तहसिल दारव्हा - Yavatmal District

तहसिल दारव्हा - Yavatmal District

तहसिल दारव्हा - Yavatmal District


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Information Handbook For the Office of Tahsildar Darwha<br />

ŸÖÆü×ÃÖ»Ö¤Ö¸ü ¤üÖ¸ü¾ÆüÖ यांचे कायालयासाठ माहतीपुतीका<br />

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8. Expectation of the public authority from the public for enhancing its<br />

effectiveness and efficiency.<br />

This Office expects from the general public that they should approach the concerned<br />

officer or employee in this office for their work, application or request. People in<br />

general are requested not to indulge into getting help from agents and touts for<br />

their official work. If there is any problem then they should directly approach the<br />

supervisory officer of the concerned authority. Getting help from agents or touts<br />

adversely affects the service delivery.<br />

2.8 कायमता आिण परणामकारीता वाढवयासाठी जनतेकडून अपेा :-<br />

सवसाधारण जनतेस िवनंती करयात येते क यांनी यांचे अज, िवनंती, कामासंदभात सरळ<br />

संबिधत आिधकारी कमचारी यांचेशी संपक साधावा. दलाल मयथ ई. माफ त कायालयीन कामे क<br />

नयेत. यासंदभात काही अडचण असयास संबिधत कमचारी/ आिधकारी यांचे वराशी संपक साधावा.<br />

2.9 Arrangements and methods made for seeking public participation/<br />

contribution.<br />

No such exclusive arrangement is available. But people in general can always<br />

visit the concerned officer/employee for any grievance/complaint regarding delivery<br />

of service.<br />

2.9 शासनात लोकसहभाग भागीदारीसाठी उपलध सुिवधा :-<br />

अशा कारची वथा उपलध नसली तरी जनतेस यांचे अडीअडचणी संदभात संबिधत<br />

आिधकारी / कमचारी यांना कायालयीन वेळेत भेटून आपले समाधान कन घेता येते.<br />

2.10. Mechanism available for monitoring the service delivery and<br />

public grievance resolution.<br />

This office has been directed as per the existing govt. orders and standing<br />

orders from collector’s office and commissioner’s office to prepare and<br />

ŸÖÆü×ÃÖ»Ö¤Ö¸ü ¤üÖ¸ü¾ÆüÖ यांचे कायालयासाठ माहतीपुतीका एकु ण पृे 79 पैक पृ ं<br />

Info Handbook For the of Tahsildar Darwha<br />

V 1.0 Page 26 of 79<br />


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