Annual Report 2009 - MSME-DI Nagpur

Annual Report 2009 - MSME-DI Nagpur

Annual Report 2009 - MSME-DI Nagpur


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I am extremely happy in presenting the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> of <strong>MSME</strong>-DevelopmentInstitute, <strong>Nagpur</strong> for the year <strong>2009</strong>-10. The Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises(<strong>MSME</strong>) Sector is a vital constituent of the India’s industrial sector because of itsdynamic & vibrant nature. The sustained growth of <strong>MSME</strong> sector in the postindependence period has been made possible by the special attention bestowed by thepolicy makers. In the context of new challenges arising out of the impact of WTO andGlobalization on the Indian <strong>MSME</strong>’s., we yearn for the health and growth of the <strong>MSME</strong>sector.<strong>MSME</strong>-Development Institute, <strong>Nagpur</strong> is catering to the needs of Vidarbha Regionworking in <strong>Nagpur</strong> since 1970. Vidarbha Region is dominant with Iron/ Steel and Agrobased Industries mainly due to the availability of natural resources like Minerals &Agriculture. Present Industrial population in Region constitutes around 20951 <strong>MSME</strong>swith an Investment of Rs.222148.88 lakhs providing an employment to 174502 persons.Looking to the local status, economical condition and emerging opportunities inVidarbha, need based activities for the benefit of existing Industries and prospectiveEntrepreneurs are identified and accordingly <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> organized 86 ESDPs,13 EDPs, 77Industrial Motivation Campaigns and 18 MDPs. Apart from these, otherprogrammes such as, Vendor Development Programme, MSE-CDP on ReadymadeGarment Cluster at <strong>Nagpur</strong> & CAD/CAM by <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>-IGTR was also organized duringthe year.With the strenuous efforts of the officers of <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> the total revenueearnings of the institute during the year <strong>2009</strong>-10 was Rs.378310/- through variousprogrammes & other activities.The performance of the Institute was achieved with the hard work and wholeheartedsupport of the officers and staff of the Institute.I would like to place on record my appreciation for the co-operation extended bymany Government departments, Organizations and Industries Associations including the<strong>MSME</strong> entrepreneurs. I also take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation to allthe officers and staff keeping the motto and sincere work for all the achievements.*****Sd(S.M.JAMKHAN<strong>DI</strong>)<strong>DI</strong>RECTOR2

INDEXSl.No. Particulars Page No.1. About Us 4-52. Technical Consultancy 63. Training Programmes 74. ESDPs 7-145. EDPs 15-166. MDPs 17-197. IMCs 20-238. BSDPs 249. Programme report 2510. <strong>DI</strong>PS/Project Profiles 26-2711. V.D.P. 28-3612. ISO reimbursement 3713. <strong>MSME</strong> Tool Room (IGTR) CAD/CAM 38-39Training centre, National Awards14. Secretary visits 40-4215. International Trade Fairs 4316. Hindi Day/Pakhwada 4417. Readymade Garment Cluster 44-4918. BSDPs 50-5119. Bio-Technology/SDP 5220. Consumers Awareness Programme 53-5421. Training programme on Packaging 55for Exports22. NSIC registration 55-5723. RTI 5724. Workshop 5725. Revenue earned/Non-plan expenditure 5826. Third Hindi Parliamentary Sub- 59-61Committee Meeting27. Photo Gallery 62-66…………………………3

ABOUT USMicro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development Institute, <strong>Nagpur</strong> hasbeen working for promotion and development of Micro, Small & MediumEnterprises of Vidarbha region comprising of 11 districts viz, Akola,Amravati, Bhandara., Buldhana, Chandrapur, Gadchiroli, Wardha,Yavatmal, <strong>Nagpur</strong>, Gondia & Washim of Maharashtra state. Govt. ofMaharashtra declared Industrial backward district except <strong>Nagpur</strong> inVidarbha region of Maharashtra State. <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong> provides services in thefields of1. Technical Consultancy2. Cluster Development3. Management Consultancy4. Entrepreneurship Development Training Programmes5. Entrepreneurship Skill Development Training Programmes6. Management Development Training Programmes7. Industrial Motivation Campaign for <strong>MSME</strong>s Development8. Skill Development Programmes9. Economic Information10. Preparation of Project Profiles11. Intensive technical assistance4

12. Sub – Contract Exchange (SCX)13. Vendor Development Programme/Exhibition14. ISO- 9001 Certification awareness through educational workshops &reimbursement.15. Awareness-cum-educational workshop on Energy Conservation16. Educational Workshop on Waste Minimisation & CleanerProduction17. Programme on Intellectual Property Rights18. Programme on Bio-Technology19. Participation in the International Trade Fair Exhibition for MarketingDevelopment Assistance (MDA).20. National Awards for <strong>MSME</strong>s Entrepreneurs.21. Collection of Price data in respect of selected MSE Units22. Miscellaneous activities including Court Cases of Violation ofReservation Policy as per The DC (<strong>MSME</strong>) instructions.23. Implementation of NMCP Schemes.5

(1) TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY:ASSISTANCE TO PROSPECTIVE ENTREPRENEURS:The main objective of the Institute since its inception is to providetechnical consultancy to projective and existing entrepreneurs. <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>,<strong>Nagpur</strong> provided consultancy & guidance to 10694 prospectiveentrepreneurs for selection of products, machinery/technology, location,financial assistance etc. Prospective entrepreneurs also benefited throughthe lectures delivered by <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong> Officers at the training Programmesorganized by <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>, Maharashtra Centre for EntrepreneurshipDevelopment (MCED), Engineering Colleges, and Polytechnic Colleges etc.ASSISTANCE TO EXISTING ENTREPRENEURS:<strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> provided techno-managerial consultancy to 530existing entrepreneurs for Plant & Machinery including Layout, improvingthe manufacturing technology/ design/ process, Improvement in quality andtooling, Product Development, Consultancy for diversification and also forimproving the managerial aspects against the target of 310 as assigned bythe Director, <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> for the year <strong>2009</strong>-10. This also includeactivities such as improvement in Marketing, availability of finance, throughNSIC registration, capacity assessment etc.ASSISTANCE TO WOMEN, SC, ST & Minority ENTREPRENEURS.This office assisted 5270 women entrepreneurs, 3106 SC, 1225 ST &336 Minority prospective/ existing entrepreneurs through various trainingprogrammes organized by this Institute during the year <strong>2009</strong>-10.6

(2) MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY:<strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> trained entrepreneurs representing variousenterprises on various topics of Management such as Export Marketing,Airline, Travel & Tourism, Financial Management, Skill for EffectiveBusiness Management, Marketing Management, International Marketing,Taxation etc. 466 entrepreneurs were also assisted in improving theirmanagerial capability.TRAINING PROGRAMMES:Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development Institute, <strong>Nagpur</strong>conducted the Training Programmes in the field of Management &Entrepreneurship Development during the year <strong>2009</strong>-2010. The details ofthe programmes are given below:-(3) ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILL DEVELOPMENTPROGRAMMESIn order to encourage self-employment amongst the educatedunemployed youth of the society, this Institute conducted IndustrialMotivation campaign and Three Weeks Entrepreneurship DevelopmentProgrammes & Six Weeks Product cum Process Entrepreneurship SkillDevelopment Programmes in both urban and the rural areas of Vidarbharegion of Maharashtra. During the year <strong>2009</strong>-2010, against the target of 20EDPs & 87 ESDPs set by the office of the Development Commissioner(<strong>MSME</strong>) the Institute has conducted 13 EDPs. 310 nos. of participants weretrained including 215 women prospective entrepreneurs & 86 ESDPs. 2100nos. of participants were trained including 1254 nos. women prospectiveentrepreneur. The special programme on Novelty & Utility Goods, FashionDesigning & Dress Making, Computer Hardware & Maintenance,Animation, Bakery Products, Auto Cad, Food Products, Web Designing,Graphic Designing, Hand Embroidery & Ari Jardosi, Herbal Cosmetics, ITSecurity, PLC & Logic Control, Desk Top Publishing, Diamond Cutting &Polishing, Handicraft Items and others received excellent response and highappreciation from the prospective entrepreneurs.7

ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR GENERAL CATEGORYS.No. Name of the Programme Duration VenueNo of ParticipantsFrom To (District) SC ST W OBC Min PH OT. TotalRevenue1.Computer Hardware & Basic Networking 9/10/09 16/11/09 Wardha 12 01 12 04 01 -- 07 25 1500=002.Desk Top Publishing 16/10/09 21/11/09 Chamorshi, -- 22 10 -- -- -- -- 22 --Gadchiroli3.Diamond Cutting & Polishing 22/10/09 3/12/09 Amravati 12 08 02 04 -- -- -- 24 700=004.Computer Hardware & Maintenance 11/11/09 23/12/09 Wardha -- 08 -- -- -- 01 14 23 2800=005/11/09 16/12/09 Wardha 05 05 21 -- -- -- 15 25 1900=005.Fashion Designing on ReadymadeGarment6.Desk Top Publishing 5/11/09 16/12/09 Wardha 09 -- 10 -- -- 01 15 25 2100=007.Welding 9/11/09 14/12/09 Kamptee, 18 -- -- 02 -- -- 05 25 1400=00<strong>Nagpur</strong>8.Multimedia Animation 26/10/09 08/12/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 13 -- 10 07 -- -- 05 25 1700=009.Fancy & Utility Goods 09/11/09 21/12/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 11 -- 25 12 -- -- 02 25 1600=0010.Desk Top Publishing 18/11/09 24/12/09 Yavatmal 13 03 09 -- 01 -- 08 25 1300=0011.Readymade Garment 26/10/09 05/12/09 Darwha, 09 01 26 15 01 -- -- 26 1600=00Yavatmal12.Animation 11/11/09 19/12/09 Wardha 13 -- 14 09 02 -- 01 25 1900=0013.Computer Hardware & Basic Networking 03/11/09 11/12/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 10 -- 01 07 02 -- 07 26 3300=0014.Animation 10/11/09 17/12/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 12 01 14 04 -- -- 10 27 2100=0015.IT Security 09/11/09 18/12/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 06 -- 04 -- -- -- 19 25 3500=0016.IT Security 03/11/09 11/12/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 10 -- 05 07 -- 01 07 25 2600=0017.Herbal Cosmetics 23/10/09 03/12/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 06 -- 15 11 01 -- 07 25 2700=0018.Bakery Products 26/10/09 04/12/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 11 -- 14 05 02 -- 07 25 1800=0019.Animation 21/12/09 27/01/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 09 02 11 06 -- -- 08 25 2100=0020.Rexene Bag 19/12/09 25/01/10 Wani, 13 01 25 -- -- -- 11 25 1100=00Yavatmal21.Xerox Machine Servicing &Repairs 18/12/09 22/01/10 Yavatmal 11 04 05 -- -- -- 11 26 1900=008

22.Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 27/11/09 08/01/10 Hingana, 10 01 -- -- -- -- 09 20 1800=00<strong>Nagpur</strong>23.Repairing & Maintenance of Four 27/11/09 08/01/10 Hingana, 09 05 -- -- -- -- 06 20 1200=00Wheeler<strong>Nagpur</strong>24.Industrial Instrumentation 01/12/09 12/01/10 Hingana, 05 05 -- -- -- -- 10 20 2000=00<strong>Nagpur</strong>25. BIOTECHNOLOGY 01/12/09 08/01/10 Wardha 05 -- 09 17 -- -- 07 29 4100=0026.Kids Wear Manufacturing 17/12/09 28/01/10 Akola 02 -- 23 15 -- -- 08 25 2500=0027.Web Designing 19/12/09 29/01/10 Shegaon, 02 -- 11 07 07 -- 09 25 3500=00Buldhana28.PLC & Logic Control 30/11/09 08/01/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 08 02 01 -- -- -- 13 23 2500=0029.PLC & Logic Control 23/11/09 01/01/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 13 01 -- -- -- 01 09 24 1800=0030.Auto Cad 21/12/09 29/01/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 13 01 05 -- -- -- 09 23 1800=0031.Auto Cad 14/12/09 22/01/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 11 01 03 -- -- -- 12 24 2100=0032.Computer Hardware & Networking 07/12/09 11/01/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 07 04 06 -- -- -- 14 25 2400=0001/12/09 08/01/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> -- 25 25 -- -- -- -- 25 --33.Computer Aided Fashion Designing andHandwork34.Novelty & Utility Goods 22/01/10 28/02/10 Akola 16 -- 24 05 -- -- 04 25 900=0035.Desk Top Publishing 20/01/10 26/02/10 Yavatmal 13 -- 10 08 01 -- 03 25 1900=0036.Computer Hardware & Networking 20/01/10 26/02/10 Yavatmal 14 02 04 08 -- -- 01 25 1400=0037.Agro & Forest Based Products 18/01/10 26/02/10 Wardha 03 -- 16 17 -- -- 04 24 2700=0038.Computer Hardware 16/01/10 26/02/10 Gadchiroli 04 02 -- 12 -- -- 07 25 3800=0039.Computer Hardware 16/01/10 26/02/10 Chandrapur 11 04 -- 06 -- -- 03 24 1800=0040.Desk Top Publishing 16/01/10 26/02/10 Chandrapur 16 04 15 02 -- -- 03 25 800=0041.Web Designing 25/1/10 5/3/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 08 -- 12 04 01 -- 12 25 1700=0042.Desk Top Publishing 23/1/10 5/3/10 Pulgaon 12 -- 24 10 -- -- 03 25 1500=0043.Web Designing 30/1/10 5/3/10 Yavatmal 14 05 07 06 -- --- -- 25 1200=0044.Dress Designing & Making 27/1/10 4/3/10 Bhandara 12 -- 25 02 11 -- -- 25 1300=0045.Computer Hardware & Basic NetworkingNetworking25/1/10 2/3/10 Amravati 21 -- 09 03 01 -- -- 25 600=009

ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR ST CATEGORYS.No. Name of the Programme Duration VenueNo of ParticipantsFrom To (District) SC ST W OBC Min PH OT. TotalRevenue1.Computer Hardware & Basic Networking 9/10/09 16/11/09 Hinganghat, -- 25 08 -- -- -- -- 25 --Wardha2Computer Hardware & Maintenence 20/10/09 30/11/09 Gadchiroli -- 22 07 -- -- -- -- 22 --3Diamond Cutting & Polishing 12/10/09 25/11/09 Amravati -- 21 03 -- -- -- -- 21 --4Novelty Bag Making 19/11/09 26/12/09 Yavatmal -- 23 23 -- -- -- -- 23 --5Desk Top Publishing 1/2/10 12/3/10 Allapali, -- 25 -- -- -- -- -- 25 --Gadchiroli6Computer Hardware 1/2/10 12/3/10 Allapali, -- 25 -- -- -- -- -- 25 --Gadchiroli7Desk Top Publishing 1/2/10 12/3/10 Armori, -- 25 17 -- -- -- -- 25 --Gadchiroli8Graphic Designing 28/1/10 5/3/10 Hinganghat,Wardha-- 25 02 -- -- -- -- 25 --10

ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR MINORITYS.No. Name of the Programme Duration VenueNo of ParticipantsFrom To (District) SC ST W OBC Min PH OT. TotalRevenue1.Desk Top Publishing 23/11/09 01/01/10 Chandrapur -- -- 25 -- 25 -- -- 25 2500/-2Desk Top Publishing 19/1/10 26/2/10 Pusad, -- -- 04 -- 25 -- -- 25 4600/-Yavatmal3Fashion Designing & Dress Making 22/1/10 1/3/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> -- -- 25 -- 25 -- -- 25 2500/-4Desk Top Publishing 23/1/10 5/3/10 Wardha -- -- 14 -- 23 -- -- 23 3200/-11

ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR WEAKER SECTIONS.No. Name of the Programme Duration VenueNo of ParticipantsFrom To (District) SC ST W OBC Min PH OT. TotalRevenue1Food Products 30.06.09 08.08.09 Akola 06 -- 22 04 02 -- 10 22 --2Fashion Designing 30.06.09 08.08.09 Akola 08 02 25 03 -- -- 12 25 --3Fashion Designing & Dress Making 01.07.09 08.08.09 Washim 09 01 23 08 -- -- 05 23 --4DTP 24.06.09 07.08.09 Ballarsha, 16 -- 23 -- -- -- 07 23 --Chandrapur5DTP 03.07.09 17.08.09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 25 -- 25 -- -- -- -- 25 --6Handicraft Items 02.07.09 12.08.09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 28 -- 26 -- -- 01 -- 29 --7Graphic Designing 25.06.09 10.08.09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 10 01 22 03 -- -- 11 25 --8Animation 14.07.09 19.08.09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 12 -- 14 08 -- -- 02 22 --9Dress Making & Mfg. 24.07.09 03.09.09 Amgaon, 13 -- 24 02 -- -- 09 24 --Gondia10DTP & Screen Printing 24.07.09 03.09.09 Amgaon, 17 02 21 03 -- 01 01 24 --Gondia11Bakery Products 29.07.09 08.09.09 Washim 25 -- 25 -- -- -- -- 25 --12Hand Embroidery & Ari Zardosi 04.08.09 14.09.09 Gondkheri, 14 01 24 09 -- -- -- 24 --<strong>Nagpur</strong>13Leather Novelty Goods 31.07.09 14.09.09 Bhandara 10 -- 25 12 -- -- 03 25 --14Welding Technology 15.09.09 31.10.09 Hingna, 23 02 -- -- -- -- -- 25 --<strong>Nagpur</strong>15Novelty & Fancy Items 15.10.09 23.11.09 Fetri, <strong>Nagpur</strong> 04 03 24 05 02 -- 10 24 --16Ladies Garment Mfg. & Embroidery 24.11.09 02.01.10 Thaturwada, 03 -- 25 16 -- 01 05 25 --Narkhed,<strong>Nagpur</strong>17Fancy & Utility Goods 22.02.10 8.3.10 Wardha 22 -- 25 -- -- -- 03 25 --12

ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR WOMEN CATEGORYS.No. Name of the Programme Duration VenueNo of ParticipantsFrom To (District) SC ST W OBC Min PH OT. TotalRevenue1.DTP 16/10/09 27/10/09 Gadchiroli 14 02 22 -- -- -- 06 22 600=002.Fashion Designing & Dress Making 16/11/10 21/12/09 Gondia 25 -- 25 -- -- -- -- 25 NIL3.Computer Hardware & Basic Networking 17/12/09 28/01/10 Akola 15 -- 25 07 -- -- 03 25 1000=004.Baker Products 23/11/09 01/01/10 Chandrapur 18 02 25 -- -- -- 05 25 500=005.Food Products 19/01/10 27/02/10 Akola 15 -- 21 03 03 -- -- 21 600=006.DTP 16/01/10 26/02/10 Gadchiroli 08 -- 25 10 -- -- 07 25 1700=007.Novelty Bag Making 22/1/10 1/3/10 Pusad 14 03 25 02 -- -- 06 25 800=008.Fashion Designing & Dress Making 23/1/10 5/3/10 Pulgaon 10 03 24 07 -- -- 04 24 1100=009.Hand Embroidery & Ari Jardosi 25/1/10 3/3/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 14 05 24 03 01 -- 01 24 500=0010.Hand Embroidery 28/1/10 10/3/10 Wadi 08 -- 25 10 -- -- 07 25 1700=0011.Fashion Designing & Dress Making 25/1/10 2/3/10 Amravati 10 -- 25 05 04 -- 06 25 1500=0012.Novelty &Utility Items 25/1/10 2/3/10 Amravati 05 -- 25 02 01 -- 17 25 2000=0013

ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR <strong>2009</strong>-10S. No Name of the Programme Duration Venue No of Participants Revenue CoordinatorFrom To SC ST W OBC Min PH OT. Total1EDP (Weaker Section) 13/7/09 29/7/09 Khaparkheda 14 -- 23 1 -- -- 8 23 -- C.S.Dodke2EDP 2/7/09 21/7/09 Gondia 12 -- 23 10 -- -- 1 23 1100 D.J.Meshram3EDP 7/8/09 26/8/09 Telhara 8 -- 14 11 -- -- 6 25 1700 D.J.Meshram4EDP 12/11/09 30/11/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 17 -- 14 2 -- -- 3 22 500 K.T.Kalkar5EDP 7/12/09 22/12/09 Warthi 11 1 23 9 -- -- 2 23 600 C.S.Dodke6EDP (Weaker Section) 8/12/09 29/12/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 20 2 20 2 -- -- 1 25 -- B.Sikdar7EDP 11/1/10 28/1/10 Umrer 3 1 9 -- -- 1 18 23 1400 C.S.Dodke8EDP 4/2/10 23/2/10 Parsodi 8 -- 24 3 -- -- 14 25 1700 M.V.K.Jha9EDP (Weaker Section) 2/2/10 19/2/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 12 3 10 5 1 -- -- 21 -- S.S.Bhowate10EDP 2/2/10 17/2/10 Tumsar 12 -- 21 3 1 -- 6 22 400 C.S.Dodke11EDP 2/2/10 17/2/10 Lakhandur 16 3 28 3 -- -- 6 28 500 C.S.Dodke12EDP 7/2/10 26/2/10 Pusad 7 1 3 5 -- -- 12 25 P.Umare13EDP 19/1/10 5/2/10 Pusad 5 2 3 13 -- -- 5 25 1700 P.Umare15

(4) MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES (MDPs)The MDPs conducted by the Institute are designed to improve theManagerial competence of the <strong>MSME</strong>s/Prospective Entrepreneurs. Duringthe year <strong>2009</strong>-2010, against the target of 20 set by the Head Quarter, theInstitute has conducted 18MDPs, in which 466 Prospective/ ExistingEntrepreneurs were trained. This included 186 Womens, 151 SC, and 17 ST.The MDPs conducted by this Institute have attracted the participants fromreputed <strong>MSME</strong>s and have also been appreciated by the leading IndustriesAssociations & NGOs. The special programmes on Export Marketing,Personality Building for Business Management, Marketing Management,Retail Management, Finance for Non Finance Personnel, ExportManagement, Skills for Business Management, International Marketing,Sales & Marketing, Marketing & Agro Business Management, HumanResource Management, Taxation, Event Management, International CargoManagement & Winning Strategies for <strong>MSME</strong>s were organized by theInstitute as per the details given below.17

(5) MOTIVATION CAMPAIGNS:In order to motivate unemployed youth to set up their own ventures, 77 Industrial Motivation Campaigns for enterprisesdevelopment were organized during the year <strong>2009</strong>-10 was organised, the details of which are given in the following table:INDUSTRIAL MOTIVATION CAMPAIGN FOR THE YEAR <strong>2009</strong>-10S.No.Name of theProgrammeDuration Venue No of Participants Revenue CoordinatorFrom To SC ST W OBC Min PH OT. Total1IMCs 30/6/09 30/6/09 Khaparkeda 16 8 57 13 -- -- 20 57 NIL C.S.Dodke2IMCs 23/6/09 23/6/09 Ballarpur 54 -- 97 39 1 -- 5 99 NIL P. Umare3IMCs 24/6/09 24/6/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 13 4 29 9 -- -- 22 48 NIL B.Sikdar4IMCs 22/6/09 22/6/09 Ner 32 6 124 11 47 -- 28 124 NIL D.J.Meshram5IMCs 30/6/09 30/6/09 Akola 23 2 68 12 2 -- 29 68 NIL R.Kumar6IMCs 1/7/09 1/7/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 48 NIL B.Sikdar7IMCs 25/7/09 25/7/09 Washim 45 16 62 -- -- -- 1 62 NIL A.G.Telang8IMCs 24/7/09 24/7/09 Amgaon 7 1 28 108 -- -- 3 119 NIL K.B.Irpate9IMCs 25/8/09 25/8/09 Amravati 12 9 40 32 -- -- 7 60 NIL S.S.Bhowate10IMCs 9/9/09 9/9/09 Bhandara 77 6 110 18 -- -- 09 110 NIL J.Pal11IMCs 14/9/09 14/9/09 Tumsar 30 27 109 -- 4 -- 48 109 NIL J.Pal12IMCs 30/9/09 30/9/09 Warora 12 19 50 16 -- -- 03 50 NIL C.S.Dodke13IMCs 23/10/09 23/10/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 21 7 28 5 7 -- 14 54 NIL B.Sikdar14IMCs 23/10/09 23/10/09 Darwha 43 36 121 29 7 -- 6 121 NIL A.G.Telang15IMCs 10/10/09 10/10/09 Wardha 12 3 81 52 -- -- 14 81 NIL P. Umare16IMCs 15/10/09 15/10/09 Gadchiroli 24 62 54 6 -- -- 3 95 NIL P. Umare17IMCs 1/10/09 1/10/09 Nagbhid 34 26 66 3 -- -- 3 66 NIL C.S.Dodke18IMCs 5/10/09 5/10/09 Fetri 25 6 25 40 -- -- 5 76 NIL K.T.Kalkar19IMCs 13/11/09 13/11/09 Sangrampur 1 -- 4 12 -- -- 19 32 NIL R.Kumar20IMCs 6/11/09 6/11/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 27 7 58 20 3 -- 34 85 NIL B.Sikdar21IMCs 30/11/09 30/11/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 5 25 28 4 1 -- 14 49 NIL B.Sikdar22IMCs 6/11/09 6/11/09 Chandrapur 48 28 82 37 5 -- 39 157 NIL P. Umare20

23IMCs 21/11/09 21/11/09 Chandrapur 38 19 121 35 2 -- 27 121 NIL P. Umare24IMCs 11/11/09 11/11/09 Wardha 10 15 10 10 -- 1 10 56 NIL S.R.Khujnare25IMCs 27/11/09 27/11/09 Hingana 10 17 -- 13 -- -- 12 52 NIL S.R.Khujnare26IMCs 18/11/09 18/11/09 Yavatmal 25 12 5 34 -- -- -- 71 NIL A.G.Telang27IMCs 19/11/09 19/11/09 Kalamb 18 38 66 5 5 -- -- 66 NIL A.G.Telang28IMCs 6/11/09 6/11/09 Kamptee 26 -- -- 2 -- -- 4 32 NIL M.Patel29IMCs 13/11/09 13/11/09 Gondia 25 3 -- 4 -- -- 5 37 NIL M.Patel30IMCs 4/12/09 4/12/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 23 10 8 5 -- -- 13 51 NIL M.Patel31IMCs 7/12/09 7/12/09 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 31 4 44 20 -- -- 1 56 NIL B.Sikdar32IMCs 5/12/09 5/12/09 Chandrapur 31 15 84 82 2 -- 20 150 NIL P. Umare33IMCs 21/12/09 21/12/09 Ramtek 13 1 5 31 -- -- 45 90 NIL R.Kumar34IMCs 18/12/09 18/12/09 Shegaon 5 4 13 16 -- -- 25 50 NIL R.Kumar35IMCs 5/12/09 5/12/09 Paoni 79 18 203 73 -- -- 33 203 NIL C.S.Dodke36IMCs 21/12/09 21/12/09 Umrer 33 10 -- 61 -- -- 20 124 NIL C.S.Dodke37IMCs 22/12/09 22/12/09 Parsodi 41 2 43 6 -- -- 4 53 NIL M.V.K.Jha38IMCs 28/1/10 28/1/10 Dattawadi 32 7 57 -- 3 -- 15 57 NIL S.R.Khujnare39IMCs 31/1/10 31/1/10 Warur 37 8 22 16 2 -- 34 97 NIL S.R.Khujnare40IMCs 19/1/10 19/1/10 Pusad 95 25 118 -- -- -- 23 143 NIL A.G.Telang41IMCs 21/1/10 21/1/10 Wardha 25 10 48 4 -- -- 9 48 NIL B.Sikdar42IMCs 23/1/10 23/1/10 Amravati 58 -- 37 19 -- -- 6 83 NIL K.T.Kalkar43IMCs 4/1/10 4/1/10 Chandrapur 28 7 18 10 -- -- 5 50 NIL P. Umare44IMCs 16/1/10 16/1/10 Gadchiroli 27 4 44 53 -- -- 18 102 NIL P. Umare45IMCs 16/1/10 16/1/10 Gadchiroli -- 80 -- -- -- -- -- 80 NIL P. Umare46IMCs 8/2/10 8/2/10 Shegaon 9 2 31 23 -- 1 41 76 NIL R.Kumar47IMCs 24/2/10 24/2/10 Amravati 13 -- 71 66 -- -- 53 132 NIL R.Kumar48IMCs 9/2/10 9/2/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 26 19 43 46 -- -- 13 104 NIL C.S.Dodke49IMCs 17/2/10 17/2/10 Lakhani 23 6 54 1 -- -- 24 54 NIL C.S.Dodke50IMCs 25/2/10 25/2/10 Wardha 17 12 46 28 -- -- 29 86 NIL C.S.Dodke51IMCs 20/2/10 20/2/10 Amravati 60 19 167 80 -- -- 8 167 NIL K.T.Kalkar52IMCs 1/2/10 1/2/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 10 4 7 27 1 -- 8 50 NIL S.S.Bhowate53IMCs 26/2/10 26/2/10 Gadchiroli 21 3 45 26 1 -- 28 79 NIL P. Umare54IMCs 5/3/10 5/3/10 Pusad 11 -- 8 17 17 -- 05 50 NIL P. Umare55IMCs 8/3/10 8/3/10 Rajura 31 35 3 25 -- -- 17 108 NIL P. Umare56IMCs 8/3/10 8/3/10 Ballarsha 3 3 -- 31 1 -- 3 41 NIL P. Umare21

57IMCs 8/3/10 8/3/10 Gondpipari 15 21 8 18 -- -- -- 54 NIL P. Umare58IMCs 22/3/10 22/3/10 Gondia 11 1 3 42 -- -- 10 64 NIL S.S.Bhowate59IMCs 5/3/10 5/3/10 Amravati 77 8 46 144 -- -- 6 235 NIL K.T.Kalkar60IMCs 6/310 6/310 Bhandara 17 8 49 5 33 -- -- 63 NIL K.T.Kalkar61IMCs 18/3/10 18/3/10 Wadi 15 4 46 53 -- -- 1 73 NIL K.T.Kalkar62IMCs 19/3/10 19/3/10 Hingna 13 10 26 44 -- -- -- 67 NIL K.T.Kalkar63IMCs 20/3/10 20/3/10 Kalmeshwar 24 1 7 61 -- -- -- 86 NIL K.T.Kalkar64IMCs 8/3/10 8/3/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 6 -- 11 23 -- -- 24 53 NIL C.S.Dodke65IMCs 10/3/10 10/3/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 11 10 28 31 -- -- 26 78 NIL C.S.Dodke66IMCs 12/3/10 12/3/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 15 5 36 49 -- -- 21 90 NIL C.S.Dodke67IMCs 17/3/10 17/3/10 Bhandara 8 2 59 14 15 -- 20 59 NIL R.Kumar68IMCs 18/3/10 18/3/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 28 7 83 29 -- -- 19 83 NIL R.Kumar69IMCs 19/3/10 19/3/10 Wardha 29 5 39 32 -- -- 21 87 NIL R.Kumar70IMCs 20/3/10 20/3/10 Shegaon 24 2 23 29 -- -- 52 107 NIL R.Kumar71IMCs 22/3/10 22/3/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 2 -- 56 4 -- -- 90 97 NIL R.Kumar72IMCs 5/3/10 5/3/10 Pusad 25 19 36 -- -- -- 19 63 NIL A.G.Telang73IMCs 17/3/10 17/3/10 Darwha 21 8 32 12 1 -- 14 56 NIL A.G.Telang74IMCs 17/3/10 17/3/10 Lohara 38 18 61 -- 1 -- 4 61 NIL A.G.Telang75IMCs 19/3/10 19/3/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 10 3 12 6 -- -- 24 43 NIL A.G.Telang76IMCs 18/3/10 18/3/10 Butibori 27 12 15 54 -- -- 3 96 NIL M.V.K.Jha77IMCs 23/3/10 23/3/10 Kamptee 29 5 55 12 26 -- 7 79 NIL M.V.K.Jha22

(6) BUSINESS SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (BSDPs):In order to make aware of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises and Schemes of State Governments, CentralGovernment & Banks to the Management and Engineering Students to set up their own ventures, 03 BSDPs wereorganized during the year <strong>2009</strong>-10, the details of which are given in the following table:BUSINESS SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES.No. Name of the Programme Duration VenueNo of Participants Revenue CoordinatorFrom To (District) SC ST W OBC Min PH OT. Total1BSDP 15/12/09 13/1/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 3 -- 11 11 -- -- 16 30 -- R. Kumar2BSDP 24/12/09 24/1/10 Sewagram 2 -- 16 8 -- -- 20 30 -- S.R.Khujnare3BSDP 3/3/10 27/3/10 <strong>Nagpur</strong> 01 -- 08 06 -- -- 21 28 -- A.G. Telang24

PROGRESS REPORT OF TRAINING PROGRAMMES YEAR <strong>2009</strong>-2010ProgrammesTargetAchievementExp.(Rs./lakh)No. of Persons trainedSC ST W PH Minorities OBC Others TotalESDPsSC/ST1.--/08 --/08 4.8 -- 191 60 -- -- -- -- 191 -- --Women 12 12 7.2 156 15 291 -- 09 49 62 291 -- --General 45 44 26.4 427 118 453 04 31 198 298 1076 -- --Stipendiary 17 17 13 245 12 373 03 04 73 78 415 -- --Minorities 04 04 2.4 -- -- 68 -- 98 -- -- 98 -- --Bio- Tech 01 01 0.6 05 -- 09 -- -- 17 07 29 -- --BSDPs SC/ST --/01 -- -- CANCELLED2.Women -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --General 03 03 2.7 06 -- 15 -- -- 25 57 88 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --EDPs SC/STWomen -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --3.General 16 10 2.0 99 08 162 01 01 59 73 241 -- --Stipendiary 04 03 0.8 46 05 53 -- 01 08 09 69 -- --Minorities -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --4. MDPs 20 18 3.6 151 17 186 01 04 52 241 466 -- --5. SDP02 02 0.010 10 -- -- -- -- 11 03 24 -- --throughW/Shop6. IMCs 87 77 5.98 1953 859 3577 02 188 2000 1259 6261 -- --7. Others 01* 01 0.09 08 -- 23 -- -- 03 24 35 -- --8. Total 220 200 69.58 3106 1225 5270 11 336 2495 2111 9284 -- --* Packaging for Exports25

(7) ECONOMIC INVESTIGATION:PREPARATION / UPDATION OF <strong>DI</strong>STRICT INDUSTRIALPOTENTIAL SURVEY REPORTS & STATE INDUSTRIALPROFILE:The Economic Investigation & Statistics Division of the Institute providesassistance and guidance to visiting entrepreneurs and public on varioussubjects. The section look after the work of dissemination of informationand provide guidance on <strong>MSME</strong> policy, <strong>MSME</strong> Potentiality, procedures andformalities involved in setting up of <strong>MSME</strong> Units, incentives, schemes andfacilities available with banks and various financial institutions.The Division under- took the field survey and prepared Industrial PotentialSurvey <strong>Report</strong>s of the following Districts during the year <strong>2009</strong>-2010.1. District Industrial Potential Survey <strong>Report</strong> of <strong>Nagpur</strong> District.2. District Industrial Potential Survey <strong>Report</strong> of Bhandara District.3. District Industrial Potential Survey <strong>Report</strong> of Amravati District.4. State Industrial Profile of Vidarbha Region (Maharashtra State)The District Industrial Potential Survey <strong>Report</strong> provides up-to-dateinformation on the socio-economic factors of the district and also identifiesthe potential for setting up of Enterprises in the districts.(8) PREPARATION PROJECT PROFILESProject Profiles prepared by <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> under the action plantarget for the year <strong>2009</strong>-2010 are as under:1. Solar Based Led Light System - New2. Aluminium Conductor- Updated3. PVC Cable- Updated26

4. Hand Tools (Pliers)-Updated5. Grease Nipples- Updated6. Moulds (For Plastic Moulding) - New7. Extra Low Hydrogen Moister Resistance Steel Electrodes- New8. Cast Iron Clutch Housing- New9. Cast Iron Hub- New10. Grinding Media- Updated11. Rerolling Mill Product- Updated12. Manufacture of Copper Ingot from Scrap- Updated13. Auto Leaf Spring- Updated14. Sodium Hypochlorite- New15. Magnesium Sulphate-Updated16. Magnesium Stearate- Updated17. Gents Quavadis Sandal - New18. Wet Blue Leather- New19. School Going Children Shoes – Updated20. Orthopedics Shoes – Updated21. Shuttle Cocks – Updated22. Tennis Ball – Updated23. Sheep Nappa Leather- Updated24. Oil Pull up Leather- New25. College Bag- Updated26. Readymade Garment- Updated27

(09) VENDOR DEVELOPMENT –CUM-INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION:A State LevelVendor Development Programme cum Exhibition and Business Exposition2010RCERT Chandrapur20 -21 February 2010• Inaugurated at the hands of Hon’ble Shri Shantaramji Potdukhe, President,SPMS and Ex-Union Minister of State for Finance, Govt of India in the prominentpresence of Hon’ble Shri Hansrajji Ahir, Member of Parliament, Chandrapur-Wani-Arni Constituency on 20.02.2010 at 11.30 am.• Participation of 75 Industries/Firms through 73 stalls from <strong>Nagpur</strong> region,MIDC Chandrapur, MIDC, Tadali and Industrial Estate, Chandrapur.• Technical Sessions on days of the programme cum exhibit whereby 07 Talkscum interaction were held. The Speakers included a Consultant from Bangloreand Executives and Managers from Industries like MEL Chandrapur, ACCGhugus, Manikgarh Cements, Gadchandur, CSTPS, Durgapur and Bank of India,Chandrapur.• Prior to Valedictory Function, Shri Pradip Bukkawar, Proprietor, Saraswati PaperProducts Ltd, MIDC, Chandrapur and Shri Tamhan, Bamboo Industries MIDCChandrapur expressed and shared their views on “Concept of Industrial ClusterDevelopment”.• The Programme cum Exhibit was concluded with Valedictory Function on21.02.2010 at 5.00 pm. It was presided by Shri Nana Shyamkule, MLA,Chandrapur.• The exhibit was marked by appreciable turnout by peoples of concern andinterest.28

List of Participating Vendor/s and Vendees► Micro and Small EnterprisesSrNoName of theFirmProprietor/Delegate/sAddress Product No ofStalls1 Vanita Udyog Vinayak Dhote C-34, Food 01Chanda IndCoop Est2 High Fly Ash P.R. Jani Chanda Ind Fly Ash Products 03Cluster Pvt. Ltd.Coop Est3 Umiya Traders Dhiraj C. Patel Chanda Ind Saw Mill 019422835247 Coop Est4 Saroop Engg.Corp.J.S. Mata C-16,Chanda IndBajaj MachineryAutoparts Tractor025 StorewellIndustries6 Katyal Engg.Works7 Saikripa WoodIndustriesMeghnad P. JaniSachin VinodKatyal9923033344Ramesh M.WankarCoop EstChanda IndCoop EstOpp. SBI,KasturbaRoad,ChandrapurC-38,Chanda IndCoop Est8 Sanjay Coolers Sanjay Podey A-2/45,Chanda IndCoop Est9 Kabra Engg. RamkumarLohiyaB-11,Chanda IndCoop Est10 Time Engineers P.R. Jani Chanda IndCoop Est11 Yash Motors Ajay Gupta C-10,9422135641 Chanda Ind12 ShivshaktiCementProducts13 Gaurav HeavyEngg. (I) Pvt.Ltd.Ramniklal NarsiPatel276495Gaurav K. Bhatt99233112219423115599Coop EstA2-14,Chanda IndCoop EstHavellsIndia Ltd.,ABB Ltd.Measuring & 01Testing Tools andMachiningBrouchuresRolling Shutter, 01Steel Door, Grill,Gate, OfficeFurnitureWooden Furniture 01Grill, Gate 01Boring ofautomobilecylinders, crankshaft grindingSpares of powerand cement plants2/3 Wheel AutoDealerRCC door andwindow framesIndustrialElectrical Products010101010131

14 KhodiyarAssociatesMr. Desai9822708153Mr. Darbar9423115510Rakesh Pande942281143915 ITI Gondpipri Principal942179202007171-22011716 ITI (Girls)Chandrapur17 Amar ArtProducts18 Power FactorSolutionFranchise forClaritas PowerSystem Solu.Pvt. Ltd., PunePrincipal9552312500Ms DeoMrs GabhneDeepak ManoharMullewar9370311118Amol Chande9850373110Vinay Channe965738988919 M M Sales F Anjum976658935620 Bamboo VikasPrakalp21 BambooTechnologyDevelopmentCentreShankar Tamhan,President9420012198Rajan Neralwar,Secretary9422135779C/0 AdarshServiceStation, MulRoadITIGondpipriITI (Girls)ChandrapurBalaji wardNo 1, C’purG-12,PrestigePlaza, NearSBI, MulRoadC/o SharminAdvt Media,Opp GovtHospital101,ThakkarColony,NaginabagWard C’purFlat No 1,DhanlaxmiAppttBehind S PCollegeGanj WardPetroleum Products 01IMC of ITI 01Upgradation of ITIunder COEBakery, Fruits,Fashion DesignsTrophies,Memento’s,PresentationarticlesCapacitors, ADFCPanels, HarmonicFilterRear ViewMonitoringSystems01010201Bamboo Items 01Bamboo Items andBamboo WorkingMachine0122 MitconConsultancyServices LtdSantosh LankeDistt AffiliateMitcon LtdBehindHaveliComplexConsultancy forE.D.0123 Saurabh Oils Vipin Kapoor9822202266E-30/31,MIDC,C’pur-6Used oil and rerefinedoil0132

24 Aditya AirProducts Pvt Ltd25 AgrawalTransformers &Electricals26 NikhilEngineers &ContractorsHarishGandhewar287714Sunil Agrawal9822570410932672337627 WomenEconomic DevptCorp Gadchiroli28 Ziet Engineers Meghnad JaniPvt Ltd29 Anupam Plastics Shyam Daliya982236627825553325646730 MaharashtraEngg Works31 Fly Ash BricksInd. Asso.32 Uday CreationPvt Ltd <strong>Nagpur</strong>33 Shanark Ind PvtLtd <strong>Nagpur</strong>34 PushpakChemicalsNgpur35 D P Jain & Co<strong>Nagpur</strong>36 Rohit Steels Ind<strong>Nagpur</strong>37 Amin Explosive<strong>Nagpur</strong>38 Amin NitratePvt Ltd <strong>Nagpur</strong>39 Arti InfraProject Pvt LtdNagput40 MandanaEngineers NGPSatishMadhamshettiwar9422136791Mukesh Rathod98908114249270029117B-5/2,MIDC,C’pur-6E-4/1 MIDCC’pur-6Nr KheduleKunbi SamajBhavanWCL RoadTukumInd Est MulRoadMain RdGandhiChowkChhotaBazarChowkE-6, MIDCC’purCylinder 01Rubber Parts,HydraulicCylinders010101RFID Solu 01Polythene &Plastic ProductsMech Spares M/cParts0101Bricks 0133

41 Ishan EnergyServices NGP42 PriyaEmbroideryWorks <strong>Nagpur</strong>43 Anjali BambooArts <strong>Nagpur</strong>44 Century Coolers<strong>Nagpur</strong>45 Excell FibrotechPvt Ltd <strong>Nagpur</strong>46 Indmet PressMetal Pvt Ltd<strong>Nagpur</strong>47 C B Industries<strong>Nagpur</strong>48 ReenaMechanicals PvtLtd <strong>Nagpur</strong>49 VidarbhaWinding WorksLtd <strong>Nagpur</strong>50 NUMAC Ngp51 VictransEngineers Ngp52 S K PharmaNgp53 Indian Surgicals<strong>Nagpur</strong>54 Calibre Tech<strong>Nagpur</strong>55 Gaurav Bags Varsha Raj9370691372Mrs WankhedePrashant Borkar 01Plot No 4,RajgruhVitthalwadiWani01Rexine Bags 0156 Indo GermanTool <strong>Nagpur</strong>57 National SmallInd Corp<strong>Nagpur</strong>58 Board MillAssociationP G Bukkawar97300454650101MIDC C’pur Mill Boards 0134

59 GovtPolytechniqueBrahmapuriL S KolteTahBramhapuri4412060160 Shree OmteeRolling MillDeepak R Jain9822450651Sneh NagarNear J PSuper BazarMS Mat Sq BarCTD Bar01Sr Name of theNo Firm1 MaharashtraElectrosmeltLimited (MEL)2 DeeneeChemicals PvtLtd3 Nipo SystemsPvt Ltd4 Multi OrganicsPvt Ltd5 AbhideepChemicals PvtLtd► Medium and Large EnterprisesProprietor/Delegate/sMr P R Prusty,Mr AshutoshBhoi, Mr HarishSingh,Mr R Ramesh,Mr SakharkarChandrakant DGupte287711Nitin V PohaneB V Birewar287618/19287617(Fax)Chandrapur@multiorganics.comB V Birewar287621287617(Fax)Address Product No ofStallsMul Road Ferro02Chandrapur MangneseAlloys37/9, MIDCRoad, PadoliC’purInd Estate MulRoadA-1, MIDCC’pur-6A-2, MIDCC’pur-6OrganicFertiliser,BiofertiliserWater Purifier,Inverter,Battery,PackagedDrinkingWaterBN, AN, SodSulphite, SodSulphate010101Bon Acid 016 Vinar Ispat Ltd Vishnu Kumar ROjha2876587 Manikgarh Pravin PurekarCementsB-31, MIDCC’pur-6POGadchandurTah Korpana-442908Steel Angle 01Birla Goldcement0135

8 V K Industries Virendra YKalaskar9890260906654551, 654537Benefit-26/12MIDC C’purLLDPE WaterStorage Tanks019 Bilt GraphicPaper ProductsLtdM K SinhaBallarpur44290110 Bank of India Babupeth Br,RCERTCampus,Chandrapur11 Llyods Metals& EngineersLtd12 Maratha(Ambuja)Cement Works,13 ACC CementCo Ltd14 ManikgarhCements Co Ltd15 High Fly AshCluster Pvt. Ltd16 CSTPS,MAHAGenco17 WesternCoalfields LtdPlot 1 & 2,MIDC,GhugusDisttChandrapurUpparwahiDistt-ChandrapurPO- GhugusDist-ChandrapurPO-GadchandurDist-ChandrapurMIDC AreaChandrapurDurgapurDistt-ChandrapurChandrapurAreaBond Paper 01BankingServicesSponge IronProductsCement0202Cement 02Cement 02Flyash based 03productsPower 05Coal 0218 WesternCoalfields LtdWani Area Coal 0319 WesternCoalfields LtdCentralWorkshopTadaliHEMMMaintenance0236

11)THE SCHEMES OF INCENTIVE FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF ISO-9000 CERTIFICATION CHARGES:The following units got ISO-9000 certification and subsequently they applied to this Institute for re-imbursement chargesunder the scheme of incentive for re-imbursement of ISO-9000 certification charges.Sl. No123456789101112131415161718192021222324Name of UnitM/s. Simple Food Products Pvt. Ltd.M/s. Plastic Surge Industries Pvt. Ltd.M/s. Varuna IndustriesM/s. Shri Laxmi spices pulses Pvt. Ltd.M/s. Jadhao IconsMs. Aditya Air Products Pvt. Ltd.M/s. Malati Founders Pvt. Ltd.Unit No.2M/s. Priest PharmaceuticalsM/s. Indian Surgical Mfg. Co.M/s. Radha PulsesM/s. N. B. EntrepreneursM/s. Crystal IndustriesM/s. Khosla Engineering IndustriesM/s. A. K. EnterprisesM/s. New Era Conveyor IndustriesM/s Palkar IndustriesM/s R.R.UdyogM/s Kanhaiya IndustriesM/s Orange City Alloys Pvt.LtdM/s Pathak Ayurvedic Pharmacy EthicaldivisionM/s. Aech Biotech Pvt. LtdM/s. Jalaram Flexo Laminates Pvt. LtdM/s. Shree Venkatesh IndustriesM/s. Shree Hariram Agarbatti IndustriesAddressGumthala, Kamptee, <strong>Nagpur</strong>A-70, MIDC area, Amravati - 444 606C-106, MIDC Butibori Industrial Area, <strong>Nagpur</strong>.Survey no. 5/2, Mauje Malkhed, Tal. WarudB-19, MIDC area, AmravatiK-8, Five Star Area, MIDC Butibori, <strong>Nagpur</strong>.H. No.181, Bansi Nagar, Hingna Road, <strong>Nagpur</strong>.W-24 (A), MIDC, Amravati.Plot No.31,32,33, Bhiwapurkar Colony, Amravati.H-38/2, phase III, MIDC area, AkolaKh. No. 37/1, Mauza-Wanjra, Uppalwadi, <strong>Nagpur</strong>C-18, MIDC Kalmeshwar, Dist. <strong>Nagpur</strong>A/8, MIDC Indistrial area, Hingna Rd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>A-12/3, MIDC, Industrial area, Butibori, <strong>Nagpur</strong>B-25, MIDC area, Hingna Rd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>EL-5, MIDC, Hingna Road, <strong>Nagpur</strong>P.No.M34, MIDC IV AkolaP.No. A-83/1 MIDC Area, Amravati40/2 VillBhilgaon,Near Akashwani,KampteeRd,NgpH.No. 4985, Dwarkapuri Layout,Kashinagar,<strong>Nagpur</strong>A-1017, MIDC, Butibori, Th. Hingna, Dist <strong>Nagpur</strong>U-137, MIDC Hingna Road, HagpurKh. No. 64/3 Poonapur Road, Pardi, <strong>Nagpur</strong>K-32/1/2, MIDC, Hingna Road, HagpurISO Cert. No01017-2004-AQ4429-2007-AQ27702/A/1/NB/En34262/A/1/NB/En23772-2008-AQ99100101184243424235864/A/1/NB/EnIND9725536319//1/NB/EnR0109090335509//1/NB/En29431//1/NB/En991001143137216/A/0001/NB/EN38672/A/001/NB/EN36055/A/001/NB/EN9910011035QMS-K09720QMS-K09724QMS-K09732QMS-K09731Amt. RemClosedClosed35,25054,75060,000Closed18,750ClosedClosed59,62571,25060,00035,70050,62560,00045,00056,00053,250Deferred47,625DeferredDifferedDifferedDifferedTotal 70782537

<strong>MSME</strong> Tool Room (IGTR) CAD/ CAM Training CentreProvided training onPost Graduate Diploma in Tool Design & CAD/CAM- 01 NosPost Diploma in Tool Design & CAD/CAM-01Nos.Short Term Courses:40Nos.No of Participants Trained179 NosRevenue Earned:15.15 lakhsNSIC inspection/ Joint Capacity Assessment with MSSIDC, <strong>Nagpur</strong>/WCL, <strong>Nagpur</strong>A total of 54 units were visited for Single Point Registration Schemeof NSIC & a total of 64 units situated in Vidarbha region were visited jointlywith the officers of MSSIDC Ltd., <strong>Nagpur</strong> for requirement of coal to theMSEs. One unit was also jointly inspected with the officers of WCL, <strong>Nagpur</strong>for grant of Ancillary status (of WCL) to the unit.NATIONAL AWARDS:This Office has motivated the <strong>MSME</strong> for National Awards for <strong>MSME</strong>Sector for the year 2008. The following units have forwarded theirapplication to the Director, <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, Mumbai in different categories.1. M/s Anjali Hastakala Udyog, Th. Salekasa, Distt. Gondia.2. M/s Ranjana Group of Industries, Deoghar Mohalla, TinnalChowk, Itwari, <strong>Nagpur</strong>.3. M/s See Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd., 11/5, MIDC,Infotech ParkAmbazari Rd., <strong>Nagpur</strong>.4. M/s Space wood Furnishers Pvt. Ltd., T-48, MIDC, Hingna Rd.,<strong>Nagpur</strong>.5. M/s Vijay Engg., Ganjakhet Chowk, Nanbaki Dob, <strong>Nagpur</strong>38

(a) M/s. Leben Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Dist. Akola got 1 st award inmanufacturing under the scheme of National Award forEntrepreneurship in Micro & Small Enterprises for the year 2008. Theapplication of unit was processed and recommended to State LevelCommittee (S.L.C.) by <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>.(b)M/s. See tech Solution Pvt. Ltd., <strong>Nagpur</strong> got special recognition awardfor Entrepreneurship in Micro & Small Enterprises for the year 2008.The application of unit was processed and recommended to StateLevel Committee (S.L.C.) by <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>.VISITS:Shri P.M.Parlewar, Dy. Director (I/c), <strong>MSME</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> visited M/sInstitute of Village Enterprises Development for Handicraft Artisans at A-3,MIDC Area, Gadegaon, Distt. Bhandara for Bamboo Art Cluster. CommonFacility Centre established at the unit was visited. DD((I/C) also visitedvillage Kinhi, Tah Sakoli, Dist. Bhandara to discuss with the artisans ofbamboo Handicraft items. Various bamboo products namely Bamboo filecover, bamboo lamp shed, bamboo clock case etc. were observed underprocess. Unit owners encouraged to participate in the various internationaltrade fairs organized by ITPO under M/o <strong>MSME</strong> to provide them a potentialmarket for their innovative products.39

SECRETARY VISITS:Shri Dinesh Rai, I.A.S., Secretary, Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India,New Delhi visited <strong>Nagpur</strong> on 14 th August, <strong>2009</strong>. Meeting was held under theChairmanship of Shri Dinesh Rai, I.A.S., Secretary with leading IndustriesAssociation & Central & State Govt. offices of this region. During themeeting procedures for finance to <strong>MSME</strong>s rehabilitation package,international trade fairs, cluster developments were discussed. Joint Directorof Industries, Govt. of Maharashtra, <strong>Nagpur</strong>, Dy. General Manager, SIDBI,<strong>Nagpur</strong>, Br. Manager, NSIC, <strong>Nagpur</strong>, Dy. Director I/c., KVIC, <strong>Nagpur</strong>,Presidents & Secretaries of Maharashtra Industries Association, <strong>Nagpur</strong>,Vidarbha Industries Association, <strong>Nagpur</strong>, Laghu Udyog Bharati, <strong>Nagpur</strong>,Butibori Manufacturers Association, <strong>Nagpur</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> Garment Association,<strong>Nagpur</strong>, etc. attended the meeting. Shri P.M. Parlewar, Dy. Director I/c.,<strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> welcomed all.Shri Dinesh Rai, I.A.S. Secretary, Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India,New Delhi also visited M/s. Zim Laboratories Ltd., Kalmeshwar, <strong>Nagpur</strong>.Shri. Dinesh Rai, I.A.S., Secreatery, M/o <strong>MSME</strong>, Govt. ofIndia addressing the Industries Association of Vidarbha Reion.President, Industries Association welcoming Shri. Dinesh Rai,I.A.S., Secreatery, M/o <strong>MSME</strong>, Govt. of India.40

Ekufu; Jh- fnus'k jk;] Hkk-iz-ls-] lfpo] ,e,l,ebZea=ky;] ubZ fnYyh dk ukxiqj nkSjs dh foLr`rfjiksVZ!fnukad 10-03-2010 dks nksigj 11-00 cts ,e,l,ebZ&fodkl laLFkku]ukxiqj n~okjk vk;ksftr ,d fnolh; “vkS|ksfxd izsj.kk vfHk;ku” esa eq[; vfrfFkds :i eas ekuuh; Jh- fnus'k jk;] Hkk-iz-ls-] lfpo] ,e,l,ebZ ea=ky;] ubZ fnYyhmifLFkr Fks!mUgksusa vius eq[; vfrfFk ds Hkk"k.k eas mifLFkr lHkh ,e-ch-,- dsfo|kfFkZvksa dks m|ksx yxkus gsrq izsfjr fd;k vkSj Loa; dk m|ksx yxkus gsrq,e,l,ebZ ea=ky; n~okjk pykbZ tk jgh fofo/k ;kstukvksa ckjs esa tkudkjh nhvkSj dgkW fd bl ns'k esa ,e,l,ebZ lsDVj dk egRoiw.kZ LFkku gS!ekuuh; Jh- fnus'k jk;] Hkk-iz-ls-] lfpo egksn; us dgkW fd ,u-,e-lh-ih-;kstuk ds varxZr ,e,l,ebZ dks Li/kkZRed cukus ds fy;s tks ;kstuk;sa ea=ky;n~okjk dk;kZUo;hr dh xbZ gS mldk ykHk bdkbZ;ksa esa gks jgkW gS!DyLVj MsOgsyiesUV T;ksfd ,d cgksr gh ;'kLoh fLde ds :i esa mHkjdj lkeusvkbZ gS! ,oa laiw.kZ ns'k esa 400 ls Hkh T;knk DyLVj ,e,lbZ&lhMhih dsvarxZr fodlhr fd;s tk jgs gS! lfpo egksn; us dgkW fd ,e-ch-,- ds fo|kFkhZm|ksx yxkus esa T;knk&ls&T;knk l{ke gks ldrs gS tks bl dk;kZy; dk ykHkysdj dszMhV xSjsaVh ;kstuk dh u;h fLde m|ksx yxkus gsrq fd;k tk ldrk gS!ftlds fy;s ;g dk;kZy; m|ksx yxkus gsrq vkidks enr djsxk! var ea mUgksausmifLFkr fo|kfFkZvksa dks viuk Loa; dk m|ksx yxkus gsrq izsfjr dj viuh'kqHkdkeuk;sa nh!ekuuh; Jh- fnus'k jk;] Hkk-iz-ls-] lfpo egksn; dk Lokxr rFkk dk;Zdzedk lapkyu dk;kZy; ds Jh- ih-,e- ikysZokj] mifuns'kd (/kkrqdh) us fd;k!bl dk;Zdze esa ds-oh-vk;-lh-] ,u-,l-vk;-lh-] ftyk m|ksx dsUnz] m|ksxlglapkyd] ukxiqj bR;knh ds inkf/kdkjh mifLFkr Fksa!41

“vkS|ksfxd izsj.kk vfHk;ku” ds i'pkr Jh- fnus'k jk;] Hkk-iz-ls-] lfpoegksn; us confederation India Industries (CII) fonHkZ {ks= ds inkf/kdkfj;ksads lkFk feVhax yh! feVhax eas ekufu; lfpo egksn; us lh-vk;-vk;- dks dgkWfd ,e,l,ebZ&fodkl laLFkku] ukxiqj ds lkFk feydj m|ksxksa dks c

International Trade Fair/Exhibitions1. M/s. Vaipani Herbals, C-97, MIDC, Central Road, Wadi, <strong>Nagpur</strong> haddeposited Demand Draft of Rs. 50,297/- for participation in scheduled – SAITEX,<strong>2009</strong> trade fair to be held at Johannesburg, South Africa during July 19-21, <strong>2009</strong>.Unit is run by a Women Entrepreneur.Demand Draft was returned to the unit on their own request in written on06-07-<strong>2009</strong>, since no acceptance regarding unit’s participation in the Fair wasreceived.2. M/s. Chitra Ceramics & Cards, Plot No. 57, Behind Hanuman Mandir,Laxminagar, <strong>Nagpur</strong> deposited Demand Draft of Rs. 40,446/- for participation inscheduled “House & Gift Fair”, Sao Paulo, Brazil to be held during August 15-18, <strong>2009</strong>. The unit is run by lady entrepreneur.As learnt, unit proprietor Mrs. Chitra Parate could not make it to the Fair inspite of her confirmation of participation by H.Q.3. M/s. Vaipani Herbals, C-97, MIDC, Central Road, Wadi, <strong>Nagpur</strong> haddeposited Demand Draft of Rs. 36,399/- for participation in the scheduled “IndianTrade Exhibition” Dubai (U.A.E.) to be held during January 12-16, 2010 atWorld Trade Centre, Dubai. Unit is run by Lady Entrepreneur.Unfortunately the Fair was cancelled due to recent economic developmentsin Dubai.4. Two proposals for sending trade delegation/study tour from two industriesassociations namely MIDC Industries Association (MIA), <strong>Nagpur</strong> & ButiboriManufacturer’s Association (BMA), <strong>Nagpur</strong> for scheduled “Beiging EssenWelding & Cutting Fair” to be held during 2-5 June, <strong>2009</strong> at Shanghai NewInternational Expo Centre, Shamghai, China were received & forwarded to H.Q.for further processing.43

Hindi Day/Pakhwada/Karyashala:Hindi Day/Pakhwada/Karyashala was organized by this Institute from14/9/<strong>2009</strong> to 29/9/<strong>2009</strong>. Inauguration function was conducted on 14 thSeptember, <strong>2009</strong> at <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, Hall <strong>Nagpur</strong> under the Chairmanship of ShriShri P.M. Parlewar, Dy. Director (I/C), <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> was present onthis occasion. All staff of this Institute were participated in the Workshopsand competitions organized during the fortnight.PROGRESS OF READYMADE GARMENT CLUSTER NAGPUR :1. The meeting organized at Davlameti, <strong>Nagpur</strong> District under thechairmanship of Shri P.M.Parlewar, Dy. Director (I/c), <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>on 28/04/<strong>2009</strong> for developing the network of cluster. It was attended by ShriDebhashish Ghosh, President, <strong>Nagpur</strong> Garment Manufacturer Association,<strong>Nagpur</strong>, Smt V. Rao, President, AROHA and Smt S. Gandhi, SecretaryAROHA, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. President, AROHA explained the working of AROHA atdifferent district of Vidarbha region. Shri P.M.Parlewar explained thedevelopment of Readymade Garment cluster at <strong>Nagpur</strong>. Shri DebhashishGhosh discussed about the demand of readymade garment manufacturers atthe meeting. President, AROHA introduced to the 34 Hand Embroideryexperts trained by them to the Chairman and president of <strong>Nagpur</strong> GarmentManufacturer Association, <strong>Nagpur</strong> and they also looked at the samples madeby them at the meeting. Shri Debhashish Ghosh assured them that they willgive trail order.2. Organised One Day Workshop on CLUSTER DEVELOPMENTin association with Joint Director of Industries, <strong>Nagpur</strong> on 29 th May <strong>2009</strong> at44

Udyog Bhavan, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. Shri P.M.Parlewar, Dy. Director (I/c), <strong>MSME</strong>,<strong>Nagpur</strong> presided over the function. Shri Girish Umpa, Jt. Director ofIndustries, <strong>Nagpur</strong> was also present on the occasion. Shri V.Padmanand,Consultant (Cluster development) Chennai, gave power point presentation tothe audience present in the function. The President/Secretary from thecluster of Readymade Garment Manuf. Association, <strong>Nagpur</strong>, and Fly AshBricks Cluster, Chandrapur, and General Managers of District IndustriesCentre of Vidarbha Region were present.The programme was highly appreciated by the participants.3. Meeting with <strong>Nagpur</strong> Garment Manufacturers Office bearers regardingparticipation in domestic trade fair. Forwarded proposal to NSIC for availingsubsidy under their scheme. The proposal is likely to be funded by NSIC.4. The Readymade Garment Cluster <strong>Nagpur</strong> is taken up fordevelopment under MSE-CDP. The action plan for the first year i.e. 2008-09is implemented and under the second action plant <strong>2009</strong>-10, it is proposed toparticipate in domestic trade fair. As per action the Manufactures in clusterhas participated in National Garment Fair held on 15.07.<strong>2009</strong> to 17.07.<strong>2009</strong>at Mumbai. The funds to the tune of Rs. 2.3 lakhs were made available tothem through NSIC, <strong>Nagpur</strong> under their scheme. After returning from thefair the President of the Association has informed that enquires to the tune ofRs. 1.5 Crore received by the participating units of Cluster in the fair.5. Ready made Garment Cluster <strong>Nagpur</strong> selected for developmentunder MSE-CDP is under progress. In the month of July,<strong>2009</strong> the units ofcluster participated in Trade Fair held at Mumbai. The units were providedassistance of Rs. 2.5 lakhs under the scheme of NSIC. They have reported togenerate enquires from National of International buyers to he tune of Rs. 75lakhs.45

One of the unit M/s. Orange Tree Impex owned by ShriDebashish Ghosh has collaborated with Morarji Mills for manufacturing ofgarments under the trade name “Moral” at <strong>Nagpur</strong>.6. An action is initiated to induce hand embroidery and Ari_JardojiCluster in <strong>Nagpur</strong>. One ESDP is conducted in which 25 assistance (Women)are trained. Three more ESDPs will be conducted during this year. A targetis set to develop around 500 artisans in their cluster by 2011. This cluster isnetworked with Readymade Garment Cluster <strong>Nagpur</strong> and already they havereceived order for hand embroidery work. The cluster with he proposed fordevelopment under MSE-CDP.7. Shri P.M. Parlewar, Dy. Director (I/c.) attended ClusterDevelopment Co-ordination Committee meeting for High Fly Ash Cluster atChandrapur. Various issues regarding action plan activities were discussedin meeting. It was also assured to extend co-operation to intervention agencyfor implementation of cluster activities.8. Two Skill Development Programmes were organized inReadymade Garment Cluster <strong>Nagpur</strong> as per action plan. 50 skill workerswere generated for cluster. The Programme was organized by MITCON andsponsored by <strong>DI</strong>C, <strong>Nagpur</strong> as agreed by them during preparation of actionplan. Total Rs. 1.8 lakhs were spent on the Programme.9. Cluster Development co-ordination committee meeting was held on08.12.<strong>2009</strong> at <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. The members of the committee attendedthe meeting and various activities to be carried out for the development ofReadymade Garment Cluster <strong>Nagpur</strong> for the year <strong>2009</strong>-10 has been decided.The meeting was presided over by Shri P.M. Parlewar, Dy. Director (Met.),<strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>.46

10. One day seminar was organized on Lean Manufacturing by theInstitute on 04.12.<strong>2009</strong> at <strong>Nagpur</strong> in association with National ProductivityCouncil, Mumbai. The programe was attended by 50 entrepreneurs. ShriDurgakant Rahul, Astt. Director, NPC has given presentation on LeanManufacturing under NMCP Schemes. The seminar was presided over byShri P.M. Parlewar, Dy. Director (Met.), <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>.11. A committee including the officer from this Institute attended theselection committee meeting organized by Handicraft Marketing & ServiceExtension Centre, <strong>Nagpur</strong> for Short/Long Term Training programmes onEmbroidery & Ari Zardosi under HRD schemes on 07.12.<strong>2009</strong>. Shri K.B.Irpate, Asstt. Director (Mech.), <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> attended the meeting andselected 120 candidates for Short Term and 60 candidates for Long termcourses.12. One Day Seminar on Financial Assistance was organized on29/01/2010 at <strong>Nagpur</strong> under MSECDP Scheme for Readymade GarmentCluster at <strong>Nagpur</strong> The members of the Cluster along with the ReadymadeGarment manufacturer attended the seminar. The Programme was presidedover by Shri P.M. Parlewar, Dy. Director (Met.), <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. ShriDevdas, Chief Manager, Punjab National Bank, <strong>Nagpur</strong> was the Chief Guest.The Officers from PNB, IDBI & NSIC DELIVERED THE Lecture onFinance Schemes of their Institution. Total 43 nos of Participants werebenefitted through the programme. It was coordinated by Shri S.R.Khujnare,Asstt. Director (Met.)13. One Day seminar on “Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Schemeon Readymade Garment Cluster in <strong>Nagpur</strong> was conducted on 14/2/10 at<strong>Nagpur</strong> in association with NPC, Bhopal. The Programme was presided overby Shri P.M. Parlewar, Dy. Director (Met.), <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. Total 2947

Nos. of Participants were benefitted through the programme. It wascoordinated by Shri S.R. Khujnare, Asstt. Director (Met.)14. One Day workshop on “Total Quality Management for ReadymadeGarment Cluster in <strong>Nagpur</strong> was conducted on 23/2/10 at <strong>Nagpur</strong>. TheProgramme was presided over by Shri P.M. Parlewar, Dy. Director (Met.),<strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. Total 25 Nos. of Participants were benefitted throughthe programme. It was coordinated by Shri S.R. Khujnare, Asstt. Director(Met.)15. One Week Management Development Programme on ExportMarketing was organized from 20/3/10 to 24/3/10 at <strong>Nagpur</strong>. The InauguralProgramme was presided over by Shri P.M. Parlewar, Dy. Director (Met.),<strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. Total 15 Nos. of Participants were benefitted throughthe programme. It was coordinated by Shri S.R. Khujnare, Asstt. Director(Met.)16. Exposure Visit to Tirupur Garment Cluster, Kerala. Total 7 Membersfrom Readymade Garment Cluster, <strong>Nagpur</strong> visited the Tirupur during10/3/10 to 12/3/10.17. The delegation of 7 members from Readymade Garment Cluster,<strong>Nagpur</strong> visited to Machinery fair in India at Delhi from 8/1/10 to 10/1/10 as apart of exposure visit under Technology Upgradation of MSE-CDP.18. One review meeting for monitoring the cluster development activitieswas held on 8/1/10 at <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> under the Chairmanship of ShriP.M. Parlewar, Dy. Director (Met.), <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. Members ofCluster coordination committee were present in the meeting.48

Shri P.M.Parlewar, Dy. Director (Met.) addressing the participants of ReadymadeGarment Cluster in the One Day Seminar on Total Quality Management.49

1. BUSINESS SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME:(a) The Institute organized Business Skill Development progarmmefrom 15.12.<strong>2009</strong> to 13.1.2010 at Deptt. Of Management Studies & Research,Tirpude College of Social Work, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. It was inaugurated by ShriS.M.Jamkhandi, Director, <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. Shri B.P. Verma, DGM,SIDBI, <strong>Nagpur</strong> was the Chief Guest of the Valedictory function which waspresided over by Shri P.M.Parlewar, Dy.Director(Met),<strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>.The other guests were- Prof. Lalit Khullar, Director, Deptt ManagementStudies & Research, Tirpude College of Social Work, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. Shri RajeshKumar, Asstt. Director (Chem) co-ordinated the programme. Total 30participants (16-Gen, 03-SC, 11-OBC, 11-Women) were benefitted from theprogarmme.(b) The Institute organized Business Skill Development programmefrom 24.12.<strong>2009</strong> to 24.1.2010 at Bapurao Deshmukh College of Engineering,Sewagram, Distt. Wardha It was inaugurated by Shri P.M.Parlewar,Dy.Director (Met) <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> and co-ordinated by Shri50

S.R.Khujnare, AD (Met). Total 30 participants (20-Gen, 02-SC, 16-women,& 08-OBC) were benefited though the programme.(C) BUSINESS SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME was organizedat Tirpude College, Deptt of Management Studies & Research, Civil Lines,<strong>Nagpur</strong> for final year students of MBA FROM 3/3/10 TO 27/3/10 and wasinaugurated by Shri S.M.Jamkhandi, Director, <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. TheValedictory function was organized on 27/3/10 at Tirpude College, Deptt ofMS &R, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. Shri S.M.Jamkhandi, Director, <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>presided over the function whereas Dr Lalit Khullar, HOD, MS&R wereprominently present on the occasion. In the presidential address ShriS.M.Jamkhandi urged participants to go for entrepreneurship as it is the callof the day. He shared his experience with the participants & assured them fullcooperation in setting up their Entreprises. 28 Participants including SC-01,OBC-06, Gen-19, NT-02 and Women-08 benefitted through the programme.51

ESDP ON BIO-TECHNOLOGY:ESDP on BIOTECHNOLOGY was organized from 01.12.<strong>2009</strong> to08.01.10 at Wardha. Shri Bipul Sikdar, Dy. Director (L&F) <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>,presided over the valedictory function. Dr. T. Karunakaran, Director, MGIRI,Wardha was the Chief Guest of the valedictory function. The other guest wasDr. Sohan Pandya, Director, Centre of Science for villages, Duttapur,Wardha.Total 29 participants (General: 07, SC: 05, OBC:17, Women: 09)and a revenue of Rs.4,100/- was realized. Shri Rajesh Kumar, Asstt. Director(Chem.) coordinated the programme.SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME:1. Six months SDP on Machinist Trade was organized from 1/3/09to 31/8/09 at <strong>Nagpur</strong>. Total 12 Nos Participants (5-SC,2-Gen & 5-OBC) werebenefitted through the programme and revenue of Rs.4000/- was realized2. Six months SDP on Machinist Trade was organized from 1/9/10to 26/2/10 at <strong>Nagpur</strong>. Total 12 Nos Participants (05-SC and 07-OBC) werebenefitted through the programme and revenue of Rs.4200/- was realized.52

CONSUMER AWARENESS PROGRAMME:The programe as conducted on 24/12/09 with a basic objectiveof creating and spreading consumer awareness and the various benefitsavailable to consumers under Consumer Protection Act, 1986.Shri P.M. Parlewar, Dy. Director (Met.), <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> welcomed theguests and participants and in his welcome speech he explained the need forconsumers to be aware of their rights etc.The programme was presided over by Shri S.M. Jamkhandi, Director,<strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong>. In his address he stressed the importance of quality inproducts and services rendered by SMEs etc. He stressed the need for qualityin services provided by Government Departments like <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>s in areas ofquality and punctuality. He cited an example of a student of modeling inU.S.A. where the student (consumer) could not participate in a Fashioncompetition due to incorrect weather forecast by the US Weather Deptt. UScourts fined by Weather Department for not providing quality service(correct weather forecast), and the student (consumer) was given heftycompensation. Through this example he stressed the need for “quality incontent” in services provided by anyone including Central & State Govt.departments. He explained that, every consumer has a right, to get a qualityproduct/service, where quality has three dimensions-right product/services atright price and at right time. He also briefly touched upon the variousschemes operated by 0/o DC (<strong>MSME</strong>), for the benefit of both existing andpotential SMEs. He welcomed and wished all the participants an enjoyableand beneficial session in the day.Shri Ashish K. Rewatkar, a reputed High Court Advocate, who isdeeply involved in consumer right, conducted the programme by givinginteresting example in his lecture and participation in active discussion with53

the participants. He briefed the audience of their rights as consumers, fromall angles like right to choose, right to be informed (About the product or theservices), right to represent and seek redressal etc. The installation ofConsumer Courts for seeking redressal, justice etc. was also explained.The audience included few SMEs, consumers and traineestudents from nearby areas. About 60 participants benefited from theprogramme.Shri K.B. Irpate, Asstt. Director (Mech.) conducted the entire programe andalso concluded by giving Vote of Thanks.54

TRAINING PROGRAMME ON PACKAGING FOR EXPORTS:3-days training programme on Packaging for Exports was organizedfrom 09.12.<strong>2009</strong> to 11.12.<strong>2009</strong> at <strong>Nagpur</strong>. Shri P.M. Parlewar. Dy. Director(Met.), <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> presided over the Inaugural function. Total 35participants [General: 24, Women: 23, SC: 08 & OBC: 03] benefited fromthe Programme & revenue of Rs. 36,000/- was realized. Shri Rajesh Kumar,Asstt. Director (Chem.) coordinated the programme.NSIC Registration:The following SSEsUnits application were received for Single PointRegistration Scheme of NSIC.1. M/s Ramsons TMT Pvt. Ltd,<strong>Nagpur</strong>2. M/s Pitambera Polymers Industries Pvt.Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>3. M/s Jayant Rollers Pvt.Ltd,<strong>Nagpur</strong>4. M/s Wefom Structures & Engg, <strong>Nagpur</strong>5. M/s Noble Ceramics Pvt.Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>6. M/s Shiv International Food Products Amravati55

7. M/s Instt. Of Village Enterprises Development for HandicraftsArtisans, <strong>Nagpur</strong>8. M/s Mohan Engg. <strong>Nagpur</strong>9. M/s Garud Yantra Nirmitee Pvt Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>10. M/s Kinetic Gears, <strong>Nagpur</strong>11. M/s Heat Treat Well, <strong>Nagpur</strong>12. M/s Automation Controls, <strong>Nagpur</strong>13. M/s LTEX Systems, <strong>Nagpur</strong>14. M/s Akay Udyog, <strong>Nagpur</strong>15. M/s Enestee Engineeringpvt.Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>16. M/s Rathi Chemicals <strong>Nagpur</strong>17. M/s Premier Sparese Pvt.Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>18. M/s Aerocom Automotives Pvt.Ltd, Ngpur19. M/s Palak Industries, <strong>Nagpur</strong>20. M/s Ishan Energy Savers <strong>Nagpur</strong>21. M/s Eros Infrastructures Pvt.Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>22. M/s Vishwashanti Udyog <strong>Nagpur</strong>23. M/s LTEX Systems, <strong>Nagpur</strong>24. M/s Central Switchgears Pvt.Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>25. M/s Metlok Pvt.Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>26. M/s Palak Industries, <strong>Nagpur</strong>27. M/s Mahavir Chemicals Inds. <strong>Nagpur</strong>28. M/s Plasto Containers (I) pvt.Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>29. M/s Fine Trap (India)Yavatmal30. M/s A.K. Enterprises, <strong>Nagpur</strong>31. M/s Reena Mechanicals Pvt.Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>32. M/s Mathuria Metal Inds. <strong>Nagpur</strong>33. M/s Gaurav Heavy Engg (I) Pvt.Ltd, Chandrapur34. M/s Precision Hana Scales Pvt.Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>35. M/s Modern Engg. <strong>Nagpur</strong>36. M/s Modern Scientific Co, <strong>Nagpur</strong>37. M/s Shree Radhe Computer Forms, <strong>Nagpur</strong>38. M/s Maharashtra Carbon Pvt.Ltd, Chandrapur39. M/s Techno Precision Engg. Pvt.Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>40. M/s Support Technologies, <strong>Nagpur</strong>41. M/s S.K. Industries, Chandrapur42. M/s R.F. Arrays Systems pvt. Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>43. M/s Narmada Surgicals Yavatmal44. M/s Anand Inds. Achalpur45. M/s Sharda Paper products,Pvt.Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>56

Sr.No.46. M/s Vedant paper Craft pvt.Ltd, <strong>Nagpur</strong>47. M/s Allies Overseas <strong>Nagpur</strong>48. M/s Shree Jagdamba Hydraopneumatic <strong>Nagpur</strong>49. M/s Ashapura Timber Mart, Khapa, <strong>Nagpur</strong>50. M/s Allied Mining Company, <strong>Nagpur</strong>51. M/s Saanvi Industries, Ashti52. M/s Palkar Industries, <strong>Nagpur</strong>53. M/s Paramhari Engineers, Naqgpur54. M/s Mana Garments, <strong>Nagpur</strong>STATUS OF RTI ACT APPLICATIONS FOR THE MONTH MARCH,YEAR <strong>2009</strong>-10:Application received Application replied Application inprogressDuring Cumulative During the Cumulativethe monthmonth1. 02(01Transferredfrom PAO,Mumbai)10 01(Returnedbecause feesreceived notin order)DuringthemonthRevenue Rs.Cumulative09 01 nil 80Workshop:<strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong> Workshop conducted two Skill Development Programmeon “Machinists” from 1/03/<strong>2009</strong> to 31/08/<strong>2009</strong> & second from 1/9/09 to26/2/10. Total 24 participants including 10-SC, 12-OBC & 02-Gen. werebenefited through the programme. <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong> Workshop consist of OneLathe Machine, One Milling machine is looked after by one Instructor andone helper. Total revenue of Rs 2520/- was earned by the workshop by jobwork.57

Revenue Earning StatementSr. ActivityCum. Total in Rs.No.1 Revenue from workshop 2520/-2. Specialized Training Programmes (CAD/CAM) --3. Sale of Trainee Products --4. Seminar Fees 36,000/-5. Capacity Assessment and Consultancy 30,750/-6. Project Appraisals --7. Sick unit Studies --8. In plant Studies --9. Surveys --10. Energy Audits --11. NSIC Regn. /GSPP 49,000/-12. Sale of Publications 4,920/-13. PD Accounts --14. Others 27,520/-15. ESDP 1,10,200/-16. MDP 96,400/-17. W/s Trng. 9,900/-18. EDP 11,100/-19. Total 3,78,310/-Sr.No.Expenditure statement for the plan and non-planNon-PlanDetailsBudget allocationfor the year 09-10(Rs.)Expenditureduring themonthMarch,2010(Rs.)Cumulativeexpenditure(Rs.)1. Salary 1,20,00,000/- 2,56,752/- 1,20,98,213/-2. T.E. 1,75,000/- 2,400/- 1,30,520/-3. O.E. 3,50,000/- 1,61,119/- 3,47,948/-4. R.R.T. 6,000/- NIL 5,652/-5. Information Tech. 10,000/- 10,000/- 10,000/-6. Medical Treatment 1,05,000/- 210/- 99,217/-7. Other Charges forworkshop10,000/- NIL 1,278/-58

lalnh; jktHkk"kk lfefr dh rhljh milfefr dh cSBddk lf{kIr fooj.k!fnukad 11-02-2010 dks lqcg 10-00 cts osLVZu dksYM fQYM fy-] ukxiqj esa lalnh;jktHkk"kk lferh dh rhljh milfefr ds ekuuh; lnL;ksa us fgUnh ds dk;ksZ dslaca/k esa bl laLFkku dk fufj{k.k fd;k! ftlesa fuEu lalnh; jktHkk"kk lferh dhrhljh milfefr ds lnL; fufj{k.k gsrq mifLFkr Fks!lalnh; jktHkk"kk lferh dh rhljh milfefr ds lnL; dh lwph%1- izks- vydk cyjke {kf=;] ekuuh; laln lnL; (jkT; lHkk) &v/;{k2- Jh- gqDenso ukjk;.k ;kno] ekuuh; laln lnL; (yksd lHkk) & lnL;3- MkW- j?kqoa'k izlkn flag] ekuuh; laln lnL; (yksd lHkk) &lnL;rhljh milfefr ds vf/kdkfj;ksa dh lwph1- Jh- jke fuokl 'kqDy] voj lfpo (vuqla/kku)] lalnh; jktHkk"kk lfefr] ubZfnYyh2- Jh- lrsUnz nfg;k] vuqla/kku vf/kdkjh] lalnh; jktHkk"kk lfefr] ubZfnYyh3- Jh- v:.k dqekj] fjiksVZj] lalnh; jktHkk"kk lfefr] ubZ fnYyhrhljh milfefr esa ea=ky;] eq[;ky; vkSj ,e,l,ebZ&fodkl laLFkku]ukxiqj ds vf/kdkfj;ksa dh mifLFkrh dh lwph%1- Jh- izohj dqekj] Hkk-iz-ls-] la;qDr lfpo] ,e,l,ebZ ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj]ubZ fnYyh-2- Jh- ,e-ih- flag] Hkk-vk-ls-] vkfFkZd lykgdkj] fodkl vk;qDr (,e,l,ebZ),Hkkjr ljdkj] ubZ fnYyh3- Jh- ,l-,e- te[kaMh] funs'kd] ,e,l,ebZ&fo-la-] Hkkjr ljdkj] ukxiqj4- Jh- iz'kkar ikysZokj] mifuns'kd] ,e,l,ebZ&fo-la-] Hkkjr ljdkj] ukxiqj59

5- Jh- tksfxUnj iky] lgk- funs'kd (peZ@iknqdk)/uk-fg-v-],e,l,ebZ&fo-la-]Hkkjr ljdkj] ukxiqjfefVax ikzjaHk ds igys Jh- izohj dqekj] Hkk-iz-ls-] la;qDr lfpo],e,l,ebZ ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj] ubZ fnYyh us lHkh ekuuh; laln lnL;ksa dkLokxr dj viuk ifjp; fn;k! mUgksaus fodkl vk;qDr (,e,l,ebZ), Hkkjr ljdkj] ubZfnYyh dk Hkh ifjp; djk;kW! lHkk dh v/;{krk izks- vydk cyjke {kf=;] ekuuh;laln lnL; (jkT; lHkk) us dh! lHkk cgksr 'kkar okrkoj.k esa dh xbZ! lHkk dslHkh ekuuh; lnL;ksa us ,e,l,ebZ&fodkl laLFkku] ukxiqj n~okjk fgUnh esafd;s x;s dk;ksaZ ij larks"k O;Dr fd;k rFkk fgUnh ds izxfr ds fy;s cgksr LdksigS ;g crk;kW x;k!v/;{k egksn; us jktHkk"kk dk dk;Z djus ds fy;s cgksr lkjs lw>ko fn;s!lHkk dh lekIrh esa Jh- ,e-ih- flag] Hkk-vk-ls-] vkfFkZd lykgdkj] fodklvk;qDr (,e,l,ebZ), Hkkjr ljdkj] ubZ fnYyh us lHkh ekuuh; laln lanL; rFkk vU;vf/kdkfj;ksa dks /kU;okn fd;k!60

Sh.P.M.Parlewar, D.D (I/c) addressing the Participants.Sh.S.M.Jamkhandi, Director, <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> addressing theParticipants.62

Sh.Bipul Sikdar, D.D (L&F) addressing the Participants.64

Sh.P.M.Parlewar, D.D (I/c) addressing the Participants.65

Sh.P.M.Parlewar, D.D (I/c) addressing the Participants.Sh.P.M.Parlewar, D.D (I/c) addressing the Participants.66

Sh.Bipul Sikdar, D.D (L&F) addressing the Participants.Sh.S.M.Jamkhandi, Director, <strong>MSME</strong>-<strong>DI</strong>, <strong>Nagpur</strong> addressing theParticipants.Sh.A.G.Telang, A.D (Met.) addressing the Participants.Sh.P.M.Parlewar, D.D (I/c) addressing the Participants.67

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