomed to support ESN actively.<br />


13.1 The Board can establish working groups supervised by a Board member.<br />

13.2 The CNR can propose to establish working groups.<br />

13.3 A Working Group must present a report of its activities to each CNR meeting and<br />

<strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

13.4 A Working Group chooses one chair amongst them.<br />

13.5 The members of a Working Group and the chair will be accepted by a simple<br />

majority of the CNR.<br />

13.6 The Working Group cannot make any decisions concerning ESN, unless it is<br />

allocated by an explicit decision of one of ESN’s decision-making bodies.<br />

13.7 The CNR can abolish working groups.<br />

14. FINANCES<br />

14.1 The financial resources of the organisation consist of membership fees and other<br />

income.<br />

14.2 All full member sections are obliged to pay an annual membership fee.<br />

14.2.1 The membership fee covers one calendar year.<br />

14.2.2 For the first year of membership, a section only pays half the fee.<br />

14.2.3 Sections whose application lies within the months of November and December<br />

will be exempt from membership fees for the remainder of that year.<br />

14.3 The membership fee is decided by the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

14.3.1 Proposals can be made by the Board or by any member section.<br />

14.3.2 If no decision is reached, the membership fee for the preceding year will be<br />

maintained.<br />

14.4 The fiscal year runs from 1st of January to 31st of December.<br />

14.5 The Treasurer is, on behalf of the Board, responsible for the accounting of the<br />

financial means of the organisation, and for presenting the accounts for approval by the<br />

<strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

14.6 At the <strong>AGM</strong> two individuals, both independent from the Board or the CNR, must be<br />

appointed to audit the finances of the organisation.<br />

14.7 The organisation’s budget for the current fiscal year must be submitted for<br />

approval to the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

14.8 At the <strong>AGM</strong> the Board should also present an interim report of ESN’s finances for<br />

the period of 1 of January until the <strong>AGM</strong> takes place.<br />

14.9 The balance sheet of ESN shall be presented in legal simplified form, immediately<br />

after its approval by the <strong>AGM</strong>, to the Belgian Ministry of Justice, to be published in the<br />

“Annexes du Moniteur Belge”.<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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15.1 The <strong>AGM</strong> can create, revise, and abolish the official documents of the<br />

organisation, in accordance with the Statutes and Standing Orders.<br />


16.1 All official meetings of the Board, the CNR and the <strong>AGM</strong> shall be conducted in<br />

accordance with the relevant Standing Orders.<br />

16.2 The Statutes and the Standing Orders are separate documents. The Statutes are<br />

concerned with general organisational principles; while the Standing Orders are<br />

concerned with the procedural conduct of the organisation’s various bodies.<br />

16.3 If the Statutes and Standing Orders are not in compliance with each other, the<br />

Statutes overrule the Standing Orders.<br />

16.4 The Standing Orders of ESN are: Procedure for electing the Board, Regulations<br />

concerning the conduct of the Board and the CNR, Regulations concerning the conduct<br />

of the Annual General Meeting.<br />

16.5 Changes to the Standing Orders must be initiated in accordance with the same<br />

procedure as for Statute changes.<br />


17.1 The French text which is deposited at the Greffe du Tribunal Administratif in<br />

Brussels is the official version of these Statutes.<br />

17.2 At the <strong>AGM</strong> three individuals, all independent from Board and CNR, must check for<br />

the correspondence of the English version of these Statutes with the official one and<br />

the translation in French of the approved changes.<br />

17.3 Disputes concerning differences of interpretation of these Statutes shall be settled<br />

by the Board, but can be overruled by the CNR.<br />


18.1 The Board, the Council of National Representatives or the member sections may<br />

initiate amendments to these Statutes.<br />

18.2 If the Board initiates changes, they must be decided at a Board meeting no less<br />

than 60 days before the <strong>AGM</strong>, where they must be confirmed.<br />

18.3 If the CNR initiates changes, they must be decided at a CNR meeting no less than<br />

30 days before the <strong>AGM</strong>, where they must be confirmed.<br />

18.4 If a member section initiates changes, it must be supported in writing from at least<br />

five other sections, and present their proposals to the Board in writing, at least 60 days<br />

before the <strong>AGM</strong>, where they must be approved.<br />

18.5 Changes to these Statutes must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

18.5.1 Changes to these Statutes must be submitted to the Belgian Ministry of Justice<br />

and published in the Annexes du Moniteur belge.<br />


19.1 Dissolution of ESN must be decided by a two-thirds majority of sections present at<br />

two consecutive General Meetings, held no less than three months after each other.<br />

19.2 In case of dissolution, all assets of ESN will be turned over to UNICEF.<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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Changes to the Statutes and the Standing Orders of<br />

the <strong>AGM</strong><br />

Proposal of the Board and the CNR to Change the Statutes of<br />

ESN<br />

3. STRUCTURE<br />

The official bodies of the Organisation are the National Boards, hereafter called NB, the<br />

Annual General Meeting, hereafter called <strong>AGM</strong>, the National Platforms, hereafter called<br />

NP, the Regional Platforms, hereafter called RP, the Council of National<br />

Representatives hereafter called CNR and the Board. Of these bodies the <strong>AGM</strong>, NP´s,<br />

the CNR and the Board are the decision- making bodies.<br />

To change in<br />

3. STRUCTURE<br />

The official bodies of the Organisation are the National Boards, hereafter called NB, the<br />

Annual General Meeting, hereafter called <strong>AGM</strong>, the National Platforms, hereafter called<br />

NP, the Regional Platforms, hereafter called RP, the Council of National<br />

Representatives hereafter called CNR, the Council of National Delegates, hereafter<br />

called CND and the Board. Of these bodies the <strong>AGM</strong>, NP´s, the CNR and the Board are<br />

the decision- making bodies.<br />

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6.1.3 An <strong>AGM</strong> is qualified to make decisions when 51% of all sections are present.<br />

To change in<br />


6.1.3 For a vote to be considered valid, at least 50%+1 of all member sections approved<br />

before the 30th day before the first day of <strong>AGM</strong> have to be present or represented<br />

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To add:<br />

9.12 The CNR has to call for the CND in the midterm between two <strong>AGM</strong>s<br />

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10. THE BOARD<br />

10.5 A vote of no confidence requires a simple majority of all NRs present or<br />

represented.<br />

10.5.1 If such a vote is carried out, or if a Board member for other reasons decides to<br />

step down in midterm, the CNR will, at the earliest possible opportunity, elect one of its<br />

members to the vacant position. That person’s National Platform will then appoint<br />

another NR.<br />

To change in<br />

10.5 A vote of no confidence requires a simple majority of all NRs present or<br />

represented.<br />

10.5.1 If such a vote is carried out, or if a Board member decides to step down in<br />

midterm the CNR will, at the earliest possible opportunity, elect the substitute to the<br />

vacant position, without prejudice to Article 10 herewith and the relevant Standing<br />

Orders.<br />

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To add:<br />


11.1 The Council of National Delegates is constituted by all the NRs and two additional<br />

delegates for each country.<br />

11.2 The delegates should preferably be national board members but it is up to the NPs<br />

to appoint them.<br />

11.3 The CND meets once per year in the midterm between two <strong>AGM</strong>s<br />

11.4 Only the NRs have the power to vote in the CND but all delegates can speak and<br />

make proposals.<br />

11.5 The CND has the same powers as the CNR.<br />

11.6 The CND will conduct its affairs in accordance with the Standing Orders of the<br />

CNR.<br />

Point number 11. REGIONAL PLATFORMS becomes 12. REGIONAL PLATFORMS<br />

and so on.<br />

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These changes are instead correlated to the outcome of the chosen Long Term<br />

Vision.<br />

If Scenario 1, 2 or 3 will be selected:<br />


To add<br />

4.2.8 A section has to provide a report on its work at least once a year, as requested by<br />

the Board.<br />

and<br />

[4.3 A section can be excluded if]<br />

4.3.3<br />

Does not provide a report on its work to the Board at least once a year.<br />

If Scenario 3 or 4 will be selected:<br />


To add<br />

4.1 Any student organisation, which operates legally and in accordance with the<br />

principles and aims of ESN, legally based in a Country that belongs to the Council of<br />

Europe or in already approved ESN countries, can apply for membership. That<br />

organisation will be represented as such by its president or other legal entity and will be<br />

legally based in its country of origin.<br />

Proposal of the Board and the CNR to Change the Standing<br />

Orders of the CNR and the Board<br />

To remove<br />

1.2 The term of National Representative and National Observers begins at an Annual<br />

General Meeting and ends at the following Annual General Meeting.<br />

1.3 The National Observer can be anybody and has to be elected at the National<br />

Platform for a term not longer than one year. A country is only allowed to have one<br />

National Observer unless the OC and or the Board decides otherwise.<br />

1.4 The Observer can be anybody who is attending any meeting agreed by the Board<br />

and OC of the Meeting.<br />

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1.5 If the result of the election of any designated members is doubtful, he/she will not be<br />

an official CNR member before clarity is achieved.<br />

To change in<br />

1.2 If the result of the election of any member is doubtful, s/he will not be an official<br />

CNR member before clarity is achieved.<br />

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To add<br />

1.2.1 In case a section is opposed to the election of a certain member of the CNR or<br />

unsatisfied with the fulfilment of her/his tasks a letter can be sent to the Board of ESN.<br />

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1.6 If during the course of the term of the board a National Representative wishes to<br />

resign, the following procedure applies:<br />

1.6.1 A resigning National Representative shall notify all sections and the NB in his/ her<br />

country of his/ her resignation. The sections will have to ensure the designation of a<br />

new National Representative; otherwise the place on the CNR will remain free for the<br />

rest of the term.<br />

1.6.2 The resigning National Representative shall notify at least the President and the<br />

Network Administrator of his/her resignation. He/she shall report at the same time if a<br />

successor has already been nominated or elected.<br />

To change in<br />

1.3 If a National Representative wishes to resign:<br />

1.3.1 S/he shall notify all sections and the National Board in her/his country of her/his<br />

resignation. The sections will have to ensure the designation of a new National<br />

Representative.<br />

1.3.2 S/he shall notify the Board and the CNR of her/his resignation and also report if a<br />

successor has already been appointed.<br />

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To remove<br />

1.6.3 Letters from all national sections stating the election of the National<br />

representative. Sections may indicate if they are opposed to the person or to the way of<br />

election but are in no way obliged to do so. Letters must be sent to the President and<br />

the Network Administrator.<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

1.7 Any National Representative can be expelled from the CNR for outstanding<br />

reasons. The following procedure applies:<br />

1.7.1 During CNR Meetings any National Representative can propose the expulsion of<br />

any other National Representative.<br />

1.7.2 The written proposal must be handed in to the chair of the meeting, and must be<br />

signed by the NR proposing the expulsion. The chair must then inform the CNR about<br />

the proposal without stating the name of the proposing national representative.<br />

1.7.3 Before the discussion on the proposal starts, the NR in question should leave the<br />

room. When the discussion comes to an end, he/she is asked back in. The chair gives a<br />

summary of the contents of the discussion. The NR concerned is then allowed to<br />

comment on the points made known to him/her. This speaking time for this comment is<br />

30 minutes plus 10 minutes for preparation and cannot be reduced by the chair or the<br />

CNR. A temporary suspension of the standing orders is not possible or valid at that time<br />

either.<br />

1.7.4 After the comment is finished the procedure may start over again if a majority<br />

wishes to do so.<br />

1.7.5 Otherwise a secret ballot will be taken. The NR on whose expulsion the vote is<br />

taken can be asked to leave the room, but may participate in the vote. Only National<br />

Representatives will participate in such vote.<br />

1.7.6 The proposal for expulsion is carried when a two-thirds majority votes in favor.<br />

To change in<br />

1.4 Any National Representative can be expelled from the CNR.<br />

1.4.1 During CNR Meetings any National Representative can propose the expulsion of<br />

any other National Representative by means of a written proposal.<br />

1.4.2 The written proposal must be handed in to the chair of the meeting and must be<br />

signed by the NR proposing the expulsion. The chair must then inform the CNR about<br />

the proposal without stating the name of the proposing National Representative.<br />

1.4.3 Before the discussion on the proposal starts, the NR in question should leave the<br />

room. When the discussion comes to an end, s/he is invited to join the meeting again.<br />

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The chair will give a summary of the contents of the discussion. The concerned National<br />

Representative will then be allowed to comment on the points made known to her/him.<br />

1.4.4 After the comments are finished the procedure may start over again if the majority<br />

of the CNR members wishes to do so.<br />

1.4.5 Otherwise a secret ballot will be taken.<br />

1.4.6 The proposal for expulsion is carried out in case of a two-thirds majority vote of<br />

those present in favour.<br />

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2. TASKS<br />

2.1 Tasks allocated to resigning or expelled National Representatives are not<br />

automatically transferred to his/her successor. Such tasks will be reallocated at the<br />

CNR meeting where the resignation or expulsion takes place.<br />

To change in<br />

1.5 Tasks allocated to a resigning or an expelled National Representative are not<br />

automatically transferred to her/his successor. These tasks will be reallocated by the<br />

CNR.<br />

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3.1 The responsibility for chairing meetings of the CNR and the Board lies with a<br />

member of one of these bodies. The chair should be chosen by a vote at the beginning<br />

of the meeting.<br />

3.1.1 Any member of the Board and CNR who has the right to vote at the Meeting has<br />

the right to chair the Meeting.<br />

3.1.2 The chair for elections of the chair of the CNR is the President or the Vice<br />

President of the Board.<br />

To change in<br />


2.1 Any participant to the meeting with the right to vote can be the chair of the meeting.<br />

The chair of the meeting is the coordinator of the CNR unless a vote is requested by<br />

any CNR member.<br />

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3.1.3 The CNR has the responsibility for the Minutes of its Meetings and has to present<br />

the Minutes of Meeting to the Board no later than one month after the Meeting takes<br />

place.<br />

To change in<br />

2.2 The CNR has the responsibility for the minutes of its meetings and has to make<br />

them available no later than one month after the last day of the meeting.<br />

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To remove<br />

3.2 Each NR can candidate himself for Chair of a CNR meeting. Requirements that<br />

must be fulfilled for candidacy are:<br />

3.2.1 Each candidate has one minute for presentation. After the last presentation NRs<br />

can ask questions.<br />

3.2.2 The chair presents all candidates in alphabetical order.<br /> The CNR performs a secret voting. Each NR has one vote.<br /> The chair of the elections does all counting.<br /> The candidate who has the most votes is the winner of the election.<br /> In case two or more candidates achieve the same result and their result is the<br />

highest; a second ballot will be carried out between them according to the rules,<br /> and<br />

3.3 The chair may at anytime resign, in which case another chair should be appointed.<br />

The chair may also be replaced according to a procedure in 3.2.2.<br />

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3.4 It is the chair’s responsibility that the procedures stipulated in the standing orders for<br />

the CNR<br />

and the Board are adhered to.<br />

3.5 The chair is obliged to follow the agenda but may propose a change to the agenda<br />

himself/herself. Such a proposal shall be voted on immediately.<br />

3.6 The chair may at any time given time make comments about procedural matters but<br />

will be considered a normal speaker in all other cases.<br />

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To change in<br />

2.3 It is the chair’s responsibility to ensure that the procedures stipulated in the Standing<br />

Orders for the CNR and the Board are followed.<br />

2.4 The chair is obliged to follow the agenda, but may propose changes. Proposals shall<br />

be voted on immediately.<br />

2.5 The chair may at any time make comments on procedural matters, but will be<br />

considered as a normal speaker in all other cases.<br />

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4.4 If a proposal for the closing speakers’ list has been made, voted and carried, the<br />

chair shall note all persons indicating their desire to speak. Then he/she verifies that the<br />

list is complete by reading it to the Board. If no objections are raised, the list is closed<br />

and cannot be reopened before a vote on the matter discussed is taken.<br />

4.5 If the proposal for closing the speakers’ list has been made and agreed on and if all<br />

persons on the list have spoken, but no proposal for voting has been made, the chair<br />

may propose a vote and may ask for suggestions for the wording of the proposal. The<br />

chair is free to move on to the next point on the agenda.<br />

4.6 Speaking time begins when the chair calls a speaker. It shall not normally exceed 3<br />

minutes. The chair can both reduce and extend speaking time. A simple majority of<br />

participants having the right to speak overrules such a chair decision.<br />

To change in<br />

3.3.1 If a proposal for the closing of the speakers’ list has been made, voted and<br />

carried, the chair shall note all persons indicating their desire to speak. Then s/he<br />

verifies that the list is complete by reading it.<br />

3.3.2 If no objections are raised, the list is closed and cannot be reopened on this<br />

matter.<br />

3.4 Each time that one person is named during a discussion, this person has the right to<br />

speak, regardless to his/her status. This right suspends the speakers’ list.<br />

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To remove<br />

5.3 The regular Board Member should have special tasks.<br />

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6.1 The Action plan is a list stating all the actions that will be taken by ESN<br />

International.<br />

To change in<br />

5.1 The Action Plan is a list stating all the main actions that will be taken by ESN at the<br />

international level.<br />

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6.3 The Board can delegate the actual carrying out of the actions stated in the action<br />

plan to sections, National Platforms, and/or CNR members. The Board can also decide<br />

to carry out all or certain actions on its own.<br />

To change in<br />

5.3 The Board can delegate the actual carrying out of the actions stated in the Action<br />

Plan.<br />

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6.4 The Board proposes the draft of the Action Plan to the <strong>AGM</strong>. <strong>AGM</strong> has to approve it<br />

then.<br />

6.5 Any member of ESN can propose additional actions to the Action Plan at any time.<br />

These additional changes need to be approved by the CNR.<br />

6.6 The actions in the Action Plan approved by the <strong>AGM</strong> have the highest priority in<br />

comparison to actions additionally added to the Action Plan at any time after the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

To change in<br />

5.4 The Board proposes the draft of the Action Plan to the <strong>AGM</strong>. The <strong>AGM</strong> has to<br />

approve the final version after eventual amendments.<br />

5.5 Any member of ESN can propose additional actions to the Action Plan between two<br />

<strong>AGM</strong>s. These additional changes need to be approved by the CNR.<br />

5.6 The actions in the Action Plan approved by the <strong>AGM</strong> have higher priority in<br />

comparison to actions additionally added to the Action Plan at any time after the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

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To add<br />

5.9 If the Board fails on fulfilling any of the actions of the Action Plan, an explanation is<br />

due to the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

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7.1 National Representatives of all full member countries have the right to vote, the right<br />

to propose decisions and the right to speak.<br />

7.2 All Observers have the right to speak.<br />

7.3 Board members have the right to speak, and to propose decisions, but no right to<br />

vote.<br />

7.4 On request of one NR, the Board or any member of the Board must leave the<br />

plenary session. The Board can return to the meeting after the CNR has decided to<br />

invite the Board Members back to the meeting again.<br />

To change in<br />


6.1 A delegate can be any member of ESN approved by the National Representative<br />

except a Board member, who is representing a country in case the National<br />

Representative of the corresponding country cannot attend the CNR meeting.<br />

6.2 A guest can be anybody who has been invited by the CNR, the Board or the OC of<br />

the Meeting.<br />

6.3 National Representatives and delegates have the right to vote, the right to propose<br />

decisions and the right to speak.<br />

6.4 Board members have the right to speak and to propose decisions, but no right to<br />

vote.<br />

6.5 Guests have the right to speak, but no right to propose decisions and no right to<br />

vote.<br />

6.6 A National Representative can request the leave of any Board member or any guest<br />

from the plenary session. They can return to the meeting after the CNR has decided to<br />

invite them back.<br />

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To add<br />

7.3 The Board has the right to invite guests. Guests have the right to speak, but not to<br />

vote.<br />

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9.1 A vote must be taken if proposed by a Board member. If required that Board<br />

member must explain the purpose and/or need for a vote. A discussion normally takes<br />

place between a proposal and voting.<br />

To change in<br />


8.1 A vote must be taken if proposed by a Board member.<br />

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To remove<br />

9.2 A vote will be taken without delay:<br />

9.2.1 If the speakers’ list has not been closed and nobody indicates a desire to speak<br />

and a proposal has been made.<br />

9.2.2 If the speakers’ list has been closed and all the speakers on that list have spoken,<br />

and a proposal has been made.<br />

9.2.3 If a proposal for closing the speakers’ list has been made.<br />

9.2.4 If the chair’s decision to reduce or extend speaking time is challenged.<br />

9.3 Before the vote is taken, the chair will in the following order:<br />

9.3.1 Announce that the vote is going to be taken;<br />

9.3.2 Summarize the point to be voted on, stating clearly the meaning of the votes in<br />

favour and votes opposing the proposal;<br />

9.3.3 Establish they way of voting;<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

9.5 The chair asks for votes in favour, opposing the proposal and abstentions, in that<br />

order. Board members indicate their opinion by raising their hand clearly. The votes are<br />

counted and the decision announced by the chair.<br />

9.6 If one or more Board members request so, a secret ballot has to be taken.<br />

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To change in<br />

8.3 The chair asks for votes in favour, opposing the proposal and abstentions, in that<br />

order. Members indicate their opinion by raising their hand clearly. The votes are<br />

counted and the decision announced by the chair.<br />

8.4 A secret ballot will be taken in case at least one Board member requests so.<br />

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To remove<br />

9.6.1 Pieces of paper are handed out to all board members and are collected after all of<br />

them indicated their opinion in writing and folded their piece once.<br />

9.6.2 The chair then opens the pieces one by one and announces the votes contained.<br />

This is double-checked by one of the persons sitting next to the chair.<br />

9.6.3 A vote that cannot be interpreted clearly as being in favour, opposing or abstaining<br />

is considered invalid.<br />

9.7 After the counting is completed, the chair announces the decision.<br />

9.8 A vote is invalid and must be repeated at once:<br />

9.8.1 If the number of all votes given is not equal to the number of Board members<br />

present.<br />

9.8.2 If anybody participated in the voting without having the right to vote.<br />

9.8.3 If anybody voted more than once.<br />

9.8.4 If anybody can prove that the counting has been done incorrectly. If doubts about<br />

the correctness are raised but cannot be proven, the vote is considered invalid and<br />

must be repeated at once by secret ballot.<br />

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To remove<br />

9.10 Any vote can be repeated on request if there are sufficient grounds for supposing<br />

that wrong incomplete or unclear information has caused the outcome of the vote. Any<br />

person present with the right to speak can request such a repetition. The request has to<br />

be voted on and carried by a simple majority in order to repeat the vote. This procedure<br />

also applies to votes concerning applications for membership.<br />

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10.1 Votes must take place in the following circumstances:<br />

10.1.1 Approving a new country;<br />

10.1.2 Overruling a Board decision;<br />

10.1.3 Expressing no confidence in the Board or a single Board member.<br />

10.1.4 Changes to the Statutes.<br />

10.2 The same voting procedure applies as for the Board.<br />

10.3 Approving a new country is done by a simple majority of those present.<br />

10.4 Overruling a Board decision requires a two-thirds majority of those present.<br />

10.5 A vote of no confidence requires a simple majority of all NRs.<br />

To change in<br />


9.1 The same voting procedure applies as for the Board, with exception of article 8.5<br />

9.2 A vote with simple majority of all NRs must take place in the following<br />

circumstances.<br />

9.2.1 Vote of no confidence.<br />

9.3 A vote with a two-thirds majority of those present must take place in the following<br />

circumstances.<br />

9.3.1 Overruling a Board decision.<br />

9.3.2 Expelling a National Representative.<br />

9.4 A vote with simple majority of those present must take place in the following<br />

circumstances<br />

9.4.1 Approving a new country.<br />

9.4.2 Approving a new section<br />

9.4.3 Expelling a section<br />

9.4.4 All other votes<br />

9.5 All votes concerning a person must be done by secret ballot.<br />

9.6 If the outcome of a vote is even, the Chair has the casting vote and cannot abstain.<br />

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11.1 A whole set or any single standing order is implemented as soon as it is carried by<br />

a two thirds majority of the sections present at the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

11.2 Any Board member having the right to propose decisions can propose changes to<br />

the standing orders of the CNR and the Board. A change is implemented as soon as it<br />

is carried.<br />

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To change in<br />


10.1 A whole set or any single standing order is implemented as soon as it is carried.<br />

10.2 Changes to the standing orders for the CNR and the Board must be initiated in<br />

accordance with the corresponding point in the statutes of ESN.<br />

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To add:<br />


6.7 In a Council of National Delegates, all the delegates have the right to speak and to<br />

propose decisions but only NRs have the right to vote.<br />

Proposal of the Board and the CNR to Change the Standing<br />

Orders of the <strong>AGM</strong><br />


1.1. The scope of these Standing Orders is defined in the Statutes of ESN.<br />

1.2. If the Statutes and Standing Orders are incompatible, the Statutes overrule the<br />

Standing Orders.<br />

1.3. These Standing Orders come into effect as soon as they are approved.<br />


2.1. All member sections can send delegates. The number of delegates allowed to<br />

be present for representing each section is set by the Organising Committee.<br />

These delegates are from here on referred to as “delegates”.<br />

2.2. All delegates have the right to speak. Only member sections have the right to<br />

vote and each member section has only one vote.<br />

2.3. The National Representatives (NR) have the right to speak.<br />

2.4. National Board Members (NBM) representing their country have the right to<br />

speak.<br />

2.5. Delegates, NRs, NBMs representing their country are hereafter referred to as<br />

“participants”.<br />

2.6. The chair can extend the right to speak to invited observers and other guests.<br />

2.7. Member sections can only delegate their voting rights to another member<br />

section.<br />

2.8. NRs can only delegate their voting rights to another NR.<br />

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2.9. NBMs have no right to vote.<br />

2.10. A delegated vote shall consist of a written and signed confirmation from<br />

the member section or NR not being able to attend the vote, naming the<br />

member section or NR to which the right to vote shall be transferred.<br />

2.10.1. Digitally signed documents, faxes or files with scanned signature<br />

are allowed.<br />

3. THE CHAIR<br />

3.1. The person/persons actually chairing a session is referred to as “the chair”.<br />

3.2. The responsibility for chairing the plenary sessions rests with the Board, who will<br />

recommend one head chair and one vice chair at the beginning of the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

These two chairpersons are to be considered the official chair if accepted as<br />

such by a vote of the <strong>AGM</strong>. Two helpers can be also appointed in accordance<br />

with the same procedure as above. The helpers can take over chairing tasks if<br />

requested by the head chair.<br />

3.2.1. Helpers follow the same regulation as the chair except as laid down in<br />

3.3.1 and 3.4 and 3.6<br />

3.2.2. Should the Board’s proposed chairpersons be rejected, the Board can<br />

make new proposals.<br />

3.2.3. Participants can also make new proposals if the chairpersons are rejected.<br />

These will also be voted on by the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

3.2.4. A vote to replace the whole chair or parts of the chair may at any time be<br />

requested by any participant. Such a vote must be carried by a two thirds<br />

majority of the sections present.<br />

3.2.5. If such a vote is carried, the Board will recommend a new chair or parts of<br />

the chair.<br />

3.3. It is the chair’s responsibility to ensure that the procedures laid down in these<br />

Standing Orders are adhered to, and that the agenda is followed.<br />

3.3.1. The chair may propose changes to the agenda.<br />

3.3.2. Such a proposal must be voted on by the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

3.4. The chairpersons may at any time comment on procedural matters, but will<br />

otherwise be considered normal speakers.<br />

3.5. The chair or parts of the chair may resign the post, in which case the Board<br />

must propose a new chair or parts of the chair.<br />

3.6. The final and personal responsibility on all procedural decisions taken by the<br />

chair rests with the head chair, who shall therefore have the last and final word<br />

in case of procedural doubts amongst the chair.<br />

3.7. In case of any temporary vacancy for whatever reason, and with the sole aim of<br />

succeeding in the election of a new chair, the <strong>AGM</strong> is chaired by the Board.<br />


4.1. During all discussions the chair keeps a speakers’ list, thus ensuring that all are<br />

heard.<br />

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4.1.1. It is the task of the chair to propose a procedure for keeping the speakers’<br />

list. This is to be done at the beginning of the first plenary session, and<br />

voted by the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

4.1.2. If a chairperson wishes to participate in a discussion he/she must follow<br />

the agreed procedure for the speakers’ list in the same manner as all other<br />

participants.<br />

4.2. The chair or any participant can propose to close the speakers’ list.<br />

4.2.1. If there are objections, a vote is required.<br />

4.2.2. Before the speakers’ list is closed, the chair must announce who is still left<br />

to speak.<br />

4.2.3. Once the speakers’ list is closed, it cannot be reopened before a vote on<br />

the matter under discussion has been taken.<br />

4.3. The chair may impose limits on speaking time, ensuring that this is applied fairly<br />

to all participants in the debate.<br />

4.4. If there are no speakers, or once all speakers have been heard, the chair may<br />

call a vote on the scheduled proposal.<br />

4.5. Each time that one person is named during a discussion, this person has the<br />

right to speak, regardless to his/her status. This right suspends the speakers’<br />

list.<br />


5.1. During the <strong>AGM</strong> any participant can propose amendments to all proposals made<br />

in the <strong>AGM</strong> documents. This has to be done using the official template for<br />

amendments only.<br />

5.2. If more than one amendment to a proposal is made, the chair will decide the<br />

order in which they shall be voted on.<br />

5.3. Only when all amendments to a proposal have been debated and voted on, can<br />

a vote on the original proposal (amended or not) take place.<br />

5.4. There can be no secret ballots when voting on amendments.<br />


6.1. Any three participants may at any time propose the exclusion of any person from<br />

the <strong>AGM</strong> on the grounds of unacceptable behaviour.<br />

6.2. Such a proposal will have to be carried by a two thirds majority of all member<br />

sections present at the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

6.3. On request, an excluded person must be informed if and when he/she can<br />

expect the decision of exclusion to be lifted.<br />

6.4. A simple majority is required to lift the exclusion.<br />


7.1. All decisions at the <strong>AGM</strong> are taken by a simple majority unless otherwise stated<br />

in the Statutes and Standing Orders.<br />

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7.1.1. A simple majority is defined as when the number of votes cast for or<br />

against a proposal is bigger than the number for the opposing view,<br />

regardless of the number of abstentions.<br />

7.1.2. For a vote to be considered valid, at least 50%+1 of all member sections<br />

approved before the 30 th day before the first day of <strong>AGM</strong> have to be present<br />

or represented at the plenary session in question.<br />

7.2. For the voting procedure it is advised to use an electronic voting system.<br />

7.2.1. If no electronic voting system is available or in case the electronic system<br />

becomes unavailable, voting cards should be used.<br />

7.2.2. If voting cards are to be used each member section will be given three<br />

cards; One green, to indicate a vote in favour, one red to indicate a vote<br />

against, one white to indicate a blank vote.<br />

7.3. If an absent section has given their voting rights to a present section, these<br />

votes should be counted if the vote is delegated in a correct manner without<br />

prejudice to paragraph 2.10.<br />

8. VOTING<br />

8.1. A vote must be held if proposed by a participant. If required, the purpose of the<br />

vote may be explained with the proposal.<br />

8.2. Before a vote is held, the chair will, in the following order:<br />

8.2.1. Announce that a vote will take place;<br />

8.2.2. Summarise the point to be voted on, stating clearly the meaning of votes<br />

in favour of and votes against the proposal.<br />

8.3. Voting procedure<br />

8.3.1. The voting procedure may vary in its form depending on the voting<br />

system in use but the general procedure (as follows) should apply no<br />

matter what system is used.<br />

8.3.2. The chair asks for votes in favour of and opposing the proposal. The<br />

participants with the right to vote indicate their opinion by either raising one<br />

card or by voting through the electronic system.<br />

8.3.3. If the chair finds a clear majority in favour of or against the proposal when<br />

the voting card system is used, he/she may announce the result<br />

immediately, without the votes actually being counted. When an electronic<br />

voting system is used all votes are automatically counted.<br />

8.3.4. If the chair does not find a clear majority for or against the proposal when<br />

the voting card system is used, a second vote will be held, in which all votes<br />

will be counted. Likewise if a participant wishes so.<br />

8.3.5. If the voting card system is applied the chair can also decide to go straight<br />

to a counted vote.<br />

8.4. Secret voting.<br />

8.4.1. Unless otherwise stipulated, any participant can request that a vote be<br />

made secret.<br />

8.4.2. The chair will distribute ballot papers, duly signed and stamped, to all<br />

delegates in reason of the delegated votes from member section. The chair<br />

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will then make sure that the ballot papers are collected when voting is<br />

completed.<br />

8.4.3. The chair will organise and assist the counting of the votes and then<br />

announce the result.<br /> There should always be at least two people, of different nationality<br />

and from different member sections, counting the votes. These people<br />

should be proposed and confirmed by the <strong>AGM</strong> before the secret voting<br />

takes place.<br /> If possible there should also be two participants, one from either<br />

side of the argument being voted on, present when the votes are being<br />

counted.<br /> The votes will be recounted if any participants have reasonable<br />

ground for thinking a mistake has been made.<br />

8.5. A vote will be considered invalid and will be repeated at once:<br />

8.5.1. if the number of votes is greater than the number of member sections<br />

present together with the number of delegated votes;<br />

8.5.2. if anybody participated in the voting without having the right to vote;<br />

8.5.3. if anybody voted more than once;<br />

8.5.4. if doubts about the procedural correctness are raised and cannot be<br />

refused;<br />

8.6. If the outcome of a vote is even, the proposal voted on is not carried.<br />


9.1. If a situation should occur that is not covered by these Standing Orders, the<br />

chair will propose an adequate procedure.<br />

9.2. Any participant may challenge that procedure, and a vote will be taken.<br />

9.3. The following proposals are to be considered procedural ones, and will overrule<br />

both the speakers’ list and the agenda:<br />

9.3.1. Proposals to change the agenda;<br />

9.3.2. Proposals for closing the speakers’ list;<br />

9.3.3. A request for a secret vote;<br />

9.3.4. A proposal to exclude a participant;<br />

9.3.5. A challenge to a vote, as laid down in article 8.5;<br />

9.3.6. The resignation or replacement of the chair or parts of the chair.<br />

9.4. If more than one procedural proposal is made at the same time, the chair will<br />

decide the order in which they are heard.<br />


10.1. Changes to the Standing Orders must be carried by a two-thirds majority<br />

of the member sections present at the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

10.2. Changes to the Standing Orders take effect as soon as they are voted<br />

through by the <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

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General Report<br />

Introduction<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

Having been in ESN for 4 years now, I am really impressed by the growth our<br />

organisation has experienced lately, and specifically during the last year.<br />

Not only have the numbers (sections, countries, ESNCards, answers to the survey,<br />

activities) increased, but foremost the quality of our actions has dramatically been<br />

enhanced by the ESNrs in 2006. Of course this would not have been possible without<br />

solid roots in projects started in the past – nonetheless it is a clear evidence that now<br />

ESN has grown adult.<br />

By leaving you to further reading of what happened in the ESN-world, I bring to your<br />

attention that finally the ESN-world started to look “outside”, and to serve and support<br />

the exchange students more profoundly and effectively. The ESNSurvey 2006 proved to<br />

be a huge success, and our analysis will be heard not only at a European level (starting<br />

from the recommendations put forward to Commissioner Figel’ at the end of the<br />

Brussels conference), but also by those local authorities and universities that are<br />

striving to read its results for the benefit of the students.<br />

Many activities have been organised on local level in the last months, which brings to<br />

our mind that our network is more alive and active than ever, proving to be the most<br />

dynamic and successful international student NGO now operating in Europe.<br />

What I find impressive, finally, in reading the General Report is the number of people<br />

that have been engaged in ESN for months, dedicating their time and energies to plan,<br />

think, organise, manage, talk, meet, party, love, support, help… Astonishing, isn’t it?<br />

As one company here in Belgium states: “Ten thousands of ESNrs cannot be<br />

wrong”.<br />

Network Inventory<br />

written by Tomaso Bisol, Network Administrator<br />

If size matters, with Malta, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia there are now 31<br />

countries in ESN.<br />

We are getting closer and closer to 250 sections, and probably by the time you are<br />

reading this that figure will be almost touched. 39 new sections joined since April till<br />

December.<br />

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These pretty results would not have been reached without the contribute of the Country<br />

Development working group, all the board members, the National Representatives and<br />

all the old and new volunteers at the local level.<br />

Here are some data from the past years.<br />

In April 2003 there were 159 sections.<br />

From April 03 to March 04: 22 new sections, 17 expelled (total: 164);<br />

from April 04 to March 05: 22 new sections, 1 expelled (total: 185);<br />

from April 04 to March 06: 22 new sections (total: 207).<br />

As for the current year, so far we have 39 new sections (yuppieee!), 6 expelled (buuu).<br />

Six more sections are currently (end of January) undergoing the expulsion procedure;<br />

on the other hand, following the trend of the past few months, it is reasonable to<br />

estimate that at least 5 to 10 new sections will become part of the Network before the<br />

<strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

There is also a good chance to have a new country admitted right after the annual<br />

meeting in <strong>Prague</strong>.<br />

More in detail:<br />

3 new countries joined with one section each: Malta (ESN Malta), Bosnia and<br />

Herzegovina (ESN Sarajevo) and Serbia (ESN Belgrade).<br />

We gained:<br />

9 new sections in Turkey (a-hippie-yea! from 2 to 11 in one year, + 550%)<br />

7 in Italy (for an impressive total of 32 in the country)<br />

4 in Germany (pretty good trend there)<br />

4 in Austria (small country, big ESN: 17 sections!)<br />

2 in Belgium, Cyprus, Ireland and Switzerland<br />

1 in Greece, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom.<br />

We lost:<br />

2 sections in France<br />

1 section in Finland, Portugal, The Netherlands and United Kingdom.<br />

We may lose (before the <strong>AGM</strong>):<br />

3 sections in Portugal<br />

2 sections in France.<br />

1 section in Poland.<br />

All the new countries and about half of the new sections are located in South Central<br />

and South Eastern Europe; considering the lack of losses, the contribute of these two<br />

areas to the total increment is close to 66%. The remaining percentage is mainly due to<br />

new sections in Austria and Germany; losses in France were balanced by gains in other<br />

countries in the same geographical area.<br />

It's interesting to notice that the rest of Europe remained basically quiet.<br />

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Board<br />

Board Meetings<br />

Written by Tomaso Bisol, Network Administrator<br />

2006<br />

BM 01: 25-29/04, Brussels (Belgium)<br />

BM 02: 11-15/05, Linkoeping (Sweden)*<br />

BM 03: 02-08/06, Brussels (Belgium)<br />

BM 04: 13-16/07, Montisola (Italy)<br />

BM 05: 31/08 – 03/09, Brussels (Belgium)<br />

BM 06: 14-17/09, Teramo (Italy)*<br />

BM 07: 05-08/10, Brussels (Belgium)<br />

BM 08: 03-07/11, Padova (Italy)**<br />

BM 09: 02-03/12, Brussels (Belgium)<br />

BM 10: 07-10/12, Koper (Slovenia)*<br />

<strong>2007</strong> (Currently scheduled)<br />

BM 11: 18-21/01, Brussels (Belgium)*<br />

BM 12: 22-25/02, Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)***<br />

BM 13: 16-21/03, <strong>Prague</strong> (Czech Republic)*<br />

*with CNR; **hosted by ESN Padova; ***hosted by ESN Sarajevo.<br />

President<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President (haha)<br />

It was a fun, satisfying, complete, rich and sparkling year. Difficult to separate this from<br />

the first one. If in 2005/06 we built the house, in 2006/07 we furnished it, metaphorically<br />

and concretely.<br />

By looking behind me, I see now a nice and solid building, I am now ready for starting<br />

the next one, wherever it will be built, however it will look like – though I remain a<br />

tenacious and enthusiastic builder.<br />

ESN is strong and healthier than ever and I leave this great organisation with a pleasant<br />

feeling of accomplishment. Some people like me enjoy leaving behind them a clean and<br />

neat place, as Lord Baden Powell said: “Try and leave this world a little better than you<br />

found it and when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate<br />

you have not wasted your time but have done your best”.<br />

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Of course I am hopefully in short leaving only my active ESN Life, with this one feeling<br />

of having given and taken the right, and fulfilled, at the best of my possibilities, my<br />

responsibilities and ambitions.<br />

Now somebody else will come… I like the idea that one organisation is made out of<br />

people, yet at the same time is a living being itself, that exists beyond one’s temporary<br />

permanence in here. Therefore I sense that whatever I did in the last two years, ESN<br />

did, and whatever the next leadership will do, ESN will do – in good or poor.<br />

My biggest challenge, especially this year, was to defend ESN’s interest against all<br />

those, insiders and outsiders, who were grasping the grease of ESN’s wealth and<br />

solidity. The more powerful and richer you get, the more individual advantages you must<br />

face and defy. For this at times I was exhausted, though now happy to have succeeded<br />

and glad still grateful to all those friends who helped me in defending ESN and making it<br />

strong: I would like to list them, to list you, but this list would be too long, so long to take<br />

the space of all the <strong>AGM</strong> Documents.<br />

I’ll do the effort to limit this list to the essentials:<br />

- Ewa, you were for two years my support and trustable arm, and I was your<br />

supportive and trustable leg: thank you for being there with me and for your<br />

energy and time. Together we’ve done great things.<br />

- Tomaso, Corinne, Jakob: you are devoted, serious, reliable and mature friends<br />

and working with you has been a honour and a pleasure.<br />

- Antonio: your honesty and transparency, loyalty and reliability were one of the<br />

most precious gems I found in life. Grazie di cuore e ti auguro ogni bene per il<br />

futuro.<br />

- Magda: you came in July and remained with us for many months – always gifting<br />

the biggest smile of the world you withdrew from us a hard, precious, sometimes<br />

boring and indispensable work of high responsibility, Dzenkyou Bardzo.<br />

- Giorgio, Jørn, Patrick, Vojta, Nicola, Lars, Toon: when I needed a friend and a<br />

wise word of support I knew where to turn my face to.<br />

- Ivana: thank you for your time and your year spent for ESN.<br />

All the best to ESN and to you, see you around and I will not disappear, for those of you<br />

who want to contact me, you know what is my personal email address from March 25 th<br />

on.<br />

My last say is a suggestion not to lose the sight of the essential: mine was to do my<br />

modest and tiny part for the creation of a European society based upon mutual<br />

knowledge, respect, trust among individuals, groups, communities, peoples and<br />

countries; therefore I tried and work for two years for a future of peace.<br />

Pallomeri.<br />

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Vice President<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

This is the last document I have to write to this year <strong>AGM</strong> documents. Quite late in<br />

night, the ESN house is quite. Davide is working in the living room, the girls are<br />

sleeping. It is a good feeling to have a house, no matter how mobile we are. No matter<br />

how much we want to go, fly, walk, run into another place. The house gives a feeling of<br />

stability, of cosiness, warmth, the right place to be.<br />

I feel that ESN is in the right place. In the heart of Brussels, surrounded by European<br />

offices, by people who are trying to construct Europe through policies, laws (and love),<br />

businesses, projects, people managing Erasmus. ESN fits here, among many many<br />

former Erasmus students, already 20 generations.<br />

I have spent in this house almost one year and a half. It was empty at first and cold,<br />

later it filled with people, with ESNers, other students, friends, plants, furniture, spices<br />

and parties. It seems that me and the house were filling up together. I tried the things,<br />

took new challenges, met new visions, new people, saw places, had fun. I have a head<br />

full up to my ears.<br />

It was great to be a Vice President of ESN. It was great to work with you, get so much<br />

enthusiasm. It was great to make ESNSurvey. It is great to prepare the 20 Years of<br />

Erasmus Programme. But the greatest of all was to see that there are so many<br />

opportunities waiting for ESN. That ESNSurvey will get 12,000 answers, that there will<br />

be 30 new sections in one year, that we will find the sponsors, that we will get the grant,<br />

that we could organise conference in Brussels practically on zero euro budget... That is<br />

all possible. Why? Because Erasmus is in people’s hearts.<br />

So this is what I want to tell you, tell the future Board members, the people putting their<br />

energies to build ESN. The Erasmus experience is an important one, it stays in people’s<br />

hearts, makes them grow, makes them feel at home in Europe. And ESN should try in<br />

all its potential to make this experience with no struggles and even more magical.<br />

ESN is in the right place. I am in the right place.<br />

Treasurer<br />

Written by Corinne Bryner, Treasurer<br />

In May 2006, I was elected as Treasurer of the International Board by the CNR<br />

(Linköping, Sweden). The position had been vacant after the <strong>AGM</strong> in Krakow. During<br />

the period of vacancy, Karri Teikari took care of the financial matters as an interim<br />

treasurer. It took me two months to get into the organisational structure and to<br />

understand all the projects going on.<br />

Daily tasks:<br />

- Checking the account, booking the incomes and expenses<br />

- Writing invoices and payment confirmations<br />

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- Reminding sections to pay membership fee<br />

- Communicate payments of new sections, for ESN Cards or PR material to<br />

Jakob and Magda to send the material.<br />

Achievements:<br />

- Accounting: New Microsoft Access Database<br />

- Balance Sheet: New structure with more transparent incomes and expenses<br />

classification<br />

- Reimbursement forms: One standard form for each possible expense<br />

according to the income / outcome statement. For each event one RF has to<br />

be used.<br />

- Archive: Classification of RF according to expenses and not to persons.<br />

- New bank account dedicated to the 20 th anniversary project with a budget of<br />

56’000€<br />

- Clear separation of 2005 / 2006 / <strong>2007</strong> expenses and incomes.<br />

I would like to thank Magda Niemcewic for sending all old reimbursement forms<br />

scanned by mail during summer time. Furthermore I would like to thank Ivana Petričević<br />

for keeping the archives in very good order. And finally I thank Davide Capecchi for<br />

showing so much patience in explaining everything to me in the beginning of my<br />

mandate.<br />

Network Administrator<br />

Written by Tomaso Bisol, Network Administrator<br />

Once upon a time…<br />

Well my year 2006 started in a strange way, I have to say. I quit my job before starting it<br />

and took my time, on my way to the end of my PhD. I also took a week off and jumped<br />

on the first 2 planes of the year, to go and see if my good old Erasmus village,<br />

Aberystwyth, was still the same after 6 years. March came and so did planes number 3<br />

(Milan-Athens), 4 (Athens-Berlin) and 5, finally taking me from Berlin to Krakow and to<br />

the <strong>AGM</strong>, where I became Network Administrator.<br />

The last plane of the year 2006 was number 22, and other than floating in the air so<br />

many times being NA of ESN I experienced the feeling of landing with at least a new<br />

ticket already in my pocket (well, usually in my mailbox), the idea of being in airport or a<br />

train station forgetting for a while where I was about to go, the sight of a bag at 2 am<br />

looking at me and asking to be unpacked and then re-packed.<br />

If we are a generation on the move and ESNers are moving even more, I would say that<br />

a board member is simply never stopping; but I also have to say that somehow I<br />

became addicted to it, as sometimes I found myself looking at an incoming, empty<br />

weekend and 10 minutes later booking some flight or checking the car tank, ready to go<br />

and see some friend around Europe.<br />

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Right from the start board meetings have had this special property to cheer me up, and<br />

similarly CNR's ends put me in a good mood. I don't wanna claim that long meetings<br />

and discussions are always fun, but the outcomes have always brought satisfaction and<br />

new challenges and, most of all, the overall atmosphere has always been relaxed, even<br />

after tense topics.<br />

I met friends, in other words, and I am part of a group. We built something together, for<br />

ESN and among ourselves. And this I saw also on other occasions, like the CEP in<br />

Vienna and the Italian National Platform in Bologna.<br />

As for me, personally it's been a time of growth.<br />

For example during this year my belly tended to become bigger, and not only because<br />

of the lovely Belgian beers. The Network has grown in terms of quantity and quality (see<br />

Network Inventory for more information) and that's a pretty sweet pie to the eyes of the<br />

Network Administrator.<br />

Also the new cool website is up to date, thanks to barn-owl-nights spent with Antonio on<br />

messenger adding groups of sections and questioning the meaning of life.<br />

That's another tasty cake, I would say. I haven't starved so far, I mean.<br />

Having joined the ESN world a few days before yesterday (that is: in 2001) I believe I've<br />

given a relevant contribution in term of experience.<br />

Plus, why not? as sometimes I like to give some shows (especially on buses) and to set<br />

myself on the *funny mode, I've cheered the crew up. Not an only trivial aspect, I'd say,<br />

since work is more effective when people are in a good mood.<br />

I'm somewhat proud of all of the above.<br />

What more? Flights 1 and 2 of <strong>2007</strong> are already booked. Flights 3 to 10 are possibly on<br />

the way to the mailbox, 10 being the return from <strong>Prague</strong> and the end of my ESN Board<br />

adventure.<br />

If you dared starting to read this report and managed not to fall asleep so far, it may be<br />

of some interest to know that besides what I call “job number 2” (number One being<br />

ESN) I also started working for “job number 3” in December, and they chose me for my<br />

ESN experience.<br />

I'm basically a fake farmer, or an “environmental agronomist”: I'd say ESN can help you<br />

whatever your field is, corn fields included!<br />

Once again and for the last time, a hug from your never bored board member...<br />

Cheesy-cheerz to ya'll!<br />

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Regular Board member: external relations and<br />

communication<br />

Written by Jakob Smets, Regular Board Member<br />

I am glad to say that I attended all the Board Meetings and all but one CNR-meetings<br />

since my election: I needed to be on the first big event organised by ESN Brussels (my<br />

section) and Toyota, which took place right after <strong>AGM</strong> 2006.<br />

All these meetings took much of my time out of my studies (master thesis) and even job<br />

(Erasmus Welcome Desk at the VUB– which didn’t make my boss happy). But this year<br />

is very important to ESN: a vast expansion of sections and countries, lots of big<br />

partnerships and the new Corporate Identity (logo of ESN).<br />

Since March I have been in the board as what is called the “Regular Board Member” but<br />

most commonly referred to as “external relations”. As the new corporate identity was<br />

approved in Krakow, my task was to familiarise the sections with the new logo and style<br />

of ESN.<br />

A big part of the budget was approved to design materials that contain and promote the<br />

corporate identity: flags, brochures, flyers, posters, CI-Cds, business cards and<br />

ESNCards.<br />

Also over the new website we tried to spread the new look of ESN and overcome the<br />

gap with sections by introducing more online activities and possibilities.<br />

In June a webblog (Board<strong>Blog</strong>) was created where board members can write short and<br />

personal information, upload pictures, give funny remarks etc. Here, people could also<br />

give comments on our texts, so a discussion could be raised.<br />

The design of the new logo was a big investment. So, in order to work, the logo should<br />

be used the same in all the sections and according to the guidelines. Since from the<br />

beginning it was hard to just send the CD with the CI-files, I wrote the ESN Corporate<br />

Identity guidelines, and asked people to read it when they received the files<br />

altogether.<br />

ESN Secretary<br />

Ivana Petričević, Secretary ESN AISBL<br />

Being the ESN Secretary this year has been an interesting experience. My tasks<br />

consisted of taking minutes during Board meetings, taking care of administration in the<br />

ESN office, keeping in touch with ESN sections and partners, and representing the<br />

international level during CNR meetings and other international events. Another two<br />

important things I partially took care of were the administrative grant and the application<br />

of ESN to the European Youth Forum (EYF). In January this year I also helped organise<br />

the CNR meeting in Brussels.<br />

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Good memories will always stay with me from the Board meeting in Padua and<br />

the CNR meeting in Koper during which we accepted Bosnia and Herzegovina as the<br />

30th ESN country. Another unforgettable experience which I’ll take with me is the one of<br />

living in the ESN House! I learned how to make Italian pasta and Spanish potato tortilla<br />

☺ Along the way I met so many ESN people coming and going in the ESN house that<br />

now I think I can say I know at least one person in every ESN country.<br />

Thanks to all the wonderful people who have worked together with me. It is<br />

strange to think that after the <strong>AGM</strong> in <strong>Prague</strong> all this will be over, it feels like finally<br />

entering the ‘world of adults’. Nevertheless, once Pallomeri always Pallomeri!<br />

Action Report<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

We are very satisfied about the delivery to you, <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>2007</strong>, of the actions the <strong>AGM</strong><br />

2006 gave us mandate to succeed in. Unlike last year’s events, during 2006/<strong>2007</strong> the<br />

Board was able to work smoothly and with professionalism on all the areas of<br />

intervention covered by the Action List.<br />

Communication, network care, web projects and development, lobbying, financial<br />

stability and accountability, sections’ support and information, long term vision, relation<br />

with the CNR and the national boards, all of above was managed at the best of the<br />

possibilities we were provided with.<br />

The most difficult challenge was to coordinate the work of two groups of those working<br />

for ESN at international level: the “Brussels based” (Ewa, Ivana, Jakob, myself) and the<br />

“Europe-spread” ones (Corinne, Tomaso, Antonio), while letting them be comfortable<br />

and involved at our best in the actions’ management. Having been successful in this<br />

during this year, we do recommend for the future to consider that this is a high-risk<br />

condition that might bring to a “first” and “second” level of board members – what was<br />

hindered, this year, by exceptional friendship, trust and mutual respect.<br />

We hope that being in Brussels, next year, for the whole board will mean also an<br />

exponential growth of the quality and quantity of services offered to exchange students,<br />

sections and ESNrs.<br />

- Presence in Brussels (Representing the<br />

Network)<br />

1. Charter for ESN ABORTED<br />

2. Administrative Grant DONE<br />

3. Partnership with AEGEE and lobbying<br />

DONE<br />

for the exchange students’<br />

4. Entrance in the European Youth Forum IN PROGRESS<br />

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5. Partnership with student organisations<br />

DONE<br />

concerned with students’ mobility<br />

6. Support for the creation of a Secretariat<br />


for Student Organisations<br />

7. ECTS for Young NGO volunteers IN PROGRESS<br />

8. Lobby for results of the Survey 2006 DONE<br />

9. Organising an event in Brussels for<br />

DONE<br />

networking<br />

10. Organising presentation of results of<br />


the survey<br />

- Students’ mobility<br />

1. ESNSurvey 2006 DONE<br />

2. Active presence at conferences and<br />

DONE<br />

events<br />

3. <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>2007</strong> Project – Accompanying DONE THOUGH DIFFERENT<br />

measures application<br />

4. Revision of Bologna Process Opinion NOT DONE<br />

5. Cooperation with European Language<br />

DONE<br />

Council<br />

6. Work on the results of the Survey 2006 DONE<br />

- Knowledge Management<br />

1. At least three trainings<br />

- Summer School DONE<br />

- Fun(d)Raising Conference DONE<br />

- Bocconi Training POSTPONED TO SEPT. <strong>2007</strong><br />

2. Manuals and Documents on<br />

- ESNCard – How to profit and<br />

NOT DONE<br />

benefit, guidelines how to use it<br />

- Fundraising NOT DONE<br />

- Promotional activities NOT DONE<br />

- Communication<br />

1. InCommon – development of the<br />


Online version<br />

2. InCommon – search for the possibility<br />


for the printed version, do one copy<br />

3. One newsletter a month for the<br />

DONE<br />

ESNCard holders and the subscribers<br />

4. Keep the earned quality of the Monthly<br />

DONE<br />

Mail<br />

5. Corporate Sponsorship guidelines IN PROGRESS<br />

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No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

6. Press release issued on important<br />

events<br />

DONE<br />

7. Press strategy NOT DONE<br />

- PR material<br />

1. E-Shop for gadgets (and for<br />


membership fees) with Credit card<br />

payment?<br />

2. ESNBook 2006 IN PROGRESS<br />

3. Leaflets – ESN Brochure DONE<br />

4. Business Cards for Board, SG, Card<br />

DONE<br />

and Survey coordinators – plus any<br />

other interested members<br />

5. Posters of ESN DONE<br />

- WEB Development<br />

1. Review and enhance the current static<br />

DONE<br />

content<br />

2. Develop esn.org main page as<br />

DONE<br />

interesting and appealing for the<br />

current and perspective exchange<br />

students<br />

3. Layers system – Intranet IN PROGRESS<br />

4. Develop in esn.org for members<br />


services for ESNCard holders,<br />

section’s boards, National Board<br />

Members, National Representatives,<br />

International Board Members<br />

5. Amongst these services: download<br />


area (graphic elements of the new CI,<br />

logos, fonts, templates, images; official<br />

documents, statutes, standing orders);<br />

new infocentre; sections’ data;<br />

information and application forms for<br />

internal events; calendar of events,<br />

uploading system; registration of the<br />

members and of ESNCard holders;<br />

forum for members<br />

- Network Care<br />

1. ESNCard – production and delivery,<br />

DONE<br />

keep on looking for sponsors<br />

2. Increasing the number of sections up to DONE (ALMOST ☺ )<br />

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No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

300? = 250<br />

3. Secretariat as Grants application centre<br />

NOT DONE<br />

(Youth Programme, Council of Europe,<br />

EVS, Leonardo)<br />

4. ESNDay 2006 NOT DONE<br />

5. Programme Section Partnerships –<br />

NOT DONE<br />

guidelines and info on www.esn.org<br />

6. Presence on National Platforms and<br />

DONE<br />

National Events<br />

7. Alumni Event to take place NOT DONE<br />

- Long Term Vision <strong>2007</strong>-2012<br />

1. Creating a WG on the subject DONE<br />

2. New Questionnaire on the LTV DONE<br />

3. Developing the Long Term Vision of<br />

DONE<br />

ESN<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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Projects of ESN International<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

The following pages will display what ESN has done in addition to the current<br />

administration. It is crucial that interesting activities are carried on all-year-long – for<br />

enabling those who are working for ESN to enjoy what they do and engaging their<br />

qualities and capabilities.<br />

Not always is it simple to coordinate the daily business with a wider sight on projects;<br />

nevertheless this is crucial in all organisation. As one old and wise man in ESN told me<br />

after my first election as President “Do not lose yourself into details” (in Italian: “Non ti<br />

perdere in c…..e”).<br />

So my conclusion is that in order to let ESN live all details must be sorted properly, in<br />

due time and exactly, although broad projects are needed for ESN to flourish and<br />

ESNrs to enjoy their contribution to the fulfilment of our mission.<br />

Brussels – ESNHouse and Headquarters<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

If I were to point the main reason for ESN to achieve all the successes of the last year,<br />

having settled down in Brussels is at the very top point: Accompanying Measures for the<br />

20 Years of Erasmus, www.20erasmus.eu, the opening conference of 18 th January at<br />

Committee of Regions, the Administrative Grant (?), are only few examples of practical<br />

achievements.<br />

Of course, as laid down in the Long Term Vision survey analysis, the house and the<br />

registration is not the main strength of ESN as such, but rather the most powerful tool<br />

for ESN to win competitions and gain respect amongst our stakeholders and partners.<br />

Working together not only is a pleasure, and a mean for getting acquainted always<br />

better, but also and foremost an incredible opportunity of fastening the communication<br />

and the effectiveness of our work. Many things have changed since the age of the “fax<br />

Wednesdays”, when Board members used to seat in front of a machine waiting for<br />

questions to come via fax…<br />

All in all, it was our concern to create the conditions for the next year to stay here and<br />

maintain the earned success of house and office. Should the <strong>AGM</strong> opt for having all the<br />

board in Brussels, a new house has to be sought similarly to what other organisations<br />

do: AEGEE, ELSA, JADE – while the office will be by all means separated for pursuing<br />

the idea that working AND living in the same place hinders rather than fosters the<br />

success of the work.<br />

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It was also special to meet so many ESNrs coming to Brussels and staying at the<br />

ESNHouse during the year! I remember especially ESN Utrecht and all the house full of<br />

orange balloons ☺<br />

I am looking forward to see what will happen in <strong>2007</strong>/08!<br />

Active Presence in Brussels for Enhancing Student Mobility<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

Goals for ESN<br />

1. To understand and to represent exchange students' needs<br />

2. To take the best out of the presence of the HQ and the Board in Brussels<br />

3. To influence decision makers in their decisions upon student exchange<br />

4. To lobby with other students NGOs<br />

5. To earn and increase the respect for ESN of stakeholders in Higher Education<br />

6. To contribute effectively to the enhancement of student mobility in Higher<br />

Education<br />

These goals are being realised by several projects and actions, which are possible to<br />

realise and with much more ease and effectiveness due to the location of the ESN<br />

Office and House:<br />

1. ESNSurvey Project<br />

- realise project of ESNSurvey 2006<br />

- prepare summary of results and printed detailed report<br />

- present results to Erasmus Team (Jean Monnet Unit) and Cabinet of<br />

Commissioner Figel and to all stakeholders considered important (EC,<br />

MEP Commission of Education and Culture, Brussels organisations,<br />

National Socrates Agencies, other ESN contacts)<br />

- present results on EAIE conference in Basel<br />

- present results on conference organised by ESN (in Brussels 18/01)<br />

- write 2 articles to educational newspapers (e.g. Forum of EAIE)<br />

2. 20 Years of Erasmus Programme<br />

- prepare the Opening Conference where we will discuss how to enhance<br />

Erasmus Programme for the future<br />

- open page www.20erasmus.eu and produce CDs promoting Erasmus<br />

Programme<br />

- engage several partners for the project, also local Belgian partners<br />

- inform National Agencies about event by National Representatives<br />

- support for the poster exhibition in Madou Tower (EC) and participation in<br />

the opening event of it<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

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- organise Erasmus Days around Europe with collaboration of several other<br />

NGOs<br />

3. Contact with the European Commission, Committee the Regions (described in<br />

the separate chapters)<br />

4. Contact with international student organisations (e.g. JADE, AEGEE, BEST,<br />

ELSA, EMSA, IAPPS, other IFISO members)<br />

- organising formal and informal meetings<br />

- informing about our activities and getting support<br />

- building collaboration on the local level<br />

5. Contact with professional organisations (e.g. EAIE, UNICA, COIMBRA,<br />

Compostela Group Of Universities, EUA, ACA)<br />

- organising formal and informal meetings<br />

- informing about our activities and getting support<br />

6. Participation in events taking place in Brussels (see events’ reports)<br />

7. Applying for administrative grant<br />

- meeting with Mrs. Grombeerg<br />

- gathering information from sections’ questionnaire<br />

- submitting the grant<br />

8. Applying for Accompanying Measures grant for 20 anniversary CD and booklet<br />

9. Application for European Youth Forum<br />

- submitting an application for candidate membership<br />

- meeting in Brussels to learn about application<br />

- study visit in the ESN Office<br />

10. Healthly Erasmus Project with European Medical Student Association for year<br />

<strong>2007</strong>/2008<br />

- preparation of the project<br />

- looking for possible source of support<br />

11. Meeting with companies that have their seat in Brussels for possible partnerships<br />

and sponsorships as well in Belgium and in neighbouring countries<br />

12. Reaching European Media<br />

- partnership with Cafe’ Babel<br />

- contact to media that have correspondents responsible for European<br />

affairs based in Brussels<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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20 Years of Erasmus Programme - Project<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

In the year <strong>2007</strong> Erasmus Programme will celebrate the 20 Anniversary. This<br />

programme led Europe into its new stage: the age of mobile society with students<br />

improving their skills during their studies at universities abroad, culturally competent and<br />

tolerant.<br />

Also the birth of ESN is linked to the idea of Erasmus. The idea to create a network<br />

that will assist students when abroad was in fact born during the first Erasmus<br />

evaluation meeting. The first generation of Erasmus felt need to support future Erasmus<br />

students and therefore created a network of organisations to put in practice the motto of<br />

students helping students. From the group of 32 students, ESN grew to become the<br />

widest network engaged in fostering student mobility with 10,000 active volunteers in 30<br />

countries.<br />

By celebration of the 20 Anniversary ESN wants to show the importance of the<br />

academic mobility to all the European citizens and demonstrate how by the meeting<br />

of other cultures we can create a better Europe for the future.<br />

The organiser is whole Erasmus Student Network, so being the ESN local sections,<br />

ESN National Boards and the International Board.<br />


I. To promote Erasmus and exchange to local students and to encourage more<br />

students to go abroad and to promote ESN.<br />

II. To make the European citizens understand the importance of mobility and of<br />

Erasmus scheme.<br />

II. To gather comments on Erasmus Programme from exchange students in order to<br />

design better exchanges in the future and to pass the comments to the Stakeholders.<br />

ESN Team of the project on the international level:<br />

• Ewa Krzaklewska, Coordinator, responsible from the Board for the project<br />

• Davide Capecchi, sponsoring & marketing and coordination with the EC<br />

• Zahira Servera, Intern of the project, Conference Organisation and general support<br />

• Antonio de Marco, Web support<br />

• Francesco Ricci, Web support<br />

• Emanuela Ascoli, ESN Genova, conference registration<br />

• Iza Kwiatkowska, Sponsoring & marketing<br />

• Seweryn Krupnik, ESN Survey 2006 Analysis<br />

• Jakob Smets, external contacts support pus CNR organisation<br />

• Ivana Petricevic, CNR meeting organisation<br />

• Magda Niemcewicz, production of materials, research team for ESN Survey 2006<br />

• Marzena Augustyn, ESN AE Krakow, press contacts<br />

• Diana Ivan, member of the 20 Erasmus Working Group<br />

• Tiina Naskali, member of the 20 Erasmus Working Group<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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Grant Partners of the project (at the date)<br />

- Università Bocconi<br />

- SkyEurope Airlines<br />

Grant Supporters of the project<br />

- European Commission<br />

- Committee of the Regions (for conference)<br />

Supporters of the project<br />

- De Buren Vlaams-Nederlands Huis (for conference)<br />

- Flamish Socrates Agency (for conference)<br />

- AEGEE<br />

- European Medical Student Association<br />

Partners of the project<br />

- Rete Civica di Milano<br />

- Koeweiden Postma<br />

- Arscolor<br />

Media partners<br />

- Cafe Babel<br />

- Deutsche Welle<br />

Contact<br />

secretariat@20erasmus.eu<br />

www.20erasmus.eu<br />

Celebrations<br />

1. Opening Conference of the 20 Years of Erasmus Programme<br />

Title: An Enhanced Erasmus Programme for a Stronger Europe.<br />

Location: Committee of Regions, Rue Belliard 99/101, Brussels.<br />

Date: 18-19 of January <strong>2007</strong><br />

Patronages:<br />

Michel Delebarre: President of the Committee of Regions.<br />

Margot Wallström: Vice-President of the European Commission.<br />

Jan Figel’: European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and<br />

Multilingualism.<br />


In the framework of the celebrations for the 20 Years of the Erasmus Programme, this<br />

one-day conference aims at analysing the relationship between Higher Education<br />

mobility, employability, competitiveness and the contribution to the strengthening of the<br />

idea of Europe in its values through the Socrates/Erasmus programme in its day-by-day<br />

practice.<br />

Particular attention will be given to the actual implementation of the programme, by<br />

giving floor to the voices of the 20.000 respondents to the 2005 and 2006 ESN Survey<br />

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on Exchange Students’ Rights, and by creating a dialogue between them and the<br />

European Commission, represented at the highest possible level.<br />

The conference will be a unique opportunity for investigating the suspected gap<br />

between political theory and concrete execution of the Erasmus Programme, while<br />

producing suggestions and recommendations for its successful development and<br />

enhancement.<br />

Its final purpose will be on one hand to provide the Commission with more material for<br />

the planning of the new Life-Long Learning programmes, and evaluation tools for<br />

immediate ameliorating actions; on the other hand to create amongst the Erasmus<br />

students a deeper awareness of their role in the creation of a better European society.<br />

18 January <strong>2007</strong>, hosted by the Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99-101<br />

8.30 – 9.30 Registration<br />

• Welcome Ewa Krzaklewska (Erasmus Student Network, coordinator of the<br />

conference, plus announcement of the competition for the best slogan for the 20<br />

Years of Erasmus Programme)<br />

• Welcome by the Mr Jyrki Myllyvirta (President of the Commission for Culture,<br />

Education and Research, Committee of the Regions)<br />

• Opening Speech Margot Wallström (European Commission, Vice President)<br />

10.30 Generation Erasmus<br />

• Erasmus, flagship for student mobility and cooperation: Davide Capecchi<br />

(Erasmus Student Network, President)<br />

• Generation Mobility. The impact of Erasmus on Career Development: Kirsten<br />

Williamson (Petrus Communications, Managing Director)<br />

11.00 Experiences of Three Generations of Erasmus<br />

• My Erasmus Experience (Erasmus student during the first phase of the<br />

Programme: 1987-1995)<br />

• My Erasmus Experience (Erasmus student during the Socrates Programme:<br />

1995-1999)<br />

• My Erasmus Experience (Erasmus student during the Socrates II Programme:<br />

2000-2006)<br />

• Short opinions from the Erasmus students about their exchange<br />

12.30 Lunch offered by the Committee of the Regions<br />

13.30 The Reality of the Erasmus Programme<br />

• The Professional Value of ERASMUS: Kerstin Janson (International Centre for<br />

Higher Education Research Kassel, researcher)<br />

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secretariat@esn.org<br />

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• Our Erasmus experiences: 20.000 answers to the ESN Survey: Ewa<br />

Krzaklewska (Erasmus Student Network, Vice President)<br />

14.30 Coffee break<br />

14.45 Panel discussion: An Enhanced Future of Erasmus?<br />

• Moderator: Andrea Sironi, Dean for International Affairs, Universita' Bocconi<br />

• Mrs. Belén Bernaldo de Quirós, Head of the Unit Erasmus and Jean Monnet,<br />

European Commission<br />

• Bernd Wächter, Academic Cooperation Association (ACA)<br />

• Giorgio Marinoni, National Representative of Italy, Erasmus Student Network<br />

• Former Erasmus student<br />

• Recommendations from the Erasmus students<br />

16.00 Summary and closing speech: Odile Quintin, Directorate General EAC<br />

Education and Culture, Director-General<br />

16.30 Presentation of the celebrations of Erasmus Student Network for 20 Years<br />

of Erasmus<br />

• General schedule<br />

• Announcing the Erasmus Van Tour<br />

• Announcement for the motto of the celebrations<br />

Evening:<br />

21.00 – till dawn... Erasmus Birthday Party with participation of Jan Figel’ (European<br />

Commission)<br />

A glass of champagne to start the Erasmus Year offered by le YOU and the Birthday<br />

Cake offered by Universitaire Associatie Brussel at 22.00<br />

You Night Club, 18 rue Duquesnoy, 1000 Brussels, www.youniversity.be<br />

(entrance with badges, if you are not participating in the conference but want to come to<br />

the party contact secretariat@20erasmus.eu)<br />

19 January <strong>2007</strong>, diverse locations<br />

10.00 – 13.00 Workshop: How to organise Erasmus Days and host an Erasmus<br />

Van? (for ESN sections and universities exclusively)<br />

Introduction: Jan Figel’ (European Commission)<br />

Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99-101, Brussels, room 51<br />

14.00 – 19.00 Council of National Representatives hosted by the Flemish National<br />

Socrates Agency (for National Representatives and the ESN Board)<br />

For everybody, possible visits to:<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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• European Parliament (Rue Wiertz 60, Metro Maelbek, Luxemburg Train<br />

Station); Friday 9.45, individual trip, just appear on the meeting point for visitors<br />

on the left from the main entrance, free<br />

• Erasmus House (Rue du Chapître 31, Metro Saint Guidon), free entrance for<br />

participants who show the Conference badge from the 19 th till 21st January, from<br />

10-12 and 2-17; special guided visit for the first 20 registered at the registration<br />

desk for Friday 19th from 15.30 till 17<br />

• ESN House (Rue Hydraulique 15, Metro Madou) by appointment with<br />

secretariat@20erasmus.eu<br />

20.00 Taste of Erasmus – open event in de Buren (www.deburen.eu) with Erasmus<br />

movies and food from all over Europe (admission with invitations, ask for them during<br />

the conference on registration desk)<br />

See description of the event at<br />

http://www.deburen.eu/pgm_detail.php?lan=en&main=43&id=124<br />

The results of the conference will be published in the booklet with the outcomes of<br />

the 20 Years of Erasmus Programme project.<br />

2. Erasmus Days<br />

In order to give access to events to many possible audiences and nationalities, several<br />

conferences will be organised in all European countries by local organisations of ESN or<br />

other networks. Universities and local authorities are invited to support the projects.<br />

Erasmus Days timing: April – June<br />

Number of events: from 10 to 50, or more...<br />

Erasmus Days will be local events such as conferences, possibly accompanied by an<br />

Infomarket (fair about different Erasmus destinations, and exchange or internship<br />

opportunities). Possibly, the Erasmus Days will take place in 30 countries in Europe and<br />

beyond.<br />

Other more creative ideas are to be discussed, among those we are proposing:<br />

• Euro dinner or cultural evening with foreign students<br />

• short film festival<br />

• screening of the movies about Erasmus and exchange<br />

• Contest of the funniest story, dairy etc.<br />

• parade<br />

• information meeting with students about exchange<br />

• campaign in high school<br />

• discussion circle about Erasmus with exchange students<br />

Start in <strong>Prague</strong> – the van will depart from the Annual General Meeting held in <strong>Prague</strong><br />

(22-26 March <strong>2007</strong>) where all the ESN members gather (about 500 people). The<br />

celebrations will accompany the departure of the van. To see more information visit:<br />

www.agmprague.org<br />

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Erasmus Van with ESN volunteers will visit the most important of those conferences<br />

gathering opinions of students and local citizens about Erasmus Programme. The van<br />

will be decorated, with music, flags and joyful atmosphere. Special thanks go to ESN<br />

Famagusta, Eastern Mediterranean University and Moner Murtaja for providing ESN<br />

with the physical car that will tour Europe.<br />

The van will promote Erasmus and gather opinions of students about the exchange<br />

(in the comment book, by interviews etc). The gathered results will be presented in the<br />

main conference in Lisbon in October.<br />

Erasmus Van will do a road to visit at least 15-20 countries and their main cities. It will<br />

be possibly parked on the main city squares, near universities etc. The volunteers from<br />

the van will attend the Local conferences with the expertise speeches. Several guests<br />

will be invited to travel with the van (actors, local authorities, student organisations<br />

representatives, famous or locally successful ex-Erasmus students etc).<br />

The van will also gather opinions of students about the exchange (in the comment book,<br />

by interviews etc). The gathered results will be presented in the main conference in<br />

Lisbon.<br />

Promotional materials will be given to students during the van tour and during all<br />

Erasmus Days. The main one is an Interactive CD on Erasmus that will target the<br />

young students from high school, colleges and those who have just started the<br />

university. The aim of the CD is to provide information about exchange programmes<br />

and encourage students to go study abroad. The CD will have interactive, innovative<br />

character, in order to reach young, technologically advanced young generation. It will<br />

include: student stories, photographs, simulation of Erasmus stay in form of the game,<br />

short movies, information about mobility and Europe as a destination.<br />

3. Closing conference in Lisbon<br />

The closing conference in Lisbon will take place in October <strong>2007</strong>. The conference is<br />

organised by the Directorate for Education and Culture of the European Commission,<br />

and it will gather stakeholders and decision-makers in the area of education and<br />

academic exchange. Also former Erasmus students will be invited to share their<br />

experience and opinions. The results of the Erasmus Days will be presented during this<br />

conference. Moreover, the winning photographs from photo competition will be<br />

presented during the conference. Local conferences with the expertise speeches.<br />

Several VIP guests will be invited to travel with the van (actors, local authorities,<br />

student organisations representatives, famous or locally successful ex-Erasmus<br />

students etc).<br />

Virtual space celebrations<br />

Story and photo competition at www.20erasmus.eu<br />

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The best way to reach the youth is through the Internet. This is why the special website<br />

on the 20 Anniversary of Erasmus will be created.<br />

The website will have those parts:<br />

• Stories. "Erasmus stories" – space for Erasmus to share their experiences and<br />

comments<br />

• Photos. Best Erasmus photo competition (exhibition to be presented in Lisbon)<br />

• Information. Descriptions of Erasmus Programme and how to take part, with<br />

Frequently Asked Questions section.<br />

• Voice files. Every user will be offered the chance to upload voices and music.<br />

• Slogan. Competition for high school students “My international dream” for the<br />

best slogan promoting international mobility<br />

• <strong>Blog</strong>. Erasmus Van <strong>Blog</strong> with reports, photos and movies from Erasmus Days<br />

Let’s celebrate it everywhere!<br />

This is ESN celebrations and all ESN members are invited to take active part in the<br />

preparation and in the celebrations itself. By working together and celebrating<br />

together we can make the year <strong>2007</strong> being a year of Erasmus but also a year of<br />

ESN.<br />

Join the Team! You can join 20 Years of Erasmus Programme Team, write to<br />

secretariat@20erasmus.eu! An international team is working to make the celebrations<br />

big!<br />

Add your Erasmus Experience to www.20erasmus.eu - we are gathering the<br />

documentation on the Erasmus Programme and its alumni<br />

Organise Erasmus Days! – All ESN sections are invited to organise an Erasmus Day<br />

with collaboration with your university, city and other student associations! The van can<br />

also come to your city and to your section!<br />

ESNCard<br />

Written by Corinne Bryner, Treasurer<br />

ESNCard is the symbol of a new generation of students: mobile, active and successful!<br />

Why ESNCard was created<br />

In their process of development and growth, most ESN Sections started to issue and<br />

sell to exchange students membership cards, which were used to identify ESN students<br />

and give them access to parties, trips and other events with a discount. The principle of<br />

economies of scales, that one common project can achieve much more than many<br />

small ones, generated the ESNCard. It is a media of generating financial support and<br />

increasing PR on international, national and local level of ESN.<br />

About ESNCard<br />

ESN Card can be bought from the International Board by writing to esncard@esn.org.<br />

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Price: 0.70€ / card plus sending costs if sending is wished (around 20€ depending on<br />

quantity ordered and country)<br />

Sections can buy directly from the International Board and sell the cards to their<br />

members for a self defined price<br />

Some countries have an national agreement with their National Board. In this case,<br />

sections have to buy the cards from the National Board, this rule is valid for Austria,<br />

Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and Switzerland.<br />

Online ESNCommunity<br />

Every issued ESN card is accompanied with an activation code. To take advantage of<br />

international services such as the 15% reduction on all SkyEurope flights, and to access<br />

national and local discounts, an ESNCard holder can activate his ESNCard on<br />

www.esn.org/esncard. Activation provides ESNCard holders the unique login for online<br />

ESNCommunity and Galaxy.<br />

ESNCard 2006<br />

In 2006 40’000 ESNCards were produced and distributed to ESN sections in 20<br />

countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Greece,<br />

Hungary, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Spain,<br />

Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey.<br />

Main sponsors of the project were Swisscare, ESN favourite student insurance, and<br />

SkyEurope, ESN favourite low-fare airlines.<br />

To promote the new logo, 10 free cards were sent to every section in the PR package<br />

during August. To help informing local students about ESNCard, free posters of<br />

ESNCard were sent to all ESNCard using sections.<br />

Local discounts<br />

Most of the value of the ESNCard is provided on the local level: so we encourage all<br />

sections to seek for best deals and services for the benefit of the exchange students!<br />

Soon an online system for uploading local deals will be available, in order to create a<br />

central database containing all the information for the ESNCard holder.<br />

ESNCard Coordinator<br />

Written by Nick Andries, ESNCard Coordinator<br />

The true spirit of professionalism requires a decent follow-up of previous achievements.<br />

ESN International has been taking large steps over the past few years, and this<br />

shouldn’t be left for waste. The task of ESN Card project manager was called to life to<br />

handle at least this part of the growing tasks of the board.<br />

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Initially, light needed to be shed over the procedure. Last year was a success, and this<br />

year could be better. The original structure was kept at first, with delivery being<br />

processed through Brussels, and questions, orders and invoicing being done through<br />

esncard@esn.org. Later on, the tasks shifted internally, and the latter three were split<br />

up between the PR manager, the treasurer, and me. And admit it, being called manager<br />

always sounds nice, doesn’t it.<br />

In a final stage I calculated the sending costs based on weight, and we changed the<br />

existing rule of paying for sending costs per card. Up to now, this has proven efficient.<br />

Now, the results! I noticed that many sections had a large leftover stock. We traded in<br />

some old cards for new ones at half price, and we even still sold old cards. This makes<br />

the calculation of an accurate result difficult. Therefore I’m not going to do it! Let it be<br />

said that we got rid of about 20000 new cards, and a couple of thousand old ones.<br />

Basically it makes me think that most sections are now well aware of their needs, and<br />

next year very precise orders will be made.<br />

I highly support the card, as I did when it was first launched. Also thanks to Skyeurope<br />

and Swisscare, the value of the card exceeds its cost many times. For those who<br />

haven’t joined the project, I urge you to do so. You will pay some money, but you’ll win it<br />

back in no time. If you need more info, I’ll be at the bar. Cheers.<br />

ESNSurvey 2006 – report<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

Research of Erasmus Student Network concentrates on evaluation of the quality of<br />

student exchange. Already more than 20,000 students participated in the editions of<br />

ESNSurvey 2005 and 2006. Students filled in online survey which concerned issues<br />

such as quality of services offered by university, satisfaction with studies and stay, help<br />

of student organisations.<br />

Supporters of the Survey:<br />

��Main<br />

partner: Università Bocconi<br />

��Programmes:<br />

Central European Exchange Programme for University Students<br />

(CEEPUS)<br />

��Student<br />

organisations: AEGEE, ESIB, JADE, EMSA<br />

��Educational<br />

organisations: Academic Cooperation Association, Coimbra Group of<br />

Universities, Compostela Group of Universities, Conference of Italian University<br />

Rectors, UK Socrates Erasmus Council (UKESC), UNICA<br />

ESNSurvey 2006 explored the issue of exchange students’ rights. One of the main<br />

aims was to see if the Erasmus University Charter signed by the institutions<br />

participating in Erasmus exchange is being respected.<br />

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During three months, ESNSurvey on exchange students’ rights received more than<br />

12,000 answers!!! It is an amazing success that we managed to achieve as a network<br />

of ESN sections, and by networking with many other educational associations, both<br />

student and professional. We thank all ESN sections and all supporters in promoting<br />

and distributing the survey and special thanks got to our main partner the Università<br />

Bocconi from Milan, Italy.<br />

Who responded to the survey?<br />

Survey gathered altogether 12,396 responses. This article will include information about<br />

10,976 (91%) of respondents, specifically about those who studied abroad through<br />

Socrates/Erasmus Programme. Other 9% of respondents studied abroad through the<br />

bilateral agreements between universities, CEEPUS Programme, governmental<br />

programmes and similar.<br />

The countries that our respondents have chosen most frequently as exchange<br />

destinations were Spain (11%), France (10%), Germany (10%), Italy (9%), the<br />

Netherlands (8%) and the United Kingdom (8%).<br />

What about Erasmus Charter?<br />

Every university that takes part in Erasmus Programme is compelled to follow the<br />

guidelines included in the Erasmus Charter. It highlights some distinguishing features<br />

of Erasmus mobility; the institutional foundation of Erasmus, being based on<br />

agreements between universities, free tuition and full recognition of studies abroad.<br />

Other points included in Erasmus charter are: usage of ECTS or comparable system,<br />

linguistic preparation, provision of information, integration of incoming students,<br />

assistance in looking for accommodation and many others. Let us see how the situation<br />

on European level looks like.<br />

Academic recognition<br />

‘I got a B for my all semester in Estonia and they recalculated my semester abroad and<br />

put me an E. Saying that you can not compare our school to the university in Estonia.’<br />

76% of students knew their home university was using ECTS (European Credit Transfer<br />

System), 21% said it was not. Only 4% of Erasmus students did not know what ECTS is<br />

(comparing to 12% of non-Erasmus).<br />

When it comes to recognition of the academic achievements abroad, about half of the<br />

students (52%) had all their courses recognized by their home university, 28% most of<br />

the courses, 13% only few courses and 7% did not receive any recognition. 28% lost a<br />

semester of their studies at home university because they went on exchange.<br />

Out of those students who did internship, 50% was granted ECTS credits for it. At the<br />

same time, out of those who did volunteer work, only 14% received ECTS credits.<br />

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More Erasmus than non-Erasmus received recognition for their non-formal learning<br />

experience.<br />

Courses<br />

‘A professor refuse to let me in a course and the only explanation that I get was that I<br />

am an exchange student and resident students are with privilege about this course.’<br />

79% of the students were able to freely choose courses at the host university. There<br />

are different opinions about the amount of the work on the host university: 29%<br />

believed the amount of work was the same. 34% of students believed they worked more<br />

at home, 26% that they worked more at the host university.<br />

<strong>Free</strong> tuition<br />

‘Exchange students do not have to pay the term fees, only the registration fees (15<br />

Euro/ semester).’<br />

56% of students did not have to pay any fees. 8% of students had to pay some tuition<br />

costs and 24% registration fees. Few had to pay for laboratory (2%), exams (2%) and<br />

library fees (6%). According to exchange students, the fees for them and local students<br />

were comparable (56%) or even favourable for foreign guests (34%).<br />

“Erasmus students were practically not able to use the faculty library, because they<br />

were required to return all books 2 months before they leave. Since this coincides with<br />

the exams period, I sincerely do not know how we were expected to prepare for exams,<br />

as some could not be bought in shops any more.”<br />

Language Issues<br />

‘I couldn’t take a Dutch course because the host university thought that Spanish people<br />

must improve their English first of trying to learn another language.’<br />

62% of students were offered the opportunity to participate in the language course<br />

before their stay abroad. 57% of students participated in it, and out of those 41% were<br />

granted ECTS for attendance.<br />

English Language is becoming language of student mobility. 27% of Erasmus students<br />

said that all courses at the university were in English (comparing to 37% of non-<br />

Erasmus), 44% that some of the courses, 29% that they did not have any courses in<br />

English (comparing to 16% of non-Erasmus).<br />

Provision of information<br />

‘Some information was just available in Norwegian, especially about some "hidden"<br />

rules regarding exams.‘<br />

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Erasmus students were not much satisfied with provision of information from home<br />

university – they rated it as 3 (measured on the scale from 1 to 5). Information from host<br />

university is evaluated a bit better - 3,5.<br />

Summarizing, Erasmus Charter in Europe is partially guarded. The biggest issue is<br />

recognition; only half of students received full recognition of their period abroad. Of<br />

course the reasons might be various: it might have also happened that students, having<br />

been aware of partial recognition, had chosen Erasmus because of other advantages it<br />

gives them.<br />

Secondly, Erasmus students received more recognition for non-formal learning<br />

experiences than non-Erasmus students. These numbers should be improved within<br />

next phase of Erasmus Programme. The provision of relevant information to exchange<br />

students appears also as a serious issue, as it may exclude students from the local<br />

community and make then feel insecure.<br />

According to Erasmus students, Erasmus Student Network shall focus on<br />

intervention in the area of:<br />

• financial issues 29%<br />

• access to exchange programmes 16%<br />

• information about mobility possibilities 16%<br />

• recognition of academic and non-academic achievements 13%<br />

All the information about the survey can be found at www.esn.org/survey<br />

Team of the Survey Project:<br />

Ewa Krzaklewska – coordinator, research and analysis<br />

Seweryn Krupnik – research and analysis<br />

Antonio de Marco – web support<br />

Toon Macharis – web support<br />

Agnieszka Sapiejka , Laurence Banville, Jakob Smets - promotion<br />

How the results can help exchange students?<br />

Every section that will ask will recieve the personalised results for themselves. With this<br />

results you can go to your University authorities to tell them what is good about being<br />

Erasmus students at that University and what are aspects to be improved. The same<br />

action should be taken by a National Representative of the country, by showing the<br />

results to the National Agency of Erasmus (list here:<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/socrates/nat-est_en.html)<br />

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Long Term Vision<br />

Created by the ESN Long Term Vision Working Group<br />

Coordinator: Vojtech Oplestil (Czech Republic)<br />

Active members: Nicola Casati (Italy), Giorgio Marinoni (Italy), Pascal Gemperli<br />

(Switzerland), Rasmus Bodin Lofgren (Sweden), Lydia Lostan, Markéta Karamonová<br />

(Czech Republic), Davide Capecchi (Italy), Fabrizio Costantino (Italy)<br />

Note: We strongly recommend to read the full report of our working group. This way you<br />

can obtain more details of the scenarios, more results of the SWOT analysis and also<br />

more information about the work we have done. This text is just a summary of the<br />

report.<br />

You can download the full report from the website of <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>2007</strong><br />

(http://www.isc.cvut.cz/agm<strong>2007</strong>), www.esn.org or you can also ask your NR for help.<br />

Structure of this text<br />

In the „Introduction“ part the need for a new long term vision is presented. The „Survey“<br />

part addresses the survey conducted among ESN members which provided initial data<br />

for the long term vision creation. The results of this survey are concluded in the<br />

„Conclusions from the SWOT analyses“ text. „The decision tree“ presents the way you<br />

or the sections can decide on the future of ESN as it will be described by the long term<br />

vision. „Scenarios“ then describes the four variants of the long term vision. Read them<br />

carefully as there will be vote on these four options. Finally, after one of the scenarios is<br />

chosen some statutes changes may be necessary – they are proposed in the „Proposed<br />

statutes changes“.<br />

Introduction<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President of ESN<br />

It was in Krakow’s Action List for the Board to set up a Working Group in order to<br />

analyse the current structure of ESN: “where do we want ESN to go in the future? What<br />

are the challenges that we will need to face for achieving our newly approved Mission?”<br />

– these were the main questions we were to address.<br />

ESN achieved, during the past months, most of the main points that the organisation<br />

was to achieve: landing to Brussels, legal registration, new corporate identity, renewed<br />

website, enhanced and stronger reputation gained amongst stakeholders, involvement<br />

in decision-making processes, ESNCard with major advantages, ESNCommunity,<br />

stable (almost) financial resources, the Accompanying Measures grant meant to<br />

celebrate 20 Years of Erasmus Programme (we all remember the great conference in<br />

Brussels of 18 th January with Margot Wallström and Jan Figel’).<br />

Furthermore, ESN was receiving many applications from countries outside the<br />

geographical borders of Europe. E.g. Australia, Israel, United States: how to deal with<br />

such enquiries?<br />

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It is necessary at this time to understand the process of growth of ESN and to set a<br />

strategic plan that would embrace the long term, i.e. 10 years.<br />

Immense opportunities are ahead. The time to take a decision is the <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>2007</strong>, and<br />

the main once cannot be postponed.<br />

In September 2006 a Working Group was set up comprising of several current and<br />

former National Representatives, former President of ESN and several other ESN<br />

members.<br />

Survey<br />

Written by Nicola Casati, Member of ESN Long Term Vision Working Group<br />

After a brainstorming about the different issues ESN might face in near future a survey<br />

was developed to get better understanding of where ESN wants to go in the future.<br />

Using the output from the survey the LTV working group prepared some possible<br />

scenarios to be voted at the <strong>AGM</strong>. The survey was structured in two parts, a SWOT<br />

(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of the Network and the<br />

second part contained several questions about possible evolutions. These open<br />

questions gave the opportunity to the Survey participants to freely state their views. The<br />

Survey was promoted among the ESN members through the Monthly Mail, NRs,<br />

website and in Regional Platforms where workshops on the topic were also held. The<br />

survey was launched mid October 2006 and closed mid December 2006. We received<br />

alltogether 296 answers. We thank everyone for participating.<br />

Conclusions from the SWOT analyses<br />

Written by Vojtěch Opleštil and Giorgio Marinoni, ESN Long Term Vision Working<br />

Group members<br />

Here is the list of conclusions from the Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat analysis<br />

we consider being the most important.<br />

(Note: Conclusions marked with “⇒” sign were used for creation of the scenarios.)<br />

⇒ The biggest weakness is the lack of strong link between the different levels of<br />

ESN, or in different words the growing gap between them.<br />

⇒ ESN should not set a border to its expansion.<br />

⇒ ESN should create a solidarity fund to support sections in need or to develop<br />

specific projects (what sources and which steps to be taken should be<br />

discussed).<br />

⇒ Sections should rather compulsorily provide information on the kind of support<br />

given to students.<br />

⇒ ESN should rather not have all board members permanently in Brussels.<br />

• The respondents see more strengths than weaknesses.<br />

• Almost all of the strengths are perceived as (quite) important whereas none of<br />

the weaknesses is perceived as important.<br />

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• The most important strengths are:<br />

o our shared mission,<br />

o the fact that ESN is big,<br />

o the „side benefits“ of the Europe-wide network such as having friends and<br />

contact with sections all over Europe and the huge networking opportunities.<br />

• The registration of the association and logo in Brussels and office and house in<br />

Brussels is perceived as the least important strength.<br />

• ESN is not perceived as excessively big.<br />

• Respondents see neither clear opportunity nor clear threat among those we<br />

suggested in the survey.<br />

• Clear majority of the respondents want to have a seat in Brussels.<br />

• ESN should not purchase a house and office in Brussels. Here we think that a<br />

discussion on long and short term implications is needed, i.e. to find out whether<br />

this statement is valid also for long term.<br />

• ESN should not hire professionals to work in the Brussels office to gain<br />

professionalism.<br />

• ESN should not fund and organize exchange programs by itself.<br />

• There is no conclusion on making the use of the logo and corporate identity<br />

compulsory for sections (discussion on this topic should be fostered).<br />

• ESN definitely should not completely change its current structure to achieve its<br />

goals.<br />

• The best way to deal with expanding to far away countries is:<br />

⇒ Creating a federative structure in different areas of the world (continents),<br />

Brussels being anyway the central headquarter (38,2 % of respondents was<br />

in favour of this option in case of expansion);<br />

⇒ Keep the current structure but organize online participation to the plenary<br />

sessions if travelling is too expensive (21,6 %);<br />

⇒ Fostering the creation of similar network in other areas but separated from<br />

ESN (at least in this stage) (21,3%);<br />

o This means that almost 60% of respondents believe that the structure should<br />

be changed (in case of expansion). We do not think this clashes with the<br />

results of the question „ESN definitely should not completely change its<br />

current structure to achieve its goals.“ because this is rather adapting the<br />

current structure to the new needs than changing it completely.<br />

• We did also some cross analysis to find some deeper interpretation of the<br />

results. Cross analysis means that we checked if the answers to related<br />

questions (i.e. shall ESN expand, do we need more board members constantly in<br />

Brussels) had answers that would be correlated (i.e. person answering that ESN<br />

shall expand has considered that it would require more board members to take<br />

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care of the extra work load)..<br />

• We found out that people who are afraid of loosing the volunteering soul do not<br />

want all the board members working in Brussels. This comes from the cross<br />

analysis of question 7. What is the most important threat ESN faces in the<br />

future? which was answered by “Loosing the volunteering soul and becoming too<br />

professional” and the question 10. ESN should have all board members<br />

permanently in Brussels.<br />

The respondents who strongly disagree with setting up borders to ESN’s expansion<br />

mostly prefer „Creating a federative structure in different areas of the world (continents),<br />

Brussels being anyway the central headquarters“. This comes from the cross analysis of<br />

question 21. Which among the following is the best way to deal with expanding to far<br />

away countries (just in case)? and answer “Creating a federative structure in different<br />

areas of the world (continents), Brussels being anyway the central headquarter” and<br />

question 19. ESN should set a border to its expansion and accept sections from far<br />

away (Australia, India, etc.).<br />

We also made one mistake�.<br />

In the question 16. More <strong>AGM</strong>s should be organized (e.g. twice a year) we had different<br />

version of the question on-line and different version in the hard copy used at the Nordic<br />

Network Meeting. Anyway, 240 people answered the above mentioned version of the<br />

question whereas the rest (56 respondents) answered the following version of the<br />

question: More <strong>AGM</strong>s should be organized or the plenary sessions should be increased<br />

(with respect to partying). However, the majority of respondents seem to believe that<br />

more <strong>AGM</strong>s are not needed.<br />

The decision tree<br />

Written by Vojtěch Opleštil, Coordinator of ESN Long Term Vision Working Group<br />

For creation of the scenarios we chose several conclusions from the SWOT analysis<br />

and used them as the points of a decision tree or a plan of roads which ESN can walk in<br />

the future. The conclusions were:<br />

• The biggest weakness is the lack of strong link between the different levels of<br />

ESN. – This conclusion was used as the initial point of the decision tree with<br />

the only „yes“ value possible.<br />

• ESN should not set a border to its expansion. – This conclusion was used as<br />

yes/no part of the decision tree.<br />

• ESN should create a solidarity fund to support sections in need or to develop<br />

specific projects. – This conclusion was used as yes/no part of the decision<br />

tree.<br />

• Sections should rather compulsorily provide information on the kind of support<br />

given to students. – This conclusion was used as yes/no part of the decision<br />

tree.<br />

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• ESN should rather not have all board members permanently in Brussels. –<br />

This conclusion was used as yes/no part of the decision tree.<br />

If you look at the decision tree picture you will see that there are 3 points at which you<br />

should choose your way. They are listed on the right hand side of the picture. These are<br />

the trigger events that require “strategic” decision for the organization as a whole (i.e<br />

yes/no for certain step).<br />

The starting point in our decision tree is the assumption that the link between different<br />

ESN levels should be improved. We concluded that this assumption is nowadays crucial<br />

for the Network and that is why we consider it to be necessary in all the scenarios. The<br />

reason for this was the output of the survey showing that the gap between the<br />

international and local level might be growing.<br />

As a next step you should decide whether ESN should set borders to its expansion or<br />

not (that is the question number 1). This is the most important question we think. If your<br />

answer is „no“ it means that ESN will not set borders to its expansion. We believe that<br />

such choice implies the obligation of the sections to provide the Board with more<br />

information on their activities and necessary increase of the number of the Board<br />

members working in Brussels. The reason for that is that the Board will have to face<br />

higher workload and all Board members will be needed to deal with it. Apart from that, in<br />

order to keep an overview of what the sections are doing they will be obliged to provide<br />

information. By having all Board members in Brussels the Board will have enough<br />

resources to create the solidarity fund to support extra projects and sections in need.<br />

Then you come to question number 3 – here you will choose the future structure of<br />

ESN. By choosing one of the options you are asking the next Board to prepare Statutes<br />

changes which would reflect the chosen path (i.e. either federative structure or keeping<br />

the current structure with on-line participation at <strong>AGM</strong> allowed). These two options are<br />

necessary to deal with the growing number of sections from distant countries, it is<br />

impossible to keep current structure and grow at the same time.<br />

Lets go back to question number 1. If your answer is „yes” then you will set borders to<br />

ESN’s expansion. This way ESN can devote more resources to the sections in the<br />

European region. Do not forget that you need to choose the borders – see Statutes<br />

changes.<br />

We are now at the question number 2. The implications here are rather stronger, and<br />

because of them we had to group the conclusions in two main groups: if only 3 Board<br />

members are supposed to be in Brussels than they cannot work on a solidarity fund and<br />

to improve the network we believe they need compulsory information from the sections.<br />

If instead all Board members are allowed to be in Brussels they can work on the<br />

solidarity fund and might not need the compulsory information (even if this might prove<br />

useful anyway).<br />

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Scenarios<br />

Written by Long Term Vision Working Group members<br />

For us scenarios represent the way by which we can draw some possible paths of the<br />

future in a comprehensive and easily understandable way.<br />

This way we can present some of the possible states of the future in which ESN plays<br />

the main role. They are rather abstract and general just in order to create a framework<br />

in which the Boards of the future can operate.<br />

Scenario 1<br />

ESN does not put a border to its expansion, so ESN sections can be created in each<br />

country of the world.<br />

To deal with such a big network there are all board members living in Brussels and<br />

working full time for ESN. This change was due to dramatically increase of the amount<br />

of work.<br />

There is a strong cooperation with local sections, which are compulsorily giving<br />

information once a year to the International Board of ESN, increasing the information<br />

flow.<br />

One of the measures employed for fostering the ESN levels’ cohesion is the solidarity<br />

fund created in order to support sections in need or to develop specific projects.<br />

The network is stronger also internally.<br />

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The structure of ESN has not changed but to solve problems like participation to <strong>AGM</strong><br />

to reach the quorum, new measures have been introduced like on line participation.<br />

Scenario 2<br />

ESN does not put a border to its expansion, so ESN sections can be created in each<br />

country of the world.<br />

To deal with such a big network there are all board members living in Brussels and<br />

working full time for ESN. This change was due to dramatically increase of the amount<br />

of work.<br />

There is a strong cooperation with local sections, which are compulsorily giving<br />

information once a year to the International Board of ESN, increasing the information<br />

flow.<br />

One of the measures employed for fostering the ESN levels’ cohesion is the solidarity<br />

fund created in order to support sections in needs or to develop specific projects.<br />

The network is stronger also internally.<br />

ESN International is a federative structure.<br />

Inside each federation the old structure of ESN is maintained but another international<br />

level has been created and some duties and responsibilities have been given to it.<br />

Scenario 3<br />

ESN concentrates on improving the link between the different levels of ESN. In order to<br />

devote maximum of resources of the national and international level to this task it<br />

intentionally resignes on wide expansion – instead it limits its borders to the defined<br />

area (borders of Council of Europe/Europe plus Mediterranean states). The countries<br />

outside of these borders willing to help exchange students are supported by knowledge<br />

sharing but are not becoming a part of ESN.<br />

There is smaller (meaning no full) number of Board members in Brussels HQs. The<br />

result is that the Board is less strong and it limits its possibilities to manage a bigger<br />

workload.<br />

The Board is able to manage current amount of duties and activities but to coordinate<br />

the new strategy to strengthen the network the extra energy needed for it will have to<br />

come from the national and local level, by providing compulsorily information on<br />

sections‘ activities.<br />

Scenario 4<br />

ESN concentrates on improving the link between the different levels of ESN. In order to<br />

devote maximum of resources of the national and international level to this task it<br />

intentionally resigns on wide expansion – instead it limits its borders to the defined area<br />

(borders of Council of Europe/Europe plus Mediterranean states). The countries outside<br />

of these borders willing to help exchange students are supported by knowledge sharing<br />

but are not becoming a part of ESN.<br />

There is the full number Board in Brussels HQs. The result is that the Board is strong so<br />

it can manage a bigger workload.<br />

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The Board is able to manage current amount of duties and activities and initiate and<br />

conduct the new strategy to strengthen the network. One of the measures employed for<br />

fostering the ESN levels‘ cohesion is the solidarity fund created in order to support<br />

sections in need or to develop specific projects.<br />

Proposed statutes changes<br />

Written by Nicola Casati and Giorgio Marinoni, Long Term Vision Working Group<br />

members<br />

Some of the scenarios, if voted by the <strong>AGM</strong>, require some changes of the Statutes of<br />

ESN in order to be implemented properly.<br />

Scenario 1 and 2<br />

In these scenarios only one change is needed and that is the obligation of section to<br />

provide the Board with information on their activities. If approved the sections which do<br />

not provide requested information can be excluded. For some details on the nature of<br />

information provision see the full report.<br />


To add<br />

4.2.8 A section has to provide information on its work to ESN International at least once<br />

a year.<br />

and<br />

4.3.3 Does not provide information to ESN International at least once a year.<br />

Scenario 3<br />

In this scenario ESN sets limits to its expansion. As a limit for the expansion we chose<br />

the list of member countries of the Council of Europe (www.coe.int). Since Morocco is<br />

not a member state and Morocco is already an ESN member state we added Morocco<br />

separately.<br />


Current statutes<br />

4.1 Any student organisation, which operates legally and in accordance with the<br />

principles and aims of ESN, can apply for membership. That organisation will be<br />

represented as such by its president or other legal entity and will be legally based in its<br />

country of origin.<br />

Proposed version<br />

4.1 Any student organisation, which operates legally and in accordance with the<br />

principles and aims of ESN, legally based in a Country that belongs to the Council of<br />

Europe or in already approved ESN countries, can apply for membership. That<br />

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organisation will be represented as such by its president or other legal entity and will be<br />

legally based in its country of origin.<br />

To add<br />

4.2.8 A section has to provide information on its work to ESN International at least once<br />

a year.<br />

and<br />

4.3.3 Does not provide information to ESN International at least once a year.<br />

Scenario 4<br />

In this scenarios ESN sets limits to its expansion. As a limit for the expansion we chose<br />

the list of member countries of the Council of Europe (www.coe.int). Since Morocco is<br />

not a member state and Morocco is already an ESN member state we added Morocco<br />

separately.<br />


Current statutes<br />

4.1 Any student organisation, which operates legally and in accordance with the<br />

principles and aims of ESN, can apply for membership. That organisation will be<br />

represented as such by its president or other legal entity and will be legally based in its<br />

country of origin.<br />

Proposed version<br />

4.1 Any student organisation, which operates legally and in accordance with the<br />

principles and aims of ESN, legally based in a Country that belongs to the Council of<br />

Europe or in already approved ESN countries, can apply for membership. That<br />

organisation will be represented as such by its president or other legal entity and will be<br />

legally based in its country of origin.<br />

Webteam Annual Report<br />

Written by Antonio De Marco (Webmaster), Jonathan Agneessens, Jorge Martínez<br />

López, Andrea Pescetti, Jakub Uniejewski, Peter Vanhee.<br />

This ESN year was marked by an increased attention by the Board and CNR to<br />

Information and Communication Technology within ESN: they allocated resources for<br />

the Webteam that allowed the Webmaster to take part in the Board meetings and the<br />

Webteam to schedule meetings for the first time in history (Milan, July 2006; Koper,<br />

December 2006; Brussels, January <strong>2007</strong>).<br />

This attention was rewarded by a very fruitful year for the Webteam, who could<br />

concentrate on ambitious projects and guarantee results that are bound to last in time.<br />

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The ESN Galaxy<br />

The ESN Galaxy project was conceived to address two shortcomings in the ESN<br />

technological infrastructure:<br />

sections were spending resources to implement the same range of services for<br />

Erasmus students;<br />

information collected at the local level, useful to the whole network, was not shared and<br />

was difficult to reach.<br />

ESN needed a new nervous system to harmonise resources and distribute information.<br />

Three subprojects were created: ESN Solar, ESN Satellite and ESN Planet.<br />

ESN Solar<br />

ESN Solar is a redesign of the http://esn.org website so that, in addition to its usual role<br />

as our institutional web site, it is able to display live information about what's going on in<br />

ESN: information is gathered from the sections web sites and organised so that it is<br />

possible to filter it and display, e.g., a map with all the ESN events the sections have<br />

planned for tonight!<br />

ESN Satellite<br />

ESN Satellite is a free website template for ESN sections, developed and maintained by<br />

the Webteam. It serves two purposes: one in the ESN-to-Sections direction (it is a<br />

service offered by ESN to its sections), one in the Sections-to-ESN direction (Satellite<br />

websites automatically contribute information to the main http://esn.org website). Find<br />

more about ESN Satellite at http://satellite.esn.org.<br />

The ESN Astronauts project was launched in December 2006 to beta-test ESN Satellite<br />

and gather useful feedback by brave volunteer sections, eventually leading to the final<br />

release open to all sections.<br />

ESN Planet<br />

The ESN Planet is a new online community for the ESN section members: Erasmus<br />

students and ESN actives can write about their experience, run a blog, upload media<br />

files, interact with each other. Integration with the other projects guarantees immense<br />

opportunities for improving both the internal communication and the ESN public image:<br />

for the first time, Erasmus students are not just numbers but are protagonists of stories<br />

they can share and comment on, contributing to a colourful and extremely useful<br />

database of Erasmus experiences.<br />

20th Anniversary Website<br />

In the year <strong>2007</strong>, ESN celebrates the 20 Years of Erasmus Programme. These<br />

celebrations are meant to show the importance of Erasmus and demonstrate how by<br />

merging different cultures we can create a stronger Europe.<br />

For the occasion the Board and the webteam have conceived the www.20erasmus.eu<br />

website. The main aim of the website is to gather the Erasmus experiences sent by old<br />

and new Erasmus people from all over Europe.<br />

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Every experience is not only a simply textual report but was designed as a multimedia<br />

experience giving writers the possibility to attach pictures, audio and videos. In order to<br />

have real and useful information about the home and Erasmus destination of each<br />

participant the entire system is empowered with geo-location technology giving the<br />

possibility to enter in great detail the home and destination places.<br />

Not only is www.20erasmus.eu meant to provide very useful information during the 20th<br />

anniversary celebrations, but it also gives ESN the chance to build a community of (ex-<br />

)erasmus students sharing their experience on a common platform.<br />

ESN Community and future developments<br />

The new ESN year comes with a brand new members registration, with better relational<br />

information: all user data are linked with sections and card data. This will make it<br />

possible, as a future development, for a section president to edit his section data, and<br />

so on.<br />

The Community members will be granted access to the ESN Planet as a tool for<br />

strengthening connections within ESN and promote the ESN image.<br />

New ESN Server<br />

From <strong>2007</strong> on ESN has its own server machine. It’s located in Milan (Italy) and housed<br />

by the computer science department of Università degli Studi di Milano (Milan<br />

University) that will provide us with a professional machine room and a very large<br />

bandwidth. Together with a new machine ESN has got a new system administrator who<br />

will take care of it: Ivan Longhi. His office is located in the same department, just a few<br />

metres away from the server.<br />

Communication: ESNSections' Bulletin and Newsletter<br />

Written by Jakob Smets, External Relations<br />

The RBM takes care of the communication media between the international and the<br />

national/local level, as there are:<br />

• The ESN Section’s bulletin: a broad monthly information bulletin with all kinds<br />

of information from the International, national and local level. It also collects past<br />

and future events indirectly dealing with ESN matters. This used to be called the<br />

“Monthly Mail” but the Board decided that within the new Corporate Identity and<br />

for improving the clarity about the audience, a new name was suitable. The ESB<br />

is sent as pdf but plans are to make it html. The ESB is sent to sections, alumni,<br />

the CNR and Board.<br />

• The ESN Newsletter: this newsletter used to be sent as pdf, but together with<br />

the webmaster, we turned it into a nice html-version. This contains very compact<br />

and easy-to-read information on ESN matters, as well as messages from our<br />

sponsors and external events that concern our subscribers. Subscribers are<br />

ESNers as well as people interested in receiving news from our network.<br />

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• The new ESN magazine. In <strong>2007</strong>, two editions of a printed magazine will be<br />

issued. This is a magazine for ESNers by ESNers, also interesting for<br />

universities and other students. Here our members get a platform to write about<br />

nice events, their culture, experiences… The name is yet to be chosen, as this<br />

was formerly known as InCommon.<br />

New InfoCentre<br />

Written by Andrea Pescetti, alumnus member of WEBTEAM<br />

ESN has always needed a repository for internal documents in electronic format, the socalled<br />

InfoCentre.<br />

In September 2006 the existing solutions, which had become malfunctioning and<br />

obsolete, were replaced by a new InfoCentre, with a better organisation of files<br />

suggested by the Knowledge Management Working Group.<br />

Now authorised users (Board and CNR members) can login with a personal password,<br />

download the ESN internal documents, update them or upload new ones; the new<br />

interface is easy to use, secure and, due to regular server backups, guarantees that no<br />

important data is ever lost and that documents will remain accessible to the future<br />

generations of ESN.<br />

Promotion and PR<br />

Written by Magda Niemcewicz, Promotion Coordinator<br />

On 1 July I started my job as an Intern i ESN International Office.<br />

The purpose of my work was to assist the Regular Board Member Jakob Smets in<br />

preparing and producing PR materials for ESN, to develop ESN website and to replace<br />

the Secretary General Ivana Petričević while she was on holidays.<br />

In order to spread the new corporate design and new logo we produced a number of PR<br />

materials - all of them were printed in Poland and sent out to all of ESN sections in<br />

August/September 2006.<br />

During my internship I also translated the constant parts of the ESN website to Polish<br />

and gathered information about various scholarship programmes and opportunities for<br />

European students to include in our website in the future.<br />

After finishing my internship I was offered a position of PR Coordinator of ESN<br />

International. My function is to coordinate the production and distribution of any<br />

promotional materials for ESN International. I contact with the graphic designer, the<br />

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producing companies and then take care of shipping the materials from Poland to<br />

Brussels or other places.<br />

The materials printed so far:<br />

-letterheads for ESN International<br />

-letterheads for XX Anniversary of Erasmus Programme<br />

-business cards for International Board and coordinators<br />

-New Year postcards for XX Anniversary of Erasmus Programme<br />

Grants for which ESN applied in 2006/<strong>2007</strong><br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

In the year 2005/2006 we have put forward several grant applications. All of the grants<br />

but one (8), are designed to support specific projects’ costs not a daily costs.<br />

Application to the European Youth Foundation within the Council of Europe for the<br />

project entitled “ My International Dream” promoting mobility among high school<br />

students through ESN sections and Tshirt competition – rejected as too much<br />

connected to the Erasmus Programme<br />

Application to the European Youth Foundation within the Council of Europe for the<br />

training on mobility for ESNers – rejected due to lack of good programme<br />

Application for the Accompanying Measures Grant supporting ESN Survey 2006 and<br />

production of the booklet and CD with survey results as well as realisation of the<br />

website www.20erasmus.eu - approved (read more in the chapter ‘Accompanying<br />

Measures Grant’)<br />

Application to the European Youth Foundation within the Council of Europe for the<br />

training on mobility for ESNers, this time with partnership of AEGEE and ESIB –<br />

rejected due to lack of funds<br />

Application to the European Parliament Directorate-General Information for support for<br />

organisation costs for the Annual General Meeting in <strong>Prague</strong> “Pragomeri” – pending<br />

Application to the European Parliament Directorate-General Information for support for<br />

the project entitiled “ERASMUS CELEBRATING EUROPE in the occasion of 50th<br />

anniversary of signing of Treaty of Rome – through culture, food and music” – pending<br />

Grant to the Region of Brussels for the support for the Opening Conference for 20<br />

Years of Erasmus Programme in Brussels – pending<br />

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Grant to the Youth Programme for support for the administrative and operative costs of<br />

the European associations – pending<br />

All the grant applications you can see by asking your National Representative.<br />

In order to see information on European Youth Fund within the Council of Europe go to<br />

http://galadriel.coe.int/fej/portal/mediatype/html/country/null/user/anon/page/default.psml?js_language=en<br />

This grant can be used also by local sections to get support for conference and<br />

meeting, publications of different kind and many other initiatives. Application can be<br />

done through ESN International Board (which is registered in the system as possible<br />

applicant).<br />

Information on Accompanying Measures Grants for <strong>2007</strong> (deadline 1 April,<br />

recommended for <strong>AGM</strong> OC and any actions with are supporting Erasmus Programme):<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/newprog/index_en.html#call<br />

To see any available grants from the European Commission please see it here:<br />

http://europa.eu.int/grants/index_en.htm<br />

Please contact secretariat@esn.org for help with applications.<br />

Administrative Grant (Action 4.1)<br />

Written by Ivana Petričević, Secretary ESN AISBL<br />

“Administrative Grant” is the short unofficial name for support from the European<br />

Commission for administrative and operating costs of bodies active at the European<br />

level in the field of youth. It provides financial assistance, going up to 35,000 Euro, for<br />

the every-day work of youth organisations such as AEGEE, ELSA, BEST, JADE etc.<br />

The purpose of this support is overall stimulation of young Europeans to take an active<br />

part in public life, in their societies and the construction of a strong, unified Europe. By<br />

directly supporting youth bodies in their general existence, the European Commission<br />

stimulates intercultural cooperation, informal learning through youth exchange and<br />

voluntary work, and the formation of a European identity.<br />

In December 2006 ESN applied for this grant for the first time, thanks to our<br />

President, Davide Capecchi, and ESN Card Coordinator, Nick Andries, who managed to<br />

officially register ESN as a youth NGO in November 2005 in Ghent. Last year ESN’s<br />

application was rejected due to the fact that it was not registered by law for one year.<br />

This year we can hope for support for <strong>2007</strong>. The application was sent on time and<br />

received by the Commission. If ESN gets the support for <strong>2007</strong>, which we will know by<br />

April, it would first of all mean that the ESN office could be fully equipped and that all<br />

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Board members could actually move to Brussels. ESN would be fully supported in<br />

administrative and operating costs, on the basis of the activities plan presented, but<br />

above all recognised by the Commission as an important, respectable youth<br />

organisation. Fingers crossed!<br />

Accompanying Measures Grant "The experience of Studying<br />

Abroad for Exchange Students in Europe"<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

ESN was selected for the Accompanying Measures grant under Socrates Umbrella<br />

Programme. Out of tens of applications, only six were approved by the European<br />

Commission for the Erasmus/Jean Monnet Unit. ESN project "The experience of<br />

Studying Abroad for Exchange Students in Europe" has been one of these.<br />

The received grant (70,000 Euro) is going fully to support this project (it can only be<br />

spent for the concrete actions mentioned in the grant application), which has an overall<br />

cost of 98,000 Euro. Coordinator of the grant is Ewa Krzaklewska. The partner of the<br />

project is also Universita’ Bocconi, who sponsored the ESNSurvey for 10,000 Euro in<br />

2006.<br />

Summary of the project supported by the grant:<br />

“The project is meant to be the students’ contribution to the success of the celebrations for<br />

the 20 th Anniversary of ERASMUS Programme.<br />

For the ESN Survey 2005 (attached), 8000 students filled the questionnaire about their<br />

experience of studies abroad. The second edition of the survey will be launched in 2006.<br />

Additionally, this time, the autobiographical narratives (testimonies) will be gathered<br />

through a “short story competition” for exchange students, accompanied by pictures<br />

made and sent by students themselves to narrate their exchange experience<br />

(www.20erasmus.eu).<br />

The main aim of the project is the representation of the Erasmus Programme from the<br />

students’ perspective. The gathered research data will allow the Programme’s<br />

stakeholders to improve the quality of the Programme itself.<br />

Great attention will be given to the dissemination of the results, simultaneous to the<br />

celebrations. The research report will be distributed to stakeholders and educational<br />

bodies, while 50.000 interactive CDs will be distributed by by ESN during the Erasmus<br />

Days and during the Erasmus Van Route to reach high school students and university<br />

freshmen in order to encourage them to study abroad and to provide them with the<br />

needed relevant information”.<br />

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Brussels’ Institutions<br />

Written by Jakob Smets, External Relations<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brussels<br />

This institution is very interested in expanding the internationalisation of Brussels as a<br />

region. At the moment we are trying to establish contacts in order to achieve common<br />

goals and we are in the process of applying for a grant for NGOs who are making<br />

Brussels more international. Basically, we are cooperating with two institutions:<br />

These are the people working on external relations between the Brussels government<br />

and international organisations. They provide often grants for international NGOs fro<br />

having a big event in Brussels involving the region itself as well. They are often very<br />

busy, but it’s certainly a field worth discovering. I believe they can cooperate a great<br />

deal with ESN.<br />

Contact info:<br />

Arlette Verkruyssen.<br />

Advisor to the minister on external relations<br />

Kunstlaan 9<br />

1210 Brusse<br />

02/209.28.64<br />

averkruyssen@vanhengel.irisnet.be<br />

The Brussels-Europe Liaison Office:<br />

This office is an NPO supported by the Ministry. Situated near Schuman and the<br />

Commission, this office is the link between Brussels and the European bureaucrats. It<br />

makes promotion for the region towards them, but also about their culture within<br />

Brussels itself. They can be the link between ESN and the Brussels Capital Region.<br />

Contact info:<br />

Ans Persoons<br />

Advisor External communication, website, newsletter, information campaigns<br />

apersoons@vbbe.irisnet.be<br />

http://www.blbe.be<br />

tel : 02 234 57 51<br />

Brussels-Europe Liaison Office<br />

Oudergemlaan 63<br />

1040 Brussel<br />

Era-More/Latour de Freins:<br />

ERA-MORE (European Research Area-MObile Researchers -<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/eracareers/index_en.cfm ) is a European network of so called<br />

Mobility Centres with which the European Commission would like to take away<br />

obstacles on researchers’ mobility in Europe. In Belgium this network has regional<br />

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headquarters in Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels. In Brussels the headquarters are<br />

situated in the nice palace of Latour de Freins where the CNR in January takes place.<br />

Through their local organisation B.R.A.I.N.S. they would like to cooperate with ESN as<br />

we have common goals: taking obstacles away in researchers’ or students’ mobility.<br />

Contact info:<br />

Liliane De Clercq, operational director<br />

B.R.A.I.N.S.<br />

"Latour de Freins"<br />

Engelandstraat, 555<br />

1180 Brussels<br />

Tel: 00 32 2 600 50 06<br />

ldeclercq@brains.irisnet.be<br />

http://www.brains.irisnet.be/<br />

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Meeting and Events<br />

Regional Platforms<br />

Written by Tomaso Bisol, Network Administrator<br />

The Board, sometimes together with the Secretary and the Webmaster, was present at<br />

all Regional Platforms and at the Cultural Medley as follows:<br />

Porto, Southern European Platform: 19-22 October (Ewa and Jakob)<br />

Amsterdam, Western European Platform: 26-29 October (Davide and Ivana)<br />

Madrid, Cultural Medley: 9-12 November (Corinne)<br />

Helsinki, Nordic Network Meeting: 16-19 November (Davide and Antonio)<br />

Vienna, Central European Platform: 23-26 November (Corinne and Tomaso)<br />

Southern European Platform 2006<br />

Written by Giorgio Marinoni, National Representative of Italy<br />

From 19 th till 22 nd October 2006, 40 people from different countries all over Europe (the<br />

majority from southern countries like Portugal, Spain, Italy and Malta, but not only as<br />

there were also people from Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Germany, The Netherlands)<br />

came in the beautiful city of Porto in Portugal, for the Southern European Platform,<br />

wonderfully organised by the local section of ESN Porto.<br />

Even if we were always late with the schedule, once entered in this ”slow Portuguese<br />

mood”, everything was perfect, all the points in the plenary sessions were discussed<br />

and people were very interested. The Board, represented by Ewa and Jakob, made a<br />

presentation of itself and about the main projects like ESN cards, XX anniversary of the<br />

Erasmus Programme and Long Term Vision, which were also discussed during the<br />

workshops.<br />

Besides the plenary sessions we enjoyed the wonderful city of Porto, looking at it from<br />

the banks of the river Douro in Vila Nova de Gaia, where we tasted great Porto wine, or<br />

sailing with a boat along the same river, or walking up and down the narrow streets of<br />

the city, stopping in front of beautiful houses with wonderful “azulejos” (ceramic<br />

mosaics) like those in the central station, of visiting the many churches spread around<br />

the city.<br />

And of course the night, walking down a romantic steep slope looking at the light<br />

reflecting in the river Douro, or tasting different food in the Eurodinner (where for the<br />

first time in my ESN life I saw more food than alcohol, so much that we weren’t able to<br />

finish it all!) listening to a group of students dressed in traditional way playing “Fado”, or<br />

having dinner and than dancing in brand new fashion club.<br />

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The time spent was so great that we didn’t pay attention at the rain which tried to annoy<br />

us for four days and the “saudade” came only once we left…<br />

Central European Platform 2006<br />

written by Markus Matzner, Head of OC CEP 2006<br />

The Central European Platform took place in Vienna from the 23 rd to the 26 th of<br />

November 2006 and was organised by the Austrian national board with the help of the<br />

local sections. The Organising Committee were Reingard Schandl (ESN TU Wien) and<br />

Markus Matzner (ESN Uni Wien) as Heads of OC, Karin Köckeis (ESN Uni Wien), Eva<br />

Gänsdorfer (ESN Uni Wien), Anna Tichy (ESN WU Wien), Harald Ackerlauer (ESN<br />

Linz) and Johannes Grabuschnigg (ESN FH Kufstein) for checking the finances.<br />

In addition to the plenary sessions and the workshops an info-market took place on<br />

November 24 th at the University of Vienna. All CEP-countries were represented by their<br />

cultural institutes or consulates. A representative of Università Bocconi was also<br />

present. The aim of the info-market was to inform Austrian students about the countries<br />

and their possibilities to spend their exchange in those countries. For this reason,<br />

students from the countries concerned assisted as well. This was the first time a similar<br />

fair had been organised in Vienna. Even though there were not as many participants as<br />

expected, the outcome was highly positive as there was a report in the Austrian<br />

newspaper “Die Presse” about the info-market and the University of Vienna was also<br />

satisfied.<br />

The Central European Platform in general was a big success. The numbers of<br />

participants exceeded by far our expectations. With all those visiting just for half a day<br />

or more they were over seventy, coming from eleven countries and 30 sections. In<br />

addition to the CEP-countries ESNers from Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland<br />

and Germany were also present. From the International Board Tomaso Bisol and<br />

Corinne Bryner joined us in Vienna.<br />

The programme was split up between the plenary sessions and workshops that took<br />

place at the University of Vienna, The Technical University of Vienna and the FH<br />

campus Wien and the cultural programme including a city tour and a visit to Schönbrunn<br />

Palace as well as a Christmas market. Of course, there was also enough time for<br />

socialising and thus developing the idea of regional co-operations which was the main<br />

theme of the CEP during our visit to a “Heurigen”, a student club, the euro-dinner and<br />

finally the all-you-can-drink night at the SOHO 3.<br />

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Western European Platform (WEP) - Amsterdam/Utrecht 26-<br />

29 October<br />

Written by Ivana Petričević, ESN Secretary<br />

My section, my city, my WEP ☺ It was an honour for me to be present at the very first<br />

edition of the Western European Platform, organised by ISN Amsterdam and ESN<br />

Utrecht. Two years ago I was daily walking up and down the stairs leading to the office<br />

of my section, ISN Amsterdam, and now in October I came back from Brussels. My<br />

arrival was accompanied by a good old Dutch ‘gezellig’ welcome, together with more<br />

than 45 participants from the countries of western Europe.<br />

Not only was it great to be back to the place where I first heard of ESN, our<br />

yellow-red-full-of-junk office, but it was also fantastic to be able to show my section and<br />

our wonderful city of Amsterdam to the Pallomeri people I now work with and to see my<br />

idea of having a WEP, accepted by the CNR last year, become reality. ISN Amsterdam<br />

board of last year and Maarten from ESN Utrecht welcomed us the first day with an<br />

active bike tour through the city. After having burned a huge amount of calories biking<br />

over the countless bridges of Amsterdam, and afterwards the official welcome, it was<br />

time to fill our stomachs during the Eurodinner. As always the Swiss were loaded with<br />

chocolate, the Dutch table served delicious ‘gehaktballen’, ‘oranjebitter’, ‘snert’ and<br />

many other delicacies, while the Polish came with sweet heart-shaped cookies<br />

mmmmm Later on, there was even ice cream. Of course this all went together with the<br />

tasting of many different types of drinks, till in the end the standard ‘almost-throwing-up-<br />

Eurodinner moment’ came and we were led to the after party in a cosy dark café, where<br />

the tasting and socialising continued.<br />

The following day it was time for serious business, the plenary session, during<br />

which we learned all about the basics of ESN, the future projects and the planned local<br />

ESNOW trip. Davide called upon all participants to candidate for a position in the<br />

international board next year and Giorgio discussed our long term vision. Next we found<br />

ourselves walking a city tour in the streets of lovely Utrecht. When the sun set down our<br />

guides took us to a typical pancake restaurant, where we could indulge in unusual tasty<br />

flavours, like a pancake with pineapple and banana. Then it was time for funky disco<br />

bowling, a discovery pub crawl and finally the bus back, sleeping.<br />

The third day begun on the water, a lunch on the boat floating over the canals,<br />

followed by ‘improve your skills’ and ESN workshops. The event of the day was the<br />

Halloween party; we all descended to the basement of our hostel as witches, sorcerers,<br />

devils or other scary creatures. Till late at night the party went on and it was difficult to<br />

wake up for the plenary the next morning, but we all woke up pretty well to Davide’s<br />

comical explanations on the new corporate identity, Nick’s witty remarks and Jorge’s<br />

and Peter’s enthusiasm for a new website template for sections. After their presentation<br />

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the webmaster of ESN, Antonio De Marco, although not present at WEP, was greeted<br />

with a loud applause for all his achievements!<br />

When it all came to an end, on Sunday afternoon, kisses and hugs were<br />

exchanged while participants were saying goodbye to each other after lunch in the<br />

university café. Full of new impressions, new acquaintances, new ideas, my Pallomeri<br />

adapter was again fully charged at WEP and I could return to our office in Brussels<br />

knowing what we are working for. Big thanks to the OC, Barbara, Vedrana, Wouter,<br />

Roos, Sven, Maarten, Jessie and Marcel! WEP rules ☺<br />

Nordic Network Meeting 2006<br />

Written by Kati Haahti, ESN KANTO ry, Finland<br />

70 ESN members from 10 different countries gathered together for the Nordic Network<br />

Meeting in Helsinki in November 2006. Four active ESN sections (ESN HYY, ESN<br />

Kanto ry, ESN LAUREAMKO and ESN TKY) in Helsinki had the honour to organize the<br />

meeting and with a great cooperation they managed to organize a very successful<br />

NNM.<br />

This year the meeting was focused on International level issues as well on Nordic<br />

issues. Davide was representing the international board with the webmaster, Antonio.<br />

They both were presenting board's successful work and updated our knowledge about<br />

the things that were going on in the international level. Plenary sessions were very<br />

fruitful and as well as the work shops which were held by former and present National<br />

representatives.<br />

There were four great days full of activities: parties, city hall reception, sauna evening,<br />

ice-swimming, karaoke, Euro dinner etc…in a great ESN spirit!<br />

We want to thank all the participants for making the NNM so great and memorable<br />

event!<br />

We wish good luck for the next OC of NEP, ESN Trondheim!<br />


Organizing committee of Nordic Network Meeting, 2006<br />

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Trainings<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

Providing ESNrs with opportunities of personal as well as “professional” growth is one of<br />

the main goals ESN should pursue while organising activities at the international level.<br />

Therefore have the ESNFactory events been organises over the last years, on the<br />

model of the AEGEE Academy: to our cousin organisation goes our gratefulness for the<br />

hint ;-)<br />

Università Bocconi is ESN partner in training and education: in cooperation with them<br />

two trainings have been organised in the past months: Bocconi Factory and 2 nd<br />

Fun(d)Raising Conference, managed respectively by ESN Milano and ESN Gdansk.<br />

Thank you Giorgio and Emilka for your help!<br />

Another training, dedicated expressively to ESN, is to be organised in September <strong>2007</strong><br />

in Milan.<br />

We strongly recommend the next ESN Board to continue providing this opportunity of<br />

growth to ESNrs!<br />

Bocconi Summer Factory in Milano, 16 th – 23 rd July 2006<br />

Written by Giorgio Marinoni, National Representative of Italy<br />

After the great success of the “Training in Management and Human Resources” held in<br />

January 2006 in Milano, Bocconi University, corporate partner of ESN International,<br />

decided to hold another training in Milano, this time with the cooperation of ESN<br />

International and AEGEE Europe. It was a whole week in Milano for 60 participants,<br />

among them only 25 were chosen by ESN, the rest mainly from Bocconi. This was the<br />

biggest difference between the previous training as Bocconi required also that the<br />

participants were second or third year students in Economy. The majority of the<br />

participants came form Spain. The logistic organisation was given to ESN Milano<br />

Statale and AEGEE Milano. Other ESN sections in Milano helped in the organisation<br />

giving a good example of sections’ cooperation. The training was four days of lectures<br />

given by professors of Bocconi University and amazing nights in Milano, discovering<br />

high-fashion discos and traditional old-fashion pizzeria and restaurants, having a<br />

refreshing “aperitivo” after a walk in the city centre under the hot sun, and, of course, a<br />

great Euro-dinner! Closing the event there were also two days of trips, one to the<br />

wonderful Como lake and the other in the artistic city of Mantova.<br />

The event was indeed a success, and positive comments came from participants and<br />

from Bocconi.<br />

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Fun(d)raising conference Gdansk (7-10 September)<br />

Written by Jakob Smets, External Relations<br />

ESN Gdansk (the polytechnic university) did a great job organising this Autumn’s<br />

Fun(d)raising Conference. Although less students showed up than hoped for, the<br />

participants were really enthusiastic, thanks to the splendid organisation of both FUND<br />

and FUN – raising by the Section of the Year 2006. The conference was divided into<br />

three parts: the first day concentrated on Fundraising strategies with the EU, the second<br />

day with commercial resources and the third day was left to discussion.<br />

During the day, experts on fundraising of Università Bocconi and the RC-Foundation<br />

introduced us into the world and strategies of fundraising, while during the evening ESN<br />

Gdansk took us into town where we were having Eurodinner and parties in Wrzeszcz<br />

and Sopot (the Polish version of Cannes).<br />

This is an event worthy remembering and we are looking out which section will organise<br />

it next time!<br />

More information on the experts:<br />

www.rci.org.pl<br />

www.uni-bocconi.it<br />

National Platforms<br />

Written by Tomaso Bisol, Network Administrator<br />

The board tried to be present, while bearing in sight budget’s constraints, to all the NPs<br />

we were invited to.<br />

It was a very good opportunity to know the “real” network, which means the people that<br />

composes it, and we strongly encourage the next Board and the OCs of the NP to<br />

continue this experience.<br />

Italy, Camerino: National Event, 18-21 May 2006. (BM present: Tomaso)<br />

The Netherlands, Enschede: National Platform, 10-11 June. (Ewa)<br />

France, Besançon: National Platform, 27-28 May 2006. (Davide, Ewa.)<br />

Slovenia Koper: National Platform, 9 July 2006. (Tomaso)<br />

Poland, Torun: National Platform, 26-29 October. (Jakob)<br />

Belgium, Brussels: National Platform, 18 November. (Ewa, Jakob)<br />

Spain, Madrid: National Platform, 24-26 November.(Ewa)<br />

Belgium, Bruxelles: French National Platform, 2-3 December. (Complete Board).<br />

Italy, Bologna: National Platform, 15-17 December. (Tomaso)<br />

Switzerland: National Platform, 2-4 March <strong>2007</strong>*. (Corinne)<br />

*scheduled.<br />

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Other ESN Events<br />

Cultural Medley, 9.-13. November 2006<br />

Written by Johannes Kerner, former NR of Switzerland<br />

It’s a MAD world: Sangria, Cheese and Icecubes...the ESN Cultural Medley 2006 in<br />

Madrid<br />

Every year the ESN community gathers in one of the most beautiful places of the Old<br />

World to celebrate and get to know the vibrant cultures of our continent. This year it was<br />

the turn of the ESN sections of Madrid to turn up the heat for the Cultural MADley 2006.<br />

The climate catastrophe played its helpful part to make this November weekend in<br />

Spain rather like a day in spring with all its consequences… After the arrival we started<br />

slowly to explore the city in a "Gymkhana", a treasure hunt which forced us to explore<br />

our limits in Spanish folk dance, map reading and riddle-solving.<br />

With the help of a picture of Manuel Barroso we were supposed to come to the<br />

conclusion that the famous person we were searching after was no-one else but “el<br />

presidente” himself, no not Davide but Alberto, president of ESN Spain who was waiting<br />

for us in the magnificent “Plaza Mayor” in the heart of town. After this climax we<br />

concluded the evening in a cosy pub in one of the narrow streets in the old town,<br />

conveniently located close to our “MAD-hostel”. Bright and shiny the next day we got on<br />

a train to Alcalá de Henares, the birthplace of Cervantes where we visited his house<br />

and the astonishing university main building with its cosy courtyards, one of the oldest in<br />

Spain. In the chapel of the university we witnessed an atmospheric Flamenco<br />

performance that made sure everyone now felt the rhythm of Espagna.<br />

After a few hours rest we headed for a classy club, jumping the queue as VIP-guests.<br />

We were being promised that we could auction ourselves during the course of the<br />

evening as personal slaves and everybody was nervously waiting for an explanation<br />

why we should do that and which “hedge funds” that were formed the previous day<br />

would place the best bet. Alas the evening progressed and no auctioning happened,<br />

some bored MAD-men and -women hit the dancefloor and enjoyed themselves with a<br />

truly “cultural exchange” of the literal sort. Some participants introduced the infamous<br />

swiss “icecube game” where you have to “exchange” an icecube from your longdrink in<br />

the most sensual manner possible with someone near you in any way you like.<br />

However as most ESN people are uninventive the usual snogging followed. When the<br />

auctioning finally came, most participants had already disappeared…The next day<br />

started with a city tour. The organisers very sensibly figured we couldn’t walk anymore<br />

by then and hired a bus to carry us around to see the imperial city of Madrid. It was<br />

great fun sitting on an open double-decker bus in fantastic weather turning on the<br />

soundsystem and waving at the surprised people of Madrid with our Latin Lover<br />

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participants singing in front. It was the closest thing you could ever get to the Berlin<br />

Love Parade feeling without drugs or techno but maybe because of that it was good fun.<br />

Recreation was provided again by a relaxed picnic in the city park.<br />

The evening was reserved for a “Must” in ESN conventions: the EuroDinner. One of the<br />

organising ladies courageously sacrificed her own house for that occasion and it was<br />

worth it. It has to be admitted that the sight was heavily shifted to the red side of the<br />

colour spectrum seeing that almost half of the participants were Swiss but in exchange<br />

there was no lack of cheese and chocolate during the evening. When the icecube game<br />

took on speed again in the garden -apparently the experiences the night before<br />

screamed for more- the others didn’t want to stand aside and the Dutch abused German<br />

sausages for another game… try to exchange a sausage between your legs with some<br />

next to you: it looked every bit as saucy as it sounds. Prepared in such a way we hit the<br />

next crowded club to dance the night away.<br />

The Sunday brought serious culture, as museums are for free on Sundays. Modern Art<br />

in the world class “Reina Sofia” museum was scheduled (even if you don’t know much<br />

about Modern Art like me, you will have heard about Picasso’s “Guernica”) followed in<br />

the afternoon by the incomparable Prado museum. Slowly it was clear that the weekend<br />

was coming to an end with the gala reception in which the dress code was a bit<br />

disputed but that did nothing on the atmosphere. Ending the night in some of the pubs<br />

nearby was a worthy though sad ending of an unforgettable weekend in El MADrid.<br />

Muchos besos once again to the organisers for their hard work who just got everything<br />

right, a fantastic programme, a very nice hostel and superb food plus the warm<br />

hospitality Spain is famous for. Thanks folks!<br />

Hope to see everyone in one of the coming events and I am curious if the CM next year<br />

can live up to the standards set.<br />

AYGO Erasmus<br />

Written by ESN Brussels<br />

On Wednesday 29th of March our team of ESN Brussels organised the Aygo Erasmus<br />

day to promote student mobility The day was made up of 3 parts : a conference, an info<br />

market and a party. The conference, with slogan « Why the hell is everybody talking<br />

about student mobility ? », aimed at the Belgian professors and academic staff to<br />

convince them about the value of mobility amongst their students and why they should<br />

promote it. Thanks to Mr. Puigpelat, Erasmus coordinator at European Commission, we<br />

could compare the Belgian plans to the guidelines of Europe.<br />

The info market, with slogan: « How can I start my own mobility experience ? » was<br />

set up to provide all the information a student or young graduate needs to receive when<br />

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planning an exchange experience. Many international NGO’s took part : ESN Int.,<br />


In the evening we closed the day with a great international party called EuroSensations<br />

which slogan sounded like “Am I the only one feeling these EuroSensations?”<br />

This first edition of Aygo Erasmus might become a annual gathering around the topic<br />

of youth mobility in Brussels and ESN Brussels hopes it will be a growing success<br />

because such a day provides the perfect setting to meet members of other<br />

organisations, work with them and share views on how student mobility.<br />

Pallomeri to all who have a dream just like we did! May it also become an achievement.<br />

ESN Brussels<br />

www.esn-brussels.be<br />

Lustrum of SMIT – ESN Enschede – 15 Years!<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

On the 10th and the 11th of June SMIT (ESN Enschede, The Netherlands), celebrated<br />

the 15th birthday. On Saturday morning there was National Platform of the Netherlands<br />

and later at 15:00 the Rector of the University of Twente gave a speech on the birthday<br />

occasion. I then told about current projects and future plans of ESN. At the end Mrs<br />

Hemmings, an employee of International School for Humanities ans Social Sciences<br />

gave a training on cultural communication. Later we had a very nice barbecue in the<br />

sunny and beautiful campus of Twente University.<br />

Happy Birthday SMIT! Thanks for nice event and keep up the good work!<br />

ESN Day in Trento – Information, fun and music!<br />

written by Tomaso Bisol, Network Administrator<br />

On May 24 th I had the pleasure to be invited to the ESN day organised by ESN Trento,<br />

a lively section in a pretty city in the North East of Italy surrounded by the Alps<br />

(http://www.esntrento.it/).<br />

Well, I have to say that even though I participated at many ESN and ESN-related events<br />

this year it is not so common to live in just 24 hours the whole ESN experience: from<br />

running to catch the train in the morning to waking up early next day with a taste of whydidn't-I-go-to-bed-earlier<br />

and damn-these-guys-do-know-how-to-party in my mouth.<br />

Yep, I arrived and Marco was soon coming to pick me up; a whole room of students was<br />

then interested in what Claudia, Mimmo and me (ESN Trento, Italy and International)<br />

had to say about the Erasmus experience (which would soon become part of their life)<br />

and about our lovely network at its different levels. Questions came, and very smart I'd<br />

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say, as well as a semi-drunk guy disguised as an Amaro Montenegro to celebrate his<br />

graduation (he had been an Erasmus student too!).<br />

After the conference good music, nice beers and yes! communication between local,<br />

national and international level at once.<br />

The fresh spring mountain air and lovely crepes sent us all to bed satisfied...so thanks<br />

again Pritt Claudia, Presidente Marco, Australian Giulia, BMW Nicola and all you guys<br />

in Trento!<br />

ESN Italy National Event<br />

Written by Tomaso Bisol, Network Administrator<br />

For the 5th consecutive year ESN Italy organised a national event (EN): after Assisi<br />

2002, Cesenatico 2003, Sibari 2004 and Palermo 2005, ESN Italy brought over 500<br />

international students to San Benedetto del Tronto and Camerino from 18 to 21 May.<br />

The very well prepared OC of ESN Camerino (http://www.esncamerino.it), guided by<br />

Nicola Alvaro, provided a lovely schedule to the participants, who had the chance to<br />

experience sunny lazy days by the pools and on the beach as well as a medieval full<br />

immersion day in Camerino (http://www.camerino.sinp.net), including a special dinner in<br />

the Palazzo Ducale of the city. Both there and during the active evenings by the sea the<br />

frenzy never disappeared, as everyone was bound to follow the motto on the T-shirts:<br />

Drink now, work later! And as the dominant crowd of Spaniards was singing a new<br />

anthem (Alcool...alcool...), the National Platform was busy working with the report by<br />

Giorgio on the CNR meeting in Linköping and most of all the election of the new<br />

national board.<br />

But since the sun was interested in the meeting, too, and never looked for a hiding<br />

behind the clouds, the newly elected president Mimmo Ialeggio and the rest of the<br />

board, together with the whole NP, had the chance to join the Erasmus fun and relax<br />

before starting a new fantastic ESN year. To you all, Brindisino...and well done,<br />

Camerino!<br />

Third International Erasmus Gathering, Poznan, 7-9 April<br />

Written by Zosia Domanska<br />

Over a hundred Erasmus students from all over Europe gathered in Poznan, western<br />

Poland, on the 7th April. During three days they held debates, participated in<br />

workshops, visited Poznan and surroundings and above all, had a great Pall*meri time!<br />

The opening ceremony took place in the state-of-the-art Conference Centre of the<br />

University of Polytechnics of Poznan. After the welcoming speeches an introductory<br />

quiz to Poland was launched upon the participants where they were asked to show<br />

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their knowledge of Polish culture, politics (which of the two brothers is the president<br />

again??) and nature. Next on the schedule were some workshops on studying in Poland<br />

and the participant’s opinion on the country (likes and dislikes). Of course, there is no<br />

ESN-gathering without party, so later that day everyone headed for the club<br />

(Terytorium).<br />

Saturday a „competition” on polish language took place in the Polish-German<br />

Academic Centre. If you thought polish names are impossible to pronounce try<br />

„Wyindywidualizowałem się z rozentuzjazmowanego tłumu”, I’m sure some participants<br />

could assist with that ...<br />

After a cultural tour downtown all were invited to the biggest attraction during the event:<br />

TRAMWAJADA! This was an opportunity to discover Poznan by night out of an ancient<br />

streetcar and have a party meanwhile. The day ended in a bowling competition<br />

pall*meri-style...<br />

On Sunday the participants enjoyed the nice weather on the scheduled trip to Kórnik<br />

where they visited the enchanting castle and Arboretum.<br />

ESN wants to thank all the sections, as well polish as other, who made this event<br />

possible.<br />

Do widzenia next year!<br />

Erasmus ti cambia la vita – Benevento, Italy (23/24 Nov 06)<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

I received an invitation to attend from Mimmo Ialeggio, president of ESN Italy, and I<br />

gladly accepted it.<br />

The conference lasted 2 days and was held ion Benevento, nearby Naples, and<br />

organised by ESN Maleventum and Università del Sannio. Main goal of the conference<br />

was to understand more and better the goals and functioning of the new Life Long<br />

Learning Programme, meant to include Leonardo and Erasmus within the same frame.<br />

Clara Grano, responsible for LLL Italy, caught this opportunity and addressed briefly<br />

and with clarity the extremely interested and numerous audience of locals, Erasmus<br />

students as well as academic representatives (professors, administration staff).<br />

A meeting was held in order to share the best practice of ESN Milano Statale in having<br />

a stagiaire gaining ECTS credits with Mrs. Grano, who demonstrates interest and<br />

engaged herself in deepening the topic further.<br />

The hospitality of ESN Maleventum was exemplar and this was a perfect instance of an<br />

event that all national boards should be willing to organise.<br />

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5 Years of ESN UJ in Krakow<br />

Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

On Thursday, 14 of December, I had a great pleasure to celebrate 5 years of ESN UJ in<br />

Krakow. I was double happy as I was the first President - a “mom” of this sections and I<br />

could see how this section have developed from nothing (5 years ago, in the cold<br />

December, when I was trying to convince University that we should take care of our<br />

Erasmus students) to greater - when it is a lively group of enthusiastic volunteers - 40<br />

members, 60 helpers, full of new ideas for the future, new projects, new energy!<br />

I want to thank all of those who contributed to the growth of this section. So I thank all<br />

the Presidents (Ewa G., Aga Sk.- double thanks for double and great work, Aga S. and<br />

Krzysiek) with their Boards, the University with the Former Vice Rector Mrs.<br />

Nowakowska and the Head of International Students Office Mr. Klimkiewicz, and very<br />

warmly to all those volunteers who gave their time and heart to ESN UJ.<br />

Thanks for the nice 5 years, thanks for the nice Gala Dinner and I am looking forward to<br />

meet you again in our cosy office in Collegium Novum, to sit and chat a bit about ESN,<br />

Erasmus, life…<br />

About ESN UJ you can read at www.esn.student.uj.edu.pl<br />

deBuren Erasmus<br />

Written by Jakob Smets, External Relations<br />

Since October, deBuren (“the neighbours”), a Dutch-Flemish cultural centre in Brussels,<br />

is involving ESN on many occasions: on October 18, the Day of the Student in Brussels,<br />

deBuren launched a job air for students who are interested in having a political mandate<br />

in the future. ESN was involved and many of our students had the change to come in<br />

contact with some of the Flemish Ministers, MPs, MEPs and others.<br />

More important was the participation of ESN in “Erasmus: studying at deBuren” where<br />

many Dutch Erasmus students came to Brussels together with Annabel. Together with<br />

ESN Brussels and ESN ESHAL ESB, a vivid discussion took place, between students<br />

and three MEPs, introduced and moderated by Ewa Krzaklewska.<br />

More information (in Dutch) and Ewa’s presentation (in English) can be seen on:<br />

http://www.deburen.eu/pgm_detail.php?lan=nl&main=3&id=105<br />

15th Anniversary ESN Tilburg<br />

Ivana Petričević, Secretary of ESN AISBL<br />

In the second semester of 2005/2006 ESN Tilburg celebrated its 15 th anniversary<br />

(Lustrum). ESN members from Brussels were invited to join this unforgettable event and<br />

party with the Board of ESN Tilburg. Jakob, Ewa, Patrick, Karri and me happily<br />

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accepted the invitation. We met the Board of ESN The Netherlands, many other section<br />

members from the country and members of previous boards of ESN Tilburg.<br />

The Lustrum Drink began with an official opening by the President of the section. After<br />

that photos of all the big activities were shown. It was clear the Board and their students<br />

had a lot of fun during the many activities they organised, especially during the extreme<br />

hairstyle party! After the show Ewa gave the President a birthday card on behalf of ESN<br />

international. Then the party started and…I don’t remember what happened after that ☺<br />

Thank you ESN Tilburg Board 2005/2006! Nogmaals gefeliciteerd!<br />

Sunweek 2006, every year like the first one<br />

Written by Nazareno Fauzia, ESN Palermo<br />

Also in 2006 many persons from all Europe took part to Sunweek, the summer event of<br />

ESN, organized by ESN Palermo in the first week of august.<br />

We had the presence of persons from France, Germany, Albania and Italy, of course.<br />

Sunweek is like a cocktail, in which you have to mix trips, sun, sea and parties, a lot of<br />

parties.<br />

We had trips in Agrigento, Marsala , Cefalù and Alcamo, visiting the monuments,<br />

museums but also having fun with the beautiful beaches of these towns.<br />

In particular in Marsala we had the occasion of playing aquatic sports, like canoa and<br />

kite surf, we were not professionals and we were laughing all the time.<br />

And what about parties? We had a special party, the transformer party, in which the<br />

boys were dressed like girls and the girls were men, and if you drink a lot you could<br />

have problems with this fact!!!<br />

And what about food? We had special lunches and dinners in the old markets of<br />

Palermo, tasting the typical food of our traditions, if you taste you come back!!! (typical<br />

Sicilian expression).<br />

But we didn’t forget we are part of a “serious” network, and we spent a time in<br />

workshops, talking about the future of our association.<br />

So, what are you waiting for? Sunweek <strong>2007</strong> is arriving, and we are here for all of you,<br />

Palermo and Sicily will be the best experience of all your life…come on guys!!!<br />

For registration and other infos go to www.esnpalermo.it or write to infoesn@yahoo.it<br />

GrIStuF: Greifswald International Student Festival (May 27-<br />

June 4, 2006)<br />

Written by Jakob Smets, External Relations<br />

This festival was my first external representation mission after the <strong>AGM</strong>. Greifswald is<br />

situated in the Northeast of Germany and is a cosy, coastal university town. ESN<br />

Greifswald has only recently been founded (I don’t know if I had any contribution in this).<br />

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Anyway, this festival must be the coolest student gathering of the year (after the <strong>AGM</strong> of<br />

course) and took months of preparation.<br />

Many interesting workshops took place, and I could speak in the one on “networks” and<br />

“connecting”. Many of the workshops had people from Russia, the Balkans and new<br />

EU-countries, so it was good to spread the word of ESN towards this region.<br />

Luckily for me, the international OC of GriStuF, “SORCE” (students organising<br />

conventions everywhere) had its meeting during this event, so I kind of interrupted them<br />

for a forced-on networking session. They did like the presentation and pr-material I<br />

brought, what resulted in contacts with ISFIT and ISWIB (festivals in Trondheim and<br />

Belgrade). The Serbians I got in touch with seemed so enthusiastic, that once Ivana<br />

contacted them, they could not wait to join ESN!<br />

Another great “introduction game” I learned there, that fits ESN perfectly, is the running<br />

dinner. Students prepare a course of their local dish in their home but go for the other<br />

courses to other students’ places.<br />

Find out more on this variation on Eurodinner, the festival and the organisation on:<br />

www.esn.org/boardblog<br />

www.gristuf.org<br />

http://iswi.org/sorce<br />

Gent BEST meeting (Ieper, 17 November 2006)<br />

by Jakob Smets, External Relations<br />

This event, organised by BEST-Gent was the gathering of all the presidents of the “local<br />

BEST groups” (LBGs, or what we call sections) in a kind of mini-<strong>AGM</strong>. Together with<br />

other student NGOs (CFES and AEGEE) I was invited to come and speak on what ESN<br />

is doing nowadays, especially about the adoption of our new CI.<br />

I have to say that I was impressed how BEST is organised and working, but I had the<br />

impression that it’s a small world of technology students doing their thing.<br />

As I didn’t get so many reactions (neither did the president of AEGEE) I just hope they<br />

liked the presentation. But in all, BEST is a nice organisation and we cooperate a great<br />

deal on local level in Brussels and Gdansk.<br />

So, check out your local BEST group: www.best.eu.org<br />

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UKESC Conference in the European Parliament (June 22-23<br />

2006)<br />

by Jakob Smets, External Relations<br />

UK Erasmus Student Committee is a student organisation, supported by the UK<br />

Erasmus Socrates Council. They are a great force in the UK on promoting the Erasmus<br />

programme.<br />

So, on June 22, they organised a conference in the European Parliament. Among the<br />

participants of course many UKESC members, but also Erasmus officers, politicians<br />

and of course members of ESN! From the board Ewa and me attended, furthermore the<br />

NRs of Belgium (Christof) and Ireland (Laurence) and now vice-NR of Cyprus Moner<br />

participated actively.<br />

The person who will remind in our memories is of course Mr. John Reilly, head of the<br />

UK Erasmus-Socrates Council. Few people have seen a non-ESNer making such an<br />

enthusiastic speech about Erasmus in front of politicians and media. I immediately<br />

invited him to come to my birthday drink that evening.<br />

After some speeches and discussions, it was time for workshops where different<br />

aspects of improving the conditions of going on Erasmus were discussed. In the<br />

afternoon, nobody less than Jan Figel’, the European Commissioner for Education,<br />

came to listen to the conclusions of the workshops and give a small speech.<br />

The next day, the whole UKESC group was invited to the house and the office, where<br />

we talked about possible cooperation. Hopefully, this will lead to setting up many new<br />

sections in the UK!<br />

More information on the organisation can be found on: www.erasmus.ac.uk/esc<br />

European Conference on Students’ Mobility – The<br />

Experience of Candidate Countries<br />

Written by Diana Ivan, NR for Romania<br />

The Conference represented the final part of the OBSER-ERASMUS Project “Studying<br />

the Mobility Experience of Students from Candidate Countries”, being organised in<br />

Bucharest, in June 23, 2006.<br />

The Project aimed at comparing the perceptions of the former Erasmus students from<br />

candidate countries, formulating at the same time general and specific<br />

recommendations in order to improve the quality of the programme. Three universities<br />

from Romania, Bulgaria and Poland (which was a candidate country at the beginning of<br />

the project), in cooperation with universities from UK and the Netherlands have realised<br />

the survey, gathering approximately one thousand answers of the former Erasmus<br />

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students (446 from Romania, 292 from Poland and 273 from Bulgaria). In parallel,<br />

interviews with Erasmus students and Erasmus coordinators were organised.<br />

The conference presented the main findings of the research, in three chapters<br />

corresponding to the different phases of the mobility. The “Preparatory phase” was<br />

characterized by the “gap between the students’ needs and expectations of the mobility<br />

preparation process and what is offered to them by the factors involved”. The<br />

organizational aspects, source of the “tremendous stress before departure” as<br />

characterized by students, were analysed in their different dimensions: financial,<br />

administrative (documentation; travel, accommodation) and academic (learning<br />

agreement). The “Mobility phase” evaluated the effectiveness of the support offered to<br />

the Erasmus students by: the staff / coordinators in the host institution (74% of the<br />

answers were positive), the student’s mentor in the host institution (68% positive<br />

answers), the relevant faculty members within the host institution (70% positive<br />

answers) and the students’ associations in the host university (46% positive answers). It<br />

also evaluated the quality of the academic dimension and the types of administrative<br />

arrangements (payment, accommodation) chosen. The “After the mobility<br />

experience: follow-up and impact” phase dealt mainly with the recognition of the<br />

Erasmus studies, the retrospective evaluation of the Erasmus mobility and the ways the<br />

former Erasmus students could promote the programme. While the recognition is<br />

differently seen in the three countries, the impact of the mobility was assessed in very<br />

comparative terms, the main results of Erasmus being:<br />

• the personal development (development of personality, value acquisition and<br />

better knowledge of the self);<br />

• the development of linguistic abilities;<br />

• the academic impact;<br />

• the professional impact.<br />

Students pointed out the following negative aspects: obtaining the visa, accommodation<br />

problems, lack of free time / social activities and financial problems.<br />

93% of the students’ answers supported the statement “I really enjoyed my time<br />

as an Erasmus student”.<br />

The second part of the conference was organised in three discussion groups<br />

corresponding to the three phases, followed by a common session for the centralisation<br />

of the emerging recommendations:<br />

• more transparency and collaboration among universities, teachers and not least,<br />

students (also by encouraging the Erasmus teacher mobility);<br />

• better defining the Learning Agreement, a multi-lateral contract whose<br />

understanding will be reflected in the recognition phase;<br />

• speaking more about the “hidden selection criteria” which is the cost of living;<br />

• Make the students’ voices heard! (Good practice examples: networking of<br />

students - ESN, former Erasmus students becoming tutors – Germany, narrative<br />

reports - Romania, Erasmus Days - Cyprus);<br />

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• using at a higher level the potential of the former Erasmus students (Erasmus<br />

ambassadors);<br />

• promoting and making known the programme means increasing its quality.<br />

At this conference ESN was represented by Diana Ivan, National Representative -<br />

Romania and Carmen Cucul, President ESN Bucharest (RO). The participants<br />

encouraged the active role played by the students in increasing the quality of the<br />

Erasmus mobility. The Italian representatives from the Camerino University underlined<br />

the positive role played by ESN within this programme. This report does not represent<br />

the official conclusions of the project, but a participant perspective.<br />

AEGEE Project Development Meeting<br />

Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

Project Development Meeting on 8-10 September 2006 was designed in order for<br />

AEGEE members to plan the actions for their project on education for the year <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Representatives of other students NGOs were invited in order for them to decide if they<br />

would like to be engaged in the project as partners. Other NGOs that participated were<br />

ESN, European Medical Student Association, BEST – European Technology Students<br />

Association, JADE – European Young Entrepreneurs, European Law Student<br />

Association.<br />

AEGEE decided to make a project which concentrates on the non-formal education and<br />

volunteering as well as on Bologna Process changes in formal education. The result of<br />

the meeting for ESN is an engagement of other student organisations in the<br />

celebrations of 20 Years of Erasmus Programme by ESN. For sure AEGEE and EMSA<br />

declared their interest. The meeting was also a great occasion to create a platform of<br />

communication between different associations.<br />

Academic mobility: crossed perspectives – International<br />

bilingual conference (EN and FR)<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

The conference ‘Academic mobility: crossed perspectives’ took place 21, 22 and 23<br />

September 2006 at University of Turku, Finland (Department of French studies).<br />

ESN was invited to present the results of the ESNSurvey, and I did a presentation to<br />

quite big audience on the topic ‘Why to study abroad? – typologies of students, their<br />

motivations and needs’. There was a lot of questions after the presentation and many<br />

people were amazed with the fact that ESN gathered so many responses.<br />

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Other interesting speeches concerned:<br />

• Euro Mobil – very interesting for prospective Erasmus students, these are online<br />

programmes that students should do before going for their exchange (see<br />

www.euro-mobil.org)<br />

• Ainhoa de Federico from University of Lille 1, France ‘Friendship networks of<br />

Erasmus students and their effects on identifications’<br />

• Silvia Ghiselli and Gian Piero Mignoli from University of Bologna ‘Study<br />

experiences abroad: Graduates features and professional accomplishment’<br />

• And many others. Papers and abstracts are available at<br />

http://users.utu.fi/freder/Conf%20mobility/cat/mobility.htm<br />

Additionally, I had a pleasure to be hosted by Linda, a chairman of ESN at University of<br />

Turku whom I thank a lot for comfortable sofa and nice breakfast. More, we had a<br />

dinner with another section ESN Åbo Akademi, represented by the chairman Lena,<br />

during which we discussed the activities of the sections and some ESN projects.<br />

Conference was a good place to present ESNSurvey and get some feedback from<br />

professional researchers. The other papers could be helpful for section members to<br />

learn more about Erasmus students experience.<br />

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Pallomeri!”<br />

EAIE (European Association for International Education)<br />

Conference<br />

Basel, Swizterland,13-16 September<br />

Written by Ivana Petričević, Secretary of ESN AISBL<br />

Thomas Paur, President of ESN Switzerland, began his speech at the conference in<br />

Basel in front of an audience composed of over 50 university representatives from all<br />

over Europe and only 3 ESN members with “Ladies and Gentlemen, Pallomeri!”<br />

University representatives were looking at each other full of surprise and we, ESN<br />

people, were both laughing and getting goose bumps. We were very proud to be able to<br />

present in our session the student view on internationalisation at home to the people<br />

who were actually carrying it out. With his opening Thomas in fact presented in one<br />

sentence the picture of ESN’s presence at the conference. Being the only student<br />

organisation there, among more than 2.000 international relations officers and other<br />

universities’ representatives, ESN was to many an remote participant, but nevertheless<br />

bold in expressing its points of view.<br />

Our session on internationalisation at home, or ways to bring Europe closer to<br />

non-mobile local students, was the highpoint of the conference for ESN. In a panel of 3<br />

ESN members - including myself, Ewa Krzaklewska and Thomas Paur – and 2<br />

members from the University of Amsterdam and the Jagiellonian University of Krakow<br />

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respectively, we were able to explain from various perspectives how students working<br />

for ESN acquire skills and learn about intercultural issues through contact with<br />

international students at their local universities. The same skills are acquired by<br />

students going to study abroad, though to a lesser extent perhaps. My presentation<br />

dealt with local ESN members in Amsterdam, who for example practice foreign<br />

languages and learn about other cultures by being in touch with exchange students<br />

through ESN activities. Thomas focused more on internationalisation as a result of<br />

contact between ESN members on international level, for example through regional<br />

platforms. In his opinion the Pallomeri spirit plays a crucial role here, promoting openmindedness,<br />

tolerance and respect. Professor Klimkiewicz from Krakow told how<br />

students at his university learned a lot about Africa through a really extraordinary activity<br />

organised by members of ESN UJ Krakow, namely a trial to break the world record for<br />

the longest speech. And of course they succeeded ☺ With the support of ESN UJ an<br />

African student was able to hold a speech about the state of human rights on his<br />

continent for three days, three long days!<br />

Finally, Mrs Kuiper from the University of Amsterdam expressed her appreciation for<br />

members of ISN Amsterdam by saying that without them receiving international<br />

students would be practically impossible.<br />

After the presentations, many questions came from the audience. University<br />

representatives were mainly interested in practical issues: how to set up an ESN<br />

section, how to fund it etc. Many of them had heard about ESN, but some did not know<br />

what we exactly do. The EAIE conference gave us the perfect chance to explain to<br />

universities what we have to offer and the new brochures with our new corporate<br />

identity proved to be just the perfect tool for that. We took our precious PR material<br />

everywhere we went. Many ESN brochures have by now found their way into<br />

international relations offices in the UK, Croatia, Ireland, Turkey and many other<br />

countries. They are just waiting for motivated students to pick them up and say<br />

Pallomeri! Let’s start an ESN section! We did what we could, we have spread the word<br />

around. Promotion of ESN was our main task. Let us now hope the university<br />

representatives will pass the word about ESN on to their local students to enable us to<br />

welcome many new sections in ESN by saying “Ladies and Gentlemen, Pallomeri!”<br />

Multilingualism in the knowledge-based society<br />

Building bridges for innovation in higher education, policies,<br />

and research<br />

Thematic Network Project In the Area of Languages III conference<br />

Closing Conference, Universite Rennes 2 (FR), 22-23 September 2006<br />

Written by Anna Laudy<br />

This two-day conference was organized as an activity of the <strong>Free</strong> University of Berlin.<br />

The responsible patron for the local organization was Universite Rennes 2. The<br />

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conference was held in the Amphitheatre, Batiments des Langues of the Universite<br />

Rennes 2.<br />

The main aim of the two-day conference was to prove that promotion of multilingual<br />

communicative competence and the maintenance of linguistic diversity are essential to<br />

European integration, to live and work in the Union and to dialogue between Europe<br />

and other parts of the word.<br />

The majority of the participants were university professors and lecturers. A number of<br />

external experts were also invited. Moreover, some students’ organizations AEGEE,<br />

ESIB, ESN had their representatives.<br />

Erasmus Student Network representatives were: Davide Capecchi (ESN President),<br />

Corinne Bryner (ESN Treasurer), Anna Laudy (ESN Warsaw University) Hielei Heider<br />

(ESN Vienna), Jakub Misiorny (ESN Poznan).<br />

Day 1:<br />

Part of the first day was devoted to introducing the topic: “Languages for languagerelated<br />

industries and professions” by Brian Fox, European Commission, Director and<br />

Patric Zabalbeascoa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, ES.<br />

Next theme was “Language for enhanced opportunities on the European labour market”<br />

presented by Daniel Binet, Managing Director Zhendre, FR.<br />

Then followed a panel discussion conducted by Karen Lauridsen, Handelshojskolen I<br />

Arhus, DK, which focused on higher education language studies. Among invited<br />

students, graduates and students’ organizations representatives was the President of<br />

ESN.<br />

In the afternoon the participants could join different workshops:<br />

Languages for language-related industries and professions. (Davide)<br />

Languages enhanced opportunities on the European labour market. (Corinne, Hielei)<br />

Languages as an interface between the different sectors of education. (Anna, Jakub)<br />

In the late afternoon a reception was held in Ville de Rennes during which Mr. Edmond<br />

Herve, Maire de Rennes, gave a speech.<br />

The day ended with conference dinner.<br />

Day 2:<br />

It focused on the theme: “Languages as an interface between the different sectors of<br />

education”. This issue was introduced in 2 presentations by Anne-Marie Lherete,<br />

Mininistere de l’education nationale, de l’enseignement superieur et de la recherché,<br />

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Neva Slibar, Univerza v Ljubljani, SI and Anita Malmqvist, Umea Universitet, SE and<br />

then discussed in the whole group.<br />

Afterwards the workshops from the first day were continued and a new subproject –<br />

“Education and research” was introduced.<br />

In the afternoon reports on the outcomes of the Friday and Saturday workshops were<br />

presented.<br />

The conference ended with concluding remarks by Daniel Toudic and Wolfgang<br />

Mackiewicz TNP 3 Coordinator.<br />

As the conclusion from the conference most participants view the introduction of<br />

multilingualism in the knowledge-based society as a particularly important topic.<br />

Firstly, teaching foreign languages from a very young age is essential, because it will<br />

provide people with communicative skills which will minimize language barriers.<br />

Therefore teachers at schools should not focus on grammar but speaking activities..<br />

Secondly, teaching languages should also include general knowledge about history and<br />

culture of the certain country. Moreover, it was underlined, especially during the panel<br />

discussion, that a good command of more than one foreign language is nowadays a big<br />

advantage on labour market. In conclusion, although English is regarded as lingua<br />

franca, currently it seems not to be enough.<br />

Finally, suggestions have been made that similar meetings and further discussions how<br />

to improve and unify foreign languages teaching should be conducted. In addition TNP<br />

3 Coordinator stated that the discussed issues ought to reach out to mixed audiences of<br />

university and non-university stakeholder representatives.<br />

International Study Fair Amsterdam<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

The Board was invited by the Hogeschool Amsterdam to introduce our work in occasion<br />

of a student fair.<br />

I had the pleasure to spend one full day answering questions of many students<br />

interested in ESN and studying abroad, I hope I was useful somehow to them!<br />

This was also a good occasion for meeting the board of ISN Amsterdam, and to learn<br />

that they had not received the PR package yet ☺<br />

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EMPOWER: European civil society forum, 9-10 November,<br />

Bergamo, Italy<br />

Written by Giorgio Marinoni, NR for Italy<br />

The White Paper on the EU Communication Policy enshrines a paramount concept:<br />

"empowering people". It also recognizes that civil society's involvement and cooperation<br />

is key in enhancing a European public sphere where the European debate can unfold<br />

and counteract the sense of alienation from 'Brussels', which partly mirrors the<br />

disenchantment with politics in general. The EMPOWER Forum is designed to explore<br />

how we might begin to fill the still existing gap between European Citizens and<br />

Institutions.<br />

ESN is proud to have been represented by vice-president Ewa Krzaklewska, Italian<br />

NR Giorgio Marinoni and Romanian NR Diana Ivan. This campaign aims to improve<br />

communication about EU and involve citizens in the processes of the EU letting<br />

them express their voices. For this reason the European Commission organised this<br />

forum inviting many Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) among which ESN.<br />

Moreover our vice-president Ewa Krzaklewska was invited to be facilitator of one of the<br />

workshops hold there: "The European Discovery: improving civic education".<br />

We had two days full of work and many ideas were coming out. The main topics<br />

discussed in the workshop about improving civic education were about formal<br />

education, non-formal education and informal education. A very interesting point<br />

was the request of more acknowledgement for voluntary service and non-formal ways of<br />

learning. We suggested that working for voluntary association like ESN during the years<br />

of education should be granted with ECTS credits and that it should be made<br />

compulsory. Many NGOs were also suggesting the Commission to foster voluntary<br />

associations with funds.<br />

During the final plenary session Ewa presented in a very professional manner the<br />

results of the workshop to the assembly. Besides the conference we had great time, the<br />

weather was marvellous in Bergamo (not really foggy November style) and letting us<br />

appreciate the city in all its beauty. Besides, we had a magnificent dinner in a wonderful<br />

old church in the old town and got the occasion to collect positive ideas from people of<br />

other organisations. During the conference I spoke with the Italian representation of<br />

the European Commission and they were interested in us and especially in our<br />

project of the celebration of the XX anniversary of the Erasmus programme.<br />

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Eurotop for top students<br />

Written by Karol Kardach, President ESN-Politechnika Wrocławska<br />

e-mail: president@esn.wroc.pl<br />

date: 15-17 November <strong>2007</strong><br />

place: Universiteit Maastricht - Maastricht, Netherlands<br />

In mid November 2006 a conference “Eurotop for Top Students” took place at<br />

Universiteit Maastricht in Maastricht, Netherlands. The Eurotop for Top Students was a<br />

platform for students, which aimed to give direction to the international discussion about<br />

the organization of European Higher Education and the development of the European<br />

knowledge economy.<br />

This year’s main theme of the conference was: “The quality of the university of the<br />

future”.<br />

The participants – chosen among the top European students – had been devided into<br />

four groups and for three days were working on and discussing one of the two given<br />

subtopics:<br />

Quality in education<br />

and<br />

Internationalisation.<br />

Four ESN members were invited to participate in the Eurotop conference. ESN was<br />

being represented well by:<br />

Anna Cichosz (ESN-SGH, Szkoła Główna Handlowa – Warsaw, Poland)<br />

Brendan Wallace (ESN-UCD, University College Dublin – Dublin, Ireland)<br />

Christof Devriendt (ESN Brussels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Brussels, Belgium)<br />

Karol Kardach (ESN-PWr, Politechnika Wrocławska – Wrocław, Poland)<br />

This Eurotop was organised in parallel to the Lustrum conference which main topic:<br />

“Quality of education: in the eye of the beholder - the quality of educational programmes<br />

in an international context” was closely related to the Eurotop’s main theme. Unlike with<br />

Eurotop, the participants of the Lustrum conference were not students but teachers,<br />

academic officials, higher education policy makers etc. and as one could tell by its main<br />

topic, the participants of the Lustrum conference were discussing just about the same<br />

issues that the Eurotop participants were.<br />

At the end of both conferences final conclusions were drawn and afterwards presented<br />

to all of the participants and discussed on a joint forum of the Eurotop and Lustrum<br />

conferences together to confront the views of both sides of the higher education<br />

classroom desk – higher education providers and policy makers as well as higher<br />

education addressees (– students).<br />

The Eurotop for Top Students has been an example of a well organised and niftily<br />

conducted conference. The program really intense filled the entire day’s timeline from<br />

the very morning till the late night hours.<br />

If anyone is thinking about organising a really zipped-tight conference, Eurotop can<br />

definitelly serve as a good example of how to arrange such.<br />

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For more information please visit:<br />

www.unimaas.nl/eurotop/<br />

www.unimaas.nl/quality<br />

Karol Kardach<br />

president<br />

Erasmus Student Network<br />

Politechnika Wrocławska<br />

ESN-PWr.<br />

e-mail: president@esn.wroc.pl<br />

Role of student organisations? ESN’s role in fostering<br />

mobility: Conference of Council of Europe<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

At the beginning of November, in the Russian capital city, Council of Europe organised<br />

the conference entitled “Making the European Higher Education Area a Reality: the<br />

Role of Students”.<br />

Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President represented ESN and had a chance to make a<br />

presentation concerning the international mobility experience. In her speech, she<br />

indicated what are the most important problems of exchange students (financial issues,<br />

getting relevant information and recognition of academic and non academic<br />

achievements). Next, she showed how student organisations such as ESN local<br />

sections can help to improve quality of stay abroad.<br />

She stressed that it is important that students take direct responsibility for the foreign<br />

guests. This way students show that they care for international student community as a<br />

whole. Moreover, this is students who know best how the university functions and can<br />

give exchange students the most exact information (also about unsaid rules). At the end<br />

of the conference, participants created recommendations that are going to be given to<br />

the Ministers of Education (who meet in London, May <strong>2007</strong>). These include among<br />

others a suggestion that all Higher Education Institutions should create a local<br />

organisation that will support academic mobility (on example of ESN), and that the<br />

voluntary work of students should be formally recognised by institutions.<br />

Check out Ewa’s presentation on www.esn-belgium.be/presentation_CoE.ppt<br />

For news on this topic visit<br />

http://www.coe.int/T/DG4/HigherEducation/Default_EN.asp<br />

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Mind the Gap: seminar on European Communication -<br />

Viterbo, Italy (8-14 November 2006)<br />

Written by Jakob Smets, External Relations<br />

This seminar was especially aimed at organisations that communicate Europe on local<br />

level. Most of the participants where involved in a local Eurodesk-, EVS- or other<br />

organisation that brings Europe to young people. Among the participants also ESNers<br />

of course! Alex from ESN Viterbo, Alessia from ESN Roma and Domenico “Menga”<br />

Melpignano, the Italian vice-NR.<br />

A motivated group of trainers brought us all together in a hotel that used to be an<br />

ancient monastery outside of Viterbo. This kind of isolation did make us all stick<br />

together and involve from dawn till dusk in the activities. It was a great opportunity to<br />

show what ESN is all about to people who communicate Europe on local level in many<br />

different countries.<br />

A nice experience was the Open Space Technology: a totally different way of having<br />

workshops and I think it involves people much more. This should really be tried on the<br />

<strong>AGM</strong> or at least on a Regional Platform.<br />

For more information on Mind the Gap:<br />

Europe Direct Lazio - Eurodesk Viterbo<br />

Via San Camillo de Lellis, snc<br />

01100 Viterbo<br />

carrefour.lazio@tin.it<br />

Tel 0039 (0) 761357233<br />

Fax 0039 (0) 761357296<br />

Erasmus Welcome Day – Rome (9 Nov. 2006)<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

Hundreds of Erasmus students were gathered in “Roma Fiera” for a welcome evening<br />

organised by the Rome city council and major in cooperation with the Erasmus<br />

associations and of course ESN Roma was at the lead!<br />

It was a wonderful opportunity to speak in front of all those students at their first day if<br />

Erasmus, as well as to talk before Margot Wallström, Vice President of the European<br />

Commission.<br />

I suggest to all sections to contact the local authorities for organising such an event and<br />

of the next board will be for sure glad to participate as we were.<br />

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Job Days Europe in Brussels<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President ESN<br />

Job Days Europe in the Brussels Parliament took place on the 29 of September. I was<br />

asked to present the Erasmus Programme to the participants of the workshop that<br />

accompanied the Job Days. To summarise, the presentation went well, but it was not<br />

much relevant for the audience as they were mostly already graduated. In case ever<br />

invited to any job fairs, I recommend to present the Leonardo Programme for<br />

internships.<br />

Erasmus Building Europe – Conference - Rome, 28-29-30<br />

April 2006<br />

Written by Domenico Melpignano, Vice NR for Italy<br />

Many interesting points have been discussed, and we should work on them on each<br />

level. All the associations presented themselves at the end of the conference, few<br />

minutes of speech to express the opinion of the people they were representing. I<br />

decided to go straight on our critics issues and on problems that it’s possible to face<br />

during the Erasmus project and the international association work. Opposite to us, all<br />

the other associations pointed on saying what they are and what they do. In short,<br />

all of them said the same things as all of us there knew who we are and what we do.<br />

I stressed particularly on the difficulties we faces with the introduction of the 3+2<br />

system, analysing the problem from the point of view of the students and from the<br />

point of view of the associations’ active members. I argued also about the crisis that<br />

some sections, from north to south, from east to west, have working for the universities<br />

but without their support, rather with real barriers. That’s the case of blind universities,<br />

insensitive to our motivation, availability and free of charge work.<br />

What merged in the interaction with authorities, is the need to let our voice arrive to<br />

the European Parliament, through parliament members interested to pay attention to<br />

our cause, even helping us. Such voice should be stronger if it comes from a<br />

coalition with other associations, with whom we share spirits, interest and objectives.<br />

Cannot forget to mention Nikos from ESN Graz (Austria), that contributed with his spirit<br />

and his gorgeous English to have fruitful interview during the whole event. I’ll mention<br />

the intervention of Mr. Lenarduzzi, Director of the Commission that created the<br />

Erasmus project, and Ms Clara Grano, responsible of the National Socrates/Erasmus<br />

Agency. Lenarduzzi, after a very long historical excursus of the E. Project, told us that<br />

between 2006 and 2011 will be spent € 500 million for 3 million of students, his point of<br />

view is to give less money for each student, so it will be possible to have more Erasmus<br />

students. On the other side, Ms Grano was sustaining the opposite theory. She<br />

stressed in her speech the need, for the international associations, to have some<br />

political useful links to the European institutions, to be able to let understand the<br />

decisional body our impact on the student society and so on.<br />

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Turkish NGOs workshop<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

On Tuesday 12 September, I participated in the workshop with NGOs from Turkey on<br />

“The Role of NGO’s in the Accession Process: Experiences on National and EU Level”.<br />

The Workshop was on the Youth Policy. We discussed how Turkish NGOs work and we<br />

discussed how possibly we could collaborate. Contacts were later passed to the<br />

National Representative of Turkey, Andim.<br />

Turkish Participants:<br />

Gülesin Nemutlu (Community Volunteers Foundation)<br />

Yörük Kurtaran (Bilgi University Youth Studies Unit)<br />

Ufuk Atalay (Youth Social Development Fund and Youth Development Association)<br />

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Financial Matters<br />

Written by Corinne Bryner, Treasurer<br />

Bank accounts<br />

ESN International has four ING accounts in Brussels :<br />

Address: ING bank, Marnixlaan 24, 1000 Brussels, Belgium<br />

SWIFT (BIC) code : BBRUBEBB<br />

Current account for daily transactions:<br />

Account name : ESN International<br />

Account number : 390-0801361-02 CA<br />

Capital 01.01.<strong>2007</strong>: 643.17€<br />

Savings account:<br />

Account name : ESN International<br />

Account number : 390-4215448-77 GB<br />

Capital 01.01.<strong>2007</strong>: 313.54€<br />

Account for the 20 th anniversary project (Accompanying Measures Grant):<br />

Account name: Erasmus Student Network Int.<br />

Account number: 363-0050191-82 CA<br />

Capital 01.01.<strong>2007</strong>: 55’906.20€<br />

Account with 56’000€ blocked as a measure of guarantee for the AM Grant:<br />

Account name: Erasmus Student Network<br />

Account number: 363-0050191-82 BUS<br />

Capital 01.01.<strong>2007</strong>: 56'052.30€<br />

We have two personal bank consultants:<br />

Ms Munda Tea and Ms Magali Dansaert<br />

Accounting<br />

Accounting is done manually with two self defined Microsoft Access Databases; one for<br />

the daily operating work of the Board, the other is entirely dedicated to the<br />

Accompanying Measure grant money and to the 20 th anniversary project. This measure<br />

will help to keep funds separated and to give more adequate financial proof to the<br />

European Commission that the grant was used exclusively for the designed project.<br />

Backup of all financial documents<br />

ESNOffice in Brussels is the place where all the financial documents are archived: Bank<br />

correspondence, invoices, contracts, reimbursement forms (in two exemplars, one<br />

original, one copy). This prevents loosing some part of ESN financial documents.<br />

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Financial Report 2006<br />

Written by Corinne Bryner, Treasurer<br />

On a financial point of view, 2006 was a good year for ESN International. This was due<br />

to two facts: First, the incomes of sponsors were higher than expected. In April the<br />

contract with Swisscare was signed, an event which had not been foreseen. Second,<br />

also the partnership with Università Bocconi developed in a very satisfying way; at the<br />

beginning of the year we had foreseen a sponsorship of 26’000€, whereas we closed<br />

the year with a total of 43’000€ sponsoring. Furthermore, the biggest achievement of<br />

this year was becoming a fact in autumn: The Accompanying Measures grant was<br />

approved and therefore the 20 th anniversary project became reality. Due to this fact<br />

however, we had to block our entire savings of 56’000€ into a special account where the<br />

money cannot be moved nor spent fir the whole duration of the project. This was<br />

demanded by the European Commission as a measure of guarantee for their grant, as<br />

we are considered by them a private entity and not as a public one (what we thought to<br />

be indeed). Without having this amount blocked, they would not have paid us the grant.<br />

This left us with a savings account of 313€ and a low cash flow at the end of 2006.<br />

At the date of writing, the situation was more than positive, having sponsored Università<br />

Bocconi the 20 Years Erasmus Programme for a significant amount of money,<br />

necessary for the improvement of the work of the board and of the project.<br />

Financial statement 2006<br />

Written by Corinne Bryner, Treasurer<br />

In the next page the income/Outcome statement for ESN AISBL for 2006<br />

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in € in €<br />

Revenues Expenses<br />

Membership Fees Cost of goods distributed:<br />

Membership fees 06 (25€) 600.00 ESN Card production cost 9'060.69<br />

Membership fees 06 (50€) 6'300.49 ESN Card sending cost 1'077.09<br />

Membership fees 07 (25€) 150.00 Gadgets� Exp. 3'851.18<br />

Membership fees 07 (50€) 225.00 PR material� production costs 2'598.75<br />

Membership fee debts (years 03+04+05) 3’960.00 PR material� sending cost 962.01<br />

11’235.49 17'549.72<br />

Revenues of goods distributed Headquarters<br />

ESN Cards 17'755.04 Bank costs 186.56<br />

Gadgets� 994.50 ESN House rent 12'459.42<br />

PR material� 132.00 House equipment 1'324.27<br />

18'881.54 Living Expenses� 10'800.00<br />

Flat rental Office equipment 31.20<br />

Flat rental� 3'947.31 Office rent 3'340.02<br />

Office supplies 543.89<br />

Interests on saving account Postal / phone 1'467.09<br />

Interests on saving account 313.00<br />

Travel and Participation<br />

30’152.45<br />

General Sponsors Country development� 891.75<br />

Bocconi� 33'400.00 External conferences� 854.83<br />

Petrus Communication 500.00 External representation� 1'411.65<br />

33'900.00 Non statutory ESN meetings� 1'602.81<br />

Sponsors for Projects Statutory ESN meeting�<br />

Returns home<br />

6335.58<br />

Bocconi: Survey<br />

Flemish Agency: CNR Brussels January<br />

10'000.00 President+Vicepresident 1'096.83<br />

07 1'000.00 12'193.45<br />

Petrus Communication: Cards 5'384.22 Promotion expenses<br />

Skyeurope: Cards 295.00 <strong>AGM</strong> 2006 PR costs 85.39<br />

Swisscare: Cards 20'000.00 Corporate Identity 3'248.56<br />

36'679.22 3'333.95<br />

Other Projects<br />

Conferences� 1'413.69 CNR support 1'698.18<br />

Other Rev. 135.51 Marketing working group 50.00<br />

1’549.20 Survey Projects 1'043.81<br />

Web Projects 1'325.54<br />

4'117.53<br />

Total Revenues 106'505.76 Other<br />

Other (exp.) 402.20<br />

1<br />

Total Revenues 106'505.76<br />

- Total Expenses - 67'794.30<br />

Surplus 38'756.46<br />

Total Expenses 67'794.30<br />

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Explanations:<br />

� Gadgets: T-shirt, pen, calendar, sticker, flag, mug, …<br />

� PR material: Business card, brochures, poster, CD with logos, star leaflet, future<br />

prints of magazine and ESN book<br />

� Flat rental: One room in the ESN House was let to Christof Devriendt, NR of<br />

Belgium<br />

� Country development: Travel expenses and participation fee for National<br />

Platforms, National Events, travel expenses for meeting present and future<br />

sections<br />

� External conferences: Travel expenses and participation fee for external<br />

conferences<br />

� Conferences: Int. Board members get invited to conferences to hold speeches,<br />

prepare papers or workshops. This work is sometimes remunerated.<br />

� External representation: Meetings with sponsors, commercial and non<br />

commercial partners.<br />

� Non statutory ESN meetings: Travel expenses and participation fee for non<br />

statutory (= non compulsory) meetings between ESN members and sections, i.e.<br />

Cultural Medley, Fundraising Conference, Bocconi Training, bilateral meetings<br />

between ESN members.<br />

� Statutory ESN meetings: Travel expenses and participation fee for statutory (=<br />

compulsory) meetings: Board Meetings, <strong>AGM</strong>, CNR, Regional platforms<br />

� Bocconi Sponsorship: Out of 33’000€ total sponsoring, 5’000 were invoiced at the<br />

very end of 2006 and are available for the year <strong>2007</strong> in cash.<br />

� Living expenses: International Board Members, the Secretary and the Intern get<br />

their living expenses reimbursed in the form of 10€ for every day spent in Brussels:<br />

working in ESNOffice and living in ESNHouse.<br />

Policy for the reimbursement of the Board<br />

Written by Corinne Bryner, Treasurer<br />

All expenses are only reimbursed by completing correctly the reimbursement form and<br />

providing all receipts. No advanced payments are made and every Board Member is<br />

warmly welcomed to spend as less as possible. Reimbursement of travel expenses are<br />

categorised into following different purposes:<br />

Statutory ESN meetings (Board meeting, CNR, Regional Platforms, <strong>AGM</strong>)<br />

Every Board Member can spend up to a maximum 150€ travel expenses per journey for<br />

a statutory ESN meeting. In addition, participation fees, expenses for OC presents or<br />

eurodinner food are reimbursed.<br />

Non statutory ESN meetings (Meetings between ESN members for non statutory<br />

purposes: Workshops, ESN Factory, bilateral meetings etc.)<br />

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Country development: Aims to foster the creation of new ESN sections and to visit<br />

sections or countries which want to develop.<br />

External conferences: Invitations to conferences for explaining the aims of ESN.<br />

Expenses are often compensated by incomes by terms of daily allowances.<br />

External representation: Representation and promotion of ESN to commercial and<br />

institutional partners or prospective partners<br />

Returns home President and Vice-President: President and Vice-President receive<br />

up to 500€ / year for travelling home to their families and friends.<br />

Normally, low-cost airfares are used, if possible. Car and taxi are accepted only if<br />

favourable in expenses, and reasonable in the journey schedule, or if nothing else is<br />

possible.<br />

All reimbursement forms are available for being audited at the Headquarters of ESN in<br />

Brussels.<br />

Board members, the Secretary and the Interns are also reimbursed a forfeit of 10<br />

EUR/day covering their living expenses in Brussels, up to a maximum of 300 EUR a<br />

month. The forfeit is provided as well on travel days from/to Brussels.<br />

At the end of each trimester, all the leftovers of the budget for living expenses in<br />

Brussels (calculated on a three-person-per-month basis, i.e. an overall 900 EUR per<br />

month), if any, are redistributed to Board members in proportion to the number of days<br />

they spent in the city.<br />

Board members are not reimbursed the forfeit while out of Brussels, but the real<br />

expenses they incurred in, if justified by receipts. Normally living costs should not<br />

exceed 10 EUR/day.<br />

Accommodation costs are allowed in very exceptional cases and if no other solution is<br />

possible. In these rare cases, hostels or equivalent are used. Overnight at ESNrs’<br />

places is the most common option.<br />

Expenses of the Board are audited by the CNR and kept under control by the Treasurer<br />

supported by the President.<br />

A Maestro Card is used for little expenses related with the current work of the<br />

Headquarters. Receipts are kept and shown to the Treasurer on demand.<br />

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CNR fund<br />

Written by Corinne Bryner, Treasurer<br />

The CNR Fund was created by the Int. Board 2005/2006 to support the initiative and<br />

activities of Country National Representatives on the international level. It contained<br />

1650€ for 2006 and 1500€ for <strong>2007</strong>. The application is open to all NRs. After the trip,<br />

the National Representative fills in the Reimbursement Form attaching all the original<br />

receipts and sends it to the office in Brussels.<br />

Requirements to apply:<br />

• Application should be sent to the CNR coordinator before the deadline which is<br />

no later than 1 month in advance.<br />

• No application is accepted if the applying NR hasn’t uploaded the latest required<br />

Country Report to the info-centre. It has to be a proper CR.<br />

• The applying NR should be able to attend the whole meeting; all the days of the<br />

CNR meeting.<br />

• NR should be able to prove that he/she applied to other organizations before<br />

applying for the CNR travel funds.<br />

• Exception to rule 1 and 2 can be done for applicant (vice NR or other country<br />

representative) from a country where the NR has not done his/her duties.<br />

• Late applications or other exceptions to the rules above would be judged by the<br />

coordinator and vice-coordinator and, if accepted by them, should be confirmed<br />

by the CNR (excluded the applicant). In this case the applicant is not guaranteed<br />

on the success of his/her application!<br />

In 2005/2006, following NRs have been supported by the CNR Fund:<br />

• Konstantinos Papadopoulos, NR of Greece<br />

• Jana Freudenberg, NR of Germany<br />

• Inese Grate, NR of Latvia<br />

• Andim Doldurucu, NR of Turkey<br />

• Maia Lössenko, NR of Estonia<br />

• Diana Ivan, NR of Romania<br />

• Nick Andries, NR of Belgium<br />

As money does matter, the main goal of the fund is to provide the possibility to<br />

participate in the meetings to all the NRs, also those who are not supported by their<br />

universities or countries.<br />

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The Council of National Representatives<br />

Written by Jørn Larsen Broks, National Representative of ESN Norway and Coordinator<br />

of the CNR.<br />

The Council of National Representatives (CNR) is composed of all National<br />

Representatives (NRs). Each ESN country is entitled to have one NR. The CNR<br />

represents the Annual General Meeting (<strong>AGM</strong>) during the ESN – year, and acts as a<br />

substitute of the <strong>AGM</strong> on budgetary, strategic and policy matters. In addition of being a<br />

close partner to the International Board in order to reach the best results for ESN, the<br />

CNR also supervise the work of the board. In total five to six CNR meetings are<br />

organised each year, in which NRs discuss and make decisions on a wide range of<br />

matters, such as the ESN Card, the <strong>AGM</strong>, Regional Platforms, strength of the network,<br />

promotion of ESN, approval of new sections/countries and many more. Furthermore,<br />

each NR is responsible for the contact between the sections of his / hers country and<br />

the international level.<br />

Report from the CNR meetings<br />

Written by Jørn Larsen Broks, National Representative of ESN Norway and Coordinator<br />

of the CNR.<br />

In the year 2006/<strong>2007</strong> the Council of National Representatives (CNR) met during six<br />

CNR meetings. These meetings were organised with excellence by the Organising<br />

Committees in Krakow, Linköping, Teramo, Koper, Brussels and finally <strong>Prague</strong>. Before<br />

every meeting all sections within ESN have the opportunity to candidate for the hosting<br />

of the successive CNR meeting, which location will be decided by a majority vote by the<br />

CNR. Hosting the NRs during a CNR meeting is a really good opportunity for an ESN<br />

section to show its commitment to the organisation, and to be recognized through the<br />

network.<br />

A normal CNR meeting lasts from Thursday evening until late Sunday, which upon the<br />

plenary sessions are held Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Here all the National<br />

Representatives discuss and decides on relevant topics from the time period from the<br />

last meeting, such as: Accepting new countries and sections, discussing statute<br />

changes, ESN’s long term vision and strategy, constitution of Regional Platforms and so<br />

on. In addition all CNR meetings are a social arena where the different NRs can get to<br />

know each other and do some networking within the network.<br />

Finally, the CNR of 2006/<strong>2007</strong> wants to express its gratitude and admiration to the<br />

Organising Committees of this ESN – years CNR meetings for the great time we’ve<br />

spend in your cities, for the guided tours through your city centres and for the<br />

comfortable places of accommodation and working.<br />

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Report CNR Meeting Linköping, Sweden 11-14 May 2006<br />

Written by Ivana Petričević, Secretary ESN AISBL, CNR Linköping Coordinator, NR The<br />

Netherlands 2005-2006<br />

The second CNR meeting after the <strong>AGM</strong> is always full of excitement, unlike the post-<br />

<strong>AGM</strong> CNR which is mostly consumed by recovering from heavy partying the week<br />

before and getting to know the new Board members. In May the CNR can have a look<br />

at the work of the Board, welcome the new NRs and set out plans for the following year.<br />

When I think back of our meeting in Linköping I remember Christof, Belgian NR,<br />

his ‘werewolf’ game followed by drinking games till 4 o’clock in the morning and Italian<br />

jokes about Swedish ‘fika’. This Swedish word for ‘food’ apparently has a completely<br />

different meaning in Italian, so the Italian guys were laughing to death after being<br />

promised hot Swedish ‘fika’ every day ☺ I also think back of Swedish hospitality and the<br />

boiling saunas we were able to use every day. What also pops into my mind is our walk<br />

to Gamla Linköping, through the delightful green forest up to the beautiful old part of the<br />

town during the surprisingly warm last day of our meeting. The most vivid memory I can<br />

recall is our presence at the Uterkravallen, an annual Swedish student party, with all<br />

NRs and Board Members jumping to the music of Escobar.<br />

Of course, there was also plenty of time for serious business with an agenda<br />

covering 48 points! Actually, in the end we were short of time, although we managed to<br />

discuss the most important ESN matters working at least 8 hours a day. The CNR was<br />

happy to welcome Corinne Bryner (ESN Winterthur, Switzerland) as the new treasurer<br />

of ESN International and to finally make the Board complete. The advisory Board was<br />

released and everybody was curious about the new projects of the current Board. We<br />

discussed the budget, the cooperation with the European Commission, the <strong>AGM</strong> final<br />

documents with a presentation form Kasia Paliwoda from the <strong>AGM</strong> Krakow OC, the<br />

future of InCommon magazine with a new ambitious plan from the Vice NR of Italy,<br />

Domenico Melpignano, chose Teramo (Italy) as the location for the next CNR meeting,<br />

elected Giorgio Marinoni, the NR of Italy, as the new CNR coordinator and covered<br />

many many more points. The heaviest challenge was the Cyprus ‘issue’, the question of<br />

ESN Famagusta. Politics all of a sudden threatened to shape the nature of non-political<br />

ESN, because the question was whether the Famagusta section could stay in ESN as<br />

being registered in North Cyprus, while our statutes say that a section must be<br />

registered “in the country of its origin”. Was it Cyprus or North Cyprus? Eventually, the<br />

CNR decide to expel the section on grounds of its registration. The decision was not<br />

easily made and long discussions preceded, but luckily ESN Famagusta is part of our<br />

network again, as disputes were laid aside and the Pallomeri spirit came to life in<br />

Cyprus again!<br />

All in all, it was an unforgettable CNR meeting, ushering in the new ESN year<br />

and promising many good things to come. Discussions were exhausting, the partying<br />

was great and we all closed the Linköping campus in our hearts thanks to our wonderful<br />

host Rasmus Lofgren, Swedish NR, and his OC team. Tak Svenska!<br />

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Report CNR Meeting in Teramo, 14th – 17th September 2006<br />

Written by Giorgio Marinoni, National Representative of Italy<br />

Form 14 th till 17 th September 2006 the Council of National Representatives met in<br />

Teramo, a small city between the mountains and the see, in the beautiful region of<br />

Abruzzo, in central Italy.<br />

The CNR meeting was wonderfully organised by the local ESN section, which gave the<br />

participants the perfect environment for having four days of intense work and some<br />

good time to relax and improve the human relationships between themselves.<br />

The presence at the meeting was one of the highest of the year, 19 countries (Sweden,<br />

Finland, Latvia, Denmark, Poland, Germany, The Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, France,<br />

Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania, Cyprus, Turkey and<br />

Malta) were represented there and other 9 (Hungary, Estonia, Morocco, Belgium, UK,<br />

Norway, Greece, Spain and Slovakia) delegated their vote, only Lithuania was absent<br />

due to the lack of a National Representative.<br />

There were also some guests, among them the fundraiser, the head of the <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>2007</strong><br />

OC and the PR coordinator.<br />

The main points of the meeting were the decision that the CNR fund can be used also<br />

for the reimbursement of travels of CNR coordinator to go to board meetings, the<br />

decision that the CNR mailing list is only for NRs, vice-NRs and Secretary and that the<br />

CNR coordinator is the moderator, the report of the <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>2007</strong> OC, with the decision<br />

that the fee couldn’t be raised from 110 euros before 15 th January <strong>2007</strong>, the expulsion<br />

of three section (Troyes in France, Lisboa Catholica in Portugal and Soton in UK), the<br />

decision that an NR who didn’t write two country reports in a row would be proposed to<br />

be expelled, the expulsion of Mozes Fedor as NR of Hungary for not being active in the<br />

international level of ESN, the presentation of the work of the board with the approval of<br />

the changes in the provisional budget of ESN International for 2006, the decision that<br />

statutes are not necessary to be and to become an ESN section, the decision of<br />

modifying the statutes of ESN International inserting a definition clause of all technical<br />

terms at the beginning, the abolishing of the section of the year award and the<br />

introduction of the ESNnyawards and of a new working group in charge of them, the<br />

solution of the Cyprus issue with the agreement between them, the decision to hold the<br />

CNR meeting in January in Brussels from the 19 th till the 22 nd , and the establishing of<br />

the Long Term Vision WG.<br />

Andim (NR Turkey) was elected as new CNR coordinator, Rasmus (NR Sweden)<br />

remained as vice-coordinator joined by Mathias (NR Germany).<br />

Report CNR Meeting Koper, 7 th -11 th December 2006<br />

Written by Andim Doldurucu, NR Turkey, CNR Coordinator in Koper<br />

The third meeting of the CNR after <strong>AGM</strong>, took place in Slovenia, in the beautiful city of<br />

Koper on the Adriatic Sea cost. It was very pleasant for us being in Koper, in an old,<br />

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multicultural, bilingual city, which also has a great meaning for world history especially<br />

for the cold war era.<br />

15 National Representatives (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany,<br />

Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey)<br />

and Vice NR of Hungary were represented in the meeting. Cyprus, Latvia, Denmark,<br />

Estonia, Romania, Portugal, France, UK, Norway, Greece and Malta delegated their<br />

votes. All members of the board, our general secretary, Webteam members and Vice<br />

NR of Italy joined us as well. We had also guests from Sarajevo, Bosnia and<br />

Herzegovina, and representative of the <strong>AGM</strong> OC.<br />

After peaceful discussions, CNR took important decisions in the following topics:<br />

CNR decided to have a common internal mailing list for CNR, board, working groups<br />

and the <strong>AGM</strong> OC. Michal Mildorf from <strong>AGM</strong> OC convinced us that the <strong>AGM</strong><br />

organization in <strong>Prague</strong> is going very well and they are doing their best.<br />

CNR decided to start with the preparations of the <strong>AGM</strong> documents.<br />

For some sections, who haven’t paid their sections fees for 2 years in a row, we decided<br />

to send a last call before expulsion �.<br />

CNR welcomed ESN Ioannina as second ESN section from Greece. However, the<br />

highlight of the whole meeting was the joining of a new country , Bosnia and<br />

Herzegovina, to our Network with their first section named ESN Sarajevo.<br />

As in some countries the visa issue builds a barrier against student mobility, CNR<br />

decided to support the board to take actions against visa obstacles.<br />

Instead of a single fundraiser person, CNR supported the idea of having a Marketing &<br />

Sponsoring Working Group formed by some NRs and voluntary ESN members, to<br />

improve and ameliorate the sponsoring opportunities for ESN. Also we decided to have<br />

one person from the WG as Marketing and Sponsoring Spokesperson.<br />

ESN Webteam gave us a presentation about their revolutionary work, ESN Galaxy,<br />

Community and now the ESN Satellite and Astronaut Project. They also informed us<br />

about the new ESN server, which will be situated in Milan.<br />

Board members presented their work as well, and took our support. The preparations<br />

for the XX Years of Erasmus Celebrations were going with great success.<br />

Of course we didn’t forget about the pallomeri spirit ;): We had a great time during the<br />

Koper tour guided by Anna Tominc, the NR of Slovenia ☺, during the nice visits to the<br />

cities nearby, we had a crazy party in our student hostel in Korte, and a nice night in<br />

Piran & Portoroz.<br />

On behalf of the CNR, I would like to thank to the OC of this wonderful meeting again,<br />

for this perfect organization.<br />

Next CNR meeting will be held in January in Brussels, after the Opening Conference of<br />

XX. Years of Erasmus Celebrations and the next CNR Coordinator is Mathias Kissig<br />

from Germany and the Vice Coordinators are Ana Tominc from Slovenia and Tiina<br />

Naskali from Finland.<br />

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Report CNR Meeting in Brussels, Belgium (January <strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Written by Mathias Kissig, National Representative of Germany<br />

Participants – Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,<br />

France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,<br />

Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, and 6 delegated votes<br />

Coordinator – NRs of Germany, Finland, and Slovenia<br />

Guests – former NRs of Italy and Sweden, candidates for the new Board, Students from<br />

Serbia and Lithuania, Robert from the <strong>AGM</strong> OC.<br />

Meeting<br />

Starting with the Opening Conference for the 20 years of Erasmus Programme, the<br />

CNR met in Brussels and was accommodated in a truly feudal place. A castle in the<br />

outer parts of Brussels was our home and we really felt honoured to be there. During<br />

the days in Brussels we experienced a Euro-dinner at DeBuren, met Commissioner<br />

Figel’, celebrated the 20 th anniversary of the Erasmus programme and worked hard to<br />

fulfil our given tasks.<br />

Information<br />

Karina from Lithuania informed the CNR about the progress in her country and its<br />

sections. All of them are back on the track and willing to work again. The same goes for<br />

Cluj-Napoca, Romania and Bergen, Norway.<br />

Robert from the <strong>AGM</strong> OC present the work of the OC and the progress made so far, the<br />

problems of the waiting list and some important details in the <strong>AGM</strong> programme.<br />

Decisions<br />

Sections of Nantes, Strasbourg, Wroclaw and Lisbon are expelled from the network due<br />

to outstanding membership fees<br />

Sections of Warsaw and Marrakech is given time until the <strong>AGM</strong> to solve their problems<br />

and to pay the membership fees<br />

It is not fair, that some participants of a Regional Platform have to pay more just<br />

because they come from other countries. This is now abolished and each participant<br />

pays the same fee.<br />

The Southern European Platform (SEP) is split into the South-Western European<br />

Platform (SWEP) and the South-Eastern European Platform (SEEP)<br />

SWEP: Portugal, France, Spain, Morocco<br />

SEEP: Balkan states, Romania, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece<br />

Italy and Malta belong to both Platforms<br />

ESN Belgrade is approved as new section in ESN. Welcome Serbia!!<br />

Iceland is invited to the <strong>AGM</strong> and might be approved after <strong>AGM</strong><br />

Agenda of the <strong>AGM</strong> is approved after some minor changes<br />

The reports sent in so far have been approved for the <strong>AGM</strong> documents<br />

Changes of the Standing Orders for CNR, Board and <strong>AGM</strong> are accepted. The <strong>AGM</strong> has<br />

to approve them.<br />

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ESN Twente (Netherlands) will organise the CNR meeting May<br />

The presentation of the LTV working group during the <strong>AGM</strong> has to be clearer and more<br />

elaborated.<br />

We propose the <strong>AGM</strong> a new body in ESN: the Council of National Delegates. Once a<br />

year the delegate and the CNR meet and work together. This gives National Boards<br />

also the chance to exchange ideas and experiences.<br />

Jørn (NR Norway) and Giorgio (NR Italy) were elected as CNR coordinators for the<br />

CNR meeting in <strong>Prague</strong>.<br />

All participants and guests of this CNR meeting thank Jakob and Ivana for their great<br />

efforts and the good job they have done in organising this meeting.<br />

Changes in the CNR<br />

Written by Giorgio Marinoni, National Representative of Italy<br />

As usual after the <strong>AGM</strong> many NRs changed and many new came. In the first CNR<br />

meeting after <strong>AGM</strong>, in Krakow the CNR was composed by 25 NRs: Stefan Rosanelli<br />

from Austria, Christof Devriendt from Belgium, Andreas Protopapas form Cyprus, Martin<br />

Kubik from Czech Republic, Nino Festsin form Estonia, Tiina Naskali from Finland,<br />

Patrick Fiquet from France, Jana Freudenberg from Germany, Stathis Mallouchos from<br />

Greece, Peter Mozes Fedor from Hungary, Liam O’Meara from Ireland, Giorgio<br />

Marinoni from Italy, Natalja Tocelovska from Latvia, Nadia Khomri from Morocco, Ivana<br />

Petricevic from The Netherlands, Jorn Larsen Broks from Norway, Milka Adamczyk from<br />

Poland, Pedro Almeida from Portugal, Martin Sotak from Slovakia, Ana Tominc from<br />

Slovenia, Jesus Monge from Spain, Rasmus Bodin Lofgren form Sweden, Lydia Lostan<br />

from Switzerland, Andim Doldurucu from Turkey and Ewan Munro from UK. Denmark,<br />

Lithuania and Romania had no NR at that time.<br />

At the CNR in Linkoping also Romania had its NR and the CNR gave a warmly<br />

welcome to Diana Ivan, at the same meeting Ireland changed its NR and Laurence<br />

Banville entered in the CNR.<br />

After the summer Czech Republic, Germany and The Netherlands as usual changed<br />

their NRs, and three new people came: Eva Oslejskova, Mathias Kissig and Annabel<br />

Thomas. Moreover Austrian NR Stefan Rosanelli resigned form his position and was<br />

substituted by Markus Matzner who eventually became NR some months later. The<br />

summer signed also the leaving of one of the “historical NRs”, Partrick finally found his<br />

successor in Julien Pea. In Teramo at the CNR meeting a new country entered the ESN<br />

family, Malta and the CNR got two new girls Veronique Muscat and Christine Murphy.<br />

At the same CNR meeting Mozes was expelled for not being active at the international<br />

level and Hungary remained without NR.<br />

At the December CNR meeting ESN reached the number of 30 countries, a very<br />

important moment with the joining of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Mirza Softic eventually<br />

became its NR.<br />

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In November Denmark elected its NR in the person of Lena Pedersen.<br />

The end 2006 closed with 2 NRs still missing, but the new year signed the end of this<br />

situation: at CNR meeting in Brussels Hungary had its new NRs, Kata Imre. The lacking<br />

of an NR is going to finish also in Lithuania, as Karina Ufert is going to take that<br />

position. The CNR meeting in Brussels signed also the change of NR of the UK as<br />

Anders Aufderhorst-Roberts substituted Ewan Munro. The approval of the 31 st ESN<br />

country, Serbia, was the occasion to welcome another NR, Ivana Bartulovic.<br />

At the <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>2007</strong> in <strong>Prague</strong> ESN will have 31 countries and each of them with an NR!<br />

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National Reports<br />

Austria<br />

Written by Markus Matzner, Vice President and National Representative of ESN Austria<br />

Administrative information<br />

Name and e-mail NR: Markus Matzner, austria@esn.org,<br />

markus.matzner@esnaustria.org<br />

Name and e-mail of current president: Anna Tichy, anna.tichy@esnaustria.org<br />

National board<br />

During the national platform on January 13 th <strong>2007</strong> in Vienna a new national board was<br />

elected and will take over after the <strong>AGM</strong>. Unitl then the old board will still be in charge<br />

officially but will work together with the new board.<br />

The Austrian national board (until the <strong>AGM</strong>):<br />

President: Anna Tichy (ESN WU Wien)<br />

Vice-President: Markus Matzner (ESN Uni Wien)<br />

National Representative: Markus Matzner (ESN Uni Wien)<br />

Treasurer: Nicole Gumpinger (ESN Linz)<br />

IT: Harald Ackerlauer (ESN Linz)<br />

Commmunication: Karin Köckeis (ESN Uni Wien)<br />

The Austrian national board (after the <strong>AGM</strong>):<br />

President: Karin Köckeis (ESN Uni Wien)<br />

Vice-President: Francesco Corradini (ESN WU Wien)<br />

National Representative: Markus Fröhlich (ESN Linz)<br />

Treasurer: Nicole Gumpinger (ESN Linz)<br />

IT: Andreas Weinberger (ESN TU Graz)<br />

Communication: Stefan Erschwendner (ESN Linz)<br />

National level<br />

ESN Austria is legally registered as association in Austria. Only legal entities (e. g.<br />

student unions, associations) can be members. All sections that are not legal entities<br />

act officially under the legal title of ESN Austria.<br />

Some changes were made in the statutes during the NP in November - mostly<br />

concerning the voting procedure in order to comply with the statutes of ESN<br />

International.<br />

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The NB is responsible for the mobile phone deal with tele.ring and the ESN cards.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

After the last NP Austria has now 17 sections, which makes Austria the third largest<br />

ESN country. Three new sections have joined the network (FH campus Wien, FH bfi<br />

Wien, FH Wien WKW) since the last <strong>AGM</strong> and ESN Austria has re-established contacts<br />

with ISN St. Pölten. No section was expelled or withdrew by their own wish.<br />

The sections are:<br />

Vienna: ESN Uni Wien, ESN WU Wien, ESN TU Wien (Buddynetwork), ESN Med Uni<br />

Wien, ESN Boku Wien, ESN FH campus Wien, ESN FH bfi Wien, ESN FH Wien WKW<br />

Graz: ESN Uni Graz, ESN TU Graz<br />

other cities: ESN Uni Linz, ESN FH Steyr, ESN Uni Salzburg, ESN FH Kufstein, ESN<br />

Uni Innsbruck, ISN St. Pölten, ESN Uni Klagenfurt<br />

All information about the sections can be found on www.esnaustria.org.<br />

The sections either work as part of the Austrian student union (ÖH) or are supported by<br />

the international offices of their universities. Two of the new sections were even initiated<br />

by their university’s international office<br />

Events and activities<br />

The Austrian sections are very active in organising trips and activities. Where there are<br />

more than one section in the same city the co-operations between the sections are very<br />

close.<br />

On the national level there was the ESN Austria Summer Event which took place from<br />

the 26 th to the 28 th of May 2006 in Hallein (close to Salzburg). For three days we rented<br />

a real castle dating back to the late Middle Ages which, due to its thick walls, was<br />

entirely sound-proof. Due to this fact, evenings like our tunic-party our the knights’<br />

tournament did not annoy the local community. During the day there were cultural<br />

activities like a tour of Salzburg or the visit to a salt mine. Even though it was raining, all<br />

participants enjoyed the event.<br />

On international level the Austrian NB, together with the local sections in Vienna,<br />

organised the Central European Platform from the 23 rd to the 26 th of November 2006.<br />

The number of participants exceeded all expectations, as they did not only come from<br />

the CEP-countries but also from Germany, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands. In<br />

addition to the regular plenary sessions and the workshops, there was also an infomarket<br />

at the University of Vienna where the CEP-countries were represented by their<br />

cultural institutes or consulates. The Austrian newspaper “Die Presse” reported about it.<br />

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Adds and comments<br />

The cooperation between the mobile phone provider tele.ring and ESN Austria is<br />

continuously working very well, even though the company was taken over by T-mobile<br />

Austria. There will probably be some changes in September. T-mobile also showed<br />

some interest in extending this co-operation to other countries.<br />

The situation within the Austrian network has improved dramatically since the last <strong>AGM</strong><br />

and especially the last NP in Vienna was a big success with many new faces that will<br />

guarantee the continuity of ESN in Austria. ESN is expanding rapidly in Austria and the<br />

“brand” ESN is becoming known amongst the universities and other institutes of higher<br />

education.<br />

The ESN card with its local, national and international benefits proves to be a big<br />

success. All sections use it and there were no problems with the price of two euros for<br />

the card introduced in September. With the extending network the NB even had to order<br />

additional cars.<br />

Belgium<br />

Written by Christof Devriendt, National Representative of Belgium<br />

Current Sections in Belgium<br />

ESN Antwerpen University Antwerp, Plantijnhogeschool, Karel de Grote<br />

Hogeschool, Lessius Hogeschool, Hogeschool Antwerpen, Hogere Zeevaartschool.<br />

ESN Brussels Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel.<br />

ESN Gent Ghent University.<br />

ESN HEC Liège HEC Liege.<br />

ESN Louvain-la-Neuve Université Catholique de Louvain.<br />

ESN ULG Liege Liege University.<br />

ESN EHSAL (ESB) Ehsal (Brussels).<br />

National Platform<br />

Saturday 18 November 2006 was a historical date for ESN in Belgium. Finally after a<br />

long time we succeeded to gather almost all section of Belgium in one physical location.<br />

(The ESN-house in Brussels).<br />

The section who where present where: ESN Antwerpen, ESN Brussels, ESN HEC-<br />

Université de Liège, ESN-Gent and our recently approved new section ESN Ehsal.<br />

ESN-Louvain-La-Neuve regretted that they could not be present.<br />

Following points were discussed: 1 The activities and organization of every section. 2<br />

The Challenges for ESN-Belgium 3. The ESN-Galaxy project. 4. 20th Anniversary<br />

Erasmus<br />

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The main topic of the day was: “The introduction of the ESN-satellite project “<br />

Peter Vanhee (member of ESN-Brussels and ESN-International Webteam project<br />

leader) explained the goal of the ESN-satellites. All sections where very enthusiastic<br />

and are willing to install it. Though they want to be creative with the satellites so they<br />

can change it to their own needs and they want to be able to change the website<br />

backgrounds a such that they do not loose their identity. They also had some questions<br />

about the usability. ESN-Brussels together with Peter will do the coordination of the<br />

project. Web space was already bought and an information-support-event will be<br />

organized. ESN Antwerpen was the first section in Europe to make their satellite fully<br />

active!<br />

Brief description of the sections present on the NP of November 2006:<br />

ESN Antwerpen: 300 Erasmus/semester. They use their own made member-cards.<br />

They have a board of about 11 members with well defined functions. They have a<br />

representative in the local city-council where ESN is well recognized and supported.<br />

They have good support from the university and local bars. In the beginning of the year<br />

they have a very successful Ice-breaking week full of activities. They also have some<br />

traditional folkloric activities such as a Cantus. They also organize trips to Amsterdam<br />

and London and a weekend with 17 bungalows in the south of Belgium.<br />

ESN HEC-University: 120 erasmus/year. They have no ESN-member cards, because<br />

all activities are free. They work with about 7 active members. The main activities they<br />

organize are a welcome week, and so called social evenings every 2 weeks with a<br />

different country hosting it. Their trips bring the Erasmus Students to Paris and Berlin.<br />

Their biggest event is Global Village (there they gather the biggest part of their budget),<br />

it is a kind of big EuroDinner. They have to select their members through interviews<br />

because people or jumping to become board members. They have very good contacts<br />

with the international office and they support the students in finding accommodation.<br />

ESN Gent: 800 erasmus/year. They have a lot of financial support from the University<br />

and a very big amount of sold cards (+- 380) (5€/card). The card gives the students a lot<br />

of benefits: free parties, discount in trips (e.g. Amsterdam) and weekend (e.g weekend<br />

in the Ardennes). They also organize a very successful welcome-day supported by the<br />

University. The first semester ends with a Miss and Mister Erasmus. This year they are<br />

very successful in recruiting new members.<br />

ESN-Brussels: 180 erasmus/year. They are very active since two years. Through their<br />

presence at the university VUB the number of incoming Erasmus-students increased<br />

with 70%. They start to get recognized by the international office (financial support and<br />

meeting-room). They use the ESN-card as member card and give their students a lot of<br />

local benefits and discounts on trips and visits. The number of activities is very high and<br />

a review can be found on the archive of activities and events on their website<br />

(www.esnbrussels.be). Their website allows students to subscribe online to activities<br />

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and makes it very attractive and easy to check out what is going on in Brussels. ESN-<br />

Brussels increased its working-field. Today ESN Brussels is working for the Erasmus-<br />

Students of both the Vrije Universiteit Brussels and the ErasmusHoogeshool.<br />

ESN-Ehsal: 90 international students/year. They already exist a lot of years as ESB:<br />

European Students Brussels. They were approved as new section on the national<br />

platform of 19 November. They are part of a bigger student Union and receive from<br />

them the biggest part of their funding. They have also a member card. They organize a<br />

lot of activities and together with ESN-Brussels they are intending to make the stay of<br />

the future Erasmus-students in Brussels an even more wonderful experience.<br />

Erasmus Debate organized with De Buren<br />

Together with the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) in Belgium and in the Netherlands,<br />

deBuren organized a debate between Members of the European Parliament and<br />

Erasmus exchange students. Moderator was ESN Vice-President Ewa Krzaklewska.<br />

The evening opened with a brief presentation of the broad survey on Erasmus students<br />

that ESN undertook. The cooperation with “De Buren” is very interesting for ESN in<br />

Belgium, but also for the International Level. De Buren already agreed on becoming<br />

partner for the 20the anniversary and offered a meeting room for the CNR held in<br />

Brussels in January and some lunches.<br />

Conferences and meetings attended by the NR to represent ESN<br />

Europtop: Eurotop for Top Students is a platform for students, which aims to give<br />

direction to the international discussion about the organization of European Higher<br />

Education and the development of the European knowledge economy. The central<br />

theme of the Conference was ‘the quality of educational programmes in an international<br />

context’.<br />

The Virtual Mobility Forum, a pre-conference workshop organized before the Online<br />

Educa Berlin conference. This one day Forum brought together experts and<br />

practitioners in the area of Virtual and Physical Mobility in an attempt to answer many of<br />

these questions. It was a mix of presentation and discussion formats, combining case<br />

examples and practical experience with discussions and brain-storming exercises in an<br />

effort to come up with clear advice and good practice.<br />

Cyprus opportunity: Role of higher education in promoting peace and dialogue:<br />

This was a panel discussion organized by the Eastern Mediterranean University, in<br />

cooperation with Cyprus Policy Center and ARI Movement. On invitation of Prof Halil<br />

Guven (Rector of Eastern Mediterranean University) I gave a keynote speech with the<br />

title: “Student exchange to promote the dialogue between different communities:<br />

The Belgian Experience! “<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

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Bosnia and Herzegovina<br />

Written by Mirza Softić, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

Mirza Softić, mirzasoftic@gmail.com , +387 61 745 526 Gajev trg 2, 71000 Sarajevo,<br />

Bosnia and Herzegovina, National Representative<br />

Jasmin Pozderac, jasminp82@gmail.com , +387 61 364 709, Kemala Kapetanovića 35,<br />

71000 Sarajevo, The President of ESN Sarajevo<br />

Structure and activities<br />

Mirza Softić, NR and Treasurer<br />

Jasmin Pozderac, The President<br />

Adnan Kalauzović, Webmaster<br />

Anis Krivić, The Secretary<br />

Activities: Registration started in the beginning of January <strong>2007</strong>. About three weeks is<br />

needed to finalize this process. I hope it will be ready around January 25. Other things<br />

that we do is preparing the webpage, which will be ready very soon, and we will get<br />

email addresses like other ESN people (for example, nr@esn-ba.org) . We are in the<br />

contact with Rectorat of our University, and faculties of economics and political<br />

sciences. We expect that we will find the office very soon, maybe in some of these<br />

faculties, maybe in campus of our University. It is in the process, and will be known till<br />

registration will be over. The new Rector wants to give us the standing support, and he<br />

told that we could expect it very soon.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

Current situation at the local level: In this very active situation, we try to stay in touch<br />

with all the people who can help us to start our work. It is the Rectorat as the first and<br />

Economics faculty, other NGO’s, etc.<br />

The amount of foreign students we have in our University is about 100 at the moment.<br />

We’ve got temporarily and very useful office till we find the standing place to work. It is<br />

lent by NGO “Wings of Hope”, ( www.wings-of-hope.ba ).<br />

We’ve got a small donation from one company. This is the computer ☺.<br />

No new sections yet since approval of ESN Sarajevo<br />

Events and activities<br />

International events in the country or visited forums: At February 24th The International<br />

Board will visit us and stay a few days.<br />

Special events sections: After we register ESN Sarajevo, we will get bank account, and<br />

now we are already planning some events to organize for foreign students. It will be<br />

something like parties and city tours (other places in Bosnia), because we are planning<br />

to work seriously with exchange students, next school year. We have prepared a few<br />

projects, and after registration we start with looking for donations. Many municipality<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

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offices and ministries very often have open competitions for the projects. We will try to<br />

get some donation as soon as we get bank account.<br />

Adds and comments<br />

We made a contact with “Youth Informative Organization” (www.mladi.info) , and after<br />

meeting with them we have a clearly way to organize our section in Sarajevo. Also,<br />

NGO “Wings of Hope” offered to us the office and standing help.<br />

Our lawyer helped us absolutely free, and did all the things to register our section in<br />

Ministry of Justice. We expect the answer of them in the next 2 or 3 weeks.<br />

Cyprus<br />

Written by Moner Murtaja, Vice National Representative<br />

Administrative Information:<br />

National Representative: Andreas Protopapas, andreas_protopapas@hotmail.com<br />

Vice-NR: Moner Murtaja, moner.murtaja@gmail.com<br />

Description of all sections:<br />

ESN Intercollege<br />

Current President: Mr. Andreas Protopapas<br />

ESN Famagusta-EMU<br />

Current President Mr. Moner Murtaja<br />

Current Vice President Mr. Kaya Arslan<br />

ESN Kyrenia-GAU<br />

Current President: Ms. Belkis Sahinoglu<br />

Current Vice President: Mr. Murat Hur<br />

ESN UCY<br />

Current President: Mr. Michalis Argyrou<br />

Structure and activities:<br />

Currently all 4 sections have had a relatively successful first term with their respective<br />

sections. Here is a compilation of the events undertaken by the sections in Cyprus:<br />

• Welcome Parties<br />

• Sports Events<br />

• Trips In Famagusta and Girne<br />

• Evenings at the Races<br />

• Bowling<br />

• Computer Game Tournaments<br />

• Cypriot Turkish traditional dancing<br />

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• Language Tandem with Language speed dating!<br />

• Special Conferences on Value of Exchange<br />

• Films<br />

• Parties<br />

National Level<br />

National Board consist of representatives from the 4 sections, currently both<br />

communities in Greek Cyprus and Turkish Cyprus are working together to manage the<br />

strategic plan for the coming year to help all the international students in the island.<br />

Local Level<br />

Current situation at the local level<br />

ESN Intercollege:<br />

ESN Intercollege is the base section for ESN Cyprus in Nicosia; it is working together<br />

with UCY section to help all the Erasmus and exchange students in Nicosia. Both<br />

arranged many trips and activities such of what mentioned above in the activities<br />

section.<br />

ESN Famagusta (Eastern Mediterranean University):<br />

ESN Famagusta is one of the biggest sections in Cyprus , with more than 10 000<br />

international students, ESN Famagusta in the Eastern Mediterranean University is<br />

having the greatest network ever in campus helping the students coming from more<br />

than 68 countries for their lectures, accommodation, and of course parties and<br />

entertainments .<br />

ESN Famagusta is one of the main partners in the Spring festival each year, 2006 the<br />

spring festival attracted more than 23 000 visitor in 3 days. Spring festival is operated<br />

directly by the Vice rector for students affairs Assist.Prof.Dr. Samil Erdogan where ESN<br />

is registered under his office.<br />

A visit by ESN NR of Belgium and NR of Ireland to ESN Famagusta was been arranged<br />

in the summer to discuss the possibilities of sections cooperation.<br />

ESN Also is working with the International Centre in the university and had the chances<br />

to be part of the International Cultural nights organized by the IC, 2006 lived more than<br />

20 international events after the <strong>AGM</strong> , which means 3 international events a month! .<br />

Recently Famagusta members of ESN and visited Brussels in a group of 33 students<br />

and visited the EU Parliament and had many meetings there. ESN International joined<br />

in a dinner with the members of ESN Famagusta.<br />

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ESN Kyrenia (Girne American University):<br />

It is the newest section of ESN in Cyprus from a very modern and creative university<br />

ESN GAU is highly motivated and already helping all the international students.<br />

ESN of Girne American University organized many seminars about ESN to its members<br />

and many trips and events such as what was mentioned earlier in the activities<br />

description.<br />

ESN Girne American University is also organizing many summer activities together with<br />

Eastern Mediterranean University such as cultural and short course activities.<br />

Czech Republic<br />

Written by Eva Ošlejšková, National Representative Czech Republic<br />

National level<br />

In 2006, there was no change on the national level; Czech Republic still has four<br />

sections (ISC CTU <strong>Prague</strong>, ESN VSE <strong>Prague</strong>, ISC MU Brno and ESN UP Olomouc).<br />

Altogether consisting of around 150 active Czech members they helped some 800<br />

incoming students each semester.<br />

At the end of April, the first Czech National Platform took place. National Representative<br />

and members of National Board for academic year 2006/<strong>2007</strong> were elected there. In<br />

July, Eva Ošlejšková (ISC MU Brno) took over the position of Czech NR after Martin<br />

Kubík (ISC CTU <strong>Prague</strong>).<br />

Current members of Czech NB:<br />

National Representative: Eva Ošlejšková (ISC MU Brno)<br />

Vice NR: Pavla Šuchmová (ESN VŠE <strong>Prague</strong>)<br />

President: Slávek Růžička (ISC CTU <strong>Prague</strong>)<br />

Treasurer: Martina Vislocká (ESN VŠE <strong>Prague</strong>)<br />

Regular member: Ivan Galat (ISC MU Brno)<br />

Regular member: Martin Kubík (ISC CTU <strong>Prague</strong>)<br />

Regular member: Monika Lebedová (ESN UP Olomouc)<br />

Regular member: Martina Menoušková (ESN VŠE <strong>Prague</strong>)<br />

NB can be contacted by email CzechNB@yahoogroups.cz, new website hopefully<br />

coming soon. Main challenges for the NB in 2006 were defining its structure and main<br />

tasks, finding funding for its work and organizing National Platforms.<br />

Local Level<br />

ISC CTU <strong>Prague</strong> (http://www.isc.cvut.cz)<br />

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ISC CTU <strong>Prague</strong> has around 70 active members and 130 mentors (so called „buddies“)<br />

helping some 300 foreign students every semester. Whole year Michal Pohanka was<br />

president of the section, during elections in November 2006 new president for the year<br />

<strong>2007</strong> was elected. Her name is Kristýna Filípková.<br />

In 2006 ISC CTU <strong>Prague</strong> provided a wide range of activities for both, incoming and<br />

Czech students. For incoming students an „orientation week“ at the beginning of each<br />

semester was prepared, which included integration day and trips around the country.<br />

During the semester ISC CTU <strong>Prague</strong> organized trips every weekend - sightseeing in<br />

historical Czech towns, trip to mine, breweries, Moravia, Krakow etc. - and outdoor<br />

activities like climbing, rafting, skiing and cycling trips. Other weekly activities were<br />

country presentations, parties, sports and language courses.<br />

So far these language courses offer teaching of our native language (Czech language)<br />

by professional teachers, courses of international languages held by international<br />

students themselves for all the members of ISC CTU <strong>Prague</strong>, Tandem programme for<br />

more personal teaching of languages and finally Café Lingea where our students (both<br />

international and Czech) meet in a café to speak one exact language.<br />

At the end of the semester traditional ISC Olympics, boat and tram party took place.<br />

Also, both incoming and Czech students could use the services of two ISCs<br />

(International Student Center) clubs run by ISC where our members can stay, chat with<br />

friends, use computers, borrow books and generally have fun.<br />

For Czech active members and mentors were organized Buddy Weekend (relaxation<br />

and training in leadership and team management skills), Buddy Sessions and Partner<br />

Weekend, where a better and more efficient ISC team is made thanks to useful trainings<br />

and unusual experiences. Also other trainings were organised for our members.<br />

Members of ISC are also running the only internet student magazine at CTU<br />

(www.student.cvut.cz) and issue the monthly student magazine (Středník). For all<br />

Czech students ISC section ISC Academia organized weekly lectures with famous<br />

Czech personalities.<br />

During <strong>AGM</strong> 2006 in Krakow ISC CTU <strong>Prague</strong> was elected to organise <strong>AGM</strong> in <strong>Prague</strong><br />

in <strong>2007</strong>. ISC CTU <strong>Prague</strong> has been responsibly organising <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>2007</strong> since spring<br />

2006, more information can be found at http://www.agmprague.org.<br />

On the international level, ISC CTU <strong>Prague</strong> organized Section Meetings for sections<br />

from Dresden (Germany) and Krakow (Poland); International Trips (trips for exchange<br />

students from those partnership cities); and Pallomeri Paintball <strong>Prague</strong> (again for<br />

sections from Dresden, Krakow and <strong>Prague</strong>).<br />

ESN VSE <strong>Prague</strong> (http://www.buddysystem.cz)<br />

ESN VSE <strong>Prague</strong> – Buddy System, o.s. has at the moment 50 active members, who<br />

provide their services for incoming exchange students and also for students, who are<br />

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enrolled in international programmes (International Business, Central and Eastern<br />

European Study Programme). There are about 215 exchange students coming to study<br />

at the University of Economics in <strong>Prague</strong>. In October a new president of our<br />

organization was elected – her name is Martina Menoušková<br />

(president@buddysystem.cz). Our ex-president Pavla Šuchmová stays as Vice-National<br />

Representative of Czech Republic.<br />

ESN VSE <strong>Prague</strong> – Buddy System, o.s. ran successfully the mentor programme,<br />

including help with Orientation week and Ice-Breaking weekend (this year we organized<br />

the Ice-Breaking Weekend by ourselves). We were organizing a lot of trips during the<br />

semesters (e.g. to Moravian Karst, Wine cellar), sport events (squash tournament,<br />

bowling tournament, parachute jumping, etc.), foreign students could visit Czech movies<br />

with English subtitles. Every week there was a Nation2Nation party organized for all<br />

students. We were cooperating with four clubs and the parties´ popularity had even<br />

increased among foreign students (and Czech students as well). At every party there<br />

was a country presentation the member of our section helped with.<br />

Members of the section helped foreign students to present their home universities to<br />

those Czechs who wanted to study abroad (so called Days of Partner Universities) and<br />

it was a big success, a lot of Czech students interested in came to take part in the<br />

presentations.<br />

We were also taking care of our section members during the whole year. They could<br />

take part at English courses (for the CAE exam), or a two-day seminar about how to<br />

promote yourself and to make better presentations, etc. New section members were<br />

welcomed during two Buddy Weekends outside of <strong>Prague</strong>. Our members also prepared<br />

the first International Week in the Czech Republic (International Week <strong>Prague</strong> 2006)<br />

and were preparing the next year.<br />

ISC MU Brno (http://isc.muni.cz)<br />

International Student Club MU Brno has at the time about 25 active members who<br />

coordinate some 180 Czech tutors (mentors, buddies). The number of foreign students<br />

coming to Masaryk University is increasing every semester, ranging between 250 and<br />

300 students per semester. Name of the current president is Aneta Plavinová.<br />

The year 2006 was for ISC MU Brno in the name of finishing internal restructuring that<br />

was begun in autumn 2005 in order to work more efficiently. This restructuring was<br />

crowned in September 2006 with a name change (ISC MU Brno instead of ISC Brno)<br />

and official recognition by the University. Enlarged number of foreign members of the<br />

Club showed clearly the necessity of having more active members so that a great<br />

promotion was started at all faculties of the University. Also, a lot of team-building<br />

activities for existing ISC team active members were organized, e.g. bowling, wine<br />

cellar, Christmas Party etc. In the future ISC MU Brno hopes to finally succeed in<br />

organizing a weekend meeting for its active members and tutors.<br />

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Otherwise, many activities were as usual organized for both foreign and home students<br />

- tutor program; language courses; tandem program (pairing students to teach each<br />

other his/her mother language); country presentations with after party in a night club;<br />

cinema evenings (showing Czech movies with English subtitles); and last but not least,<br />

trips around Czech Republic (<strong>Prague</strong>, Kroměříž, Olomouc, Moravian Carst, brewery,<br />

wine cellar), as well as around neighbouring countries (Low Tatras, Vienna, Krakow,<br />

Budapest). Newly, ISC MU Brno also offered a lot of sport and social activities (football,<br />

squash, aerobic, horse riding, paint ball, tightrope centre, and bowling). In the autumn<br />

semester 2006 the first edition of ISC Guide for International Students was launched. In<br />

the brochure students can find all possible information connected to their stay in Brno.<br />

In April 2006, ISC MU Brno organized a Section Meeting for sections from Bratislava,<br />

Budapest and Vienna. In November it was the organizer of autumn Czech National<br />

Platform.<br />

ESN UP Olomouc (http://esnup.upol.cz)<br />

ESN UP Olomouc has 10 members and 25 buddies. The president of the section is<br />

Monika Lebedová. Since autumn 2006 ESN UP has a new working place – a small<br />

office at Palacký University. In the future they would like to have regular office hours for<br />

incoming students there.<br />

ESN UP takes advantage of the support from the vice-rector and rector of the university.<br />

Currently they are working on an English brochure for Erasmus students where they<br />

describe what to do after coming to Olomouc step by step (where the university is etc.)<br />

From February <strong>2007</strong> ESN UP will start to use the ESN cards.<br />

ESN UP Olomouc successfully ran the mentor programme, including help within the<br />

Orientation week. They took care of approximately 90 Erasmus students in the summer<br />

semester of the 2005/2006 academic year, and of approximately 130 in the winter<br />

semester of the 2006/<strong>2007</strong>. Several activities were prepared for incoming students –<br />

special events where Erasmus students could meet Czech people (Welcome party,<br />

Goodbye party, Christmas party etc.). The most popular was Food party where each<br />

nationality prepared their national food and sang national song. ESN UP also organised<br />

several trips around the Czech Republic (wine cellar trip, visits at the Bouzov castle and<br />

the Lednice castle...) and various sport activities (rope centre). Photos from their<br />

activities are available at their website.<br />

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Denmark<br />

Written by Lena Pedersen, National Representative of Denmark<br />

National Level<br />

Denmark has no National Board at the moment and nor are there any plans of having<br />

one in the near future. So basically Denmark works without a national board and<br />

discusses the issues of Denmark on NPM´s held around Denmark or online meetings<br />

with the NR present, who for Denmark act as the sole link between the Danish ESN<br />

sections and the international level.<br />

Due to our size and the number of sections in Denmark, there is at the present time no<br />

need in Denmark for a national board or to have an official working level being ESN<br />

Denmark. However if we feel there is a need in the future, we well take the necessary<br />

actions to develop ESN Denmark.<br />

Local Level<br />

At the moment Denmark has 5 sections, where one, Roskilde, has been running on the<br />

side for a while, due to the fact, that this section is solely run by the exchange students,<br />

and therefore changes members more frequently than other sections.<br />

The situation in Roskilde is that they would very much like to be a part of ESN for the<br />

sole reason of networking with us and our students. They have no capacity for changing<br />

websites etc. all the time according to new logos etc. So in the coming year we are<br />

looking forward to seeing more of Roskilde.<br />

Contact Roskilde: http://www.international-club.ruc.dk/New/index.php email:<br />

ssur@gimle.dk<br />

ESN Aalborg’s board and volunteer group consist of 10 persons who provide services<br />

for the foreign students at Aalborg University of which around 250 are ESN members.<br />

This autumn ESN Aalborg has elected a new board and by the aid of all its volunteers<br />

the section is currently in a process of redefining its main activities. ESN Aalborg’s<br />

objective is to find a more appropriate balance between its local, national and<br />

international involvement in order to first and foremost focus on the requirements of the<br />

foreign students at Aalborg University. However, ESN Aalborg is still very much in<br />

favour of close collaboration between the Danish ESN sections, as well as being in<br />

favour of a pragmatic involvement at the international level. The section uses the ESN<br />

card.<br />

Contact ESN Aalborg: www.esn-aalborg.dk . E-mail: chairman@esn-aalborg.dk or<br />

contact@esn-aalborg.dk<br />

ESN Åarhus – In 1966 this section was founded under the name of ISC (International<br />

Student Center). ESN Århus has however existed since 1990 as a part of the ISC. As of<br />

the spring of 2006 ISC does not exist any longer and ESN Århus has become part of<br />

the Student House in Århus. Around 500 students come during the fall semester and<br />

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350 during the spring semester. ESN Århus uses their own membership cards, which<br />

each student automatically is given on arrival, since the university pays for the students.<br />

Contact Århus: Signe: email: signe_schelde@ofir.dk<br />

ESN Copenhagen only counts for the University of Copenhagen and has around 1200<br />

exchange students per semester. They only have around 10 volunteers, which limits the<br />

number of actual activities offered to each international student but the support for these<br />

ESN events among the students are not overwhelming either. A reason for this is that<br />

ESN Copenhagen is competing with others such as each faculty, who also offers<br />

activities to the international students. However in the coming semester in Denmark<br />

ESN Copenhagen has announced possible changes.<br />

Contact Copenhagen: www.esn-copenhagen.dk/ email: president@esn-copenhagen.dk<br />

For the coming semester ESN Odense has 8 board members and due to an increasing<br />

interest in ESN Odense, the board are developing a new initiative with volunteers who<br />

helps the board with all of their activities. During the fall semester ESN Odense has<br />

around 200 exchange students and during spring around 50 students. Due to a merger<br />

between the former School of Engineering and Southern University of Denmark, we will<br />

in the coming spring semester also have 90 exchange students from there. The ESN<br />

card is being used and from the next semester it will be given more value with more<br />

deals from the local businesses as well as the trips will only be offered to the students<br />

who purchase the card.<br />

Contact ESN Odense: www.esnodense.dk email: esn@esnodense.dk<br />

Events and activities<br />

On the national level the sections of Denmark have during the last year tried to make<br />

city weekends a successful activity; however there has been a lack of students who<br />

wanted to support this. The concept of the City Weekends was to “visit” the different<br />

cities and sections at the same time so all the international students in Denmark got a<br />

chance to meet. The issue is at the moment being discussed in the sections and<br />

hopefully something constructive will come out of it but for now we will continue to visit<br />

each other with a small group of students.<br />

Additional information<br />

The sections of Denmark are discussing and exchanging ideas of how to raise more<br />

funds in order to make more events for the students. Hopefully this will also help to<br />

make our trips cheaper and thereby to have more participants.<br />

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Estonia<br />

Written by Nino Feštšin, National Representative of Estonia<br />

Administrative information<br />

National Representative: Nino Feštšin – nino.festsin@gmail.com<br />

Vice-NR: Maia Lõssenko – maia@esn.ee<br />

No National Board<br />

Local Level<br />

Estonia has two sections in two major cities – in the capital of Estonia, Tallinn and in the<br />

university town Tartu. Section in Tallinn is functioning under the domain of the Student<br />

Union of Pedagogical University, but the main problem is that the network is missing.<br />

For example there are several universities and each university has foreign students and<br />

special organizations for them on their own. All in all, the link between the foreign<br />

students in several universities is missing.<br />

Both sections are trying to make as much effort as possible to integrate foreign students<br />

into Estonian society via such events as Estonian Movie Nights (in co-operation with<br />

Baltic Study Programme), language project Tandem, Cottage Weekends, Erasmus Tied<br />

Up, Trips to Observatory, Culture Presentations and Global Villages. Very popular is<br />

also the trip to Riigikogu or in other words Estonian Parliament, where one can meet<br />

Estonian politicians and ask questions.<br />

National Level<br />

Unfortunately on national level there is nothing much to say, as our country is small<br />

enough and we are communicating with each other basically through the means of<br />

media communication. Non-formal meetings were held e.g. ESN Tallinn (foreign<br />

students included) had its trip to Tartu in order to speak about ESN Estonia.<br />

International Level<br />

In November three members from ESN Tallinn participated in Nordic Network Meeting<br />

2006 in Helsinki, organized by our neighbour country Finland. The meeting can be<br />

referred to as promising for further co-operation between Nordic countries.<br />

Finland<br />

Written by Tiina Naskali, National Representative of Finland<br />

Administrative information<br />

National Representative: Tiina Naskali – timnask@utu.fi<br />

Vice-NR: Venla Autio – riiautio@cc.jyu.fi<br />

No National Board<br />

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Local Level<br />

Finland has 14 sections in 8 different cities. 10 of these sections are working under the<br />

Student Unions in the universities and 4 at polytechnics. Last spring ESN Arcada<br />

unfortunately resigned from our network.<br />

The year 2006-<strong>2007</strong> has been busy as usual among all the ESN sections in Finland.<br />

The amount of incoming foreign students has still risen. All the Finnish sections have<br />

actively organised numerous activities to help exchange students integrate into the life<br />

in Finland. Regular events this year have included cottage weekends, weekly pub<br />

nights, Buddy programmes, Café Linguas, excursions to Finland and abroad, sport<br />

activities as well some culture events and sauna evenings. Trips to Russia, Stockholm,<br />

Tallinn and Finnish Lapland are very famous among exchange students studying in<br />

Finland.<br />

National Level<br />

Last national platform was held in the end of October in the central Finland, Jyväskylä.<br />

The meeting was organised by ESN-JYY. Nine sections were presented. All the<br />

sections presented their current situation and activities. During the official part of the<br />

meeting we talked about the ESN matters in local, national and international level.<br />

Especially section cooperation, the 20 th Anniversary of Erasmus programme as well as<br />

the issues which were under discussion later in NNM were discussed broadly.<br />

The meeting proofed that the Finnish ESN members are very motivated and full of<br />

enthusiasm and new ideas for the work they do. Also the feedback gotten from the<br />

foreign students has been very positive and supporting. During the weekend we found<br />

new ideas for cooperation and we are doing some more research and planning for to<br />

realise these ideas.<br />

At the time of writing, the second NP is being planned. It takes place in Turku in the end<br />

of February and a good number of sections are expected to take part. The three<br />

sections in Turku (ESN TYY, ESN Åbo and ESN TuKY) have the pleasure to host this<br />

meeting.<br />

We still have 3 sections which have joined the ESN card project and a new section has<br />

showed interest in this issue. At the moment the sections still can’t offer many discounts<br />

with the card for the students but new ideas are being developed.<br />

International Level<br />

In November the four sections from Helsinki (ESN-HYY, ESN-TKY, Kanto ry and ESN<br />

Laureamko) organised the Nordic Network Meeting 2006 in Helsinki. It was a very<br />

successful meeting and important issues were discussed within the broad participant<br />

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scale as we had in total 70 persons attending the meeting. The President of ESN<br />

international Davide Capecchi kindly chaired the meeting.<br />

France<br />

Written by Julien Pea, National Representative, vice-president ESN Besançon<br />

Administrative information<br />

NR: Julien PEA, france@esn.org, +<br />

President: Emmanuel QUESADA, manolosas@hotmail.com<br />

Board: bureau@ixesn.fr<br />

National Board (national level)<br />

The French National Board resigned at the end of 2005.<br />

As a consequence the French network was asleep.<br />

Nonetheless, Patrick (NR) at the time, kept on working on the website and relayed<br />

information from ESN International.<br />

In May 2006, the ESN section in Besançon, organised a NP, where no French section<br />

(except Nancy represented in a way by Patrick) was present.<br />

Fortunately, we also invited our Swiss colleagues of Lausanne, and the international<br />

board.<br />

Patrick resigned after 2 years as French NR as I replaced him during summer 2006.<br />

Since then, we both tried to find a way to gather French sections, and it finally occurred<br />

on December 2 nd 2006 in Brussels.<br />

5 sections from Besançon, Nancy & Toulouse agreed on the fact that we needed to<br />

create a new French network and therefore totally abandon the former ESN France as it<br />

had been organized.<br />

As a consequence, by January 1 st <strong>2007</strong>, all French will automatically be expelled from<br />

the former network as there has not been any national platform organized by the former<br />

board in 2006 and no membership fees were paid by any French sections.<br />

The representatives of the 5 sections agreed on new statutes and elected a new board.<br />

I have been re-elected as National Representative. The statutes will be official in<br />

January <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

The main objectives are now to convince the other sections to join the new “IX.ESN<br />

France” network and to recruit amongst other associations sharing the same purposes.<br />

There are potentially 20 to 25 new associations that could join the French network,<br />

which could put IX.ESN France as big as ESN Italy ;)))))) maybe one day ;)<br />

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Sections (local level)<br />

ESN Nantes and ESN Strasbourg have not paid the membership fee. They will be<br />

expelled during the next CNR<br />

ESN Paris said that their active members were no longer students and that at the<br />

moment there was no one to take over. But I have contacts with a girl studying in Paris<br />

IV ... fingers crossed!<br />

No news from ESN Lille.<br />

As a new network has been created we will sum things up at the beginning of <strong>2007</strong>, to<br />

leave time to sections to decide if they join or not.<br />

There are potentially 3 new sections: Avignon, Aix en Provence and Orléans.<br />

I have contacts with people from these 3 universities. The board will now take over<br />

negotiations.<br />

Events and activities<br />

Another National Platform will probably take place early spring <strong>2007</strong>. Most members of<br />

the NB live in Toulouse so at least they can see each other quite often.<br />

No potential national event, it is too soon for the new NB.<br />

Adds and comments<br />

ESN Besançon will most probably apply for <strong>AGM</strong> 2008. We are starting to have strong<br />

supports<br />

Germany<br />

Written by Mathias Kissig, National Representative<br />

Administrative Information<br />

National Representative: Mathias Kissig, germany@esn.org<br />

Current President: Christian Mathé, christian_mathe@yahoo.de<br />

National Level<br />

During our National Platform in May 2006 a new National Board was elected. Besides<br />

the changes of the Board members, the new position of the section coordinator was<br />

introduced. His/her task is to take care of existing sections, develop a good<br />

communication between them and help sections to join our network.<br />

Jana Freudenberg and Christine Kausch (both from the former Board) were introduced<br />

as ESNCard coordinators for Germany. Markus Dicks (ESN Bochum) will take care of<br />

the German alumni network.<br />

The current board:<br />

President: Christian Mathé, ESN Dortmund<br />

Vice-President: Mathias Kissig, ESN TU Dresden<br />

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Treasurer: Diana Hausmann, ESN Jena<br />

Section coordinator: Many Pampel, ESN TU Dresden<br />

National Representative: Mathias Kissig, ESN TU Dresden<br />

Vice-NR: Christian Mathé, ESN Dortmund<br />

While the former board with Christine and Jana did their very best in reviving ESN<br />

Germany and establishing a communication between the sections, the mission of the<br />

current board is to build on this foundation and to strengthen the network.<br />

A first step was done when ESN Germany was finally registered as non-profit legal<br />

entity with the seat in Bochum. We then acquired an official bank account for ESN<br />

Germany for handling all monetary issues. A new web site will be introduced soon, but<br />

first we have to clarify the ownership of the domain esn-deutschland.de.<br />

There are some topics which should be addressed in the future:<br />

• integration and development of new sections,<br />

• sponsoring and fundraising,<br />

• more National Platforms to create a common spirit among our sections,<br />

• improve section involvement in ESN International and ESN Germany,<br />

• better promotion of ESN among our sections<br />

• better promotion of ESN on institutional and governmental level<br />

Local Level<br />

ESN Germany is constituted of 16 sections:<br />

ESN Bochum, ESN Bremen, ESN Dortmund, ESN Düsseldorf, ESN FH Frankfurt/Main,<br />

ESN Geislingen, ESN Greifswald, ESN Hamburg-Harburg, ESN Hannover, ESN HTW<br />

Dresden, ESN Jena, ESN Munich / MESA, ESN Rostock, ESN TU Dresden, ESN Uni<br />

Frankfurt/Main, VISUM - ESN Mannheim.<br />

ESN Greifswald, ESN Bremen, and ESN Düsseldorf are our youngest members and<br />

joined our network in December.<br />

All sections are quite active on local level and organise a big number of activities during<br />

the semester including city trips, pub crawls, weekly pub evenings, and big parties. All<br />

sections are recognised by their universities and receive support form the International<br />

office and other institutions. ESN TU Dresden, VISUM – ESN Mannheim and ESN<br />

Munich / MESA have also some local sponsorship deals, but the topic of fundraising<br />

and sponsoring is not very big among the sections.<br />

One of the biggest problems among the sections is the recruiting of new members and<br />

the motivation of current members. Some sections have no problems in acquiring new<br />

members while others are really struggling to find new blood.<br />

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The overall communication between us and the sections is quite good, but the<br />

participation in national matters could be improved. During a National Platform normally<br />

only half of all sections are present, but this is due to the fact that travelling is quite<br />

expensive in Germany.<br />

National Events<br />

In December 2006 the two sections from Dresden organised the first National event in<br />

Germany. The Dresden Jamboree was a nice mixture of fun, parties, Christmas<br />

atmosphere and culture. All German sections plus their exchange students were invited<br />

and 180 students came to Dresden to party and enjoy a weekend of fun.<br />

Greece<br />

Written by Stathis Mallouchos, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

NR: Stathis Mallouchos<br />

Contact: stathis.mallouchos@gmail.com, tel: (+30)6976870040<br />

National Board (national level)<br />

Greece does not have a National Board.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

The Erasmus Student Network holds two sections in Greece: ESN Athens and ESN<br />

Ioannina.<br />

ESN Athens is based in the Athens University of Economics and Business (A.U.E.B.). It<br />

is one of the oldest Erasmus Student Associations in Europe since it was founded in<br />

1992, and is a member of ESN since 1998. ESN Athens assists more than 200<br />

incoming Erasmus students per year in A.U.E.B.<br />

The board of ESN Athens is:<br />

President: Stathis Mallouchos (stathis.mallouchos@gmail.com)<br />

Vice President: Kleopatra Deliou<br />

Treasurer: Theofilos Miliotis<br />

Secretary: Panagiotis Papadopoulos<br />

R.B.M.: Giannis Polychronopoulos<br />

ESN Ioannina was recently approved (at the CNR of Koper-Slovenia, December 2006)<br />

to become the second official Greek ESN section. ESN Ioannina is based in the<br />

University of Ioannina and helps all the incoming Erasmus students of the University.<br />

The section existed since 2004 as an unofficial student assotiation.<br />

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The board of ESN Ioannina is:<br />

President: Kostis Papadopoulos (kostis.papadopoulos@freemail.gr)<br />

Vice President: Harris Zografos<br />

Secretary: Panos Tsekmeres<br />

Local Representative: Leda Bianco<br />

Treasurer: Efi Tsialou<br />

Events and activities<br />

ESN Athens:<br />

ESN Athens introduced in 2006 the ESN Card for the first time in Greece. The project<br />

was very succesfull, since a lot of beneficial local deals were arranged for the ESN<br />

cardholders (in Reastaurants, Internet-cafes, Bars, Photo-copy stores, ect.) and the<br />

cards were distributed to all the incoming Erasmus students.<br />

The Myconos 2006 trip was again a great success!!! Every year, in the beggining of the<br />

Fall semester, ESN Athens organizes a 4 day trip to Myconos Island, one of the most<br />

beautiful Greek islands. This year the trip took place between the 5th and 8th of October<br />

and the number of participants reached 160, including not only incoming students of<br />

A.U.E.B. but also Erasmus students from other universities in Athens!<br />

Other important activities and events organized by ESN Athens in 2006:<br />

• Accommodation for all the incoming students<br />

• Yahoo Groups internet mailing list<br />

• Introduction Weeks<br />

• Erasmus Football Championship<br />

• Erasmus Village – Presentation of destination universities to Greek students<br />

• Cultural Events<br />

• Party Nights<br />

ESN Ioannina:<br />

The activities that ESN Ioannina organized in 2006 are among others:<br />

• Mentor system<br />

• Pick up service upon arrival<br />

• Orientation week<br />

• Cultural and social activities<br />

• Electronic mailing list<br />

• Trips and events<br />

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Hungary<br />

Written by Kata Imre, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

NR: Kata Imre (kata.imre@gmail.com)<br />

Vice-NR: Mariann Simigh (msimigh@gmail.com)<br />

President: Péter Mózes Fedor (fedor.peter@gmail.com)<br />

National Board (national level)<br />

The Hungarian National Board held its latest official meeting in the spring of 2006 and<br />

they decided not to change the members of the board.<br />

Our latest NP took place on 18th November 2006, when the new NR (Kata Imre) and<br />

Vice-NR (Mariann Simigh) were elected. No other changes.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

At the moment Hungary has 8 sections (ESN Debrecen, Szeged, Pécs, Gyır, Eger,<br />

ELTE, BME, Veszprém). We had some difficulties in communication but the situation<br />

seems to have gotten better since the last NP. Some sections have started to cooperate<br />

with each other and we are hoping that national joint work will come of this. These<br />

sections are planning exchange trips for foreign students, which would lead to a great<br />

national network between Erasmus students in different cities.<br />

ESN Szeged became a legal non-profit association which provides ESN Hungary to be<br />

able to apply for tenders on national and also international level.<br />

No new section was accepted.<br />

Events and activities<br />

EFOTT: (National Turistic Meeting of University and College Students) organized by<br />

HÖOK(National Union of Students), and ESN Hungary was represented at this festival<br />

as it was the year before. ESN Hungary managed to spread the Pallomeri spirit among<br />

approximately 30-40.000 young people.<br />

Adds and comments<br />

ESN Hungary still keeps a good relationship with the National Union of Students<br />

(HÖOK) which is important since numerous students who volunteer in the sections are<br />

also members of their university student unions.<br />

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Ireland<br />

Written by Laurence Patrick Banville, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

Name and Email NR: Laurence Banville, laurencebanville@gmail.com<br />

Description of the national board<br />

No National board exists at the moment however at the <strong>AGM</strong> we hope to create the<br />

National Board of Ireland when all section presidents are present.<br />

Description of all sections<br />

ESN UCD<br />

Current President: Laurence Banville<br />

Current Vice President: Brendan Wallace<br />

ESN UL<br />

Current contact person: Liam O’Meara<br />

ESN NUIG<br />

Current President: Sean De Burca<br />

Current Vice President: Alan Mac<br />

ESN CIT<br />

Current President: Bartek Wanczyk<br />

Structure and activities<br />

Currently all 4 sections have had a relatively successful first term with their respective<br />

sections. Here is a compilation of the events undertaken by the 4 sections in Ireland:<br />

Welcome Parties<br />

Sports Events<br />

Trips all around Ireland<br />

Evenings at the Races<br />

Bowling<br />

Computer Game Tournaments<br />

Irish traditional dancing<br />

Lessons in Gaelic<br />

Table Quiz<br />

Wine and Beer tasting<br />

Language Tandem with Language speed dating!<br />

Karaoke<br />

Comedy Debates<br />

Special Conferences on Value of Exchange<br />

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Promotional weeks for Exchange to Irish students<br />

Irish sports<br />

Films<br />

Parties and lots of drinking!<br />

National level<br />

Not available as National Board is to be formed at <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>Prague</strong>.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

Current situation at the local level<br />

ESN UCD<br />

Everything running smoothly again. Expecting 300 incoming new students for the new<br />

semester. Learned a lot from their first semester in existence and are ready for the new<br />

semester. The search for the new president of the section has commenced. They are<br />

researching the hosting of a CNR. Fees were fully paid to Corinne in Slovenia! All is<br />

rosey.<br />

ESN UL<br />

UL is the oldest Irish section. There has been very little contact. Contact is due this<br />

weekend which unfortunately falls after the deadline for the submission of this report.<br />

ESN CIT<br />

Bartek submitted a detailed report recently and from it everything seems to be running<br />

well. He reports high attendance at most events and offers a wide range of events<br />

ensuring that there is something for everyone. A competently run section. Fees are<br />

expected to be paid shortly.<br />

ESN NUIG<br />

NUIG has now become an official section because of the coming of the new year. The<br />

organisation has been operating extremely well on the West Coast of Ireland. A report<br />

shows many of the events run are well attended. Eramsus students are feeling the<br />

difference already with this new section.<br />

Changes in the old situation<br />

ESN Maynooth<br />

In September I was contacted by a very eager lady from Maynooth college. She<br />

promoted ESN in an effort to seek helpers during the first semester with a view to<br />

establishing a section in the second semester. She will hopefully succeed with this<br />

venture in the next few days bringing Ireland up to 5 sections (a record I think!)<br />

New sections<br />

ESN NUIGalway application approved due to 1/jan as a precondition of membership.<br />

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Events and activities<br />

National events<br />

None<br />

International events in the country or visited forums<br />

None<br />

Special events sections<br />

ESN UCD International Students Week to be held in January.<br />

5 days of fun whereby there will be at least 3 events per day. Lots of parties and cultural<br />

trips and events organised.<br />

ESN UCD hosting a talk on “how to sell skills learned on Erasmus/exchange in an<br />

interview”.<br />

Adds and comments<br />

In General things are good in Ireland. Hopefully with the appointment of a National<br />

Board the Irish sections will come closer together.<br />

Press articles<br />

UCD Presidents Report mentioned the activities of ESN UCD in the annual publication.<br />

Italy<br />

Written by Giorgio Marinoni, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

NR: Giorgio Marinoni, rn@esn.it, +393474072612<br />

President: Antonio Domenico Ialeggio, presidente@esn.it, +393287236994<br />

National Board (national level)<br />

The Italian National Board (except for the NR who last form one <strong>AGM</strong> to another) was<br />

renewed in the May National Platform (18 th – 21 st May 2006).<br />

Until May the National Board was:<br />

President: Andrea Bonfiglio (ESN Palermo)<br />

Vice President: Lucia Mortali (ESN Parma)<br />

Treasurer: Marco Capriotti (ESN Teramo)<br />

Secretary: Emanuela Ascoli (ESN Genova)<br />

National Representative: Giorgio Marinoni (ESN Milano Statale)<br />

After May started the National Board still in charge:<br />

President: Antonio Domenico Ialeggio (ESN Benevento)<br />

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Vice President: Francesco Maria Furno (ESN Benevento)<br />

Treasurer: Andrea Bonfiglio (ESN Palermo)<br />

Secretary: Massimilano Dini (ESN Pisa)<br />

National Representative: Giorgio Marinoni (ESN Milano Statale)<br />

Vice National Representative: Domenico Melpignano (ESN Rimini)<br />

The Italian National Board is now composed by 6 members (president, vice-president,<br />

treasurer, network administrator, national representative and vice-national<br />

representative), the figure of the vice-NR was introduced first at the NP in May and<br />

finally recognised in the NP in September.<br />

The National Board is supported by the work of the national webmaster, who at the<br />

moment is Emanuele Zangara (ESN Palermo).<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

ESN Italy is the biggest network of ESN. It counts 32 sections spread all over Italy, they<br />

are:<br />

Torino, Genova, Castellanza, Milano Biccoca, Milano Bocconi, Milano Cattolica, Milano<br />

IULM, Milano Politecnico, Milano Statale, Pavia, Trento, Verona, Padova, Parma,<br />

Modena, Bologna, Rimini, Pisa, Siena, Camerino, Teramo, L’Aquila, Viterbo, Roma,<br />

Napoli, Benenvento, Lecce, Cosenza, Reggio Calabria, Messina, Palermo, Sassari<br />

Since last <strong>AGM</strong> the netwrok grew, and has now 6 more sections (Milano IULM and<br />

Torino since NP in May, Napoli since NP in July, Modena, Reggio Calabria and Sassari<br />

since NP in December). No sections disappeared, and this is a very good situation.<br />

Contact with sections is good, and almost all of them participate actively to the life of the<br />

network, being present to National Platforms, organising events, and making proposals<br />

for the national and the international level.<br />

Events and activities<br />

ESN Italy National Event took place in Camerino and San Benedetto del Tronto (MC)<br />

from the 18 th till the 21 st of May 2006 and was organised by the local section of ESN<br />

Camerino.<br />

National Event is the biggest event organized every year by an Italian section on behalf<br />

of ESN Italy. This year the National Event reached its maximum number of participants<br />

(more than 500 participants). It brought together all the Italian sections, each with some<br />

of their exchange students, for four days of see, sun, sport, culture and fun. The event<br />

was a great success, exchange students were very happy and the National Platform did<br />

a great job, electing also the new National Board.<br />

Five National Platforms took place since <strong>AGM</strong> (Camerino in May during National Event,<br />

Pisa in July, Lecce in September, Bologna in December, L’Aquila in February).<br />

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ESN Italy renewed its website and the National Board adopted the new corporate<br />

identity of ESN International.<br />

Three international events took place in Italy during this year: Bocconi Summer Factory<br />

logistically organised by ESN Milano Statale with the help of AEGEE Milano and the<br />

other ESN sections in Milano (especially ESN Milano Cattolica and ESN Milano<br />

Politecnico) from 16 th till 22 nd July in Milano, SUNWEEK by ESN Palermo from 1 st till 8 th<br />

August around Sicily and CNR meeting in Teramo from 14 th till 17 th September.<br />

New deals have been stipulated at the national level. They are with online university<br />

forum Unimagazine, flight company Airone, car rental company Europcar, beer brand<br />

Heineken, law firm Crastolla and the bank Banca Popolare di Novara.<br />

Many conferences took place in Italy, among them are important to mention:<br />

“European Civil Society Forum EMPOWER” in Bergamo where ESN International vicepresident<br />

Ewa Krzaklewska was chair of a workshop and Italian NR Giorgio Marinoni<br />

and Romanian NR Diana Ivan participated. At the forum was present European<br />

Commission vice-president Margot Wallstroem as a speaker.<br />

“Erasmus Day” in Roma with the participation of European Commission vice-president<br />

Margot Wallstroem, ESN International president Davide Capecchi, and ESN Italy<br />

president Antonio Domenico Ialeggio.<br />

“Mind the Gap” training in Viterbo, where ESN International regular board member<br />

Jakob Smeets and Italian vice-NR Domenico Melpignano where present.<br />

“Erasmus ti cambia la vita” conference in Benevento, where Clara Grano head of the<br />

Italian SOCRATES agency, ESN International president Davide Capecchi, Italian NR<br />

Giorgio Marinoni and ESN Italy president Antonio Domenico Ialeggio were present.<br />

In March ESN Italy is planning to visit the European Parliament in Brussels to meet two<br />

Italian members of the European Parliament.<br />

Adds and comments<br />

The situation of ESN Italy during the year March 2006 – March <strong>2007</strong> went better. The<br />

name of ESN starts to be known in Italy and this has positive consequences for the birth<br />

of new sections and for the sign of new deals. Cooperation with AEGEE was also<br />

started, especially for the recognition of credits for voluntary work. The cooperation with<br />

the National Socrates agency is good, and based on the fact that in some sections this<br />

recognition has already been achieved, ESN Italy hopes that in the future this<br />

recognition will be automatic everywhere. The situation of local sections is very different<br />

from section to section. Many sections have very good relationships with their<br />

universities whereas others are not even considered. To control the situation and help<br />

the sections in difficulties the Section Support Working Group was established and the<br />

figure of the vice-NR created. To improve the communication of ESN Italy inside and<br />

outside the network the Communication Working Group was established. But the two<br />

more positive facts were the increase of the level of professionalism and the creation of<br />

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a strong common identity between the sections, everything done without loosing the<br />

Italian interpretation of the Pallomeri spirit!<br />

For the future ESN Italy is in the process of renewal of its statutes and legally register,<br />

and we hope that the positive trend will continue, with more sections joining the<br />

network, with more deals bringing advantages for ESN card holders, with more<br />

recognition form universities and with stronger relationships and partnership between<br />

Italian sections and other ESN sections all around Europe and beyond ☺!<br />

Latvia<br />

Written by Natalja Tocelovska, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

NR: Natalja Tocelovska, esn@eriga.lv; natalja@dds.nl, +37129138802<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

At the moment there is one section in Latvia: ESN-Riga. ESN-Riga receives and takes<br />

care of approximately 250 ERASMUS students per year. The number of exchange<br />

student coming to Latvia is growing on the annual basis so I believe in <strong>2007</strong> we will<br />

introduce the second section in Latvia.<br />

University of Latvia, the biggest university in Latvia, supports ESN-Riga section.<br />

The ESN–Riga organizing team is represented by 10 people. The organizing team<br />

operates on the constant basis as well as 50 local students participating in the buddy<br />

program and the ones helping on the occasional basis on organizing trips and parties.<br />

Currently we have quite developed system of trips and buddy system. Every semester<br />

one teambuilding training is organized for the buddies, the successful attendance of<br />

which gives them an opportunity to get 3 ECTS. This is a good additional motivation for<br />

our buddies.<br />

Still the weak point is the lack of web team and thus no ESN Identity project introduction<br />

yet.<br />

Events and activities:<br />

Excursions and sightseeing around Latvia. The trips to Liepaja, Valmiera, Sigulda<br />

include survival activities, orientation games and excursions<br />

Partnership with ESN Estonia: Trip and common activities with ESN Tallinn. 60 students<br />

participated in the last trip. I would like to stress the great support from Maia (former NR<br />

of Estonia).<br />

Pub crawls (including sight- seeing) in the beginning and in the end of semester<br />

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EURODINNER – every Erasmus student cooks and presents his/her national food,<br />

which is the part of the country culture. During Eurodinner different social activities are<br />

organized.<br />

St. Valentines Day Party<br />

Celebrating holiday’s together – Latvia Independence Day, national holiday LIGO<br />

Training for buddies<br />

Participation in the University sport activities<br />

Lithuania<br />

Written by Karina Ufert, coordinator ESN Vilnius<br />

General situation<br />

It has been already a year, when situation in ESN Lithuania can be characterized as<br />

undefined. There is no NR officially elected, ESN Lithuania is still not officially<br />

established, it is difficult to say, what particular sections (ex. Kaunas, Siauliai) are doing,<br />

are they active or not.<br />

After I was asked to take responsibility for ESN Lithuania, I started from gathering<br />

information. There were some good and bad news as well.<br />

Bad ones:<br />

The website www.esn.lt does not exist. It was granted by SOCRATES, someone was<br />

programming, creating the design, gathering information, etc, but eventually everything<br />

has disappeared. No one knows where, but as I understood, now everything should be<br />

started from the beginning. Fundraising as well. Communication is only through mailing<br />

list, the most part of them is not active as well.<br />

Two National Students’ Unions in Lithuania. It is a problem, as different Universities<br />

belong to different unions. For ex. the biggest ones from Kaunas are from LSS, majority<br />

from Vilnius – to LSAS. So, it is a kind of competition, and the main side effect is<br />

difficulties in process of communication. Actually saying, after long negotiations with<br />

Siauliai and some Kaunas Universities we came to an agreement, ESN is not a place to<br />

play politics.<br />

Lack of information/ transition of responsibilities. In such youth organizations as<br />

Students’ Representations (Unions), there is a huge personnel turnover. People,<br />

responsible for different activities not normally stay in organization longer than for a<br />

year, for many unions (smaller ones), it is not usual to relegate your activities<br />

(experience, information, etc) to incomers, so they are forced to start everything from<br />

the beginning (if they are enthusiastic enough). If not, there is no progress. When I send<br />

the invitation to section meetings, to the representatives of different Students Unions,<br />

the main question I have been asked was “What is ESN?”. So, probably I will ask the<br />

board to supply me with the .ppt and other to explain clearly, what is ESN.<br />

Good ones:<br />

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Mentor programme. It is the activity, we can be proud of. Still Siauliai, still Vilnius names<br />

it as the most developed one. Students are eager to become mentors, apply the<br />

undertakings, and build their capacities during special trainings. In all the Universities,<br />

where ERASMUS students come, the new semester starts from the Orientation week,<br />

than there are ERASMUS days (smaller universities cooperated to organize them),<br />

Farewell party. And for sure – mentors first responsibility – to be closer to the<br />

newcomers, to help them integrating to the new cultural environment. Universities are<br />

carrying out the surveys, how do ERASMUS students think of studying in Lithuania, are<br />

they satisfied with the quality of studies, living conditions, etc – administration really do<br />

consider on them. Cultural trips are organized (Kiev, St. Petersbourgh).<br />

To conclude, the situation is quite complicated, but still of great promise. The<br />

universities, I have been communicating (Vilnius Gedinimas Technical University,<br />

Lithuanian Academy of Theatre and Music, Vilnius College, International School of<br />

Management, Siauliai University, Klaipeda University, Kaunas Technical University) are<br />

open to the idea of establishing ESN Lithuania. At the end of January it is planned for<br />

representatives (delegates) of local section to come together to discuss the details.<br />

From the other side, I think it will be more a kind of educational event – eventually we<br />

decide, what we consider an ESN is, what the ESN Lithuania could be. In February, it<br />

could be time for a constituent assembly, and all the following procedures – electing a<br />

NR, the board, discuss on fundraising, etc.<br />

Thank you for your attention,<br />

For more information please contact:<br />

Karina UFERT, ESN Vilnius coordinator<br />

Karina.Ufert@fsf.vu.lt<br />

Malta<br />

Written by Christine Murphy and Veronique Muscat, Vice National Representatives<br />

Administrative information<br />

President: David Herrera<br />

Secretary General: David Ciliberti<br />

Finance Officer: Chris Grech<br />

International Officer: Veronique Muscat<br />

International Co-ordinator: Christine Murphy<br />

Contact details<br />

E-mail: international@ksu.org.mt<br />

Tel: (+00356) 2340 2181<br />

Address: The University Students’ Council (KSU), Students’ House, University of<br />

Malta, Tal-Qroqq<br />

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National Board (national level)<br />

There is no National Board.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

ESN Malta was approved by the CNR in July, 2006 and is the first and only section in<br />

Malta. We are present at the University of Malta, and operate through the International<br />

Office of KSU, which is the Students’ Council at the University of Malta. Although we<br />

only became a member of ESN last July, KSU was founded back in 1901, and in fact<br />

we have been officially representing international students and their needs, as well as<br />

organising events for these students, for a good number of years.<br />

Events and activities<br />

The following are some of the events that we have organised:<br />

- Orientation Days and Freshers’ Party<br />

- Quiz nights<br />

- International film nights<br />

- National Days of a number of countries<br />

- Cultural Night<br />

- Accommodation<br />

- One World Week (a week promoting travel abroad on exchanges, study, etc, as<br />

well as giving local students a taste of different cultures)<br />

We are also communicating with the International Office of the University of Malta in<br />

order to improve the current situation for outgoing Erasmus students, in order for this to<br />

be more organised and for clearer and updated information to be given to such<br />

students. Since we are also the Students’ Council, we are currently pushing for us to<br />

have representatives on the Selection Board for outgoing students.<br />

Morocco<br />

No country report received from Morocco.<br />

Administrative information<br />

National Representative: Nadia Khomri (morocco@esn.org)<br />

Sections<br />

ESN Settat Universite Hassan 1er – Faculté des Sciences Juridiques,<br />

Economiques et Sociales Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion Faculté Des<br />

Sciences et Techniques<br />

ESN Ifrane Al Akhawayn university<br />

ESN Marrakech Université Cadi Ayyad<br />

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Netherlands<br />

Written by Annabel Thomas, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

NR: Annabel Thomas, nr.nederland@gmail.com<br />

President: Vedrana Halpovic, v.halepovic@gmail.com<br />

Treasurer: Jochem Calis, jhj_calis@hotmail.com<br />

National Board (national level)<br />

The National board has changed from Noor Focken as President, Berend Hagen as<br />

Treasurer and Ivana Petricevic as National Representative to a new formation. The<br />

president now is Vedrana Halepovic, former ISN Amsterdam board-member. Jochem<br />

Calis, the new treasurer of ESN The Netherlands was last year in ESN Maastricht.<br />

Annabel Thomas is the new National Representative, and she is from ESN<br />

INHOLLAND Haarlem. The board of ESN The Netherlands changes every July.<br />

The treasurer is mainly busy with finding new national sponsors, also his task is to<br />

maintain a healthy financial status for ESN NL. The president is keeping contact with all<br />

the sections and with different student societies from The Netherlands. The National<br />

Representative is maintaining the contact between the local and the international level,<br />

and is helping all the new sections in The Netherlands.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

Unfortunately ESN Den Haag (The Hague) had to quit the membership of ESN. But<br />

there are also some new and upcoming ESN sections, like ESN Wageningen, ESN<br />

Diemen and ESN Rotterdam. They are in the process of becoming a new member.<br />

Here under there is a short overview of all the sections in The Netherlands.<br />

ISN Amsterdam<br />

ISN-Amsterdam exists of a board of 8 people, this year they are 6 girls and 2 men.<br />

Together with their activity commission they organise fun activities the whole year<br />

trough for students of the University of Amsterdam and the 'Hogeschool' of Amsterdam.<br />

They make sure that there is enough to do every week, like their weekly drink and their<br />

ever so famous volleyball night. Next to all the parties the students can participate in<br />

city-tours, sports days, hitch-hiking competitions and even a complete snow trip. ISN<br />

Amsterdam also offers discounts at various restaurants and bars in the city with the<br />

ESN card. Last but not least ISN is there to give practical information about Amsterdam<br />

and to answer all questions students may have.<br />

ESN Twente<br />

ESN Twente (formerly known as SMIT) is based on the University of Twente, in the city<br />

of Enschede. Their board consist of six enthusiastic people, but they have many<br />

volunteers helping them. Like most sections they organize trips, parties, a language<br />

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project, a music project, they publish a magazine (Talkative) and they keep our website<br />

up to date. They participate in the Introduction Program events for new students and<br />

they provide a mentor to the international students who study at the UT. This year they<br />

have been working on changing<br />

the name to show their pride in belonging to ESN and they have started using the ESN<br />

Card. Furthermore they plan to organize the CNR meeting in May. They are striving to<br />

be more known within the whole university community. They are also willing to be a<br />

major player in the UT internationalisation process, by supporting directly prospective<br />

outgoing students and advising interested stake-holders.<br />

ISN Eindhoven<br />

Reinforced with a new (multi-national) board, ISN Eindhoven starts the year <strong>2007</strong> full of<br />

enthusiasm. Their goal for the coming years is to increase the number of members as<br />

well as the number of their activities. Next to their standard activities like monthly<br />

dinners, excursions and other events, they are planning more colourful (as the board<br />

itself) activities such as ice skating, mountain climbing, dance workshops, etc. To be<br />

short the new and improved ISN Eindhoven remains faithful to its motto: ISN is strictly<br />

for fun.<br />

WINGS-ESN Groningen<br />

WINGS-ESN is a foundation that organizes social and cultural activities for international<br />

students who come to study at the University of Groningen. In addition, WINGS-ESN<br />

organizes events to interest and inform Dutch students about studying abroad. WINGS-<br />

ESN organizes all kinds of activities like introduction weeks, excursions, city trips,<br />

parties, drinks, international dinners, and so on! Besides these activities every Monday<br />

night international students meet each other during the International Student Night at<br />

the Rumba. WINGS-ESN consists of a board and 6 committees whose job it is to make<br />

the stay of international students in Groningen unforgettable. In September <strong>2007</strong>,<br />

WINGS-ESN will change its name into ESN-GRONINGEN to make its name more<br />

recognizable for Dutch as well as international students all over the world.<br />

ESN Leeuwarden<br />

ESN Leeuwarden is an organisation founded for the benefits of Erasmus students which<br />

come to Leeuwarden to study at the Noordelijke Hogeschool Leeuwarden. It helps<br />

students to integrate into the Dutch society. ESN Leeuwarden was founded on 30 th of<br />

August 1991 in the city of Leeuwarden.<br />

They have about 120 exchange students per semester, coming from all kinds of<br />

countries. They organise parties, activities and excursions, like an island-trip and much<br />

more.<br />

ISN Leiden<br />

ISN - Integration Leiden (f.k.a. ESN-Leiden) aims to give the international student an<br />

interesting, exciting, and all-out great time in Leiden. They give exchange students, but<br />

also foreign bachelor and master students, the opportunity to meet other international<br />

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and Dutch students, get to know Leiden student life, and get a feel for Dutch culture. In<br />

order to reach their objective, we organize numerous activities, excursions, weekends,<br />

drinks, parties, etc. Additionally, they have a mentor program in which they couple an<br />

international student and a Dutch student.<br />

ESN INHOLLAND Haarlem<br />

ESN Haarlem is every year helping about 90 exchange students from INHOLLAND<br />

University Haarlem. They have a very good mentor program, in which two Dutch<br />

students take care of a group of around 10 internationals and show them Haarlem<br />

student life. ESN Haarlem organises parties, trips, sports and welcoming events. Also<br />

they pick up the students when they arrive, show them their accommodation, how to get<br />

a bike, how to party in The Netherlands, and so on.<br />

ESN Maastricht<br />

Maastricht is a very big student city in The Netherlands. ESN Maastricht welcomes<br />

around 700 students in August and 500 students in January every year! Throughout the<br />

academic year they have a drink every Tuesdays at our regular bar, the Twee Heeren,<br />

in the city centre. ESN Maastricht has their own mentor program, and they organise<br />

various trips to Holland, Belgium and Europe, parties and events for the exchange<br />

students.<br />

ESN Tilburg<br />

ESN Tilburg is a very active section in The Netherlands. Their events are usually<br />

successful and busy. Tilburg has a special mentor program, together with their mentor<br />

groups they organise a Eurodinner every week. At the end of the semester they leave<br />

their students with nice memories of their stay, they receive a book of faces and a<br />

picture DVD. The section is also successful at getting sponsors for their ESN Card.<br />

They even have discount at New York Pizza.<br />

ESN Utrecht<br />

ESN Utrecht is also a very active section in The Netherlands. ESN Utrecht aims to<br />

ensure that international students in Utrecht feel at home, have a great time, meet a lot<br />

of new people, get a good glimpse of Dutch student life and Dutch culture in general. To<br />

do this ESN Utrecht offers a mentor program, which links a group of 6-8 international<br />

students together with 2-3 Dutch mentors who help them with any practical problems as<br />

well as shows them their way around Utrecht. Additionally, they organize activities,<br />

excursions, weekends, parties, and of course their International Drink at club Storm<br />

every Tuesday night from 23.00 - 05.00.<br />

ESN-VUniverse Amsterdam<br />

ESN-VUniverse is an international student organisation, based at the Vrije Universiteit<br />

of Amsterdam. Originally founded by a handful of Dutch students in 1992, it has since<br />

grown into one of the primary caretakers of foreign exchange students at the VU. At the<br />

beginning of each semester, they organize the ISI Days (International Student<br />

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Introduction Days), a 2-day long introduction through Amsterdam. Other activities can<br />

be as little as bowling nights and ice-skating trips, or as big as city trips and full-fledged<br />

weekends into the great outdoors (of the Netherlands). Their board consists of 5<br />

enthusiastic Dutch students. An Activities and PR committee helps them with organizing<br />

activities and promoting them. The majority of their Dutch members also acts as mentor<br />

to a small group of exchangers.<br />

ISN Nijmegen<br />

In the southern city of Nijmegen, ISN takes care of the international students of the<br />

University of Nijmegen. They organise a wintro-party, salsa classes, city tours and<br />

cultural activities for the students. Nijmegen works hard to make sure that international<br />

students feel at home. Nijmegen organises theme-parties and theme-dinners but also<br />

reunions and pub crawls.<br />

Norway<br />

Written by Jørn Larsen Broks, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

National Representative: Jørn Larsen Broks, norway@esn.org, +4799637425<br />

No National Board.<br />

National level<br />

ESN Norway is registered and recognised by Norwegian authorities as a non-profit<br />

student organization. This being mentioned, for the present we have neither National<br />

Board nor President. This is mainly due to the limited number of sections in Norway,<br />

and the geographical problems of arranging national meetings.<br />

Without a National Board the responsibility of running ESN Norway lies on the sections<br />

and our National Representative. ESN Norway joined the ESN Card project at the start<br />

of the fall semester of 2006. 3 / 5 sections have implemented the cards with success.<br />

The last National Platform was held during the Nordic Network Meeting in Helsinki in<br />

November 2006, and among the main topics were how to increase the cooperation<br />

between the Norwegian sections. In addition recruiting new sections is highly prioritized<br />

in ESN Norway, and of course, we will focus a lot on the coming Northern European<br />

Platform <strong>2007</strong> in Trondheim.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

ESN Norway counts five sections, spread from the very north close to the North Cape,<br />

to the very south, and this is the same amount of sections as presented at <strong>AGM</strong> 2006 in<br />

Krakow. These five sections are: Finnmark, Trondheim, Molde, Bergen and Agder. It’s<br />

also my pleasure to say that ESN Bergen, after some time of inactivity, is now up and<br />

running again, after a recruitment of five new and enthusiastic section members. In<br />

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addition our National Representative has been contacted by Harstad University College<br />

about the possibility to open a new ESN section in Harstad.<br />

The Norwegian sections have all implemented the new corporate identity of ESN since<br />

last <strong>AGM</strong>, and the ESN spirit among the sections is really good. All sections are working<br />

actively to make our exchange student’s stay in Norway an experience to remember.<br />

The number of exchange students our sections work for varies from about 40 at ESN<br />

Finnmark, to more than 1000 at ESN Trondheim. Among the frequent activities we<br />

present to our exchange students are: Trip to the Lofoten Islands, fishing trips, skiing in<br />

Åre, international dinners, buddy programme, trips to the Igloo Hotel in Alta, trip to the<br />

North Cape, trip to the Troll Church of Molde, ski trip to Hovde outside Kristiansand, and<br />

much more.<br />

The following is a brief introduction to all our sections:<br />

ESN AGDER (founded 2004)<br />

ESN Agder is situated in the city of Kristiansand in the south of Norway, and is the next<br />

to youngest section of ESN Norway. The last year the section has developed and<br />

increased it’s offer of activities to the exchange students, as well as offering hands – on<br />

help on accomodation and all other exchange student related matters. They have office<br />

hours two days a week, and a dynamic webpage to serve all their students.<br />

Web: http://esnagder.no/ E-Mail: esnhia@student.hia.no<br />

ESN BERGEN (founded 2001)<br />

ESN Bergen is situated in the city of Bergen in the west of Norway. After some time of<br />

low activity, ESN Bergen resurrected during the last semester of 2006, and is now once<br />

again working actively for the many exchange students at the University of Bergen. ESN<br />

Bergen has for many years been a cornerstone in ESN Norway, and with the new crew<br />

of section members the future looks bright.<br />

Web: http://esnbergen.com/ (soon to be changed) E-Mail: esnbergen@yahoo.com<br />

ESN FINNMARK (founded 2005)<br />

ESN Finnmark is situated in the city if Alta in the very north of Norway. They are<br />

officially the northernmost ESN section in the world, and consist of 5 active members to<br />

attend approximately 40 exchange students per semester. ESN Finnmark was formerly<br />

named HISA and has been working with exchange students for many years. In their rich<br />

activity programme they have activities like: Ice hotel trip, Dog sledging, Kautokeino trip<br />

and a trip to the famous North Cape.<br />

Web: http://www.spif.hifm.no/index.php?ID=1170 / E-Mail: esn@stud.hifm.no<br />


ESN Molde is situated in the city of Molde in the mid-west of Norway. The section<br />

consists of 4 active members to attend approximately 50 Erasmus students per<br />

semester. ESN Molde is an experienced section in ESN Norway and has during the<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

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years developed a very close collaboration with their university college, giving them<br />

resources to make a great programme for their exchange students.<br />

Web: http://esn.himolde.no/ E-Mail: esn@himolde.no<br />

ESN TRONDHEIM (founded 1993)<br />

ESN Trondheim is situated in the city of Trondheim in the middle of Norway. The<br />

section consists of 8 active members to attend approximately 1000 exchange students<br />

per semester. Many of these are PhD candidates so the actual number of “active”<br />

Erasmus students is a bit more moderate. ESN Trondheim is a very active section<br />

arranging ESN events every week, and a trip or special event every second week. From<br />

their activities programme we can mention: Alpine weekend, late winter ball, football<br />

tournament, fishing trips and Lofoten trip. ESN Trondheim is the proud organisers of<br />

NEP <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Web: http://www.esn.org/trondheim E-Mail: esn-org@stud.ntnu.no<br />

Events and activities<br />

During the ESN year 2006 / 07 ESN Norway has held one National Platform, which was<br />

arranged during the NNM in Helsinki. At this meeting ESN Trondheim presented their<br />

candidature for organising NNM <strong>2007</strong> (hereby known as NEP <strong>2007</strong>), and was proudly<br />

elected. ESN Trondheim and all ESN Norway look forward to invite all our Nordic and<br />

European neighbours to the lovely city of Trondheim.<br />

Adds and comments<br />

The Norwegian team for <strong>AGM</strong> in <strong>Prague</strong> will measure a record reaching number of 9<br />

participants. This is indeed really promising for the future of ESN Norway, and of<br />

course, for all our fellow ESN’ers that have a little crush on our o’ so beloved smoked<br />

salmon ☺<br />

Stay pallomeri!<br />

Poland<br />

Written by Miłka Adamczyk, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

National Representative: Miłka Adamczyk , adamczyk.milka@gmail.com,<br />

poland@esn.org<br />

President: Mateusz Radzimski<br />

president@esn.pl, skype:esnpolska, +48 512537059 or +48 608413770<br />

Erasmus Student Network, Gdansk University of Technology<br />

ul.Siedlicka 4, room 213, 80-222 Gdansk-Wrzeszcz<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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National Board (national level)<br />

Polish National Board is elected once a year during The National Platform in February.<br />

The members of National Board 2006/<strong>2007</strong> are:<br />

President: Mateusz Radzimski – ESN Gdansk<br />

Treasurer: Asia Szechlicka – ESN Gdansk<br />

Membership and Internal Relations: Janusz Kłaniecki – ESN Poznań<br />

Secretary: Krzysztof Dzikiewicz – ESN SGH<br />

National Representative: Miłka Adamczyk – ESN SGH<br />

During the past months the NB had several Board Meetings including weekly skype<br />

conferences. The main aims and actions were:<br />

Registering ESN Poland as ‘public good’ organisation, possibly getting 1% of taxes from<br />

people who would write it in their tax returns<br />

Arranging two Presidents’ Meetings in Warsaw(May, December) and NP in Toruń<br />

(October)<br />

Developing ESN Poland Long Term Vison and become more professional<br />

Producing in cooperation with National Socrates Agency t-shirts and calendars<br />

Contacting and providing assistance for people from universities, who would like to set<br />

up a section ( ESN AGH Kraków, ESN Gallus Katowice, ESN PW Warszawa)<br />

Opening the bank account and solving legal issues concerning registration<br />

Developing new layout of the esn.pl web site according to new Corporate Identity<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

Currently there are 21 sections in Poland and 3 more potential candidates who will be<br />

accepted during the NP in Warsaw in February. Two sections had their 5 th<br />

anniversaries- ESN Gdańsk and ESN UJ Kraków. We managed to reactivate two<br />

sections including the oldest one in Poland – ESN AM Warsaw.<br />

ESN AE Kraków http://www.esn.ae.krakow.pl/ esn@ae.krakow.pl<br />

ESN AE Katowice http://web.ae.katowice.pl/esn/ esn@ae.katowice.pl<br />

ESN AMG Gdansk<br />

http://www.ed.amg.gda.pl/useful_information/85/tomasz.drabarek@gmail.com<br />

ESN AM Warszawa reactivated, mail to: agaduk@autograf.pl<br />

ESN Collegium Civitas http://www.collegium.edu.pl esn@collegium.edu.pl<br />

ESN Gdansk http://www.esn.pg.gda.pl/ exchange@pg.gda.pl<br />

ESN Łazarski http://www.esn.lazarski.pl esn@lazarski.pl<br />

ESN Łodź http://www.esn.uni.lodz.pl esn@uni.lodz.pl<br />

ESN PCz reactivated, mail to: kamilafamulska@hotmail.com<br />

ESN PO Opole http://www.esn.po.opole.pl esn@po.opole.pl<br />

ESN Poznań http://esn.put.poznan.pl esn@put.poznan.pl<br />

ESN PWr http://esn.pwr.wroc.pl info@esn.pwr.wroc.pl<br />

ESN SGGW http://www.sggw.waw.pl/cpe/buddy sggw-buddy@wp.pl<br />

ESN SGH http://www.sgh.esn.pl esn-sgh@esn.org<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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ESN UAM Poznań http://www.esn.amu.edu.pl esn@amu.edu.pl<br />

ESN UG Gdańsk no web , diesen@hoga.pl<br />

ESN UJ Kraków http://www.esn.student.uj.edu.pl info@esn.student.uj.edu.pl<br />

ESN UMCS Lublin http://www.esn.umcs.lublin.pl esn-umcs@o2.pl<br />

ESN UMK Toruń http://www.esn.torun.prv.pl esn-torun@o2.pl<br />

ESN UW Warszawa http://www.esn.uw.edu.pl/ esn_uw@o2.pl<br />

ESN Wrocław no contact..<br />

Events and activities<br />

NP in Torun<br />

OC: ESN UMK Toruń<br />

26-29 October 2006.<br />

The main issues to discuss during the meeting were: vision of ESN Poland, possibility of<br />

receiving 1% of tax returns, cooperation with Orange and ESN ID project. We’ve<br />

created a guidelines for future NP OCs and NB.<br />

Presidents Meeting – Warsaw, May 2006<br />

We focused on recent events and cooperation with European Youth Parliament and<br />

National Socrates Agency.<br />

Presidents Meeting – Warsaw, December 2006<br />

ESN Poland went on with discussion about long term vision and becoming more<br />

professional. The big issue was also XX anniversary of Erasmus and events connected<br />

with this topic. The budget and preliminary plan for <strong>2007</strong> were presented.<br />

National Events:<br />

III Zlot Erasmusa (Intl Erasmus Meeting) 7 – 9 April Poznań<br />

ESN Ski Night Fun 4 – 5 March Kraków<br />

Integrational Sleepless Extreme Party 12 – 14 May Gdansk<br />

Erasmus CUP 26 – 28 May Toruń<br />

Discover Europe- foto contest June Warsaw<br />

International Events<br />

Second Fun(d)Raising Conference 7 – 10 September Gdansk<br />

ESN Gdansk prepared 4 days-long international training – how to become a<br />

professional in raising funds. Training was carried on by one of the professors from<br />

Università Bocconi.<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

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Portugal<br />

No country report received from Portugal.<br />

Administrative information<br />

National Representative: Pedro Almeida (portugal@esn.org)<br />

Sections<br />

ASE-UC/ESN Coimbra Universidade de Coimbra<br />

ESN AAUAv Universidade de Aveiro<br />

ESN Lisboa Universidade de Lisboa<br />

ESN Minho Universidade do Minho<br />

ESN Nova Lisboa Universidade Nova de Lisboa<br />

ESN Porto Universidade do Porto<br />

ESN UAL Lisboa Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa<br />

ESN UTAD University Tr�s-os-Montes e Alto Douro<br />

SRI-ESN Évora University of Évora<br />

Romania<br />

Written by Diana Ivan, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

National Representative: Diana Ivan, diana.ivan@gmail.com<br />

President: Carmen Cucul, carmen.cucul@esn.ro<br />

National Board (national level)<br />

There is no National Board in Romania.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

2 ESN sections in Romania: Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca;<br />

Web-site of ESN Bucharest: www.esn.ro<br />

ESN Bucharest has finalised in 2006 the legal setup as non-for-profit association;<br />

after a period (September-December 2006) of loosing contact with Cluj-Napoca (more<br />

dangerous as the fee was not paid), things came back to normal at the end of 2006, so<br />

good premises for the start of <strong>2007</strong>;<br />

A new person or team will be appointed to be responsible for ESN Cluj-Napoca, within<br />

the Societatea Studentilor Europenisti (SSE) - the student organization acting as<br />

umbrella for the local ESN. With those changes, ESN Cluj-Napoca will try not only to<br />

improve the contact between the local and national/international level, but also to<br />

increase the visibility of ESN within the SSE.<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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Events and activities<br />

Normal activities for both Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca have continued throughout the<br />

year;<br />

compared to the previous years, much better presence at the calls and events<br />

organized at ESN international level, thanks to the efforts of ESN Bucharest (positive<br />

answers to the calls for posters and for grants, to give just 2 examples);<br />

No more applications so far, even if there were some attempts from Iasi and Tg Mures<br />

during the summer 2006. I still believe the best future for ESN Romania would be by<br />

expanding the network. Looking forward to that moment, but probably 2006 was mostly<br />

a year for consolidating. And this could also be (and is) a positive result in itself;<br />

A detailed NR activity report will be prepared for May <strong>2007</strong>, a helpful instrument for the<br />

future NR<br />

Adds and comments<br />

The work for explaining and promoting ESN continues, but I think this task will be easier<br />

thanks to the visibility gained by ESN at international level with the Erasmus<br />

Anniversary. A big thank you! from us.<br />

Serbia<br />

Written by Nikola Mikasinovic, Vice National Representative<br />

ESN Belgrade was admitted to ESN International at the CNR meeting on January 20th<br />

<strong>2007</strong> in Brussels . It is a section of the World Youth Wave- Serbia organization. At the<br />

present time, we are dealing with setting up of an organization by selecting volunteers<br />

and defining our activities. Some of the planned activities are: making the databse of<br />

foreign students, issuing a booklet with useful information, organizing the parties, movie<br />

nights, trips to observatory, etc.<br />

In the future we also plan to spread our activities to other University centres in Serbia :<br />

Novi Sad , Nis and possibly Cacak, Novi Pazar and Kragujevac<br />

Administrative information<br />

National Representative: Ivana Bartulovic<br />

Vice National Representative: Nikola Mikasinovic<br />

Contacts: bartulovicivana@yahoo.com<br />

nikolamikasinovic@yahoo.com<br />

Section (local level)<br />

ESN Belgrade<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

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Slovakia<br />

Written by Martin Soták, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

NR: Martin Soták,<br />

Contact: slovakia@esn.org , martin.sotak@nextra.sk,<br />

+421 903 11 79 79 +421 908 977 809<br />

Section (local level)<br />

At the moment there is one section in Slovakia: ESN Buddy System Slovakia. The<br />

section is supported by the University of Economics in Bratislava, one of the biggest<br />

universities in Slovakia. It deals with approximately 120 Erasmus and other exchange<br />

programmes (CEEPUS, etc.) students staying at the university a year.<br />

The ESN Buddy System Slovakia organizing team is represented by board consisting of<br />

7 people and 10 other people supporting all departments of the board. The organizing<br />

team works on voluntary basis as well as 40 local students participating in the mentor<br />

system and the ones helping on the occasional basis on organizing events.<br />

Events and activities<br />

ESN-Buddy System Slovakia activities:<br />

Welcome (orientation) week at the beginning of each semester<br />

Excursions around Slovakia: trips to West Tatras and regions of Central Slovakia<br />

Sightseeing tours in Bratislava<br />

Pub crawls<br />

Thematic parties (Heloween, Christmass, Easter, etc.)<br />

City rally in Bratislava<br />

Trainings for buddies (mentors)<br />

Picnics, cultural evenings, sport activities<br />

ESN Cards as official Identification Cards of all exchange students at the University of<br />

Economics in Bratislava<br />

Slovenia<br />

Written by Ana Tominc, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

Name and Email NR: Ana Tominc, slovenia@esn.org, +386 41 850 805<br />

Slovenia has no National Board.<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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Sections (local level)<br />

There were no changes at the local level as no new sections were established and no<br />

sections were expelled.<br />

At the moment there are 5 sections in Slovenia:<br />

ESN Kranj<br />

ESN Ljubljana (section with most students)<br />

ESN at ŠOUM Maribor<br />

ESN at UM Maribor<br />

ESN Primorska (the youngest section)<br />

All five Slovenian sections were working well this year, offering services to exchange<br />

students in Ljubljana, Maribor, Kranj and at the Coast but also promoting Erasmus and<br />

other exchange programmes to Slovenian students.<br />

Main activities:<br />

Welcome (orientation) week at the beginning of every semester<br />

Trips to different parts of Slovenia<br />

Language courses for exchange students (often in cooperation with universities)<br />

Birthday and other thematic parties (St Martin’s, New Year’s, Easter, …)<br />

Picnics, film and cultural evenings, sport activities<br />

International dinners<br />

Weekly gatherings<br />

Exchange Student promotion activities<br />

At the moment, Slovenia has considerable problems with accommodation of Erasmus<br />

and other Exchange students as fewer rooms are planned for them in student dorms for<br />

the next Student Year.<br />

All sections paid their fees to ESN International for the past years. Not all sections<br />

applied the new ESN identity.<br />

National events<br />

Two sections organised a joint activity in November: ESN Primorska visited ESN@UM<br />

Maribor for St Martin’s day, together they visited the city of Maribor and Ptuj.<br />

There were two National Platforms during the last year. ESN Primorska organised the<br />

first one in July in Koper. Member of the Board Tomaso Bisol also joined us. The<br />

second NP was organised by ESN Ljubljana in January. It was an important gathering<br />

as not only that all sections participated but also ESN Slovenia after a long time<br />

changed its Statues according to the statues of ESN International (Krakow changes).<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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International events<br />

ESN Primorska organised a very nice CNR meeting from 9 th to 11 th December in Koper.<br />

30 NRs, Board members and other guests visited Slovenian Coast and met local<br />

Erasmus Students at a special International Evening. Rector of University of Primorska<br />

also visited the CNR during their work. The event was widely covered in Slovenian<br />

national media.<br />

Members of Slovenian sections participated at the Central European Platform in Vienna<br />

as well.<br />

Spain<br />

Written by Jesús Monge, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

Name and Email NR: Jesús Monge, jesusmonge@gmail.com<br />

Name, Email, Phone and Address of current president:<br />

Alberto Álvaro, presidente@ixesn.es, 0034679890679<br />

Mr. Alberto Álvaro<br />

Universidad de Alcalá – Relaciones Internacionales<br />

ESN – SPAIN<br />

Colegio de San Ildefonso<br />

Plaza de San Diego s/n, 28001<br />

Alcalá de Henares - Madrid<br />

SPAIN<br />

National Board (national level)<br />

The National Board of Spain has changed after the last NP on the month of November<br />

at the University of Barcelona because of different reasons: the External Relations<br />

decided to resigned because she couldn’t hold anymore the position because of her<br />

lack of time for ESN-Spain, as he was too involved at the local level. The Regular<br />

Member had to resign because of personal problems. So the new National Board of<br />

Spain consists of:<br />

President: Alberto Álvaro – ESN Alcalá<br />

Vice-President & Vice-NR: Jorge Martínez – ESN Carlos III<br />

Treasurer: Ignacio López – ESN Carlos III<br />

Secretary: Mª Carmen Cruz – ESN Alcalá<br />

External Relations and<br />

ESN Card Coordinator in Spain: José Ayuso – ESN Autónoma Barcelona (new)<br />

Regular Member: Borja – ESN Murcia (new)<br />

National Representative: Jesús Monge – ESN Alcalá<br />

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Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

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The NB have had several meetings along the year, this is because most of the NB<br />

members lives in Madrid or its surroundings, what has made easy to hold many<br />

meetings, as well as MSN meetings on-line.<br />

During the months of July and August our NB met on several occasions for organizing<br />

the activities and the schedule for the present Academic Year, specially for the biggest<br />

annual ESN event in Sevilla, with around 1000 Erasmus students during the month of<br />

October.<br />

During these months the main tasks the NB has been working on have been:<br />

Establishing a contact with the National Socrates Agency, with a meeting on the month<br />

of July and one in the next weeks in order to gain the support of them to help the NB to<br />

develope all the projects: new sections, new activities, 20th Erasmus anniversary...<br />

Contacting and helping the people who have asked for support to us to establish a new<br />

section in theirs Universities: Barcelona, Tarragona, Valencia, Comillas Madrid and so<br />

on.<br />

Promoting the ESN-Card Project among the sections and finding and developing new<br />

partners. All the offers can be viewed in the website: http://esn.uc3m.es/en/card<br />

Developing a web-site for ESN-Spain, www.esnspain.org<br />

Co-organizing and supporting the local sections that have carried out National Events:<br />

Cultural Medley, Ibiza and Sevilla.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

ESN ALCALA (founded 1999)<br />

16 active members to attend approximately 600 Erasmus per year. We have a complete<br />

program with many activities: introduction week, sports, cultural activities, parties every<br />

week and many trips (Seville, Valencia, Barcelona, Cordoba, Granada, Ibiza,<br />

Salamanca, etc). This course, because of the IV centenary of “The Quixote”, we have<br />

organised a big national event in Alcalá, with the collaboration of the University of Alcalá<br />

and the other sections of Madrid. In this event we have read the first charter of “The<br />

Quixote” in 42 different languages from all over the world. One of the members belongs<br />

is the National Vice-President and other one is the National Representative of Spain.<br />

Web: www.esnalcala.com / E-mail: esnua@hotmail.com / bolsa.idiomas@gmail.com<br />

ESN BARCELONA (founded 2004)<br />

The Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) has around 900 incoming exchange<br />

students per year. The section has 12 active members. One of them is in the NB since<br />

November.<br />

Main goal: Our main goal is to make our exchange students feel like home.<br />

This year we started a mentoring program as well as a tandem program.<br />

Activities: Orientation week, sports days, beach days, cultural tours, pub crowls,<br />

dinners, trips, parties as our Welcome, Farewell, X-mas, Latin..., ESN International<br />

Week (infomarket, Eurodinner, conferences, sports, a party...,)<br />

Trips: Andalucia, Madrid, Valencia, Basque Country, ski trip to Andorra, Ibiza,....<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

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National Level: In November 2006, the last Spanish National Platform was organized by<br />

our section.<br />

ESN Barcelona joined the national events of Sevilla 06 and CM Madrid 06. We have<br />

created and organized the National Event in Barcelona 06. And also co-created and coorganized<br />

the National Event Ibiza 06.<br />

We work for opening sections in other universities of Barcelona (being successful in the<br />

UPC and hopefully in the UB soon.)<br />

ESN Card: Last year more than 400 Erasmus bought our ESN cards, and this year even<br />

more students will have it!<br />

...And all this for a section that was born only three years ago!!!<br />

In our agenda: A new website, open new sections in Barcelona, be very active at<br />

international level. However, the most important thing is to make our new friends feel<br />

like home!!! ... And sometimes even better;-)<br />

Web: www.esnbarcelona.org<br />

E-mail: uab_exchange_students@yahoo.es<br />

ESN CÁDIZ (founded in 2001)<br />

ESN-Cádiz is a group of students from Cádiz University (6 members and one<br />

collaborator). University of Cádiz is divided in four different Campus, Cádiz, Puerto<br />

Real, Algeciras and Jerez de la Frontera. We attend near 500 Erasmus per year. Some<br />

of these students belong to the “Erasmus Mundus” Program (European master in water<br />

and coastal management).<br />

Our main aims are: orientation to incoming students and integration between Erasmus<br />

and local students, to do so, ESN proposes the following activities:<br />

Help in search for accommodation. ESN- Cádiz helps Help in search for<br />

accommodation in Cádiz and Jerez thanks to the Accommodation Office.<br />

Linguistic exchanges. Tandem program makes that incoming students practise Spanish<br />

and, at the same time, that local students could speak the language that they are<br />

studying with a native speaker.<br />

Trips and city- sightseeing.<br />

Parties.<br />

Cádiz, with near 3,000 years of history is situated on the bay of the same name and<br />

completely surrounded by sea. The province of Cadiz is an exceptional and unique area<br />

and will offer a unique experience for visiting students.<br />

Email: esn@uca.es<br />

Web: in process<br />

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ESN CARLOS III (founded in 1994 and joined ESN Network in 1998).<br />

Currently there are 8 Board Members, two belonging to the NB –one of them to the<br />

International Web Team too- plus a bunch of assistants. Hosting more than 300<br />

Erasmus students, our main activities are the weekly Meeting Point, Incoming<br />

Introduction Week (advising help for every face of their new life here -courses, live at<br />

Carlos III, accommodation-), strong diffusion and participation of ESN International<br />

projects (ELSA, Bocconi, Kassel, 20th Anniversary,..) cultural trips, photo yearbooks,<br />

international and exchange dinners, tandem program development, academic and<br />

social advising for the outgoing students and parties. We keep our website updated<br />

continuously. Every year one article released in InCommon. Cultural Medley O.C<br />

Members, Workshop in <strong>AGM</strong>'s. Great ESN promotion: more than 350 t-shirts sold per<br />

year –200 given for free in <strong>AGM</strong> '06! Partnership with ESN SMIT and ESN Greece; i.e,<br />

one member working as PR and help to implement ESN Card respectively. Project<br />

"Spidernet": Empowering of ESN International to the rest of the world by<br />

http://www.myspace.com/ixesn . Participant in Erasmus Days!!<br />

Web: http://esn.uc3m.es / Email: esn.uc3m@gmail.com<br />

ESN – COMPLUTENSE (founded in 1992).<br />

10 active members to attend on an approximate number of 1700 erasmus per year,<br />

more about 300 foreign students of other exchange programmes. Inside our activities<br />

we can stand out: the PROGRAMME TUTOR (on its first year we have reached 700<br />

erasmus and 200 tutors) and the PROGRAM TANDEM, as well as different activities<br />

that introduce our students in the Spanish culture (theatre, concerts, exhibitions, trips,<br />

holidays …). We have developed also a series of welcome days in order to put in<br />

contact Spanish and exchange students (workshops, debates, contests,<br />

championships, movies - forums, conferences …) and developed different sports<br />

competitions, contests and tournaments throughout the year. Nowadays we are trying to<br />

extend our activities in order to integrate more all the foreign students within the city of<br />

Madrid.<br />

Web: www.ucm.es/info/esnucm (in process of conversion)/ E-mail: esnucm@gmail.com<br />

, (tutor programme: esntutor@gmail.com, tandem programme: esntandem@gmail.com<br />

)<br />

ESN JAÉN – No report from the section<br />

ESN MURCIA (founded as AIMEU in 1999 and as ESN section in 2001).<br />

Over 600 exchange students and over 700 Spanish students abroad. Around 250<br />

exchange students involved in our activities. All the students get informed on our<br />

website, office or through our members. ESN Murcia made up by 15 active members,<br />

from whom one, Lazaro Garcia, is Secretary in the Spanish National Board. We<br />

organise trips to Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Valencia or Toledo, cultural sightseeings,<br />

visits to museums or parties (Welcome, 80's...).<br />

Web: http://www.esnmurcia.es / E-mail: aimeu@um.es info@esnmurcia.es<br />

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ESN REY JUAN CARLOS (founded 2005)<br />

ESN-URJC wants to be a reference for Erasmus students to help them with their<br />

administrative process in the university, but also help them with other problems that<br />

they can have (where can they live, how can they go to the doctor…). Furthermore, we<br />

want to explain them our culture and our city, Madrid. Moreover, we want them to visit<br />

with them other important Spanish cities, like Cordoba, Granada, Seville and<br />

Salamanca. We also organise parties every Thursday and a football match every<br />

Friday and salsa lessons every Tuesday. ESN-URJC is proud to be the first ESN<br />

section that created the tutor program in Spain. We began with the Tutor program from<br />

the very beginning because we sincerely believe that this program is the heart of ESN<br />

URJC. To summarize: we want to help Erasmus students to have a nice stay with us in<br />

Spain.<br />

ESN SEVILLA (Founded in 1991)<br />

10 active members. We receive more than 2.500 Erasmus students. Section HOST OF<br />

THE BIGGEST ERASMUS AND ESN EVENT (1000 Erasmus students). We also make<br />

an Erasmus big party every wednesday with around 300 or 400 erasmus students and,<br />

of course, a lot spanish students too. We organize a lot of trips every year (Lisboa,<br />

Granada, Morocco, Salamanca, Cordoba, Ibiza...) And not everything are parties and<br />

trips, we also organize cultural things like a spanish cine club, visits to monuments or a<br />

Global Village (kind of mix between an infomarket and an eurodinner) in which<br />

participate international students from all over the world. We also have a data base with<br />

spanish people who wants to have an exchange with erasmus students to practise a<br />

language.<br />

Email: esn_sevilla@hotmail.com<br />

ESN TOLEDO – No report from the section<br />

ESN UAM (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) (Founded in 1996)<br />

Nowadays ESN-UAM is form by 14 members, are main aim is to promote the social and<br />

personal integration of the exchange students. We receive around 1000 exchange<br />

students per year ( Erasmus program and other exchange programs).<br />

So what we want is the best for these students in their abroad experience. We organize<br />

different activities during the year and participate in the national activities too, all of them<br />

relate with the Spanish culture principal.<br />

Web: www.uam.es/esn / E-mail: erasmus.student.network@uam.es<br />

ESN Zaragoza (Founded in 2002)<br />

8 active members attend the needs of 400 exchange students per year.<br />

Is not a great number but Zaragoza is not a big city as Madrid or Barcelona.<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

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Our main goal is to develop different activities for the Erasmus community and to make<br />

them feel as they were at their own home.<br />

We are a quite young section, but in these years it has been great. Also we prepared a<br />

NP two years ago and it was great experience.<br />

Web: www.erasmo.tk / E-mail: esn@posta.unizar.es<br />

National platforms:<br />

NP in Madrid – OC: ESN UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA MADRID April 2006.<br />

The main issues to discuss during the platform were the change of the NB, so the<br />

present one was elected and the outgoing NB remained as OC for the Cultural Medley<br />

of November. The new projects of the NB were:<br />

New sections<br />

Contact with the NA<br />

Website<br />

Sponsorships<br />


2006,<br />

Ewa, the Vice-President was invited to present the work of the IB in these months, the<br />

20 th Anniversary, ESN-Galaxy...<br />

National Events<br />

During the present Academic Year the NB of ESN-Spain had tried to organize several<br />

activities on the national level, trying to join all the sections of Spain. However the<br />

assistance of every section is only compulsory to one of them. These activities are coorganized<br />

with the Local Board of the section where the event takes place. These are<br />

the events for the present year:<br />

Ibiza. May 2006. This activity was started by the local section of Alcalá years ago, being<br />

a great success between all the local Erasmus Students, joining almost 400 Erasmus<br />

students partying in the Party Island, so this year the intention is to join Erasmus from<br />

all over Spain on May <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Boat Party. Sevilla. 28th-30th of October. As for the past years almost 1000 students<br />

met in Sevilla for a weekend party, with a party in a boat through the Guadalquivir River.<br />

The weekend is completed with cultural activities, visits, flamenco… However this year<br />

it could not be in the boats, because of licence problems for the party, so it had to be<br />

moved to a disco �<br />

Barcelona. March <strong>2007</strong><br />

Ibiza. May <strong>2007</strong><br />

International Events<br />

The only International activity organized this year in Spain has been the Cultural Medley<br />

on the month of November with 50 international participants. Because of a problem with<br />

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the registration process not many people could obtain a place at the CM. The event was<br />

sponsored by the NB because at the last moment the NA did not participate with us. For<br />

the impressions of the participants: http://cm2006.ixesn.es<br />

Sweden<br />

Written by Rasmus Bodin Löfgren, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

NR: Rasmus Bodin Löfgren, sweden@esn.org, +46 731517505<br />

President: Jonas Tufvesson, president@esnsweden.org, +46 733606379<br />

National Board (national level)<br />

The sitting Swedish national board for 2006/07 is;<br />

President: Jonas Tufvesson (ESN Örebro)<br />

Vice President: Jonas Ekebacke (ESN Örebro)<br />

Treasurer / Vice NR: Johanna Martinsson (ESN Växjö)<br />

National Representative: Rasmus Bodin Löfgren (ESN Linköping)<br />

All members of the board will be renewed on the 11 th of February at our national<br />

platform in Lund. The sitting board takes their hats off and says their thanks for a<br />

fantastic year of ESN.<br />

And a fantastic year it has been indeed. The national board has worked to strengthen<br />

the sections position thru concrete benefits of being members in the network. Some<br />

examples are implementing the new corporate identity, organising national wide events,<br />

printing enlightening flyers and creating a forum for better communication within<br />

Sweden. The economical situation for both the board and the sections has improved<br />

considerable thru cooperation with the phone company Tele2.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

Sweden consists of 7 sections;<br />

ESN Kalmar, ESN KTH, ESN Linköping, ESN Lund, ESN Skövde, ESN Växjö, ESN<br />

Örebro<br />

These sections have remained the same throughout the year. This can be seen as<br />

something very positive as sections on the edge of disappearing have once again<br />

established themselves in the network. Great efforts have been made to establish<br />

contact with new universities; this is however going slow due to large geographical<br />

distances and the varied organisational structure of different universities.<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

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Events and activities<br />

A number of notable events have taken place during the year; some of these (but not<br />

close to all) are listed below.<br />

2006<br />

- ESN Sea Battle #2 (1 st till 3 rd of April).<br />

Half-yearly nation wide event where exchange students are invited on a 3 day<br />

cruise to Tallinn and meet with the lovely ESN Tallinn.<br />

- National platform in Stockholm hosted by ESN KTH (5 th till 7 th of May).<br />

- CNR meeting in Linköping hosted by ESN Linköping (11 th till 14 th of May).<br />

- National platform in Kalmar hosted by ESN Kalmar (22 nd till 24 th of September).<br />

- Intervallen by ESN Linköping (5 th of October).<br />

A party hosting 1200 students, 3 dance floors and 7 bars run by exchange<br />

students serving drinks and food typical of their country.<br />

- ESN Sea Battle #3 (21 st till 23 rd of October).<br />

- National platform in Linköping hosted by ESN Linköping (1 st till the 3 rd of December).<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

National platform in Lund hosted by ESN Lund (9 th till 11 th of February).<br />

Adds and comments<br />

All of us in ESN Sweden would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a wonderful<br />

<strong>AGM</strong>-time filled with Pallomeri!<br />

Happily signed,<br />

Jonas Tufvesson, Jonas Ekebacke, Johanna Martinsson, Rasmus Bodin Löfgren,<br />

Kerstin Brolén, Rickard von Essen, Niklas Alberth, Karin Sörensen, Thomas Österholm,<br />

Daniel Wijk, Henrik Helmér, Kawin Mårtensson, Isabella Gillholm, Ullrika Gustafsson,<br />

Marlene Deogan, Johanna Persson, Katarina Jakobson, Nesibe Molla, Catrin<br />

Gregersen, Mersiha Huseinovic, Fredrik Aronsson, Johanna Olsson, Oskar Johansson,<br />

Ramona Kraft, Lisa Ljunggren, Sanna Kronqvist, Rober Andersson, Maria Cardell, Karin<br />

Siöö, Alexis Priftis, Martin Larsson, Andrea Dankic, Andreas Lundgren, Anna<br />

Lundsgård, David Ericsson, Elin Svedberg, Fredrik Svedberg, Gustav Skogö, Malin<br />

Eek, Rikard Nordeman, Sofia Sohl, Malin Thorsén, Susie Dybeck, Martin Redbark,<br />

Frida Schildauer, Therese Johansson, Tania Tello, Madeleine Ekström, Viktoria Uski,<br />

Ida Svensson, Jonas Sjöblom, Linda Ericsson, Anders Hellström, Ida Karlsson, Linnea<br />

Henningsson, Anna Gellerstedt, Johanna Willix, Jonna Olandersson, Gustav<br />

Magnusson, Evelina Tengmark, Magnus Sjögren, Sissy Viklund, Kristin Nilsson, Roze<br />

Maljanovska<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

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Switzerland<br />

Written by Lydia Lostan, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

National Representative: Lydia Lostan lydia.lostan@gmail.com<br />

President: Thomas Paur t.paur@bluewin.ch<br />

Mob.: +41 (0) 79 702 19 41<br />

Skype! Thomaspaur<br />

National Board members:<br />

Thomas Paur President president@esn.ch<br />

Julia Wenger Vice President / Section Development contact@esn.ch<br />

Fabian Jenny Educational Policy / Marketing education@esn.ch<br />

Lydia Lostan National Representative nr@esn.ch<br />

Christina Kunz Communication pr@esn.ch<br />

Mario Alleca Finances treasurer@esn.ch<br />

External Board members<br />

Lars Henning Vice National Representative<br />

Thomas Gubelmann Webmaster<br />

Daniela Müller GrAcE<br />

National website www.esn.ch<br />

National Board (national level)<br />

The main targets of the National Board 2006 was to develop the network but most of all<br />

to make it stonger, to have better contacts with the sections, to improve communication<br />

and collaboration between sections and between sections and National Board.<br />

During the year, the NB had many meetings in Bern or Zurich and organized two<br />

Presidents Meetings which most of the presidents attended. More collaboration has<br />

been going on between sections.<br />

Several National projects:<br />

ESN Booklet (Fabian Jenny, Christina Kunz)<br />

This project was lead by Fabian Jenny; Christina Kunz was responsible for the content.<br />

These booklets will be distributed to the exchange students in Switzerland and should<br />

help them to discover the country with good advices and information. The booklets<br />

should be printed in February and ready for the summer semester.<br />

National Event in Lenk (Amik Theiler)<br />

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Amik Theiler from ESN Zürich has organized the most significant National event ever<br />

organized in Switzerland:115 participants , both ESN members and exchange students,<br />

will meet the 12th of January in the mountain for three days of winter sports and fun<br />

National Platform (NP) in Lausanne<br />

ESN Xchange EPFL will organize the National Platform in March. It will last three days.<br />

NP is very important for the network and we hope to attract many ESN members.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

ESN Switzerland’s network is composed by 12 sections.<br />

ESN EIVD (Yverdon): There is no active committee since two years. Section should be<br />

closed during the National Platform <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

ESN Fribourg: has a very motivated committee. It’s a city were people speak French<br />

and German; exchange students seem to spend a wonderful time there.<br />

ESN Geneva: They didn’t show up to any of the meetings this year .But the committee<br />

has recently changed; new contacts have been made with the president, and they have<br />

already organized an activity with ESN Lausanne EPFL.<br />

ESN Lausanne (Xchange EPFL): This section is very active and appreciated by both<br />

local and exchange students. The committee organizes social events such as parties or<br />

visits of other cities, and also sport activities such as ski weekends. It is also the section<br />

which uses the most the ESN cards in Switzerland.<br />

ESN Lausanne (Xchange Unil): Many activities are organized with Xchange EPFL.<br />

For the XXth Anniversary of ESN, Xchange Unil plans to organize a very ambitious<br />

Erasmus week with many activities.<br />

ESN Sion: not active since 2 years. Section should be closed during the National<br />

Platform <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

ESN Wädenswil: This section is quiet small but still does many things and is well<br />

integrated in ESN Switzerland’s network<br />

ESN Winterthur: is very proud this year of their International Board Member Corinne<br />

Bryner! There was a new team this year who organized many many things for an<br />

increasing number of exchange students. They also collaborate a lot with ESN Zurich.<br />

ESN Zürich (Uni und ETH): This big section is famous for its Welcome party twice a<br />

year. ESN Zurich benefits also from a large number of Alumnis and a great Know-how.<br />

All their activities for the year are planned in advance and exchange students know from<br />

the beginning of the semester the amazing year they will live. ESN Zurich is a very<br />

important actor on the national level (Board member, national event)<br />

Thanks to our “Section developer” Julia Wenger, 2006 has been a great year with 3 new<br />

sections:<br />

Buddysystem St. Gallen: very active since 1995 in the integration of the exchange<br />

students of the HSG. All attempts had been fruitless the last years; it’s thanks to Pascal<br />

Bula (President in 06) that it’s now part of ESN Switzerland<br />

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ESN Basel: With the help of the International Office, Julia Wenger could meet a<br />

motivated team. There is already a visit of Basel organized with ESN Winterthur.<br />

ESN Bern: is officially in ESN since August 2006 and is already well integrated in the<br />

network. Two people are coming to <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

There are also two potential sections:<br />

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (Windisch), Université de Neuchatel.<br />

It will be next National Board duty to finalize the work.<br />

Events and activities<br />

Here are some events organized this year representative of the growth of collaboration<br />

between sections in Switzerland:<br />

National Event in Glarus: (ESN Fribourg / ESN Winterthur): organized by both sections ;<br />

exchange students could see a very democratic way of voting (people still vote there by<br />

rising there hands!)<br />

Balelec, biggest student festival organized by students in one day, EPFL( ESN<br />

Lausanne EPFL/ ESN Switzerland)<br />

Visit of the Christmas market in Basel (ESN Basel / ESN Winterthur)<br />

“L’escalade” and visit of Geneva (ESN Lausanne / ESN Geneva)<br />

Visit of Lausanne: (Buddysystem Basel / ESN Uni Lausanne)<br />

EAIE Conference<br />

The conference was in September 06 in Basel. Several members of the National Board<br />

and Swiss sections joined there the ESN International Board. Ewa Krzaklewska (Vice<br />

president ESN International), Ivana Petricevic (Secretary ESN International) and<br />

Thomas Paur participated to a discussion during the conference and talked about the<br />

work of ESN. They were surprised to see how interested people were about ESN. It was<br />

also a great opportunity to make contacts and find sponsors (ESN Switzerland found a<br />

sponsor to publish the booklets).<br />

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Turkey<br />

Written by Andim Doldurucu, National Representative of Turkey<br />

Administrative information<br />

President: Murat Ozturk, ESN Bogazici<br />

National Representative: Andim Doldurucu, ESN ITU<br />

Vice National Representative: Sergul Ozatalar, ESN Ege<br />

Webmaster: Ferhat Sen, ESN Sabanci<br />

turkey@esn.org<br />

www.esn-turkiye.org<br />

National Board (national level)<br />

In <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>2007</strong> ESN Turkey will be exactly one and a half years old. ESN Turkey<br />

expanded from 2 sections to 12 sections during only 2006. We made our first National<br />

Platform in July, and elected our first National Board. NB is meeting every week in<br />

Istanbul, to generate new ideas for activities and discuss problems we face in our local<br />

sections and organizations.<br />

We finished our statutes and guidelines for the ESN Turkey Association according to<br />

the Turkish NGO rules. Now we are looking for a good central office, as the last step for<br />

registration as a Turkish NGO. All process took us a long time, because the<br />

bureaucracy in Turkey is unfortunately hard to overcome.<br />

This year ESN Turkey is taking part in ESN Card project. The cards will be distributed to<br />

the exchange students with the beginning of the second term of 2006/<strong>2007</strong> academic<br />

year. We are working on the Erasmus Day organization which will take place Istanbul,<br />

and also on the first ESN Turkey National Event, which will take place in Antalya.<br />

We have good relations with our National Agency in Ankara, as well as the institutional<br />

coordinators of Turkish universities through our sections. They are encouraging us and<br />

appreciating our work.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

ESN Anadolu<br />

An orientation program has been prepared for the incoming students, and presentations<br />

about the institutions, foundations and cultural-sportive facilities in the city were made.<br />

They gave a little seminar for the chosen buddy students. All accommodation for the<br />

Erasmus Students was arranged by ESN Anadolu. They made a trip to plant trees.<br />

Oriental and salsa lessons were arranged for the incoming students. They made a trip<br />

to Ankara. ESN Anadolu was the guest group in the Informatics 06 youth activities. ESN<br />

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Anadolu forum is opened. For the outgoing candidates countries and cities in Europe<br />

was presented. They made a trip to Istanbul visited the beautiful city, and joined to the<br />

Christmas Mass in St. Antoine Church, the biggest church in Istanbul.<br />

ESN Ege<br />

Between 30th September/ 1st October, orientation days were prepared. During the<br />

orientation days, Izmir Municipal sponsored the transportation. At 14th of October<br />

Erasmus vs. ESN Football Tournament took place. At 4th November, they went<br />

arranged a Bar Crawl in the city. They went to a canyon near Izmir with the nature club<br />

of the university. They arranged two trips for December, to Cappadoccia at 8th<br />

December and to Istanbul at 15th December. Those trips are sponsored by Izmir<br />

Chamber of Trade. Various sponsors are found for the ESN Cards.<br />

ESN Bogazici<br />

They helped the exchange students via assistance in registration, welcoming at airport,<br />

and dealing with their accommodation problems. Meet-a-Mate program (mentorship<br />

program that assigns volunteer Turkish students to the incoming exchangers) was<br />

successfully performed. Istanbul is presented to the incomers, historical-touristic tours,<br />

cocktail and dinners, Tophane meetings and Taksim nights are organized. They visited<br />

Miniaturk, the open air museum for miniature art. Small groups of exchangers traveled<br />

with their mates to eastern Turkey.<br />

ESN Bilgi<br />

Orientation program was prepared, during the program, presentations of Turkey,<br />

Istanbul, the University are made, also the buddy students have been chosen. They<br />

made a trip to Miniaturk, an open gallery of miniature art. They organized a karaoke<br />

party. ESN Bilgi appeared two times in TV talkshows at a national TV channel. They<br />

organized an after midterms and after finals party. They presented ESN in a youth<br />

festival in Istanbul. In January there will be a set of conferences prepared by ESN Bilgi,<br />

in which Turkish celebrities in social sciences (professors, writers, politicians,<br />

journalists...) will take part.<br />

ESN Galatasaray<br />

After the orientation of Erasmus Students, 110 Erasmus Students in Galatasaray<br />

University were all accommodated. They organized a big party for the international<br />

students. They organized an opening conference and also several meetings during the<br />

semester. They are doing weekly sports and social activities.<br />

ESN ITU<br />

ESN ITU prepared also an orientation week together with the EU Centre of the Istanbul<br />

Technical University. On 20 th September the first elections in the first ESN section in<br />

Turkey took place. They organized an opening party and a Bosphorus Tour in<br />

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September. They are continuing with traditional weekly parties in various places in the<br />

heart of Istanbul night life, Taksim. A three days trip to Capadoccia is organized<br />

between 20-23 rd of October 2006. Together with the visitors for EESTEC conferences<br />

in Istanbul, ESN ITU prepared a big party at 9 th of November.<br />

ESN Yildiz<br />

ESN Yildiz joined ESN with a nice opening ceremony. They also joined the<br />

International Student Party, prepared together with ESN Galatasaray. Various<br />

presentations about Istanbul and Yildiz Technical University are performed for the<br />

exchange students. ESN Yildiz group is connected to photography society of YTU, so<br />

that they enjoy some trips together.<br />

ESN Akdeniz<br />

ESN Akdeniz is one of our newest sections. They organized several trips in the touristic<br />

Antalya peninsula. They made a big opening party. Also they arrange tandem language<br />

courses between native and exchange students. They are organizing our National<br />

Event in April, which will bring all the Erasmus students in our sections together.<br />

ESN Sabanci<br />

ESN Sabanci is builded by our national Webmaster. This new section started with the<br />

organizations. They made several Istanbul sightseeing trips.<br />

ESN Kultur<br />

This was one of the pre-existing well known student clubs in Istanbul, and now they<br />

joined ESN. They organized their first events last month under their new name: ESN<br />

Kultur. Local representative of ESN Kultur builded the organization commitee in ESN<br />

Turkey. This commitee is working with great motivation.<br />

ESN Beyent<br />

ESN Beykent joined ESN Turkey, in January <strong>2007</strong>. They were also a pre-existing<br />

student organization, who decided to be a part of ESN.<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Written by Ewan Munro, National Representative<br />

Administrative information<br />

NR: Ewan Munro (munro.ewan@gmail.com), +447759145738<br />

Vice-NR: Riikka Rajaniemi (sereonaranel@gmail.com)<br />

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National Board (national level)<br />

There is currently no national board. We had been hopeful we would have created one<br />

by the time of the <strong>AGM</strong> in <strong>Prague</strong>, but unfortunately it hasn’t worked out. As usual poor<br />

communication and lack of time have been the major obstacles.<br />

Sections (local level)<br />

Sections: ESN Edinburgh, ESN Glasgow, ESN Kent, ESN Durham, ESN Nottingham.<br />

Events and activities<br />

Edinburgh and Glasgow’s new-found relationship has continued to prosper, with the<br />

sections co-organising a weekend trip to the beautiful Loch Lomond for over 150<br />

international students. Another one is in the pipeline for later in the academic year, and<br />

it is hoped that this will become a regular feature of both sections’ events schedules.<br />

Beyond this, however, there is no contact between UK sections.<br />

The Future<br />

Co-operation with the UK Erasmus Student Committee and the strengthening<br />

relationship between ESN Glasgow and ESN Edinburgh show that it is possible to<br />

achieve things in the UK. However, the usual problems of communication,<br />

preoccupation with the local level, and a general lack of resources are thwarting all<br />

attempts to nurture anything bigger. It is difficult to foresee an immediate change in this<br />

situation, and indeed I fear that come this summer we may well be back down to 2 or 3<br />

sections again, as they begin to perceive there being no benefits of being part of ESN.<br />

We have come a long way in the last 2 years, having hosted a CNR meeting in<br />

December 2005, increased the number of sections to 5 (a 400 % increase since<br />

Gdansk 2005), and begun discussions with the UKESC. However, as an ESN veteran<br />

once said, “it’s all very well having 5 sections, but if they don’t work together it ain’t a<br />

network”. This seems very true now.<br />

Our sections are spread out across the whole of the UK – Kent in the South of England,<br />

Nottingham in the middle, Durham in the north, and Edinburgh and Glasgow in<br />

Scotland. And which are the two who are networking? Edinburgh and Glasgow –<br />

separated by only 40 miles. Geography, too, seems to be playing its part. The ‘local’<br />

approach clearly seems to be the best way, and I advise my successor, the very able<br />

and hard-working Mr Anders Aufderhorst-Roberts from ESN Glasgow, to follow this<br />

path.<br />

Anders: as a noble citizen of your fine city may be found to say – “Aw the best big man,<br />

yul hae a pure dead brilliant time so yae wull. Gid luck tae yi pal.“<br />

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Working Groups<br />

Knowledge Management Working Group<br />

Written by Ivana Petričević, Coordinator<br />

1. Goal of the Knowledge Management Working Group<br />

The goal of the KM WG is to keep the knowledge about ESN inside ESN, register<br />

knowledge and pass it on from generation to generation to make our work easier.<br />

Lessons learned from experience need to stay in the network in order not to make the<br />

same mistakes again and work more effectively. We are managing the knowledge we<br />

have to our benefit, mainly through documents such as NR guidelines, NR checklist,<br />

RP/ CM guidelines, info-centre etc.<br />

2. Present state of affairs in KM WG<br />

There is only one NR in the WG. Concerning the nature of the WG, which concentrates<br />

on passing of knowledge, more experienced members are needed, but still we also<br />

need NRs to keep in close contact to the CNR who in its turn can pass the knowledge to<br />

sections.<br />

Members:Ivana Petričević, Coordinator<br />

Vojtech Oplestil, Former KM Coordinator<br />

Nicola Casati, Former NR Italy<br />

Davide Capecchi, ESN President<br />

Laurence Banville, NR Ireland<br />

Brendan Wallace, Member ESN Dublin<br />

Tania Tello, Former NR Sweden<br />

Jakub Unijewski, Former Webmaster<br />

3. Things done<br />

new and updated info-centre<br />

updated NR guidelines from 2004/2005<br />

updated NR checklist<br />

guidelines for RP and Cultural Medley<br />

directions for CNR Travel Fund<br />

suggestion to create folder ‘documents to for CNR’<br />

4. Future projects<br />

minimum statutes for sections<br />

document benefits ESN card<br />

document on legal implications of becoming an ESN section<br />

ESN Archive – exchange info section through template website<br />

guidelines for buddy/mentor program<br />

Board process book<br />

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5. Cooperation<br />

We need more NRs in the WG, more input. Then it is also very important that the NRs<br />

distribute our documents among themselves and to their sections. Suggestions should<br />

be put into practice. All info and docs in the info-centre: Working_Groups_KM. Let’s<br />

cooperate!<br />

Marketing & Sponsoring Working Group Report<br />

Written by Andim Doldurucu, Coordinator<br />

1. Goal of the Marketing & Sponsoring Working Group<br />

The working group was established in CNR-Teramo 2006 to improve the financial<br />

situation of ESN International. The goal of the MS-WG is to find possible sponsors for<br />

ESN Int. Our work is based on the ideas of sharing the sponsor- research within the<br />

different countries in ESN. To contact firms interested in ESN that would benefit from a<br />

partnership.<br />

One member out of our Working Group is working as the Marketing Spokesperson of<br />

ESN International and pursues the negotiations with the companies. At the moment this<br />

person is Laurence Banville, NR of Ireland. For his travel and work, we have an initial<br />

budget. Then with the CNR and board we decided to have 10% of revenue from the<br />

gained sponsors for the reimbursement of the Marketing Spokesperson.<br />

2. Present state of the WG<br />

The former ESN Fundraiser, Tassilo Breitenbach, provided us Marketing Guidelines,<br />

which was his own Master thesis as well. However, he is not an active member of our<br />

WG anymore. Our current active members are listed below:<br />

Members: Andım Doldurucu, NR Turkey, Coordinator<br />

Mathias Kissig, NR Germany<br />

Markus Matzner, NR Austria<br />

Laurence Banville, NR Ireland<br />

Murat Ozturk, President of ESN Turkey<br />

Corinne Bryner, ESN Int. Board, Tresurer<br />

Jakob Smets, ESN Int. Board, PR<br />

Izabela Kwiatkowska, 20 Years of Erasmus Project Fundraising Responsable<br />

3. Things done<br />

We are close to reaching our Van for the 20 years of Erasmus project. ESN Famagusta<br />

section is helping us to get a Van.<br />

Wombat- This is a cafe-hostel operating in Austria and Germany. According to their<br />

contract with ESN Austria, besides sponsoring the ESN Cards in Austria, they will<br />

provide free places for winners of competitions prepared by the ESN International.<br />

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Laurence Banville and Izabela Kwiatkowska are working intensively on sponsoring<br />

projects for the 20 Years of Erasmus Project. They prepared a new offer document are<br />

contacting various large firms.<br />

Laurence has been in contact with Swiftcall an international call company and they are<br />

looking at their gateway project to see if it could develop a special ESN Internaitonal<br />

Callsaver.<br />

Izabela and Laurence are contacting various large companies who provide services to<br />

students all around Europe.<br />

We asked the NRs for info about the existing local ESN sponsors in their countries thus<br />

avoiding possible conflicts with the future and existing contracts. A questionnaire has<br />

also been sent to the sections directly to collect the existing sponsor names and<br />

sections opinion on potential ESN sponsors in their countries.<br />

The sponsors for ESN Card in each country will be published on the ESN website.<br />

We are working on a new improved offer document for ESN international.<br />

4. Future projects/ suggestions<br />

- Collection of the existing local sponsors<br />

- Collection of the potential sponsors<br />

- Preparing our offer ( ESN gadgets, ESN Webpages, for possible ESN evets etc..)<br />

- Contacting the potential firms<br />

After the collection of the data from the sections, our WG will analyze the list to see if<br />

there are local/national sponsors that would be interesting on an international level. With<br />

the decision of the board of ESN, we will ask the partner for an international<br />

cooperation.<br />

5. Cooperation<br />

We are in cooperation with the sponsoring responsable for the 20. Anniversary of the<br />

ESN Project. CNR, Board and the Webteam are supporting our Working Group. We<br />

need cooperation from each section by sharing their new sponsor names with us, so<br />

that we can help other sections/countries to negotiate a similar cooperation, avoiding<br />

possible overlaps in local/national/international level, and get more general<br />

partners/sponsors for ESN International.<br />

Contact address: esn.marketing@gmx.net<br />

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Public Relations Working Group Report<br />

Written by Magda Niemcewicz, PR Coordinator<br />

1. Goal of the PR Working Group<br />

The Public Relations working group was established inorder to plan, control and<br />

coordinate actions connected with implementation and promotion of the new Corporate<br />

Design of Erasmus Student Network and improving internal and external<br />

communication of ESN.<br />

2. Present state of the WG<br />

The PR working group has been formerly coordinated by Milka Adamczyk, NR of<br />

Poland. After her resignation the group chose Magda Niemcewicz, ESN Int. PR<br />

Coordinator for the group coordinator. The group is strongly supported by Jakob Smets,<br />

the Regular Member and external relations of ESN Int. Board.<br />

Members: Magda Niemcewicz, ESN Int. PR Coordinator, PR WG Coordinator<br />

Jakob Smets, ESN Int. Board, PR<br />

Domenico Melpignano, President of ESN Rimini, vice-NR of Italy<br />

Miłka Adamczyk, NR of Poland<br />

Bartosz Sankiewicz, ESN AE Kraków<br />

Karina Ufert, NR of Lithuania<br />

Marcin Małysz, Vice-NR of Poland<br />

Katarzyna Paliwoda, ESN AE Kraków<br />

Agnieszka Samitowska, ESN AE Kraków<br />

Jesus Monge, NR of Spain<br />

Eva Oslejskova, NR of Czech Republic<br />

3. Things done<br />

Primary goal of the PR Working group was to implement and promote the new<br />

Corporate Design. This was achieved during summer holidays, by producing PR<br />

materials such as flags (coordinated by Milka) and printed materials: posters and<br />

leaflets (coordinated by Magda).<br />

Official letterheads and business cards for ESN Int. Board, ESN Office and International<br />

Coordinators have been produced (Magda).<br />

The production of merchandise promoting ESN continues, decisions were made to<br />

produce pins and T-shirts. A competition for T-shirt design has been carried out on ESN<br />

website – the winning design will be used for producing official ESN T-shirts. T-shirt and<br />

pins will be ready for sale during the <strong>AGM</strong>. Stickers for ESN Card discount points will be<br />

printed.<br />

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Some research has been done by group members on production prices for other types<br />

of merchandise, such as mugs or even ESN candies, but no decision have been made<br />

so far by the International Board on producing them.<br />

The PR Working group is currently working on reactivation of ESN Magazine, formerly<br />

known as InCommon. Domenico Melpignano, as responsible for editing and preparing<br />

the first issue of new magazine, is collecting articles and completing an editor team. The<br />

magazine will have a name that will be proposed and chosen in a competition.<br />

Domenico gathered some texts, Magda prepared a calculation for printing costs,<br />

however production planned for first half of January <strong>2007</strong> failed due to lack of funds (a<br />

sponsor has withdrawn).<br />

Together with paper issue that we plan to be ready for the <strong>AGM</strong>, website will be<br />

launched where articles will be uploaded by ESN members. The website has priority<br />

before the printed version, as it can be independent from possible financial problems.<br />

4. Future projects/ suggestions<br />

- Launching & Promotion of ESN Magazine<br />

- production of merchandise<br />

- preparing ESN Book<br />

5. Cooperation<br />

The group works in cooperation with International Board and International PR<br />

Coordinator, as well as with the Webteam. We are also supported by ESN members<br />

contributing to ESN Magazine as editors and graphic designers.<br />

Contact address: pr@esn.org<br />

Account Checking Working Group<br />

Written by: Tiina Naskali, National Representative of Finland<br />

members: Natalja (Latvia), Tiina, Kamilla (Poland), Corinne (treasurer)<br />

The Account Checking WG was set-up after <strong>AGM</strong> 2006 in Krakow to check the<br />

accounting on a regular basis and advice the treasurer on good accounting practise.<br />

The main aim of the WG is to increase transparency of financial transactions and to<br />

make auditors’ work easier during the <strong>AGM</strong>. However, the working group will not have<br />

any direct contact with the auditors to ensure their independence.<br />

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The target is achieved through 5 main points:<br />

• Increase understandability<br />

• Assure relevance<br />

• Reliability<br />

• Comparability and Consistency<br />

• Understand the constraints on relevant and reliable information<br />

• To give a true and fair view of the financial situation<br />

The working group went through the basics of the new accounting system first time<br />

during the CNR meeting in Teramo 2006 and it will evaluate the accounts before they<br />

are presented to the <strong>AGM</strong> and the auditors. The aim is to continue having meetings with<br />

the treasurer during the CNR meetings to ensure the level of professionalism expected<br />

from ESN.<br />

Country Development Working group<br />

Written by Patrick Fiquet, Vice National Representative for France, and Tomaso Bisol,<br />

Network Administrator.<br />

ESN is now present in 31 countries: Malta, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia joined in the<br />

last year.<br />

The main directions that the Working Group decided to take at the CNR meeting right<br />

after the <strong>AGM</strong> in Krakow were: setting up ESN in new countries, strengthen the network<br />

in existing countries, foster the creation of National Boards.<br />

Davide Capecchi played a key role in finding the right contacts in Malta; after his<br />

meeting with some representatives of a Maltese student society at a conference, a<br />

connection was established and the new section was born at the beginning of the<br />

summer,<br />

The new expansion in the Balcan area would have not been possible without the help of<br />

Ivana Petričević, secretary of ESN, who visited some universities during her summer<br />

holidays and introduced ESN to students and international relations offices members.<br />

After some months of silence Hungary is back on track with a lively National<br />

Representative, Kata, and a motivated Vice NR, Mariann. The Central European<br />

Platform held in Vienna, where Corinne Bryner was active, was very useful for this<br />

improvement.<br />

Giorgio Marinoni (Italian NR) took care of the situation in Lithuania, which was not giving<br />

any news for a long time. Thanks to his work the country is back and alive in ESN, and<br />

Karina is currently working on a meeting among the 3 existing sections to elect a new<br />

NR.<br />

Patrick was also very active in the creation of a new, effective National Board in France.<br />

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Emanuela Ascoli (ESN Genova), Tomaso, Patrick and Stathis Mallouchos (Greek NR)<br />

produced/updated two important documents on How to create a new section and a<br />

presentation letter of ESN for International Relations Offices.<br />

Tomaso has been recently in touch with representatives of student societies from<br />

Iceland and the F.Y.R. of Macedonia; they are very interested in joining ESN and there<br />

are good chance to see them as guests at the <strong>AGM</strong> and then hopefully their countries<br />

approved by the following CNR.<br />

Working group and board members have dealed with people from many other countries,<br />

investigating the possibility of setting up new sections. These countries include Croatia<br />

(Ivana), Luxembourg (Patrick), Liechtenstein (Corinne), Armenia, Egypt, Bulgaria,<br />

Ucraine and even China and India (Tomaso).<br />

Requests from far away countries mean that ESN's popularity is now very big; they also<br />

represent questions for all of us, since if it is not clear at the moment if ESN will have<br />

borders and where. Will there be ESN in New Zealand one day? Or a worldwide<br />

federation of similar Networks?<br />

In the meantime it's nice to imagine a world where the Pallomeri spirit knows no<br />

barriers...<br />

ESNy Awards<br />

Written by Jana Freudenberg, former National Representative Germany and<br />

Tomaso Bisol, Network Administrator<br />

Members: Ana, Tomaso, Jana<br />

During the CNR-meeting in Koper/Slovenia the following final decisions were taken<br />

about the awards that are going to be presented at the <strong>AGM</strong> in <strong>Prague</strong>:<br />

award for best adoption of ESN corporate identity<br />

award for best traditional event<br />

award for most PALLOMERI section<br />

� Application forms can be found in the CNR info-centre<br />

The information about the possibility to apply for one or more ESN awards will be<br />

distributed to the sections via e-mail. In order to avoid negligence of this information,<br />

sections will furthermore be informed in the monthly mail as well as on the ESN<br />

homepage where the application forms can be downloaded. All application forms should<br />

be sent to esnyawards@esn.org . To ensure fair judgement, only applications following<br />

the questions on the application forms will be acknowledged by the jury.<br />

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Members of the jury are:<br />

Ana, Tomaso, Jana, Rasmus, an Alumnus + 2 other people (to be decided).<br />

Each member of the jury will independently judge the applications according to a point<br />

system which has been developed by Ana and Jana. Each point on the application form<br />

has to be rated from 0 points to 10 points (0 = poor, 10 = excellent performance). The<br />

sections given the most points in total will be the winner of the category. If there are two<br />

or more sections with the same amount of points, there will be two or more winners.<br />

The ESN awards competition should be launched parallel with the CNR-meeting in<br />

Brussels. Deadline for handing in applications should be 1 st March <strong>2007</strong>. The judges<br />

are to make their decisions 10 days prior to the <strong>AGM</strong> (latest March 11 th ) in order to<br />

ensure the preparation of prices and certificates. The CNR has voted in favour of<br />

spending 150 € on those prices and certificates.<br />

The winners of the ESN awards will be presented during a 20 minutes award show at<br />

the gala dinner. All applicants will be acknowledged in a slide show with pictures that<br />

were handed in with the application forms.<br />

Awardomeri!<br />

20 Anniversary Working Group<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

The project being realised and team are described in the report of the 20 Years of the<br />

Erasmus Programme.<br />

<strong>AGM</strong> Working Group<br />

Written by Mathias Kissig, National Representative of Germany<br />

Members:<br />

Annabel (NR of Netherlands), Ewa (member of International Board), Martin (NR of<br />

Slovakia), Mathias (coordinator, NR of Germany), Rasmus (NR of Sweden), Sofia (ESN<br />

Örebro, Sweden)<br />

Where we came from<br />

Coming to the point where we are right now wasn’t always an easy job. The withdrawal<br />

of Paris as organiser of the <strong>AGM</strong> left the board and the CNR with just four months of<br />

finding a new venue for the <strong>AGM</strong>. Krakow was chosen and they had three months to<br />

organise and realise an event for more than 450 participants. And the organising<br />

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committee of <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>Prague</strong> also experienced some problems which resulted in a change<br />

of accommodation and a new place for the plenary sessions.<br />

All of these experiences influenced our work, directed our way and lead us to the<br />

following results.<br />

Where are right now<br />

<strong>AGM</strong> guidelines<br />

contain all the experiences from the <strong>AGM</strong> in Krakow, taken from personal experiences<br />

from NRs and the final <strong>AGM</strong> documents<br />

were updated with the proposals from ESN Parma about accommodation and<br />

application during the <strong>AGM</strong><br />

The OC of <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>Prague</strong> gave also valuable hints about uncertainties and open issues in<br />

the guidelines<br />

Guideline for the Chairs of the <strong>AGM</strong><br />

written by Sofia Sohl, former <strong>AGM</strong> chair<br />

contain all necessary information about acting and working as an <strong>AGM</strong> chair<br />

really complete document covering also the logistical parts and the preparations as<br />

chair<br />

Monthly report<br />

the <strong>AGM</strong> OC is obliged to write a report once a month about the current state of the<br />

preparations and problems<br />

Close contact to <strong>AGM</strong> OC<br />

During each CNR meeting a person from the <strong>AGM</strong> OC was there and presented the<br />

ongoing work of the OC, logistical facts, problems and proposals.<br />

The <strong>AGM</strong> working group and Davide, President of ESN International visited the OC and<br />

spoke about the current work.<br />

Application form<br />

we created a common application form for future <strong>AGM</strong> OCs, hopefully facilitating the<br />

comparison of the candidates<br />

this document contains all important information in a compressed form and will be part<br />

of the <strong>AGM</strong> documents<br />

The <strong>AGM</strong> 2008 candidates will use this application form for the first time<br />

Feedback questionnaire<br />

We created a feedback form to collect personal experiences from <strong>AGM</strong> participants and<br />

after the evaluation those information will be incorporated into the guidelines.<br />

it will be online after the <strong>AGM</strong> and every participant is welcome to give us his/her<br />

opinion about the event<br />

this questionnaire will be updated for every <strong>AGM</strong> and synchronised with its events<br />

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Where we want to go<br />

There are three major issues lying ahead of us.<br />

Future <strong>AGM</strong> organising committees need more systematic information from previous<br />

OCs. Their work, the preparations, difficulties, things to remember – especially<br />

information about sponsorships, fundraising and official grants are important<br />

information. The monthly reports are just one of these instruments in providing data.<br />

The evaluation of the online questionnaire and talks with the <strong>AGM</strong> OC will form input for<br />

the <strong>AGM</strong> guidelines, the chair guidelines and of course also the future heading of our<br />

working group.<br />

The last point is a general review of the current structure of <strong>AGM</strong>s. Due to new sections<br />

and new countries the number of possible participants of <strong>AGM</strong>s is an ever increasing<br />

figure. This bears some logistical and budget-related issues that are too much to handle<br />

for an OC in just one year. So the questions to answer are: Should we reduce the<br />

number of participants for an <strong>AGM</strong>? Should an <strong>AGM</strong> OC apply two years in advance?<br />

Are there other ways?<br />

Long Term Vision Working Group<br />

Written by Vojtech Oplestil<br />

Contact: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/esn_LTV/,<br />

Coordinator: Vojtech Oplestil (Czech Republic)<br />

Active members: Nicola Casati (Italy), Giorgio Marinoni (Italy), Pascal Gemperli<br />

(Switzerland), Rasmus Bodin Lofgren (Sweden), Lydia Lostan, Markéta Karamonová<br />

(Czech Republic), Davide Capecchi (Italy), Fabrizio Costantino (Italy)<br />

Goal: The working group was set up in order to propose the new ESN long term vision<br />

which will be voted by the <strong>AGM</strong> in <strong>Prague</strong>.<br />

Activity and outputs: Based on a survey among ESNers and further analysis the<br />

working group proposed four scenarios or long term visions which will be presented at<br />

the <strong>AGM</strong>. The sections should chose one of them as a framework for ESN’s activities in<br />

the future.<br />

For details check the Long Term Vision part of the <strong>AGM</strong> documents..<br />

ESNSurvey Working Group<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

The work of the working group is described in the report of the ESNSurvey Project.<br />

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Partners<br />

Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” - Milano<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

Coming to Brussels and opening the Headquarters, as well as organising such a huge<br />

project for 20 Years of Erasmus, would never be possible without the support and trust<br />

of Università Bocconi. They supported and helped us whenever possible and by all<br />

available means.<br />

ESN considers and recommends to our members Università Bocconi as an extremely<br />

valuable destination for under- and graduate studies in management, economics,<br />

finance. Many courses available in Enslish!<br />

Bocconi supported financially ESN for 2005, 2006 and <strong>2007</strong>, they became main<br />

sponsor of the ESNSurvey 2006 – again by providing financial support, they sponsored<br />

the four 2006 Regional Platforms in exchange of promotion, they are one of the two<br />

Grand Partners for the 20 Years of Erasmus Programme project. Bocconi was also<br />

present and contributed significantly to the success of the 2^ Fun(d)Raising Conference<br />

that took place in Gdansk, September 2006, by providing prof. Alex Turrini’s knowledge<br />

and presence for the whole duration of the event – the company of Silvia Barbieri was<br />

also appreciated. Last but not least, they offered half of the available places for the<br />

Bocconi Factory 2006 (summer school on economics and finance), while Milan ESN<br />

sections took care of the logistics and the culture-social programme, with Giorgio<br />

Marinoni at the lead.<br />

In turn, ESN promoted Università Bocconi as our partner for education and training in<br />

the webpage, in the survey and in all the publications and activities related with the<br />

ESNSurvey 2006 and 20 Years of Erasmus Programme.<br />

First and foremost, though, I bring in light the trust and respect that Bocconi<br />

demonstrated towards us – even in moments of difficulty.<br />

The partnership between ESN and Università Bocconi is a perfect example of an<br />

interaction that brings benefits to all sides, in few words, a win-win situation.<br />

Thank you Bocconi!<br />

More info at www.unibocconi.it<br />

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SkyEurope Airlines<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

Serving East-West routes, SkyEurope (SEA) envisions themselves as an ideal bridge<br />

between Europe, by this being an ideal partner for ESN: in fact, our mission, to foster<br />

student mobility, is perfectly compatible with their social responsibility statement.<br />

SEA’s logo has been printed onto 30.000 ESNCards, that have been distributed<br />

throughout Europe, on the www.esn.org page, as well as into the ESNCommunity, in<br />

order for ESNCard holders to enjoy a year-round 15% discount on all flights (tax<br />

excluded). SEA also contributed to the printing and sending of posters promoting the<br />

ESNCards, as well as printed the leaflets sections received together with the ESNCards<br />

for promoting the partnership.<br />

At the time of writing, SEA is also Grand Partner of the 20 Years of Erasmus<br />

Programme Project: they will produce banners, leaflets, posters and, specifically for the<br />

<strong>AGM</strong>, will provide 300 single flights free vouchers to be used on their routes for one<br />

year (taxes excluded).<br />

They will also sponsor the project with an additional 100 flights to be used as prizes for<br />

the uploads as well as for the future crew of the VAN to reach the cities and the VAN<br />

itself.<br />

Finally, 10 lucky ESNrs won one flight-coupon each for reaching European destinations<br />

by submitting their email address to the SEA newsletter.<br />

Let’s fly and discover more and more Europe.<br />

Swisscare<br />

Written by Corinne Bryner, Treasurer<br />

Closely related to the ESN Card is our engagement with Swisscare, a Swiss insurance<br />

specialising on people going abroad for a short period of time.<br />

For printing their logo on our ESN cards, having a dominant position on our website and<br />

having hundreds of flyers distributed through our network, we received 20’000€ in 2006.<br />

Together with Università Bocconi, Swisscare was our main sponsor for the past year<br />

and<br />

gave us the biggest financial support. Inscriptions for their insurance were often made<br />

over online on the esn.org homepage. In <strong>2007</strong>, the relationship with Swisscare can be<br />

continued in two ways. On the one hand they prolonged the sponsoring contract on a<br />

yearly basis for having a big presence on our homepage and an interactive banner. On<br />

the other hand they are commercial partners in the 20 th anniversary project as well.<br />

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Koeweiden Postma<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

This Amsterdam-based design agency supported ESN in the first phase of the longlasting<br />

project of the Corporate Identity. The new logo was studied and developed for<br />

one year, presented at the <strong>AGM</strong>, voted and finally approved with more than 80% of<br />

votes in favour.<br />

The strategy manager, Hugo van den Bos, left for a three-month sabbatical period<br />

between June and September, what stopped unexpectedly the project for a period of<br />

time, short in the life of companies, but very long for us.<br />

After his leave, communication and actions went much further, until reaching the<br />

agreement on the copyrights on the use of the logo in autumn 2006.<br />

The personnel in the agency was very friendly and supportive, and because of their<br />

involvement in ESN and their acquaintance with us, as well as because of the most<br />

favourable offer, they have been selected for becoming partners for the 20 Years of<br />

Erasmus Programme celebrations.<br />

For ESN they designed: new logo, letterheads, ESNCards; for the 20 YEP: ribbons,<br />

banners, letterheads, invitation to the conference, programme, t-shirt, stickers, website<br />

www.20erasmus.eu, CD navigation system, CD cover, report cover, and much much<br />

more.<br />

I thank KP for their support and strategic partnership. Namely Hugo, Vincent, Marjolein,<br />

Willemijn.<br />

VISA Europe<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

Every time that one section pays membership fees or merchandise, be it ESNCard or<br />

one flag, they incur in costs related to the bank transfers. It was our wish to create a<br />

sponsorship with VISA Europe for having a system of online payments, given to ESN in<br />

exchange of exposition and image promotion. After a long series of contacts with the<br />

Headquarters of VISA in London, we acknowledged that our dimension is still too this to<br />

justify a sponsorship operation on VISA’s side. They suggested us to concentrating on<br />

PayPal, which we are now in the process of.<br />

Similarly, our proposal of partnership for 20 Years of Erasmus Programme was rejected<br />

as their budget for <strong>2007</strong> was already used.<br />

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Nokia<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

Thank to Giuseppe Lugano, former Network Administrator now PhD student in Finland,<br />

a communication channel with the R&D department of Nokia was open.<br />

After some contacts, Antonio, Giorgio, Giuseppe and myself went for a meeting in<br />

Helsinki at the Headquarters of the company, during the Nordic Network Meeting.<br />

A draft for research was handed, as well as long-term partnership proposals and ones<br />

related specifically to the 20 Years of Erasmus Programme.<br />

At the time of writing, no concrete results has come out and we are very much looking<br />

forward to see how things will develop until the <strong>AGM</strong>, for checking out if we’ll be people<br />

even more connected.<br />

Collaboration with SAFSA/EAIE<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

SAFSA (Study Abroad and Foreign Student Advisers) is a working group of EAIE<br />

(European Association of International Education). ESN have collaborated with SAFSA<br />

for many years and also this year we were active participants of EAIE works. ESN is a<br />

courtesy member in EAIE, which means one free participation of ESN representative in<br />

the Annual EAIE Conference, exchange of the logos on websites and exchange of<br />

publications. This collaboration is one of the most important for ESN, as EAIE gathers<br />

about 2000 professional concerned with mobility, out of whom many are Erasmus<br />

coordinators and those who work in International Offices, so those directly taking care<br />

and deciding of the support for ESN local branches.<br />

First of all, EAIE became a supporter for the project of the ESNSurvey – meaning they<br />

promoted it among their members. In EAIE Magazine Forum in January there will be<br />

published an article about ESNSurvey.<br />

Secondly, ESN organised a session during the 18th Annual EAIE Conference in Basel,<br />

in September 2006, which was entitled “Internationalisation at Home” and presented the<br />

work of ESN sections and their volunteers (more about it in chapter about “EAIE<br />

Conference”). Myself, I was also one of the chairs of the Opening session of SAFSA<br />

during this conference (with about 300 participants). As well as we presented the results<br />

of the Survey 2006. Moreover, thanks for Swiss national Board and sections ESN was<br />

also presented at the stand of the European Commission on the EAIE Exhibition. Swiss<br />

members were giving all the information about our work to thousands of people visiting<br />

the exhibition.<br />

We are already getting ready for <strong>2007</strong>. ESN will again be a co-prganiser of the opening<br />

session of the SAFSA during the 19th Annual EAIE Conference, in September <strong>2007</strong> in<br />

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Trondheim in Norway concerning 20 Years of Erasmus Programme. Moreover, we<br />

submitted the proposal to lead a workshop about creationg of ESN section and a<br />

collaboration between students and international offices at universities.<br />

Finally, we invited EAIE to become supporter of the 20 Years of Erasmus Programme<br />

Project.<br />

Thematic Network Project In the Area of Languages III<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

ESN collaborates with the Thematic Network on Languages III, which is a network of<br />

Universities that wants to promote idea of multilingualism in Europe. As multilingualism<br />

is also aim of Erasmus Programme and ESN daily bread we are trying to do projects<br />

together with the TNP3. ESN serve to the TNP3 as a source of knowledge on the<br />

learning of languages among students and generally about student situation. In that<br />

framework, 5 ESN representatives participated in the conference of TNP3 in Rennes<br />

(read more in external conferences reports) and 1 student in the conference in Nancy.<br />

The collaboration will continue in the next years, in January Davide Capecchi will<br />

participate in the meeting in Berlin to discuss future projects.<br />

IFISO<br />

Written by Jakob Smets, External Relations<br />

IFISO - Informal Forum of International Student Organisations.<br />

IFISO is an informal forum for international officers of pluralistic, "non-political" and notfor-profit<br />

international (worldwide, European, etc.) student-run organisations.<br />

Currently the IFISO network consists of a multi-disciplinary mix of 28 such NGOs,<br />

covering more than 2 million students all together.<br />

These organisations are, as of 31 August 2005:<br />




While not being a formal entity (no by-laws, no obligations, no fees, no website, no<br />

official spokespersons or officers, etc.), IFISO as an informal forum is still quite<br />

influential because it creates the necessary environment for international student<br />

organisations to collaborate on all possible levels in order to strengthen their capacities<br />

through knowledge sharing and identification of synergies.<br />

In Autumn 2006 an IFISO meeting took place in Famagusta, Cyprus. Unfortunately,<br />

none of the board members could attain it due to many statutory meetings.<br />

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European Youth Forum (EYF)<br />

Written by Ivana Petricevic, Secretary ESN AISBL<br />

'The European Youth Forum works to empower young people to participate actively in<br />

the shaping of Europe and the societies in which they live, and in improving the living<br />

conditions of young people as European citizens in today’s world.<br />

The European Youth Forum defends the interests of all young people in Europe. As a<br />

platform, it is the representative body of its member organisations towards institutions<br />

and partners active in the youth field.'<br />

(Mission Statement adopted in 2000)<br />

ESN applied in 2006 for membership at the EYF. The reason for this is quite obvious,<br />

this organisation with many prominent youth NGOs and youth councils around the EU<br />

represents the needs of students. As representation of students is also one of the core<br />

activities of ESN, in this case international or exchange students, it seemed logical to<br />

join forces. Through EYF, ESN hopes to gain in strength when it comes to influencing<br />

European policy makers to the benefit of its sections and students. Think for example<br />

about gaining ECTS credits for voluntary work in an ESN section, or equal rights for<br />

international and local students. By working together with other student organisations,<br />

such as AEGEE, which are member of the EYF, ESN truly hopes to get more benefits<br />

for all its members. Nonetheless, in this way ESN also strives at helping the EU bodies<br />

in adjusting their policies to the needs of the youth.<br />

Colleagues at the EYF have been relatively positive towards ESN’s application. The<br />

procedure is the following: an organisation must first be candidate member for 2 years<br />

and then it can become a full candidate. ESN could enter the first phase during spring<br />

this year.<br />

Fingers crossed, thanks to our EYF colleagues and let’s ‘empower young people’!<br />

Student NGOs<br />

Written by Jakob Smets, External Relations<br />

Many student NGOs whether local, national or international, have a seat in Brussels.<br />

We are proud to say that many of them have become our friends, some even local<br />

Erasmus students. We invited - and have been invited by - student organisations on<br />

many occasions, this is also thanks to the efforts of ESN Brussels.<br />

So, we know that the ESNHouse is not the only ship in the ocean of Student NGOs<br />

which is Brussels: the board has been in the AEGEE House, the ELSA House (law<br />

students) and the EMSA House (medical students), JADE (Junior Enterprises) on<br />

several occasions.<br />

As AEGEE also shares some common goals and strategies with us, we are trying to<br />

develop common projects with them. Also, the pharmaceutical students of EPSA would<br />

like to cooperate with ESN on the aspects of student mobility.<br />

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WAGGGS – WOSM (World Guides & Scouts)<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

In view of our next defence in front of the plenary of the European forum, a process of<br />

presentation of ESN amongst those organisations that are already members has been<br />

initiated.<br />

The two world organisations talking care of Guides and Scouts have been approached<br />

by us in order to understand each other better, and a positive initial partnership<br />

statement has been produced, summarizing the strategic importance for a long-lasting<br />

cooperation.<br />

It is ESN Mission to foster student mobility, while in our vision it is stated that<br />

“prospective and current exchange students have to be provided with all the necessary<br />

information and means for being integrated in the society and the culture of the hosting<br />

city, also by terms of linguistic tools and social opportunities”.<br />

Bearing this in mind, together with WAGGGS’s and WOSM’s respective European<br />

offices we drafted a cooperation programme that should enable ESNrs and exchange<br />

students to access the possibilities of personal growth and social involvement offered by<br />

becoming educational leaders while abroad, and the former in turn could increase the<br />

number of young educational leaders and bridging them towards the leadership period.<br />

At the time of writing, both organisations are discussing the opportunity to become<br />

partners of the 20 Years of Erasmus Programme.<br />

deBuren<br />

Written by Jakob Smets, External Relations<br />

“deBuren” (the neighbours – pronounced as German [bueren]) is a Dutch-Flemish<br />

cultural centre situated in the heart of Brussels. It’s purpose of existence is to include<br />

Dutch people living in Brussels into many activities but also to promote Dutch culture.<br />

But the main objective is to promote and confront different cultures with each other and<br />

to give different groups who are striving for a stronger Europe a platform.<br />

As they say: “we have a soft spot for students with a heart for Europe”, so the link with<br />

ESN was easily made. Since a few months ESN has good relations with deBuren with<br />

eventually resulted in them helping to organise the CNR in Brussels on January 19-21.<br />

More information on www.deburen.eu<br />

The Committee of the Regions<br />

by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

The Committee of the Regions (CoR) is the political assembly that provides local and<br />

regional authorities with a voice at the heart of the European Union. Established in 1994,<br />

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the CoR was set up to address two main issues. Firstly, about three quarters of EU<br />

legislation is implemented at local or regional level, so it makes sense for local and<br />

regional representatives to have a say in the development of new EU laws. Secondly,<br />

there were concerns that the public was being left behind as the EU steamed ahead.<br />

Involving the elected level of government closest to the citizens was one way of closing<br />

the gap. The Treaties oblige the Commission and Council to consult the Committee of the<br />

Regions whenever new proposals are made in areas that have repercussions at regional<br />

or local level<br />

Committee of the Regions kindly hosted the Opening Conference of the 20 Years of<br />

Erasmus Programme. They were interested to get in contact with students in order to<br />

show them the role of the COR. The COR was of the greatest help and support towards<br />

ESN. Not only did they give us a room for the conference, but also offered our participants<br />

free coffee and lunch. We received support in various matters concerning the conference.<br />

So great thanks for this.<br />

During the conference, participants were welcomed by the Mr Jyrki Myllyvirta, President of<br />

the Commission for Culture, Education and Research, Committee of the Regions.<br />

European Commission<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

As ESN is working with Erasmus students and directly supporting Erasmus programme<br />

it is natural that our partner would be European Commission which organises the<br />

Erasmus exchange. Important to mention is that we are totally independent from EU<br />

and European Commission and not directly founded by them. ESN can of course apply<br />

for grants as any other NGO. Still as we are working for a similar aim, so to foster<br />

students mobility, our collaboration is without doubts important and useful.<br />

EC has a knowledge on development of the Erasmus programme throughout years, but<br />

ESN is in direct contact with Erasmus students themselves. Our collaboration is based<br />

mostly on bilateral support. EC can give us the right information and content support,<br />

while ESN can reach the Erasmus students directly through the ESN local sections.<br />

Erasmus Unit - Directorate General Education and Culture<br />

The Unit in the European Commission responsible for realisation and enhancement of<br />

Erasmus Programme is Erasmus-Jean Monnet Unit. The head of this Unit is now Belen<br />

Bernaldo de Quiros. She signed the letter of endorsement and support of the work of<br />

the ESN local sections which can be found at<br />

http://www.esn.org/documents/support.php<br />

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Central for collaboration is ESNSurvey which is for the Erasmus Unit an important<br />

source of knowledge on exchange programmes. Its results are always shared with the<br />

Erasmus Unit. We used to organise a special meeting for that occasion and we send to<br />

EC the brochure with printed results.<br />

The representatives of the Eramus Unit have participated and will in the events of ESN<br />

in order to serve with their expertise. Martin O’Casey from Erasmus- Jean Monnet Unit<br />

participated in the Annual General Meeting in Krakow. During the opening conference<br />

for 20 Years of Erasmus Programme, Belen Bernaldo de Quiros participated in the<br />

panel debate. Additionally, the Director General, Odile Quintin, Directorate General EAC<br />

Education and Culture gave a closing speech, shile Commissioner Jan Figel’ came to<br />

the evening part to make a toast with participants, and on the 19th to give an<br />

introduction to Erasmus Days workshop. Additionally, Margarida Gameiro, Deputy Head<br />

of Cabinet of the Commissioner Figel’ gave as a helping hand during the preparations to<br />

the opening conference.<br />

Additionally, ESN supported EC also for 20 Years of Erasmus Programme Exhibition,<br />

by providing them with posters and gadgets produced by sections on Erasmus.<br />

By Executive Agency – Education And Culture we handed the application for the<br />

Administrative Grant, about which you can read more in the following pages.<br />

Directorate General – Communication<br />

During the opening conference for 20 Years of Erasmus Programme, we were<br />

honoured to have had the presence of Commissioner Margot Wallstrom, Vice President<br />

of the EC, who gave an opening speech. Also Peter Lindvald-Nielsen gave us a support<br />

for the organisation of the opening conference.<br />

National Socrates/Erasmus Agencies<br />

Written by Ewa Krzaklewska, Vice President<br />

In every country that takes part in Erasmus Programme there is established a National<br />

Socrates Agency which is responsible for its implementation – management and<br />

finances. The list of the Agencies you can find here:<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/socrates/nat-est_en.html<br />

National Agencies are the perfect partners for the National Board and sections. The<br />

contact with National Agencies differs from country to country. In some they provide<br />

much support (Swiss, Polish, Dutch), in other they do know about ESN but do not<br />

collaborate in a concrete way (Hungary, UK), in some they might not even know much<br />

about ESN. The responsability of the contact lies mostly within National level, although<br />

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the National Agencies are also contacted by the International Board concerning the<br />

international projects such as ESNSurvey, 20 Years of Erasmus Programme.<br />

Every National Agency has a budget for promotion and enhancement of the<br />

programme. From this fund the projects for Erasmus students and local students can be<br />

supported. Application for support can be done also by local sections through their<br />

Erasmus Coordinators.<br />

Examples of collaboration between ESN and National Agencies:<br />

Support letter to ESN sections of the country.<br />

Presentation of ESN on the National Agency meeting to all universities participating in<br />

Erasmus.<br />

Providing ESNSurvey results to National Agency on the country.<br />

Collaboration on events’ organisation.<br />

Support of the National Agency for ESN for organisation of the promotion of Erasmus to<br />

local students.<br />

Polish National Agency: every year Poland organises photo competition for Erasmus<br />

students in Poland and Polish Erasmus, the winning photos are provided to National<br />

Agency to make a calendar for the next year. There is also a logo of ESN on the<br />

calendar to thank for the photos and promote our network.<br />

Italian National Agency helps ESN sections in getting ECTS credits for the students’<br />

voluntary work.<br />

Spanish Socrates Agency will support National Board in organisation of Erasmus Days.<br />

Flamish National Agency supported acommodation of the Council of National<br />

Representatives when they had meeting in Brussels.<br />

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The Policy Outline of ESN International<br />

Approved by the <strong>AGM</strong> 2003 in Siena<br />

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) received its name and spirit from Erasmus who<br />

originated from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and who was a celebrity and today<br />

symbolises student mobility.<br />

Aims of the organisation<br />

ESN aims at working in the interest of students who are spending a part of their<br />

professional education at a higher education institution in a country other than the one<br />

in which their home institution is situated. The organisation works to improve the<br />

conditions for present and future exchange students and to promote the exchange<br />

experience and concerns itself directly or indirectly with every aspect of this subject as<br />

broadly as possible. It does so without being associated with any political or<br />

confessional group.<br />

ESN works for the benefit of all students taking part in an Exchange programme,<br />

regardless of their provenance. Through its work for the mobile students, ESN also aims<br />

at working for the nonmobile students by improving their chances to experience<br />

international student exchange at their home institution. Thus ESN offers services for all<br />

students and welcomes all students to participate in its work regardless if they are<br />

mobile or not.<br />

This shall be done by means of:<br />

- Support of the social and practical integration of visiting students at their host<br />

institution;<br />

- Provision of practical and relevant information about academic exchange programmes<br />

and ESN resources;<br />

- Active use of the experiences of homecoming students by making them active in the<br />

network;<br />

- Contribution to evaluation of different exchange programmes based on the<br />

experiences obtained by former exchange students;<br />

- Representation of the needs and expectations of exchange students on the local,<br />

national and international level.<br />

Needs of exchange students<br />

ESN is a student organisation of which all members are actively involved in the day-today<br />

work with and for exchange students. Through these activities, ESN has identified<br />

several areas, where improvements are needed in order to ensure the success of a<br />

study period abroad.<br />

Student mobility and internationalisation of higher education<br />

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Many European students have already benefited from the various European student<br />

mobility programmes. A study period abroad is in general a valuable experience from<br />

which students gain in many respects. Not only do they meet new academic challenges,<br />

they also have the opportunity of getting to know a different country with a different<br />

language, culture, history etc. Such experiences should support and increase the<br />

mutual understanding and respect for a different way of life and learning and broaden<br />

the perspective of the students. These are skills which are of an utmost importance in<br />

today's world.<br />

ESN supports the student mobility programmes and is keen to see an increase in the<br />

number of students benefiting from them. At the same time, ESN finds it important to<br />

emphasise that high quality of the conditions for exchange students is guaranteed.<br />

Enough resources should be made available for this.<br />

Information about exchange programmes<br />

In general, the information flow needs to be ensured and improved at all levels from<br />

initial consultations to information presented to the students during their stay abroad.<br />

Many areas of improvement can be identified. Information about exchange programmes<br />

as well as the available courses at partner universities need to be available more freely,<br />

and even more important, up-to-date. Feedback of all aspects of the exchange should<br />

be collected from exchange students and presented publicly and impartially.<br />

Many students are also informed far too late as to whether or not they are accepted as<br />

exchange students. This frequently causes problems obtaining the necessary<br />

paperwork (visas, residence permits etc), finding appropriate housing (if the host<br />

institution has been unable to do so), and more importantly obtaining their mobility<br />

grant, all which are necessary to ensure a successful study abroad. Therefore, this<br />

information has to be given well in advance.<br />

Student support during the stay abroad<br />

For foreign students it normally takes time to get to know the educational system of the<br />

host institution. The examinations, courses, degrees etc. are different than at their home<br />

institutions. Foreign students may also have difficulties with studying in a foreign<br />

language.<br />

To help foreign students, a host institution should supply students with guidance. This<br />

can be done by means of an orientation week where there are lectures about i.e.<br />

academic system of the university, tour around the campus and library etc. Also the<br />

faculties need to participate in guidance of the foreign students. Special attention should<br />

be paid to the teaching skills of teachers who teach in a foreign language. And sufficient<br />

language courses should be available for students. All the students should know to<br />

whom to turn to when they have questions.<br />

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There should be feedback collected from the former exchange students about the<br />

university and its courses and there should be improvements done based on this<br />

information.<br />

Improved co-operation between institutions of higher education concerning programme<br />

specifics (such as course requirements, transfer of credits, and course equivalencies)<br />

would greatly ease students’ emotional distress over such concerns and allow them to<br />

concentrate more fully on their studies.<br />

Academic recognition<br />

Full academic recognition of a study abroad is still lacking in many universities. This can<br />

be seen as one of the biggest obstacles of student mobility. One cause of the lack of<br />

academic recognition is the inadequate information supply about studies abroad. If the<br />

students are well informed about the courses at the foreign universities they have better<br />

possibilities to negotiate adequate compensations. Co-operation between universities<br />

and faculties is needed to solve this kind of problems. Another cause of the lack of<br />

recognition is the differing standards of the educational systems. Luckily much has been<br />

done to improve this. With the Bologna Process coming into action the countries signing<br />

the Bologna Declaration have tried to make the educational system more transparent.<br />

ESN hopes that by implementing the Bachelor-Master-structure and the ECTS, it will be<br />

easier for students to get academic recognition of a study abroad.<br />

Reception of foreign students<br />

Every foreign student should be received in a proper way by the host institution of<br />

higher education. The reception of foreign students is a core activity of the ESNsections.<br />

Of course the final responsibility lies with the university, but ESN sections<br />

regard themselves able to play an important part in the implementation of this task in<br />

close co-operation with the university.<br />

This reception should not only invoke the meeting at the station (even though this is an<br />

important facet), but should consist of constant interaction between members of the<br />

host institution and the exchange students. A rich social and cultural environment is the<br />

prerequisite to benefit from a period of studying abroad. Therefore an appropriate<br />

orientation is a requirement for a successful exchange programme. This orientation<br />

should give these students a firm foundation upon which to build social interactions in<br />

the country of study. Such an orientation should not only include teaching the language,<br />

but also include information about the facilities and activities offered to the students. In<br />

this way the incoming students have a solid basis from which to advance their social<br />

integration.<br />

Earmarked resources must be allocated to the reception, and general help and<br />

guidance provided to foreign students. To ensure the quality of this continuous<br />

"reception", local students need to be involved. Such student participation cannot be<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

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over stressed. The experiences of students who have been abroad themselves and of<br />

students who wish to go abroad in the future are invaluable to students who find<br />

themselves in an unfamiliar environment.<br />

Mobility grants<br />

An essential prerequisite for many students, study abroad experience is to obtain a<br />

mobility grant. The size of grants is a continuous, pressing problem. It is one of the most<br />

important obstacles of student mobility. Supplementary national mobility grants would<br />

be of great importance and would positively influence student mobility. The mobility<br />

grant should cover all the extra costs due to the stay abroad.<br />

The timing of the disbursement of grants is just as important. Often grants are paid to<br />

the students long after their arrival at the host institution, in some cases even after their<br />

departure from the host institution. Mobility grants must be paid to the student before<br />

departure from the home country. ESN will highlight problems concerning mobility<br />

grants and bring them to the attention of the appropriate international authorities.<br />

Linguistic preparation<br />

The possibilities for proper linguistic preparation before a stay abroad should be<br />

improved for all languages.<br />

An intensive language course of the local language followed up by a regular course<br />

during the stay abroad should be offered to all exchange students by the host institution.<br />

These linguistic skills should be academically recognised, even for students who do not<br />

primarily study languages. Learning the local language is vital when approaching a new<br />

culture and is an essential ingredient for the social integration of students abroad.<br />

The quality of courses taught in foreign languages should be carefully monitored. It<br />

should be also made sure that providing courses in a foreign language does not conflict<br />

with the academic interests of the local students of host institution. The courses in<br />

foreign languages should not endanger the quality and quantity of the courses given in<br />

a local language.<br />

Accommodation<br />

Adequate accommodation is an essential component of a student’s stay abroad.<br />

Finding a place to live often is a difficult task, especially for students who are abroad.<br />

Therefore it is the responsibility of the host institution to provide proper accommodation<br />

for any exchange students it decides to receive. Obviously this entails giving exchange<br />

students a certain priority when it comes to room assignment in student residences. The<br />

simple rationale behind such a premise is that it is after all easier for a native student to<br />

find housing than it is for a foreigner who very likely does not speak the local tongue<br />

and has no network to rely on.<br />

At the same time it should be kept in mind that it is important to avoid a situation where<br />

domestic students feel left without a chance of obtaining accommodation in student<br />

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residences, because foreign students are given priority. A proper balance must be<br />

found, though it is a difficult task in Europe where a fundamental lack of sufficient<br />

student accommodation exists.<br />

Student hostels intended exclusively (or even primarily) for foreign students should be<br />

avoided as much as possible, as such assignments severely hamper an integration with<br />

domestic students and proper integration into the local culture.<br />

Care should be taken to avoid the cultural friction and misunderstandings often created<br />

when persons coming from different cultures live closely together. The nature of student<br />

housing makes this all the more important. These kinds of problems can be avoided by<br />

proper orientation and tutoring.<br />

Social integration<br />

The social integration and the living conditions during a stay abroad are vital<br />

components for the successful outcome of a study abroad experience.<br />

Students going abroad can find themselves without a social network at first. Such a<br />

situation, if allowed to persist, can ruin an exchange student's study abroad experience.<br />

Resources must be used to improve the social integration of the international students.<br />

ESN can help the host institution to integrate the foreign students to a local culture since<br />

it is specialised in that. Local students should be strongly involved in this work, as they<br />

are the experts on local student life. Social events can help the integration process and<br />

for this reason they should be organised with an eye towards integrating local and<br />

foreign students.<br />

Mentor systems should be offered to all exchange students at all institutions. Such a<br />

system is invaluable in aiding students' adjustment to a new environment. Such a<br />

system entails having local students who are willing to guide and counsel the foreign<br />

students on all aspects of life and studies in the local milieu. If every student had their<br />

own personal cultural “translator" then the speed and completeness of their integration<br />

would be greatly enhanced, as would the success of the programme as a whole.<br />

Intercultural skills<br />

The intercultural skills obtained during a stay abroad are an important result of the<br />

period of study and should be regarded as integral to any programme that professes to<br />

be international. It is precisely these skills which are in fact the longest lasting, as well<br />

as the real indicator of the quality of a stay abroad. Also they are most valuable for a<br />

future professional career.<br />

Exchange students learn to respect other societies and other cultures. These cultural<br />

integration skills are, in fact, the ones of primary interest and utility for all parties<br />

involved. They promote unity while increasing awareness of diversity. If Europe is to<br />

remain a multi-cultural entity, rather than a homogeneous cultural unit, such skills are of<br />

the utmost importance for the future.<br />

The focus of the exchange programmes of today is too narrow in its scope. Focusing on<br />

merely the academic part of exchange undermines the lasting goals of cultural<br />

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awareness, tolerance and mutual understanding. Intercultural skills are often left to drift<br />

in the vast ocean of chance.<br />

Needs of ESN sections<br />

The needs of the member sections of ESN from the network and especially from its<br />

superstructures such as ESN International and the national platforms of ESN are:<br />

- A stable structure to communicate and co-operate with other sections, exchange<br />

ideas, talk about problems<br />

- To receive support and training in:<br />

- acquiring recognition and funding<br />

- recruitment of new volunteers<br />

- organising activities<br />

- dealing with multicultural issues, crises and various special situations and issues<br />

relevant to student exchange<br />

- To receive marketing material to promote themselves and the network<br />

- To receive information about student mobility issues and the unification process of the<br />

European Higher Education Area<br />

- To be represented in various bodies dealing with issues relating to student mobility<br />

- A change to participate into international projects<br />

In order to fulfil these needs ESN International will carry out following activities:<br />

Use the various information and communication tools at its disposal such as<br />

international meetings,<br />

newsletter, website, regular e-mails, Partnership Project, support letters etc. to:<br />

- facilitate the communication and co-operation between the sections<br />

- support and train sections<br />

- provide information to the sections<br />

- raise awareness of the network and promote it to all relevant parties<br />

- Produce marketing material for the sections.<br />

- Maintain and develop the contacts to European institutions and organisations relevant<br />

for the aims of ESN. In order to offer a communication channel through which needs<br />

and expectations of exchange students and specific problems and ideas can be<br />

addressed.<br />

- Gather information from sources such as European institutions and organisations and<br />

distribute it by the above mentioned information tools.<br />

- Co-operate with all relevant parties in projects and activities, which advance the goals<br />

of ESN.<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

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Promotion of ESN<br />

To achieve the goals of ESN and to fulfil the needs of the sections and the network as a<br />

whole, ESN should be made well known. The Board is responsible of promoting ESN at<br />

the European level. To make the network function the sections should be aware of their<br />

responsibility towards other sections and the network to promote ESN on the local level<br />

to various student groups such as:<br />

- Outgoing exchange students in order for them to search and demand ESN services<br />

before going abroad.<br />

- Incoming exchange students to make them aware of the available resources during<br />

their stay.<br />

- Homecoming exchange students to activate them in the network when they return<br />

home.<br />

- Non-mobile local students to make them active in the network and to facilitate the<br />

integration of exchange students and most importantly to offer themselves an exchange<br />

experience at home.<br />

It is recommended that the sections include the abbreviation ESN in their name and<br />

include a mention of ESN or the ESN logo in their publications they produce in<br />

conjunction with their ESN activities.<br />

Finances<br />

In general ESN aims to financial solidity and stability and transparent use of its funds in<br />

all different levels of the network. Currently it seeks to acquire more funds to be able to<br />

reach its goals.<br />

The different levels of the network are funded on basis of different principles. The local<br />

sections are self-supportive. The National Platforms can be self-supportive and/or<br />

collect membership fees from its members. In case of a membership fee for the<br />

National level, the payment cannot however limit the statutory rights of the sections,<br />

such as the selection of the National Representative. The international level is funded<br />

by membership fees from sections, subsidies from the European Union and by funding<br />

it collects itself. The majority of the International level’s budget should not be raised<br />

from the sections. All funds of international level collected from the sections as<br />

membership fees should be used for the direct benefit of the sections such as providing<br />

services, support and marketing material for the sections. Money received from<br />

somewhere else than sections can also be used to strengthen the network and to save<br />

for long term plans as an ESN office.<br />

Ethical issues and the level of influence of the funding party towards the ESN body<br />

should always be considered when acquiring funding for whatever body of ESN.<br />

Future<br />

To achieve its aims and to guarantee the quality of student exchange all around Europe,<br />

ESN seeks to grow in different fields.<br />

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ESN seeks to cover equally every part of Europe. As long as this goal is not achieved<br />

and very strong administrative structures are not built, ESN limits its membership to<br />

organisations residing inside the geographical Europe.<br />

ESN tries to improve its organisational structure to support the growing network better<br />

and ensure continuity on the international level.<br />

ESN also seeks for clearer and better division of work and stronger co-operation<br />

between the various student organisations working at the European level.<br />

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The Opinion of ESN International on the Bologna<br />

Process<br />

Preamble<br />

Erasmus Student Network was founded in 1990 to support and develop student<br />

exchange based on the European Commission SOCRATES/Erasmus programme. It is<br />

currently composed of 168 sections working in Higher Education Institutes (HEI)<br />

(Universities, Polytechnics and University Colleges etc.) in 24 European countries, and<br />

of National and International structures. The main goal of ESN is cultural and social<br />

implementation of all exchange students into a new environment and representing the<br />

interests of all students who are studying abroad, framed by Socrates/Erasmus program<br />

and others, and thus represents currently a total of around 100,000 students as<br />

volunteers or exchange students<br />

Introduction<br />

In June 1998 four countries signed the Sorbonne Declaration in order to pave the way<br />

for a united Higher Education (HE), and a discussion about setting up the common<br />

European Higher Education Area (EHEA) resulted in the Bologna Declaration, signed<br />

by 29 European countries in 1999. At the first follow up meeting in <strong>Prague</strong> in 2001, the<br />

number of joining countries increased to 31. Signed countries engage themselves for an<br />

active participation and cooperation between higher education systems. Also they set<br />

themselves 2 aims: raising transparency among HE systems and quality assurance,<br />

which has to lead to recognition of qualification.<br />

With the current paper ESN is expressing a point of view on some abstracts of the<br />

Bologna Process and actively involving itself with the process of modelling a modern<br />

EHEA.<br />

The Social dimension<br />

Social dimension in the future EHEA is one of the most important aspects in<br />

implementing the Bologna process.<br />

Until 2010, when the EHEA should be fully established, the economical and political<br />

situation in many countries will be changed. ESN hopes that in the future all students<br />

will have equal chances to study abroad.<br />

Students have different interests and they are coming from different levels of society but<br />

the most important thing is that everybody has the same rights and opportunities.<br />

Especially students with special needs will be those for whom positive discrimination will<br />

be needed to ensure equal possibilities for them. Therefore ESN stresses that students<br />

have to be fully supported by all academicals societies and as a part of society. ESN<br />

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www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

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believes that a social support system for students (covering health care, housing, food<br />

and other social services) should be implemented and guarantee the social and health<br />

well-being of all students.<br />

Additionally, in many countries students have to work in order to cover their living costs<br />

during the study period. Therefore ESN stresses that employment should primarily be in<br />

connection with the study subject and students should not be forced to work in order to<br />

be able to continue their studies.<br />

Mobility of students, teachers, researchers and staff<br />

Mobility of students, teachers, researchers and staff is needed in order to improve the<br />

quality of the study process. ESN is in favour of fluent mobility of all parts of academic<br />

society in order to offer students new technologies, new teaching and researching<br />

methods and exchanging good experiences. All this would lead to subscribing new<br />

contracts, which would result in increasing the number of exchanges.<br />

ESN wants to draw attention to the reforms as expressed in the Bologna process, which<br />

supports the scheme that is making students mobility easier. For that purpose, ESN is<br />

encouraging European mechanisms to develop common regulations in order to promote<br />

and increase all sorts of mobility.<br />

ESN also wants to comment on both vertical and horizontal levels of mobility: Horizontal<br />

mobility here refers to non-degree mobility: studying for a short period as an exchange<br />

student mainly abroad. So far horizontal mobility has been the major means of mobility<br />

for a large number of students all around Europe, and it has been clearly more popular<br />

than vertical, so-called degree-mobility.<br />

Vertical mobility here refers to degree mobility studying mainly abroad for a full degree.<br />

The Bologna process offers a possibility for flexible choices, where in an ideal situation<br />

a student can easily build an individually and socially meaningful degree from available,<br />

versatile pieces. Vertical mobility can also be a mode of the so called free-mover<br />

mobility where students individually move from one university to another, completing a<br />

bachelor in one institution and continuing to a master’s or further in another institution<br />

and country, making their own arrangements.<br />

ESN feels that both modes of mobility are equally important and valuable. Students<br />

must have the option of choosing the length of the period they spend abroad.<br />

Increasing mobility – inside one’s own university, nationally and internationally – is one<br />

of the most central possibilities offered by the Bologna process. In order to make full<br />

use of this possibility, the problems of recognition must be solved.<br />

The most visible threat concerning horizontal mobility and the introduction of the two-tier<br />

structure (bachelor - master) is the timing of a short study period abroad. The study<br />

period should not automatically lengthen the duration of studies, and it should not be<br />

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possible for the student to study abroad only between degrees. On the bachelor level,<br />

ESN stresses that the study period abroad could offer more general academic<br />

competencies, whereas on the master level the study period could reinforce the<br />

specialisation in one of the student’s own fields of study.<br />

Recognitions of Degrees<br />

Degree structures should be flexible enough to encompass different skills learnt through<br />

different methods as long as they are relevant to the field of study. ESN stresses that<br />

degrees in different countries should have similar basic elements, thus containing a<br />

small degree of uniformity while giving ample space to flexibility and individuality.<br />

Before the full implementation of the Bologna process in 2010, systems in EHEA will be<br />

different. Therefore a temporary system of recognition of degrees is needed. ESN calls<br />

the attention of all institutions to the fact that recognition of degrees has to be<br />

implemented before 2010. The Bologna process is facilitating the recognition of degrees<br />

and qualifications on the European labour market but until then there will still be a gap<br />

between HE systems. ESN believes that all problems concerning recognition of degrees<br />

will be solved fast.<br />

Implementation of credits system (ECTS) and Diploma Supplement<br />

A proper implementation of credit systems is essential to accelerate mobility and<br />

guarantee recognition of the gained qualifications and seems essential for a large<br />

number of aspects related to the creation of an EHEA. ESN believes that it is essential<br />

that compatible and comparable credit systems be developed in all European countries.<br />

Therefore ESN believes that students must be part of this process and fully agrees with<br />

ESIB on this point.<br />

European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) has been developed in order to transfer<br />

credits and as a tool for recognition of degrees and/or qualifications. ESN is in favour of<br />

implementing the ECTS system in all HEIs in Europe.<br />

In many universities a Diploma Supplement is issued but ESN stresses that it should be<br />

issued automatically and without students requesting it and in at least in the spoken<br />

language of the HEI and in English.<br />

Compatible credit accumulation should be used for intermediate recognition in order to<br />

make it easier for students coming back from their studies abroad. The Lisbon<br />

Recognition Convention was signed in 1991. It envisages the creation of a common<br />

EHEA and it asks the signing countries to recognise the qualifications that students<br />

reach during their studies abroad. All signatory countries of the Bologna Process now<br />

need to ratify the Lisbon Convention. ESN calls upon all signed countries to remove all<br />

obstacles and ratify Lisbon Convention and remove all barriers that are stopping the<br />

process of recognitions of qualifications.<br />

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Students need to be equally treated in order to be competitive on the labour market.<br />

Therefore the recognition of qualifications is very important. ESN encourages all<br />

countries that are not yet members in the ENIC/NARIC network to implement this<br />

important body into their structure.<br />

Quality Assurance<br />

In parallel to the process of integration in the EHEA (mobility, Bologna process …)<br />

questions about how to ensure for the quality of the HE programs came up.<br />

Accompaniment and assurance of quality in HE courses is a ground for building<br />

consciousness about the culture of quality, responsible and synoptically HE<br />

process. Today some parts of Europe are participating by forming basic concepts and<br />

strategies by assurance of quality in HE courses. ESN stresses that this is not the case<br />

in all countries and it should be implemented in all signatory countries; therefore ESN<br />

believes that modifications will be accepted also in countries, which are not part of the<br />

process and will oblige all countries participating in Bologna process.<br />

Nevertheless, ESN believes that increasing European cooperation in quality assurance<br />

between countries will be fruitful. ESN wishes quality education to be assured in all<br />

countries and equally for all students in Europe. The fear of unequal quality comes from<br />

the increasing number of students and study courses, changes of students’ requests,<br />

definition of aims and their realization. Self-evaluation committees in HEIs are not able<br />

to guarantee quality in their courses. Accreditation of study programs has to be<br />

accompanied by a guaranteed level of high quality teaching and research, and these<br />

have to be set up where they do not yet exist. An agency has to assume the task of<br />

verifying the quality of the HE process and the accreditation of study programs. ESN<br />

welcomes the establishing of agencies and a framework of ENQA in Europe, and<br />

stresses that control and evaluation has to be done regularly and with highest sincerity.<br />

National guidelines and bodies should be developed in order to ensure both quality and<br />

accreditation. They should clearly state the responsibilities of all the different actors and<br />

must involve students, teachers, employers and other societal actors to make sure that<br />

the education system meets their expectations and demands. ESN underlines that<br />

students must be included in the process of quality assurance and accreditation in order<br />

to guarantee legality.<br />

Conclusion<br />

In the light of creating a common EHEA, the Bologna Process has the biggest role.<br />

Therefore ESN understands all problems arising from changing different HE systems,<br />

but also hopes that all the signatory countries will be careful and take into account<br />

students’ social positions and assure the quality of courses.<br />

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ESN is sure that cultural differences in Europe are protected. Cultural and linguistic<br />

diversity should be respected and reaffirmed.<br />

Finally, ESN would like to pay attention to the social dimension, and the promotion of<br />

mobility. All criticism, expressed by ESN, is meant to express an opinion that should<br />

contribute in a constructive way to the upcoming changes in the EHEA. It aims at<br />

assuring that students’ interests will be represented and taken into consideration.<br />

Statement of Principles of ESN International<br />

Approved in Gdansk 2005<br />

The six principles of ESN<br />

• ESN works in the interest of exchange students.<br />

• ESN works to improve the social and practical integration of exchange students.<br />

• ESN represents the needs and expectations of exchange students on the local,<br />

national and international level.<br />

• ESN provides relevant information about academic exchange programmes and ESN<br />

resources.<br />

• ESN works with the reintegration of homecoming students.<br />

• ESN contributes to the evaluation of different exchange programmes.<br />

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Future<br />

Candidates for the <strong>AGM</strong> 2008<br />

written by Tomaso Bisol, Network Administrator<br />

Currently (end of January) there is one candidate for the <strong>AGM</strong> 2008: Besançon.<br />

The candidating OC is made by: Julien Pea (NR France and vice-president ESN<br />

Besançon), Joachim Wyssling (president ESN Besançon) and regular members of AEIB<br />

ESN.<br />

The overview they presented tells us that the city is “ranked in third position among<br />

French cities as concerns the quality of life and provides a remarkable example of<br />

balance between dynamic urban development and preservation of nature. Its greatest<br />

asset is the city centre: Julius Caesar himself said that the particularity of Besançon was<br />

the loop formed by the river Doubs which made the city an untouchable fortress”. This is<br />

where the <strong>AGM</strong> 2008 could take place and participants would find pubs, shops,<br />

university, museums, cinemas, restaurants and so on: with 130000 inhabitants and<br />

20000 students a lot of action can be expected.<br />

Some more data provided:<br />

Maximum cost: 110 euro/participant.<br />

Maximum number of participants: 400.<br />

Accommodation: 2 or 3 stars hotel (double/triple rooms).<br />

All needed rooms/buildings in the city centre (within 10 minutes).<br />

Budget so far: 130.000 euro.<br />

Curently, support from: University, City, Regional Council.<br />

More candidates may apply before the <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>Prague</strong> <strong>2007</strong>; we actually encourage you<br />

to do so!<br />

Organising committee:<br />

CANDIDATURE <strong>AGM</strong> 2008<br />

Julien Pea : NR FRANCE, vice-president ESN Besançon<br />

Joachim Wyssling : president ESN Besançon<br />

+ regular members of AEIB ESN<br />

OC Organising section(s):<br />

AEIB – ESN Besançon<br />

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Hosting<br />

City<br />

Experience:<br />

Travel:<br />

- How Some to reach of our your members city? were part of the organizing committee of the 1st European<br />

University Handball championships in Besançon (July 2006)<br />

- Airports We organized : Lyon, Basel-Mulhouse, an international meeting Geneva, with Zurich, ESN Paris Besançon, ESN Lausanne, and<br />

members Train stations of ESN : Besançon international (TGV board : high-speed in may 2006. line) Paris is only 2:30 hours away<br />

- Lyon Regular (2hours section away) activities. Strasbourg (2hours away) also easily reachable from<br />

Switzerland and Germany railroads.<br />

Bus Motivation: lines : possibilities with European bus lines.<br />

Highways: Besançon is at a crossroads between Spain, Italy, Germany and<br />

Switzerland. Well, precisely It is these easily handball reachable championships by car as the were A36 a services great success the city. and brought<br />

200 from 15 countries together.<br />

We Date: think, in Besançon, that we can bring people together in a great<br />

environment: nature, proximity, cultural diversity, open-mindedness. This<br />

would 22 – 25 also march be 2008 a way for France to organize and host an international ESN<br />

event! Fee: And organizing such an event would be very rewarding for our section<br />

and our members, an unforgettable human experience!<br />

Most probably 100€ for section delegates and 130€ for alumni<br />

(for Overview: sure not more than 110€ for section delegates)<br />

Number Ranked in of participants:<br />

third position among French cities as concerns the quality of life,<br />

Name Besançon the maximum provides number a remarkable of participants example of balance between dynamic urban<br />

development 2 delegates and per the section preservation of nature.<br />

Its greatest Number asset of alumni is the depending city centre: upon Julius the Caesar number himself of places said that available the particularity<br />

of Besançon As the maximum was the number loop formed of participants by the river is 400 Doubs (city which center made hotels’ the city an<br />

untouchable capacities)<br />

fortress. And this is precisely where the <strong>AGM</strong> 2008 could take place...<br />

where participants will find pubs, shops, university, museums, cinemas,<br />

restaurants...<br />

130.000 inhabitants in Besançon and 20.000 students ... needless to say that we<br />

know what student life is!<br />

Prices:<br />

As Besançon is a medium-size city, life is not really expensive. Not as expensive<br />

as big European megalopolis can be.<br />

(A pint of beer in a pub is around 3,20 euros)<br />

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Budget<br />

Accommodation:<br />

As everything will take place in the city centre, everybody will be 10 minutes away<br />

from plenary sessions and catering.<br />

Participants will be accommodated in 2 or 3 star hotels (double or triple rooms)<br />

We can definitely assure participants about this proximity. And this is precisely our<br />

asset!<br />

Finances:<br />

How big is your budget so far? Around 130.000 euros<br />

How much money do you already have? At this stage, 38.000 euros are<br />

promised and we are gaining new partners every week.<br />

How stable is your budget? It will be fine, though we need more private<br />

partners<br />

For which grants have you applied and how was the answer? In progress, but<br />

local authorities will definitely allow us grants<br />

The budget is a VERY sensitive and important topic so please state everything that<br />

shows that you already have a good financial stability. Agreements were given by<br />

top responsibility administrators<br />

Sponsors:<br />

Name the most important sponsors of you. Who else are you going to contact?<br />

Bank BNP Paribas<br />

Local private partners<br />

IX.ESN France will help us find more national companies (Quick, SNCF for<br />

example)<br />

Additional support:<br />

Who is supporting you? For instance a regional committee, your university, the city,<br />

other institutions.<br />

University of Franche-Comté<br />

City of Besançon<br />

Regional Council of Franche-Comté<br />

General Council of Doubs<br />


European Commission<br />

French National Socrates Agency<br />

Minister of Education<br />

Minister of European affairs<br />

Minister of youth and associations<br />

Specials Opening ceremony in open-air with parade + open-air concert<br />

March to the Citadel? (castle up the hill) Eurodiner and Gala diner in old fashioned<br />

theatre.<br />

EVERYTHING will take place in the city centre, people will be 10/15 minutes from<br />

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everything during the 4 days of <strong>AGM</strong>.<br />

We, the applying OC for the <strong>AGM</strong> 2008, declare hereby that all provided information is<br />

correct, especially in terms of the budget. We know that we are bound to the promises<br />

we made here.<br />

This candidature will only be official if all conditions are met before <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>2007</strong> in<br />

<strong>Prague</strong>.<br />

On behalf of the OC<br />

Julien PEA<br />

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Job Descriptions Board <strong>2007</strong>/08<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

As the ESNYear is coming to an end, it is time to bring to your mind one important fact:<br />

this Board will end our mandate on March 23rd <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Who will take over the positions? Coming to Brussels, living together, getting<br />

acquainted with hundreds of people from all over the countries of Europe and beyond,<br />

practising your French, English, German and Dutch (yeah, Dutch rocks).<br />

Learning to deliver tasks on a certain date, dealing with stress and gaining a bunch of<br />

knowledge of practical management of a big pan European organisation, respected,<br />

well know, healthy and strong as never before: come and try!<br />

Working in a truly multicultural team and environment - be productive, respected and<br />

criticised, develop strategies AND day-by-day little yet crucial tasks...<br />

All of this is and much more (all to be discovered) means to be a Board member.<br />

Just in case, some facts.<br />

- How many Board Members are there?<br />

- FIVE, President, Vice President, Network Administrator, Treasurer, External Relations.<br />

- Is it a paid job?<br />

- No, all Board members are volunteers, though they are reimbursed for their living<br />

expenses and in the costs related to their work for ESN. Plus ESN is offering to them<br />

free accommodation in Brussels.<br />

- Are they living in Brussels?<br />

- So far only President and Vice President could live in Brussels. From next year there<br />

is a proposal to bring all the Board members to live together.<br />

- How long is their mandate for?<br />

- One <strong>AGM</strong> to another (12 months), plus two months after the end of their mandate to<br />

serve as Advisory Board Members<br />

- How can I apply?<br />

- In order for your application to be valid, you must apply in writing to the board<br />

(board@esn.org) by February 20th as 23,59 - stating the position you are applying for,<br />

your section, your country and something about you and your plans for ESN you would<br />

like to be added to the <strong>AGM</strong> Documents, for everybody there present to be able to know<br />

you a little better and in advance.<br />

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IMPORTANT: Since last <strong>AGM</strong>, a new procedure applies (all quotations are from the<br />

Standing Orders for the Election and Constitution of the Board):<br />

"Candidates should give a written application for a position in the board to the<br />

international board of ESN at least 30 days before the first day of <strong>AGM</strong>. If there are no<br />

candidates for a specific position by this time the international board is able to accept<br />

candidates also after this by moving the deadline forward to the plennary session before<br />

the election."<br />

As we are not making public the names and the positions for the applications we<br />

receive until February 21st, our suggestion is to apply definitely before the first deadline.<br />

Other requirements:<br />

- Be a member of one ESNSection;<br />

- Be supported in writing by your National Platform (or by the sections of your country<br />

present at the <strong>AGM</strong>);<br />

- Be present at the <strong>AGM</strong> and present yourself in front of the Assembly;<br />

- No more than one candidate per Section;<br />

- No more than two candidates per Country.<br />

Below you can find the descriptions for the positions of each member - we are waiting<br />

for you!<br />

For any questions, we are happy to support you in your decision.<br />

President<br />

The President of ESN is a problem solver, a team builder and coordinator, a hard<br />

worker willing to devote one year of his/her life to ESN having in exchange unique<br />

possibilities of growth, and of international experience in the cosmopolitan environment<br />

of Brussels.<br />

The main tasks are:<br />

- final responsible for the achievement of the Mission, the AIMS, the delivery to the<br />

<strong>AGM</strong> 2008 of the Action List <strong>2007</strong>-2008, and for the general success of the work of the<br />

board s/he needs to be always ready to back-up all the tasks;<br />

- general and legal representative of the Organisation by authorities, institutions and<br />

partners;<br />

- coordinates the work of the board in order to maximise its efficiency and effectiveness;<br />

- organises and calls Board meetings;<br />

- in concert with the CNR Coordinators, organises and calls the CNR-Board Meetings;<br />

- main contact between the CNR and the Board.<br />

- Responsible person in the Board for the work of the secretary of ESN office.<br />

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In addition, the President of ESN must be able to support the other Board members and<br />

international coordinators in the development of their tasks by all possible means. This<br />

means, that s/he must intervene in and be aware of the status of all the projects of the<br />

ESN International.<br />

Skills Required: fluent in English and French and, recommendable, in a third language<br />

of the EU; management (project, cross-cultural, financial); strategic planning; group<br />

builder, motivator and coordinator; communicativeness and flexibility.<br />

Workload: 100%<br />

Presence in Brussels required: 80%<br />

ESN Vice President<br />

The main role of the Vice President is to implement the mission of ESN of fostering<br />

student mobility. Vice President represents the Network and the needs of exchange<br />

students toward the EC and any other relevant institutions. S/he would act as an expert<br />

on the students issues and generate the opinion of ESN upon student exchange.<br />

Main tasks of the Vice President:<br />

1. Collaboration with the European Commission, educational institutions and<br />

organisations by developing advanced projects for support of exchange programmes.<br />

2. Organisation of the 20 Years of Erasmus Programme together with Project<br />

coordinator and the Team.<br />

3. Delivery of the ESNSurvey Project.<br />

4. Representation in the official conferences and meeting, personally or by sending a<br />

representative<br />

5. Monitoring the situation of exchange students and quality of services offered by ESN<br />

local sections.<br />

6. Writing articles and opinions concerning student mobility.<br />

The Vice President always has to stay updated on all the current happenings as s/he<br />

takes over the tasks of the President is s/he is not available. S/he supports and consults<br />

the work of the President.<br />

Skills required:<br />

Experience of work in ESN local section<br />

Fluent in English, oral and writing<br />

Management and public relations<br />

Interest in educational policies and mobility<br />

Workload: 100%<br />

Presence in Brussels: 80%<br />

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Network Administrator<br />

The Network Administrator will be responsible for managing the continuity of processes<br />

in ESN and in general about the network care and expansion – ESNEvents included.<br />

S/he will be responsible for<br />

- the ICT infrastructure, which includes mailing lists, email redirections, the back up<br />

emails and the website. S/he will be the contact person of the board for the webmaster.<br />

- the knowledge management in the organisation, which includes maintaining the ESN<br />

database and electronic archive, preparation of manuals for internal use;<br />

- Network Care and expansion, and more in detail:<br />

1. support of sections with problems or non experienced members;<br />

2. getting in touch with students or istitutions in countries where ESN is not present, in<br />

order to set up new sections;<br />

3. supporting the NR in setting up new sections in a country, or substituting her/him in<br />

countries where s/he is not active;<br />

4. being present at National Platforms and National Events when possible, or<br />

encouraging other board members to do so;<br />

5. updating and taking care of documents which favours network expansion;<br />

- Supporting the OCs of the internal events in succeeding in their aims.<br />

6. Seeking, keeping and presenting the report material for the Administrative Grant.<br />

7. Prepare the application for the Administrative Grant <strong>2007</strong> for 2008.<br />

Workload: xx% (depending on <strong>AGM</strong>'s decision, currently 60-70%)<br />

Presence in Brussels required: xx% (depending on <strong>AGM</strong>'s decision, currently 20-25%)<br />

Treasurer<br />

The Treasurer will be responsible for the financial and accounting base support for all<br />

the activities of ESN AISBL.<br />

Daily tasks:<br />

- Responsible for the finances of the organisation together with the President<br />

- Responsible for the success of ESN Card Project Manager<br />

- Responsible for the Marketing working group<br />

- Prepare the internal and external financial reports:<br />

1. Internal (to be sent to the International Board and CNR):<br />

- Provisional Budget (annually)<br />

- Balance sheet (annually and every 3 months)<br />

- Profit/Loss statement (annually and every 3 months)<br />

2. External (to be submitted to NGO office in Brussels):<br />

- Balance sheet (annually)<br />

- Profit/Loss statement (annually)<br />

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- Deal with the VAT issues of ESN AISBL<br />

- Make all the Reimbursement claims and keep in good order all the related documents<br />

- Keep track and cash the membership fees<br />

- Prepare the invoices and payment confirmations within a 72 hours time from the<br />

communication<br />

- Prepare the application for grants together with President<br />

- Manage the financial situation of the 20th anniversary project (budget of 70'000€) and<br />

keep in good order all the related documents for writing the final report<br />

Projects for <strong>2007</strong> / 2008:<br />

- Responsible for the activities of ESHOP, build up secure online paying tool<br />

- Establish sophisticated system for keeping track of membership fee payments and<br />

sending out of reminders<br />

- Establish sophisticated invoicing system for dealing with ESN PR material, ESN cards<br />

and ESN gadgets and their sending.<br />

Regular Board Member<br />

The RBM takes care of the communication media between the international and the<br />

national/local level, as there are:<br />

• The ESN Section's bulletin: a broad monthly information bulletin with all kinds of<br />

information from the International, national and local level. It also collects past and<br />

future events indirectly dealing with ESN matters. This used to be called the "Monthly<br />

Mail" but the Board decided that within the new Corporate Identity and for improving the<br />

clarity about the audience, a new name was suitable. The ESB is sent as pdf but plans<br />

are to make it html. The ESB is sent to sections, alumni, the CNR and Board.<br />

• The ESN Newsletter: an html newsletter that is sent monthly. This contains very<br />

compact and easy-to-read information on ESN matters, as well as messages from our<br />

sponsors and external events that concern our subscribers. Subscribers are ESNers as<br />

well as people interested in receiving news from our network.<br />

• The new ESN magazine. In <strong>2007</strong>, two editions of a printed magazine will be issued.<br />

This is a magazine for ESNers by ESNers, also interesting for universities and other<br />

students. Here our members get a platform to write about nice events, their culture,<br />

experiences… The name is yet to be chosen, as this was formerly known as<br />

InCommon.<br />

In 2006, ESN adapted a new corporate identity, so, in order to spread it throughout the<br />

network, the RBM was responsible to create PR-material to improve visibility of the CI<br />

within the network. This was done by sending PR-packages to all the sections who paid<br />

their membership fee 2005. It concerns:<br />

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• ESN flag<br />

• Brochure with basic information about ESN<br />

• A flyer in the form of the new "star" with very compact information on ESN<br />

• Two posters, one to promote the ESN Card and one about the mission and projects of<br />

ESN<br />

• CD-ROMs containing CI-files of ESN<br />

All these materials are the official PR-material of ESN and are still used on our<br />

representations. The RBM's task is to have an overview together with the PRcoordinator<br />

(Magda Niemcewicz) and treasurer the orders and sendings, and to work on<br />

a strategy on how to improve visibility.<br />

ESNCards: when working together with the treasurer and ESNCard-coordinator, the<br />

RBM is responsible of managing the stocks and sending the cards.<br />

External relations:<br />

The RBM's task is to keep in touch with the various student associations that have their<br />

seat in Brussels. This is done mainly by the IFISO mailing list. Also, contacts and<br />

information exchange (like press releases) are done with media, for instance Café<br />

Babel and Treffpunkt Europa.<br />

The RBM is also member of the PR-working group where he discusses how to deal with<br />

PR, merchandise and communication issues and partly with sponsors.<br />

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Action Plan Board <strong>2007</strong>/08<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

In accordance with Article 6. of the Standing Orders for the CNR and the Board, we are<br />

putting forward the following Action Plan to be followed by the Board <strong>2007</strong>/08 with no<br />

delay:<br />

- Long Term Vision<br />

o Implement the <strong>AGM</strong> decisions without delay<br />

o Prepare a LTV dossier regarding the position of ESN towards the<br />

Erasmus programme and the institutional and policy-making stakeholders<br />

- ESNSurvey<br />

o Prepare the <strong>2007</strong> edition, on the 20 Years of Erasmus and employability<br />

o Evaluate the <strong>2007</strong> edition<br />

o Disseminate the <strong>2007</strong> edition, especially throughout Sections,<br />

Universities, educational stakeholders (EAIE, ACA, EUA, European<br />

Commission)<br />

o Prepare the 2008 edition<br />

o Include the EVS volunteers in the project<br />

- Network care<br />

o Expand the network within the approved limits, especially focussing on<br />

Balkans area<br />

o Support National Boards, by setting a meeting with/for them in the mid<br />

September<br />

o Create a “Section Package” sent to section at the beginning of September<br />

with all the documents, manuals, materials deemed useful for a successful<br />

ESNYear<br />

o Produce the ESNCards and deliver them in time to sections and national<br />

boards, continuously seeking for the best partners and deals<br />

o Keep strengthening the CNR and ensure support, within the budget<br />

availability, for their activities<br />

o Organise a CNR Meeting in Brussels, and a training for perspective Board<br />

Members<br />

- Accompanying Measures Grant 2006<br />

o Fulfil all the legal, operational, financial obligations as stated in the<br />

application and in the amendment signed<br />

o Set up a working group, with the participation of the President, fully<br />

responsible for succeeding in the project, managing the budget granted by<br />

the Commission, preparing the final report and closing the grant project<br />

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- Web development<br />

o Bring to the success the ESNGalaxy project, by allocating funds to the<br />

project, enabling the web team to work on it and promoting the<br />

opportunities through sections<br />

o Develop the intranet with layers system<br />

- Headquarters<br />

o Make the final steps for having a fully-operating Headquarters in Brussels<br />

o Have all the Board living in Brussels on a volunteer basis<br />

o Include the EVS volunteer(s) in the environment<br />

o Separate the working- from the living spaces<br />

o If granted, purchase all the equipment requested in the Administrative<br />

Grant without delay<br />

o Maintain the archives and enrich them, with information on Sections and<br />

National Board activities, press released and contacts, documentation<br />

about Erasmus and reports from stakeholders<br />

o Maintain record of official meetings (CNR and Board) and make this<br />

available in digital format<br />

o Respect the programme drafted in the Administrative Grant application<br />

and keep constant reports of the events put forward<br />

o Prepare the next Administrative Grant application 2008<br />

- Finances<br />

o Keep record of all expenses and implement a professional accounting<br />

system<br />

o Maintain copy of all reimbursement forms and justifying papers and make<br />

them available in digital format<br />

o Make good use of the available resources, and always respect the<br />

budgetary constraints imposed by <strong>AGM</strong> and CNR, unless in duly and<br />

promptly justified cases<br />

o In case of travels, always use the most economic fares and means (lowcost<br />

flight, buses, second class trains, overnights in ESN houses)<br />

o Send monthly remainders for paying membership fees for sections and<br />

maintain the track of the debts and credits from/towards sections<br />

o Keep looking for sponsors and make the best for satisfying current<br />

corporate partners, especially Università Bocconi<br />

o Apply for one grant to the European Youth Foundation<br />

o If granted one first project grant from the European Youth Foundation,<br />

apply for the annual administrative grant from this organisation<br />

- Exchange students rights representation<br />

o Organise one lobbying event in Brussels<br />

o Be actively present and represent exchange students at conferences and<br />

events<br />

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o ESNSurvey as abovementioned<br />

o Pursue the entrance in the European Youth Forum, and a good<br />

partnership with its members, namely AEGEE, JADE, WOSM, WAGGGS<br />

o Pursue good relationships with our stakeholders, such as EAIE, ACA,<br />

EUA, European Commission, European Youth Foundation<br />

- Promotion and Communications<br />

o Develop and implement further the Corporate Identity, in cooperation with<br />

sections, national boards and our partner Koeweiden Postma<br />

o Finalise the registration of the logo at OAMI<br />

o Keep on preparing PR material and gadgets for sections in light of the<br />

budget availability<br />

o Promote Mission, Vision and Values of ESN whenever possible<br />

o Set online an e-shop<br />

Budget ESN AISBL <strong>2007</strong><br />

Written by Corinne Bryner, Treasurer<br />

In the next page the Budget <strong>2007</strong>, 1 st January – 31 st December<br />

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Revenues in € Expenses in €<br />

Grant Cost of goods distributed<br />

Administrative Grant 35'000 ESN Card production costs 10'000<br />

ESN Card sending costs 1'200<br />

Membership Fees Gadgets production+sending 3'000<br />

Membership fees 07 (25€) 725 PR materials production costs 1'700<br />

Membership fees 07 (50€) 10'000 PR materials sending cost 900<br />

Membership fees 08 150 16'800<br />

Membership fee debts (years 05+06) 4'500 Headquarters<br />

15'375 Bank costs 250<br />

Revenues of goods distributed House + Office rent 22'500<br />

ESN Cards Rev. 16'000 House equipment 1'600<br />

Gadgets Rev. 2'500 Living Expenses 21'500<br />

PR material Rev. 2'500 Office equipement 7'850<br />

21'000 Office supplies 2'350<br />

Postal / phone 3'300<br />

Interests on investments 59'350<br />

Interests on investments 1'000 Travel and Participation<br />

Country development 1'000<br />

General Sponsors External conferences 1'100<br />

Bocconi 24'000 Meetings with sponsors 1'100<br />

Swisscare 15’000 Meetings with partners 800<br />

39’000 Non statutory ESN meetings 1'700<br />

Sponsors for Projects Statutory ESN meeting 9'000<br />

Bocconi: Survey 5'000 Returns home Board 2'500<br />

Flemish Agency: CNR Brussel 1'000 17'200<br />

ING Bank: CNR Brussels Jan. 500 Promotion expenses<br />

6’500 Logo Registration 850<br />

Other <strong>AGM</strong> <strong>2007</strong> PR costs 600<br />

Conferences and consulting 1'000 Incommon paper version 4'000<br />

Other Rev. 150 ESN Booklet print 2'000<br />

1’150 7'450<br />

Projects<br />

Total Revenues 119'025 CNR Brussels January 2’100<br />

CNR support 1'500<br />

European Youth Forum 1’500<br />

Marketing working group 100<br />

Survey Projects 2'000<br />

Web Projects 1'800<br />

9’000<br />

Other<br />

Provision 2'000<br />

Other (exp.) 350<br />

2'350<br />

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Total Expenses 112'150<br />

Total Revenues 119'025<br />

- Total Expenses - 112'150<br />

Surplus 6’875<br />


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Guidelines for arranging Board Meetings and CNR<br />

Meetings<br />

These guidelines have been approved at the CNR meeting in Budapest, which took<br />

place between the 24th and 26th of October 2004.<br />

The CNR decided the following guidelines for Board and CNR Meetings. The CNR asks<br />

for the in the guidelines stated requirements to be fulfilled by the OC of such a meeting.<br />

These guidelines have to be handed out to the sections willing and agreeing on hosting<br />

such a meeting provable by the board the latest two weeks after <strong>AGM</strong>. If there are not<br />

enough sections applying to host these meetings it is the task of the NRs to find hosting<br />

sections for these meetings. In this case the guidelines have to be handed out by the<br />

Board provable to this section the latest two weeks after the Board received the<br />

sections application for hosting the meeting. The CNR records the fact, that it is the<br />

responsibility of the Board that the CNR and Board Meetings can take place on the<br />

agreed time and place in accordance with these guidelines.<br />

This guideline should clearly specify the Board's and CNR's expectations to the<br />

Organising Committee (OC) of the hosting section.<br />

A section willing to organise such an event in the coming ESN year is asked to contact<br />

their NR and apply the latest two weeks before the last CNR Meeting before the<br />

deadline for sending out the <strong>AGM</strong> documents.<br />

A Board Meeting normally takes 2-3 days and CNR-Meeting takes 2-3 days for the<br />

Board Meeting and 3-4 days for the CNR meeting.<br />

As participants are expected to arrive one day in advance and leave one day after the<br />

meeting, the OC is asked to provide accommodation for this period of time as well.<br />

The Organising Committee shall provide food, accommodation and meeting localities<br />

for the participants. This shall not be paid by the participants themselves.<br />

The OC is requested to provide the following meeting facilities:<br />

• Meeting room (which can be used 24 hours a day)<br />

• Electricity (sockets and cables)<br />

• Place for ~30 people<br />

• Option on 4 smaller rooms for workshops<br />

• Option on: Flipchart<br />

Digital projector (for PPT)<br />

Furthermore we require an internet access, as well as basic office equipment (copy<br />

machine, printer and other practical technical equipment that are required for the<br />

meeting to function smoothly)<br />

The participation fee should not be higher than EUR 20, - but there should preferably be<br />

no participation fee at all. There should be no additional costs for the participants of the<br />

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meeting. The OC will together with one person from the Board make a schedule for the<br />

meeting, do the calling for the meeting and be responsible for the registration to the<br />

meeting.<br />

The Board Members are responsible for, in time, sending Documents and Agenda for<br />

the meeting to the participants.<br />

Policy Outline on How to <strong>Get</strong> ESN International<br />

Support<br />

This year several organisations asked ESN International for support. For instance,<br />

asking promotion, to provide data or to forward emails. We believe that ESN should go<br />

on fulfilling such request but receiving something in exchange. This policy outline<br />

applies for external or internal organisations, such as event OCs, sections, etc.<br />

If for instance an ESN section wants to promote an event through ESN International<br />

(CNR, mailing list, etc.) the present policy outline has to be respected.<br />

This policy outline was proposed by Board and approved by CNR at Debrecen meeting<br />

in May<br />

2004.<br />

Of course it could be matter of independent negotiation for each support request but<br />

having such a document approved by the <strong>AGM</strong> is strengthening very much our position<br />

in negotiations since the points of this policy cannot be matter of negotiations. For<br />

special cases the last sentence of the policy can take effect.<br />

ESN International policy outline on<br />

How to get ESN International support<br />

Any organisation, whether internal or external, who requests support from ESN<br />

International of any kind has to respect the following policy outline.<br />

• At least three countries have to be involved in the event<br />

• The event has to be organized according to the regulations and spirit of ESN<br />

International<br />

• ESN International’s name and logo have to be promoted<br />

• Board and CNR must be informed at latest three months in advance in order to<br />

organise the support and check if the event is arranged according to the<br />

regulations and spirit of ESN International<br />

• If an external organisation is organising the event, a donation to ESN<br />

International, depending on the nature of the event, has to be agreed with the<br />

relevant decision making body of ESN International before the event takes place.<br />

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If this policy is not respected, ESN International will not provide any help and measures<br />

can be taken in case ESN International support has already been granted.<br />

ESN International Board can approve exceptions on this policy.<br />

How to visit ESN House?<br />

Written by Davide Capecchi, President<br />

The ESNHouse the most Pallomeri place in Brussels. It is open for all ESN members,<br />

and everybody is welcome to pass by. Naturally, it is necessary to state some basic<br />

rules as the main aim of this project is to provide the board and the secretary of ESN<br />

with the best possible environment for serving the network.<br />

How to get there<br />

The ESNHouse is located in Rue Hydraulique 15 in Brussels.<br />

The closest Metro station is Madou - served by the same line that connects the Gare du<br />

Midi. The Metro station Art-Loi (Kunst-Wet) is also really close to the house and is 2<br />

stops away from the Central Station. If you plan to come to Brussels by train, the best<br />

option is to drop off at Gare du Midi and then take the metro or to head to Brussels<br />

Central and either take the metro or challenge yourself in a 15-minute walk (watch the<br />

rain - this is Belgium).<br />

In case of need, you can call to the office, at +3222902271 during office time or to the<br />

ESN Mobile Phone at +32485924512 (maybe an sms is enough).<br />

Booking<br />

Please notice the Secretary at secretariat@esn.org at least 1 week before your arrival.<br />

As general rules for distributing the guests are applied, call and leave a message at<br />

+3222902271.<br />

General Rules<br />

• The house is a non smoking place. If you really want to smoke, please do it on the<br />

balcony or in the street.<br />

• Please remove your shoes after entering the house.<br />

• A present from the wish list would be more than welcome (to the updated wish list<br />

ask the Secretary)<br />

• The guests are kindly asked to sign the guestbook before leaving ?<br />

Overnight<br />

• The main purpose of the house is for working, so<br />

• Please no more than 3 guests a night.<br />

• Please no more than 10 person-nights a week and 20 person-nights a month.<br />

244<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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• Please no more than 3 nights per guest.<br />

• No money will be asked to the members of ESN or ESN Alumni for sleeping in the<br />

house.<br />

Cleaning<br />

• Before leaving, the guests have to make sure that they didn't leave any garbage in<br />

the house.<br />

• The guests are kindly requested to help with the general cleaning of the house<br />

during their stay.<br />

Guests of the ESNHouse were<br />

Marco Turra, ISN Amsterdam, ESN Leiden, Ivana Petričević, parents Christof<br />

Devriendt, Justin, Nina Jansen, Sjoerd Leem, Flavia, Viera, Martin, Jörg, Kasia, Andrea,<br />

Alke, Leon (president AEGEE), Toon, Vilja, Tiina Naskali and friend, Laurent, Laurence<br />

Banville, Pavla Suchmova and friend, Anita Petričević, Ewan Munro, Moner Murtaja,<br />

Adina Antone, Eva Gänsdorfer, Robert Cohen and friend, Andreas Weinberger and<br />

friend, Ewa's sisters, Ewa's sisters' friend ESN Utrecht, Suzanne Engelsman and friend,<br />

Giorgio Marinoni, Diana Ivan… and many others: their presence brought colour and joy<br />

to our place!<br />

We are waiting for you in Brussels!<br />

245<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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Table of Abbreviations<br />

ACA Academic Cooperation Association<br />

AISBL Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif (international non profit<br />

organisation)<br />

AEGEE Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l'Europe<br />

AG Administrative Grant<br />

<strong>AGM</strong> Annual General Meeting<br />

AM Accompanying Measures<br />

BA Bachelor<br />

BEST Board of European Students of Technology<br />

BM Board Meeting<br />

BP Bologna Process<br />

CEP Central European Platform<br />

CI Corporate Identity<br />

CM Cultural Medley<br />

CNR Council of National Representatives<br />

CRUI Italian Conference of Rectors<br />

DG Direction Générale (EU Department)<br />

EAIE European Association of International Education<br />

EC European Commission<br />

EC DG EAC European Commission Directorate General Education and Culture<br />

ECTS European Credit Transfer System<br />

EEA European Academic Area<br />

EEP Eastern European Platform<br />

EEN East European Net<br />

EFA European Forum Alpbach<br />

EHEA European Higher Education Area<br />

ENIC European Network of Information Centres<br />

ENQA European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education<br />

ELSA European Law Students Association<br />

ESIB National Unions of Students<br />

EUA European University Association<br />

EURES European Employment Services<br />

EYF European Youth Forum<br />

HE Higher Education<br />

HEI Higher Education Institution<br />

IAESTE International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical<br />

Experience<br />

ICT Information and Communication Technology<br />

IFISO Informal Forum of International Student Organisations<br />

IFMSA The International Federation of Medical Students' Associations<br />

ILSA International Law Students Association<br />

246<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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INPO International Non Profit Organisation<br />

IRO International Relations Office<br />

ISIC International Student Identity Card<br />

KP Koeweiden Postma<br />

NA Network Administrator<br />

NARIC National Academic Recognition Centres<br />

NB National Board<br />

NEP Northern European Platform<br />

NGO Non Governmental Organisation<br />

NNM Nordic Network Meeting<br />

NP National Platform<br />

NR National Representative<br />

OC Organising Committee<br />

P President<br />

PM Project Management<br />

PR Public Relations<br />

RBM Regular Board Member<br />

RP Regional Platform<br />

SAFSA Study Abroad and Foreign Student Advisers<br />

SECEB Sharing Experiences on Cultural Education Realising the Bologna Process<br />

SEP Southern European Platform<br />

SG Secretary General<br />

SO Student Organisation<br />

T Treasurer<br />

TNP3 Thematic Network Project in the Area of Languages III<br />

UNESCO United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation<br />

VP Vice President<br />

WEP Western European Platform<br />

WISE World Initiative of Students for Exchange<br />

247<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

1<br />

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Section codes<br />

Written by Tomaso Bisol and Davide Capecchi, Network Administrator and President<br />

Section codes are an internal, recently added tool used at the international level of ESN<br />

in order to simplify the identification of a section and to avoid misunderstandings.<br />

In general we can say that every time one section wants or has to be identified rapidly it<br />

is welcome to claim itself with the code rather than (or along with) the name.<br />

Examples of section code use include:<br />

- Payments and bank transfers;<br />

- Invoices;<br />

- List of codes of ESNCards;<br />

- Sections' questionnaires and data kept in the HQ;<br />

- Section identification in the ESN Galaxy;<br />

- Username when accessing reserved areas.<br />

The codes are created by the Network Administrator and they are divided in 3 parts:<br />

National Code: the international 2 letters code<br />

City: usually, the first 4 letters of the city where the section is based.<br />

Section: three letters for identifying the section or the university. If there is no specific<br />

need this field is "ESN", otherwise the own acronym/name of the section will be used.<br />

This is important in cities with more sections.<br />

Codes do not cancel or replace section names by any means.<br />

Their change can be requested by a section, of course for a reason.<br />

Examples of section codes are:<br />

EE-TALL-ESN for ESN Tallinn, Estonia;<br />

IT-MILA-BIC for ESN Milano Bicocca, Italy;<br />

IT-MILA-IUL for ESN Milano IULM, Italy;<br />

HU-VESZ-ESN for ESN Veszprém, Hungary.<br />

Incr Section Country ESNCode<br />

1 ESN TU Graz Austria AT-GRAZ-TUN<br />

2 ESN Uni Graz Austria AT-GRAZ-UNI<br />

3 ESN Innsbruck Austria AT-INNS-ESN<br />

4 ESN Klagenfurt Austria AT-KLAG-ESN<br />

5 ESN Kufstein Austria AT-KUFS-ESN<br />

6 ESN Linz Austria AT-LINZ-ESN<br />

7 ESN Salzburg Austria AT-SALZ-ESN<br />

8 ESN Steyr Austria AT-STEY-ESN<br />

9 ESN BOKU Wien Austria AT-WIEN-BOK<br />

248<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

10 ESN Med Uni Wien Austria AT-WIEN-MUN<br />

11 ESN TU Wien Austria AT-WIEN-TUN<br />

12 ESN Uni Wien Austria AT-WIEN-UNI<br />

13 ESN WU Wien Austria AT-WIEN-WUN<br />

14 ESN FH Campus Wien Austria AT-WIEN-FTH<br />

15 ESN UAS Vienna Austria AT-WIEN-UAS<br />

16 ISN St Poelten Austria AT-STPO-ESN<br />

17 ESN Wien WKW Austria AT-WIEN-WKW<br />

18 ESN Antwerpen Belgium BE-ANTW-ESN<br />

19 ESN Brussels Belgium BE-BRUS-ESN<br />

20 ESN Gent Belgium BE-GENT-ESN<br />

21 ESN HEC Liège Belgium BE-LIEG-HEC<br />

22 ESN Universite de Liège Belgium BE-LIEG-UN<br />

23 ESN Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium BE-LLNE-ESN<br />

24 ESN EHSAL ESB Belgium BE-BRUS-EHS<br />

25 ESN Sarajevo<br />

Bosnia and<br />

Herzegovina BA-SARA-ESN<br />

26 ISC Famagusta Cyprus CY-FAMA-IS<br />

27 ISC Intercollege Cyprus CY-NICO-IS<br />

28 ESN Lefkosia Cyprus CY-NICO-LF<br />

29 ESN Kyrenia GAU Cyprus CY-KYRE-ESN<br />

30 ISC Brno Czech Republic CZ-BRNO-ISC<br />

31 ESN UP OLOMOUC Czech Republic CZ-OLOM-UPA<br />

32 ISC CTU <strong>Prague</strong> Czech Republic CZ-PRAG-CTU<br />

33 ESN VSE <strong>Prague</strong> Czech Republic CZ-PRAG-VSE<br />

34 ESN Aalborg Denmark DK-AALB-ESN<br />

35 ESN Aarhus Denmark DK-AARH-ESN<br />

36 ESN Copenhagen Denmark DK-COPE-ESN<br />

37 ESN Odense Denmark DK-ODEN-ESN<br />

38 ESN Roskilde Denmark DK-ROSK-ESN<br />

39 ESN Tallinn Estonia EE-TALL-ESN<br />

40 ESN Tartu Estonia EE-TART-ESN<br />

41 ESN-Kolmirauta Finland FI-ESPO-KOL<br />

42 ESN Laureamko Finland FI-ESPO-LAU<br />

43 ESN-HYY Helsinki Finland FI-HELS-HYY<br />

44 ESN KANTO Group Helia Helsinki Finland FI-HELS-KAN<br />

45 ESN Hamok Finland FI-HELS-POS<br />

46 ESN Helsinki TKY Finland FI-HELS-TKY<br />

47 ESN JoYY Joensuu Finland FI-JOEN-JYY<br />

48 ESN-JYY Jyvaskyla Finland FI-JYVA-JYY<br />

49 ESN OYY Oulu Finland FI-OULU-OYY<br />

50 ESN Tamy Tampere Finland FI-TAMP-TAM<br />

51 ESN Åbo Akademi Finland FI-TURK-AAU<br />

52 ESN TuKY Turku Finland FI-TURK-TUK<br />

249<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

53 ESN TYY Turku Finland FI-TURK-TYY<br />

54 ESN VYY Vaasa Finland FI-VAAS-VYY<br />

55 ESN Ales France FR-ALES-ESN<br />

56 AEIB ESN-Besançon Franche-Comté France FR-BESA-AEI<br />

57 ESN Télécom Bretagne France FR-BRET-TEL<br />

58 ESN Lille France FR-LILL-ESN<br />

59 ESN Lyon France FR-LYON-ESN<br />

60 ESN Nancy France FR-NANC-ESN<br />

61 ESN Nantes France FR-NANT-ESN<br />

62 ESN Paris France FR-PARI-ESN<br />

63 ESN Strasbourg France FR-STRA-ESN<br />

64 ESN APIEE Toulouse 3 France FR-TOUL-API<br />

65 ESN ASER Toulouse 1 France FR-TOUL-ASE<br />

66 ESN SAM Toulouse 2 France FR-TOUL-SAM<br />

67 ESN XENOS Toulouse 4 France FR-TOUL-XEN<br />

68 ESN Bochum Germany DE-BOCH-ESN<br />

69 ESN Dortmund Germany DE-DORT-ESN<br />

70 ESN HTW Dresden Germany DE-DRES-HTW<br />

71 ESN TU Dresden Germany DE-DRES-TUN<br />

72 ESN FH Frankfurt/Main Germany DE-FRMA-FH<br />

73 ESN Uni Frankfurt/Main Germany DE-FRMA-UNI<br />

74 ESN Hamburg-Harburg Germany DE-HAMB-HAR<br />

75 ESN Hannover Germany DE-HANN-ESN<br />

76 ESN Geislingen Germany DE-HAUN-GEI<br />

77 ESN Jena Germany DE-JENA-ESN<br />

78 ESN Mannheim Germany DE-MANN-ESN<br />

79 ESN Munich / MESA Germany DE-MUNI-MES<br />

80 ESN Rostock Germany DE-ROST-ESN<br />

81 ESN Düsseldorf Germany DE-DUES-ESN<br />

82 ESN Greifswald Germany DE-GREI-ESN<br />

83 ESN Bremen Germany DE-BREM-ESN<br />

84 ESN Athens Greece GR-ATHE-ESN<br />

85 ESN Ioannina Greece GR-IOAN-ESN<br />

86 ESN Budapest BME Hungary HU-BUPE-BME<br />

87 ESN Budapest ELTE Hungary HU-BUPE-ELT<br />

88 ESN Debrecen Hungary HU-DEBR-ESN<br />

89 ESN Eger Hungary HU-EGER-ESN<br />

90 ESN Gyõr Hungary HU-GYOR-ESN<br />

91 ESN Pecs Hungary HU-PECS-ESN<br />

92 ESN Szeged Hungary HU-SZEG-ESN<br />

93 ESN Veszprém Hungary HU-VESZ-ESN<br />

94 ESN UCD Dublin Ireland IE-DUBL-UCD<br />

95 ESN Limerick Ireland IE-LIME-ESN<br />

96 ESN Cork Ireland IE-CORK-ESN<br />

250<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

97 ESN Benevento Italy IT-BENE-ESN<br />

98 ESN Bologna Italy IT-BOLO-ESN<br />

99 ESN A.U.R.E. Camerino Italy IT-CAME-AUR<br />

100 ESN Castellanza Italy IT-CAST-ESN<br />

101 ESN Cosenza Italy IT-COSE-ESN<br />

102 ESN Genova Italy IT-GENO-ESN<br />

103 ESN L'aquila Italy IT-LAQU-ESN<br />

104 ESN Lecce Italy IT-LECC-ESN<br />

105 ESN Messina Italy IT-MESS-ESN<br />

106 ESN Milano Bicocca Italy IT-MILA-BIC<br />

107 ESN Milano Bocconi Italy IT-MILA-BOC<br />

108 ESN Milano Cattolica Italy IT-MILA-CAT<br />

109 ESN IULM Milano Italy IT-MILA-IUL<br />

110 ESN Milano Politecnico Italy IT-MILA-POL<br />

111 ESN Milano Statale Italy IT-MILA-STA<br />

112 ESN Padova Italy IT-PADO-ESN<br />

113 ESN Palermo Italy IT-PALE-ESN<br />

114 ESN ASSI Parma Italy IT-PARM-ASI<br />

115 ESN Pavia Italy IT-PAVI-ESN<br />

116 ESN Pisa Italy IT-PISA-ESN<br />

117 ESN Rimini Italy IT-RIMI-ESN<br />

118 ESN Roma ASE Italy IT-ROMA-ASE<br />

119 ESN Siena GES Italy IT-SIEN-GES<br />

120 ESN Teramo Italy IT-TERA-ESN<br />

121 ESN Torino – Erasmustorino Italy IT-TORI-ETO<br />

122 ESN Trento Italy IT-TREN-ESN<br />

123 ESN Verona Italy IT-VERO-ESN<br />

124 ESN Viterbo Italy IT-VITE-ESN<br />

125 ESN Partenope Italy IT-NAPO-PAR<br />

126 ESN Modena ENEA Italy IT-MODE-ESN<br />

127 ESN Reggio Calabria Italy IT-RECA-ESN<br />

128 ESN Sassari Italy IT-SASS-ESN<br />

129 ESN Riga Latvia LV-RIGA-ESN<br />

130 ESN Kaunas Lithuania LT-KAUN-ESN<br />

131 ESN Šiauliai Lithuania LT-SIAL-ESN<br />

132 ESN Vilnius Lithuania LT-VILN-ESN<br />

133 ESN Malta Malta ML-MALT-ESN<br />

134 ESN Ifrane Morocco MA-IFRA-ESN<br />

135 ESN Marrakech Morocco MA-MARR-ESN<br />

136 ESN SETTAT Morocco MA-SETT-ESN<br />

137 ESN Finnmark Norway NO-ALTA-ESN<br />

138 ESN Bergen Norway NO-BERG-ESN<br />

139 ESN Agder Norway NO-KGAR-AGD<br />

140 ESN Molde Norway NO-MOLD-ESN<br />

251<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

141 ESN Trondheim Norway NO-TRON-ESN<br />

142 ESN-PCz Poland PL-CZES-PCZ<br />

143 ESN-AMG Gdansk Poland PL-GDAN-AMG<br />

144 ESN Gdansk (Politechnika) Poland PL-GDAN-POL<br />

145 ESN UG Gdansk Poland PL-GDAN-UNG<br />

146 ESN-AE Katowice Poland PL-KATO-ACE<br />

147 ESN AE Krakow Poland PL-KRAK-ACE<br />

148 ESN-UJ Poland PL-KRAK-UNJ<br />

149 ESN UL Lodz Poland PL-LODZ-UNL<br />

150 ESN UMCS Lublin Poland PL-LUBL-UMC<br />

151 ESN-PO-Opole Poland PL-OPOL-POL<br />

152 ESN Poznan Poland PL-POZN-ESN<br />

153 ESN-UAM Poland PL-POZN-UAM<br />

154 ESN-UMK Toruń Poland PL-TORU-UMK<br />

155 ESN Warsaw Academia Medyczna Poland PL-WARS-ACM<br />

156 ESN Collegium Civitas Poland PL-WARS-COC<br />

157 ESN Lazarski Poland PL-WARS-LAZ<br />

158 ESN Warsaw School of Economics Poland PL-WARS-SEC<br />

159 ESN SGGW Poland PL-WARS-SGG<br />

160 ESN UW Warsaw Poland PL-WARS-UNW<br />

161 ESN - PWr Poland PL-WROC-PWR<br />

162 ESN Wroclaw Poland PL-WROS-ESN<br />

163 ESN AGH Poland PL-KRAK-AGH<br />

164 ESN PW Poland PL-WARS-WPW<br />

165 ESN AAUAv Portugal PT-AAUA-ESN<br />

166 ASE-UC/ESN Coimbra Portugal PT-COIM-ASE<br />

167 SRI- ESN Evora Portugal PT-EVOR-SRI<br />

168 ESN Lisboa Portugal PT-LISB-ESN<br />

169 ESN Nova Lisboa Portugal PT-LISB-NOV<br />

170 ESN UAL Lisboa Portugal PT-LISB-UAL<br />

171 ESN Minho Portugal PT-MINH-ESN<br />

172 ESN Porto Portugal PT-PORT-ESN<br />

173 ESN UTAD Portugal PT-VILA-ESN<br />

174 ESN Bucharest Romania RO-BUCH-ESN<br />

175 ESN Cluj-Napoca Romania RO-CLUJ-ESN<br />

176 ESN Belgrade Serbia YU-BELG-ESN<br />

177 ESN Buddy System Slovakia/ Slovakia Slovakia SK-BRAT-BSS<br />

178 ESN Primorska Slovenia SI-KOPE-PRI<br />

179 ESN Kranj Slovenia SI-KRAN-ESN<br />

180 ESN Ljubljana Slovenia SI-LJUB-ESN<br />

181 ESN Maribor Slovenia SI-MARI-ESN<br />

182 ESN SOUM Maribor Slovenia SI-MARI-SOU<br />

183 ESN Alcala Spain ES-ALCA-ESN<br />

184 ESN UAB Barcelona Spain ES-BARC-UAB<br />

252<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

185 ESN Cádiz Spain ES-CADI-ESN<br />

186 Esn Jaén Spain ES-JAEN-ESN<br />

187 ESN Madrid Carlos III Spain ES-MADR-UC3<br />

188 ESN Rey Juan Carlos Spain ES-MADR-RJC<br />

189 ESN UAM Madrid Spain ES-MADR-UAM<br />

190 ESN UCM Madrid Spain ES-MADR-UCM<br />

191 ESN Murcia Spain ES-MURC-ESN<br />

192 ESN Sevilla Spain ES-SEVI-ESN<br />

193 ESN Toledo Spain ES-TOLE-ESN<br />

194 ESN Zaragoza Spain ES-ZARA-ESN<br />

195 ESN Kalmar Sweden SE-KALM-ESN<br />

196 ESN Linköping Sweden SE-LINK-ESN<br />

197 ESN Lund Sweden SE-LUND-ESN<br />

198 ESN Örebro Sweden SE-OREB-ESN<br />

199 ESN Skövde Sweden SE-SKOV-ESN<br />

200 ESN Stockholm KTH Sweden SE-STOC-KTH<br />

201 ESN Växjö Sweden SE-VAXJ-ESN<br />

202 ESN Fribourg Switzerland CH-FRIB-ESN<br />

203 ESN Genève Uni Switzerland CH-GENE-UNI<br />

204 ESN EIVD Lausanne Switzerland CH-LAUS-EIV<br />

205 ESN Lausanne EPFL, Xchange EPFL Switzerland CH-LAUS-XEP<br />

206 ESN Lausanne Xchange UNIL Switzerland CH-LAUS-XUL<br />

207 ESN Sion/Sierre Switzerland CH-SIOE-ESN<br />

208 ESN Wädenswill Switzerland CH-WAED-ESN<br />

209 ESN Winterthur Switzerland CH-WINT-ESN<br />

210 ESN Zurich ETH Switzerland CH-ZURI-ETH<br />

211 ESN Zurich Uni Switzerland CH-ZURI-UNI<br />

212 ESN Bern Switzerland CH-BERN-ESN<br />

213 ESN Basel Switzerland CH-BASE-ESN<br />

214 ISN Amsterdam The Netherlands NL-AMST-ISN<br />

215 ESN-V+B43Universe The Netherlands NL-AMST-VUN<br />

216 ISN Eindhoven The Netherlands NL-EIND-ISN<br />

217 S.M.I.T. Enschede The Netherlands NL-ENSC-SMI<br />

218 ESN WINGS Groningen The Netherlands NL-GRON-WIN<br />

219 ESN Haarlem The Netherlands NL-HAAR-ESN<br />

220 Esn Leeuwarden The Netherlands NL-LEEU-ESN<br />

221 ESN Leiden The Netherlands NL-LEID-ESN<br />

222 ESN Maastricht The Netherlands NL-MAAS-ESN<br />

223 ESN Nijmegen The Netherlands NL-NIJM-ESN<br />

224 ESN Tilburg The Netherlands NL-TILB-ESN<br />

225 ESN Utrecht The Netherlands NL-UTRE-ESN<br />

226 ESN Anadolu Turkey TR-ESKI-ANA<br />

227 ESN Bilgi Turkey TR-ISTA-BIL<br />

228 ESN ITU Istanbul Turkey TR-ISTA-ITU<br />

253<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

1<br />

229 ESN Ege Izmir Turkey TR-IZMI-EGE<br />

230 ESN Bogazici Turkey TR-ISTA-BOG<br />

231 ESN Galatasaray Turkey TR-ISTA-GAL<br />

232 ESN Yildiz Turkey TR-ISTA-YIL<br />

233 ESN Akdeniz Turkey TR-ANTA-ESN<br />

234 ESN Sabanci Turkey TR-ISTA-sab<br />

235 ESN Kultur Turkey TR-ISTA-KUL<br />

236 ESN Beykent Turkey TR-ISTA-BEY<br />

237 Kent Erasmus Society United Kingdom GB-CANT-KES<br />

238 ESN - Durham United Kingdom GB-DURH-ESN<br />

239 ESN Edinburgh United Kingdom GB-EDIN-ESN<br />

240 ESN -Nottingham United Kingdom GB-NOTT-ESN<br />

241 ESN Glasgow United Kingdom GB-GLAS-ESN<br />

254<br />


Phone + 32 2 2902271<br />

www.esn.org<br />

secretariat@esn.org<br />

No Enterprise (BE): 876.728.263

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