Design Criteria Volume 3 - Dart

Design Criteria Volume 3 - Dart

Design Criteria Volume 3 - Dart


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DART AREA RAPID TRANSITCAPITAL PROJECTSDESIGN CRITERIAVOLUME 3 - SUPPLEMENTAL DESIGNDRAFTING (CADD) STANDARDS AAANUAL2U03Revised byDART CADDin conjunction with the Project Management Department,ACT 21, and the DART CADD AdministratorComplete Revision, May 1, 2003

DESIGN CRITERIA - VOLUME 3<strong>Design</strong> Calculations. Right-of-Way, Survey, Drafting StandardsRevision HistoryRevisionNumber01234567891011RevisionDateApr-91Jul-91Jan-92Jul-92Jul-92Nov-92Aug-93Mar-97Jan-00Jun-00Sep-00Oct-03DecsriptionOriginal Issue, Draft Use, not to baseline yetReissued as baselined; separate from DC Vol 1 & 2Interim Release for use as Revision 1Final, Revision 1Final Release, Revision 1Revision 2Revised pg 1-12, 8/26/93; distributed 4-27-96Revised Chapters 1 ,3,4 & Appendic CComplete Revision of the Drafting Standards ManualRevision to Topo 1 level listRevision to CADD leveling AssignmentsComplete Revision og the Drafting Standards, PMD,DART CADD and ACT 21 , Issued 2/04DocumentNumberBR7Y-003-00-0491BR7Y-003-01-0791BR7Y-003-02-0192BR7Y-003-03-0792BR7Y-003-04-0792BR7Y-003-05-1192BR7Y-003-06-0893BR7Y-003-07-0397BR7Y-003-08-0100BR7Y-003-09-0600BR7Y-003-1 0-0900BR7Y-003-11-100312Apr-04New Issue of Survey and Right of Way Manual - ACT21BR7Y-003-1 2-040313Oct-05Revision to CAD leveling Assignments (12/05);<strong>Criteria</strong> Compliancy Rules 200 vs. 2003 (09/28/05);DART CADD Standards - Amendment Document(12/09/05)BR7Y-003-13-1005

DRAFTING STANDARDS MANUALTABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER 1 - Drawing Standards1.— ...........................DOCUIUCOMPLITFR AIDFD DF9IRN AND DRAFTING fOADOlGENERAL PURPOSE DRAWINGS—————————— .......................................INFORM/I ATI ON AND REFERENCE DRAWINGS— ...........................———..............SEQUENCE/ARRANGEMENT OF CONTRACT DRAWINGSDRAWI1. MAIN BODY —.......—...« .—«.»-.„.„„„»«.1.9.1IP KIT Pf"»MTROI ........... ..................................................... ...........................UfZ PORM AT ..........................................PO\/PR ^HPPTTITI F ^HFFT — -iMnPY OP npAwiMrs^i^TANDARD ARRRFVIATION9 AND ^YMROI Q ? 1fi Fntpr Data Fiplrl«tI IMF WORK1 Q A 1 I inp ^tvlpQ- ........................ ........... .... ............. .... —. .„ 1.Q1 Q 4 9 1 ino XA/oinhtc —niMFMQIOMQ -1Q f^ "I f^anaral1O ^ *? Plor'omont _or*Ai pARRRFVIATIONI^/^YMROI 9CC/~*TI/"\MCnCTAII Qpi AMQCj C\/ATir*lMQPFVIQIDNIQ - -1.Q1-Q-i.q1_101 m1 10—1-101-in1-101 101-11111—1-11l_-l -|I.-)-]- 1-111-1?1 191-1?1 19i 9 19 s i HPAWiMr; PFVKIOKK - - ~1 9 19 5 9 PFVKIONI PI Piling --19191? PFVKIOM TPIAMHI F^1_121.101 T* TITLE BLOCK1. .9. 1 2.5.4 CHANGE IN LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATED WITH A1 . Addition of New Licensed Professional Seal191255 REVISION BLOCK191256 CANCELED CRS -QPRFFMIMfl DP FYlQTINirS POMRITIOMQKFY PI AN 9IXI_ 1 1 l_/~\l *t\J ~ ~ ~ ~ ---—----—--•-----—------------------------------MATPH 1 IMFQDRAWINR TITI F —RFVI^ION NIIMRFR9-11099 Prnmrpmpnt PhaQPQ aftpr ^MR~ ........... ......................... .DRAWING— 1-13i n_1 131 13i_]31 n-1-141 141-14—1-14- 1-141 1R1_1 c:1.10.3DRAWINfi NUMRFR -1-1S. 1.1R• 1 \Jt\Jt4L Ut C1VVII ly 1 yy/V1 1 fi 1 ? Pti( ?r k inlinA Ar^n1 in??1 riFNFPAl PIIRPOSF - -1 10332 ARCHITECTURAL - - -1 10333 CIVIL -1 10334 ELECTRICALi i n ^ *^ ^ MFr~nANir~Ai1 10336 PLUMBING AND FIRE PROTECTIONl in T -1 7 f"^Fr>TF(~HNI(~AI1 10338 STRUCTURAL1 in?T9 TPAPTION Fl FPTPIFIfATinNi in i ^ in

•I -M I . I I1 -10 • i & S1IRMITTALS— .—......—FINAL DlRAWING ^IIRMITTAL ....... ...... ............. . «„»».»..-.„„„.„„ 1-21TYPES C1. 1^ «;1 lO^TIS UTILITIES - -i in ? ? IA i AKin^PAPF1 in 7 T 17 TPAPfcrWPiPK"i in o o 10 p| ic1 Ifi 9 ^ 10 PIAWKJIKIP. AWn OPFPATIPiN^ .„..1 in ^ 7 9O INHI KTPIA1 FKJP.IWFFPINPi1 in^^Ol FPjIIIPMFKIT1 10 33 22 TRAFFIC - ... - -1-191 in^^O^ PiPFPATIPiKK PPiKITPPil PFWTFP1-191 1 ("1 ^ "^ 94 PMVIPOKJMFMTAI -POMTDAPT Ml IIUIRPPPOMTRAPT *^HFFT Nt IMRFRQPAI PM A M F QHATP - _nPQir^M rjFFIPF / PRIMF DF^If^N FIRMpPQIf^N OFFIPF / ^IIR-PONTRAPTINfi FIRMPRELIMINARY NOTE / SEAL'S OF LICENSED PROFESSIONAL UNDERTFYAQ QTATF 1 AW / niq^l AIMFR MDTFI t/\rtO o I r\ 1 1 i_rtvv / L^iowi-^MiviL^rx INW i ^— —-— «~~"~~-OP nDAWIKI^Q\f HDAXMIKIOQ*l ^ft~\f^w* 11^^^-—--—--——---—--—-————-—————-—-———-——————-——————-———————-—————-————-————-————-—————SKETCHES^TANRARn HRAWINR 1^PPiWTRAPT RRAWIMf^QINTFRFAPF HRAWINfi^Rpr.nRn nRAWiNnc: ^A.C;.RI in T^1-181-181-181-181-181-181-191-191-191-191-191-191-191-201-201-201-201-201-211-211-211-211-211-211-91CHAPTER 2 - Discipline Drawing Requirements2.1 ARCHITEICTURAL — ~ PAVING- pi AIM*? -OVFRAI I Rl III niNfi PI AN 4 ?PI nr»R Dl ANQpppi PPTFD PFII INR PI AN 1 ?FXTFRIOR Fl FVATION 1 ?PROP'S ^FPTION*?—ROOF PI ANuH \^U\J^^\J ~— - -————————————————- -ARCHITECTURAL SYMBOLSARPHITFPTl IRAI "^PAI F^CJITF PI ANQOVERALL BUILDING PLANSPI DDR PI AM


£..O.O2.8.9ARPHITFPTURAI ^PAI F9--. 2-62.9CIVII2.^l IRVFY MO Ml IMFNIT POMTROIurtQITnRITAI Al I/"*MMPMT AKIH VPPTIPAI Al If^MMPMT POMTRHI PI AM...........2-70.7o 72-7o_y9 7. "^FPTION 1 ;fVIMQTRI IPTIHM QTAl^lMfS PI AMr^i nnPWAY PI AM AMH PROFII F2 7. ORO.QO.R22Q R 9 Prnfila f^rirtQ c o Trarlr nr Qtroot Prnfilo ................................V/.W.T i i av>r\ i iviii^r 1 1\J i— j,^------------------' ------ - -O.Q2-89 R2. Q R R 1 1+ilitickOc^RAniMri PAWING AMD HRAIMA^F PI AMHRAINAfiF PROFII F^ AMD RFTAII 9PAVFMFMT PROFII F^ DFTAII 9 AMD ^FPTIOM^DD/*> IPf*T r*D/"\CC CCOTir^MQfi F OTF C H N 1 C Al D RAW 1 MRS2Q 1 n *3 rionfoi^hnii^al Q^alocRlf^HT OF WAY i ^i\ji i i \^i v v r \ i '-•O.Q9 R2-80.0____________ _^_ y-2-8O.Q9 Q2-Q2 Q0 Q2 Q0 Q2Q 1 1 1f^onoral9 Q2 Q 1 1 9 Rinht-nf-Wau Plane0 Q2.9.12Ql IPWPY POMTRni PI AMQ2 1H911^.\3. i^. i i iwi \f-\j\ ILCII r^\j\j\A\ ct\jy ~ ~ _—-----———-—--———-—————————,9112.9.13MAP IVI/~\( POMTFNT^ ^/^yi 1 ! 1 L-11 1 \J~ ~ — --.——————— — -———--.....2 1 12 1 19 Q 1 ^ 1 fVinrrlinatp firiri Signing and Marking Details 2-142.9.16 UTILITIES- 2- Composite Plans of Existing Utilities 2- Utilities Rearrangement Plans, Profiles, and Details 2- DES Plans, Profiles and Details 2- Utility Easement Plans 2-152.9.17 LANDSCAPING 2- Landscaping Location Plans 2- Landscaping Irrigation Plans 2- Landscaping-Related Details 2- Landscaping-Related Schedules 2-15. 1 IU n O ^TRIIPTIIRAl I rxUw I uf^^^L—••••••••••--••—------------------------------------------------———------------ ............................................................................................... _- 9.1 iuft2.10.2 TEMPORARY STRUCTURES 2-162• 1fi iu»o ^ I ui^lULrxr INinFPPIMMIMC^ n*tt'iii'i\J AAINL/ AMR PROTFPTION i n\\_* i L_W i i\-/i^—~~"~~~—~—............__________ — 9-1 £_— i\j ft2.10.4 GENERAL STRUCTURAL ARRANGEMENT- 2-162.10.5 AERIAL AND SUBWAY STRUCTURE CONTROL SCHEDULES 2-162.10.6 STANDARD STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS 2-162. m i \j. 7 i o QTRI i r\u^ IPTI i Ljrv^L. IPAI |—L^T^I^I^-————————————————————————————————————————————••————-— PI AMQ _ £_— 9 1ft iu2.10.8 STRUCTURAL ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS, AND DETAILS 2-169 1D Q ^TRIIPTIIRAI ^TFFI FRAMINfi PI AN*? — 9 1fi__. \\J.*y O I r\wvx I wrvAL. wl _^__l_ i rxA^iviii 'ivj |~LTAI'I\J ^ \\j2.10.10 APPURTENANT STRUCTURES 2-162. 1H I \J, 11 I t QPPr*IAI Or C.>_/IAAI_ QTRI O I FXVJVx IPTI I wlxt—vj IRPQ ..............................................._,^— _ _9 17 i j2.10.12 MISCELLANEOUS IRON AND STEEL 2-172.10.13 STRUCTURAL SYMBOLS 2-172. 1fl lu. 14 i*t QTRI o i r\Uv^ IPTI i urv^L. IPAI QPAI OV^AAI_C_O——————————————————————————-—•««——.——«—————••—."—•••————-————^— PQ _ _. __ 917 | f2.11 COMMUNICATIONS 2-172.11.1 GENERAL DRAWINGS 2-172.11.2 STANDARD DRAWINGS 2-172.11.4 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAMS 2-172.11.5 NODE BLOCK DIAGRAMS 2-172.11 ,\J ft O QVQTFM I O I L_IVI PARI wrALJL.L^ P PI i L—rM^iO AMQ ————————————————___................ ^. 917 | j_______.......____________ ________....2.11.7 COMMUNICATIONS SITE PLANS 2-182.11.8 RADIO DRAWINGS 2-182.11.9 TELEPHONE DRAWINGS 2-182.11.10 TRAIN CONTROL CENTER DRAWINGS 2-182.11.11 PA/VMB LAYOUTS 2-182.11.12 FIRE AND INTRUSION DRAWINGS 2-182.11.13 COMMUNICATIONS TRANSMISSION SUBSYSTEM 2-182.11.14 POWER SINGLE LINE DIAGRAMS 2-182.11.15 RISER DIAGRAMS 2-18_.. 9 11 I I. 1R t\J II'IO IN^TAI I ^VL_L—TA I ATION I l\_/|i| l_/l_ DFTAII ir~J^W 9 ———————————————.—————.———————.—... ^. 9 1fl |Q2.11.17 COMMUNICATIONS SYMBOLS 2-182.11.18 COMMUNICATIONS SCALES 2-182.12 FARE COLLECTION 2-192.12.1 PLAN AND ELEVATION DRAWINGS 2-19f—t 9199 !£..£.. TARI »r^U\Jl~r^l II ATinNQ l>_/l'l\_> —— _______________________________________________________________ - ^_ 9 1Q | ^j2123 SIGNAG E 2-192.12.4 ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS 2- PERSPECTIVE VIEWS—OPERATIONS CONTROL CENTER_______________ yr _ •«9 1QIN D EX 2-19VI

22.13.2 SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS2.13.3 ROOM LAYOUT DRAWINGS2.13.4 GROUND DISTRIBUTION2.13.5 CODE CHARTS2.13.6 MATERIAL LIST-2.13.7 POWER DISTRIBUTION DRAWINGS—2.13.8 CIRCUIT DRAWINGS2.13.9 LAMP DRIVER LISTINGS-2.13.10 BLOCK DIAGRAMS2.13.11 ARRANGEMENT DRAWINGS-2.13.12 PRODUCT DRAWINGS2.13.13 CENTRAL CONTROL SCALES. 1-1 i-t Clf^MAI ^luinf^^^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm————«„„„„„„„_„ „2.14.1 GENERAL DRAWINGS2.14.2 STANDARD DRAWINGS2.14.3 TYPICAL DIRECTIVES2.14.4 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAMS2. 14 l-r.vl l__ IMP niACiPAMC; L/lrtOlxAMVIO ———————————————————............................................ 9 £.~£.\J 9CI2.14.6 REVERSE LINE DIAGRAMS 2-202. 14 I*T.» 7 IMTPRI M>I i tr\Lv^'\—'f\nNVJ nPWIMf^ PWARTQ- V-/ri-^rs. i o———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————^—£.\j__ -_ _ 9 9fi2. 14 l*r.O ft POXA/FR rwVVtrx niQTRIRI LSIO I r\IDU ITIHM I IWM PI r l_mHo~"~~~~"~~~~~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~""~~~~~"~~~~~~"~~"~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~~~"~ AMQ 9 _C~_£.U 9f_2.14.9 HIGHWAY CROSSING DIAGRAMS 2-202.14.10 HIGHWAY CROSSING SITE PLANS 2-202.14.11 INTERLOCKING SITE PLANS 2-202. 1/1 It. 19 I £. PIPPI \^\V\\^\J\ IIT I nRA\A/IMf^Q L^rVAV V II>IVJO ————__________._._..............._...._._...._.........._..................... _ _ 9 £_—£\j 9f>2.14.13 YARD EXPANSION DRAWINGS 2-209 ^. 14 |*T. 14 It O ^Y^TFM"? I \J I tlVIO ^L^IVI^I^I Fl FMFNTI 1 *J ? ———«—«———____«____ ______________________ 9 ^—^\j 902. 14 i*t. 1^ i\j QPHP Oi uv^ QITP 0111— PI n_^^iiio AMQ o t on t\j2.14.16 SIGNALS SYMBOLS 2-202. 14 l*r. 17 I f QIC^NAI OIVJI'ir^LO Q QPAI \j\sr^l—l^.\j FQ . _______________________ — _ _______________________________ _ 9 £.~£_\j 9O2.15 TRACTION ELECTRIFICATION 2-202.15.1 SYSTEM ELEMENT ATTACHMENTS 2-202.15.2 TROUGH DRAWINGS 2-202.15.3 GENERAL DRAWINGS 2-202.15.4 SUBSTATION SITE PLANS 2-202.15.5 SITE INFORMATION 2-21^. 9 I1 6 \J.\J ! R DFTAII LJ^ I ^^IL\J ^ —————————— — 9 ^—^ 91|2.15.7 TECHNICAL INFORMATION 2-212.15.8 CORROSION CONTROL DRAWINGS 2-212.15.9 TYPICAL STRUCTURES 2-212.15.10 ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS 2-212.15.11 MISCELLANEOUS ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS 2-212. 1^19 (O. i £. PATFMARY \~tt^ i t.iiirAr\i I L_TA AYOI i \j\j IT i PI |—|_^^|^|yj———————————————-—-•—————————————~—^_—^ AM^ __ 9 91|2.15.13 STAGING INFORMATION 2-212. 1^ \\J, 14 I *T ^STANDARD O I/^l N U^VIVU DRAWIMCS'? L/rx/^V V 11 N«JvJ —...............______ __________...._........_«._..._...«.._...___________^_^_ 9 91|2.15.15 TRACTION ELECTRIFICATION SYMBOLS 2-212.15.16 TRACTION ELECTRIFICATION SCALES 2-212.16 VEHICLES 2-212.16.1 CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWINGS 2-212.16.2 PLAN AND ELEVATION DRAWINGS 2-212.16.3 CONNECTION DIAGRAMS 2-212.16.4 TABULATIONS 2-21.2 1K I \J ,\J R PLANNIMR AND OPFRATIONS2. INDUSTRIAI FKirciNFFPINC^-— ————————- . ............... EQUIPM PNT /MAIKITFNANPF^—...............—.—— .................................. AYOUTS-- — — —PFRSPFPTIVF VIFWS —ftFNFRAI V^t^l Y^l \r \L—2 1711 Qvptomt nf Rpninnnl Qtnriif».y.yio 012-2"}-2-°"}9_9^O 902 900 00fc ^\J2-212-232-2^2-2 /: l2 9°.2-232-232-2"^2-2"^£- *L«JDRAWING SCALESFigure 2.1Figure 2.2Figure 2.3Figure 2.4Figure 2.5Figure 2.6Figure 2.7Figure 2.8Figure 2.9Figure 2.10Figure 2.11Figure 2.12Figure 2. 13Figure 2.14Architectural ScalesCivil ScalesElectrical ScalesMechanical, Plumbing, Fire Protection ScalesStructural ScalesUtility ScalesLandscape ScalesNot UsedPlanning and Operations ScalesEquipment (Maintenance) ScalesSDC (Comm / Sig / TES) ScalesTrackwork ScalesGeotechnical ScalesSurvey ScalesCHAPTER 3- CADD Requirements3.1 INTRODI1PTION. THIRr•) PARTY RRAFTIMr; RTAMDARn.S /riFNFRAI / DWI h3 .10-1VIII

o.£ ni-c \Ji•\V3AM1 lf-f\ 1 l\J n ----------——---—-—----——-——-—------—-—-—-—-—-——--—-——--—• DIRE3.3 PLOTTIIN ft RPOIIIREM E NTS3.4 CADD iSYQTPM AMD FII P RPmiiRPMPMT^.....— ................3.4.1rpTORV QTRI IPTI IRF -MIPROQTATION'Q FII F ORf5ANI7ATIOMniHPivil MAH97 — «i...- "^-13.03 .2. -J.o3-2- 7-73.4.2Mt"M Pivil NADB1AFP „..,-,1 A 11 cthept Filn«?..-..MIPRO9TATIDN FII F NAMF9-7-73-33-3- - 1-13-43-47 A7 A O O 1 f*FKlFPAI7 A 9 O 9 AP^WITFr'TI IPAIo 4 o o Qpi F^TPir^AI74994 FIPF PPOTFPTIOM^ 4 9 9 *iHVAr*34226 MECHANICAL\J.- 74997 PIIIMRINC^L r.^..^.r i LUIVI L/l M VJ34228 SIGNAGE -74990 r^lVIIO.-H-.Z..JL. 7 \^i v IL . i . .1 i .749910 1 AND'sPAPF - -7499 11 ^TPlirrilPAl7 4***i_

3.5.9 STANDARDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-143.5.10 PAVING BUILDING AND FLOOR PLAN -------------------------------------------------------- 3-143.5.1 1 ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------- 3-143 c .|o ,\j. I _r3.5.13 SIGNAGEPLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-143.6 ELECTRICAL ATTACHMENTS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------3-143.6.1 BUILDING PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-143 ,\J,£. 0 o L-HrxCw niRFmv/FQ I I V L-O-" ------------------------------- __——-————_ — - ^j 114 |«fO.O.O3 ,O.*TK A3c c QITF PI AMPU1(J ^| | ^ n I—f^l>|— ——33.O.O fi R ROnP rvv-'wn PI i |_^|>|—-— AM ———————-—-----—————————————«—.—««»»«»» 114 j- | *f,u./ R 7 ^ QTAMnARHQ I rti'iU'rArM-'o ----————————————————— — - 1-1 j u^o iJ.Vj.O c o LLL PI FVATIOM^ VrA I IV-'I>IO r^INU AND \J^V^ "^FPTinNS I I VJINO ——— —_______ -____________________________________________________________1-1 >_»_»»«_«_«««_«_«»»»_«»«»—»- j i ^j *i3.U.i7 ft Q W^ nPTAII I r\i LO~~ Q ——————— «— -____—_________ _________ _______________________ .____________ ^-1*5 j« | ^3.7 FIRE PROTECTION, MECHANICAL (HVAC), EQUIPMENT, PLUMBING AND SIGNAGE3.7.1 FIRE PROTECTION BUILDING PLAN---------------------------------------------------------------------3-153.7.2 FIRE PROTECTION DIRECTIVES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1 5171 o.i .o i FIRF ir\c_ PROTFPTION i r\vy i ^v> i ixyn Fl i Lvyvyrx DOR PI i |_^^|^-—— AN ________________________________________________________________________1-1 — — ^ |^^3.7.4 FIRE PROTECTION SCHEDULES AND DIAGRAMS ------------------------------------------------ 3-1 517^ O. f .*J i FIRF irxt. i PROTFPTION r\v^ i LV^* i IV-/! 1 ! vji ^ITF i L_ i PI L^^I^— AN ____________________________________________________________________________1-1 ——— ^j— | "S ^3.7.6 FIR PROTECTION ROOF PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1 5377 FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS _______________________________________________________________________3-153.7.8 FIRE PROTECTION ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS ------------------------------------------------- 3-1 53.7.9 FIRE PROTECTION DETAILS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3-1 53. 7 I . 1fi I \J ItV HX/AP r^O LJUll— Rl III UI niMf^ INVJ I PI L^^I^I——-— AM __ —— -"— __3.7.1 1 HVAC DIRECTIVE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1 533. 719 r . i ^. H\/Ar* n v A\W Fl i L*«/v^r\ OOP PI n L_^>II AN ——— —____________ ___ ______ ____ __________________________________________________ _________ ^ ^_ 1«\ | ^. 71^ r • I O MWAP n VA^w QPMFni OOII L_l— 'U II L.L-O P^ AMR r^l'lL/ HIAf^PAMQ _/|^^\jp\^^|viO ._ _^ O 1RI \J3714 HVAC SITE PLAN _____________________________________________________________________________________________3-163.7.15 HVAC ROOF PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-163.7.1 6 HVAC STANDARDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1 63.7.17 HVAC ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------- 3-163.7.18 HVAC DETAILS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-163.7.1 9 EQUIPMENT BUILDING PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-163.7.20 EQUIPMENT DIRECTIVE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3-1 63.7.21 EQUIPMENT FLOOR PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1 63.7.22 EQUIPMENT SCHEDULES AND DIAGRAMS ------------------------------------------------------ 3-1 63.7.23 EQUIPMENT SITE PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-163.7.24 EQUIPMENT ROOF PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3-1 63.7.25 EQUIPMENT STANDARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-163.7.26 EQUIPMENT ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------- 3-163.7.27 EQUIPMENT DETAILS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1 63.7.28 PLUMBING BUILDING PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-163.7.29 PLUMBING DIRECTIVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1 6\J,I 1 7 ,\J\J 1fl n PI L.LJ IIMRINR IVILJ 11 N VJ Fl I L.V_/>_/r\ DDR PI i L—T^I'l AN -_————______ ______ ______ _______ _________ ______ ______ _______ ______________________ 1 j_ 1R ly3.7.31 PLUMBING SCHEDULES AND DIAGRAMS------------------------------------------------------------3-163 7 32 PLUMBING SITE PLAN _______________________________________________________________________________________3-163 7 33 PLUMBING ROOF PLAN ______________________________________________________________________________________3-163.7.34 PLUMBING STANDARDS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-173.7.35 PLUMBING ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1 73 7 36 PLUMBING DETAILS ___________________________________________________________________________________________3-17 SIGMAGF nFTAII SATT AI" Ul M P MTC ________________________________________________________ _______CIVIL3. ATTACHMENTS— ———- —»....„..— ATIONS ATTACHMENTS3.•} m ASIGNAGF DIRECTIVE - -. -V17SIGNAGF Fl OOR PI AN —F PI AMQlf^MAGF STAMDARnSQlCiMAf-P pi PVATIHMS AMD SFCTIDMSrtLIOINIVItlN A| |f_MMPMT | PI ni_rtixo AMQ-— - - ———•} 17C.ITF PI AMS„ ^-17CROSS SECTIONSTVPICAI nFTAII SnPAIMAfiP MAPQnpMm iTinM PI AMQFNVIRONMFNTAI PI ANSHnRI7nMTAI R, VFRTICAI AI IGNMFNTflX/ll1 AMnSCAPF1 AMnQOAPP niRPPTIX/P1 AMnQf^APP QTAMHARn1 AMnSCAPF SFCTIONS1 AMHQPAPF nFTAII QPROPOSFn TnPnRRAPHYRIRHT-OF-WAY PI AN 4 ?^j.jl^l qi IRPAPF /-\\^^ PON^TRI \S\JtV\Jl l\\J\Sl irTION- |\_/|i| T " I """""""""""""""""- - " 1 '"- lmjl - IJ "CTRFFT A AI i FY MODIFICATIONSPFRMANFNT TRAFFIC CONTROITRACK IN°.TAI 1 ATIONTRACK CHART 4 ?TRAPPIP Qlf^NAI I7ATIHW /QTRPFT\TFMPORARY TRAFFIP PONTROITRACK nFTAII SPROPOSFn nRAINARE —nWM IITII ITIF 0 ,PROPOSFn 1 ITII ITIFS PI ANFXISTINtt UTI1 ITIE 0 . COMPOSITEWAIC5FMPRAI1 PROFII FRRinfiF nFTAII DRAWINGSRRinCiF PI AN DRAWINGSSTRI ICTI IRAI niRFCTIVFSTRAPk" QI AR PI ANQSTRI ICTI IRAI STANnARnSSTRI ICTI IRAI SECTIONSSTRUCTURAL DETAIL DRAWINGSGENE RALSTANDARD DRAWINGSBLOCK DIAGRAMSSIMGI F 1 IMF niAnRAMS3_l 7o 17*J 1 1..^.-I7^-17... ^-17o 17^-171-173-183-181 1R3 1R-3.1 a-^-ia1 1R^ 1A3

^10fi ^Y^TFM TABLF PI ANS —°, 10 7 POMMI INIPATION^ mTF PI AN9--°,108 RADIO DRAWINGS°,10Q TFI FPHONF DRAWING"? — —•* 1f) 10TRAIN PONTROI PFNTFR DRAWINGS°,1011 PA/VMR I AYOIJT 1 !3-in ^') PIRF X. INTRI IQIOM DRAWINGS -°, 10 1°. COMMUNICATIONS TRANSMISSION SURSYSTFM3m 14 POWPR SIMGI P I IMF DIAGRAMS3 10 15 RISER DIAGRAMS°, 10 1fi INSTAI I ATION nFTAII 9^ 1 1 SIGN AL S ATTACHMENTS3111 C5FNFRAI^11939TANinARD DRAWINGS. 11 1 1 ,\J q TVPIPAI 1 I l~ l^r^L. niRFPTIX/FL^ll \l_V^ 1 1 V L-.——— ~ ————————————————————«—• —-•-•.^114^ 11 ^33mNf^l F I IMF niAf^RAM^NIDRMAI I IMF niAf^RAMS11 ft RPWPRQF I IMF RIA^RAM^ — _117 IMTPDI nPk'IMfi PHARTQ^ 1 1 ft PDWFR ni^TRIRl ITION33 11 m mr^uwAv r*ROQQiNf^ ^ITF PI AMQ3 11 11 IMTPRI nPk'IMfi PWART^11 Q Hir^MWAV PROQQIMl^ niAf^RAIWI^ -^ 11 19 CIRPIIIT nRAWINR 4 ?3 111^ VARn FYPAMQIOM nRAWIMf^Q3 11 14 QPHP QITP PI AKIQ3 15 ^YQTFM^ Fl FMFMT^ ATTAPHMFNTQ -»»««„„»««„.^1^ TRAPTION FL FCTRIFICATION ATTACHMENTS - —-.-»«»««—«.31 ^ 1 f^FMFR Al —"^ n 9 ^UR^TATION ^ITF PLANS—^ 17 **3QITF IMFORMATIOM-10 A nFTAII Q•a -10 cTFPHNIOAI INFORMATION"} n R PORROSION PONTROL DRAWINR*?--^1*^7 TYPIPAI STRI IPTI IRFS —^1^8A^^FMRI Y DRAWINGS—"3 n Q MISCELLANEOUS ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS^ 1T 1 0 CATENARY LAYOUT PLANS —"^ni1 STAGING INFORMATION — -^ "\^ 19STANDARD DRAWINGS-3 14 PI ANNING AND OPERATION— - .......................... .................•7 1 K INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING316 EQUIPMENT {MAINTENANCE)^-91** 91^.99^-99q oo^-99^ 99. q_993 993 00q oo^-22q 99^-99\j q £.£. 99^-99q ooq 99o oo^-99q 99q 993 23q_o^q 9q•^ 9*^3 003-23•3 00'*.?'*.. ^-9^^-94_ ^-94o 04o. 94O,.OA^-94-^-94-^-94,. q 043.9d3-°d1 OACHAPTER 4 - DART Submittal and Deliverable Requirements4 1 INTRODUCTION4 2 ENGINEERING DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION SIIRMITTAI ^ ............. .4 9 1 PRFI IMINARY FNGINFERING DESIGN RFVIFWS4211 Major Investment Studies EIS/DEIS/FEIS Other Reports4.2.1.2 Preliminary Engineering - 50% Level (5% Final <strong>Design</strong>)A 9 1 ^ Proliminarv Fnninpprinn QR% I aval Mn°/« Final RAcinnA4.2.2 FINAL DESIGN REVIEWS (30%, 65& SMR, 95% AND 100% SMR) 4-24.14 14 -14 14_1A 9Xii 9 _t AMFNnMFNTQ TO PROCURFMFNT SOI (CITATION49 ^ AWARD POMTRACT -. —A 9 fi CONTRACT CHANOFS FMlRINfi CONSTRUCTION-.197 AS RUM T CONDITION ~ -4 9 ft OPFRATIONAI CHANOFSDRAWING FORMAT-— - — ---------CHRMITTAI OF DRAWINGS FI FPTRONIP FII FS_~ ... ... ... ... ... .A A 1 DRAWING FI FCTROMIC COPY FORIMAT _A A 9HRAXA/IMr^ Ql IRMITTAI PVOI P IHPMTIPIPATIOM4491 RTsir P^nntpnt4 4 ° ° Trxt Filf**-DPAWIN^S HARD COPY FORMAT—————————————————'nOPHMFNT FI FCTRONIC FII F FORMAT————————————4fi 1 nOPI IMFMT FI FCTROMIC COPY FORMAT4.6.2 DOCUMENT HARD COPY FORMATFILE EXT E NSIONSARf HIX/AI AND DISASTER RFCnX/ERY PAPARII ITIFS— -———.———4 R 1 HARD POPY/i a o ci c^TDnMir 1 en cc4.-J, A_A_ 4.4A R. 4.54 5A ^A K"T wA.R. 4.KA R4 R4 64.74.74 74_y4.84 .0A aA. RCHAPTER 5 - CADD Manual Update Procedure5.15.2HART OFI 1 1 IRRARIFSi FVFI /SYMBOLOGY LISTING REVISIONS. FORM.... , .5 .4e 7 Ann_C.-lR 1fi.16 1C •!„ C4._.„ R.1„ _ C 1e -1R *>CO\J £mft.OCO6 °. . ... COc oCOL, ^ R 06.3.6 DRAWING INDEX REVISIONS 6-26.3.7 STAMPING AND SEALING REQUIREMENTS 6- Cover and Index Sheet Stamp Requirements 6-2R Q 7 o Drswino Sh&6t Stsmo RGouirGmGnts - -—--~_______—— R_26.3.7.3 Cover and Index Sheet Seal Requirements 6- Drawing Sheet Seal Requirements 6-3R.OXIII Drawing Sheet Sealing History 6-36.3.8 PLOTTING 6-36.3.9 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 6- Work Request Database 6- Bi-Weekly Report 6-4f^ i i ^\^^nivi CIN i ^j — •'•••'""•""""""""•""•"••••••••••••••••••••••••"•"""""""••"•••••••••••••"•••••••••^••""•"•••«•••••••••• 0*46.4.1 Attachment No.1 - Contractor's Certification Stamp 6-46.4.2 Attachment No.2 - Record (As-Built) Certification Stamp 6-4Appendix A - GlossaryAppendix B - Standard AbbreviationsAppendix C - Assignments (Level List)Appendix D - Cell LibrariesAppendix E - Text and Symbol FontsAppendix F - Line StylesAppendix G - Color TablesAppendix J - Standard Drawings (examples)Appendix K - Pen TablesXIV

CHAPTER 1DRAWING STANDARDS1.1 INTRODUCTIONIt is the intent of DART to maintain an up-to-date and accurate electronic record of all relevant design,construction, and operation change documents. This manual defines submittal requirements and providesthe standards, necessary to ensure that drawings prepared for DART projects are uniform in appearanceand reflect high quality workmanship. These standards require compliance, by ALL <strong>Design</strong> andConstruction firm personnel and subcontractors working on DART Projects, in accordance with the term oftheir specific contract with DART or by the issuance of this Drafting Manual as a contract deliverable fromDART.Bentley System, Inc.'s MicroStation J has been selected as DART's CADD platform; GeoPak shall be usedas the design software, and eQuorum PlotStation has been selected as the standard plotting software.Other third party CADD applications may be used in conjunction with MicroStation to enhanceproductivity, approval by the DART CADD Administrator is required.It is imperative to follow the CADD methodology prescribed herein. No manual changes are allowed onDART project drawings. This standardization is to be followed precisely by all drafting and designpersonnel producing CADD files for DART projects. Prime Consultants are responsible for ensuring allfirm, joint venture partner and subcontractor personnel are provided this requirement and for theenforcement of it.For work (such as street reconstruction, water and sewer lines, etc.) in the public right-of-way for which theproposed work will be accepted by the local governing agency upon completion of the project, thoseconstruction documents (drawings and project manual) shall be prepared in accordance with die drafting anddesign standards and requirements of the local governing agency. However, DART CADD file standards shallapply as far as they do not conflict with the requirements of the local governing agency.This document establishes a standard which technicians, and designers will follow to construct consistentdesign files and assumes all users have competency and experience with MicroStation CADD and/orGeoPak software. This standard will continue to evolve and will be updated as new information becomesavailable.1.2 DOCUMENT CONTROLControl of drawings that define the baseline configuration is essential during all phases of the project DARTEngineering Document Control (EDC) will accomplish the storage, control and distribution of DART-approveddrawings. Refer to the DART Configuration Management Manual for further information. DART EDC shallutilize the drawing and document control design review and closeout or other procedures of the DARTConfiguration Management Manual to control drawings prior to their approval.All drawings produced for or by DART, shall be assigned by the Prime <strong>Design</strong> Finn in compliance with section1.1.0.3. When a drawing number is required or a drawing title is assigned, DART EDC shall be notified.Changes to the drawing number after assignment are not allowed. Any deviation, even to comply with localgoverning agency drafting standards must be pre-approved in writing by the DART <strong>Design</strong> Project Manager,the Assistant Vice President (AVP) -Technical Services and the CADD Administrator. Refer to DARTConfiguration Management Manual for more information.1.3 CADD FILESElectronic copies of all drawings, reference files or other associated files used for DART projects shall be part ofeach formal submission to DART. All electronic CADD files must be able to be used without conversion ormodifications, in the MicroStation design file format. Refer to Chapter 3 and 4 of this manual for specificinformation. Any deviation, even to comply with local governing agency drafting standards must be preapprovedin writing by the DART <strong>Design</strong> Project Manager, the AVP-Technical Services and the CADDAdministrator.1.4 GENERAL PURPOSE DRAWINGSGeneral-purpose drawings shall be included in each contract set. Information provided by these drawingsincludes general project information and specific information about the contract set. Drawings such as thecover sheet, title sheet, site plan and index of drawings are considered general-purpose drawings.Site plan drawing scale shall be appropriate to allow the construction site to fit on one sheet. The site plan andkey plan of the system shall be shown on the same sheet.1.5 INFORMATION DRAWINGSDrawings related to but not prepared as part of the work scope of a contract are referred to as informationdrawings. These may be used to provide information concerning other systems or facilities, which interfacewith a specific contract.1-1

Drawings prepared by other entities or the suppliers of purchased materials may be included as informationdrawings, if required.Information drawings shall be listed on the index of drawings, assigned sheet numbers within the contract set,and shall be stamped "For Information Only".If assistance is needed on the proper handling of information drawings, in the design, procurement, contractchange or as-built stages of the project - contact DART EDC for clarification.1.6 SEQUENCE/ARRANGEMENT OF CONTRACT DRAWINGSThe preferred sequence of drawings in a DART Project contract is as follows:* Cover sheet" Title sheet/Site Locator Plan* Index of drawings* Cross-Reference Index* General drawings (standard symbols, abbreviations, general notes, etc.)* Survey Control Plans (if required)* Right-of-VVay Maps (if required)" <strong>Design</strong> disciplineso Civilo Trackworko Utilitieso Architecturalo Landscape° Geotechnical° Structuralo Mechanicalo Electrical0SystemsRefer to Figures 1.3 through 1.22 (Appendix J) for samples of drawings. See Chapter 2 for drawingrequirements by discipline.Within each discipline, the drawings shall be organized as follows:* Project/<strong>Design</strong> drawings* Standard drawings" Information drawings1.7 DRAWING FORMATIn addition to the specific format reflected in Figure 1.1 and 1.2, Appendix J, variations are necessary inpreparing contract-drawing packages. Drawing formats are:1.7.1 COVER SHEET (Refer to Figure 1.3, Appendix J)Every set of contract documents shall include a cover sheet that shall contain the followinginformation as a minimum:DART logo" Document titleContract title• Procurement number• Date• DART approval signatures or In-Progress stamp, prior to Procurement Solicitation Issued.o All drawings produced for DART projects (except sketches) shall require DARTProject Manager and DART EDC authorization to release in compliance withConfiguration Management procedures.oThe designated Assistant Vice President, or authorized representative, shallacknowledge each contract set of drawings by signature and date on the coversheet of the contract set.• Consxiltant (document preparer) approval signature• Local Government Agency signatures" Color requirements for submittal covers (Refer to DART Configuration Manual, DART EDC)" Contract Submittal Description1.7.2 TITLE SHEET (Refer to Figures 1.4, Appendix J)The title sheet shall include the following information as a minimum:" Contract/Project name" Con tract Submittal Description' Contract number1-2

" Key map- Vicinity map" Index of Drawing (only on small projects)1.7.3 INDEX OF DRAWINGS (Refer to Figure 1.5, Appendix J)Every set of contract drawings shall include an index of drawings contained in the contract(minimally, at IFB/RFP/RFTP/Procurement/each Amendment/ As-Built). The index shall includethe following information as a minimum:oApplicable for each sheet listed on index:" Sheet Number• Revision Number• Drawing Number• Drawing Title1.7.4 STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS (Refer to Figures 1.6 and 1.7, Appendix ])These drawings list all standard abbreviations and symbols used within the discipline drawings andAppendix B, of this manual, Lists all abbreviations.1.7.5 DESIGN DISCIPLINESRefer to Chapter 2 for drawing details as per discipline.1.8 DRAFTING MEDIA1.8.1 GENERALEach Contractor will supply their own drafting media (Mylar and Bond), and is responsible forensuring that drawings of the correct format size and media are used. Dimensions of standard DARTdrawings are reflected in Figure 1.2 of Appendix J and are ANSI Standard Size B and D (preferred)drawings. Refer to Section 3.3.All survey plats shall be 17"x28" so that they may be reduced to 8- l/2"xl4" (Figure 1.2, Appendix])for legal purposes. Refer to Survey and Right-of-Way sections (Section 2.4) of this manual foradditional requirements.1.8.2 DESIGN SUBMITTALS<strong>Design</strong> review submittals, i.e., conceptual through the final 95%, 100%, Senior Management Review(SMR) shall be original plots on half-size Bond (11"X17" Figure 1.2, Appendix J). Refer to Chapter 3and 4 of this manual for specific information.1.8.3 STANDARD DRAWINGS- NEW DESIGN:Submitted reproducible media for these drawings shall be 3 or 4-mil double matte Mylarfilm for full-size, see Sections 3.1,3.3 and Chapter 4 for more details.- COPIES OF EXISTING DESIGNS:DART EDC will provide copies, upon request by the design firm(s), of existing standarddrawings. Full-size media shall be 3 or 4-mil double matte Mylar;. Refer to Sections 3.1, 3.3and Chapter 4 for more details.1.8.4 CONTRACT PACKAGES (IFB, RFTP), AMENDMENTS AND CONTRACT CHANGESSubmittals for procurement purposes and contract changes shall be original plots or full-size Mylar(22"x34"), identical format to that reflected in Figure 1.2 "D" of Appendix J. For "Third Party"plotting requirements, see Section RECORD (AS-BUILT) DRAWINGSSubmittals of the drawings showing the "as-built" conditions shall be on full-size Mylar (22"x34").For "Third Party" plotting requirements, see Section 3.1. Also, see Specification Section 01300 forfurther requirements.1.8.6 OPERATIONAL CHANGESOperational changes will be made and updated by DART EDC or DART CADD in support of DARTOperations. Once changes are made they will be plotted and copies made available to Operations.Upon approval, Mylar plots shall be forwarded to Operations by DART Configuration Management,EDC.1.8.7 SKETCHESNo specific media is required for the preparation oi sketches; however, if a sketch is to be converted toa project drawing, the requirements of this manual shall apply.1-3

1.9 DRAWING MAIN BODY1.9.1 GENERALDrawings shall depict such items as foundations, layouts, structures, topographic maps, utilities, etc..Drawings may show items such as shapes, sizes, elevations and tracks. Drawings also may showwalls, partitions, bulkheads or drainage. In any case regardless of discipline, standard industrypractice in development of drawings shall be used. Drawings depicting any other elements not alonga main line shall be oriented so that project north is toward the top or left hand side of the sheet,unless directed otherwise by DART.The space immediately above the right side of the title block shall be left blank for future insertion ofinformation such as "reduced size" or "unofficial print". PLACING ELEMENTS" All connected line graphic elements (non-text) shall have their connectionscoincidental to one another. The use of tentative snapping to ensure coincidentalpositional unit relationships of elemental key points is required.• A minimalist approach (with the fewest and simplest elements) is preferred. The useof a single line string is preferred over a "string" of individual line elements.• Chaining elements is not preferred (i.e. a "string" with irregular features or, forirregular area patterning).• Each element is placed with a set of display symbology values. It is just as importantto use the proper line style, weight and color, as it is that the element be placed on theproper level assignment Of course, the opposite of this is just as important: properinformation leveling is very important. ELEMENT TYPESDue to the large number of drawings that are required to share design files during designand construction, element types are controlled. Most of the MicroStation element typesmay be used. Element types that are allowed in design files are called "legal" elements.Those element types, which for some reason cannot be used, are called "illegal" elementtypes. Below are lists of legal and illegal types. LEGAL ELEMENT TYPESThe following legal element types may be used:" Cell placement headerLine" Line string" Shape• Text node• Curve string• Complex string• Ellipse (circle)Arc" Text string" Enter data fields• Group data• Digitizer setup data• <strong>Design</strong> file header• Level symbology• Point string" Conic-Surface (3D)• Circular truncated cone (3D)• B-Spline pole" B-Spline surface header (3-D)" B-Spline surface boundary (3-D)• B-Spline knot element" B-Spline curve header" B-Spline weight factorNURBS1-4 ILLEGAL ELEMENT TYPESThe following illegal element types may NOT be used:" Non-dropped multi-line elements• Shared cells• Non-dropped dimensional elements• Nested Cells1.9.1.3 DETERMINING AN ELEMENT'S LEGAL STATUSContact the DART CADD Administrator before using any element type that is not listedamong the legal and illegal element types to determine whether it may causecompatibility or production problems. ELEMENT CLASSThe active class of elements shall be Primary. The only exception is border "snapping"points. Construction elements are not permitted. Temporary and/or reference elementsshall be Primary and exist on a non-plot level until deleted. PATTERNINGPatterning is a powerful capability of CADD. Proper patterning techniques can save timeand prevent files from being corrupted. Only those linear and area pattern cellscontained in approved DART cell libraries are to be used for patterning.If a needed pattern cell does not exist in the cell library, contact the DART CADDAdministrator. When necessary, new pattern design will be submitted to the CADDAdministrator for review/incorporation. LINEAR PATTERNINGLinear patterning is when a pattern is applied to a line, such as patterning aline to show a long fence. To pattern a line, an active cell is defined and theline to be patterned is identified and accepted.Linear pattern cells exist in the master cell libraries and are the only linearpattern cells used. Custom linear pattern cells (custom line styles, i.e.,fences, walls, etc.) should be dropped. AREA PATTERNINGArea patterning is when a pattern is applied to a shape or fence. Areapattern cells exist in the master cell libraries and are the only ones allowed.Excessive area patterning can increase a design file's size to an undesirableamount. Patterning tasks can require substantial input/output time if doneexcessively. Avoid this by partially patterning an area and by usingappropriate symbolic cells.1.9.2 NORTH ARROWThe standard north arrow cell shall be displayed in the upper right-hand corner of all plan drawings.For partial plans, North arrows shall be placed to the right of the partial plan title. Plans shall beoriented so that the north arrow points to the top, left or right of the sheet. Reference Figure 1.1,1.8and 1.10, Appendix J, for preferred location.1.9.3 TEXT1.9.3.1 GENERALTo ensure that all drawings look consistent, a systematic approach to placing text isneeded. Standardizing text placement allows for predictability' and automation. Itmakes a job easier both for straight inputting and when it is time to edit or revise text.Text within the body of the drawing should be lined up horizontally when possible.Refer to Figure 1.11,1.14 and 1.15 when referencing other drawings in the drawing,only use the phrase "SEE DRAWING XXX-XXXX".Text shall not be interfered with except by adequately screened information. Fittedtext shall not be used.Text nodes are used in lieu of stacking text strings. A text node's status is notdropped for the sake of editing convenience unless absolutely necessary. The use of,enter data fields is encouraged wherever appropriate, especially within cells. TEXT DISPLAY CONSIDERATIONSSome text is displayed with heavy weight assignments. It is recommended that lineweight display parameters be changed with the user preference portion of MicroStation. Care must be taken to assure the "Weight Display Off" attribute is not1-5

included when creating a Plot Request Form (PRF). NOTESWhen applicable, general notes shall be placed under the north arrow and bar scale.These are notes referencing to multiple drawings. Notes specific to the drawing onwhich they are located shall be placed on the drawing below the general notes. Theseshall be titled "NOTES" and should be the same height as the note text. This shouldnot be underlined. If only one note is present, it should also be titled "NOTES".All notes shall be lined-up along a common left-hand margin. When possible, notesand general text should also be lined-up horizontally.• Notes shall be numbered and shall be placed on the drawing to read top-tobottom,left-to-right (whenever possible)." Notes should be a single text node including note numbers, note text, andthe title, "NOTES:"" Notes shall be grouped together along the right edge above the title block." NOTES" shall not encroach in the drawing area. See Figure 1.10 and 1.15." When a note is removed from an approved drawing, the note number shallremain in its position and the note text area shall be marked "DELETED". FONTSAll fonts to be used for DART work reside in the dart.rsc resource file. Many fontsreside in this resource file for many special uses however only four fonts shall beused for DART project-related work. They are:" Font 40-Leroy• Font 41-DART• Font 42-Helvetica• Font 45-ArchSignIn Appendix C, you will find a reference guide for when and where to use thesefonts. Included will be the specifications for font style to be used and the text sizing.All text shall be entered as a solid line code (0). Color-coding shall be based on thelevel list as denoted in Appendix C.Appendix E, "MicroStation Symbols and Text Fonts", is a reference guide detailingthe proper use and placement of fonts. When used in conjunction with Appendix C,"DART CADD Leveling Assignments", all text placement requirements are defined.• FONT 40 (previous DART Projects)This is a Leroy-styled typeface used for previously completed DART CADDprojects. All upper and lower case letters are supported, as are numeralsand standard keyboard symbols. Refer to Appendix E for font 40's graphicdescription.• FONT 41 (DART Projects)This is an international style typeface to be used for the majority of DARTCADD work. This font differentiates 1's from 1's and O's from O's. It alsosupports fractions through 64ths and includes special characters for use ondesign files. Refer to Appendix E for font 41's graphic description.• FONT 42 (titles and cover sheets)This is a Helvetica Medium style typeface. This font is a monospaced font(i.e. all characters occupy the same width). Refer to Appendix E for font 42'sgraphic description..• FONT 45 (signs)This is a Filled typeface. This font is a monospaced font (i.e. all charactersoccupy the same width). Refer to Appendix E for font 45's graphicdescription. TEXT STRINGS AND TEXT NODESA text string defines a single line of text. It is always a planar element. Text is snapable.The text string or text nodes' justification origin is the only valid point for a keypointsnap (using a tentative) and view-dependent only.A text node defines several text strings. Like a text string, text nodes are alwaysplanar elements. Text nodes are complex elements, which group several text stringstogether to form a paragraph. They can be placed into a tile with no text strings1-6

attached. The text string can be added at a later date.The use of both text strings and text nodes are permitted. Use text nodes wheneverplacing multi-line notations.Do not drop status on placed text nodes, as it will "free" the nodes into text strings ortheir individual text lines. It is highly desirable, but not required, to maintain the textnode's singular element nature. TEXT JUSTIFICATIONSThere are four text justification settings used. These will satisfy most text placementneeds. The settings are Left-Top, Center-Bottom, Center-Center and Right-Bottom.• Left-Top text justification is primarily used, except as noted below• Center-Bottom text justification is used to center-justify text on dimensionstrings and in schedule column headings. Text maintains the minimum linespacing distance required of all text over linear elements (see paragraph line spacing). Center-Bottom text justification may be appropriate whenplacing text above or below a linear element.• Center-Center text justification is used to establish text centering absolutely inelliptical and circular elements. The key-point snap of the Center-Centerjustified text must be coincidental with the interior key-point snap of the ellipsesor circle. This does not apply to text in a circle's hemisphere. Polygonal shapescontaining a single text string or text node element use Center-Center textjustification.• Right-Bottom text justification is to be used in cell creation and enter data fieldsin the border's information strip. TEXT SIZES - Civil and AEC ChartsValues for text sizes vary relative to the working unit settings in a design file typeand/or at a particular drawing scale setting. The following table gives text heightsfor each allowable text size. See DART CADD level list for text sizes, Appendix C.Any other text size is considered a special case and requires prior writtenauthorization by the DART CADD Administrator. Fitted text shall not be used.CIVIL SCALE(Lerov size to text heieSettings: 10 Sub Units; 100 Positional Units1-7

Settings: 12 Sub Units; 8,000 Positional Unite fit 1/8"=1'-0Any other text size is considered a special case and requires prior writtenauthorization by the DART CAD Administrator. Fitted text shall not be used. LINE SPACINGThe line spacing shall be .8 of the text height (font 41). This is the minimum andpreferred distance allowed.UNDERLININGAutomatic underlining is not to be used.TEXT ROTATIONWhen it is appropriate to do so, text may be rotated. Text is placed exactly parallel toits associated linear graphic element or perpendicular (to tangent) to the associatedaccurate graphic element. Otherwise, the orientation alignment for all text in adesign file is parallel to the long axis of a landscaped sheet format or the short axis ofa portrait sheet format (See Figure 1.2 and 1.15 of Appendix J).TEXT WEIGHTSEach text size has an assigned line weight value that is unique, see Appendix C.Existing Projects used Font 40, 42, and 45. Future Projects wilJ use Font 41, 42, and45. [Font 42 and 45 are filled fonts]. The assigned line weights for each text size, areas follows:TEXT SIZEDARTFONT 40FONT 41FONT 42, 451.9.3.12Text weight adjustments for scales (other than full-sized) plot legibility', are handledby the DART Pen Table (provided by the DART CADD Administrator).No other weight value is to be used without prior written authorization by the DARTCADD Administrator, unless working on Starter System or Existing Phase 1drawings, which use Font 40.FRACTIONSStacked fractions are used when showing the simple quotient between two numbers.Only the denominators 2, 4, 8,16 32, and 64 are used and supported by Font 41.Decimals of an inch or foot are used when it is deemed appropriate or when a higherdegree of tolerance must be conveyed. Decimal fractions begin with at least a zero tothe left of the decimal (i.e., 0.125).1-8 TEXT COLORSSee Appendix C. TITLESAll plans, elevations, sections, and details shall have a title associated with them. Thetitle shall be centered directly under the plans, elevations, sections, or details. Alltitles shall include adequate cross-referencing information. See Appendix D for celllibraries. DIMENSION TEXTDimensions and elevations on Civil drawings (and Structural Bridge Layout) shall beexpressed in feet and decimals to the nearest hundredth of a foot. Coordinates shallbe expressed in feet and decimals to the nearest ten thousandth of a foot: (i.e.,3000.1234).Elevations and dimensions on structural, mechanical, electrical and architecturaldrawings shall be in feet and inches. Dimensions one foot and larger shall bedenoted in feet and inches (i.e., I'-O", 3'-0 ¥2"). Dimensions under one foot shall bedenoted in feet and inches (i.e., 0'-9", 0'-9 W). All other dimensions shall be denotedin inches.Do not used auto-dimensioning, or drop it after insertion. Text above and below adimension line shall be a single text node. Increase line spacing to same as textheight.3Slopes should be expressed as ( ±0.65% or 4:1 or 1 | )Angles should be expressed ( 39'24'30" or S20°17'43"W or 45° )Station Callouts (1030+00)Dimension text should run parallel to dimension lines, above the dimension line, andbetween the extension lines. ENTER DATA FIELDSThe use of data fields is encouraged. Many components in the border (must becopied into the sheet file) and detail cells have enter data fields that may be filledwithout having to drop the cell to edit the text. Open or unfilled enter data fields ofdropped cells will be preserved for future use. Care should be taken to preserve thefield's relative position in the dropped component unless its repositioning isabsolutely required.1.9.4 LINE WORKAll line work shall be done to accommodate legibility when the drawings are reduced to half-size.Closely spaced lines shall have a visible space between them. Plot scale and final drawing sizemust be taken into consideration to assure all details are clearly visible. Chi details, when approvedby the designer, exaggerate scale to further add to the clarity.* Avoid placing objects over other object lines. LINE STYLESThere are eight basic MicroStation line styles available. Each line styles have an assignedline code number. Line styles for specific occasions are listed in the level schemes ofAppendix C and other sections of this manual. Line styles are controlled by the DARTpen table(s), see Appendix F.Each line style may represent more than one meaning, but generally not in the samedesign file.Additional line styles are available through the use of custom line styles. If new customline styles are needed, prior written approval is required from the DART CADDAdministrator.User Commands, MDLs or "Settings Manager" may set line styles automatically. Be sureto confirm automated settings. If the line style is not correctly setup, change it to theproper value (Note: If an automatic line style set-up command does not work as it should,notify the DART CADD Administrator). LINE WEIGHTSSee Appendix C, for Line Weights. There are approximately ten line weight values used.These basic line weights are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.Any other line weight value requires prior written authorization by the DART CADD1-9

Administrator. LEADER LINESLeader lines shall be as short as possible and shall start at the halfway point of the textheight, and should start at the upper left or lower right portion of the note. The lineshould start one character width away from the first or last of the text. Except in "CIVIL"for Station Callouts and Offsets (See Figure 1.15 of Appendix J).Leader lines shall be straight, 2-part lines (See Figure 1.11 and 1.15 of Appendix J).Keynote leader lines or other leader lines from shapes with text inside of them should nothave a line terminator present and shall be a single line originating at the center of thecircle or shape. Trim line on the shape.Leader lines should only be broken if they cross dimension lines, extension lines, or otherleader lines (crossing other leader lines shall be avoided, if possible).Leaders should terminate at the edge of the item you are identifying. If you are pointingto a face of an object, an area terminator should be added perpendicular to the arrowheadLeader lines are line strings. Leader lines are "broken" and the line string shall be limitedto a single vertex whenever possible. (It is preferred to reposition the note or dimensionthan have a "snaking" leader line).See Appendix C, for specific weight requirements.All leader lines end with a line terminator cell except leader lines for dimensions. Theyterminate exactly on its dimension line, centered between the two adjacent witness lines.1.9.5 DIMENSIONSoLine Terminators (see Appendix D, Cell libraries)There are cell terminators available for use in notation and dimensioning." Looped terminators shall be used when a leader is pointing tocomponents such as a conduit(s), wire(s), or pipe(s). GENERALDo not used auto-dimensioning, or drop it after insertion. Dimensioned features shall bedrawn to scale, unless specifically noted otherwise. They shall be clear for fieldinterpretation. They should nor be duplicated from section or elevation to plan views. PLACEMENTDimensions shall be placed so that they may be read from "left-to- right" and "bottom-totop".No Auto-Dimension Allowed (drop if used). Dimension lines should be consistent inspacing from the object, and consistent in spacing from one dimension line to the other.Dimensions generally shall be placed outside the object(s).Crossing of dimension lines shall be avoided.Dimensions of like objects on any one part of a drawing shall be lined up. GEOMETRYDouble continuation arrows shall be used when a dimension is interrupted by a breaklineor matchline.Assure that l n -text height gap is present from the object being dimensioned to thebeginning of the witness line. Assure the witness line extends Vz- text height beyond thedimension line.There should always be a dimension line present between extension lines.Use a filled circle when space does not permit the use of an arrow (See Figure 1.11 ofAppendix J).1.9.6 SCALEThe scale used for a drawing or drawing view shall be selected to ensure the clarity of a printwhen reduced in size and to allow reasonable space between views. A graphic bar scale cell shallappear on plan drawings. When multiple scales are used (See Figure 1.11 of Appendix J). A not-toscaleplan or detail shall be denoted "NO SCALE", in the "body" of the drawing.1.9.7 ABBREVIATIONS/SYMBOLSAbbreviations shall be those listed in Appendix B of this manual. Refer to Figures 1.6 and 1.7, andAppendix j, illustrate abbreviations and symbol sheets., , 1-10

Graphic Cell symbols are specified in Appendix D of this manual; other symbols as approved by theDART CADD Administrator.1.9.8 SECTIONSFigures 1.11,1.12 and 1.14, Appendix }, illustrate the approved method for section indicators.Sections shall be numbered left-to-right top-to-bottom and labeled alphabetically.All sections shall have a reference bubble associated with them. Refer to Appendix D.The lower-half of the bubble shall include a cross-reference denotation referring to the drawingthat the graphic was cut or referred from. The lower portion of the bubble shall be removed whenmore than one reference is present and the drawing numbers stacked.Where sections appear on the same drawing sheet, a dash line shall be entered in the lower half ofthe reference symbol bubble.They shall be grouped together with other sections and details shall be grouped together withother details when possible.Where several sections appear on the same drawing, they shall be aligned to the same elevation whenpossible.Sections and other views shall be arranged to show the work clearly. Sections on the sheet identifiedare preferred. For discipline specific layouts, refer to Chapter 2.Sectional views shall not be placed on the plan sheets. All sections shall be treated as details fordrafting purposes. Sections and details may be mixed on the same sheet. In all cases, titleidentification of these sections shall be centered directly under the section.1.9.9 DETAILSFigures 1.11,1.12 and 1.14, Appendix |, illustrate the approved method for section indicators.All details shall have a reference bubble associated with them. Refer to Appendix D.The lower-half of the bubble shall include a cross-reference denotation referring to the drawingthat the graphic was cut or referred from. The lower portion of the bubble shall be removed whenmore than one reference is present and tine drawing numbers stacked.Where details appear on the same drawing sheet, a hyphen shall be entered in the lower half of thereference symbol bubble.They shall be grouped together with other details and sections shall be grouped together withother sections when possible.Where several details appear on die same drawing, they shall be aligned to the same elevation whenpossible.Details and other views shall be arranged to show the work clearly. Details on the sheet identified arepreferred. For discipline specific layouts, refer to Chapter 2.Detail views shall not be placed on die plan sheets. All details shall be treated as sections for draftingpurposes. Details and sections may be mixed on the same sheet. In all cases, title identification ofthese sections shall be centered directly under the section.1.9.10 PLANSA plan is a view from above an object or an area in orthographic projection. For discipline specificplans, refer to Chapter ELEVATIONSAn elevation drawing depicts vertical projections of buildings or structures. The drawing generallyshows configuration, shapes and sizes of features, walls, bulkheads, compartments, assignments ofspace, location and arrangement of machinery or fixed equipment. For discipline specific elevations,refer to Chapter REVISIONS (Official changes to the design)This section defines the methods and techniques to be used to indicate revisions to DARTdrawings. This includes revisions to design review submittals, standards, interface, information, orcontract plans.• No manual changes are allowed on any DART project drawing regardless of revisionlevel or drawing type. DESIGN REVIEW DRAWINGSPrior to Procurement Solicitation Issued submittals, see section 1.11. Individual1-11

evisions to design review drawings shall not be clouded. A revision to a specificdrawing, at formal submitted milestone shall be denoted by the assignment of an alphasequential revision number placed in the revision indicator (lower right hand corner ofthe sheet) block and the description field of the lower left hand corner of the sheet(Section 1.10.2).<strong>Design</strong> review drawings shall contain language identifying the level of design (i.e.. 30%,65%, 95%, and 100%), identify the professionally licensed originator of record, number,design firm, date, and contain the following words, "Preliminary, Not for Construction,Bidding, or Permit Purposes". "For Review Only" in accordance with Texas state law,this information should be included in the border file. "NOT AN APPROVEDDRAWING, PRELIMINARY xxx% DESIGN", See Figure 1.1 and 1.10, Appendix J. PROCUREMENT DRAWINGS (Including use of standard drawings and issuance ofbid documents)Revision numbers in the title block shall be changed to zero with the exception ofstandard and reference (information) drawings. All previous revision dates, alpharevision numbers, and descriptions will be deleted. The contract number to appearon the drawings, shall be provided by DART EDC or others. The date will be theissuance of the procurement package. The drawings shall contain the seal, signatureand date of the professionally licensed originator of record, as appropriate under thestate laws of Texas. CONTRACT DRAWINGS (Addendum, Amendments)Any revision to contract drawings during amendment, contract change, as-builtpreparation, or operational change shall have changes to the drawing clouded andidentified with a revision marker with a description of the change in the appropriaterevision description field and shall be sealed by a licensed professional in accordancewith appropriate Texas state law. The drawing revision shall contain the nextsequential numerical revision number.Revision to drawings shall be clouded and a delta placed (see Appendix D) touchingthe cloud bearing the appropriate revision number. The next sequential revisionnumber shall be assigned and placed in the delta, the revision indicator anddescription blocks. The date of the change shall be entered in the description block,as well as reference to the origination of the change (i.e., AM 1, CR001, etc.) and ageneral description (i.e., Revised PVC to 4"), if possible. Any subsequent change to adrawing shall remove prior clouding, but the deltas remain.A new drawing added after the procurement cycle of the project will be issued asrevision 0, along with the information from Section STANDARD DRAWINGSRevisions to standard drawings shall be the responsibility of the appropriate designfirm in coordination with DART EDC, the DART CADD Administrator and theassigned DART Project Manager. Standard drawings issued for construction shallbear a professional seal in accordance with the law of the state of Texas. If a standarddrawing is revised, all standard drawings shall be reissued for all procurement orcontracts to which it applies.A drawing added to the project will be issued as revision 0, only if it is not already anexisting drawing on any other DART Capital Project. It retains the revision number,unless modified, the it goes to the next revision, CHANGE REQUESTS (CR's)This section provides direction in the preparation of change request drawingrevisions.A drawing which supersedes a previous drawing, shall be issued with theappropriate revision number, date, and a description stating 'SUPERSEDEDDRAWING NUMBER "XXX-XXXX"'. DRAWING REVISIONSAll changes to conformed drawings shall have revision clouds andrevision triangles associated with the revision. REVISION CLOUDS (Appendix D)Clouds shall fully surround the affected change/changes. Clouds shallconsist of connected arcs and should not. encroach on graphics or text inthe vicinity of the revision. Revision clouds encircling the entire1-12

drawing, section, table, or detail shall be avoided. Seals shall beclouded only if the professional of record for the previous revision haschanged. Previous revision clouds shall be fully removed from thedrawing file when the drawing advances to the next revision level. REVISION TRIANGLES (Appendix D)Revision triangles shall touch the revision cloud. Previous revisiontriangles shall not be removed when the drawing proceeds to the nextrevision level. CHANGE IN LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATED WITH ADRAWING1. DRAWING BORDER ADDITIONSIf the licensed professional for the latest revision of thedrawing is different from the previous version of thedrawing, the original seal shall be removed from thedrawing border and replaced with the text shown(disclaimer note) in Figure 1.10 and 1.16 of Appendix J.This addition to the drawing border shall not be clouded.If further revision occurs, the licensed professional sealdisclaimer shall be updated accordingly. ADDITION OF NEW LICENSED PROFESSIONAL SEALThe seal for the new licensed professional of the currentrevision, if different from any previous revision, shall beplaced in the lower right-hand portion of the drawing,above the title block, and shall include the text under theseal (disclaimer note) that is shown in Figure 1.16 ofAppendix J.The new seal and text shall all be enclosed within arevision cloud with a delta. Refer to Figure 1.10 and 1.16of Appendix J. REVISION BLOCKThe revision block on the lower left portion of the border shall beupdated when a CR revision occurs. Revision text (enter data fieldfrom border file) shall be added to the revision block starting at thebottom and working upward. If more revisions occur than lines torecord them, the oldest revision shall be removed and the entirerevision block text shall be moved down one line. The revision block inthe lower right hand portion of the drawing shall also be updated toreflect the most current revision level. Any additions to the revisionblock shall not be clouded. See Figure 1.16 of Appendix J for examples. CANCELED CR'sUpon formal notice by DART EDC of a canceled CR, the previousrevision work shall be restored from the CADD master file. Researchshould take place at this time to verify, whether or not another CR hasbeen implemented using the cancelled CR.A canceled CR is one that:• DART has decided the work is not to be done, or;• will be incorporated into another CR.The nature of the canceled CR will determine the course of action to betaken.1.9.13 SCREENING OF EXISTING CONDITIONSThere are multiple procedures for screening: "SX" or color/level assignments. See the specificdiscipline for guidelines to screen reference files. The approved DART pen tables supportbackground screening of reference files. Any attached reference file with an assigned logical namebeginning with "SX" will be screened. Any reference file that needs to display solid and screenedelements will have to be attached twice to the sheet file.Where existing conditions on project drawings are to be distinguishable from proposed work, theexisting conditions shall be shown in contrast.Another option is to use "color/ level assignments", whether changing the actual elements or1-13

through changing the reference level symbology (Refer to Figure 1.23 of Appendix J). Example....reduction in density....CO151 has an effect of a 75% reduction,CO152 has an effect of a 69% reduction,CO153 has an effect of a 63% reduction,CO=154 has an effect of a 57% reduction,CO155 has an effect of a 50% reduction,CO=156 has an effect of a 38% reduction,CO157 has an effect of a 25% reduction,CO=158 has an effect of a 13% reduction,CO=159 has an effect of a 0% reduction1.9.14 KEY PLANSA "screened" key plan shall be located in the upper right corner of the drawing when required.Refer to Figure 1.10 of Appendix J. The Key Plan shall he a simplified version of the larger planand should be referenced in. The area being shown on the drawing shall have the appropriatearea on the key plan hatched (use DART 140, for area callout). The words "KEY PLAN" shall beplaced under the key plan and shall be denoted in a DART 175 font. A scale callout shall beomitted. The Key Plan shall be oriented in the same direction as the plan.1.9.15 MATCH LINESWhen a complete plan or elevation cannot be shown on any one drawing, a match line shall beused for continuation to the next drawing. On civil drawings, the matchline shall be identified byline section number station and drawing number. Match lines shall be placed so they read from leftto right. Refer to Appendix D, cell libraries for specific discipline information.1.10 DRAWING TITLE BLOCK" See Figure 1.10 of Appendix J for examples" Data fields / cells exist in the border reference file, to copy into the drawing1.10.1 DRAWING TITLEEach drawing title shall have its distinct label for identification. The drawing title shall be centeredand shall contain no more than six lines as follows:Line 1 and Line 2 shall identify the basic rapid transit line or basic support facility on all projectdrawings or the subject and type of DART standard drawings. An example is:LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT SYSTEMLINE SECTION NW-1ALine 3 shall indicate the type of drawing, structure, operation or equipment, such as:STATION No. 93 orUTILITIES REARRANGEMENT PLAN orLINE SECTION VENTILATION FANSAvoid the use of an indefinable title, such as "TYPICAL SECTIONS." The title should identify thesignificance of the subject shown; for instance:TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION orTYPICAL INVERT SECTIONLines 4,5, and 6 may be used to indicate in more detail what is shown on the drawing and where itis located. For example, Plan and Profile Drawings shall show the limiting stations.Where several drawings depict similar data, and no other qualifications are available fordistinguishing between the sheets, the distinction shall be made by labeling each sheet consecutively(i.e., Sheet 1 of and Sheet 2 of .).1.10.2 REVISION NUMBERSThe revision description blocks in the lower left and right corners of a drawing (Refer to Figure 1.10,Appendix J) are required only for revisions to an approved drawing." REV - Enter the alpha sequential indicator during design review milestone submittal (lowerright corner) or the revision number appropriate for the procurement process, contractchange during construction, as-built or operational change (both lower corners)." AMEND - Amendment number (lower left corner) acquired from DART ProjectManager/Contract Administrator/DART EDC, if applicable.1-14

" CR - Change Request number (lower left comer) acquired from Construction Management/Prime <strong>Design</strong> Firm/DART EDC, if applicable." DATE - Enter the date of the revision (lower left comer)." DESCRIPTION - Enter a brief description (lower left corner) of the revision or the approvedchange number or the change request number (i.e., "REVISED", "ADDED" and / or"DELETED")." NAMES - First and last name initials of the cad tech, licensed professional responsible fordesign, checker, and approver (lower left comer). DESIGN REVIEW• <strong>Design</strong> Review submittals shall earn' sequential alphabetical revision indicatorsfrom the first formal submittal to DART up to the SMR. Refer to Section 1.11. Therevision indicator should only be changed if a specific drawing has been revisedfrom the last formal submittal.• Revision code will change to "0" (zero), after the SMR." Standard, directive, and interface drawings shall retain the alpha revision codethrough design review. PROCUREMENT PHASES AFTER SMR" An exception to the zero revision indicators at the procurement cycle is grantedfor standard, reference, or interface drawings, which shall retain the currentrevision number. Refer to Section 1.11.• Procurement cycle submittals shall carry sequential numerical revisionindicators. The revision indicator should only be changed if a specific drawinghas been revised from the last formal submittal.1.10.3 DRAWING NUMBERAll drawings shall have a unique and readily identifiable number that will allow for drawingcontrol. Drawing numbers will be assigned by the Prime <strong>Design</strong> Firm, in compliance with section1.10.3....The drawing number shall be located in the lower right corner of the title block, and in the upper leftcorner inverted. Refer to drawing figures in Appendix J, for examples.The drawing number shall consist of two alphabetical characters identifying the drawing categoryand type of drawing, five numeric characters identifying the discipline area and the disciplinesequence number, separated by a hyphen. Drawing numbers are unique and cannot be reused orrecycled if a drawing is deleted.Drawing number assignment is project specific. Therefore the same number use is permitted ondifferent projects, without affecting DART CFM ability to control or identify drawings. This logicpermits a sequential number assignment within a project drawing set, which is less confusing tousers.Example:DRAWING DRAWING DISCIPLINE DISCIPLINECATEGORY TYPE AREA SEQ. NO.C S 3 - 00211.10.3.1 DRAWING CATEGORYThe first alphabetical character shall identify the responsible discipline as shown.Categories will change as additions or deletions are necessary.CATEGORY CHARACTER DISCIPLINEArchitectural A ArchitecturalSignals B SystemsCivil C CivilElectrical E ArchitecturalFire Protection F ArchitecturalGeneral Purpose G AllGeotechnical II CivilTrackwork K CivilLandscape L I andsiapeMechanical (HVAC) M ArchitecturalFare Collection N Systems1-15

EnvironmentalOPlumbingPEquipmentQRight of Way/Survey RStructuralSTraction Electrification TUtilities U \,CivilArchitecturalArchitecturalCivilStructuralSystemsCivilTrafficWCivil1. TYPEThe second alphabetical character shall designate the type of drawing.TypeContractDirectiveInterfaceSketchCompositePropertyStandard<strong>Design</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>CharacterCDIKMPSXDISCIPLINE AREAThe first numeric character shall identify specific areas within each discipline asindicated: GENERAL PURPOSECover & Title SheetsIndex of DrawingsSymbols and AbbreviationsKey Plans and Ordinance PlansUnassigned1. ARCHITECTURALSite PlansFloor and Roof PlansFull Exterior Elevations & Cross SectionsSections, Elevations & DetailsSchedules & DiagramsUnassignedPaving - Buildings & Floor PlansSignage - Site, Building & Floor Plans1. CIVILGeneralAlignment Plan & ProfileSurveyConst. SequencingAlignment Control (Incl. Schematic)Paving, Grading & Drainage (Incl. Schedule)Yards or DemolitionCross SectionsTraffic1. ELECTRICALSite PlansFloor and Roof PlansUnassignedSections, Elevations & DetailsSchedules & DiagramsUnassigned1. MECHANICAL (HVAC)Site PlansFloor and Roof PlansUnassigned1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx to 9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx to 7-xxxx8-xxxx9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx7-xxxx8-xxxx9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx to 9-xxxx1-xxxx2-x\xx3-xxxx1-16

Sections, Elevations & DetailsSchedules & DiagramsUnassigned1. PLUMBINGSite PlansFloor and Roof PlansUnassignedSections, Elevations & DetailsSchedules & DiagramsUnassigned1. GEOTECHNICALGeneralPlan and ProfileInstrumentation DetailsUnassigned1. STRUCTURALGeneralUnassignedAlterna tive AlignmentsShopsRetaining WallsTunnel & Underground StructuresCut-and-CoverAerial StructureUnassigned1. TRACTION ELECTRIFICATIONGeneralTraction PowerCatenary-Corrosion ControlUnassigned1. SIGNALSGeneralCircuitsEquipmentControl Center/CTCPlansSystem ElementsUnassigned1. COMMUNICATIONSGeneralRadioTelephoneControl CenterCCTVPASafety/SecurityCTS'Miscellaneous1. VEHICLEGeneralUnassigned1. FARE COLLECTIONGeneralUnassigned1. RIGHT OF WAY/SURVEYHoriz. and Vert. Control SurveyExisting Data and Topo SurveyConstruction Layout SurveyAs-Built SurveyMiscellaneous Survey4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx to 9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx to 9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx to 9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx7-xxxx8-xxxx9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx to 9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx7-xxxx to 9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx7-xxxx8-xxxx9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx to 9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx to 9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx1-17

Contract ROW PlansROW Plats (Appraisal and Acquisition)ROW Details/Multiple Layered AgreementsMiscellaneous ROW1. UTILITIESGenera]ExistingRearrangeWaterElec.San, SS, GasTyp. SectionsUnassigned<strong>Criteria</strong> LANDSCAPEExisting Conditions (General)Plant List (Site Furnishings)IrrigationPlanting PlanTopsoil & BeddingDrainageLandscape Lighting (if applicable)Restoration of Crew Rooms and TVMUnassigned1. TRACKWORKGeneralTrack AlignmentTrack ChartsTrackwork Plans, Profiles, and Cross SectionsSpecial TrackworkTypical Trackwork Plans and SectionsMisc. Trackwork Appurtenances & DetailsSpecial Studies & Non-Contract DrawingsMiscellaneous Facilities1. BUSGeneralMaintenanceUnassignedSheltersPavingTransfer CenterUnassigned1. PLANNING AND OPERATIONSGeneralAlignmentStationsFacilitiesOperations PlansData BaseEnvironmentUnassignedBus T.T.C. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGCirculation PatternsErgonomics & Human FactorsShops Layout & Circulation PatternsFacility FootprintsElevation VariationsSectionsWelfare RequirementsSpecialty NeedsVehicle Clearances6-xxxx7-xxxx8-xxxx9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx7-xxxx8-xxxx9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx7-xxxx8-xxxx9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx7-xxxx8-xxxx9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx to 4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx7-xxxx8-xxxx to 9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx7-xxxx8-xxxx9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx7-xxxx8-xxxx9-\xxx1-18 EQUIPMENTSite PlansFloor and Roof PlansUnassignedSections, Elevations & DetailsSchedules & DiagramsUnassigned1. TRAFFICGeneral TrafficRegulationSigns and MarkingsTraffic SignalsUnassigned1. OPERATIONS CONTROL CENTERGeneralUnassigned1. ENVIRONMENTALGeneralSoil and/or Ground waterAsbestos AbatementUnassigned1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx to 9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx to 9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx to 9-xxxx1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx to 9-xxxx1. FIRE PROTECTIONSite PlansFloor and Roof PlansUnassignedSections, Elevations & DetailsSchedules & DiagramsUnassigned1-xxxx2-xxxx3-xxxx4-xxxx5-xxxx6-xxxx to 9-xxxx1.10.3.4 DISCIPLINE SEQUENCE NUMBERThe four remaining numeric characters shall be used to identify specific drawingswithin each area (represented by xxxx above). Numbering shall start with 0001 for thefirst drawing of tine subject category and progress consecutively to the last drawing.Gaps in the sequence shall reflect only drawing deletions.1.10.4 CONTRACT NUMBERThe design contract number (pre-lFB) and contract number (1FB and beyond) shall be used duringsubmittals for review.The design contract number shall be replaced by the contract number, upon preparation of aprocurement (bid, proposal) package. Contact DART Configuration Management (EDC) for thecontract number, and it shall be on the cover drawing during solicitation process.Contract numbers shall be inserted only when the drawing is contract specific (not a Standarddrawing) and shall appear on each drawing (border reference file). Refer to Figure 1.10 ofAppendix J.1.10.5 CONTRACT SHEET NUMBERThe box immediately above the drawing title block that contains the note "Contract Sheet Number"shall contain a notation in the form of "ruin of tltt" where "nnn" is the sequence number of theindividual drawing in the drawing set and "tttt" is the total number of drawings in the plan set. Referto Figure 1.10 of Appendix J.1.10.6 SCALEThe drawing scale shall be noted numerically, such as 1" = 100' or \\ " = V- 0". If more than one scaleis used on a drawing, except plans and profile sheets, the entry in this block shall be "AS NOTED",and the scale of each view noted below die view title. If a drawing is not drawn to scale, the entry inthis block shall be "NO SCALE". Refer to Figure 1.10 of Appendix ].1.10.7 NAMESThe first initial and full last name shall be lettered in the respective blocks identified by the words:DRAWN (<strong>Design</strong> Firm Name or Cad Tech Name), DESIGNED, CHECKED, and IN CHARGE. Referto Figure 1.10 of Appendix J.One person shall not serve as both designer and checker or drafter and checker. Each of die referencenames must appear on a drawing for formal review.1-19

1.10.8 DATEThe date on a final drawing shall be that on which the licensed professional's seal and signature areaffixed.The date shall be shown in this format: "12 JUN 02". The first three letters shall abbreviate the month(border reference file). Refer to Figure 1.10 of Appendix J.1.10.9 DESIGN OFFICE/PRIME DESIGN FIRMA blank block has been provided for Company Logo to be used by the design office. The full name,address, and phone number of the design office shall be printed in this space. Refer to Figure 1.10Appendix J.1.10.10 DESIGN OFFICE: SUB-CONTRACTING DESIGN FIRMA blank block has been provided for Company Logo to be used by the design office. The full name,address, and phone number of the design office shall be printed in this space. Refer to Figure 1.10Appendix].1.10.11 PRELIMINARY NOTE / SEAL'S UNDER STATE LAW OF TEXAS / DISCLAIMER NOTEThe responsible licensed professional's seal, signature and date shall be affixed to die face of all finalstandard, interface and Contract drawings in accordance with laws governing the specific practice.These items shall be clearly legible. On CADD-produced drawings, seals shall be applied inaccordance with the appropriate law of the state of Texas. The reproducible drawing(s) are retainedby die DART EDC office for record purposes. Seals shall be removed (and die information placedbelow the border: Name, RE/RA No., Date, etc.) from all electronic files after the record Mylar hasbeen signed and sealed by die appropriate person, the drawing checked and approved by the legallyresponsible individual and the DART Project Manager.• For Preliminary Note, see Section and Figure 1.1 and 1.10, Appendix J." For Disclaimer Note, see Section and Figure 1.10 and 1.15, Appendix J.(location for a coordination seal, Figure 1.10 of Appendix ])1.11 REVIEW OF DRAWINGSDART requires that project (contract) drawings undergo a series of reviews at prescribed contract submittalmilestones during their development to assure compliance to project criteria and intent.These submittal milestones are:1.12Approx. % Completion2%5%10%45%85%100%Procurement Solicitation CyclesRevision Level---ABC0 (zero)MilestoneConceptualPre-Project DefinitionProject DefinitionDART Agency Review (DAR)Pre-Final Review-Final ReviewIFB/ Procurement/ RFP/ RFPTCHECKINGAll drawing prepared for DART, shall be checked by a qualified person, referred to as die "checker". Thechecker shall be a person of senior experience in die discipline in which the checking is performed. Contractorsto DART shall perform their own checking and provide DART widi evidence to that effect.No designer shall check his or her own work.Maximum continuity of checking shall be maintained for a project. A checker shall be assigned theresponsibility for a complete facility area, system or document portion.When a drawing has progressed sufficiently to allow checking to start, a print marked "Check Print" shall beobtained.The checker shall determine that all information is correct, complete and consistent. To ensure completecoverage of all data, the checker shall use a consistent color code similar to that defined in this section for themarking of check prints. All items are checked when "lined through," indicating verification. Items requiringcorrection shall be circled in the appropriate color, including notations clarifying additions or deletions to bemade. Missing information shall be clearly marked. All correction must be easily identifiable and readable.° Yellow .Agreement° Red Additions, deletions and corrections° Pencil Opinions, calculations and. notes from checker° Blue or Green For circles on check print when correction madeWhen all comments and discrepancies are resolved, the engineering / architectural checkers shall sign anddate the drawing title block.1-20

Engineering / Architectural Checkers shall sign the "CHECKED" block. Drafting checkers may initial next tothe "DRAWN" block or sign the check print. Refer to figure 1.10, Appendix J.Revisions or changes to previous checked drawings shall be checked in the same manner as original drawings.1.13 DRAWING SUBMITTALSAll drawing submittals, including those at review milestones, shall be sent to DART EDC for logging, tracking,reproduction, and distribution. Refer to Chapter 3 and 4 for more details (pre-IFB).After each formal submittal (refer to section 1.11, CR's, As-Builts), the electronic files will be checked toverify compliance to DART Standards (levels, weights, colors, etc.).1.14 FINAL DRAWING SUBMITTALDrawings submitted for procurement purposes shall be signed, sealed, and dated by a licensed professional inaccordance with the appropriate law of the state of Texas. Refer to Chapter 3 and 4 for more details (IFB andbeyond).1.15 TYPES OF DRAWINGS1.15.1 SKETCHESSketches are early renderings for transfer of information. Sketches shall not be used as final designdrawings.1.15.2 STANDARD DRAWINGSStandard drawings are designs or information that are repetitive throughout the DART PROJECT.Standard drawings may be included as project drawings for specific construction contracts.* Changes will not be made to approved standard drawings without prior written approvalby DART EDC who will issue a new number to a contract-specific drawing." For drawings which do not need to be modified by a designer, but do need to be included ina contract plan set, contact DART EDC for a reproducible copy.1.15.3 CONTRACT DRAWINGSFinal design drawings are included in a construction/ procurement contract package.1.15.4 INTERFACE DRAWINGSInterface drawings define details and/or information, which cross contract boundaries. For drawingswhich do not need to be modified by a designer, but do need to be included in a contract plan set,contact DART Configuration Management, EDC for a reproducible copy.1.15.5 RECORD DRAWINGS (As-Built)Record drawings are modifications to the project design of the Contract Drawings to reflect changesmade during construction.1-21

CHAPTER 2DRAWING REQUIREMENTS BY DISCIPLINEThe provisions of this chapter shall be used for the preparation of drawings, which may include, but are not limitedto, those described herein.The list of drawings for each discipline generally encompasses all drawing requirements in support of final design,procurement/fabrication and test applicable to that discipline. Associated standard and directive drawings andpreliminary design drawings/general plans are also covered within the context of this listing.2.1 ARCHITECTURAL (See Section 3.5)The architectural level lists and the design criteria manuals, volumes 1 and 2, describe the items that shallbe included in the architectural drawings.Requirement: All plans and views shall be drawn to scale. All site and floor plans shall be coincidental.2.1.1 SITE PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0" or 1"=40'-0")These drawings shall show at a minimum: the structure outline with column centerlines andcolumn designations, pedestrian walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, property lines, majormechanical and electrical equipment, etc. Other discipline reference files that are attached shall bescreened. Detail designators with enclosures defining the area of detail shall be used to providedirection to larger scale floor plans.2.1.2 OVERALL BUILDING PLAN (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0" or 1/8"=1'-0")These drawings shall show at a minimum: the structure with all floor plan features, dimensionalcolumn centerlines and column designations, pedestrian walkways, roadways, track and trackcenterline. Cross sections and full exterior elevations shall be taken from these drawings. Generalnotes may be added. Other discipline reference files that are attached shall be screened. Detaildesignators with enclosures defining the area of detail shall be used to provide direction to largerscale floor plans.2.1.3 FLOOR PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1/8"=1 '-0")These drawings shall show at a minimum: the structure floor layout with all features dimensionedand identified, dimensional column centerlines and column designations, room names andnumbers, stair elevator, door and window numbers. Details, sections, elevations and enlargedplans shall be taken from these drawings. Matchlines with drawing numbers for continuation maybe added.2.1.4 REFLECTED CEILING PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1/8"=1'-0")These drawings shall show all ceiling features; lighting and emergency lighting; HVAC diffusers,registers and grills; sprinkler heads; smoke and fire detectors, alarms, heaters, fans, access panels,skylights, speakers, and all ceiling openings and penetrations. Matchlines with drawing numbersfor continuation may be added. Details, sections, elevations and enlarged plans shall be taken fromthese drawings.2.1.5 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS (Preferred Scale: 1/8"=1'-0")These drawings shall show the exterior elevations with all architectural and other disciplinefeatures required to complete the elevation. Matchlines with drawing numbers for continuationmay be added.2.1.6 CROSS SECTIONS (Preferred Scale: 1/8"=1'-0")These drawings shall show the full length and/or the full width of the structure in section with allarchitectural and other discipline features required to complete the section(s). Matchlines withdrawing numbers for continuation may be added.2.1.7 ROOF PLAN (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0")These drawings shall show the roof features, column centerlines and column designations,mechanical and electrical equipment. Matchlines with drawing numbers for continuation may beadded. Details, sections, elevations and enlarged plans shall be taken from these drawings.2.1.8 SECTIONS AND ELEVATIONSThese drawings with sections and elevations taken from other drawings, shall provide additionaldetailing, dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections may be takenfrom views on this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.1.9 DETAILSThe drawings with details taken from other drawings, shall provide additional detailing,dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections may be taken from viewson this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.;- 2-1 . - •-•;-. ,»;

2.1.10 SCHEDULESThese drawings shall show schedules. All work is to be done in the sheet file.2.1.11 ARCHITECTURAL SYMBOLSAll symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.1.12 ARCHITECTURAL SCALESSee Figure 2.1, End of Chapter 2, for applicable scales.2.2 PAVING (See Section 3.5)The paving level lists and the design criteria manuals, volumes 1 and 2, describe the items that shall beincluded in the paving drawings.Requirement: All plans and views shall be drawn to scale. All site and floor plans shall be coincidental2.2.1 SITE PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1 "=20'-0" or 1 "=40'-0")These drawings shall show all the paving within the site and in close proximity to the site shall beshown. Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, property lines, right-of-way, etc. may beshown. The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shallbe screened. Detail designators with enclosures defining the area of detail shall be used to providedirection to larger scale floor plans.2.2.2 OVERALL BUILDING PLAN (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0" or 1/8"=1'-0")These drawings shall show all the exterior paving within close proximity to the structure.Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, property lines, right-of-way, etc. may be shown.The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shall bescreened. Detail designators with enclosures defining the area of detail shall be used to providedirection to larger scale floor plans.2.2.3 FLOOR PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1/8"=1 '-0")These drawings shall show all the paving within the structure limits. The architectural referencefile and either discipline reference files that are attached shall be screened. Details, sections,elevations and enlarged plans shall be taken from these drawings. Matchlines with drawingnumbers for continuation may be added.2.2.4 SECTIONS AND ELEVATIONSThese drawings shall show sections and elevations taken from other drawings, shall provideadditional detailing, dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections maybe taken from views on this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.2.5 DETAILSThe drawings shall show details taken from other drawings, shall provide additional detailing,dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections may be taken from viewson this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.2.6 SCHEDULESThese drawings shall show schedules. All work is to be done in the sheet file.2.2.7 ARCHITECTURAL SYMBOLSAll symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.2.8 ARCHITECTURAL SCALESSee Figure 2.1, End of Chapter 2, for applicable scales.2.3 SIGNAGE (See Section 3.5)The signage level lists and the design criteria manuals, volumes 1 and 2, describe the items that shall beincluded in the signage drawings.Requirement: All plans and views shall be drawn to scale. All site and floor plans shall be coincidental2.3.1 SITE PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0" or 1"=40'-0")These drawings shall show all the exterior signage within the site and in close proximity to the siteshall be shown. Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, property lines, right-of-way, etc.may be shown. The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attachedshall be screened. Detail designators with enclosures defining the area of detail shall be used toprovide direction to larger scale floor plans.2.3.2 OVERALL BUILDING PLAN (Preferred Scale: 1 "=20'-0" or 1/8"=1 '-0")These drawings shall show all the exterior signage within close proximity to the structure.Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, property lines, right-of-way, etc. may be shown.2-2

The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shall bescreened. Detail designators with enclosures defining the area of detail shall be used to providedirection to larger scale floor plans.2.3.3 FLOOR PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1/8"=1 '-0")These drawings shall show all the signage limits. The architectural reference file and eitherdiscipline reference files that are attached shall be screened. Details, sections, elevations andenlarged plans shall be taken from these drawings. Matchlines with drawing numbers forcontinuation may be added.2.3.4 SECTIONS AND ELEVATIONSThese drawings shall show sections and elevations taken from other drawings, shall provideadditional detailing, dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections maybe taken from views on this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.3.5 DETAILSThe drawings shall show details taken from other drawings, shall provide additional detailing,dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections may be taken from viewson this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.3.6 SCHEDULESThese drawings shall show schedules. All work is to be done in the sheet file.2.3.7 ARCHITECTURAL SYMBOLSAll symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.3.8 ARCHITECTURAL SCALESSee Figure 2.1, End of Chapter 2, for applicable scales.2.4 ELECTRICAL (See Section 3.6)The electrical level lists and the design criteria manuals, volumes 1 and 2, describe the items that shall beincluded in the electrical drawings.Requirement: All plans and views shall be drawn to scale. All site and floor plans shall be coincidental2.4.1 SITE PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0" or 1"=40'-0")These drawings shall show all the exterior electrical features within the site and in close proximityto the site shall be shown. Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, property lines, rightof-way,etc. may be shown. The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files thatare attached shall be screened. Detail designators with enclosures defining the area of detail shallbe used to provide direction to larger scale floor plans.2.4.2 OVERALL BUILDING PLAN (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0" or 1/8"=1'-0")These drawings shall show all the exterior electrical features within close proximity to thestructure. Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, property lines, right-of-way, etc. maybe shown. The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attachedshall be screened. Detail designators with enclosures defining the area of detail shall be used toprovide direction to larger scale floor plans.2.4.3 FLOOR PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1/8"=1 '-0")These drawings shall show all the electrical systems and appurtenances within the structure limits.The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shall bescreened. Details, sections, elevations and enlarged plans shall be taken from these drawings.Matchlines with drawing numbers for continuation may be added.2.4.4 ROOF PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0", 1/8"=1'-0" or 1/4" = 1'-0")These drawings shall show all the electrical systems and appurtenances on the roof. Thearchitectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shall be screened..Details, sections, elevations and enlarged plans shall be taken from these drawings. Matchlineswith drawing numbers for continuation may be added.2.4.5 SECTIONS AND ELEVATIONSThese drawings shall show sections and elevations taken from other drawings, shall provideadditional detailing, dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections maybe taken from views on this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.4.6 DETAILSThe drawings shall show details taken from other drawings, shall provide additional detailing,dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections may be taken from viewson this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2-3

2.4.7 SCHEDULES AND DIAGRAMSThese drawings shall show schedules and diagrams. AH work is to be done in die sheet file.2.4.8 ARCHITECTURAL SYMBOLSAll symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.4.9 ARCHITECTURAL SCALESSee Figure 2.1, End of Chapter 2, for applicable scales.2.5 HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING [HVAC] (See Section 3.7)The HVAC level lists and the design criteria manuals, volumes 1 and 2, describe the items that shall beincluded in the HVAC drawings.Requirement: All plans and views shall be drawn to scale. All site and floor plans shall be coincidental2.5.1 SITE PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0" or 1"=40'-0")These drawings shall show all the exterior HVAC features within the site and in close proximity tothe site shall be shown. Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, property lines, right-ofway,etc. may be shown. The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files thatare attached shall be screened. Detail designators with enclosures defining the area of detail shallbe used to provide direction to larger scale floor plans.2.5.2 OVERALL BUILDING PLAN (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0" or 1/8"=1'-0")These drawings shall show all the exterior HVAC features within close proximity to the structure.Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, property lines, right-of-way, etc. may be shown.The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shall bescreened. Detail designators with enclosures defining the area of detail shall be used to providedirection to larger scale floor plans.2.5.3 FLOOR PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1/8"=1 '-0")These drawings shall show all the HVAC systems and appurtenances within the structure limits.The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shall bescreened. Details, sections, elevations and enlarged plans shall be taken from these drawings.Matchlines with drawing numbers for continuation may be added.2.5.4 ROOF PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1 "=20'-0", 1/8"=1 '-0" or 1/4" = 1 '-0")These drawings shall show all the HVAC systems and appurtenances on the roof. The architecturalreference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shall be screened.. Details,sections, elevations and enlarged plans shall be taken from these drawings. Matchlines withdrawing numbers for continuation may be added.2.5.5 SECTIONS AND ELEVATIONSThese drawings shall show sections and elevations taken from other drawings, shall provideadditional detailing, dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections maybe taken from views on this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.5.6 DETAILSThe drawings shall show details taken from other drawings, shall provide additional detailing,dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections may be taken from viewson this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.5.7 SCHEDULES AND DIAGRAMSThese drawings shall show schedules and diagrams. All work is to be done in the sheet file.2.5.8 HVAC SYMBOLSAll symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.5.9 HVAC SCALESSee Figure 2.1, End of Chapter 2, for applicable scales2.6 PLUMBING (See Section 3.7)The plumbing level lists and the design criteria manuals, volumes 1 and 2, describe the items that shall beincluded in the plumbing drawings.Requirement: All plans and views shall be drawn to scale. All site and floor plans shall be coincidental2.6.1 SITE PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0" or 1"=40'-0")These drawings shall show all the exterior plumbing features within the site and in close proximityto the site shall be shown. Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, property lines, rightof-way,etc. may be shown. The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that2-4

are attached shall be screened. Detail designators with enclosures defining the area of detail shallbe used to provide direction to larger scale floor plans.2.6.2 OVERALL BUILDING PLAN (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0" or 1/8"=1'-0")These drawings shall show all the exterior plumbing features within close proximity' to thestructure. Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, property lines, right-of-way, etc. maybe shown. The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attachedshall be screened. Detail designators with enclosures defining the area of detail shall be used toprovide direction to larger scale floor plans.2.6.3 FLOOR PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1/8"=1'-0")These drawings shall show all the plumbing systems and appurtenances within the structurelimits. The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shall bescreened. Details, sections, elevations and enlarged plans shall be taken from these drawings.Matehlines with drawing numbers for continuation may be added.2.6.4 ROOF PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0", 1/8"=1'-0" or 1/4" = 1'-0")These drawings shall show all the plumbing systems and appurtenances on the roof. Thearchitectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shall be screened..Details, sections, elevations and enlarged plans shall be taken from these drawings. Matehlineswith drawing numbers for continuation may be added.2.6.5 SECTIONS AND ELEVATIONSThese drawings shall show sections and elevations taken from other drawings, shall provideadditional detailing, dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections maybe taken from views on this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.6.6 DETAILSThe drawings shall show details taken from other drawings, shall provide additional detailing,dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections may be taken from viewson this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.6.7 SCHEDULES AND DIAGRAMSThese drawings shall show schedules and diagrams. All work is to be done in the sheet file.2.6.8 PLUMBING SYMBOLSAll symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.6.9 PLUMBING SCALESSee Figure 2.1, End of Chapter 2, for applicable scales2.7 FIRE PROTECTION (See Section 3.7)The fire protection level lists and the design criteria manuals, volumes 1 and 2, describe the items that shallbe included in the fire protection drawings.Requirement: All plans and views shall be drawn to scale. All site and floor plans shall be coincidental2.7.1 SITE PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1 "=20'-0" or 1 "=40'-0")These drawings shall show all the exterior fire protection features within the site and in closeproximity to the site shall be shown. Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, propertylines, right-of-way, etc. may be shown. The architectural reference file and either disciplinereference files that are attached shall be screened. Detail designators with enclosures defining thearea of detail shall be used to provide direction to larger scale floor plans.2.7.2 OVERALL BUILDING PLAN (Preferred Scale: 1 "=20'-0" or 1/8"=1 '-0")These drawings shall show all the exterior fire protection features within close proximity to thestructure. Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, property lines, right-of-way, etc. maybe shown. The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attachedshall be screened. Detail designators with enclosures defining the area of detail shall be used toprovide direction to larger scale floor plans.2.7.3 FLOOR PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1/8"=1 '-0")These drawings shall show all the fire protection systems and appurtenances within the structurelimits. The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shall bescreened. Details, sections, elevations and enlarged plans shall be taken from these drawings.Matehlines with drawing numbers for continuation may be added.2.7.4 ROOF PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0", 1/8"=1'-0" or 1/4" = 1'-0")These drawings shall show all the fire protection systems and appurtenances on the roof. Thearchitectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shall be screened..• • -.;•,„ 2-5 •:.-' .• •••".-:, ,T

Details, sections, elevations and enlarged plans shall be taken from these drawings. Matchlineswith drawing numbers for continuation may be added.2.7.5 SECTIONS AND ELEVATIONSThese drawings shall show sections and elevations taken from other drawings, shaJl provideadditional detailing, dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections maybe taken from views on this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.7.6 DETAILSThe drawings shall show details taken from other drawings, shall provide additional detailing,dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections may be taken from viewson this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.7.7 SCHEDULES AND DIAGRAMSThese drawings shall show schedules and diagrams. All work is to be done in the sheet file.2.7.8 FIRE PROTECTION SYMBOLSAll symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.7.9 FIRE PROTECTION SCALESSee Figure 2.1, End of Chapter 2, for applicable scales2.8 EQUIPMENT (See Section 3.7)The equipment level lists and the design criteria manuals, volumes 1 and 2, describe the items that shall beincluded in the equipment drawings.Requirement: All plans and views shall be drawn to scale. All site and floor plans shall be coincidental2.8.1 SITE PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0" or 1"=40'-0")These drawings shall show all the exterior equipment features within the site and in closeproximity to the site shall be shown. Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, propertylines, right-of-way, etc. may be shown. The architectural reference file and either disciplinereference files that are attached shall be screened. Detail designators with enclosures defining thearea of detail shall be used to provide direction to larger scale floor plans.2.8.2 OVERALL BUILDING PLAN (Preferred Scale: 1 "=20'-0" or 1/8"=1 '-0")These drawings shall show all the exterior equipment features within close proximity to thestructure. Structures, walkways, roadways, tracks, parking, property lines, right-of-way, etc. maybe shown. The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attachedshall be screened. Detail designators with enclosures defining the area of detail shall be used toprovide direction to larger scale floor plans.2.8.3 FLOOR PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1/8"=1 '-0")These drawings shall show all the equipment systems and appurtenances within the structurelimits. The architectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shall bescreened. Details, sections, elevations and enlarged plans shall be taken from these drawings.Matchlines with drawing numbers for continuation may be added.2.8.4 ROOF PLANS (Preferred Scale: 1"=20'-0", 1/8"=1'-0" or 1/4" = 1'-0")These drawings shall show all the equipment systems and appurtenances on the roof. Thearchitectural reference file and either discipline reference files that are attached shall be screened..Details, sections, elevations and enlarged plans shall be taken from these drawings. Matchlineswith drawing numbers for continuation may be added.2.8.5 SECTIONS AND ELEVATIONSThese drawings shall show sections and elevations taken from other drawings, shall provideadditional detailing, dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections maybe taken from views on this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.8.6 DETAILSThe drawings shall show details taken from other drawings, shall provide additional detailing,dimensioning and material identification. Additional details and sections may be taken from viewson this drawing. All work shall be done in the sheet file.2.8.7 SCHEDULES AND DIAGRAMSThese drawings shall show schedules and diagrams. All work is to be done in the sheet file.2.8.8 ARCHITECTURAL SYMBOLSAll symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.8.9 ARCHITECTURAL SCALESSee Figure 2.1, End of Chapter 2, for applicable scales• . ' . • • ~ 2-6 "

2.9 CIVIL (See Section 3.8)2.9.1 SURVEY MONUMENT CONTROLThis drawing includes a plan and description for the DART primary survey control monumentswithin the project area as required for field layout.2.9.2 HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT AND VERTICAL ALIGNMENT CONTROL PLAN2.9.2.1 Line <strong>Design</strong>ation (i.e., centerline NE-3 NB, NC-4 SB, OC-I NB, etc.)The main lines shall be referred to by the following abbreviations:RouteNorth CentralWest Oak CliffSouth Oak CliffCBD MallOak CliffPleasant GroveService and Inspection FacilityCarrolltonIrvingGarlandLas ColinasLineNCWOCSOCCBDOCSESINWIMELCThe alignment control shall be the centerline of the main line track, carryingtraffic in the direction of line stationing. The identification of this controlcenterline will be as shown below for each of the rail lines. In addition, the mainline track, which handles rail traffic in the opposite direction, is identified below.Since it forms the basic control for all other systems facilities, each controlcenterline shall be stationed throughout its length.LINESECTION(s)CONTROLCENTERLINEOPPOSITE MAINLINE TRACKSIMIJEEJSYSTEMCBD " CBD-NB CBD-SBOak Cliff OC-SB OC-NBSouth Oak Cliff SOC-SB SOC-NBWest Oak Cliff VVOC-SB WOC-N'BBUILD-OUT PHASE-IGarland NE-NB NE-SBNorth Central NC-NB NC-SBBUILD-OUT PHASE-IIIrving I-NB I-SBNorthWest NW-NB NW-SBSouth East SE-SB SE-NB2.9.2.2 CURVATURETangent control points shall be shown as open circles and PI points shall be shown asopen triangles. STATIONING• Each 100-foot station shall be identified by a mark Vt inch long. Each 200-footstation shall be designated by the fuO station number.• Stationing requires no more than two decimal places. Coordinators require fourdecimal places.• Stationing equalities shall be shown on a line drawn perpendicular or radical tothe stationed line with an equation symbol. ALIGNMENT DATARail Guideway alignment data shall be arranged in tabular form showing horizontalcontrol points. The tables are arranged by rail line and shall read from top to bottom.Tables shall contain the stationing and coordinates of each point. Curve data shall beshown.2.9.3 TYPICAL SECTIONSTypical sections of the DART alignment, railroad trackway, highway and street modifications, andparking lots shall be properly dimensioned and described by stationing limits.2-7

2.9.4 CONSTRUCTION STAGING PLAN (Polygon File)If required, a construction-staging plan will show the availability of various portions of theconstruction site.2.9.5 GUIDEWAY PLAN AND PROFILE2.9.5.1 PLAN VIEWShow structure outlines, street lines, building lines, right-of-way lines, sidewalks, curbs,alley, catch basins, vaults, and other surface features affected by DART construction.Existing topography shall be shown on plans with a reduced intensity using a screeningprocess. Refer to Chapter 1, Section PROFILE GRIDThe vertical scale of the profile shall be 1 inch = 10 feet, if the horizontal scale is 1 inch =40 feet; 1 inch = 5 feet, if the horizontal scale is 1 inch = 20 feet. Elevations shall beentered on the left and right side of each profile grid and at breaks. The heavy horizontallines shall be assigned values which are multiples of 10 feet; 5 feet, if the vertical scale is 1inch = 5 feet. Stationing labels shall be entered at the bottom of the profile grid even? 100feet. TRACK or STREET PROFILESignificant points defining changes in grade shall be shown by an open circle. Thesepoints shall be identified by a vertical line, drawn to the circle showing the station,elevation and the pertinent abbreviation.Profile tangent intersections shall be identified by open 1/8-inch triangles. A vertical lineshall be drawn to the triangle, and the station, abbreviation (PVI) and elevations shall beshown. TRACK PROFILE NOTESThe profile shall be labeled "Top of Low Rail" at least once on each sheet. The rate ofgrade of vertical tangents shall be labeled above tangent, thus +2.50%, using "+" forascending slopes in the direction of increasing stationing and "-" for descending slopes inthe direction of increasing stationing. The length of vertical curve shall be shown belowthe profile and as near the PVT as practical. GROUND LINEA dashed line shall show the profile of the existing ground along the centerline of railline. If the rail line crosses a body of water, the extreme high and low water surfaceelevations and the profile of the bottom, if it is known, shall be shown. If the rail line ison an aerial structure or bridge, the piers, abutments, and the bottom of the spanningstructure shall be shown. Where the rail line is in subway or tunnel, the top and bottomof the structure, inside and outside, as well as the portals shall be shown. UTILITIESAll underground utilities lines shall be shown in profile crossing the rail line. PROFILE GRADE ELEVATIONSProfile grade elevations at 50-foot intervals, at each end of vertical curves and at thebeginning and end of the project, shall be shown along grid lines at the bottom of theprofile grid. Profile grade elevations at each end of the vertical curve and at the PVT pointshall be labeled on the Profile.2.9.6 GRADING, PAVING AND DRAINAGE PLANThe primary purpose of grading, paving, and drainage plans is to define construction along thetrackway and various other areas, including parking lots, access roads, city and county streets, andstate highways, adjacent to the rail line. For uniform linear facilities, such as drives and streets, itis generally more appropriate and acceptable to define these facilities on plan/profile sheets.These drawings are for construction of new or restoration of existing facilities. See localgovernmental agency requirements in Chapter 1, Section DRAINAGE PROFILES AND DETAILSShow types of manholes, junction structures, and inlets. Indicate manholes, junction structures,and inlets by centerline stationing and coordinates, station and offsets from baselines establishedfor the project or other dimensions. Indicate material, diameter, bedding, slope and length ofpipes, and type of structures and inlets.Invert elevations for pipes at drainage structures and elevation of grates and manholes covers shallbe shown.Cross-reference shall be made to plan drawings and details not shown on standard drawings.2-8

2.9.8 PAVEMENT PROFILES, DETAILS AND SECTIONSProfiles and miscellaneous sections and details for roadways, streets, curbs, driveways andparking lots required to define vertical elements shown on pavement and grading plans shall beindicated on these drawings. Pavement profiles shall be drawn as described under requirementsfor plan and profile drawing as per Sections and pay limits or construction limits of areas to be constructed or restored shall be clearly defined.When restoration involves replacement of curbs, include profiles at each curb line showing flowline or top of curb.2.9.9 PROJECT CROSS SECTIONSCross sections at uniform intervals shall be drawn to indicate construction details and limits ofearthwork. Trackway and roadway cross sections shall be perpendicular to the centerline of thecontrol track or center of roadway, and generally shall be taken at 50-foot intervals and at sharpbreaks in the terrain. Cross sections shall also be taken at all locations where structures or utilitiesare present which significantly impact the DART alignment.Utilization of data front required ground survey is preferred to interpolation of existing contoursfor showing existing ground line.2.9.10 GEOTECHNICAL DRAWINGS2.9.10.1 REQUIREMENTSLocate test borings and test pits in plan and profile on the geotechnical informationdrawings; number in accordance with the geotechnical subconsultant's report.Base mapping for location plans shall include existing features, transit structural outlinesand topography.Contract specific general notes and legends shall be developed.Geotechnical instrument locations (where applicable) shall be plotted on the geotechnicalinformation drawings. Instrumentation details shall be included as geotechnicaldrawings. GEOTECHNICAL SYMBOLSGeotechnical symbols are listed in Appendix D. GEOTECHNICAL SCALESSee Figure 2.13, End of Chapter 2, for geotechnical drawing scales2.9.11 RIGHT-OF-WAY2.9.11.1 GENERALThe following two types of right-of-way drawings will be prepared for the DARTProject:• Right-of-way plans and• Right-of-way parcel platsAll right-of-way information will be shown using the proper right-of-wayabbreviations and symbols.All right-of-way symbols are listed in Appendix D. RIGHT-OF-WAY PLANSA right-of-way plan will be prepared generally at the same scale and covering thesame area as each civil drawing and prepared for each corresponding constructioncontract.Where limited space precludes the placement of the line bearing and distance on theline, the line shall be labeled with a numeric identifier in a Vi inch diameter circleleader to the line.All points along the DART proposed right-of-way including, but not limited to, anglepoints, PC's, Pi's, etc., shall have an alphabetical identifier. The alphabeticalidentifier shall be Vt inch diameter circle and be leader to the point.• Provide the following three tabulations:-'~ ' " " 2-91) Right-of-way Parcel Tabulation (may be a separate drawing) whichincluded DART parcel number, grantor, area acquired in square feet,type of taking, date of acquisition and remarks2) Line Data Point Number which included bearing and distance

3) Point Data Letter <strong>Design</strong>ation which includes station and offset2.9.11.3 RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL PLANSRight-of-way parcel plats will be prepared for each property for which there is aDART involvement. Surveying contractor will base plats on 17-inch X 28 inchreproducible drawing sheets. These plats will be based on an actual surveyperformed in the field. These plats will show the following information:• Plot of existing property• Existing items such as buildings, walks, fences" Existing street rights-of-way and width• Names of items such as adjacent property owners, streets, railroads• Deed call distance• Bearings, distance, and areas based on Texas Coordinate System, NorthCentral Zone, as established for the DART project" DART proposed right-of-way lines and/or proposed easement lines and/orany DARTproposed involvement• Hatching of DART proposed involvement areas• Reference ties by bearing and distance to other monuments• Curve Data Chart showing:o curve number assignedo central angleo arc lengtho radiuso chord bearingo chord length• The following two notes:Note: Adjacent property owners are owners of record as determined byDallas CountyDeed Records and other public records in (data determined)Note: Bearings, distance and areas are based on Texas Coordinate System,NorthCentral Zone as established for the DART Project.• Block indicating legend used:o type of hatching (see examples in Figure 2.2, End of Chapter 2, forapplicable ROW scales)o bearings and distances based on DART controlo deed call distance• Block indicating the following title data:o construction contracto municipalityo parcel numbero survey/ Abstracto subdivisiono block numbero lot numbero street addresso Mapsco referenceo property owners(s) of record• Block with note stating the following:Note: This Plat was prepared from Dallas County Deed Records, otherpublic documents, office calculations and an actual survey made by (Nameof survey consultant) during (Month-year survey made).• Block containing recording data of current owner's deed:o volume-pageo date of deedo verification date• Block indicating area summary (sq. ft.) of:o Deed2-10 " ~ ~ "

oooooo2.9.12 SURVEY CONTROL PLANScalculationadverseseffectivefee as requiredremainingconstruction estimate• Block for surveyor's seal and signature.Line work and lettering shall be uniform so that the image is clear, crisp, precise,and shall be done to accommodate legibility when the drawings are reduced tohalf-size.Layering of data shall follow die guidelines as specified in Appendix C. HORIZONTAL ACCURACYNinety percent of all planimetric features shall be plotted so that their position on thefinished map shall be accurate to within at least 1/40 of an inch of their true positionas referred to their true coordinate position, as determined by test surveys. None ofthe features tested shall be misplaced on the finished map by more than 1/20 of aninch from their true coordinate position. The plotted position of each planecoordinate grid line shall not vary by more than 1/100 of an inch from the true gridvalue. Each horizontal control point shall be plotted within the coordinate grid, inwhich it should lie, to an accuracy of 1/100 of an inch of true position as expressedby the coordinates computed for the point. VERTICAL ACCURACYNinety percent of the elevations determined from solid line contours of thetopographic map shall have an accuracy, with respect to true elevation, of one-halfcontour intervals or better; and the remaining 10 percent of such elevations shall notbe in error by more than one contour interval. All spot elevations placed on the mapsshall be accurate to within at least one-fourth the contour interval.2.9.13 MAP CONTENTSMaps shall contain the following information: COORDINATE GRIDSMatch lines shall be provided for the map sheet so that each sheet may be joinedaccurately to those adjacent. PLANIMETRYThe maps shall contain all planimetric features which are visible or identifiable on, orare interpretable from, the aerial photography, including land-use features such asbuildings, canals, ditches, reservoirs, trails, roads (highways), railroads, quarries,borrow pits, cemeteries, and the trace of telephone, and electric-power-transmissionlines and their poles and towers, underground cables, pipelines and sewers, fencelines, billboards, rock and other walls, and similar details of land use. Structuressuch as bridges, trestles, tunnels, piers, retaining walls, dams, power plants,transformer and other substations, transportation terminals and airfields, oil, waterand other storage tanks, curbs, sidewalks, parking strips, driveways, hydrants,manholes, lampposts, and similar features shall also be shown. Features that are notinterpretable from the aerial photography shall be annotated in the field.Buildings and similar dimensionable objects shall be correctly outlined and oriented,and shall be to actual size, except that building dimensions smaller thanrepresentable by 1/10 inch at map scale shall be symbolized 1/10 inch in size. Minorirregularities in building outlines not representable by 1/20 inch at map scale shall beignored. Township, range and section lines, and city, town, country, and politicalsubdivision lines shall be shown on the maps. The principal point of eachphotograph used in the mapping shall be shown on the maps. SPOT ELEVATIONSSpot elevations measured photogrammetrically shall be shown on the maps inproper position at water level on the shoreline of lakes, reservoirs, ponds and otherbodies of water; on hilltops, in saddles, at the bottom of depressions; at theintersection of well-traveled roads, principal streets in cities, railroads and highways;on the center-line at each end of bridges and like structures.2-11 TOPOGRAPHY (see Section maps shall contain all representable and specified topographic features, whichare visible or identifiable on, or are interpretable from, the aerial photography.Within accuracy requirements, contours shall be delineated to represent trueelevation above mean sea level and the exact shape of the ground. Wherever theyexist, topographic features required on the maps are: all drainage ways of draws,creeks, rivers, and tributary streams which are longer than one inch at map scale;springs, falls and rapids, ponds, lakes, swamps, marshes, bogs and flood plains;ledge rock and cliff; and other essential topographic features required for locationand design purposes. FINISHED MAPSThe finished maps shall be in accordance with Section 1.8, herein. SYMBOLS, NAMES AND TITLESThe symbols to be used for the major planimetric and topographic features shall be asapproved by DART. Whether fully identifiable by contour shape or not, eachdrainageway shall meander on the map as its course or channel meanders on theground. Streams and drainage ditches averaging more than on-tenth-inch-wide onthe map shall be shown by two symbolized lines which are scale spaced properly toindicate each shoreline, and other streams and ditches shall be shown as a singlesymbolized line. All line-like features, such as highways, railroads, electric powertransmission lines, fences, and curb and sidewalk lines shall be drawn with theguidance of a straight edge or curved template, as necessary. The names of cities,towns, villages, rivers, streams, railroads and other features of importance shall beneatly lettered on the maps. The designations of State and Federal numberedhighways and the coordinates of coordinate grid lines and station markers shall alsobe lettered on each sheet All names and numbers shall be legible and clear inmeaning and shall not interfere with map features.Each contour shall be drawn or scribed sharply and clearly as a solid line, exceptthrough densely wooded areas where the ground cannot be seen or where it isobscured by an overhanging bluff or ledge. In such ground-hidden places, thecontours shall be shown as dashed (broken) lines. To establish index contours, everyfifth contour shall be accentuated as a heavier line than the intermediate four andshall be numbered according to its actual elevation above mean sea level. Whereverindex contours are closer together than one-quarter inch, the intermediate four maybe omitted wherever the ground slope is uniform, but wherever it is not uniform,omission will not be permissible unless contours are shown at changes in groundslope.A title shall be placed on each map sheet to the size and arrangement directed bvDART, and shall include the name Dallas Area Rapid Transit Authority, the projectname and number, the date of the mapping, and the contractor's name. A directionalnorth arrow and a graphic scale bar shall be arranged as outlined by Chapter 1 of thismanual.Symbols for survey control plans are listed in Appendix D under the right-of-wayand Civil Sections. ELECTRONIC MAP DATABASEAll mapping provided to DART shall be created in a electronic map database per therequirements of this manual. The electrical files shall be submitted on magneticmedia as specified in this manual and the maps submitted shall be plotted from thiselectronic database (CADD files). Detailed technical specifications for this task shallbe submitted by the contractor and approved by DART prior to commencement ofwork under this task. SMALL SCALE MAPSThe purpose of this task is to provide, at D ART's option, maps at a scale less than 1inch = 40 feet. If specifically requested by DART, the contractor shall provide suchmaps in a format, at a scale, and at locations to be determined by DART. PREPARATION OF PLAN SHEETS FOR DESIGNThe contractor shall provide detailed topographic mapping with one-foot contourintervals. This mapping will be used as the basis for preliminary and final design ofthe DART system.2-12 DESCRIPTIONThe final preparation of maps shall be by scribe drafting frommanuscripts or as specified by contract. TO BE FURNISHED BY DART• Manuscripts of the area to be scribed• Prints of the necessary manuscripts with delineated areas to bescribed• Standard drafting symbols for identifying topographic features• Standard title block to be used on each map2.9.14 TRACKWORK (see Section 3.8.19, 3.8.20, 3.8.23 & 3.9.5) OPTIONAL DRAWINGSThese are general drawings that include construction staging area drawings, DARTmaterial storage site plans, and construction phasing drawings. They conveyconstruction requirements, which possess a special quality best represented on adrawing.These drawings shall be prepared for a specifically defined purpose and informationshall be limited to that purpose. Multipurpose drawings shall be avoided. Thesedrawings may be to scale or schematic plans. YARD TRACK DRAWINGSTrackwork installation drawings shall provide sufficient detail to constructtrackwork in a yard site, and include the following drawings; yard track alignmentschematic; yard track alignment data; yard road alignment schematic; yard roadalignment data; and yard plans.These drawings shall be supported by information, references, special trackwork andstandard drawings. Special situations shall be described by miscellaneous trackworkappurtenances and detail drawings.Drawings prepared for yard trackwork installation shall be prepared in accordancewith the civil drawings. MAIN LINE AND SECONDARY TRACK DRAWINGSThe drawings required for main line or secondary trackwork installation shallprovide sufficient detail to construct trackwork along a main line or secondaryalignment, and include track alignment data drawings and track charts.Track charts shall provide the following: type of rail; general information, type ofstructure; type of track; alignment references; profile; and system data.Main line and secondary track drawings shall be supported by information,references, special trackwork and standard drawings. Special situations shall bedescribed by miscellaneous trackwork appurtenances and detail drawings. SPECIAL TRACKWORKSpecial trackwork drawings shall provide design data required for procurementefforts in addition to supporting the yard, secondary and main line installationdrawings.These drawings shall be developed for each type of turnout, rail crossing, crossover,double crossover and movable point crossing. They shall provide rail lengths,geometric configuration, component requirements and material requirementsnecessary to support procurement specifications.Special trackwork drawings shall be prepared according to the applicable draftingcriteria (Refer to Chapter 1). They shall be prepared and dimensioned in accordancewith the railroad and special work fabricating industry practices and standards asgenerally shown on similar drawings in the publications of the American RailwayEngineering Association (AREA).The dimensioning conventions include:" All inches, for items including tie spacing, joint bar lengths, platedimensions, stirrups, and bars• Inches up to 24 inches, then feet and inches, for items including rail offsets,rod lengths and gauge plate lengths• Feet and decimals of a foot, for items including curve radii" Other dimensions are in feet and inches2-13 TRACKWORK APPURTENANCE AND DETAILSTrackwork drawings depicting miscellaneous appurtenances and details shall beprepared to depict requirements in unusual or atypical situations. Each situation orgroup of similar situations shall be depicted on a separated drawing. Avoid showingdissimilar work on die same drawing.These drawings shall be prepared in accordance with Chapter 1, herein,2.9.15 TRAFFIC SIGNALSPrepare drawings for temporary and permanent traffic signals per requirements of the governingmunicipality of the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT). REGULATING TRAFFICTraffic regulation must be described in the general requirements of the ProjectManual. If a drawing is necessary, it shall consist of plan views and slow the trafficstaging and traffic detours, which have been coordinated with, and approved by,local authorities or TDHPT. Street and sidewalk areas to be decked for someduration construction shall be indicated. Disposal and storage areas shall also beindicated. SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGSigning and marking plans shall be drawn for all parking lots and roadwaysaccording to DART <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> Manual and the latest standard drawings of theTexas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of local requirements for city orcounty facilities. SIGNING AND MARKING DETAILSNon-standard or special signs and pavement marking shall be drawn with sufficientdetail and dimensions to enable the contractor to prepare templates for fabricationand/or installation. Drawings will also be used for traffic regulation.2.9.16 UTILITIES2.9.16.1 COMPOSITE PLANS OF EXISTING UTILITIESComposite plans of utilities shall show the interrelationship of existing utilities andstreets in the project area. Utilities shall be designated as existing or abandoned; alsothe type, size and material of each shall be indicated. Where the size warrants,facilities shall be drawn accurately to scale. The centerline of the utility shall be usedfor scale reference.The following utilities, including their ancillary facilities, shall be plotted on thedrawings:• Water Mains• Sanitary and storm sewers• Gas mains• Overhead and underground telephone facilities• Overhead and underground cablevision facilities• Pipeline company pressure mains• Overhead and underground street light and traffic signal facilities• Railroad communication cables and signal cables• Fire and security alarm systems• Independent communications systems• Vaults• Parking metersDescriptive information shall be placed directly above the specific utility facility. Ifcongested, flag horizontally or vertically.Preferred scale is 1 inch = 20 feet. Where utilities are spares, a scale of 1 inch 40 feetmay be used. UTILITIES REARRANGEMENT PLANS, PROFILES AND DETAILSUtilities rearrangement plans, profiles and details shall be prepared based on thecoordinated agreements with utilities owners and as authorized by DART.Rearrangements of utilities may be shown individually except for the following:" Overhead power and telephone lines shall be shown together on the plans:• Underground power and telephone lines shall be shown together on theplans; and2-14 09/0;! ikev.21

" Within the Dallas city limits, water and sanity sewer lines shall be showntogether on the same set of plans.Facilities of more than one utility owner may be shown on a set of utilitiesrearrangement plans provided details of each network are clear and the plans are notcongested. These drawings are for construction of new utilities and restoration ofexisting utilities or to show utilities work to be done by the utilities owners within theproject area.Whenever possible, scale of the rearrangement plan shall match the scale of thecomposite plan of existing utilities.For profile drawings, the preferred scales are 1 inch = 40 feet horizontally and 1 inch= 5 feet vertically. Other horizontal and vertical scales are acceptable depending onlength, size and depth of utility, drawing space available and amount of informationto be shown on the drawing.For detail drawings the preferred scales are Vi inch = 1 foot, Vi inch = 1 foot, or % inch= 1 foot; not-to-scale drawings are also acceptable for showing details.In areas affected by DART construction, prepare utilities rearrangement plans,profiles and details for the following:• Sanitary and storm sewers" Water mains" Gas mains• Overhead and underground electrical facilities• Overhead and underground telephone facilities• Overhead and underground facilities" Cablevision facilities• Other utilities as necessaryUtilities rearrangement plans shall show only that work pertaining to the utility' orutilities indicated by the plan title. Rearrangement plans shall be prepared usingscreened composite plans of existing utilities as background. DES PLANS, PROFILE AND DETAILSPrepare plan, profile and detail of the DART Electrical Service (DES) duct line andmanholes to be constructed within the DART right-of-way. These drawings shall bedrawn according to DART <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> Manual and Texas Utilities Electric (TUE)Company requirements. UTILITY EASEMENT PLANSSeparate utility easement plans will not be prepared. The utility easement shall beincluded on the right-of-way drawings.2.9.17 LANDSCAPING2.9.17.1 LANDSCAPING LOCATION PLANSAll physical features shown on the architectural site plan shall provide the base forlocating all planting site types, furniture, pedestrian circulation, fences and barriersas required. Material types and patterns shall be indicated by graphic symbols alongwith section and detail references. LANDSCAPING IRRIGATION PLANSAll fixture types and mounting devices shall be identified and located using thelocation plans as a base. LANDSCAPING-RELATED DETAILSIf not furnished as standard drawings, detail drawings shall provide fabrication andassembly requirements in plan, elevation, section, and isometric views as requiredfor details such as the irrigation system, paving materials, free wells and planters andassociated protection devices, fencing, and barriers. LANDSCAPING-RELATED SCHEDULESShow columnar tabulation of all required planting types, calipers, and quantities fora particular station or groups of stations in a single contract.Light fixtures, site furniture, fencing, and barriers may also be "scheduled"depending on the selected method for procurement2-15

2.10 STRUCTURAL (See Section 3.9)2.10.1 GENERALThere are three basic groups of structures; a project might contain any combination of thefollowing groups and sub-items:• Structures that follow the alignment, such as subway cut-and-cover line, tunnel, aerialline, as well as subway, aerial, and at-gracie stations;• Appurtenant facilities, such as shop entrances, ventilation shafts, pump shafts, emergencyexits, buildings and traction electrification, and signal and communications bungalows• Special grade-separation structures, such as overpasses, retaining walls, drainagestructures and utilities structures.2.10.2 TEMPORARY STRUCTURESThese drawings shall be for use in arranging and designing temporary decking andtemporary support systems. Included will be criteria for decking loads; sheeting and bracingloads; analysis and design; lateral pressures caused by soil, rock, water and surcharge;tiebacks; excavation and bracing procedures; allowable bearing values; observationinstallations, and cofferdam arrangements.2.10.3 UNDERPINNING AND PROTECTIONThe scale of underpinning drawings shall be selected to suit the particular building beingunderpinned.Drawings shall be complete in detail and shall clearly describe and indicate the method ofunderpinning to be used or the protection wall systems that might be required. Loads onexisting columns and walls to be underpinned shall be shown.2.10.4 GENERAL STRUCTURAL ARRANGEMENTIn plan, the outline of structure shall be superimposed on a simple outline of the street system.In profile, the ground surface at the centerline of structure, the outline of structure and thetrack profile grade line shall be shown. If the profile grade lines of adjacent tracks are not thesame, profiles of each track shall be shown. The elevation of the top of a low running rail shallbe shown at significant locations.2.10.5 AERIAL AND SUBWAY STRUCTURE CONTROL SCHEDULESThese drawings shall show in tabular form the basic data for construction.2.10.6 STANDARD STRUCTURAL DRAWINGSStandard structural drawings shall include standard aerial structures, standard subwaystructures, and standard structural elements of aerial and subway stations. Detailedinformation shall be presented in tabular form with required information, including plans andsections.2.10.7 STRUCTURAL PLANSThese drawings shall show the concrete outline and reinforcing details necessary tosupplement those, which are shown on elevations, sections and details. Show informationincluding clearance dimensions, tie-ins, joints, openings and rooms. Drawings shall bearranged in sequence starting with lowest level, such as foundation plan or track level plan,and progressing to roof level. Station references shall be located on any plans showing thecenterline of proposed DART track.In some instances, structures might be represented by combinations of plans, elevations,sections and details on the same drawing.2.10.8 STRUCTURAL ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS AND DETAILSViews shall be referenced to the structural plans and shall show concrete and reinforcingadequate for detailing of reinforcing steel.2.10.9 STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAMING PLANSShow plan of columns, girders and beams in tabular form, and details for items such as jointsand splice, end bearings and connections, sliffeners, anchor bolts, studs, base plates, boltingand welding.2.10.10 APPURTENANT STRUCTURESThis grouping pertains to structures such as entrances, ventilation shafts and fan rooms,emergency exits and pump stations, which are contiguous to the rail line or station structure.Plans, elevations, sections and details for each may be shown in the order outlined above oron die same sheet, as space needs dictate.2-16 ~ •""" ."-"

2.10.11 SPECIAL STRUCTURESThis grouping includes overpasses, underpasses, non-standard retaining walls, drainagestructures, utilities structures and other miscellaneous structures not otherwise categorized.2.10.12 MISCELLANEOUS IRON AND STEELInclude details for items such as doors and frames, railings and handrails, gratings andsupport members, ladders and stairs, anchor bolts and inserts.2.10.13 STRUCTURAL SYMBOLSAll symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.10.14 STRUCTURAL SCALESSee Figure 2.5, End of Chapter 2, applicable scales.2.11 COMMUNICATIONS (See Section 3.10)Recommendation: Draw everything to a scale, whether one is called for or not (Axis Lock ON).It is easier to work with, keep up with and modify later on down the road.2.11.1 GENERALThese drawings include symbols, abbreviations, notes, and index of drawings.2.11.2 STANDARD DRAWINGS2.11.3 BLOCK DIAGRAMSThe overall layout of the Communications System connections. These are general drawingsthat may include Electronic Visual Display, Wayside Telephone Subsystem, PassengerEmergency Call Subsystem, DART Telephone Subsystem, Public Telephone Service, PublicAddress, Radio Subsystem, Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) Subsystem, Fire Detection/IntrusionAlarm Annunciator Equipment, and Communication Transmission Subsystem (CTS).These drawings are not to scale.2.11.4 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAMSExisting System tie-in connections, with estimated station callouts.They are to scale, T=200' was used on Phase I.Proposed location of connections, with estimated station callouts.They are to scale, l'=200' was used on Phase I.2.11.5 NODE BLOCK DIAGRAMSThese drawings show the interconnection of all communication equipment at each locationand its connection to other systems. These drawings may include the following sub-systems:communications transmission; radio; EPABX and emergency telephone; closed circuittelevision; public address; fire and intrusion detection; and police emergency call; as well asMDF cross connection tabulation and power supply. Internal circuitry of manufacturedmodules shall not be shown since this will be included in the manufacturer's drawings andmanuals.These drawings are not to scale.• Typical equipment layout plans" Typical Communication House elevation• Typical CIC - plan and elevation" Typical TPSS Interface (connection). These general drawings are not to scale, and includeyard tower console; radio satellite receivers and main base station; yard and station andtunnel radiating cable radio subsystems; EPABX and emergency telephones for stationand runnels; closed-circuit television systems for stations; public address subsystems forstations; police emergency call subsystems for stations; station fire detection subsystemfire management panels; station fire detection subsystems; station intrusion detectionsubsystems; and transit vehicle.These drawings are not to scale.• Typical Signal House Interface (connection).These drawings are not to scale.• Typical PA/VMB Interface (connection).These drawings are not to scale." Typical TVM Interface (connection).These drawings are not to scale.2.11.6 SYSTEM CABLE PLANSThis plan shows all termination points on the line and the number of conductors and fibers ineach segment.They are to scale, l'=200' was used on Phase I.2-17

2.11.7 COMMUNICATIONS SITE PLANSThese plans show the exact routing of the cable along the line and the location and type of allfacilities and equipment where communication cables will be terminated.They are to scale, 1 '=20' was used on Phase I.2.11.8 RADIO DRAWINGS• Radio System Voting Receivers• Audio Interconnection Diagram2.11.9 TELEPHONE DRAWINGS• Block Diagram Telephone Subsystem• Wayside Telephone Interconnection Diagram• Platform Wayside Telephone Interconnection Diagram• Wayside Telephone Installation Details - Aerial2.11.10 TRAIN CONTROL CENTER DRAWINGSThese plans show the exact location of communications equipment and cable routing withineach room and bungalow, the arrangement of communication equipment in racks andcabinets, and the appearance of console faces. These plans shall be to scales appropriate forthe size and complexity of the items represented.Plans for these locations include equipment layout plans; cable routing plans; equipment rackand cabinet profiles; and console face diagrams.2.11.11 PA/VMB LAYOUTSStation plans with PA and VMB's located.2.11.12 FIRE AND INTRUSION DWGS2.11.13 COMMUNICATIONS TRANSMISSION SUBSYSTEM2.11.14 POWER SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM2.11.15 RISER DIAGRAMS2.11.16 INSTALLATION DETAILSThese drawings provide complete fabrication and installation details for all components of thecommunications system. To the extent feasible, they shall be the same for all locations withoptions indicated for any variations from site to site. Scales shall be appropriate to the size ofthe items shown.The following detailed plans may be included:• Communication bungalow fabrication plans" Communication bungalow installation plans• Cableway and ladder fabrication plans• Cableway and ladder installation plans• Console and cabinet fabrication plans• Rack and cabinet installation details• Radiating coaxial cable mounting plans» Public address speaker housing details• Closed circuit television camera mounting plans" Police emergency call unit housing fabrication and mounting plans• Police emergency call subsystem fabrication and installation plans• Radio subsystem antenna coupler fabrication and installation plans• Radio subsystem antenna mounting plans« Radio subsystem mobile unit installation plans• Telephone installation details• Fire detection subsystem equipment installation details• Intrusion detection subsystem equipment installation details• Communication Interface cabinet fabrication and installation plans• Power supply installation details" Communications junction box fabrication and installation plans" Any other plans necessary to provide complete installation details for thecommunications system.2.11.17 COMMUNICATIONS SYMBOLSAll symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.11.18 COMMUNICATIONS SCALESSee Figure 2.11, End of Chapter 2, for applicable scales.•ter2 2-18 '•'.'•'r - ••

2.12 FARE COLLECTIONRecommendation:Draw everything to a scale, whether one is called for or not (Axis Lock ON).It is easier to work with, keep up with and modify later on down the road.2.12.1 PLAN AND ELEVATION DRAWINGSThese drawings show dimensions on a single view or on multiple views of fare equipment orof components or of interfaces to the equipment. Scale is important with a view. Relativelocation between views may or may not be important.2.12.2 TABULATIONSThese are tabulations of data in columns and rows. There may or may not be associateddrawings.2.12.3 SIGNAGEThese are scale of full-size drawings to show signs to be copied by a contractor. Scale andaccuracy^ are important.2.12.4 ASSEMBLY DRAWINGSThese are pictorial views of equipment to show relationship of components, relative size, andinterfaces. Detail is important, actual scale is not, although relative scale between views shallbe accurate.2.12.5 LAYOUTSThese show requirements for layout of panels, cabinets, and other applications where positionof components is important from an aesthetic or human factor point of view. Scale isimportant.2.12.6 PERSPECTIVE VIEWSThese present a perspective view of equipment.2.13 OPERATIONS CONTROL CENTER2.13.1 INDEXThe index shall identify all drawings in the book of plans.2.13.2 SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONSThese drawings show graphic representations of standard equipment, symbols used on thedrawings, and certain layouts. Symbols for Central Control System are listed in Appendix D.2.13.3 ROOM LAYOUT DRAWINGSThese drawings depict the location of major subassemblies in the control and equipmentrooms.2.13.4 GROUND DISTRIBUTIONThese drawings depict the grounding of the equipment.2.13.5 CODE CHARTSThese drawings show the assignment of control and indication bits.2.13.6 MATERIAL LISTThis drawing shows the parts and their stock numbers, part numbers, etc.2.13.7 POWER DISTRIBUTION DRAWINGSThese drawings shall show the various energy distribution systems and subsystems.2.13.8 CIRCUIT DRAWINGS2.13.9 LAMP DRIVER LISTINGSThese drawings identify each lamp driver output.2.13.10 BLOCK DIAGRAMSBlock diagrams show overall system and subsystem organization and interfaces.2.13.11 ARRANGEMENT DRAWINGSThese drawings show the arrangement of all equipment, facilities or components in aworkstation, rack, mimic board assembly or module.2.13.12 PRODUCT DRAWINGSThese drawings show the dimensions and internal mechanical and electrical details ofparticular pieces of equipment.2.13.13 CENTRAL CONTROL SCALESThe scale for room layout drawings shall be 1 A inch = 1 foot.No other scales preferred.2-19

2.14 SIGNALS (See Section 3.11)Recommendation: Draw everything to a scale, whether one is called for or not (Axis Lock ON).It is easier to work with, keep up with and modify later on down die road.2.14.1 GENERAL DRAWINGSThese drawings include symbols, abbreviations, notes, and index of drawings.2.14.2 STANDARD DRAWINGSThese drawings are from past projects.2.14.3 TYPICAL DIRECTIVEThese drawings show examples of how things should be.2.14.4 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAMSThese drawings show schematic time and distance between signals.2.14.5 NORMAL LINE DIAGRAMSThese drawings show schematic in normal direction (NB going NB).2.14.6 REVERSE LINE DIAGRAMSThese drawings show schematic in reverse direction (NB going SB).2.14.7 INTERLOCKING CHARTSThese drawings show interlocking (track switch) schematic of system.2.14.8 POWER DISTRIBUTION PLANSThese drawings show power distribution schematic of system.2.14.9 HWY CROSSING DIAGRAMSThese drawings show the highway crossing, schematics.2.14.10 HWY CROSSING SITE PLANSThese drawings show the highway crossing locations.2.14.11 INTERLOCKING SITE PLANSThese drawings show the interlocking (track switch) locations.2.14.12 CIRCUIT DRAWINGSThese drawings show circuit diagrams.2.14.13 YARD EXPANSION DWGSThese drawings show the yard signals, etc.2.14.14 SYSTEMS ELEMENTSThese drawings show locations of substations, signals, catenary pole foundations, gradecrossing gates, signal and communication bungalows, equipment cases, and plan and profileof duct banks manholes and handholes.2.14.15 SPDC SITE PLANSThese drawings show SPDC locations.2.14.16 SIGNALS SYMBOLSAll symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.14.17 SIGNALS SCALESSee Figure 2.11, End Of Chapter 2, for applicable scales.2.15 TRACTION ELECTRIFICATION (See Section 3.13)Recommendation: Draw everything to a scale, whether one is called for or not (Axis Lock ON).It is easier to work with, keep up with and modify later on down the road.2.15.1 SYSTEMS ELEMENT ATTACHMENTS (See Section 3.12)These drawings show locations of substations, signals, catenary pole foundations, gradecrossing gates, signal and communication bungalows, equipment cases, and plan and profileof duct banks manholes and handholes.2.15.2 TROUGH DRAWINGSThese drawings show path of the "Express Trough", handholes and manholes along the entirelength of the project.2.15.3 GENERAL DRAWINGSThese drawings include symbols, abbreviations, notes, and index of drawings.2.15.4 SUBSTATION-SITE PLANS2-20

2.15.5 SITE INFORMATION2.15.6 DETAILS2.15.7 TECHNICAL INFORMATIONThese drawings include all technical information related to the traction electrification design.They detail wire tension and loads, spacing charts, substations, one-line diagrams, pantographand foundation requirements, and hanger lengths and spacing.2.15.8 CORROSION CONTROL DRAWINGSThese drawings consist mainly of typical utility drawings and the corrosion control measures,which have to be incorporated into the construction of the starter system to ensure that theseutilities are protected. In addition, site-specific drawings will be prepared to illustratecorrosion control protection on structures such as bridges and tunnels.2.15.9 TYPICAL STRUCTURESThese drawings provide arrangement and details of catenary and feeding structures usedthroughout the starter system.2.15.10 ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS2.15.11 MISC. ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS2.15.12 CATENARY LAYOUT PLANSThese drawings illustrate typical traction electrification arrangements, which will be usedthroughout the system. These arrangements include overlaps, crossovers, section diagrams,substation, and equipment layouts.2.15.13 STAGING INFORMATION2.15.14 STANDARD DRAWINGS2.15.15 TRACTION ELECTRIFICATION SYMBOLSAll symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.15.16 TRACTION ELECTRIFICATION SCALESSee Figure 2.11, End of Chapter 2, for applicable scales.2.16 VEHICLES2.16.1 CROSS SECTIONAL DRAWINGSThese drawings show cross sections, shapes or plots of curves on rectangular coordinates.They may be presented as coordinates of points through which a curve or shape should begenerated or as a curve or shape plotted on graph paper.2.16.2 PLAN AND ELEVATION DRAWINGSThese drawings show dimensions on a single view or multiple views of the vehicle, of acomponent of the vehicle, or of an interface to the vehicle. Scale is important within a view.Relative location of views may or may not be important.2.16.3 CONNECTION DIAGRAMSThese are schematic drawings showing the connection of wires between terminal points onequipment or the mechanical connection between mechanical components on equipment.2.16.4 TABULATIONSThese are tabulations of data in columns and rows. There may or may not be associateddrawings.2.16.5 SIGNAGEThese are scale or full-size drawings to show signs to be copied by a contractor for installationin the vehicle. Scale and accuracy is important.2.16.6 ASSEMBLY DRAWINGSThese are pictorial views of equipment to show relationship of components, relative size, andinterfaces. Detail is important, actual scale is not, although relative scale between viewsshould be accurate.2.16.7 WIRING DIAGRAMSThese are similar to connection diagrams except that the specific routing of the lines betweenpoints is significant. Scale and dimensional accuracy is not important.2.16.8 LAYOUTS2-21

2.16.8 LAYOUTSLayouts show the requirements for layout of panels, cabinets and other applications whereposition of components is important from an aesthetic or human factor point of view. Scale isimportant.2.16.9 PERSPECTIVE VIEWSThese present a perspective view of equipment or of a vehicle.2.17 PLANNING AND OPERATIONS2.17.1 GENERALInformation shown on planning and operations drawings will reflect a wide variety of drawingtypes and DART needs and, therefore, will often be specially tailored in their content and purpose.Typical categories are: SYSTEMS OF REGIONAL STUDIESLarge area transit maps with rail or bus corridors or lines and general station locations.Demographic or travel data often are shown on these maps by geographic areas. CORRIDOR OF ALIGNMENT STUDIESAs above, but at the site-specific level of study; usually show alternate platform locationsand station access facilities. SPECIAL STUDIESAs required by DART.2.17.2 BASE MAPSAll base maps shall be CADD drawn, coordinating the images and information at the differentscales from system level to specific station levels. Not all information available in a map file needbe shown, however, this section shall indicate the level of accuracy (scale) of the available mapdata. SYSTEM OR REGIONAL BASE MAPS• Interstate highways and other expressways• Major arterials• Major railroad lines• Larger geographic reference features as river, lakes and airports• Zonal boundaries of census tracts (CT) and traffic survey (TSZ) CORRIDOR OR ALIGNMENT BASE MAPSShall show the elements of paragraph including the following:• Secondary arterials and railroads• Local geographic reference features2.17.2.3 STATION OR PROJECT BASE MAPS• Existing streets and highways• Existing buildings and physical improvements• Existing contours• Existing right-of-way lines• Known future highway construction plans• Property lines, as necessary2.17.3 DATA TO BE SHOWN ON BASE MAPSThe following examples indicate the types of items that could be shown on map products, basedon the requirement for the particular project or task.• Demographic and traffic data can be shown using census tract or traffic survey zonalboundaries at the system or corridor level.• Land-use and zoning data can be shown at the corridor or station level.• Development plans can be shown at the station level.• DART rail alignment plans can be shown at all levels. Alternate station locations can beshown at the corridor or alignment level and alternate platform locations at the station level.• DART bus routes or service plans can be shown at all levels.2.17.4 PLANNING AND OPERATIONS SYMBOLSAll planning and operations symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.17.5 PLANNING AND OPERATIONS SCALESSee Figure 2.9, End of Chapter 2, for applicable Planning and Operations scales.2-22

2.18 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING2.18.1 BLOCK DIAGRAMSThese diagrams show relationship and relative size of required spaces. Block diagrams may ormay not be to scale. They could be shown as organization charts.2.18.2 FLOW CHARTSThese are charts of flow and logic symbols to depict sequence of operation or route of time andfunctions. They may or may not be to scale.2.18.3 RELATIONSHIP CHARTSThese are in given or "canned" form, which depicts the relationship of shops and areas to eachother shop or area. In addition, they can show related use of utilities and materials-handlingequipment (such as crane).2.18.4 FOOTPRINT PLANSThese are scaled drawings in schematic format which show outline dimensions.2.18.5 FLOOR PLAN LAYOUTSThese are scaled drawings of a building or area with a building showing, in scaled templateformat, the location of equipment, aisles, storage rooms and office areas.2.18.6 ELEVATION AND SECTION VARIATIONSThese are scaled drawings of a building interior view showing relationships of equipment, walls,handling equipment and floor(s). They could also be a perspective view to show clearances anddynamic outline.2.18.7 PLOTTINGSThese drawings are two-dimensional (x & y coordinates) plottings of variable information (such asleast squares).2.18.8 SCALESSee Architecture, Section 2.1, End of Chapter 2, for scales.2.18.9 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING SYMBOLSAll industrial engineering symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.19 EQUIPMENT (MAINTENANCE)2.19.1 WORK/MATERIAL FLOW CHARTSThese are charts of flow and logic symbols to depict sequence of operation or steps through a givenmachine or assembly.2.19.2 SCHEMATIC OPERATION SCHEMESThese are one or two line drawings to demonstrate the operation of a piece of equipment.2.19.3 OUTLINE PROCUREMENT PLANSThese are usually plan views of a piece of equipment which show shape and clearance dimensionsfor the equipment.2.19.4 FOUNDATIONSFoundations are scaled drawings showing footings, pits and under floor clearances needed forproper installation of equipment and connections for utilities. These drawings should referencethe structural foundation plan.2.19.5 EQUIPMENT SECTIONS AND ELEVATIONSThese are scaled drawings showing a cutaway view or front view of the piece of equipment todepict clearances, operator position and working point(s) of the equipment.2.19.6 WORK STATION LAYOUTSThese are scaled, plan view drawings, showing the equipment and its relationship to area andmaterials-handling equipment used to facilitate operation of the equipment.2.19.7 EQUIPMENT SYMBOLSAll equipment symbols are listed in Appendix D.2.19.8 EQUIPMENT (MAINTENANCE) SCALESSee Figure 2.10, End of Chapter 2, for applicable maintenance scales.2-23

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CHAPTER 3CADD REQUIREMENTS3.1 INTRODUCTIONDallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) requires an exact replica of electronic files and hard copies every formalsubmittal (all design reviews, procurement cycles, contract changes and as-built conditions) on each project.The purpose of this requirement is to ensure the Agency maintains an up to dale and accurate electroniccopy of all relevant design, procurement, construction, as-built, and operational change documents relatedto its entire system. Maintenance of these CADD electronic files has been accorded a high priority, as itrelates to the long term maintainability of the system and support of future design efforts.Accordingly, DART has placed a requirement for electronic format drawing submittals in all of its contractswith contractors (MicroStation). Unless specifically noted otherwise by contract, it is the responsibility ofthe Prime Consultant to submit all project drawings and associated files in a format acceptable to DART.The CD must accompany the hard copy delivery. This chapter and the appendices to this manual outlinemethods that should be followed precisely to produce the CADD drawings in a format acceptable to DART.See Chapter 4 for electronic submittal requirements.All CADD drawings (files) produced by contractors and subcontractors shall be submitted in an acceptableMicroStation design file format, as outlined in this chapter prior to transmittal to DART (through the PrimeConsultant) or by any other project participant.• THIRD PARTY DRAFTING STANDARDSooGENERALDART will be negotiating agreements with various third part}' governmental agenciesregarding the design and construction of their facilities. These agencies may have specialstandards that must be followed to maintain consistency of their plans and files. Asnecessary, DART (and Contractors) will comply with that agency's request by producingthe specific drawing in their (non-DART) format. It is the intent of DART to produce diedrawings in a manner that satisfies the agency's request, with the maximum practicaladherence of the DART standards, and minimum redundancy of work. Prior writtenapproval of DART shall be obtained before any production of drawings in a non-DARTformat.DALLAS WATER UTILITIESAll water and sanitary sewer plans that are within the jurisdiction of the Dallas WaterUtilities (DWU) shall be prepared in accordance with the DWU design and draftingstandards in the DWU Development <strong>Design</strong> Procedure and Policy Manual. The size ofthe sheet is the only exception in that the drawing will be 22"x34" to be consistent withthe other DART drawings. The final Mylar being submitted to DWU shall be plotted on24"x36" Mylar, retaining the same border used for the 22"x34" drawing.3.2 FILE ORGANIZATIONDART requires the ability to maintain electronic CADD files of its entire system.All CADD files of a plan set, shall be two dimensional (2D) design files. Any three dimensional (3D) designfiles used as design aids during the design portion of the work such as GeoPak files, survey drawings, and3D files used to create isometric views shall be placed in a subdirectory named "3D" and forwarded toDART in conjunction with the appropriate submittal set.The method used to produce an individual drawing plan sheet in a plan set makes extensive use ofMicroStation's reference file capabilities. The electronic file corresponding to any given plan sheet isreferred to as a "sheet file". This sheet file contains only sheet specific information, i.e., filled-in title blockinformation, north arrow cell, drawing scale cell, notes, etc.. The reference files contain all otherinformation. Reference files for plan sheets are divided into two types:1) Overall plan reference files2) Border file.• DIRECTORY STRUCTURE FOR ELECTRONIC FILES (drawings)The following directory structure is to allow easy use, by multiple firms, of all files related to a givenproject. It will also help maintain the consistency of reference file(s), file(s) and their attachments.Plotting is made easier, if the recommended directory structure is followed...3-1

_Example.,. F: \NC3X [ALL Reference Files, in the base directory, i.e., NC3X]I \Back [backup files]\DGN [sheet files by discipline]- \ARC [Architecural Files]- \Cvl-AQ [Civil Files A to Q]- \Cvl-RZ [Civil Files R to Z]- \GEN [General Files]- \STR [Structural Files]- \SWIL [Landscape Files]- \SYS [Systems Files: Comm, Sigs, & TES]\FINALPRF [Final PRF (plot) Files]\GeoPak [GeoPak Program Generated Files]\PRF [PRF (plots) Files]\USERS [User Directories, Outside Main <strong>Design</strong>]One and only one version of a file/ reference file should be subtnitted to DART at each formalsubmittal (we do not want multiple versions of every file or reference file from every consultingfirm working on a DART project).PLOTTING REQUIREMENTSFormal design review submittals, shall be plotted on 11 "xl.7", 20# bond paper.Signed, sealed and dated as appropriate under state law, originals from the procurement cycle (1FB)through as-built condition shall be plotted on 22"x34" high quality plastic 3 or 4 mil double matte film(Mylar) base electrostatic, photographic, or laser plotted original, reverse reading (so the image shallbe on he back side of the plot.Plot generation can be a complicated process. Output parameters are controlled by pen tables. A pen tableis actually a programming language which focuses on modifying the appearance of a plot. DART uses pentables to modify the appearance of plots without making changes to the design file graphics.The dots per inch (DPI) requirement, is a minimum or 400 DPI for all submittals.DART must be able to reproduce the same plot from the electronic files submitted by the contractor. Thetwo plots should look identical (Mylar and Vz size). For that reason, additional information should beprovided for each file that is plotted, to make the plotting reproduction task easier for DART. Thatinformation should include the following:1) Plotting in DART's CADD group shall be accomplished by using snap points (in the borderreference file) inside the border by placing a fence to plot from. These snap points are inset fromthe overall intended plot size. Utilizing 34" or 17" roll paper and this method allows the final plotto be exactly the correct size without trimming.2) Plot specific instructions should appear in the sheet file below the border and outside the plotlimits. This text should indicate plotting parameters sxich as rotation angle, pen table, name, etc.3) Provide the plot request form or .PRF file with the same name as the sheet file, but with a .PRFextension.3.4 CADD SYSTEM AND FILE REQUIREMENTS _3.4.1 MICROSTATION's FILE ORGANIZATIONCADD drawing types in a plan set fall into two general categories. They are:• Plan related files.• Detail/Section/Elevation related files.These categories are further subdivided into:• Reference files.• Sheet files.All drawing sheets in a plan set are composed using the MicroStation Reference file capabilities.At a minimum, all sheet files shall reference a border file containing the DART drawing border.All plan type sheet files make extensive use of multiple reference files. Refer to Appendix C. Someexample descriptions of these various file types follow. BORDER FILESIn order to ensure consistency, save file space, and make revisions easier, the graphicscomprising the drawing border shall not reside in each drawing sheet file, but in a singlereference file. Different border files are used for detail/ section/ civil/architectural/etc.3-2

sheets because of their different file setups. An example of the border file is shown inFigure 1.1 in Appendix J. The detailed level and symbology structure of this file is listedin Appendix C. Additional specific information on this plan border file setup is:OLD CIV1L-N AD27 (Starter System and Buiki Out Phase I)Global Origin of <strong>Design</strong> Plane (GO =) 100,100*Master Units (MU) FTSub-master Units: (SU) THMaster Units: MU 10Positional Units: SU 100* Global origin for all civil design files is 100 master units up and to the right of the lower,left-hand corner of the design plane.NEW CIVIL-NAD83 (Build-Out Phase II and beyond)Global Origin of <strong>Design</strong> Plane (GO =) 0,5000000**Master Units (MU) FTSub-master Units (SU) THMaster Units: MU 10Positional Units: SU 100** Global origin for all civil design files is 0 master units up and 5,000,000 master units tothe right of the lower left-hand corner of the design plane.(NAD83) [zero, 5 million]AECGlobal Origin of <strong>Design</strong> Plane (GO =) 22369.6213, 22369.6213***Master Units (MU)Sub-master Units (SU) "Master Units: MU 12Positional Units: SU 8000*** Global origin for all AEC design files is defined as the absolute center of the designplane3.4.1.2 REFERENCE FILESPlan reference files are created for each type of drawing discipline - Civil, TopographicMapping, Right-of-Way, Existing and Proposed Utilities, Alignment, etc. and contain allrelevant data. All plan reference files in a plan set shall be set up identically in terms ofunits, origin, etc. (within each discipline) and shall map one-to-one with all other planreference files in the set. File naming conventions are controlled and are described indetail in Section 3.4.2. The specific contents of each reference file with level andsymbology requirements are included in Appendix C. All overall plan reference filesshould cover the entire length of the project plan set.Each separate discipline shall have its own separate reference file(s). A listing of eachseparately defined discipline is presented later in this document. All reference filesshould have the same scale (units) and origin and should map on a one-to-one basis withfiles from their own discipline (Civil and Architectural do not have a direct relationship).An exception to this should be the border file. SHEET FILESDo not rotate reference file(s) that are attached to a sheet file. All borders should besquare in relation to the screen. To accomplish this, use the rotate view command whennecessary (i.e., plan sheets) then attach the border reference file.Each sheet file will contain sheet specific information, such as... match lines, match linetext, the north arrow, the sheet title, title block fill in information, etc. Sheet files may alsocontain notes, leader lines, etc. referring to physical element(s) in a reference file, but maynot contain the physical element(s) relevant to other disciplines (be aware of scalingfactors). See Appendix C for, level, symbology, text size, etc., requirements for each sheetfile.Non-plan related drawing sheets, such as... detail, section, and general notes orabbreviation sheets, are composed of a sheet file containing all information except theborder reference file.3-3

3.4.2 MICROSTATION FILE NAMESThe file name shall consist of four alphabetical characters identifying the project or line sectiondesignation, two alphabetical characters identifying the discipline and type of drawing, and thethree digit numerical extension indicating the plot scale or file type extension. Each file shallcontain one drawing only. Each design file name shall follow the format shown below:PROJECTDRAWINGDESIGNATION TYPE SEQ. NO.Example: NE1X CS PROJECT DESIGNATIONS (i.e., NEIXxxxx.xxx)(n=numerical sequence number)PLOT SCALEEXTENSION.040CBDX Central Business DistrictCMR'l Commuter Rail Phase 1CMR2 Commuter Kail Phase 2COM(n) Communications (Systems) - Build-Out of Rail SystemCOMX Communications (Systems) - Starter SystemDIRX New Directive for Build-OutDNCT <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>/Standard/Directive - Starter SystemFEIS Final Environmental Impact StatementI(n) IrvingLC(n) Las Colinas[JVC Livable CommunityNCI A North Central 1ANOB North Central IBNC1D City PlaceNC1X North Central 1NC2X North Central 2NC3X North Central 3NC4X North Central 4NC5X North Central 5NCDC Duck CreekNCRU Richardson UnderpassNE1X North East 1 (G-l) [Garland]NE2X North East 2 (G-2) [Garland]NE3X North East 3 (G-3) [Garland]NW1X Arena (NW1A); CarrolltonNVV(n) North WestOC1X Oak Cliff IOC2X Oak Cliff 2PGCX Pleasant Grove ConnectorSE(n) South EastSIG(n) Signals (Systems) - Build-Out of Rail systemSIGX Signals (Systems) - Starter SystemSlYL Service and Inspection Yard LeadSO2A South Oak Cliff 2 ASO2B South Oak Cliff 2BSOC1 South Oak Cliff 1SOC2 South Oak Cliff 2SOCBOF South Oak Cliff Bus Operating FacilitySTDX StandardSTD(n) New Standard for Build-OutTKI(n) Track Installation - Build-Out Phase 2 and BeyondTK3N Track Installation - Build-Out Phase 1TRE(n) Traction Electrification (Systems) - Build-Out of Rail SystemTREX Traction Electrification (Systems) - Starter SystemLJNST Union StationWOC1 West Oak Cliff!WOC2 West Oak Cliff 2* New Project designations, will be assigned by the DART CADD Administrator. DRAWING TYPE DESIGNATION3. GENERAL (i.e., xxxxBOxx.xxx)BO Border FilesNT Notes, Cover, Title, Abbreviation, Legend, Symbols & Index Sheets3-4 ARCHITECTURAL (i.e., xxxxABxx.xxx)AB Architectural Building PlanAC Architectural Reflected Ceiling PlanAD Architectural DirectiveAE Architectural Exterior Elevations & Cross SectionsAF Architectural Floor PlanAG Architectural SchedulesAP Architectural Site PlanAR Architectural Roof PlanAS Architectural StandardAV Architectural Paving Floor PlanAX Architectural Elevations & SectionsAZ Architectural Details3. ELECTRICAL (i.e., xxxxEBxx.xxx)EB Electrical Building PlanED Electrical DirectiveEF Electrical Floor PlanEG Electrical Diagrams and SchedulesEP Electrical Site PlanER Electrical Roof PlanES Electrical StandardsEX Electrical Elevations & SectionsEZ Electrical Details3. FIRE PROTECTION (i.e., xxxxFBxx.xxx)FB Fire Protection Building PlanFD Fire Protection DirectiveF F Fire Protec ti on Fl oor PI anFG Fire Protection Diagrams and SchedulesFP Fire Protection Site PlanFR Fire Protection Roof PlanFS Fire Protection Elevations & StandardsFX Fire SectionsFZ Fire Details3. MECHANICAL (HVAC) (i.e., xxxxMBxx.xxx)MB HVAC Building PlanMD HVAC DirectiveMF HVAC Floor PlanMG HVAC Diagrams and SchedulesMP HVAC Site PlanMR HVAC Roof PlanMS HVAC StandardsMX HVAC Elevations & SectionsMZ HVAC Details3. EQUIPMENT (i.e., xxxxQBxx.xxx)QB Equipment Building PlanQD Equipment DirectiveQF Equipment Floor PlanQG Equipment SchedulesQP Equipment Site PlanQR Equipment Roof PlanQS Equipment StandardsQX Equipment Elevations & SectionsQZ Equipment Details3. PLUMBING (i.e., xxxxPBxx.xxx)PB Plumbing Building PlanPD Plumbing DirectivePF Plumbing Floor PlanPG Plumbing Diagrams and SchedulesPP Plumbing Site PlanPR Plumbing Roof PlanPS Plumbing Standards3-5

PX Plumbing Elevations & SectionsPZ Plumbing Details3. SIGNAGE (i.e., xxxxVBxx.xxx)VB Signage Building PlanVD Signage DirectiveVF Signage Floor PlanVG Signage SchedulesVP Signage Site PlanVR Signage Roof PlanVS Signage StandardsVX Signage Elevations & SectionsVZ Signage Details3. CIVIL (i.e., xxxxALxx.xxx)AL AlignmentBM Bench MarksCP Civil Site PlanCR Civil DirectivesCS Cross SectionsCT Civil StandardsCV CivilCX Typical SectionsCZ Typical DetailsDA Drainage Area MapsDM Demolition PlanEV Environmental PlanGT GeotechnicalHA Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Control PlanKM Key MapPO Polygon FilePT Proposed TopographyRW Right-of-WaySQ Surface Construction SequencingST Street and Alley ModificationsTC Permanent Traffic ControlTD Track Removal PlanTl Track InstallationTK Track ChartsTM Track Modification PlanTP TopographyTS Traffic Signalization (Street)TT Temporary Traffic ControlTX Track SectionsTZ Track DetailsDC Proposed Drainage Plan and ProfileUF Dallas Water Utilities Plan and ProfileUQ Underground Construction SequencingUR Proposed Utilities PlanUT Existing Utilities CompositeUX Utilities Cross SectionsWL Wall ProfileYA Yard Horizontal AlignmentYP Yard Vertical Alignment Full Profile3. LANDSCAPE (i.e., xxxxLCxx.xxx)LC Civil LandscapeLD Landscape DirectiveLS Landscape StandardLX Landscape SectionsLZ Landscape Details3. STRUCTURAL (i.e., xxxxBDxx.xxx)BD Bridge DetailsBR Bridge Plans & ElevationSD Structural DirectiveSF Track Slab Plans3-6

SR Structural BuildingSS Structural StandardSX Structural SectionsSZ Structural Details3. SYSTEMS (Communications, Signals & Traction Electrification)(i.e., xxxxCAxx.xxx)CA Communication PlansCB Communication StandardsCE Communication DiagramsCD Communication DetailsCH Communication DetailsCl Circuit DetailCO CommunicationSA Signals Plans (Rail)SB Signal StandardSC Signals Circuit DiagramsSE Signals DiagramsSH Signals DetailsSL Systems Elements - Line Section DrawingsTA Traction ElectrificationTB Traction Electrification StandardsTE Traction Electrification DiagramsTH Traction Electrification DetailsTL Traction Electrification Plans - Line Section Drawings3.4.2.3 SEQUENCE NUMBER (i.e., xxxxxxOI .xxx)01-Z9 Used for design files containing sheet information (0-99, al-a9, bl-b9, etc.)R1-R9 Used for design files containing reference file information3.4.2.4 FILE EXTENSION3. 10/100 SCALE EXTENSIONS (i.e., xxxxxxxx.001).001 1"=1'-0".005 1"=5'-0".006 1"=6'-0".010 1"=10'-0".020 1"=20'-0".030 1"=30'-0".040 1"=40'-0".050 1"=50'-0".060 1"=60'-0".080 1"=80'-0".100 1"=100'-0".200 1"=200'-0".250 1"=250'-0".300 1"=300'-0".400 1"=400'-0".500 1"=500'-0".OIK 1"=1000'-0".02K 1"=2000'-0" 12/8000 SCALE EXTENSIONS (i.e., xxxxxxxx.008).016 1/16"=1'-0".008 1/8"=1'-0".004 1/4"=1'-0".375 3/8 "=1'-0".002 1/2"=1'-0".075 3/4"=l'-0" OTHER EXTENSIONSSee Section REFERENCE FILE ORGANIZATIONReference files are created for each type of drawing discipline - Civil, Right-of-way, Utility,Topography, Alignment, etc. and contains all the elements, separated by level, pertaining to thatdiscipline.3-7

Reference files should be attached with a standard reference file logical name. This is necessarybecause automated user commands and the pen tables refer specifically to those logical names.Appendix "C" Table of Contents contains a complete list of reference files and logical names.3.4.4 PROGRAM-GENERATED ALIGNMENT FILESThe Civil <strong>Design</strong>er or Contractor shall produce a file containing the overall alignment graphics andannotation. This shall be a 2D MicroStation graphics file using surface coordinate values (refer toSection 3.4.8). These files shall contain whatever graphics can be obtained from the civilengineering design program (GeoPak) and shall be used as reference files (ALIGN, XSEC,PROFILE). The remainder of the graphics data will be added by an operator to complete the civilreference file (xxxxcvrx.xxx). The level structure and symbology of the graphics in this alignmentfile are detailed in Appendix C.3.4.5 POLYGON FILE ORGANIZATIONThe set of plan sheets has associated with it an overview file that has polygon shapes defining thereference file clip boundaries and the border boundaries for each sheet. The polygons for allreference files except the border and vertical profile are usually defined by snapping to theendpoints of the match lines. Where there are no match lines, the individual drawing file shouldcontain a polygon on a level that is not plotted defining the reference fence clip shape. The verticalprofile clip polygon should include the profile grid with space at the bottom to include theelevation text. A polygon or line string shall be placed in the drawing file by snapping to theborder corners. These polygon elements for each sheet shall be copied into a master file. Thismaster file, called the "polygon file", shall also include the notation "sheet nnn of tttt" for each sheetfile.See Appendix C for required levels and symbology of the polygon file. See the Figure 1.8,Appendix J for a representation of the polygon file.3.4.6 FILE CORRUPTIONS AND STANDARDS COMPLIANCE" Some file corruptions may show no visible or plotable signs at all. In all cases, it is theresponsibility of the party submitting files (Prime <strong>Design</strong> Firm) to DART to ensure thatthe files being submitted are free from corruptions. If corruptions are discovered byDART, the files shall not be accepted but shall be returned for repair by the submitter.Contract requirements for electronic submittal's shall not be deemed to be satisfied until the CADDfiles submitted to DART have been successfully checked without error. The burden is on thesubmitter (Prime <strong>Design</strong> Firm), not DART. Non-submittal, late, incomplete or nonconformingelectronic project files may result in the withholding of payments to the design firms. Refer toChapters 4 and 5 for specifics on electronic file submittal requirements.3.4.7 SEED FILESTwo-dimensional (2-D) master files shall be used to create all other design files. Provided files arecalled DARTSEED.001 and DARTSEED.008 and they shall exist in every DART project directory.When a new file is created, in reality a seed file is copied. (A seed file is simply a template master.)The appropriate master seed file shall be copied without alteration into each newly createddirectory so that the application software shall make the seed file in that directory the defaultmaster. CIVIL SEED FILESM AD27 The DARTSEED.001 file settings for civil design files are as follows:(OLD) Global Origin, of design plane (GO ) 100, 100 'Master Units (MU) " FTSub-master Units (SU)HI!SU/M.U 10Positional Units/SU 100Level (LV=) 1Weight (WT= ) 0Line Code (LC= ) 0Color (CO= ) 0Active Angle (AA= ) 0Active Scale (AS=)ILevels On (ON =) 1-63Unit Round off (UR=) 1"Grid Units (GU= )I'-O"Grid Reference (GO= ) 10Text Height (TH=) 4.8 FT (DART 120)Text Width (TW=) 3.6 FT (75% of Til), DART 120. - 3-8 -"" ""'

Line Spacing (LS=)Font (FT= ) 'Text justitication (JU= )Font LibraryLocks OnFence modeFast display Settings:FontsCellTextCurve, Arc, EllipseOther display settings:WeightPatternText NodeEnter Data FieldsLevel. SymbologyDimensional DataConstruction LinesGridFillView Controls:DelayViews ONOverview ON/OFFTutorial ViewRaster View Controls:Drag ON/OFFPanCell Library (RC= )Reference File {KF=)3.8 FT (80% of TH)4.1.LTDART.RSCKey point snapInsideOFF (all views)OFF (all views)OFF (all views)OFF (all views)ON (all views)ON (all views)OFF (all views)ON (all views)OFF (all views)OFF (all views)OFF (all views)OFF (all views)ON (all. views)Left and RightViews 1 & 5ONView 1OFFOFFNone AttachedNone Attached' Global origin for ail civil design tiles is 100 master units up and to the right ofthe lower left-hand corner of the design plane.Global Origin Monument 100 ,100Delia-X, Delta-YOffFile Size50 blocksWindows:Overall View View 5File ID ViewView I3-9

NAD83 The DART83SEED.001 file settings for civil design files are as follows:(NEW) Global Origin of design plane (GO) 0,5000000"Master Units (MU)FTSub-master Units (SU)HUSU/MU10Positional Units/SU100Level (LV=)1.Weight (WT=)0Line Code (LC=)0Color (CO)0Active Angle (AA=)0Active Scale (AS=)1Levels On (ON=)1-63Unit Round off (UR= )1"Grid Units (GU=)l'-0"Grid Reference (GO=)10Text Height (TH=)4.8 FT (DART 120)Text Width (TW=)3.6 FT (75% of TH), DART 120Line Spacing (LS=)3.8 FT (80% of TH)Font (FT=)41Text justification (JU=)LTFont LibraryDART.RSCLocks OnKeypoint snapFence modeInsideFast display Settings:FontsOFF (all views)CellOFF (all views)TextOFF (all views)Curve, Arc, EllipseOFF (all views)Other display settings:WeightON (all views)PatternON (all views)Text NodeOFF (all views)Enter Data FieldsON (all views)Level SymbologyOFF (all views)Dimensional DataOFF (all views)Construction LinesOFF (all views)GridOFF (all views)FillON (all views)View Controls:Delay-Left and RightViews ONViews 1 & 5Overview ON/OFF ONTutorial ViewView 1Raster View Controls:Drag ON/OFFOFFPanOFFCell Library (RC=)None AttachedReference File (RF=) None Attached** Global origin for all civil design files is 0 master units up and 5,000,000 masterunits to the right of the lower left-hand corner of the design plane.Global Origin MonumentDelta-X, Delta-YFile SizeWindows:Overall ViewFile ID View0,5000000Off50 blocksView 5View 13-10 AEC SEED FILESThe DARTSEED.008 file settings for AEC design files are as follows:Global Origin of design plane (GO) 22369.5625,22369.5625Master Units (MU)FTSub-Master Units (SU)INSU:MU12Positional UnitsrSU8000Level (LV=)1Weight (WT=)0Line Code (LC=)0Color (CO=)0Active Angle (AA=)0Active Scale (AS=)1Levels On (ON=)1-63Unit Round off (UR=)1"Grid Units (GU=)l'-0"Grid Reference (GO=)10Text Height (TH=)11.5 IN (DART 120)Text Width (TW=)8.625 IN (75% of TH), DART 120Line Spacing (LS=)9.2 IN (80%ofTH)Foot(FT=)41Text Justification (JU=)LTFont LibraryDART.RSCLocks OnKeypoint snapFence modeInsideFast display Settings:FontsOFF (all views)CellOFF (all views)TextOFF (all views)Curve, Arc, EllipseOFF (all views)Other display settings:WeightON (all views)PatternON (all. views)Text NodeOFF (all views)Enter Data FieldsON (all views)Level SymbologyOFF (all views)Dimensional DataOFF (all views)Construction LinesOFF (all views)GridOFF (all views)FillON (all views)View Controls:DelayLeft and RightViews ONViews 1 and 5Overview ON/OFF ON Global origin for all AEC design files is defined as the absolute center of thedesign plane.Tutorial ViewRaster View Controls:Drag ON/OFFPanCell Library (RC=)Reference File (RF=)Global Origin MonumentDelta-X, Delta-YFile SizeWindows:Overall ViewFile ID ViewView 1OFFOFFNone AttachedNone Attached0,0ON50 blocksView 5View 13-11

3.4.8 TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM (GRID/SURFACE)All plan electronic CADD files used for die design, construction, as-built condition and operationalchanges of die DART Capital Projects shall be prepared using surface coordinate values based onthe Texas State Plane Coordinate System. The conversion factor that will be used to convertbetween the Texas State Plane Coordinate System (Grid) and surface values (Surface) is describedbelow.The U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey has established a state plane grid coordinate system for eachstate. This coordinate system was developed by projecting die surface of the earth to a flat planelocated at Mean Sea Level (MSL). This coordinate system was incorporated into die base mappingfor die DART service area.To convert from surface coordinates to the state plane grid coordinate system, the engineer shallapply the following factors:1. Reduction to Sea Level2. Scale factorThe reduction to sea level factor is a fixed ratio of distance elevation, as shown in Figure 1.17,Appendix J. The scale factor for the State of Texas depends upon die latitude of the area and maybe found on a map showing the scale ratio for the area, or from tables developed by the U.S. Coastand Geodetic Survey.A combined factor of 0.9998606 has been calculated for the DART' service area to reduce surfacecoordinates to grid coordinates. The inverse of this factor, '1.0001394, is to be used to convert gridcoordinates to surface coordinates, as shown in the following example, using coordinate valuestypical to the Dallas, Texas area (NAD27).Convert grid coordinates to surface coordinates.Example: N 406,500 \ 1.0001394 - 406,556.67E 2,216,500 x 1.0001394 = 2,216,809.02difference in coordinate values = -56.67'Ndue to conversion = 309.02' E* NEW for the NAD83 survey data:A combined factor of 0.999863512 has been calculated for the DART service area to reducesurface coordinates to grid coordinates. The inverse of this factor, 1.000136506, is to beused to convert grid coordinates to surface coordinates, as shown in the followingexample, using coordinate values typical to the Dallas, Texas area (NAD83).Convert grid coordinates to surface coordinates.Example: N 406,500 x 1.000136506 = 406,555.49E 2,216,500 x 1.000136506 = 2,216,802.57difference in coordinate values = -55.49' Ndue to conversion = 302.57' E3.4.9 WORKING UNITSAll MicroStatkm design files have scale settings, known as "working units". The following chartillustrates the proper working unit settings for the major drawing scales:CIVIL Scale SU:MU PU:SUAll 10 100

3.4.10 CELL LIBRARIESThe DART cell libraries are not to be modified. Temporary (scratch) cell libraries may be made ina scratch library (i.e., SCR.CEL) - with the approval of the DART CADD Administrator. SYMBOL CELL LIBRARIESBelow is a list of standard symbol cell libraries approved for use. Symbol celllibraries may contain both point cells and graphic cells. Symbol cell librariesshowing multiple components or assemblies shall be considered as detail celllibraries (see Appendix D).NAME DISCIPLINE LIBRARY TYPE NOTE*dart100pjt41 ALL General Symbols 1darttxdotsgn41 Civil TXDOT Traffic Signs 1dartstasign41 Civil Station Traffic Signs 1dartcivi!41 Civil Civil Symbols 1dartlan41 Civil Landscape 1dart8000pjt41 Arch/Struct General Symbols 2dartarch41 Arch Misc. Arch. Sym. 2darthvac41 Arch HVAC 2dartplbg41 Arch Plumbing 2dartwiring41 Arch Wiring Diagrams 2dartpower41 Arch Power/Lighting 2dartfire41 Arch Fire Protection 2dartstr41 Struct Misc. Struct. Symbols 2dartcom41 Systems Communications 1dartsig41 Systems Signals 1darttes41 Systems Traction Electrification 1*Note1. The scale of the cell equals the scale of the border(.001 border, 1"=40" -40 scale)2. The scale of the cell equals 1 for 1/8" scale drawing(.008 border, 1 /8"=1'-0" ~ 1 scale) CELL PLACEMENTThe difference in the two cell scales is calculated by comparing the above total designfile areas. The difference in the two cell scales is 96000x8/1000 = 768. (8 is in theequation because the 12/8000 border is scaled up 8 times to allow for it to be plottedat 1/8"=1'-0").To place a 10/100 working unit cell on a 12/8000 working unit drawing, use AS=768.To place a 12/8000 working unit cell on a 10/100 working unit drawing, useAS=X/768, where X is the scale of the border. For example, to use a 12/8000 workingunit cell on a 40 scale drawing 10/100 working unit drawing, use AS=40/768= .0521.3.5 ARCHITECTURAL ATTACHMENTS (This is an example only, not what may actually be required)All Sheet FilesMatch Lines and Text (if required)North Arrow (if required)Key Plan (if required)Sheet Number (if required)Title Block InformationGraphic Scale (if required)Professional SealNotes and LegendType of DrawingsElectronic Sheet FileElec. Ref. FileLogical3.5.1 Reflected Ceiling Planxxxxacxx.xxxAC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxACRx.xxxxxxxECRx.xxxBORDERARCHRELECC3.5.2 Building Planxxxxabxx.xxxAC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxBORDERARCHFSXSITE3-13

xxxxTPRx.xxxTOPO13.5.3 Directivesxxxxadxx.xxxAD1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.5.4 Ext. Elevation & Cross Sectionsxxxxaexx.xxxAC3-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.5.5 Floor Planxxxxafxx.xxxAC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAERx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxAVRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxBORDERARCHEARCHFSXKEYPLANARCHVSXSITE3.5.6 Schedules & Diagramsxxxxagxx.xxxAC5-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.5.7 Site Planxxxxapxx.xxxAC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxAPRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxBORDERARCHFARCHPSXSITESXCIVILSXROWSXMODIFYTOPO13.5.8 Roof Planxxxxarxx.xxxAC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxARRx.xxxBORDERARCHR3.5.9 Standardsxxxxasxx.xxxASX-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.5.10 Paving Building & Floor Planxxxxavxx.xxxAC9-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxAVRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHFSXKEYPLANARCHVSXSITE3.5.1 1 Elevations & Sectionsxxxxaxxx.xxxAC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.5.12 Detailsxxxxazxx.xxxAC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.5.13 SignagePlanxxxxvfxx.xxxXXX-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxVFRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHFSXKEYPLANSXSITESIGNF3.6 ELECTRICAL ATTACHMENTS (This Is an example only, not what may actually be required)All Sheet FilesMatch Lines and Text (if required)North Arrow (if required)Key Plan (if required)Sheet Number (if required)Title Block InformationGraphic Scale (if required)Professional SealNotes and LegendTvpe of DrawincjsElectronic Sheet FileDwg No.Elec. Ref. FileLogical3.6.1 Building Planxxxxebxx.xxxEC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxEFRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxFFRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHFELECFSXSITETOP01FIREF3.6.2 Directivesxxxxedxx.xxxED1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.6.3 Electrical Floor Planxxxxefxx.xxxEC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxEFRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxFFRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHFSXKEYPLANELECFSXSITEFIREF3.6.4 Schedules & Diagramsxxxxegxx.xxxECS-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.6.5 Site Planxxxxepxx.xxxEC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxAPRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHFSXARCHP3-14

xxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxEFRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxEPRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxSXSITEELECFSXMODIFYELECTPSXROWTOPO13.6.6 Roof Planxxxxerxx.xxxXXX-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxARRx.xxxxxxxERRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHRELECR3.6.7 Standards3.6.8 Elevations & Sectionsxxxxesxx.xxxxxxxexxx.xxxESX-xxxxEC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDERBORDER3.6.9 Detailsxxxxezxx.xxxEC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7 FIRE PROTECTION, MECHANICAL(HVAC) , EQUIPMENT, PLUMBING and SIGNAGE ATTACHMENTS(This is an example only, not what may actually be required)All Sheet FilesMatch Lines and Text (if required)North Arrow (if required)Key Plan (if required)Sheet Number (if required)Title Block InformationGraphic Scale (if required)Professional SealNotes and LegendType of DrawingsElectronic Sheet FileDwg NoElec. Ref. FileLogicalFTBF pBOTF/TTDKI3.7.1 Fire Protection Building Planxxxxfbxx.xxxFC2-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxFFRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHFSXSITEFIREF3.7.2 Fire Protection Directivesxxxxfdxx.xxxFD1-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.3 Fire Protection Floor PlanxxxxffxxxxxFC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxACRx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxECRx.xxxxxxxFFRx.xxxBORDERARCHRSXKEYPLANSXSITEELECCFIREF3.7.4 Fire Prot. Schedules & Diagramsxxxxfgxx.xxxFCS-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.5 Fire Protection Site Planxxxxfpxx.xxxFC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAPRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxFPRx.xxxxxxxPPRx.xxxxxxxUPRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHPSXSITEFIREPSXPLUMPSXUTIL3.7.6 Fire Protection Roof Planxxxxfrxx.xxxFC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxARRx.xxxxxxxFRRx.xxxBORDERARCHRFIRER3.7.7 Fire Protection Standardsxxxxfsxx.xxxFSX-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.8 Fire Prot. Elevations & Sectionsxxxxfxxx.xxxFC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.9 Fire Protection Detailsxxxxfexx.xxxFC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDERMFCUAMTCAl(U\/Af"l3.7.10 HVAC Building Planxxxxmbxx.xxxMC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxMFRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHFSXSITEHVACF3.7.11 HVAC Directivexxxxmdxx.xxxMDI-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.12 HVAC Floor Planxxxxmfxx.xxxMC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxMFRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHFSXSITEHVACF3-15

xxxxAFRx.xxxSXKEYPLAN3.7.13HVAC Schedule & Diagramsxxxxmgxx.xxxMCS-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.14HVAC Site Planxxxxmpxx.xxxMCl-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAPRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxMPRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHPSXSITEHVACP3.7.15HVAC Roof Planxxxxmrxx.xxxMC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxARRx.xxxxxxxMRRx.xxxBORDERARCHRHVACR3.7.16HVAC Standardsxxxxmsxx.xxxMSX-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3. Elevations & SectionsHVAC Detailsxxxxmxxx.xxxxxxxmzxx.xxxMC4-xxxxMC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDERBORDER3.7.19Equipment Building Planxxxxgbxx xxxQC2-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxQFRx.xxxBORDERARCHFEQUIPF3.7.20Equipment Directivexxxxgdxx.xxxQD1-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.21Equipment Floor Planxxxxqfxx.xxxQC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxQFRx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHFEQUIPFSXKEYPLAN3.7.22Equipment Schedule & Diagramsxxxxqgxx.xxxQCS-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.23Equipment Site Planxxxxqpxx.xxxQC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAPRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxQPRx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHPSXSITEEQUIPPSXKEYPLAN3.7.24Equipment Roof Planxxxxqrxx.xxxQC2-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxARRx.xxxxxxxQRRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHREQUIPR3.7.25Equipment StandardsXXXXQSXX.XXXQSI-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.26Equipment Elevations & Sectionsxxxxqxxx.xxxQC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.27Equipment Detailsxxxxqzxx.xxxQC4-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxBORDERPI ( JAARTMft3.7.28Plumbing Building Planxxxxpbxx.xxxPC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxPFRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxllTRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHFPLUMBFSXSITESXUTIL3.7.29Plumbing Directivexxxxpdxx.xxxPD1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.30Plumbing Floor Planxxxxpfxx.xxxPC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxPFRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHFSXKEYPLANSXSITEPLUMBF3.7.31Plumbing Schedule & Diagramsxxxxpgxx.xxxPCS-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.32Plumbing Site Planxxxxppxx.xxxPC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxPFRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxUDRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHFSXALIGNSXSITESXCIVILPLUMBFSXROWSXPSTMSXUTILTOPO13.7.33Plumbing Roof Planxxxxprxx.xxxPC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxARRx.xxxxxxxPRRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHRPLUMBR3-16

3.7.34 Plumbing Standardsxxxxpsxx.xxxPSI-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.35 Plumbing Elevations & Sectionsxxxxpxxx.xxxPC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.36 Plumbing Detailsxxxxpzxx.xxxPC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDERCTCKI.4CP____3.7.37 Signage Building Planxxxxvbxx.xxxAC9-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxABRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxVBRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHBSXSITESIGNS3.7.38 Signage Directive3.7.39 Signage Floor Planxxxxvdxx.xxxxxxxvfxx xxxAD1-xxxxAC9-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxVFRx.xxxBORDERBORDERSXARCHFSXKEYPLANSXSITESIGNF3.7.40 Signage Schedule & Diagramsxxxxvgxx.xxxACS-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.41 Signage Site Planxxxxvpxx.xxxAC9-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAPRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxVFRx.xxxBORDERSXARCHPSXSITESIGNF3.7.42 Signage Roof Planxxxxvrxx.xxxAC9-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAPRx.xxxxxxxARRx.xxxxxxxVRRx.xxxBORDERARCHRSXARCHRSIGNR3.7.43 Signage Standardsxxxxvsxx.xxxAS1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.44 Signage Elevations & Sectionsxxxxvxxx.xxxAC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.7.45 Signage Detailsxxxxvzxx.xxxAC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.8 CIVIL ATTACHMENTS (This Is an example on//, nof what may actually be required)All Sheet FilesMatch Lines and Text (if required)North Arrow (if required)Key Plan (if required)Sheet Number (if required)Title Block InformationGraphic Scale (if required)Professional SealNotes and LegendType of DrawingsElectronic Sheet FileDwg No.Elec. Ref. FileLogical3.8.1 Alignment Planxxxxalxx.xxxCC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxGTRx.xxxxxxxPORx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTLPx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUDRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxxBORDERALIGNPROFILEBRPLSITECIVILGEO(off)SHEETROWMODIFYSYSPROFTOPO1PSTMUTIL3.8.2 Site Planxxxxcpxx.xxxCC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxGTRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUDRx.xxxBORDERARCHFSXALIGNPROFILEBRPLSITECIVILGEOROWMODIFYTOPO1PSTM3-17

3.8.3Cross Sectionxxxxcsxx.xxxCCS-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxCSRx.xxxBORDERXSEC3.8.4Typical Detailxxxxczxx.xxxCC6-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.8.5Drainage Mapxxxxdaxx.xxxCCe-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxDARx.xxxxxxxPTRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUDRx.xxxBORDERARCHFALIGNBRPLSITECIVILDRAINPTOPOROWTOP01PSTM3.8.6Demolition Planxxxxdmxx.xxxCC7-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxDMRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUPRx.xxxBORDERARCHFALIGNSITECIVILDEMOROWMODIFYTOPO1UTIL3.8.7Environmental Planxxxxevxx.xxxOC2-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxDARx.xxxxxxxEVRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUDRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxxBORDERALIGNBRPLSITECIVILDRAINENVIRONROWMODIFYTOPO1PSTMUTIL3.8.8Horiz. & Vert. Alignmentxxxxhaxx.xxx(Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Control Plans)CCS-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxROWx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxBORDERALIGNROWTOPO13.8.9Civil Landscapexxxxlcxx.xxxGCI-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxAPRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxBORDERALIGNARCHPSITEROWTOPO13.8.10Landscape Directivexxxxldxx.xxxGCI-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.8.11Landscape Standardxxxxlsxx.xxxGCI-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.8.12Landscape Sectionsxxxxlxxx.xxxGC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.8.13Landscape Detailsxxxxlzxx.xxxGCI-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.8.14Proposed Topographyxxxxptxx.xxxGC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxDARx.xxxxxxxPTRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUDRx.xxxBORDERARCHFALIGNBRPLSITECIVILDRAINPTOPOROWMODIFYTOPO1PSTM3.8.15Right-Of-Way Planxxxxrwxx.xxxRC6-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxBORDERALIGNBRPLSITE3-18

xxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxxCIVILROWMODIFYTOPO1UTIL3.8.16Surface Construction(Surface Construction Sequencing)xxxxsgxx.xxxCC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxBORDERALIGNPROFILEBRPLSITECIVILROWMODIFYTOPO13.8.17Street & Alley Modificationxxxxstxx.xxxCC6-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxPTRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUDRx.xxxxxxxUPRx.xxxxxxxURRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxxBORDERALIGNBRPLSITECIVILPTOPOROWMODIFYTOP01PSTMUTPROFUTILPUTIL3.8.18Permanent Traffic Controlxxxxtcxx.xxxWC3-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxTERx.xxxBORDERALIGNBRPLSITECIVILROWMODIFYTOP01TRAFFIC3.8.19Track Installationxxxxtixx.xxxCC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUPRx.xxxBORDERALIGNCIVILROWMODIFYTOPO1UTPROF3.8.20Track Chartxxxxtkxx.xxxKC3-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxTKRx.xxxxxxxTRRx.xxxBORDERTRACPLNTKPROF3.8.21Traffic Signalization (Street)xxxxtsxx.xxxCC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSLRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTCRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxURRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxxBORDERALIGNSITECIVILROWSIGRMODIFYTRAFFICTOPO1UTILPUTIL3.8.22Temporary Traffic Controlxxxxttxx.xxxCC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxTTRx.xxxBORDERALIGNSITEROWTOPO1TEMTRAF3.8.23Track Detailxxxxtzxx.xxxKC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.8.24Proposed Drainage(Proposed Drainage Plan & Profile)xxxxucxx.xxxCCS-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxBORDERALIGNBRPLSITE3-19

xxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxDARx.xxxxxxxPTRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUDRx.xxxxxxxURRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxx3.8.25 DWU Utilities xxxxufxx.xxx UC4-xxxx DWUBORx.xxx(Dallas Water Utilities Plan & Profile)xxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUPRx.xxxxxxxURRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxx3.8.26 Proposed Utilities Plan xxxxurxx.xxx UC3-xxxx xxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUDRx.xxxxxxxURRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxx3.8.27 Existing Utilities Composite xxxxutxx.xxx UC2-xxxx xxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxx3.8.28 Wall Profile xxxxwlxx.xxx CC2-xxxx xxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxGTRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUDRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxx3.8.29 Platform Landscape Plan xxxxa?xx.xxx XXX-xxxx xxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAERx.xxx3.9 STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENTS (This Is an example only, not what may actually be required)All Sheet FilesMatch Lines and Text (if required)North Arrow (if required)Key Plan (if required)Sheet Number (if required)Title Block InformationGraphic Scale (if required)Professional SealNotes and Legend3.9.1 GeneralType of Drawings3.9.2 Bridge Detail3.9.3 Bridge Plans & ElevationsElectronic Sheet Filexxxxntxx xxxxxxxbdxx.xxxxxxxbrxx.xxxDwg No.SS1-xxxxSCS-xxxxSCS-xxxxElec. Ref. FilexxxxBORx.xxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxCIVILDRAINPTOPOROWMODIFYTOP01PSTMUTILPUTILBORDERALIGNBRPLSITECIVILROWMODIFYTOPO1UTPROFUTILPUTILBORDERALIGNBRPLSITECIVILROWMODIFYTOPO1PSTMUTILPUTILBORDERALIGNBRPLSITECIVILROWMODIFYTOPO1UTILBORDERALIGNPROFILEBRPLCIVILGEOROWTOPO1PSTMUTILBORDERARCHELogicalBORDERBORDERBORDERARCHF3-20

xxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxGTRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSRRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxxALIGNBRPLSITECIVILGEOROWSTRUCTOPO1UTIL3.9.4 Structural Building Plansxxxxsrxx.xxxSC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxGTRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSRRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxxBORDERARCHFALIGNBRPLSITECIVILGEOROWSTRUCTOPO1UTIL3.9.5 Structural Directivexxxxsdxx.xxxSDX-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxSRRx.xxxBORDERARCHFSTRUC3.9.6 Track Slab Plansxxxxsfxx.xxxSC9-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxGTRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSFRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxUTRx.xxxBORDERARCHFALIGNBRPLSITECIVILGEOROWTSLABTOPO1UTIL3.9.7 Structural Standardxxxxssxx.xxxSS1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.9.8 Structural Sectionxxxxsxxx.xxxSC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.9.9 Structural Detailxxxxszxx.xxxSCS-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.10 COMMUNICATIONS ATTACHMENTS (This Is an example only, not what may actually be required)All Sheet FilesMatch Lines and Text (if required)North Arrow (if required)Key Plan (if required)Sheet Number (if required)Title Block InformationGraphic Scale (if required)Professional SealNotes and LegendType of DrawingsElectronic Sheet FileDwg No.Elec. Ref. FileLogical3.10.1 Generalcomxntxx.xxxZS1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.10.2 Standardcomxcbxx.xxxZS1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.10.3 Block Diagramcornxcexx.xxxZC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.10.4 Single Line Diagramcomxcexx.xxxZC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxCNR2x.xxxBORDERREF3.10.5 Node Block Diagramcomxcexx.xxxZC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.10.6 System Cable Plancomxcaxx.xxxZC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.10.7 Communications Site Plancomxcaxx.xxxZC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCLRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxETRx.xxxBORDERALIGNBRPLCOMRSITECIVILTROUGH3-21

xxxxSLRx.xxxxxxxTLRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxSIGRTRERTOPO13.10.8 Radio Drawingcomxrexx.xxxZC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.10.9 Telephone Drawingcomxcexx.xxxZC3-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.10.10 Train Control Center Drawingcomxcexx.xxxZC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.10.11 PA/VMB Layoutcomxcaxx.xxxZC6-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxAFRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxBORDERARCHFSITEMODIFYTOPO13.10.12 Fire & Intrusion Dwgcomxcexx.xxxZC7-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.10.13 Comm. Transmission Sub. comxcexx.xxx(Communications Transmission Subsystem)ZCS-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.10.14 Power Single Line Diagramcomxcexx.xxxZC9-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.10.15 Riser Diagramcomxcexx.xxxZC9-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.10.16 Installation Detailcomxcexx.xxxZC9-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.11 SIGNALS ATTACHMENTS (This Is an example only, not what may actually be required)All Sheet FilesMatch Lines and Text (if required)North Arrow (if required)Key Plan (if required)Sheet Number (if required)Title Block InformationGraphic Scale (if required)Professional SealNotes and LegendType of DrawingsElectronic Sheet FileDwg No.Elec. Ref. FileLogical3.11.1 General sigxntxx.xxxBCI-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.11.2 Standardsigxsbxx.xxxBSI-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.11.3 Typical Di rectivesigxshxx.xxxBD1-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.1 1 .4 Single Line DiagramsiaxsexxxxxBCI-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxSERx.xxxSINGLE.XXXTRACKBLD.xxxBORDERSER1SINGLETRACKBLD3.1 1 .5 Normal Line Diagramsigxsnxx.xxxBCI-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxNORMAL.XXXxxxxSERx.xxxTRACKBLD-xxxBORDERNORMALSER1TRACKBLD3.1 1 .6 Reverse Line Diagramsigxsrxx.xxxBCI-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxREVERSE-xxxxxxxSERx.xxxTRACKBLD.XXXBORDERREVERSESER1TRACKBLD3.1 1 .7 Interlocking Chartsigxsexx.xxxBC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxSERx.xxxTRACKBLD.XXXBORDERSER1TRACKBLD3.1 1 .8 Power Distributionsigxsexx.xxxBC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.1 1 .9 Hwy Cross Diagramsigxsexx.xxxBCI-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxSERx.xxxTRACKBLD.XXXBORDERSER1TRACKBLD3.1 1 .10 Hwy Cross Site Plansigxsaxx.xxxBCS-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxETRx.xxxxxxxSLRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxBORDERALIGNBRPLSITECIVILTROUGHSIGRMODIFY3-22

3.11.11 I nterlocking Site Plan3.11.12 Circuit DrawingxxxxTPRx.xxxsigxsaxx.xxx BC5-xxxx xxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxETRx.xxxxxxxSLRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxsigxsexx.xxx BD2-xxxx xxxxBORx.xxxTOPO1BORDERALIGNBRPLSITECIVILTROUGHSIGRMODIFYTOPO1BORDER3.11.13 Yard Expansion Dwgsigxsexx.xxxBC1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxSLRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTLRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxxxxxYARI .xxxxxxxYARS.xxxBORDERROWSIGRMODIFYTRERTOPO2TOPO3TOPO5YARDYARDA3.11.14 SPDC Site Plansigxsexx.xxx BC5-xxxx xxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCLRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxETRx.xxxxxxxSLRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTLPx.xxxxxxxTLRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxBORDERALIGNPROFILEBRPLCOMRSITECIVILTROUGHSIGRMODIFYSYSPROFTRERTOPO13.12 SYSTEMS ELEMENT ATTACHMENTS (This Is an example only, not what may actually be required)(Copy of Civil Alignment File) sigxslxx.xxx BCe-xxxx xxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCLRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxETRx.xxxxxxxSLRx.xxxxxxxSTRx.xxxxxxxTLPx.xxxxxxxTLRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxBORDERALIGNPROFILEBRPLCOMRSITECIVILTROUGHSIGRMODIFYSYSPROFTRERTOPO13.13 TRACTION ELECTRIFICATION ATTACHMENTS (This Is an example only, not what may actually be required)All Sheet FilesMatch Lines and Text (if required)North Arrow (if required)Key Plan (if required)Sheet Number (if required)Title Block InformationGraphic Scale (if required)Professional SealNotes and LegendType of DrawingsElectronic Sheet FileDwg No.Elec. Ref. FileLogical3.13.1 Generaltrexntxx.xxxTC 1 -xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.13.2 Substation-Site Plantrextlxx.xxxTC2-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxCLRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxETRx.xxxxxxxSLRx.xxxxxxxTLRx.xxxBORDERALIGNCOMRSITECIVILTROUGHSIGRTRER3.13.3 Site Information trextexx.xxx TC3-xxxx xxxxBORx.xxx BORDER3-23

3.13.4 Detailtrexthxx.xxxTC3-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.13.5 Technical Informationtrextexx.xxxTC3-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.13.6 Corrosion Control Drawingtrexthxx.xxxTC4-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.13.7 Typical Structuretrexthxx.xxxTC3-XXXXxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.13.8 Assembly Drawingtrexthxx.xxxTC3-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.13.9 Misc. Assembly Drawingtrexthxx.xxxTC3-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.13.10 Catenary Layout Plantrextaxx.xxxTC3-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxxxxxALRx.xxxxxxxBRRx.xxxxxxxCPRx.xxxxxxxCVRx.xxxxxxxRWRx.xxxxxxxTLRx.xxxxxxxTPRx.xxxBORDERALIGNBRPLSITECIVILROWTRERTOPO13.13.11 Staging Informationtrextexx.xxxTC3-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.13.12 Standard Drawingtrexthxx.xxxTS1-xxxxxxxxBORx.xxxBORDER3.14 PLANNING AND OPERATIONSNo information at this time.3.15INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGNo information at this time.3.16EQUIPMENT (MAINTENANCE)No information at this time.3-24

CHAPTER 4DART SUBMITTAL AND DELIVERABLE REQUIREMENTS4.1 INTRODUCTIONAll Consultants and Contractors to DART shall provide plans, specifications, design calculations andreports, manuals, criteria, geotechnical reports, hid/cost estimates, exhibits and other items, as specified, forreview during all stages of the preliminary engineering, final design, procurement, construction andoperational changes of all DART Capital Project(s). Electronic CADD files (MicroStation), specifications orother required files must be an exact replica of, and must be submitted at the same time, as the hard copy.The Contractor will maintain all hard and electronic file copies (CADD, In Roads, Track Works, GeoPak,calculations, specifications, design reports, etc.,) of every formal submittal item for a period of the contractterm plus one year.This requirement includes all formal submittals for:• Preliminary Engineering: Includes, but is not limited to: EIS, DEIS, FEIS, Conceptual, Pre-Project Definition, Project DefinitionFinal <strong>Design</strong>:Includes, but is not limited to: DAR; Pre-Final SMR; Final SMR; bid,amendment and awarded cycles; contract changes duringconstruction and as-built conditions.• Operational Changes: Includes any change made to operating facilities or systems byDART personnel or by consultant or contractors, under contract toDART or others.All formal submittals and deliverables must come through the Prime Consultant or Contractor, to the DARTContracting Officer's Representative (COR) or Project Manager. The COR or PM is responsible forforwarding all information to DART Configuration Management group.It is the responsibility of the Contractor, to ensure that electronic files and hard copies are submitted at thesame time, including any files from subcontractors working on the specific project. The Contractor mustreview the electronic files and compare them to the hard copies; resolve any omissions, errors or problemsprior to submittal to DART. All electronic files (including CADD files) must be, an exact replica of the hardcopy submitted to DART. The Contractor must also assure there is, one and only one electronic version (ofeach sheet and reference file) submitted to DART per submittal.The Consultant or Contractor will be subject to withholding of payments, if any required submittals orelectronic files are late, incomplete, inaccurate or not submitted.Contract submittal descriptions shall be as described below, if not specified in their individual contracts,since compliance to DART Drafting Standard Manual, is required upon its receipt as a Contract Deliverableunder each design or construction contract awarded by DART.Submittal formats shall be as specified immediately below, in this manual and/or the contract, unless priorwritten approval is received from the DART CADD Administrator, Configuration Management Manager,and the AVP of Technical Services for CADD issues. For all other issues contact the appropriate individual:CFM Supervisor, Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) of contract, Contract Administrator, or theSenior Vice President (SVP) of the Project Management Department.It is the intention of DART to maintain both an electronic (computer) and an archival (hard copy) historicalrecord of all submittals to DART.4.2 ENGINEERING DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALSAll drawings shall be prepared in accordance with this Manual.4.2.1 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING DESIGN REVIEWS4.2.1.1 MAJOR INVESTMENT STUDIES, EIS/ DEIS / FEIS, OTHER REPORTSProvide hard and electronic copies of each submittal to DART CFM. If formal designreview is desired by DART COR, notification must be sent to CFM Supervisor. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING (Pre-Project Definition)Provide original plots of the plans (H"xl7" bond), a copy of design calculations, reports,geotechnical and other required formal submittal contents to DART CFM. All items musthave cover sheets and table of contents, if appropriate. Formal review process throughDART CFM will be required.4-1

Provide exact copies of all electronic files, including all CADD and related design, survey,reference information. A copy of the confidential cost estimate must be forwarded toDART AVP, Technical Services. All required items must be submitted at the same time. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING (Project Definition)Provide a copy of plans, reports, geotechnical, calculations or other required formalsubmittal contents to DART CFM. Plans, calculations and specifications must be sealed incompliance with the appropriate laws of the State of Texas to indicate completion of firmdesign effort. All items must have cover sheets and table of contents, if appropriate.Formal review will be required.Provide exact copies of all electronic files, including all CADD and related design, survey,reference information. A copy of the confidential cost estimate must be forwarded toDART AVP, Technical Services. All required items must be submitted at the same time.Note:Depending upon the interpretations of existing laws by the State Boards ofEngineering, Architecture, Landscape and Survey, seals (including signaturesand dates) may be required on preliminary engineering efforts. AppropriateDART personnel should verify with CFM Manager prior to final print or plot.4.2.2 FINAL DESIGN REVIEWS (DART Agency Review [DAR]. Pre-Final Review, Final Review)A. Provide original plots of the plans (11 "x!7" bond), specifications, design reports,geotechnieal information, exhibits or other items, as required by level of design to the DARTCOR or Project Manager. All items must have cover sheets, indexes and table of contents.Formal review cycles, including SMR at Pre-Final Review and Final Review will be required.B. Provide copies of all electronic files, including CADD and related design, survey, GeoPak,Track Works and reference files at time of hard copy submittal. This CD copy must beidentical to the hard copy plots submitted to DART; therefore, the timing of the cut at plot andprior to any further design changes is critical. The Contractor must maintain disaster recover} 7capabilities for an exact copy of every submittal to DART for the contract term plus one year.The Prime Consultant or Contractor is responsible for ensuring all the files match the hardcopy submission exactly, including subcontractor work, and resolving any errors, omissionsprior to submittal to DART.C. A copy of the confidential cost estimate must be forwarded to DART AVP, Technical Services.D. A copy of all design calculations are due at DAR (SMR), Pre-Final, and Final (SMR).This must include calculations from both the prime and all subcontractors. The PrimeConsultant or Contractor is responsible for ensuring all calculations performed on the projectare included. A cover letter and complete index must be included. Refer to <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>-<strong>Volume</strong> 3 for specific requirements.E. All required items must be submitted at the same time as the hard copies.4.2.3 PROCUREMENT CYCLES (Invitation for BIDS and Request for Technical Proposals)A. Provide original plots of plans, including standards on 22"x34", 3-or-4 mil Mylar, reverseread. Cover and accurate index, including an index column for Revision Numbers, must beprovided. Plans must be signed, sealed and dated in accordance with the appropriate laws ofthe State of Texas. To ensure exact copy, DART will reduce full-size plot to half-size forAgency use. No half-size copies will be required for procurement and changes duringconstruction cycles. The prime consultant should secure bid or proposal number from DARTProject Manager, Contract Administrator or EDC for plotting on the cover and the contractnumber to be assigned for plotting on each plan sheet. Prime must provide signature lines forall appropriate individuals or agencies (i.e., design firm project manager; DART design projectmanager; DART AVP-Facilities Engineering/Construction Management; and any city, state,or federal agencies which interface and must approve plans prior to award." Copies of all CADD files, an exact replica of the hard copy submitted in 4.2.3.A. includingall design, survey, reference or other work performed in the development of the projectmust be submitted. CD must be cut when files are plotted to ensure exact replica of hardcopy. Prime is responsible for securing files of all subcontractors: reviewing for anyomissions, errors and for resolving any problems prior to submittal to DART. Contractorshall maintain disaster recovery capabilities for hard and electronic file copies for eachsubmittal for a period of the contract term plus one year.4-2

B. Original copy (one-sided) of the specifications, signed, sealed and dated in accordance withthe appropriate laws of the State of Texas. The header must provide the bid or request forproposal number at the top left margin and the cycle identifier (i.e., IFB, Am 1) at the top rightmargin. The footer should include project name (bottom left margin), section number-page(bottom center), and the revision number and issue date (bottom right margin). Seal sheetsmust be included for each section and be sealed, signed and dated by the appropriate licensedprofessional. On capital projects, these could include civil and systems areas ofresponsibilities. The civil prime or final designer is responsible for collecting all sections andseal sheets. Cover, index and seal sheets must be provided and must include the bid orproposal number, project name and issue date. The margins must be offset for front/backcopying. The set must be made ready for two-sided copying. Prime is responsible for securingwork from all subcontractors, verifying contents and completeness and resolving anydeficiencies prior to submittal to DART.* Electronic file copies of all specification sections, an exact replica of the hard copysubmitted in 4.2.3.B, must be submitted. The CD must be cut when specifications areprinted to ensure exact replica of hard copy. Prime is responsible for securing files of allsubcontractors: reviewing for any omissions, errors and for resolving any problems priorto submittal to DART. Contractor shall maintain disaster recovery capabilities for hardand electronic file copies for each submittal for a period of the contract term plus oneyear.C. <strong>Design</strong> calculations shall be prepared, revised and submitted to the Agency as specified inDART <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> - <strong>Volume</strong> 3. Supplemental: <strong>Design</strong> Calculations. Original designcalculations must be submitted, signed, sealed, dated and in bound volumes in accordancewith the appropriate laws of the State of Texas at time of procurement cycle. Submittal mustinclude all calculations, a cover letter and detailed indexes and must include those of allsubcontractors, if performed. It is the responsibility of the prime consultant/contractor tosecure all calculations, review for completeness and resolve any deficiencies prior to submittalto DART and to ensure legibility of any original provided. Contractor shall maintain disasterrecovery capabilities for hard and electronic file copies for each submittal for a period of thecontract term plus one year or in accordance with the appropriate law of the State of Texas,whichever is longer.D. Originals (one-sided) of geotechnical report, signed sealed and dated in accordance with theappropriate laws of the State of Texas. Cover and index are required. Set must be made readyfor two-sided copying. Contractor shall maintain disaster recovery capabilities for hard andelectronic file copies for each submittal for a period of the contract term plus one year or inaccordance with the appropriate law of the State of Texas, whichever is longer.E. Sealed original of final design report, including cover and index is required. Electronic filemust also be submitted.F. Contact COR or EDC Supervisor for instructions if other items occur in a required submittal.4.2.4 AMENDMENTS TO PROCUREMENT SOLICITATIONA. Provide original plots of cover revised index and revised or new plans, including standarddrawings, on 22"x34", 3-or-4 mil double matte Mylar, reverse read. Plans must be signed,sealed and dated in accordance with the appropriate laws of the State of Texas. Plans deletedmust be identified on the revised index.• Copies of all revised CADD files, cover and index sheets must be submitted with thehard copy. CD must be cut when files are plotted to ensure an exact replica of the hardcopy. Prime is responsible for securing all subcontractors' files, reviewing it for omissionsor errors and resolving any issues prior to submittal to DART. Contractor shall maintaindisaster recovery capabilities for hard and electronic file copies for each submittal for aperiod of the contract term plus one year.B. Provide originals of cover, revised or new specification sections, revised index and revisedor new seal sheets. Prime or final designer is responsible for securing all sections and sealsheets from other capital project consultants or subcontractors. Sections deleted should beidentified on the revised index. The margins must be offset for front/back copying. Revisionindicators (shading, right margin bar, letter "R", or other) must identify all revisions specificto the particular cycle being issued. Prior revision marking should be removed if anotherrevision occurs in the same area of the document. If a page break change occurs within asection, submit the whole section. Header must contain bid or request for proposal number,4-3

cycle identifier (i.e., Am 1). The footer must contain the project name, section number-page,and date of issue of the specific cycle (i.e., 05/22/02, AM 1).NOTE: The design firms must be careful that the header and footer are changed only onthe revised pages to be submitted.• Originals must be one-sided, made-ready for two-sided copying. Prime is responsible forsecuring all subcontractors' originals, reviewing it lor omissions or errors and resolvingany issues prior to submittal to DART. Contractor shall maintain disaster recoverycapabilities for hard and electronic file copies for each submittal for a period of thecontract term plus one year. Electronic file copies of all revised or new specifications,including cover, seal and index sheets must be submitted with the hard copy. CD mustbe cut when hard copy is submitted to ensure an exact replica of the hard copy. Prime isresponsible for securing all subcontractors' files, reviewing it for omissions or errors andresolving any issues prior to submittal to DART. Contractor shall maintain disasterrecovery capabilities for hard and electronic file copies for each submittal for a period ofthe contract term plus one year.C., Provide original signed, sealed and dated new or revisions to the design calculationsnecessary to change add or change any plan in 4.2.3. A above. Provide cover letter and revisedindex sheets and calculation listings. Prime is responsible for ensuring all calculations revisedduring amendments are forwarded to DART EDC at the rime amendment plan set isforwarded. Contractor shall maintain disaster recovery capabilities for signed, sealed anddated hard copies, as well as electronic file copies where appropriate, for each designcalculation submittal for a period of the contract term plus one year. Refer to <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>-<strong>Volume</strong> 3, <strong>Design</strong> Calculations for specifics or contact CFM Supervisor.D. Provide original signed, sealed and dated new or revisions to the geotechnical report.Rex'ised cover and index are required. Set shall be made ready for two-sided copying.Contractor shall maintain disaster recovery capabilities for hard and electronic file copies foreach submittal for a period of the contract term plus one year or in accordance with theappropriate laws of the Stale of Texas, whichever is longer.E. Provide sealed original of revisions to the design report and electronic copy of same. Revisedcover and index sheet are required.F. Other Submittal Items shall be provided as required by COR, Project Manager. Contact EDCSupervisor for submittal requirements.4.2.5 AWARDED CONTRACTDART EDC will blend all drawing revisions during procurement cycles for award (conformed) set.Only a new cover is required to give contract number in place of bid/request for proposal number.No other plots or electronic files are required at this time.DART EDC shall provide a one-sided hard copy of specifications and geotechnical report from allprocurement cycles to the design contractors or consultants for their use in blending the currentversion for award. The contractors or consultants must provide new covers and must make thesingle-sided copy ready for two-sided reproduction. Electronic files should not be revised orprovided at award (conformed) cycle.4.2.6 CONTRACT CHANGES DURING CONSTRUCTIONRefer to for directions for preparation of Change Request (CR's), Change Orders (CO's)and Supplemental Agreements (SA's).Forward all original CR's to EDC for processing to field offies and limited internal distribution.This must include contract change paperwork (See Change Control Procedures).If a CR is cancelled by the field office, EDC must receive a copy of the formal contract letter fromthe COR to the contractor (or an e-mail from COR) to process the action to others. The cancelledCR must be removed from CADD files immediately upon official notification from DART EDC.Removal is required to avoid constructive changes being improperly included in a future revisionof the same drawing.Fonvard all CO's and SA's to EDC for distribution to all controlled copy holders (includes allinterfaces: such as Legal, Procurement, Minority Affairs, Operations, Project Management staff,other consultant staffs, change control, FTA, city agencies, railroads, Corp of Engineers, utilities,etc.4-4

Approved changes (Change Orders and Supplemental Agreements) to the project contract set,including new or revised design calculations, during construction shall follow the requirements asset forth in 4.2.4 for Amendments. All stated requirements apply as to submitted contents andtiming, as well as Contractor's responsibility for accuracy, completeness and error/omissionresolution to ensure DART CFM has all necessary and required records for the Agency.4.2.7 AS-BUILT CONDITION CADD WORK PERFORMED BY DESIGN FIRM, CONSTRUCTIONMANAGEMENT FIRM OR DART CADDA. Provide original plots of cover, revised index and complete plan set including standarddrawings, on 22"x34", 3-or-4 mil Mylar, reverse read. Each plan sheet must contain the asbuiltstatement (Figure 6.4.2) and must be signed, sealed and dated by the construction firm orthe DART Resident Engineer Professional Engineer testifying as to the as-constructedcondition in accordance with the appropriate laws of the State of Texas. Plans added ordeleted during construction changes must be identified on the revised index. The revisionindicator will be changed to the next sequential number and the revision description willcontain "As-built submittal". Plan design or details revised will be clouded: a reference to CRor RFI number and a delta with the as-built revision number placed next to the cloud forclarification and reference purposes.The plan set covers and all index sheets must contain the "Certification Stamp, Figure ,the signature of the individual having fiscal/ contracting authority for the construction firm,the firm name, individual's printed name and date of signature. This differs from the PE sealand signature above testifying to as-built conditions." Copies of all revised CADD files, cover and index sheets must be submitted with thehard copy. CD must be cut when files are plotted to ensure an exact replica of the hardcopy. Prime is responsible for securing all subcontractors' files, reviewing it for omissionsor errors and resolving any issues prior to submittal to DART. Contractor shall maintaindisaster recovery capabilities for hard and electronic file copies for each submittal for aperiod of the contract term plus one year.B. Provide complete copy of all specification sections, marked to indicate as-built conditions.Sections added or deleted must be identified on the revised index. Prime is responsible forsecuring all subcontractors' originals, reviewing it for omissions or errors and resolving anyissues prior to submittal to DART. Contractor shall maintain disaster recover).' capabilities forhard and electronic file copies for each submittal for a period of the contract terin plus oneyear." DART requires submittal of electronic files of all as-built specifications, including coverand index sheets. CD must be cut when hard copy is submitted to ensure an exact replicaof the hard copy. Prime consultant is responsible for securing all subcontractors' files,reviewing it for omissions or errors and resolving any issues prior to submittal to DART.Contractor shall maintain disaster recovery capabilities for hard and electronic copies foreach submittal for a period of the contract term plus one year.4.2.8 OPERATIONAL CHANGES(Changes made to operating facility' or system after completion of construction)" Refer to 1.8.6. Submit to EDC for processing. CHANGES TO VECTOR FILESSubmit to EDC for processing. CHANGES TO RASTER (SCANNED) FILESSubmit to DART CADD for processing.4.3 DRAWING FORMATAll drawings shall be prepared in accordance with the DART Drafting Standards Manual in MicroStation J,GeoPak, Track Works or InRoads, 3-D??.4.4 SUBMITTAL OF DRAWING ELECTRONIC FILES4.4.1 DRAWING ELECTRONIC COPY FORMATThis section describes requirements for preparation of digital drawing submittals to DART.Requirements for submitting textual documents are listed in Section 4.4 below. Electronic files fordrawings and documents must be be submitted on the different cd, tape or disc. Graphicrepresentation, symbology, internal file format and allowed graphic element types are describedelsewhere in this manual. Required by this section will be magnetic media (cdrom, tape, disk)4-5

formats, operating systems and programs for writing files to media, required files and labeling.These requirements shall apply to all digital drawing submittals made to DART.Submittals shall be divided into two types within this section. These two types are differentiatedprimarily by the volume of data being transmitted. "Standard" submittals shall include all formalsubmittals required by contract, such as preliminary engineering or final designer's required DARSMR, Pre-Final, Final SMR, procurement cycles, contract changes, as-built condition andoperational changes, and all other submittals in which ten (10) megabytes or more of data arebeing submitted. All submittals shall contain two (2) copies of the electronic media. An "Interim"submittal type may be used for non-specifically required interim or test submittals that contain lessthan ten (10) megabytes of data.Submittals shall be divided into various media formats. These formats are:Tape Formats 1. Windows NT 4.0 backup format - 8mm tape2. Seagate Backup Exec for Windows NT - 8mm tapeDiskette Formats 3. DOS Copy on 3-1/2" 1.44 MB Floppy Disk4. Compressed Files on 3-1/2" 1.44 MB Diskette5. Iomega 100 MB Zip DiskCDROM 6. CDROM - With dos compatibility set (preferred method)Note: Formatted Diskettes must be DOS Version 5.0 or higher.4.4.2 DRAWING SUBMITTAL CYCLE IDENTIFICATIONFormats 1 (tape), 2(tape), or 6 (CD formal:) above are required for all "standard" submittals and maybe used for all submittals. The various diskette formats may be used for "interim" submittals. Forall formats, a label shall be fixed to the media. At a minimum, this label shall contain the followinginformation:• Originating party• Receiving party• Originating party's operating system type and version• Media type as listed above• <strong>Volume</strong> number in the set, if more than 1 tape or diskette is required• Contract number• Date• Log number (a sequential number beginning with one and increasing by one for eachtransmittal)• Submittal cycle identification• List of contents4.4.2.1 BASIC CONTENTWhere applicable an electronic label shall be placed on the media prior to anyother file, formatted as follows:• Consultant's initials• Log numberFor example, XYZ003 would indicate the third submittal of a series relating tothe contract number from company XYZ. TEXT FILESAll digital submittals shall contain a text file named in the same manner as thelabel listed above "XYZ003.TXT". It should list the name of every electronic filein the submittal, the DART document control drawing number, and a brief, oneline description of the contents of the file. At the top of the file should be aheader listing, at a minimum, the following:» Electronic label• Project designation and project phase(i.e. SE-1, CBD Change Request (CR) 1)• Originating party• Receiving party• Originating party's operating system type and version• Media type as listed above• Contract number• Date4-6

The text file shall be printed out and a copy physically attached to the electronicmedia.A printed or typed document will accompany each copy of the electronic media.One additional copy of the document will be provided as well. This shall be abound, sequentially page numbered, 8.5" x 11", punched, 3-ring document thatcontains, at a minimum, the following data:• A printed listing of the text file• A program generated listing of the contents of the media such as asaveset or directory listing• A listing of the tapes or disks included in the submittal• A listing showing the command used to generate the saveset or disk• A cover sheet with the following data:o Dateo Contract numbero Purpose for submittal (i.e. SE-l-DAR, Pre-Final, informational)o Submitter's company name and addressooAny special instructionsName of individual to contact with any questions concerningmediaElectronic submitfals shall not be deemed accepted until DART has read andwritten to all files on the media. If DART is unable to successfully accomplishthis, the Contractor shall bear the cost of providing DART with an acceptable fileformat and resubmitting same within 30 days of the original rejection by DART.4.5 DRAWING HARD COPY FORMATThe hard copy format of all drawings submitted to DART shall be as specified in this manual, Chapter 3,"Plotting Requirements" or in 4.2 of this Chapter, In addition, all other requirements of this manual shall becomplied with.4.6 DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC FILE FORMATDocuments covered in this section include primarily text documents as opposed to drawings which aredescribed in Section 4.2 above. Document electronic files must be submitted on a separate medium fromdrawing files.4.6.1 DOCUMENT ELECTRONIC COPY FORMATTwo (2) copies of all reports, specifications, manuals, procedures pages and, where personalcomputer word processing or spreadsheet software is utilized, copies of all tables, charts, graphics,etc. shall be provided to DART on approved media as listed in type 3 or 4 per Section 4.2.1 above.Document electronic files are required to be submitted in one of the following formats:• Expedition, Version 8.01 or higher• Microsoft (2000)o Accesso Excelo Wordo PowerPointIn all cases, spreadsheet tiles must contain the formulas for calculations.Text will not be accepted in DIP or ASCII format without written permission from DARTConfiguration Management.Electronic submittals shall not be accepted until DART has verified read and write capabilities ofall files on the disk(s) or CD(s). If DART is unable to successfully accomplish this, the contractorshall bear the cost of providing DART with an acceptable file format and resubmitting electronicfiles within 30 days of the original rejection by DART.4.6.2 DOCUMENT HARD COPY FORMATFinal reports shall be 8-1/2" x 11" or when a larger size is necessary, Il"xl7" folded to 8-l/2"xll"bond paper. Document must contain cover and index. Printing shall be high quality on one sideonly. The document will be made-ready for two-sided copying by the submitting contractor.4-7

4.7 FILE EXTENSIONSThe following are file extension names acceptable to DART for the required submittal of electronic files:- OTHER EXTENSIONS.3D 3D Graphic file.BAT DOS batch file.CDX Cell control file.GEL Cell library.COM PC-DOS executable program.DGN Default extension for MicroStation Graphics Files - Not Valid for DART files..DOC Documentation file (Microsoft Word).DWG AutoCAD file - Not Valid for DART files.DXF Drawing Exchange Format - Not Valid for DART files.EXE Executable program.MA MicroStation Development Language program file.MMN Matrix menu.NDX User command index.PRF Plot request fileTBL Pen table or color tableTXT Text file.UCC Compiled user command.UCM User command.RSC MicroStation resource file (including font libraries)4.8 ARCHIVAL AND DISASTER RECOVERY CAPABILITIES4.8.1 HARD COPYAll hard-copy of drawings submitted to DART shall be scanned into MicroStation .CIT format andstored off-site once the specific project is complete.4.8.2 ELECTRONIC FILESElectronic files of all drawings and data submitted to DART shall be copied to a CD and stored off-site.4-8

CHAPTER 5CADD MANUAL UPDATE PROCEDUREIt is recognized that any drafting manual is a living document. As the number and design of DART's capital projectsincreases and progresses, there will occur many instances where a revision to the DART Drafting Standard isrecommended, for instance, a new cell or symbol needs to be created, or a new drawing type, not yet used, must beprovided for. There will be many different Contractors and subcontractors working with DART at any given pointin time whose CADD drawings must be coordinated for the sake of clarity, as well as for the long term maintenanceof facilities.A procedure must be used which will allow all Contractors and subcontractors to produce CADD files in the sameconsistent format. This DART Drafting Standards Manual is intended to be the center of that procedure. In order toaccomplish that goal, it must be regularly updated to incorporate new drafting needs.Individuals, staff or firms having recommended changes or new needs, must contact the DART CADDAdministrator to discuss their issues. Revisions to this manual, are governed by DART CFM Controlled DocumentRevision Procedures and must be submitted to EDC on a form entitled "Request for Change to a ControlledDocument" (see next page). Any formal revision is required to undergo a formal design review process andbaselining of the revised manual prior to any formal distribution to recipients.Due to the time involved in the above process, the following changes are permitted as described below:5.1 DART CELL LIBRARIES:When a contractor believes that an addition/correction needs to be made to a DART cell library, you should:1) Not stop work, but;2) Check to ensure that the needed cell does not already exist, and if it does not, and an immediate resokitionis necessary to the timely completion of the work, then;3) Create the new cell and place it in a scratch cell library of your own creation using care to use DARTstandard text fonts, weights and linestyles, etc.4) Place the cell and continue your work;5) Request APPROVAL from the DART CADD Administrator.DART will coordinate requests to ensure that the new cell does not already exist or that it has not beensubmitted by another Contractor. DART will modify and/or create the necessary cell as appropriate, add it tothe library, and provide the modified cell library to all holders of control copies of the DART Drafting StandardsManual at the next timely update.5.2 LEVEUSYMBOLOGY LISTING REVISIONS:A similar procedure should be used if a new item needs to be added to the Level/Symbology listing. In order tofacilitate this, four (4) scratch levels have been left in most file types. Levels 52-55 may be used as the temporarylevel in which to place graphics while clarification is being obtained.When a contractor believes that an addition/correction needs to be made to a DART cell library, you should:• Request APPROVAL from the DART CADD Administrator.5-1

Project Management DepartmentForm to Request Revision to a controlled Document(i.e., design criteria, directive specs, drafting standards, O&M, PMP, etcReturn completed form, with attachments to Manager, configurationManagement for processing of changeRequested by:Organization: _Date of Request:Date approved revision needed:_Title of Controlled Document:Author of Document (firm name):Description of change requested (attach markup, draft and justification for change):Signature of originator:Concurrence of Originator's Manager (signature):Concurrence of DART counterpart (signature):Other concurrences, if needed:Title/IndividualProject Manager:Signature Date CommentsSystems Safety:J. GrahamAVP Technical Services:J. HaenftlingQuality Assurance Manager:AVP Real Estate:C. GroundsAVP Systems Engineering:R. SwindellAVP Facilities Engineering:E. UgarteAVP Construction Management:D. Gollhofer5-2

CHAPTER 6DART AS-BUILT PROCEDURE6.1 INTRODUCTIONThis procedui'e serves as direction, to provide ongoing support to field personnel in the area of as-builtdrawings.6.2 RESPONSIBILITIES6.2.1 CADD ADMINISTRATORThe CADD Administrator is responsible for the following in the as-built process:1Coordinating the establishment of a field office to complete as-built drawings.• Assigns CADD Technicians in conjunction with select CADD Discipline Coordinators.• Contacting Project Resident Engineers at regular intervals during the construction phaseto initiate the as-built process.• Revises these procedures as required to streamline the as-built process.• Approves the use of raster data during the as-built process." Making periodic visits to project site to check status of work being performed.6.2.2 CADD SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORThe CADD System Administrator is responsible for the following in the as-built process:« Establishing a network connection between the field office and Contractor's Office.• Maintenance of field office hardware and software.• Maintenance and tracking of drawings using the Work Request Database.• Routine backup of as-built related files.6.2.3 CADD DISCIPLINE COORDINATOR (As-Built)The CADD Discipline Coordinator is responsible for the following in the as-built process:" Providing technical guidance to CADD Technicians working in their respective discipline.• Trains CADD Technicians in Contract Specification Section 01300 and the entire as-builtprocess.• Generating Work Request Forms for the tracking of drawing status.• Generating and submitting a bi-weekly status report of all as-built drawings.6.2.4 CADD TECHNICIANThe CADD Technician is responsible for the following in the as-built process:• Completing Work Request Database.• Transposing as-built mark-ups from working as-built drawing sets.» Making as-built changes in accordance with DART Drafting Standards Manual and theappropriate Contract Specification Section 01300.• Research may be required, to assure that the information has been incorporated correctly." Placing appropriate stamps in the electronic file prior to plotting (Section 6.6).• Notifies the Resident Engineer, when as-built mark-ups are not in accordance withContract Specification Section 01300.• Performing a self-check of all drawings prior to transfer to Resident Engineer.6.3 PROCEDURE6.3.1 GENERALThe CADD Administrator is responsible for coordinating with the Resident Engineer for theestablishment and subsequent maintenance of a field office for CADD personnel. Timing for theestablishment of this office shall be based on the complexity and magnitude of the as-built effortfor the individual project. Work areas shall be clean, secure and shall have adequate ventilation tosupport a varying amount of computers and printers. Power shall be "surge free" to thecomputers and peripherals and circuiting shall be able to handle the increased powerrequirements.6.3.2 DIRECTORY STRUCTUREThe directory structure for electronic CADD files for the as-built process on the DART networkshall be as follows:F:\\dgn\\(i.e., F:\NWlX\dgn\Cvl-AQ\nwlxal01.040)see Section 3.2 for more detail.6-1

6.3.3 DRAWING REVISIONSDrafting shall be performed per Contractor's and Resident Engineer's mark-ups and all drawingrevisions shall be in accordance with DART standards. All as-built revisions shall have revisionclouds and revision triangles associated with the revision. All as-built data shall be in digitalformat and included within drawings in the as-built set. See Section RASTER MODIFICATIONSAttachments deemed too complicated or difficult to transpose may be included in the drawing setin raster format. These drawings may be stand-alone raster drawings or hybrid drawingscontaining both raster and vector data. The As-Built Coordinator shall approve all raster additionsto the drawing set prior to work being done with raster files.6.3.5 DRAWING TITLE BLOCK REVISIONAll revision block text shall be placed in the sheet file. The symbology for revision block text is asfollows:• Level 2• Color 4• Weight 2• Text Font 41• Text Leroy 80 sizeThe revision description portion of the title block shall be completed as follows: REVThis field to reflect the next sequential numeric revision number. DATEThe Resident Engineer shall establish a consistent date for all drawings within the as-builtset to reflect. The date format shall be "1/12/99". DESCRIPTION"RECORD AS-BUILT" shall be added to this area. BYThis field shall be the two initials of the CADD Tech, or the group (design firm) as in thepast" DC" (DART CADD). ENGThis field shall be the two initials of the Contractors Quality Control Representative. CHKThis field shall be the two initials of the Resident Engineer. APRThis field shall be the two initials of the Contractors Quality Control Representative.The revision level present on the lower right-hand portion of the drawing shall be revisedto reflect the current as-built revision level shown in the revision description block.6.3.6 DRAWING INDEX REVISIONSCADD shall update all drawing index's to reflect the actual contents of the record as-built drawingset. Drawings which have been deleted shall be lined through and noted as "DELETED".Drawings which are added to the as-built drawing set shall have their titles added to the index inthe appropriate location and have a revision number, drawing number, sheet number, anddrawing title assigned. If an added drawing falls within a sequential numbering scheme, an "A"shall be added to the end of the sheet number, i.e. 241A, 241B, etc. All additions, deletions, orchanges to the drawing index's shall be individually clouded with a revision delta placed adjacentto the cloud.6.3.7 STAMPING AND SEALING REQUIREMENTS6.3.7.1 COVER AND INDEX SHEET STAMP REQUIREMENTSThe cover sheet and each index sheet in the record as-built set shall include the"Contractor's Certification" stamp (See 6.4.1, Attachment No.l). The CADD Technicianis responsible for placing this stamp in the electronic file prior to plotting. DRAWING SHEET STAMP REQUIREMENTSEach drawing sheet shall include the "Record (As-Built) Certification" stamp (See 6.4.2,Attachment No.2). The CADD technician is responsible for placing this stamp in theelectronic file prior to plotting.6-2 COVER AND INDEX SHEETS SEAL REQUIREMENTSThe cover and index sheets do require professional sealing by Architects and/orEngineers. See Figures 24 and 25, Appendix J.. DRAWING SHEET SEALING REQUIREMENTSThe seal of the "Construction Companies Representative - Record Certification Stamp"shall be placed in the lower right-hand portion of the drawing, above the title block, andshall include the following text under the seal:THE SEAL OF JOHN R. SMITH, P.E.,No. 54321 SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY TOAS-BUILT CHANGE(S) TO THE DESIGN INDICATEDFOR REVISION No. X AS SHOWN IN THE CLOUDED AREA(S).The new seal(s)/stamp(s), as well as the above text, shall all be enclosed within a revisioncloud. All added text as a result of a new seal(s)/stamp(s) shall have the followingsymbology:• Level 2• Color 4• Weight 2• Line Code 0Text Font 41• Text Leroy 80 sizeThis seal disclaimer resides as cell SLDIS2 in the S:\cell\DART100PJT.cel orDART8000PJT.ee! (for 1/8"=1'-0" drawings) cell library. DRAWING SHEET SEALING HISTORYThe original electronic seal shall be removed from the drawing border and replaced withthe following text for all previously approved design changes occurring on the specificdrawing:ORIGINAL SEAL(S)RESIDE IN DARTFOR THE FOLLOWINGREVISION(S):REV 0: SEALED BY:JOHN DOEP.E. No. 12345DATED 7-17-02This addition to the drawing border shall not be clouded. All added text as a result ofdeleting the previous seal shall have the following symbology:» Level 2• Color 4" Weight 2• Line Code 0« Text Font 41• Text Leroy 80 sizeThis seal disclaimer resides as cell SLDIS1 in the S:\cell\ DARTlOOPJT.cel orDART8000PJT.ee! (for 1/8"=1'-0" drawings) cell library. If further revision occurs,the Engineer/Architect's seal disclaimer shall be updated accordingly.6.3.8 PLOTTINGOnce the drawing has been thoroughly checked by the CADD Technician, a (1/2 size) check plotwill be sent to the Resident Engineer for checking. Upon approval by the Resident Engineer, theCADD Technician shall contact the CADD Discipline Coordinator (As-Built) and inform him/herthat drawing(s) have been approved and full-size plots are being submitted. Drawings shall beplotted on Mylar. The CADD Discipline Coordinator (As-Built) shall assure that the appropriatedrawings are assembled and ready for signatures.6.3.9 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS6.3.9.1 WORK REQUEST DATABASEThe CADD Discipline Coordinator (As-Built) shall generate work requests for the as-builtprocess. Depending on project conditions, a "blanket" work request may be issued forthe entire project or a series of work requests may be used.6-3

6.4 ATTACHMENTS6.3.9.2 BI-WEEKLY REPORTThe CADD Discipline Coordinator (As-Built) shall submit a bi-weekly status report of all asbuiltdrawings to the Resident Engineer. The report, as minimum shall contain drawingnumber, revision level, if the drawing has been added or deleted to the drawing set, anddrawing status, i.e. Working, In Progress, etc. A copy of the report shall be madeavailable to the CADD Technicians performing the as-built work, as well as the AssistantVice President-Technical Services, the Manager-Configuration Management, DARTSenior Construction Manager, Deputy Program Manager - Construction, and others on anas-needed basis.6.4.1 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 - CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION STAMPContractor's Certification"Having checked this submission, wecertify that it conforms to therequirements of the Contract in allrespects, except as otherwiseindicated."Company Name:Signature:Print Name:_Title:Date:Stamp size shall be 2"x3" for full-size drawings and l"xl W' for half-size (Il"xl7") drawings.The title of the stamp, company name and title of the person signing shall be font size 12; all elseshall be font size ATTACHMENT NO. 2 - RECORD (AS-BUILT) CERTIFICATION STAMPRecord (As-Built) Certification"Having checked this submission, we certify that it conforms to therequirements of the contract in all respects, except as otherwise indicated."Company Name:Officer of Firm Signature:Date:Officer of Firm Name (typed): _. .Title of Officer (typed):Seal of Professional Engineer of Construction Contractor, including signatureand date, thereby sealing record _as-built) drawings for accuracy of as-builtcondition reflected herein, must be placed below.Stamp size shall be 2"x4" for full-size drawings and I"x2" for half-size (Il"xl7") drawings.The title of the stamp, company name, and statement regarding sealing shall be font size 12;all else shall be font size 10.6-4


APPENDIX AGLOSSARYThis glossary provides common definitions to be used throughout the DART project. The publishing of this glossarydoes not imply any degree of finality- Terminology, as with language in general, is never static; it responds to use andthe environment as well as other factor. This glossary, therefore, is an evolving document, and shall reflect similarchanges in language and usage.As other project documents develop, many of them will incorporate "definitions" within the text to promote ease ofinterpretation and use. For convenience, it is expected that such definitions may paraphrase or extract from thelanguage contained herein. Users are requested to minimize this practice. However, in cases where the practice ispursued, it is expected that any definition will retain the intent and purpose of this document. Where conflict isencountered between this document and the intended application of die language, glossary users are requested to bringsuch matters to the attention of the configuration manager for resolution.Above Grade - The portion of the system that is located above the surrounding finished ground elevation level.Acceleration Level - Frequently called vibration acceleration level. Vibration acceleration is the rate of change of speedand direction of a vibration. An accelerometer generates an electronic signal that is proportional to the vibrationacceleration of the surface to which it is attached. The acceleration level is 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of theratio of the RMS value of the acceleration to a reference acceleration. The generally accepted reference vibrationacceleration is lO^g (10~ 5 m/sec).Accelerometer - A vibration-sensitive transducer that responds to the vibration acceleration of a surface to which it isattached. The electronic signal generated by an accelerometer is directly proportional to the surface acceleration.Acceptance Testing - The testing concerned with the verification of contractor-furnished items prior to placing inAuthority use.Accident - An event or occurrence which results in personal injury or property damage.Acknowledgement - The positive confirmation of the completion of a specific action, event or function.Active Redundancy - See Parallel Redundancy.Aerial Structure - A system structure or configuration longer than 300 feet which carriers tracks and related elements,including stations, above the adjacent finished or final surface. The adjacent surface may be earth, water, or man-madestructure. In trackwork applications, it is a bridge or elevated structure with a concrete deck designed to accommodatedirect-fixation or ballasted track.Air Cushion - A means of supporting and moving an item on thin films of air rather than on wheels.Alarm Signal - A signal indicating an emergency requiring immediate action.Alignment - The horizontal location of the guideway or roadway as described by curves and tangents, which define itsposition with respect to the surrounding area. See Profile.Ambient Noise - The prevailing general noise existing at a location or in a space, which usually consists of a compositeof sounds from many sources, near and far.American Public Transit Association (APTA) - An association of North American transit properties which promotescommon transit goals in the United States and Canada.Ancillary Facilities - Subsidiary locations for personnel or equipment pertaining to Authority activities. These areusually located at designated stations or shops.Annunciate - To indicate by visual or audible means a condition or status determined by a detector designed for thatpurpose. See Supervisory and Control.Approach Signal - A fixed-signal aspect of the train signaling system used in connection with one or more signals givento govern die approach to a particular control zone.Approach Slab - A reinforced concrete slab to transfer load from rigid support, such as at the end of a subway invert oraerial structure, to the less rigid, adjacent eartii structure. A similar slab is used for roadway bridges.Arcaded Entrances - An entrance to a below-ground station with the head of die stair or public sidewalk and the stairrun within a private building structure.A-l

Arterial Street - A type of street, either divided or undivided, that has the main function of carrying non-local traffic atmedium speeds.As-Builts - Drawings reflecting the final built configuration of the project including DART approved modifications,differing site condition documentation, responses to RFl's and other documents approved by both the Contractor andthe Resident Engineer.Aspect - See Signaling.Assembly - A grouping of components or piece parts that may be permanently or semi-permanentiy connected and thatperforms a definable function.At-Grade - At permanent ground level. When describing transit ways relative to streets, the intersecting transit waysand streets are at die same elevation and occupy the same space.Authority - See Dallas Area Rapid Transit.Authority Having Jurisdiction - The duly authorized representative or agency having legal enforcement responsibilityin numerous matters such as those dealing with building codes, NFPA codes, and ordinances. In the case of theBuilding Code, it is the building official or designated authority. The "authority having jurisdiction" is the organization,office, or individual responsible for approving equipment, and installation, or a procedure. (The phrase "authorityhaving jurisdiction" is used in NFPA standards in a broad manner since jurisdiction and "approval" agencies vary, as dotheir responsibilities. Where public safety is primary, the "authority having jurisdiction" may be a federal, state, local orother regional department, health department, building official, electrical inspector, or other having statutory authority.For insurance purposes, an insurance inspection department, rating bureau, or other insurance company representativemay be the authority having jurisdiction. In many circumstances, the property owner or his delegated agent assumesthe roles of the authority having jurisdiction. At government installations, the commanding officer or departmentalofficial may be the authority having jurisdiction).Automatic - A term applied to a system, subsystem, or device, which has the inherent capability to function withoutdirect manual participation.oooooAutomatic Block Signaling - In train signaling, a series of consecutive blocks governed by block signals, cabsignal, or both, and actuated by train movement or by certain conditions, such as track switch positions,affecting the use of a block.Automatic Fare Collection - A system which permits collection of transit fares of validation of trip passeswithout the involvement of operating personnel.Automatic Train Dispatcher - A programmable device whose function is to dispatch trains on apredetermined schedule.Automatic Train Protection - The subsystem within the train control system which maintains safe trainoperation through a combination of train detection, train separation control, interlocking control, and speedlimit enforcement.Automatic Train Protection Gate - The guideway boundary of an interlocking which is open or closed totraffic, depending on the status of interlocking circuit elements. When open, tine gate allows entry throughappropriate ATP aspect display by a train from oxitside the interlocking. When dose, it prevents entryexcept by a prescribed sequence of unlocking steps.Availability, Mathematical - The probability that a system element will be operational when scheduled.Mathematically, the ratio of the mean time between failures to the sum of mean time between failures plus mean downtime for the system element.Availability, Applied - The ratio of the actual fleet operating time to the scheduled fleet operating time, excludingpreventive maintenance and administrative down time.Availability, Car - The ratio of the number of cars available at the time of dispatch for the A.M. peak hour service to thenumber required for that service.Avoirdupois Weight (AW) - Abbreviation used with designator -0, -1, and -2... to specify empty weight and thensucceeding loaded conditions for the transit vehicle.A-Weighted Sound Level - The sound pressure level, in decibels, as measured on a sound level meter using theinternationally standardized A-weighting filter or as computed from sound spectral data to which A-weightingadjustments have been made. A-weighting de-emphasizes the low and very high frequency components of the soundin a manner similar to the response of the average human ear. A-weighted sound levels correlate well with subjectivereactions of people to noise and are universally used for community noise evaluations.A-2

BBackup System - The general composite non-recognizable noise from all distant sources, not including nearby sourcesor the source of interest. Background noise generally consists of a large number of distant noise sources and can becharacterized by Lgo or Lgg.Ballast - An integral part of the track structure composed of crushed stone in which crossties are embedded for thefollowing purposes:oooTransmit and distribute the load of the track and rolling equipment to subgrade;Restrain the track laterally, longitudinally, and vertically under dynamic loads imposed by rollingequipment and thermal stress exerted by the track; andMaintain proper track cross-level, surface, and alignment.Ballast, Electrical - Resistive or inductive impedance used in an electrical circuit to stabilize voltage to an operatingelement.Ballast Leakage - The rack circuit current that inadvertently passes through the ballast from one rail of a track circuit tothe other, thereby bypassing the intended track circuit current path.Baseline - The foundation document defined by document control as the basis upon which all further related work isaccomplished. Also may be used to define reference work point for survey, construction, and the like.Below-Ground Station - See Station, Underground.Berthing - A final positioning of train at a passenger station platform.Block - A length of track of defined signal system limits.Slowdown Track - A track within a yard which contains facilities for blowing compressed air or high-pressure steamagainst parts of the transit vehicle underbody to remove dirt and dust prior to entering the shop.Body Hoist - Apparatus, either electro-mechanical or hydraulic, generally used in conjunction with a truck lift, forelevating a vehicle car body.Body Support - Apparatus, either electro-mechanical or hydraulic, generally used in conjunction with a truck lift, tosupport the transit vehicle body at defined structural points. Often called jacking pads.BondoooooCross (Equalizing) Bonds - An electrical connection from one track to another track to distribute tractionelectrification return currents.Impedance Bond - An iron coil of low resistance and relatively high reactance used as follows: to provide acontinuous path for the return propulsion current around insulated joints for power frequency trackcircuits; to equalize the return current for audio frequency track circuits in continuously welded rail; toconfine the signaling energy to its own track circuit.Propulsion Bond - A conductor of low resistance providing a path for the return propulsion current atnon-insulated joints.Rail Bond - An electrical connection between adjacent lengths of rails.Signal Bond - A conductor of low resistance providing a path for track circuit current across bolted railjoints.Book of Rules - A set of codified regulations and procedures by which operating personnel are governed.Box Anchoring - The process of applying rail anchors to both sides of the rail on the same tie, thereby restrictinglongitudinal rail movement in either direction.BrakeooooBrake Shoe (Pad) - The non-rotating, sacrificial portion of a tread or disc brake assembly.Dynamic Brake - A method of train braking whereby the kinetic energy of a moving train is used togenerate electric current at the traction motors, which is them dissipated through banks of resistor grids orreturned to the catenary system.Friction Brake - A means of providing a primary retarding force by units applying a friction- producingmaterial to the running wheel tread surface or to a disk rigidly attached to the axle.Parking Brake - A manually controlled brake used to prevent movement of the vehicle once it has stopped.Often called a hand brake.A-3

oBrakingooooooTrack Brake - A form of friction brake that applies a sacrificial element to the running rail through amechanism attached to the transit vehicle truck.Braking, Blended - Braking achieved by applying a combination of electric and friction brakes to obtain therequired retarding force.Braking, Closed-Loop - Braking under continuous direction of the propulsion control system to achieve aretarding force proportioned to the commanded stopping rate.Braking, Emergency - Irrevocable, open-loop, maximum reliability braking to a stop.Braking Rate - The rate of change of speed of a vehicle attributable to the action of its braking system.Dynamic braking - See Dynamic Brake.Full-Service Braking - A non-emergency, and therefore revocable, brake application which obtains themaximum brake rate consistent with the design of the primary brake system(s).Buffer - A storage device used to compensate for a difference in rate of flow of information or time of occurrence ofevents when transmitting information from one device to another.Bumping Post - A device located near the end of a rail segment designed to meet a transit vehicle anticlimber and resistfurther movement. Normally capable of absorbing only very low speed energy.Bus - (1) A rubber-tired vehicle used as a conveyance for transporting people on a public highway or busway. (2) Ameans of providing a continuous electrical connection between separate points in an electrical system. Also called busbar.Busway - Typically, a one or two-lane roadway dedicated for the exclusive use of buses (and possible multi- occupancyautomobiles) with grade-separated or signal-protected crossings.Cab - the compartment of a transit vehicle from which control is achieved.Cab Signal Display - See Signal.Cam Control - A propulsion-control method using mechanical cams to introduce variable resistance into the powercontrol circuit to modulate propulsion and electric braking on a transit vehicle.Canopy - An overhanging roof structure covering a portion or all of the platform protecting patrons from rain or sun.Capacity -ooLine Capacity - The number of vehicles per unit time, or passengers per unit time, that can beaccommodated in one direction between two points along a transit line.Vehicle Capacity - The passenger capacity pertinent to specified loading conditions.Capital Cost - The cost of all facilities construction, rolling stock, equipment system procurement and installation,right-of-way, engineering and architectural services, administration and legal services, tests, pre-operating program,and contingencies.Capital Inventory - That class of inventory which, through rebuilding, can be returned to specified operating conditionrather than consumed.Carbody - That portion of a vehicle that carrier people or loads and that supports all equipments except the truckassemblies.Carborne Equipment - The train control equipment installed on the transit vehicle.Car Spot - Location within a shop or a yard of sufficient length and width to hold one car for a specific beneficialpurpose.Catenary - The combination of conductors, hanger, and in-span hardware of the overhead conductor system, notincluding supports and crossarms.Central Business District - The downtown area of a city usually contained within defined boundaries.Central Control Facility - See Train Control Center.Central Line Supervision - The subsystem within the train control system which monitors and directs the operation of asystem of trains in order to maintain intended schedules and system stability. Consists of remote communicationequipment, data transmission systems between remote locations and central control, and the central control informationprocessing and display equipment.A-4

Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) - A specific type of rail traffic control system in which the signal and switches for adesignated section of track are controlled from a remotely located, centralized traffic control machine.Chopper Control - A propulsion control method which uses solid-state thyristors to modulate propulsion and electricbraking on a transit vehicle.Circuit - Any assembly of wires, relays, and electrical/electronic components.oooNon-Vital Circuit - Any circuit the function of which does not directly affect the safety of train operations.Track Circuit - An electrical circuit of which the rails of the rack fonn a part and which detects the presenceof a train and provides speed codes for transmittal to trains operating within the boundaries of the trackcircuit.Vital Circuit - Any circuit which affects the safety of train operations and therefore, must be a failsafedesign.Cleaning Platform - A platform elevated to vehicle floor height for easy access to car interiors for personnel andequipment.Clearance Envelope or Diagram - An envelope or diagram which defines the maximum vertical and horizontalexcursions of a rail-borne vehicle and establishes die minimum safe distance between all points on a moving vehicle andfixed wayside structures or appurtenances. Usually defined for the worst combination of equipment wear, failure andspeed.Clearance - The distance between specified points; in transit, generally used to define distance between specified pointsalong the tracks and specified points on moving vehicles.Clearance Point - The location on a turnout at which required clearance is provided between vehicles on divergingtracks.Closed Loop - The principle of feedback control in which the response of a system is continuously compared with thecontrolling signal to generate an error signal.Code, Standard - The operating, block signal, and interlocking rules of the Association of American Railroads.Collector-Feeder-Distribution System - A public transit system operating in localized zones to connect patronagegenerated in different areas of the transit system.Communications System - A system containing an information source, and information sick or user, and acommunications link for moving the information, intelligence, or control between the source and sink.oooooooooClosed Circuit Television (CCTV) Subsystem - Authority 1 owned and supervised television subsystem withcameras installed in locations requiring surveillance and viewing monitors located at TCC.Communications Transmission System (CTS) - A system which provides communication channelsthroughout the transit system.Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange (EPABX) Telephone Subsystem - The DART owned systemof telephone instruments, equipment cabinets, video display printer and other equipment used to providethe switched telephone service to support die operating maintenance communications requirements of dieDART rail system.Emergency Telephone Subsystem (ETS) - The DART provided system of emergency telephones andrelated equipment, cables and the like in tunnels, elevators and at the fire hot-line locations.Fire Detection Subsystem - That portion of the FAS provided in die systems contractor pre- packagedbungalows, substations and tie stations. Alson the interface with the facility FAS equipment.Intrusion Detection Subsystem - That portion of die IAS similar to the Fire Detection Subsystem describedabove.Passenger Emergency Call (PEC) Subsystem - The DART provided system of PEC units at stations, controlequipment at TCC and associated cable, wire and interconnections that allows passengers to communicateto obtain emergency assistance.Public Address Subsystem (PAS) - The system of speakers, electronics/amplifiers, microphones andassociated wiring providing a means to inform patrons and authority personnel in selected stations andmaintenance facilitates.Radio Subsystem - The DART owned, two-way radio subsystem designed to provide communicationsthroughout the DART rail area, including subway, stations, maintenance facilities and surface locations.Community Noise Equivalent Level - die !_«, A-weighted noise level over a 24-hour period wit a 4-dBA penalty appliedto noise levels between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. and a lOdBA penalty' applied to noise levels between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.A-5

Component - The smallest grouping of piece part in an operating element to which identification and isolation of a faultcondition is possible.Component Repair Shop - A facility specifically designed to repair, overhaul, and test electrical, mechanical, hydraulic,or pneumatic parts, modules assemblies, or subsystems. Comparable to a manufacturer's service repair shop. It may bea separate building or part of another shop.Conceptual <strong>Design</strong> - Drawings and written documents prepared for each facility to define the special limitationsgoverning both design and development. Conceptual designs show, by means of small-scale plans, elevations, andcross sections, the essential configuration of each facility. No attempt is made to define structural, mechanical orelectrical components, or the materials and equipment to be used. Only the size, shape, and arrangement of physicalelements is shown to describe the facility "footprint" and functional characteristics. Simple perspective sketches or massmodels can be produced from these drawings, and they are adequate to allow a rough cost estimate based on a takeoffof major areas of construction.Concourse - The public area which lies between the station entrances for patrons and the platform or platforms. It canbe at-grade or at a mezzanine level.Construction Documents - Drawings and written documents prepared by the designer that, approval of the Authority,are ready for issuance to construction contractors for construction.Consumable Inventory - That class of material that, once used completely or for some predetermined unit of time ordistance, is replaced and discarded, such as lubricants, filters, brake shoes, and lighting elements.Contact - A conducting part which co-acts with another conducting part to open or close an electrical circuit.Contact Wire - The lower overhead wire of a catenary system from which a transit vehicle collects power via thepantograph for both propulsion and auxiliary power.Contract Maintenance - The repair, overhaul and testing of parts, modules, and assemblies under contract to other thanAuthority personnel. The work may be done on or off Authority property. In addition, the term can apply to tasks suchas facilities janitorial work and landscaping. It is often used for specific items such as elevators, escalators, motors, andbearings, which are generally impacted by labor agreements.Contraflow Lane - A highway or street lane on which, during certain hours of the day, public mass transit or otherspecially designated vehicles operate in a direction opposite to that associated with the normal flow of traffic on thatlane during the remainder of the day.ControloooCentral Control - See Train Control Center.Deadman Control - A pressure- or activity-actuated device that detects inattention or disability of a trainoperator, resulting in an alarm to the operator and, in the event of no response to the alarm, automaticbrake application.Emergency Control - The automatic or manual generation of priority control signals within the system indirect response to abnormal conditions.Corridor - A geographic area comprising a broad band following a general directional flow connecting major sources oftraffic. A corridor may have several alternative routes within it.Crash Wall - See Deflection Wall.Crashworthiness - The capacity of a vehicle to act as a protective container and energy absorber during impactconditions.<strong>Criteria</strong> - <strong>Design</strong> requirements prepared for designers, usually contained in a series of documents composed of sketches,requirements statements, and usually interpreted to include standard drawings.Critical Defect - A fault or imperfection that judgment and experience indicate is likely to result in an unacceptablyhazardous condition for individuals using, maintaining, or depending on the product, or likely to prevent an importantfunction in the end item.Critical Function - A function which, if degraded or lost, has a major impact on system performance, such as loss ofvehicle movement and control.Crossing, At-grade - See at-grade.Crossing, Movable Point - A structure placed where two tracks intersect, with an angle below the permissibleminimum for rigid frogs.Crossing, Rigid - A structure placed where two tracks intersect, consisting of four frogs.Crossover, Double - Two single crossovers which intersect between the connecting tracks.A-6

Crossover, Single - Two turnouts, with rail between the frogs arranged to form a continuous passage for track mountedvehicles between two nearby and parallel tracks.Crosstie - A transverse member of the track structure to which the rails are spiked or otherwise fastened to provideproper gauge and to cushion, distribute, and transmit the stresses of traffic to the ballast.Crosstown Feeder - Bus service that originates in neighborhoods and collects riders on a convenient route and scheduleas it traverses one neighborhood to another.Current of Traffic - See Direction, Normal Running.DDallas Area Rapid Transit - The authority' responsible for the planning and implementation of the rail and bus masstransit system in the metropolitan Dallas geographical area.DART - See Dallas Area Rapid Transit.DART Rail Project - The rail transit system which includes all right-of-way, easements, tracks, structures, vehicles, andother equipment and appurtenances required for conduct and support of revenue operations.Data Transmission System - An element of the communication system designed with characteristics to assure reliabletransfer of data sets between locations.Day-Night Sound Level (Ldn) - The L«i of the A-weighted noise level over a 24-hour period with a 10 dBA penaltyapplied to noise levels between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.Daytime Entrance - Any entrance to a station (usually a below-ground station which Ls open from early morning onlyuntil the time of night when stores and theaters close.D. C. Feeder Breaker - A direct-current circuit breaker with associated load-sensing devices, the purpose of which is toprovide energization to, or remove energization from, a section of catenary. The feeder breaker may operate as a tiefeeder or as a radial feeder, or both.Dead Section - A section of track, either within a track circuit or between two track circuits, die rails of which are notpart of a track circuit.Decibel - A measure on a logarithmic scale of the magnitude of a particular quantity (such as sound pressure, soundpower, and sound intensity) with respect to a standardized reference quantity.Deenergize - To remove operating current from an electroreceptive device.Defect - A fault or imperfection.Deflection Wall - A sturdy wall, usually of concrete or retained earth, or ballast, built in such proximity to the runningrail to protect other facilities and equipment from potential damage in the event of train derailment.Degradation - Falling from an initial level to a lower level in quality or performance.Demonstration Test - A test performed to establish that a fabricated system or a unit of equipment meetspredetermined requirements.Departure Test - Operational test made on the complete train in a yard or on a transfer track before permitting the trainto operate in cab signal mode on the main line.Dependent Failure - See Failure, Dependent.Derail - A device designed to cause rolling equipment to leave the rails. Sometimes used in storage track areas wherethe consequences of a tracked vehicle continuing to travel in a predetermined direction are determined to be morehazardous than a deliberate derailment.<strong>Design</strong>oo<strong>Design</strong> Deficiency - Any design characteristic which does not meet specified criteria or standards.<strong>Design</strong> Safety* - Acceptably low hazard probability achieved by the integration of hazard mitigationmeasures with the basic system functional features.<strong>Design</strong> Peak-Hour Load - The total estimated number of passengers using the station during the most heavily traveledhour of the day either in the morning or evening commuter period.<strong>Design</strong>ated Authority - The titled position charged with responsibility for supervising, atithorizing, directing, andcontrolling train movements and other facets of operations, often from a central location.Detector - Any device designed to sense a specific condition or status.A-7

oooooDetector Track Circuit - A track circuit, within an interlocking, which when occupied by a train preventsthe position of a track switch from being changed.Point Detector - A circuit controller which is part of a switch operating mechanism to indicate that the pointis within a specified distance of the stock rail. See Switch Point.lonization Detector - Part of the fire alarm system located in areas where invisible products of combustionmay be. sensed before heat or visible evidence of combustion is present. When sensed, the detector sends asignal to die alarm system.Rate of Rise Detector - Part of the fire alarm system that detects a rapid change in temperature and signalsthe alarm system when such a condition exists.Photo-Optical Detector - A device that uses a light beam and sensor to detect die presence of a foreignobject in die air path. Sometimes used in fire and intrusion detection systems.Diagnostic Test Equipment - Pre-programmed automatic-test sets used to check car circuitry and subsystems. Usuallyfor use in shops, but may refer to portable sets on cars, trains, or wayside equipment.Direct Fixation Fastener - The fastening system used to secure die running rails directly to the concrete track bed,replacing ties and ballast with a fixture secured to die concrete by use of threaded inserts, bolts, or similar devices andcontaining means to accept rail fasteners. See Rail Fastener.DirectionooNormal Direction or Normal Running - The designed predominant direction of train traffic for a giventrack as specified by die operating rules. Also see Current of Traffic.Reverse Direction or Reverse Running - Train movement against the predominant direction of traffic, for agiven track.Directive Drawings - Drawings defining the arrangement or configuration of components and facilities. They providedirection to die designer but shall not be used as contract drawings.Discrepant Component - A component which does not perform its intended function.Dispatching - The process of starting a train into service from a terminal, yard, or transfer track.Drop and Insert (D/I) - The technique of removing from a digital bit stream representing a group of communicationschannels the bits representing one or more channels, and inserting odier bits in their place, without decoding the entirebit stream.Drop-Table - A built-in or portable shop device for removing and replacing components from vehicles. Sometimesrequires that the car be elevated on a running tack or by jacking/hoisting, or may be used with die vehicle on tracks atdie shop floor level.Duplex - Capable of transmitting and receiving simultaneously.Dummy Trucks - Trucks consisting only of structural members, wheels and axles, and body support points but withoutsuch items as motors, brakes, electric wiring, pneumatic, and hydraulics; used to support and move carbodies underrepair or storage in shop and yard areas. In addition, may be used for emergency truck replacement under extrememain line conditions.Dwell - The time period starting when a train berths in a station and ending when die train resumes motion.Dynamic Outline - See Clearance Envelope.Effective Daily Shop Capacity - A measure of die number of units a shop could handle over a diree-shift day if everycar spot were used on an average time/car/spot.Effectiveness - The standard of performance realized when the item performance characteristics and human operationaland safety features are used to tiieir fullest capabilities.Elastomeric Bearing - A syndietic bearing pad with tough, elastic properties used to reduce vibrations or to provideresilient mounting or connections.Electrical Noise - Interference within a dynamic electrical system produced by undesirable or casual electricaloccurrences.Electronics Department - That functional unit within the maintenance organization that generally has responsibility forsignals, communication systems, fare collection, automatic control subsystems, and shop repair.A-8

Electropneumatic - A means of providing power by compressed air (or other gas) whose application is electricallycontrolled.Emergency Egress - A continuous and unobstructed way of exit travel from any point in a structure to a public way inaddition to the normally provided egress.Emergency Procedures Plan - A plan for information, guidance, and use prior to, during, and when recovering from anemergency situation.Emergency Telephone System - Telephone system connected directly from the instrument to the Train Control Centerrequiring no dial-up access and designated for emergency use.Encoder - A device that transforms the format of detected or commanded data into a different format or code requiredfor transmission or processing.End-Loaded Platform - Any platform arranged whereby vertical access to the platform is provided at either one or bothends of the platform.Energy Equivalent Level (Leq) - The level of a steady noise which would have the same energy as the fluctuating noiselevel integrated over the time period of interest. Uq is based on the logarithmic or energy summation, and places moreemphasis on high noise-level periods than does LSD or a straight arithmetic average of noise level over time. This energyaverage is not the same as the average of sound pressure levels over the period of interest, but must be computed by aprocedure involving summation or mathematical integration.Environment - The aggregate of all conditions which externally influence the performance and life of an item.Equipment Reliability - The characteristic which describes the ability of a component, subsystem or system to performits specified function without failure and within prescribed application limits, expressed as a probability or failure rateper unit of time.Express Bus, Express Train, Express Service - A method of a bus or train along a designated route when the vehicles donot stop at all stations or bus stops but operate nonstop between selected stations or destinations.Express/Limited Stop Service - Bus service operating through corridor zones in which die bus makes convenient stopsin its originating zone and runs express through other zones and at least one-half of route miles are in express (non-stop,freeway) running.Expressway - A divided arterial highway for through traffic with full or partial control of access, and generally withgrade separations at major intersections.Facing Point Switch - See Switch, Facing PointFail OperationayFail-Safe <strong>Design</strong> - A design principal in which each of the parts, components, and assemblies thatmake up a system is analyzed to determine the potential consequence of failure of that element with the goal ofcontinuing operation in a possibly degraded, but defined not to be unsafe, mode.Fail-Safe (Safety) - A characteristic of an equipment system assuring that any failure or malfunction will cause thesystem to revert to a state that is no less safe than before the failure or malfunction incident.Fail-Safe <strong>Design</strong> - A design principle in which each of the parts, components, and assemblies that make up a system isanalyzed to determine die potential consequence of failure of that element, alone or in combination with any or all otherelements of die system, to assure that a failure combination of failures will not result in a state or condition less safe thanthat existing before the failure. The prior condition is generally defined to be safe.Failure - The inability of an item to perform an intended function when used in the intended manner.o0oooFailure Analysis - The logical, systematic examination of failure events to identify, analyze and report thecauses, consequences and costs of potential and real failures.Failure, Critical - A failure which could result in a major impact on system performance (major damage toor loss of a system) or major injury or fatality to people.Failure, Dependent - A failure which occurs as the consequence of another failure (also commonly definedas a secondary failure).Failure, Independent - A failure which occurs during normal use and cannot be associated with a priorequipment malfunction. Commonly defined as a primary failure.Failure, Man - Failure due to human error.A-9

oFailure Management - Decisions, policies, and planning which identify and reduce or eliminate potentialand real failures as well as provide means and methods for dealing with failures when they occur in orderto minimize revenue service impact.° Failure Mode - The particular manifestation or reaction of an item of equipment failure; the manner offailing.oooooooFailure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) - An inductive bottom-up procedure in which potentialmalfunctions of an item are identified for their possible effect.Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis - An extension of an FMEA in which each failure effect isassigned a criticality index, which reflects both the effect and the subjective probability of the occurrence ofthe effect in terms of loss in performance, reliability, maintainability, and safety.Failure, Primary - See Failure, Independent.Failure Rate - The number of failures of an item per unit measure of life (such as cycles, time, miles, orevents, as applicable for the item).Failure, Secondary - See Failure, Dependent.Failure, Service - A failure which not only prevents die unit from performing its intended function, but alsodisrupts or delays scheduled service.Failure, Single Point - A failure of a piece, part, component, or assembly which by itself will cause a failureof the system or equipment.False Occupancy - Indication of track circuit occupancy when no train is present.Fare - The amount charged for entry into cind use of the transit system.ooooooooBarrier-Free Fare Collection System - An arrangement of facilities and equipment where there is no farebarrier or fare gate between station access and train access points, such as paid and unpaid areas.Fare Barrier - The separation device between the station paid area and the free area in conjunction with thefare gates.Fare Collection System - A system at stations which includes all personnel, equipment, wiring, controls,enclosures, and instruction to provide the means for collection of money from patrons.Flat Fare - A fare structure in which the cost of a trip is the same between any two stations in the system.GraduatedJFare - A fare structure in which the fare paid is proportional to the distance traveled.Paid Fare Area - In a system using fare barriers, that portion of the public space occupied only by personswho have passed through the fare barrier to access a train.Self-Service Fare Collection - A fare collection system in which no Authority personnel are present ornecessary for the patrons to pay fare and access the system. Barriers may or may not be utilized.Unpaid (free) Fare Area - In a system using fare barriers, that portion of the station public space where farevending equipment and related devices are located.Fault Tree Analysis - A deductive top-down system assessment in which hazards are identified and then analyzed as totheir potential causes.Feeder Bus - Any publicly or privately operated bus which carries patrons to or from rail or bus transit stations ortransfer centers.Fiber Optics (FO) - An assembly of transparent fibers assembled in a bundle and used for light transmission. By the useof appropriate signal generators and receivers, an FO bundle may transmit optical, audio or coded intelligence.Final <strong>Design</strong> - Drawings and specifications prepared by the designer in conformance with a preliminary design. Finaldesign provides enough information about the proposed facility and its site to permit competitive bidding bycontractors and to guide construction. In addition, it includes final and detailed definition of the architectural characteror appearance of the facility; completely developed structural, mechanical, and electrical systems; and a detailedspecification of all materials, finishes, equipment, and construction processes. Larger scaled and fully dimensioneddrawings, including numerous details and schedules, are provided. Any interface with adjacent private development isfully defined. From this information, detailed color renderings and models can be produced, and a refined cost estimatecan be made on the basis of a precise takeoff of material quantities.Fire Detection and Alarm System (FAS) - A system of automatic fire detectors designed to detect the presence of fireand initiate action.A-10

Fire Load - The average quantity, expressed in heating value, of the combustible contents of a facility space or transitvehicle, including the building materials, furnishings, and equipment.Fire Management Panel (FMP) - Panel containing a display of FAS detector locations, a manual pull and accessto local communications systems. Intended for use by fire/emergency personnel and usually located close to a facilityentrance.Fire-Resistance Rating - An hourly rating assigned to a tested element or assembly by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.,or other recognized authority.Fire/Smoke Emergency - Fire or the development of smoke or fumes that calls for immediate action to correct oralleviate the condition or situation,Fixed Gate (End of Cab Signal/Train Control Territory) - The limit of an interlocked route past which automaticoperation of trains is never permitted.Fleeting - Manually established signal selection allowing successive trains running in the same direction to operate overthe established route.Foreign Currents - Stray electrical currents which may affect a signaling system, but which are not a part of the system.Fouling Point - The location near the intersection of two converging tracks beyond which adequate clearance does notexist for concurrent passage of on-rail equipment.Free Areas - All areas of the station outside the paid area which are accessible to the public without paying transit fare.See Fare.Freeway - An expressway with full control of access.Frequency - The number of oscillations per second of a periodic noise or vibration, expressed in hertz. Frequency in"hertz" is the same as cycles per second. Also used in describing transit service by identifying the rate at which aconveyance passes a passenger pick-up deliver)' location.Friction Buffer - A device located at a stub end track to serve as a means of retarding a train to a stop while keeping thetrain on the running rails and minimizing physical damage. Similar to a bumping post, but using dynamic energyabsorbing elements.Frog - A track structure used at the intersection of two running rails to provide support for wheels and passageways fortheir flanges, permitting wheels on either rail to cross the other.oMovable Point Frog - A frog equipped with points which are movable in the same manner as the points of aswitch.Frog Number - The number used to designate the size of a frog, and being equal to one-half die cotangent of one-halfdie frog angle.Gate - In signaling, the entrance to a block or route where signal information is conveyed.Gauge - The distance between the inside faces of running rails of a track measured at right angles at a point 5/8 inchbelow die top of rail. Also, a generic measurement of nominal or standard size or thickness.Gauge Line - A line on die rail head used as the reference for measuring track gauge and located 5/8 inch below diehorizontal plane of die top of die running rail head along tiiat side which is nearer the center of the track.General Engineering Consultant (GEC) - The audiorized representative retained by the Authority to provide theplanning, architectural and engineering services for die integrated bus/rail project. Also may include construction andprocurement management services as deemed desirable by die Authority.General Plans - Preliminary designs for stations. Also see preliminary design.Grade - The ratio of die vertical change in elevation of a line with its lengdi. For example, a 3 percent grade is a rise of 3feet in a distance of 100 feet.ooGrade Crossing - A term used to describe a physical arrangement of two transportation routes where thereis possible physical interference between vehicles on each route. A railroad crossing a street, for example,that requires the automobiles to stop to let a train pass or that requires the train to stop for autos to pass is agrade crossing.Grade Separated - A term used to describe a physical arrangement of two transportation routes whichpermits them to cross each other witiiout any actual physical interference. When a railroad, for example,crosses a highway on an overpass, it is said to be grade separated.A-ll

Guard Rail (Track) - See Rail.Guideway - The structure and its appurtenances upon which the transit vehicle will be traveling and guided.H _Hand-Throw Switch - See Switch.Hazard - Any real or potential condition that can cause injury, death, damage to property, or loss of equipment.ooHazard Analysis - An analysis performed to identify hazardous conditions.Hazard Level - A qualitative measure of hazards stated in relative terms:Category 1 (Critical) - Can result in a mishap, the worst-case effects of which are death or severepersonal injury and/or major damage to equipment or property.Category II (Marginal) - Can result in a mishap, the worst-case effects of which are minor personalinjury and/or minor damage to equipment or property.Category 111 (Negligible) - Worst-case effects are less than minor personal injury and/or minordamage to equipment or property.Headway - The time separation between two trains, both traveling in the same direction on the same track, measuredfrom the time the head end of the leading train passes a given reference point to the time the head end of the trainimmediately following passes the same reference point.Headway Control - The means by which the desired headway is maintained.Hi-Rail - Attachments to make rubber-tired vehicles (such as trucks or autos) capable of operating on rails.Hi-Rail Switcher - A self-powered road-rail vehicle used for moving transit vehicles.Hostler - An operating employee whose duties involve moving cars/ trains, usually within a yard boundary; sometimescalled yard attendant or yard operator.Hostling - Movement of transit vehicles within yards or storage areas.Hostling Panel - A panel enclosed by a locked cover or a portable unit that can be connected to a vehicle or the vehicleend not equipped with an operator cab for the purpose of moving the vehicle within a yard/ shop or storage area.Impedance - The elements within an electrical or electronic circuit that limit the current when a voltage potential isapplied to the circuit.ooBallast Impedance - The impedance to track circuit current due to the condition of the ballast. See BallastLeakage.Shunt Impedance - The impedance between rails presented by a train's wheels and axles and the wheel/ railinterface that provides a parallel (shunt) path for the track circuit current.In Approach of a Signal - The signaled territory to which a signal aspect is conveyed.Inbound Track - The track or tracks upon which a train normally approaches a station headed toward the CBD; if on abranch line, toward a branch line/ trunk line junction.Incident - An unforeseen event or occurrence.IndicatoroooApproach Indicator - An annunciator used to report the approach of a train.Cab Indicator - Audible - An alerting device, located in a transit vehicle cab equipped with cab signals,designed to sound when a cab signal changes to a more restrictive aspect.Switch (Position) Indicator - An indicator used to indicate the position of switch points.In-House Maintenance - The repair, overhaul, and testing services provided by Authority employee in its own facilities.Inspection - The checking or testing for condition, performance, and safety of equipment and construction againstestablished standards.Insulated Joint (Track) - A joint placed between abutting rail ends to electrically insulate them from each other.A-12

Integrated Test - Test program planned and managed by the Authority and supported by equipment/facilitycontractors for purposes of verifying form, fit and functional compatibility of two or more system elements.Intercommunication System - An element of the communication system designed for limited communication betweentwo points.Interface - The defined common boundary between two systems or subsystems. A point where the characteristics of diesystems or subsystems are common. An interface may be electrical, mechanical, functional, or contractual.Interlocking - An arrangement of signals and signal appliances, interconnected so that their movements must succeedeach other in proper sequence, permitting train movements over controlled routes only if safe conditions exist.Intrusion Detection and Alarm System (IAS) - A system of detectors, cabling, signal conditioner, and communicationinterfaces arranged to identify and remotely annunciate, via the CIS, the presence of unauthorized personnel or objectsin Authority premises.Item - Unit of complexity, such as an element part, component, subsystem, or system.IJerk (Transit Vehicle) - The time rate of change of acceleration or deceleration.Joint Bar - Device bolted in place and used to join the abutting ends of contiguous rails.KooooJoint Bar, Bonded - Special joint bar shaped with maximum surface-to-rail contact for adhesion to rail withepoxy adhesive. Used for joining continuous welded rail strings due to their high tensile strength and theirability to prevent any longitudinal movement of the rails at the joint, thereby eliminating any rail gap.loint Bar, Bonded, Insulated - Special joint bar shaped with maximum surface-to-rail contact for adhesion ofepoxy adhesive and containing insulating coatings to arrest the flow of electric current between contiguousrails.joint Bar, Compromise - A joint bar used to connect contiguous rails of different cross sections,loint Bar, Insulated - A joint bar used to arrest the flow of electric current between contiguous rails.Key-By - A device that is operated to negate a trip stop in order to pass a signal displaying a stop indication. The term isderived from the use of the operator's key to actuate the mechanism to negate the trip stop.Key Telephone Unit - A unit which interconnects a group of pushbutton telephones for local and systemwidecom m unication.Kiss-and-Ride - The vehicle mode whereby a patron is driven to the transit station, discharged from the deliveryvehicle, and the vehicles-stopping duration is limited to the relatively brief discharge time.Li, Lio, Lso, L*> and L^ - The noise or vibration levels that are exceeded for 1 %, 10%, 50%, 90% and 99% of a specifiedtime period, respectively. Environmental noise and vibration data are often described in these terms.Lay-Up (Storage) - The act of storing cars of a train.Level of Service - A term or letter designation used to describe the relative quality of the service provided by varioustransit alternatives. It will usually encompass a consideration of travel times, frequency of service, andpassenger-carrying capacity. (Grades A through F according to the Texas Highway Capacity Manual.)Line, Route - The alignment followed by a scheduled transit vehicle as a part of a transit system.Line Supervision (Automatic Train Control) - The subsystem within the automatic train ___ system whichmonitors system status and provides the appropriate control to direct the operation of a train in order to maintainintended traffic patterns and minimize the effect of train delays on the operating schedule.Line Supervision (Communications) - The monitoring of a line (circuit) to determine the state of its integrity and abilityto perform in its prescribed manner.Local Service - An operation involving frequent stops and low speeds to deliver and pick up transit passengers as closeas possible to their points of destination or origin.Local Street - A street that provides access to adjacent properties.A-13

Locking - The electrical or mechanical establishment of a condition for a switch, interlocked route, speed limit, orautomatic function so that its state cannot be altered except by a prescribed and inviolate sequence of unlocking.ooooooooooApproach Locking - Electrical locking of any switch, movable point frog, or derail in the route governed bythe signal that occurs whenever a train approaches, within a specified distance of that signal displaying anaspect to proceed (until after the expiration of a predetermined time interval after such signal has beencaused to display its most restrictive aspect); and which prevents a conflicting aspect from being displayedfor any conflicting route.Detector (Occupancy) Locking - A method of locking which prevents the movement of a track switch whilecertain track circuits are occupied by a train.Electric Locking - The combination of one or more electric locks and controlling circuits by means of whichlevers of an interlocking machine, or switches or other units operated in connection with signaling andinterlocking, are secured against operation under certain conditions.Indication Locking - Electric locking which prevents manipxilation of levers that would result in an unsafecondition for a train movement if a signal, switch, or other operative unit fails to make a movementcorresponding to that of its controlling lever, or which directly prevents the operation of a signal, switch, orother operative unit, in case another unit which should operate first fails to make the required movement.Occupancy Locking - In the signaling system, a method of locking which prevents the movement of a trackswitch while the track circuits surrounding that switch detect the presence of a train.Route Locking - Electric locking, effective when a train passes a signal displaying an aspect for it toproceed, which prevents the movement of any switch, movable point frog, or derail in the train's clearedroute in advance of the train.Section Locking - For die signal system, locking that is effective when a specific route section is occupied bya train and that prevents any change in position or status of the operating devices and interlocking circuitsaffecting the safety of the occupying train.Time Locking - Interlocking protection which prevents the position of a switch, movable point frog, orderail from being changed, until a predetermined time has elapsed, after a signal governing movementsover the device lias been restored to stop.Traffic Locking - Electric locking which prevents the actuation of devices for changing the direction oftraffic on a section of track while that section is occupied, or while the signal displays an aspect for amovement to proceed into that section.Trailing Release of Locking - Locking arranged so that when a train dears a track section of the route thatthe locking affects, that section is release.Logistics - The system management function which deals with procurement, maintenance, and transportation ofmaterial, facilities, and personnel.Lossy Line Antenna - See Radiating Coaxial Cable.Lowest Line Replaceable Unit - The smallest element of an equipment item to which a malfunction can be isolated andthat can be removed without severing a connection by cutting, melting, heating, or other destructive means.Lubrication - The application of lubricants, generally on a scheduled basis, to equipment and machinery.MMain Bay - That portion of a vehicle shop equipped for normal, day-to-day lubrication, servicing, inspection, andmaintenance of transit vehicles.Main Line - All track constructed for the purpose of carrying revenue passengers.Main Shop - A transit facility specifically designed for heavy maintenance, overhaul, and testing of transit vehicles andequipment.Main Track - A track extending through yards and between stations, upon which trains are operated by rule.Maintainability - The probability that when a corrective maintenance action is required, the system will be restored toan operable condition within a specified downtime, when the maintenance action is performed in accordance withprescribed procedures.Maintenanceo Corrective Maintenance - The action taken to restore a malfunctioning item of equipment to an operablestate.A-14

oooooMaintenance of Way and Structures Department - The functional unit within a maintenance organizationthat has responsibility for die maintenance of all track and the track support system.Maintenance Planning System - A system of cost, work and manpower planning, scheduling, and control,either manual or automated, and generally part of a total management information system.Preventive Maintenance - The actions taken in an attempt to retain an item in a specified condition byproviding systematic inspection, detection, and prevention of incipient failure.Scheduled Maintenance - Programmed preventive maintenance,Unscheduled Maintenance - Unprogrammed corrective maintenance.Maintenance Facility - See Yard and Shop Facilities.Major Defect - A condition other than critical, that is likely to result in a failure orthe unit or product for its intended purpose.Malfunction - Any defect where the system, subsystem, or component fails to function as intended.materially die usability ofManual Train Control - An operating mode in which the train responds to the actions of its operator throughmanipulation erf the master controller.oManual With Cab Signal - Manual train control wherein the operator responds to a cab signal aspectdisplayed in the cab to control vehicle speed. See Cab Signal Display.Married Pair - Two cars that make up an operable transit vehicle unit with a cab at each extreme, and generally sharingcertain equipment such as batten' and power supply. A car of a married pair cannot function alone and the pair isgenerally connected on a semi-permanent basis.Mass Transit - Transportation systems which provide for movement of a relatively large number of persons in sharedvehicles. Mass transit includes rail transit, buses on exclusive roadways or on public streets, andcollector-feeder-distribution systems.Master Controller - The device which generates local and trainlined control signals to the propulsion system or brakesystem of a transit vehicle.Material Review Board - The group charged with assessing the suitability of items not _ the precisespecification requirements, but which may satisfy the functional requirements in the existing form,Maximum Load Point - The point on a route where the total number of passengers carried is a maximum. The total,generally, is for a 24-hour period in both directions. The maximum load point can also refer to peak- hour and aone-direction flow.MeanoooooooMean Cycles Between Failure - The arithmetic mean of the number of cycles between successive failures.Mean Distance Between Failures - The arithmetic mean of the distance traveled between successive failures.Mean Downtime - The arithmetic mean of the time that the device remains in an inoperable state after it hasfailed.Mean Life - The arithmetic mean of time to failure of all items in the sample of population,Mean Time Between Failures - The arithmetic mean of the time between successive failures,Mean Time Between Service Failures - The arithmetic mean of the time between successive service failures,Mean Time to Repair - The arithmetic mean of active repair time.Median, Median Strip - The portion of a divided highway which separates opposing flows of traffic.Messenger Wire - Part of the overhead conductor system. The uppermost conductor that assumes the approximateform of a catenary curve between support points and in turn supports the contact wire with hangars of variable length.The messenger also distributes power to the trolley wire.Mezzanine Level - An intermediate level within the station, between grade and platform level(s).Mixed Face - The presence of both soft ground and rock in the excavation face. This definition may be expanded toinclude ground of two or more types that require markedly different excavation procedures. An example of this wouldbe limestone and an expansive water-sensitive shale in a rock formation.Modal Split - The percentage of inter/ intra-zonal trips using some mode of mass transit as opposed to the use of privateautomobile. The choice or "split" between modes can be modeled as a function of variables which describe both thetransportation alternatives and the socioeconomic characteristics of those who would avail themselves of thealternatives.A-15

Model - The representation of a system or system feature having properties and operations that represent those of theoriginal system for the characteristics of interest.Modem - A contraction of "modulator-demodulator." Equipment that connects data terminal equipment to acommunication line.MovementooFacing Movement - The movement of a train over a switch in a direction away from the point and towardthe frog.Trailing Movement - The movement of a train over a switch in a direction away from the frog and towardthe point.Muldem - A contraction of "multiplexer-demultiplexer." Equipment that combines several digital bit streams into onebit stream for transmission and separates a combined bit stream into its component segments in the reverse direction.Multiple Unit Operation, Control - A method of controlling die actions of the propulsion, braking, and other systems oftwo or more cars of the train from a single cab.Multiplexer - A device that allows the interleaving of two or more digital signals to a single line or terminus.NNoise Reduction Coefficient - A measure of the acoustical absorption performance of a material, calculated byaveraging its sound absorption coefficients at 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1,000 Hz, and 2,000 Hz.Nonconformance - Those characteristics which do not conform to stated requirements for the characteristic.OObjective Evidence of Quality - Any recorded statement of fact pertaining to the quality product, process, or operationwhich is founded on observations, measurements, or tests can be fully checked or verified. Such statements may berecorded on a written or pre-printed document or tag, and are authorized with a signature or stamp identifiable to theperson making the statement of fact.Occupational Safety and Health Act - Federal standards defining minimum requirements for industrial andcommercial work place safety. Standards influence operation and maintenance facility design and DART construction.Off-Street Entrance - An entrance to a station in which the point of access to the vertical circulation elements is locatedwithin an adjacent property, at-grade plaza, alley, or area other than the sidewalk.Operating Characteristics - Those quantitative, measurable parameters pertinent to a specific system, subsystem,device, or component that provide definition of performance.Operating Costs - All annual service costs, including salaries, energy, maintenance of equipment, supplies, andadministrative expenses.Operating Personnel - Those employees of a transit system having direct and supervisory responsibility for themovement of trains, the manning of stations, and the maintenance of facilities, embodying both onboard and waysideduties.Operating Revenue - The gross income from operation of the transit system, including basic and special fares, as well asincome from charters, concessions, and advertising. It does not include items such as interest from securities ornon-recurring income from sales of capital assets.Operation Control Center - DART operating office headquarters.Operations Department - That function within die Authority diat generally lias responsibility for die transportation andmaintenance activities.Overhaul - The heavy repair or rebuilding of components and complete vehicles, equipment, and machinery to restoreto "like-new" condition.Overhead Conductor System - That part of the overhead line equipment comprising the catenary, catenary supports,foundations, counterweights and other equipment and assemblies dial delivers electric power from the traction powersub-station to the transit vehicle.Outbound Track - The tack or tracks upon which a train normally departs a station headed away from die CBD or atrunk line/branch line junction.Overspeed Protection Control - That portion of the carborne train control system which, in a fail-safe manner, enforcesspeed limits. See Automatic Train Protection.A-16

Paid Area - The portion of public space within a station structure which lies inside the fare-collection barrier on a systememploying gates controlled by fare media.Pantograph - A device for collecting current from an overhead conductor, consisting of a diamond or halfdiamond-shapedjointed frame, operated by springs or compressed having a suitable trolley-wire contactsurface at the top.Parallel Redundancy - Two or more methods operating continuously, each of which is capable of providing therequired functional/operational output independently or collectively.Park-and-Ride - A parking facility designed for the use of mass transit patrons. A term used to describe a change intravel mode in which passengers park their cars, ride the DART system, and return to their cars at a later time.Parsons Brinckerhoff Centec, Inc/Deleuw Gather and Company (PBDC) - A joint venture of the two namedcompanies serving as the General Engineering Consultant to DART for the transit project.Part - See Piece Part.Passageway - An enclosed space or structure traversing over or under traffic or other barriers for the convenient passageof patrons entering or exiting the system. It may connect from public or private property.Peak-Hour Load (A.M. or P.M.) - The peak hour is the 60-minute period during an average weekday when themaximum total estimated number of people travel past a specific point in one direction on a specified route. The A.M.or P.M. peaks are in the morning or af ternoon when demand for transportation service is heaviest.Peak-Hour-Only Entrance - An entrance to a station which is open only during rush hours in the morning and evening.Penalty Stop - The stop effected by the carborne ATP equipment that automatically applies service brakes if imposedrestrictions are ignored.Performance Level (Train) - The combination of vehicle acceleration and speed characteristics that determinepoint-to-point running time. Performance-level modification may be achieved by train operator selection or ATCcommand and allows selection of different modes for energy efficiency r schedule adjustmentPiece Part - The smallest element of equipment or hardware that is uniquely identified by some functional attribute thatwill be destroyed if the part is further disassembled. Further disassembly is generally only possible by destructivemeans.Pit - An area below the maintenance-area floor level between running rails and/or tracks for undercar lubrication,inspection, and maintenance.Plan - A scheme or program for making, doing, or arranging something, such as project, design, or schedule.Platform - That portion of the station directly adjacent to the tracks, where trains stop to load and unload passengers.The full platform is die length of the trains which ultimately operate at peak hours. There are two basic types ofplatform: center platform, with a platform between inbound and outbound track; and side platform, with a platform oneach side of an adjacent pair of tracks.Platform Edge - The continuous portion of the platform adjacent to the train and distinguishable by color, texture, or acombination of both, for the purpose of warning patrons of proximity to the train way.Plaza Entrance - An entrance to a below-ground station, opening directly from an off-street plaza, which may be at thestreet or mezzanine level of the station.Pocket Track - See Track, Pocket.Point Detector - See Detector.Point - See Switch Point.Portable Car Jacks - Specially designed jacks (usually in a set of four) for raising a single car at specific lifting pointsestablished in the car design. They may be used anywhere at floor level where built-in jacks or hoists are not warrantedor cannot be installed.Power Department - That functional unit of the maintenance organization that is responsible for a transit system'spower distribution, including substation, overhead conductor system, circuit breakers, and batteries.Pre-Award Survey - An evaluation of a prospective contractor's capability to perform under the terms of a proposedcontract.Preliminary <strong>Design</strong> - A continuation of design work following conceptual design. Preliminary design has specificmeaning as applied to the DART project. Its scope will vary according to the type of station, facility or other structuresA-17

involved, and depending on whether there is joint development potential. In general, it involves the development ofmore detailed, larger-scale, "hardline" plans, elevations, and sections, showing all significant elements of the facility,including structures, site, etc., with appropriate allocation of space for mechanical and electrical systems. Importantdimensions are given and principal construction materials may be suggested graphically or by note. All majoralternatives have been evaluated and coordination between utilities, adjacent properties and design elements iscomplete.Preliminary Engineering - The engineering and architectural services necessary to develop the information requiredprior to commencing detail or final design.Private Branch Exchange - A telephone exchange serving a single organization and having connections to a publictelephone exchange.Procedural Safety - Acceptable hazard mitigation achieved or enhanced by compliance with administrative oroperational restrictions.Product Assurance - A methodology used to ensure that the design will perform its intended functions if constructedand operated as expected.Profile - The vertical location of a guideway or a roadway as described by curves and tangents defining its position withrespect to the surrounding area. See Alignment.Profile Grade Line - A line, based on a vertical datum (reference), which defines the vertical alignment of the track,applied at the top of the low rail.Qualification Test - A one-time performed by a manufacturer to demonstrate the ability of an item to function inaccordance with specified requirements. Sometimes identified as a "proof of design" test.QualityoooooQuality - The as-built degree of optimization of an item or material to the required attributes.Quality Assurance - The activities that apply engineering techniques to monitor, measure, evaluate,control, and improve all design, construction, manufacturing, and inspection, with the objective ofproviding an acceptable level of confidence that the end item will perform as required.Quality Assurance/Control Inspector - Engineering inspector authorized to accept or reject items such asmaterials, systems, structures, components, equipment, or operations, and to test on the basis ofnon-conformance with pre-defined attributes or inspection plans.Quality Assurance Program - All those planned and systematic actions defined to provide confidence thatstructures, system, components, parts, or materials are designed, erected, manufactured, or installed inaccordance with applicable criteria drawings, specifications, and codes.Quality Control - The discipline which involves the examination of characteristics of a structure, systemmaterial, component, or part and which assures the construction, fabrication or manufacture of uniformend products within specified tolerance limits, in accordance with design drawings and/or specifications.Queuing Space - Adequate space provided in the approach sides of fare-vending machines, fare gates, escalators orother service elements to prevent undue crowding of patrons.RRadiating Coaxial Cable - An antenna formed by modifying a radio frequency transmission cable to allow it to receiveor transmit energy along its entire length. Used in locations shielded from normal antenna radiation such as subway orbuilding structure. Also called a "lossy line".Radio Base Station - A land station in the land-mobile service carrying on a radio communication service with portable,mobile, and fixed stations.Radio Satellite Receiver - An auxiliary radio receiver at a fixed location used in conjunction with a radio base station toextend the area of satisfactory signal reception from portable and mobile stations. Typically located in a outer portion ofthe base station's area of coverage from which reception at the base station of signals from portable and mobile stationswould be marginal.RailoClosure Rails - The rails between the parts of any special trackwork layout, such as the rails between theswitch and the frog in a turnout; in addition, the rails connecting the frogs of a crossing or of adjacentcrossings, but not forming parts.A-18

oooooo0ooContinuous Welded Rail - A number of rails welded together into a single length.Guard Rail - A rail installed parallel to and inside of the running rails of a track to hold wheels in correctalignment to prevent their flanges from striking the points of turnout, or crossing frogs, or the points ofswitches. The term as sometimes applied to other track structures is more properly referred to asrestraining rail.Head-Hardened Rail - Tee rail which has a Brinell hardness between 321 and 388 on the head of the rail,which is achieved by induction or flame methods.Inside Rail - On a curved track, the rail closer to the curve center; the rail with the shorter radius. On acurved track which is superelevated, it is sometimes referred to as the "low rail."Outside Rail - On a curved track, the rail farther from the curve center; the rail with the longer radius. On acurved track which is superelevated, it is sometimes referred to as the "high rail."Premium Rail - Tee rail which has a Brinell hardness between 321 and 388, which is achieved by heattreating or by manufacturing using magnesium or chromium steel alloys.Restraining Rail - See Guard Rail.Running Rail - The steel beam that carries the load and guides the flanged wheel of a steel- wheeled vehicle.Standard Rail - Tee rail manufactured using an alloy of elements prescribed by the AREA.° Stock Rail - The fixed running rail that the switch point bears against at a turnout.oo0oTee Rail - The common class of steel rail for track construction which is symmetrical in section andresembles an inverted letter "T." The term "standard" is commonly associated with tee rail sections.Rail Anchor - A device which clamps to the base of a rail and bears against the side of a cross tie therebyrestraining longitudinal rail movementRail Fastener - A device used to secure the running rails to cross lies or concrete trackbed for proper lateraland longitudinal support of the rail.Rail Operations Controller (RO) - An operating person, within a control center, whose function it is todispatch trains, monitor train operation, and to intervene in the event of disruption of schedule, or whenany change in service or routine is required.Rail Transit System - An electrified fixed-guideway transportation system, using steel rails, operating for the massmovement of passengers within a city or metropolitan area and consisting of its guideway, transit vehicles and otherrolling stock, power, communications and control systems, maintenance facilities, and other stationary and movableapparatus and equipment, as well as its operating practices and personnel.Rail Transit Vehicle - An electrically propelled passenger-carrying rail vehicle characterized by high acceleration andbraking rates for frequent stops and high rates of loading and unloading.Rapid Transit - A public transit facility operating on exclusive, grade separated fixed right-of-way. Buses operating onexclusive, grade separated roadways are included in this definition.Raster - The method of scanning drawing hard-copy into a digital format resulting in an image made up ofindividual pixels, instead of vector lines and arcs.Rateo0Acceleration Rate - Positive time rate of change of speed of a vehicle.Brake Rate - See Braking.Records Center - An office of an operating department responsible for operation and maintenance data collection anddissemination of such activities as maintenance, schedule vehicle and equipment histories, failure reports, warrantyreports, and standards.Reference Files - A design file that is attached to and viewed simultaneously with the active design file. Reference filescan be used for constructions in the active design file, but cannot themselves be modified. Elements can be copied froma reference file to a design file.Regeneration - The process of supplying the energy generated during dynamic braking into the primary tractionelectrification distribution system.Regulator, Speed - An onboard vehicle subsystem, generally but not necessarily a part of the automatic train operationsystem, which controls acceleration and braking effort for the vehicle to reach and maintain a desired speed within adesired tolerance.A-19

Relay - An electromagnetic device that is operated by a variation in the conditions of one electric circuit to affect theoperation of other devices in the same or another electric circuit.Relay Zone - A grouping of tracks and switches used for temporary routing of cars during a consist change.Reliability - The ability of a part component, assembly, element, subsystem, system element, or die system to performits intended function within the design limits and time and without failure, expressed as a probability.ooAchieved Reliability - The reliability level which has actually been attained at some point in time.Reliability Block Diagram - A schematic representation which portrays item operation by showing allpossible success paths.Remote Communications Terminal - Communications apparatus at a passenger station, yard, or shop.Remote Station - A station physically removed from a master station where units of switchgear or other equipment arecontrolled by supervisory control or from which supervisory indication or selected telemeter readings are obtained.Repair - The maintenance activity which restores a malfunctioning item to an operable state.Repairable - The condition of a malfunctioning item that can be restored to an operable state regardless of cost.Reparable - The condition of a malfunctioning item that can be economically restored to an operable state.Response Time - The time used by equipment, operator, or both, that elapses between the moment an action is calledfor and when the desired result occurs.Retrofit - As applied to vehicles and facilities, to equip with new parts or equipment to modify the original design (ascontrasted with overhaul or replacement-in-kind).Revenue Operations - Movements of vehicles and operation of associated apparatus for the purpose of carryingpassengers in scheduled service, including the movements of vehicles to and from regular storage locations.Revenue Service - The transportation of passengers.Reverberant Field - The region in a room where the reflected sound dominates, as opposed to the region close to thenoise source, where the direct sound dominates.Reverberation - The continuation of sound reflections within an enclosed space after the sound source has stopped.Reverberation Time - The time taken for the sound-pressure level in a room to decrease to one-millionth (60 dB) of itssteady-state value after the source of sound energy is suddenly interrupted. It is a measure of the persistence of a soundin a room and of die amount of acoustical absorption present inside the room.Reversible Track - A section of track on which the prescribed direction of running can be reversed.Ridership - The number of persons using the transit system within any given time period.Right-of-Way - All land purchased, leased, or otherwise acquired by the Authority for the development and operationof the DART projectRisk Management - The evaluation of safety effects of potential hazards and the acceptance, control, or elimination ofsuch hazards with respect to expenditure of resources.Roadbed - The earth bed or foundation which supports the subballast, ballast, ties, and rail of a ballasted track structure,sometimes referred to as subgrade.Rock - Ground capable of supporting itself for either a limited or unlimited period. The lower strength boundary ofrock may be as low as 100 pounds per square inch (psi), provided considerable continuity exists in the form ofmassiveiiess or cementation.Rock Bolts - Steel bars inserted into the ground surrounding the tunnel to maintain or increase its self- supportingcapability. The bars are inserted into predrilled holes and held in place by encapsulation with a resin or cement grout.Rock bolts may be pre-tensioned to a specific value to increase their binding value and the stress in the ground. Rockdowels are rock bolts with pre-tension.Rock Stabilization - Controlling the tunnel configuration by whatever method necessary. The term includes steel setsor lattice girders which support the ground, and rock bolts or shotcrete, which reinforce the rock.Rolling Stock - A term generally referring to transit and maintenance vehicles.Route - A succession of contiguous track blocks between two controlled gates or interlocked signals.ooConflicting Route - Two or more routes, opposing, converging or intersecting, over which movementscannot be made simultaneously without possibility of collision.Route Request - The registration at an interlocking of a desired interlocked route.A-20 "7"

Runoff Space - Adequate space provided in the exiting areas of fare gates, entrances, and escalators to prevent undocrowding of patrons.Rush Hour - See Peak Hour.Safe - Free from or having an acceptably low probability of exposure to defined danger or loss.Safety Critical - A designation placed on a system, subsystem, element, component, device, or function denoting thatsatisfactory operation of such is mandatory to ensure patron, personnel, equipment, or facility safety. Such adesignation dictates incorporation of special safety design features.Secondary Tracks - See Yard and Secondary Tracks.Section <strong>Design</strong>er - Individual engineering or architectural-engineering firms retained to prepare the design, contractdrawings, specifications, and cost estimates for certain sections of the rapid transit system.Service Aisles - Paved aisles in yards between storage tracks for movements of service vehicles and their personnel andequipment. Such vehicles may include electric carts, forklifts, and specially designed cleaning crew vehicles.Service Brake - The primary train brake system(s).Service Brake Application - Any non-emergency brake application.Service Dependability - The combination of reliability and operating characteristics of a system that describes on-timesystem performance probability.Service Gate - A gate controlled by the station attendant through which materials and personnel may pass tocircumvent the fare gates in a barrier-equipped system.Shop Facilities - Facilities, usually located within or adjacent to a storage yard, for the maintenance of transit vehiclesand vehicle components, and which may include facilities for the maintenance of fixed plant and wayside systems andequipment.Shotcrete - Pneumatically applied concrete. Steel fiber, plastic fiber, or fiberglass fiber may be mixed in the shotcrete forcrack control.Shunting Sensitivity (Track Circuit) - The maximum impedance in ohms which, when measured at the most adverseshunting location, will cause the track circuit to detect the presence of a train.Sidewalk Entrance - An entrance to a transit station located in the sidewalk right-of-way, between the building line andthe street curb line, and usually adjacent to the curb line.Signal - A means of communicating information.ooooooooooooSignal Aspect - The appearance of a fixed signal conveying an indication as viewed from the direction of anapproaching train; the appearance of a cab signal conveying an indication of signal-system status andviewed by an observer in the cab.Audible Signal - A sound-producing device used for attracting attention.Block Signal - A fixed signal at the entrance to a block used to govern trains entering and using that block.Bumping Post Signal - A signal to advise that a bumping post is ahead at a temporary or permanent end ofthe track.Cab Signal - A visual indicator in the train operator's cab which conveys the automatic block aspectsindicating die prevailing speed command.Call-on-Signal - An interlocked signal aspect which permits a train to enter an occupied block at restrictedspeed.Cleared Signal - A signal which has been caused to display an aspect to proceed.Color Light Signal - A signal which displays aspects by means of lighted color lenses.Dwarf Signal - A wayside aspect at an elevation below the eye level of the train operator.Fixed Signal - A signal of fixed location indicating a condition affecting the movements of a train.Flashing-Light Signal - A highway crossing signal, the indication of which is given by two horizontal redlights flashing alternately at predetermined intervals, or a fixed signal in which the aspects are given bycolor and by the flashing of one or more of the signal lights.Hand Signal - Any signal given by an individual located at trackside to govern trains.A-21

ooooooooHome Signal - A fixed signal at the entrance of a route or block.Impulse Signal - An automatic signal, not displaying a visible aspect, which is read and automaticallyresponded to by carbome equipment, thereby regulating train movement.Interlocking Signal - A wayside signal which governs movements into or within interlocking limits.Opposing Signals - Wayside signals which govern train movements in opposite directions n the same track,Proceed Signal - A wayside, hand, or cab signal displaying any aspect which conveys indication thatpermits a train to move.Repeater Signal - A wayside signal used to provide a mimic of the control aspect in areas of restricted sightdistance.Signal Indication - The information conveyed by the aspect of a signal.Wayside Signal - A device located along the wayside providing a visual indication to train operatorsrelative to allowable train speed or routing.Simulation - The exercising or operation of a model of an item in lieu of operating the item itself. The item model maybe scale hardware of systems, a breadboard model, or a mathematical representation that can be operated manually orwith the use of a computer.Single Unit - A self-contained transit vehicle capable of running as a single car as opposed to one car in a mulliunitconsist. Control cabs are located at both ends. Single units are easily and quickly connected to and disconnected fromother cars.Skip Stop (Station Run Through) - An operating procedure in which a train intentionally passes through a stationwithout stopping.Slide (Wheel) - The condition where the wheel tread speed is less than train speed.Soft Ground - Ground incapable of supporting itself for any period of time, and which therefore needs immediate andcontinuous support Such ground may be non-cohesive (e.g., clean sand) partially cohesive (e.g., silt)' sand) or cohesive(e.g., clay). Moderately to heavily weathered rock which has lost much or all of its self- supporting capability isconsidered soft ground.Sound Absorption Coefficient ( ) - The absorption coefficient of a material is the ratio of the sound absorbed by thematerial to that absorbed by an equivalent area of open window. The absorption coefficient of a perfectly absorbingsurface would be 1.0 while that for concrete or marble slate is approximately 0.01 (a perfect reflector would have anabsorption of 0.00).Sound-Pressure Level - The sound-pressure level of a sound in decibels is 20 times the logarithm to the base of 10 of theratio of the RMS value of the sound pressure to the RMS value of a reference sound pressure. The standard referencesound pressure is 20 micro-pascals as indicated in ANSI Sl.8-1969, "Preferred Reference Quantities for AcousticalLevels."Source Inspection - Inspection performed at a supplier's plant.Special Entrance (Public or Private) - An entrance to a subway or other station from a store, office building, or otherpublic or private building. Usually at mezzanine level.Special Trackwork - A generic term referring to switches and rail crossings.SpeedooooooCivil Speed Limit - The maximum speed allowed in a specified section of track as determined by physicallimitations of the track structure, train design and passenger comfort (based on 2- inch superelevationunbalance).Command Speed - That speed limit being imposed upon a train at a given point in time by the automatictrain protection system.Maximum Authorized Speed (MAS) - The highest speed limit which is ever authorized in a given tracksection by the signal system or operating rules.Operating Speed Limit - See Civil Speed Limit.Reduced Speed - The order to proceed slowly and be prepared to slop short of another train or obstruction.Any speed less than MAS.Restricted Speed - The order to proceed slowly, and be prepared to stop short of another train, obstruction,maintenance activities or switch not properly aligned, and to look out for broken rail, at a speed establishedby operating rules and procedures. Train rules may be imposed by written instruction or the signalingsystem.A-22

ooSafety Speed Limit - The maximum speed allowed in a specified section of track as determined by physicallimitations of die track structure, train design and passenger safety (based on 4- inch superelevationunbalance).Schedule Speed - The speed called for to comply with the train-operating schedule.Speed Distance Profile - A graphical representation of speed against distance traveled.Spin (Wheel) - The condition wherein the wheel tread speed is greater than the transit vehicle speed. Commonlycalled wheel slip.Spin-Slide System - The transit-vehicle-borne system for detecting and minimizing a spin or slide condition.Spotting - Placing a train in a designated location for loading, unloading, storage, or maintenance.Standard Drawings - Drawings defining facilities or equipment configurations that will be repetitively used throughoutthe DART system. Standard drawings may be used as drawings. No modifications may be made to details onstandard drawings to fit specific requirements of the project without prior approval of the Authority.Standard Times - The average times required to perform a given maintenance or operations task. These times areusually estimated originally and constantly refined to reflect experience and progress. They are a measure ofproduction and most useful in estimating personnel, material, and budget requirements as well as for cost control.Standby Redundancy - Parallel elements, one of which is not activated until its operation is required as a result of priorelement failures.Stand-up Time - The time the excavated ground is capable of self-support. Ravelling from crown and sidewall ispermitted, provided it is not so extensive that chimneying (substantial loss of ground overhead) or running (loss ofground in the face) become a threat.StationooooooooooStation - The complex of structures and platforms and surrounding access areas, including parking areaswithin the boundaries of the station site to enable patrons to enter and leave the transit system.Station, Above-Ground - A station located entirely on grade or an aerial structure.Station, Aerial - Any DART station in which the tracks and platforms are located on aerial structures.Station, At-Grade - Any DART station in which die tracks rest directly on grade. Grade may be the naturalgrade, an open cut or retained fill.Station Attendant - An Authority representative at the station who has constant contact with the public andwhose responsibilities include carrying out most of the station operational functions of supervision,administration, and communication.Station Attendant's Booth - The enclosed space located at stations occupied by a station attendantSometimes called a kiosk.Station Trainway/Trackway - That portion of a station through which trains run.Station, On-line - A station area in which transit vehicles on the route must pass.Station Program - An outline of the work of the designer defining scope, states of design at submittals,budget, and schedules.Station, Underground - A station in which the major portion of die structure is located below the finishedgrade and is completely enclosed.Statistical Distribution Terms for Noise and Vibration -o L99 and L/xi are descriptors of the typical minimum or "residual" background noise vibration) levelsobserved ruing a measurement period, normally made up of the summation of a large number of soundsources distant from the measurement position and not usually recognizable as individual noise sources.The most prevalent source of this residual noise is distant street traffic. L» and Lc» are not stronglyinfluenced by occasional local motor vehicles passing by. They can be influenced by stationary sourcessuch as air conditioning equipment, however.ooLJO represents a long-term statistical median noise level over the measurement period and does reveal thelong-term influence of local traffic.LIQ describes typical or average levels for die maximum noise levels occurring; for example, during nearbypassbys of trains, trucks, buses and automobiles, when there is relatively steady traffic. Thus, while LIOdoes not necessarily describe die typical maximum noise levels observed at a point, it is strongly influencedby the momentary maximum noise level occurring during vehicles passing by at most locations.A-23

oLi, the noise level exceeded for 1 percent of the time, is representative of the occasional, isolated maximumor peak level which occurs in an area. Li is usually strongly influenced by maximum short-duration noiselevel events that occur during the measurement time period. It is often determined by aircraft or largevehicles passing by.Stopping Distance - The maximum distance on any portion of any railroad which any train, operating on such portionof railroad at its maximum authorized speed, will travel during a full-service application of the brakes, between thepoint where such application is initiated and the point where the train comes to a stop.Storage Life - The length of time an item can be stored under specified conditions and still meet specified operationalrequirements. Also known as shelf life.Subballast - A material that will provide a semi-impervious layer between the ballast and the subgrade to facilitatedrainage and distribute lads to the subgrade.Subgrade - The finished surface of the roadbed below the level of subballast or track slab.Substation - A facility containing electrical equipment, such as transformers and switchgear, which provides electricpower to stations, vehicles, and guideways.Subsystem - A defined portion of a system which is in turn composed of equipment components, assemblies or parts.The public address system, for example, is a subsystem of the communications system.Subway - That portion of a transit line which is constructed beneath the ground surface, regardless of its method ofconstruction.Subway Environment Simulation - A complex model of subway system elements including heat sources, profile andalignment, stations, and line sections, use to determine subway ventilation requirements under normal and abnormalconditions.Subway Station - See Station, Underground.Superelevation - The difference in vertical height, measured at the centerline of the tops of rails, between the outer railand the inner rail.Superstructure - All those parts of an aerial structure or bridge which extend above the bridge seats, tops of piers,haunches or rigid frames, or the spring lines of arches.Supervisory and Control - A system for remote electrical control and indication of remote located units over one ormore common interconnecting channels or lines.Supervisory Control Point, Control, and Indication - A control point permitting remote control of an end device withreport and display of its status.Switch - A track structure with movable rails to divert rolling stock from one track to another.oooooo0ooooElectropneumatic Switch - A track switch operated by an electropneumatic switch and lock movement,Hand-Operated Switch - A switch which can only be operated manually.Interlocked Switch - A track switch within the interlocking limits the control of which is interlocked withother functions of the interlocking.Normal Switch Position - The position of a track switch and its control when corresponding to the definedtrack layout for predominant traffic routing.Reverse Switch Position - The position of a track switch and its controls when opposite to the normalposition.Switch and Lock Movement (Switch Machine) - A device which performs the functions of unlocking,operating and locking a switch, movable point frog, or derail.Switch, Facing Point - A track switch, the points of which face traffic approaching the direction for whichthe track is signaled.Switch Indicator - An indicator used to indicate the position of switch points.Switch Point - A movable tapered track rail, the point of which is designed to fit against the stock rail.Switch, Point of - The end of a switch rail farthest from the frog.Switch Point, Undercut - A switch in which the stock rails are undercut to mate with or nest the switchrails, so that the actual point of the switch rail does not protrude beyond the original outline of the rail headof the stock rails, and its effective width at the point is zero. Consequently, the vertex of the switch angle isA-24

oooolocated at the actual point of switch rather than ahead of it. The undercut switch point is as per detail 5100of AREA Plan Basic No. 221, "Details For Switch Points."Switch Rail (Switch Point) - The tapered rail of a split switch.Switch, Split - A switch consisting essentially of two movable switch rails.Switch, Track - A pair of switch points with their fastenings and operating rods providing the means forestablishing a route from one track to another.Switch, Trailing Point - A track switch, the points of which face away from traffic approaching in thedirection for which the track is signaled.System - The composite of facilities and equipment, personnel, and procedures of the transit system, such as the vehicle,train control, communications, electrification, fare collection, and stations, which, when used together as an entity, iscapable of performing the required function.oooooooSystem Assurance - The technical activities performed within the disciplines f quality assurance, reliability,maintainability, system safety, system security, and human factors that assure and verify the design,construction, operations, and maintenance of a system.System Description - A top-level document which defines the overall system and subsystems, andidentifies their functions, relationships, interfaces, and requirements.System Safety - The application of operating, technical, and management techniques and principles to diesafety aspects of a system throughout its life, to reduce hazards to the lowest level possible through themost effective use of available resources.System Safety Engineering - The application of scientific and engineering principles during the design,development, manufacture, and operation of a system to meet or exceed established safety goals.System Safety Management - The organized planning, controlling and integration of all efforts directedtoward system safety.System Safety Verification - A written statement testifying to the fact that the operating transit system isconsidered to be safe for operation, within the state-of-the-art, for patrons, employees, emergency servicepersonnel, the general public, and property, and that such a condition is attested to by the developingauthority."Safe" in this connotation refers to four different but overlapping concerns:Fire/Life Safety' - Elimination, minimization, or control of potential hazards to patrons, employees,and emergency service personnel, and the protection of property from damage by fire or explosion.Occupational Safety - Elimination, minimization, or control of potential hazards to employees andemergency service personnel.Human Factors and <strong>Design</strong> Accommodations for Elderly and Handicapped People - Elimination,minimization, or control of potential hazards to patrons and employees, particularly the elderly andhandicapped, caused by the interface of people with system hardware and operation.System Safety - Elimination, minimization, or control of potential hazards to patrons and the generalpublic, and the protection of property from damage.System Security - The actual or perceived protection of the public, transit system employees, and the transitsystem from crime and vandalism.Tangent - Any portion of the railway alignment without horizontal curvature.Telephone Channel - A communication channel suitable for the transmission of voice or tone signals.Test Track - A length of non-revenue service track of sufficient length to safely operate a car or train through aperformance cycle (start, accelerate, run at constant speed, decelerate, and stop). The track may be equipped with all thesystem safety features to include track circuits and cab signals for automatic train protection.Throat - That portion of a yard that connects the storage area to the main line lead tracks.Ticket Vendor - Machine located at a transit system station to dispense tickets.Time Release - A device used to prevent the operation of a piece of equipment until after the expiration of apredetermined time interval after (lie device has been actuated.A-25

Top-of-Rail - The profile line representing the elevation f the top of the running surface of rails. Where superelevationexists, the top-of-rail profile represents the inside or lower running rail, unless otherwise indicated.TrackooooTrack, Ballasted - Track constructed of rails, ballast, and cross ties. It is the predominant form of trackconstructed at-grade, but it may also be used on bridges.Track Block - Generally, a length of track of defined limits. For DART, a track section equipped to detecttrain occupancy anywhere in the section and to transmit the same speed command to a train anywhere inthe section.Track Concrete - The leveling course of reinforced concrete used in all direct-fixation track. Frequentlycalled a second pour.Track, Direct-Fixation - Track constructed of rail, elastomeric rail fasteners, associated hardware and trackconcrete, where fasteners are attached to track concrete by means of anchor bolts.° Track, Drill - A track connecting with the ladder track, over which cars move back and forth in switching,oooooooooooTrack, Ladder - A track connecting successively the body tracks of a yard.Track, Lead - An extended track connecting either end of a yard with the main track. Also see Track,Transfer Zone.Track, Main Line - Track constructed for the primary purpose of carrying passengers.Track, Pocket - A track auxiliary to the main track for meeting, passing, turnback or storing trains. Usuallyaccessible from both main tracks on a double-track transit line. May be single ended or double ended.Track, Repair Shop - A track on which cars are placed ro repairs,Track, Running - A track reserved for movement through a yard.Track Slab - The reinforced concrete foundation that supports the track itself, generally in conjunction withdirect-fixation track; can be the deck of a bridge on the invert slab of a subway structure. Frequently calledthe first pour.Track, Storage - Each of the parallel tracks of a yard upon which cars are stored.Track, Tail - A track section connected to the main track beyond the limits of revenue service. May be usedto provide overrun space for accommodating maximum stopping distance or in some configurations, mayaccommodate reversing moves or out-of-use train storage.Track, Transfer Zone - A length of defined limit track connecting the main line track with the yard trackand used to transfer control between main line operation and yard operation.Track, Wayside Storage - One or more tracks off the main for storing equipment or cars.Trackway - The foundation on which the track is constructed. It usually consists of an earthen roadbed. In addition, itmay be a track slab for support of direct-fixation track; or it may be a ballasted bridge deck or direct-fixation bridgedeck. In ballasted track the trackway surface is the subgrade or roadbed/subballast interface. In direct-fixation track,the trackway surface is the track slab on which the track structure including the track concrete is constructed.Trackwork Directive Drawings - Drawings of trackwork elements including typical ballasted and direct-fixation tracksections which provide preliminary design guidance for preparation of final detail design f trackwork and interfacingelements. They convey design criteria in graphical or plan form.Trackwork Standard Drawings - Drawings of standard trackwork elements including special trackwork, gradecrossings, ballast and direct-fixation track sections, anchoring patterns, and spiking patterns. They are procurement,fabrication, and construction drawings developed during detail design for all standard trackwork installations.Traction Electrification System - The substations, feeder cables, catenary system and other equipment that provideelectrical power for movement of trains.Traction Motor - Motor on-board the transit vehicle that propels the vehicle.Traction Power Substation - An electrical facility for conversion of high voltage AC power to DC power at the designvoltage to power transit vehicles.Traffic Direction - The designed predominant direction of train traffic as specified by the book of rules.TrainooTrain - A consist of one or more transit vehicles combined into an operating unit.Train Berth - Tine space designated for a train of given length to occupy, when it is stopped at a stationplatform, in a terminal, on transfer track, or at some designated place.A-26

oooTrain Control Center (TCQ - The offices of the system in which communications, traction electrification,signals, and closed-circuit television are operated and monitored. In addition, it is the area where allemergency and malfunction alarms are annunciated and recorded. May include additional systemfunctions as appropriate.Train Control Receiver - A device on a vehicle placed in a position to be influenced inductively or actuatedby an automatic train control or cab signal roadway element.Train Detection - A method by which the presence of a train in a block is known.o Train Identification - A method of identifying trains using information such as number, destination,length, or a combination of these elements. May be accomplished electronically for such functions asrouting.ooTrain Length - The number of units (transit vehicles) in a train; its overall length in dimensions of distance,Train Number - Numerical designation of a train.° Train Operations - the function involving the authorized operation of trains over main line routes andwithin yard limits according to established schedules, rules, and procedures.oTrain Operator - An Authority employee in service on board a train whose principal duties are to operatethe cab controls, oversee safety, provide required security, and assist in emergency operation.° Train Start Lights - Indicators at terminal stations which, in conjunction with manual or automatic traindispatchers, are used to maintain scheduled train operation.oTrain Washer (Car Washer) - An automatic apparatus made up of brushes, spray arches, solution tanks,water reclamation system, and controls to wash cars or trains passing through the apparatus.Transducer - Any device used to transmit the energy of one power system in predetermined proportions to that ofanother.Transfer Level - The level, immediately above the platforms of adjoining stations, which is common to each station andfacilities transfer of patrons between transit lines.Transfer Table - A device for transferring cars from one track to another parallel track, consisting of a bridge- likestructure carrying a section of track, and fitted with flanged wheels at each end that roll on steel rails laid along eitherside of a long pit. May be configured to serve as a turntable.Transfer Ticket - Ticket issued to a transit passenger who is changing from one transit vehicle to another.Transit Agency - Identification of the group who will assume overall authority and responsibility for the developmentand operation of the rapid transit system. See DART.Transit Mall - A public street or way dedicated to the exclusive use of mass transit operations, whether bus or rail; usedin conjunction with pedestrian malls to facilitate the circulation of transit patrons and general public pedestrian traffic.Transit System - See System.Transit Vehicle - A passenger-carrying vehicle propelled by motor or engine, designed for fast loading and unloadingof passengers and frequent starting and stopping.Tread Brake Unit - A xmit composed of brake shoe and apparatus to apply the brake shoe towheel tread.Trip - The one-way movement of one person between point of origin and point of destination; includes walking to andfrom the means of transportation.Trip Cock - A train-mounted mechanical or electro-mechanical device which, when activated by a trip stop, results in abrake application.Trip Distribution - The procedure of estimating the geographic orientation in distance and direction of the traveldemand from a specific analysis area.Trip Generation - The procedure of estimating the amount of travel demand for various purposes for a specific analysisarea.Trip Stop - A mechanical or electrical device located on the wayside which initiates a brake application on a train whichpasses the device.Trip Time - The total time required for a passenger to make a one-way trip between designated origin/destinationpoints on the system, including access time, waiting time, corridor travel time, and transfer time.Trolley Wire - See contact wire.A-27

Truck - A major transit vehicle assembly, which includes structural members, wheels and axles, motors, gearboxes,brakes, collectors, cable, and piping.Truck Hoist - Apparatus, either electro-mechanical or hydraulic, generally used in conjunction with body hoists, forraising transit vehicles for inspection and maintenance.Truck Lift - Similar to garage auto lifts, usually hydraulic, used to position separate car trucks at various elevations formaintenance.Tunnel - An underground or underwater passageway.Turnback - The operation in which the running direction of a train is reversed, usually at a terminal station, and themovement is in the "normal" direction of travel for the scheduled track.Turnback Time - The time required to reverse train direction at a terminal station or intermediate turnback location,excluding station dwell time.Turnout - See Switch.o Turnout Equilateral - A turnout in which the diversion, due to the angle of the turnouts, is equally dividedbetween the track from which die turnout is made.ooTurnout, Lateral - A turnout in which the diversion, due to the angle of the turnout, is entirely on one sideof the track from which the turnout is made.Turnout Number - The number corresponding to the number of the frog used in the turnout.Turntable - A device built into the maintenance track system for turning separated or disconnected trucks for removalfrom or installation on a transit vehicle; or a larger version for turning complete transit vehicles. The device may beelectro-mechanical or air cushion.uUnpaid Area - That portion of a station which lies outside the fare collection barrier.Vehicle Maintenance Shop - An all-purpose facility' performing the different levels of maintenance of transit vehiclesgenerally split between service and inspection shops and main shops.Velocity Level - Frequently called the "vibration velocity level". Vibration velocity is the rate of change of displacementof a vibration. The velocity level is 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the RMS value of the velocity tothe reference velocity. The reported vibration velocity levels are all referenced to 10* in/sec. Above approximately 10Hz, human response to vibration is more closely correlated to the velocity level than the acceleration level.Vertical Circulation Element - Escalator, elevator, stair, ramp, handicap lift, and any other station elements used bypatrons to change levels.Video Matrix Switcher (VMS) - A device consisting of two or more switches or their electronic equivalent capable ofhandling video signals by which each input signal to the device may be connected to any output of the device withoutinterfering with similar connections being made simultaneously for all other input signals. Typically used at a videomonitoring or control center to connect the incoming signals to video monitors and recorders.Video Sequential Switcher (Sequencer) - A device providing for the connection in turn of one of two or more videosignals to a single output. Typically used at a remote location such as a transit station to connect in turn the signals fromeach camera at the location to a single video transmission path to the monitoring center.Weighted Velocity Level - The vibration velocity level which a weighting factor has been added. The weighingdeemphasizes the low frequencies in a manner similar to human response to vibration.Vital Component or Circuit - Any device, circuit, or software module used to implement a vital function.Vital Function - A system, subsystem, component or equipment dial provides a function critical to safety.Vital Relay - A relay, meeting certain stringent specifications, designed so that the probability of failure is so low as tobe considered, for all practical purposes, nonexistent.wWayside - A term generally used to refer to die area along the path of a transit vehicle.A-28

Wheel Grinding Machine - A machine built into a shop track system for removing flat spots or metal buildup fromwheel treads by use of abrasive stones.Wheel Press - A machine used o press wheels, discs, or gear boxes on and off axles. The machine is generally equippedwith a pressure recording device. It is usually located near a truck repair area.Wheel Spinning Jacks - Mechanical or hydraulic devices, built-in or portable, used for raising a wheel set or sets clear ofrunning rail so the wheels may be rotated under power.Wheel Truing Machine - A machine built into the shop track system for returning the steel wheel profile to originalcontour using a milling cutter or a single point lathe.Wire Train - A train composed of work cars pulled by a prime mover, specifically designed for the installation andmaintenance of the overhead contour system.Work Cars - Generally specially-built, special-purpose type cars such as ballast cars, flat cars, rail cars, and wheel cars.Work Flow - The system of plans and procedures to develop the logical sequence of work tasks required.Work Train - A train composed of work cars pulled by a prime mover, generally a locomotive, and normally used formaintenance purposes or functions.Yard - A system of tracks within defined limits for making up trains and storing cars.Yard Control Tower - An airport-like structure overlooking as much of a yard as possible, housing the personnel andequipment required to control movement of trains and work vehicles both throughout the yard and into and out of theyard from main line tracks.Yardmaster - An operations employee, generally the supervisor of a yard's transportation activity. Frequently calledyard dispatcher.Yard and Secondary Tracks - All tracks constructed for the purpose of switching, storing or maintaining transit vehiclesnot carrying revenue passengers.Yard and Shop Facilities - A network of tracks and support facilities within defined limits designed to provide formaking up trains, storing transit vehicles, and maintaining elements of the rapid transit system.Zone - A length of track of defined limits, the use of which by trains is governed by block signals, cab signals, or both.Zoned-Fare System - A fare structure in which the cost of a trip is a function of the number of geographical zonestraveled.A-29

APPENDIX BDART Standard Abbreviations

APPENDIX BSTANDARD ABBREVIATIONSEach discipline drawing shall comply with these standard abbreviations. Other abbreviations may be added as theDART project matures. Periods are to be used where an abbreviation would otherwise spell a word. The use ofabbreviations shall be minimized except where instances of word (s), length, repetition, standard industry practice,or clarity make the use advantageous. All abbreviations used on contract drawings shall be defined on a standarddrawing(s) in that contract set. Any other method of definition requires prior DART approval.When algebraic, geometric or other variables are used in discipline formulas or notations, they will not be consideredduplicates to any abbreviations as defined in this manual. When such variables are used, they shall be covered by alegend and description in an appropriate location on the drawing or report of which they are a part. Refer toChapter 3, Section 3.4.2, for Project and Drawing Type <strong>Design</strong>ations (Abbreviations).100BASEFL2-PUMS2-PUS2WC/U4WE/M0AA.R.E.A.A/CA/DA/EA/GA/SA/TA/TRAAAAMAAAPAARAASHTOAAVABABDABSABUTABVACACCPACDACIACILACKACPACPLACRACSACSRACTACT-INDACUADADAADCADDADHADJlOOmbps Baseband Fiber LanTwo-Part Polyurethane Modified SealantTwo-Part Polyurethane SealantTwo-Wire Channel UnitFour Wire / Ear And MouthPhaseSorted by Abbreviation...-#--A-Amp, Ampere, Area, AmberAmerican Railway Engineering AssociationAir ConditioningAnalog To DigitalArchitect/ EngineerAt GradeAcrylic-Latex SealantAuto Tension (*A.T.), Auto-TensionedAsh-Trash ReceptableApproach AutomaticArchitectural Aluminum ManufacturersAssociationAdvance ApproachAssociation of American RailroadsAmerican Association of State Highway &Transportation OfficialsAutomatic Air VentAnchor BoltAbandoned, AbandonAutomatic Block SignalAbutmentAboveAlternating Current, AcreAir Conditioning Control PanelAutomatic Call DistributionAmerican Concrete InstituteAmerican Council of Independent LaboratoriesAcknowledgeAmerican Concrete Pipe AssociationAuxiliary Control PanelAcrylicAccessAluminum Conductor Steel ReinforcedAcoustical Tile CeilingActivity IndicatorAir Conditioning UnitArea DrainAmerican Disabilities ActAnalog to Digital ConverterAddendumAdhesiveAdjacentADJTADMADRADUAECAENXAERXAFAFCAFFAFOAFRAFXAFZAGAAGGAGGBAGG SBAHAHCPAHCWAHDAHUAHUFAIAAICAISCAISIALALCKALMALSF-2ALTALTEAMAMCAAMENDAMPAMPLAMTANCANDZANDANSIANT.ANXAPAPDAPIAPPAdjustableAdd And Drop MultiplexerAccess DoorAutomatic Dialing UnitArchitectural Engineer ConstructionApproach Extension Normal Highway GradeCrossingApproach Extension Reverse Highway GradeCrossingAudio FrequencyAutomatic Frequency ControlAbove Finished FloorAudio Frequency OverlayAudio Frequency ReceiverAudio Frequency TransmitterAudio Frequency Impedance BondAmerican Gas AssociationAggregateAggregate BaseAggregate Sub-BaseAmpere-hourAir Handling Control PanelAutomatic Highway Crossing WarningAheadAir Handling UnitAir Handling Unit FanAmerican Institute of ArchitectsAmperes Interrupting CapacityAmerican Institute Of Steel ConstructionAmerican Iron and Steel InstituteAluminumAir LockAlarmApproach Light System Type F-2AlternateApproach Locking TimerAmplitude Modulation, Ante MeridiemAir Moving & Conditioning AssociationAmendmentAmperesAmplifierAmmeterAnchorAnodizedAnodeAmerican National Standards InstituteAntennaApproach Normal Highway Grade CrossingApproachAvalanche Photo DiodeAmerican Petroleum InstituteApproach, ApprovedAppendix B B-l 09/03 (Rev,2)

APPRAPPROXAPT.APTAARC.ARCH.AREAARIARRARXASASAASAHCASBCPASCEASCIIASHRAEASMEASPEASPHASQCASRASSYASTMASYNCAT&TATCATC&CATELATMATOATPATRATRCATSFATTEAUDAUTOAUTOTCAUXAVAVEAVGAVLRAVPAWGAWSAWWAAZBB&SB&WB.M.B.S.B/BB/CB/LB/SB/UBAT.BATTBBLApprovedApproximate, ApproximatelyAuxiliary Power TransformerAmerican Public Transit AssociationArmored CableArchitect, Architecture, ArchitecturalAmerican Railway Engineering AssociationAutomatic Route InhibitApproach Railroad SignApproach Reverse Highway Grade CrossingAmmeter SwitchAmerican Standards AssociationAmerican Society of Architectural HardwareConsultantsAsbestos Cement PipeAmerican Society of Civil EngineersAmerican National Standard Code forInformation InterchangeAmerican Society of Heating, Refrigerating &Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc.American Society of Mechanical EngineersAmerican Society of Plumbing EngineersAsphaltAmerican Society for Quality ControlAutomatic Send / ReceiverAssemblyAmerican Society for Testing and MaterialsAsynchronousAmerican Telephone & Telegraph CompanyAutomatic Train ControlAutomatic Train Control & CommunicationsAdministrative TelephoneAlong Track Movement, Automatic TellerMachineAutomatic Train OperationAutomatic Train ProtectionAbove Top of RailAudio Tape RecorderAtchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RailwayCompanyAttenuatorAudible / AudioAutomaticAutomatic Temperature ControlAuxiliaryAir ValveAvenueAverageAutomatic Vehicle Location ReceiverAssistant Vice President - DARTAmerican Wire GaugeAmerican Welding SocietyAmerican Water Works AssociationAzimuthBattery, Blue, BottomBell and SpigotBlack and WhiteBench MarkBritish StandardBack To BackBack of CurbBuilding LineBottom of Slope, Base StationBackupBatteryBatteryBarrelBCBCBBCCBCDBDBDDBEG.BERBFBFABFFBFFSIFBHBIAMPBIFBIFSIFBILBINBIN.BIOSBIT.BJFBKBKFBKRBKWLBLDGBLKBLKGBLVDBMBNRRBOCAEOTBPBPFEPSBRDGBRGBRKBRKTBRSBSBSMTBSOB-SPANBTEBTMBTUBTU/HBTWNBURSBVLBWBWGBXBZ-ccc&sCtoCC&GC/BC/CBranch CircuitBattery Circuit Breaker, Branch Circuit BreakerBus Control CenterBinary Coded DecimalBallast Drain, BoardBack Draft DamperBeginningBit Error RateBoth FacesBy-Pass Feeder AnchorBinary File FormatBinary File Format and Standard InterchangeFormatBored HoleBidirectional AmplifierBinary File FormatBinary File Format and Standard InterchangeFormatBasic Insulation LevelBinaryBinaryBasic Input/ Output SystemBituminousBituminous Joint FillerBackBackfillBreakerBackwallBuildingBlock, Black, Traffic BlockBlockingBoulevardBeamBurlington Northern Railroad CompanyBuilding Officials and Code AdministrationInternational, Inc.BottomBearing Pile, Bumper PostBand-Pass FilterBits per SecondBridgeBearingBrickBracketBlast Relief ShaftBoth SidesBasementBearing of Tangent at SPOBody SpanBerthing TimerBottomBritish Thermal UnitBritish Thermal Unit Per HourBetweenButyl Rubber SealantBeveledBoth Ways, Bottom WidthBirmingham Wire GaugeAC PowerBronze-B-Celcius, Conduit, Conductor, Cycle, RunoffCoefficientCommunications and SignalsCenter To CenterCurb And GutterCove BaseCut & CoverAppendix B B-2 09/03 (Rev.2)

C/GC/LC/Oc/uc/wC_x_CACAACAB.CADDCAESCAMCANTCAT.CATFCATPCAVCBCB-CLCBDCBKCBLCCCCITTCCLCCSCCTVecuCCWCDCECEMCENCCERCER/TCESCFCFDCFFCFLCFMCFSCGCHCHAMCHBKCHDCHGRCHKCHWRCHWSCICICCIHCIMCIPC-I-PCIP(ES)CIP(L)CIPPCIRCCJCKCKRCKTCLComer GuardCurb LineCentral OfficeChannel UnitContact WireAmerican Standard Channel (_x_= Size byweight)Compressed AirComputer-Aided ApplicationCabinetComputer- Aided <strong>Design</strong> and DraftingComputer- Aided Engineering System(s)CameraCantileverCatenaryCatenary FoundationCatenary PoleCavitiesCatch Basin, Cross BondCross Bond Conduit LocationCentral Business DistrictCircuit BreakerCableCenter Of CurveConsultative Committee for InternationalTelephone and TelegraphCentral ControlCentral Control SystemClosed Circuit TelevisionCommunication Control UnitCounter ClockwiseCold DrawnConstruction EasementCementConcrete EncasedCeramicCeramic TileTexas Instruments Duct BankCubic FeetConcrete Fiber DuctCap For FutureCounterflashingCubic Feet Per Minute, ConfigurationManagementCubic Feet Per SecondCenter Of Gravity, Concrete GutterChannel, CheckedChamferChannel BankChordChargerCheckedChilled Water ReturnChilled Water SupplyCast Iron, Curb InletCommunications Interface CabinetCentral Instrument HouseConsole Interface ModuleCast Iron PipeCast-In-PlaceCast Iron Pipe (Extra Strength)Cast Iron Pipe (Cement Lined)Cast Iron Pipe PressureCircular, CirculatorConstruction Joint, Control JointClock (Data Transmission)CheckerCircuitClass, Curve Length, CenterlineCLFCLFUCLGCLGHCLGSCLOCLPCLFTCLRCLSCLTCNDCMFCMOSCMPCMUCNDOCNTRCOCOAXCODCOICOLCOMCOMBCOMMCOMPCOMPOCOMPTCOMRCONCONCCONDCONFCONGCONNCONSCONSTCONTCONTRCONTRJTCONVCORCORRCOTRCPCPCBCPPEPCPTCPUCRCRCCRIGCRIPCRMCRSCRTCSCS1CS2CSHHCSKCSLCSLPCSLPNCSLPRCSMHChain Link FenceCurrent Limiting FuseCeilingCeiling HangerCeiling SupportClosetClay PipeClearance PointClear, ClearanceClosureCurrent LimitingConduitConcrete Monument FoundComplimentary Metal Oxide SemiconductorCorrugated Metal PipeConcrete Masonry UnitConduit OnlyCounterClean Out, Call On, Change OrderCoaxial CableCity Of DallasCity of IrvingColumnCommunications Room (Bungalow)CombinationCommunicationsCompressed, ComparatorCompositionCompartmentCommunications Room or BungalowConstruction LinesConcreteConductorConferenceCongestionConnect, Connector, ConnectionConsoleConstructionContinued, Continuation, ContinuousContractorContraction JointConverterContracting Officers RepresentativeCorrugatedContracting Officer's Technical RepresentativeConcrete Pipe, Control PipeControl Power Circuit BreakerCorrugated Plastic Polyethylene PipeCarpetCentral Processing UnitChecker, Change Request, Conduit RiserCyclic Redundancy CheckChicago, Rock Island & Gulf Railway Co.Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Co.Crew RoomCold Rolled SteelCathode Ray TubeCut Section, Curve To Spiral PointPoint of Change from First Circular Curve toCompound SpiralPoint of Change from SecondCircular Curve to Last SpiralCommunications & Signal HandholeCounterside (Sink)Civil Speed LimitCab Signal LoopNormal Cab Signal LoopReverse Cab Signal LoopCommunications / Signals ManholeAppendix B B-3 09/03 (Rev.2)

CSMTCSNGCSRCSTCSUCTCTBCTCCTECTRCTRLCTSCTUCTYCUCULVCUSTCVCVLcwCWDCWRCWTCYCYLDD.M.S.D/AD/FD/FWD/ID/LD/PD/TDACDACRDACSDACTDARTDASdBDBdBADELdBmdBRAPdBRNdBRNCdBWDCDCDCDRDCEDCUDDDEDECDECDEISDELDEMODEPDESCasementConcealed, Expanded Neoprene GasketCivil Speed RestrictionCast StoneChannel Service UnitCurrent TransformerCement Treated BaseCentralized Traffic ControlContractor to EstimateCenterControlCommunications Transmission Subsystem ,Communication Transmission SystemCentral Terminal UnitCable TrayCopperCulvertCustodialControl ValveCivilCold WaterCreosoted Wood DuctContinuous Welded RailCounterweightCubic YardCylinder-D-Degree of Curvature (Curve)Degrees, Minutes, SecondsDigital To AnalogDrinking FountainDallas/ Fort WorthDrop And InsertDirect LineDrip PotDrain TileDigital to Analog ConverterDigital Alarm Communications ReceiverDigital Access Cross ConnectDigital Access Communications TransmitterDallas Area Rapid TransitData Acquisition SystemDecibelDry BulbDecibels (a scale)DoubleDecibel referenced to one milliwatt, DecibelsReferred to 1 MilliwattDecibels Above Reference AcousticalPower Defined as 10-16 WattDecibels Above Reference NoiseDecibels Above Reference Noise,C-MessageWeightedDecibels Referred to 1 WattDegree Of CurvatureDirect CurrentDallas County Deed RecordsData Circuit Terminating EquipmentData Channel Unit, DART Contract UnitsDisk DriveDemand MeterDecimalDegreeDraft Environmental Impact StatementDeleteDemolish, DemonstrateDepressedDART Electric ServiceDETDEVDFDFD 1DGADGNORRDHDIDIADID.DIFFDILOILSDIM.DIMJDIDDIP.DIP.(L)DIRDIRCDISCDISC SWDISPDISTDISTRDIVDJBDLDLGTDMDMTDNDNRDDNSRDODDOTSNDPDP&LDPDDPDTDPIDPLDPPDPRDPSTDPTEDRDRAM.DRDCDRLDRLSNDRNDRWDRWYDSDS1DSDDSPDSRDSUDSX1DTDTEDTGDTMFDTRDTSDetailDeviceDirect FixationDallas Fire DepartmentDown Guy AnchorDallas Garland Northeast Rail RoadDuct Heater ElectricDrop Inlet, Ductile IronDiameterDirect Inward DialingDiffuserDynamic Insertion LossDuctile Iron Slip-on JointDimensionDuctile Iron Mechanical JointDiscrete Input OutputDiplexer, Ductile Iron PipeDuctile Iron Pipe (Lined)Directional AntennaDirectional CouplerDisconnectDisconnect SwitchDispenserDistanceDistributionDividerDistribution Junction BoxDead LoadDome LightDelta ModulationDemountableDownDestination Route DecoderDestination Storage RegisterDirect Outward DialingDepartment of Transportation SignDampproofing, Distribution Panel (AC)Dallas Power & Light CompanyDallas Police DepartmentDouble Pole, Double ThrowDots Per InchDallas Power & Light CompanyDigital Patch PanelDamperDouble Pole, Single ThrowDispatch TimerDrive, DoorDynamic Random Access MemoryDeed Records Dallas CountyDerailDerail SignDrain, DrainageDrawerDrivewayDownspoutDigital Signal Level 1 (24 DSDS, 1.544Mbgs)Digital Signal Level 0 (64K Bbps)Dry StandpipeData Set Ready Message (Data Transmission)Digital Service UnitDigital Signal Cross Connect Level 1Double ThrowDate Terminal Equipment, Data TerminatingEquipmentData/Time GeneratorDual Tone Multi-FrequencyData Terminal Ready Message (DataTransmission)Data Transmission SystemAppendix B B-4 09/03 (Rev.2)

DTUDDUPDWGDWLSDWTEDWUDXDXCEE/ME/PE/SEaEAEBEBBEBDECECIECSECSSNEDEDCEEPEEPROMEFEFCEFDEHCEHCIEHSEIAEISEJELELECELECPBELEVEMCEMEREMHEMIEMSEMTENCENCLENCSMTENGENGRENTEOFEOSDEPAEPABXEPEJFEPROMEQEQNEQPTEQUIVERH-( )ERLERPEsDallas Terminal Railway & Union Depot Co.DuplexerDrawingDowelsDwell TimerDallas Water UtilitiesDirect ExpansionDigital Cross ConnectExistingEast, Electric, ElectricalE & M SignalingEdge of PavementsEdge of ShoulderActual Superelevation In Inches, SuperelevationIn InchesEachEastboundElectric Baseboard HeaterEquivalent Braking DistanceEmpty Conduit, Exposed ConstructionEnamel Coated Cast IronEnvironmental Control SystemEnd Cab Signal SignEnergy DissipatorEngineering Document Control (DART)Elevator Emergency TelephoneElectrically Erasable Read Only MemoryEach FaceExposed Finish ConcreteEmergency Fan DamperElectric Heating CoilExtra Heavy Cast IronExtra High StrengthElectronic Industries AssociationEnvironmental Impact StatementExpansion JointElevationElectric, ElectricalElectric Panelboard, Electrical PanelboardElevatorElectromagnetic compatibilityEmergencyElectric ManholeElectromagnetic InterferenceEnergy Management System, EmergencyManagement SystemElectrical Metal TubingEncoder, EncasedEnclosureEncasementEnergize, Engineer (Architect)EngineerEntranceEnd Of PlatformEnd of Space <strong>Design</strong>ationEnvironmental Protection AgencyElectronic Private Automatic Branch ExchangeExpanded Polyethylene Joint FillerErasable Read Only MemoryEqual, EquationEquationEquipmentEquivalentElectric Reheat Coil - NumberEcho Return LossEffective Radiated PowerExternal Distance Of Spiral CurveESESCESCLESLESMTESTEtETALETCONETUXETCETELETSETVE-TVE-TV-TEuEVCSEWEWCEXFEXHEXIST.EXPEXPJTEXPOEXPWYEXTEXTREXXONFFtoFF.C.F.O.S.F/CF/FF/MF/PF/RF/TF/WFAFABXFACFACPFAIFBDFCFCCFCMFCOFCUFDFDCFDMFDNFDPFDRFEFECFED SPECFEISFFFFJFFRWFGExtra StrengthEscalatorEscalatorElectric Switch LockEasementEstimateTotal Superelevation in InchesAnchor Bolt and OthersAnchor Bolt and HusbandAnchor Bolt and WifeEt CeteraEmergency TelephoneEmergency Trip StationElectric and TelevisionElectric and TelevisionElectric-Television-TelephoneSuperelevation Unbalanced In InchesEmergency Ventilation Control SystemEach WayElectric Water CoolerExhaust FanExhaustExistingExpansionExpansion JointExposedExpresswayExtension, ExteriorExtrudeExxon Pipeline Company-E--F-FahrenheitFace to FaceFoot CandleFactor Of SafetyFace of CurveFace To FaceFactory MutualFire ProtectionFire RatedFixed TerminationFace Of Wall, Feeder WireFire AlarmFire Alarm BoxFacilityFire Alarm Control Panel, Fire and IntrusionAlarm Control PanelFresh Air IntakeFiberboardFiber Conduit, Frequency ConverterFederal Communications CommissionFare Collection MachineFloor CleanoutFan Coil UnitFloor DrainFire Department ConnectionFrequency Division MultiplexFoundationFiber Distribution PanelFeederFire ExtinguisherFire Extinguisher CabinetFederal SpecificationsFinal Environmental Impact StudyFinished FloorFull Feeding JumperFront Face of Retaining WallFinish GradeAppendix B B-5 09/03 (Rev.2)

FGLFGTFHFHCFHMSFHPFHVFHVCFHWAFIFOme.FIN.FIR.FJFLFLCFLEXFLGFLHFLRFLRHFLSWFLUORFLURFMFMPFMTRFOFOCFOCSFOEFOFFOMFOPFOSFOWFPFPMFPPFPSFRFRAFRCFREFRECFREQFRPFRPCFRWYFSFSCPFSEFSKFSOFSSFSWFTFTAFTEFTELFTGFTWAFUFUNCFURNFURR.FUTFiberglassFare GateFire HydrantFire Hose CabinetFlat Head Machine ScrewFire Hotline PhoneFire Hose ValveFire Hose Valve CabinetFederal Highway AdministrationFirst In, First OutFigureFinishFound Iron RodFeeder JumperFleet, Flow LineFull Load CurrentFlexibleFlangeFlat HeadFloorFloor HydrantFlow SwitchFluorescentFluorescentFrequency ModulationFire Management PanelFrequency MeterFiber OpticsFiber Optic CableFiber Optic Communications SystemFiber Optic EquipmentFace of FinishFace of Masonry, Fiber Optic ModemFace Of PoleFace of Stud, Fiber Optic ScaleFace of WallFireproof, Feeder PoleFeet per MinuteFiber Patch Panel, Fire Patch PanelFeet per SecondFrameFederal Railroad AdministrationFare CollectionFiberglass Reinforced EpoxyFiberglass Reinforced Epoxy ConduitFrequencyFiber Reinforced Polyester, PlasticFiberglass Reinforced Plastic ConduitFreewayFar Side, Field StrengthFire/Security Control PanelFiber Slack EnclosureFrequency Shift KeyingFrequency Shift OverlayFacilities SubstationsFlow SwitchFeet, FootFederal Transit Administration, FixedTermination AnchorTraffic TimerFire TelephoneFootingFort Worth Transit AuthorityFuseFunctionFurnishFurringFutureFVFVEFVNRFVRFWFWDFWRFVVTAFXOFXSFXTRGG/LG/RG/RPLGAGABGALGALVGALVSGAPGBBGCOGCSFGDCPGDPCDSGECGENGFCIGFLGFPGGGHPGHPWGHzGIGIHPGILGLGMGNDGPGPBGPMGPSGRGRANGRLGRPGRSGRSCGRTGGRXGSGSCGSTGTAGTE-SGTOGVGVLGWBGYPGYPBDFare VendorFare Vending EquipmentFull Voltage Non-ReversingFull Voltage ReversingFort WorthFt. Worth & Denver Railway Company,ForwardField Welded RailFort Worth Transit AuthorityForeign Exchange OfficeForeign Exchange SubscriberFixture-G-Gas (Natural), Gutter, GreenGround LineGuard RailGuard Rail PlateGauge, GageSignal Absolute BlockGallonGalvanizedGalvanized SteelSignal ApproachSignal Back to BackGrade CleanoutGulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway CompanyGas Detection Control PanelSignal DispatchGraphic <strong>Design</strong> SystemGeneral Engineering ConsultantGeneral, GeneratorGround Fault Circuit InterrupterGround FaultGround Fault ProtectionGround GridGas High PressureGas High Pressure WrappedGigahertzGrate Inlet, Galvanized IronGas Intermediate High PressureGreen Indicating LampGlassGas MeterGroundGauge Plate, Grand PrairieHighway Crossing Gate Wayside PushbuttonGallons per MinuteGlobal Positioning SystemGradeGraniteGrilleSignal RepeaterGalvanized Rigid SteelGalvanized Rigid Steel ConduitGratingGrade CrossingGeodetic SurveyGalvanized Steel ConduitGlazed Structural TileGas Tube ArresterGTE-Sprint CommunicationsGate-Turn-Off ThyristorGate Valve, Gas ValveGravelGypsum Wall BoardGypsumGypsum BoardAppendix B B-6 09/03 (Rev.2)

HH.D.H.R.L.H/DH/PH/RH/SHAZHBHCHDHDBDHDNRHDPEHDWHDWDHDWLHDWYHEHEXHEXDHFHGLHHHI-ZHLHMHMACHMDHMFHOHOASWHORIZHPHP_x_HPFHPTHRHRLHRRSNHSHSBHSMHSNH-SPANHSSHTCHTGHTRHVHVACHWHWHHWLHWRHWSHWYHXHXAPSNHXLTSNHXNTSNHXRTSNHXSASNHXWSNHz-H-HeightHard DrawnHigh Rail LevelHeavy DutyHigh PressureHead RoomHorseshoeHazardousHose BibHandicap, HandicappedHead, High Double CaseHardboardHardenerHigh Density PolyethyleneHardwareHardwoodHeadwallHeadwayHorizontal EllipticalHexagonalHexadecimalHeel of FrogHydraulic Grade Line, Hydraulic Gradient LineHandholeHigh ImpedanceHeel LengthHollow MetalHot Mix Asphaltic ConcreteHollow Metal DoorHollow Metal FrameHand OperatedHand-Off Automatic SwitchHorizontalHorsepower, High PointBearing Pile Shape, _x_ = size by weightHigh-Pass FilterHigh PointHourHorizontal Reference LineHome Railroad SignHead Set, High Single Case, High StrengthHigh Strength BoltHydrogen Sulfide MonitorHorn SignHead SpanHigh Strength SteelHouston & Texas Central Railroad CompanyHeatingHeaterHigh VoltageHeating, Ventilating & Air ConditioningHot WaterHot Water HeaterHigh Water LineHot Water ReturnHigh Water Surface, Hot Water SupplyHighwayHighway Grade CrossingHighway Grade Crossing Approach SignHighway Grade Crossing Left Turn SignHighway Grade Crossing Number of TrackSignHighway Grade Crossing Right Turn SignHighway Grade Crossing Street Approach SignHighway Grade Crossing Warning SignHertzIycvoVR,IRIAIACPIAPSNIB1CICCICEAICMIDIDAIDENTIDPIEIEEEIESIF.IFTCIHIHPUILLUMIMCIMPIN.INCINCLINDINFOINSULINTINTRINVINVTIPIPCIFFIPMIPSIPSZIRIRSISFISOIXTJJAN.JBJCTJEDECJISJTJVKKAKBkB/SKBDkBTU/HkBTUHRainfall IntensitySingle ConductorInput / OutputIn Running (riding contact wire)Intrusion AlarmIntrusion Alarm and Control PanelInterlocking Approach SignImpedance Bond, InboundIntegrated CircuitInterstate Commerce CommissionInsulated Cable Engineers AssociationIntercomInside DiameterDestination (ID) AutomaticIdentityIntrusion Display PanelInvert ElevationInstitute Of Electrical And Electronic EngineersIlluminating Engineering SocietyInside FaceInterface Terminal CabinetInterstate HighwayIntermediate High PressureInsulated JointIlluminatedIntermediate Metal ConduitIntrusion Management PanelInch, InchesIncorporatedInclude, IncludingIndicate, IndicatorInformationInsulationInteriorIntrusionInvertInverterIron Pipe, Iron PinInstitute of Printed CircuitsIron Pipe/Pin FoundInterruptions Per MinuteIron Pipe/Pin SetIron Pipe SizeInside RadiusIron Rod SetInside FaceIsolatorIsland Crossing TrackJumperJanitorJunction BoxJunctionJoint Electronic Devices Engineering CouncilsJapanese Industrial StandardJointJoint Venture-I--J--K-Kip, Key, Rate of Vertical CurvatureKiloampereKilobyteKilobits per SecondKeyboardThousands Of BTU Per HourThousands of BTU per HourAppendix B B-7 09/03 (Rev. 2)

KCMILKCPKCSKDKFkgkHzKLFKOKOCKOPKPBKPLKRRKSFKSIKSRKTUKVKVAKWKWHLL/Fl/PL/TLAD.LAMLANLAP.LATLAVLBLB/FTLB/LFLB/SFLBS/CFLBS/CYLcLCCLCDLCPLCSLDLDFLDMLDXLdnLEDLeqLFLGLGTLGTHLHLHRLICLINLJLJBLKLKRLLThousand Circular Mils (=MCM)Keene's Cement PlasterKansas City Southern Railway CompanyKorductKip-FootKilogramKilohertzLocal Cable Other Than Impedance Bond orRoom to Room CableKips Per Linear FootKnock-OutKnight of ColumbusKnock-Out PanelTrip Stop Key-By Wayside PushbuttonKick PlateRoom to Room CablesKips per Square FootKips Per Square InchKeyboard Send/ ReceiveKey Telephone UnitKilovoltKilovolt-AmpereKilowattKilowatt - Hour-L -Left, Total Curve LengthLow Frequency By (30 too 300 kHz)Low PressureLeft TrackLadderLaminateLocal Area NetworkLocal Annunciation PanelLight Above the Track, LateralLavatoryLocal Battery, PoundPounds Per FootPounds per Linear FootPounds Per Square FeetPounds Per Cubic FootPounds per Cubic YardLong Chord | RLc Total Length of CircularCurveTotal Length Of Circular CurveLighting Contractor CabinetLiquid Crystal DisplayLocal Control PanelLocal Control StationLaser DiodeLocal Distribution FrameLocal Dispatch MachineLDX Net, Inc.Day-Night Sound LevelLight Emitting DiodeEnergy Equivalent LevelLinear FeetLong, LengthLightingLengthLeft HandLeft Hand ReverseLine Interface CardLinearLeaded JointLoop Junction BoxLockLockerLive LoadLLRULNLNJBLOGLOLLONG.LOSLPLPTELLPELPFLPRTLPTLRLRTLRVLSLsLslLs2LSCLSFSLSGI

MCMMCPMCSMCWDMDMDFMDTMDUMEASMECHMEDMEMBMEZZMFCMFRMGMTMHmHMHzMICMILMINMIRMISMISCMIWKMJMKTMKTTMLDmmMMMMISMOMODMODEMMONMOPMOSMOTMOVMOW.MPMPAMPFMPHMPRRMRMSBMSLMTMTBFMTBMMTCMTDMTGMTLMTRMTTRMULMULDEMMULTMUXmVMVAMWmWThousand Circular MilsMetal Corrugated Pipe, Motor Circuit ProtectorMaster Clock SystemMultiple Creosote Wood DuctsMethane DetectorMain Distribution FrameMean Down TimeMobile Data UnitMeasure, MeasuredMechanicalMediumMembraneMezzanineManufacture, ManufacturingManufacturerManagementManholeMilliheneryMegahertzMicrophoneMilitary Spec, (followed by single capitalletter/ numbers)Minutes, MinimumMirrorManagement Information SystemMiscellaneousMillworkMechanical JointMissouri - Kansas - Texas Railroad CompanyMissouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company ofTexasMoldingMillimeter, Multi-modeMulti-ModeMaintenance Management Information SystemMiddle OrdinantModularModulator-DemodulatorMonument, MonitorMotor OperatedMetal Oxide SemiconductorMotorMetal Oxide VaristorMaintenance Of WayMile Post - More Permissive SpeedMidpoint AnchorMoveable Point FrogMiles Per HourMissouri Pacific Railroad CompanyMop ReceptorMechanically Stabilized EarthMean Sea LevelMount, MountedMean Time Between FailuresMean Time Between MaintenanceMultiple Tile ConduitMounted, Multi-Tile DuctMountingMetalMultiple Track RecorderMean Time to RepairMullionMultiplexer-DemultiplexerMultipleMultiplexerMilivoltMegavolt - AmpereMegawattMillwattMWRNN.R.N.S.N.S.R.N/AN/FN/SNANAAMMNADNASNATNBNBCNBRNBSNCNCTCOGNENECNECNEMANESCNFNFPANFWHNGNGSNICNICADNLNMCNONo.NOMNosNPNPNNFSNPTNRCNSNSPENTMWDNTPNTSNTSNNVNWNXOToOO&MO/CO/LO/RO/SOAOAFOAFROAFXOBOBDMicrowave RadioNew, NorthNew, NorthNot Registered, Not RequiredNot SupportedNot Supported Or RegisteredNot ApplicableNoise Figure, Now or FormerlyNorth / SouthNormal ApproachNational Association of Architectural MetalManufacturersNational Area DataNational StandardNaturalNorth Bound, Non-bridgeableNational Building CodeNon-BridgingNational Bureau of StandardsNormally Closed, North CentralNorth Central Texas Council Of GovernmentsNorth East, NortheastNational Electric CodeNegativeNational Electrical Manufacturers AssociationNational Electric Safety CodeNear FaceNational Fire Protection AssociationNon Freeze Wall HydrantNatural GroundNational Geodetic SurveyNot In ContractNickel-CadmiumNailableNon-Metallic ConduitNormally OpenNumberNominalNumbersName PlateNegative-Positive-Negative (Transistor)Nominal Pipe SizeNominal Pipe ThreadNoise Reduction CoefficientNear SideNational Society of Professional EngineersNorth Texas Municipal Water DistrictNotice To ProceedNot To ScaleNext Train SignNonvitalNorthwestEntrance-Exit-N--o-Out To OutOperations & MaintenanceOvercurrentOverloadOut Of Running (Non-Riding Contact Wire)OutsideOutside Air, OverallOverlay Audio FrequencyOverlay Audio Frequency ReceiverOverlay Audio Frequency TransmitterOutboundOpposed Blade DamperAppendix B B-9 09/03 (Rev.2)

ocOC-3OCCOCEWDCSOCTODODBOEMOFOFCOFFOGOHOHBOHEOLOLLOMISOMNIOPOPEROPNGOPPOPXORORDOSOS&YOSDOSHAOSLOSPOTOTEOTM-ppP.E.P/CP/DP/FP/LP/OP/PP/SPAPABPABXPANPATPBPBDCPBTPBXPCPCSPCBPCCPCCPPCFPCKTPCLPCMPCSPCYPDPDVOak Cliff, On CenterSonet Optical Carrier Level 3Operation Control CenterOn Center Each WayOverhead Catenary SystemOctalOutside DiameterOverview Display BoardOriginal Equipment ManufacturerOutside FaceOrangeburg Fiber ConduitOffice, OffsetOvergradeOverhead, Opposite HandOverhead BridgeOverhead ElectricOverlap, OverloadOverlap LockingOperations Management Information SystemOmni-Directional AntennaOperationOperatorOpeningOppositeOff Premise ExtensionOptical ReceiverOrdinance, OrdinateOver Switch (Track)Outside Screw And YokeOpen Site DrainOccupational Safety and Health ActOperating Speed LimitOutside PlantOptical TransmitterOverlap TimerOther Track MaterialPilaster, PoleProfessional EngineerPrecastPlastic DuctsPower FactorProperty LinePart OfPower PanelPower Supply, PrestressedPublic AddressPolice Alarm BoxPrivate Automatic Branch ExchangePantographArea PatterningPull BoxParsons Brinkerhoff/De Leuw GatherPushbuttonPrivate Branch ExchangePoint Of CurveLocal PA / VMB ControllerPrinted Circuit BoardPoint Of Compound CurvePre-Stressed Concrete Cylinder PipePounds Per Cubic FootPrinted CircuitPrimary Control LinePulse Coded ModulationPoint of Compound SpiralPounds Per Cubic YardPivoted DoorPattern DriverPEPECFEDPERFPERMPFPGPGLPGPPIPI-10TPICPIN.PIPCPIPCCPISPITOPJBPKPJTPLPLASPLAT.PLCPLFPLGTPLUMB.PMPMDFPNLPNPPOPDAFOBPOCPOEPOLPOLTHNPOLYPOLYGHPPOSPOTPOVTPPppmPRPRCPREAMPPRE-ENGRPRE-FABPREMPRFPRIPRJPROM.PROPPROTPRTPRVPSPSDPSFPSIPSIGPSLPSRPTPTBPhotoelectricPassenger Emergency CallPedestrianPerforatedPermanentPoint Of FrogProfile GradeProfile Grade LineProposed Grade PointPoint Of IntersectionPoint of Intersection, #10 TurnoutPoint Of Intersection - Circular CurvePositive-Intrinsic-Negative (Transistor)Pipe ConnectPipe Connect CrankPoint of Intersection - SpiralPoint Of Intersection - TurnoutPower Junction BoxSurvey NailProjectPlate Or Pilot LightPlasticPlatformProgrammable Logic ControllerPounds Per Linear FootPanel LightPlumbingPost Meridiem, Preventative MaintenancePermanent Metal Deck FormsPanelPositive-Negative-Positive (Transistor)Push on JointPoint On AlignmentPoint Of BeginningPoint On CurvePoint Of EndingPolicePolyethylenePolyethylenePolyethylene Gas High PressurePoint on SpiralPoint On TangentPoint on Vertical TangentPower PoleParts Per MillionPairPoint of Reverse CurvePreamplifierPre-EngineeredPre-FabricatedPremoldedPlot Files (Plot Request Form)PrimaryProjectProgrammable Read Only MemoryProposedProtectionPrinterPressure Reducing ValvePoint Of SwitchPrinciple Section <strong>Design</strong>Pounds Per Square FeetPounds per Square InchPounds per Square Inch GaugePosted Speed LimitPermanent Speed RestrictionPoint Of TangentProtected Terminal BlockAppendix B B-10 09/03 (Rev.2)

PTDPTMPTTPVPVCPVCCFVCPPVFPVIPVMTPVRCPVTPWFPWFRPWFXFWFZPWRQQTYRR.A.R/AR/RR/TRARAFRAM.RBRBCRBMReRCBRCCPRCDRRCPRCVRR/DRDREARECPRECTREFREELREFLDREGREINFREMCPREQREQDRERRET WALLREVREWRFRFIRHRHRRICSRILRLRLSRLYRMRMSPaintedPan Tilt MountPush To TalkPanel VoltmeterPoint Of Vertical Curve, Polyvinyl ChloridePipe+Polyvinyl Chloride Conduit (PVC)Polyvinyl Chloride PipePloyvinyl FluoridePoint Of Vertical IntersectionPavementPoint Of Reverse Vertical CurvePoint of Vertical TangentPower FrequencyPower Frequency ReceiverPower Frequency TransmitterPower Frequency Impedance BondPower-Q-Storm Water DischargeQuantityRadius, Red, Receive, RightRegistered ArchitectRock AnchorRunning RailRight TrackReturn Air, Reverse ApproachReturn Air FanRandom Access MemoryRubber Base, Rock BoltRubberized Bituminous CompoundRail Bound ManganeseRadius of Circular CurveReinforced Concrete Box CulvertReinforced Concrete Cylinder PipeRecorderReinforced Concrete PipeReceiverRock DowelRoadRural Electrification AdministrationReceptacleRectifierReferenceReflectiveReflectedRegisterReinforce, Reinforcing, ReinforcementRemote Control PanelRequestRequiredRunning Edge Of RailRetaining WallRevise, RevisionRunning Edge of WallRadio FrequencyRadio Frequency InterferenceRight HandRight Fland ReverseRemote Indication and Control SystemRed Indicating LampRain LeaderReleaseRelayRoomRoom Mean Square, Root Mean SquareRNROROCROLROMROTEROWRPBRPMRPTRRRRRCSNRRSRRXRSRS&CRSCRtRTRTARTDRTFPRTMRTRNRTSRTURURWRXRxMCRXMCRY-ssS&Is.s.s/cS/DS/HS/PS/RS/SS_x_SASaSAESAFSAFWKSANSAP.SAPSNSBSBDSCSCISCADASCATScbsecSCFTSCHEDSCITCSCNSCRscsReference NoteRough OpeningRail Operations ControllerRoute Overlap LockingRead Only MemoryRoute Overlap TimerRight-Of-WayRoute Request Wayside PushbuttonRevolutions per MinuteRepeaterRailroadRailroad Crossbuck SignRail SpecificationRailroad Grade CrossingReverse SpiralRemote Surveillance & ControlRailroad Signal CableRightRain Tight, RightRailway Tie AssociationResistance Temperature DetectorRequest For Technical ProposalRoute Track MileRailtranRequest to Send Message (Data Transmission)Remote Terminal UnitRack UnitRetaining WallReceiveReceive Multi-CouplerReceiver Multi-CouplerRailway-R-South, Sloge^Service and InspectionSpiral to SpiralSupervisory ControlSplitter DamperStructural HeightStatic PowerSatellite ReceiverService Sink, Start / StopI-shape, _x_ = size by weightSupply Air, Supplemental AgreementSwitch CircuitSociety of Automotive EngineersSupply Air FanSafety WalkSanitarySprinkler Alarm PanelStation Approach SignSouth BoundSafe Breaking DistanceSpiral To Curb, Spiral to CurvePoint of Change from first Spiral tofirst Circular Curve | RSC2 Point of ChangeSupervisory Control And Data AcquisitionSimple Catenary Auto TensionCircuit Breaker SwitchSwitch Circuit ControllerSimple Catenary Fixed TerminationScheduleSupervisory Control Interface and TerminalCabinet, Supervisory Interface and ControlCabinetScreenScrewSupervisory Control SystemAppendix B B-ll 09/03 (Rev.2)

SCSSNSCTESDSDHPTSDTSDWKSESECSECTSEGSEJSELSELSWSERVSESSFOSHSHCSHDSHLDSHTSHWRSISIFSIFBIFSIGSIMSIMULSIRSISSLSLNTSLSFSLSFTSLSSNSLSWSLSWTSLVSmSMSMACNASMHSMRSNTDSOLSOLVSONETSOPSOTESPSPCSPDCSPDTSPESPECSPKLRSPKRSPLSPLYSPOSPRSPSSPSTSPTStart Cab Signal SignStroke Completion TimerStorm DrainState Department of Highways and PublicTransportationSmoke Detection, Smoke DectectorSidewalkSoutheastSecond, Secondary, Start/ End CabSectionSegmentSealed Expansion JointSelect / Selected AudioSelector SwitchServiceSubway Environmental SimulationShop Foreman's OfficeState HighwayShotcreteShower DrainShoulderSheetShowerInternational System of Units, Section InsulatorStandard Interchange FormatStandard Interchange Format and Binary FileFormatSignal, Signal BungalowSimilarSimultaneousSupervisory Interposing RelayStation Information SystemStreet Light, Strobe LightSilentSt. Louis, San Francisco Railway CompanySt. Louis, San Francisco & Texas RailwayCompanySpeed Limit SignSt. Louis, Southwestern Railway CompanySt. Louis, Southwestern Railway Company ofTexasSleeveManual Motor Starter with Overload DeviceSingle Mode, SmoothSheet Metal and Air Conditioning ContractorsNational Association, Inc.Sewer ManholeSenior Management ReviewSingle Tile DuctSwitch Overlap Locking, SolendidSolenoid ValveSynchronous Optical NetworkSet Out PointSwitch Overlap TimerSingle PoleSpaceSignal Power Distribution CenterSingle Pole Double ThrowSpareSpecificationSprinklerSpeakerSound Pressure LevelSupplyPoint of Origin on Compound SpiralSprinklerSmall Part SteelworkSingle Pole Single ThrowSouthern Pacific Transportation CompanySPTCSQSQFTSQINSQHDSRSRAMSRSSSSSLSSNS-SPANSSPCSSWRRStSTSTSGNSTASTDSTDBYSTGSTIFFSTLSTMSTMTSTORSTPRSTRUCTSTYSUBSUB-CLSUEDSUBRSUPYCONTSURF.SUSPSWSWASWBSWBTSWCISWFTSWGRSWHSWHTSWPPSXOSYSYMSYNCSYSTT&BT(UG)I/T/BT/CT/DT/FT/GT/LRT/PT/RT/ROOFT/ST/STLSoldier Pile Trim ConcreteSquareSquare Feet, Square FootSquare Inch, Square InchesSquare HeadSpeed RestrictionStatic Random Access MemorySilicone Rubber SealantSanitary Sewer, Side Slope, Stainless SteelSafety Speed LimitSignal SignSteady SpanSteel Structure Painting CouncilSt. Louis Southwestern RailroadShort Tangent - SpiralSpiral To Tangent, StreetStreet SignStation, StationingStandardStandbySeatingStiffenerSteelSingle Track Mile, Storm DrainSettlementStorageStatic PressureStructural, StructureStorySubstationSubstation Conduit LocationSubdivisionSubstation ReturnSupervisory ControlSurfaceSuspendedSouthwest, SwitchSingle Wire AnchorSwitchboardSouthwestern Bell TelephoneService Weight Cast IronSingle Wire Fixed TerminationSwitchgearSwitch HeaterSwitch Heater TransformerStorm Water Pollution Prevention PlanSingle CrossoverSquare YardSymmetricalSynchronizeSystem-T-Length Of Tangent, Telephone, TopTop and BottomUnderground TelephoneTop OfTest BoringTop of CurbTop of DitchTop Of FoundationTop Of Ground LineTop Of Low RailTop of PavementTop Of RailTop Of RoofTop of SlopeTop Of SteelAppendix B B-12 09/03 (Rev.2)

T/WTAN.TBTBBTBDTBFTBKTBMTBRTBVTcTCTCBTCB-CLTCCTCRTDTDHTDLYTETELTEMTEMDTEMPTEPTERM.TESTFTGTGMHTHKTITIE.TIMTKTJBTLTLSNTLTTLTETMATMCPTMHTMPATMRTMUTCDTNOTNRCCTOTO.TOCTODTOPOTOPWTORWTOSTPTPCTTPLTPRWTPSSTRTRATRDTRFSIGTop Of WallTangentTerminal Block, Terminal Board, TerminalBrandTelephone Back BoardTo Be DeterminedTunnel Booster FanTerminal BlockTemporary BenchmarkTo Be RemovedTrinity & Brazos Valley Railway CompanyTangent Length of Circular CurveTime Of Concentration, Train ControlTraction Cross BondCross Bond Conduit LocationTrain Control CenterThyristor Contolled RectifierTile DuctTotal Dynamic HeadTime DelayTraction ElectrificationTelephoneTemporaryTemperedTemperatureTunnel Emergency PhoneTerminal, TerminationTraction Electrification SystemToe of FrogTelegraphTelegraph ManholeThick, ThicknessPCM Carrier System, 24 Voice Channels, 1.544MbpsTie StationTelephone Interface ModuleTrackTrack Junction BoxTension LengthTrain Length SignTransmission Line TowerTime Locking TimerTerminal Mode AutomaticTerminal Mode Control PanelTelephone ManholeTexas Municipal Power AgencyTimerTexas Manual on Uniform Traffic ControlDevicesTexas & New Orleans Railroad CompanyTexas Natural Resources ConservationCommissionToneTurnoutTop Of ConcreteTime of DayTopographyTop of Retaining WallTop Of Retaining WallTop Of SteelTraction PowerTraction Power Cable ThroughTexas Power & LightTexas & Pacific Railway CompanyTraction Power SubstationTrain ReadyTrain Ready Automatic, Trinity River AuthorityTread, TransducerTraffic SignalTRKTRSWTRUDTsTSTSATSDHPTTSPTSWTSXxXxXTSZTTTTCTTLTTLPRTUETUNTVTVFTVMTVSTWTW/PRTWATWCTWCRTXTxDOTTXRXTXVTYTYPu/sUBUBCUCUDUGUGBUGPUHUHFUIDULUMTAUNCUNFUNLUNOUNSELUONUPUPUP.UPEUPEFUPRRUPSURUROUSUSC&GSusesUTILTrackTransfer SwitchTrue DistanceTangent Distance from TS on ST to PITangent To Spiral, Tangent To Spiral PointTexas Surveyors AssociationTexas State Department of Highways andPublic TransportationTrip StopTemperature SwitchStructural Tubing ^jc_x_x=DIMxDIMxTHK)Traffic SurveyTime Table, Transfer TripTelephone Terminal CabinetTransistor-Transistor LogicTotal PressureTexas Utilities Electric Co.TunnelCable Television , Ticket Validator Machine,TelevisionTunnel Ventilation FanTelevision Manhole, Ticket Vending MachineTunnel Ventilation ShaftTwistedTwisted PairTie Wire AnchorTrain To Wayside CommunicationsTrain to Wayside Communications ReceiverTransmitTexas Department Of TransportationTransmit - Receive Line CardThermal Expansion ValveTypeTypical-u-UpgradeUndersideUtility BoxUniform Building CodeUndercutUnderdrainUndergrade, UndergroundUnderground , Undergrade BridgeUnited Gas Pipeline CompanyUnit HeaterUltra High Frequency (300mHz to 3GHz)UnidentifiedUnderwriters Laboratories, Inc.Urban Mass Transportation AdministrationUnified National Thread, CoarseUnified National Thread, FineUnit LeverUnless Noted OtherwiseUnselectedUnless Otherwise NotedMicroprocessorUnion Pacific Railroad CompanyUnderplatformUnderplatform ExhaustUnderplatform Exhaust FanUnion Pacific Railroad CompanyUninterruptible Power SupplyUrinalUnits of ResolutionUnited StatesUnited States Coast and Geodetic SurveyUnited States Geological SurveyUtilityAppendix B B-13 09/03 (Rev.2)

UTMHUWPVV.B.v/sv/rVAVACVARVAVVCVCCVCPVCP (ES)VCRVDVDCVDUVEVENTVERTVEST.VFVFJVVHFVIBVLFVMVMBVMSVMTVNRVOLVOMVOTVOXVPVPFVRVRMvsvssVSWRVTVTRWW.E.W/w/oW/PW_x_WBweWCOWDWDMWDTSWFWF_x_WGWHWHAWHSEWIWIN.Utility ManholeUpper Work PointVelocity, Volt, VitalValve BoxVersineVinyl TileVolt AmpsVolts Alternating CurrentVaries, VariableVariable Air <strong>Volume</strong>Vertical CurveVitrified Clay ConduitVitrified Clay PipeVitrified Clay Pipe (Extra Strength)Video Cassette Recorder<strong>Volume</strong> DamperVolts Direct CurrentVideo Display UnitVertical EllipticalVentilate, VentilationVerticalVestibleVoice FrequencyPVC Foam Joint FillerVery High Frequency (30 to 300 mHz)VibrationVery Low Frequency (3 to 30 kHz)Vending MachineVisual Message BoardVideo Matrix SwitchVolt MeterVeneer<strong>Volume</strong>Volt OHM MeterVoting EquipmentVoice Operated SwitchVelocity PressureVaporproofVideo RecorderVermiculiteVoltmeter SwitchVideo Sequential SwitchVoltage Standing Wave RatioVideo TapeVent Through RoofWest, Water, Watt, WhiteWater ElevationWithWithoutWeatherproofWide Flange (_x_=Size By Weight)Westbound, WetbulbWater ClosetWall CleanoutWiring DiagramWavelength Division MultiplexWayside Data Transmission SystemWide FlangeWide Flange Shape, _x_ = size by weightWave GuideWall HungWater Hammer ArresterWarehouseWrought Iron, WeightWindowWIPWJBWKSTWLWMWMHWOMWPWPMwsWSELWSPWSP(L)WSTWTWT_x_WTRWTRPRFWUWVWWWWFWYXX/OVERXFMRX-INGXMTRX-OVERXPXsX-SECTX-SPANXSTEXTOTEYYCRYDYLYOCYs-zzzcZRCWrought Iron PipeSwitch Junction BoxWorkstationWater Line, Wind Load, WirelineWater MeterWater ManholeWomenWork PointWords Per MinuteWater Surface, WaysideWater Surface ElevationWet Stand PipeWelded Steel Pipe (Cement Lined)Wall SupportWatertight, WeightTee Shape, _x_ = Dimension x WeightWaterWaterproofWestern Union Telegraph CompanyWater ValveWastewater, WaterwayWelded Wire FabricWirewayReactanceCross OverTransformerCrossingTransmitterCrossoverExplosion ProofTangent Distance from TS to SC or ST to CSCross SectionCross SpanHighway Grade Crossing - Start TimerHighway Grade Crossing - Time Out TimerYellowYard Control RoomYardYard LeadYard Operations ControllerTangent Offset at SC or CS-V--w--X--Y-Impedance, Impedance BondZone ControlZinc Rich CoatingAppendix B B-14 09/03 (Rev.2)

Sorted by Definition...-#-lOOmbps Baseband Fiber Lan-A-Abandoned, AbandonAboveAbove Finished FloorAbove Top of RailAbutmentAC PowerAccessAccess DoorAcknowledgeAcoustical Tile CeilingAcrylicAcrylic-Latex SealantActivity IndicatorActual Superelevation In Inches,Superelevation In InchesAdd And Drop MultiplexerAddendumAdhesiveAdjacentAdjustableAdministrative TelephoneAdvance ApproachAggregateAggregate BaseAggregate Sub-BaseAheadAir ConditioningAir Conditioning Control PanelAir Conditioning UnitAir Handling Control PanelAir Handling UnitAir Handling Unit FanAir LockAir Moving & Conditioning AssociationAir ValveAlarmAlong Track Movement, Automatic TellerMachineAlternateAlternating Current, AcreAluminumAluminum Conductor Steel ReinforcedAmendmentAmerican Association of State Highway &Transportation OfficialsAmerican Concrete InstituteAmerican Concrete Pipe AssociationAmerican Council of IndependentLaboratoriesAmerican Disabilities ActAmerican Gas AssociationAmerican Institute of ArchitectsAmerican Institute Of Steel ConstructionAmerican Iron and Steel InstituteAmerican National Standard Code forInformation InterchangeAmerican National Standards InstituteAmerican Petroleum InstituteAmerican Public Transit AssociationAmerican Railway EngineeringAssociationAmerican Railway EngineeringAssociationAmerican Society for Quality Control100BASEFL I! ABDABVAFFATRABUTBXACSADRACKACTACRA/SACT-IND1 Ea! ADMADDADHADJADJTATELAAPAGGAGGBAGG SBAHDA/CACCPACUAHCPAHUAHUFALCKAMCAAVALMATMALTACALACSRI AMENDAASHTOACIACPACILADAAGAAIAAISC, AISIASCIIANSIAPIAPTAA.R.E.A.AREAI ASQCAmerican Society for Testing and 1Materials 1American Society of Architectural |Hardware Consultants |American Society of Civil Engineers 1American Society of Heating, |Refrigerating & Air Conditioning |Engineers, Inc. |American Society of MechanicalEngineers 1American Society of Plumbing Engineers !American Standard Channel (_x_= Size by Iweight)American Standards AssociationAmerican Telephone & TelegraphCompanyAmerican Water Works AssociationAmerican Welding SocietyAmerican Wire GaugeAmmeterAmmeter SwitchAmp, Ampere, Area, AmberAmpere-hourAmperesAmperes Interrupting CapacityAmplifierAmplitude Modulation, Ante MeridiemAnalog To DigitalAnalog to Digital ConverterAnchorAnchor BoltAnchor Bolt and HusbandAnchor Bolt and OthersAnchor Bolt and WifeAnode ;jASMEC_x_'ASA~~AnodizediAntenna 1ApproachjApproach Automaticj AAApproach Extension Normal Highway jAENXGrade Crossing 1Approach Extension Reverse Highway \AERXGrade CrossingjApproach Light System Type F-2 ALSF-2Approach Locking TimerALTEApproach Normal Highway GradeANXCrossing ,Approach Railroad Sign | ARRApproach Reverse Highway GradeCrossing 1Approach, ApprovedApprovedApproximate, ApproximatelyArchitect, Architecture, ArchitecturalArchitect/EngineerArchitectural Aluminum Manufacturers !AssociationArchitectural Engineer ConstructionArea DrainArea PatterningArmored CableAsbestos Cement PipeAsh-Trash ReceptableAsphaltAssemblyAssistant Vice President - DARTAssociation of American RailroadsAsynchronous |At Grade !ASTMASAHCASCEASHRAEASPEAT&TAWWAAWSAWGAMTASAAHAMPAICAMPLAMA/DADCANCABETCONETALETUXANDANDZANT.APIARXAPPAPPRAPPROXARCH.A/EAAMAAECADPATARC.ASBCPA/TRASPHASSYAVPAARASYNCA/GAppendix B B-15 09/03 (Rev.2)

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway I .„„_CompanyAttenuator " 1 ATTEAudible / Audioj AUDAudio Frequency| AFAudio Frequency Impedance Bond I AFZAudio Frequency Overlayj AFOAudio Frequency Receiveri AFRAudio Frequency Transmitter! AFXAudio Tape Recorderj ATRCAuto Tension (*A.T.j, Auto-Tensioned A/TAutomatic\ AUTOAutomatic Air VentI AAVAutomatic Block SignalABSAutomatic Call Distribution | ACDAutomatic Dialing UnitADUAutomatic Frequency ControlAFCAutomatic Highway Crossing Warning ' AHCWAutomatic Route Inhibit1 ARIAutomatic Send / Receiverj ASRAutomatic Temperature Controlj AUTOTCAutomatic Train ControlI ATCAutomatic Train Control & 1 ._„ „ ,,; ATC & CCommunicationsAutomatic Train OperationATOAutomatic Train Protectioni ATPAutomatic Vehicle Location Receiver | AVLRAuxiliary1 AUXAuxih'arjrCpntrol Panel\ ACPLAuxiliary Power TransformerI APT.Avalanche Photo Diode1 APDAvenue 1 AVEAverage! AVGAzimuth! AZ-Bbacki 1>KBinary File FormatBinary File Format and StandardInterchange FormatBinary File Format and StandardInterchange FormatBirmingham Wire GaugeBit Error RateBits per SecondBituminousBituminous Joint FillerBlack and WhiteBlast Relief ShaftBlock, Black, Traffic BlockBlockingBody SpanBored HoleBoth FacesBoth SidesBoth Ways, Bottom WidthBottomBottomBottom of Slope, Base StationBoulevardBracketBranch CircuitBreakerBrickBridgeBritish StandardBritish Thermal UnitBritish Thermal Unit Per HourBronzeBuildingBuilding LineBuilding Officials and CodeBIF„_„,| D¥CCTT;BWGj BER1 EPSi BIT.! BJFi¥&Wi BRSi BLKBLKGB-SPAN! BH! BFi BS! BW! BOTi BTMB/SBLVDBRKTBCBKRBRKBRDG1 B.S.BTU! BTU/HBZBLDGB/LBOCAT5 1- i M il D •! 1 /-* ' TruTrrrrBack To Back! B/B!RswWillRlfEBackup1 B/UBackwaU! BKWLBallast Drain, Boardi BDBand-Pass Filteri BPFBarrelj BBLBasement1 BSMTBasic Input/ Output SystemBIOSBasic Insulation Level1 BILBatteryi BAT.BatteryBAITBattery Circuit Breaker, Branch Circuit | _ __BreakerBattery, Blue, BottomBBeami BMBearingBRGBearing of Tangent at SPOBSOBearing Pile Shape, _x_ = size by weight HP_x_Bearing Pile, Bumper PostBPBeginningBEG.Bell and Spigot1 B & SBench Mark B. M.Berthing TimerBTEBetweeni BTWNBeveledi BVLBidirectional AmplifierBIAMPBinaryBINBinaryBIN.Binary Coded DecimalBCDBinaryJ'ile FormatBFFRiiHrl RllMwr Qoalant•• RTTPQ-c-Cab Signal LoopCSLPCabinetCAB.CableCBLCable Television , Ticket Validator ! „.Machine, Television;Cable TrayCTYCamera i CAMCantilever! CANTCap For Futurej CFFCarpetCPTCasementi CSMTCast Iron PipeCIPCast Iron Pipe (Cement Lined)CIP(L)Cast Iron Pipe (Extra Strength)CIP(ES)Cast Iron Pipe PressureCIPPCast Iron, Curb InletI CICast Stone! CSTCast-In-Place! C-I-PCatch Basin, Cross Bondj CBCatenary! CAT.Catenary FoundationCATFCatenary Polei CATPCathode Ray TubeCRTCavities! CAVCeiling! CLCfCeiling HangerCLGHCeiling SupportCLGSCelcius, Conduit, Conductor, Cycle, CAppendix B B-16 09/03 (Rev.2)

jRunoff CoefficientCementCement Treated BaseCenterCenter Of CurveCenter Of Gravity, Concrete GutterCenter To CenterCentral Business DistrictCentral ControlCentral Control SystemCentral Instrument HouseCentral OfficeCentral Processing UnitCentral Terminal UnitCentralized Traffic ControlCeramicCeramic Tile _Chain Link FenceChamferChannel BankChannel Service UnitChannel UnitChannel, CheckediCharger !Checked_CheckerChecker, Change Request, Conduit RiserChicago, Rock Island & Gulf Railway Co.Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RailroadCo.Chilled Water ReturnChilled Water SupplyChordICircuitCircuit BreakerCircuit Breaker SwitchCircular, Circulator !Ot^OfDaUas [City of IrvingOyilCivil Speed LimitCivil Speed RestrictionClass, Curve Length, CenterlineClay PipeClean Out, Call On, Change OrderClear, ClearanceClearance PointClock (Data Transmission)Closed Circuit TelevisionClosetClosureCoaxial CableCold DrawnCold Rolled SteelCold WaterColumnCombinationCommunication Control UnitCommunicationsCommunications & Signal HandholeCommunications / Signals ManholeiCommunications and SignalsCommunications Interface CabinetCommunications Room (Bungalow)Communications Room or BungalowCommunications Transmission Subsystem i, Communication Transmission System 1Compartment 1Complimentary Metal Oxide |Semiconductor 1i:CEMCTBCTRCCCGCtoCCBDCCLCCSCIHC/OCPUCTUCTCCERCER/TCLFCHAMCHBKCSUc/uCHCHGRCHKCKRCRCRIGCRIPCHWRCHWSCHDCKTCBKScbCIRCCODCOICVLCSLCSRCLCLPCOCLRCLPTCKCCTVCLOCLSCOAXCDCRSCWCOLCOMBecuCOMMCSHHCSMHC&SCICCOMCOMRCTSCOMPTCMOSCompositionCompressed AirCompressed, ComparatorComputer-Aided ApplicationComputer-Aided <strong>Design</strong> and DraftingComputer- Aided Engineering System(s)Concealed, Expanded Neoprene GasketConcreteConcrete EncasedConcrete Fiber DuctConcrete Masonry UnitConcrete Monument FoundConcrete Pipe, Control PipeConductorConduitConduit OnlyConferenceCongestionConnect, Connector, ConnectionConsoleConsole Interface ModuleConstructionConstruction EasementConstruction Joint, Control JointConstruction LinesConsultative Committee for InternationalTelephone and TelegraphContact WireContinued, Continuation, ContinuousContinuous Welded RailContracting Officers RepresentativeContracting Officer's TechnicalRepresentativeContraction JointContractorContractor to EstimateControlControl Power Circuit BreakerControl ValveConverterCopperCorner GuardCorrugatedCorrugated Metal PipeCorrugated Plastic Polyethylene PipeCounterCounter ClockwiseCounterflashingCounterside (Sink)CounterweightCove BaseCreosoted Wood DuctCrew RoomCross Bond Conduit LocationCross Bond Conduit LocationCross OverCross SectionCross SpanCrossingCrossoverCubic FeetCubic Feet Per Minute, ConfigurationManagementCubic Feet Per SecondCubic YardCulvertCurb And GutterCurb LineCurrent LimitingCurrent Limiting FuseCOMPOCA! COMF1 CAACADDCAES"CSNGCONCCENCCFD" CMUCMFCPCONDCNDCNDOCONFCONGCONNCONS' CIMCONSTCEQCONCCITTc/wCONTICWRIGOR| COTRrCONTRjfCONTRCTECTRLCPCBCVI CONV1CUC/GCORRCMPCPPEPCNTRCCWCFLCSK~CWTC/Bi CWD! CRM! CB-CLi TCB-CLX/OVERX-SECTX-SPAN[X-ING "iX-OVERJCFCFMCFSCYCULVC&GC/LCLTCLFUAppendix 8 B-17 09/03 (Rev.2)

Current TransformerCustodialCut & CoverCut Section, Curve To Spiral PointCyclic Redundancy CheckCylinderCTCUSTC/CCSCRCCYLDallas / Fort Worth 1 D/FWDallas Area Rapid Transitj DARTDallas County Deed Records 1 DCDRDallas Fire DepartmentDFDDallas Garland Northeast Rail Road DGNORRDallas Police DepartmentDPDDallas Power & Light CompanyDP&LDallas Power & Light Company DPLDallas Terminal Railway & Union Depot 1DTUDCo.Dallas Water UtilitiesDamperDampproofing, Distribution Panel (AC)DART Electric ServiceData Acquisition SystemData Channel Unit, DART Contract UnitsData Circuit Terminating EquipmentData Set Ready Message (DataTransmission)Data Terminal Ready Message (DataTransmission)Data Transmission SystemData/Time GeneratorDate Terminal Equipment, DataTerminating EquipmentDay-Night Sound LevelDead LoadDecibel 1Decibel referenced to one milliwatt, !Decibels Referred to 1 Milliwatt |Decibels (a scale) !dBADecibels Above Reference Acoustical jdBRAPPower Defined as 10-16 Watt !Decibels Above Reference Noise ! dBRNDecibels Above Reference Noise,C- |dBRNCMessage WeightedDecibels Referred to 1 WattdBWDecimalDECDeed Records Dallas CountyDRDCDegreeDECDegree Of CurvatureDCDegree of Curvature (Curve)DDegrees, Minutes, SecondsD.M.S.DeleteDELDelta ModulationDMDemand MeterDEDemolish, DemonstrateDEMODemountableDMTDepartment of Transportation Sign DOTSNDepressedDEPDerailDRLDerail SignDRLSNDestination (ID) AutomaticIDADestination Route DecoderDNRDDestination Storage RegisterDNSRDetailDETDeviceDEVDiameterDIADiffuserDIFFDigital Access CommunicationsDACTTransmitterDigital Access Cross ConnectDACSDigital Alarm Communications Receiver DACR!DWUDPRDPDESDASDCUDCEDSRDTRDTSDTGDTELdnDLdBdBmDigital Cross ConnectDigital Patch PanelDigital Service Unit !Digital Signal Cross Connect Level 1 !Digital Signal Level 0 (64K Bbps) !Digital Signal Level 1 (24 DSDS,1.544Mbgs)Digital To AnalogDigital to Analog ConverterDimensionDiplexer, Ductile Iron PipeDirect CurrentDirect ExpansionDirect FixationDirect Inward DialingDirect LineDirect Outward DialingDirectional AntennaDirectional CouplerDisconnectDisconnect SwitchDiscrete Input OutputDisk DriveDispatch TimerDispenserDistanceDistributionDistribution Junction BoxDividerDome LightDots Per InchDoubleDouble Pole, Double ThrowDouble Pole, Single ThrowDouble ThrowDowelsDownIDown Guy Anchor |Downspout 1Draft Environmental Impact Statement |Drain fileiDrain, Drainage 1Drawer !DrawingDrinking FountainDrip PotDrive, DoorDrivewayDrop And InsertjDrop Inlet, Ductile Iron !Dry BulbDry StandpipeDual Tone Multi-FrequencyDuct Heater ElectricDuctile Iron Mechanical JointDuctile Iron Pipe (Lined)Ductile Iron Slip-on JointDuplexerDwell TimerDynamic Insertion LossDynamic Random Access Memory-D-j-E-E & M Signaling 1EachEach FaceEach WayEasementEast, Electric, ElectricalEastbound !DXCDPPDSUDSX1!DSDDS1D/ADACDIM.DIP.DCDXDFDID.D/LDODDIRDIRC ""DISCDISC SWDIODDDPTEDISPDISTDISTRDJBDIVDLGTDPIDBLDPDTDPSTDTDWLSDNDGADSDEISD/TDRNDRWDWGD/FD/PDRDRWYD/IDIDBDSPDTMFDHDIMJDIP.(L)OILSDUPDWTEDILDRAM.E/MEAEFEWESMTEEBAppendix 8 B-18 09/03 (Rev.2)

Echo Return LossEdge of PavementsEdge of ShoulderEffective Radiated PowerElectric and TelevisionElectric and TelevisionElectric Baseboard HeaterElectric Heating CoilElectric ManholeElectric Panelboard, Electrical PanelboardElectric Reheat Coil - NumberElectric Switch LockElectric Water CoolerElectric, ElectricalElectrical Metal TubingElectrically Erasable Read Only MemoryElectric-Television-TelephoneElectromagnetic compatibilityElectromagnetic InterferenceElectronic Industries AssociationElectronic Private Automatic BranchExchangeElevationElevatorElevator Emergency TelephoneEmergencyEmergency Fan DamperEmergency TelephoneEmergency Trip StationEmergency Ventilation Control SystemEmpty Conduit, Exposed ConstructionEnamel Coated Cast IronEncasementEnclosureEncoder, EncasedEnd Cab Signal SignEnd Or PlatformEnd of Space <strong>Design</strong>ationEnergize, Engineer (Architect)Energy DissipatorEnergy Equivalent LevelEnergy Management System, EmergencyManagement SystemEngineerEngineering Document Control (DART)EntranceEntrance-ExitEnvironmental Control SystemEnvironmental Impact StatementEnvironmental Protection AgencyEqual, EquationEquationEquipmentEquivalentEquivalent Braking DistanceErasable Read Only MemoryEscalatorEscalatorEstimateEt CeteraExhaustExhaust FanExistingExistingExpanded Polyethylene Joint FillerExpansionExpansion JointExpansion JointExplosion ProofExposedERLjyp ;|E/S1 ERFETV' E-TVEBBEHCEMHELECPBERH-0ESLEWC'ELECEMTEEPROME-TV-TEMCEMIEIA[ EPABXELELEVEEPEMER' EFDETELETSEVCSECECIENCSMTENCL' ENC, ECSSNPEOPIEOSDENGEDLeqEMSENGREDCENT"!NXI ECSEISEPAEQEQNEQPTEQUivEBDEPROMESCESCLESTJETC'EXH\ EXF" ' EXIST.EPEJFEXPEJEXPJTXPEXPOExposed Finish ConcreteExpresswayExtension, ExteriorExternal Distance Of Spiral CurveExtra Heavy Cast IronExtra High StrengthExtraStrengthExtrudeExxon Pipeline Company-F-Face of CurveFace of FinishFace of Masonry, Fiber Optic ModemFace Of PoleFace of Stud, Fiber Optic ScaleFace of WallFace Of Wall, Feeder WireFace to FaceFace To FaceFacilities SubstationsFacilityFactor Of SafetyFactory MutualFahrenheitFan Coil UnitFar Side, Field StrengthFare CollectionFare Collection MachineFare GateFare Vending EquipmentFare VendorFederal Communications CommissionFederal Highway AdministrationFederal Railroad AdministrationFederal SpecificationsFederal Transit Administration, FixedTermination AnchorFeederFeeder JumperFeet per MinuteFeet per SecondFeet, FootFiber Conduit, Frequency ConverterFiber Distribution PanelFiber Optic CableFiber Optic Communications SystemFiber Optic EquipmentFiber OpticsFiber Patch Panel, Fire Patch PanelFiber Reinforced Polyester, PlasticFiber Slack EnclosureFiberboardFiberglassFiberglass Reinforced EpoxyFiberglass Reinforced Epoxy ConduitFiberglass Reinforced Plastic ConduitField Welded RailFigureFinal Environmental Impact StudyFinishFinish GradeFinished FloorFire AlarmFire Alarm BoxFire Alarm Control Panel, Fire andIntrusion Alarm Control PanelFire Department ConnectionFire ExtinguisherFire Extinguisher CabinetEFCEXPWYIEXT) EsEHCIEHSESJEXTRTEXXONF/CFOFFOMFOPFOSFOWF/WFtoFF/FFSSFACF.O.S." F/MFFCUFSFRCFCMFGTFVEFVFCCFHWAFRA! FED SPECFTA! FDRIFFFPMFPSFT!FC! FDPFOCFOCSFOEFOFPP'FRPFSEFEDFGLFREIFRECiFRPCFWRFIG.FEISFIN.'FGFFFA ~ ~FABXFACPFDCFEFECAppendix B B-19 09/03 (Rev.2)

GallonGallons per MinuteGalvanizedGalvanized Rigid SteelGalvanized Rigid Steel ConduitGalvanized SteelGalvanized Steel ConduitGas (Natural), Gutter, GreenGas Detection Control PanelGas High PressureFHCFHVIFHVCFHPFHFMPF/PF/RFTELFSCPFPFIFO,F/TFXTRFLGFLHFHMSFLFLEXFLRFCOFDFLRHFLSWIFSWFLUORFLURF.C.FTGFXOFXSFWFTWAFWTAFIR.FDN4WE/MFRFRWYFREQFDMFMTRFMFSKFSOFAIIFFRWIFWDFFJFLCFVNRFVRFUNCFURNFURR.iFUIFUTGALGPMGALVGRSGRSCGALVSGSC" IGIGDCPFGHPGas High Pressure WrappedGas Intermediate High PressureGas MeterGas Tube ArresterGate Valve, Gas ValveGate-Turn-Off ThyristorGauge Plate, Grand PrairieGauge, GageGeneral Engineering ConsultantGeneral, GeneratorGeodetic SurveyGigahertzGlassGlazed Structural TileGlobal Positioning SystemGradeGrade CleanoutGrade CrossingGraniteGraphic <strong>Design</strong> SystemGrate Inlet, Galvanized IronGratingGravelGreen Indicating LampGrilleGroundGround FaultGround Fault Circuit InterrupterGround Fault ProtectionGround GridGround LineGTE-Sprint CommunicationsGuard RailGuard Rail PlateGulf, Colorado & Santa Fe RailwayCompanyGypsumGypsum BoardGypsum Wall BoardFire Hose CabinetFire Hose ValveFire Hose Valve CabinetFire Hotline PhoneFire HydrantFire Management PanelFire ProtectionFire RatedFire TelephoneFire/Security Control PanelFireproof, Feeder PoleFirst In, First OutFixed TerminationFixtureFlangeFlat HeadFlat Head Machine ScrewFleet, Flow LineFlexibleFloorFloor CleanoutFloor DrainFloor HydrantFlow SwitchFlow SwitchFluorescentFluorescentFoot CandleFootingForeign Exchange OfficeForeign Exchange SubscriberFort WorthFort Worth Transit AuthorityFort Worth Transit AuthorityFound Iron RodFoundationFour Wire / Ear And MouthFrameFreewayFrequencyFrequency Division MultiplexFrequency MeterFrequency ModulationFrequency Shift KeyingFrequency Shift OverlayFresh Air IntakeFront Face of Retaining WallFt. Worth & Denver Railway Company,ForwardFull Feeding JumperFull Load CurrentFull Voltage Non-ReversingFull Voltage ReversingFunctionFurnishFurringFuseFuture-G--H-Hand OperatedHandholeHandicap, HandicappedHand-Off Automatic SwitchHard DrawnHardboardHardenerHardwareHardwoodHazardousHead RoomHead Set, High Single Case, HighStrengthHead SpanHead, High Double CaseHeadwallHeadwayHeaterHeatingHeating, Ventilating & Air ConditioningHeavy DutyHeel LengthHeel of FrogHeightHertzHexadecimalHexagonalHigh Density PolyethyleneHigh ImpedanceGHPWGIHPGMIGTAGVGTOGP "GAGECGENGSGHzGL ~GSTGPSGRGCOGRX ~GRANCDSGIGRTGGVLGILGRLGNDGFLGFCI" GFPGG "" "G/LGTE-SG/RGJ/R PLGCSFI GYP! GYP BD1 GWBJHO! HH!HC! HOASWH.D.HDBDHDNRIHDWJHDWDHAZH/RHSIH-SPANIHDHDWLHDWYHTRHTGHVACH/DHL'HF "HHzHEXDHEXHOPEHI-ZAppendix B B-20 09/03 (Rev.2)

IHigh PointHigh PressureHigh Rail LevelHigh Strength BoltHigh .Strength SteelHigh VoltageHigh Water LineHigh Water Surface, Hot Water Supply^High-Pass FilterHighwayHighway Crossing Gate WaysidePushbuttonHighway Grade CrossingHighway Grade Crossing - Start TimerHighway Grade Crossing - Time OutTimerHighway Grade Crossing Approach SignHighway Grade Crossing Left Turn SignHighway Grade Crossing Number ofTrack SignHighway Grade Crossing Right Turn SignHighway Grade Crossing Street ApproachSignHighway Grade Crossing Warning SignHollow MetalHollow Metal DoorHollow Metal FrameHome Railroad SignHorizontalHorizontal EllipticalHorizontal Reference LineHorn SignHorsepower, High PointHorseshoeHose BibHot Mix Asphaltic ConcreteHot WaterHot Water HeaterHot Water ReturnHourHouston & Texas Central RailroadCompanyHydraulic Grade Line, HydraulicGradient LineHydrogen Sulfide MonitorIdentityIlluminatedIlluminating Engineering SocietyImpedance Bond, InboundImpedance, Impedance BondIn Running (riding contact wire)Inch, InchesInclude, IncludingIncorporatedIndicate, IndicatorInformationInput / OutputInside DiameterInside FaceInside FaceInside RadiusInstitute Of Electrical And ElectronicEngineersInstitute of Printed CircuitsInsulated Cable Engineers AssociationInsulated JointInsulationIntegrated CircuitIntercomIHPTIH/P! H.R.L.IHSBHSSHV ~HWLHWSHPFHWYGPBHXXSTEXTOTEHXAPSNHXLTSNHXNTSNHXRTSNHXSASNHXWSNHMHMDHMFHRRSNHORIZHEHRLHSNHPH/Si HBIHMACHWHWHHWR,HRHTCHGLIHSMIDENTILLUMIESIBZtyR,IRIN.INCLINCINDINFOyoIDIF.ISFIIRIEEEIPCICEAUINSUL1CICMInterface Terminal CabinetInteriorInterlocking Approach SignIntermediate High PressureIntermediate Metal ConduitInternational System of Units, SectionInsulatorInterruptions Per MinuteInterstate Commerce CommissionInterstate HighwayIntrusionIntrusion AlarmIntrusion Alarm and Control PanelIntrusion Display PanelIntrusion Management PanelInvertInvert ElevationInverterIron Pipe SizeIron Pipe, Iron PinIron Pipe/ Pin FoundIron Pipe/Pin SetIron Rod SetI-shape, _x_ = size by weightIsland Crossing TrackIsolator-I--J-JanitorJapanese Industrial StandardJointJoint Electronic Devices EngineeringCouncilsJoint VentureJumperJunctionJunction Box-K-Kansas City Southern Railway CompanyKeene's Cement PlasterKey Telephone UnitKeyboardKeyboard Send/ ReceiveKick PlateKiloampereKilobits per SecondKilobyteKilogramKilohertzKilovoltKilovolt-AmpereKilowattKilowatt - HourKip, Key, Rate of Vertical CurvatureKip-FootKips Per Linear FootKips per Square FootKips Per Square InchKnight of ColumbusKnock-OutKnock-Out PanelKorductLadderLaminateLaneLaser DiodeLavatoryLayout Line-L-IFTCINTIAPSNIHPIMCSIIPMICCIHINTR!IA! IACPIDPIMPINVIEIINVTlIPSZIP\ IFFIPSIRSS_x_IXTISO! JAN.IJIS!JT| JEDECJVJJCT!JBIKCSKCPKTUKBDKSRKPLKAkB/SKBkgkHzKVKVAKWKWHKKFKLFKSFKSIKOCKOKOPKDJLAD.LAMLNLDLAVLOLAppendix B B-21 09/03 (Rev.2)

LDXNeUnc.Leaded JointLeft HandLeft Hand ReverseLeft TrackLeft, Long Tangent-SpiralLeft, total Curve LengthLengthLength of Compound Spiral (from CS1 toSC2)|Length Of Tangent, Telephone, TopLength Of Vertical CurveLevelLevel of ServiceLight Above the Track, LateralLight Emitting DiodeLight Pole With TelephoneLight Pole, Lighting Panel, Low PointLight Rail TransitLight Rail VehicleLight, LeftLightingLightingLighting Contractor CabinetLightweightLimitedLine Interface CardLine Junction BoxLine PrinterLine TransformerLinearLinear FeetLinear PatterningLintelLiquid Crystal DisplayLive LoadLoad Side Fan StarterLocal Annunciation PanelLocal Area NetworkLocal Battery, PoundLocal Cable Other Than Impedance Bondor Room to Room CableLocal Control PanelLocal Control StationLocal Dispatch MachineLocal Distribution FrameLocal PA / VMB ControllerLocal Video MessagingLocal, LocationLockLockerLone Star GasLong Chord | RLc Total Length of CircularCurveLong RadiusLong, LengthLongitudinalLoop Junction BoxLoss of Shunt TimerLouverLow Frequency By (30 too 300 kHz)Low PointLow PressureLow VoltageLower Work PointLowest Line Replacement UnitLow-Pass FilterLump Sum, Total Length Of Spiral-M-^LDXJJ !LHILHRI/TLtLLGTHLSCTLVCLVLLOSLATLEDLPTELLPLRTLRVLTLGTLTGLCCLWLTDLICtLNJBLPRTLTRLINLFLPELTLLCDLLLSFSLAP.LAN"IBI KLI LCPiLCSLDMLDFPC3LVMLOCILK! LKRLSGLC;LRLGLONG.LJBLSTELVRL/FLPTL/PLVLWP! LLRUILPFJLSMachineMagneticMain Distribution FrameMain LineMaintenanceMaintenance Management InformationSystemMaintenance Of WayMake Up Air UnitManagementManagement Information SystemManagers Console Interface CardManholeManual Motor Starter with OverloadDeviceManufacture, ManufacturingManufacturerMasonry OpeningMasonry, Maximum Allowable SpeedMastarmMaster Clock SystemMaterialMaximumMCI TelecommunicationsMean Down TimeMean Sea LevelMean Time Between FailuresMean Time Between MaintenanceMean Time to RepairMeasure, MeasuredMechanicalMechanical JointMechanical-Electrical-PlumbingMechanically Stabilized EarthMediumMedium Frequency (300 kHz to 3 MHz)Megabits Per SecondMegabyteMegahertzMegavolt - AmpereMegawattMemberMembraneMessenger Wire.MetalMetal Corrugated Pipe, Motor CircuitProtectorMetal Oxide SemiconductorMetal Oxide VaristorMetallic ConduitMeterMethane DetectorMezzanineMicrophoneMicroprocessorMicrowave RadioMiddle OrdinantMidpoint AnchorMile Post - More Permissive SpeedMiles Per HourMilitary Spec, (followed by single capitalletter/ numbers)MilivoltMilliampereMilliheneryMillimeter, Multi-modeMillions of British Thermal UnitsMillions of BTU per HourMillwattMillworkIMACHIMAGMDFM/LMAINTMMISMOW.MAUMGMTMISMCICMHSmMFCMFRM/O' MAS"MAMCSMATLMAX " "MCIMDTMSL "~MTBFMTBMMTTRMEASMECHMJ1 M.E.P.' T MSEi MEDIM/FMB/S' MBMHz! MVA! MWMBRMEMBM/WMTLMCPMosMOVMCMMD' MEZZ "MICuPMWR"MOMPAMPMPHMILimVI mA! mHmmMBTUMBTU/HmWMIWKAppendix B B-22 09/03 (Rev.2)

Minutes, MinimumMirrorMiscellaneousMiscellaneous Channel, _x_ = size byweightMiscellaneous Shape, _x_ = size by weightMissouri - Kansas - Texas RailroadCompanyMissouri Pacific Railroad CompanyMissouri, Kansas & Texas RailwayCompany of TexasMobile Data UnitModularModulator-DemodulatorMoldingMonument, MonitorMop ReceptorMotorMotor Control CenterMotor OperatedMount, MountedMounted, Multi-Tile DuctMountingMoveable Point FrogMullionMulti-ModeMultipleMultiple Concrete DuctsMultiple Creosote Wood DuctsMultiple Tile ConduitMultiple Track RecorderMultiplexerMultiplexer-DemultiplexerNailableName PlateNational Area DataNational Association of ArchitecturalMetal ManufacturersNational Building CodeNational Bureau of StandardsNational Electric CodeNational Electric Safety CodeNational Electrical ManufacturersAssociationNational Fire Protection AssociationNational Geodetic SurveyNational Society of Professional EngineersNational StandardNaturalNatural GroundNear FaceNear SideNegativeNegative-Positive-Negative (Transistor)New, NorthNew, NorthNext Train SignNickel-CadmiumNoise Figure, Now or FormerlyNoise Reduction CoefficientNominalNominal Pipe SizeNominal Pipe ThreadNon Freeze Wall HydrantNon-BridgingNon-Metallic ConduitNonvitalNormal ApproachMINMIRIMISCMC_x_I M_x_iMKTMPRRMKTTMDUMODMODEMMLDMONMRMOTMCCMOPMXMTDMTGMPFMULMMMULTMCDMCWDIMTC! MTRI MUXi MULDEM!NL!NPi NAD| NAAMMNBCNBSNECNESCNEMAiNFPA>NGSNSPENAS! NAT! NGNFNSNEGNPNNNTSNNICADN/FNRC! NOM! NFSNPTNFWHNBRNMCNVNANormal Cab Signal LoopNormally Closed, North CentralNormally OpenNorth / SouthNorth Bound, Non-bridgeableNorth Central Texas Council OfGovernmentsNorth East, NortheastNorth Texas Municipal Water DistrictNorthwestNot ApplicableNot In ContractNot Registered, Not RequiredNot SupportedNot Supported Or RegisteredNot To ScaleNotice To ProceedNumberNumbers-N--o-Oak Cliff, On CenterOccupational Safety and Health ActOctalOff Premise Extensionpffee7ofj^rir"] ziizzi iOmni-Directional AntennaOn Center Each WayOpen Site DrainOpeningOperating Speed LimitOperationOperation Control CenterOperations & MaintenanceOperations Management InformationSystemOperatorOpposed Blade DamperOppositeOptical ReceiverOptical TransmitterOrangeburg Fiber ConduitOrdinance, OrdinateOriginal Equipment ManufacturerOther Track MaterialOut Of Running (Non-Riding ContactWire)Out To OutOutboundOutsideOutside Air, OverallOutside DiameterOutside FaceOutside PlantOutside Screw And YokeOver Switch (Track)OvercurrentOvergradeOverhead BridgeOverhead Catenary SystemOverhead ElectricOverhead, Opposite HandOverlap LockingOverlap TimerOverlap, OverloadOverlay Audio FrequencyOverlay Audio Frequency ReceiverOverlay Audio Frequency TransmitterOverloadOverview Display BoardCSLPN"NC!NOIN/SNBNCTCOG' NENTMWD•NWT'N/A ~NICN.R.N.S.N.S.R.NTSNTP! No.NosOCOSHAOCXOPXOFF""IOMNIIOCEWOSDOPNGOSLOPOCCO&MOMISOPEROBDOPPOROTOFCORDOEMOTMO/RToToOOB0/SOAODOFOSPOS&YJOSIq/c' OGOHBDCSOHEOHOLLOTEOLOAFOAFRiOAFXiO/L! ODBAppendix B B-23 09/03 (Rev.2)

PaintedPairPan Tilt MountPanelPanel LightPanel VoltmeterPantographParsons Brinkerhoff/De Leuw GatherPart OfParts Per MillionPassenger Emergency CallPattern DriverPavementPCM Carrier System, 24 Voice Channels,1.544 MbpsPedestrianPerforatedPermanentPermanent Metal Deck FormsPermanent jJpeed RestrictionPhasePhotoelectricPilaster, PolePipe ConnectPipe Connect CrankPivoted DoorPlasticPlastic DuctsPlate Or Pilot LightPlatformPlot Files (Plot Request Form)Ployvinyl FluoridePlumbingPoint Of BeginningPoint of Change from First Circular Curveto Compound SpiralPoint of Change from first Spiral tofirst Circular Curve |RSC2 Point ofChangePoint of Change from SecondCircular Curve to Last SpiralPoint Of Compound CurvePoint of Compound SpiralPoint Of CurvePoint Of EndingPoint Of FrogPoint Of IntersectionPoint Of Intersection - Circular CurvePoint of Intersection - SpiralPoint Of Intersection - TurnoutPoint of Intersection, #10 TurnoutPoint of Origin on Compound SpiralPoint of Reverse CurvePoint Of Reverse Vertical CurvePoint Of SwitchPoint Of TangentPoint Of Vertical Curve, PolyvinylChloride Pipe+Point Of Vertical IntersectionPoint of Vertical TangentPoint On AlignmentPoint On CurvePoint on SpiralPoint On TangentPoint on Vertical TangentPolicePolice Alarm BoxPolyethylenePTDPRPTMPNLPLGTPVPANPBDCp/oPP mPECPDVPVMTjTIFEDPERFPERMPMDFPSR0PEPPIPCPIPCCPDPLASP/DPLPLAT.PRFPVFPLUMB.JPOBCS1isciCS2PCCPCSPCPOEPFiPIiPICPISPITOPI-IOTSPOPRCPVRCPSPTPVCPVIPVTIPOA! POCPOSPOTPOVTPOL" PABPOLTHNPolyethylenePolyethylene Gas High PressurePolyvinyl Chloride Conduit (PVC)Polyvinyl Chloride PipePositive-Intrinsic-Negative (Transistor}Positive-Negative-Positive (Transistor)Post Meridiem, Preventative MaintenancePosted Speed LimitPounds Per Cubic FootPounds Per Cubic FootPounds per Cubic YardPounds Per Cubic YardPounds Per FootPounds per Linear FootPounds Per Linear FootPounds Per Square Feet |Pounds Per Square FeetPounds per Square InchPounds per Square Inch Gauge 1PowerPower FactorPower FrequencyPower Frequency Impedance BondPower Frequency ReceiverPower Frequency TransmitterPower Junction BoxPower PanelPower PolePower Supply, PrestressedPreamplifierPrecastPre-EngineeredPre-FabricatedPremoldedPressure Reducing ValvePre-Stressed Concrete Cylinder PipePrimaryPrimary Control LinePrinciple Section <strong>Design</strong>Printed Circuit ;Printed Circuit BoardiPrinter 1Private Automatic Branch Exchange 1Private Branch ExchangeProfessional EngineerProfile GradeProfile Grade LineProgrammable Logic ControllerProgrammable Read Only MemoryProjectProjectProperty LineProposedjProposed Grade Point !Protected Terminal BlockiProtectionPublic AddressPull BoxPulse Coded ModulationPush on JointPush To TalkPushbuttonPVC Foam Joint FillerI Quantity-p--Q--R-Rack UnitRadio FrequencyRadio Frequency InterferencePOLYPOLYGHPPVCCPVCPPIN.PNPPMPSLLBS/CFPCFLBS/CYPCYLB/FTLB/LFPLFLB/SFPSFj PSIpg IGPWRP/FPWFPWFZFWFRPWFXPJBP/PPPP/SPREAMPP/CPRE-ENGRPRE-FABPREMPRVPCCPPRIPCLPSDPCKTPCBPRTPABXPBXP.E.PGPGLPLCPROM.PJTPRJP/LPROPPGPPTBPROTPAPBPCMPOPTTPBTVFJVQTYi RURFRFIJjJAppendix B B-24 09/03 (Rev.2)

Radius of Circular Curvej ReRadius, Red, Receive, RightRRail Bound ManganeseRBMRail Operations ControllerROCRail SpecificationRRSRailroad! RRRailroad Crossbuck Sign| RRCSNRailroad Grade Crossingj RRXRailroad Signal CableRSCRailtranj RTRNRailway! RYRailway Tie AssociationRTARain Tight, RightRTRainfall IntensityI IRandom Access Memory' RAM.Reactance^ XRead Only Memory1 ROMReceive1 RXReceive Multi-CouplerRxMCReceiver! RCVRReceiver Multi-CouplerRXMCReceptacle1 RECPRecorder1 RCDRRectifierJJRECTRed Indicating LampRILReferenceREFReference NoteRNReflected! REFLDReflectivei REFLRegisterI REGRegistered ArchitectR.A.Reinforce, Reinforcing, Reinforcement REINFReinforced Concrete Box Culvert1 RGBReinforced Concrete Cylinder Pipe1 RCCPReinforced Concrete Pipe! RCPRelayRLYRelease 1 RLSRemote Control Panel! REMCPRemote Indication and Control System i RICSRemote Surveillance & Control | RS & CRemote Terminal UnitI RTURepeaterRPTRRequestREQRequest For Technical Proposali RTFPRequest to Send Message (Datacrrl • • \Transmission): RXSiRequiredREQDResistance Temperature Detector RTDRetaining Walli RET WALLRetaining WallRWReturn Air Fan1 RAFReturn Air, Reverse Approach1 RAReverse Cab Signal LoopCSLPRReverse SpiralRSRevise, Revisioni REVRevolutions per Minute;RPMRightRtRight HandRHRight Hand Reverse! RHRRight TrackR/TRight-Of-WayROWRoad1 RDRock Anchor! R/ARock Dowelj R/DRoom1 RMRoom Mean Square, Root Mean Square RMSRoom to Room Cables1 KRRRough Openingi RORoute Overlap Locking! ROLRoute Overlap TimerRoute Request Wayside PushbuttonRoute Track MileRubber Base, Rock BoltRubberized Bituminous CompoundRunning Edge Of RailRunning Edge of WallRunningRailRural Electrification Administration-

Small Part SteelworkSmoke Detection, Smoke DectectorSociety of Automotive EngineersSoldier Pile Trim ConcreteSolenoid ValveSonet Optical Carrier Level 3Sound Pressure LevelSouth BoundSouth, SlopeSoutheastSouthern Pacific Transportation CompanySouthwest, SwitchSouthwestern Bell TelephoneSpaceSpareSpeakerSpecificationSpeed Limit SignSpeed RestrictionSpiral To Curb, Spiral to CurveSpiral to SpiralSpiral To Tangent, StreetSplitter DamperSprinklerSprinklerSprinkler Alarm PanelSquareSquare Feet, Square FootSquare HeadSquare Inch, Square InchesSquare YardSt. Louis Southwestern RailroadSt. Louis, San Francisco & Texas RailwayCompanySt. Louis, San Francisco RailwayCompanySt. Louis, Southwestern RailwayCompanySt. Louis, Southwestern RailwayCompany of TexasStandardStandard Interchange FormatStandard Interchange Format and BinaryFile FormatStandbyStart Cab Signal SignState Department of Highways and PublicTransportationState HighwayStatic PowerStatic PressureStatic Random Access MemoryStation Approach SignStation Information SystemStation, StationingSteady SpanSteelSteel Structure Painting CouncilStiffenerStorageStorm DrainStorm Water DischargeStorm Water Pollution Prevention PlanStoryStreet Light, Strobe LightStreet SignStroke Completion TimerStructural HeightStructural Tubing(_x_x_x=DIMxDIMxTHK)SPSSDTSAESPTCSOLVOC-3SPLSB" SSEISPT!SWSWBTSPCSPEiSPKRISPECSLSSNSRSCs.s.STs/b\ SPKLRSPRSAP.SQISQFTSQHDSQINSYSSWRRSLSFTSLSFSLSWiSLSWTISTDISIFSIFBIFSTDBYSCSSNSDHPTSH's/pSTPRSRAM1 SAPSNSISSTAS-SPANSTLSSPCSTIFFSTOR' SD, QSWPPSTYSLSTSGNSCTES/HTSXxXxXStructural, StructureSubdivisionSubstationSubstation Conduit LocationSubstation ReturnSubway Environmental SimulationSuperelevation Unbalanced In InchesSupervisory ControlSupervisory ControlSupervisory Control And DataAcquisitionSupervisory Control Interface andTerminal Cabinet, Supervisory Interfaceand Control CabinetSupervisory Control SystemSupervisory Interposing RelaySupplySupply Air FanSupply Air, Supplemental AgreementSurfaceSurvey NailSuspendedSwitch CircuitSwitch Circuit ControllerSwitch HeaterSwitch Heater TransformerSwitch Junction BoxSwitch Overlap Locking, SolendidSwitch Overlap TimerSwitchboardSwitchgearSymmetricalSynchronizeSynchronous Optical NetworkSystem-T-TangentTangent Distance from TS on ST to PITangent Distance from TS to SC or ST toG3Tangent Length of Circular CurveTangent Offset at SC or CSTangent To Spiral, Tangent To SpiralPointTee Shape, _x_ = Dimension x WeightTelegraphTelegraph ManholeTelephoneTelephone Back BoardTelephone Interface ModuleTelephone ManholeTelephone Terminal CabinetTelevision Manhole, Ticket VendingMachineTemperatureTemperature SwitchTemperedTemporaryTemporary BenchmarkTension LengthTerminal BlockTerminal Block, Terminal Board, TerminalBrandTerminal Mode AutomaticTerminal Mode Control PanelTerminal, TerminationTest BoringTexas & New Orleans Railroad CompanyTexas & Pacific Railway CompanyTexas Department Of TransportationSTRUCTSUED1 SUBSUB-CLSUBRSESEuS/CSUPY CONTSCADAi SCITC"scs ~SIR""SPLY ~1 SAFISATsuiFT• PK "SUSPSasec!SWHiSWHTWJB' SOLSOTEISWBJSWGRISYM! SYNCI SONETISYSITAN.TsXs! Tc! YsTSWT_x_TGTGMHTELTBBTIMTMHTTCTVM"TEMPTSWTEMDITEMITEMI TLITBKTBTMATMCPTERM.IT/IF:TNOTPRWTxDOTAppendix B B-26 09/03 (Rev.2)

Texas Instruments Duct BankTexas Manual on Uniform Traffic ControlDevicesTexas Municipal Power AgencyTexas Natural Resources ConservationCommissionTexas Power & LightTexas State Department of Highways andPublic TransportationTexas Surveyors AssociationTexas Utilities Electric Co.Thermal Expansion ValveThick, ThicknessThousand Board Foot MeasureThousand Circular MilsThousand Circular Mils (=MCM)Thousands Of BTU Per HourThousands of BTU per HourThyristor Contolled RectifierTie StationTie Wire AnchorTile DuctTime DelayTime Locking TimerTime Of Concentration, Train ControlTime of DayTime Table, Transfer TripTimerTo Be DeterminedTo Be RemovedToe of FrogToneTop and BottomTop OfTop Of ConcreteTop of CurbTop of DitchTop Of FoundationTop Of Ground Linefop Of Low RailTop of PavementTop Of RailTop of Retaining WallTop Of Retaining WallTop Of RoofTop of SlopeTop Of SteelTop Of SteelTop Of WallTopographyTotal Dynamic HeadTotal Length Of Circular CurveTotal Length of Compound Spiral (fromSPOtoSC2)Total Length of SpiralTotal Length Of Spiral Down StationTotal Length Of Spiral UpstationTotal PressureTotal Superelevation in InchesTrack'Tradf IIII...IITrack Junction BoxTraction Cross BondTraction ElectrificationTraction Electrification SystemTraction PowerTraction Power Cable ThroughTraction Power SubstationTraffic SignalTraffic SurveyCESTMUTCDTMPATNRCC! TPL1 TSDHPTTSATUETXV]THKIMBFMMCMKCMILkBTU/HkBTUHTCRTIE.TWATOTDLYTLTETCTODITTMRTBDTBRTFTOT&BT/TOCT/CT/D;T/FT/GT/LRT/PT/RTOPWTORWT/ROOF, T/ST/STLTOST/WTOPOTDK' LcLSTLVLsl- Ls2TTLPREtTKTRKTJBTCBTETESTPTPCTTPSSTRFSIG'TSZTraffic TimerTrain Control CenterTrain Length SignTrain ReadyTrain Ready Automatic, Trinity RiverAuthorityTrain To Wayside CommunicationsTrain to Wayside CommunicationsReceiverTransfer SwitchTransformerTransistor-Transistor LogicTransmission Line TowerTransmitTransmit - Receive Line CardTransmitterTread, TransducerTrinity & Brazos Valley RailwayCompanyTrip StopTrip Stop Key-By Wayside PushbuttonTrue DistanceTunnelTunnel Booster FanTunnel Emergency PhoneTunnel Ventilation FanTunnel Ventilation ShaftTurnoutTwistedTwisted PairTwo-Part Polyurethane Modified SealantTwo-Part Polyurethane SealantTwo-Wire Channel UnitTypeTypical-u-Ultra High Frequency (300mHz to 3GHz)UndercutUnderdrainUndergrade, UndergroundUnderground , Undergrade BridgeUnderground TelephoneUnderplatformUnderplatform ExhaustUnderplatform Exhaust FanUndersideUnderwriters Laboratories, Inc.UnidentifiedUnified National Thread, CoarseUnified National Thread, FineUniform Building CodeUninterruptible Power SupplyUnion Pacific Railroad CompanyUnion Pacific Railroad CompanyUnit HeaterUnit LeverUnited Gas Pipeline CompanyUnited StatesUnited States Coast and Geodetic SurveyUnited States Geological SurveyUnits of ResolutionUnless Noted OtherwiseUnless Otherwise NotedUnselectedUpgradeUpper Work PointUrban Mass TransportationAdministrationUrinalFTETCCTLSNTRTRATWCTWCRTRSWXFMRTTLTLTTXITXRXIXMTRi TRDTBVJTSPKPBTRUD__TUNI TBF! TEPTVFTVSTO.TW, TW/PR2-PUMS2-PUS2WC/UTYTYP! UHF!UCiUDUGUGBT(UG)lUP.lUPEUPEFU/SULUIDUNCUNFUBCUPSiUPUPRRUHUNLUGPUSUSC&GSUSGSUROUNOUONUNSELUWPiUMTAURAppendix B B-27 09/03 (Rev.2)

pjtJHtjrI Utility Manhole-V-Valve BoxVaporproofVariable Air <strong>Volume</strong>Varies, VariableVelocity PressureVelocity, Volt, VitalVending MachineVeneerVent Through RoofVentilate, VentilationVermiculiteVersineVerticalVertical CurveVertical EllipticalVery High Frequency (30 to 300 mHz)Very Low Frequency (3 to 30 kHz)VestibleVibrationVideo Cassette RecorderVideo Display UnitVideo Matrix SwitchVideo RecorderVideo Sequential SwitchVideo TapeVinyl TileVisual Message BoardVitrified Clay ConduitVitrified Clay PipeVitrified Clay Pipe (Extra Strength)Voice FrequencyVoice Operated SwitchVolt AmpsVolt MeterVolt OHM MeterVoltage Standing Wave RatioVoltmeter SwitchVolts Alternating CurrentVolts Direct Current<strong>Volume</strong><strong>Volume</strong> DamperVoting Equipment-wtWallCleanoutWall HungUTILUBIUTMHV.B.VPFVAVVARVPVVMVNRVTRVENTVRMv/sVERTVCVEVHFVLFVEST.VIBVCRVDU""VMSVRvssVTV/TVMBVCCVCPVCP (ES)VFVOXVAVMTVOMVSWR" vsVACVDC! VOLVDVOTiwcpfWHI W^llSupport ! WSTWarehouseWastewater, WaterwayWaterWater ClosetWater ElevationWater Hammer ArresterWater Line, Wind Load, WirelineWater ManholeWater MeterWater Surface ElevationWater Surface, WaysideWater ValveWaterproofWatertight, WeightWave GuideWavelength Division MultiplexWayside Data Transmission SystemWeatherproofWelded Steel Pipe (Cement Lined)Welded Wire FabricWest, Water, Watt, WhiteWestbound, WetbulbWestern Union Telegraph CompanyWet Stand PipeWide FlangeWide Flange (_x_=Size By Weight)Wide Flange Shape, _x_ = size by weightWindowWirewayWiring DiagramWithWithoutWomenWords Per MinuteWork PointWorkstationWrought Iron PipeWrought Iron, WeightYardYard Control RoomYard LeadYard Operations ControllerYellowZinc Rich CoatingZone Control-Y--z-WHSEwwiWTR|WCW.E.' WHAWLWMHi WM! WSEL1WSwvWTRPRFWTWGWDMWDTSW/PWSP(L)WWFWWB;WU! WSPWFW_x_' WF xWIN.WYWDW/W/O'WOM"ivpM "WPWKSTWIPWI!YDIYCR! YL! YOCI YzcAppendix B B-28 09/03 (Rev.2)

APPENDIX CDART Level Assignments

Page Logical Name I File Name I Title1_xxxxBMnn.sssSHEET FILESBench Mark Sheet File2_xxxxHAnn.sssHorizontal Alignment Sheet File3_xxxxKMnn.sssKey Map4-xxxx??nn.sssTypical Architectural Detail (Architectural, Equipment, HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Signage, Fire Protection & Paving) - Sheet File(Use for Referenced - Sites / Floors / Ceilings / Total Exterior Elevations / Cross Sections)5-xxxx??nn.sssTypical Architectural Detail (Architectural, Equipment, HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Signage, Fire Protection & Paving) - Sheet File(Use for Details / Sections / Elevations / Schedules / Diagrams)6_xxxx??nn.sssTypical Civil Sheet File7_xxxx??nn.sssTypical Systems (SDC) Sheet File - All Sheets whether Systems Package or Civil Package8_xxxx??nn.sssTypical Structural Sheet File - Detail / Section / Schematic / Elevation9_xxxxNTOI.nnnCover Sheet10_xxxxNT02.nnnTitle Sheet11_xxxxNT??.nnnNotes, Abbreviations, Symbols - Sheet FileGENERAL - REFERENCE FILES12BORDERxxxxBORn.sssBorder Reference File14INDEXxxxxNTRn.sssIndex Reference FileARCHITECTURAL - REFERENCE FILES15ARCHCxxxxACRn.sssReflected Ceiling Plan16ARCHExxxxAERn.sssArchitectural Exterior Building Elevation17ARCHFxxxxAFRn.sssArchitectural Floor Plan19ARCHPxxxxAPRn.sssArchitectural Site Plan20ARCHRxxxxARRn.sssArchitectural Roof Plan21ARCHXxxxxAXRn.sssFull Structure Cross Sections22ARCHVxxxxAVRn.sssArchitectural Paving PlanELECTRICAL - REFERENCE FILES23ELECFxxxxEFRn.sssElectrical Floor Plan25ELECPxxxxEPRn.sssElectrical Site Plan27ELECRxxxxERRn.sssElectrical Roof PlanFIRE PROTECTION - REFERENCE FILES28FIREFxxxxFFRn.sssFire Protection Floor Plan29FIREPxxxxFPRn.sssFire Protection Site Plan30FIRERxxxxFRRn.sssFire Protection Roof PlanMECHANICAL (HVAC) - REFERENCE FILES31HVACFxxxxMFRn.sssHVAC Floor Plan32HVACPxxxxMPRn.sssHVAC Site Plan33HVACRxxxxMRRn.sssHVAC Roof PlanEQUIPMENT - REFERENCE FILES34EQUIPFxxxxQFRn.sssEquipment Floor Plan35EQUIPPxxxxQPRn.sssEquipment Site Plan36EQUIPRxxxxQRRn.sssEquipment Roof PlanPLUMBING - REFERENCE FILES37PLUMBFxxxxPFRn.sssPlumbing Floor Plan38PLUMBPxxxxPPRn.sssPlumbing Site Plan39PLUMBRxxxxPRRn.sssPlumbing Roof PlanINDEX LEVEL LIST Page i of ill Oct 05' (Rev.3)

SIGNAGE - REFERENCE FILES40SIGNxxxxVFRn.sssSignage Floor Plan41SIGNPxxxxVPRn.sssSignage Site Plan42SIGNRxxxxVRRn.sssSignage Roof PlanCIVIL - REFERENCE FILES43ALIGNxxxxALRI .sssHorizontal Alignment Reference44PROFILExxxxALR2.sssVertical Alignment Reference (Track)45PROFILE 2xxxxALRS.sssVertical Alignment Reference (Civil)45DATAxxxxALRQ.sssAlignment Data47SITExxxxCPRn.sssSite Plan Reference48XSECxxxxCSRn.sssCross Section49CIVILxxxxCVRn.040Civil Base50DRAINxxxxDARn.sssDrainage Area51DEMOxxxxDMRn.sssDemolition Plan52ENVIRONxxxxEVRn.sssEnvironmental53GEOxxxxGTRn.040Geotechnical54GEOPROXxxxGTR2.040Geotechnical Profile55CLANDxxxxLCRn.sssCivil Landscape Plan56SHEETxxxxPORn.sssPolygon Reference File57ROWxxxxRWRn.040Right-of-Way Plan58PTOPOxxxxPTRn.040Topography (Proposed)59MODIFYxxxxSTRLsssStreet/Alley Modification Plan60SMPROFPxxxxSTR2.sssStreet/Alley Modification Profile61TRAFFICxxxxTCRn.sssPermanent Traffic Control Plan Reference File62TDREFNxxxxTDRn.sssTrack Removal Plan Reference File63TRACPLNxxxxTKRn.sssTrack Charts Plan Reference File64TMREFNxxxxTMRn.sssTrack Modification Reference File65TOPO1xxxxTPR1.040Topography (Existing)66TKPROFxxxxTRRn.sssTrack Charts Profile Reference File67TSIGxxxxTSRn.sssTraffic Signalization68TEMTRAFxxxxTTRn.sssTemporary Traffic Control Plan Reference File70WLFPROFxxxxWLRn.sssWall Profile71LANDxxxxLSRn.sssPlatform Landscape Plan72URBANxxxxLSR9.sssUrban Development Plan ' . - " '• ~: ;--""'"• * _- - - A -:',*-' - .-.-, - 1 - >-- — -?, -/- -CIVIL (UTILITIES) - REFERENCE FILES73UTILDExxxxOERI.040Utilities by DART (Existing)74PSTMxxxxUORn.040Storm Drainage (Proposed)75UTILxxxxUTR1.040Utilities (Existing)76UTILPxxxxURRn.040Utilities (Proposed)77UTPROFxxxxUPRn.040Utility ProfileCIVIL (SEQUENCING) - REFERENCE FILES78YARDAxxxxYARI.040Horizontal Alignment Sequencing79YARDPxxxxYAR2.040Vertical Alignment Sequencing80SURSEQxxxxSQRnsssSurface Construction Sequencing81UGDSEQxxxxUQRn.sss(UG) Construction Sequencing82 BORDER xxxxDWUB.sss DWU Border83 COVER xxxxDWUn.sss DWU Cover Sheet FileCIVIL (Dallas Water Utilities) - DWU REFERENCE FILESINDEX LEVEL LIST Page ii of iii Oct 05' (Rev.3)

STRUCTURAL - REFERENCE FILES84BRPLxxxxBRR1.040Bridge Plan85BRELxxxxBRR2.008Bridge Elevation86STRTxxxxSFR1.040Track Slab Plan87STRUxxxxSRRI .sssBuilding/Station Plan88STPLxxxxSWRI.sssStructural Plan (structural walls, tunnels, cut & cover)89STELxxxxSWR2.sssStuctural Elevation (structural walls, tunnels, cut & cover)SYSTEMS - REFERENCE FILES (Communications. Signals. Systems Elements & Traction Electrification)90COMRxxxxCLRn.040Communications Reference91SYSPROFxxxxTLPn.040Vertical Profile Reference (Manhole/Handholes, Conduits, Express Trough, Ductbanks and Catenary Foundations)92TROUGHxxxxETRn.040Express Trough Reference93SIGRxxxxSLRn.040Signals Reference94SYSRxxxxSYRn.040Systems Reference95TRERxxxxTLRn.040Traction Electrification Reference96CNR1xxxxCNRn.200Communications Schematic Reference File97DOUBLExxxxDBRI.sssDouble Line Schematic Reference File98CROSSxxxxSCRn.200Signals Schematic Cross-Over Line Diagram Reference99SINGLExxxxSSRn.200Signals Schematic Single Line Diagram Reference100NORMALxxxxSNRn.200Signals Schematic Normal Line Diagram Reference101REVERSExxxxSRRA.200Signals Schematic Reverse Line Diagram Reference102SIGNAGExxxxSIRn.200Signals Schematic Line Diagram of Train Signals Reference103TRACKxxxxTKRA.200Systems Schematic Line Diagram of Rail Line (existing) Reference104TRACKBLDxxxxTKRB.200Systems Schematic Line Diagram of Rail Line (proposed) Reference105TRACKGENxxxxTKRC.200Systems Schematic Line Diagram of Ral Line Reference106SIGNALxxxxSERn.200Signals Schematic Line DiagramINDEX LEVEL LIST Page iii of iii Oct 05' (Rev.3)

SHEET FILESxxxxBMnn.sss - Bench Mark Sheet FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS1PLOT SPECIFIC INFORMATION0069411000Text Weight = 02SHEET DEPENDENT "INFO":[ Plan Sequence No.* / North Arrow / Keyplan-Text / Graphic Scale /Graphic Scale Text / Legend-Graphics / Legend-Text /Keyplan-Hatching / Contract Sheet No.* / Title Block Text (Secondary)* /Revision No.** / Contract Drawing No. / Scale / Drawn /<strong>Design</strong>ed / Checked / In Charge / Revision Information ]4/7/4/0/2/0-10/3/2/4/41414/2/212/2/2/2o/o/o/o/0 / 0-7 / 0 /0/0/01o/o/o/o/0/0/0/04/3/3/30/ 30 / 0 / 0 /0/4/414/4/4/4!4/4/4/441SeeRemarks140/NA/140/NA/80/NA/120/NA/140/175/140/140/80/80/80 / 80 / 80 / 804891011262728364344454647NOTES ABOVE TITLE BLOCKCREEK & RIVERSSTREETS: [ Major Streets / Minor Streets ]RAILROAD TRACKSBENCH MARKS: [ Existing Bench Marks / Temporary Bench Marks ]EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAYS: [Lines / Intersection Circles]EXISTING PROPERTY LINES: [ Lines / Intersection Circles ]RIGHT-OF-WAY CENTERLINESSTREET NAMESBLOCK NUMBERSLOT NUMBERSBENCH MARK DESCRIPTIONSGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TITLES: [ Text / Title Underline / Graphics / Cell Graphics ]334/22,432/42/4243333/1/13.6/4/4/7060007/06/0400000048910112627283643444534741NANANANANANANA414141414141120NANANANANANANA175120120120120120,240RC= DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!xxxxBMnn.sss - Bench Mark Sheet File(* = Fill In Text) (** = Fill In Text -Revision 1 and Above)LEVEL LIST Page 1 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

xxxxHAnn.sss - Horizontal Alignment Sheet FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS1PLOT SPECIFIC INFORMATION0069411000Text Weight = 02SHEET DEPENDENT "INFO":[ Plan Sequence No.* / North Arrow / Keyplan-Text / Graphic Scale /Graphic Scale Text / Legend-Graphics / Legend-Text /Keyplan-Hatching / Contract Sheet No.* / Title Block Text (Secondary)* /Revision No.** / Contract Drawing No. / Scale / Drawn /<strong>Design</strong>ed / Checked / In Charge / Revision Information ]4/7/4/0/2/0-10/3/214/414/4/2/212/2/2/2o/o/o/o/0 / 0-7 / 0 /o/o/o/o/o/o/o/0/0/0/04/3/3/30/ 30 / 0 / 0 /0/4/4/4/4/4/414/4/41441SeeRemarks140/NA/140/NA/80/NA/120/NA/140/175/140/140/80/80/80 / 80 / 80 / 8046NOTES ABOVE TITLE BLOCKLINE SECTION NAMES34004641411201757RAIL GRAPHICS: [ Northbound & Southbound / Junction, Crossover,Pocket Track / Curve Point Symbols ]4/4/207/7/0NA/NA/94NA/NA/17589CURVE TAGS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminators ]PHYSICAL FEATURES: [ Streets & Rivers ]5/3/1/13008241NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel10DATA TABLE TEXT: [ Column & Row Heading Text / Curve Tag Bubble /Chart Text ]301041120 /NA/1201136414647DATA TABLE: [ Linework & Text ]STREET NAMESMATCHLINES & TEXT: [ Matchlines / Matchline Text ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TITLES: [ Text / Title Underline / Graphics / Cell Graphics ]5/349/63/1/13,6/4/4/70000011360/13474141414141120175240120120,240RC=DART100PJT41.celRC= DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 /1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!xxxxHAnn.sss - Horizontal Alignment Sheet File(* = Fill In Text) (** = Fill In Text -Revision 1 and Above)LEVEL LIST Page 2 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

xxxxKMnn.sss - Key Map Sheet FileLV1DESCRIPTIONPLOT SPECIFIC INFORMATIONWT0LC0CO69FT41SIZE1000REMARKS2SHEET DEPENDENT "INFO":[ Plan Sequence No.* / North Arrow / Keyplan-Text / Graphic Scale /Graphic Scale Text / Legend-Graphics / Legend-Text /Keyplan-Hatching / Contract Sheet No.* / Title Block Text (Secondary)* /Revision No." / Contract Drawing No. / Scale / Drawn /<strong>Design</strong>ed / Checked / In Charge / Revision Information j4/7/41012/0-10/3/2/4/474/4/21212/2/2/20/0/0/070 / 0-7 / 0 /0/0/070/0/0/070/0/0/04/3/3/30/ 30 / 0 / 0 /0/4/474/4/4/474/4/4/441SeeRemarks140/NA/140/NA/80/NA/120/NA/140/175/140/140/80/80/80 / 80 / 80 / 805GRID LINES105NANA7RAIL GRAPHICS: [ NB Rail / SB Rail / Station Text ]5/5/30,3/0,3/03/1/041120101112131617PHYSICAL FEATURES: [ Street / Rivers / Text ]SHEET OUTLINESHEET NUMBERSSTATION CALLOUTS: [ Graphics / Text ]POINT SYMBOLSPOINT INFORMATION: [ Leaders / Text ]3/3/4373/432/3000000105121316341NA4141NA41175NA290140NA12018TOP OF RAIL: [ Rail / Text / Leaders / Curve Tangent Lines / Future RailLines ]2/3/1 70710/0/0/0724/4/4/07441120192026414647GRID STATIONING TEXTGRID ELEVATION TEXTCURVE TAG (Cells): [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]MATCHLINES & TEXT: [ Matchlines / Matchline Text ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TITLES: [ Text / Title Underline / Graphics / Cell Graphics ]343/5/19/63/1/13,6/4/4/700000044260/1347414141414141120175120240120120,240RC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART1 OOPJT41 .eel* For input use only!xxxxKMnn.sss - Key Map Sheet File' = Fill In Text) (** = Fill In Text -Revision 1 and Above)LEVEL LIST Page 3 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev. 3)

LV1249101121363738394041464750XXXX??nn.SSS - Typical Architectural Detail Sheet Files (Architectural, Equipment, HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Signage, Fire Protection and Paving)(Use for Referenced - Sites / Floors / Ceilings / Total Exterior Elevations / Cross Sections)DESCRIPTIONPLOT SPECIFIC INFORMATIONSHEET DEPENDENT "INFO":[ Plan Sequence No.* / North Arrow / Keyplan-Text / Graphic Scale /Graphic Scale Text / Legend-Graphics / Legend-Text /Keyplan-Hatching / Contract Sheet No.* / Title Block Text (Secondary)* /Revision No.** / Contract Drawing No. / Scale / Drawn /<strong>Design</strong>ed / Checked / In Charge / Revision Information ]NOTES ABOVE TITLE BLOCKMISCELLANEOUS GRAPHICSCOLUMN GRID CENTERLINESCOLUMN GRID TAGS: [ Cells ] [ Text / Graphic ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]STREET NAMESROOM NAMES & NUMBERSDOOR NUMBERSWINDOW NUMBERSDETAIL, ELEVATION, SECTION INDICATORS / DETAIL AREAENCLOSUREMATCHLINES & TEXT: [ Matchlines / Matchline Text ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TITLES: [ Text / Title Underline / Graphics / Cell Graphics ]DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]WT04/7/4/0!2/0-10/3/2141414/4/2/2121212/230-1013/20-1031,31,31,31,3,4/69/62,3/1/13,6/4/4/73/1/1/1/1 /1LC0o/o/o/o/0 / 0-7 / 0 /O/O/O/O/O/O/O/0/0/0/000-7400-700000/20000/0/0/0/4/0CO694/3/3/30/ 30 / 0 / 0 /0/4/4/4/414/414/4/4/4493021,151-1593637383920/134750FT414141NANA4141414141414141414141SIZE1000SeeRemarks120NANA24080-175120120120120120240100/120120,240120REMARKS140/NA/140/NA/80/NA/120/NA/140/175/140/140/80/80/80 / 80 / 80 / 80RC=DART8000PJT41 .eelRC=DART8000PJT41 .eelRC=DART8000PJT41 .eelRC= DART8000PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.cel51SCHEDULE & DIAGRAM TEXT2,3,405141100/120/14052SCHEDULE & DIAGRAM GRAPHICS3052NANA61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]5/7/306241120RC=DART100PJT41.cel*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!XXXX??rm.SSS - Typical Architectural Detail Sheet Files (Architectural, Equipment, HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Signage, Fire Protection and Paving)LEVEL LIST Page 4 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

LV1247XXXX??nn.SSS - Typical Architectural Detail Sheet Files (Architectural, Equipment, HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Signage, Fire Protection and Paving)(Use for Details / Sections / Elevations / Schedules / Diagrams)DESCRIPTIONPLOT SPECIFIC INFORMATIONSHEET DEPENDENT "INFO":[ Plan Sequence No.* / North Arrow / Keyplan-Text / Graphic Scale /Graphic Scale Text / Legend-Graphics / Legend-Text /Key plan-Hatching / Contract Sheet No.* / Title Block Text (Secondary)* /Revision No.** / Contract Drawing No. / Scale / Drawn /<strong>Design</strong>ed / Checked / In Charge / Revision Information ]NOTES ABOVE TITLE BLOCKSECONDARY (SHADED) GRAPHIC ELEMENTSWT0417/4/012/0-10/3/2/4/474/4/2/272/2/2/230-10LC00/0/0/070 / 0-7 / 0 /O/O/O/O/O/O/O/0/0/0/000-7CO694/3/3/30/ 30 / 0 / 0 /0/4/41414/4/414/4/4144155FT414141NASIZE1000SeeRemarks120NAREMARKS140/NA/140/NA/80/NA/120/NA/140/175/140/140/80/80/80 / 80 / 80 / 80This includes linework forschedules and schematics8SECONDARY GRAPHIC ELEMENTS0-10-78NANAThis includes linework forschedules and schematics910112136PRIMARY GRAPHICS ELEMENTS / CELL TEXTCOLUMN GRID CENTERLINESCOLUMN GRID TAGS: [ Cells ] [ Text / Graphic ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]STREET NAMES0-10/30-13/20-1040-7/0400-7093021,151-15936414141414112080-17524080-17517540DETAIL, ELEVATION, SECTION INDICATORS / DETAIL AREAENCLOSURE1,3,4/60/2241120RC= DART8000PJT41.cel4145464748SHADED TITLE & REFERENCESHADED GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TITLES: [ Text / Title Underline / Graphics / Cell Graphics ]SHADED TITLES1,3,43.1,12,3/1/13,6/4/4/73-700000151-160151-160347151-1604141414141120120100/120120,240120,240RC=DART100PJT41.cel49SHADED DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / WitnessLines / Center Lines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1 /10151-1604112050DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 /1/1/10/0/0/074/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel51SCHEDULE & DIAGRAM TEXT2,3,405141100/120714052SCHEDULE & DIAGRAM GRAPHICS3052NANA61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!XXXX??nn.SSS - Typical Architectural Detail Sheet Files (Architectural, Equipment, HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Signage, Fire Protection and Paving)LEVEL LIST Page 5 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

xxxx??nn.sss - Typical Civil Sheet FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS1PLOT SPECIFIC INFORMATION00694110002SHEET DEPENDENT "INFO":[ Plan Sequence No.* / North Arrow / Keyplan-Text / Graphic Scale /Graphic Scale Text / Legend-Graphics / Legend-Text /Keyplan-Hatching / Contract Sheet No.* / Title Block Text (Secondary)* /Revision No.** / Contract Drawing No. / Scale / Drawn /<strong>Design</strong>ed / Checked / In Charge / Revision Information J4/7/4/0/2/0-10/3/2/4/474M/2/2/2/2/2/2o/o/o/o/0 / 0-7 / 0 /o/o/o/o/o/o/o/0/0/0/04/3/3/30/ 30 / 0 / 0 /0/4/4/414/4/414/4/4/441SeeRemarks140/NA/140/NA/80/NA/120/NA/140/175/140/140/80/80/80 / 80 / 80 / 80491012132136NOTES ABOVE TITLE BLOCKPRIMARY GRAPHICSSECONDARY GRAPHICSGRID STATIONING TEXTGRID ELEVATION TEXTMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]STREET NAMES [ OPTIONAL ]30-100-10340-10400-70-7000-7049104421,151-1593641NANA41414141120NANA12017580-17517540DETAIL, ELEVATION, SECTION INDICATORS / DETAIL AREAENCLOSURE1 ,3,4 / 60/2241120RC= DART8000PJT41.cel414647MATCHLINES & TEXT: [ Matchlines / Matchllne Text ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TITLES: [ Text / Title Underline / Graphics / Cell Graphics ]9/62,3/1/13,6/4/4/70000/1347414141240100/120120,240RC= DART100PJT41.celRC= DART100PJT41.cel48SCHEDULE & DIAGRAM TEXT2,3,404841100/120/14049SCHEDULE & DIAGRAM GRAPHICS3049NANA50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!xxxx??rm.sss - Typical Civil Sheet File(* = Fill In Text) (** = Fill In Text -Revision 1 and Above)LEVEL LIST Page 6 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

xxxx??nn.sss - Typical Systems Sheet FileLV1DESCRIPTIONPLOT SPECIFIC INFORMATIONWT0LC0CO69FT41SIZE1000REMARKS2SHEET DEPENDENT "INFO":[ Plan Sequence No.* / North Arrow / Keyplan-Text / Graphic Scale /Graphic Scale Text / Legend-Graphics / Legend-Text /Keyplan-Hatching / Contract Sheet No.* / Title Block Text (Secondary)* /Revision No.** / Contract Drawing No. / Scale / Drawn /<strong>Design</strong>ed / Checked / In Charge / Revision Information J4/7/4/0/2/0-10/3/2/4/474M/2/2/2/2/2/2o/o/o/o/0 / 0-7 / 0 /0/0/01o/o/o/o/0/0/0/04/3/3/30/ 30 / 0 / 0 /0/4/41A/4/41414/4/4/441SeeRemarks140/NA/140/NA/80/NA/120/NA/140/175/140/140/80/80/80 / 80 / 80 / 804689101213152123NOTES ABOVE TITLE BLOCKCELL TEXTEXISTING STRUCTURESPRIMARY GRAPHICSSECONDARY GRAPHICSGRID STATIONING TEXTGRID ELEVATION TEXTCELLSMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]CELL LINEWORK3Cell0-10-100-10340-90-100-9000-10-70-7000-70-70-7438910121315,3121,151-159234141NANANA41414141NA120CellNANANA12017512080-175NARC= DARTtes41 .eel [ SA ]ScreenedRC=DARTtes41.cel[SA]40DETAIL, ELEVATION, SECTION INDICATORS / DETAIL AREAENCLOSURE1 ,3,4 / 60/2241120414647MATCHLINES & TEXT: [ Matchlines / Matchline Text ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TITLES: [ Text / Title Underline / Graphics / Cell Graphics j9/62,3/1/13,6/4/4/70000/1347414141240100/120120,240RC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.cel48SCHEDULE & DIAGRAM TEXT2,3,404841100/120/14049SCHEDULE & DIAGRAM GRAPHICS3049NANA50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 IM1/10/0/0/014105041120RC=DART8000PJT41 .eel5152535455565758SCREENED ELEMENTS: (25%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (31%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (37%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (43%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (50%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (62%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (75%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (80%)0-100-100-100-100-100-100-100-100-70-70-70-70-70-70-70-7151152153154155156157158414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!xxxx??nn.sss - Typical Systems Sheet File(* = Fill In Text) (** = Fill In Text -Revision 1 and Above)LEVEL LIST Page 7 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

XXXX??nn.SSS - Typical Structural Sheet File - (Detail / Section / Schematic / Elevation)LV1DESCRIPTIONPLOT SPECIFIC INFORMATIONWT0LC0CO69FT41SIZE1000REMARKS2SHEET DEPENDENT "INFO":[ Plan Sequence No.* / North Arrow / Keyplan-Text / Graphic Scale /Graphic Scale Text / Legend-Graphics / Legend-Text /Keyplan-Hatching / Contract Sheet No.* / Title Block Text (Secondary)* /Revision No." / Contract Drawing No. / Scale / Drawn /<strong>Design</strong>ed / Checked / In Charge / Revision Information ]4/7/4/0/2/0-10/3/2/4/414/4121212/2/2/2o/o/o/o/0 / 0-7 / 0 /O/O/O/O/O/O/O/0/0/0/04/3/3/30130/0/01014/414/4/4/414/4/4/441SeeRemarks140/NA/140/NA/80/NA/120/NA/140/175/140/140/80/80/80 / 80 / 80 / 80456789101114192021252627NOTES ABOVE TITLE BLOCKGRID LINESREINFORCING: [ Proposed ]REINFORCING: [ Existing ]EXISTING STRUCTURESPRIMARY GRAPHICSCOLUMN GRID CENTERLINESCOLUMNGRID TAGSGRADE LINE [ Existing / Proposed ]GRID STATIONING TEXTGRID ELEVATION TEXTMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]SCREENED ELEMENTS: (80%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (60%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (40%)310-100-100-10-1013,21/2340-100-100-100-10000-3,50-3,50-30-3,5400/2000-70-70-70-74510789306/94421,151-15915115415641NANANA4141414141414141414141120NANANA80-17580-17580-17524080-17512017580-17580-17580-17580-17531FILLED SHAPES: (80%)00151NANAShape & Complex Shapes FilledWith Screen32FILLED SHAPES: (60%)00154NANAShape & Complex Shapes FilledWith Screen33FILLED SHAPES: (40%)00156NANAShape & Complex Shapes FilledWith Screen36STREET NAMES [ OPTIONAL ]40364117540DETAIL, ELEVATION, SECTION INDICATORS / DETAIL AREAENCLOSURE1 ,3,4 / 60/2241120RC= DART8000PJT41.cel414647MATCHLINES & TEXT: [ Matchlines / Matchline Text ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TITLES: [ Text / Title Underline / Graphics / Cell Graphics ]9/62,3/1/13,6/4/4/70000/1347414141240100/120120,240RC= DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.cel48SCHEDULE & DIAGRAM TEXT2,3,404841100/120/14049SCHEDULE & DIAGRAM GRAPHICS3049NANA50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!XXXX??fin.SSS - Typical Structural Sheet File - (Detail / Section / Schematic / Elevation)(* = Fill In Text) (** = Fill In Text -Revision 1 and Above)LEVEL LIST Page 8 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

xxxxNTOl .nnn - Cover Sheet FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS1PLOT SPECIFIC INFORMATION00694110006SHEET BORDER: [ Interior / Plot Trim Limits ]5/002/0NANA8SHEET BORDER TEXT2/2/3/4084180/100/120/1759PLOT INFORMATION TEXT1034110021CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE BLOCK: [ Agency-City-Company Name /Recommended/Approved By Text-Date-Title of Person Who ApprovesPlans / Signature Line]4/4/30341175/140/NA22DART SIGNATURE BLOCK: [ Agency-City-Company Name /Recommended/Approved By Text-Date-Title of Person Who ApprovesPlans / Signature Line]4/4/30341175/140/NA23PRIMARY CONSULTANT SIGNATURE BLOCK: [ Agency-City-CompanyName / Recommended/Approved By Text-Date-Title of Person WhoApproves Plans / Signature Line]4/4/30341175/140/NA24CITY SIGNATURE BLOCK: [ Agency-City-Company Name /Recommended/Approved By Text-Date-Title of Person Who ApprovesPlans / Signature Line]4/4/30341175/140/NA25STATE HIGHWAY SIGNATURE BLOCK: [ Agency-City-Company Name /Recommended/Approved By Text-Date-Title of Person Who ApprovesPlans / Signature Line]4/4/30341175/140/NA47TITLES: [ Title Text / Reference Text ]104742800 / 29056DART LOGO TEXT: [ <strong>Dart</strong> Logo Name ]NANA56NANARC=DART100PJT41.cel57DART LOGO PATTERN: [ <strong>Dart</strong> Logo Arrow ]1057,157NANARC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]5/7/306241120RC=DART100PJT41.cel*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!xxxxNTOl .nnn - Cover Sheet FileLEVEL LIST Page 9 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

xxxxNTOZ.nnn - Title Sheet FileLV1DESCRIPTIONPLOT SPECIFIC INFORMATIONWT0LC0CO69FT41SIZE1000REMARKS2SHEET DEPENDENT "INFO":[ Plan Sequence No.* / North Arrow / Keyplan-Text / Graphic Scale /Graphic Scale Text / Legend-Graphics / Legend-Text /Keyplan-Hatching / Contract Sheet No.* / Title Block Text (Secondary)* /Revision No." / Contract Drawing No. / Scale / Drawn /<strong>Design</strong>ed / Checked / In Charge / Revision Information ]4/7/4/0/2/0-10 /3/2/4/4/414/2/212/2/2/2o/o/o/o/0 / 0-7 / 0 /O/O/O/O/O/O/O/0/0/0/04/3/3/30/ 30 / 0 / 0 /0/4/4/4M/4/4/4/4/4/441SeeRemarks140/NA/140/NA/80/NA/120/NA/140/175/140/140/80/80/80 / 80 / 80 / 805MAP BOUNDARIES: [ Graphics ]9/0004180-1756MAJOR STREETS & ROADWAYS: [ Highways / Freeways / Multiple LaneRoadways ]2/1/1064180-1757891011121314151617MINOR STREETS & ROADWAYS: [ Side Streets / Unpaved Roads ]WATERWAYS: [ Creeks / Streams / Text )WATER: [ Lakes / Rivers / Text ]BOUNDARY LINES: [ City Limits / County Limits / Airport Limits ]RAILROADSDART RAIL LINES: [ Proposed / Existing ]MAJOR STREET NAMESMINOR STREET NAMESRAILROAD LABELSMISCELLANEOUS LABELS: [City Limits / County Limits]DART RAIL LINE LABELS01,21,24/4/317/3222250/2603/5/000/2000007891011161314151617414141414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-1758080808020020INDEX OF DRAWINGS: [ Title / Sub Title / General text ]4/4/301841175/140/120For 10% Submittal Use Only(optional)47TITLES: [ Map Title / Scale Text / Project Text ]104742290 / 140/50061INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!xxxxNTOZ.nnn - Title Sheet File(* = Fill In Text) (** = Fill In Text -Revision 1 and Above)LEVEL LIST Page 10 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

xxxxNT??.nnn - Notes, Abbreviations, Symbols Sheet FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS1PLOT SPECIFIC INFORMATION00694110002SHEET DEPENDENT "INFO":[ Plan Sequence No.* / North Arrow / Keyplan-Text / Graphic Scale /Graphic Scale Text / Legend-Graphics / Legend-Text /Keyplan-Hatching / Contract Sheet No.* / Title Block Text (Secondary)* /Revision No.** / Contract Drawing No. / Scale / Drawn /<strong>Design</strong>ed / Checked / In Charge / Revision Information ]4/7/4/0/2/0-10/3/214/414/4/2/272/2/2/2o/o/o/o/0 / 0-7 / 0 /010/01o/o/o/o/0/0/0/04/3/3/30/ 30 / 0 / 0 /0/4/414/4/4/414/4/4/441SeeRemarks140/NA/140/NA/80/NA/120/NA/140/175/140/140/80/80/80 / 80 / 80 / 804192021NOTES ABOVE TITLE BLOCKGENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTESABBREVIATIONSSYMBOLS: [ Graphics / Text ]3330-10/30000-7/04444,30 / 44141414112012012012047TITLES: [ Text / Title Underline / Graphics / Cell Graphics ]3,6/4/4/704741120,24061INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!xxxxNT??.nnn - Notes, Abbreviations, Symbols Sheet File(* = Fill In Text) (** = Fill In Text -Revision 1 and Above)LEVEL LIST Page 11 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

GENERAL - REFERENCE FILESBORDER - xxxxBORn.sss - Border Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS1SHEET OUTLINE BORDER: [ Outline Main Border / Title Block Lines-Primary / Title Block Lines-Secondary / Fence Dots / DART PROJECT / TitleBlock Text (CONTRACT SHEET No./ _ OF _ ) / SCALE / DRAWN /DESIGNED / CHECKED / IN CHARGE / DATE / CONTRACT / DWG No./REV) / Description Block Text (Rev & Addendum Triangle / AMEND / CR /DATE / DESCRIPTION / BY / ENG / CHK / APP) / Plot Information ]0/7/2I3/0 / 4 / 5 / (6)2'S / (2) 4's /4/37 (8)5's/200/2/2/15/5/(20) 2's / 342/41NA/NA/NA/NA/200/120/See 140/80/80/80/80/80/80/Remarks 120 / 120 / 120 /NA/ 80/80/80/ 80 / 80 / 80/80/80/1002TITLE BLOCK TEXT: [ Main Title / Title Block Text (Secondary) / ContractNo. # / Date / Contract Sheet No. # / Revision No. # }5/4/4/274/40241See 200 / 175 / 140 (by DART) / 80Remarks (by DART)/ 140/1405SUB-CONTRACTORS NAMENANANA4180-175Contractor created cell library forLogo's6LEAD CONTRACTORS NAME AND ADDRESSNANANA4180-175Contractor created cell library forLogo's7PRELIMINARY NOTE - Architect (RA)NANANANANARC=DART100PJT.cel / NotUsed For Final Submittals8PRELIMINARY NOTE - Engineer (PE)NANANANANARC=DART100PJT.cel / NotUsed For Final Submittals10NOT AN APPROVED DRAWING / PRELIMINARY **% DESIGN / IN-PROGRESS ++% DESIGN / FINAL 100% DESIGN501041200**=10. 30/++ = 65, 95 /*Above Title Block131415PROFILE GRID: [1 '=5']TRACK CHART PROFILE GRID: [ Graphics / Text ]FULL PROFILE GRID: [ 1"=5' ]00,4 / 3,40000242NA41NANA120/175NA20SEQUENCE NUMBER BLOCK702NANAFormat: "pXXX 11 (top right corner)21ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/273021 &NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals22ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/273022&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals23ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/273023&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals24ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/273024&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals25ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3025&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals26ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/273026&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals27ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/273027&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals28ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/273028&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals29ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/273029&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals30ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/273030&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals31ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3031&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals32ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3032&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals33ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3033&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals34ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3034&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals35ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3035&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals36ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3036&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals37ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3037&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals38ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3038&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals39ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3039&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & SealsLEVEL LIST Page 12 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

40ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3040&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals41ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3041 &NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals42ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3042&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals43ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]M/2/2/3043&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals44ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3044&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals45ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3045&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals46ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3046&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals47ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3047&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals48ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3048&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals49ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3049&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals50ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3050&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals51ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3051 &NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals52ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3052 SNA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals53ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3053 SNA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals54ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3054&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals55ENGINEERS / ARCHITECTS SEAL & COMPANY LOGO: [ Graphics /Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/3055&NA4180&NAContractor created cell library forLogo's & Seals56DART SEAL TEXT: [ DART Logo Name / DART CAD Logo ]0056NANARC=DART100PJT.cel &RC=DART8000PJT.cel57DART LOGO PATTERN: [ DART Arrow ]0057NANA61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!BORDER - xxxxBORl.sss-Border Reference File(* = Fill In Text) (** = Fill In Text -Revision 1 and Above)LEVEL LIST Page 13 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

INDEX - xxxxNTRn.sss - Index Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS94647GRAPHICSGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TITLES: [ Text / Title Underline / Graphics / Cell Graphics ]1-103/1/13,6/4/4/70-7009347NA4141NA120120,240RC=DART8000PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!INDEX - xxxxNTRn.sss - Index Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 14 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

ARCHITECTURAL - REFERENCE FILESARCHC - xxxxACRn.sss - Reflected Ceiling Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS5PERIMETER CEILING LINES: [ Total Room Area ]405NANA6FURRING & SOFFITS: [ Secondary Ceiling Lines / Exterior SoffitPerimeters ]2064180-175781011121314151617181960BEAMS & CEILING JOISTS: [ Exposed ]ROOF LINE: [ Fascia ]WALL FIRE RATING PATTERNSCEILING PATTERN: [ Grid ]CEILING PATTERN: [ Plaster / Gypsum Board ]CEILING PATTERN: [ Lin. / Metal / Wood ]CEILING PATTERN: [ Exposed Construction ]CEILING PATTERN: [ Special ]CEILING PATTERN: [ Special ]CEILING PATTERN: [ Demo. - Removed ]CEILING PATTERN: [ Shafts ]CEILING PATTERN: [ Sound Installations ]ARCHITECTURAL DEMOLITION121111111111200000000000017810111213141516171819604141414141414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!ARCHC - xxxxACRn.sss - Reflected Ceiling Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 15 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

ARCHE - xxxxAERn.sss-Architectural Exterior Elevation Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS2345PLANTERS, TREE WELLS & FOUNTAINSSPECIAL USE PLATFORMSCROSSTIES: [ See LV=33, Tracks ]TRASH RECEPTACLES (T)3301000023454141414180-17580-17580-17580-1757SITE INFORMATION (NOT WITHIN BUILDING OR PLATFORMPERIMETER): [ Stairs & Steps / Walks & Curbs / Entry Aprons / Stoops &Porches / Truck Docks / Other-Bollards, Troughs, etc. ]1 ,0 / 2 / 0 /1/1/10,1 / 0,1 /0,1 / 0,1 /0,1/0,174180-1759101112131516CURTAIN WALLSCOLUMN GRID CENTERLINESCOLUMN GRID TAGS: [ Graphics / Text ]STRUCTURAL STEEL (Columns, Beams, Joists, etc.):COLUMN CLADDINGWALLSWINDOWS: [ Including Sills ]112/3234,100400-2000930121315164141414141414180-17580-17524080-17580-17580-17580-175RC= DART8000PJT41.cel19CONVEYING SYSTEMS & SHAFTS: [ Elevators / Escalators / MovingWalkways ]0-2 / 0-2 / 0-20,1 / 0,1 /0,1194180-17520VERTICAL CIRCULATION: [ Stairs & Steps / Ladders ]1/10,1/0,1204180-17521MATERIAL INDICATIONS (PATTERNING): [ Finished Concrete / PavedAreas / Miscellaneous Patterns * ]1021,151-1594180-1752224HANDRAILS & GUARDRAILS: [ Handrails / Guardrails ]CURBS AND TOP OF CONCRETE1,0/2,020,1/0,10222441NA80-175NA25DOORS AND FRAMES: [ Thresholds / Folding Partitions & Doors /Overhead & Roll-up Doors / Wall Access Panels / Louvers ]20,1254180-17527283335CABINETS, LOCKERS, AND SHELVESEXISTING ARCHITECTURE TO REMAINTRACKS & FENCING: [ Rails-See LV=4, Crossties / Trackway Fencing ]WEATHER SHIELDS: [ Wind Screens / Bus Shelter ]100/12/20,1000,1/0,12703335414141NA80-17580-17580-175NA36GENERAL EQUIPMENT: [ Passenger Emergency Call Box-PEC / ElectricalOutlets / Ticket Vending Machines-TVM, Ticket Validators-TV & System Maps/ Television Monitors-CCTV / Public Address System-PA / Signbands ]10,1 10/010/0/0/0364180-17537EQUIPMENT BY OWNER: [ Kiosk, Wayside Telephone, Tables, Chairs,Desk]2/20,1/0,1374180-17538GENERAL EQUIPMENT (BY OTHERS): [ Newspaper Dispensers-N,Automatic Teller Machines-ATM, Public Telephones-T ]00384180-1753940CEILING AND ROOF: [ Overhangs ]CANOPY3,13,10,20,23940414180-17580-17541CONCRETE JOINTS: [ Platform Grade Lines / Control Joints (CJ) /Expansion Joints (EJ) ]1/2/21 / 0,2 / 0,2414180-175434445VISUAL MESSAGE BOARDSFUTURE PLATFORM EXPANSIONGRADE2840,12043444541414180-17580-17580-17550COLUMN DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / WitnessLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/014105041120RC=DART8000PJT41 .eel5657585960PLATFORM LIGHT FIXTURESFIRE EXTINGUISHERS, CABINETS, SIAMESE CONNECTIONSCATENARY AND SUPPORTSMISCELLANEOUS: [ Mechanical / Electrical / Equipment / Etc. ]ARCHITECTURAL DEMOLITION010.112000,10,115657585960414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!ARCHE - xxxxAERn.sss -Architectural Exterior Elevation Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 16 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

ARCHF - xxxxAFRn.sss-Architectural Floor Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS2PLANTERS, TREE WELLS & FOUNTAINS3024180-1753SPECIAL USE PLATFORMS3034180-1754CROSSTIES: [ See LV=33, Tracks ]0044180-1755TRASH RECEPTACLES (T)1054180-1756BUILDING or PLATFORM EXTERIOR PERIMETER SHAPE3064180-1757SITE INFORMATION (NOT WITHIN BUILDING OR PLATFORMPERIMETER): [ Stairs & Steps / Walks & Curbs / Entry Aprons / Stoops &Porches / Truck Docks / Other-Bollards, Troughs, etc. ]1,0/2/071/1/10,1 / 0,1 /0,1 / 0,1 /0,1/0,174180-1759CURTAIN WALLS1094180-17510COLUMN GRID CENTERLINES1434180-17511COLUMN GRID TAGS: [ Graphics / Text ]2/30041240RC= DART8000PJT41.cel12STRUCTURAL STEEL (Columns, Beams, Joists, etc.):20-2124180-17513COLUMN CLADDING: [Exterior Surface / Interior Surface]4/20,1/0134180-17514CMU or STUD WALLS4,10,1144180-17515MASONRY WALLS: [ Poured, Structural ]4,10154180-17516WINDOWS: [ Including Sills ]00164180-17517LOW WALLS: [ Below Finished Ceiling ]20174180-17518DEMOUNTABLE PARTITIONS2,00,1184180-17519CONVEYING SYSTEMS & SHAFTS: [ Elevators / Escalators / MovingWalkways ]0-2 / 0-2 / 0-20,1 / 0,1 /0,1194180-17520VERTICAL CIRCULATION (WITHIN BUILDING OR PLATFORM): [ Stairs &Steps / Ladders ]1/10,1/0,1204180-17521MATERIAL INDICATIONS (PATTERNING): [ Finished Concrete / PavedAreas / Miscellaneous Patterns * ]1021,151-1594180-17522HANDRAILS & GUARDRAILS: [ Handrails / Guardrails ]1,0/2,00,1/0,1224180-17523FLOOR REFERENCES*: [ Warning Strip / Floor Hatches / Slope Lines /Floor Access Panels ]3/10,1 /0,1234180-17524CURBS20244180-17525DOORS: [ Hinged / Thresholds / Folding Partitions & Doors / Overhead &Roll-up Doors / Wall Access Panels / Louvers ]20254180-17526DOOR FRAMES: [ Headers / Sidelights ]00264180-17527CABINETS, LOCKERS, SHELVES10,1274180-17528EXISTING ARCHITECTURE TO REMAIN0004180-17530PLUMBING FIXTURES: [ Including Water Coolers ]0,20304180-17531TOILET PARTITIONS AND DOORS: [Toilet Partitions / Urinal Screens ]1,0/1,00,1/0,1314180-17532TOILET ACCESSORIES: [ Handicap Railings / Accessories ]1,0/1,00,1/0,1324180-17533TRACKS & FENCING: [ Rails-See LV=4, Crossties / Trackway Fencing ]0/10334180-17534PEDESTRIAN CROSSING: [ Outline / Pattern ]2/10344180-17535WEATHER SHIELDS: [ Wind Screens / Bus Shelter ]2/20,1/0,1354180-17536GENERAL EQUIPMENT: [ Passenger Emergency Call Box-PEC / ElectricalOutlets / Ticket Vending Machines-TVM, Ticket Validators-TV & System Maps/ Television Monitors-CCTV / Public Address System-PA / Signbands ]10,1/0/070/0/0/0364180-17537EQUIPMENT BY OWNER: [ Kiosk, Wayside Telephone ]2/20,1/0,1374180-17538GENERAL EQUIPMENT (BY OTHERS): [ Newspaper Dispensers-N,Automatic Teller Machines-ATM, Public Telephones-T ]00384180-17539CEILING REFERENCES: [ Overhangs / Beams ]3,1/10,2 / 0,2394180-17540CANOPY OUTLINES40,2404180-17541CONCRETE JOINTS: [ Platform Grade Lines / Control Joints (CJ) /Expansion Joints (EJ) ]1/2/21 / 0,2 / 0,2414180-17543VISUAL MESSAGE BOARDS20,1434180-17544FUTURE PLATFORM EXPANSION82444180-17548FLOOR, AREA, SHOWER & TRENCH DRAINS10484180-17550COLUMN DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / WitnessLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART8000PJT41 .eelLEVEL LIST Page 17 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

5152535456575860FIRE WALL RATING: [ One Hour ] Graphics / Cell TextFIRE WALL RATING: [ Two Hour ] Graphics / Cell TextFIRE WALL RATING: [ Three Hour ] Graphics / Cell TextFIRE WALL RATING: [ Four Hour ] Graphics / Cell TextPLATFORM LIGHT FIXTURES (Reference Electrical)FIRE EXTINGUISHERS & CABINETSCATENARY AND SUPPORTSARCHITECTURAL DEMOLITION1/31/31/31/3010/120000000/0,115152535456575860414141414141414110010010010080-17580-17580-17580-175PA=45o; PD=2.5PA=135o; PD=»5PA=45o,135o; PD=2.5,2.5PA=Oo, 90o; PD=2.561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!ARCHF - xxxxAFRn.sss -Architectural Floor Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 18 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

ARCHP - xxxxAPRn.sss -Architectural Site Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS2PLANTERS, TREE WELLS & FOUNTAINS (Beyond Building Perimeter)302NANA4CROSSTIES: [ See LV=33, Tracks ]004NANA6BUILDING or PLATFORM EXTERIOR PERIMETER SHAPE306NANA7SITE INFORMATION (NOT WITHIN BUILDING OR PLATFORMPERIMETER): [ Stairs & Steps / Walks & Curbs / Entry Aprons / Stoops &Porches / Truck Docks / Other-Bollards, Troughs, etc. ]1,0/2/071/1/10,1 /0,1/0,1 / 0,1 /0,1/0,174180-17521MATERIAL INDICATIONS (PATTERNING): [ Finished Concrete / PavedAreas / Miscellaneous Patterns * ]1021,151-1594180-17524CURBS2024NANA28EXISTING ARCHITECTURE TO REMAIN000NANA33TRACKS & FENCING: [ Rails-See LV=4, Crossties / Trackway Fencing ]0/1033NANA34PEDESTRIAN CROSSING: [ Outline / Pattern ]2/1034NANAPA=45,135;PD=15,1535WEATHER SHIELDS: [ Windscreens / Bus Shelters ]20,135NANA38GENERAL EQUIPMENT (BY OTHERS): [ Newspaper Dispensers-N,Automatic Teller Machines-ATM, Public Telephones-T ]0038NANA40CANOPY OUTLINES4040NANA44FUTURE EXPANSION8244NANA5060COLUMN DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / WitnessLines / Terminators ]ARCHITECTURAL DEMOLITION3/1/1 /1/1/120/0/0/0/4/015060414112080-175RC=DART8000PJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!ARCHP - xxxxAPRn.sss -Architectural Site Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 19 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

ARCHR - xxxxARRn.sss - Roof Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS6EXTERIOR WALL LINES4,20,26NANAReferenced From ArchitecturalFloor Plans81011121519202122232429303941515660SKYLIGHTSCOLUMN CENTERLINESCOLUMN GRID TAGS: [ Cells ]STRUCTURAL STEELPARAPETSELEVATORS & ENCLOSURESSTAIRS, STEPS, LADDERS, WALKWAYS & PLATFORMSMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]HANDRAILS & GUARDRAILSROOF HATCHES & ACCESS PANELSCURBSGUTTERS WITH SLOPE ARROWS & LEADER CONNECTION POINTSDRAINS: [ Roof Drains / Overflow Drains ]ROOF OUTLINEEXPANSION JOINTSRIDGE & SLOPE LINESELECTRICAL REFERENCE: [ Light Fixtures [ CELLS ]]ARCHITECTURAL DEMOLITION212,321-32,110-101,01210420020400-20-30,10,10-70,10,600000,20018301215192021,151-1592223242930394151566041414141414141414141414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!ARCHR - xxxxARRn.sss - Roof Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 20 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

ARCHX - xxxxAXRn.sss - Full Structure Cross Section Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS2345PLANTERS, TREE WELLS & FOUNTAINSSPECIAL USE PLATFORMSCROSSTIES: [ See LV=33, Tracks ]TRASH RECEPTACLES (T)3301000023454141414180-17580-17580-17580-1757SITE INFORMATION (NOT WITHIN BUILDING OR PLATFORMPERIMETER): [ Stairs & Steps / Walks & Curbs / Entry Aprons / Stoops &Porches / Truck Docks / Other-Bollards, Troughs, etc. ]1,0/2/071/1/10,1 /0,1/0,1 / 0,1 /0,1/0,174180-175910111213141516171819CURTAIN WALLS:COLUMN GRID CENTERLINESCOLUMN GRID TAGS: [ Graphics / Text ]STRUCTURAL STEEL (Columns, Beams, Joists, etc.):COLUMN CLADDING: [Exterior Surface / Interior Surface]CMU or STUD WALLSMASONRY: [ Poured, Structural ]WINDOWS: [ Including Sills ]LOW WALLS: [ Below Finished Ceiling ]DEMOUNTABLE PARTITIONSCONVEYING SYSTEMS & SHAFTS: [ Elevators / Escalators / MovingWalkways ]112/324/24,14,1022,00-2 / 0-2 / 0-20400-20,1/00,10000,10,1 / 0,1 /0,19301213141516171819414141414141414141414180-17580-17524080-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-175RC= DART8000PJT41.cel20VERTICAL CIRCULATION (WITHIN BUILDING OR PLATFORM): [ Stairs &Steps / Ladders ]1/10,1/0,1204180-17521MATERIAL INDICATIONS (PATTERNING): [ Finished Concrete / PavedAreas / Miscellaneous Patterns * ]1021,151-1594180-17522HANDRAILS & GUARDRAILS: [ Handrails / Guardrails ]1 ,0 / 2,00,1/0,1224180-17523FLOOR REFERENCES*: [ Warning Strip / Floor Hatches & Floor AccessPanels ]3/10,1 /0,1234180-17524CURBS20244180-17525DOORS: [ Hinged / Thresholds / Folding Partitions & Doors / Overhead &Roll-up Doors / Wall Access Panels / Louvers ]20,1254180-17526283031323334353637DOOR FRAMES: [ Headers / Sidelights ]EXISTING ARCHITECTURE TO REMAINPLUMBING FIXTURES: [ Including Water Coolers ]TOILET PARTITIONS: [Toilet Partitions / Urinal Screens ]TOILET ACCESSORIES: [ Handicap Railings / Accessories ]TRACKS & FENCING: [ Rails-See LV=4, Crossties / Trackway Fencing ]PEDESTRIAN CROSSING: [ Outline / Pattern ]WEATHER SHIELDS: [ Wind Screens / Bus Shelter]GENERAL EQUIPMENT: [ Passenger Emergency Call Box-PEC /Electrical Outlets / Ticket Vending Machines-TVM, Ticket Validators-TV &System Maps / Television Monitors-CCTV / Public Address System-PA /Signbands 1EQUIPMENT BY OWNER: [ Kiosk, Wayside Telephone ]000,21,0/1,01,0/1,00/12/12/212/200,100,1 /0,10,1/0,1000,1/0,10,1 /O/O/0/0/0/00,1/0,126030313233343536374141414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17538GENERAL EQUIPMENT (BY OTHERS): [ Newspaper Dispensers-N,Automatic Teller Machines-ATM, Public Telephones-T ]00384180-1753940CEILING & ROOF: [ Overhangs / Beams ]CANOPY3,1/13,10,2 / 0,20,23940414180-17580-17541CONCRETE JOINTS: [ Platform Grade Lines / Control Joints (CJ) /Expansion Joints (EJ) ]1/2/21 / 0,2 / 0,2414180-17543444548VISUAL MESSAGE BOARDSFUTURE PLATFORM EXPANSIONGRADEFLOOR, AREA, SHOWER & TRENCH DRAINS28410,1200434445484141414180-17580-17580-17580-17550COLUMN DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / WitnessLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 /1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART8000PJT41 .eel5657585960PLATFORM LIGHT FIXTURESFIRE EXTINGUISHERS & CABINETSCATENARY AND SUPPORTSMISCELLANEOUS: [ Mechanical / Electrical / Equipment / Etc. ]ARCHITECTURAL DEMOLITION010.112000,10,115657585960414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!LEVEL LIST Page 21 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)


ELECTRICAL - REFERENCE FILESELECF - xxxxEFRn.sss - Electrical Floor Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS2MAIN POWER & COMMUNICATION FEEDS40,324180-175From utility source to siteenclosures34SITE POWER ENCLOSURES & TRANSFORMERSSITE COMMUNICATION ENCLOSURES220034414180-17580-1755SITE LIGHTING: [ Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits (Below Slab orGrade) / Wire Type Symbols ]4/4/20/2/054180-175Neutral / Hot / Switched / Ground6SITE POWER: [ Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits (Below Slab orGrade) / Wire Type Symbols ]4/4/20/2/064180-175Neutral / Hot / Switched / Ground79SITE COMMUNICATION: [ Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits(Below Slab or Grade)]GROUND GRID CIRCUITS: [ Circuits / Circuit Line Symbols]4/44/30/22/0794141100100G-10PANELS: [ Lighting / Power / Communication / Cell Text ]2/2/2/30,1 / 0,1 /0,1/01041100141516RECEPTACLES / CELL TEXTSWITCHESGROUND SYMBOLS2/33100014151641414110010080-17517APPARATUS: [ Meters / Fan Hanger Outlets / Outlet Boxes / Transformers/ Monitors / Fuses / Protectors / Circuit Breakers, Disconnect Switches /Coils / Elevator Equipment / Cell Text ](6) 2's / 2 /2/2/2/3(6) O's / 0 /0,1 / 0/0,1/o174110018MOTORS & GENERATORS20184180-17521MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]0-100-721,151-1594180-17522SECURITY SYSTEM COMPONENTS: [ Intrusion Detection System/Security Access System ]20224180-17523MANHOLES, HANDHOLES & PULLBOXES / CELL TEXT4/30234110024COMMUNICATIONS: [ Public Telephone Symbol - Reference ArchitecturalReference File LV=38 / Public Telephone Cuircuits (Above Slab/Grade) /Public Telephone Circuits (Below Slab/Grade) / Circuit Line Symbols /Wayside Telephone Circuits (Above Slab/Grade) / Wayside TelephoneCircuit (Below Slab/Grade) / Circuit Line Symbol / Cell Text ]NA / 4 / 4 /3/4/4/S/3n / n2441100TELU1C25CANOPY: [ Receptacle Circuit / Lighting Circuit / Wire Type Symbols* ]4/4/22/2/0254180-175* Neutral / Hot / Switched /Ground2627INTERCOMSCLOCKS22002627414180-17580-17528CCTV: [ Cameras / Monitors / Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits(Below Slab or Grade) / Circuit Line Symbols / Cell Text ]2/2/4/413/30/0/0/2/O/O2841100PASSENGER EMERGENCY CALL TELEPHONE: [ PEC - ReferenceCircuits (Below Slab or Grade) / Circuit Line Symbols ]NA / 4 / 4 /3NA/0/2/030FLUORESCENT FIXTURES: [ Recessed-Strip / Surface-Semirecessed /Wall Mounted ]20304180-17531INCANDESCENT FIXTURES: [ Recessed-Strip / Surface-Semirecessed /Wall Mounted / Cell Text ]2/2/2/30314110032SPECIAL LIGHTING FIXTURES: [ HID Recessed-Strip / HID Surface-Semirecessed / HID Wall Mounted / Emergency Lights / Cell Text ]2I2I2I2I3032411003334UTILITY POLESEMERGENCY LIGHT CIRCUITS (Excluding Concourse, See LV=36): [Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits (Below Slab or Grade) / Circuit Line34/4/3/200/2/0/03334414180-175100Neutral / Hot / Switched / GroundCMR35PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS: [ PA Symbols-Reference ArchitecturalReference File LV=36 / Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits (Below Slabor Grade) / Circuit Line Symbols ]NA / 4 / 4 /3NA/0/2 /0/03541100PACONCOURSE LIGHTING CIRCUITS (ONLY Lighting Circuits for Fixtures,Including Emergency Lighting Fixtures Mounted on the Underside of RaisedPlatforms): [ Circuits (Exposed) / Circuit (In Slab) / Circuit Line Symbols /Wire Type Symbols / Cell Text ]NA / 4 / 4 /3/2/3NA/0/2 /0/0/0Neutral / Hot / Switched / Ground-EMRLEVEL LIST Page 23 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

40FIRE PROTECTION CIRCUITS: [ Circuit (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuit(Below Slab or Grade) ]4/40/2404180-17541CABLE TRAYS20414180-17542BUSWAYS & BUSDUCTS40424180-17543IRRIGATION CONTROLLER BOXES20434180-1754447TICKETING / VENDING EQUIPMENT: [ TVM Circuit (Above Slab orGrade) / TVM Circuit (Below Slab or Grade) / Circuit Line Symbols / TicketPI equipment t 1 \ R r\eierence f A Arcniieciure hit R rveierence f Fil rue 1 \/-1fi LV oo // TV i v P' oircun(Above Slab or Grade) / TV Circuit (Below Slab or Grade) / Circuit LineSymbols ]DUCTBANKS4/4/37NA / 4 / 4 /34,60/2/0/NA 1012100,244474141NA80-175^TVM51SIGNBAND CONTROL: [ SBC Symbol-Reference Architectural ReferenceFile LV=36 / Circuit (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuit (Below Slab or Grade) /Circuit Line Symbols ]NA / 4 / 4 /3NA 1012105141100SBCVISUAL MESSAGE BOARD: [ VMS Symbol-Reference ArchitecturalReference File LV=43 / Circuit (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuit (Below Slabor Grade) / Circuit Line Symbols ]NA/4/4/3NA / 0 / 2 /05241100VMB53AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE: [ ATM Symbol-Reference ArchitecturalReference File LV=36 / Circuit (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuit (Below Slabor Grade) / Circuit Line Symbols ]NA/4/4 /3NA 10 12105241100ATM55EXISTING SITE LIGHT FIXTURES01554180-1755657SITE LIGHT FIXTURESSUMP, SEWAGE PUMPS, ETC.14005657414180-17580-17558LIGHTNING PROTECTION: [ Circuit (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits(Below Slab or Grade) ]40/2584180-17560ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION21604180-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!ELECF - xxxxEFRn.sss - Electrical Floor Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 24 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

ELECP - xxxxEPRn.sss - Electrical Site Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS2MAIN POWER & COMMUNICATION FEEDS40,324180-1753SITE POWER ENCLOSURES & TRANSFORMERS2034180-1754SITE COMMUNICATION ENCLOSURES2044180-1755SITE LIGHTING: [ Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits (Below Slab orGrade) / Wire Type Symbols ]4/4/20/2/054180-175Neutral / Hot / Switched / Ground6SITE POWER: [ Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits (Below Slab orGrade) / Wire Type Symbols ]4/40/264180-175Neutral / Hot / Switched / Ground7SITE COMMUNICATION: [ Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits(Below Slab or Grade)]4/40/2741100-^_-,_ f\ ••»*« iv*»^10PANELS: [ Lighting / Power/ Communication / Cell Text ]2/2/2/30 1 /0,1 /0,1/01041100CG14RECEPTACLES / CELL TEXT2/30144110015SWITCHES30154110016GROUND SYMBOLS10164180-17517APPARATUS: [ Meters / Fan Hanger Outlets / Outlet Boxes / Transformers/ Monitors / Fuses / Protectors / Circuit Breakers, Disconnect Switches /Coils / Elevator Equipment / Cell Text ](6)2's/2/2/2/2/3(6) O's / 0 /0,1/0/0,1/o17411001821MOTORS & GENERATORSMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]20-1000-71821,151-159414180-17580-17522SECURITY SYSTEM COMPONENTS: [ Intrusion Detection System/Security Access System ]2022NANA23MANHOLES, HANDHOLES & PULLBOXES / CELL TEXT4/30234110024COMMUNICATIONS: [ Public Telephone Symbol - Reference ArchitecturalReference File LV=38 / Public Telephone Cuircuits (Above Slab/Grade) /Public Telephone Circuits (Below Slab/Grade) / Circuit Line Symbols /Circuit (Below Slab/Grade) / Circuit Line Symbol / Cell Text ]NA/4/4/S/4/4/3/32441100TEL26INTERCOMS20264180-17527CLOCKS20274180-17528CCTV: [ Cameras / Monitors / Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits(Below Slab or Grade) / Circuit Line Symbols / Cell Text ]2/2/4/413/30/0/0/2/O/O2841100FLUORESCENT FIXTURES: [ Recessed-Strip / Surface-Semirecessed(cell) / Wall Mounted (cell) ]2NACell TXAllowed31INCANDESCENT FIXTURES: [ Recessed-Strip / Surface-Semirecessed /Wall Mounted / Cell Text ]2/2/2/30314110032SPECIAL LIGHTING FIXTURES: [ HID Recessed-Strip / HID Surface-Semirecessed / HID Wall Mounted / Emergency Lights / Cell Text ]21212/213032411003334UTILITY POLESEMERGENCY LIGHT CIRCUITS (Excluding Concourse, See LV=36): [Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits (Below Slab or Grade) / Circuit LineSymbols / Wire Type Symbols ]34/4/3/200/2/0/03334414180-175100Neutral / Hot / Switched / GroundEMR35PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS: [ PA Symbols-Reference ArchitecturalReference File LV=36 / Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits (Below Slabor Grade) / Circuit Line Symbols ]NA/4/4 /3NA / 0 / 2 /0/03541100PA40FIRE ALARM CIRCUITS: [ Circuit (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuit (BelowSlab or Grade) ]4/40/2404180-17541CABLE TRAYS20414180-17542BUSWAYS & BUSDUCTS40424180-17543IRRIGATION CONTROLLER BOXES20434180-17544TICKETING / VENDING EQUIPMENT: [ TVM Circuit (Above Slab orGrade) / TVM Circuit (Below Slab or Grade) / Circuit Line Symbols / TicketP . * / D fora 0 A rh't rt ro Rof rAni* F'l 1 V— ^R / TV C' r 't(Above Slab or Grade) / TV Circuit (Below Slab or Grade) / Circuit LineSymbols ]4/4/31NA / 4 / 4 /30/2/0/NA / 0 / 2 /04441NATVLEVEL LIST Page 25 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

47DUCTBANKS4,60,2474180-17552VISUAL MESSAGE BOARD: [ VMB Symbol-Reference ArchitecturalReference File LV-43 / Circuit (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuit (Below Slabor Grade) / Circuit Line Symbols ]MA 141413NA 10/210524110053AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE: [ ATM Symbol-Reference ArchitecturalReference File LV=36 / Circuit (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuit (Below Slabor Grade) / Circuit Line Symbols ]NA/4/4/3NA / 0 / 2 /05241100AM55EXISTING SITE LIGHT FIXTURES01554180-17556SITE LIGHT FIXTURES10564180-17557SUMP, SEWAGE PUMPS, ETC.40574180-17558LIGHTNING PROTECTION: [ Circuit (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits(Below Slab or Grade) ]40/2584180-17560ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION21604180-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!ELECP - xxxxEPftn.sss - Electrical Site Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 26 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

ELECR - xxxxERRn.sss - Electrical Roof Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS5SITE LIGHTING: [ Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits (Below Slab orGrade) / Wire Type Symbols ]4/4/20/2/05NACell TXAllowedNeutral / Hot / Switched / Ground101415PANELS: [ Lighting / Power / Communication / Cell Text ]RECEPTACLES: [ Graphics / Cell Text ]SWITCHES: [ Graphics / Cell Text ]2/2/2/32/32/30,10010141541414110010010017APPARATUS: [ Meters / Fan Hanger Outlets / Outlet Boxes / Transformers/ Monitors / Fuses / Protectors / Circuit Breakers, Disconnect Switches /Coils / Elevator Equipment / Cell Text ](6) 2's / 2 /2/2/2/3(6) O's / 0 /0,1/0/0,11017411001821MOTORS & GENERATORSMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]20-1000-71821,151-159414180-17580-17522SECURITY SYSTEM COMPONENTS: [ Intrusion Detection System/Security Access System / Cell Text ]2/2/30224110025CANOPY: [ Receptacle Circuit / Lighting Circuit / Wire Type Symbols* / CellText]4/4/2/32/2/0/02541100* Neutral / Hot / Switched /Ground26INTERCOMS20264180-17528CCTV: [ Cameras / Monitors / Circuits (Above Roof) / Circuits (Below Roof)/ Circuit Line Symbols / Cell Text ]2/2/4/413/30/0/0/2/O/O284110030FLUORESCENT FIXTURES: [ Recessed-Strip / Surface-Semirecessed(cell) / Wall Mounted (cell) ]20304180-17531INCANDESCENT FIXTURES: [ Recessed-Strip / Surface-Semirecessed(cell) / Wall Mounted (cell) / Cell Text ]2/2/2/30314110032SPECIAL LIGHTING FIXTURES: [ HID Recessed-Strip / HID Surface-Semirecessed / HID Wall Mounted / Emergency Lights / Cell Text ]2121212130324110034EMERGENCY LIGHT CIRCUITS (Excluding Concourse, See LV=36): [Circuits (Above Slab or Grade) / Circuits (Below Slab or Grade) / Circuit LineSymbols / Wire Type Symbols ]4/4/3/20/2/0/03441100Neutral / Hot / Switched / GroundEMR —40415556FIRE ALARM CIRCUITS: [ Circuit (Above Roof) / Circuit (Below Roof)]CABLE TRAYSEXISTING SITE LIGHT FIXTURESSITE LIGHT FIXTURES4/42010/2010404155564141414180-17580-17580-17580-1755860LIGHTNING PROTECTION: [ Circuit (Above Roof) / Circuits (Below Roof)]ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION420/215860414180-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!ELECR - xxxxERRn.sss - Electrical Roof Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 27 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

MECHANICAL - REFERENCE FILESFIREF - xxxxFFRn.sss - Fire Protection Floor Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKSFIRE PROTECTION PIPING (Below Slab or Grade): [ Piping / Pipe LineSymbol / Valve, Risers in Plan ]FIRE PROTECTION PIPING (Above Slab or Grade): [ Piping / Piping LineSymbol / Valve, Risers in Plan ]4/3/2411005POST INDICATOR VALVES2054180-1756SIAMESE2064180-1757FIRE HOSE RACKS & VALVED FIRE HOSE CONNECTIONS2074180-1758PUMPS & TANKS2084180-1759ALARM VALVES & VALVING2094180-17510EXIT LIGHTS20104110011SMOKE DETECTORS20114110012HEAT DETECTORS20124110013MICROPHONES20134110014FIRE HORN20144110015FIRE BELL20154110016PANEL20164110017PULL STATIONS20174110018FIRE TELEPHONES201841100192124HALON: (Piping / Equipment / Line Symbol / Valves, Risers In Plan)MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]SPRINKLERS HEADS4/2/3/20-10100-701921,151-1592441414110080-17580-17530FIRE EQUIPMENT (Misc.)10304180-1753360THRUST BLOCKSFIRE PROTECTION DEMOLITION12013360414180-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!FIREF - xxxxFFRn.sss - Fire Protection Floor Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 28 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

FIREP - xxxxFPRn.sss - Fire Protection Site Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS2FIRE PROTECTION PIPING (Below Slab or Grade): [ Piping / Pipe LineSymbol / Valve, Risers in Plan ]4/3/22/0/0241100------3FIRE PROTECTION PIPING (Above Slab or Grade): [ Piping / Piping LineSymbol / Valve, Risers in Plan ]4/3/2034110045678910111213141516171821303360FIRE HYDRANTSPOST INDICATOR VALVESSIAMESEFIRE HOSE RACKS & VALVED FIRE HOSE CONNECTIONSPUMPS & TANKSALARM VALVES & VALVINGEXIT LIGHTSSMOKE DETECTORSHEAT DETECTORSMICROPHONESFIRE HORNFIRE BELLPANELPULL STATIONSFIRE TELEPHONESMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]FIRE EQUIPMENT (Misc.)THRUST BLOCKSFIRE PROTECTION DEMOLITION2222222222222220-101120000000000000000-700145678910111213141516171821,151-1593033604141414141414141414141414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17510010010010010010010010010080-17580-17580-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!FIREP - xxxxFPRn.sss - Fire Protection Site Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 29 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

FIRER - xxxxFRRn.sss - Fire Protection Roof Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKSFIRE PROTECTION PIPING (Below Roof): [ Piping / Pipe Line Symbol /Valve, Risers in Plan ]FIRE PROTECTION PIPING (Above Roof): [ Piping / Piping Line Symbol /Valve, Risers in Plan ]41578910131415161718213060POST INDICATOR VALVESFIRE HOSE RACKS &VALVED FIRE HOSE CONNECTIONSPUMPS & TANKSALARM VALVES & VALVINGEXIT LIGHTSMICROPHONESFIRE HORNFIRE BELLPANELPULL STATIONSFIRE TELEPHONESMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]FIRE EQUIPMENT (Misc.)FIRE PROTECTION DEMOLITION222222222220-1012000000000000-70157891013141516171821,151-1593060414141414141414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17510010010010010010010080-17580-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!FIRER - xxxxFRRn.sss - Fire Protection Roof Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 30 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

HVACF - xxxxMFRn.sss - Mechanical (HVAC) Floor Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS3AIR HANDLING UNITS1,6034180-1754SUPPLY AIR FANS2044180-1755DOUBLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Supply ]3054180-1756SINGLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Supply ]4064180-1757SUPPLY DIFFUSERS2,10,174180-17589SUPPLY AIRFLOW INDICATORSDOUBLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Return ]13008g414180-17580-1751011SINGLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Return ]RETURN GRILLS42,100,11011414180-17580-17512RETURN AIRFLOW INDICATORS10124180-17513DOUBLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Exhaust ]30134180-17514SINGLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Exhaust )40144180-17515LOUVERS20154180-17516EXHAUST AIRFLOW INDICATORS10164180-17517EXHAUST AIR FAN2,10,1174180-17518EQUIPMENT EXHAUST & FLUES20184180-17520DAMPERS: [ Fire, Smoke, & Combination ]20204180-17521MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]0-100-721,151-1594180-17524THERMOSTATS20244110025UNIT HEATERS20254180-17526PUMPS, TANKS20264180-17527BASE BOARD HEATING UNITS20274180-17528CHILLERS20284180-175etc.]M34HOT WATER SUPPLY: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers, etc. ]4/3/203441100HHWSHHWS35HOT WATER RETURN: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers, etc. ]4/3/203541100HHWR36CHILLED WATER SUPPLY: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves Risers,etc.]4/3/203641100CHWS —37CHILLED WATER RETURN: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers,etc.]4/3/203741100CHWRCONDENSER WATER SUPPLY: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves,Risers, etc. ]~J39CONDENSER WATER RETURN: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves,Risers, etc. ]4/3/203541100CWR40]4/3/204041100CD —41EQUIPMENT: [By Owner]22414180-1754260EQUIPMENT: [By Others]HVAC DEMOLITION32014260414180-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!HVACF - xxxxMFRn.sss - Mechanical (HVAC) Floor Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 31 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

HVACP - xxxxMPRn.sss - Mechanical (HVAC) Site Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS345689101213141617182021242628AIR HANDLING UNITSSUPPLY AIR FANSDOUBLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Supply ]SINGLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Supply ]SUPPLY AIRFLOW INDICATORSDOUBLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Return ]SINGLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Return ]RETURN AIRFLOW INDICATORSDOUBLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Exhaust ]SINGLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Exhaust ]EXHAUST AIRFLOW INDICATORSEXHAUST AIR FANEQUIPMENT EXHAUST & FLUESDAMPERS: [ Fire, Smoke, & Combination ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]THERMOSTATSPUMPS, TANKSCHILLERS1,621,3411,3413412,1220-10222000,1000,1000000,1000-7000345689101213141617182021,151-15924262841414141414141414141414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17510080-17580-17533MAKE UP WATER: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers in Plan,etc.]4/3/2033411003435HOT WATER SUPPLY: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers, etc. ]HOT WATER RETURN: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers, etc. ]4/3/24/3/20034354141100100-HHWSHHWR36CHILLED WATER SUPPLY: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers,etc.]4/3/203641100CHWS37CHILLED WATER RETURN: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers,etc.]4/3/203741100CHWR38CONDENSER WATER SUPPLY: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves,Risers, etc. ]4/3/20384110039CONDENSER WATER RETURN: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves,Risers, etc. ]4/3/203541100-CWR40CONDENSATE DRAINS: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers, etc.]4/3/204041100CDCD414260EQUIPMENT: [ By Owner ]EQUIPMENT: [ By Others ]HVAC DEMOLITION23220141426041414180-17580-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!HVACP - xxxxMPRn.sss - Mechanical (HVAC) Site Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 32 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

HVACR - xxxxMRRn.sss - Mechanical (HVAC) Roof Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS3AIR HANDLING UNITS1,6034180-1754SUPPLY AIR FANS2044180-1755DOUBLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Supply ]1,30,154180-1756SINGLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Supply ]4064180-1758SUPPLY AIRFLOW INDICATORS1084180-1759DOUBLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Return ]1,30,194180-17510SINGLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Return ]40104180-17512RETURN AIRFLOW INDICATORS10124180-17513DOUBLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Exhaust ]30134180-17514SINGLE LINE DUCT & FITTINGS: [ Exhaust ]40144180-17516EXHAUST AIRFLOW INDICATORS10164180-17517EXHAUST AIR FAN2,10,1174180-17518EQUIPMENT EXHAUST & FLUES20184180-17520DAMPERS: [ Fire, Smoke, & Combination ]20204180-17521MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]0-100-721,151-1594180-17524THERMOSTATS20244110026PUMPS, TANKS20264180-17528CHILLERS20284180-17533MAKE UP WATER: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers in Plan,etc.]4/3/203341100Ml34HOT WATER SUPPLY: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers, etc. ]4/3/203441100HHWSHHWS35HOT WATER RETURN: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers, etc. ]4/3/203541100- - -^- - -36CHILLED WATER SUPPLY: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers,etc.]4/3/203641100-CHWS37CHILLED WATER RETURN: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers,etc.]4/3/203741100CHWR —38CONDENSER WATER SUPPLY: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves,Risers, etc. ]4/3/203841100~*39CONDENSER WATER RETURN: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves,Risers, etc. ]4/3/203541100CWR —40CONDENSATE DRAINS: [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers, etc.]4/3/204041100CD41EQUIPMENT: [ By Owner ]22414180-1754260EQUIPMENT: [ By Others ]HVAC DEMOLITION32014260414180-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!HVACR - xxxxMRRn.sss - Mechanical (HVAC) Roof Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 33 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

EQUIPF - xxxxQFRn.sss - Equipment Floor Plan Reference FileLV1234678910121314151618192160DESCRIPTIONMECHANICAL EQUIPMENTMECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY DARTELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY DARTOVERHEAD BRIDGE CRANE: [ Trolley ]FLOOR MOUNTED CRANE: [ Jib ]CAR HOIST SYSTEMTIE DOWN POTSWELDING SCREENWORK BENCH, TABLERACKSHELVESTORAGE CABINETFILE CABINETDESKCHAIR, STOOL, BENCHMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]EQUIPMENT DEMOLITIONWT22221-331-32322222220-102LC0,10,10,100-20,100000000000-71CO12346789101213141516181921,151-15960FT414141414141414141414141414141414141SIZE80-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-175REMARKS61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!EQUIPF - xxxxQFRn.sss - Equipment Floor Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 34 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

EQUIPP - xxxxQPRn.sss - Equipment Site Plan Reference FileLV123467810152160DESCRIPTIONMECHANICAL EQUIPMENTMECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY DARTELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY DARTOVERHEAD BRIDGE CRANE: [ Trolley]FLOOR MOUNTED CRANE: [ Jib ]CAR HOIST SYSTEMWELDING SCREENSTORAGE CABINETMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]EQUIPMENT DEMOLITIONWT22221-331-3320-102LC0,10,10,100-20,10000-71CO1234678101521,151-15960FT4141414141414141414141SIZE80-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-175REMARKS61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !•63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!EQUIPP - xxxxQPRn.sss - Equipment Site Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 35 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

EQUIPR - xxxxQRRn.sss-Equipment Roof Plan Reference FileLV12342160DESCRIPTIONMECHANICAL EQUIPMENTMECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY DARTELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY DARTMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]EQUIPMENT DEMOLITIONWT22220-102LC0,10,10,100-71CO123421,151-15960FT414141414141SIZE80-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-175REMARKS61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!EQUIPR - xxxxQRRn.sss - Equipment Roof Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 36 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

PLUMBF - xxxxPFRn.sss - Plumbing Floor Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS2COLD WATER (Potable): [ Piping / Valves, Risers in Plan, etc. ]4/2024180-1754HOT WATER SUPPLY & RETURN: [ Piping / Valves, Risers in Plan, etc. ]4/2044180-17510VENT (Sanitary): [ Piping / Stacks in Plan, etc. ]4/21/0104180-17511SANITARY (Below Slab or Grade): [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Stacks,Cleanouts, Traps, etc. ]6/2/22/0/0114110012SANITARY (Above Slab): [ Piping / Piping, Line Symbol / Stacks in Plan,Cleanouts, Traps, etc. ]6/2/20124110013STORM DRAINAGE (Below Slab or Grade): [ Piping / Piping, Line Symbol/ Leaders in Plan, Cleanouts, etc. ]6/2/22/0/0134110014STORM DRAINAGE (Above Slab): [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Leadersin Plan, Cleanouts, etc. ]6/2/2o144110015DRAINS (Storm): [ Roof, Area, Scupper, Parapet, etc. ]20154180-175INDIRECT WASTE (Below Slab or Grade): [ Piping / Stacks, Cleanouts,etc.]17INDIRECT WASTE (Above Slab): [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Stacks inPlan, Cleanouts, etc. ]6/2/2o174110021MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]0-100-721,151-1594180-175COMPRESSED AIR: [ Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab or Grade)/ rv i • o u r»- ni4/4/2/222*23VACUUM: [ Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab or Grade) / Pipe, Line4/4/2/20/2/0/0234110024_ eLine Symbol / Valves, Risers in Plan, etc. ]4/4/2/20/2/0/0244110025GAS (Propane): [ Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab or Grade) /Pipe, Line Symbol / Valves, Risers in Plan, etc. ]4/4/2/20/2/0/0254110026CONDENSATE DRAIN* [ Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab orGrade) / Pipe, Line Symbol / Risers in Plan ]4/4/2/20/2/0/02641100_CD28EQUIPMENT (Existing)1,00,1284180-17529EQUIPMENT (Proposed): [ Pumps / Tanks / Others ]10294180-17530Slab or Grade) / Vent Piping (Above and Below Slab or Grade) / Pipe, Line6/6/4/2120/2/ 1/0/O3041100rtU31Pipe, Line Symbol / Valve, Risers in Plan, etc. ]4/4/2/20/2/0/03141100LOLO41EQUIPMENT: [ By Owner ]0,12414180-17542EQUIPMENT: [ By Others ]0,10424180-17560PLUMBING DEMOLITION21604180-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!PLUMBF - xxxxPFRn.sss - Plumbing Floor Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 37 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

PLUMBP - xxxxPPRn.sss - Plumbing Site Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS2410COLD WATER (Potable): [ Piping / Valves, Risers in Plan, etc. ]HOT WATER SUPPLY & RETURN: [ Piping / Valves, Risers In Plan, etc. ]VENT (Sanitary): [ Piping / Stacks in Plan, etc. ]4/24/24/2001/0241041414180-17580-17580-17511SANITARY (Below Slab or Grade): [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Stacks,Cleanouts, Traps, etc. ]6/2/22/0/0114110012SANITARY (Above Slab): [ Piping / Piping, Line Symbol / Stacks in Plan,Cleanouts, Traps, etc. ]6/2/20124110013STORM DRAINAGE (Below Slab or Grade): [ Piping / Piping, Line Symbol/ Leaders in Plan, Cleanouts, etc. ]6/2/22/0/0134110014STORM DRAINAGE (Above Slab): [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Leadersin Plan, Cleanouts, etc. ]6/2/20144110015DRAINS (Storm): [ Roof, Area, Scupper, Parapet, etc. ]20154180-17516INDIRECT WASTE (Below Slab or Grade): [ Piping / Stacks, Cleanouts,etc.]6/2/22/0/0164110017INDIRECT WASTE (Above Slab): [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Stacks inPlan, Cleanouts, etc. ]6/2/20174110021MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]0-100-721,151-1594180-17522COMPRESSED AIR: [ Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab or Grade)/ Pipe, Line Symbol / Valve, Risers in Plan, etc. ]4/4/2/20/2/0/02241100A-23VACUUM: [ Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab or Grade) / Pipe, LineSymbol / Valve, Risers in Plan, etc. ]4/4/2/20/2/0/0234110024GAS (Natural): [Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab or Grade) / Pipe,Line Symbol / Valves, Risers in Plan, etc.]4/4/2/20/2/0/02441100^25GAS (Propane): [Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab or Grade) / Pipe,Line Symbol / Valves, Risers in Plan, etc.]4/4/2/20/2/0/0254110026CONDENSATE DRAIN: [ Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab orGrade) / Pipe, Line Symbol / Risers in Plan ]4/4/2/20/2/0/02641100CD2829EQUIPMENT (Existing)EQUIPMENT (Proposed): [ Pumps / Tanks / Others ]1,010,102829414180-17580-17530OIL WASTE & VENT: [ Waste Piping (Above Slab) / Waste Piping (BelowSlab or Grade) / Vent Piping (Above and Below Slab or Grade) / Pipe, LineSymbol / Risers in Plan ]6/6/4/2/20/2/1 /O/O3041100owovv31LUBRICATION OIL: [ Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab or Grade) /Pipe, Line Symbol / Valve, Risers in Plan, etc. ]4/4/2/20/2/0/03141100LOLO414260EQUIPMENT: [By Owner]EQUIPMENT: [ By Others ]PLUMBING DEMOLITION0,10,12201414260NA4141NA80-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!PLUMBP - xxxxPPRn.sss - Plumbing Site Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 38 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

PLUMBR - xxxxPRRn.sss - Plumbing Roof Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS2410COLD WATER (Potable): [ Piping / Valves, Risers in Plan, etc. ]HOT WATER SUPPLY & RETURN: [ Piping / Valves, Risers in Plan, etc. ]VENT (Sanitary): [ Piping / Stacks in Plan, etc. ]4/24/24/2001/0241041414180-17580-17580-17513STORM DRAINAGE (Below Slab or Grade): [ Piping / Piping, Line Symbol/ Leaders in Plan, Cleanouts, etc. ]6/2/22/0/01341100D14STORM DRAINAGE (Above Slab): [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Leadersin Plan, Cleanouts, etc. ]6/2/2o144110015DRAINS (Storm): [ Roof, Area, Scupper, Parapet, etc. ]20154180-17516INDIRECT WASTE (Below Slab or Grade): [ Piping / Stacks, Cleanouts,etc.]6/2/22/0/0164110017INDIRECT WASTE (Above Slab): [ Piping / Pipe, Line Symbol / Stacks inPlan, Cleanouts, etc. ]6/2/20174110021MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]0-100-721,151-1594180-17522COMPRESSED AIR: [ Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab or Grade)4/4/2/20/2/0/02241100A-23VACUUM: [ Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab or Grade) / Pipe, Line4/4/2/20/2/0/0234110024GAS (Natural): [ Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab or Grade) / Pipe,4/4/2/20/2/0/02441100^25GAS (Propane): [Piping (Above Slab) / Piping (Below Slab or Grade) / Pipe,Line Symbol / Valves, Risers in Plan, etc.]4/4/9/9n / 9 / n / n9

SI6NF - xxxxVFRn.sss-Architectural Signage Floor Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS10SIGN SYMBOLS001554180-175Filled13SIGNS: [ Existing ]001524180-175Filled142160SIGNS: [ Future ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]SIGN DEMOLITION20-10210-711421,151-159604141NA80-17580-175NA61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!SIGNF - xxxxVFRn.sss-Architectural Signage Floor Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 40 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev. 3)

SI6NP - xxxxVPRn.sss - Signage Site Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS10SIGN SYMBOLS001554180-175Filled13SIGNS: [ Existing ]001524180-175Filled142160SIGNS: [ Future ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]SIGN DEMOLITION20-10210-711421,151-1596041414180-17580-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!SIGNP - xxxxVPRn.sss - Signage Site Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 41 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev. 3)

SIGNR - xxxxVRRn.sss - Signage Roof Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS10SIGN SYMBOLS001554180-175Filled13SIGNS: [ Existing ]001524180-175Filled142160SIGNS: [ Future ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]SIGN DEMOLITION20-10210-711421,151-1596041414180-17580-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!SIGNR - xxxxVRRn.sss - Signage Roof PlanLEVEL LIST Page 42 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

CIVIL - REFERENCE FILESALIGN - xxxxALRI .sss - Horizontal AlignmentLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS11MAIN NORTHBOUND CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines ]703NANA121314161718MAIN NORTHBOUND STATIONING: [ Text / Tic ]MAIN NORTHBOUND SYMBOLS: [ Text / Graphics ]MAIN NORTHBOUND NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]MAIN SOUTHBOUND CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines ]MAIN SOUTHBOUND STATIONING: [ Text / Tic ]MAIN SOUTHBOUND SYMBOLS404740000000000100414141NA4141175120175NA175120Text Weight = 0Text Weight = 019212223MAIN SOUTHBOUND NOTES: [ Text / Catlout Lines ]NORTHBOUND YARD LEAD CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines ]NORTHBOUND YARD LEAD STATIONING: [ Text / Tic ]NORTHBOUND YARD LEAD SYMBOLS47400000050041NA4141175NA175120Text Weight = 02426272829NORTHBOUND YARD LEAD NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]CROSSOVER CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines ]CROSSOVER STATIONING: [ Text / Tic ]CROSSOVER SYMBOLSCROSSOVER NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]47404000000200041NA414141175NA175120175Text Weight = 03132333436373839JUNCTION CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines jJUNCTION STATIONING: [ Text / Tic ]JUNCTION SYMBOLSJUNCTION NOTES: [ Text / Caliout Lines ]POCKET TRACK CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines ]POCKET TRACK STATIONING: [ Text / Tic ]POCKET TRACK SYMBOLSPOCKET TRACK TEXT / CALLOUT LINES740474040000000040006000NA414141NA414141NA175120175NA175120175Text Weight = 0Text Weight = 04142434446FUTURE JUNCTION CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines ]FUTURE JUNCTION STATIONING: [ Text / Tic ]FUTURE JUNCTION SYMBOLSFUTURE JUNCTION NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]34043/1/130000410003NA41414141NA175120175120Text Weight = 0RC=DART100PJT41 .eel47484950SOUTHBOUND YARD LEAD CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines ]SOUTHBOUND YARD LEAD STATIONING: [ Text / Tic ]SOUTHBOUND YARD LEAD SYMBOLSSOUTHBOUND YARD LEAD NOTES740400005000NA414141NA175120175Text Weight = 05152535456575859STORAGE TRACKS CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines ]STORAGE TRACKS STATIONING: [ Text / Tic ]STORAGE TRACKS SYMBOLSSTORAGE TRACKS NOTESFREIGHT TRACK MAIN CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines ]FREIGHT TRACK STATIONING: [ Text / Tic ]FREIGHT TRACK SYMBOLSFREIGHT TRACK NOTES & CALLOUTS74044404000000005100056000NA41414141414141NA17512017580-175175120175Text Weight = 0Text Weight = 061INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!ALIGN - xxxxALRI .sss - Horizontal Alignment Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 43 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

PROFILE - xxxxALR2.sss - Vertical Alignment Reference (Track)LVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS5GRID INTERIOR LINES114NANA7GRID EXTERIOR OUTLINE: [ Tics / Outline of Graph ]000NANA101112131416171821293046FUTURE GRADE: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]TOP OF RAIL: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]GRID STATIONING TEXTGRID ELEVATION TEXT(Existing) GRADE LINE: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]TRACK ELEVATION: [ 50' ]NAVIGATION PROFILENAVIGATION ELEVATION TEXTMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]POINT INFORMATION (Callouts): [ Text / Callout Line )CURVE POINT SYMBOLSGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/3/1/15/3/1 /1342/3/1/13730-103/203/1/12/0/0/00003/0/0/00300-7000103401461621,151-159003414141414141NA4141414141120120120175120120NA12080-175120120120RC=DART100PJT41.celText Weight = 0RC=DART1 OOOPJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel56NAVIGATION TRACK SYMBOLS005641120Text Weight = 061INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!PROFILE -xxxxALR2.sss -Vertical Alignment Reference (Track)LEVEL LIST Page 44 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

PROFILE 2 - xxxxALR3.sss - Vertical Alignment Reference (Civil)LVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS5GRID INTERIOR LINES114NANA7GRID EXTERIOR OUTLINE: [ Tics / Outline of Graph ]000NANA202122HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE: [ Graphics / Text ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ](Existing) GRADES LEFT SHOTS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]2/30-102/3/1 /160-71/0/0/02021,151-1592241414112080-17512023(Existing) GRADES RIGHT SHOTS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator]2/3/1 /1023411202425(Existing) UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ](Proposed) UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]2/3/1/14/3/1 /11 10/0/002425414112012027SLOPE LINES: [ Graphics / Text / Terminator ]3/3/10274112028BRIDGES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]2/3/1/10284112029POINT INFORMATION (Callouts): [ Text / Callout Line ]3/2004112032RETAINING WALLS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]3/3/1 /10324112036STREET NAMES: [ Text / Callout Line ]3/20364112040STATION REFERENCE: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]3/3/1/10404112046GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/1/10341120RC=DART1000PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 /1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!PROFILE 2 - xxxxALR3.sss - Vertical Alignment Reference (Civil)LEVEL LIST Page 45 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

DATA - xxxxALR9.sss - Alignment DataLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS14192429343944505459MAIN NORTHBOUND NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]MAIN SOUTHBOUND NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]NORTHBOUND YARD LEAD NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]CROSSOVER NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]JUNCTION NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]POCKET TRACK TEXT / CALLOUT LINESFUTURE JUNCTION NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]SOUTHBOUND YARD LEAD NOTESSTORAGE TRACKS NOTESFREIGHT TRACK NOTES & CALLOUTS3/43/43/43/43/43/43/4333/400000000000000000005641414141414141414141120120120120120120120120120120xDATA - xxxxAL.R9.sss - Alignment DataLEVEL LIST Page 46 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

SITE - xxxxCPRn.sss - Site Plan ReferenceLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS5678910EXISTING EXTERIOR BUILDING LINESDEMOLITION BUILDING LINESINTERIOR BUILDING LINESHIDDEN LINES - BUILDING LINESPROPOSED BUILDINGSFUTURE BUILDINGS4266330300324342910NANANANANANANANANANANANA11CREW ROOM * [ Graphic / Pattern / Text ]3/1/301141120*ROOM OUTLINE (WT=3) /ROOM PATTERN (WT=1)1213141516171819202122232425SIDEWALKEXISTING CURB/SIDEWALK TO REMAINPARKING LOT STRIPINGFACE OF CURB / BACK OF CURB / EDGE OF PAVEMENT: [ No Curb ]HANDICAP CURB INFORMATIONPLATFORM/STATIONFUTURE PLATFORMCURB/ROADWAY TO BE REMOVEDWARNING STRIPMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]CROSSWALKPLATFORM GRADE BREAKSIGNAGE SYMBOLS: [ Graphics ]SIGNAGE TEXT: [ Text / Leader Lines / Terminators ]1/4424/4/6388530-10100/33/1/10000003000-700001212345652021,151-1592202425NANANANANANANANANA41NANANA41NANANANANANANANANA80-175NANANA12026SIGNAGE DIMENSION TEXT: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines /Witness Lines / Terminators ]3/1/1 /1/102641120RC=DART100PJT41.cel28EXISTING FLOOD PLAIN LINE (50 Year): [ Graphics / Text / Leader /Terminator ]6/3/1/12/0/0/02841120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel29EXISTING FLOOD PLAIN LINE (100 Year): [ Graphics / Text / Leader /Terminator ]6/3/1/12/0/0/02941120RC=DART100PJT41.cel3233343536373839404546TEMPORARY FENCESSCREEN WALLSRETAINING WALLSFENCESSTREET NAMES: [ Optional ]LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION: [ Graphics / Text ]BOLLARDS: [ Graphics / Text ]LIGHT FIXTURES: [ Graphics / Text ]PROPOSED STORM INLETSBUILDING NAMESGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]111 IS1/245/31/32/3433/1/1000003/000000321313/30353637383940453NANANANA41414141NA4141NANANANA175120120120NA120120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/014105041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel51PAVEMENT JOINTS: [ Sawed Joint / Pavement Joint / Construction Joint /Text]1 / 3-6 / 3-6/30,1 /0/2.3/o6/11/144112053PAVEMENT PATTERNING1-40-253NANA61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!SITE - xxxxCPRn.sss - Site Plan ReferenceLEVEL LIST Page 47 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

XSEC - xxxxCSRI.sss - Cross SectionLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS5GRID FOR GRAPHS004NANA6TRACK CENTERLINES: [ Graphics / Text / Leaders / Terminators ]2/3/1/14/0/0/0041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel7STATION & ELEVATION REFERENCE: [ Tics / Outline of Graph ]000NANA8RAIL-STATION NAMES008421759BUILDINGS: [ Outline & Patterning / Text ]2094112010FUTURE GRADE: [ Graphics / Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/3/1/12/0/0/0104112011TOP OF RAIL: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]5/3/1/1034112012GRID STATIONING TEXT3044112013GRID ELEVATION TEXT4044117515EXISTING GRADE LINE: [ Graphics / Text / Leaders / Terminators ]2/3/1/13/0/0/024112017STREET PAVEMENT40174180-17518CURB OF STREETS40184180-17519SUBGRADE OF STREETS20194180-17520SIDEWALKS30204180-17521MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]0-100-721,151-1594180-17522RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED): [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]6/3/1/17/0/0/0224112023RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING): [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]4/3/1 It7/0/0/0234112024EXISTING UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]2/2/1/11/0/0/0244110025PROPOSED UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]4/2/1 M0254110026TOPSOIL10264180-17527SLOPE LINES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]3/3/1 /10274112028RAIL STATION PLATFORM50284180-17529CONCRETE ENCASEMENTS4329NANA30CONCRETE FLUMES40304180-17531SUB-BALLAST (Top Of): [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]4/3/1 /10314112032RETAINING WALLS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]2/3/1/105/324112033BRIDGES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]3/3/1/10334112034RIPRAP30344180-17535RAILING20354180-17536STREET CENTERLINES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]2/3/1/14/0/0/0364112037CROSS-STREET NAMES40374117538EXISTING ENCASEMENTS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]2/3/1/12/0/0/0384112039PROPOSED ENCASEMENTS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]4/3/1 /12/0/0/0394112042EXISTING UTILITY TUNNELS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]4/3/1/12/0/0/042411204344PROPOSED UTILITY TUNNELS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]EXISTING DETENTION PONDS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]6/3/1/14/3/1 /102/0/0/04344414112012045PROPOSED DETENTION PONDS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator]6/3/1/10454112046GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/1/10341120RC=DART1 OOPJT41 .eel47CROSS-SECTION TITLE60474124048SOUND WALLS1048NANAPA=45 to Element; PD=150DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 /1/1 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel52EMBEDDED TRACK PAVEMENT40524180-17553CURB OF EMBEDDED TRACK40534180-17554SUBGRADE OF EMBEDDED TRACK20544180-17556TOP OF SUBGRADE: [ Graphics / Text / Leaders / Terminators ]4/3/1 /1034112057TOP OF BALLAST204NANA61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!LEVEL LIST Page 48 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

CIVIL - xxxxCVR1.040 - Civil BaseLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS891011131516171819202122232632TRACKWAY DIMENSIONS: [ Graphics / Text / Leaders / Terminators ILIMITS OF TRACKWAY SLAB: [ Graphics / Text ]TRACK CENTERLINE NOTATIONS: [ Graphics / Text / Terminator ]CENTERLINE OF TRACKTRACK DIMENSIONS: [ Graphics / Text / Terminator ]WALLS*: [ Retaining / Ballast / Barrier / Sound JPOINT OF SWITCH SYMBOLSTURN OUT DESCRIPTION: [Text / Leaders / Terminators]BUMPERSBRIDGE REFERENCEBRIDGE REFERENCE: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]FENCE & GUARD RAILS*SLOPE PROTECTIONCURVE TAGS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW: [ Graphics / Terminator ]1 /3/1/15/31 /3/111 /3/1143/1/1443/1/10-101 /413/5/13/1000400000000-70000891011131501718192021,151-159222326324141414141NA4141NANA4141NA41414112012012080-175120NA80-175120NANA12080-175NA80-17512080-175RC=DART100PJT41.cel*Use available linestyles**Use available linestyles*RC=DART100PJT41.cel34SUPERVISOR BOOTH: [ Outline / Patterning* ]5/1034NANAPA=90, 180 to Element;PD=2,5,2,5 1/643540434446SUPERVISOR BOOTH TEXT: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]ALIGNMENT BEARINGS: [ Text Only ]CUT /FILL LINESCUT /FILL TEXTGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/1/13433/1/1000/1003540443414141414112012080-175120120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!CIVIL - xxxxCVRI.040 - Civil BaseLEVEL LIST Page 49 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

DRAIN - xxxxDARLsss - Drainage AreaLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS16171819202126272829313233ZONING BOUNDARIESZONING BOUNDARIES TEXMAJOR DRAINAGE AREA DIVIDERSDRAINAGE AREA TEXTMINOR DRAINAGE AREA DIVIDERSDIRECTION OF FLOW ARROWS50 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN TEXT: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN TEXT: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]50 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN LINE100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN LINEZONING BOUNDARIES BY OTHERSPROPOSED BRIDGESPROPOSED STATIONS6583753/5/13/5/1666336000200023300161718192021262728293132334141414141NA4141414141414180-17520080-17512080-175NA12012080-17580-17580-17580-17580-175*Use available patterns*RC=DART 1 0OPJT4 1 .eelRC=DART100PJT41.cel34PROPOSED STORM SEWERS: [ Graphics / Text / Leaders / Terminators]3/3/1 /103441120RC=DART1 OOPJT41 .eel3536464748EXISTING STORM SEWERS: [ Graphics / Text / Leaders / Terminators ]STREET NAMESGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]COUNTY LIMITS: [ Graphics / Text ]CITY LIMITS: [ Graphics / Text ]3/3/1 /143/1/14/74/72/0/0/0005/06/03536347484141414141120175120290290RC=DART1 OOPJT4 1 .eelRC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!DRAIN - xxxxDARI .sss - Drainage AreaLEVEL LIST Page 50 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

DEMO -xxxxDMRLsss - Demolition PlanLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS20STREET/PARKING LOT REMOVAL - CONCRETE: [ Text / Leaders /Area Patterning / Other Graphics / Terminators ]3/1/1 141102041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel / *Useavailable patterns*21PARCEL: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]4/3/102141120RC=DART100PJT41.cel / "Useavailable patterns*22STREET/PARKING LOT REMOVAL - ASPHALT: [ Text / Leaders / AreaPatterning / Other Graphics / Terminators ]3/1/1/4/102241120RC=DART100PJT41.cel / *Useavailable patterns*24STREET/PARKING LOT REMOVAL - PAVERS: [ Text / Leaders / AreaPatterning / Other Graphics / Terminators ]3/1/1/4/102441120RC=DART100PJT41.cel / *Useavailable patterns*26SAWCUT32264112028DRIVEWAY REMOVAL: [ Text / Leaders / Area Patterning / OtherGraphics / Terminators ]3/1/1/4/102841120RC=DART100PJT41.cel / *Useavailable patterns*30SIDEWALK / MEDIAN REMOVAL-CONCRETE: [ Text / Leaders / AreaPatterning / Other Graphics / Terminators ]3/1/1/4/103041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel / *Useavailable patterns*32SIDEWALK / MEDIAN REMOVAL-PAVERS: [ Text / Leaders / AreaPatterning / Other Graphics / Terminators ]3/1/1/4/103241120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel / *Useavailable patterns*34SIDEWALK / MEDIAN REMOVAL-STONE: [ Text / Leaders / AreaPatterning / Other Graphics / Terminators ]3/1/1/4/103441120RC=DART100PJT41.cel / *Useavailable patterns*35RIGHT OF WAY REMOVAL: [ Text / Leaders / Area Patterning / OtherGraphics / Terminators ]3/1/1/4/103541120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel / *Useavailable patterns*36BUILDING REMOVAL: [ Text / Leaders / Area Patterning / Other Graphics/ Terminators ]3/1/1/4/103641120RC=DART100PJT41.cel / *Useavailable patterns*37EQUIPMENT REMOVAL: [ Text / Leaders / Area Patterning / OtherGraphics / Terminators ]3/1/1 141103741120RC=DART100PJT41.cel / *Useavailable patterns*39STREET CLOSURE: [ Text / Leaders / Area Patterning / Other Graphics /Terminators ]3/1/1/4/103841120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel / *Useavailable patterns*40WALL REMOVAL-CONCRETE: [ Text / Leaders / Area Patterning / OtherGraphics / Terminators ]3/1/1/4/104041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel / *Useavailable patterns*42WALL REMOVAL-BRICK: [ Text / Leaders /Area Patterning / OtherGraphics / Terminators ]3/1/1 141104241120RC=DART100PJT41.cel / *Useavailable patterns*44FENCE OR RAIL REMOVAL: [ Text / Leaders / Area Patterning / OtherGraphics / Terminators ]3/1/1/4/104441120RODART100PJT41 .eel / *Useavailable patterns*46GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/1/10341120RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 /1/1 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!DEMO - xxxxDMRLsss - Demolition PlanLEVEL LIST Page 51 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

ENVIRON - xxxxEVRLsss - EnvironmentalLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS37404246SILT FENCE, HAY BALE, ROCK BERM: [ Graphics / Text / Leaders ]INLET PROTECTION, DITCH CHECK: [ Graphics / Text / Leaders ]CONSTRUCTION BOUNDARIES: [ Graphics / Text / Patterning ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]7/3/17/3/17/3/13/1/101/0/000374042341414141120120120120'Use available patterns*RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 IM1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!ENVIRON - xxxxEVRLsss - EnvironmentalLEVEL LIST Page 52 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

GEO - xxxxGTFM .040 - GeotechnicalLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS1314151617181920212223PRE-EXISTING BORE HOLE: [ Circle / Line ]PRE-EXISTING BORE HOLE TEXT: [ Circle / Text ]SOIL DESIGNATION: [ Circle / Text ]SOIL DESIGNATION LINE - WORKBORING LOG CENTERLINESBORING LOGSBORING LOG TEXTWATER LEVEL SYMBOLSMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]FIELD SURVEYED BORE HOLE TEXTFIELD SURVEYED BORE HOLE533303330-10523/000040000-700131415161718192021,151-1592223NA4141NANANA4141414141NA120120NANANA12080-17580-17512080-17524LOCATION SYMBOLOGY: [ Test Pits / Wellpoint Piezometers /Observation Wells / Incinometer Casings / Deep Benchmarks ]1,4/1,4/4/4/40244180-17546GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/1/10341120RC=DART1 OOPJT4 1 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!6EO - xxxxGTRI .040 - GeotechnicalLEVEL LIST Page 53 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

6EOPRO - xxxxGTR2.040 - Geotechnical ProfileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS5GRID INTERIOR LINES114NANA7GRID EXTERIOR OUTLINE: [ Tics / Outline of Graph ]000NANA10FUTURE GRADE: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]3/3/12/0/01041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel11TOP OF RAIL: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]5/3/201141120RC=DART100PJT41.cel12GRID STATIONING TEXT3044112013GRID ELEVATION TEXT4044117514(Existing) GRADE LINE: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]2/3/13/0/02/14/1441120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel15SOIL DESIGNATION: [ Circle / Text ]301541120RC=DART1 OOPJT41 .eel16LAYER DELINEATION: [Graphics / Bentonite Layer / Text]30/2/31641120RC=DART100PJT41.cel17BORE CENTERLINE040NANA19BORE INFORMATION: [ Text / Callout Line / Leader ]3/2/101541120RC=DART100PJT41.cel20WATER LEVELS: [ Graphics / Text ]2/302041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel21MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]0-100-721,151-1594180-17524EXISTING UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]4/3/11 /O/O2441120RC=DART100PJT41.cel25PROPOSED UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]6/3/102541120RC=DART100PJT41.cel3046CURVE POINT SYMBOLSGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]03/1/100039441120120RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel56NAVIGATION SYMBOLS3039412061INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!GEOPRO - xxxxGTR2.040 - Geotechnical ProfileLEVEL LIST Page 54 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

CLAND - xxxxL.CR1.sss - Civil Landscape PlanLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS12131415VISION GUIDESSIGNAGE: [ Outside Platform ]IRRIGATION DRIPLINE: [ Proposed]VISIBILITY TRIANGLE1424500402233NA414141NA80-17580-17512016SITE FURNISHINGS: [ Bench / Others / Text J0-1 0/ 0-10 /30-7 / 0-7 /31641120171820212223242526272829303132333435363940414649LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTIONLIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TEXT: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]PLANTING BED OUTLINE: [ Shape / Steel Edging ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]IRRIGATION SLEEVE: [ Proposed ]IRRIGATION HEADS: [ Proposed ] [ Heads / Pipe / Fitting / Main Line ]IRRIGATION CONTROL DEVICES: [ Proposed ]DRAINS: [ Main Line / Laterals ]IRRIGATION SLEEVE: [ Existing ]IRRIGATION PIPING & FITTINGS: [ Existing ] [ Head / Fitting / Main Line ]IRRIGATION CONTROL DEVICES: [ Existing ]VENTING SYSTEMS (Pressure Relief Valve)VEGETATION: [ Existing to Remain ]VEGETATION: [ Proposed ]VEGETATION: [ Existing to be Removed ]WALLSWALLS: [ Alternatives ]CONTOURS: [ 1 -Foot / 5-Foot / Box / Text ]STREET NAMES: [ Optional ]FENCINGART OPPORTUNITYART OPPORTUNITY TEXT: [ Text / Note Box / Leader / Terminator ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]BERM43/1/11 140-100-75/3/3/81-36/331/1/1/213123214/6/2/34443/3/1/13/1/133000-700/0/0/303/010/0/0/30-7000000000000017182021,151-15942324426272324112213231/35361340413494141NA41414141414141414141414141414141414141414180-175120NA80-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17512017580-17580-17512012080-175RC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/014105041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel5152535455565758FILLED SHAPES - SCREENED 13%FILLED SHAPES - SCREENED 25%FILLED SHAPES -SCREENED 38%FILLED SHAPES - SCREENED 50%FILLED SHAPES - SCREENED 57%FILLED SHAPES - SCREENED 63%FILLED SHAPES - SCREENED 69%FILLED SHAPES - SCREENED 75%0000000000000000159157156155154153152151414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!CLAND - xxxxLCRI .sss - Civil Landscape PlanLEVEL LIST Page 55 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

SHEET - xxxxPORn.sss - Polygon Reference FileLV56781011121315161718202122232526272830313233DESCRIPTIONODD NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Shape Border / Text ]ODD NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Reference File Clip ]ODD NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Reference File Clip ]ODD NUMBERED SHEETS: [Plan / Profile Outline / Text]EVEN NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Shape Border / Text ]EVEN NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Reference File Clip ]EVEN NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Reference File Clip ]EVEN NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Plan / Profile Outline / Text ]ODD NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Shape Border / Text ]ODD NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Reference File Clip ]ODD NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Reference File Clip ]ODD NUMBERED SHEETS: [Plan / Profile Outline / Text]EVEN NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Shape Border / Text ]EVEN NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Reference File Clip ]EVEN NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Reference File Clip ]EVEN NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Plan / Profile Outline / Text ]ODD NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Shape Border / Text ]ODD NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Reference File Clip ]ODD NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Reference File Clip ]ODD NUMBERED SHEETS: [Plan / Profile Outline / Text]EVEN NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Shape Border / Text ]EVEN NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Reference File Clip ]EVEN NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Reference File Clip ]EVEN NUMBERED SHEETS: [ Plan / Profile Outline / Text ]WT111111111111111111111111LC000000000000000000000000CO56781011121315161718202122232526272830313233FT41NANA4141NANA4141NANA4141NANA4141NANA4141NANA41SIZE1000NANA10001000NANA10001000NANA10001000NANA10001000NANA10001000NANA1000REMARKSText Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 161INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print)!*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!SHEET - xxxxPORn.sss - Polygon Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 56 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

ROW - xxxxRWR1.040 - Right-of-Way PlanLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS12SURVEY CONTROL LINES40124180-1751314INGRESS & EGRESS EASEMENTINGRESS & EGRESS EASEMENT TEXT: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]63/1/1201314414180-175120RC=DART100PJT41.cel1516EASEMENT LINE: [ Existing ]EASEMENT (Existing) TEXT: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]43/1/1201516414180-175120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel1718EASEMENT: (Temporary)UTILITY EASEMENT LINE (Proposed): [ Boundaries / Rod Markers ]56/272/01718414180-17580-17519212223UTILITY EASEMENT (Proposed) TEXT: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]DRAINAGE EASEMENT LINE (Proposed): [ Boundaries / Rod Markers ]DRAINAGE EASEMENT (Proposed) TEXT: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]3/1/10-106/23/1/100-72/001921,151-15922234141414112080-17580-175120RC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.cel25PROPOSED ROW (By Others): [ Boundaries / Rod Markers / ROW ControlMonument / Marker ]47/0/0254180-17526RIGHT-OF WAY (Existing): [ Boundaries / Rod Markers / ROW ControlMonument / Marker ]2/2/47/0/0264180-1752728PROPERTY LINE (Existing): [ Boundaries / Rod Markers ]RIGHT-OF WAY CENTERLINES216/042728414180-17580-17530RIGHT-OF WAY (Future): [ Boundaries / Rod Markers / ROW ControlMonument / Marker ]5/4/43/0/0304180-17531RIGHT-OF WAY (Proposed): [ Boundaries / Rod Markers / ROW ControlMonument / Marker ]8/4/47/0/0314180-1753235PROPERTY LINE (Proposed): [ Boundaries / Rod Markers ]STREET WIDTH DIMENSIONS6/44003235414180-17580-17536STREET NAMES403641175374041424344ABSTRACT / SURVEY: [ Graphics / Text ]BUILDING NAME: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]LOT DIMENSION: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]OWNERS NAME: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]BLOCK NUMBERS: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]LOT NUMBERS: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]4/33/1/12/1/13/1/13/1/13/1/11/000000374041424344414141414141120120801201201204546474849PARCEL NUMBERS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]COUNTY LINES: [ Graphics / Text ]CITY LIMITS: [ Graphics / Text ]BERM4/3/13/1/14/34/31005/06/03453474849414141414112012012012080-175RC=DART100PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1 It0/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!ROW - xxxxRWRI.040 - Right-of-Way PlanLEVEL LIST Page 57 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

PTOPO - xxxxPTR1.040 - Topography (Proposed)LVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS222330313435363746BERN! / GRADE BREAK: [ Graphics / Text ]MISCELLANEOUS CONTOURS: [ Crest / Depression / Text ]CONTOURS • 1 FOOT: [ Elevation Box / Text ]CONTOURS • 1 FOOT: [ Graphics ]CONTOURS - 5 FOOT: [ Elevation Box / Text ]CONTOURS • 5 FOOT: [ Graphics ]SPOT ELEVATIONS: [ Proposed ] [ Graphics / Text ]SPOT ELEVATION: ( Existing ] [ Graphics / Text ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]2/32/2/32/342/363/313/1/12/02/2/0000000022233131353536373414141NA41NA414141120120120NA120NA120120120RC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 I'M1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS[20 scale should only have Elevation Box, Elevation Number and Contour Line Stub (to meet 40 scale contour line)]PTOPO - xxxxPTRI .040 - Topography (Proposed)0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!LEVEL LIST Page 58 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

MODIFY - xxxxSTRLsss - Street/Alley Modification PlanLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS121314151617181920212223TEMPORARY DEVICESSAWCUTCURBS: [ Proposed ]SIDEWALKS: [ Proposed ]CONSTRUCTION OUTLINESPARKING STRIPESFUTURE PAVING: [ By Others / Text ] [ Graphics / Text ]TRANSITION PAVINGGRADE CROSSING PANELSMATERIAL INDICATIONS & PATTERNING: [ Reconstruction ]BASELINE (Gutter): [ Reconstruction Baseline / Station Tics ]BASELINE STATIONING TEXT1164623/31/41/40-104/230/1100002/00/200-73/00121321531718192021,151-159222341414141414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17580-17580-17512024BASELINE SYMBOLS00041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel / TextWeight = 0252627BASELINE NOTATION: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]BASELINE (Gutter): [ Reconstruction Baseline / Station Tics ]BASELINE STATIONING TEXT3/1/14/2303/0025262741414112080-175120RC=DART100PJT41.cel28BASELINE SYMBOLS00041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel / TextWeight = 0293132BASELINE NOTATION: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]BASELINE (Centerline Pavement): [ Reconstruction Baseline / Station Tics )BASELINE STATIONING TEXT3/1/14/2303/0029313241414112080-175120RC=DART100PJT41.cel33BASELINE SYMBOLS00094120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel / TextWeight = 034363738BASELINE NOTATION: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]STREET NAMESCROSS STREET PATTERNING: [ Recronstruction ]SIDE & STREET PATTERNING: [ Reconstruction ]3/1/14110000343637384141414112017580-17580-175RC=DART100PJT41.cel3940BASELINE (Centerline Pavement): [ Reconstruction Baseline / Station Tics )BASELINE STATIONING TEXT4/233/003940414180-17512041BASELINE SYMBOLS00041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel / TextWeight = 0424546474850BASELINE NOTATION: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]PAVEMENT TYPE SYMBOL*GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]GENERAL NOTATION (Cross Streets): [ Graphics / Text / Terminator ]GENERAL NOTATION (Side Streets): [ Graphics / Text / Terminator ]SOUTHBOUND YARD LEAD NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]3/1/113/1/11/3/11/3/13/60000004245347480/541414141414112080-175120120120120RC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41 .eelRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41 .eel56BASELINE (Centerline Pavement - Cross Street): [ Reconstruction Baseline /Station Tics ]4/23/0564180-17557BASELINE STATIONING TEXT30574112058BASELINE SYMBOLS00041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel / TextWeight = 059BASELINE NOTATION: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]3/1/105941120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!MODIFY - xxxxSTRLsss - Street/Alley Modification PlanLEVEL LIST Page 59 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

SMPROFP - xxxxSTR2.sss - Street/Alley Modification ProfileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS578101112131415162122GRID INTERIOR LINESGRID EXTERIOR OUTLINE: [ Tics / Outline of graph ]TRACK CENTERLINES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]FUTURE GRADE: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]TOP OF RAIL: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / TerminatorGRID STATIONING TEXTGRID ELEVATION TEXT(Existing) GRADE LINE: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]PROPOSED TRACKWAY SLAB: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]TRACK ELEVATION: [ 50' ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS & PATTERNING: [ Reconstruction ](Existing) GRADES LEFT SHOTS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]102/3/1 /15/3/1/13/3/2/1342/3/1 /12/3/1 /130-101 /3/1 /1104/0/0/002/0/0/0003/0/0/0000-72/0/0/040810344215621,151-15922NANA41414141414141414141NANA12012012012017512012012080-175120RC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.cel23(Existing) GRADES RIGHT SHOTS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator]1 /3/1 /12/0/0/02341120242527282930324647(Existing) UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ](Proposed) UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]SLOPE LINES: [ Graphics / Text / Terminator ]BRIDGES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]POINT INFORMATION (Callouts): [ Text / Callout Line ]CURVE POINT SYMBOLSRETAINING WALLS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader / Terminator ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TITLES:4/3/1 /16/3/1 /13/3/12/3/1/13/203/3/1/13/1/131 /O/O/O00000000242527280032347414141414141414141120120120120120120120120120Text Weight = 0RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel56NAVIGATION TRACK SYMBOLS0034180-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!SMPROFP - xxxxSTR2.sss - Street/Alley Modification ProfileLEVEL LIST Page 60 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

TRAFFIC - xxxxTCRn.sss - Permanent Traffic Control Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS10LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION OUTLINE: [ Outline / Text / Leader ]4/3/10104112011PAVEMENT MARKINGS: [ Lane Striping / Crosswalks / Stop Bars / LettTurn Arrows / Right Turn Arrows ]3/3/9/1/10-7 / 0 / 0 /0/0114180-17512TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES: [ Signs / Concrete Barrier / Vehicle ImpactAttenuator ]10124180-17513TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES TEXT: [ Text / Leader ]3/10134112014EXISTING SIGNAGE: [ Graphics / Shape / Symbol / Text / Leader ]1/1/1 141101441 /45variable15PROPOSED SIGNAGE: [ Graphics / Shape / Symbol / Text / Leader ]4/1/1 141101541 /45variable19213646EXISTING TRAFFIC PAVEMENT MARKINGSMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]STREET NAMESGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]10-1043/1/10,1,20-7001921,151-1593634141414180-17580-175175120RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 /1/1 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print)!*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!TRAFFIC - xxxxTCRn.sss - Permanent Traffic Control Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 61 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

TbREFN - xxxxTDRn.sss - Track Removal Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS10TRACK NAMES: [ Text / Leader ]3/10104112011NORTHBOUND LEAD CENTERLINES: * [ Centerlines / Tics ]7/4011NACell TXAllowed* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files12NORTHBOUND LEAD STATIONING *40041175* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files13NORTHBOUND LEAD SYMBOLS *00041120* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files14NORTHBOUND LEAD NOTES: * [ Text / Callout Lines ]4/600/1141175* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files16SOUTHBOUND LEAD CENTERLINES: * [ Centerlines / Tics ]7/4016NACell TXAllowed* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files17SOUTHBOUND LEAD STATIONING *40041175* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files18SOUTHBOUND LEAD SYMBOLS *00041120* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files19SOUTHBOUND LEAD NOTES: * [ Text / Callout Lines j4/600/1641175* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files21MATERIAL INDICATIONS & PATTERNING: [ Track to be Shifted / Trackto be Removed ]1021,151-1594180-17522PATTERNING SHAPE1022NANA31TRACK REMOVAL TEXT & DIMENSIONS: [ Removal Text / Note Box* /Dimension Line / Witness Line / Leader ]3/3/1/1/103141120* Optional3246SIGNAL REMOVAL TEXT: [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/1/13/1/1003234141120120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 1111/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!TDREFN - xxxxTDRn.sss - Track Removal Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 62 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

TRACPLN - xxxxTKRn.sss - Track Charts Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS6TRACK CENTERS (35'): [ Lines / Section Bubbles / PITO Symbols /Turnouts j4/3/3/406/0/0/64180-17578TRACK CENTER NOTES (35'): [ Text / Leader ]RAIL SPECIFICATIONS: [ Rails / Text / Patterning ]3/12/3/10034/3/84141120175"Use available patterns*9TRACK CENTERS (45 1 ): [ Lines / Curve Symbols / Section Bubbles / PITOSymbols / Turnouts ]4/4/S/3/43/0/0/0106/6/0/0164180-175101114263646TIE SPACING TEXT: [ Lines / Text ]TRACK CENTER NOTES (45'): [ Text / Leader ]TRANSIT STATIONING: [ Text / Graphics / Patterning* ]CURVE TAGS: [ Text / Leader ]STREET NAMES & CENTERLINES: [ Text / Graphics ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]2/33/13/4/13/3/1/13/23/1/100000/401/337/7/2126363414141414141120120120120120120*Use available patterns*RC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!TRACPLN - xxxxTKRn.sss - Track Charts Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 63 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

TAAREFN - xxxxTMRn.sss - Track Modification Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS10TRACK NAMES: [ Text / Leader ]3/10104112011NORTHBOUND LEAD CENTERLINES: * [ Centerlines / Tics ]7/4011NANA* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files12NORTHBOUND LEAD STATIONING *40041175* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files13NORTHBOUND LEAD SYMBOLS *00041120* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files14NORTHBOUND LEAD NOTES: * [ Text / Callout Lines ]4/600/1141175* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files16SOUTHBOUND LEAD CENTERLINES: * [ Centerlines / Tics ]7/4016NANA* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files17SOUTHBOUND LEAD STATIONING *40041175* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files18SOUTHBOUND LEAD SYMBOLS *00041120* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files19SOUTHBOUND LEAD NOTES: * [ Text / Callout Lines ]4/600/1641175* Optional-may be referenced byAlignment Files21MATERIAL INDICATIONS & PATTERNING: [ Track to be Shifted / Trackto be Removed ]1021,151-1594180-17522PROPOSED TRACK MODIFICATION LEAD: [ Centerlines / Tics ]7/40224180-17523PROPOSED TRACK MODIFICATION LEAD STATIONING4004117524PROPOSED TRACK MODIFICATION LEAD SYMBOLS0004112025PROPOSED TRACK MODIFICATION LEAD NOTES: * [ Text / CalloutLines ]3/600/224112026CURVE TAGS: [ Text / Leader ]3/602641120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel31SIGNAL REMOVAL TEXT: [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]3/1/10314112046GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/1/10341120RC=DART1 OOPJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!TMREFN - xxxxTMRn.sss - Track Modification Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 64 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

TOPO1 -xxxxTPR1.040 - Topography (Existing)LVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS1234568910111213BENCHMARKS: [ Permanent / Temporary ]STREETS & BRIDGESROADS: [ Dirt Roads / Unpaved Streets ]BRIDGE HANDRAILSCONCRETE GUARD FENCESROAD BARRIERSBRIDGE CONCRETE RIP-RAPBRIDGE DRAINAGE: [ Box Culverts ]RAILROAD TRACKS & SYMBOLSBUILDINGSPARKING STRIPESEXTERIOR STRUCTURES: [ Sidewalks ]11111111111100/20/30000/20/20000/300000000000041414141414141414141414180 / 12012080-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-175Text Weight = 114MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE STRUCTURES: [Pools / Wall-Privacy /Fences-Privacy / Railroad Street Crossings]1004180Text Weight = 11517PORCHES: [ Stairs / Steps / Slabs ]FENCES & POLES: [ Fences / Fence Poles / Flag Poles ]110000414180-17580Text Weight = 118MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES: [ Walls / Cellars / Elevated DockingAreas / Depressed Docking Areas / Ramps / Slopes ]10/2/2/2/0/204180Text Weight = 120UTILITY SURFACE FEATURES: [ Man Holes / Inlets / Fire Hydrants /Water Meter / Gas Meter ]1004180RC=DART100PJT41.cel /TextWeight = 121MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY FEATURES: [ Electrical Towers / PowerPoles / Sign Posts / Billboards / Traffic Signals / Light Poles ]1004180RC=DART100PJT41 .eel / TextWeight = 1222325262728PIPELINE: [ Creek Crossing / Exposed Pipes ]MISCELLANEOUS CONTOURS: [ Crest / Depression ]CREEK : [ Centeriines / Depression Edges ]EARTH DAMCONCRETE DAMCONCRETE DRAINAGE DITCH111111026/00000000004141414141418012080808080Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 129VEGETATION: [ Trees / Shrubs ]1004180RC=DART100PJT41.cel / TextWeight = 13135366163CONTOURS • 1 FOOTCONTOURS - 5 FOOTSPOT ELEVATIONSSTREET NAMESCOORDINATE TIC MARKS: [ Crosses / Text ]121110000000000414141414112012012012080Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1TOPO1 - xxxxTPR1.040 - Topography (Existing)LEVEL LIST Page 65 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

TKPROF - xxxxTRRn.sss - Track Charts Profile Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS567846GRIDPOINT SYMBOLS: [ PVC & PVT Symbol ]POINT INFORMATION: [ Text / Callout Lines ]TOP OF RAIL: [ Rails / Text / Leaders ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]133/27/3/13/1/10000040343NA41414141NA120120120120RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!TKPROF - xxxxTRRn.sss - Track Charts Profile Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 66 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

TSI6 - xxxxTSRLsss - Traffic SignalizationLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS15LOOP DETECTOR SYSTEM: [ Loop Detector / Loop Detector Conduit /Text]6/4/30154112016SIGNALIZATION: [ Mast Arm / Mast Arm Pole / Signal Head / PedestrianSignal Head / Circle - Leader / Text ]S/4/4/2/1/30164112017TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT: [ Conduit Run / Dimensioning / PullBoxes / Hexagon - Leader / Text ]8/1/4/1/31 /O/O/O/o174112025EXISTING LOOP DETECTOR SYSTEM: [ Loop Detector / Loop DetectorConduit / Text ]1/1/30254112026EXISTING SIGNALIZATION: [ Mast Arm / Mast Arm Pole / Signal Head /Pedestrian Signal Head / Circle/Leader / Text ]1 /1/1 /1/1/32/0/0/1/O/O/O264112027EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT: [ Conduit Run / Dimensioning /Pull Boxes / Hexagon/Leader/Text ]1/1/1/32/0/0/0274112061INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!TSIG - xxxxTSRLsss - Traffic SignalizationLEVEL LIST Page 67 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

TEMTRAF - xxxxTTRn.sss - Temporary Traffic Control Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS11STAGE _ _ - PHASE PATTERNING: [ Limits of Construction / TempPavement / Patterning Outlines ]1/1/6011NANA12GRAPHICS: [ Concrete Barrier / (Pavement Markings) - Lane Striping Solid/ Lane Striping Dashed / Crosswalk / Stop Bars / Shapes /(Traffic Control Devices) - Vertical Panels / Drums / Fencing /Barricades / Text / Leader ]61912/3/9/1/1/1/1/4,10/3/121011 /O/O/O/ O/O/O/0/0/0124112013SIGNAGE: [ Graphics / Shape / Symbol / Text-Dimension Text / Leaders &Dimension Lines ]1 /1 /1 131101341120-175RC=DARTtxtdotsgn41 .eel15STAGE _ _ - PHASE _ _ PATTERNING: [ Limits of Construction / TempPavement / Patterning Outlines ]1/1/6015NANA16GRAPHICS: [ Concrete Barrier / (Pavement Markings) - Lane Striping Solid/ Lane Striping Dashed / Crosswalk / Stop Bars / Shapes /(Traffic Control Devices) - Vertical Panels / Drums / Fencing /Barricades / Text / Leader ]6/6/2/3/9/1/1/1/1/4,10 / 3 / 12/011 /O/O/O/ O/O/O/0/0/0164112017SIGNAGE: [ Graphics / Shape / Symbol / Text-Dimension Text / Leaders &Dimension Lines ]1/1/1 131101741120-175RC=DARTtxtdotsgn41 .eel19STAGE - PHASE PATTERNING: [ Limits of Construction / TempPavement / Patterning Outlines ]1/1/6019NANA20GRAPHICS: [ Concrete Barrier / (Pavement Markings) - Lane Striping Solid/ Lane Striping Dashed / Crosswalk / Stop Bars / Shapes /(Traffic Control Devices) - Vertical Panels / Drums / Fencing /Barricades / Text / Leader ]6/6/2/3/9/1/1/1/1/4,10/3/12/0/1 /O/O/O/ O/O/O/0/0/0204112021SIGNAGE: [ Graphics / Shape / Symbol / Text-Dimension Text / Leaders &Dimension Lines ]1/1/1/3/102141120-175RC=DARTtxtdotsgn41 .eel23STAGE - PHASE PATTERNING: [ Limits of Construction / TempPavement / Patterning Outlines ]1/1/6023NANA24GRAPHICS: [ Concrete Barrier / (Pavement Markings) • Lane Striping Solid/ Lane Striping Dashed / Crosswalk / Stop Bars / Shapes /(Traffic Control Devices) - Vertical Panels / Drums / Fencing /Barricades / Text / Leader ]6/6/2/3/9/1/1/1/1/4,10/3/121011 /O/O/O/ O/O/O/0/0/0244112025SIGNAGE: [ Graphics / Shape / Symbol / Text-Dimension Text / Leaders &Dimension Lines ]1/1/1 131102541120RC=DARTtxtdotsgn41 .eel27STAGE - PHASE PATTERNING: [ Limits of Construction / TempPavement / Patterning Outlines ]1 /1/6027NANA28GRAPHICS: [ Concrete Barrier / (Pavement Markings) - Lane Striping Solid/ Lane Striping Dashed / Crosswalk / Stop Bars / Shapes /(Traffic Control Devices) - Vertical Panels / Drums / Fencing /Barricades / Text / Leader ]6/6/2/3/9/1/1/1/1/4,10/3/12/0/1 /O/O/O/ O/O/O/0/0/0284112029SIGNAGE: [ Graphics / Shape / Symbol / Text-Dimension Text / Leaders &Dimension Lines ]1/1/1 131102941120-175RC=DARTtxtdotsgn41 .eel31STAGE _ _ - PHASE _ _ PATTERNING: [ Limits of Construction / TempPavement / Patterning Outlines ]1 /1/6031NANA32GRAPHICS: [ Concrete Barrier / (Pavement Markings) - Lane Striping Solid/ Lane Striping Dashed / Crosswalk / Stop Bars / Shapes /(Traffic Control Devices) - Vertical Panels / Drums / Fencing /Barricades / Text / Leader ]6/6/2/3/9/1/1/1/1/4,10/3/12/011/0/0/0/ O/O/O/0/0/0324112033SIGNAGE: [ Graphics / Shape / Symbol / Text-Dimension Text / Leaders &Dimension Lines ]1/1/1 131103341120-175RC=DARTtxtdotsgn41 .eel36STREET NAMES: (Optional)37STAGE - PHASE _ _ PATTERNING: [ Limits of Construction / TempPavement / Patterning Outlines ]1/1/6037NANA38GRAPHICS: [ Concrete Barrier / (Pavement Markings) - Lane Striping Solid/ Lane Striping Dashed / Crosswalk / Stop Bars / Shapes /(Traffic Control Devices) - Vertical Panels / Drums / Fencing /Barricades / Text / Leader ]61912/3/9/1/1 /1/1 /4,10/3/12101MO/0/0/ O/O/O/0/0/0384112039SIGNAGE: [ Graphics / Shape / Symbol / Text-Dimension Text / Leaders &Dimension Lines ]1/1/1 131103941120-175RC=DARTtxtdotsgn41 .eel41STAGE - PHASE _ _ PATTERNING: [ Limits of Construction / TempPavement / Patterning Outlines ]1/1/6041NANA42GRAPHICS: [ Concrete Barrier / (Pavement Markings) • Lane Striping Solid/ Lane Striping Dashed / Crosswalk / Stop Bars / Shapes /(Traffic Control Devices) - Vertical Panels / Drums / Fencing /Barricades / Text / Leader ]61912/3/9/1/1 /1/1 /4,10/3/121011/0/0/0/ O/O/O/0/0/04241120LEVEL LIST Page 68 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

43SIGNAGE: [ Graphics / Shape / Symbol / Text-Dimension Text / Leaders &Dimension Lines ]1/1/1/3/104341120RC=DARTtxtdotsgn41 .eel45STAGE _ _ - PHASE PATTERNING: [ Limits of Construction / TempPavement / Patterning Outlines ]1/1/6045NANA46GRAPHICS: [ Concrete Barrier / (Pavement Markings) - Lane Striping Solid/ Lane Striping Dashed / Crosswalk / Stop Bars / Shapes /(Traffic Control Devices) - Vertical Panels / Drums / Fencing /Barricades / Text / Leader ]6/612/3/9/1/1/1/1/4,10/3/12/011 /O/O/O/ O/O/O/0/0/0464112047SIGNAGE: [ Graphics / Shape / Symbol / Text-Dimension Text / Leaders &Dimension Lines ]1/1/1/3/104741120RC=DARTtxtdotsgn41 .eel51STAGE _ _ - PHASE _ _ PATTERNING: [ Limits of Construction / TempPavement / Patterning Outlines ]1/1/6051NANA52GRAPHICS: [ Concrete Barrier / (Pavement Markings) - Lane Striping Solid/ Lane Striping Dashed / Crosswalk / Stop Bars / Shapes /(Traffic Control Devices) - Vertical Panels / Drums / Fencing /Barricades / Text / Leader ]6/912/3/9/1/1 /1/1 /4,10/3/121011/0/0/0/ O/O/O/0/0/0524112053SIGNAGE: [ Graphics / Shape / Symbol / Text-Dimension Text / Leaders &Dimension Lines ]1/1/1 131105341120-175RC=DARTtxtdotsgn41 .eel55STAGE _ _ - PHASE _ _ PATTERNING: [ Limits of Construction / TempPavement / Patterning Outlines ]1/1/6o55NANA56GRAPHICS: [ Concrete Barrier / (Pavement Markings) - Lane Striping Solid/ Lane Striping Dashed / Crosswalk / Stop Bars / Shapes /(Traffic Control Devices) - Vertical Panels / Drums / Fencing /Barricades / Text / Leader ]6/6/2/3/9/1/1/1/1 /4,10/3/12/011/0/0/0/ O/O/O/0/0/0564112057SIGNAGE: [ Graphics / Shape / Symbol / Text-Dimension Text / Leaders &Dimension Lines ]1/1/1 /3/105741120-175RC=DARTtxtdotsgn41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!TEMTRAF - xxxxTTRn.sss - Temporary Traffic Control Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 69 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

WLFPROF - xxxxWLRn.sss - Wall ProfileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS579111213GRIDRAILINGMISCELLANEOUS GRAPHICSTOP OF RAIL: [ Graphics / Leader-Terminator / Text ]STATIONINGELEVATIONS110-105/1/334100-7000479344NA41NA414141NA80-175NA120120175RC=DART100PJT41.cel14EXISTING GROUND AT TOP OF RAIL: [ Graphics / Leader-Terminator /Text]2/1/33/0/0241120RC=DART100PJT41.cel15FOOTING (above grade, below grade)6,20,1154180-17516PROPOSED WALL: [Graphics (above grade, below grade) / Leader-Terminator / Text]6,2/1/30164180-17517EXISTING GROUND AT FACE OF WALL: [ Graphics / Leader-Terminator / Text ]2/1/32/0/01741120RC=DART100PJT41.cel18PROPOSED GROUND AT FACE OF WALL: [ Graphics / Leader-Terminator / Text ]2/1/31/0/01841120RC=DART100PJT41.cel202122242546EXISTING WALL: [ Graphics / Leader-Terminator / Text ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]EXPANSION / CONTRACTION JOINTSEXISTING UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Leader-Terminator/Text ]PROPOSED UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Leader-Terminator / Text ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]2/1/30-101,22/1/34/1/33/1/11/0/00-701/0/0002021,151-159222425341414141414112080-17580-175120120120RC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/014105041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!WLFPROF - xxxxWLRn.sss - Wall ProfileLEVEL LIST Page 70 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

LAND - xxxxLSRn.sss - Platform Landscape Plan Reference FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS1213VISION GUIDESSIGNAGE: [ Outside Platform ]145002NA41NA80-17516SITE FURNISHINGS (Outside Platform): [ Benches / Others / Text ]0-10 / 0-10 /30-7 / 0-7 /0164112017182122232425262728293031323334353639404146LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTIONLIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TEXT: [ Text / Leaders ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]IRRIGATION HEADS: [ Proposed ]IRRIGATION PIPING & FITTINGS: [ Proposed ]IRRIGATION CONTROL DEVICES: [ Proposed ]DRAINS: [ Main Line / Secondary Line, etc. ]IRRIGATION HEADS: [ Existing ]IRRIGATION PIPING & FITTINGS: [ Existing ]IRRIGATION CONTROL DEVICES: [ Existing ]VENTING SYSTEMSVEGETATION: [ Existing to Remain ]VEGETATION: [ Proposed ]VEGETATION: [ Existing to be Removed ]WALLSWALLS: [ Alternatives ]CONTOURSSTREET NAMES: [ Optional ]FENCINGART OPPORTUNITY: [ Graphics ]ART OPPORTUNITY TEXT: [ Text / Note Box / LeaderGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]43/10-100-70-70-76/30-70-70-750311115143/1/13/1/1300-700-70-73/000-70-7000000300000171821,151-159222324252627285112213253613404134141414141414141414141414141414141414141414180-17512080-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17517580-17580-175120120RC=DART8000PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART1 OOPJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!LAND -xxxxLSRn.sss - Platform Landscape Plan Reference FileLEVEL LIST Page 71 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

URBAN - xxxxL.Sfc9.sss - Urban Development PlanLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS11TRACKWAY RAILS105NANAReference alignment file forcenterline of track.12131415VISION GUIDESSIGNAGE: [ Outside Platform ]PAVING BOUNDARIESPAVING BOUNDARIES (Alternatives)14110-70000233NA41NANANA80-175NANAWithin Urban <strong>Design</strong> limits.Within Urban <strong>Design</strong> limits.16SITE FURNISHINGS (Outside Platform): [ Benches / Others / Text ]0-10 / 0-10 /30-7 / 0-7 /016411201718192021222324252627283032333435363940414243444546LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTIONLIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TEXT: [ Text / Leaders ]PAVING JOINTS (Construction)PAVING JOINTS (Expansion/Contraction)MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]IRRIGATION HEADS: [ Proposed ]IRRIGATION SLEEVES, PIPING & FITTINGS: [ Proposed ]IRRIGATION CONTROL DEVICES: [ Proposed ]DRAINSIRRIGATION HEADS: [ Existing ]IRRIGATION PIPING & FITTINGS: [ Existing ]IRRIGATION CONTROL DEVICES: [ Existing ]VEGETATION: [ Existing to Remain ]VEGETATION: [ Existing to be Removed ]WALLSWALLS: [ Alternatives ]GRADING FEATURESSTREET NAMES: [ Optional ]FENCINGART OPPORTUNITY: [ Graphics ]ART OPPORTUNITY TEXT: [ Text / Note Box / LeaderPROPOSED PLANTING -TreesPROPOSED PLANTING • ShrubsPROPOSED PLANTING -TurfgrassPROPOSED PLANTING - GroundcoverGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]43/1120-100-70-70-70-70-70-70-701110-74143/1/132123/1/130010-700-70-70-700-70-700000-700000000017181321,151-1592223244262728121325361340414243444534141NANA4141NA414141414141414141NA41414141NANANANA4180-175120NANA80-17580-175NA12080-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17580-17580-175NA17580-17580-175120NANANANA120Within Urban <strong>Design</strong> limits.Within Urban <strong>Design</strong> limits.Within Urban <strong>Design</strong> limits.Within Urban <strong>Design</strong> limits.Within Urban <strong>Design</strong> limits.Within Urban <strong>Design</strong> limits.Within Urban <strong>Design</strong> limits.Within Urban <strong>Design</strong> limits.RC=DART8000PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel5152535455565758FILLED SHAPES - SCREENED 13%FILLED SHAPES - SCREENED 25%FILLED SHAPES - SCREENED 38%FILLED SHAPES - SCREENED 50%FILLED SHAPES • SCREENED 57%FILLED SHAPES • SCREENED 63%FILLED SHAPES - SCREENED 69%FILLED SHAPES - SCREENED 75%0000000000000000159157156155154153152151414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!URBAN - xxxxL.SR9.sss - Urban Development PlanLEVEL LIST Page 72 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

CIVIL (UTILITIES) - REFERENCE FILESUTILDE - xxxxDER1.040 - Utilities by DART (Existing)LV111314152627283132DESCRIPTIONRAIL SIGNAL: [ OH jMANHOLES AND HANDHOLESMANHOLES AND HANDHOLES - TEXT: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]DART DUCTBANKSRAIL SIGNAL CABLE: [ UG ]TRACTION ELECTRIFICATIONCATENARY POLES & FOUNDATIONSRAIL SIGNAL LINE LABELS (OH): [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]RAIL SIGNAL LINE LABELS (UG): [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]WT20,22/1/12221,22/1/12/1/1LC20,20000000CO111314152627283132FT414141414141414141SIZE80-17580-17510080-17580-17580-17580-175100100REMARKSRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.cel33TRACTION ELECTRIFICATION LINE LABELS: [ Text/ Leader/Terminator ]2/1/103341100RC=DART100PJT41.cel34CATENARY POLE LABELS: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]2/1/103441100RC=DART100PJT41.cel40RAIL SIGNAL AS-BUILT INFO. (OH): [ Text / Note Box / Leaders Lines /Terminators ]2/2/1/104041100RC=DART100PJT41 .eel41RAIL SIGNAL AS-BUILT INFO. (UG): [ Text / Note Box / Leaders Lines /Terminators J2/2/1/104141100RC=DART100PJT41.cel42TRACTION ELECTRIFICATION AS-BUILT INFO.: [ Text / Note Box /Leaders Lines / Terminators ]2/2/1/104241100RC=DART100PJT41.cel43CATENARY POLES AS-BUILT INFO.: [ Text / Note Box / Leaders Lines /Terminators ]2/2/1/104341100RC=DART100PJT41 .eel46GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/1/10341120RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!UTILDE - xxxxDERI.040 - Utilities by DART (Existing)LEVEL LIST Page 73 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

PSTM - xxxxUDR1.040 - Storm Drainage (Proposed)LVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS345678910111213141517192021232427STORM DRAIN CENTERLINESSTORM DRAIN PIPECONCRETE LINED DRAINAGE DITCHDIRT LINED DRAINAGE DITCHSTORM DRAINAGE (By Others): [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]HEAD WALLS & BOX CULVERTSCONCRETE RIP-RAPDRAINAGE INLETSBALLAST UNDER DRAIN LINESSWALE DITCHSTORM DRAINAGE MANHOLESMANHOLE LABELS: [ Text / Leader ]STORM DRAINAGE LINE LABELS (Primary): [ Text / Leader ]STORM DRAINAGE LINE LABELS (Secondary): [ Text / Leader ]BALLAST UNDER DRAIN LINE LABELS: (Primary): [ Text / Leader ]BALLAST UNDER DRAIN LINE LABELS: (Secondary). [ Text / Leader ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS & PATTERNING: [ Reconstruction ]RETAINING WALL UNDER DRAIN LINERETAINING WALL UNDER DRAIN LINE LABELS: [ Text / Leader ]SLOPE PROTECTION16663/3/12,6266263/13/13/13/13/10-1063/11,440002/0/00,2000,200000000-70/1/200345678910111213141517192021,151-159232427414141414141414141414141414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17512012012012012080-17580-17512080-17534STORM DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION INFO. (Primary): [ Text / Note Box/ Leader ]3/4/10344112036STORM DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION INFO. (Secondary): [ Text / NoteBox / Leader ]3/4/10364112046GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/1/10341120RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/014105041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!PSTM - xxxxUDR1.040 - Storm Drainage (Proposed)LEVEL LIST Page 74 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

UTIL - xxxxUTR1.040 - Utilities (Existing)LVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS5678101112161718192021222325262930313233343538DRAINAGE DITCH: [ Graphics / Text ]ELECTRICAL: [ OH / Text ]TELEPHONE: [OH /Text]TV CABLE: [ OH / Text ]TELEGRAPH: [OH /Text]RAIL SIGNAL CABLES (By Other Than DART): [ OH / Text ]POLES & TOWERS: [ Graphics / Text ]WATER: [ Graphics / Text ]GAS: [ Graphics / Text ]WASTEWATER: [ Graphics / Text ]STORM SEWERS: [ Graphics / Text ]FUEL OR OIL LINES AS-BUILT INFO: [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]ELECTRICAL: [ UG / Text ]TELEPHONE: [ UG / Text ]TV CABLE: [UG/ Text]TELEGRAPH: [UG/ Text]RAIL SIGNAL CABLES (By Other Than DART): [ UG / Text ]WATER AS-BUILT INFO: [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]GAS AS-BUILT INFO: [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]WASTEWATER AS-BUILT INFO: [Text / Note Box / Leader ]STORM SEWER AS-BUILT INFO: [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]ELECTRICAL AS-BUILT INFO (UG): [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]TELEPHONE AS-BUILT INFO (UG): [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]TV CABLE AS-BUILT INFO (UG): [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]TELEGRAPH AS-BUILT INFO (UG): [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]1 121/21/21/21 121/21/21/21/21/21/22/3/11 121/21 121/21/22/3/12/3/12/3/12/3/12/3/12/3/12/3/12/3/1622222000000000000000000056781011141617181920212223252616171819212223254141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414110010010010010010010010010010010010010010010010010010010010010010010010010039RAIL SIGNAL AS-BUILT INFO (By Other Than DART) (UG): [ Text / NoteBox / Leader ]2/3/102641100414344454648FUEL OR OIL LINES AS-BUILT INFO: [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]ELECTRICAL AS-BUILT INFO (OH): [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]TELEPHONE AS-BUILT INFO (OH): [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]TV CABLE AS-BUILT INFO (OH): [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TELEGRAPH AS-BUILT INFO (OH): [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]2/3/12/3/12/3/12/3/13/1/12/3/100000020678310414141414141100100100100120100RC=DART100PJT41.cel49RAIL SIGNAL AS-BUILT INFO (By Other Than DART) (OH): [ Text / NoteBox / Leader ]2/3/10114110050DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!UTIL - xxxxUTR1.040 - Utilities (Existing)LEVEL LIST Page 75 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

UTTLP - xxxxURR1.040 - Utilities (Proposed)LVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS6781012131416171820212223252829303133343536373840424344ELECTRICAL: [ OH ]TELEPHONE: [ OH ]TV CABLE: [ OH ]TELEGRAPH: [ OH ]POLES & TOWERSMANHOLESMANHOLE LABELS: [ Text / Leader ]WATERGASWASTEWATERFUEL OR OIL LINESELECTRICAL: [ UG ]TELEPHONE: [ UG ]TV CABLE: [ UG ]TELEGRAPH: [ UG ]OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE LABELS: [ Text / Leader ]WATER LINE LABELS: [ Text / Leader ]GAS LINE LABELS: [ Text / Leader ]WASTEWATER LINE LABELS: [ Text / Leader ]ELECTRICAL LINE LABELS (UG): [ Text / Leader ]COMMUNICATIONS LINE LABELS (UG): [Text / Leader]MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES LINE LABELS (UG): [ Text / Leader ]ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION INFO. (OH): [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]TELEPHONE CONSTRUCTION INFO. (OH): [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]TV CABLE CONSTRUCTION INFO. (OH): [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]TELEGRAPH CONSTRUCTION INFO. (OH): [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]WATER CONSTRUCTION: [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]GAS CONSTRUCTION: [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]WASTEWATER: [ Text / Note Box / Leader ]6666623/1666666663/13/13/13/13/13/13/13/2/13/2/13/2/13/2/13/2/13/2/13/2/1000000/2000000000000000000000006781012/3013141617182021222325511617183334356/6/367810161718414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17512012012012012012012012012012012012012012045FUEL OR OIL LINES CONSTRUCTION INFO: [ Text / Note Box / Leader13/2/10204110046GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/1/10341120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / WKness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 /1/1 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!UTTLP - xxxxURRI.040 - Utilities (Proposed)LEVEL LIST Page 76 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

UTPROF - xxxxUPR1.040 - Utility ProfileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS5GRID INTERIOR LINES1144180-1756HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE2464180-1757GRID EXTERIOR OUTLINE: [ Tics / Outline of Graph ]0004180-1758TRACK CENTERLINES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]2/3/14/0/084112010FUTURE GRADE: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]3/3/12/0/0104112011TOP OF RAIL: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]5/3/1034112012GRID STATIONING TEXT3044112013GRID ELEVATION TEXT4044117514EXISTING GRADE LINE: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]2/3/13/0/02/14/144112016PROPOSED WATER: [ Graphics / Text, Text Line Description / Leader /Terminator ]6 / 3,4 / 1 /101641120 /17517PROPOSED GAS: [ Graphics / Text, Text Line Description / Leader /Terminator ]6 / 3,4 / 1 /101741120 /17518PROPOSED WASTEWATER: [ Graphics / Text, Text Line Description /Leader / Terminator ]6 / 3,4 / 1 /101841120 /17519PROPOSED STORM WATER: [ Graphics / Text, Text Line Description /Leader / Terminator ]6 / 3,4 / 1 /101941120 /17520PROPOSED FUEL OR OIL LINES: [ Graphics / Text, Text LineDescription / Leader / Terminator j6 / 3,4 / 1 /102041120 /17521PROPOSED ELECTRICAL: [ Graphics / Text, Text Line Description /Leader / Terminator ]6 / 3,4 / 1 /102141120 /17522PROPOSED TELEPHONE: [ Graphics / Text, Text Line Description /Leader / Terminator ]6 / 3,4 / 1 /102241120 /17523PROPOSED TV CABLE: [ Graphics / Text, Text Line Description / Leader/ Terminator ]6/3.4/1/102341120 /17524PROPOSED TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION: [ Graphics / Text, Text LineDescription / Leader / Terminator ]6 / 3,4 / 1 /102441120 /17525PROPOSED TELEGRAPH: [ Graphics / Text, Text Line Description /Leader / Terminator ]6 / 3,4 / 1 /102541120 /17532343646RETAINING WALLS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]EXISTING UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]UTILITIES BY OTHERS: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]2,4/3/12/2/12/3/13/1/10000323436341414141120100120120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41,cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!UTPROF - xxxxUPRI.040 - Utility ProfileLEVEL LIST Page 77 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

CIVIL (SEQUENCING) - REFERENCE FILESYARDA - xxxxYARI .040 - Horizontal Alignment SequencingLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS67891112131416171819212223242627282946PHASE ONE CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines / Tics ]PHASE ONE STATIONINGPHASE ONE SYMBOLSPHASE ONE NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]PHASE TWO CENTERLINES: [Centerlines / Tics ]PHASE TWO STATIONINGPHASE TWO SYMBOLSPHASE TWO NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]PHASE THREE CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines / Tics ]PHASE THREE STATIONINGPHASE THREE SYMBOLSPHASE THREE NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]NORTHBOUND YARD LEAD CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines / Tics ]NORTHBOUND YARD LEAD STATIONINGNORTHBOUND YARD LEAD SYMBOLSNORTHBOUND YARD LEAD NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]SOUTHBOUND YARD LEAD CENTERLINES: [ Centerlines / Tics ]SOUTHBOUND YARD LEAD STATIONINGSOUTHBOUND YARD LEAD SYMBOLSSOUTHBOUND YARD LEAD NOTES: [ Text / Callout Lines ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]7/4404/27/4404/27/4404/27/4404/27/4404/23/1/100000000000000000000020002000100050006000341414141414141414141414141414141414141414180-17517512014080-17517512014080-17517512014080-17517512014080-175175120140120Text Weight = 0Text Weight = 0Text Weight = 0Text Weight = 0Text Weight = 0RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!YARDA - xxxxYARI.040 - Horizontal Alignment SequencingLEVEL LIST Page 78 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

YARDP - xxxxYAR2.040 - Vertical Alignment SequencingLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS579101213142124252831GRID INTERIOR LINESGRID EXTERIOR OUTLINE: [ Tics / Outline of Graph ]PHASE ONE NOTES: [ Graphics / Text / Leaders ]FUTURE GRADE LINE: [Graphics / Text / Leaders]GRID STATIONING TEXTGRID ELEVATION TEXTEXISTING GRADE LINEMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]EXISTING UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]PROPOSED UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]BRIDGES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]PROPOSED GRADE (Phase 1 ): [ Grade Line / Text / Slope Line / Leader ]103/4/13/3/13420-104/3/16/3/12/3/15/3/1/1002/0/02/0/00030-71 /O/O1 /O/O1/0/01/0/0/04091000221,151-1592425283141414141414141414141414180-17580-17514012012017580-17580-17512012012012032POINT INFORMATION (Phase 2): [ Text / Callout Lines / Point Symbols ]3/2/00041 /NA/4112033PROPOSED GRADE (Phase 2): [ Grade Line / Text / Slope Line / Leader]5/3/1 /11 10/0/0334112034POINT INFORMATION (Phase 2): [ Text / Callout Lines / Point Symbols ]3/2/00041 /NA/4112035PROPOSED GRADE (Phase 3): [ Grade Line / Text / Slope Line / Leader ]5/3/1/11 /O/O/O354112036POINT INFORMATION (Phase 2): [ Text / Callout Lines / Point Symbols ]3/2/00041 /NA/4112037PROPOSED GRADE (Northbound): [ Grade Line / Text / Slope Line /Leader ]5/3/1/11 /O/O/O374112038POINT INFORMATION (Northbound): [ Text Callout Lines / Point Symbols ]3/2/00041 /NA/4112039PROPOSED GRADE (Southbound): [ Grade Line / Text / Slope Line /Leader ]5/3/1/11/0/0/0394112040POINT INFORMATION (Southbound): [ Text Callout Lines / Point Symbols]3/2/00041 /NA/4112046GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/1/10341120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/014105041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!YARDP - xxxxYAR2.040 - Vertical Alignment SequencingLEVEL LIST Page 79 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev. 3)

SURSEQ - xxxxSQRIsss - Surface Construction SequencingLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS891012131416171820212224252628293032333436373840414243444546474849PHASE ONE OUTLINEPHASE ONE NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE ONE PATTERNINGPHASE TWO OUTLINEPHASE TWO NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE TWO PATTERNINGPHASE THREE OUTLINEPHASE THREE NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE THREE PATTERNINGPHASE FOUR OUTLINEPHASE FOUR NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE FOUR PATTERNINGPHASE FIVE OUTLINEPHASE FIVE NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE FIVE PATTERNINGPHASE SIX OUTLINEPHASE SIX NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE SIX PATTERNINGPHASE SEVEN OUTLINEPHASE SEVEN NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE SEVEN PATTERNINGPHASE EIGHT OUTLINEPHASE EIGHT NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE EIGHT PATTERNINGPHASE NINE OUTLINEPHASE NINE NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE NINE PATTERNINGPHASE TEN OUTLINEPHASE TEN NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE TEN PATTERNINGGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]PHASE ELEVEN OUTLINEPHASE ELEVEN NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE ELEVEN PATTERNING4,81/314,81/314,81 1314,81 /314,81/314,81/314,81/314,81 /314,81/314,81/313/1/14,81/310,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,20000,200891012131416171820212224252628293032333436373840414243444534748494141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414180-17512080-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-17512080-17512080-175RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 1111 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!SURSEQ - xxxxSQRIsss - Surface Construction SequencingLEVEL LIST Page 80 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

U6DSEQ - xxxxUQRLsss - (UG) Construction SequencingLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS57891012131416171819202122232425262728293032333436373840414243444546474849GRID INTERIOR LINESGRID EXTERIOR OUTLINE: [ Tics / Outline of Graph ]PHASE ONE OUTLINEPHASE ONE NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE ONE PATTERNINGPHASE TWO OUTLINEPHASE TWO NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE TWO PATTERNINGPHASE THREE OUTLINEPHASE THREE NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE THREE PATTERNINGGRID ELEVATION TEXTPHASE FOUR OUTLINEPHASE FOUR NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE FOUR PATTERNINGEXISTING GRADE LINEPHASE FIVE OUTLINEPHASE FIVE NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE FIVE PATTERNINGFUTURE GRADE LINE: [ Graphics / Leaders / Text ]PHASE SIX OUTLINEPHASE SIX NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE SIX PATTERNINGPHASE SEVEN OUTLINEPHASE SEVEN NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE SEVEN PATTERNINGPHASE EIGHT OUTLINEPHASE EIGHT NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE EIGHT PATTERNINGPHASE NINE OUTLINEPHASE NINE NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE NINE PATTERNINGPHASE TEN OUTLINEPHASE TEN NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE TEN PATTERNINGGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]PHASE ELEVEN OUTLINEPHASE ELEVEN NOTATIONS: [ Leaders / Text ]PHASE ELEVEN PATTERNING1041/3141/3141/31141/31241/313/1/341/3141/3141/3141/3141/313/1/141/3100000000000000030002/0/0000000000000000000040891012131416171842021222242526272829303233343637384041424344453474849NA4141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141NA80-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-17512080-17512080-17580-17580-17512080-17512080-17512080-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-17512080-17512080-175RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1 /1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!U6DSEQ - xxxxUQRLsss - (UG) Construction SequencingLEVEL LIST Page 81 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev. 3)

CIVIL (Dallas Water Utilities) - DWU REFERENCE FILESBORDER - xxxxDWUB.xxx - DWU BorderLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS1SHEET OUTLINE & BORDER: [ Outline"DARr / Outline "DWU" / MainBorder / Title Block Lines (Primary) / Title Block Lines (Secondary) /Contract Sheet No./ Contract / Dwg No./ Rev. / <strong>Design</strong>ed / Drawn / Checked /Scale / Date / File / No. / Plot Information " / Sheet Number & Circle* ]010/71712/3/3/3/3/3/3/373/373/370/700/0/2/21212/212/2/2/21212/212/2/3/2(5) NA's /(13)40's(5) NA's /(11)120's /100/29022"x34" DART Sheet / * CircleRadius = 0.3750 / " Filled in byPen Table2TITLE BLOCK TEXT: [ Main Title Text / OF XXXX / Date ]5/4/20440200 / 140/803CONTRACT NUMBER* / FILE & No.4/60340140/240'Assigned by DART8PRELIMINARY NOTE (Cell)0-50294180-175Not used for final submittal /RC=DART100PJT.cel10"NOT AN APPROVED DRAWING"501040200Above Title Block11PROJECT COMPLETION NOTICE601140*Above Title Block / * TH=0.20TW=0.158,WT=612DWU APPROVAL NOTE *1,40124080/100* For DWU Submittal Only16PROFILE GRID: [1"=6']1,202NANA171819FULL PROFILE GRID: [ 1"=6' ]PROFILE GRID INCREMENT LINESPROFILE GRID INCREMENT LINES1,200011211NANANANANANA20SEQUENCE NUMBER BLOCK702NANA23ENGINEERS SEAL: [ Graphics / Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/302340NARC=DARTSEALcel24ENGINEERS SEAL: [ Graphics / Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/2/302440NARC=DARTSEAL.cel25ENGINEERS SEAL: [ Graphics / Number / Name / Text Around Seal ]1-4/2/27302540NARC=DARTSEALcel26ENGINEERS SEAL: [ Graphics / Number / Name / Text Around Seat ]1-4/2/2/302640NARC=DARTSEAL.cel31CONTRACTOR'S LOGONANANANANARC=DARTLOGO.cel32SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel33SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080/240RC=DARTLOGO.cel34SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080/240RC=DARTLOGO.cel35SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel36SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel37SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080/240RC=DARTLOGO.cel38SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel39SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel40SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080/240RC=DARTLOGO.cel41SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel42SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080/240RC=DARTLOGO.cel43SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080/240RC=DARTLOGO.cel44SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080/240RC=DARTLOGO.cel45SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel46SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080/240RC=DARTLOGO.cel47SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel48SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel49SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel50SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel51SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080/240RC=DARTLOGO.cel52SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel53SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel54SUB-CONTRACTOR'S LOGO0-100-7NA4080 / 240RC=DARTLOGO.cel56DART SEAL TEXT: [DART Logo Name / DART CAD Logo]0056NANARC=DART100PJT.cel&RC=DART8000PJT.cel57DART LOGO PATTERN: [ DART Arrow ]0057NANA61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306140120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!BORDER - xxxxDWUB.xxx - DWU BorderLEVEL LIST Page 82 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

COVER - xxxxDWUn.xxx - DWU Cover Sheet FileLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS1PLOT SPECIFIC INFORMATION00694010002BORDER & CUT BOUNDARIES: [ Main Border / Outline "DART" / Outline"DWU" ]7/0/002/0/0NANA22"x34" DART Sheet / 24"x36"DWU Sheet3SHEET NUMBER: [ Circle & Line* / Text in Circle / Text ]8/7/30340NA / 290/120* Circle Radius - 0.64DWU APPROVAL NOTE: [ Outline / Underline / Titles / File Number / Text]5/3/4/87204«***= NA/NA/42/42/40,* =NA/ NA/140/ 500/1005MAP BOUNDARIES: [ Graphics / North Arrow ]7/002/0NANA6MAJOR STREETS & ROADWAYS: [ Highways / Freeways / Multiple LaneRoadways ]2/1/1064180-17578910111213141516MINOR STREETS & ROADWAYS: [ Side Streets / Unpaved Roads ]WATERWAYS: [ Creeks / Streams ]WATER: [ Lakes / Rivers ]BOUNDARY LINES: [ City Limits / County Limits / Airport Limits )RAILROADSDART RAIL LINES: [ Proposed / Existing ]MAJOR STREET NAMESMINOR STREET NAMESRAILROAD LABELSMISCELLANEOUS LABELS: [City Limits / County Limits]1114/4/317/322220/2603/5/000/20000789101116131415164141414141414040404080-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-1758080808018INDEX OF DRAWINGS: [ Title / Underline / Sheet Description ]5/3/301840 / NA /40200 / NA/12020PLANS APPROVAL NOTES: [Graphics / Title Text / Text]5/4/302040NA/140/12023CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE BLOCK: [ Graphics / Underline / Text /Address Text / Contractors Logo-Name" / Eng. Seal ]S/5/2/2/2/1,402340** = NA / NA / 100 / 80 / 80,240 /80; "May be graphics26PRELIMINARY NOTE: [ Graphic / Text / Text / Text / Text ]4/5/3/27202640200 / 120/ 100 7 80RC=DART100PJT41 .eel47TITLES & SCALES: [ Main Title / Sub-Title / Key Map Title / Vicinity MapTitle ]5/3/3/304742** = 750 / 300 / 240 / 2405657DART LOGO TEXT: [ <strong>Dart</strong> Logo Name ]DART LOGO PATTERN: [ <strong>Dart</strong> Logo Arrow ]NANANANA304NANANANA58CITY OF DALLAS LOGO: [ Graphics / Text ]5/4058,30 / 5840175Fill Shape - CO=30 / Job No.Under Logo (Optional)59DALLAS WATER UTILITIES LOGO: [ Graphics / Text ]5/3059,30 / 5940120Fill Shape - CO=30 / LowerCase Only61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306140120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!COVER - xxxxDWUn.xxx - DWU Cover Sheet FileLEVEL LIST Page 83 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

STRUCTURAL - REFERENCE FILESBRPL - xxxxBRRI .040 - Bridge PlanLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS6891011121315171819202122232425262728313246RIPRAPWALKWAYSAPPROACH SLABABUTMENTS / PIERS: [ Caps / Columns ] (Type IV)ABUTMENTS / PIERS: [ Caps / Columns ] (U-Beams)FOUNDATIONSBEAMSWALLS: [ Retaining / Barrier ]BRIDGE SLAB OUTLINE(Existing) BRIDGE STRUCTURE(Existing) BRIDGE STRUCTURE TEXTHYDRAULIC ELEVATIONS: [ N / HW / CFL ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]CATENARY: [ Pole / Wire ]EXISTING UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]PROPOSED UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]STAIRSHANDRAILSTRAFFIC BARRIERCURVE POINT SYMBOLSBRIDGE PROTECTION ASSEMBLYMETAL BEAM GUARD FENCEGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]1,441,44/24/221,444011 /1/20-104/32/3/14/3/14131423/1/10,200,20-20-220,200100/0/60-702/0/00-2/0/000000006891011121381718192021,151-1592223242526272831323414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17580-17512012080-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-175120RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!BRPL - xxxxBRRI .040 - Bridge PlanLEVEL LIST Page 84 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

BREL - xxxxBRR2.008 - Bridge ElevationLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS5678910111213151617181920212223242526272829313246GRID INTERIOR LINESRIPRAPGRID EXTERIOR OUTLINEWALKWAYAPPROACH SLABABUTMENTS / PIERS: [ Caps]ABUTMENTS / PIERS: [ Caps / Columns ] (U-Beams)GRID STATIONING TEXTBEAMSWALLS: [ Retaining / Barrier ]FOUNDATION BEARING STRATABRIDGE SLAB OUTLINE(Existing) BRIDGE STRUCTURE(Existing) BRIDGE STRUCTURE: [ Text / Leaders]HYDRAULIC ELEVATIONS: [ N / HW / CFL ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]CATENARY: [Pole /Wire]EXISTING UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]PROPOSED UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]STAIRSHANDRAILSTRAFFIC BARRIERCURVE POINT SYMBOLSABUTMENTS / PIERS: [ Columns]BRIDGE PROTECTION ASSEMBLYMETAL BEAM GUARD FENCEGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]11,4041,44,24/2342/134111 /1/20-104/32/3/14/3/141312423/1/110,1000,10-20-200010100/0/60-702/0/00-2/0/000000,100046089101141315161718192021,151-15922232425262728293132341414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17580-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17580-17512012080-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-175120RC=DART8000PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/014105041120RC=DART8000PJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!BREL - xxxxBRR2.008 - Bridge ElevationLEVEL LIST Page 85 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

STRT - xxxxSFR1.040 - Track Slab PlanLV16891011122125262728293031323346DESCRIPTIONPLOT SPECIFIC INFORMATIONEDGE OF RAIL TROUGHEXISTING STRUCTURESPRIMARY GRAPHICSREINFORCINGHIDDEN LINESTRACK CENTERLINEGRID ELEVATION TEXTSCREENED ELEMENTS: (75%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (63%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (50%)EDGE OF SLABEDGE OF CURBCONSTRUCTION JOINTSFILLED SHAPES: (75%)FILLED SHAPES: (63%)FILLED SHAPES: (50%)GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]WT010-10-100-100-4130-100-100-1051/540003/1/1LC000-10-70-70-7400-70-70-70000000CO6968910111241571561542829301571561543FT4141NA414141414141414141414141414141SIZE100080-175NA80-17580-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-175120REMARKSScreenedRC=DART8000PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RODART8000PJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!STRT - xxxxSFR1.040 - Track Slab PlanLEVEL LIST Page 86 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

STRU - xxxxSRRn.sss - Building/Station PlanLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS456789101112161718202122232425272829313233343539404246BOLLARDSEXTERIOR BUILDING LINESFOUNDATIONS: [ Footings / Grade Beams ]PIERS & CAISSONS(E) STRUCTURESSTRUCTURAL SLABCOLUMN GRID CENTERLINESCOLUMN GRID TAGS: [ Cells - Text / Graphics ]COLUMNS: [ Concrete / Steel ]STEEL BEAM LINESSTEEL JOIST LINESEXTERIOR WALLS: [ Retaining jDECK SPAN INDICATORS: [ Cells ]MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]CONCRETE BEAMS & JOISTSSPECIAL USE PLATFORMPLANTERSCONCRETE SLAB DEPRESSIONSFUTURE STRUCTURESEXISTING STRUCTURES: [ To Remain ]STRUCTURAL DEMOLITION: [ Existing to be Removed ]CATENARY POLELIGHT POLE FOOTINGSPOST TENSIONINGPOST TENSIONING: [ Text / Leaders ]WIND SCREENCANOPYTITLE & REFERENCE FOR DETAILS, ELEVATIONS & SECTIONSCONSTRUCTION JOINTSGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]4123/20,1413/2463110-103411,20213,23,233/1241,3,443/1/1000/10/10/1040000000-70/1000,1610,10,10,10012000456/2789302/1311302021,151-159292425272829313233343539243NA4141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141NA80-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-175120RC=DARTSTR.celRC=DART8000PJT41 .eel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART8000PJT41 .eel56WALL PATTERNS: [ Materials ]00564180-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41 .eel* For input use only!STRU - xxxxSRRn.sss - Building/Station PlanLEVEL LIST Page 87 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

STPL - XXXXSWR1.SSS - Structural Plan - (structural walls, tunnels, cut & cover)LV61011DESCRIPTIONGENERAL FEATURES AND MISC SYMBOLSCOLUMN GRID CENTERLINESCOLUMN GRID TAGS: [ Cells - Text / Graphics ]WT0-1013/2LC0-740CO630FT41NA41SIZE120NA120REMARKS12GRID STATIONING TEXT3044112013GRID ELEVATION TEXT4044117514PRIMARY BEAMS / BRIDGE OUTLINES30,214NANA15SECONDARY BEAMS / GIRDERS OUTLINES20,215NANA16171819202122CONCRETE OUTLINEFOOTINGGRADE BEAM: [ Type IV, Steel, U, Box ]COLUMN PEDESTALSPILES (Steel, Concrete, Wood), SHORING, PIERS (Shoring, Cassion,Drilled)MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]EXISTING WALLS [ Graphics / Leader - Terminators / Text ]233320-102/1/30,20,20,20,20,20-71 /O/O161718192021,151-15922NANANANANANA41NANANANANANA12024252628293031EXISTING UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]PROPOSED UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]EDGE OF SLABEXISTING REINFORCINGPROPOSED REINFORCINGOPENINGS AND PENETRATIONSELEVATED GRATING [ Catwalks ]2/3/14/3/120-100-10112/0/00-2/0/00,20-70-70,20,2242526282930314141NANANANANA120120NANANANANA32FLOOR / SURFACE GRATING, MANHOLE [ Covers / Frames ]10,232NANA333435SUBSURFACE GRATINGEXPANSION / CONTRACTION JOINTS, JOINT MATERIAL [ e.g. felt,vapor barrier, waterstop IMISC [ Angles / Plates / Anchor Bolts / fasteners, etc. ]11,20-100,200-7333435NANANANANANASTPL • XXXXSWR1 .SSS - Structural Plan - (structural walls, tunnels, cut & cover)LEVEL LIST Page 88 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

STEL - XXXXSWR2.SSS - Structural Elevation -'(structural walls, tunnels, cut & cover)LVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS61011GENERAL FEATURES AND MISC SYMBOLSCOLUMN GRID CENTERLINESCOLUMN GRID TAGS: [ Cells - Text / Graphics ]0-1013/20-74063041NA41120NA12012GRID STATIONING TEXT3044112013GRID ELEVATION TEXT4044117514PRIMARY BEAMS / BRIDGE OUTLINES30,214NANA15SECONDARY BEAMS / GIRDERS OUTLINES20,215NANA16CONCRETE OUTLINE20,216NANA17FOOTING30,217NANA18GRADE BEAM: [ Type IV, Steel, U, Box ]30,218NANA19202122COLUMN PEDESTALSPILES (Steel, Concrete, Wood), SHORING, PIERS (Shoring, Cassion,Drilled)MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]EXISTING WALLS [ Graphics / Leader • Terminators / Text ]320-102/1/30,20,20-71/0/0192021,151-15922NANANA41NANANA1202425EXISTING UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]PROPOSED UTILITIES: [ Graphics / Text / Leader ]2/3/14/3/12/0/00-2/0/0242541411201202627EDGE OF SLABWATER SURFACE [ Cell / Symbol ]210,202627NANANANA28EXISTING REINFORCING0-100-728NANA29303132333435PROPOSED REINFORCINGOPENINGS AND PENETRATIONSELEVATED GRATING [ Catwalks ]FLOOR / SURFACE GRATING, MANHOLE [ Covers / Frames ]SUBSURFACE GRATINGEXPANSION / CONTRACTION JOINTS, JOINT MATERIAL [ e.g. felt,vapor barrier, waterstop 1MISC [ Angles / Plates / Anchor Bolts / fasteners, etc. ]0-1011111,20-100-70,20,20,20,200-729303132333435NANANANANANANANANANANANANANASTEL - XXXXSWR2.SSS - Structural Elevation - (structural walls, tunnels, cut & cover)LEVEL LIST Page 89 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

SYSTEMS - REFERENCE FILES (Communications. Signals, Systems Elements & "fraction Electrification)COMR - xxxxCLR1.040 - Communications ReferenceLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS10131516172126273046CABLES & CONDUITSCONDUIT LATERALSSYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]EXISTING MANHOLES & HANDHOLESEXISTING MANHOLE & HANDHOLES LABELMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]PROPOSED MANHOLES & HANDHOLESPROPOSED MANHOLE & HANDHOLE LABELABOVE GROUND EQUIPMENT - SYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]440-4220-101,330-63/1/10-60-60-60-600-70-600-60101315161721,151-159262729,3034141414141414141414180-17580-17580-17580-17510080-17580-17512080-175120RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1 /10/0/0/014105041120RC=DART1 OOPJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!COMR - xxxxCLRI .040 - Communications ReferenceLEVEL LIST Page 90 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

SYSPROF - xxxxTLP1.040 - Vertical Profile Reference(Manhole/Handholes, Express Trough, Ductbanks, Conduits, Stub-Dps and Catenary Foundations)LVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS29TEXT AND LEADER LINES2/30041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel50MANHOLE / HANDHOLE / CONDUIT / TROUGH / DUCTBANKS &CATENARY FOUNDATIONS2,4,60-6304180-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!SYSPROF - xxxxTLPI.040 - Vertical Profile ReferenceLEVEL LIST Page 91 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

TROUGH - xxxxETR1.040 - Express Trough ReferenceLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS252646EXPRESS TROUGHINTERFACE MANHOLESGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]43- 3/1/10-6001013341414180-17580-175120RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!TROU6H - xxxxETR1.040 - Express Trough ReferenceLEVEL LIST Page 92 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

SIGR - xxxxSLR1.040 - Signals ReferenceLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS9101314152128303132353646CABLE - SECONDARYCABLE - PRIMARYCONDUIT LATERALSSIGNALS CELL: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]SIGNALS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]EXISTING ELEMENTSCROSSING GATESABOVE GROUND EQUIPMENT - SIGNALS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]IJ CELLIJ CELL: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]SIGNAL FOUNDATION : [ Cells ]SIGNAL FOUNDATION : [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]4443/1/10-40-1030-633/1/1003/1/10-60-60-600-60-70-60-60000045131415151-1592829,303132353634141414141414141NA41NANA4180-17580-17580-17512080-17580-17512080-175NA120NANA120RC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!SI£R - xxxxSLRI .040 - Signals ReferenceLEVEL LIST Page 93 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

SYSR - xxxxSYRI .040 - Systems Reference *LV91013151617182125262728DESCRIPTIONCONDUIT -SECONDARYCONDUIT - PRIMARYCONDUIT LATERALSSYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]EXISTING MANHOLES & HANDHOLESEXISTING MANHOLE & HANDHOLE LABELEXISTING MANHOLE & HANDHOLE: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]EXISTING ELEMENTSDUCT BANKPROPOSED MANHOLES & HANDHOLESPROPOSED MANHOLE & HANDHOLE LABELPROPOSED MANHOLE & HANDHOLE: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]WT4440-4133/1/10-1041,333/1/1LC110-60-60-6000-720-600CO910131516,151-15917,151-15918,151-159151-15925262728FT414141414141414141414141SIZE80-17580-17580-17580-17580-17510012080-17580-17580-175120120REMARKS30ABOVE GROUND EQUIPMENT - SYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]0-60-629,304180-1753132333446IJ STUB-UPSIJ STUB-UPS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]STUB-UPSSTUB-UPS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]33/1/133/13/1/1000003133333NA41NA4141NA120NA120120RODART100PJT41 .eel506162*63DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators }INTER-CONSULTANT NOTESREVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS3/1/1/1/1/135/7/30-100/0/0/0/4/0000-7506162NA414141NA120120120NARC=DART100PJT41.celIf exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !RC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!SYSR - xxxxSYRI.040 - Systems ReferenceLEVEL LIST Page 94 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

TRER -xxxxTLJFM.040 -Traction Electrification ReferenceLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS6910Cell TextCABLE & CONDUIT - SECONDARYCABLE & CONDUIT - PRIMARYCell4400-60-6391041414180-17580-17580-1751112CATENARY POLESCATENARY FOUNDATIONS440011,15512,155NANANANAOPENED CIRCLEFILLED CIRCLE13CURVE DATA: [ Text / Leader ]3/10134112014WIRING30-6144180-175151617SYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]EXISTING MANHOLES & HANDHOLESEXISTING MANHOLE & HANDHOLE LABELNA12NA0-6015161741414180-17580-17510018192021222324252627282930454647CANTILEVER ARMGUY ANCHORSECONDARY POLESMATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns ]SECONDARY FOUNDATIONSCELL LINE WORKSECONDARY WIRINGSECONDARY CANTILEVER ARMPROPOSED MANHOLES & HANDHOLESPROPOSED MANHOLE & HANDHOLE LABELSECONDARY GUY ANCHORSECONDARY CELL LINE WORKSUBSTATION EQUIPMENT • SYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]SECONDARY GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TITLES4440-1040-6341,3340-60-63/1/13/1/140,1000-7000-600-60000-600018192021,151-159222324252627282929,30453474141NA41NA41NANA4141NA414141414180-17580-175NA80-175NA80-175NANA80-175120NA80-17580-175120120140/175RC=DART100PJT41 .eelRC=DART100PJT41.cel50DIMENSIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / CenterLines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1 /10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!TRER - xxxxTLRI .040 - Traction Electrification ReferenceLEVEL LIST Page 95 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

CNRl - comxCNR1.200 - Communications Schematic ReferenceLV49101546515253545556575862*63DESCRIPTIONTEXT AND LEADER LINESPRIMARY GRAPHICSCONDUIT / CABLE RUNSSYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]SCREENED ELEMENTS: (25%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (31%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (37%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (43%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (50%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (62%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (75%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (80%)REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTSWT10-1040-42,3/1/10-100-100-100-100-100-100-100-105/7/30-10LC00-70-60-600-70-70-70-70-70-70-70-700-7CO393015315115215315415515615715862NAFT41NA414141414141414141414141NASIZE100-120NA80-17580-175100-12080-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-17580-175120NAREMARKSRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41,cel* For input use only!CNRl - comxCNR1.200 - Communications Schematic ReferenceLEVEL LIST Page 96 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

DOUBLE - xxxDBRI .sss - Double Line SchematicLV91015DESCRIPTIONPRIMARY GRAPHICSSECONDARY GRAPHICSCELLSWT0-100-100-9LC0-70-70-7CO91015,31FTNANA41SIZENANA*REMARKS' = 80/100/12023CELL LINEWORK0-9023NANA46GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]2,3/1/10341100/120RC=DART100PJT41.cel51SCREENED ELEMENTS: (25%)0-100-71514180-17552SCREENED ELEMENTS: (31%)0-100-71524180-17553SCREENED ELEMENTS: (37%)0-100-71534180-17554SCREENED ELEMENTS: (43%)0-100-71544180-17555SCREENED ELEMENTS: (50%)0-100-71554180-175565758SCREENED ELEMENTS: (62%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (75%)SCREENED ELEMENTS: (80%)0-100-100-100-70-70-715615715841414180-17580-17580-17561INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!DOUBLE - xxxDBRI.sss - Double Line SchematicLEVEL LIST Page 97 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

CROSS - XXXSCR1.200 - Signals Schematic [ Cross-Over Line Diagram Reference ]LVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS10111213141516183046CONDUIT / CABLE RUNSTIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]SYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]43/1/13/1/13/1/13/1/13/1/13/1/13/1/1NA3/1/10-60000000NA030,15511121314151618NA34141414141414141414180-17512012012012012012012080-175120RC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41 .eelRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!CROSS - XXXSCR1.200 - Signals Schematic [ Cross-Over Line Diagram Reference ]LEVEL LIST Page 98 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

SINGLE - xxxSSR1.200 - Signals Schematic Single Line Diagram ReferenceLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS101112131415161830CONDUIT /CABLE RUNSTIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]TIME & DISTANCE INTERVALS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]SYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]43/1/13/1/13/1/13/1/13/1/13/1/13/1/1NA0-60000000NA30,15511121314151618NA41414141414141414180-17512012012012012012012080-175RC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41 .eelRC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41 .eelRC=DART100PJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !'63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA* For input use only!SINGLE - xxxSSR1.200 - Signals Schematic Single Line Diagram ReferenceLEVEL LIST Page 99 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev. 3)

NORMAL -xxxxSNRI .200 - Signals Schematic Normal Line Diagram ReferenceLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS10CONDUIT / CABLE RUNS40-6304180-175304655SYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]SCREENED ELEMENTSNA3/1/10-6NA00-6NA315541414180-17512080-175RC=DART100PJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62•63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!NORMAL -xxxxSNRI .200 - Signals Schematic Normal Line Diagram ReferenceLEVEL LIST Page 100 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

REVERSE - xxxxSRRA.200 - Signals Schematic Reverse Line Diagram ReferenceLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS10CONDUIT / CABLE RUNS40-6304180-175304655SYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]SCREENED ELEMENTSNA3/1/10-6NA00-6NA315541414180-17512080-175RC=DART100PJT41 .eel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!REVERSE - xxxxSRRA.200 - Signals Schematic Reverse Line Diagram ReferenceLEVEL LIST Pa§e 101 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

SI6NAGE -xxxxSIR1.200 - Signals Schematic Line Diagram [ of Train signals Reference jLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS110151646TEXT AND LEADER LINESCONDUIT / CABLE RUNSSIGNS: [ Cells ]SIGNS: [ Cells ]GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]3/14NANA3/1/10-60-6NANA0030NANA3414141414112080-17580-17580-175120RC=DART100PJT41.celRC=DART100PJT41.cel61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed(Non Print) !62*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41.cel* For input use only!SI6NAGE -xxxxSIR1.200 - Signals Schematic Line Diagram [ of Train signals Reference ]LEVEL LIST Page 102 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

TRACK - xxxTKRA.200 - Systems Schematic Line Diagram [ of Existing Rail Line Reference ]LVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS9BRIDGE, STATION, CROSSING2-4094180-17510TRACK SCHEMATIC2-40104112015CELLSNANANA4180-17516DGNO: [Text /Line]3/20114112022CENTERLINE OF STREET/BRIDGE24114180-1752346CENTERLINE OF STREET/BRIDGE - TextGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]33/1/10033414112012062*63REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS5/7/30-1000-762NA41NA120NARC=DART100PJT41 .eel* For input use only!TRACK - xxxTKRA.200 - Systems Schematic Line Diagram [ of Existing Rail Line Reference ]LEVEL LIST Page 103 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

TRACKBLD - xxxxTKRB.200 - Systems Schematic uine Diagram [of Proposed Ran Line Reference]LVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS910151622234662*63BRIDGE, STATION, CROSSINGTRACK SCHEMATICCELLSDGNO: [Text /Line]CENTERLINE OF STREET/BRIDGECENTERLINE OF STREET/BRIDGE • TextGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS2-42-4NA3/2233/1/15/7/30-1000NA040000-79,15510NA1111,1553,155362NA4141414141414141NA80-17512080-17512080-175120120120NA* For input use only!TRACKBLD - xxxxTKRB.200 - Systems Schematic Line Diagram [ of Proposed Rail Line Reference ]LEVEL LIST Page 104 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

TRACKGEN - xxxxTKRC.200 - Systems Schematic Line Diagram [ of Ran Line Reference ]LVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS891011131415162223242527293031424662*63SIGNAL LIGHT ARMSBRIDGE, STATION, CROSSINGTRACK SCHEMATICDISTANCE & SPEED / SIGNSAFOCELLSSYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]DGNO: [Text /Line]CENTERLINE OF STREET / BRIDGECENTERLINE OF STREET / BRIDGE - TextTEXT CALLOUTS: [ Item Locations ]TEXT CALLOUTS: [ Section, Circuit <strong>Design</strong>ations ]BUILDINGS: [ SPDC Houses ]BUILDINGS: [ AHCW Houses ]SYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]BUILDINGS: [ TPSS Houses ]TRACK CROSSOVERSGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]REVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-72-42-40-32NANA3/2233344NA423/1/15/7/30-1000000NANA0400000NA00000-789,155101113NANA11113332729NA312362NA41414141NANA4141414141414141NA41NA4141NA80-17580-175120120NANA80-17512080-175120120120120120NA120NA120120NARC=DART100PJT41 .eel* For input use only!TRACK6EN - xxxxTKRC.200 - Systems Schematic Line Diagram [ of Rail Line Reference ]LEVEL LIST Page 105 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)

SIGNAL - xxxx3ER1.200 - Schematic Line DiagramLVDESCRIPTIONWTLCCOFTSIZEREMARKS810111314152023242729303142465562*63SIGNAL LIGHT ARMSCROSSOVER & BRIDGEDISTANCE & SPEEDAFOCELLSSYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]SCHEMATIC LINE WITH CALLOUTS: [ Text / Lines / Terminators ]TEXT CALLOUTS (Item Locations)TEXT CALLOUTS (Section, Circuit <strong>Design</strong>ations)BUILDINGS: (SPDC Houses)BUILDINGS: (AHCW Houses)SYSTEMS ELEMENTS: [ Cells ]BUILDINGS: (TPSS Houses)TRACK CROSSOVERSGENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders / Terminators ]SCREENED ELEMENTSREVISION: [ Triangle / Cloud / Text ]NON-PRINT ELEMENTS222/32NANA3/2/13344NA423/1/10-65/7/30-100000NANA00000NA0000-600-78101113NA-NA3/20/3332729NA312315562NA4141414141414141414141414141414141NA80-17580-17512080-17580-17580-17512012012012012080-17512080-175100,12080-175120NARC=DART100PJT41 .eel* For input use only!SIGNAL - xxxxSER1.200 - Schematic Line DiagramLEVEL LIST Page 106 of 106 Oct 05' (Rev.3)


Name: 2WXFER Name: 3PDC Sep 22 03Name:3PWCName: 3PWGCName: 3WXFERName: AMMName-. ANCHORName-. APCell Library: DARTfes4l.ee/

Name-. ASName: BBCSSep 22 03OName-. BHName: BULLNome: CATSHTName: CATSUPName-. CDNCell library. DARTtes4/,cel

Name: OIL Name-. CJUMP Sep 22 03Name-.CPOTHName-.CRCName-. CSHName-. CSHHCSHHName-.CSMNames CSMHCSMHCell Library: DARTtes4l. eel

Name: CTACT NametCTRAN Sep 22 03c 100/5Name-. CUPName: CWTName: DCBIName-. DCB2Name: DIODEName: DISCCell Library. DARTtes4l. eel

Name: DUCT Nome: EC Sep 22 03Name: ECSHHName:£CSMHCSHHCSMH: EEE Name: EOPNome: EXOWName: FCell Library: DARTtes4/, cei

Name: FAName-. FJUMP Sep 22 03FAXXXYYName: FTName-. FUSE\ \\\Nome: FYlNameiGCRQSSFOR INFORMATION ONLYName-.GNDName: GNDCGCeil Library: DART1es4l. eel

Name-. GNDR Sep 22 03Nome-. HORNName-. HSPMIQOHome-. I JUMPUName: IMPName-. INSOCell Library-. DARJtesll. eel

Name: IN5UL Name-. KEY Sep 22 03Name-. LAMPName-. LIGARName: LIGHTNome; LOCAName: MCCRName: MDSCell Library: DART1es4l. eel

Name: MH Nam-.MIDAT Sep 22 03Name: MOTORName: MOV AName: MPAName: NCMDSENameiNOMDSCell Library*. DARTtes4l.cel

Name: P ; PBNC Sep 22 03Name: PBNOName; P BOXDName-. PCWAGName: PLName: PORTName: PROCoCell Ubrory, DARTfes4l. eel

Name-. PTRANName; PUSH Sep 22 0315KV/120V2Nome: PXFERName-. RCNCName: RCNOName-. RFName:RVHome: SASA1Cell Library: DARTtes4l. eel

Nairn: SC Name: SCS Sep 22 03Name: SOLAName-. SHUNTO OName-. SIBName-. SINBEEName: SSBRName-. STCell Library: DARTtes4l, eel

Name-. STAG Nome: STE Sep 22 03Name: SWName: TB1Name: TBLKName: TENSBXXXNome: THYRName: TPHTPHHCell Library: DARTtes4/. eel

Name: TPHH Name: TPM Sep 22 03TPMHNome: TPMHName: TRDName: TRANSName-. TWINOTName:UGNDMName: UPUGCeil Library.-DAP.Tte$4i.eel

Name: VOLT Name-. VS Sep 22 03Name: VSIGNName-. XSPMJCell Library. DARTtes41. eel

Name: ON 112Sep 22 03CW11-230"X30"CW1-2L30"X30"Name: CW/2flName: CWI42CW1 - 2R30"X30"CV14-230"X30"Name:CWI4RCW1-4L36"X36"CW1-4R30"X30"Name: CW16 AName:CWI6BCW1-6a30"X30"CW1 -6b30"X30"Cell Library-, darnxtdotsgri4l.ee!

Name: CWI6LName:CW!6R Sep 22 03CW1-6L48"X24"CW1-6R48"X24"Name:CW/8LName;CW/8RCW1-818"X24"CW1-818"X24"Name: CW'20!'AName.- CW'20i

Name; CW203AName:CW203DSep 22 03ROADCLOSED1500 FTCV20-3A48"X48"CW20-3D48"X48"Name-.CW2.04DONE LANEROADAHEADCV20-4A48"X48"CW20-4D48"X48"Name-. CW205AName: CW205LCW20-50L^8••x^6•ii/2 MILE!PLAQUE30-X12'CV30-5L1/2 MILEPLAQUE30'XIE"Name: CW207ACV20-5RJB'XJB']l/2 MILE|PLAQUE30-X12-PLAQUECe// Library: darftxtdofsgn4i.ee/

Name: CM207 DNam-. CW208 Sep 22 03NARROWLANESAHEADCV20-7D48"X48"CW20-848"X48"Name: CM2QDPNEXT1500 FTCW20-DP24"X18"ROADMACHINERY1500 FTCW21-3A36"X36"Name: CW 2/30Name: CW215ROADMACHINERYAHEADCV21-3D36"X36"CW21-530"X30"Nam: CW4/ALName: CM4IARTHRUTRAFFICMERGELEFTCW4-1 oL36"X36"THRUTRAFFICMERGEIGHTCV4-1oR36"X36"Ceil Library; darttxtdotsgn4l. eel

Name: CW42LName:CW42Ft Sep 22 03CV4-2L36"X36"CW4-2R36"X36"Name, CW43RCW4-3L36"X36"CW4 - 3R36"X36"Names CW5/Name: CW63CV5-136"X36"CW6-330"X30"Name:CW9ILName:CW9/HCW9-1L36"X36"CW9-1R36"X36"Cell Library: darftxtdafsgn4l. eel

Name:CW92LName-, CW92R Sep 22 03LANE ENDSMERGELEFTCW9-2L36"X36"LANE ENDSMERGERIGHTCW9-2R36"X36"1 HUEPLAQUE30-X12"Cell Library: darffxtdofsgMI. cei

Name: 2CON Name-. 3PMMS Sep 22 03Name-. AUTOSWName-. BATTRYName-. CABPOTName: CAPName-. CBDOName: CBMC600A00Celt Library-. DAftTWIF!ING4!. eel

Name:CBMC2Name-. CBNDB Sep 22 038001200: CBWFUSCBWLOC_LlTTtome;tome.-tome.- COCO//.tome.- COILOPCell Ubrary: DAFtTWlRtNG4l. eel

Nome: COMBSTName-. CONDUC Sep 22 03AName-.CTRANSName: DELTAName: DIODENam-. DISDEV\Nam

Nam-. FSNOCF Name: FSW Sep 22 03100A90AName: FUSEName-. GRCOILName-. GRDSYMName: GREENLName: GRELAYCell Library; DARTWIRING4l.cel

Name: INVERT Name: LCNCOFt Sep 22 03Name;LCNOCFtNametLSNCName : LSNCCANome: LSNCOAo-Name:L$tJOName:MCASCBo-O O-Cell Library; DARTW!RING4l.cel

: MIC Name-. MMS Sep 22 03Name: MOTCONName: MOT ID22: NCCDSWooo oName-.NCDDSWName: NCPBSWO-LOCell Library: DARJWiniNG4l.ce/

Name-. NDFSW Name-. NETPRO Sep 22 03Name-. NOCDSWName: NOODSWName: NOPBSWTOOName:NREVSTNome: OH EATRCeil Library: DARTWIH1NG4I. eel


Name: RECOIL Name: RED Sep 22 03LName: REV5TName: RFUSEOAName-. SPCBName: 5PDTSW15A-oNome: SPHEATName: SPSTSW30KWH2OCell Library-. DARTWIRING4I.ce!

Nairn-. SSAUTO: SSPB Sep 22 03o-OName: SSTDEVName: STOPPBName:SWBDCCName: SWWWDName: TERBLKName: TMDEV2TCell Library-. DARJWIRING4Lcel

Name: TRANCUNome-. TRAN ID Sep 22 0300:5Nome-. TRANSPName: TSNCOT1200-1202.- TSNOCT Name: UN/AMPName: VAft AMPCell Library: DARTWIRING4f.ee!

Nome: WHITENam: WYE Sep 22 03LCell Library-. DARTWIR/NG4I. eel

Nome; 45 Name:90D Sep 18 03Name; 90UName: AName-. ADName: BFName-. CAP; COCell Library: DARTPLBG4I. eel

Name-.COF Name: COF2 Sep 18 03Name; COGName: COG2Name: COWName; EDName: FDName-. FSCeil Library; DARTPLBG4I. eel

Name-. HB Name: OFt Sep 18 03Name: P: PBName: PGName: PLUGName: PUName-. RDCell Library: DAHTPLBG4I. eel

Nam-. REDC Name: REDE Sep 18 03Name: RTName; SName; SDNome: TName: TEEDName-. TEEUCeil Library. DARTPLBG4/. eel

Name: UN Sep 18 03Name-, VAName: VAOName, VBUTName: VCCell Library: DARTPLBG4I. eel

Name: VG Name:VGLO Sep 18 03Name: V MOName: VPR: V Ft Name-.WHNome: WMACell Library; DARTPLBG4!.cei

NameiCCTV Name: CEM ERG Sep 22 03Nome:CEXITName: CFLQODName: CF LOURName-, CHINName-.CJUNCName: CNDCell Library. DARTPCWER41. eel

Name-.CNDSCHNam-,COMBST Sep 22 03iName-.COUTName:DBLT: DR080X Name: DROPENName: DRPName: DSPLCell Library. DARTPOWER4/. eel

Nam-. EMERLT Sep 22 03Name: FLOMONName-. GRName:GRCO!LName:GRCONNName: GRRQD^\\I \II\ I\ ICell Library: DARTPOWER41. eel

Name: GRRODStome.- W7 Sep 22 03A AV V V V V V/.OOP.- Z.PNametLTGSCHName-. LTREF0'J L JJ1I LA388,tome.- MOTCONName-. NFDSW2 60Ce// /./iirary.- DflRTPQNEFW. eel

Name: NOW IDARTName: NT Sep 22 03Name; NTSIGN; PANELName-.PBName-.PNLSCHDName-. POLAMPName: PPPODCell Library-. DART POM ER4I. eel

Name: PR/BOX Name-. PRKLTI Sep 22 03Name-. PRKLT2.Name: PRKLT3Name: PRKLT4Name: PRKLT5Name: PRKLT6Nom&PUBBOXCell Library: DARTPOWER4l.ee!

: RACEDN Name: RACEUP Sep 22 03Name-. SFBOXName: SGLTName-. SIGNLTName: SRQName: SRQBOXName: SSRO30A-2PCell Library: DARTPCWER4I. eel

Name: SW : SWTAG "Sep 22 03Name: WEMERName:WEX/TName: W FLOODName: WF LOURName;WHINTName: WJUNCCell Library: DARTPCMER4I. eel

Name:WOUT Sep 22 03Cell Library: DART POWERS, eel

Name-. 28PLUGHome-. 2CPS Sep 22 03o o o oo o o oo o o oo o o oo o o oo o o oo o o oName-. ZHTSLName-. 2/MPBName: 2.TCBDNome: 2TCLName: 3NGACell Library. DARTSIG41. CEL

Name: 3NYA Sep 22 03Name: 4NGAName-. 4NRAName: 4NYAName:50PLUGo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o oName-. AAHNome: AASCell Library: DARTSIG4/.CEL

Sep 22 03AHCWName-.APBNUName-.ARBLKName: ARM2.Name: BATRY6 CELLS265AHCell Library: DARTS/G4/.CEL

Nam:BCELL Name-.BDC Sep 22 03Names B/AName-. B1ASRName-. BLOCKName: BRI\Name-.BRZ\Name-. BUSS\Cell Library: DARTS/G4I. CEL

Name: CAPName:CHCS Sep 22 03I\V V V VA A A AName: CQMMName: CO/VOMName: CSHHame-.CSHHCSHHNam-.CSMName-. CSMHCSMHCell Library: DART5IG4I. CEIL

Name: Dl Name: DIS Sep 22 03T>Name: DSName-.ECSHHCSHHName: ECSMHCSMHNome-. ENDName: ESZQCeil Library, DARTSIG4I. CEL


Names HOSSNames HTSDSep 22 03vAOName: HTSSName-. ICB-o: IF Name: I LAMPName-. IMPBName-. MDUCCell Library: DARTS/G4/.CEL

Name; ITDF Nome-.ITSNC Sep 22 03Name-. tTSNSName : JBOXuName: LEDName-.LRTSName-. MOTORName: NOWCell Library; DARTSIG41, CEL

Name-. QMS Name-. OPEN Sep 22 03Nome-. PBName-. PBNCName-. PBNOName: PBOX.- PSSC Name-.PCTCe// /.toTOfy.- DARTSIG4I. CEL

Name-, PEDSTD Nome-. PGATE Sep 22 03: PILL Name:PILLMName: P MSName-. PNCDName-.PPName:PPT±Cell Library: DARTSIG4I, CEL

Name-. PRO Name-. PTHC Sep 22 03Name-. PTFtC.- RBRVC B Ay y vA A Ay y yA A AOHame:RCADVOF E D C B Av v y y v vA A A A A Ay y y y y yA A A A A AOOName: RCBDCTCell library, DARTSIG4I. CEL

Name-. RCF Sep 22 03Name-. RCFCName: RCFOName: FtCHDCName-.RCHDOName-.RCLOName-, RCMBCCell Library: DARTSIG4I .CEL

Name-. ROM BO Home-. FtCSQ Sep 22 03Name-.RCTBCNam ; RCTFCi.Name: FICUNITName-. REACT3-w—•-w—•000Name: RFTName: SECCell Library, DARTSIG4I. CEL

Name: SHTSLNome: SIG5 Sep 22 03INome: SUNKName: S PC BName: SPDCName: SPOTSDName: STLName; TC2MAYQXDCell Library: DARTS/G4I.CEL

Name-. JCCR Name: TCL Sep 22 03Name: TO: TDFName-. TERMName: TMSCName: TJACKName-. TPDr\.ooo\Ce// Library: DARTS1G4I. CEL

Name-. TPHHNome-. TPMH Sep 22 03DName: TPSName: TPSS\Name-. TPSSP,Name: TRAMSName: TRKTName: TWCV X Y ZCell Library: DARTSIG4I. CEL

Name: TWIST Name-.VARI Sep 22 031VName: WARNName-. WCName: WEEE\\\\\\Name: WLEEName: WPBNUCell Library: DARTSIG4I .CEL

Nam&WX Sep 22 03Name: XBONDName: ZDCell Library: DARTSIG4I.CEL

Name-.ARQ Name-.AROBY Sep 22 03Name: SI2Name: SI31AX1UXXlllllSIOHoiiSI .2SI.3Name: S2/LName: S2.IRRailStationS2.1LRailStationS2.1RHam-. S2IUName: S3/0SiilHSmRailStationS2.1USTOPS3.10Cell Ubrary: DARTSTAS/GN4i.cel

Name: S31I: 5312. Sep 22 03S3.11Except BusesS3.12Name-. S3I3Name: S3/4PassengerLoad/UnloadOnlyS3.13S3.14Name: S3/5LName: S3I5RPark&RidePark&RideS3.15LS3.15RName: S3/5UName: SJ/6Park*RidetS3.15USpeedLimit1033.16Cell Library: DARrSTASIGN4l.ee/

Name: S3/7LName-. S317R Sep 22 03One WayOne WayS3.17LS3.17RName: S3/7UName: S318LOne WaytS3.17UExitS3.I8L/Vome.- S 3/8UExitExitS3.18RS3.18UName: S3/9LEntranoeEntranceS3.19LS3.19RCell Library. DARTSTA$IGN4!,cel

Name-. S3I9UName: S320AL Sep 22 03EntrancetS3.19UHandicappedParkingS3-20A-LName: S320AHName: S3ZOAUHandicappedParkingHandicappedParkingS3-20A-RS3-20A-UName-. S320LName; SJ20flPassengerLoad /UnloadPassengerLoad/UnloadS3.20LS3.20RNome-. S320UName: 532!PassengerLoad/UnloadtS3.20US3.21Cell Ubrary: DARTSTASIGH4l.cel

Name-. $322.Name: S323Sep 22 03TowingEnforced24 Hours DailyParking for DARTCustomers Onlylowed arnwHrt44C* hdi W^DdiB TH »VS3.22TowingEnforced24 Hours DailyParking for DARTP or sonnet OnlyHUM Pg*M On U WnTI|M WTKMf MMC444» 1UI 6I.FL«« 7HS3.23Nam-. 5350Name: S35IDisabledParkingOnlyDisabledParking OnlyS3.50VanAccessibleS3.51Name: $352Name-. $353EmployeeParkingOnlyAuthorizedPersonnelOnlyS3.52S3.53Name: S354Name: S356L10 MinuteParkingLimitS3.54BicycleParkingS3.56LCell Library. DARTSTAS1GN41, eel

Name: S356U Sep 22 03BicycleParkingBicycleParkingS3.56RS3.56UNome: S357Name; S7IBicycleParkingXXS3.57S7.1Name: TSIGNCell Library, DARTSTAS/GH4I. eel

Name: 54BEAM Name ; ABE AM Sep 22 03Name-. ABEAM-. ANGLEr\Name-, ARQBDName: AFtODName: AfiOTName-.ASTRKCell Library-. DARTSTR4I. CEL


Nome-. BORLOC Name: CATHRY Sep 22 03Name-. CBEAMName: CBRName-. CHANLName-. CLSName-. COLBUBName: CONCCell Library, DARTSTR4I. CEL

Name: DKSPAN Name: EARTH Sep 22 03Name: EXCONCName; HEXINName-. IVBEAMName-. JBOLT4JJName-.LPCell Library-. DARTSTR4I, CEL


Name: SL5 Name: STEEL Sep 22 03Name: STFtETIName: STRET2.Name-. STUDName: T50IName: TARGETName:WDFLNGCell Library. DARTSTFW. CEL

Name-. WELDL Name:WELDR Sep 22 03WWFXCell Library-. DART5TR41.CEL

Names BUZZER Name: CCB Sep 18 03Name: COMDETName-. FACPDName: FBELLName-. FCBMQNName-. FHORNNome: FPULLCell Library: DARTFIRE4I. CEL

Name-. FTELE Nam-, HETDET Sep 18 03Name-. PANELSName:SMODETCell Library-. DARTF1RE4I. CEL

Name: 45 Name-. 900 Sep 18 03Names SOUName: AName:AIRELMNome: BFName; CAPName-.DiFFUCell Library: DARTHVAC41. eel

Name: ERFLOW Name: FS Sep 18 03Name; ORName-. PBName: PGName: PUName: REDOName: FtEDECeil Library. DARTHVAC4l.cel

Nome: S Name: T Sep 18 03Name: TEEDName: TEEUName-. THERMOName: UNHome-. V3WName: VACell Library. DARTHVAC41. eel

Name: VB Name-. VBUT Sep 18 03NameiVCName: VCTName-.VGNam&VGLOName: V MOName: VPRCell Library: DARTHVAC4I. eel

Name-.VR Sep 18 03Cell Ubrary, DARTHVAC41. eel

Name: ARO Name: AT Sep 18 03Name: ATAFfOName-. BCKPREName-. BUBOZName-. DAROBName: OR/PLCe/l Library: DARTUW4I.CEL

Name: LSPRAI Sep 18 03Name: LSPRAJName: LSPRA5Name-. LSPP.A6Name: MASTVName: MP/PGName: PLANTSCell Library: DARTLAN4I. CEL

Name; PLBOX Nome-. QKCUPV Sep 18 03Name-. ROTNOZName: SSPRA/Name: S5PRA2Name: SSPflAJNairn-. S5PRA4Name: SSPRA5Cell Library-. DARTLAN4I.CEL

Name-. TREE Name-. JREERG Sep 18 03Name: TREESQ: WATMETCell Library: DARTLAN41.CEL

Hame-.AROBD Name-. AROD Sep 18 03fJame:AROTName: ATName; ATAROTName: CLSName:CQLBUBCell Library: DART8000PJT4I. cet


Name: ERDOName-.ERLC Sep 18 03xxx-xxxxHome: ERLOName-. ERRCxxx-xxxxName-. ERROName: ERUCXXX-XXXXName-. ERUDName: GS1SCALE (IN FEET)xxx-xxxx0 6" 1Cell Library. DART80QOPJT4I. eel

Name-. GSII2Home-. GS/16 Sep 18 03SCALE (IN FEET)0 3" 6"SCALE (IN FEET)0 8 16 32Name: GS/2Nome: GSI4SCALE (IN FEET!0 1 2SCALE UN FEET)••E0 2 4Name:GSI8.- GS20SCALE (IN0 4 8FEET;16_SCALE (IN FEET!•10 20Name: GS3SCALE (IN FEET;0 1" 2" 4"SCALE (IN0 6" 1FEETCell Library: DART8000PJT4I. eel

Name: GS38Mame-.GS^Q Sep 18 03SCALE (IN FEET)0 1 2SCALE (IN FEET)_^0 20 40 80Name-. GSFULLName:GSHALFSCALE (INFEET)SCALE (INFEET:0 V 1"2" 0 '/ 2 " 1" 2" 4"Name: LBName: LPNome-.MLARCName-. NARQCell Library: DART8000PJT4I, eel

Name: PLS Nome: REVCU Sep 18 03Nome: REVCL2.Nome: REVDESName-. REVTRlName-. REVTR2.Name-. REVTR3Nome-. REVTH4Celt Library: DART8000PJT4L cei

Name: REVTR5 Name: REVTR6 Sep 18 03Name:REVTR7Name-. REVJR8Name-. REVTR9Name:SCDCLtName-. SCDCRName-. SCDOLxxx-xxxxCell Library: DART8000PJT41. eel

Name: SCDOHName-. SCLCB Sep 18 03XXX-XXXXNome: SCLCTNome: SCLOBxxx-xxxxName: SCLOTNome: SCRCBXXX-XXXXNome: SCRCTNome: SCROBxxx-xxxxCelt Library: DART8000PJT4I. ce!


Name: TARGET Sep 18 03Cell Library: DART8000PJT4I, eel

Name: ACTILE Name: BRICK Sep 18 03: BRKI : BF1K2Name: BHK3: BRK4BRK5Hame:BRK6Cell Library-. DART ARCH 41. eel

Name: BHK6IZ Name-. CMU Sep 18 03Name-. DOORNOName: EARTHName-. EXCONCNome: FDNome: PDFName-. FESCell Library: DARTARCH4!. eel

Name: FEW Name-. FLV Sep 18 03Name: FLVCName-.FSHNome: FSHHName-. F55Name-. FURName-. FWCCeil Library: DARTARCH4I. eel


Names PLASTR Name: PNEWS Sep 18 03Name; PRCONCName: PTRCANName-.PUBTELName: R/NSULName-. ROOM NOName: TCOTTACell Library. DAP.TARCH4I. eel

Name: WitJDNQ -, WTI Sep 18 03Nome:WT2Name: WT3Cell Library-. DARTARCH4I. eel

Name: AROBD Name-. AROD Sep 22 03; ATName-.ATAROTNome: BLSNameiClRTXIName: CIRTX2Cell Library: DARTCML4l.cel


Name: EGV Nams-.ESCQ Sep 22 03Name: ESMHName:ESMHCW: E5T : ET2MMHTMHNome: EWCPName: EWFHCell Library: DAHTCIVIL4I. eel

Name-. EWFHDW Sep 22 03Name: EWREDNoms:EWTNom-.EWVName-. LPName-. PARNQTNome: PAT/Cell Library-, DARTC!VlL4l,cet

Name: PAT2 : PAT3 Sep 22 03Name-. PAT 4Name-. PAT5Name: PATBALName: PATCON•V-Name-. PATGND\Cell Library, DARTCtVIL4t.cel

Name: PATGVLNome:PATHONSep 22 03JNairn: PATSTPName:PATTCName:PCBOREName-. PCCON!Name: PCCON2.Cell Library: DARTC/V/L4I. eel


Name-. PCSLQP Sep 22 03Name:PE2WMHName-. PE3WMHEMHEMHOEMHDDName: PGMCe// i.torc/y: DARTCIVILli. cei

Nam: PL5 Nome-.PSCO Sep 22 03Nome: PSCP Name-.PSMHoMName: PSMHDWNam: PSMRDW: PSTO \ TMHCell Library-. DARTCML4l.cel

Nome-. PWCP Sep 22 03Name: PWFHName: PWFHCWName:FWMNome-. PWREDName: PWTName: PWV\>

Name: SLS Nome: TPB/LL Sep 22 03Name: TPFHName-. TPGMName: TPGUY: TPLPName: TPMHName: TPPPCell Library: DARTCML41.cel


Name-. I PITS Name-. IP2TS Sep 22 03Name: 3ELGTAName-.AHUBName-. AMPName: AMP/Name:AXFERName-. BATCELCell Library. DARTcom4l. eel

Name-. BATT Name-.BPFIL Sep 22 03)Name-. BRi/Name: BR2.Name-. CAPName-. CBCName : CHANDName-. CHORDCell Library. DARTcom4/.ce/

Name: CIC Name: CICI Sep 22 03: COAX Name: COMMName: COP PERName: CSName-. CSTANome: DATACell Library. DARTcontff.oel

Name:DIO Name: EGRD Sep 22 03Name-. EXTCFAXFAXODD anaaaa ananan naaName-.FCXFERName-. FOANFIBEROPTIC ADMNODEName-.FOCNam&FSEFSECell Library; DAFtTcom4l. eel

Name: FUSE Name-. FUSES Sep 22 03Name: GRPLName-. MACSName; HACSIName;HDSETName: I LAMPName-, INDUCCell Library: DARTcom4l,ceI

Name:JCP : LED Sep 22 03Name: LIGHTName : MANT: METER Name-. MICHome-. PABXName: PANTCell Library: DARTcom4t. eel

t PCAP Name: PCOMB Sep 22 03Nam-. PDWName: POTMNam&PPName; RANTName:RBSTACell Library-. DARTcom4l. eel

Name: REPEAT Name-.RESIS Sep 22 03Name-. RESISTName-.RLAMPName; RTName:RTIRADIOTOWERName: SATRName: SCONNCell Library: DARTcom4l.ee!

Name: SCON N! Name-. SIGH Sep 22 03Name-. SPKName: SPK IName: SPLICE: TBCONNName: TELName-. TEUCell Library-. DARTconrfl. eel

Name-. TEL2Name: TPS5Sep 22 03DName-. TVCAMName: VARHESNameiVCAPName-.VINDUCName-. VMBName-. WAYTELCeli Library-. DARTcom4f.ee/

Name: XCONN Sep 22 031Cell Library-. DARTcom4l .eel

Name : ARQ Name-. AROBD Sep 22 03Name-.AROD: AROTName: ATName: ATAFfOName-. AT AROTName-. BLSCell Library. DARTIOOPJT4l.cel


Name: NameiERDO Sep 22 03xxx-xxxxName: ERLCName-.ERLOXXX-XXXXName: ERRCName: EFtROXXX-XXXXName: ERUCName:ERUOxxx-xxxxCell Library. DAfiTIOOPJT4l.ee/

Name: GS/0Name:GSIQO Sep 22 03SCALE (IN FEET)10 20SCALE (IN FEET)50 100 200Name-.GS2.0Name-. GS200SCALE (IN FEET)10 20 40SCALE UN FEET)100 200 400Name: GS20/0Name : GS205HORIZVERTSCALE (IN FEET)0 10 —^^ 20SCALE (IN FEET)40HORIZVERT0 10 15 20 0 2.5JCALE (IN FEET)•10 20SCALE (IN FEET;407.5 10Name:G$Z06Home-. GS30HORIZVERTSCALE (IN FEET!r10 20SCALE (IN FEET)4012SCALE (IN FEET)15 30 60Cell Library, DART/OOPJT4!. eel

Name-.GS3QOName-. G540 Sep 22 03SCALE UNFEET)SCALE (INFEET)0 150 300 60020 40 80Name-.GS4QQName-. GS40IOSCALE (INFEET)0 200 400 800HORIZ0VERTSCALE (IN FEET)"20 40 80SCALE UN FEET)• _l10 15 20Hame:GS405NomerG5406SCALE (IN FEET)HORIZ0 20 40 80VERTSCALE (IN FEET)HORIZ0 20 40 80SCALE (IN FEET)SCALE (IN FEET)VERT2.5 7.5 10 9 12Name:GS50Name: GS500SCALE (IN FEET) SCALE (IN FEET)0 25 50 100 0 250 500 1000Cell Library. DARTIQOPJT4I. eel

Nam-, GS60Name:GS80 Sep 22 03SCALE (INFEET)SCALE (IN FEET)0 30 60 1200 40 80 160Nam: LBName:MLCLHome-. MLCRI•1Name-. NARO: PLSCelt Library. DARTIOOPJT4I. eel

Name: REVCLI Name-, REVCL2 Sep 22 03Name: REVDESName: REVTRIName-. REVTRNName: SCDCL.- SCDCFl Nome: 5CDOLXXX-XXXXCell Library: DARTIOOPJT4I. eel

Name: SCDORNam-. SCLCB Sep 22 03XXX-XXXXNames 5CLCTName-. SCLOBxxx-xxxxName: SCLOTName: SCRCBxxx-xxxxName-. SCRCTName-. SCROBxxx-xxxxCeil Ubrary.-DARTIOOPJT4l.cel


Name-. TARGET Sep 22 03Ceil Library: DART/OOPJT4i.ce/

APPENDIX EDART Text and Symbol Fonts

APPENDIX EDART TEXT AND SYMBOL FONTSINTRODUCTION TO APPENDIX EAppendix E is the reference section for MicroStation Font resource library. The following pages aregraphical exhibits of fonts to be used.LIST OF EXHIBITSFONT 40 (Leroy Style) E-lFONT 42 (Helvetica Medium) E-2FONT 41 PART Style) E-3FONT 45 (Signage) E-4E-l

EXHIBIT E-1DART STANDARDFONT 40 (Leroy style)MicroStation Font Resource Library File:DART.RSCABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefgh ij kImnopqrs tuvwxyzOI23456789**!@*$%°&*() -+=l)A[]\:";'?../I/8 I/4 3/8 I/2 5/8 3/4 7/8I/I6 3/I6 5/I6 7/I6 9/16 II/I6 I3/I6 15/16I/32 3/32 5/32 7/32 9/32 I I/32 13/32 15/327/32 19/32 21/32 23/32 25/32 27/32 29/32 31/32I/64 3/64 5/64 7/64 9/64 I 1764E-2

EXHIBIT E-2DART STANDARDFONT 42 (Helvetica Medium)MicroStation Font Resource Library FileDART.RSCABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZabcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789* *! © -*$•/•»"() -*-«.. [ ; \ i •; •?../1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/81/16 3/16 5/16 7/16 9/16 11/16 13/16 15/161/32 3/32 5/32 7/32 9/32 11/32 13/32 15/3217/32 19/32 21/32 23/32 25/32 27/32 29/32 31/321/64 3/64 5/64 7/64 9/64 11/64E-3

EXHIBIT E-3DART STANDARDFONT 41 (DART Style)MicroStation Font Resource Library File:DART.RSCABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPORSTUVVXYZabcdef ghijklmnopqrsiuvwxyz0123456789l /&VA3 / 8 '/2 5 /e \ 7 /8'4 3 /l6 5 4 \ \ "4 % I5 4'/32 3 /32 5 /32 7 /32 9 /32 "/32 ' 3 /32 ' 5 /32l? /32 ' 9 /32 2^32 23 /32 ^32 % % 3 '/32l /64 3 /64 5 /64 7 /64 9 /64"/64SPECIAL CHARACTERSSYMBOL KEY- INSHOLD [ALT] KEY + ASCII NUMBERAlt+0192 = (tAlt+0193 = f£Alt+0194 = >Alt +0195 =

EXHIBIT E-4DART STANDARDFONT 45 ArcSlgnMcroStation Font Resource Library FileDART.RSCABCDEFGHUKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghfjklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567891/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/81/16 3/16 5/16 7/16 9/16 11/16 13/16 15/161/32 3/32 5/32 7/32 9/32 11/32 13/32 15/3217/32 19/32 21/32 23/32 25/32 27/32 29/32 31/321/64 3/64 5/64 7/64 9/64 11/64E-5


APPENDIX FLINESTYLESThe Bentley MicroStation CADD environment supports eight (8) basic linestyles. The quantity ofeight linestyles is used by DART, but the graphic representation of all except the first, style 0 (LC=0),solid, has been changed. This allows the ability to resymbolize line codes at plot time.The representation of the linestyles are as follows:STYLE 0STYLE 1_STYLE_2_STYLE 3STYLE 4STYLE 5STYLE 6STYLE 7The use of custom line styles has not been implemented system-wide but can be used if certainprocedures are followed.If a custom line style is used you musf drop the line style status after placing it by keying in "droplinestyle" then selecting and accepting the element.F-l


APPENDIX GCOLOR TABLEDARTCOL.TBLColorColor NumbersWhite 0Blue 1, 16,31,46,61,76,91,106,121,136,151,166,161,196,211,226,241Green 2,17,32,47,62,77,92,107,122,137,152,167,182,197,212,227,242Red 3,18,33,48,63,78,93,108,123,138,153,168,183,198,213,~8,243Yellow 4, 19,34,49,64,79,94, 109,124,139,154,169,184, 199,214,229,244Violet 5,20,35,50, 65,80,95,110,125,140, 155,170,185,200,215, 230,245Orange 6,21,36,51,66,81,96,111,126,141,156,171,186,201,216,231,246Gray 7,22,37,52,67,82,97,112,127,142,157,172,187,202,217,232,247Pink 8,23,38,53,68,83,98,113,128,143,158,173,188,203,218,233,248Lt. Yellow 9,24,39,54,69,84,99,114,129,1 ~, 159,174,189,204,219,234,249Dk. Green 10,25,40,55,70,85,100,115, 130,145,160,176,190,205,220,235,250Cyan 11,26,41,56,71,86,101,116,131,146,161,176,191,206,221,238,251Brown 12,27,42,57,72,87,102,117,135147,162,177,192,207,222,237,252Bt. Orange 13,28,43,.58,73,88,103,118,133,148,163,178,193,208,223,238,253Lt. Blue 14,29,44,59,74,89,104,119,134,149,1 ~, 179,194,209,~4,239,254Lt. Brown 15,30,45,60,75,90,105,120,135,150,165,180,195,210,225,240,255G-l

APPENDIX JDART Standard Drawings(examples)

APPENDIX JSTANDARD DRAWINGSFigure 1.1Figure 1.2Figure 1.3Figure 1.4Figure 1.5Figure 1.6Figure 1.7Figure 1.8Figure 1.9Figure 1.10Figure 1.11Figure 1.12Figure 1.13Figure 1.14Figure 1.15Figure 1.16Figure 1.17Figure 1.18Figure 1.19Figure 1.20Figure 1.21Figure 1.22Figure 1.23Figure 1.24Figure 1.25Figure 1.26Sample Sheet LayoutStandard Drawing Sheet SizeSample Cover SheetSample Title SheetSample Index of DrawingsSample General SymbolsSample General Notes and AbbreviationsSample Project KeymapSample Plan & Profile Sheet LayoutSample Standard Sheet ReferencesSample Detail SheetPartial PlanLettering RequirementsDetail, Elevation and Section <strong>Design</strong>ationSample Civil Plan and Profile SheetSample Drawing Revision(s) Sheet ReferencesGrid to Surface CoordinatesSample Full Page Profile Sheet LayoutStandard DWU Drawing Sheet SizeSample DWU Cover SheetSample DWU Half ProfileSample DWU Full ProfileScreening By Color and LevelSample As-Built Cover SheetSample A-Built Index SheetPartial Floor PlanS:\Drafting_Standards_41\Appendix\Appendix_J\appendixj.doc -J-l- 09/03, REV 5


APPENDIX KPEN TABLESThe following sample pen table was setup for an Xerox 8830/8855 plotter, so DART must be able torecreate the submitted drawings using this type equipment. All values in sample pen table were usedfor half-size plots (11x17). This sample pen table may be modified to get the look and feel of drawings tobe submitted to DART. A copy of all modified pen tables will be submitted along with electronic files./«„»*„«„,„»„,«,..„„»„««„,„«««,«,«„*«««.„//* TABLE MODIFIED 5-18-99 FOR SCREENING AND WEIGHTS *//* TO MATCH XEROX OUTPUT */;*****»*»****»*****************»»«******»*»»»************»********yBY_FILE/*!!!!!!! check plotter name to determine line thickness !!!!!!!!*//*========================= HP Laser ============================*/DEF_THICKNESS(0) = .003DEF_THICKNESS(1) = .005DEF_THICKNESS(2) = .008DEF_THICKNESS(3) = .010DEF_THICKNESS(4) = .012DEF_THICKNESS(5) = .014DEF_THICKNESS(6) = .015DEF_THICKNESS(7) = .020DEF_THICKNESS(8) = .026DEF_THICKNESS(9) = .032DEF_THICKNESS(10) = .040DEF_THICKNESS(11) = .048DEF_THICKNESS(12) = .053DEF_THICKNESS(13) = .018DEF_THICKNESS(14) = .029/*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! define line styles !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/DEF_STYLE(1) = (.03,.015)DEF_STYLE(2) = (.143..035)DEF_STYLE(3) = (.30..020)DEF_STYLE(4) = (.207, .04, .04, .04)DEF_STYLE(5) = (.68,.04,.068,.04,.68)DEF_STYLE(6) = (.37,.05,.1,.05,.1,.05,.38)DEF_STYLE(7) = (.225,.025,.05,.025,.05,.025,.05,.025)DEF_STYLE(8) = (.004,.02)DEF_STYLE(9) = (.074,.037)DEF_STYLE(10) = (.148,.074)DEF_STYLE(11) = (.030,.015)DEF_STYLE(12) = (.37,.12)/*=================== define halftone bit masks ==================*/def_mask_halftone(0) = (Oxffff,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,/*screen 100*/Oxffff,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,Oxffff,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,Oxffff,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff)def_mask_halftone(l) = (Oxcccc,0xcccc,0x3333,0x3333,/"screen 93*/Ox3333,0x3333,0xcccc,0xcccc,Oxcccc,0xcccc,0x3333,0x3333,Ox3333,0x3333,0xcccc,0xcccc)def_mask_halftone(2) = (Ox5555,0xaaaa,0x5555,0xaaaa,K-l

*screen 87VOx5555,0xaaaa,0x5555,0xaaaa.Ox5555,0xaaaa,0x5555,0xaaaa,Ox5555,0xaaaa,0x5555,0xaaaa)def_mask_halftone(3) = (Oxl515,0xa8a8,0x4545,0xa4a4,/•screen 81 */Ox 1515,0xa8a8,0x4545,0xa4a4,Oxl 515,0xa8a8,0x4545,0xa4a4,Ox 1515,0xa8a8,0x4545,0xa4a4)def_mask_halftone(4) = (0x5555,0x0000,0x5555,0x0000,/•screen 75*/0x5555,0x0000,0x5555,0x0000,0x5555,0x0000,0x5555,0x0000,0x5555,0x0000,0x5555,0x0000)def_mask_halftone(5) = (Oxl 111,0x2222,0x4444,0x8888,/•screen 68*/Oxl 111,0x2222,0x4444,0x8888,Oxl 111,0x2222,0x4444,0x8888,Oxl 111,0x2222,0x4444,0x8888)def_mask_halftone(6) = (Oxl 111,0x2222,0x4444,0x0000,/•screen 62*/ Ox 1111,0x2222,0x4444,0x0000,Oxl 111,0x2222,0x4444,0x0000,Oxl 111,0x2222,0x4444,0x0000)def_mask_halftone(7) = (0x0404,0x8080,0x1010,0x0202,/•screen 56V0x4040,0x0808,0x0101,0x2020,0x0404,0x8080,0x1010,0x0202,0x4040,0x0808,0x0101,0x2020)def_mask_halftone(8) = (0x0000,0x4040,0x0202,0x1010,/•screen 50*/0x0000,0x0101,0x2020,0x0404,Ox0000,0x4040,0x0202,0x 1010,0x0000,0x0101,0x2020,0x0404)def_mask_halftone(9) = (Oxl 111,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,/•screen 43'/Oxl 111,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,Oxl 111,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,Oxl 111,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000)def_mask_halftone(10) = (0x1011,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,/•screen 37*/Ox 1110,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x1011,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,Oxl 110,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000)def_mask_halftone(11) = (0x1010,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,/•screen 31 */0x0101,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,Ox 1010,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0101,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000)def_mask_halftone(12) = (0x1010,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,/•screen 25*/0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0101,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000)defjnask_halftone(13) = (0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x1000,/•screen 18V0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0010,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000)def_mask_halftone(14) = (0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,/•screen 12*/0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0100,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000)def_mask_halftone(15) = (0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,/•screen 6V0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000)END_BYby_elementscreen_line_mode=mode_maskstroke_res=.004/*=============== module to screen ref files with logical name "sx" ====================*/if (substr(ref_log(file),l,2) eq 'SX' orsubstr(ref_log(file),l,2) eq 'sx') thenK-2

switch (type)2: IF (level in (1-60)) THEN /"cell*/screen = 62screen_line_mode = mode_maskELSEscreen = 62ENDJF3: screen = 62 /* line */pattern_screen = 62screen_line_mode = mode_mask4: screen = 62 /* line string */pattern_screen = 62screen_line_mode = mode_mask6: pattern_screen = 62 /* shape */IF (level in (15,19) [THENscreen = 62ELSEscreen = 62ENDJF7: screen = 62 /* Text node */weight = 1screen_line_mode=mode_mask11: screen = 62 /* Curve String */stroke_res=.02screen_line_mode=mode_mask12: screen = 62 /* Complex String */stroke_res=.02screen_line_mode=mode_mask14: pattern_screen = 62 /* Complex Shape */15: pattern_screen = 62 /'Ellipse*/screen = 62stroke_res=.02screen_line_mode=mode_mask16: screen = 62 /*arc*/17: weight=l /"Text*/screen = 68screen_line_mode=mode_mask22: screen = 62 /* Point String */stroke_res=.02end_switchend if/*======= change symbology of some elements in topo ref file ===========*/if (substr(ref_log(file),l,4) eq TOPO' orsubstr(ref_log(file),l,4) eq 'topo') thenDEF_THICKNESS(0) = .007DEF_THICKNESS(1) = .007DEF_THICKNESS(2) = .010DEF_THICKNESS(3) = .012DEF_THICKNESS(4) = .014DEF_THICKNESS(5) = .016DEF_THICKNESS(6) = .017DEF_THICKNESS(7) = .023DEF_THICKNESS(8) = .029DEF_THICKNESS(9) = .035DEF_THICKNESS(10) = .044DEF_THICKNESS(11) = .052DEF_THICKNESS(12) = .055DEF_THICKNESS(13) = .022DEF_THICKNESS(14) = .033switch (type)K-3

2: IF (level eq 20 or 21) THENscreen = 62 /* cell */ELSEscreen = 62ENDJFscreen_line_mode=mode_mask3: IF (level eq 3) THEN /* line */screen = 62ELSEscreen = 62ENDJF4: IF (level eq 3) THEN /* line string */screen = 62ELSEscreen = 62ENDJF6: pattern_screen = 62 /* shape */7: screen = 62 /* Text node */11: screen = 62 /* Curve String */strokej r es=.0212: screen = 62 /* Complex String (Chain) */strokej-es = .002514: pattern_screen = 62 /* Complex Shape */stroke_res = .002515: screen = 62 /'Ellipse*/stroke res = .02CODE ON THIS LINE WILL CAUSE COMPILER ERROR16: IF (level in (2-3,20)) THEN /* arc */screen = 62ENDJF22: screen = 93 /* Point String */stroke_res = .0025end_switchswitch (level)42,43: style = 0 /'solid streets.roads in tpr2*/weight = 0screen = 62pattern_screen = 100screenjine_mode=mode_mask10: weight = 2 /'Railroad*/screen = 62stroke_res=.002514: weight = 2screen = 62stroke_res=.0025 /'Structures*/29: weight = 2 /'Vegetation*/screen = 62stroke_res=.002531: style =0 /'I foot contour string*/weight = 2screen = 62stroke_res=.002535: style = 0 /*5 foot contour string*/weight = 4screen = 62stroke_res=.0025end_switchswitch (type)17: screen = 62 /'Text*/stroke_res=.0025weight = 0K-4

encLswitchif (type eq 16 and level ni (2,3,11,42,43)) then /* Arc '/weight = 2screen = 62stroke_res = .0025endjfend_if/*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Landscape Files !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*//*==================Fj|| shapes for landscape elements===========IF (REF_LOG(FILE) EQ 'LAND' or REF_LOG(FILE) EQ 'land' orREFJ-OG(FILE) EQ 'GLAND' or REF_LOG(FILE) EQ 'eland') thenIF (Level in (51-60)) thenIF (type eq 6 or type eq 14 or type eq 15) thenscreen_line_mode = mode_maskpattern_border = truestroke_res =.0025screen = 62switch(level)51: pattern_screen=2552: pattern_screen=3153: pattern_screen=3754: pattern_screen=4355: pattern_screen=5056: pattern_screen=5657: pattern_screen=6258: pattern_screen=6859: pattern_screen=8760: pattern_screen=93end_switchendjfendjfendjf/*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fill in shapes on graphic bar scales I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*//* if (level eq 2 and type eq 6 and color eq 0) then *//* area_fill=true *//* endjf *//*!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fill shapes with color 30 I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/if (color eq 30 and type in (6,14,15)) thenarea_fill=trueendj'f/*!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fill font 42 = Helvetica Letters I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*//*!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fill font 151 Arial & 190 Times New Roman MINI!!!!!!!!*/IF (typeeq 17 or type eq 7 and FONT in (42,151,190)) THENAREA_FILL = TRUEENDJF/*======= change style of concrete pattern in directive fj|es============*/IF (REFJ-OG(FILE) EQ 'ARCHF 1 OR REF_LOG(FILE) EQ 'archf') thenIF (LEVEL EQ 21 AND STYLE EQ 1) THENSTYLE=8ENDJFIF (LEVEL EQ 9 AND WEIGHT EQ 0 AND STYLE EQ 1 AND COLOR EQ 2) THENSTYLE=8ENDJFEND IFK-5

*================= remove dot from bldg. and cone. =================*/if (type eq text) thenselect(chareq 'BLDG.'):char='BLDG'(chareq 'CONC.'):char='CONC'end_selectend if/*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cover Sheet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*//*============== fin text in dart logo on cover sheet ===================*/if (PRF_SPEC contains 'NT01' or PRF_SPEC contains 'ntOV) thenif (level eq 7 and type eq shape) thenarea_fill=trueswitch (type)6: pattern_screen = 62 /* shape */IF (level in (15,57)) THENscreen = 62ELSEscreen = 62ENDJFend_switchend_ifif (file eq 0) thenselect(CHAR EQ '$$USERNAME$$'):CHAR=USERNAME(CHAR EQ '$$$$$SYTIME$$$$$$'):CHAR=SYTIME(CHAR EQ '$$$$DGN$SPECIFICATION$$$$$$$$$'):CHAR=DGN_SPEC(CHAR EQ '$$PRF$$'):CHAR=PRF_SPEC(CHAR EQ '$$PEN$$'):CHAR=PEN_SPECend_selectend_ifend_if/*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! adjust PROPOSED ROW weight I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/if (prf_spec contains 'rw' or prf_spec contains 'RW') thenif (refjog(file) eq 'ROW orrefjog(file) eq 'row') thenif (level eq 31 and style ne 0) thenweight=9end_ifend_ifend_if/*!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guideway Plan and Profile IIIIM1IIINIIN1NI!!!!!!!!!!!!!'//*adust alignment file symbology*/if (refjog(file) eq 'ALIGN' orrefjog(file) eq 'align' orrefjog(file) eq 'ALIGN2' orrefjog (file) eq 'align2') thenif (level in (11,16,21,26,31,36)) thenswitch (weight)4:weight=67:weight=9end_switchendjf/*bump up weight of track CL*//*=========== if PRF for ROW map, change alignment weights =if (prf_spec contains 'rw' or prf_spec contains 'RW') thenif (level in (11,16,21,26,31,36)) thenK-6

switch (weight)4:weight=57:weight=8end_switchendJFendjfif (prf_spec contains 'tm 1 or prf_spec contains TM') thenif (level in (11,16,21,26,31,36)) thenswitch (weight)4:weight=47:weight=7end_switchend_ifendjfendj'f/*!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if PRF for utility map change alignment weights !!!!!!!!!*/if(prf_spec contains 'UR' or prf_spec contains 'ur') thenif(ref_log(file) eq 'UTIL 1 or refjog(file) eq 'util') thenIF (LEVEL Nl (46,50)) THENweight=lendjfendjfendjf/'change weight of exiting utilities*//*!!!!!!!!!!!!! modify style for siyd files I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/if (prLspec contains 'SIYDAL' or prf_spec contains 'siydal' orprf_spec contains 'SIYDRW or prf_spec contains 'siydrw' orprf_spec contains 'SIYDUT or prf_spec contains 'siydut') thenif (refjog(file) eq 'ALIGN' or refjog(file) eq 'align') thenif (level eq 6 and style eq 5) thenstyle=12endjfendjfendjf/*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BORDER Ml!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/if (refjog(file) EQ 'BORDER 1 orrefjog(file) eq 'border') thenif (level eq 56 and weight eq 4 and type eq 6) thenarea_fill=true /* fill dart logo text*/if (level eq 57 and type eq SHAPE) thenpattern_screen = 62 /* fill dart chevron*/screenjinejnode=modejdotendjfendjf/'substitute special characters at edge of plot with plotting information*/select(CHAR eq '$$USERNAME$$'):CHAR=USERNAME(CHAR eq '$$$$$SYTIME$$$$$$'):CHAR=SYTIME(CHAR eq '$$$$DGN$SPECIFICATION$$$$$$$$$'):CHAR=DGN_SPEC(char eq '$$PRF$$'):char=prf_spec(chareq '$$PEN$$'):char=PEN_SPEC(chareq '$$PRF$$'):char=prf_spec(Chareq '$$PRF ROT$$'):char='PRF ROTATION='+STR(PRF_ROTATION)(chareq '$$FILEl$$'):char=REF_LOG(l)+', '+REF_SPEC(1)+', '+LEVEL_TEXT(1)(chareq '$$FILE2$$'):char=REF_LOG(2)+', '+REF_SPEC(2)+', '+LEVELJEXT(2)(chareq'$$FILE3$$'):char=REF_LOG(3)+', '+REF_SPEC(3)+', '+LEVEL_TEXT(3)(chareq'$$FILE4$$'):Char=REF_LOG(4)+', '+REF_SPEC(4)+', 'HEVEL_TEXT(4)K-7

(chareq'$$FILE5$$'):char=REF_lOG(5)V, '+REF_SPEC(5)+', '+LEVEL_TEXT(5)(chareq'$$FILE6$$'):char=REF_LOG(6)+', 1 +REF_SPEC(6)+ 1 , '+LEVEL_TEXT(6)(chareq'$$FILE7$$'):char=REF_LOG(7)+', '+REF_SPEC(7)+', '+LEVEL_TEXT(7)(chareq'$$FILE8$$'):char=REF_LOG(8)+', '+REF_SPEC(8)+', '+LEVEL_TEXT(8)(chareq'$$FILE9$$'):Char=REF_LOG(9)+', '+REF_SPEC(9)+', '+LEVEL_TEXT(9)(chareq'$$FILE10$$'):char=REF_LOG(10)+', '+REF_SPEC(10)+', '+LEVEL_TEXT(10)end_selectendjf/*=================ALLTEXT =======================================*//* Make all text solid line code*/if (type eq text) thenstyle=0endjf/*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!«/end_byK-8



CHAPTER 1 - DESIGN CALCULATIONS1.1 PURPOSEThe purpose of this procedure is to define the requirements, procedures and controls to be utilized inpreparing, handling, checking, reviewing, approving, revising and filing of analysis and design calculationsfor the <strong>Dart</strong> project.1.2 SCOPEThis procedure applies to all engineering calculations and analyses prepared or utilized for the DARTproject.Use of methods, procedures, etc. other than as defined In this document shall require the same levels ofchecking, reviewing, and approving, as well as prior DART approval.1.3 REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTSCalculations shall be prepared by or under the supervision of a registered professional engineer authorizedto sign and seal In compliance with the provisions of the Texas Engineering Practice ActCalculationsby registered professionals other than engineers, such as architects, shall be limited to nonstructuralareas and their discipline.1.4 IDENTIFICATION OF FIRMSEach firm responsible for producing design calculations for the DART project shall identify the firmthrough use of the firm's logo or name in the locations below:<strong>Design</strong> Calculation Cover Sheet, Calculation Index and Calculation Log - upper right hand cornerCalculation Sheet - top center.1.5 CALCULATION SEQUENCINGCalculations shall be completed In accordance with this procedure, prior to using the calculation resultsfor input to other committed or final calculations, Issuing drawings for construction, issuing equipmentspecifications for purchase, or Issuing other documents. Calculations shall be developed and documentedin a manner which will allow clear identification to specific designs, without explanations, at any time byknowledgeable personnel not Involved In calculation preparation. Exceptions to this requirement shallrequire DART approval.-1- 6 23 91

1.5.1 Preliminary CalculationThis is a calculation prepared to develop a concept or to make estimates of performance, cost, or scalewhich are not directly Incorporated In final design documents. It may provide information for incorporationin cost studies, bid specifications, or reports. In addition, it may be based upon incompletely substantiatedassumptions, or may employ abbreviated or simplified analytical methods.1.5.2 Final CalculationThis is a calculation which forms the basis of drawings, final specifications, or other documents used toconstruct the facility or to secure authorization to operate a facility. These calculations may be reviseddue to changes in criteria, methods, or for similar reasons. For an original set of calculations, the finalcalculations shall be signed and sealed on the calculation cover sheet. (Refer to Section 1.10.)1.6 GENERALAll calculations shall be complete and prepared In a neat and logical manner with sufficient explanation,notes, references, etc. to akj In their being understood.Calculations shall be prepared and recorded so that high quality reproduction and microfilming is possible.All calculations, including computer printouts, shall be reduced if necessary to fit on 8 1/2" x n"white paper. All print shall be No. 2 or softer lead pencil or dark ink which reproduces easily. The originalcalculation sheets shall not be used for checkprints.Informational diagrams indicating data (such as loads and dimensions) shall be included along withsketches of Important details not considered standard and shall be Identified with the appropriate sheetidentifiers.AH calculations shall be made using standard calculation sheets. In special instances where the standardsheets are not appropriate (such as graphs, charts, and standard forms unique to a particular discipline),the sheet shall include all the information required on the standard sheets.Each set of calculations shall include as a minimum:0 Index0 Cover sheet(s)0 Calculation sheet(s)Copies of the index and cover sheets are available from DART, or the Contractor can make its own basedon Figures 1 and 2. The Contractor's standard calculation sheet may be used in lieu of Figure 3.-2- 6/28/91

1.6.1 Calculation Indax (Figure 1).An Index for each |ob or contract Is required. When a calculation Is completed, dated, signed and sealed,it shall be entered on the calculation Index.This Index will be the record of approved calculations, revisions or supersessions and will include, but notbe limited to:° Calculation Number° Project Name° Discipline° Job/Contract Number0 Dates0 Element Ttfle° Revision Number° Remarks1.0.2 Calculation Cover Sheet (Figure 2).Each separate calculation for a job or contract (such as HVAC) shall have a cover sheet that will include,but not limited to:° Project Name/Title° Discipline° Task/Contract Number0 Subject° Calculation Number (Refer to Section 1.7)° Initials of persons responsible for preparing, checking and approving (with dates)° Calculation Description° <strong>Design</strong> basis and references° Seal (Registered Professional Engineer Seal with Signature)0 Task/Contract Title° Sheet Numbering° Supersedes Calculation Number (If applicable)1.6.3 Calculation Sheet (Figures).Each calculation shall reference the method used, specif data and formulas, criteria, assumptions andsource(s) of information. Each calculation sheet will Include but not be limited to the information indicatedon Figure 3.Calculations and drawings shall be cross-referenced as much as possible.-3- 6/28/91

All calculations and their revisions shall be checked (Refer to Sections 1.9 and 1.10).Calculation status, either preliminary or final, shall be shown In the description block of the calculationcover sheet (Figure 2). The responsible designer shall specify whether the calculation input data is preliminaryor final. When final Input data are available, the responsible designer shall ensure that the appropriatecalculations are reviewed for effects of final input data on calculation results. This review will bedocumented by revising the cover sheet (and calculations, If required). This revision shall be in accordancewith this procedure (Refer to the Section 1.10).1.6.4 Calculation Log (Figure 4).Each calculation will be entered on the calculation log In order to maintain the status/type and location ofeach calculation.The calculation log will Include, but not be limited to, the Information Indicated on Figure 4.1.7 CALCULATION NUMBERINGEach separate calculation shall be numbered sequentially (e.g. 0001, 0002, 0003 etc.) within a job orcontract.1.8 CALCULATIONS USING COMPUTER PROGRAMSComputer calculations using a computer program shall contain a cover sheet specifying the precisesoftware and hardware used, as a minimum.The computer programs and spread sheets used by a contractor to develop quantities, calculations anddesign information will be checked In accordance with Sections 1.9 and 1.10 by the Contractor.The inputs and outputs shall be attached along with an outline of the problem, and identification of thecomputer program by number and /or name and the version or revision, including option used.In cases where a sample calculation Is not practical, other acceptable verification shall be used and includedor referenced, rf requested by DART.1.9 CHECKING CALCULATIONSEach calculation for the DART project shall be checked by a qualified individual (checker) other than theone producing the calculation. A typical calculation flow for checking is Figure 5.6/28/91

The checker has the option of performing a mathematical check or verifying the calculation by an alternatemethod. If alternate methods are utilized, they shall be numbered Independently from the originalcalculation and attached.Each sheet of the alternate calculation shall be numbered, dated and Initialed by the checker as originatorThe cover sheet of the alternate calculation shall describe the calculation performed, such as "AlternateCalculation'.Checking shall be done In a manner that results in the original calculation sheet being dear, legible andsuitable for reproduction.1.9.1 Checker ResponsibilitiesThe checker shall:° Review data to verify conformance with specific site conditions° Review for validity of assumptions, appropriateness of analytical methods, attainment ofrequired mathematical accuracy, compliance with design criteria, and soundness of outputdata.° Initial and date each page of the original calculation (except computer orintouts) after they arechecked and ail necessary corrections or additions are made; or a..ach initialed and datedalternate calculations, and° Review the completeness of the description of the program used and adequacy of programverification for calculations using computer programs.1.10 CHECKING REVISIONS TO CALCULATIONSRevisions to final calculations shall be checked, reviewed and approved in the same manner as the originalcalculation. Only those parts of the final calculation which are affected need to be checked, signedand sealed, although the entire set of original calculations shall be reviewed to determine which parts arcaffected. In addition, the designer shall determine if any reference or contract documents are affected bythe revision, and if so, the required revisions shah be made to the affected documents.Revisions within a calculation sheet shall be identified in the right-hand margin adjacent to the revisedmaterial. The revised sheet snail contain the identity of the revision originator, the date revised, initials ofthe checker and the date the revision was checked.Revisions that require replacing an existing sheet(s) shall identify the revised sheet with the next revisionletter (such as A, B, C, or D), identify the originator, specify the date revised, contain checker initials anddate checked.The cover sheet shall include a description of the sheets revised or added.•5- 6/28/91

Major revisions to a final calculation shall supersede the original calculation. The superseded calculationshall be marked "SUPERSEDED" and shall Indicate the number and date of the superseding calculation.In addition, the reason and responsible person shall be noted.1.11 REVIEW OF CALCULATIONSCalculations are reviewed as part of design submlttals required at milestone reviews. The review processis progressive through the several defined milestones with approval upon acceptance of the 100% submit -tal. In addition, calculations are subject to quality audits at any time during development to confirmdevelopment In accordance with these requirements.1.12 CALCULATION RETENTIONOriginal copies of calculations and the checkprlnts shall be retained as part of the overall project file. Thisfile shall be kept up-to-date and is subject to audit at any time. Audit procedures are covered elsewhere.A log shall be maintained to indicate the status/type and location of each calculation.DART Engineering Document Control shall retain records of calculations submitted at each review milestoneand the final calculation Including revisions/updates.A calculation tog. Figure 4, shall be maintained for all calculations.Calculations which have been superceded or calculations no longer relevant to the design shall be removedfrom the active calculation files and provided to DART Engineering Document Control for historicalstorage.6/28/91



Standards and DefinitionsI. INTRODUCTIONThe standards and specifications detailed within this manual areestablished by DART to ensure the acquisition of and location of realproperty, and the design and construction of the Light Rail Systems withinthe area commonly known as the Dallas Metroplex. The standards andspecifications are provided to assure the consistent quality of informationrequired by DART from the various service providers (i.e., GEC,consultants to the GEC, Contractors, etc.) from the property acquisition,through planning and design, to construction of Light Rail and associatedimprovements, and eventually to the operation and maintenance of thefacilities.If any of the specifications detailed within this document or by reference,[Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyors, Professional Land SurveyingPractices Act (TBPLS), Manual of Practice for Land Surveying in the Stateof Texas" (MOP) and/or American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)]conflict then the more restrictive specification shall be used. DART at itsdiscretion may approve less stringent specifications or require morestringent specifications. However, no actions taken by DART will removethe surveyors', engineers' or service providers' responsibility to adhere tothe rules, regulations and minimum standards of practice as adopted by thevarious licensing boards that have jurisdiction over the service provider. It isintended that these standards be accepted as minimum, fundamental andnecessary, except where a differing federal, state or local law, ordinance orrule may be more restrictive.It shall be the duty of the firms or individuals providing the requestedservices to counsel with DART or DART's designee to ascertain the scopeand purpose of any service described within this document and to see'theneeds of DART are met. The firms or individuals must provide properlytrained and licensed personnel, professional expertise, and equipmentnecessary to achieve the results promulgated by these standards. Inaddition, the Professional or Service Provider will provide adequatesupervision over the research, field procedures, compilation, andpresentation of the information.Page 2 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

II. DISCLAIMERDART has established these standards as a guide for the benefit of the serviceprovider. DART retains the right to amend, revise and change these specificationsat any time for any purpose. DART believes that the Firms or Individuals providingthe requested services are professionals and in that capacity are responsible toadvise DART about any and all issues with respect to requests, specifications,boundary issues or other related issues. Nothing contained within this manualshould be construed as removing the responsibility of the service provider toperform his services to adhere to the standard of care as required by law. Theservice provider must currently be licensed in the State of Texas to practice LandSurveying and/or Engineering as promulgated by the State Board and must bequalified, knowledgeable and experienced in performing the services requested.The Professional shall draw upon his experience, knowledge, and professionaljudgment necessary to provide the intended product. The service provider mustappraise DART or its designated representative of the project status periodicallyand immediately of any issues that may impact delivery or cost of the product asspecified.III. SOURCE INFORMATIONDART, in the course of developing these specifications, has extensively usedand/or referred to the following:oooooooThis Manual refers to the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors' Manualof Practice for Land Surveying in the State of Texas (MOP). The categoriesand conditions developed in the TSPS manual have been adopted by theTSPS manual. The TSPS manual can be purchased through the TSPSwebsite www.tsps.org or from the:Texas Society of Professional Surveyors, 2525 Wallingwood Dr. Suite 300,Austin, Texas 79746; phone number 512-327-7871.The rules, regulations, and the "Minimum Standards of Practice" asadopted by the "Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyors" (TBPLS).Land Title Survey, Minimum Standard Detail Requirements as promulgatedby the joint efforts of the American Land Title Association, AmericanCongress of Surveying and Mapping and the National Society ofProfessional Land Surveyors, adopted in 2000.Standards and Specifications for Geodetic Control Networks, dated September1984, published by Federal Geodetic Control Committee,Geometric Geodetic Accuracy Standards and Specification for using GPSRelative Positioning Techniques, version 5.0 dated May 1988, reprintedAugust 1989.Definitions of Surveying and Associated Terms, printed by ACSM, dated1978, and reprinted 1989.Classification, Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications ofGeodetic Control Surveys, dated February 1974.Page 3 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

ooooUnited States National Map Accuracy Standards.The rules, regulations, and the "Minimum Standards of Practice" asadopted by the "Texas Board of Professional Engineers" (TBPE).U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administrationpublication on "Cost Savings on Highway Projects Utilizing SubsurfaceUtility Engineering dated January 2000.Standard Guidelines for the Collection and Depiction of Existing SubsurfaceUtility Data prepared by the American Society of Civil Engineers Revision#6 dated July 24, 2001IV. DEFINITIONS AND APPLICATIONSProfessional surveying as defined in the Professional Land Surveying PracticesAct Revised in 2001:(1) "Professional surveying" means the practice of land, boundary, or propertysurveying or other similar professional practices. The term includes any serviceor work the adequate performance of which involves the application of specialknowledge of the principles of geodesy, mathematics, related applied andphysical sciences, and relevant laws to the measurement or location of sites,points, lines, angles, elevations, natural features, and existing man-madeworks in the air, on the surface of the earth, within underground workings, andon the beds of bodies of water for the purpose of determining areas andvolumes for:(A) The location of real property boundaries;(B) The platting and layout of lands and subdivisions of land; or(C) The preparation and perpetuation of maps, record plats, field note records,easements, and real property descriptions that represent those surveys. To theextent these services or types of creative work meet this definition, the termincludes consultation, investigation, evaluation, analysis, planning, providing anexpert surveying opinion or testimony and mapping;(2) "Registered professional land surveyor" means an individual registered as aregistered professional land surveyor by the Texas Board of Professional LandSurveying.• Accidental Error:o• AliquotoAn error for which it is equally probable that the sign of the error'is aplus or minus value; an error for which there is no proportionalchange or relationship between monuments, conditions and the signor magnitude of the error; an error, evident in a series ofmeasurements, which is compensated in total effect.The description of land as a part or fractional part of another tract.Page 4 of 91 Rev. #12 4/22/03

• Bearing Source:oThe source of the bearing (or course) must be related to amonumented line stated in the report, on the map or in anydescription as: 1) DART datum, which is Grid Bearing determinedby applying the Texas State Plane coordinates (North CentralZone), NAD 1983, 1993 adjustment, 2) A record bearing or therelation thereto.• Category:• Closure:o A unit dividing major professional services of a RegisteredoProfessional Land Surveyor into defined segments of similar nature,procedure, and practice. A Category is comprised of one or severalservices or products that are closely allied. A Route Survey is aCategory and a Land Title Survey is a different Category. EachCategory has specific requirements.A mathematical application whereby a determination is made as tothe exactness that a geometrical form is generated or attainedwithin its confined elements of connecting lines and points; acomputation method used by a land surveyor to test the quality offield survey measurements and to apply corrections in balancing oradjusting the survey to meet precision specifications.• Condition:oEach Category is divided into 4 Conditions unless otherwisespecified. A Condition is determined by the location of the site to besurveyed in regard to rural, suburban, urban or urban businessdistrict areas. Every site within the state will fall into one of the fourConditions. A Condition establishes the tolerances required for thatsurvey. The below listed Conditions are intended to provide for thelarge majority of land boundary surveying assignments. Wheredoubts exist between any two or more Conditions as to whichsufficiently provides for the total needs of the surveying products,the higher conditions shall be used. Unless specified otherwise,all Land Title Surveys and Land Surveys shall meet theminimum standards of an Urban Business District, Condition I.• Urban Business District, Condition I: Any land surveymade in a downtown business district of any city, town orvillage shall be known as an Urban Business District LandSurvey, Condition I. A Condition I survey may define exteriorboundaries, subdivide property, locate or relocate lots ortracts, define routes or rights of way and partition urbanbusiness district property for any legal use or purpose. AnUrban Business District Land Survey may be made in anyPage 5 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

geographical area of the state for any appropriate legalpurpose including title company insurance requirements fordeletion of area and boundary exceptions on any real estate.• Urban, Condition II: Any land survey made within thecorporate limits of any city, town or village, but not in therecognized downtown business district, shall be known as anUrban Land Survey, Condition II. A Condition II survey maydetermine exterior boundaries, subdivide property for subdivisionpurposes, locate or relocate individual lots or tracts,define routes or rights of way and partition urban property forany legal use or purpose. An Urban Land Survey may bemade in any geographical area of the state except within thedowntown, business district of a city, town or village and maybe used for any appropriate legal purpose, including titlecompany insurance requirements for deletion of area andboundary exceptions on any real estate in urban, suburban,and rural areas.• Suburban, Condition III. Any land survey that is made outsidethe corporate limits of any city, town or village but in anyarea that is or is intended to be primarily used for residential,commercial or industrial purposes or land lying betweensuch residential, commercial or industrial areas whose valueis influenced by the presence of such nearby developed realestate shall be known as a Suburban Land Survey,Condition 111. A Condition III survey may determine exteriorboundaries, subdivide property for subdivision purposes,locate, or relocate individual lots, or tracts, define routes orrights of way and partition suburban property for any use orpurpose. The Suburban Land Survey may be made in anygeographical area of the state except within corporate limitsof a city, town, or village and may be gsed for anyappropriate legal purpose including: Title company insurancerequirements for deletion of area and boundary exceptionson any real estate in suburban or rural area.• Rural, Condition IV: All land boundary surveys that aremade outside a corporate city, town or village limit or outsidea suburban residential, commercial or industrial subdivisionto locate boundaries of unimproved or improved lands usedfor the production of crops, livestock or minerals, includinggas, oil or coal (fossil fuels), shall be known as a Rural LandSurvey, Condition IV. Partitioning of such land may also bedone provided the primary purpose; nature or use of thesurveyed land is known to remain unchanged. A Rural LandPage 6 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

Survey is intended to locate the boundaries and determinethe quantity of improved or unimproved farm, ranch, orquarry lands, define routes or rights of way, or to partition thesite for like use, but is not to be used for subdividing intotracts or lots for a different purpose or use.Compliance or conformity with essential requirements.oThe equivalent of substantial performance, where inconsequential,trivial variations or omissions are minimized, but may occur.Controlling Monument:orecord.DART:A found monumented land corner (generally a record monument), towhich a land survey is referenced, and is often a monument ofo Any individual or group directly employed by the Dallas Area RapidTransit, excluding all consultants.DART <strong>Design</strong>ee or Representative:o Person or firm directly appointed by DART to represent the interestsof DART.DART Coordinate System/Scale factor for SE, NW, Rowlett and Irving-DFW corridor:oDART has adopted the Texas State Plane Coordinates (NorthCentral Zone), NAD 1983, 1993 adjustment as the basis for itshorizontal system and National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1988(NGVD 1988) as the basis for its vertical system. The officialcombined scale factor is established system wide as 1.000136506,to convert from grid to surface. All coordinates and distances will bepublished as surface values.Engineer, or Professional Engineer:oGEC:A person holding a valid license to practice engineering as aRegistered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas, as issuedby the Texas Board of Professional Engineering.o Individually or collectively the team acting as the GeneralEngineering Consultant to DART.Land Survey, Boundary Survey or Property Survey:oA survey performed by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor forthe primary purpose of locating, describing, monumenting, andmapping a parcel of land.Page 7 of 91 Rev. #12 4/22/03

Land Title Survey:o A survey of real property performed by a Registered ProfessionalLand Surveyor to be used by a title insuring agency for purposes ofinsuring title to said real property.Positional Tolerance:o A measure of the accuracy of the position of a monumentedboundary corner with respect to its described location without error.Also, see applicable TBPLS rules for this subject.Professional, Firm, Service Provider or Individual:o The individual, professional and/or firm providing any services asdelineated within this document to DART and/or designee orrepresentative of DART.Record:o Any documentary material filed in the public records of a city,county, or state office that pertains to the location of real property.Record Monument:o Any monument, including adjoiners, as called for or depicted ondeeds, maps, plats or other documents or materials filed in thepublic records of a city, county, or state office that pertains to thelocation of real property.Report of Surveyo As defined in 663.19 of the Professional Land Surveying PracticesAct the word report applies to any of the following: survey plat,description or separate narratives.Shall, Should:o "Shall", in this document, is considered obligatory; "should" isconsidered advised and recommended.Page 8 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE)o Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) is defined as being therequired service and product that adequately illustrates actuallocation of all subsurface utilities that exist within the proposed routeor area of concern. SUE investigations are categorized by four (4)distinct levels of quality as described below• Quality Level D (QL D); Information derived solely fromexisting records or verbal recollections.• Quality Level C (QL C); Information obtained by surveyingand plotting visible aboveground utility features and by usingprofessional judgment in correlating this information toQuality Level D (QL D) information.• Quality Level B (QL B); Information obtained through theapplication of appropriate surface geophysical methods toidentify the existence and approximate horizontal position ofsubsurface utilities. Quality level B data is reproducible bysurface geophysics at any point of their depiction. Thisinformation is surveyed to applicable tolerances, to bedecided at the time of request, and reduced onto plandocuments.• Quality Level A (QL A); Information obtained by the actualexposure (or verification of previously exposed and surveyedutilities) of subsurface utilities, using (typically) minimallyintrusive excavation equipment to determine their precisehorizontal and vertical positions, as well as their other utilityattributes. This information is surveyed and reduced ontoplan documents. Accuracy is typically set at ± 0.05 ft.('15mm) vertical, and to applicable horizontal survey andmapping standards.Surveyor, Land Surveyor or Registered Professional Land Surveyor(RPLS):o A person holding a valid license to practice land surveying as aRegistered Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Texas, asissued by the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying.Systematic Error:o An error that, for known changes in measurement conditions, resultsin proportional changes of values which remain un-changed, both inmagnitude and in sign; an error, evident in a series ofmeasurements, which is cumulative in total effect.Page 9 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

• Tolerance:oThe allowable imperfection of any value stated or established in asurvey. Each Category has four Conditions and each Condition hascertain tolerances or specifications for values that must be met. Thefollowing explanations of tolerance items are to be used with thetolerance chart for each Category.• Error of closure reflects the precision of the survey and isthe result of mathematically determining the latitude anddepartures and subsequently the misclosure of the traverse.Once this value has been determined and found to be of nolesser quality than required, any suitable adjustment may bemade.• Angular closure for each Condition is expressed as thenumber of seconds allowable for any angle multiplied by thesquare root of the number of angles in the traverse. Thisvalue should not be exceeded in any loop closure. The basisfor this angular value is well documented in standardtextbooks on surveying practice and procedures.• Accuracy of the bearing (or course) in relation to source isthe relationship of each bearing as expressed on a map,plat, and/or in a description of the new survey. This shall notexceed the angular relationship of the stated source by morethan the following tolerance:Sin A = 1/P (approximately) and rounded to nearest 5seconds Where A = ± bearing accuracy in seconds(rounded) and p = the denominator of the allowableerror of closure (precision) for the particular Condition(i.e. 5,000; 7,500; 10,000; or 15,000)• Positional tolerance of any monument is the distance thatany monument may be mislocated. This distance can bedetermined by dividing the length of the course between twomonuments by denominator of the appropriate error ofclosure. The results of this calculation will establish thetolerance or radius around a point. No traverse adjustmentshall be made to any distance larger than this positionalerror. The preceding tolerance calculations shall not apply todistances of 225 feet or less; however, all distances betweenmonuments from 0 through 225 feet shall have a positionalerror not to exceed 0.03 feet.• "Calculation of area - accurate and carried to" means thatthe perimeter courses and distances as shown on a map,plat or drawing representing the survey shall compute to thePage 10 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

area stated on the map. The decimal shall be carried only asfar as it is compatible with the precision of the survey andnot beyond the least significant number.See DARTstandards for required areas in the tolerances charts for thevarious categories of surveys and the appropriate conditionfor the category. Values can be mathematically applied toany size tract by the formula:Ae = A-[e/(e+1)xA]Where Ae = ±A = area of tract in square feet, determined fromsurveye = denominator of error of closure for the particularConditions (5,000; 7,500; 10,000; 15,000)US Survey Footo1200/3937 meters or (0.3048006096 meters to ten decimal places)as compared to the "International Foot" (0.3048 meters exact).Water Course:o A stream of water such as a river, brook, creek, bayou, etc. A visiblechannel for water such as a ditch, channel, or streambed.Working Sketch:o A map prepared from public records or other sources depicting therelationship of the various record tracts, usually in, but not limited to,the immediate vicinity of the parcel being considered or surveyed.Other Definitions:oMost terminology used in these standards is common within theprofession or is defined within this document. When not definedwithin this document refer to the Definitions of Surveying andAssociated Terms (1978), as compiled by the joint committee of theAmerican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and AmericanCongress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM), Library of CongressCatalog Card No. 72-76807 or to Glossary of the Mapping Sciences,published by ASCE, ACSM and the American Society for thePhotogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), 1994.Page 11 of 91 Rev. #12 4/22/03

V. RECORDS SEARCHAn RPLS assuming the responsibility of performing a land survey also assumesthe responsibility for such research of adequate thoroughness to support thedetermination of the intended boundaries of the land parcel surveyed.In the absence of sufficient record evidence substantiating the actual location ofthe intended boundaries of a parcel of land and the adjoining parcels, the landsurveyor shall inform DART or the designee of DART of such need and pursueevery reasonable opportunity to accrue equivalent evidence through unrecordedsources, such as the testimony of local land owners, government officials, landsurveyors, abstracters, real estate brokers, attorneys and any other person oragency which is normally involved in the disposition of real property. DART or thedesignee of DART may require a separate narrative (Surveyor's Report) explainingthe construction or methods used to determine the results or opinion of thesurveyor.The surveyor shall accompany his record search determination and evaluation witha comprehensive field investigation, which may reveal the existence of recordmonumentation supporting the land parcel description to be surveyed.VI. DESCRIPTIONSAny description written for the purpose of defining land boundaries and/or transferringownership of said land shall provide a definite and unambiguous identification of thelocation thereof. Any description written to describe a parcel, plot or lot of land, route orright of way survey must provide the information to properly locate the particularunique property on the ground and distinctly set it aside from all other lands. The formand style of the description shall be approved by DART. All information shallcomply with or exceed the tolerances explained in Section 8 and Section 12, ascontained in the MOP. Also, see TBPLS rules applicable to this subject.• All parcel takings will include a special parcel identifier number as provided byDART.• Calls for monuments along the route, set, replaced, or found and their exactrelationship to the property boundaries plus descriptions of the monuments willbe stated in the written description.VII. MAPSDART requires the surveyor to prepare a map, plat or plot of the survey, it shall bedrawn in accordance with DART Cadd standards (see appendix A), to aconvenient scale, and provide a clear and unambiguous representation of thelocation of the surveyed land parcel by its legal description. Measurements shownupon the map of a land survey shall be in substantial compliance with thestandards found in this manual.Page 12 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

Where a surveyed boundary line varies materially in distance and/or bearing from arecorded boundary distance and/or bearing, the land surveyor should appraiseDART of such. This may be done by (1) Report of Survey, (2) Working Sketch, or(3) Showing and identifying such recorded distance and/or bearing along themapped boundary line in proximity to the surveyed values, but not so as to causeconfusion.Bearings shall be referenced by notation upon the map to an identifiable,monumented line for directional control, also known as "basis of bearings".The map shall bear the name, firm name, firm phone number, address, andregistration number of the land surveyor responsible for the land survey, his officialseal, his original signature, date surveyed, and certification.• Monuments found, placed, or replaced by the surveyor shall be described uponthe map, including those controlling monuments to which the survey may bereferenced. The land surveyor shall note upon the map, which monumentswere found and which monuments were placed as a result of a survey. Callsfor monuments along the route, set, replaced, or found and their relationship tothe property boundaries will be depicted by distance and offset or bearing anddistance from the nearest corner or line on the map, plat or plot of survey.VIII. MEASUREMENTSLand survey measurements shall be made with equipment and methods of practicecapable of attaining the tolerances specified by these standards. Also, see theTBPLS minimum standards requirement.IX. MONUMENTSSufficient corners shall be monumented or witnessed on all completed boundarysurveys pursuant to the DART monumentation guidelines except whereexisting monuments (monuments being any significant physical object and/or itsphysical witness) are found in place. Every land survey performed by a surveyorshall be monumented or witness monumented at all boundary corner locations. Allmonuments shall bear the surveyor's registration number or equivalentidentification at or near the top of the monument. Also, see 663.17 of theProfessional Land Surveying Practices Act, minimum standards requirement.Page 13 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART)Light Rail SystemsSPECIFICATIONSChapter OneLand Title Survey SpecificationsSECTION ONE, TYPE: DART Light Rail System, Land Title Survey SpecificationsDART establishes the standards within this manual as the method of choice to standardizethe surveys provided for the issuing of title insurance prior to the acquisition of property byDART. If any of the specifications detailed within this document or by reference, [TexasBoard of Professional Land Surveyors (TBPLS) and/or Manual of Practice for LandSurveying in the State of Texas" (MOP)] conflict then the more restrictive specificationshall be used. DART at it's discretion may require any Land Title Survey to adhere to thelatest minimum detail standards including any or all of the optional "Table A" requirementsas promulgated by the joint efforts of the American Land Title Association, AmericanCongress of Surveying and Mapping and the National Society of Professional LandSurveyors. DART at its discretion may approve less stringent specifications or requiremore stringent specifications. However, no actions taken by DART will remove thesurveyors' responsibility to adhere to the rules, regulations, and minimum standards ofpractice as required by TBPLS.SECTION TWO, DEFINITION: A Land Title Survey is a comprehensive investigation andevaluation of significant factors affecting and influencing boundary locations, ownershiplines, rights of way and easements within or immediately surrounding a certain lot, parcelor quantity of real estate. This survey locates, determines, or reestablishes on the groundthe perimeters, division lines, or boundaries and area of the certain lot, parcel or quantityof real estate. A Land Title Survey differs from a traditional or standard property survey inthat the Land Title Survey is for title insuring purposes and therefore must include greaterdetail not normally gathered in the traditional or standard property survey. The practice oflocating land boundaries requires the services of a Registered Professional Land Surveyorwell versed in the science and art of boundary law and the mechanics of measuring andcomputing values pertaining to such surveys.Page 14 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

SECTION THREE, PURPOSES: The purpose of a Land Title Survey is to establish orreestablish, on the ground, the physical or record location and extent of real property lines,political boundaries or lines defining the perimeters of public or private ownership. Thisincludes exteriors or centerlines of record easements, the evidence indicating thepossibility of prescription or limitation rights, and visible improvements within the site. ALand Title Survey is a means of marking such lines or boundaries for sufficient definitionand identification. Thereby, it uniquely locates each plot, parcel, lot, or other specific landarea in relation to well recognized and established points of reference, adjoiningproperties, and rights of way.o 3.1 Purposes of this specification: This specification is designed to provide forthe typical needs of DART and all title insuring agencies. This specification listsprocedures and processes for determining boundaries, quantity, or area, foropreparing a written description or for platting or mapping real estate as aprofessional service for the public.3.2 Land Title Surveys may include, but are not limited to, the proper location,monumentation, description or platting of the following real estate:• 3.2.1 Residential, commercial and industrial lots, tracts, plots, blocks,sites or subdivisions.• 3.2.2 Acreage tracts for home sites, farms and ranches.• 3.2.3 Public properties such as parks, beaches, lakes, roads, streets,waterways, highways, or building sites.• 3.2.4 Leases for commercial, agricultural or industrial purposes.• 3.2.5 Improved properties for the purpose of locating buildings, utilitiesor other facilities in relation to the property lines.SECTION FOUR, PRODUCT: A Land Title Survey will produce but not be limited to:o 4.1 Monuments for corners, points of curves or references to property lines ofthe involved land. (See Section 6 of this chapter)o 4.2 A signed, sealed, and dated written description, adequately describing theproperty as depicted on the survey. (See Section 12 of this chapter)ooo4.3 A signed, sealed, dated, and certified map or plat clearly depicting thesurvey as made on the ground. (See Section 10of this chapter)4.4 If required, a written report of the surveyor's findings and determinations,4.5 Services will meet or exceed the TBPLS Professional & TechnicalStandards.SECTION FIVE, INFORMATION REQUIRED: Sufficient information to perform the LandTitle Survey will be determined at the time of the request. Any information supplied byDART along with other information necessary to perform the required work should beconsidered and evaluated by the surveyor. The following data must be considered andevaluated by the surveyor with respect to satisfying these specifications. Copies ofdocuments relied upon should be maintained in surveyor's records. Additional researchobtained by the surveyor that affects the survey shall be provided to DART. Also, seePage 15 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

TBPLS rules for this subject which requires the surveyor to be responsible for theadequate research of the records.oooooooooo5.1 The most recent recorded instruments which define the location of thesubject, real property (including owner's name or names, address andrecording references).5.2 The most recent recorded instruments which define the location of thesurrounding, or adjoining, real property (including owners' names, address andrecording references).5.3 The recorded easement or instrument (or unrecorded documents of whichthe surveyor has knowledge) which define the location of adjoining or severingrights of way, particularly highways, roadways, pipelines, or utility corridors anddrainage or flood control waterways (including grantees' names and recordingreferences).5.4 Surface leases (Mineral leases when appropriate).5.5 Permission to enter and survey on the land will be furnished by DART inwriting unless agreed otherwise. Surveying done within an active railroad rightof-waywill require notification to the operating railroad. Protection including theuse of a railroad authorized flagman in areas closer than 25 feet from an activerail may be required. The surveyor or service provider shall coordinate activitieswithin the right of way with the operating railroad and be responsible for all feesassociated with safety needs and requirements.5.6 Relevant data regarding special circumstances, such as unrecordedeasements, affidavits to ownership, judgments, or court decrees that mayinfluence the property or ownership lines.5.7 Claims against the property that may influence the location of property orownership lines such as possible limitation, prescriptive rights, apparentintrusions or protrusions of improvements or other parties in possession.5.8 Names of tenants or parties known to be in charge of site i.e., propertymanager, etc.5.9 Any grant, patent, subdivision plat, historical data covenants, or otherrecorded data that will reference or influence the position of the property lines.5.10 In areas prone to flood, areas in flood plains or floodways certainadditional information may be required. (Inherent inaccuracies of FEMA orFlood Insurance Rate Maps require a surveyor when certifying to theaccuracies of locations based on such maps to indicate his source ofinformation. Certification to elevations derived from appropriate benchmarksmay be required). The form and content of the certification must be approvedby DART.SECTION SIX, MONUMENTS: Monuments set or called for, whether artificial or natural,references or witnesses shall represent the footsteps of the surveyor and his professionalopinion as to the proper location of the point or corner. All monumentation placed by thePage 16 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

surveyor shall meet the monumentation criteria as established by DART or if morerestrictive, the local municipality having jurisdiction over the property. Also, see 663.17 ofthe Professional Land Surveying Practices Act for this subject. Where practical, allmonuments set by Professional Land Surveyors to delineate or witness a boundary cornershall be marked in a way that is traceable to the responsible registrant or associatedemployer.o 6.1 Artificial monuments: An artificial monument considered permanent shall beconstrued as any mark or marker of relative permanence that if left undisturbedwill remain in place, for a period of at least 25 years. Monuments must be set atsufficient depth to retain a stable and distinctive location and be of sufficientsize to withstand the deteriorating forces of nature. Monuments shall be set insuch fashion as to remain stable.• 6.1.1 Monument material: Material for monuments shall be chosen inregard to the terrain and situation that exists at the site of the survey.Consideration should be given to the following guidelines and to thenatural erosive forces that will work against the monument for aminimum of 25 years.• Wooden stakes should only be used with discretion and thenonly for temporary points.• Iron or steel bars or rods for monuments shall be a minimumsize of I/2" in diameter by 24" long. Longer bars or rods should be usedin soft soil to insure stability of the monument. Where rocky or calichesoils prevent specified lengths, the rod should be driven to refusal atsuch depths where it will remain stable.• Iron pipes for monuments should be a minimum of 1/2" insidediameter and 24" long. Longer pipes shall be used in soft soil to insurestability of the monument. All iron pipes should be sized by the insidediameter. Where rocky or caliche soils prevent specified lengths, ashorter pipe should be driven to refusal at such depths where it willremain stable.• Non-ferrous metal monuments shall be equal to requirementsfor iron rods or iron pipes.• Precast reinforced concrete monuments shall have a precisestation mark such as a center punch or cross embedded in the cap.• Poured in place concrete monuments shall contain a precisestation mark (as in and be reinforced with at least I/4" or largeriron rods or pipe.• Other monumentation such as drill holes, chiseled marks instone, concrete or steel, punch marks, (see figures 12-A, 13-A, and 13-B) aluminum discs. Etc., shall be of sufficient size, diameter, or depth tobe definitive, stable, and readily identified as a survey marker. Objectsupon which such marks or markers are placed shall be of a stable andpermanent nature greater than or equal to iron pipes or iron rods.Page 17 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

o6.1.2 Monument Placement: All monuments for corners, for witness points,points of curve, etc., shall be set vertically whenever possible and shall bereasonably flush with the earth or ground surface.Monuments subject toconstruction flush with the earth or ground surface. Monuments subject toconstruction damage or total destruction shall be referenced to objects that willsurvive or buried deep enough to offer protection from earth grading ordestructive machinery.o6.1.3 Monument Identification: Consideration shall be given to the followingguidelines:• Monuments may be identified by code numbers or letters forbrevity and easy recognition. Monuments may be identified by names ofspecific corners.• Monuments shall be identified by appropriate caps, imprintedwith surveyor's registration number or company/firm name.• The size, shape and substance or construction material of eachmonument shall be duly recorded in the field notes and recited in thesurvey description and noted on the map, plat, or drawing.• When possible, monuments shall be referenced to prominentnearby objects and the information recorded in the description of thesurvey and depicted on the map, plat or plan of survey.o 6.2 The Natural or physical monuments: Natural monuments are thepermanent objects which are the works of nature such as streams, rivers,ponds, lakes, bays, trees, ledges, rock outcrops, and other definitive terrestrialfeatures.• 6.2.1 Tree for corner: Trees will be blazed only when written permissionis received from the appropriate authority, property owner or owners.SECTION SEVEN, CONDITIONS: Surveys under this Category shall be termed a LandTitle Survey and meet the standards as established. Unless specified otherwise, allLand Title Surveys will meet the minimum standards of an Urban Business District,Condition I.SECTION EIGHT, TOLERANCES FOR CONDITIONS: See Standards and Definitions,Section IV, Definitions, and Applications and in addition refer to the attached tolerancechart for this Category. Also, refer to the (TBPLS) standards and the MOP.SECTION NINE, FIELD PROCEDURES: Fieldwork shall be performed in accordance withaccepted technical methods as expressed in standard textbooks on surveying theory,practice, and procedures. Any textbook used for surveying instruction by any accrediteduniversity, college, or junior college in the state of Texas will be considered a satisfactorytext for this purpose. Any person in charge of a survey field party shall be wellPage 18 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

trained in these technical aspects of surveying. The Registered Professional LandSurveyor is additionally charged with the responsibility of adhering to the followingrequirements: Also see applicable TBPLS rules for this subject.ooooooo9.1 Surveying instruments shall be kept in close adjustment according tomanufacturers' specifications or in compliance with textbook standards.9.2 Steel tapes (chains) used for precise measurements shall be calibratedoften enough to obtain the tolerance required. Such calibrations shall betraceable to the U.S. Bureau of Standards National Institute for Standards andTechnology through appropriate certificates or documentation.9.3 Electronic distance measuring devices shall be calibrated often enough toobtain the tolerances required. Such calibration shall be traceable to the U.S.Bureau of Standards National Institute for Standards and Technology throughappropriate certificates or documentation. It is recommended that EDMs,prisms, and accessories be maintained as a matched set.9.4 Field measurements of angles and distance shall be done in such fashionas to satisfy the closures and tolerances expressed in Section 8, of thischapter.9.5 Where special surveys for vertical or horizontal control are required as abase for a land boundary survey, refer to Chapters 7 and 8 of thesespecifications or to relevant, special publications from the U.S. Department ofCommerce, the Department of Interior, or the Department of the Army on thespecial subject matter. These are considered satisfactory texts to defineacceptable field methods. Control by remote sensing or other indirect methodsmay be employed, provided:• 9.5.1 Aerial photogrammetry shall be field checked to sufficiently verifyvalues for any incorporated data;• 9.5.2 Satellite reliant or global positioning system (GPS) control shouldbe performed only by those with the special training, experience andknowledge of GPS and then in accordance with special publications onthe subject and appropriate rules of boundary surveying.9.6 Special consideration shall be afforded the rules of evidence, footsteps ofthe original surveyor, and "dignity of calls" before a decision is made as tolocating on the ground any property, tract, survey, or grant line. The bestevidence and intentions of the parties shall be sought out according toaccepted surveying procedures and as documented in standard textbooks onlegal aspects of surveying. Also, see applicable TBPLS rules for this subject.9.7 Corners or monuments called for in the relevant deeds to the land to besurveyed, including those of adjoining property affecting the location of theboundaries of the land to be surveyed, shall be physically searched for in amethodical and meticulous fashion. The use of magnetic or electronic locatorsis encouraged and strongly recommended. Each corner or monumentrecovered shall be evaluated as to its agreement by description and locationwith the calls in the relevant deeds.Page 19 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

ooooo9.8 Easements of record or indications of possible easements that are visiblewithout meticulous searching are to be physically located during the survey.Such items may include, but are not limited to, overhead power, telephone orsignal lines, roadbeds, car trails, pipe line routes through timber or pipe linemarkers, buried cable markers or signs, or new excavations. Any additionalsearching for non-visible easements, such as pipelines in open fields, shouldbe approved by DART or DART's designee before the additional workcommences.9.9 Apparent conflicts, protrusions and evidence of prescriptive or limitationrights upon or from the site shall be physically located.9.10 Visible improvements within, along, beside or 5 feet or as specified byDART outside the property lines including buildings, protrusions, wells,roadways, driveways, ponds, tanks or storage facilities, fences, walls,structures, etc., shall be located in relation to a property line, identified andsized.9.11 Information gathered in the field survey relevant to the location of the siteor the improvements thereon shall be furnished to DART or DART's designeein the form of a map, plat, drawing, or report.9.12 Field data shall be gathered to satisfy or exceed the requirements forSection 8, and Section 10 of this chapter.SECTION TEN, PLATS, MAPS AND DRAWINGS: Land Title Surveys shall berepresented in accordance with DART CADD standards by a reproducible plat, map ordrawing at a suitable scale to depict the results and details of the field work, computation,research and record information, as compiled and checked. All information depicted orillustrated on the plats, maps or drawings shall be neatly and legibly shown. Also, seeapplicable TBPLS rules for this subject.o 10.1 Any reasonably stable-base, standard drawing bond paper, mylar or filmof reproducible quality is considered as suitable material for Land Title Surveyplats, maps or drawing,o10.2 No plat, map or drawing shall be made on a sheet size smaller than8 1/2" x 11".o 10.3 Dimensions, bearings, or angles, including curve lengths (see Sec. 12.8,of this chapter), radii, and delta angles shall be neatly and legibly shown inrespect to each property or boundary line.o 10.4 Monuments found shall be labeled as "found", with a brief definitivedescription of the monument as to size, type of material, condition, and what itrepresents.o 10.5 Monuments set shall be labeled as "set" with a brief definitivedescription of the monument as to size and type of material and what itrepresents.o 10.6 Relevant terrain features, streets, confined watercourses, utilities,improvements and other similar data shall be labeled and dimensioned as toPage 20 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

oooooosize, height or width and referenced to the nearest property line or representedby symbol on the map in its proper dimensioned location. Symbols should beclear as to what is represented or should be labeled for identificationindividually or in a separate key to symbols. If the property is withoutimprovements, etc., a statement shall be prominently placed on the map to thateffect.10.7 Maps, plats or drawings shall show a north arrow. Drawings shall beoriented as nearly as possible so that north is toward the top or to the left of thesheet unless otherwise directed by DART or the DART's designee.10.8 A statement as to the origin of the bearings or angles shall be made oneach plat, map or drawing. All bearings or angles shall refer to a linemonumented on the ground and one of the following:• 10.8.1 Texas State Plane Coordinates (North Central Zone), NAD 1983,1993 adjustment as adopted by DART for Phase II buildout and futureprojects shall be the basis for all coordinates, (with the proper zone,theta angle, and traverse or triangulation station noted).• 10.8.2 A record bearing, or relation thereto, as called for in said record.Also, see applicable TBPLS rules for this subject.10.9 Where the new survey differs materially from prior deed information inregard to course, distance or quantity, DART or the DART's designee shouldbe advised of such. The existing deed call bearings and dimensions should beshown in parenthesis beside or on the opposite side of the boundary orproperty line and designated as "Deed" or "D". The deed acreage or quantityshould be designated "Deed" or "D" and shown in parenthesis beneath thesurveyed acreage or square footage. In this case, the deed calls should beplainly referenced by a prominent note as to volume and page or file where thedeed is recorded. Unrecorded deeds should be identified by the grantor,grantee and should include date of execution or delivery. Bearings based onDART's bearing system will most likely not match the deed calls, a generalnote will suffice. As an alternate to this procedure, or where complicationsoccur, the discrepancies, problems, conflicts, or differences in call distance andbearing should be explained in a written surveyor's report issued to DARTalong with the plat or drawing. Also, see applicable TBPLS rules for thissubject.10.10 Where separate intricate details, blowups or inserts are required forclarity, they shall be properly referenced to the portion of the map where theyapply. This applies particularly to overlaps, gores, hiatuses, or nonconformity ofboundary or property lines.10.11 Perimeter limits of cemeteries and burial grounds known or found withinthe premises being surveyed shall be shown by actual location.10.12 Properties, confined water courses, and rights-of-way surrounding,adjoining, penetrating or severing the surveyed site should be identified andPage 21 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

labeled with the recording references. Such reference shall be one thatdescribes and defines the adjoining lines.10.13 Original subdivision, survey, league, or land grant lines shall be shown inproper location with pertinent labeling. Sufficient measurements by course anddistance must be shown, to at least one of the following the nearest streetROW intersection, parent tract corner, block corner, subdivision, survey,league, or land grant corner.10.14 DART adopted the Texas State Plane Coordinates (North CentralZone), NAD 1983, 1993 adjustment, as its standard for all surveying andmapping for new properties and designs. This datum will be maintainedand used for all future extensions of the Light Rail System. Refer toSection IV Definitions and Applications of the Standards andSpecifications for specifics.• 10.14.1 All coordinates shall relate to DART datum and be surfacecoordinates.• 10.14.2 All coordinates refer to the Texas Coordinate System of 1983,(North Central Zone, the reference DART monumentation, traverse ortriangulation station(s) and the published coordinates of the station(s).• 10.14.3 Complete description of DART Control Monumentation used.• Example; Texas State Plane Coordinates, NorthCentral Zone, NAD 1983, 1993 Adjustment• Source information for coordinates, i.e., DART ControlMonuments # , & , with publishedvalues for the control.• The appropriate scale or grid factor(s), (1.000136506combined scale factor) shall be shown on the map along witha note that all distances and coordinates are surface values.10.15 Line weights, or width of drawn lines, should be chosen to distinguish thesurveyed site from other surrounding real estate, county, original grant orsurvey lines and in compliance with DART CADD criteria.10.16 Any elevations shown on the map in the form of spot elevations orcontours must be in reference to the DART vertical datum. A statement as tobasis of elevations shall be made on the map similar to the following example:o• Example• Elevations and contours are based upon DART ControlMonument # , mean sea level (NAVD 88 etc.). Publishedelevation = . Feet.10.17 Each plat, map, or drawing shall show the name, firm name, address,and firm phone number and the registration number of the RegisteredProfessional Land Surveyor responsible for the survey, separate or as a part ofthe title block. The title block shall show:Page 22 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

oooo• 10.17.1 Land Title Survey (Caption).• 10.17.2 General description of the property.• 10.17.3 The date the field portion of the survey was completed shall bestated. The date on the survey should be identified as the date fieldworkis complete, the date research is complete, or the date of the surveyor'ssignature. Any or all dates shall be used.• 10.17.4 Revisions made to survey plats or electronic files delivered toDART shall be uniquely identified by date separating them fromprevious submittals.• 10.17.5 The stated scale of the drawing with a graphic scale displayed.• 10.17.6 The street address of the site, if known.» 10.17.7 The DART name and logo.10.18 When a description of the property surveyed is provided separately,adequate reference to the description shall be noted on the survey. See section663.19.9 of the Professional Land Surveying Practices Act. If a report consistsof more than one part, each part shall note the existence of the other part orparts.» Example• A property description entitled " " datedwas prepared in connection with this survey.10.19 DART shall be furnished an electronic copy and drawing in the agreedformat and number.10.20 DART requires a copy of the mathematical closure calculations beprovided with the survey or plat.10.21 An original or reproducible copy of the survey map, plat, or drawingshall be retained by the surveyor in his files. DART shall be furnished anagreed number of the survey map, plat, or drawing.SECTION ELEVEN, CERTIFICATION: The certification for each land title survey platmust be signed and sealed by the Registered Surveyor responsible for the Survey. Anydeviation from the content of this certification must be approved by DART. See Section 11of Category 1A, as contained in the MOP. Also, see TBPLS rules applicable to thissubject.oExampleI, , a Registered Professional Land Surveyor in theState of Texas, do hereby certify that I personally or under my directsupervision performed this survey on the ground; (1) that this plandepicts current conditions, as of the date of this survey, (2) that alleasements of record of which I am aware or have been advised orvisible easements on the ground, if plottable, are illustrated hereon, withreference to record instruments, (3) that there are no visible overhangs,protrusions or encroachments either from adjoining properties or thePage 23 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

subject property across the property lines and (4) this survey and plancomplies with the current Urban Business District, Condition 1, LandTitle Survey minimum standards as established by DART.SECTION TWELVE, DESCRIPTIONS: A description written to describe a surveyedlot, parcel or quantity of land must provide the information to properly locate the landon the ground and distinctly set it aside from all other lands: Also see 663.19 of theProfessional Land Surveying Practices Act for this subject.oooo12.1 When the surveyed property's dimensions, boundaries and area are inagreement with the existing recorded deed or platted calls, the aliquot methodregarding subdivisions of rectangular surveys or the plat method, involving lot,block and subdivision may be used to describe the property,12.2 Where any significant difference appears between the recordeddescription and the new survey, or when requested by DART or DART'Sdesignees, a metes and bounds description shall be made,12.3 Basic information to be conveyed in any description will consist of thegeneral location of the property in relation to the parent tract, established andrecorded subdivisions, surveys, leagues or other original land divisions, theabstract number or numbers of such original land divisions and the name of thecounty in which the surveyed land is situated. Street addresses for small tractsor lots shall be used when reasonably available.12.4 A metes and bounds description is to be written in three parts. The firstpart is the heading and will contain the following: the unique parcel numberassigned by DART; the property owners name; city block number whereapplicable; the name of the city and county; the name of the survey and theabstract number. The second part, called the general description, will logicallycompile all the requirements of 12.3, above and will contain the Survey and theAbstract number; the area described by the field notes; the subdivision name,lot and block number, when applicable, citing the appropriate county recordinginformation, official City of Dallas lot and block numbers (sometimes differentfrom addition lot and block numbers). The third part, called the particulardescription, shall logically compile and incorporate calls for the following:• 12.4.1 Monuments, including descriptions as to the type, nature, size,substance or construction material, and as to whether set or found.• 12.4.2 Adjoining property or right-of-way.• 12.4.3 Courses and distances of the survey stating bearings in degrees,minutes, and seconds, and distances in feet and hundredths of feet.• 12.4.4 Appropriate passing calls.• 12.4.5 Parenthetical deed calls where the deed calls significantly differfrom the new survey may be used (or explain differences in a writtenreport.Page 24 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

ooooooo• 12.4.6 The area stated in acres and/or square feet within the specifiedtolerances in Section 8, of this chapter. Generally parcels less than anacre are to be expressed in square feet and parcels larger than an acrewill be expressed in acres shown to three decimal places.• 12.4.7 The source of bearings and coordinate basis.12.5 The point of beginning of any description shall be carefully chosen anddescribed to distinguish the point from any other point. Any other point used tolocate the point of beginning shall be known as a "commencing" point.• 12.5.1 The point of beginning should be the property corner that is themost easily recognized or found by any interested parties.• 12.5.2 When the new point of beginning is not the same as the point ofbeginning called for in the current and valid deed, the old point ofbeginning should be identified or acknowledged by suitable languagewhen passed or located.• 12.5.3 The point of beginning must be located by course and distanceor other locatable methods in relation to established and recognizedrecord monuments.12.6 Any metes and bounds description is written so that the progression ofcourses shall be in a clockwise direction.12.7 The subsequent written courses in the description shall be as brief and yetas explanatory as the author can construct. Brevity shall not cause importantlocative information to be omitted and explanatory phrases shall not enlargethe description to the extent of confusion.12.8 Curved boundaries shall be identified as tangent or non-tangent curvesand sufficient data to locate the curve shall be recited. In all cases thesubtended central (delta) angle, radius, length of curve and chord bearing anddistance must be given as well as the general direction the curve takes.Additional data to assist in locating the curve is desirable such as degree ofcurve by arc or chord definition, tangent lengths, etc., as may be appropriate.12.9 Each metes and bounds description must close, return to the point ofbeginning, and recite the area enclosed within the specified tolerances state.din Section 8, of this chapter.12.10 A statement at the end of the description shall connect the description tothe date of the Land Title Survey, and the map or plat representing that survey.Such statement may be phrased similar to the following example:"This description is based on the Land Title Survey and plat entitled" ", dated prepared by(Name) #Registered ProfessionalLand Surveyor" Also see Applicable TBPLS rules for this subject.12.11 Upon completion of the metes and bounds description, the totaldescription shall be read for correctness and continuity. A separate comparisonof mathematical data regarding the computation sheets, the map, plat ordrawing and the written description shall be made as a check on all work. ThePage 25 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

oooooosurveyor's files shall contain a hard copy of the mathematical closure check ofthe description. DART requires a copy of the mathematical closure calculationsto be provided with the description,12.12 The metes and bounds description shall show the date of the survey,seal, and original signature of the Registered Professional Land Surveyor,12.13 When the survey of the property is provided separately from the writtendescription adequate reference to the survey shall be noted in the writtendescription,12.14 An agreed format and number of certified copies of the description shallbe furnished to DART.12.15 Electronic files will be supplied in a format approved by DART,12.16 DART shall have the ownership of all drawings and files prepared forDART. Reproductions and use in other documents will be at the discretion ofDART,12.17 If Aerial photogrammetry is used for the representation of planimetricfeatures, it shall be noted on the drawings along with the source of theinformation. Critical points shall be verified and a record of the verificationmaintained in the surveyors files.Page 26 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

<strong>Dart</strong> Survey SpecificationsChapter OneError of ClosureConditionChart for Tolerances and Conditions ~ Land Title Survey1UrbanBusinessDistrict1:15,000IIUrban1:10,000IIISurburban1:7,500IVRural1:5,000RemarksWithin a loop or between ControlMonumentsAngular ClosureBearing in relationship to source10" VN"+/- 1 5 sec.15"VN~+/- 20 sec.25" VN"+/- 30 sec.30" VN"+/- 40 sec.N=Number of Angles in the TraverseLinear Distance Accurate toPositional Error of Any MonumentAdjusted Closure of SurveyElevations+/- 0.05 per1,000AC/15,0001:100,000+/- 0.03+/-0.1 per1,000AC/10,0001:75,000+/- 0.05+/-0.15per1,000AC/7,5001:50,000+/-0.10+/- 0.2 per1,000AC/5,0001:50,000+/- 0.2AC = Length of any course in the traverse0.00010.00010.0010.001To 1 0 acres0.0010.0010.010.01To 100- acresCalculation of Area - Accurate &Carried toLocation of improvementsPositional Error mapping & plattingMap Scales0.010.1+/- 0.1 ft1/50N/A0.010.1+/- 0.2 ft1/50N/A0.10.2+/- 0.5 ft1/40N/A0.10.3+/- 1 .0 ft1/40N/ATo 500 acresTo 1 ,000 acresGenerally 1/50 of map scale(scale, 200750=4')As specified by DARTFigure 1 Rev. #12 4/22/03

DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART)Light Rail SystemsSPECIFICATIONSChapter TwoLand Survey SpecificationsSECTION ONE, TYPE: DART Light Rail System, Land Survey SpecificationsDART establishes these standards as the method of choice to standardize the surveysprovided for the acquisition of property by DART. If any of the specifications detailed withinthis document or by reference, [Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyors (TBPLS)and/or Manual of Practice for Land Surveying in the State of Texas" (MOP)] conflict thenthe more restrictive specification shall be used. DART at its discretion may approve lessstringent specifications or require more stringent specifications. However, no actions takenby DART will remove the surveyors' responsibility to adhere to the rules, regulations, andminimum standards of practice as required by TBPLS.SECTION TWO, DEFINITION: A Land Survey is a comprehensive investigation andevaluation of significant factors affecting and influencing boundary locations andownership lines of a certain lot, parcel or quantity of real estate and may include rights ofways and easements within or immediately adjacent to the subject property. A LandSurvey is not conducted for insuring title to the property, but is suitable for most otherpurposes. This survey may or may not locate and illustrate improvements, right of ways oreasements within the property unless requested by DART or where such items appear toindicate encumbrance on the property. The practice of locating land boundaries requiresthe services of a Registered Professional Land Surveyor well versed in the science and artof boundary law and the mechanics of measuring and computing values pertaining to suchsurveys.SECTION THREE, PURPOSES: The purpose of a Land Survey is to establish orreestablish, on the ground, the physical or record location and extent of real property lines,political boundaries or lines defining the perimeters of public or private ownership. Thisincludes exteriors or centerlines of record easements, the evidence indicating thepossibility of prescription or limitation rights, and visible improvements within the site. ALand Survey is a means of marking such lines or boundaries for sufficient definition andidentification. Thereby, it uniquely locates each plot, parcel, lot, or other specific land areaPage 27 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

in relation to well recognized and established points of reference, adjoining properties, andrights of way.o 3.1 Purposes of this specification: This specification is designed to provide forthe typical needs of DART. This specification lists procedures and processesfor determining boundaries, quantity, or area, for preparing a written descriptionor for platting or mapping real estate as a professional service for the public,o 3.2 Land Surveys may include, but are not limited to, the proper location,monumentation, description or platting of the following real estate:• 3.2.1 Residential, commercial and industrial lots, tracts, plots, blocks,sites or subdivisions.• 3.2.2 Acreage tracts for home sites, farms and ranches.• 3.2.3 Public properties such as parks, beaches, lakes, roads, streets,waterways, highways, or building sites.• 3.2.4 Leases for commercial, agricultural or industrial purposes.• 3.2.5 Improved properties for the purpose of locating buildings, utilitiesor other facilities in relation to the property lines.SECTION FOUR, PRODUCT: A Land Survey will produce but not be limited to:o 4.1 Monuments for corners, points of curves or references to property lines ofthe involved land. (See Section 6 of this chapter)o 4.2 A signed, sealed, and dated written description, adequately describing theproperty as depicted on the survey. (See Section 12 of this chapter)o 4.3 A signed, sealed, dated, and certified map or plat clearly depicting thesurvey as made on the ground. (See Section 10 of this chapter)o 4.4 As required, a written report of the surveyor's findings and determinations,o 4.5 Services will meet or exceed the TBPLS PROFESSIONAL ANDTECHNICAL STANDARDS.SECTION FIVE, INFORMATION REQUIRED: Sufficient information to perform the LandSurvey should be furnished by DART or a designee of DART or acquired for DART by thesurveyor at an agreeable fee. DART will generally provide the surveyor information tosurvey the subject property. This and other information necessary to perform the requiredwork should be considered and evaluated by the surveyor. If additional information isrequired, it should be requested from DART or a designee of DART. The following datamust be considered and evaluated by the surveyor with respect to satisfying thesespecifications. Copies of documents relied upon should be maintained in the surveyor'srecords. Also, see TBPLS rules for this subject.o5.1 The most recent recorded instruments which define the location of thesubject, real property (including owner's name, address or names andrecording references).Page 28 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

ooooooooo5.2 The most recent recorded instruments which define the location of thesurrounding, or adjoining, real property (including owners' names, address andrecording references).5.3 The recorded easement or instrument (or unrecorded documents of whichthe surveyor has knowledge) which define the location of adjoining or severingrights of way, particularly highways, roadways, pipelines, or utility corridors anddrainage or flood control waterways (including grantees' names and recordingreferences).5.4 Surface leases (Mineral leases when appropriate).5.5 Permission preferably written to enter and survey on the land will befurnished by DART unless agreed otherwise. Surveying done within an activerailroad right-of-way will require notification to the operating railroad. Protectionincluding the use of a railroad authorized flagman in areas closer than 25 feetfrom an active rail may be required. The surveyor or service provider shallcoordinate activities within the right of way with the operating railroad and beresponsible for all fees associated with safety needs and requirements.5.6 Relevant data regarding special circumstances, such as unrecordedeasements, affidavits to ownership, judgments, or court decrees that mayinfluence the property or ownership lines.5.7 Claims against the property that may influence the location of property orownership lines such as possible limitation, prescriptive rights, apparentintrusions or protrusions of improvements or other parties in possession.5.8 Names of tenants or parties in charge of site i.e. renter, property manager,etc.5.9 Any grant, patent, subdivision plat, historical data covenants, or otherrecorded data that will reference or influence the position of the property lines.5.10 In areas prone to flood, areas in flood plains or floodways certainadditional information may be required. (Note however, inherent inaccuraciesof FEMA or Flood Insurance Rate Maps preclude a surveyor from certifying tothe accuracies of locations based on such maps. Certification to elevationsderived from appropriate benchmarks is not prohibited.)SECTION SIX, MONUMENTS: Monuments set or called for, whether artificial or natural,references or witnesses shall represent the footsteps of the surveyor and his professionalopinion as to the proper location of the point or corner. All monumentation placed by thesurveyor shall meet the monumentation criteria as established by DART or if morerestrictive, the local municipality having jurisdiction over the property. Also, see 663.17 ofthe Professional Land Surveying Practice Act for this subject.o 6.1 Artificial monuments: An artificial monument considered permanent shall beconstrued as any mark or marker of relative permanence that if left undisturbedwill remain in place, for a period of at least 25 years. Monuments must be set atsufficient depth to retain a stable and distinctive location and be of sufficientPage 29 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

size to withstand the deteriorating forces of nature. Monuments shall be set in suchfashion as to remain stable.o 6.1.1 Monument material: Material for monuments shall be chosen in regard toothe terrain and situation that exists at the site of the survey. Considerationshould be given to the following guidelines and to the natural erosive forcesthat will work against the monument for decades to come.• Wooden stakes should only be used with discretion and thenonly for temporary points.• Iron or steel bars or rods for monuments shall be a minimumsize of 1/2" in diameter by 24" long. Longer bars or rods should be usedin soft soil to insure stability of the monument. Where rocky or calichesoils prevent specified lengths, the rod should be driven to refusal atsuch depths where it will remain stable.• Iron pipes for monuments should be a minimum of 1/2" insidediameter and 24" long. Longer pipes shall be used in soft soil to insurestability of the monument. All iron pipes should be sized by the insidediameter. Where rocky or caliche soils prevent specified lengths, ashorter pipe should be driven to refusal at such depths where it willremain stable.• Non-ferrous metal monuments shall be equal to requirementsfor iron rods or iron pipes.• Precast reinforced concrete monuments shall have a precisestation mark such as a center punch or cross embedded in the cap.• Poured in place concrete monuments shall contain a precisestation mark (as in and be reinforced with at least 1/4" or largeriron rods or pipe, (see figures 12-A, 13-A, and 13-B)• Other monumentation such as drill holes, chiseled marks instone, concrete or steel, punch marks, aluminum discs. Etc., shall be ofsufficient size, diameter, or depth to be definitive, stable, and readilyidentified as a survey marker. Objects upon which such marks ormarkers are placed shall be of a stable and permanent nature greaterthan or equal to iron pipes or iron rods.6.1.2 Monument Placement: All monuments for corners, for witness points,points of curve, etc., shall be set vertically whenever possible and shall bereasonably flush with the earth or ground surface. Monuments subject toconstruction damage or total destruction shall be referenced to objects that willsurvive or buried deep enough to offer protection from earth grading ordestructive machinery.Page 30 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

oo6.1.3 Monument Identification: Consideration shall be given to the followingguidelines:• Monuments may be identified by code numbers or letters forbrevity and easy recognition. Monuments may be identified by names ofspecific corners.• Monuments shall be identified by appropriate caps, imprintedwith surveyor's registration number or company/firm name.• The size, shape and substance or construction material of eachmonument shall be duly recorded in the field notes and recited in thesurvey description and noted on the map, plat, or drawing.• When possible, monuments shall be referenced to prominentnearby objects and the information recorded in the description of surveyand depicted on the map, plat or plan of survey.6.2 Natural or physical monuments: Natural monuments are the permanentobjects which are the works of nature such as streams, rivers, ponds, lakes,bays, trees, ledges, rock outcrops, and other definitive terrestrial features.• 6.2.1 Tree for corner: A tree standing at a corner may be marked onlywhen permissible and then shall be marked with care to be reasonablycertain of creating only superficial damage to the tree. Trees will beblazed only when written permission is received from the appropriateauthority, property owner or owners.SECTION SEVEN, CONDITIONS: Surveys under this Category shall be termed a LandSurvey and meet the standards as established. Unless specified otherwise, all LandSurveys will meet the minimum standards of an Urban Business District.SECTION EIGHT, TOLERANCES FOR CONDITIONS: See Section IV, Definitions, andApplications of the Standards and Specifications and in addition refer to the tolerancechart for this Category. Also, refer to the (TBPLS) standards.SECTION NINE, FIELD PROCEDURES: Fieldwork shall be performed in accordance withaccepted technical methods as expressed in standard textbooks on surveying theory,practice, and procedures. Any textbook used for surveying instruction by any accrediteduniversity, college, or junior college in the state of Texas will be considered a satisfactorytext for this purpose. Any person in charge of a survey field party shall be well trained inthese technical aspects of surveying. The Registered Professional Land Surveyor isadditionally charged with the responsibility of adhering to the following requirements: Alsosee applicable TBPLS rules for this subject.o 9.1 Surveying instruments shall be kept in close adjustment according tomanufacturers' specifications or in compliance with textbook standards.o 9.2 Steel tapes (chains) used for precise measurements shall be calibratedoften enough to obtain the tolerance required. Such calibrations shall bePage 31 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

ooooootraceable to the U.S. Bureau of Standards National Institute for Standards andTechnology through appropriate certificates or documentation.9.3 Electronic distance measuring devices shall be calibrated often enough toobtain the tolerances required. Such calibration shall be traceable to the U.S.Bureau of Standards National Institute for Standards and Technology throughappropriate certificates or documentation. It is recommended that EDMs,prisms, and accessories be maintained as a matched set.9.4 Field measurements of angles and distance shall be done in such fashionas to satisfy the closures and tolerances expressed in Section 8, of thischapter.9.5 Where special surveys for vertical or horizontal control are required as abase for a land boundary survey, refer to Categories 7 and 8 of thesespecifications or to relevant, special publications from the U.S. Department ofCommerce, the Department of Interior, or the Department of the Army on thespecial subject matter. These are considered satisfactory texts to defineacceptable field methods. Control by remote sensing or other indirect methodsmay be employed, provided:• 9.5.1 Aerial photogrammetry shall be field checked to sufficiently verifyvalues for any incorporated data;• 9.5.2 Satellite reliant or global positioning system (GPS) control shouldbe performed only by those with the special training, experience andknowledge of GPS and then in accordance with special publications onthe subject and appropriate rules of boundary surveying.9.6 Special consideration shall be afforded the rules of evidence, footsteps ofthe original surveyor, and "dignity of calls" before a decision is made as tolocating on the ground any property, tract, survey, or grant line. The bestevidence and intentions of the parties shall be sought out according toaccepted surveying procedures and as documented in standard textbooks onlegal aspects of surveying. Also, see applicable TBPLS rules for this subject.9.7 Corners or monuments called for in the relevant deeds to the land to besurveyed, including those of adjoining property affecting the location of. theboundaries of the land to be surveyed, shall be physically searched for in amethodical and meticulous fashion. The use of magnetic or electronic locatorsis encouraged and strongly recommended. Each corner or monumentrecovered shall be evaluated as to its agreement by description and locationwith the calls in the relevant deeds.9.8 Easements of record or indications of possible easements that are visiblewithout meticulous searching are to be physically located during the survey.Such items may include, but are limited to, overhead power, telephone orsignal lines, roadbeds, car trails, pipe line routes through timber or pipe linemarkers, buried cable markers or signs, or new excavations. DART shall benotified before additional expenses are incurred due to the searching for non-Page 32 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

oooovisible easements, such as pipelines in open fields, which will require additionalwork and use of special equipment,9.9 Apparent conflicts, protrusions and evidence of prescriptive or limitationrights upon or from the site shall be physically located,9.10 Visible improvements within, along, beside or 10 feet outside the propertylines including buildings, protrusions, wells, roadways, driveways, ponds, tanksor storage facilities, fences, walls, structures, etc., shall be located in relation toa property line, identified and sized,9.11 Information gathered in the field survey relevant to the location of the siteor the improvements shall be furnished to DART or DART's designee in theform of a map, plat, drawing, or report,9.12 Field data shall be gathered to satisfy or exceed the requirements forSection 8, and Section 10 of this chapter.SECTION TEN, PLATS, MAPS AND DRAWINGS: Land Surveys shall be represented inaccordance with DART CADD standards by a reproducible plat, map or drawing at asuitable scale to depict the results and details of the field work, computation, research andrecord information, as compiled and checked. All information depicted or illustrated on theplats, maps or drawings shall be neatly and legibly shown. Also, see applicable TBPLSrules for this subject.o 10.1 Any reasonably stable-base, standard drawing bond paper, mylar or filmof reproducible quality is considered as suitable material for Land Survey plats,oooomaps or drawing,10.2 No plat, map or drawing shall be made on a sheet size smaller than8 1/2" x 11".10.3 Dimensions, bearings, or angles, including curve lengths (see Sec. 12.8 ofthis chapter), radii, and delta angles shall be neatly and legibly shown inrespect to each property or boundary line.10.4 Monuments found shall be labeled as "found", with a brief definitivedescription of the monument as to size, type of material, condition, and what itrepresents.10.5 Monuments set shall be labeled as "set" with a brief definitivedescription of the monument as to size and type of material and what itrepresents.o 10.6 Relevant terrain features, streets, confined watercourses, utilities,improvements and other similar data shall be labeled and dimensioned as tosize, height or width and referenced to the nearest property line or representedby symbol on the map in its proper dimensioned location. Symbols should beclear as to what is represented or should be labeled for identificationindividually or in a separate key to symbols. If the property is withoutimprovements, etc., a statement shall be prominently placed on the map to thateffect.Page 33 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

10.7 Maps, plats or drawings shall show a north arrow. Drawings shall beoriented as nearly as possible so that north is toward the top of the sheetunless otherwise directed by DART or DART designee.10.8 A statement as to the origin of the bearings or angles shall be made oneach plat, map or drawing. All bearings or angles shall refer to a linemonumented on the ground and one of the following:• 10.8.1 Texas State Plane Coordinates (North Central Zone), NAD 1983,1993 adjustment as adopted by DART shall be the basis for allcoordinates, (with the proper zone, theta angle, and traverse ortriangulation station noted).• 10.8.2 A record bearing, or relation thereto, as called for in said record.Also, see applicable TBPLS rules for this subject.10.9 Where the new survey differs materially from prior deed information inregard to course, distance or quantity, DART should be advised of such. Theexisting deed call bearings and dimensions should be shown in parenthesisbeside or on the opposite side of the boundary or property line and designatedas "Deed" or "D". The deed acreage or quantity should be designated as"Deed" or "D" and shown in parenthesis beneath the surveyed acreage orsquare footage. In this case, the deed calls should be plainly referenced by aprominent note as to volume and page or file where the deed is recorded.Unrecorded deeds should be identified by the grantor, grantee and shouldinclude date of execution or delivery. As an alternate to this procedure, orwhere complications occur, the discrepancies, problems, conflicts, ordifferences in call distance and bearing should be explained in a writtensurveyor's report issued to DART along with the plat or drawing. Also, seeapplicable TBPLS rules for this subject.10.10 Where separate intricate details, blowups or inserts are required forclarity, they shall be properly referenced to the portion of the map where theyapply. This applies particularly to overlaps, gores, hiatuses, or nonconformity ofboundary or property lines.10.11 Perimeter limits of cemeteries and burial grounds known or found withinthe premises being surveyed shall be shown by actual location.10.12 Properties, confined water courses, and rights-of-way surrounding,adjoining, penetrating or severing the surveyed site should be identified andlabeled with the recording references. Such reference shall be one thatdescribes and defines the adjoining lines.10.13 Original subdivision, survey, league, or land grant lines shall be shown inthe proper location with pertinent labeling. Sufficient measurements by courseand distance must be shown to at least one of the following: the nearest parenttract corner, block corner, subdivision, survey, league, or land grant corner.Distance to nearest street ROW or road intersection shall be shown.Page 34 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

oooo10.14 DART has adopted the Texas State Plane Coordinates (NorthCentral Zone), NAD 1983, 1993 adjustment, as its standard for allsurveying and mapping for new properties and designs. This datum willbe maintained and used for all future extensions of the Light Rail System.Refer to Section IV Definitions and Applications of the Standards andSpecifications for specifics.• 10.14.1 All coordinates shall relate to DART datum and be surfacecoordinates.• 10.14.2 All coordinates refer to Texas State Plane Coordinates (NorthCentral Zone), NAD 1983, 1993 adjustment, (North Central Zone, thereference DART monumentation, traverse or triangulation station(s) andthe published coordinates of the station(s).• 10.14.3 Complete description of DART Control Monumentation used.• Example; Texas State Plane Coordinates, NorthCentral Zone, NAD 1983, 1993 Adjustment• Source information for coordinates, i.e., DART ControlMonuments # , & , with publishedvalues for the control.• The appropriate scale or grid factor(s), (1.000136506)shall be shown on the map along with a note that all distancesand coordinates are surface values.10.15 Line weights, or width of drawn lines, should be chosen to distinguish thesurveyed site from other surrounding real estate, county, original grant orsurvey lines and in compliance with DART CADD criteria.10.16 Any elevations shown on the map in the form of spot elevations orcontours must be in reference to the DART vertical datum. A statement as tobasis of elevations shall be made on the map similar to the following example:• Example #1.• Elevations and contours are based upon DART ControlMonument # , mean sea level (NAVD 88 etc.). Publishedelevation = . Feet.10.17 Each plat, map, or drawing shall show the name, firm name, and addressand phone number of the Registered Professional Land Surveyor responsiblefor the survey, separate or as a part of the title block. The title block shallshow:• 10.17.1 Land Survey (Caption).• 10.17.2 General description of the property.• 10.17.3 The date the field portion of the survey was completed shall bestated. The date of the survey should be identified as the date fieldworkis complete, the date research is complete, or the date of the surveyor'ssignature. Any or all dates shall be used.• 10.17.4 Revisions shall be dated in a manner approved by DART todistinguish each revision from the previous submittal.Page 35 of 91 Rev. #12 4/22/03

oooo• 10.17.5 The stated scale of the drawing with a graphic scale displayed.• 10.17.6 The street address of the site, if known.• 10.17.7 The DART name and logo.10.18 When a description of the property surveyed is provided separately,adequate reference to the description shall be noted on the survey. See section663.19.9 of the Professional Land Surveying Practices Act. If a report consistsof more than one part, each part shall note the existence of the other part orparts.• Example• A property description entitled " " datedwas prepared in connection with this survey.10.19 DART shall be furnished an electronic copy and drawing in the agreedformat and number,10.20 DART requires a copy of the mathematical closure calculations beprovided with the survey or plat.10.21 An original or reproducible copy of the survey map, plat, or drawing shallbe retained by the surveyor in his files. DART shall be furnished an agreednumber of the survey map, plat, or drawing.SECTION ELEVEN, CERTIFICATION: The certification for each Land survey plat must besigned and sealed by the Registered Surveyor responsible for the Survey. The form andcontent of the certification must be approved by DART. See Section 11 of chapter, one ofthis manual for an example. Also, see TBPLS rules applicable to this subject.SECTION TWELVE, DESCRIPTIONS: A description written to describe a surveyed lot,parcel or quantity of land must provide the information to properly locate the land on theground and distinctly set it aside from all other lands: Also see 663.19 of the ProfessionalLand Surveying Practices Act for this subject.o 12.1 When the surveyed property's dimensions, boundaries and area are inagreement with the existing recorded deed or platted calls, the aliquot methodregarding subdivisions of rectangular surveys or the plat method, involving, lot,block and subdivision may be used to describe the property,o 12.2 Where any significant difference appears between the recordeddescription and the new survey, a metes and bounds description shall bemade.o 12.3 Basic information to be conveyed in any description will consist of thegeneral location of the property in relation to the parent tract, established andrecorded subdivisions, surveys, leagues or other original land divisions, theabstract number or numbers of such original land divisions and the name of thecounty in which the surveyed land is situated. Street addresses for small tractsor lots shall be used when reasonably available.o 12.4 A metes and bounds description is to be written in three parts. The firstpart is the heading and will contain the following: the unique parcel numberPage 36 of 91 Rev. #12 4/22/03

ooooassigned by DART; the property owners name; city block number whereapplicable; the name of the city and county; the name of the survey and theabstract number. The second part, called the general description, will logicallycompile all the requirements of 12.3, above and will contain the Survey and theAbstract number; the area described by the field notes; the subdivision name,lot and block number, when applicable, citing the appropriate county recordinginformation, official City of Dallas lot and block numbers (sometimes differentfrom addition lot and block numbers). The third part, called the particulardescription, shall logically compile and incorporate calls for the following:• 12.4.1 Monuments, including descriptions as to the type, nature, size,substance or construction material, and as to whether set or found.• 12.4.2 Adjoining property or right-of-way.• 12.4.3 Courses and distances of the survey stating bearings in degrees,minutes, and seconds, and distances in feet and hundredths of feet.• 12.4.4 Appropriate passing calls.• 12.4.5 Parenthetical deed calls where the deed calls significantly differfrom the new survey may be used. (Or explain differences in a writtenreport.• 12.4.6 The area stated in acres, and/or square feet, within the specifiedtolerances in Section 8, of this chapter. Generally parcels less than anacre, are to be expressed in square feet and parcels larger than an acrewill be expressed in acres.• 12.4.7 The source of bearings and coordinate basis.12.5 The point of beginning of any description shall be carefully chosen anddescribed to distinguish the point from any other point. Any other point used tolocate the point of beginning shall be known as a "commencing" point.• 12.5.1 The point of beginning should be the property corner that is themost easily recognized or found by any interested parties.• 12.5.2 When the new point of beginning is not the same as the point ofbeginning called for in the current and valid deed, the old point ofbeginning should be identified or acknowledged by suitable languagewhen passed or located.• 12.5.3 The point of beginning must be located by course and distanceor other locatable methods in relation to established and recognizedrecord monuments.12.6 All metes and bounds description shall be written so that the progressionof courses is in a clockwise direction,12.7 The subsequent written courses in the description shall be as brief and yetas explanatory as the author can construct. Brevity shall not cause importantlocative information to be omitted and explanatory phrases shall not enlargethe description to the extent of confusion,12.8 Curved boundaries shall be identified as tangent or non-tangent curvesand sufficient data to locate the curve shall be recited. In all cases thePage 37 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

ooooooooosubtended central (delta) angle, radius, length of curve and chord bearing anddistance must be given as well as the general direction the curve takes.Additional data to assist in locating the curve is desirable such as degree ofcurve by arc or chord definition, tangent lengths, etc., as may be appropriate,12.9 Each metes and bounds description must close, return to the point ofbeginning, and recite the area enclosed within the specified tolerances statedin Section 8, of this chapter,12.10 A statement at the end of the description shall connect the description tothe date of the Land Survey, and the map or plat representing that survey.Such statement may be phrased similar to the following example:"This description is based on the Land Survey and plat entitled" ", dated prepared by(Name) #Registered ProfessionalSurveyor" Also see Applicable TBPLS rules for this subject12.11 Upon completion of the metes and bounds description, the totaldescription shall be read for correctness and continuity. A separate comparisonof mathematical data regarding the computation sheets, the map, plat ordrawing and the written description shall be made as a check on all work. Thesurveyor's files shall contain a hard copy of the mathematical closure check ofthe description.DART requires a copy of the mathematical closurecalculations to be provided with the description,12.12 The metes and bounds description shall show the date of the survey,seal, and original signature of the Registered Professional Land Surveyor,12.13 When the survey of the property is provided separately from the writtendescription adequate reference to the survey shall be noted in the writtendescription,12.14 An agreed number of certified copies of the description shall be furnishedto DART.12.15 Electronic files will be supplied in a format approved by DART,12.16 DART shall have the ownership of all drawings and files prepared forDART. Reproductions and use in other documents will be at the discretion ofDART,12.17 If Aerial photogrammetry is used for the representation of planimetricfeatures, it shall be noted on the drawings along with the source of theinformation. Critical points shall be verified and a record of the verificationmaintained in the surveyors files.Page 38 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

<strong>Dart</strong> Survey SpecificationsChapter TwoError of ClosureConditionChart for Tolerances and Conditions ~ Land Survey1 II III IVUrbanBusinessDistrict1:15,000Urban1:10,000Surburban1:7,500Rural1:5,000RemarksWithin a loop or between ControlMonumentsAngular ClosureBearing in relationship to source10" VhT+/- 15 sec.15"VN~+/- 20 sec.25" VR"+/- 30 sec.30" VKT+/- 40 sec.N^Number of Angles in the TraverseLinear Distance Accurate toPositional Error of Any MonumentAdjusted Closure of SurveyElevationsCalculation of Area - Accurate &Carried toLocation of improvementsPositional Error mapping & plattingMap Scales+/- 0.05 per1,000AC/15,0001:100,000+/- 0.030.00010.0010.010.1+/- 0.1 ft1/50N/A+/- 0.1 per1,000AC/10,0001:75,000+/- 0.050.00010.0010.010.1+/- 0.2 ft1/50N/A+/-0.15per1,000AC/7,5001:50,000+/-0.100.0010.010.10.2+/- 0.5 ft1/40N/A+/- 0.2 per1,000AC/5,0001:50,000+/- 0.20.0010.010.10.3+/- 1 .0 ft1/40N/AAC = Length of any course in the traverseTo 1 0 acresTo 1 00 acresTo 500 acresTo 1 ,000 acresGenerally 1/50 of map scale(scale, 200750=4')As specified by DARTFigure 2 Rev. #12 4/22/03

DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART)Light Rail SystemsSPECIFICATIONSChapter ThreeRoute Survey SpecificationsSECTION ONE, TYPE: DART Light Rail System, Route Survey SpecificationsDART establishes these standards as the method of choice to standardize the surveysprovided for the acquisition of property by DART. If any of the specifications detailed withinthis document or by reference, [Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyors (TBPLS)and/or Manual of Practice for Land Surveying in the State of Texas" (MOP)] conflict thenthe more restrictive specification shall be used. DART at its discretion may approve lessstringent specifications or require more stringent specifications. However, no actions takenby DART will remove the surveyors' responsibility to adhere to the rules, regulations, andminimum standards of practice as required by TBPLS.SECTION TWO, DEFINITION: A Route Survey is defined as being the required serviceand product that adequately locates an existing right of way or adequately locates theplanned path of a linear project or right of way which crosses a prescribed area of realestate, extending from at least one known point and turning or terminating at anotherknown point. Adequate location shall mean substantial compliance with the conditions andtolerances expressed in this standard. A route survey, which re-defines an existing right ofway or defines new or proposed boundaries, shall be conducted as a boundary surveyand must adhere to the rules, regulations arid the "Minimum Standards of Practice"as required by the "Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyors" (TBPLS) in theProfessional Land Surveying Practices Act. Also, refer to the "Manual of Practice for LandSurveying in the State of Texas" (MOP).SECTION THREE, PURPOSES: A Route Survey is usually required for the planning of aright of way, the acquisition of fee or easement property and for eventual constructionlayout work. The locations of the facilities within the right of way are often held in respectto the centerline or a right of way of the route. A Route Survey is made on the ground toprovide for the location of right of way lines, a centerline, baseline or other reference linesin relation to property lines and terrain features.o 3.1 Route Surveys shall include but are not limited to the proper location,monumentation, and description or platting of the following routes.• 3.1.1 Light rail and commuter rail lines.• 3.1.2 Associated linear improvements.Page 39 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

• Transmission lines for communications, fuel, chemical,water and electrical needs.• Canals, waterways, storm drainage systems, sanitarysewer systems, and wastewater systems.• Grading or slope easements, sight easements, air spaceeasements, ingress and egress easements.SECTION FOUR, PRODUCT: A Route Survey shall produce, but not be limited to:o 4.1 A signed, sealed, dated and certified route map depicting the survey asmade on the ground. The route map may be enhanced by a scale-ratio ororthophoto mosaic aerial photo background to effectively show terrain details.Aerial information incorporated into a survey will be verified on the ground asbeing adequate to meet the needs of the survey,o 4.2 Signed and sealed written descriptions of each segment of the route orright of way crossing separate ownership tracts,o 4.3 Computational data such as the coordinate values of monuments, points ofintersection, reference monuments, etc., which may provide for further study,construction layout or reroute of the project when necessary,o 4.4 Monuments as required for a project shall be consistent with DARTrequirements and/or the requirements as established herein and the rules ofTBPLS and as contained in the MOP.SECTION FIVE, INFORMATION REQUIRED: Sufficient information to perform the RouteSurvey may be furnished by DART or a designee of DART or acquired by the surveyor ifrequested by DART. The following data will generally be provided by DART, or a designeeof DART. This and other information necessary to perform the required work should beconsidered and evaluated by the surveyor. Following is a list of information andrequirements that may be used and considered when performing route surveys:o 5.1 A suitably marked preliminary route map on a reliable base such as a goodquality commercial ownership map, a U. S. Geological Survey Map or othersimilar maps of private origin.o 5.2 A set of recent aerial photographs covering the proposed route,o 5.3 The most recent recorded instruments describing and locating the landinvolved with the route, being certain to include adjoiners on both sides of theproposed route.o 5.4 The recorded easements or instrument (or unrecorded documents of whichthe surveyor has knowledge) which define the location of adjoining severingrights of way, particularly highways, roadways, pipelines, or utility corridors anddrainage or flood control waterways (including grantees' names and recordingreferences).o 5.5 Any grant, patent, subdivision plat, historical data or other recorded datathat will influence the position or description of the proposed route.Page 40 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

oo5.6 Written permission to enter and survey on the land will be provided byDART. Surveying done within an active railroad right-of-way will requirenotification to the operating railroad. Protection including the use of a railroadauthorized flagman in areas closer than 25 feet from an active rail may berequired. The surveyor or service provider shall coordinate activities within theright of way with the operating railroad and be responsible for all feesassociated with safety needs and requirements.5.7 Names of tenants or parties known to be in charge of the properties i.e.,caretakers, or property managers.SECTION SIX, MONUMENTS: Monuments, references or witnesses, set or called for,whether artificial or natural, shall represent the footsteps of the surveyor and hisprofessional opinion as to proper location of the point or corner. All monumentationplaced by the surveyor shall meet the monumentation criteria as established byDART or if more restrictive, the local municipality having jurisdiction over the property.Also, see applicable TBPLS rules for this subject. (See 12-A, 13-A, and 13-B at the end ofthis Manual)Monuments set by the surveyor must be of sufficient size, depth and durability to remainstable, readily locatable and identifiable, and be considered permanent. For more detailsrefer to the Section IX of the Standards and Specification Section and Chapter 2, Section6 on monuments as contained in this manual. See TBPLS rules applicable to this subject(see figures 12-A, 13-A, and 13-B).ooooo6.1 All monuments, rebars, iron pins, of other types of markers set or found willbe on the DART datum, unless specified otherwise by DART,6.2 All Monuments or others types of markers set for property corners will meetthe minimum requirements of the local municipality or DART requirements,whichever is more restrictive, unless prohibited by the local municipality,6.3 Due to the unique nature of Route Surveys, it may be appropriate to placeadditional monumentation along the right of way to identify the limits,6.4 All control set or found, to be used for aerial mapping, traditional groundmapping or construction of improvements will be on the DART datum andinclude the vertical component, unless specified otherwise by DART,6.5 All control used for construction of improvements, the raw data prior toadjustment (i.e. 1:50,000), must be satisfactory for the intended purpose. Referto the appropriate specifications for Horizontal and Vertical Control contained inthese standards.SECTION SEVEN, CONDITIONS: Unless instructed otherwise by DART, the route surveyshould be conducted in manner that will insure results that meet at least the minimumprecision and tolerances as prescribed for an "Urban Business District, Condition I" Surveyas defined by Section III E.1 as contained in the MOP. See TBPLS rules applicable to thissubject.Page 41 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

SECTION EIGHT, TOLERANCES FOR CONDITIONS: See Section III.O Tolerances inthe "Standards" section of the MOP and refer to the Tolerance Chart for Category 1A, ascontained in the MOP. See TBPLS rules applicable to this subject.SECTION NINE, FIELD PROCEDURES: Refer to Category 1A, Section 9 and Category 2,Section 9, as contained in the MOP; in addition the following requirements shall apply:Also see TBPLS rules applicable to this subject.oo9.1 All proposed routes or rights of way shall be located in respect to physicaland record objects found or set on the ground.• 9.1.1 Property line fences and property or fence corners shall bephysically tied with side measurements and angles or bearings.• 9.1.2 Areas within which improvements are to be located shall bedetermined by DART. No area limit is set for locating pertinent propertylines or corners. It is expected that additional evidence beyond thecorridor will be used to establish or reestablish the correct location ofthe right of way or route being surveyed• 9.1.3 Major terrain features, such as rivers, creeks, lakes, highways,permanent improvements, physical objects or structures such asbuildings, wells, canals, power lines, railroads, signal lines, culverts andbridges etc., shall be located by measurements as referenced to theplanned route as noted on the tolerance chart.9.2 Unless requested by DART no profiles will be compiled as a part of theRoute Survey. However, should DART request profiles the following will apply:• 9.2.1 Aerial photogrammetry may provide adequate information toproduce profiles with limited ground control. Care should be taken intrying to provide surveys to be used for design or to do earthworkquantities from aerial photography. Generally, only 90 percent of theelevations are accurate to within one-half of a contour interval.• 9.2.2 Regardless of the intended use, elevations should be spotchecked to avoid unpredictable, significant errors, especially whengathered from any source other than properly closed differential levelingprocedures.SECTION TEN, PLATS, MAPS, AND DRAWINGS: A plat shall be prepared to representthe information gathered during a Route Survey. The method of display may be in multisheetform or as specified by DART. The drawings will be in the DART specified formatand adhere to DART CADD standards. Complete electronic files in addition to prints willbe required. All information depicted or illustrated on the plats, maps or drawings shall beneatly and legibly shown. See TBPLS rules applicable to this subject.o 10.1 Dimensions and bearings shall be neatly and legibly shown in respect to eachangle point, point of curve or tangent and property or right of way lines intersected.The minimum curve data required is; radius, arc length, general direction of curvePage 42 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

and the bearing and length of the long chord. Additional curve information asrequired for clarity shall be provided. Any curve that is non-tangent shall be solabeled.o 10.2 All monuments found and used to establish the property boundaries willbe illustrated, identified and referenced or related precisely to the propertyboundaries on the plat. Additionally monuments set will be illustrated, identifiedand referenced or related precisely to the property boundaries.o 10.3 Parcels or tracts of land affected by the route survey shall be identified bytheir legal description, the current record owner and the recording data of thelocating instrument.o 10.4 The Point of Beginning for each parcel will be clearly depicted on the platand agree with the description.o 10.5 The Registered Surveyor may, in addition to the drawings, prepare aReport of Survey (separate narrative), if in his professional opinion, it is neededto further clarify issues related to the survey. DART or a DART designee mayrequest a Report of Survey if it is required to clarify the survey.SECTION ELEVEN, CERTIFICATION: The certification for each route survey plat must besigned and sealed by the Registered Surveyor responsible for the Route Survey. The formand content of the certification must be approved by DART. See Section 11 of Category1 A, as contained in the MOP. Also, see TBPLS rules applicable to this subject.SECTION TWELVE, DESCRIPTIONS: A description written to describe a route or right ofway survey must provide the information to properly locate the particular strip of land onthe ground and distinctly set it aside from all other lands. All information shall comply withor exceed the tolerances explained in Section 8 and Section 12, as contained in the MOP.Also, see TBPLS rules applicable to this subject.o 12.1 All parcel takings will include a special parcel identifier number asprovided by DART.• 12.1.1 The form and style of the description must be approved byDART.• 12.1.2 Calls for monuments along the route, set, replaced or foundand their exact relationship to the property boundaries.Page 43 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

<strong>Dart</strong> Survey SpecificationsChapter ThreeError of ClosureConditionChart for Tolerances and Conditions - Route Survey1 II III IVUrbanBusinessDistrict1:15,000Urban1:10,000Surburban1:7,500Rural1:5,000RemarksWithin a loop or between ControlMonumentsAngular ClosureBearing in relationship to source10"VNT+/- 1 5 sec.15" VFT+/- 20 sec.25" VR"+/- 30 sec.30">/N"+/- 40 sec.N=Number of Angles in the TraverseLinear Distance Accurate toPositional Error of Any MonumentAdjusted Closure of SurveyElevationsCalculation of Area - Accurate &Carried toLocation of improvementsLocations of ImprovementsOutside ROW Lines withinPositional Error mapping & plattingMap Scales+/- 0.05 per1,000AC/15,0001:100,000+/- 0.030.00010.0010.010.1+/- 0.1 ft100'1/50N/A+/- 0.1 per1,000AC/10,0001:75,000+/- 0.050.00010.0010.010.1+/- 0.2 ft100'1/50N/A+/-0.15per1,000AC/7,5001:50,000+/-0.100.0010.010.10.2+/- 0.5 ft200'1/40N/A+/- 0.2 per1,000AC/5,0001:50,000+/- 0.20.0010.010.10.3+/- 1 .0 ft500'1/40N/AAC = Length of any course in the traverseTo 10 acresTo 1 00 acresTo 500 acresTo 1 ,000 acresGenerally 1/50 of map scale(scale, 200750=4')As specified by DARTFigure 3 Rev. #12 4/22/03

DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART)Light Rail SystemsSPECIFICATIONSChapter FourLocative Survey SpecificationsSECTION ONE, TYPE: DART Light Rail System, Locative Survey Specifications.DART establishes these standards as the method of choice to standardize the surveysprovided for any Locative Survey as required by DART. If any of the specifications detailedherein or by reference, [Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyors (TBPLS) and/orManual of Practice for Land Surveying in the State of Texas" (MOP)] conflict then themore restrictive specification shall be used. DART at its discretion may approve lessstringent specifications or require more stringent specifications. However, no actions takenby DART will remove the surveyors' responsibility to adhere to the rules, regulations, andminimum standards of practice as required by TBPLS in the Professional Land SurveyingPractices Act.SECTION TWO, DEFINITION: A Locative Survey is defined as being the required serviceand product that adequately defines the position of structures, facilities or improvementson a construction project in relation to the boundaries of the site. The location process maybe termed a layout or stakeout survey. A Location Survey may evolve into or be a part of aConstruction Survey (see chapter 5), but differs from a Construction Survey in that theLocation Survey is not necessarily followed up by the continuous or periodic observation ofthe site during the construction process.SECTION THREE, PURPOSES: A Location Survey is used to define the proposedposition of structures, facilities or improvements on a construction project. It is used toinstall reference stakes, markers, monuments, construction base lines, benchmarks, gradestakes, etc. The information provided is used to define or control the proposed positions ofvarious improvements such as, buildings, structures, rail, walls, utilities, fences or otherimprovements in relation to the site's boundary or property lines. The purpose of theLocation Survey is to establish locations on the site and provide the details to DART.DART may choose to use another party for the construction phase.Page 44 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

SECTION FOUR, PRODUCT: A Location Survey shall produce, but not be limited to:ooo4.1 Sufficient stakes, monuments or control established on the ground tocontrol the location or construction of the associated improvements, (withoffsets when appropriate), clearly identified and placed to minimize thepossibility of compromise or destruction through the construction process,4.2 A signed, sealed, and dated map, depicting the subject property perimeterand the relative position of the stakes, monuments or control established withsufficient identifying information. This information shall be compiled in a logicalformat approved by DART.4.3 Computational data such as the coordinate values of monuments (threedimensions when appropriate), points of intersection, reference monuments,etc., which will be used for construction layout.SECTION FIVE, INFORMATION REQUIRED: Sufficient information to perform theLocation Survey shall be furnished by DART or a designee of DART. The following datawill generally be provided by DART, or a designee of DART. This and other informationnecessary to perform the required work should be considered and evaluated by thesurveyor:oo5.1 A complete set of the approved construction plans or drawings showing theimprovements to be constructed along with all pertinent information necessaryto complete this task. This may include a current survey of site, existing control,vertical information, completion dates, site contact data, etc.5.2 In the event a current survey is not available, DART will provide a LandSurvey to establish the boundaries prior to completing this taskSECTION SIX, MONUMENTS, CONTROL: Markers, references points and monumentsfor a Location Survey may vary from temporary control (i.e., hubs, lath, rebar) topermanent control (i.e., rebar, monuments, concrete monuments, piers, beams, etc.).o 6.1 Stakes, hubs and laths shall be used for temporary control only and inareas subject to compromise or destruction during the related constructionactivities. These items may be used to reference more important permanentcontrol.o 6.2 Reference, baseline and permanent control should be planned and placedin locations that are convenient to the construction activities but affordreasonable protection from compromise or destruction during the constructionprocess.o 6.3 Permanent monuments or control shall be clearly marked and identifiedand when possible will be aluminum discs with the center point punched. Allpermanent control will be located with a high degree of precision and accuracyPage 45 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

and comply with the appropriate standards as specified in chapters 7 & 8included in this chapter (see figures 12-A, 13-A, and 13-B).SECTION SEVEN, CONDITIONS: Unless instructed otherwise by DART, the surveyshould be conducted in a manner that will insure results that meet at least the precisionand tolerances as prescribed for a "DART 1 st Order" Survey as defined by the attached"Chart for Tolerances and Conditions" at the end of Chapter Three. See TBPLS rulesapplicable to this subject and MOP specifications.SECTION EIGHT, TOLERANCES FOR CONDITIONS: See "Chart for Tolerances andConditions" as attached at the end of this chapter and refer to tolerance chart for DART 1 stOrder.oSection III O Tolerances in the "Standards" section and refer to the ToleranceChart for Category 1A, as contained in the MOP. See TBPLS rules applicableto this subject and MOP specifications.SECTION NINE, FIELD PROCEDURES: Fieldwork shall be performed in accordance withaccepted technical methods as expressed in standard textbooks on surveying theory,practice, and procedures. In addition, the service provider shall be familiar with currentpublications of standards and specifications for Control Surveys, as published by statesurvey boards, ASCM and affiliates, and the U.S. Federal Government. Any person incharge of a survey field party shall be well trained in these technical aspects of controlsurveying. The Registered Professional Land Surveyor is additionally charged with theresponsibility of adhering to the following requirements:o 9.1 Surveying instruments shall be kept in close adjustment according tomanufacturers' specifications or in compliance with textbook standards. Serviceprovider should see that all equipment used meets the minimum instrumentspecifications necessary to provide the level of accuracy required.o 9.2 Steel tapes (chains) used for precise measurements shall be calibratedooooften enough to obtain the tolerance required. Such calibrations shall betraceable to the U.S. Bureau of Standards National Institute for Standards andTechnology through appropriate certificates or documentation.9.3 Electronic distance measuring devices shall be calibrated often enough toobtain the tolerances required, approximately every six (6) months. Suchcalibration shall be traceable to the U.S. Bureau of Standards National Institutefor Standards and Technology through appropriate certificates ordocumentation. It is recommended that EDMs, prisms, and accessories bemaintained as a matched set.9.4 Field measurements of angles and distance shall be done in such fashionas to satisfy the closures and tolerances expressed within this chapter,9.5 All fieldwork shall contain sufficient checks and redundancies to minimizeor eliminate errors or blunders.Page 46 of 91 Rev. #12 4/22/03

• 9.5.1 Horizontal control set radially, shall be established from a pointcontained within a closed traverse and subsequently re-located from adifferent control point within the closed traverse as a check.» 9.5.2 All vertical will be part of a closed loop and will be verified againsta minimum of two (2) vertical control points.9.6 Control set at specific offsets from the corners of building, structures orother improvements that are controlled by setback requirements or limitationsshall be tied to the property, boundary or base lines from which the reservationis ascribed.9.7 Locative fieldwork shall correspond to the design plans as provided. Anyirregularities or conflicts discovered shall be reported to DART or a designee ofDART.9.8 Field work shall be gathered in a manner to satisfy or exceed therequirements for Section 8, Tolerances and Section 10, Plats, Maps andDrawings9.9 Refer to Chapter 7 Horizontal Control Surveys & Chapter 8 VerticalControl Surveys should these categories be a part of the Location Survey.SECTION TEN, PLATS, MAPS, AND DRAWINGS: A plat shall be prepared to representthe information gathered during a Location Survey. The method of display may be in multisheetform or as specified by DART. The drawings will be in the DART specified formatand adhere to DART CADD standards. All information depicted or illustrated on the plats,maps or drawings shall be neatly and legibly shown. Complete electronic files in additionto prints will be required.o 10.1 A signed, sealed, and dated map, depicting the subject property perimeterand the relative position of the stakes, monuments or control established withsufficient identifying information. This information shall be compiled in a logicalformat approved by DART.o 10.2 Computational data for all monuments used for construction layout shallinclude; coordinate values (three dimensions when appropriate), monumentdescriptions, ties to reference monuments, etc., including a statement of theDART Control used.o 10.3 Dimensions, bearings, coordinates, etc., shall be neatly and legibly shownin respect to each proposed improvement, facility or structure and the propertyboundaries,o 10.4 All property line monuments or other monuments found shall beillustrated, identified and labeled as "found" and completely described,o 10.5 All markers, stakes or monuments set shall be illustrated, identified andlabeled as "set" and completely described.o 10.6 Relevant streets or other physical features may be illustrated on the plansas requested or needed for illustrative or locative purposes.Page 47 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

SECTION ELEVEN, CERTIFICATION: The certification for each Location Survey plat, ifrequired, shall be signed and sealed by the Registered Surveyor responsible for theSurvey. The form and content of the certification must be approved by DART. Also, seeTBPLS rules applicable to this subject.SECTION TWELVE, DESCRIPTIONS: This section is not appropriate for this category orchapter.Page 48 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART)Light Rail SystemsSPECIFICATIONSChapter FiveConstruction Survey SpecificationsSECTION ONE, TYPE: DART Light Rail System, Construction Survey Specifications:DART establishes these standards as the method of choice to standardize the surveysprovided for any Construction Survey as required by DART. If any of the specificationsdetailed herein or by reference, [Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyors (TBPLS)and/or Manual of Practice for Land Surveying in the State of Texas" (MOP)] conflict thenthe more restrictive specification shall be used. DART at its discretion may approve lessstringent specifications or require more stringent specifications. However, no actions takenby DART will remove the surveyors' responsibility to adhere to the rules, regulations, andminimum standards of practice as required by TBPLS in the Professional Land SurveyingPractices Act.SECTION TWO, DEFINITION: A Construction Survey is defined as being the requiredservice and product that adequately defines the position of structures, facilities orimprovements on a construction project in relation to the boundaries of the site. TheConstruction Survey shall include measurements made prior to or while construction isongoing to control the horizontal position, vertical position, dimensions and configurationsor proposed improvements and if required following construction to obtain measurementsand information to compute pay quantities and "as-built" conditions. A Construction Surveymay follow or be in lieu of a Location Survey. Construction surveying requires theexpertise and skill of a professional well trained in maintaining accuracy, precision,efficiency, measuring and computing values, quantities for construction.SECTION THREE, PURPOSES: A Construction Survey is used to define the proposedposition of structures, facilities or improvements on a construction project. It is used toinstall reference stakes, markers, monuments, construction base lines, benchmarks, gradestakes, etc. The information provided is used to define or control the proposed positions ofvarious improvements such as, buildings, structures, rail, walls, utilities, fences or otherimprovements in relation to the site's centerline, baseline, boundary or property lines.Page 49 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

SECTION FOUR, PRODUCT: A Construction Survey shall produce, but not be limited to:ooo4.1 Sufficient stakes, monuments or control established on the ground tocontrol the location or construction of the associated improvements, (withoffsets when appropriate), clearly identified and placed to minimize thepossibility of compromise or destruction through the construction process,4.2 A signed, sealed, and dated map, depicting the subject property perimeterand the relative position of the stakes, monuments or control established withsufficient identifying information. This information shall be compiled in a logicalformat approved by DART.4.3 Computational data such as the coordinate values of monuments (threedimensions when appropriate), points of intersection, reference monuments,etc., which will be used for construction layout.SECTION FIVE, INFORMATION REQUIRED: Sufficient information to perform theconstruction Survey shall be furnished by DART or a designee of DART. The followingdata will generally be provided by DART, or a designee of DART. This and otherinformation necessary to perform the required work should be considered and evaluatedby the surveyor:o 5.1 A complete set of the approved construction plans or drawings showing theimprovements to be constructed along with all pertinent information necessaryoto complete this task. This may include a current survey of the site, existingcontrol, vertical information, completion dates, site contact data, etc.5.2 In the event a current survey is not available, DART will provide a LandSurvey to establish the boundaries prior to completing this task.SECTION SIX, MONUMENTS, CONTROL: Markers, reference points and monuments fora Construction Survey may vary from temporary control (i.e., hubs, lath, rebar) topermanent control (i.e., rebar, monuments, concrete monuments, piers, beams, etc.).o 6.1 Stakes, hubs and lath shall be used for temporary control only and in areasoosubject to compromise or destruction during the related construction activities.These items may be used to reference more important permanent control,6.2 Reference, baseline and permanent control should be planned and placedin locations that are convenient to the construction activities but affordreasonable protection from compromise or destruction during the constructionprocess.6.3 Permanent monuments or control shall be clearly marked and identifiedand capable of being located with a standard surveying metal detector. Whenpossible the monument will be an aluminum or bronze disc with the centerpoint punched. All permanent control will be located with a high degree orprecision and accuracy and comply with the appropriate standards as specifiedin chapters 7 & 8 included in this chapter.Page 50 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

SECTION SEVEN, CONDITIONS: Unless instructed otherwise by DART, the surveyshould be conducted in manner that will insure results that meet at least the precision andtolerances as prescribed for a "DART 1 st Order" Survey as defined by the attached "Chartfor Tolerances and Conditions" at the end of chapter three. See TBPLS rules applicable tothis subject and MOP specifications.SECTION EIGHT, TOLERANCES FOR CONDITIONS: See "Chart for Tolerances andConditions" as attached at the end of chapter three and refer to tolerance chart for DART1 st Order.o Section III O Tolerances in the "Standards" section and also refer to theTolerance Chart for Category 1A, as contained in the MOP. See TBPLS rulesapplicable to this subject and MOP specifications.SECTION NINE, FIELD PROCEDURES: Fieldwork shall be performed in accordance withaccepted technical methods as expressed in standard textbooks on surveying theory,practice, and procedures. In addition, the service provider shall be familiar with currentpublications of standards and specifications for Control Surveys, as published by the statesurvey board, ASCM and affiliates, and the U.S. Federal Government. Any person incharge of survey field personnel shall be well trained in these technical aspects of controlsurveying. The Registered Professional Land Surveyor is additionally charged with theresponsibility of adhering to the following requirements:o 9.1 Surveying instruments shall be kept in close adjustment according tomanufacturers' specifications or in compliance with textbook standards. Serviceprovider should see that all equipment used will produce the level of accuracyrequired.o 9.2 Steel tapes (chains) used for precise measurements shall be calibratedoften enough to obtain the tolerance required. Such calibrations shall beoootraceable to the U.S. Bureau of Standards National Institute for Standards andTechnology through appropriate certificates or documentation,9.3 Electronic distance measuring devices shall be calibrated often enough toobtain the tolerances required, approximately every six (6) months. Suchcalibration shall be traceable to the U.S. Bureau of Standards National Institutefor Standards and Technology through appropriate certificates ordocumentation. It is recommended that EDMs, prisms, and accessories bemaintained as a matched set.9.4 Field measurements of angles and distance shall be done in such fashionas to satisfy the closures and tolerances expressed herein,9.5 All fieldwork shall contain sufficient checks and redundancies to minimizeor eliminate errors or blunders.• 9.5.1 Horizontal control set radially, shall be established from a pointcontained within a closed traverse and subsequently re-located from aPage 51 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

ooodifferent control point within the closed traverse as a check a minimumof three control points will be used in the verification process.• 9.5.2 All vertical control will be part of a closed loop and will be verifiedagainst a minimum of three (3) vertical control points.9.6 Control set at specific offsets from the corners of building, structures orother improvements.that are controlled by setback requirements or limitationsshall be tied to the property, boundary or base lines from which the reservationis ascribed.9.7 Construction surveying fieldwork shall correspond to the design plans asprovided. Any irregularities or conflicts discovered shall be reported to theResident Engineer. Checks for horizontal and vertical will be made from aknown point to another known point and verified where practical to a third point,9.8 Field work shall be gathered in a manner to satisfy or exceed therequirements for Section 8, Tolerances and Section 10, Plats, Maps andDrawingso 9.9 Refer to Chapter 7 Horizontal Control Surveys & Chapter 8 VerticalControl Surveys should these categories be a part of the construction Survey.SECTION TEN, PLATS, MAPS, AND DRAWINGS: A plat may be requested to representthe information gathered during a Construction Survey. The method of display may be inmulti-sheet form or as specified by DART. The drawings will be in the DART specifiedformat and adhere to DART CADD standards. All information depicted or illustrated on theplats, maps or drawings shall be neatly and legibly shown. Complete electronic files inaddition to prints will be required.o 10.1 A signed, sealed, and dated map, depicting the subject property perimeteroooooand the relative position of the stakes, monuments or control established withsufficient identifying information. This information shall be compiled in a logicalformat approved by DART.10.2 Computational data such as the coordinate values of all monuments used(three dimensions when appropriate); monument descriptions, ties to referencemonuments, etc., including a statement of the DART Control used will, befurnished with the submitted maps or drawings.10.3 Dimensions, bearings, coordinates, etc., shall be neatly and legibly shownin respect to each proposed improvement, facility or structure and the propertyboundaries,10.4 All property line monuments or other monuments found shall beillustrated, identified and labeled as "found" and completely described,10.5 All markers, stakes or monuments set shall be illustrated, identified andlabeled as "set" and completely described.10.6 Relevant streets or other physical features may be illustrated on the plansas requested or needed for illustrative or locative purposes.Page 52 of 91 Rev. #12 4/22/03

o10.7 The construction surveyor may also be asked to produce information inthe form of as-built plans in a manner acceptable to DART.SECTION ELEVEN, CERTIFICATION: The certification for each Construction Survey plat,if required, shall be signed and sealed by the Registered Surveyor responsible for theSurvey. The form and content of the certification must be approved by DART. Also, seeTBPLS rules applicable to this subject.SECTION TWELVE, DESCRIPTIONS: This section is not appropriate for this category orchapter.Page 53 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART)Light Rail SystemsSPECIFICATIONSChapter SixTopographic Survey SpecificationsSECTION ONE, TYPE: DART Light Rail System, Topographic Survey Specifications:DART herein establishes these standards as the method of choice to standardize thesurveys provided for any Topographic Survey as required by DART. The TopographicSurvey shall meet the minimum standards of the "United States National Map AccuracyStandards" as established. If any of the specifications detailed herein or by reference,[Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyors (TBPLS) and/or Manual of Practice for LandSurveying in the State of Texas" (MOP)] conflict then the more restrictive specificationshall be used. DART at its discretion may approve less stringent specifications or requiremore stringent specifications. However, no actions taken by DART will remove thesurveyors' responsibility to adhere to the rules, regulations, and minimum standards ofpractice as required by TBPLS in the Professional Land Surveying Practices Act.SECTION TWO, DEFINITION: A Topographic Survey is defined as being the requiredservice and product that adequately defines the configuration, relief or elevations andthree (3) dimensional positions of natural and/or manmade features. A TopographicSurvey is necessary to prepare an accurate topographic map that properly illustrates thephysical features of the site. This service requires the skills of a Professional LandSurveyor well versed in detail mapping. A topographic survey is not a boundary surveyalthough boundaries are commonly depicted on the mapping. A topographic survey maybe incorporated into the Boundary Survey process.SECTION THREE, PURPOSES: A Topographic Survey is completed to gather relevantinformation that will be presented on a topographic map. The topographic map may beused by DART or for the benefit of DART by a number of interested parties and fornumerous reasons. The most common being planning, design, construction, drainagestudies, flood control and many others. Depending on the size, complexity, and physicalsite constraints the topographic survey may be performed by traditional on the groundsurvey methods, photogrammetric methods or a combination of both methods.Page 54 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

SECTION FOUR, PRODUCT: A Topographic Survey will produce but not be limited to:ooo4.1 A monumented control network with the horizontal and vertical values ofthe control points tied into the DART Control System,4.2 A signed, sealed, and dated map, depicting the topography of the siteincluding the perimeter of the subject property, contours, spot elevations,relative physical features and the positions of the stakes, monuments or controlestablished with sufficient identifying information. This information shall becompiled in a logical format approved by DART,4.3 Computational data such as the coordinate values of monuments (threedimensions when appropriate), reference monuments, etc., which were used tocontrol the topographic survey.SECTION FIVE, INFORMATION PROVIDED: Sufficient information to perform theTopographic Survey is required. The Area of concern should be furnished by DART or adesignee of DART. The following data will generally be provided by DART, or a designeeof DART. This and other information necessary to perform the required work should beconsidered and evaluated by the surveyor:o 5.1 A suitably marked preliminary map, illustrating the area of concern, on areliable base such as a good quality commercial ownership map, a U. S.oooooGeological Survey Map or other similar maps of private origin,5.2 The intended scope and purpose of the topographic survey, i.e., sitedesign, engineering studies, etc.5.3 Any prior established survey control (of a believed accuracy and precisionequal to or superior to the requested survey) or information available coveringthe subject areas.5.4 The contour interval and other accuracies and precision required,5.5 The surveyor shall consider the existence and or access to other relevantinformation including but not limited to; aerial photographs, existing mapping,available mapping from various governing bodies (city, county, state, etc.) .andpublic utilities.5.6 The surveyor shall consider the importance of illustrating existingboundaries, easements and other pertinent information.SECTION SIX, MONUMENTS, CONTROL: Markers, references points and monumentsfor a Topographic Survey may vary from temporary control (i.e., hubs, lath, rebar) topermanent control (i.e., rebar, monuments, concrete monuments, piers, beams, etc.).o 6.1 Stakes, hubs and lath shall be used for temporary control only and in areassubject to compromise, destruction or where only temporary control may beplaced, i.e. pastures, cultivated fields, yards, playgrounds, etc. These itemsmay be used to reference more important permanent control.Page 55 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

oo6.2 Major control points shall be monumented for reasonable permanence withiron rods, pipes or concrete monuments and shall be planned and placed inlocations that are convenient to the survey activities but afford reasonableprotection from compromise or destruction.6.3 Permanent monuments or control shall be clearly marked and identifiedand when possible be an aluminum or bronze disc with the center pointpunched. All permanent control will be located with a high degree or precisionand accuracy and when applicable comply with the appropriate standards asspecified in chapters 7 & 8 included herein.SECTION SEVEN, CONDITIONS:Surveys under this Category shall be termed aTopographic Survey. Topographic Surveys vary only slightly with respect to conditions fora, rural, suburban, urban or business district. The purpose of the survey will be the mostsignificant factor in determining the precision and standards as established. Unlessspecified otherwise, all Topographic Surveys will meet the minimum standards ofan Urban Business District.SECTION EIGHT, TOLERANCES FOR CONDITIONS: See Section IV, Standards andDefinitions, Specifications and in addition refer to the tolerance chart for this Category atthe end of the Chapter 2. Also, refer to the (TBPLS) standards.SECTION NINE, FIELD PROCEDURES: Fieldwork shall be performed in accordance withaccepted technical methods as expressed in standard textbooks on surveying theory,practice, and procedures. Any textbook used for surveying instruction by any accrediteduniversity, college, or junior college in the state of Texas will be considered a satisfactorytext for this purpose. Any person in charge of a survey field party shall be well trained inthese technical aspects of surveying. The Registered Professional Land Surveyor isadditionally charged with the responsibility of adhering to the following requirements: Alsosee applicable TBPLS rules for this subject.oo9.1 Surveying instruments shall be kept in close adjustment according tomanufacturers' specifications or in compliance with textbook standards,9.2 Steel tapes (chains) used for precise measurements shall be calibratedoften enough to obtain the tolerance required. Such calibrations shall betraceable to the U.S. Bureau of Standards National Institute for Standards andTechnology through appropriate certificates or documentation. Cloth orfiberglass tapes may be used for rough measurements were precision is of lessimportance. Examples would be tree locations including girths, widths ofditches, swales, excavations, etc.Page 56 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

oooo9.3 Electronic distance measuring devices shall be calibrated often enough toobtain the tolerances required. Such calibration shall be traceable to the U.S.Bureau of Standards National Institute for Standards and Technology throughappropriate certificates or documentation.prisms, and accessories be maintained as a matched set. .It is recommended that EDMs,9.4 Where special surveys for vertical or horizontal control are required as abase for a topographic survey, refer to Chapters 7 and 8 of these specificationsor to relevant, special publications from the U.S. Department of Commerce, theDepartment of Interior, or the Department of the Army on the special subjectmatter. These are considered satisfactory texts to define acceptable fieldmethods. Control by remote sensing or other indirect methods may beemployed, provided:• 9.4.1 Satellite reliant or global positioning system (GPS) control shouldbe performed only by those with the special training, experience andknowledge of GPS and then in accordance with special publications onthe subject and appropriate rules of control surveying. GPS will requireredundant measurements to verify positions with special emphasis onvertical control. All control points set using GPS will provide the samedegree of accuracy as traditional surveying. Additional data showingpositional tolerances for each control point may be requested by DARTor DART'S designee.9.5 Topographic Surveys require a reliable horizontal and vertical controlsystem based on acceptable closed and adjusted traverses and level loops.Attention shall be given to developing the control system based upon the siteconstraints and tied to DART Control Monumentation.• 9.5.1 All fieldwork shall contain sufficient checks and redundancies tominimize or eliminate errors or blunders.• Horizontal control set radially, shall be established from apoint contained within a closed traverse and subsequently re-locatedfrom a different control point within the closed traverse as a check aminimum of three control points will be used in the verification process.• All vertical control will be part of a closed loop and will beverified against a minimum of three (3) vertical control points.• Field measurements of angles and distance shall be donein such fashion as to satisfy the closures and tolerancesexpressed in Section 8, herein.9.6 When aerial photogrammetry is used to compile the topographic map, theprofessional shall consult and work with the photogrammetrist as to location,scope, purpose, photo control issues, contour interval and other issues withrespect to the topographic survey.Page 57 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

• 9.6.1 Pre-paneled control points established in concert with thephotogrammetrist is the preferred method to control the mappingprocess. The use of photo-identifiable control points subsequent to thephotography is acceptable, but must be established in concert with thephotogrammetrist.• All control points, pre-paneled or photo-identifiable, shallbe tied to the control established for the project.• 9.6.2 Traditional ground survey methods, ground GPS and/or aerialGPS control may be used to control the photography and subsequentmapping as long as proper procedures, checks, and redundancies areincorporated to minimize or eliminate errors or blunders.• 9.6.3 LIDAR and other more sophisticated methods of mapping the sitetopography shall be used only upon consultation and approval by DARTand/or DART <strong>Design</strong>ees. Only those firms or professionals experiencedin alternative methods shall use such methods. These more advancedmethods must meet the same accuracy standards previouslyestablished in this manual for mapping site topography.Verification or ground checking of sample data provided by LIDAR oraerial GPS using traditional surveying techniques is required . This workmay be performed independently of the firms providing LIDAR, aerialGPS, or similar sophisticated methods.9.7 When traditional ground survey methods are used to compile thetopographic map, the professional shall establish an approach that insuresadequate coverage of the site and meeting the minimum accuracy standardsestablished herein for mapping site topography.• 9.7.1 A Grid System may be imposed over the site with groundelevations secured at each grid line intersection.• The grid size may be determined by the service providerbased upon DART requirements and site constraints.• Care and diligence must be employed to secure allbreaks in grade, grade changes and other topographic featuresthat exist between grid intersections.• 9.7.2 Radial survey procedures may be employed to secure the sitetopography.• A logical procedure must be employed to insure that theentire site is properly covered and that all topographic featuresare properly located.• Care and diligence must be employed to secure allbreaks in grade, grade changes and other topographic featuresthat exist.Page 58 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

ooo9.8 Field notes shall be kept in a neat and orderly manner with appropriatenotes, sketches and details to identify control found or set and used in additionto the features located by the topographic survey.9.9 Regardless of the method or combination of methods employed to securethe desired information, the professional shall exercise sufficient control overthe process to see that sufficient checks and redundancies are achieved tominimize or eliminate errors or blunders.9.10 Field data shall be gathered to satisfy or exceed the requirements forSection 8, Tolerances and Section 10, Plats, Maps and Drawings.SECTION TEN, PLATS, MAPS, AND DRAWINGS: A plat shall be prepared to representthe information gathered during a Topographic Survey. The method of display may be inmulti-sheet form or a specified by DART. The drawings will be in the DART specifiedformat and adhere to DART CADD standards. All information depicted or illustrated on theplats, maps or drawings shall be neatly and legibly shown. The source of information maybe fieldwork, photogrammetry, etc., or any combination thereof, and so noted on the plans.Complete electronic files in addition to prints will be required.o 10.1 A signed, sealed, and dated map, depicting the subject property perimeterand the relative position of the stakes, monuments or control established withsufficient identifying information. This information shall be compiled in a logicalformat approved by DART.o 10.2 Computational data such as the coordinate values (three dimensionswhen appropriate), monument descriptions, ties to reference monuments, etc.,including a statement of DART Control used.o 10.3 Dimensions, bearings, coordinates, etc., shall be neatly and legibly shownin respect to each existing improvement, facility or structure and the propertyooooboundaries,10.4 All property line monuments or other monuments found shall beillustrated, identified and labeled as "found" and completely described,10.5 All markers, stakes or monuments set shall be illustrated, identified andlabeled as "set" and completely described.10.6 Relevant terrain features, streets, watercourses, utilities, improvements orother physical features shall be illustrated on the plans and labeled for clarity ifnecessary.10.7 A Topographic Survey Map may illustrate information in a variety ofmethods including contours, spot elevations, cross sections and profiles or acombination of methods. Clarity and use of the information are the primaryconsiderations for the selection of illustration methods.Page 59 of 91 Rev. #12 4/22/03

SECTION ELEVEN, CERTIFICATION: The certification for each Topographic Survey plat,if required, shall be signed and sealed by the Registered Surveyor responsible for theSurvey. The form and content of the certification must be approved by DART. Also, seeTBPLS rules applicable to this subject.SECTION TWELVE, DESCRIPTIONS: This section is not appropriate for this category orchapter.Page 60 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART)Light Rail SystemsSPECIFICATIONSChapter SevenHorizontal Control Survey SpecificationsSECTION ONE, TYPE: DART Light Rail System, Horizontal Control SurveySpecifications; DART herein establishes these minimum standards as the method ofchoice to standardize the control surveys provided for the acquisition of aerialphotography, and to control the construction of improvements within DART's property. Ifany of the specifications detailed herein or by reference, [Texas Board of ProfessionalLand Surveyors (TBPLS) and/or Manual of Practice for Land Surveying in the State ofTexas" (MOP)] conflict then the more restrictive specification shall be used. DART at itsdiscretion may approve less stringent specifications or require more stringentspecifications. However, no actions taken by DART will remove the surveyors'responsibility to adhere to the rules, regulations, and minimum standards of practice asrequired by TBPLS in the Professional Land Surveying Practices Act.SECTION TWO, DEFINITION: A Horizontal Control Survey is the comprehensive,coordinated and correlated horizontal unique position of any point on the earth's surface,justified against other points forming a network of monumented control. The control mustbe accessible, to control a host of future activities, including but not limited to aerialmapping, construction, boundary surveys, deformation surveys or other activities requiringthe exacting parameters herein recited. A Horizontal Control Survey is usually executedwith a higher degree of precision and accuracy than required for a dependent survey. Thisservice requires the services of a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, Registered inthe State of Texas well versed in the science and art of control network and the mechanicsof measuring and computing values pertaining to such surveys.SECTION THREE, PURPOSES: The purpose of a Horizontal Control Survey is toestablish a network on the ground of monumented and accessible points sufficientlyprecise and accurate to control a host of future activities including but not limited to aerialmapping, construction, boundary surveys, deformation surveys or other activities requiringthe rigid parameters recited in this chapter.Page 61 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

SECTION FOUR, PRODUCT: The product of a Horizontal Control Survey will be thecomplete information about every control point set. Format to be approved by DART butwould contain the following information:o 4.1 Complete description of monument.o 4.2 Complete description of monument location with reference tie dimensionsto nearby physical objectso 4.3 Basis of coordinates,• 4.3.1 Example; Texas State Plane Coordinates, North Central Zone,oooNAD 1983, 1993 Adjustment• Source information for coordinates, i.e., DART Control Monuments #, & -• 4.3.2 Scale Factor4.4 Surface coordinate values of the control monument (3 dimensional, ifknown) in U.S. Survey feet.4.5 Bearing and Distance to the next two nearest Control Monuments,4.6 Map, plat or drawing of the individual monuments in addition to an overallmap, plat or drawing of the horizontal control network.SECTION FIVE, INFORMATION PROVIDED:Sufficient information to perform thehorizontal Control Survey is required. The Area of concern should be furnished by DARTor a designee of DART. The following data will generally be provided by DART, or adesignee of DART. This and other information necessary to perform the required workshould be considered and evaluated by the surveyor:o 5.1 A suitably marked preliminary map, illustrating the area of concern, on areliable base such as a good quality commercial ownership map, a U. S.Geological Survey Map or other similar maps of private origin,oooo5.2 Any aerial mapping or photographs available covering the proposed routeor area of concern.5.3 Any prior established horizontal survey control (of a believed accuracy andprecision equal to or superior to the requested survey) or information availablecovering the proposed route or area of concern,5.4 The scope and purpose of the horizontal Control Survey5.5 The accuracies and precision required.SECTION SIX, CONTROL MONUMENTS: Monuments set for all Horizontal ControlSurveys will be established pursuant to the DART monumentation guidelines. Allmonuments used for Control Surveys (set or found) shall be reasonably stable,substantial, and permanent and afford reasonable protection against movement, damageor destruction. All monuments placed shall identify DART and bear the land surveyor'sregistration number or equivalent identification at or near the top of the monumentwhenever practical. (See figures 12-A, 13-A, and 13-B)Page 62 of 91 Rev. #12 4/22/03

SECTION SEVEN, CONDITIONS: Unless instructed otherwise by DART, the horizontalcontrol survey should be conducted in manner that will insure results that meet at least theprecision and tolerances as prescribed for a "DART 1 st Order" Survey as defined by theattached "Chart for Tolerances and Conditions" at the end of this chapter. See TBPLSrules applicable to this subject and MOP specifications.SECTION EIGHT, TOLERANCES FOR CONDITIONS: See "Chart for Tolerances andConditions" as attached at the end of this chapter and refer to tolerance chart for DART 1 stOrder.oSection III O and refer to the Tolerance Chart for Category 1 A, as contained inthe MOP. See TBPLS rules applicable to this subject and MOP specifications.SECTION NINE, FIELD PROCEDURES: Fieldwork shall be performed in accordance withaccepted technical methods as expressed in standard textbooks on surveying theory,practice, and procedures. In addition, the service provider shall be familiar with currentpublications of standards and specifications for Horizontal Control Surveys, as publishedby state survey boards, ASCM and affiliates, and the U.S. Federal Government. Anyperson in charge of a survey field party shall be well trained in these technical aspects ofcontrol surveying. The Registered Professional Land Surveyor is additionally charged withthe responsibility of adhering to the following requirements:o 9.1 Surveying instruments shall be kept in close adjustment according tomanufacturers' specifications or in compliance with textbook standards. Serviceprovider should see that all equipment used will meet the minimum instrumentspecifications necessary to provide the level of accuracy required.o 9.2 Steel tapes (chains) used for precise measurements shall be calibratedoften enough to obtain the tolerance required. Such calibrations shall beoootraceable to the U.S. Bureau of Standards National Institute for Standards andTechnology through appropriate certificates or documentation.9.3 Electronic distance measuring devices shall be calibrated often enough toobtain the tolerances required, approximately every six (6) months. Suchcalibration shall be traceable to the U.S. Bureau of Standards National Institutefor Standards and Technology through appropriate certificates ordocumentation. It is recommended that EDMs, prisms, and accessories bemaintained as a matched set.9.4 Field measurements of angles and distance shall be done in such fashionas to satisfy the closures and tolerances expressed herein,9.5 Satellite reliant or global positioning system (GPS) control should beperformed in accordance with special publications on the subject andappropriate procedures to secure the required level of accuracy.Page 63 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

o 9.6 Any combination of GPS, triangulation, trilateration and traverse may beutilized to develop horizontal control so long as the procedures do notoocompromise the level of accuracy required. Methods used to set any controlpoints will be approved by DART or DART's designee. Raw unprocessed fielddata may be requested by DART.9.7 Satellite GPS horizontal control points should have at least two points fieldchecked to primary control points as assigned by DART or DART's designee.9.8 Points used for horizontal control should be checked by observations frommultiple positions.SECTION TEN, PLATS, MAPS, AND DRAWINGS: A plat shall be prepared to representthe information gathered during a Horizontal Control Survey. The method of display maybe in multi-sheet form or as specified by DART. The drawings will be in the DARTspecified format and adhere to DART CADD standards. Complete electronic files inaddition to prints will be required.SECTION ELEVEN, CERTIFICATION: The certification for each Horizontal ControlNetwork Survey plat, if required, shall be signed and sealed by the Registered Surveyorresponsible for the Survey. The form and content of the certification must be approved byDART. Also, see TBPLS rules applicable to this subject.Page 64 of 91 Rev. #12 4/22/03

<strong>Dart</strong> Survey SpecificationsChapter SevenConditionChart for Tolerances and Conditions - Horizontal Control Survey1DART FirstOrderIIDARTSecondOrderIIIDARTThird OrderRemarksError of Closure1: 100,0001:50,0001:25,000Within a loop or between Control MonumentsAngular ClosureBearing in relationship3"VFT5"Vf\T15"VFTN = Number of Angles in Traverseto sourceLinear Distance Accurate to(Minimum length of line)Maximum Positional Error of AnyMonumentAdjusted closure of SurveyDistance between Control PointsPositional Error mapping & plattingMap Scales+/- 04 sec.1:100,000(2,000')0.03' or1: 100,0001:200,0002500'1/50N/A+/- 10 sec.1:50,000(2,500')0.05' or1:50,0001:200,0003000'1/50N/A+/- 20 sec.1:20,000(1,000')0.10' or1:20,0001 : 200,0005000'1/40N/ACourse shorter than min. specified aboveCourse equal to or greater as specified aboveGenerally 1/50 of map scale(scale, 200750=4')As specified by DARTModifications asked for by Clark-Geogram - See Book #10Figure 4 Rev. #12 4/22/03

DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART)Light Rail SystemsSPECIFICATIONSChapter EightVertical Control Survey SpecificationsSECTION ONE, TYPE: DART Light Rail System, Vertical Control SurveySpecifications: DART herein establishes these minimum standards as the method ofchoice to standardize the control surveys provided for the acquisition of aerialphotography, and to control the construction of improvements within DART's property. Ifany of the specifications detailed herein or by reference, [Texas Board of ProfessionalLand Surveyors (TBPLS) and/or Manual of Practice for Land Surveying in the State ofTexas" (MOP)] conflict then the more restrictive specification shall be used. DART at itsdiscretion may approve less stringent specifications or require more stringentspecifications. However, no actions taken by DART will remove the surveyors'responsibility to adhere to the rules, regulations, and minimum standards of practice asrequired by TBPLS in the Professional Land Surveying Practices Act.SECTION TWO, DEFINITION: A Vertical Control Survey is the comprehensive,coordinated and correlated Vertical position of any point on the earth's surface, justifiedagainst other points forming a network of accessible well monumented control, used tocontrol a host of future activities, including but not limited to aerial mapping, construction,boundary surveys, deformation surveys or other activities requiring the exactingparameters herein recited. A Vertical Control Survey is executed with a high degree ofprecision and accuracy.ooVertical Control Surveys are usually conducted in conjunction with HorizontalControl Surveys and thus require the same attention to detail and accuracy,This service requires the services of a Registered Professional Land SurveyorRegistered in the State of Texas well versed in the science and art of controlnetwork and the mechanics of measuring and computing values pertaining tosuch surveysSECTION THREE, PURPOSES: The purpose of a Vertical Control Survey is to establish anetwork on the ground of monumented and accessible points sufficiently precise andaccurate to control a host of future activities including but not limited to aerial mapping,construction, boundary surveys, deformation surveys or other activities requiring the rigidparameters recited in this manual.Page 65 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

SECTION FOUR, PRODUCT: The product of a Vertical Control Survey will be thecomplete information about every control point set. Format to be approved by DART butwould contain the following information:o 4.1 Complete description of monument.o 4.2 Complete description of monument location with reference tie dimensionsto nearby physical objectso 4.3 Basis of elevations ,• 4.3.1 Example; NAVD 1988, 1991 Adjustment• Source information for coordinates, i.e., DART Vertical ControloooMonuments # , & .• 4.3.2 Scale Factor4.4 Elevations are to be stated in U.S. Survey feet.4.5 Approximate Bearing and Distance to the next two nearest Vertical ControlMonuments,4.6 Map, plat or drawing of the individual monuments in addition to an overallmap, plat or drawing of the vertical control network./SECTION FIVE, INFORMATION PROVIDED: Sufficient information to perform the verticalControl Survey is required. The Area of concern should be furnished by DART or adesignee of DART. The following data will generally be provided by DART, or a designeeof DART. This and other information necessary to perform the required work should beconsidered and evaluated by the surveyor:o 5.1 A suitably marked preliminary map, illustrating the area of concern, on aooooreliable base such as a good quality commercial ownership map, a U. S.Geological Survey Map or other similar maps of private origin,5.2 Any aerial mapping or photographs available covering the proposed routeor area of concern.5.3 Any prior established survey control (of a believed accuracy and precisionequal to or superior to the requested survey) or information available coveringthe proposed route or area of concern,5.4 The scope and purpose of the Control Survey5.5 The accuracies and precision required.SECTION SIX, MONUMENTS: Monuments set for all Vertical Control Surveys will beestablished pursuant to the DART monumentation guidelines. All monuments used forVertical Control Surveys (set or found) shall be reasonably stable, substantial, andpermanent and afforded reasonable protection against movement, damage or destruction.All monuments placed shall identify DART and bear the land surveyor's registrationnumber or equivalent identification on the top of the monument whenever practical. (SeeFigures 12-A, 13-A, and 13-B at the end of this Manual)Page 66 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

SECTION SEVEN, CONDITIONS: Unless instructed otherwise by DART, the verticalcontrol survey should be conducted in a manner that will insure results that meet at leastthe precision and tolerances as prescribed for a "DART 1 st Order" Survey as defined bythe attached "Chart for Tolerances and Conditions" at the end of this chapter. See TBPLSrules applicable to this subject and MOP specifications.SECTION EIGHT, TOLERANCES FOR CONDITIONS: See "Chart for Tolerances andConditions" attached at the end of this chapter, refer to tolerance chart for DART 1 st Order,o Section III O and refer to the Tolerance Chart for Category 1A, as contained inthe MOP. See TBPLS rules applicable to this subject and MOP specifications.SECTION NINE, FIELD PROCEDURES: Fieldwork shall be performed in accordance withaccepted technical methods as expressed in standard textbooks on surveying theory,practice, and procedures. In addition, the service provider shall be familiar with currentpublications of standards and specifications for Vertical Control Surveys, as published bystate survey boards, ASCM and affiliates, and the U.S. Federal Government. Any personin charge of a survey field party shall be well trained in these technical aspects of controlsurveying. The Registered Professional Land Surveyor is additionally charged with theresponsibility of adhering to the following requirements:o 9.1 Surveying instruments shall be kept in close adjustment according tomanufacturers' specifications or in compliance with textbook standards. Serviceprovider should see that all equipment used will meet the minimum instrumentspecifications necessary to provide the level of accuracy required.o 9.2 Level rods shall be in good repair and calibration. Precise level rods shallhave a certification from the manufacturer as to the accuracy of graduations,ooo9.3 Field measurements or readings shall be taken in a manner and withequipment designed to satisfy or exceed the closure and tolerances required,9.4 A point used for vertical control shall have elevation values determinedfrom a closed level loop and shall be a turning point within the loop. Noestablished point shall be a sideshot.9.5 Double run loops and/or three wire leveling is recommendedSECTION TEN, PLATS, MAPS, AND DRAWINGS: A plat shall be prepared to representthe information gathered during a Vertical Control Survey. The method of display may bein multi-sheet form or as specified by DART. The drawings will be in the DART specifiedformat and adhere to DART CADD standards. Complete electronic files in addition toprints will be required.SECTION ELEVEN, CERTIFICATION: The certification for each Vertical Control NetworkSurvey plat, if required, shall be signed and sealed by a Registered Professional LandSurveyor registered in the State of Texas responsible for the Survey. The form andcontent of the certification must be approved by DART. Also, see TBPLS rules applicableto this subject.Page 67 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

<strong>Dart</strong> Survey SpecificationsChapter EightConditionChart for Tolerances and Conditions ~ Vertical Control Survey1DART FirstOrderIIDARTSecondOrderIIIDARTThird OrderRemarksError of Closure0.02'/mile0.047mile0.05'/mileWithin a loop or between Control MonumentsMaximum length of SightDifference in foresight & backsite250'300'400'distanceTotal difference in foresight &backsite distancesElevations+/-10 1+/- 20'+/- 0.03+/- 20'+/- 50'+/- 0.05+/- 30'+/- 70'+/-0.10Per total section or loopCourse shorter than min. specified aboveLength of section or loopDistance between benchmarks1 mile2000'2 miles2500'3 miles4000'Course equal to or greater as specified aboveFigure 5 Rev. #12 4/22/03

DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART)Light Rail SystemsSPECIFICATIONSChapter NineDART Coordinate SystemSpecificationsSECTION ONE, TYPE: DART Light Rail System, Coordinate System Specifications;DART establishes these minimum standards as the method of choice to standardize thecoordinate system for all survey related projects within DART properties.If any of the specifications detailed in this chapter or by reference, [Texas Board ofProfessional Land Surveyors (TBPLS) and/or Manual of Practice for Land Surveying in theState of Texas" (MOP)] conflict then the more restrictive specification shall be used. DARTat its discretion may approve less stringent specifications or require more stringentspecifications. However, no actions taken by DART will remove the surveyors'responsibility to adhere to the rules, regulations, and minimum standards of practice asrequired by TBPLS in the Professional Land Surveying Practices Act.SECTION TWO, DEFINITION: DART has established the Texas State Plane Coordinates(North Central Zone), NAD 1983, 1993 adjustments as the basis for its horizontal systemand National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1988 (NGVD 1988) as the basis for its verticalsystem for Phase II Buildout and future projects. The official combined scale factor isestablished system wide as 1.000136506, to convert from grid to surface. All coordinatesand distances will be published as surface values.SECTION THREE, PURPOSES: The purpose for adopting this system is to unify thesurvey information into one set of values. This allows information acquired from varioussources to be placed in a unified system and to illustrate relative positional locations of themany and varied improvements. This will also aid in the acquisition, planning, design, andconstruction of new corridors and related improvements.Page 68 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART)Light Rail SystemsSPECIFICATIONSChapter TenDART MonumentationSpecificationsSECTION ONE, TYPE: DART Light Rail System, Monumentation Specifications;DART herein establishes these minimum standards as the method of choice tostandardize the monumentation of DART properties. If any of the specifications detailedherein or by reference, [Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyors (TBPLS) and/orManual of Practice for Land Surveying in the State of Texas" (MOP)] conflict then themore restrictive specification shall be used. DART at its discretion may approve lessstringent specifications or require more stringent specifications. However, no actions takenby DART will remove the surveyors' responsibility to adhere to the rules, regulations, andminimum standards of practice as required by TBPLS in the Professional Land SurveyingPractices Act.SECTION TWO, DEFINITION: Monumentation can be separated into three (3) majorcategories. The three categories are Control Station Monuments, Right of WayMonuments and Property Monuments. These are further defined herein. At a minimumhorizontal coordinates, established based on the DART Coordinate System, will beestablished on all monumentation, placed or found, so that replacement if damaged ordestroyed is possible.o 2.1 Control Monuments:• 2.1.1 A Primary control monument directly tied to the DART controlodatum with published values. (See figure 12-A and 13-B at the end ofthis Manual)• 2.1.2 A monument meeting the DART requirements for permanence,accessibility, durability and the values of which have beenindependently checked and verified.2.2 Right of Way Monuments:• 2.2.1 A monument placed along the DART right of way, normally atPC's, PT's, angle points and points where the right of way line deflectsand represents the limits of the DART properties. (See figure 12-A and13-A at the end of this Manual)Page 69 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

• 2.2.2 A monument directly tied to the DART Control Monument networkdatum with published values.• 2.2.3 A monument meeting the DART requirements for permanence,accessibility, durability and the values of which have beenindependently checked and verified.o 2.3 Property Monuments:• 2.3.1 A monument placed along the limits of DART properties, normallyat PC's, PT's, angle points and points where the property line deflectsand represents the limits of the DART properties.• 2.3.2 A monument directly tied to the DART Control Station Monumentnetwork datum with published values.• 2.3.3 A monument meeting the DART requirements for permanence,accessibility, durability and the values of which have beenindependently checked and verified.SECTION THREE, PURPOSES: The purpose for adopting these specifications is toestablish a broad system of control, right of way and property monumentation from whichthe limits or boundaries of right of ways and properties can be accurately re-establishedand for the continuation of DART control and monumentation as the DART Light RailSystem expands. DART realizes that a dense network of control and monumentation hasmany benefits and preserves DART's properties.Page 70 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART)Light Rail SystemsSPECIFICATIONSChapter ElevenComposite Utility Plan SpecificationsSECTION ONE, TYPE: DART Light Rail System, Composite Utility PlanSpecifications: The type of service and specifications detailed herein are not included inthe Manual of Practice for Land Surveying in the State of Texas" (MOP) or the rules andregulations of the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyors (TBPLS). DART hasestablished the standards to evaluate certain information for pre-planning and designpurposes. The service provider should take the utmost care to research the existence ornon-existence of all utilities within the proposed route or area of concern. The serviceprovider will provide adequate supervision over the research, compilation and presentationof the information. DART at its discretion may approve less stringent specifications orrequire more stringent specifications. However, no actions taken by DART will remove theservice providers' responsibility to adequately provide the service as requested.SECTION TWO, DEFINITION: A Composite Utility Plan is defined as being the requiredservice and product that adequately illustrates the record location of all utilities includingcity provided services that have been mapped and or similarly located and available to theservice provider. This would include all known utilities below, on, or above the surface ofthe ground. The utilities to be researched include, but are not limited to, pipelines (water,gas, oil, petroleum, etc.), communications (telephone, fiber-optic, CATV, etc.), cityservices (sanitary systems, storm drainage systems, combination systems traffic signalsystems, etc.). All structures as illustrated on the plans reviewed will be depicted on thecomposite utility plans including, towers, poles, masts, manholes, inlets, etc. The planwould correlate or compile the record information obtained from the various utilities andillustrate the various utilities in relationship to one another in a given area on one plan. Asite visit is recommended to visually check for existing utilities not included. However, themapping and locations are general and do require verification of size, materials, or exactlocation. Minimum field survey measurements are required as a part of this product.SECTION THREE, PURPOSES: A Composite Utility Plan may be required for preplanningand design. Planning may use the composite plans to review general conflictsand make decisions. Generally, a Composite Utility Plan is not sufficient to design by andshould be carefully considered before used for that purpose.Page 71 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

SECTION FOUR, PRODUCT: A Composite Utility Plan shall be prepared to adhere to thestandards established by DART. The method of display may be in multi-sheet form or asspecified by DART. The drawings will in the DART specified format and adhere to DARTCADD standards. Complete electronic files in addition to prints will be required. Thecomposite plan may be enhanced by a scale-ratio or orthophoto mosaic aerial photobackground to effectively show terrain details.SECTION FIVE, INFORMATION REQUIRED: Sufficient information to perform theComposite Utility mapping. The Area of concern should be furnished by DART or adesignee of DART. The following data will generally be provided by DART, or a designeeof DART. This and other information necessary to perform the required work should beconsidered and evaluated by the provider service :oo5.1 A suitably marked preliminary map, illustrating the area of concern, on areliable base such as a good quality commercial ownership map, a U. S.Geological Survey Map or other similar maps of private origin,5.2 A set of recent aerial photographs covering the proposed route.SECTION SIX, MONUMENTS: As no field survey is required for this section, nomonuments, references or witnesses are required.SECTION SEVEN, CONDITIONS: As this is a compilation of mapping from varioussources with varying degrees of accuracy, conditions are not appropriate.SECTION EIGHT, TOLERANCES FOR CONDITIONS: This section is not appropriate forthis category or chapter.SECTION NINE, FIELD PROCEDURES: As no field survey is required, this section is notappropriate.SECTION TEN, PLATS, MAPS AND DRAWINGS: A Composite Utility Map will representthe information gathered in the course of investigating the existing utilities upon, crossingor immediately adjacent to the subject property. The method of display may be in multisheetform or as specified by DART. The drawings will be in the DART specified formatand adhere to DART CADD standards. Complete electronic files in addition to prints willbe required. All information depicted or illustrated on the plats, maps or drawings shall beneatly and legibly shown. A Composite Utility Plan shall include, but not be limited to:o 10.1 A dated map depicting the various utilities identified by the research alongthe proposed route or subject property. The composite plan may be enhancedby a scale-ratio or orthophoto mosaic aerial photo background to effectivelyshow terrain details,o10.2 Utilities included are all known utilities below, on, or above the surface ofthe ground.Page 72 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

ooooo• 10.2.1 The utilities to be researched include, but are not limited to,pipelines (water, gas, oil, petroleum, etc.), communications (telephone,fiber-optic, CATV, etc.), city services (sanitary sewer systems, stormdrainage systems, combination sewer systems, traffic signal systems,etc.).• 10.2.2 All structures as illustrated on the plans reviewed will be depictedon the composite utility plans including, towers, poles, masts, manholes,inlets, etc.10.3 Utilities should be clearly identified and marked as to ownership, type,size, material, etc., if known,10.4 Utilities will be clearly marked as to above the surface, on the surface orbelow the surface,10.5 Plans will be drawn to a convenient scale and illustrate enough physicalfeatures to relate the mapping to the ground during subsequent site visits byplanning or others. However, no field survey is required to provide physicalfeatures,10.6 Source information for each utility, including company name, address,contact person and telephone number should be provided,10.7 Copies of all research materials obtained and used to determine thelocation of the utilities will be provided with the composite drawing.SECTION ELEVEN, CERTIFICATION: This section is not appropriate for this category orchapter.SECTION TWELVE, DESCRIPTIONS: This section is not appropriate for this category orchapter.Page 73 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART)Light Rail SystemsSPECIFICATIONSChapter TwelveSubsurface Utility Engineering SpecificationsSECTION ONE, TYPE: DART Light Rail System, Subsurface Utility Engineering(SUE) Plan Specifications: DART has established these standards to evaluate certaininformation for pre-planning and design purposes. The service provider should take theutmost care to research the existence of all utilities within the proposed route or area ofconcern. The service provider will provide adequate supervision over the research,compilation and presentation of the information. DART at its discretion may approve lessstringent specifications or require more stringent specifications.o If any of the specifications detailed herein or by reference, [American Society ofCivil Engineers (ASCE)] conflict then the more restrictive specification shall beused. DART refers to the definitions of the various quality levels as approvedby ASCE and has established these specifications to secure at a minimumQuality Level B (QL B) and Quality Level B (QL B) accuracies. DART at itsdiscretion may approve less stringent specifications or require more stringentspecifications. However, no actions taken by DART will remove the serviceprovider's responsibility to adhere to the rules, regulations and minimumstandards of practice as adopted by ASCE.SECTION TWO, DEFINITION: A Subsurface Utility Engineering Plan is defined as beingthe required service and product that adequately illustrates actual horizontal (vertical to beincluded, if required) location of all subsurface utilities that exist, within the proposed routeor area of concern, based upon record information and field investigation. This work effortshall include all known utilities, below, on or above the surface of the ground. This taskincludes field verification of the horizontal locations of all underground utilities bydesignating and may include locating (uncovering of utilities) at specific locations.SECTION THREE, PURPOSES: A Subsurface Utility Engineering Plan may be requiredfor planning and design. A Subsurface Utility Engineering Plan should be sufficient todesign by and minimize the possibility of unknown conflicts between design and existingutilities. This is accomplished by a higher degree of information as to location of utilities,both horizontally and vertically.Page 74 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

SECTION FOUR, PRODUCT: A Subsurface Utility Engineering Plan shall be prepared toadhere to the standards established by DART. The method of display may be in multisheetform or as specified by DART. The drawings will be in the DART specified formatand adhere to DART CADD standards. Complete electronic files in addition to prints willbe required. The map may be enhanced by a scale-ratio or orthophoto mosaic aerial photobackground to effectively show terrain details.Depending on the quality level a subsurface Utility Engineering Plan shall include, but notbe limited to:ooooooo4.1 A signed, sealed and dated map depicting the various utilities within theproposed route or area of concern. The map may be enhanced by a scale-ratioor orthophoto mosaic aerial photo background to effectively show terraindetails,4.2 Utilities should be clearly identified and marked as to type, size, andmaterial, etc.4.3 Utilities will be clearly marked as to above the surface, on the surface orbelow the surface,4.4 All rim, grate and invert elevations of all sanitary sewer and/or stormdrainage structures will be noted on the plan,4.5 All underground utilities excavated, uncovered or exposed by any meanswill completely identify the utility and note all pertinent information such as type,size and material the elevation of top of utility, and elevation of bottom of utility(i.e., top of pipe, diameter of pipe or width of duct, depth of duct, etc.)4.6 Plans will be drawn to a convenient scale and illustrate enough physicalfeatures to relate the mapping to the ground during subsequent site visits byplanning or others,4.7 Source information for each utility, including company name, address,contact person and telephone number should be provided.SECTION FIVE, INFORMATION REQUIRED: Sufficient information to perform theSubsurface Utility Engineering mapping is required. The Area of concern should befurnished by DART or a designee of DART. The following data will generally be providedby DART, or a designee of DART. This and other information necessary to perform therequired work should be considered and evaluated by the surveyor:ooo5.1 A suitably marked preliminary map, illustrating the area of concern, on areliable base such as a good quality commercial ownership map, a U. S.Geological Survey Map, MAPSCO or other similar maps of private origin,5.2 Any aerial mapping or photographs available covering the proposed routeor area of concern.5.3 Any survey control or information available covering the proposed route orarea of concern.Page 75 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

SECTION SIX, PLATS, MAPS, AND DRAWINGS: A plat shall be prepared to representthe information gathered during a Subsurface Utility Engineering Project. The method ofdisplay may be in multi-sheet form or as specified by DART. The drawings will be in theDART specified format and adhere to DART CADD standards. Complete electronic files inaddition to prints will be required, (see Appendix "C")ooooooo6.1 A signed, sealed and dated map depicting the various utilities within theproposed route or area of concern. The map may be enhanced by a scale-ratioor orthophoto mosaic aerial photo background to effectively show terraindetails.6.2 A signed, sealed and dated map depicting the various utilities within theproposed route or area of concern. The map may be enhanced by a scale-ratioor orthophoto mosaic aerial photo background to effectively show terraindetails. All information depicted or illustrated on the plats, maps or drawingsshall be neatly and legibly shown,6.3 Utilities should be clearly identified and marked as to type, size, material,etc.,,6.4 Utilities will be clearly marked as to above the surface, on the surface orbelow the surface,6.5 Depending on the quality level all rim, grate and invert elevations of allsanitary sewer and/or storm drainage structures will be noted on the plan,6.6 All underground utilities excavated, uncovered or exposed by any meanswill illustrate the location of the exposure and completely identify the utility andnote all pertinent information such as; type of utility, elevation of top of utility,size of utility and elevation of bottom of utility (i.e., type of pipe, conduit, etc.,top of pipe, diameter of pipe or width of duct, depth of duct, etc.)6.7 Source information for each utility, including company name, address,contact person and telephone number should be provided.SECTION ELEVEN, CERTIFICATION: The plans prepared for the Subsurface UtilityEngineering investigation, if required, must be signed and sealed by the RegisteredProfessional Engineer responsible for the investigation.Page 76 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT (DART)Light Rail SystemsSPECIFICATIONSChapter ThirteenRight of Way Specifications1.1 GENERALThe purpose of this section is to establish guidelines and standards for the preparations ofdocuments necessary for the appraisal, negotiation and acquisition of the various propertyrights required for the construction, maintenance, protection, and operation of the system.The philosophy of DART is to identify for acquisition sufficient right-of-way with the intentof avoiding takings, where is possible, without adversely affecting the compositerequirements of the system.The survey legal descriptions prepared by the Registered Professional Land Surveyor willbe used by the DART Division of Real Estate as a basis for acquisition of propertyinterests. The right-of-way plans prepared by the Contractor or section designer shall be apart of the construction contract documents. Real property interests, uses and facilitiesrequired shall be shown on the parcel plats and on the right-of-way plans.1.2 DESCRIPTIONS OF TYPES OF RIGHT-OF-WAYS1.2.1 Fee OwnershipFee ownership is a condition in which ownership of the property purchased extendsradially from the center of the earth outward through specified lateral limits on the surfaceof the earth to the sky. The recommended width incorporates basic track width, drainage,supporting slopes, utilities and the overall effect on the affected property. (Typicalexamples of fee ownership include sites for stations, traction power substations, chillerplants, vent and fan shafts, adjacent streets, highways, railroads and other at-gradestructures in addition to at-grade tracks.)Page 77 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

1.2.2 Permanent EasementIn some cases, such as within railroad rights-of-way or utility easement areas, it may notbe advisable or possible to acquire fee interests. In these cases, a permanent easement inlieu of fee ownership may be acquired. These easements will have the same parametersas fee ownership.1.2.3. Slope EasementA slope easement shall encompass supporting slopes for the DART facility or relocatedroads or streets. This easement is permanent in nature but may be discontinued in thefuture, if the fee owner provides alternative support satisfactory to DART or the owningmunicipality. This easement shall have definite lateral limits.1.2.4. Subsurface EasementA subsurface easement shall encompass the total DART facility located beneath thesurface of the ground including the transit structure, wall and column footings, supportstructures and piles. This easement is permanent in nature, and shall have definite upperand side limits. Lower limits shall be described only where special limiting features exist.1.2.5 Rockbolt EasementA rockbolt easement shall encompass the area occupied by rockbolts outside of the DARTtunnel area. This easement is permanent and shall have definite lower and side limits.Upper limits shall be described only where special limiting features exists. Theinstruments of conveyance for rockbolt easement shall include language to restrict the useof the surface under the structures to prevent storage of hazardous materials or anyusage, which may have any detrimental effect on the DART structure or transit operation.Page 78 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

1.2.6 Aerial EasementAn aerial easement shall encompass the aerial portion of the DART facility. Thiseasement is permanent and shall have definite lower and side limits. Upper limits shall bedescribed only where special limiting features exist. The instruments of conveyance foraerial easement shall include language to restrict the use of surface under the structuresto prevent storage of hazardous materials or any usage, which may have any detrimentaleffect on the DART structure or transit operation.1.2.7 Construction EasementA construction easement, in most cases, is an easement or short-term lease that providedsufficient space to allow for the temporary use of the construction Contractor duringconstruction. This easement shall have definite lateral limits. The purpose, such as slopeconstruction, cut-and-cover construction, aerial structure construction, driveway, , accessand/ or staging and storage, shall be defined. Where DART facilities will be built by cutand-covertype construction, a construction easement may be required over thesubsurface easement that will envelop the structure. Where an aerial easement is to beacquired, a construction easement may be required under the aerial structure. Thecontractor shall restore the surface to its original condition, unless otherwise directed, atthe completion of his work within the construction easement area.This easement has a defined duration, but is temporary in nature.1.2.8 Temporary Subsurface EasementA temporary subsurface easement shall encompass temporary support structures beneaththe surface of the ground. This easement shall have definite upper and side limits. Lowerlimits shall be described only where special limiting features exist. The duration of theeasement shall be defined. The support structures within this easement may or may notbe permitted to remain after the termination of the easement; however, the removal of saidstructures will have no adverse effect on the permanent DART facility.1.2.9 Access EasementAn access easement shall encompass the area required for access to and from the DARTfacility when other access is not available. It shall include sufficient space fortransportation of machines and materials where required. This easement shall havedefinite lower and side limits and, if temporary, shall have a definite duration. If thisPage 79 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

easement is acquired for contractor's use, the contractor shall restore the surface to itsoriginal condition, unless otherwise directed, at the completion of his use of the accesseasement.This easement is generally temporary in nature but, on occasion, may be acquired on apermanent basis.1.2.10 Utility EasementA utility easement shall provide space for the relocation of existing utilities or theinstallation and maintenance of required utilities. Any utility easement acquired forfacilities other than DART may be transferred to the agency responsible for maintenanceof said facility upon completion of construction.1.2.11 Drainage EasementA drainage easement should not be considered a utility easement. A drainage easementis generally a permanent easement and shall have definite upper and side limits. Lowerlimits shall be described only where special limiting features exist. Penetration by futureconstruction shall require DART review and approval.1.2.12 Instrument Conveying EasementsThe instruments conveying permanent easements shall include language to provide forreview and approval of plans for all construction over and under the easement. Theinstruments conveying temporary easements shall include the duration of the easementand provide for incremental extensions should they be required. The easement instrumentshall specify the use of each easement such as "for drainage purposes" or "for utilitypurposes" (i.e., gas, electricity, communications, etc.).1.3 RIGHT-OF-WAY DRAWINGSBoth parcel plats and right-of-way plans shall conform to the format established in thismanual, and in the Drafting Standards Manuals. All symbols used to describe the right-ofwayshall be uniform and shall conform to the standard right-of-way legend. (Refer toFigure 1A-A.)Page 80 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

1.3.1 Parcel PlatsAll parcel plats shall conform to the appropriate tolerances and requirements asshown in Chapters One, Two, and Three of this Manual.(Refer to Figure 6A-A)1.3.2 Metes and Bounds Property DescriptionsAll metes and bounds legal descriptions shall meet the standards of the appropriatesection of the DART Surveying Manual and be of sufficient detail to enable a qualifiedsurveyor to retrace the boundaries of the described parcel on the ground. (Refer toFigures 3-A).0Subdivision DescriptionsFor some whole take parcels within platted subdivisions, a reference to thesubdivision lot and block with the recorded data of the subdivision plat issufficient to describe the parcel. See Figure 3A-A for a sample of this type ofdescription.0Parcel RestrictionsAll recorded encroachments, easements, and/ or other restrictions shall belisted.0Surveyor's SealAll metes and bounds legal descriptions shall be dated, signed and sealed by aRegistered Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas.1.3.3 Right-of-Way PlansAll right-of-way plans shall conform to DART's Drafting Standards manual (Refer to Figure4-A, at the end of this Manual). The drawings shall be oriented to conform to the contractdocuments of which they will be a part. They shall be drawn to a 1" = 40' scale, or a scaleapproved by DART, with enlargements of details where required, and shall show therelationship of the street system and properties affected by construction.Page 81 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

1.3.4 Special DrawingsMultilevel Easements Multilevel easements, such as at station entranceslocated in buildings, may be required by DART. In such instances, separatedetail drawings shall be prepared showing the interests on each floor levelproposed for DART. The following points shall be adhered to:- Each floor level affected by the DART facility shall be so noted andseparately illustrated;- Each type of easement on a floor level shall be properly dimensionedand symbolized. All pertinent existing and proposed structural itemsshall be shown; and- The elevations of each floor easement shall be given and referenced tothe project datum. Elevations, shall normally be from the surface of thefloor structure to the surface of the next higher floor structure.Underpinning Detailed plans of the right-of-way necessary for anyunderpinning required shall be provided. Separate drawings showing theeasements required for the construction contractor shall be prepared. Theunderpinning details shall show the dimensions of the easements and tie theeasements to the DART right-of-way, the property line and the supportingcolumns of the structures. All column locations shall be shown. Proposedaccess and location of dust walls shall be shown.Page 82 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

1.4 PARCEL NUMBERING1.4.1 GeneralAn important feature controlling right-of-way acquisition is the method of numbering rightof-wayparcels. Certain basic principles must be adhered to in order to avoidinconsistencies in the appraisal process, in the payment for appraisals and preliminary titleexamination fees, and to maintain required records of each purchase.Controlling features in the numbering of right-of-way parcels are the determination ofownership, marketable units, the highest and best use and the unity of use of the property.These features are fundamental to the evaluation process, which is the primary factor tobe considered in numbering right-of-way parcels. In many instances, a number ofcontiguous city lots may be under one ownership. If the facts show that two or morecontiguous lots under one ownership do not have unity of use, then each lot shall bedesignated as a separate parcel. If two or more small lots must be combined to form amarketable unit consistent with the highest and best use of the property, one parcelnumber shall be assigned to the marketable unit.A parent tract is normally considered a single property not divided by a public way or notplatted as a subdivision. The fact that the parent tract was created by several purchasesor the fact that it is located in more than one section or survey may be of no consequence.However, different chains of title may make it necessary to separate one ownership intoseveral parcels. In addition, the numbering of a parcel shall not be influenced by irregularproperty lines or the fact that a parcel is composed of more than one part, unless, thehighest and best use supports unity of use. Where a unity of use exits, the whole propertyshall be assigned one parcel number with each severed tract being an associated part.1.4.2 Standard Numbering SystemRight-of-way parcels will be numbered by DART according to a specific standard approvedby DART. Each Parcel will have its on unique number. The prefix of the number willindicate the line section associated with the parcel for example SE1-20. Examples of theparcel numbering system are illustrated in Figures 5A-A, 5B-A, 5C-A, 5D-A, 5E-A.5F-Aand 5G-A.Page 83 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

Land acquired from a railroad, utility company or municipality by joint use or obtained bypermit shall be assigned a parcel number in the same manner as any other parcel.It may be, in certain instances, necessary to retain a parcel number, even though theparcel may not be required for right-of-way. For example, when the right-of-way line ischanged eliminating the entire parcel, the original number is to be retained, but is showncanceled on the right-of-way map.It should be noted that if a parcel is to be divided, the previously assigned number, assuch, shall not be used again.Particular attention is called to easements being designated as E in parentheses.Temporary easements may be designated as TE in parentheses. By this procedure,takings of this type will be readily noted. In order to prevent confusion and possible humanerror, the letters E and TE shall not be used in designating right-of-way parcels.If a portion of a property was thought to be part of one parcel but is found to be part ofanother parcel, the property lines should be corrected on the right-of-way map. However,there would be no need to make a change in the parcel numbers.As indicated in the samples, an additional parcel is not created because a tract of land liespartially within two different sections, surveys or counties. On the other hand, if ownershiphas been previously severed by a public way, the properties on the different sides of thepublic way should normally be considered as separate parcels.1.5 RIGHT-OF-WAY LIMITS GUIDELINESThe following criteria are provided as a guideline for establishing the right-of-way limits.The dimensions given are for the general conditions and are to be modified whereengineering or real estate requirements dictate. It is particularly important to avoid takingswhere possible. This may be accomplished by reducing or increasing the distance fromthe DART facility or by stepping the limits around a certain property. Theright-of-way limits shall be established to include any required security fence and itssupport structure. The following distances are offered only as a guide in establishing thefinal right-of-way requirements early in the design and are subject to changes as individualcircumstances require. All right-of-way limits shall be horizontal or vertical planes.It should be noted that most subsurface easements will have a maximum loadingrestriction on their upper limits.Page 84 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

1.5.1 Rock Tunnel (Subsurface Easement) and Rockbolts (Rockbolt Easement)0Upper Limit: The limit of the right-of-way is described by elevations ofhorizontal planes, stepped as required, projecting the steps relative to theexisting property lines or prominent suitable topographical or design features.A horizontal plane at a minimum of 5 feet above the upper limit of the rockboltsshall be used for both easements. A load limit may be required.° Lateral Limit: Vertical planes 10 feet from the outside limit of the tunnel for thepermanent subsurface easement and 5 feet outside the outer limit of the rockbolts for the permanent rockbolt easement shall be used.0Lower limit: Where used, the lower limit shall be a minimum of 10 feet belowthe bottom of the tunnel structure. Lower limits are normally not prescribed forrock tunnels.These easements are permanent in nature. (Refer to Figure 6-A, 6A-A, 6B-A,and 6C-A.)1.5.2 Earth Tunnel (Subsurface Easement)0Upper Limit: The limit of the right-of-way is described by elevations ofhorizontal planes, stepped as required, projecting the steps relative to theexisting property lines or prominent suitable topographical or design features.A horizontal plane 2 feet above the top of the tunnellining, shall be used as aminimum. A load limit may be required.0Lateral Limit: Vertical planes a minimum of 10 feet from the outside limit ofthe tunnel lining shall be used.0Lower Limit: Where required, a lower limit shall be configured in a mannersimilar to the Upper limit, using a minimum distance of 10 feet below thebottom of the tunnel lining. Lower Limits are normally not prescribed for earthtunnels.This easement is permanent in nature. (Refer to Figure 7-A.)Page 85 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

1.5.3 Cut and Cover (Subsurface Easement)° Upper Limit: A minimum of 2 feet above the top of the structure for singletrack, double track, or triple track, and minimum of 5 feet at stations. The limitis delineated by elevations of horizontal planes, stepped as required, projectingthe steps relative to the existing property lines or prominent suitabletopographical or design features. A load limit may be required.° Lateral Limit: Five feet from the outside limits of the structure.0Lower Limit: Where required, the lower limit shall be configured in a mannersimilar to the upper limit using a minimum distance of 10 feet below the bottomof the structure. Lower limits are not normally prescribed.This easement is permanent in nature. (Refer to Figure 8-A.)1.5.4 Aerial (Aerial Easements, Fee or Column Easements and Footing and/ or PileEasements)° Aerial Easements:- Upper Limit: Where required, the upper limit is delineated byelevations of horizontal planes, stepped as required, projecting thesteps relative to the existing property lines or prominent suitabletopographical or design features. The minimum distance from the topof the running rail to the horizontal plane is 25 feet. Upper limits arenot normally prescribed for aerial easements.Lateral Limit: Five feet from the outside limits of the structure.- Lower Limit: Where required, the lower limit shall be configured in amanner similar to the upper limit using a minimum distance of 10 feetbelow the bottom of the structure. Lower limits are not normallyprescribed.This easement is permanent in nature. (Refer to Figure 9-A.)Page 86 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

0Fee or Column Easements:Upper and Lower Limits: The limits of the abutting aerial andsubsurface easements.Lateral Limits: One foot from the outside limits of the structure.This easement is permanent in nature. (Refer to Figure 9-A.)0Footing and/ or Pile Easements:Upper Limit: Art finished ground line.Lateral Limit: Two feet from the outside limits of the footing or 2 feetfrom the pile tip, whichever applies.Lower Limit: Lower limits are not normally prescribed; however,where required, the lower limit shall be configured in a manner similarto the upper limit of the aerial easement using a distance of 10 feetbelow the bottom of the footing, or 2 feet below the pile tip, whicheverapplies.This easement is permanent in nature. (Refer to Figure 9-A.)1.5.5 At-Grade (Fee Ownership or Surface Easement)0Upper Limit: An upper limit is required only when a surface easement is to beacquired. When an upper limit is required, the limit shall be described by theelevation of horizontal planes, stepped as required, projecting the steps relativeto the existing property lines or prominent suitable topographical or designfeatures. The minimum distance from the top of the running rail to thehorizontal plane is 25 feet. (Refer to Figure 10-A and 11-A.)0Lateral Limits: The right-of-way limits shall be established taking into accountall requirements that apply to this alignment. The following distances shall beused as a guide:Normal at-grade section - 10 feet from the toe or top of slope, or 1foot outside of the right-of-way fence, whichever is greater.Page 87 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

Normal at-grade section with drainage interceptor ditches - 10 feetminimum from the outside top of slope of the interceptor ditch, or 1foot outside of the right-of-way fence, whichever is greater.Restrictive and retained section - 2 feet beyond footing or base ofretaining structure, or 2 feet outside of the pile tip, whichever applies.° Lower Limit: When required, the lower shall be defined in a manner similar tothe upper limit, using a minimum distance of 10 feet below the bottom of theinterceptor ditch, 10 feet below the toe of the slope, 10 feet below the bottom ofthe footing, or 2 feet below the pile tops, whichever is lower.1.5.6 Storm Drainage (Drainage Easements)For DART drainage, a desirable minimum of 5 feet from the top of slope of the ditch shallbe used for open ditches. The easement limits for underground drainage shall beestablished taking into account the future maintenance requirements with particularattention to the depth of the pipe. Generally, a minimum of 5 feet from the outside of thepipe, on each side, shall be used. For public drainage, the easements shall be inaccordance with accepted standards of the public agency involved. Right-of-way forrequired utility services shall be provided in accordance with the local requirements.1.5.7 Construction EasementsConstruction easements shall be delineated to provide room for the contractor to activelyproceed with the work without adversely impacting adjacent segments, and 10 feet to 25feet outside the permanent requirements for at-grade and aerial segments, and 10 feet to15 feet outside of the limits of cut slope for cut-and-cover segments are required.However, where necessary to avoid additional takings, it may be advisable to constrain thecontractor in his construction methods and establish tighter easements limits.As construction easements are required for a limited period of time, the duration of theeasements shall be defined.Page 8 8 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

1.6 STATIONSStation platforms shall be shown on the plans with stationing at each end of the platform.Right-of-way dimensions are delineated in the following sections: 1) rock tunnel androckbolts; 2) earth tunnel; 3) cut and cover; 4) aerial; and 5) at-grade.In addition to the structural, mechanical and electrical requirements for space, therequirements for pedestrian circulation space must be observed. A 10-foot-widelongitudinal walk strip on either side of the finished escalator portal is required. A 20-footdistance from the newels must also be preserved for pedestrian circulation. Minimumhead room is 8 feet and 6 inches.1.7 Systems Power and Control FacilitiesSubstations, tie stations, communications bungalows and signal bungalows at-graderequire a minimum 10-foot-access road with a 32-foot-long parking area with a turnaround.The requirement for land varies with the type of facility. It should be contiguous to the limitof right-of-way for DART, where possible, with 5 feet maintained between the limit of rightof-wayand the face of the structure for maintenance.1.8 Vent and Fan ShaftsVent and fan shafts may be located in public space where possible. Access to the shaftmust be provided. When located on private property, the limit of right-of-way shall followthe right-of-way dimensions previously delineated for the stations.1.9 UnderpinningThe right-of-way necessary for any underpinning required shall follow the right-of-waydimensions previously delineated for the stations. Generally, the easements required shallbe temporary with any underpinning or support becoming the property of the facility owner.Access to the construction area shall be defined.Page 89 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

1.10 ElevatorsThe right-of-way necessary for the construction and subsequent operation andmaintenance of the elevators shall follow the right-of-way dimensions previouslydelineated for the stations. Direct access shall be provided from the elevators to the publicspace. This access shall be a minimum of 8 feet wide in addition to the space required forthe queuing area. Access to machine rooms, hoistways, elevators, and pits shall be asrequired by the applicable code requirements.1.11 MonumentationThe objective of the DART right-of-way monumentation is to provide a broad network ofcontrol and right-of-way monuments from which the DART right-of-way lines can beaccurately reestablished.1.11.1 Definitions000Right-of-way monument - A DART monument consisting of a bronze oraluminum disc marker inscribed "DART-Right-of-Way" cast in the end of an 8-inch-square concrete column installed in the ground. Alternates are theinscribed bronze or aluminum disc installed in a concrete sidewalk orpavement, or a rod with resin reinforced glass fiver head. (Refer to Figures12Aand 13A.)Control Monument - A DART monument consisting of a aluminum discmarker inscribed "DART - CONTROL SURVEY" and installed as above.Property monument - An iron pin, pipe, or rod used to mark a corner or apoint on a property line.1.11.2 <strong>Design</strong> Considerations. The DART right-of-way facilities shall bemonumented in such a manner that the right-of-way line can be readily established on theground by any Registered Professional Land Surveyor. In order to have consistencyamong the many surveys made, or that will be made in the future, the second-order DARTControl Survey (Refer to Survey Manual) is to be considered as the basis for the DARTright-of-way monumentation.Page 90 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03

On property plats, monumentation coordinate values shall be shown in the TexasCoordinate System, as established for the DART system.1.11.3 Location of Monuments The DART Control Survey (Refer to the Survey Manual)shall be considered as the basis for DART right-of-way monumentation. Right-of-waymonuments shall be set as a supplement to the DART control survey on the DART rightof-wayline at angle points, at the beginning and ends of curves, and at intermediate pointsof intervals of not greater than 1,000 feet. Excessive use of the monuments at anglepoints shall be avoided.Right-of-way monuments shall be placed so that backsights and foresights to DARTControl Survey monuments will be unobstructed, where they will not normally be disturbedby DART maintenance operations, private grass cutting or future construction, and wheretheir use will not create hazard for the traveling public or surveyors.1.11.4 Monumentation of Underground and Aerial Right-of-Way0Underground right-of-way: Right-of-way monuments shall not normally beused to mark DART underground occupancy of public space.0Aerial right-of-way: Right-of-way monuments shall not normally be used tomark these rights-of-way.0Utility right-of-way: Utility lines owned by the Authority shall not normally bemarked. Underground utility lines belonging to others shall be marked inaccordance with the particular owning utility's requirements, if any.Page 91 of 91 Rev. # 12 4/22/03


4/23/2' v.1) LEV 'ST 1 of 5ROW - xxxxRWRl. 040 -Right -of- Way PlanLV12DEscRinioN t*--j. • * - " • " •• •> .;' ••• ~. _ ,/.".._ - • : • ''l^f'jfiS^,SURVEY CONTROL LINES•'/ •• *wr; : v;ALC0"C" ?.'«.>Jx',co J&-K1'12/-'ifTi •'NAii'Alsizp^fNARIMA&jCS it j^|\"il*'. ' _ .': ":• t"13INGRESS & EGRESS EASEMENTe213NANA14INGRESS & EGRESS EASEMENT TEXT: [ Text / Leader / Terminator ]3/1/101441120RC=DART100PJT41.cel15EASEMENT LINE: I Existing 14215NANA16EASEMENT (Existing) TEXT: 1 Text / Leader ; Terminator 13/1/101641120RC=DART100PJT41.cel17EASEMENT: (Temporary)5717NANARC=DART100PJT41 eel18UTILITY EASEMENT LINE (Proposed): 1 Boundaries / Rod Markers 16/22/018NANA19UTILITY EASEMENT (Proposed) TEXT: [ Text / Leader / Terminator 13/1 /101941120RC=DART1 OOPJT4 1 .eel20DRAINAGE EASEMENT LINE (Proposed): 1 Boundaries / Rod Markers 16/22/020NANA21DRAINAGE EASEMENT (Proposed) TEXT: 1 Text / Leader / Terminator I3/1 n02141120RC=DART100PJT41.cel22MATERIAL INDICATIONS: [ Patterns 10-100-722NANA'Use available patterns*23PROPOSED ROW (By Others): 1 Boundaries / Rod Markers / ROW Control Monument / Marker 147/0/023NANA26RIGHT-OF WAY (Existing): 1 Boundaries / Rod Markers / ROW Control Monument / Marker 12/2/47/0/026NANA27PROPERTY LINE (Existing): 1 Boundaries / Rod Markers ]26/027NANA28RIGHT-OF WAY CENTERLINES1428NANA30RIGHT-OF WAY (Future): 1 Boundaries / Rod Markers / ROW Control Monument / Marker 15/4/43/0/030NANA31RIGHT-OF WAY (Proposed): 1 Boundaries / Rod Markers / ROW Control Monument .' Marker 18/4/47/0/031NANA32PROPERTY LINE (Proposed): 1 Boundaries / Rod Markers ]6/4032NANA35STREET WIDTH DIMENSIONS40354117536STREET NAMES40364117537ABSTRACT / SURVEY: [ Graphics / Text 14/3I/O374112040BUILDING NAME30404112041LOT DIMENSION: 1 Text 1204141eo42OWNERS NAME30424112043BLOCK NUMBERS30434112044LOT NUMBERS30444112045PARCEL NUMBERS: 1 Graphics / Text ; Leader 14/3/10454112046GENERAL NOTATIONS: [ Text / Leaders 1 Terminators ]3/1/10341120RC=DART100PJT41.col47COUNTY LINES: 1 Graphics / Text ]4/35/04741120•48CITY LIMITS: 1 Graphics / Text 14/36/048411204/23/2003 (Rev.1) LEVEL LISTPage 1 of 5Rev. 12 4/22/03 (this manual)

4/23/2 v.1)!ST 2 of 549BERM1349NANA50DIMENSIONS: 1 Text 1 Leaders / Dimension Lines / Witness Lines / Center Lines / Terminators ]3/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.r.el61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120if exchange of drawings needed (Nun Piinl)!*63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA" For inpul use only!4/23/2003 (Rev.1) LEVEL LISTPage 2 of 5Rev. 12 4/22/03 (this manual)


4/23/2 v.1) LEV !ST 3 of 5LV12345689101112131415171820212223252627282931TOPO1 - xxxxTPRl.040-Topography (Existing)DESCRIPTION : . „ , '**.'**-''', :j**:V . , ?~~ f'.;"*BENCHMARKS: [ Permanent .' Temporary 1STREETS & BRIDGESROADS: 1 Dirt Roads / Unpaved Streets IBRIDGE HANDRAILSCONCRETE GUARD FENCESROAD BARRIERSBRIDGE CONCRETE RIP-RAPBRIDGE DRAINAGE: { Bo« Culverts )RAILROAD TRACKS & SYMBOLSBUILDINGSPARKING STRIPESEXTERIOR STRUCTURES: I Sidewalks 1MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE STRUCTURES: 1 Pools / Wall Privacy / Fences-Privacy / Railroad Street Crossings ]PORCHES: I Stairs / Steps / Slabs ]FENCES & POLES: 1 Fences ; Fence Poles / Flag Poles ]MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES: t Walls / Cellars / Elevated Docking Areas / Depressed Docking Areas / Ramps / Slopes ]UTILITY SURFACE FEATURES: [ Man Holes / Inlets / Fire Hydrants / Water Meter / Gas Meter 1MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY FEATURES: ( Electrical Towers / Power Poles / Sign Posts / Billboards / Traffic Signals .' Light Poles 1PIPELINE: 1 Creek Crossing / Exposed Pipes 1MISCELLANEOUS CONTOURS: 1 Crest / Depression ]CREEK : 1 Centerlines .' Depression Edges 1EARTH DAMCONCRETE DAMCONCRETE DRAINAGE DITCHVEGETATION: 1 Trees / Shrubs )CONTOURS - 1 FOOT'- 'r'wr ""• .- ,1111it11i111111111111111i1*;'..;«:«-;. *t00/20/30000/20/20000/30000/2/2/2/0/200026/000000•*&\. "X CO " :i -i* •00000000000000000000000000i* i FT'4141NANANANANANANA41NANA41NA414141414141414141414141', J SUE/--.80/12060NANANANANANANA80NANA80NA80808080801208080808080120REMARKS '„_.*•* '."-•:* '_,>••- - :Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weigh! = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1RC=DART100PJT41.cel / Tsxl Weight = 1RC=DARTIOOPJT41.cel / Text Weighl = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Text Weight = 1Texl Weight = 1RC=DART100PJT41.cel / Text Weighl = 1Text Weight = 135CONTOURS - 5 FOOT20041120Text Weight = 136SPOT ELEVATIONS10041120Texl Weight = 161STREET NAMES10041120Text Weight = 163COORDINATE TIC MARKS: [ Crosses / Text I1004160Text Weighl = 14/23/2003 (Rev.1) LEVEL LISTPage 3 of 5Rev. 12 4/22/03 (this manual)


4/23/2CLEV 'ST -4 of 5LVUTIL - xxxxUTRl.040- Utilities (Existing)DESCRIPTION,! '- *"*,; •-'•'-- - -* * "-'?-, ' ,„ ' - /•/:•* »-*',J,rt^'*«••^•mCfwr*^ 'V*V" LC. *f',*•?co''$$*c,*i.#? FT

4/23/2. iv. 1) LE V 1ST 5 of 546GENERAL NOTATIONS: ( Text / Leaders / Terminators I3/1/10341120RC=DART100PJT41.cel48TELEGRAPH AS-BUILT INFO (OH): I Text / Note Box / Leader ]2/3/10104110049RAIL SIGNAL AS-BUILT INFO (By Other Than DART) (OH): I Text / Note Box .' Leader ]2/3/10114110050DIMENSIONS: 1 Text / Leaders / Dimension Lines / witness Lines / Center Lines / Terminators 13/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/4/05041120RC=DART100PJT41.C9l61INTER-CONSULTANT NOTES306141120If exchange of drawings needed (Non Prinl)!•63NON-PRINT ELEMENTS0-100-7NANANA' For inpul use only!4/23/2003 (Rev.1) LEVEL LISTPage 5 of 5Rev. 12 4/22/03 (this manual)

APPENDIX DApproved Abbreviations:AsphaltAnchorBack of CurbBase LineBench MarkBuildingCenter LineClean OutControllingMonumentCornerConcreteCurveCubic YardCubic FootDeedDeed Records DallasCounty TexasFence (Chain Link)Fence (Wooden)Fire HydrantFlowlineFoundGas MeterGutterIron RodIron PipeLateralLong ChordMeasuredMan HoleMap Records DallasCounty TexasMedianMid OrdinateOver Head LinesPageAsphAncBCBLBMBldgLCOCMCorConeCrvC.Y.C.F.(D)D.R.D.C.T.CLFWFFHFLFNDGMGUTIRIPLatLC(Meas)MHM.R.D.C.T.MedMO0/HPg.Point of BeginningPoint of CommencingPoint of CompoundCurvePoint of CurvePoint of IntersectionPoint of Reverse CurvePoint of Spiral CurvePoint of TangencyPoint of TangentPoint of Vertical CurvePoint of VerticalIntersectionPoint of Vertical TangentPower PolePull BoxRadiusRadius PointRailroadReference PointRight of WayReinforced ConcretePipeSidewalkSquare FeetStationStorm DrainStorm SewerTangentTop of BankTop of CurbTurning Point<strong>Volume</strong>Water MeterWater ValveWaste WaterPOBPOCPCCPCPIPRCPOSPTPOTPVCPVIPVTPPPBRRPRRRef. Pt.ROWPCPSWSq.Ft.Sta.SDssTanTBTCTPVol.WMWVWWRev. #12 4/22/03

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