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DODNEWSIdentical Pay Raises forMilitary and Civilian WorkersLast week the House Appropriations Committee approved ameasure that would give a 4.1 percent pay raise to military andcivilian federal employees next year. The proposed raise is includedin the House's Transportation/Treasury appropriations bill,the highlights of which can be seen at http://www.house.gov/appropriations/news/108_1/04ttfull2.htm.This is an opposition to a recent plan endorsed by President Bushto provide a two-tiered increase, giving the military a 4.1 percentincrease and civilian employees 2 percent. Under Bush's plan,federal agencies would reward their best civilian workers withhigher raises, drawing from a proposed $500 million"performance fund." In response, lawmakers have argued thatCongress should uphold "pay parity" and grant equivalent increasesin base pay to the military and the civil service. For moreon base and special pays, see http://www.military.com/Resources/ResourcesContent/0,13964,30821,00.htmlVA to Fill Prescriptions by Non-VA PhysiciansSome veterans waiting to see Department of Veterans Affairs(VA) physicians for the first time may be eligible to receive medicationsfrom VA mail-out pharmacies that were prescribed byprivate doctors, under a new policy announced on July 24. To beeligible for the new benefit, veterans must meet all of the followingconditions:- Have enrolled in VA health care before July 25,2003, and- Requested their first primary care appointment withVA before July 25, 2003, and must be waiting more than 30 daysfor their first appointment with a primary care physicianon Sept. 22, 2003.The first prescriptions will be filled under the new program onSeptember 22. Eligible veterans will be unable to get prescriptionsfilled before that date. The period between announcementof the program (July 25) and filling the first prescriptions (Sept.22) is necessary to allow VA to identify and contact eligible veteransand to put new systems and procedures in place to deliverthis benefit. For more details, see http://www.va.gov/opa/pressrel/PressArtInternet.cfm?id=640.For more on veteran health care benefits, see http://www.military.com/Resources/ResourcesContent/0,13964,30988,00.htmlCold War Certificates Still AvailableArmy News Service reports that servicemembers, veterans andfederal employees who served between Sept. 2, 1945 and Dec. 26,1991 are still eligible for a Cold War Recognition Certificate. In1998, the secretary of Defense approved awarding the certificateto personnel who served during the Cold War. Thus far, about onemillion people have responded out of the 22 million entitled toreceive the certificate, officials said. An application for the ColdWar Recognition Certificate can be found on the Internet athttps://coldwar.army.mil. The Website informs applicants aboutthe correct procedures and the required documentation to receivea certificate. Applications will only be accepted by fax or mail,officials said. More information on the certificate can be found onPERSCOM’s Cold War Website or by calling customer service at(703) 325-5864. For more on medals, awards, and decorations,see http://www.military.com/Resources/ResourcesContent/0,13964,31460,00.htmlMilitary Scholarship Money AvailableEach year, over $300 million dollars of scholarship money isavailable for military personnel, veterans and their dependents. Ifyou are pursuing a degree or certificate, scholarships are a goodway to supplement GI Bill and Tuition Assistance payments. Youcan use scholarships to help pay for tuition and books at mosteducational institutions, including online coursework. Militarypersonnel are encouraged to search and apply for scholarshipsonline at Military.com. http://www.military.com/Careers/Education/ScholarshipSearch/?ESRC=mr.nlmyPay Improves Electronic Pay Services<strong>Air</strong> Force Retiree News reports that as more members of the militaryretiree community, including both retirees and annuitants,become computer-oriented, Defense Finance and Accounting Serviceofficials are increasing emphasis on its "myPay" system. my-Pay is DFAS's secure Website where retired members and SBPannuitants can:View and print the Retiree or Annuitant Account Statement.View and print tax statementsUpdate bank account and electronic fund transfer information;Edit personal address information.In addition, retirees can change both federal and state tax withholdingswhile annuitants can change federal withholdings; andretirees can manage financial allotments and U.S. Savings Bonds.Access to myPay is available at https://myPay.dfas.mil. To usemyPay, you must have a Personal Identification Number (PIN).DFAS customers without a PIN may obtain one by accessing my-Pay and clicking on "New Pin" or calling 1-877-363-3677 andfollow the prompts. A new random temporary PIN for your accountwill be mailed to your address of record. You should allow10 business days for delivery. For more on retired pay, seehttp://www.military.com/Resources/ResourcesContent/0,13964,31653--1,00.html14 1-800-883-4484

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