nagarjuna information systems limited - Nagarjuna Fertilizers

nagarjuna information systems limited - Nagarjuna Fertilizers

nagarjuna information systems limited - Nagarjuna Fertilizers


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The Members of<br />


1. We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of <strong>Nagarjuna</strong> Oil Corporation Ltd, as at<br />

31 st March, 2007, Expenditure Pending Allocation Account of the company and also<br />

the cash flow statement for the year ended on that date annexed thereto. These<br />

financial statements are the responsibility of the company’s management. Our<br />

responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our<br />

audit.<br />

2. We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted<br />

in India. These standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain<br />

reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material<br />

misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the<br />

amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing<br />

the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well<br />

as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit<br />

provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.<br />

3. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003 as amended by<br />

Companies (Auditors’ Report) Order (Amendment) 2004, issued by the Central<br />

Government of India in terms of sub-section (4A) of section 227 of the Companies<br />

Act, 1956, we enclose in the Annexure a statement on the matters specified in<br />

paragraphs 4 and 5 of the said Order.<br />

4. Further to our comments in the Annexure referred to above, we report that:<br />

i) We have obtained all the <strong>information</strong> and explanations, which to the best of<br />

our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit;<br />

ii)<br />

iii)<br />

iv)<br />

In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by<br />

the company so far as appears from our examination of those books;<br />

The Balance Sheet, Expenditure Pending Allocation Account and the cash<br />

flow statement dealt with by this report is in agreement with the books of<br />

account;<br />

In our opinion, the Balance Sheet, Expenditure Pending Allocation Account<br />

and the cash flow statement dealt with by this report complies with the<br />

applicable Accounting standards referred to in sub-section (3C) of section 211<br />

of the Companies Act, 1956;


v) On the basis of written representations received from the directors, as on 31 st<br />

March, 2007 and taken on record by the Board of Directors, we report that<br />

none of the directors is disqualified as on 31 st March, 2007 from being<br />

appointed as a director in terms of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of section 274<br />

of the Companies Act, 1956;<br />

vi)<br />

We draw attention to Note 3 under Schedule 9 to the Financial Statements:<br />

Financial Statements for the year are drawn up on a going concern basis on<br />

considering the developments in the financial closure (equity and debt tie up)<br />

and management’s perception of operational and commercial viability of the<br />

project.<br />

vii)<br />

In our opinion and to the best of our <strong>information</strong> and according to the<br />

explanations given to us, the said accounts read together with other notes<br />

thereon and Significant Accounting Policies give the <strong>information</strong> required by<br />

the Companies Act, 1956, in the manner so required and give a true and fair<br />

view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India:<br />

i) in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the company<br />

as at 31 st March, 2007;<br />

ii)<br />

iii)<br />

in the case of the Expenditure Pending Allocation Account, of the<br />

expenditure for the year ended on that date;<br />

in the case of the cash flow statement, of the cash flows for the year<br />

ended on that date.<br />

for M. BHASKARA RAO & Co.<br />


Sd/-<br />


Partner<br />

MEMBERSHIP NO.201570<br />

Place: Hyderabad.<br />

Date: 26-04-2007.




Referred to in paragraph 3 of our report of even date<br />

(i)<br />

(a) The company has maintained proper records showing full particulars including<br />

quantitative details and situation of fixed assets.<br />

(b) According to the <strong>information</strong> and explanations given to us all the assets have<br />

been physically verified by the management once during the year under report.<br />

As explained to us, no discrepancies were noticed on such verification.<br />

(ii)<br />

(c) During the year, the company has not disposed off substantial part of the fixed<br />

assets.<br />

The company does not have inventory. Hence clause (ii) of paragraph 4 of the<br />

Companies (Auditors’ Report) Order, 2003 is not applicable.<br />

(iii)(a) According to the <strong>information</strong> and explanations given to us, the company has not<br />

granted any loans secured or unsecured, to companies, firms or other parties<br />

covered in the register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956.<br />

As the company has not granted any loans to such parties, sub clauses (b), (c) and<br />

(d) of clause (iii) of this Order are not applicable.<br />

(b) According to the <strong>information</strong> and explanations given to us, the company has not<br />

taken any loans secured or unsecured, from companies, firms or other parties<br />

covered in the register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956.<br />

As the company has not taken any loans from such parties, sub clauses (f) and (g)<br />

of clause (iii) of this Order are not applicable.<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

(vi)<br />

In our opinion and according to the <strong>information</strong> and explanations given to us,<br />

there are adequate internal control <strong>systems</strong> commensurate with the size of the<br />

company and the nature of its business with regard to purchase of fixed assets.<br />

During the year the company had no purchase of inventory or sale of goods or sale<br />

of services. In our opinion and according to the <strong>information</strong> and explanations<br />

given to us, there is no continuing failure to correct major weakness in internal<br />

control <strong>systems</strong>.<br />

(a) In our opinion and according to the <strong>information</strong> and explanations given to us<br />

and based on the representations by the management, there is no contract or<br />

arrangement that needs to be entered in the register to be maintained under<br />

section 301 of the Act.<br />

(b) In view of the above, clause v (b) of paragraph 4 of the Companies (Auditor’s<br />

Report) Order, 2003 is not applicable.<br />

The company has not accepted any deposits from the public.


(vii)<br />

In our opinion the company has an internal audit system commensurate with the<br />

size and nature of its business.<br />

(viii) As the project is under implementation, the provisions of clause viii of paragraph<br />

4 of the Companies (Auditors’ Report) Order, 2003 is not applicable.<br />

(ix)<br />

(a) According to the <strong>information</strong> and explanations given to us and the records of<br />

the company, the company has been regular in depositing undisputed statutory<br />

dues including provident fund, income tax, customs duty, service tax and other<br />

applicable statutory dues with the appropriate authorities. According to the<br />

<strong>information</strong> and explanations given to us, there are no arrears of statutory dues as<br />

at 31 st March 2007 which are outstanding for a period of more than 6 months from<br />

the date they became payable.<br />

(b) According to the <strong>information</strong> and explanations given to us, there were no dues<br />

of income tax/ sales tax/ wealth tax/service tax/ customs duty/ excise duty/ cess<br />

which have not been deposited on account of any dispute.<br />

(x)<br />

(xi)<br />

As the project is under implementation stage the company has no accumulated<br />

losses at the end of the financial year and has not incurred any cash losses in the<br />

financial year under report and in the immediately preceding financial year.<br />

The Company has defaulted in repayment of dues to banks / financial institution as<br />

follows:<br />

Bank / Financial<br />

Institution<br />

Date / Period of<br />

Default<br />

Particulars<br />

Principal O/s<br />

(Rs.)<br />

Interest O/s<br />

(Rs.)<br />

Karur Vysya June 2001 to Devolvement of<br />

0 7,23,78,018<br />

Bank Ltd. March 2007 Letters of Credit<br />

Indian Overseas January 2005 to Devolvement of 18,92,77,976 1,69,07,420<br />

Bank<br />

March 2007 Letters of Credit<br />

UTI Bank Ltd January 2005 to Devolvement of 48,76,35,483 16,56,00,747<br />

March 2007 Letters of Credit<br />

Exim Bank March 2007 Overdue Interest 0 1,85,76,717<br />

(xii)<br />

According to the <strong>information</strong> and explanations given to us, the company has not<br />

granted any loans and advances on the basis of security by way of pledge of<br />

shares, debentures and other securities.<br />

(xiii) The company is not a Chit Fund/Nidhi/Mutual fund/Society. Accordingly the<br />

provisions of clause 4(xiii) of the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003 are<br />

not applicable to the company.<br />

(xiv)<br />

The company is not dealing in or trading in shares, securities, debentures and<br />

other investments. Accordingly the provisions of clause 4(xiv) of the Companies<br />

(Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003 are not applicable to the company.


(xv)<br />

(xvi)<br />

According to the <strong>information</strong> and explanations given to us, the company has not<br />

given any guarantee for loans taken by others from any bank or financial<br />

institution.<br />

In our opinion the term loan was applied for the purpose for which it was<br />

obtained.<br />

(xvii) According to the <strong>information</strong> and explanations given to us and on an overall<br />

examination of the balance sheet of the company, we report that short term funds<br />

were not used for long term investment during the year.<br />

(xviii) According to the <strong>information</strong> and explanations given to us, the company, during<br />

the year under report, has not made any preferential allotment of shares to parties<br />

and companies covered in the register maintained under Section 301 of the<br />

Companies Act, 1956.<br />

(xix) The company has not issued any debentures during the year.<br />

(xx)<br />

(xxi)<br />

The company has not made any public issue of shares during the year.<br />

Based upon the audit procedures performed and <strong>information</strong> and explanations<br />

given by the management, we report that no fraud on or by the company has been<br />

noticed or reported during the course of our audit.<br />

for M. BHASKARA RAO & Co.<br />


Sd/-<br />


Partner<br />

MEMBERSHIP NO.201570<br />

Place: Hyderabad.<br />

Date: 26-04-2007.



31 ST MARCH, 2007



As at<br />

As at<br />

Particulars Schedule 31.03.2007 31.03.2006<br />

Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

Sources of Funds<br />

Shareholders' Funds<br />

Share Capital 1 6,845,000,000 5,920,000,000<br />

Reserves and Surplus 2 106,842 106,842<br />

Secured Loans 3 1,595,296,233 1,601,705,916<br />

Total 8,440,403,075 7,521,812,758<br />

Application of Funds<br />

Fixed Assets 4<br />

Gross Block 54,062,074 53,465,906<br />

Less: Depreciation 18,932,847 17,927,909<br />

Net Block 35,129,227 35,537,997<br />

Capital Work in Progress 5 8,070,754,865 6,981,877,419<br />

Expenditure pending allocation account 3,197,053,944 2,642,430,259<br />

Current Assets, Loans and Advances 6<br />

Cash and Bank Balances 4,341,774 14,718,073<br />

Other Current Assets<br />

Loans and Advances 6,746,702 7,686,843<br />

11,088,476 22,404,916<br />

Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions 7 3,200,713,366 2,487,527,762<br />

Net Current Assets (3,189,624,890) (2,465,122,846)<br />

Miscellaneous Expenditure<br />

(to the extent not written off or adjusted) 8 327,089,929 327,089,929<br />

Total 8,440,403,075 7,521,812,758<br />

Accounting policies and Notes on Accounts 9<br />

As per our report attached<br />

For M Bhaskara Rao & Co.,<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

V K Muralidhar<br />

Partner<br />

Place: Hyderabad<br />

Date: April26,2007<br />

For and on behalf of the Board<br />

Dr.Abid Hussain<br />

Chairman<br />

Shr KS Raju<br />

Shri Minoo R Shroff<br />

Shri S Ramasundaram<br />

Shri Shankarnarayan R Rao<br />

Directors<br />

S Rammohan<br />

Managing Director



As at<br />

As at<br />

Particulars 31.03.2007 31.03.2006<br />

Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

Salaries & Wages 40,601,579 17,064,342<br />

Contribution to Provident and other funds 4,447,275 2,014,932<br />

Staff Welfare expenses 2,923,210 1,624,668<br />

Rent 5,787,451 4,672,000<br />

Rates & Taxes including Fringe Benefit Tax 3,304,925 17,327<br />

Repairs and Maintenance - Others 2,535,432 1,678,517<br />

Insurance-Office eqpt. & others 1,129,002 1,385,106<br />

Printing & Stationery 548,156 347,624<br />

Postage, Telephone and Telex etc. 1,449,137 1,182,731<br />

Travelling and Conveyance 12,786,353 8,386,608<br />

Advertisement 270,025 265,961<br />

Recruitment & Training 665,429 283,301<br />

Legal & Professional Charges 37,214,292 10,796,167<br />

Directors Sitting Fees 24,000 22,000<br />

Directors Travel Expenses 3,268,432 2,107,226<br />

Auditors Remuneration 593,324 499,909<br />

Loss on sale of fixed assets (Net) 155,843 380,122<br />

Security Expenses 2,281,719 1,863,447<br />

Electricity and Water charges 2,186,315 1,786,751<br />

Miscellaneous Expenses 2,357,408 1,202,038<br />

Depreciation 1,703,733 2,761,487<br />

Interest 417,794,389 300,765,062<br />

Financing Charges 10,966,789 11,247,387<br />

Less: Miscellaneous Income (TDS on Deposits -Rs.2,088/-,<br />

previous year Rs.1,083/-) (370,533) (9,890)<br />

Sub-Total 554,623,685 372,344,823<br />

Brought forward from previous year 2,642,430,259 2,270,085,436<br />

Carried forward to Balance Sheet - Total 3,197,053,944 2,642,430,259<br />

As per our report attached to the Balance Sheet<br />

For M Bhaskara Rao & Co.,<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

V K Muralidhar<br />

Partner<br />

Place: Hyderabad<br />

Date: April26,2007<br />

For and on behalf of the Board<br />

Dr.Abid Hussain<br />

Chairman<br />

Shr KS Raju<br />

Shri Minoo R Shroff<br />

Shri S Ramasundaram<br />

Shri Shankarnarayan R Rao<br />

Directors<br />

S Rammohan<br />

Managing Director



As at<br />

As at<br />

Particulars 31.03.2007 31.03.2006<br />

Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

Schedule 1 - Share Capital<br />

Authorised<br />

2,000,000,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each 20,000,000,000 12,000,000,000<br />

(Previous year 1,200,000,000 Equity Shares<br />

of Rs.10/- each)<br />

Issued, and Subscribed<br />

684,500,000 (Previous year 592,000,000) Equity Shares 6,845,000,000 5,920,000,000<br />

of Rs.10/- each, fully paid<br />

Total 6,845,000,000 5,920,000,000<br />

Schedule 2 - Reserves & Surplus<br />

General Reserve 106,842 106,842<br />

Total 106,842 106,842<br />

Schedule 3 - Secured Loans<br />

From Financial Institution *<br />

Exim Bank-Rupee Term Loan 644,794,874 696,474,012<br />

From Banks - Overdraft *<br />

Karur Vysya Bank - 54,518,562<br />

UTI Bank 487,635,483 487,635,483<br />

Indian Overseas Bank 189,277,976 219,277,976<br />

Hire Purchase Loan *<br />

ICICI Bank 124,997 291,665<br />

1,321,833,330 1,458,197,698<br />

Interest Accrued and Due 273,462,903 143,508,218<br />

Total 1,595,296,233 1,601,705,916<br />

* Repayments falling due in the next twelve months - Rs.769,152,008/- (Rs. 820,082,941/-)



Schedule 4 - Fixed Assets<br />

Rupees<br />

Gross Block (At Cost) DEPRECIATION Net Block<br />

Additions Deductions/ Deductions/<br />

Particulars As at during Adjustments As at Upto For the Adjustments Upto As at As at<br />

31.03.2006 the Period during the Period 31.03.2007 31.03.06 Period during the Period 31.03.2007 31.03.2007 31.03.2006<br />

Freehold Land 23,541,435 23,541,435 23,541,435 23,541,435<br />

Furniture, Fixtures & Office Equipment 28,386,310 1,610,522 239,700 29,757,132 17,246,353 1,572,815 74,928 18,744,240 11,012,892 11,139,957<br />

Vehicles 1,538,161 5,100 779,754 763,507 681,556 130,918 623,867 188,607 574,900 856,605<br />

Total 53,465,906 1,615,622 1,019,454 54,062,074 17,927,909 1,703,733 698,795 18,932,847 35,129,227 35,537,997<br />

PREVIOUS YEAR 53,875,520 709,335 1,118,949 53,465,906 15,827,426 2,761,487 661,004 17,927,909 35,537,997 38,048,094



Particulars As at 31.03.2007 As at 31.03.2006<br />

Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

Schedule 5 - Capital Work in Progress<br />

Site Development 97,228,709 97,228,709<br />

Building under construction 19,543,812 16,876,216<br />

Plant & Machinery:<br />

Equipment at Site * 4,230,038,451 4,144,024,344<br />

Equipment at European Ports** 2,783,782,863 610,752,492<br />

Construction Power 2,150,708 2,150,708<br />

Technical Services 878,798,561 892,026,593<br />

Advance against Capital Expenditure:<br />

Land & Site Development 48,638,543 48,638,543<br />

Plant & Machinery and Others 10,573,218 1,170,179,814<br />

* includes - Rs.69,45,00,104 (Previous year<br />

63,53,62,361) represents Cenvatable Customs<br />

duty.<br />

** Refer to note no.7 of Schedule 9 (II) - Notes<br />

to Accounts<br />

Total 8,070,754,865 6,981,877,419



As at As at<br />

Particulars 31.03.2007 31.03.2006<br />

Rupees Rupees<br />

Schedule 6 - Current Assets, Loans and Advances<br />

A. Current Assets<br />

Cash and Bank Balances<br />

Cash on Hand 98,109 83,544<br />

Balances with Scheduled Banks<br />

Current Accounts 4,243,665 14,634,529<br />

Sub-Total 4,341,774 14,718,073<br />

B. Loans and Advances<br />

Loans & Advances to Employees 71,050 93,036<br />

Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or<br />

for value to be received<br />

Advances to Suppliers / Services / Others 13,937 155,325<br />

Advance Payment of Tax including TDS 366,751 659,017<br />

Deposits with port and Customs Authorities 581,371 717,811<br />

Deposits with others 4,917,260 4,294,063<br />

Prepaid Expenses 796,333 539,485<br />

Fringe Benefit Tax - 1,228,106<br />

Sub-Total 6,746,702 7,686,843<br />

Total 11,088,476 22,404,916



As at<br />

As at<br />

Particulars 31.03.2007 31.03.2006<br />

Rupees<br />

Rupees<br />

Schedule 7 - Current Liabilities and Provisions<br />

Current Liabilities<br />

Sundry Creditors<br />

Small Scale Industries Nil Nil<br />

Others * 3,188,944,936 2,482,848,399<br />

Other Liabilities 6,654,320 853,364<br />

Interest accrued but not due 2,204,497 2,203,911<br />

3,197,803,753 2,485,905,674<br />

Provisions<br />

- Taxation 117,064 117,064<br />

- Fringe Benefit Tax - 110,156<br />

- Provident fund 386,675 56,574<br />

- Other staff benefit schemes 2,405,874 1,338,294<br />

Total 3,200,713,366 2,487,527,762<br />

* Includes amount due to <strong>Nagarjuna</strong> <strong>Fertilizers</strong> and Chemicals Ltd.,<br />

the Holding Company - Rs.14,78,18,771/- (Previous year<br />

Rs.57,19,46,838/-). Deposit from Tamil Nadu Industrial<br />

Development Corporation Ltd. Rs.23,20,00,000/-.(Previous year<br />

Rs.23,20,00,000)<br />

Schedule 8 - Miscellaneous Expenditure<br />

(to the extent not written off or adjusted)<br />

Preliminary Expenses 327,089,929 327,089,929<br />

Total 327,089,929 327,089,929



SCHEDULE 9 – Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts<br />

I Significant Accounting Policies:<br />

1. General:<br />

The Company follows accrual system of accounting and recognizes the income<br />

and expenditure on accrual basis unless otherwise stated. The accounts are<br />

prepared on historical cost convention.<br />

2. Fixed Assets:<br />

a. Fixed assets are stated at historical cost less depreciation.<br />

b. Borrowing Costs incurred on acquisition of Qualifying Assets are<br />

Capitalised.<br />

3. Foreign Currency Transactions:<br />

The transactions in foreign currencies remaining outstanding at the end of the<br />

year are translated at the exchange rates prevailing on the date of the Balance<br />

Sheet or at the rate of exchange fixed under contractual agreements. Exchange<br />

gain/ loss on transactions relating to liabilities incurred to acquire fixed assets is<br />

treated as an adjustment to the cost of fixed assets. Exchange gains and losses on<br />

foreign exchange transactions other than those relating to fixed assets are<br />

adjusted in the profit and loss account.<br />

4. Expenditure pending allocation:<br />

Expenditure during construction period other than those directly related to an<br />

asset is included under “Expenditure pending allocation” and is allocated to<br />

various fixed assets at the time of commencement of commercial production, as<br />

determined in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.<br />

5. Depreciation on Fixed Assets:<br />

Depreciation on fixed assets is provided on straight-line method at the rates and<br />

in the manner prescribed in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956.<br />

6. Retirement Benefits:<br />

The company’s liability towards gratuity and superannuation benefits of eligible<br />

employees is covered by a policy with LIC and the annual contributions are paid /<br />

provided in accordance with this scheme. Leave encashment is provided on the<br />

basis of valuation by independent actuaries, as at date of the Balance Sheet.<br />


7. Impairment of Assets:<br />

Impairment of an Asset is reviewed and recognized in the event of changes and<br />

circumstances that indicate that the carrying amount of an asset is not<br />

recoverable. Difference between the carrying amount of an asset and the<br />

recoverable amount is recognized as impairment loss in the statement of Profit<br />

and Loss in the year of impairment.<br />

8. Contingencies:<br />

Losses arising from claims, litigation, assessments, fines, penalties etc., are<br />

provided for when it is probable that a liability may be incurred and the amount<br />

can be reasonably estimated.<br />

II.<br />

Notes to Accounts:<br />

1. Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and<br />

not provided (net of advances):<br />

Capital Commitments<br />

Plant and Machinery<br />

Foreign Currency Contracts *<br />

Indian Contracts<br />

For the year ended<br />

31.03.07<br />

(Rupees)<br />

2,177,063,587<br />

107,926,296<br />

For the year ended<br />

31.03.06<br />

(Rupees)<br />

2,999,337,704<br />

100,453,154<br />

Technical Services<br />

Foreign Currency Contracts **<br />

Indian Technical Services<br />

2,320,582,342<br />

186,122,946<br />

931,853,107<br />

184,437,720<br />

Land and Site Development 221,633,698 221,245,182<br />

Building and Civil Works 230,652,986 393,211,798<br />

Total 5,243,981,855 4,830,538,665<br />

* Includes difference in foreign exchange translation Rs.429,718,350(Previous<br />

Year Rs.774, 231,383)<br />

** Includes difference in foreign exchange translation Rs.116,006,567 (Previous<br />

Year Rs.169, 827,455)<br />

Most of the Contracts on capital account have expired. Since the financial closure is<br />

expected shortly, the company is renegotiating the terms and most of the contractors<br />

have expressed willingness to continue, which are in various stages of finalization.<br />

Thereafter, the figures mentioned above may undergo a revision based on the<br />

renegotiated contracts.<br />


2. Contingent Liabilities:<br />

Claims against the company not acknowledged as debts: Rs. 1,65,000<br />

(Previous year – 1,65,000)<br />

3. Financial Statements:<br />

The financial statements for the year have been drawn up as a going concern based<br />

on the Management’s assessment of the project after taking into account the<br />

following positive developments:<br />

• Project has been appraised by the equity participants and re-appraised by<br />

Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) and SBI confirming the<br />

commercial viability.<br />

• Achieved 100% equity participation (Rs.1372 crores) with commitments<br />

from leading industrial groups and others in India and Overseas.<br />

• Term loan of Rs.500 crores sanctioned by IDBI. State Bank of India<br />

(SBI) has also given sanction for Rs 300 crores and Life Insurance<br />

Corporation of India for Rs 85crores. Mandate for syndication given to<br />

IDBI and SBI for tying up the balance Rupee term loan of Rs. 1340<br />

crores. ‘In principle’ sanction aggregating Rs.550 crores has been<br />

received from some banks and the sanction process for the remaining<br />

rupee term loan with other banks is in progress.<br />

• The contracts with ABB Lummus to act as Project Management<br />

Consultants have been renewed. The agreements with other Process<br />

Licensors are in the process of revival and are expected to be finalized<br />

soon.<br />

• Marketing of company’s products in the domestic and overseas markets<br />

have been tied up with oil companies comprising of reputed public and<br />

private sector companies.<br />

• Equipment stored at Cuddalore and ports in Europe are subjected to<br />

regular inspection and technical experts have certified the good<br />

condition of the equipment.<br />

• The Company has obtained and is in the process of obtaining statutory<br />

clearances and approvals.<br />

Despite the delay in execution of the Project, in view of the positive developments<br />

during the year as stated above, the Management perceives that the project is viable<br />

and is confident of implementation of the Project.<br />


4. Share Capital<br />

During the year, pursuant to Resolution passed at 15 th Annual General Meeting<br />

held on 25 th September 2006, the Authorised Share Capital of the Company has<br />

been increased from 1,200,000,000 equity shares of Rs.10/- each aggregating to<br />

Rs.12,000,000,000/- to 2,000,000,000 equity shares of Rs.10/- each aggregating<br />

to Rs.20,000,000,000/-.<br />

5. i. Secured Loans:<br />

a) Rupee Term Loan from Exim Bank is secured by mortgage of immovable<br />

properties and hypothecation of the Company’s movable fixed assets both<br />

present and future, including movable Plant & Machinery, appliances, furniture,<br />

vehicles, machinery spares and stores, tools and accessories, whether or not<br />

installed. The loan is further secured by exclusive pledge of equity shares of the<br />

Company held by <strong>Nagarjuna</strong> <strong>Fertilizers</strong> and Chemicals Limited of aggregate<br />

face value of Rs. 90 crores.<br />

b) Overdraft from Karur Vysya Bank Limited for interest due and UTI Bank<br />

Limited resulting out of devolvement of foreign Letters of Credit opened by the<br />

respective Banks are secured by a charge created by way of hypothecation of<br />

refinery equipment imported under Foreign Letters of Credit opened with the<br />

respective Banks. The charge is ranking pari-passu with other lenders.<br />

c) Overdraft from Indian Overseas Bank resulting out of devolvement of foreign<br />

Letters of Credit opened by the Bank is secured by a charge created by way of<br />

hypothecation of all the Company’s movable assets and properties present and<br />

future, whether or not installed including movable plants, machineries, goods,<br />

semi-finished and finished goods, consumable stores and spares, stock in trade,<br />

goods in process, movables in transit, bills receivables and book debts. The<br />

charge is ranking pari-passu with other lenders.<br />

All the above loans are further secured by Corporate Guarantee of <strong>Nagarjuna</strong><br />

<strong>Fertilizers</strong> and Chemicals Limited, the holding company.<br />

d) Vehicle Loan from ICICI Bank is secured by the hypothecation of the Car<br />

purchased.<br />

ii.<br />

iii.<br />

UTI Bank has filed an application with Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) in June<br />

2005, for recovery of its dues. The Company is in the process of raising the<br />

loan required in full (including UTI Bank loan portion) for the Project and<br />

accordingly mandated IDBI and SBI for syndication. The Company is confident<br />

of achieving financial closure during the year 2007-08,which will enable the<br />

Company to settle the dues to UTI Bank in full.<br />

Of the loan outstanding, Exim Bank has agreed to convert Rs.28 crores into<br />

convertible debentures.<br />


6. Land:<br />

Land totaling to 509 acres has been acquired directly by the Company. State Industries<br />

Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) has acquired 736 acres of<br />

land for handing over to the company. The company has made a part payment, which is<br />

included under Capital Work in Progress. On payment of balance amount, the same will<br />

be transferred / leased to the Company.<br />

7. Equipment:<br />

The Company has entered into an agreement with Uhde GmbH in February 1996 for<br />

supply, dismantling, packing, storage and transportation of Mobil Refinery Equipment<br />

at a cost of DM.284.11 Million. On payment of DM 133.43 Million (equivalent to<br />

Rs.299.76 Crores), Uhde GmbH dispatched part of the equipment, which is received<br />

and stored at Bonded Ware House at Company’s Plant site at Cuddalore. Against the<br />

balance due, the Company had already paid an advance of DM 48.49 Million<br />

(equivalent to Rs. 115.99 Crores) leaving an outstanding of DM 102.19 Million<br />

(equivalent to Rs. 302.72 Crores). The rest of equipment, for which the amount is<br />

outstanding, is retained at European Ports by Uhde GmbH at the risk and responsibility<br />

of the Company.<br />

The Company has subsequently entered into further agreement(s) for storage of the rest<br />

of equipment at European Ports, which inter alia provides for ownership rights and in<br />

case of non-payment of dues to Uhde GmbH, disposal after giving notice to the<br />

Company. The agreement for Storage was valid upto 31 st March 2007 and the<br />

Company has requested Uhde GmbH to extend the agreement for storage till 30 th June<br />

2007 and the Company is confident of getting a positive response from them.<br />

Considering the fact that Uhde GmbH has only constructive right of ownership and<br />

disposal of equipment in the event of non payment of storage charges and based on<br />

legal opinion, the amount of Euro 14.67 Million (equivalent to Rs.85.02 Crores) due to<br />

Uhde GmbH by the Company has been recognised in the Books of account.<br />

Uhde GmbH has agreed for conversion of Euro 14.65 Million aggregating Rs. 84.88<br />

Crores into Equity, which will be effected by the Company after obtaining necessary<br />

approvals.<br />

8. Balances in the accounts of Suppliers, Advances Recoverable and Other receivables are<br />

subject to confirmation.<br />

9. Managerial Remuneration:<br />

Particulars<br />

Managing Director<br />

For the year ended<br />

31.03.2007<br />

(Rupees)<br />

For the year ended<br />

31.03.2006<br />

(Rupees)<br />

Salary 32,85,484 24,00,000<br />

Perquisites 13,79,668 11,10,828<br />

Contribution to Provident Fund<br />

and other funds<br />

5,20,248 3,81,692<br />

Total 51,85,400 38,92,520<br />


10.. Auditors’ Remuneration:<br />

S. No Particulars For the year ended<br />

31.03.2007<br />

(Rupees)<br />

For the year ended<br />

31.03.2006<br />

(Rupees)<br />

a) Statutory Audit 4,97,920* 4,00,000<br />

b) Certification 5,612 33,629<br />

c) Out of pocket expenses 89,792 66,280<br />

Total 5,93,324 4,99,909<br />

* Includes service tax of Rs.48,960/- relating to previous year.<br />

11. CIF value of Imports - Nil (Previous year- Nil)<br />

12. Expenditure in Foreign Currency:<br />

Particulars<br />

For the year ended<br />

31.03.2007<br />

(Rupees)<br />

For the year ended<br />

31.03.2006<br />

(Rupees)<br />

a) Foreign Travel 10,67,572 14,00,999<br />

b) Storage charges etc. 8,59,82,561 23,97,39,721<br />

c) Engineering Services 7,02,60,250 5,38,90,000<br />

d) Interest Charges NIL 11,92,07,204<br />

e) Syndication Fee 20,26,500 NIL<br />

f) Books and Periodicals 5,702 5,747<br />

Total 15,93,42,585 41,42,43,671<br />

13. Additional <strong>information</strong> pursuant to the Provisions of Paragraphs 3 &4 – C of Part –<br />

II of Schedule – VI of the Companies Act 1956 is not furnished since it is not<br />

applicable.<br />

14. Related party transactions:<br />

1. Names of related parties and description of relationship.<br />

a) Holding Company<br />

<strong>Nagarjuna</strong> <strong>Fertilizers</strong> and Chemicals Limited<br />

b) Fellow Subsidiaries<br />

Jai Prakash Engineering & Steel Company Limited<br />

c) Key Management Personnel<br />

(i ) Shri. S Rammohan (Managing Director)<br />

(iii) Shri. K S Raju (Director)<br />

(iv) Shri K.Rahul Raju (Director)<br />

(v) Shri P.P.Singh (Director)<br />


2. Related party transactions are as under:<br />

Sl.<br />

No<br />

01.<br />

Nature of<br />

transaction<br />

Finance:<br />

Share Application<br />

Money<br />

Holding<br />

Company<br />

2006-2007<br />

35,30,53,162<br />

Key Mgmt.<br />

Personnel<br />

2006-2007<br />

Holding<br />

Company<br />

2005-2006<br />

2,00,00,000<br />

(In Rupees)<br />

Key Mgmt.<br />

Personnel<br />

2005-2006<br />

-<br />

Advances received<br />

14,78,18,771<br />

42,32,62,327<br />

-<br />

02.<br />

Remuneration to<br />

Key Management<br />

Personnel<br />

5,185,400<br />

-<br />

38,92,520<br />

15. Profit and Loss account has not been prepared as the project is under<br />

Implementation.<br />

16. Figures of previous year have been re-grouped wherever necessary to conform to<br />

current year’s presentation / classification.<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

Signatures to Schedules “1” to “9”.<br />

As per our report attached to the Balance sheet<br />

For M BHASKARA RAO & CO For and on behalf of the Board<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

Dr.Abid Hussain<br />

K. Muralidhar Chairman<br />

Partner<br />

Shri. K S Raju<br />

Shri Minoo R Shroff<br />

Shri S Ramasundaram<br />

Shri Shankarnarayan R Rao<br />

Place : Hyderabad<br />

Directors<br />

Date : April 26, 2007<br />

S Rammohan<br />

Managing Director<br />


A.Cash flow from Investing activities :<br />



Rs. In Lacs<br />

2007 2006<br />

Particulars Amount Amount Amount Amount<br />

Purchase of Fixed Assets (16.15) (7.09)<br />

Capital Work in progress (10,888.77) (2,114.49)<br />

Expenditure pending allocation (net) (5,527.64) (3,692.03)<br />

Sale of Fixed Assets 1.65 0.77<br />

Misc Expenditure incurred (40.18)<br />

Adjustment towards Current Liablities 7,141.25 5,075.75<br />

Net Cash used in investing activities (9,289.66) (777.27)<br />

B.Cash flow from financing activities<br />

Share Capital 9,250.00 200.00<br />

Proceeds / (Repayment) from long term borrowings (64.10) 690.13<br />

Net Cash from financing activities 9,185.90 890.13<br />

Net increase / (Decrease) in cash and cash<br />

equivalent (103.76) 112.86<br />

Cash and cash equivalent as on 01.04.2006 147.18 34.32<br />

Cash and cash equivalent as on 31.03.2007 43.42 147.18<br />

As per our report attached<br />

For M Bhaskara Rao & Co.,<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

V K Muralidhar<br />

Partner<br />

Place: Hyderabad<br />

Date: April26,2007<br />

For and on behalf of the Board<br />

Dr.Abid Hussain<br />

Chairman<br />

Shr KS Raju<br />

Shri Minoo R Shroff<br />

Shri S Ramasundaram<br />

Shri Shankarnarayan R Rao<br />

Directors<br />

S Rammohan<br />

Managing Director

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