The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List

The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List

The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List


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Table 271: skak Chess Informator <strong>Symbol</strong>sg \bbetter d \doublepawns N \novelty R \variousi \bdecisive L \ending F \onlymove f \wbetterb \betteris j \equal o \opposbishops h \wdecisivea \bishoppair P \etc r \passedpawn J \weakpte \bupperhand H \file M \qside w \withI \centre O \kside s \samebishops A \withattackRR \comment x \markera l \see E \withidean \compensation y \markerb q \seppawns C \withinitV \counterplay m \mate T \timelimit v \withoutt \devadvantage S \morepawns k \unclear c \wupperhandG \diagonal U \moreroom u \unitedpawns D \zugzwang<strong>The</strong> preceding symbols are merely the named informator symbol.skak cantypeset many more chess-related symbols, including those for all of the pieces(KQRBNP/kqrbnp), but only in the context of moves and boards, notas individual, named L A TEX symbols.× \a\B˘´\bTable 272: metre Metrical <strong>Symbol</strong>s\bBm \cc\Mbb \Pppp ⊗ \t¯˘¯˘´\bbm\Ccc˘¯˘¯´˙¯˘¯˘˘¯˘¯˘¯˘ \mbbx \pppp\tsbm˙¯˘¯˘ ´ \Bbm\m ◦◦ \oo \Ppppp \tsmb¯\M\p ˙ \ppppp \tsmm¯´ ˙ \pm ˙ \ps\vppm\bm\Mb¯˙\pp\pxp¯˙\vpppm˘¯´\mb ˙ \Pp˙\Pxp¯˙\x˘¯ ˙˙´ \mBb \ppm ∼ \R ˙˙¯˙˙\ppp ∼ \r\Ppp ⊗ \T˘˘´˘ \Bb \bbmb˘¯˘¯˘˘˘´ \BB ¯˘¯˘¯˘¯ \bbmx ׯ \ma˘˘ \bb ¯˘˘˘´ \bB \Bm¯˘´×˘˘ \bba \c ˘¯˘¯˘˘˘ \bbb \C ˘¯˘¯´ \mbB ˙¯˘¯˘´ \BBm \Cc ˘¯˘¯ \mbb ˙<strong>The</strong> preceding symbols are valid only within the argument to the metre command.Table 273: metre Small and Large Metrical <strong>Symbol</strong>s÷ \anaclasis ÷ \Anaclasis< \antidiple < \Antidiple \Diple>·· \diple* >·· \Diple*\obelus\Obelus· \obelus* · \Obelus*∼ \respondens ∼ \Respondens⊗ \terminus ⊗ \Terminus⊕ \terminus* ⊕ \Terminus*82

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