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A Free Excerpt<br />



<strong>BASIC</strong><br />




3 The Basics<br />

8 Being in Shape<br />

12 Six Pack and Instant TV Products<br />

16 Basic Principles of Nutrition<br />

and many more in the Full Edition!


THE <strong>BASIC</strong>S

The Basics<br />

By working with many people over the years our first conclusion was that<br />

most people interested in exercises can be divided into three groups:<br />

The first group are the ones who need to start exercising ASAP or<br />

have just started to exercise. The majority of these people need to lose a couple<br />

of inches of fat from here and there and most of them have tried almost<br />

everything during their lives: exhausting diets, long series of home workouts for<br />

abs, buns and thighs and all ending in disappointment. Diets exhaust them and<br />

create a yoyo effect making them even fatter, false labels on foods trick them<br />

into getting more sugar and getting even more fat and boring and ineffective<br />

workouts just kill their will for anything else. It’s a vicious circle.<br />

The second group are the ones who we like to call “advanced amateurs”,<br />

who already have a good muscle tone but are unable to move onto<br />

so called “more advanced systems” because of the lack of time or money for<br />

expensive programs, machines or supplementation... They mostly just maintain<br />

what they have accomplished while they can and abandon the gym eventually.<br />

The third group are professionals and those who feel alike, who<br />

know exactly what they do and invest a lot of resources in their bodies.<br />

Our second conclusion was that the first two groups are usually unaware of<br />

what are they doing wrong (or even that they are doing something wrong) and<br />

are not quite certain how to achieve their ultimate goals. The goals are mostly<br />

to get fit, firm or in shape and they all mean the same: burning fat and defining<br />


The increase in the diameter of the muscle cell cross section, or muscle<br />

hypertrophy, is the primary goal of most exercisers, whether they just started<br />

or are professional athletes, especially those involved in sports dominated by<br />

physical strength.<br />

Hypertrophy occurs as a result of adaptation of the organism to “stress” to<br />

which we expose our bodies during training.<br />

The body reacts to stress, at first, by going into alerted state, then by adapting<br />

to circumstances and finally by improving the ability to meet the next stressful<br />

situation. You see, it has mostly been the same for the past 20.000 years,<br />

since prehistoric times, when our ancient ancestors lived in a very dangerous<br />

and hostile world, in which, if they hadn’t adapted, they would have been exterminated.<br />

That is why regular diet with frequent meals is important - it sort of “tells”<br />

your body that there is abundance of nutrients and there is no need for storing<br />

the energy in the form of fat. What happens with so called yo-yo diets is that<br />

your organism understands that there is not enough food resources out there<br />

and the metabolism is not being pumped up by hormones since you aren’t physically<br />

active enough as you simply don’t have enough energy. So your body just<br />

stores as much energy as it can and your appetite jumps back to “beast mode”<br />

very soon.<br />

However, with proper training and diet your body will be able to turn<br />

itself “on” while being properly nourished.This will naturally stimulate positive<br />

hormonal responses in the recovery period which will lead towards the increase<br />

of muscle mass and fat burn, the so called “afterburn”. At the same time it will<br />

regulate your metabolism and effectively burn calories while improving many<br />

functions in your body from bone density to functionality of the peripheral<br />

nervous system.<br />

Another big problem with untrained practitioners, is that they don’t have<br />

a clue about the proper dosage of stress during training. Simply because they<br />

don’t feel tired and sweaty enough, they overdo it thus provoking a negative<br />

reaction of the body. In order for the training to have the maximal efficiency, the<br />

muscles need to be forced precisely up to their limits and these limitation are not<br />

ruled by objective feeling, but by science. Depending on the condition of your<br />

body, there is an exact dose of intensity which returns maximal results without<br />

consequences such as muscle and tendon injuries and even the drop in the functionality<br />

of the immune system. We will teach you to find this dose.<br />

Furthermore, one the main problems concerning many inexperienced<br />

practitioners is following a widely spread misconception that a proper training<br />

is only the one from which one gets out completely exhausted and dripping with<br />


Constant running on treadmills or doing all sorts of cardio training only<br />

brings anxiety and disappointment as they deliver results very slowly, which finally<br />

results in lack of will for further training. The training needs to be a part<br />

of your life, complementing your everyday activities, nutrition and sleeping regime.<br />

Normal biorhythm is essential for achieving a proper balance between<br />

different organ systems, as well as your general health.<br />

Most people just want to stay in shape or get thinner. There are various<br />

programs which can provide just that, but they usually view body as something<br />

external and don’t pay any attention to your health or long term effects. Because<br />

of that, chronic problems arise in the form of a yo-yo effect which leads towards<br />

general anxiety, disappointment and, finally, depression.<br />

It is important to start from the inside, by realizing what the proper and<br />

healthy lifestyle is, and that good looks don’t come just from endless treadmill<br />

running, but from a unique and somewhat holistic approach to life and training.<br />

Natural Looks: In order to have a lean, muscular and natural look, you should avoid the common<br />

traps of instant products and food supplements. Training should be a part of your life.

Strength training: is specializing in the use of resistance to induce muscular contraction which builds<br />

the strength, anaerobic endurance, and size of skeletal muscles.<br />

And it works great for both Men and Women!<br />

“<br />

Mens sana in corpore sano.<br />

- Latin proverb<br />



Being in Shape<br />

In this day and age, the importance of staying fit and controlling body fat<br />

percentage is essential to a modern man. Being and staying “fit” isn’t as simple<br />

as the first association suggests. It implies having a type of body that can endure<br />

all sorts of daily activities without a feeling of exhaustion or a direct impact to<br />

one’s health. The modern job requirements range from working long hours in<br />

an office, sitting, which is certainly not good for your health and your body posture,<br />

to jobs that require lots of standing and walking such are various sales jobs,<br />

waitressing, service desks and so forth. Our Full Body Transformation Program<br />

gives a simple and accessible, yet thoroughly planned and optimized, recipe for<br />

improving all around fitness, body posture, concentration, looks and overall self<br />

confidence.<br />

Running VS Strength training<br />

There are quite a few ways to reduce body fat. One of them, most<br />

commonly used by recreational athletes is the extended treadmill running. This<br />

method requires constant running or brisk walking for 28 to 29 minutes with the<br />

pulse ranging from 120-135 bpm, after which the process of burning fat starts<br />

(entering into oxidative phosphorylation) with the rate of 1 kg of fat burned for<br />

every 10-30 hours of running, depending on the intensity.<br />

As you can see, and probably have tried before, this method is extremely<br />

slow and pretty much unproductive and here’s why:<br />

By running you increase your aerobic endurance and you really burn some<br />

fat BUT at the same time you stimulate secretion of hormones which have a<br />

negative effect on your muscles. Not only is this somethig you want to avoid,<br />

you want the exact opposite. Furthermore, while running, muscles of your legs<br />

work only with 40 to 50% while the rest of your body is pretty inactive, thus your<br />

complete musculature is neglected

The results are burning SOME fat, not being tight and body posture staying<br />

the same as before.<br />

There is a second way to getting fit and burning fat and it is called Strength<br />

Training, which combined with a healthy diet, positively affects your complete<br />

body posture from strengthening of joins, improving bone resistance, gaining<br />

muscle strength and mass, regulating fat, and tightening the body. It also transits<br />

into “real life” as it teaches you how to correctly and safely use your body in situations<br />

that vary from proper sitting to lifting furniture.<br />

Tip: Strength training gives much more serious effects in much lesser time. And it does all that<br />

completely naturally.

Goal Perception VS Health<br />

Every individual person has its own set of goals and his/hers way of thinking.<br />

Because of that they frequently make mistakes when it comes to choosing the<br />

right way to achieve a certain look. People often start exercising in order to look<br />

more like someone else, without realization how much and in what way their<br />

own body proportions and individual characteristics can be changed.<br />

Body proportions and individual characteristics are inherited from parents<br />

so our shoulder width, hip width and bone length can not be changed. The<br />

part of our body that we see in the mirror, and the one we can modify by training<br />

is comprised out of muscles and fat. We can make a slight increase in bone<br />

diameter by applying pressure on them with muscles, but we can’t make them<br />

longer or grow more (at least there’s no natural way to do it). We can however<br />

make our muscles longer, bigger and stronger by exercising and our body fat in<br />

check by healthy eating and leading a healthy lifestyle.<br />

To conclude, every man’s (or woman’s with that said) goal shouldn’t be just<br />

to lose some weight, increase muscle mass or look better, it should be reducing<br />

body fat to a lower level, so that an entire organism can function better and be<br />

healthier in general. Strengthening bones and joints, bettering body functions<br />

and physical appearance, fighting against inactivity and bad eating habits should<br />

be the primary goal of a rational individual that wants health and success.<br />

Being in shape means achieving a state in which your body can perform everyday<br />

tasks with ease and recover quickly from intense physical activities. Our<br />

body works in a way that can be, roughly, summarized like this: the brain controls<br />

different systems through glands of the endocrine system which produce certain<br />

hormones which further influence all of our bodily functions, from our sense of<br />

touch to our heart beats. Well balanced secretion of hormones is based upon<br />

proper intake of nutrients and on the function of the neuromuscular connection.<br />

Strength training is the only approach that helps in development, keeping and<br />

re-balancing aforementioned functions and systems in the most effective and<br />

completely natural way.<br />

From this point we move onto more favorable and popular topics. Go to the<br />

next section to learn about getting the six pack abs.






People around the world are being influenced by various media to buy expensive<br />

equipment that can allegedly help them to get into shape. Unfortunately,<br />

one workout machine can’t solve problems such as local body deformations,<br />

excess fat, getting a six pack, etc. You did not create them by doing the right<br />

things, so why expect it to work overnight? Like producing results by training,<br />

this is a graduall cumulative effect but of bad habits like: not eating properly,<br />

drinking alcohol, eating junk food combined with a lack of physical activities. The<br />

road to improvement lies in the will to change, followed by a good workout plan<br />

and doing exercises that can benefit the entire body.<br />

You can find optimal conditions for any type of exercise at your average local<br />

gym. Equipment and machines that you actually need are:<br />

• dumbbells<br />

• pull down machine<br />

• cross machine<br />

• benches<br />

• leg curl<br />

• squat rack<br />

• olympic bars<br />

• power tower<br />

• stepper<br />

All of them are contained in almost every gym in the world.

How to Get a Six Pack?<br />

One of the main misconceptions that people with a pot belly have is that<br />

you can get a six pack by just doing exercises for abdominal area or wearing a<br />

sweat belt. That is not the case and sweat is not fat.<br />

Every one of us has a specific genetic abdominal muscle structure over which<br />

there is a layer of fat which hides the shape of abdominal muscles. In order to<br />

remove that layer of fat you need to do exercises for your entire body, because<br />

fat can is burned by muscle activity. More activity means that more calories are<br />

burned. Abdominal wall is an important muscle group, however it is not such a<br />

large calorie consumer. In order to make your training more efficient you need to<br />

do exercises that can activate large muscle groups, such as sit ups, lunges, squats<br />

etc. Those exercises activate more than half of muscles in your body and burn<br />

much more calories than just doing abdominal exercises.<br />

That means that you need to:<br />

• have a training that consists of exercises that activate as much muscles and<br />

muscle groups of your body as possible. Here is where strength training and<br />

our Full Body Transformation Program expresses it’s unique concept which is<br />

activating your whole body and thus burning large quantities of calories and<br />

lowering the amount of fat, in this particular case- abdominal area.<br />

• eat healthy - This means: regular consumption of carbs, protein and fat in<br />

the right ratio (a lot of proteins, high quality carbs and just a small amount<br />

of good fats). Carbs you should avoid are simple carbs: all types of sugar that<br />

come from processed food (like candy) or excessive fruit consumption. Good<br />

fats can be found in all types of nuts as well as in fish and olive oil. We’ll talk<br />

about it some more in a section called Proper nutrition.<br />

• be persistent Persistency is an important factor if you want to achieve<br />

anything, regardless of what aspect of life you are looking at.

The reason why someone needs to be persistent in this particular instance,<br />

is because sometimes the stomach can be the slowest area of your body to respond<br />

to a workout. That is normal for people who are genetically predispositioned<br />

to burn fat in such order. Some people simply start burning the fat on<br />

their legs first, while other people start burning the fat on their arms first.<br />

Persistency is not so much about following the program, as much it is about<br />

proper nutrition. Today we are surrounded by people who are eating very unhealthy<br />

and some of them are even the ones that are closest to us. We live with<br />

them, share meals… It is hard to find the time for proper nutrition while working<br />

in an environment full of stress, but it most certainly can be done. What’s the<br />

most important about nutrition, and the best advice you can get, is that you plan<br />

your nutrition in advance and appropriately. We will give you the means to do so.<br />

If you follow the given instructions, desired results are guaranteed, however,<br />

the amount of time and effort you need to invest to get to those results may<br />

vary and depends mostly on your current shape and age.<br />

Rectus abdominis<br />

External oblique<br />

Internal oblique<br />

Transversus abdominis<br />

Abdominal wall muscles: There are 4 muscles in the abdominal wall.


<strong>BASIC</strong> PRINCIPLES<br />


<strong>BASIC</strong> PRINCIPLES<br />


If you want your training results to be ideal you need to adjust your eating<br />

regime. Proper nutrition means that you need to follow certain principles that<br />

enable your metabolism to work faster. That way your organism will be more<br />

functional, healthier and better prepared for training:<br />

These are the principles:<br />

• time and 5 meals: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner. Time interval<br />

between meals should be the same and they should be consumed at the<br />

same time every day. The first meal should be around 9 a.m. and the last before<br />

8 p.m.<br />

• size: portions shouldn’t be big, they should be moderate. It is better to have<br />

even more than 5 smaller meals in a day than having a smaller number of<br />

large ones. If you overeat, your stomach is under a lot of stress, especially if<br />

you eat heavy, processed and diverse food.<br />

• Fat/Carbohydrate/Protein ratio = 10% / 45% / 45% . Depending on the individual<br />

goal, percentages vary between carbs and proteins.<br />

• No gluten: gluten can be found in most types of flour, except those made of<br />

rice, corn, millet flour, and buckwheat.

• No alcohol as alchohol contains awfull amount of calories. For instance,<br />

only one glass of beer (300ml) has around 150 calories.<br />

• No simple sugars like sweets, juices and snacks<br />

• Greater fluid intake: meaning pure and clean water. No fresh juices,<br />

smooties, tea and stuff like that. Imagine washing your face in the morning<br />

with freshly squeezed orange juice. Well, it’s same in the inside. Take in from<br />

2 to 2.5 liters of water per day.<br />

Better watch out for fast digesting foods such are processed foods, some<br />

fruits and sweets. These foods have high amounts of simple sugars which get<br />

digested really fast thus releasing lots of sugar into your blood. This results with<br />

a lot of insulin being released and, since the sugars got digested, lots of it will<br />

be floating around and, basically, damaging your cells. The best option is to eat<br />

low-glycemic foods such are meat, nuts, green vegetables, dark red, blue and<br />

purple fruits (blueberries, cherries, blackberries, strawberries) and certain fats<br />

such are coconut oil, olive oil, fish oil etc. They result in moderate release of<br />

glucose and insulin which fills your cells with energy and brain with enough nutrients.<br />

On the contrary, people are often bombarded with unhealthy high glycemic<br />

foods such are grains, refined or processed foods and some fruits.<br />

If you need to eat bread and flours, go only with whole grain versions.<br />

Consume most of your carbs in the evening as carbs are sleep inducers. Digesting<br />

carbs stimulates the release of neurotransmitter Serotonin, the so called “Happiness<br />

Hormone” which generally works good for sleep. But don’t forget - keep<br />

away from processed foods, sugar filled snacks and fats.<br />

Things you can, and should, eat are:<br />

• meat<br />

• fish<br />

• nuts, walnuts and almonds<br />

• dairy products like cheese, milk, yogurt and etc<br />

• eggs<br />

• olive oil, fish oil and cocoa oil<br />

• vegetables<br />

• local fruit<br />

• mushrooms

You don’t have to calculate daily intake of calories as it’s a common misconception.<br />

Eat 3 to 5 medium and well balanced meals per day, watch and steer<br />

clear from unhealthy and unprocessed foods, and finally - be persistent.<br />

These are just some of the basic principles of proper nutrition, necessary for<br />

you, so that your training can have a maximum effect. You’ll find out more as you<br />

progress with your training.<br />

Nutrition tip: Eat 5 moderate meals per day.


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Program For Men<br />

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