Daniel 3 August 2009.pdf - Biblical Counseling Online

Daniel 3 August 2009.pdf - Biblical Counseling Online

Daniel 3 August 2009.pdf - Biblical Counseling Online


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I. Introduction and Review.<br />

The God Who is Able <strong>Daniel</strong> 3:1-30 10/16/09<br />

A. Child: home SS: > What was story about: I can’t remember: Something about 3 houses:<br />

Your Shack, My Shack, & a Bungalo; Songs, Vegietales: Rack, Shack, Bennie<br />

B. Book of <strong>Daniel</strong>:<br />

1. Primary Theme: Early Chapters: How to Live While Empire of Darkness Prevails.<br />

a. Israel in Babylon: Us in the world today. Appear weak & small > oppressed<br />

b. Intense pressure: conform<br />

2. Selected Events: Contests: World Power & God’s Remnant:<br />

a. Show us how we ought to act in days such as these: Courage & conviction. <strong>Daniel</strong><br />

& friends: 1st opportunity: diet: > faithful: “small things” ready: bigger test.<br />

b. Continual reminder that God is with us: Working out His purposes.<br />

3. Sometimes you have to take a stand. College student, work, family.<br />

II. Your Commitment to the LORD Will be Tested by the World. v. 1-7<br />

A. What is the Meaning of Nebuchadnezzar’s Image? Isa. 46:6<br />

1. It Appears to be a Response to his Dream. v. 1 timing not stated<br />

a. A significant difference: This image is all gold. or at least gold plated. No silver,<br />

bronze, iron, clay: 90 ft. high (grotesquely thin: human) 4x height Esc. Muffler man<br />

b. Defying God’s decree that his kingdom would be replaced.<br />

2. He is Defying God’s Kingdom by Further Establishing His Own. Gen. 11:4<br />

a. Grand expensive image: proclaim own glory.<br />

b. Lavish dedication ceremony. I’m worth it! Self-deification. Denial fleeting.<br />

c. Like Babel. Let us build...make a name..<br />

d. Men build monuments: try to perpetuate at least their memory, if not dynasty.<br />

3. The Image is Designed to Symbolize the Greatness of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon<br />

and to Promote the Political and Religious Unity of his Empire. Religious: v. 12<br />

a. acknowledge god’s of Babylon superior: vanquished nations.<br />

b. Invite UN heads of state: Puppet rulers: Soviet Bloc; joint session congress.<br />

4. It is Possible to Experience Religious Convictions without being Converted! 2:47<br />

After reading end of <strong>Daniel</strong> 2: think not far from the kingdom. People at ch: stirred...<br />

B. Nebuchadnezzar’s Act has Eschatological Implications: The Ongoing Battle Between<br />

The Counterfeit Kingdom of Darkness and God’s Kingdom. 7:25 Re. 13:8-18 II Th.<br />

2:4 Prototype: final rebellion: Pattern: Human History:<br />

1. An Anti-Kingdom Led by an Anti-Christ. v. 1<br />

a. Contrast to true kingdom led by Christ the Rock (dream)<br />

b. Like arrogant beast: Revelation: Demands universal worship. Rev. 13:8 All who<br />

dwell on earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from<br />

the foundation of the world in the book of life of the lamb who has been slain.<br />

2. An Anti-Gathering of the Nations. v. 2-4 Rev. 13:7 5:9 7:9<br />

a. Like Babel: Neb trying to re-unite nations: his headship. > Representatives (UN)<br />

b. All nations streaming to man’s counterfeit mountain. Festival: New Babylon<br />

c. True gathering of nations: when Lord returns. Every tribe, tongue, nation:<br />

3. Anti-Worship. v. 5,7 Rev. 13:8 Rom. 1:25 Ps. 150:3-5 95:6 Not all worship is good.<br />

a. Man’s worship: counterfeit. They exchanged: truth of God for a lie and served the<br />

creature rather than the Creator<br />


. There is a true worship: kneeling; instruments, song. Ps. 150:3-5 Bow down;<br />

Come let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.<br />

4. An Anti-Judgement of Fire. v. 6 Rev. 13:15 20:10,14-15<br />

a. Revelation: Saints who won’t submit: economic persecution: even death.<br />

b. End: true judgment of fire for those who won’t worship God.<br />

C. What Reasons Might Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego have Considered in Favor<br />

of Bowing Before The Statue?<br />

1. Everyone Else is Doing it! v. 7 (Including Many Jews: idolatry widespread: Judah)<br />

a. Picture scene: 1000s gathered: nobles: nation: finest regalia: Music, wine & food<br />

b. Summons comes > Great majority: happily conform: Ocean of bowing figures..<br />

c. 9997 out of 10,000 bow: 3 do not: stick out like sore thumb<br />

d. Illus: church: 1 person not paying attention: stands while others sitting.<br />

2. We Can Do More Good for God and His People Alive than Dead. Rom. 3:8<br />

Let us do evil that good may come; Xn stays false church.<br />

3. The Cost of Obedience is too High. v. 6 Most people have a price!<br />

a. My job, my position of influence, and my life.<br />

b. God can’t expect this much of me! Abraham: Sarah=sister; People: Saudi: Quit<br />

church < risk lose high paying job.<br />

4. It is a Small Thing. God Will Forgive One Brief Insincere Act.<br />

a. I know that there is no such thing as an idol. > I won’t be bowing to an idol.<br />

b. Only external compliance demanded; I won’t be worshiping in my heart.<br />

c. Its just this one time. I will ask God’s to forgive me after it is all over. I John 1:9<br />

5. We are in a strange land and should respect their customs. School, work,<br />

6. We are to Obey those in Authority Over Us. Rom. 13:1-2 When in Babylon...<br />

a. Nebuchadnezzar has really been so good to us. Disloyal & ungrateful<br />

b. Xns: political officials: leave personal beliefs out of my service: nation. > grief!<br />

c. Same excuse: Nazi Germany: Holocaust.<br />

D. Believers Have Been Tested Throughout History.<br />

1. Enforced Religious Uniformity. Religion has been used: unite nations & empires.<br />

a. Outward only OK; can keep other beliefs too so long as subordinate.<br />

b. Pagan Rome: Caesar is Lord; or to the arena. Emperor worship Japan/Korea/Phil.<br />

c. “Christian” Europe: Enforce RCC by the Sword: Inquisition. > Sword & Fire.<br />

d. Even “Reformed” Nations: Burned & Drowned heretics: Even baptists!<br />

(1) King: leader of state & religion: Loyalty > submit fully<br />

(2) Link Infant baptism & state church: Mark of external inclusion > punished,<br />

banished if not baptize infants: treasonous! (WCF)<br />

(3) Bunyan: 1660 preaching w/o license: 12 years prison; released > back to<br />

preaching > arrested again. USA: first nation: promoting true religious freedom.<br />

e. Our day: Islamic nations: execute converts; forbid worship by expatriates<br />

2. Totalitarian Nations Demand Ultimate Loyalty From Their People.<br />

a. Beast takes different forms: Claims not to be religious: yet ultimately is religious.<br />

b. Totalitarian nations: suppress church: illegal or tightly regulated: 1000s imprisoned<br />

c. Religion is tolerated so long as subordinate to the state.<br />

d. Western nations: cleansing public religious expression. Pluralism.<br />

3. We face more subtle tests. Still same beastly spirit/tendency. Periods of history: power<br />

of anti-christ seems dormant > bursts into activity.<br />


a. OK to have your religion: but must be 2 nd place: keep beliefs private, conform!<br />

b. Employer expects ultimate loyalty: ethics, life priorities:<br />

(1) Saudi: Filipino driver: Part of job >drive: Mecca: Can’t enter: non-Muslim:<br />

(2) Xn: told to lie/distort truth; or to put career over Lord/Family.<br />

(3) Xn medical worker: pressured participate abortion, euthanasia.<br />

(4) Article last Thursday: APA declared mental health professionals should not<br />

tell gay clients they can become straight... Instead of sekking such change, the<br />

APA urged therapists: consider options that would includ switching churches<br />

c. Hard economic times: temptation: cut corners, sacrifice integrity: $; feed family<br />

d. Pressure: school (Jim HS Eng.): ridicule faith: Creation, value human life, purity;<br />

e. We are expected: bow idols: evolutionism, moral relativism, tolerance, pluralism<br />

Story: Ch. England: Leicester: Muslims complained. John 14:6 > forced take down<br />

f. Peer pressure: Young people: don’t want to be weird. Seek respect, popularity,<br />

admiration: or fiery furnace of ridicule. (Lewis inner circle).<br />

g. Glittering idols of the world: What the culture says I have to have to be happy.<br />

Idols of pleasure, sex, romantic daydreams; fiery furnace of discontent.<br />

h. Smallness of the idols we bow down to.<br />

i. Fiery furnace: economic loss, rejection, slander: Called lunatic fringe, fanatics<br />

4. Key: no matter how large the crowd, God is our audience.<br />

Summary: You Will Be Challenged<br />

III. Courageously Take Your Stand for the LORD! v. 8-18<br />

A. You May not be Allowed to Quietly Live by Your Convictions. v. 8-13<br />

1. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego Were not Seeking a Confrontation.<br />

a. Didn’t Refuse to come when summoned.<br />

b. Didn’t shout: REPENT OF IDOLATRY! To assembled multitude. Quietly stood<br />

c. Nebuchadnezzar wouldn’t have noticed if not brought to attention by Chaldeans<br />

2. The Enemies of God Would not Leave Them Alone: Charges of Treason. 6:13<br />

Tattle: Literally ate the pieces of: chewed up<br />

a. Professional jealousy, racial bigotry, and manipulative flattery. Should be grateful:<br />

not killed before!; how notice? Dangerous sect: Perhaps looking for opportunity.<br />

b. Were all of the accusations true? Yes they do not serve gods or worship image, but<br />

not true that no regard for Nebuchadnezzar.(Anabaptists faced same charges)<br />

c. Where is <strong>Daniel</strong>? Higher status > beyond attack?, away? Friends: Center,<br />

3. Don’t Expect the World to be at Peace with You. II Tim. 3:12 John 15:18-19 Stage<br />

a. Evangelical Xns today vilified as troublemakers. Don’t respect cultural norms.<br />

Refuse to conform: train kids<br />

b. Enemies of truth are looking for confrontations: Mix truth & lies.<br />

(1) Workplace: Xn boss >sue: religious favoritism; Employee > dismiss: express<br />

faith or affects performance (loyalty: not lie; teamwork: not socialize/drink)<br />

(2) Lawsuits: pro-life clinics<br />

(3) How raise children: what teach, spank; “anonymous tip”: CPS<br />

(4) Campus: Personal views: homosexuality, fornication:“hate speech”.<br />

c. If you are not experiencing conflict it may be because you are compromising!<br />

Spurgeon “Some try to travel to heaven by back lanes, skulk into glory: disguise.<br />

B. You Will Face Intense Pressure to Conform. v. 13-16<br />

Nebuchadnezzar is Perplexed and Enraged. Plan had seemed to be working.<br />

1. He Can’t Believe that Anyone Would Dare to Defy his Authority. v. 13-14<br />

a. Accustomed to flatterers. Spoils party! little stone > Crush big statue.<br />


. Our non-conformity shocks the world: Young person: moral purity, goes to church<br />

&has personal relationship w/God (not just < parents say so). I Pe. 4:4,22<br />

c. Why give up so much just for religion? Disturbs them world heaps praise:<br />

3. He Defies God to Deliver Them. v. 15b 2:11 II Kn. 18:33 Isa. 36:18-20 37:10<br />

a. In essence Nebuchadnezzar places himself above all gods. He should have known:<br />

Chpt 2! Forgets it is the LORD Who raised him up.<br />

b. A picture of all of humanity in rebellion against the LORD God.<br />

c. Such fighting words provoke God. Like Assyrians (Goliath)<br />

d. Nebuchadnezzaer needs to know more of Who God is: All powerful Deliverer<br />

C. Boldly Take Your Stand for the LORD. v. 16-18<br />

The Valient Answer of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego.<br />

1. Why Do the Three Men Refuse Even at the Apparent Cost of their Lives?<br />

a. Jim Adams: The tallest object: plain of Dura: Not statue, but 3 men: standing<br />

b. Conviction & commitment to the truth. Confidence in their God.<br />

c. God has commanded that we worship Him alone. Ex. 20:3-5<br />

d. Same temptation Jesus faced. Mt. 4:9<br />

e. They must obey God rather than men. Acts 5:29 Exodus 20:3-5 Dt. 5:7-9<br />

f. They fear God more than they fear Nebuchadnezzar. Mt. 10:28<br />

2. They Do not Try to Plead their Case or to Dispute the Sentence. v. 16 Ecc. 3:7<br />

Luke 23:9 According to the law of the land we are guilty. Not going to beg<br />

3. They Have Complete Confidence in God’s Power to Deliver Them. v. 17 Jer. 32:17<br />

Ps. 115:3 Isa. 43:1ff God has acted in the past: Exod, Abraham: Their experience w/diet<br />

4. They are in Complete Submission to God’s Perfect Purposes. v. 18a Dt. 29:29<br />

Mt. 26:39 I John 5:14 Practical application of belief: God’s sovereignty!<br />

a. Did their uncertainty about being delivered reflect a lack of faith in God?<br />

b. They do not know what God’s plan is: They won’t pretend to be wiser than God<br />

c. He may choose to bear testimony through their martyrdom. Or take to heaven.<br />

d. Chief example: Gethsemane > Cross. Paul: Thorn: flesh<br />

e. Application: We cannot say: God will heal: Presumptuous<br />

f. Hear stories: people take stand for the LORD > blessed better job; not always<br />

5. They are Willing to Die for their Convictions. v. 18b Job 13:15 Mt. Acts 20:24<br />

Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him. Rather die than deny Lord.<br />

a. Loyalty not dependent upon God doing what they wanted.<br />

b. Prepared to suffer consequences of their obedience. Lose job, girlfriend<br />

c. Heb 11:32-38 some delivered, some suffered and died for their faith Acts 7:54-60<br />

9:23-25 This was God’s purpose. John the baptist, Jesus, Peter, Stephen, Hus<br />

d. Their confidence is in a better life to come. Phil. 1:20-21 Heb. 11:13-16 Worst<br />

they can do is to usher us into God’s presence.<br />

e. Their example inspires believers for centuries to come.<br />

f. My life is not so valuable as to deny the Lord for it<br />

g. Luther:“TO go against one’s conscience is neither safe nor right. Here I stand. I<br />

cannot do otherwise. God Help me.” “The body they may kill. God’s truth abideth<br />

still. His kingdom is forever”<br />

h. These are the kinds of friends we need!<br />

D. Are You Willing to Obey God at Any Cost? Mark 8:34-38 Mt. 10:37-39<br />


1. Times in the life of Xn: 9997 bowing: We remain standing.<br />

2. When is it Right to Defy Authority? Acts 5:29 govt. parents.<br />

a. S, M, & A put up w/a lot: working: govt: corrupt, idolatrous. Summoned > came.<br />

b. Don’t go looking for trouble. Some Xns have a hair trigger.<br />

c. Our situation is much better than theirs: by God’s grace.<br />

d. Point=when direct challenge to ultimate loyalty to God.<br />

3. Can You be Bought? Does Your Faithfulness have a Price?<br />

a. How many Xns compromise > safety, earthly security, money,<br />

b. Henry IV: Huguenot/Calvinist? Offered King of France if convert to Roman<br />

Catholicism. “Paris is worth a mass”<br />

c. Clergy: Nazi Germany: kept silent > do more good if keep pulpits<br />

d. Student silent in classroom: Not want to lose grade;<br />

e. girl afraid to stand up to pressure from boyfriend < fear losing him.<br />

f. Gospel divides families: Unbelief/rejection parents/children: test faith.<br />

g. The key to conquering all sin. By faith: Fear God: more real than Neb:<br />

4. Sometimes you can’t hide or hunker down. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do<br />

5. What matters is not our ease, but God’s glory. Xnty: more than fire escape:<br />

6. God will give you grace in the hour you need it.<br />

a. God may not give you grace to face all situations you could imagine;<br />

b. Saudi: Sometimes feared: getting caught: when happened > calm:<br />

Summary: You Will be Tested: Stand Firm.<br />

IV.<br />

God Will Deliver You. v. 19-30 Ps. 68:20 He will never forsake you! God is to us a God<br />

of deliverances; And to God the LORD belong escapes from death.<br />

A. You May Not Always Be Delivered From Fiery Trials. v. 19-23<br />

God’s answers to prayer do not always come in form we expect:<br />

1. Why Does Nebuchadnezzar Go to Such Drastic Measures to Kill God’s Servants?<br />

v. 19-22 Drunk with rage: will brook no rival: not even God!<br />

a. He has conquered the world, but is unable to conquer self: anger..<br />

b. His authority has been challenged: He has defied their god. v. 15c<br />

Ultimately his rage is against God! Stands in way of His autonomy/dominion<br />

c. Furnace: Smelting > metals; apparently door see in. Barbaric<br />

d. Making extra sure nothing goes wrong: hottest possible fire (Use of number 7x:<br />

completely: not 300 degrees > 2100 degrees), Binds up men, burly henchmen: No<br />

escape, not just singed. Like Elijah & prophets of Baal: Every advantage. Satire<br />

Vain attempts to stop deliverance: Just makes God’s victory all: more impressive<br />

e. Why are the soldiers killed? Proof fire is really hot: no tricks:<br />

(1) Neb. Doesn’t even care: On edge of seat waiting to see enemies turned: dust:<br />

(2) Beginning of Nebuchadnezzar’s defeat. Babylonian gods/Neb can’t protect!<br />

Irony: those who obey Nebuchadnezzar die. Wish to save live > lose it.<br />

(3) Illus: distinguishing grace of God: same fire burns & does no harm:<br />

2. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego are NOT Delievered FROM the Fire! v. 23<br />

a. Neb’s heart not changed, fire not go out; At first God seems to have deserted them.<br />

b. God could have prevented them from going through this trial. Different plan<br />

c. They suffered: anticipation: Fiery furnace.<br />

3. God Allows Many Christians to Enter the Fires of Affliction. I Pet. 1:6-7 4:12f<br />

May wonder: sickness, sadness, loneliness, job, finances: Why?? Why me?<br />

4. Even When it Appears that the Kingdom of Darkness has Won, God is Still at<br />

Work. Supreme Example=Cross! Darkest hour: history > light of Resurrection<br />


B. God is With You in Your Trials. v. 24-26 Isa. 43:2 Heb. 11:34 Mt. 28:20 they knew!<br />

1. Who was with them in the Fire? v. 28 6:22 Gen. 18<br />

a. A Pre-incarnate Appearance of the Lord Christ?<br />

b. Nebuchadnezzar said more than he knew. (Balaam’s ass): like: son of gods, angel<br />

2. A Wonderful Illustration of God’s Promise. Isa. 43:1-2 Ex. 3:12 Mt. 28:20<br />

a. Main point: God helps those who are faithful to Him. Jesus: Tempted/Gethsemane<br />

b. Not always immediate deliverance: Martyrs: Sing, praise God: flames burn: flesh.<br />

c. He has delivered His people through the furnace of affliction: past. Dt. 4:20<br />

The LORD has taken you and brought you out of the iron furnace from Egypt, to<br />

be a people for His own possession.<br />

3. It is Better to be in the Furnace with Christ than Outside with Nebuchadnezzar!<br />

a. Wonder how they felt when Nebuchadnezzar said: come out: Just: little more time!<br />

b. Do You Believe this? Poverty, sickness, loneliness/rejection: Not turn to man’s<br />

ways to escape but look to God alone to deliver you. Trust He is with you!<br />

C. God is Glorified by Your Faithfulness. v. 27-30<br />

1. God’s Deliverance is Perfect. v. 27 Mt. 10:30 Only ropes burned: no smell: Fires ><br />

smoke damage: can’t get smell out.<br />

2. Nebuchadnezzar Admits Defeat. v. 28 Calls out , not 4 (v. 26)<br />

a. Imagine shock/terror: see 3, no 4 men walking around in flames. He is sweating<br />

b. S, M, A: never frightened, but Neb. Now astonished. v. 24 Hit by stone.<br />

c. v. 28 sounds like Rom. 12:1<br />

3. The Occasion he Intended to bring Praise to himself and his gods is Used to Display<br />

the Glory of the One True God! Great representative assembly of nobles. All<br />

planned by God from: beginning (His use of free acts & even sins of men for good)<br />

4. A strange benediction. v. 29 Yet apparently didn’t destroy idol.<br />

5. God Will Bless You for Your faithfulness. v. 30<br />

a. Not necessarily here and now: Read rest of Scripture: Heb. 11:13-16<br />

V. Concluding Applications: Where do we see Christ in this text?<br />

A. We do not suffer in the furnace of our affliction alone. God has sent One to be with us.<br />

1. Jesus has entered: our suffering. Took on our humanity. Incarnation. Immanuel<br />

2. Was tempted to bow down; Chose to worship God alone > cost Him His life.<br />

3. Went alone through the lake of fire for us: no deliverance; abandoned by God..<br />

a. God condemned Him unto fiery judgment<br />

b. Died that we, who had bowed down to idols might not go through the flames<br />

4. Because He was with us in our greatest affliction we can trust that He is with us in<br />

our other tribulations. Touched lepers; sympathizes w/us.<br />

5. One Day what Neb. Tried to achieve He will accomplish: Gather nations<br />

a. Accomplish true unity<br />

6. Those who reject Jesus > Fiery furnace. v. 4-6 Luke 12:4-5 Rev. 20:15<br />

7. Don’t be like Nebuchadnezzar: Conviction w/o Conversion. I Th. 1:9<br />

a. We have seen many like this: weep: sermon: or personal crisis > fall away<br />

b. Neb still not confessing LORD alone is God. Doesn’t smash his image.<br />

c. Miracles alone don’t convert! True conversion: I Th. 1:9 turn<br />

B. How will you respond?<br />

1. Neb: compelled to give praise.<br />

2. Bow down before Jesus: true King. Positive: worship God (not just avoid idols)<br />

3. Greater miracle: God will save you from judgment: Transform you.<br />


C. Have You Taken Your Stand for the Lord? Mark 8:34-38<br />

1. Baptism/Membership. Afraid of what friends/families may think: Ashamed of me..<br />

2. At School/Work? Fly Your Banner. Not ashamed of Christ.<br />

3. When World plays flutes & harps: expect you to bow: Dare to be different!<br />

4. People are watching us<br />

D. Will You Trust Him to be with You Even in Fiery Trials?<br />

1. You Have Nothing to Fear because He is With Us. Heb. 13:5 4:16<br />

2. Offer Yourself Whole to God. Rom. 12:1-2 Man visited: asking about our church:<br />

Don’t want a church too serious: goes to extremes: “ little religion” or moderate!<br />

3. Christ takes you through no darker rooms: He has already passed through. Trust Him!<br />

4. He has a purpose! Rutherford: How dangerous it is for the believer to try to read God’s<br />

messages through the envelope.<br />

5. When you Obey: You Choose Fellowship with the Son of God.<br />

Discussion questions<br />

1. What was the purpose of Nebuchadnezzar’s great statue?<br />

2. What in our culture serves a similar purpose?<br />

3. Why did the young men refuse to bow to the statue?<br />

4. What trials might we face which resemble what these three young man went through?<br />

5. Can we assume that if we just have enough faith God will deliver us from our trials?<br />

Why or why not?<br />

6. How does Nebuchadnezzar’s gathering resemble last times events described in Scripture?<br />

7. Where in this text do we see Christ?<br />

How does this help us?<br />

Read: Isa. 43 Ex. 20: Rev. 13 Ps. 91<br />

A mighty fortress; When through fiery thy pathway shall lie; My grace all sufficient shall be thy<br />

supply. The flame shall not hurt the. I only design thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine.<br />

Idol: What society says matters most: sports, food, sex, romance, education. Entertainment<br />

Sermon preached when Fire and flood composed<br />

Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it.<br />

Only chapter in <strong>Daniel</strong> when he is not mentioned.<br />

Neb distorts God’s Word. 2 Pe. 3:16<br />

Ascribe power to statue? Heal, war, rich<br />

Wearing court attire<br />

I Co. 13:3 yield body to fire.<br />

Many of Calvin’s students yielded teir bodies to the flames for Christ’s sake.<br />

Gold plated?<br />

Colossus of Rhodes: 70 feet<br />

Babylonians sexagesimal system<br />

MUSIC NOT ALWAYS TRUE WORSHIP: perhaps emotional experience. All that glitters is not<br />

gold: What matters in worship is object of worship.<br />

Furnace: Jews.<br />

People don’t gather out of love for Neb. Idol<br />

Luther: Here I stand. “TO go against one’s conscience is neither safe nor right. Here I stand. I<br />


cannot do otherwise.<br />

Movie: Indecent Proposal: Gallop: What do for $10 million: 7% kill stranger; 25% abandon ch.<br />

Barna Data: How few believe: hold to essentials.<br />

Isa. 43: for people destined for exile.<br />

Heb. 4:16 God will give us grace in our time of need.<br />

Sometimes Jesus spoke and others He was silent.<br />

All they lost there was their bonds<br />

Decisions external pressure or internal principle<br />

Sing: How Firm a Foundation (Final Hymn!), I Surrender All, A mighty fortress.<br />

Irresistible force & immovable objects. v. 13-18 the trial.<br />

Examples: Fox, Fish<br />

Nebuchadnezzar: Picture of all men w/o Christ!<br />

Church Compromise: RCC Images, Worship “Do what I like.”<br />

Nebuchadnezzar should have tried a rock to do homage to.<br />

Illus: Stay in False Church. Attend funeral/wedding: Asked to participate in false worship;<br />

Church: entertainment, soften preaching of wrath, biblical authority.; Not allow fornication:<br />

houseguests<br />

Illus: Navy: Take condom from boat; School Sex-ed/role play homosexual.<br />

Gold plated Ex. 39:38 40:5 37:25-26<br />

This is why Anabaptists refused to serve in human government: Oath of loyalty.<br />

Excuse: this time no <strong>Daniel</strong> to lead them.<br />

Most High God. Gen. 14:19 Num. 24:17<br />

Edwards Resolutions<br />

Pro-millennialist: Whatever God has planned, I’m for it!<br />

N: US think our Eco & military success < superior philosophy/system (our gods) Pride.<br />

Ps. 148:8 Fire praises God: Under His control<br />

Nietzche “If there is a God, how can I bear not to be that God.<br />

Dedication: Religious II Kn. 8:63 Ez. 6:16 Pr. 22:6<br />

Rom. 1:23 Ps. 137:3 Idolatry: pitiful Isa. 44:15ff<br />

Megalomaniac<br />

Many parallels w/chpt 6: Lion’s den: Cast in, deliverance, jealousy<br />

Compromise: Henry IV “Paris is worth a mass”<br />

Many of worst persecutors: once religious: Freud<br />

Outward similarities: instrumentation: worship Woodwinds, percussion, brass<br />

* Hate life, Take up cross on not worthy. Count the Cost.<br />

World like Neb expects us: follow its customs & obey its rules.: Flute harp sound for you in vain<br />

Fear the face of no man because live in fear of the LORD<br />

Jn. 12:24 Grain of wheat falls into ground & dies > bears fruit.<br />

Spurgeon: Your duty is to do the right. The consequences are with God.<br />

Lost boyfriends, off sports team, out of college.<br />

Chrysostem: You can’t hurt me!<br />

Heb. 7:3 Like the Son of God. Ps. 91:9-12<br />

Angel of the Lord: delivers Gen. 48:16<br />

Hair of head. Luke 21:18 Acts 20:24 love God > life I Cor. 13:7 yielded body...<br />

v. 28-30 God’ doesn’t need Neb or any other pagan to guard his reputation<br />

Occasionally world impressed by your faithfulness: wife home<br />

No evidence Neb curses his gods & destroys statue: keeps building<br />

Ultimately heathen will be forced to give God glory.<br />

Grace in time of need Heb. 4:16 Ps. 66:10-12<br />

Neb dumb: 7x: slow fire > suffer more.<br />


Sense in which God is not able: martyrs, etc..: Character, our unbelief, His plans; Cross:<br />

Father if you are able... But He was able to deliver Him from the grave<br />

Athanasius.<br />

3 men don’t blast Neb. Even after they are vindicated.<br />

Long while: not like fire walkers scurry across quickly.<br />

6. You may once get such a dramatic opportunity: Don’t waste it!<br />

a. Calvin: God’s glory ought to be more precious to us than 100 lives.<br />

b. Call us intolerant > Absolute intolerance for our intolerance!<br />


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