Costa Esuri course guide (pdf, 4mb) - Golf de la Luz

Costa Esuri course guide (pdf, 4mb) - Golf de la Luz

Costa Esuri course guide (pdf, 4mb) - Golf de la Luz


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Course Description: <strong>Costa</strong> <strong>Esuri</strong> WestHole 1: Par 4, Stroke 17A gentle opening hole that should yield birdies. The drive is the most <strong>de</strong>manding shot on this hole, soconcentrate on keeping it straight to leave yourself about 100m from the green. Attack the pin! Straightforwardbirdie opportunities will be few and far between for the rest of your round.Hole 2: Par 4, Stroke 5.This par 4 is very long. The fairway is wi<strong>de</strong> so you can go for a big drive to give yourself a chance ofreaching the green in two. Be prepared to make a pitch and putt par though.Hole 3: Par 3, Stroke 15A long par 3 where you will need a good shot to hit the green. The easiest chip up to the pin is fromshort of the green so don’t overextend yourself trying to get there, swing easy and keep it straight! Theentrance to the green is wi<strong>de</strong> open so any straight shot could roll up onto the putting surface. Watch outif the wind is blowing towards the river!Hole 4: Par 4, Stroke 3The driver is key on this long par 4 so go for a big drive. The green has a steep slope guarding the frontso it will be difficult to hit and hold from a long way out. Watch out for the water to the right of thegreen, it’s not that far away.Hole 5: Par 3, Stroke 11.Don’t be discouraged if you miss the green on this very long par 3. Be prepared to chip and putt. If youdo miss the green try to miss it short and straight as that leaves the easiest chip up to the pin.Hole 6: Par 5, Stroke 7.The most difficult aspect of this par 5 is the slope up to the green. Take at least two clubs extra to makesure you get your ball up the hill and onto the green. Watch out if the pin is at the back because thegreen has a severe slope between its two levels, if you’re short you’ll have a tough time getting down intwo.Hole 7: Par 4, Stroke 9.This par 4 should be something of a respite after the tough preceding holes. But don’t be fooled, apoor drive could leave you with serious problems. If you have the length try to drive it over the treeson the right to leave yourself a short iron to the green. If not hit it towards the bunkers on the left, youshouldn’t have much more than a mid-iron to the green from there.Hole 8: Par 4, Stroke 13.Try to make sure you hit your drive down the right si<strong>de</strong> of the fairway on this par 4. Your approach tothe green will be much easier from that si<strong>de</strong>. The fairway is wi<strong>de</strong> so you can afford to attack on thisre<strong>la</strong>tively straightforward hole.Hole 9: Par 5, Stroke 1You’ll need two solid shots to get within range to attack the pin on this long, tough par 5. Don’t try tocut too much off the corner on your second shot, the risk isn’t worth the reward. You can be satisfiedwith a mid-iron for your third shot.

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