The Scarlet Letter Study Guide Ch 1-11

The Scarlet Letter Study Guide Ch 1-11

The Scarlet Letter Study Guide Ch 1-11


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STUDY GUIDE <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scarlet</strong> <strong>Letter</strong> – by Nathaniel Hawthorne 3<strong>Ch</strong>apter 3, cont.Remember to cite page # for each answer2. What 2 (3) punishments have been assigned?___________________________________________________________________________3. What important question about her crime remains unanswered?_________________________________________________4. Based on your reading of chapters 1, 2, & 3, what hints do you pick up as to theidentity of the father of the baby?__________________ ___________________ ______________5. What early impressions of Hester‟s character do you get from the followingdetails in the story:a. her reaction when the beadle tries to lead her out of the door___________________________________________b. her behavior as she stands before the crowd___________________________________________c. her manner of designing and wearing the scarlet letter___________________________________________d. the description of her inner feelings___________________________________________e. her response to the pleas of the clergymen___________________________________________6. Specific attention is called to the stranger in the crowd. What impressions of hischaracter/personality do you get from Hawthorne‟s description of him as thestranger observes Hester on the scaffold?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________[Type text]Fall 2013

STUDY GUIDE <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scarlet</strong> <strong>Letter</strong> – by Nathaniel Hawthorne 47. What do you learn about Hester‟s life before she came to the Puritan settlement?(<strong>Ch</strong> 3) just list details____________________________________________________________8. <strong>The</strong> character of the Rev. Mr. Dimmesdale is rendered more striking by thecontrast with the Rev. Mr. Wilson. Based on their descriptions and their mannerof speaking to Hester, what differences can you discern?Rev. Mr. Dimmesdale___________________Rev. Mr. Wilson_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<strong>Ch</strong>apter 4Remember to cite page # for each answer1. Foreshadowing is a literary device by which the author gives hints or cluesabout what is to come. At the end of chapter 4, Hester asks <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth, “Artthou like the Black Man [Satan] that haunts the forest round about us? Hast thouenticed me into a bond that will prove the ruin of my soul?” <strong>Ch</strong>illingworthanswers, “Not thy soul…No, not thine!” What does Hawthorne seem to beforeshadowing here?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. At the end of <strong>Ch</strong> 4, Hester is keeping two secrets: the identity of her baby‟sfather and the true identity of Roger <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth. Are the two secrets equal inimportance? What do you think about her wisdom in keeping each of them?Daddy‟s identity <strong>Ch</strong>ill‟s identity____________________________________________________________________________________________________[Type text]Fall 2013

STUDY GUIDE <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scarlet</strong> <strong>Letter</strong> – by Nathaniel Hawthorne 53. Is keeping secrets wrong? Is there a difference between keeping a secret andlying? Under what circumstances might it be wrong and/or might it be right?See Proverbs <strong>11</strong>:12, 13; 20:19; & 25:9, 10.__________________________________________________________Summarize the following:Proverbs <strong>11</strong>:12, 13 _______________________________________________Proverbs 20:19Proverbs 25:9, 10<strong>Ch</strong>apter 5______________________________________________________________________________________________Remember to cite page # for each answer1. Does your respect for Hester increase or decrease as you observe hermanner of life and behavior in the first years after her release from prison?Why?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. “<strong>Ch</strong>illingworth” is an assumed name. What connection do you observebetween this name and the manner in which he behaves and speaks in theinterview with Hester? [have fun with this answer…]________________________________________________________3. In <strong>Ch</strong> 5, much is made of Hester‟s penitent lifestyle; she remains where her sin isknown, she keeps the “A” in plain view, she does charity work, etc. By “earthlypunishment,” “the torture of her daily shame,” she seems to be seekingmartyrdom.Read (and summarize) Philippians 3:13, 14; Isaiah 43: 18, 19; Ephesians 2:8, 9;and Galatians 3: 2,3.Philippians 3:13, 14 ______________________________________Isaiah 43: 18, 19Ephesians 2:8, 9____________________________________________________________________________[Type text]Fall 2013

STUDY GUIDE <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scarlet</strong> <strong>Letter</strong> – by Nathaniel Hawthorne 6Galatians 3: 2,3______________________________________What do these verses say about Hester‟s and her town‟s attitudes aboutcontinual shame and penance?________________________________________________________*Will these attitudes/actions cleanse her? Explain________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Many of the people Hester deals with treat her with “quiet malice,” insults, andrepugnance. (look up “malice” & repugnance)Why are they doing this, and what are they saying about themselves as well asHester?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. In the last paragraphs of <strong>Ch</strong>apter 5, Hester is horrified and fights against animpression she continually feels. What is the impression?<strong>Ch</strong>apter 6__________________________________________________________Read 1 John 1: 8 – 10. Summarize ________________________________How does this apply to the feeling Hester sometimes has?___________________________________________________________1. Hawthorne repeatedly uses the words “imp,” “elf,” and “sprite” to describePearl. In what ways are these three words appropriate to Pearl?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[Type text]Fall 2013

STUDY GUIDE <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scarlet</strong> <strong>Letter</strong> – by Nathaniel Hawthorne 7<strong>Ch</strong>apter 71. In <strong>Ch</strong> 7, what colors does Hawthorne use to describe Pearl?_________________________(look up their symbolism)<strong>Ch</strong>apter 8_________________________________________________________What impression does this give you? ____________________________Remember to cite page # for each answer1. What further impressions of Rev. Dimmesdale do you get from the way hespeaks and acts when Hester visits the Governor‟s mansion?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. How long has it been since the beginning of the story? ____________How old is Pearl? ________3. Why is Gov. Bellingham considering taking Pearl away from Hester?_________________________________________________________4. Who among the Governor‟s companions speaks for Hester?__________________________________5. Governor Bellingham and Rev. Wilson are considering placing Pearl insomeone else‟s care. Hester wants to keep her child. Do the men or Hesterconsider the best interests of Pearl?P‟s best interests: ____________________________________Considering Pearl‟s behavior so far, which side do you think is most correct?Explain._______________________________________________________6. What does the scene with Mistress Hibbins at the end of <strong>Ch</strong> 8 reveal aboutHester?______________________________________________________[Type text]Fall 2013

STUDY GUIDE <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scarlet</strong> <strong>Letter</strong> – by Nathaniel Hawthorne 8<strong>Ch</strong>apter 91. How do people view Roger <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth at the start of <strong>Ch</strong> 9?____________________________________________________How do many people view him at the end of <strong>Ch</strong>apter 9?_______________________________________________________2. How does <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth associate himself with Dimmesdale?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. How does <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth „s face change?_____________________________________________________<strong>Ch</strong>apter 101. In what two ways is <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth a leech? _________________________________________2. Define leech: literally_____________________________figuratively ___________________________symbolically __________________________3. Where does <strong>Ch</strong>illiingworth gather the “black weeds?”_________________________________________________4. What does Pearl call <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth? _____________________5. What does Dimmesdale refuse to tell <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth?__________________________________________________6. What does Pearl throw at Dimmesdale? _________________Why is this symbolic? _______________________________[Type text]Fall 2013

STUDY GUIDE <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scarlet</strong> <strong>Letter</strong> – by Nathaniel Hawthorne 97. Why isn‟t the reader told what <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth sees on Dimmesdale‟schest while he sleeps?____________________________________________________What is <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth‟s reaction? __________________________What do YOU think is there? ______________________________8. Describe the relationship between <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth and Dimmesdale.____________________________________________________________________________________________<strong>Ch</strong>apter <strong>11</strong>Remember to cite page # for each answer1. Throughout chapter <strong>11</strong>, Dimmesdale‟s and <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth‟s personalities aregraphically changing. List the phrases that Hawthorne uses to emphasize thechanges. ( p #s, too)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What symbolism do you find in Dimmesdale‟s thoughts about hisown grave?________________________________________________________3. <strong>The</strong>re is indication that Dimmesdale has, in fact, confessed his sinnature to his congregation. What was their response and why?_________________________________________________________4. Why does the confession in (#37) NOT fulfill Dimmesdale‟s need toconfess?________________________________________________________[Type text]Fall 2013

STUDY GUIDE <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scarlet</strong> <strong>Letter</strong> – by Nathaniel Hawthorne 105. Other than intense fasting and lack of sleep, what are the selfinflictedpunishments that Dimmesdale receives?________________________________________________________6. <strong>Ch</strong>apters 9 – <strong>11</strong> chronicle a change in <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth‟s relationshipwith Dimmesdale. What was <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth‟s original purpose inexamining and developing a relationship with Dimmesdale?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What changed?____________________________________________________________________________________________________7. Personification is the technique of giving human attributes to material things.<strong>Ch</strong>illingworth does the very opposite to Dimmesdale, totally strippingDimmesdale of his human qualities. List some phrases Hawthorne uses todemonstrate this. [pp #s]___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. Hawthorne sets up various contrasting situations or descriptions of Dimmesdaleand <strong>Ch</strong>illingworth, characterizing Dimmesdale as a man of light (godly) and<strong>Ch</strong>illingworth as a man of darkness (demonic). List three of these situationsand/or descriptions. (p #‟s, too)1) _______________________________________________________2) _______________________________________________________3) _______________________________________________________[Type text]Fall 2013

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