artho 'yam brahma-sutranam - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

artho 'yam brahma-sutranam - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

artho 'yam brahma-sutranam - Suhotra Maharaja Archives


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10.87.31 -- Page 100<br />

Prakrti thus serves as the upadana-karana, or ingredient cause, of<br />

creation. In the ultimate issue, however, since she is also an<br />

expansion of the Supreme Lord, it is the Lord alone who is the<br />

ingredient cause as well as the efficient cause.<br />

2.10.45 -- Page 100<br />


łSankhya philosophers are like modern scientists<br />

ł<br />


Gross materialists without any knowledge of Brahman, Paramatma or<br />

Bhagavan conclude material nature to be the ultimate cause of the<br />

material manifestation, and the modern scientist also shares this view<br />

that the material nature is the ultimate cause of all the<br />

manifestations of the material world. This view is refuted by all Vedic<br />

literature. The Vedanta philosophy mentions that Brahman is the<br />

fountainhead of all creation, maintenance and destruction, and Srimad-<br />

Bhagavatam, the natural commentation on the Vedanta philosophy, says,<br />

janmady asya yato 'nvayad itaratas carthesv adhijnah svarat, etc.<br />

Inert matter is undoubtedly energy with potential to interact, but<br />

it has no initiative of its own. Srimad-Bhagavatam therefore comments<br />

on the aphorism janmady asya by saying abhijnah and svarat, i.e., the<br />

Supreme Brahman is not inert matter, but He is supreme consciousness<br />

and is independent. Therefore inert matter cannot be the ultimate cause<br />

of the creation, maintenance and destruction of the material world.<br />

Superficially material nature appears to be the cause of creation,<br />

maintenance and destruction, but material nature is set into motion for<br />

creation by the supreme conscious being, the Personality of Godhead. He<br />

is the background of all creation, maintenance and destruction, and<br />

this is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (9.10):<br />

mayadhya ksena prakrtih<br />

suyate sa-caracaram<br />

hetunanena kaunteya<br />

jagad viparivartate<br />

The material nature is one of the energies of the Lord, and she<br />

can work under the direction of the Lord (adhyaksena). When the Lord<br />

throws His transcendental glance over the material nature, then only<br />

can the material nature act, as a father contacts the mother, who is<br />

then able to conceive a child.<br />


łMother cannot give birth without father<br />

ł<br />


Although it appears to the layman that the mother gives birth to the<br />

child, the experienced man knows that the father gives birth to the<br />

child. The material nature therefore produces the moving and standing<br />

manifestations of the material world after being contacted by the<br />

supreme father, and not independently.<br />


łAnother way of understanding 'aja'<br />

ł<br />


Considering material nature to be the cause of creation, maintenance,<br />

etc., is called "the logic of nipples on the neck of a goat." The<br />

Caitanya-caritamrta by Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami describes this<br />

logic of aja-gala-stana-nyaya as follows (as explained by His Divine<br />

Grace Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami <strong>Maharaja</strong>): "The<br />

material nature, as the material cause , is known as pradhana, and as<br />

efficient cause is known as maya. But since it is inert matter, it is<br />

not the remote cause of creation." Kaviraja Gosvami states as follows:<br />

ataeva krsna mula jagat-karana<br />

prakrti--karana yaiche aja-gala-stana<br />

(Cc. Adi 5.61)<br />


łExample of electrification<br />

ł<br />


Because Karanarnavasayi Visnu is a plenary expansion of Krsna, it

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