Pr obability Distributions

Pr obability Distributions

Pr obability Distributions


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Random Variables and<br />

<strong>Pr</strong> <strong>obability</strong> <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

J."/ Concept af a Random Variable<br />

The field of statistids is concerned with making inferences about populations<br />

and pop-ulation- qhar.actffistics. Experiments are'ioiiducied with results that<br />

'are<br />

subject to chance. The testing of a number of electronic components is an<br />

example of a statistical experiment, a term that is used to describe any process<br />

by which several chance observations are generated. It is often very important<br />

*) tg allocata".a nuqerical description !9 the outcome. For example, the sample<br />

space giving a detailed description of each possible outcome when three elect1o-9jc_.qppponents<br />

are tested may be written<br />

5: {NNN, NND, NDN, DNN, NDD, DND' DDN,,DDD\, '<br />

- . I,r<br />

where N denotes "nondefective" and D denotes "defecti#.n'One is naturally<br />

concerned with the number of defectives that occur. Thus each point in the<br />

sample space will be assigned a numericsl value of 0, I, 2, or 3. These values<br />

are, of course, random quantities determined by the outcome of iei*priiilinf.<br />

fn*y *"y be viewed as values assumed by the random uariable' X, the number<br />

gi-Ce,{ectivg items when three electronic components are tested.<br />

4 j

44<br />

Definition 2.1<br />

Example 2.1<br />

,n/ 't..t<br />

- t,).,a'v i *^<br />

\*j .,:.r :,-!,..r .J1.1<br />

Example 2.2<br />

Ch. 2 ' Rsndom Variables and <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

.4 random variable a func tion tAq- qs ssCt:q! e,s q-r gql luy1b-91-Vtt!-e rch:JSmep in<br />

the.s*mple space.<br />

We shall use a capital letter, say X, to denote a random variable and its<br />

corresponding small letter, x in this case, for one of its values. In the electronic<br />

component testing illustration above, we notice that the random variable X<br />

assumes the value 2 for all elements in the subset<br />

5: {DDN, DND, NDD}<br />

of the sample space S. That is, each possible value of X_represents an eveg-t<br />

that is a subset of the sample space for the given experiment.<br />

Two balls are drawn in succession without replacement from an urn containing<br />

4 red balls and 3 black balls. Th_e pA-s-lible outcomes and the valueg-;r of<br />

the random variable<br />

", *$j:I it ll1".::ryEt-q!9{ b{ls' are<br />

Lol"", t*r*qh<br />

Sample Space v"<br />

RR<br />

RB<br />

BR<br />

BB<br />

A stockroom clerk returns three safety helmets at random to three steel mill<br />

employees, who had previously checked them. If Smith, Jones, and Brown, in<br />

thai oider, receive one of the three hats, list the sample points for the possible<br />

orders of returning the helmets and find the values m 9'-f lhe random variable<br />

M that represents the number of lneclSatches'<br />

Salution. If S, J, and B stancl for Smith's, Jones', and Brown's helmets, respectively,<br />

then the possible arrangements in which the helmets may be returned<br />

and the number of correct matches are<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Sample Space fl<br />

SJB<br />

SBJ<br />

JSB<br />

JBS<br />

BSJ<br />

BJS<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

0<br />

0<br />


iec. 2.1 ' Concept of a Rantlom Vaiable<br />

In each of the two preceding examples the sample space containp a finite<br />

number of elements. On tne other hand,-yhg! a d-i9 i1lhJown unti! a 5 occurs,<br />

..*a'afmna-sempii slace m-rmannnena_ing sequence of elements,<br />

s: {F, NF, NNF, NNNF,...},<br />

where F and N represent, respectively, the occurrence and nonoccurrence Of a<br />

5. But even in this experiment, the number of elements can be equated to the<br />

number of whole numbers so that tllere is a first element, a second element, a<br />

ihird "taro"nt, and so on, and in this sense can be counted'<br />

tleffnitiOn 2.2 If a sample space contoins a fnite number of possibilities or an unending sequence<br />

with as m-any elements as there are whole numbers, it is called a discrete sample<br />

space.<br />

Theoutcomesofsonrestatisticalexperimentsmaybeneitherfinitenor<br />

countable. Such is the case, for example,-when one conducts an investigation<br />

measuring the distances that a certain -aiii oi automobile will travel over a<br />

test course on 5 liters of gasoline. Assuming distance to be a vari-<br />

Of*;i;i<br />

able measured to any degree of accuracy, then clearly we have an infinite<br />

number of possible distanies in the sample space that cannot be equated to<br />

the num-beF-o$*whsle*numher$, Also, if one were to record the length of time<br />

i;;;il;cal reaction to take place, once again the possible time intervals<br />

making up our sample ,puc" utt infinite in number and uncountable' We see<br />

now that all sample spaces need not be discrete'<br />

illdrution 2.3 If a sample space contains on infnite numbey of possibilities equal to the number of<br />

pointson.alinesegment,itiscalledacontinuoussamplespace.<br />

@<br />

A random variable is called a discrete ranilom variable if its set of possible<br />

outcomes is countable. Since the possible values of Y in Example 2'1 are 0, 1,<br />

uii z, and the possible values of M in Example 2.2 are 0, 1, and 3, it follows<br />

that y and M are discrete random variables. When a random variable can<br />

take on values on a-c-qn-tiDuqEs- scgle, it is called a continuous random vsriable'<br />

oil"o ttr" possible nutu"r of i continuous random variable are precisely the<br />

same values that are contained in the continuous sample space._ Such is the<br />

case when the random variable represents the measured distance that a certain<br />

*utd oiuotomobile will travel over a test course on 5 liters of gasoline'<br />

.^.. 2 | i; most practical problems, 99!-4_Luo-qs- random- YaqAllgS -Lep!9!9-nt-"msa-<br />

--'zF<br />

I<br />

*r,"--- -*,' k / w-94-ngj9,cua3se!!9uoUt"-frtigltlt*trehtt, telqpqrallules, distaqce$, or life<br />

ffi:- ,--t'' ,frf I ffi-' wt*"* airdt" ."tta"- such as lhe<br />

""ri"ut"-*reBL?,seatJpunL-da-ta,<br />

{, ;ffi; sf dged="_"t a_sample of k itp$s qltlhe luslbpr of highway-,iel.a-lities<br />

drn ",*' *<br />

v<br />

14-<br />

-<br />

rdi - f-ryrt;-iry4-gvel 59i*1har-the.-rand-om<br />

-stata<br />

:tr*<br />

;;;U"t of corrgct hat rnatches' ,<br />

45<br />

variables Y an{.M of E11m--<br />

pd;.i;;a fi-ioth repreienicount data, f the number of red balls and r14

46<br />

'r"*, @<br />

t jr' ++r<br />

,r' !' I J '<br />

6. pt( '1t<br />

lTr<br />

t_plf H<br />

Ll T KY ,?- 1 rrl-l<br />

"'. I'li"li.{ r. TT Ff<br />

"4<br />

Ch. 2 ' Random Variables and pr<strong>obability</strong> <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

2.2 Discrete <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

i t\ ! .r i<br />

-.ir')' i't/:{i<br />

!1ri":!r. :r,ii<br />

t:<br />

..,:.t . ,.-.,.i.. i<br />

i:<br />

,\ -'s 1 ,'<br />

,{ dis.c-r91e randgm variable ?s-suTes each of its values with a cer1ain-probabil"-<br />

, ity"Jn the case of tossing a coiiTfi-ree-iiffi&;'tr6-14;it6l" x,-iepresenting the<br />

number of heads, assumes the value 2 with pr<strong>obability</strong> 3/g, since 3 of the g<br />

equally likely sample points result in two heads and one tail. If one assumes<br />

equal weights for the simple events in Example 2.2, the pr<strong>obability</strong> that no<br />

employee gets back his right helmet, that is, the pr<strong>obability</strong> that M assumes<br />

the value zero, is l/3. The possible values m of u and theii probabilities are<br />

given by<br />

P(M : m) 111<br />

326<br />

L-l<br />

le(tL<br />

Note that the values of m exhaust all possible cases and hence the probabilities<br />

add to l.<br />

Frequently, it is convenient to represent all the probabilities of a random<br />

variable X by a formula. such a formula would necessarily be a function of the<br />

numerical values x that we shall denote by f (x),g(x), r(x), and so forth. Therefore,<br />

we write /(x) : P(X : x); that is, /(3) : p(X: 3). The set of ordered<br />

pairs (x,/(x)) is called the pr<strong>obability</strong> function or pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution of rhe<br />

discrete random variable X.<br />

Definition 2.4 The set of ordered pairs (x,f (x));s a p1qlghiljlx.fg4plior-r, pr<strong>obability</strong> mass funcrion,<br />

or ppla-bllly ,Qqt1ilrrlion of the discrete random uaiiable X rf,for each possible<br />

outcome x'<br />

lr'r<br />

t>' o<br />

l./(x)>0. 2it"':"t {"<br />

2.lf1x1: t.<br />

Z. PtX:;r) :/(x).<br />

Example 23 A shipment of 8 similar microcomputers to a retail outlet contains 3 that are<br />

defective. If a school makes a random purchase of 2 of these computers, find<br />

the pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution for the number of defectives.<br />

sslntion. Let X be a random variable whose values x are the possible<br />

numbers of defective computers purchasec by the school. Then x can be any of

Sec. 2.2 Discrete <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

. /:\<br />

" r;10 ,0<br />

' - t /to1:P(X:0):7f:X'<br />

the numbers 0, 1, and 2. Now'<br />

: t."<br />

. '.: ... :,."<br />

e\ ty'<br />

j - ,4ri*rl.:,*{<br />

. -1<br />

.]'<br />

'*l<br />

" i i. ,.<br />

:- ': !''|,r"r /i t li { ' (<br />

f (2) : P{X :2) :<br />

'ii", ;il;."i"uii',v Ji',ribuiion ol X is<br />

Example2.4If50%oftheautomobilessoldbyanagencyforacertainforeigncarare<br />

equrppedwitlldiesele4g!ne$n.a"r"'-"r"foithepr<strong>obability</strong>distributionof<br />

_ r, tt. n,i,.,'U", dl ales66"olJilnons "'^'"-' -\:..--<br />

' j<br />

---<br />

''/<br />

\,1<br />

0<br />

the next 4 cars sold bv this agency'<br />

,.*. 'i- ^Solulion,$iace..the pr<strong>obability</strong> of selling a diesel model or a gasoline model is<br />

0.5, ;;;';i: tO'Uoints in the sample space are equally iikely to occur' There-<br />

,or","iil"'o*;t'";;;; ;11 prouuuititi"t, and.also for our function' will be<br />

i6..fg-qbt-aa$9-lu-loberofw'ays.ofselling3diesel..models"weneedtocon.<br />


48<br />

Ch. 2 ' Random Variables and <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

Definition2.5,,'oW)ofadiscreterandomuariableXwithprobabiIity<br />

f iu 1-<br />

* il} '''<br />

fL?;:'<br />

-iti= /"<br />

, i,,)= 'lr<br />

r'(x): P(X

l<br />

Discr ete <strong>Pr</strong> obabilit y <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

6l t6<br />

s lt6<br />

4l16<br />

3l t6<br />

2lt6<br />

Figure 2.1 Bar chart.<br />

I lt6<br />

It is often helpful to look at a pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution in graphic form. one<br />

might plot the points (x,,f(x)) of Example 2.4 to obtain Figure 2.l.By joining<br />

the points to the x axis either with a dashed or solid line, we obtain what is<br />

commonly called a bar chgrt. Figure 2.1 makes it very easy to see what values<br />

of X are most likely to occur, and it also indicates a perfectly symmetric situation<br />

in this case.<br />

Instead of plotting the points (x,"f(x)), we more frequently construct rectangles,<br />

as in Figure 2.2.Herc the rectangles are bonstructed so that their bases of<br />

equal width are centered at each valus x and their heights are equal to the<br />

corresponding probabilities given by"f(t).The bases are constructed so as to<br />

leave no space between the rectangles. Figure 2.2 is called a pr<strong>obability</strong> histogram.<br />

I<br />

since each base in Figure 2.2 has'.nit width, the P(x : x) is equal to the<br />

area of the rectangle centered at x. Even if the bases were not of unit width' we<br />

could adjust the heights of the rectangles to give areas that would still equal<br />

the probabilities of X assuming any of its values x. This concept of using areas<br />

to represent probabilities is necessary for our consideration of the pr<strong>obability</strong><br />

distribution of a continuous random variable'<br />

The graph of the cumulative distribution of Example 2.5, which appears as a<br />

step function in Figure 2.3, is obtained by plotting the points (x, F(x))'<br />

6l 16<br />

s lt6<br />

4lt6<br />

3116<br />

z.l t6<br />

I lr6<br />

0l<br />

Flgure 2.2 Fr<strong>obability</strong> histogram.<br />


50 Ch. 2 ' Random Variables and <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

I<br />

314<br />

t12<br />

t14<br />

I<br />

?------------J<br />

I<br />

Figure 2.3 Discrete cumulative distribution.<br />

I<br />

r-r___________l<br />

I<br />

r------J<br />

I<br />

Certain pr<strong>obability</strong> distributions are applicable to more than one physical<br />

situation. The pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution of Example 2.4, for example, also<br />

applies to the random variable Y, where Y is the number of heads when a coin<br />

is tossed 4 times, or to the random variable W, where W is the number of red<br />

cards that occur when 4 cards are drawn at random from a deck in succession<br />

with each card replaced and the deck shuflled before the next drawing. Special<br />

discrete distributions that can be applied to many different experimental situations<br />

will be considered in Chapter 4.<br />

2.3 Continuous <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

>1<br />

'.(' ,J (.\, A continuous random variable has a pr<strong>obability</strong> of zero of assuming exactlv<br />

.._ - .',,,,:--'-':-- .-<br />

- ----=-<br />

m €-it-61-m-vamECTonsequentlylitFpr<strong>obability</strong> distribution cannot be-givet. in<br />

--<br />

-''''t -=:---<br />

,l -..:^' ,'ti\.! q ffid, ibfrlnt first this may seem startling, but it becomes more plausible<br />

.\ L .'; -f' E r- .r<br />

.... 1i {i.. -, r,, ! - when we consider a particular example. Let us discuss a random variable<br />

.*t.o ,,u }f,.. .ll, whose values are the heights of all people over 2l years of age. Between any<br />

-" \" {.<br />

t<br />

lr. . two values, say 163.5 and 164.5 centimeters, or even 163.99 and 164.01 centit<br />

, \^.',' meters- there are an infinite number of heishts. one of which is 164 centimeters.<br />

i' -ndL+r" - q The prdba-.fiIi1! of selecting a person at random w-ho is qx4ctly 164 centim_eters<br />

, A '' ., / tall and not one of the infinitely large set of heights so close to 16a centimeieii<br />

^<br />

, s-"Fr*<br />

"ntr''<br />

,nN, ] that you cannot humanly measure the difference ltg:fr,ole, and thus we assign<br />

M p I"-t [a pr<strong>obability</strong> of zero to the event. This is not the case, however, if we,f-alk<br />

@ \t ,^5 I-1;d'<br />

W \u .,id}" not more than 165 centimeters tall. Now we are dealing with an '$''<br />

interval rather<br />

about the pr<strong>obability</strong> of selecting a person who is at least 163 centimeters'6u1-<br />

tttun u poini uutu" of our *nao* variable.<br />

We shall concern ourselves with computing probabilities for various intervals<br />

of continuous random variables such as P(a < X < b), P(W > c), and so<br />

forth. Note that when X is continuous<br />

P(a < X < b) : P{a < X < b) + P(X : b<br />

: P(s< X

Scc. 2-3<br />

I<br />

C ontinuous <strong>Pr</strong> ob abilit y <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

(c)<br />

Figure 2.4 Typical density functions.<br />

9 ), .That is.. it does not matter whether we include an end point of the interval or<br />

e | - not. This is not true. though. when X is discrete.<br />

Although the pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution of a continuous random variable<br />

cannot be presented in tabular form, it can have a formula. Such a formula<br />

would necessarily be a function of the numerical values of the continuous<br />

- vaiiable X and as such will be represented by the functional notation/(x). In<br />

, ^,\. / dealing with continuous variables,/(x) is usually called the pr<strong>obability</strong> density<br />

[* function, or simply the density function of X. Since X is defined over a continuous<br />

sample space, -.:,',t5 it is possible for/(x) to have a finite number of discontin-<br />

.;.. f uities. However, most density functions that have practical applications in the<br />

.. ,, analysis of statistical data are continuous and their graphs may take any of<br />

' ,, , several forms, some of which are shown in Figure 2.4. Because areas will be<br />

.' ,-, used to represent probabilities and probabilities are positive numerical values,<br />

the density _fu,Irgli_on must lie entirely above the x axis.<br />

A probabilitv itv densitv density function lunction is constructed so that the area under its curve<br />

bounded bv the x axi ualtolw qyer,ltlqlg-lgr el X_!gI<br />

x) is defined. Should this range of X be a finite interval, it is always<br />

possible to exten interval to include the entire set of real numbers by<br />

defining/(x) to be zero at all points in the extended portions of the interval. In<br />

Figure 2.5, the pr<strong>obability</strong> that X assumes a value between a and b is equal to<br />

the shaded area under the density function between the ordinatss at x : o and<br />

x : b, and from integral calculus is given by<br />

tl, 1<br />

I P@. x

52 Ch. 2 ' Random Yariables and pr<strong>obability</strong> <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

Figure25 P(a

I<br />

Sec. 2.3 . Continuoas <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> Distributians<br />

Definition 2.7 The cumulative rlistribution F(x) of a continuous ranilom Dariable X with density<br />

function[(x\ k giaen by<br />


Exercises<br />

Ch. 2 ' Random Variables and pr<strong>obability</strong> Distibutions<br />

The cumulative distribution F(x) is expressed graphically in Figure 2.6. Now,<br />

P(0 < X < 1) : r(1I_ F(0) : 4 _ t : *,<br />

which agrees with the result obtained by using the density function in Example<br />

2.6.<br />

" l. Classify the following random variables as discrete 06.<br />

or continuous-<br />

the number of automobile accidents per year<br />

in Virginia.<br />

Y: the length of time to play 18 holes of golf.<br />

M: the amount of milk produced yearly by a-./7.<br />

particular cow.<br />

N: the number of eggs laid each month by a<br />

hen.<br />

P: the number of building permits issued each<br />

month in a certain city.<br />

Q: the weight of grain produced per acre. '/8'<br />

,2. An overseas shipment of 5 foreign automobiles<br />

contains 2 that have slight paint blemishes. If an<br />

agency receives 3 of these automobiles at random,<br />

list the elements of the sample space S using the '/9.<br />

letters B and N for ..blemished - and<br />

" nonblemished," respectively; then to each sample<br />

point assign a vdlue x of the random variable X<br />

representing the number of automobiles purchased<br />

by the agency with paint blemishes. ./10t<br />

3. Let W be a random variable giving the number of<br />

heads minus the number of tails in three tosses of<br />

a coin. List the elements of the sample space S for /ll.<br />

the three tosses of the coin and to each sample --'<br />

point assign a value w ofW.<br />

/4. A cain is flipped until 3 heads in succession occur.<br />

List only those elements of the sample space that<br />

require 6 or less tosses. Is this a discrete sample<br />

space? Explain.<br />

v'5. Determine the value c so that each of the follow- lL<br />

ing functions can serve as a pr<strong>obability</strong> distribu-<br />

tion of the discrete random variable X:<br />

t(a) f(x) : c(x2 + 4) for x : 0, 1,2,3;<br />

(b) f(xt: "(:)(,I.) for x:0, r,2<br />

13'<br />

From a box containing 4 dimes and 2 nickels, 3<br />

coins are selected at random without replacement.<br />

Find the pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution for the total T of<br />

the 3 coins. Express the pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution<br />

graphically as a pr<strong>obability</strong> histogram.<br />

From a box containing 4 black balls and 2 green<br />

balls, 3 balls are drawn in succession, each ball<br />

being replaced in the box before the next draw is<br />

made. Find the pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution for the<br />

number of green balls.<br />

Find the pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution of the random<br />

variable 17 in Exercise 3, assuming that the coin is<br />

biased so that a head is twice as likely to occur as<br />

a tail.<br />

Find the pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution for the number<br />

of jarz records when 4 records are selected at<br />

random from a collection consisting of 5 jezz<br />

records, 2 classical records, and 3 polka records.<br />

Express your results by means of a formula.<br />

Find a formula for the pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution of<br />

the random variable X representing the outcome<br />

when a single die is rolled once.<br />

A shipment of 7 television sets contains 2 defective<br />

sets. A hotel makes a random purchase of 3 of the<br />

sets. If X is the number o[ defective sets purchased<br />

by the hotel, find the pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution of X.<br />

Express the results graphically as a pr<strong>obability</strong><br />

histogram.<br />

Three cards are drawn in succession from a deck<br />

without replacement. Find the pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution<br />

for the number of spades.<br />

Find the cumulative distribution ol the random<br />

variable l/ in Exercise 8. Using F(w), find<br />

(a) P(W > o);<br />

(b) P(-t

;ec. 2.5 Joint <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> Distibutions<br />

decimal point, each repeated five times such<br />

that the double-digit leaves 00 through 19 are<br />

associated with stems coded by the letter a;<br />

leaves 20 through 39 are associated with stems<br />

1.5 Joint <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> Distributigr'!<br />

63<br />

coded by the letter b; and so forth' Thus a<br />

number such as 1.29 has a stem value of lb and<br />

a leaf equal to 29'<br />

(b) Set up i relative frequency distribution'<br />

(e)ourstudyofrandomvariablesandtheirpr<strong>obability</strong>distributionsinthepre.<br />

ced i n g sec ti o ns * ;';.;;;;t'd tggl,':q iT'l'i " " il' l++"-:p:"="-:: i: :l:: H<br />

f*.";0 ".<br />

;I;i,"li3:.!<br />

we w€ might trrrBrrl measure rrrv4Jurv the r'v 'ving -:-^ .^ ^ +rr,^<br />

rise to a two-dimensional .ri-ancinnal<br />

from a controlled chemical experiment gr<br />

sample space consistd^;ilil;;tcomes (p' :l' "-t "t"::lT be-interested in<br />

the hardness H and ,"i'if" T of cold-drawn copper resulting in the<br />

'tt""gth<br />

ourcomes (h, 4. In ;;; io J"i".-ine the likelihood of success in college'<br />

"<br />

based on high school J*", on" might use a three-dimensional sample space<br />

andrecordforeachindividualhisorheraptitudetestscore,highschoolrank<br />

in class, and grade-poi;; ;;;;;g" at the endof the freshman year in college'<br />

If X and y ur" t*o-dlr"."tJ."rroom variables, the pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution<br />

lor their simultaneous occurrence can be represented by a function with values<br />

puit or I;;;;";;"v<br />

*ru"t 1t' v) within the range of the random variables X<br />

and y, It is customary ,o-i"r"t ,. this function as the ioint pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution<br />

of X and Y' Hence, in the discrete case'<br />

f{x,Y}:P(x:x'Y:Y);<br />

that is, the values /(x, y) give the pr<strong>obability</strong> that outcomes x and y occur at<br />

the same time' For if aielevision set is to be serviced and X rep-<br />

"*L'u:ptin,<br />

resents the age to ttre iea're'i y"u' of the set and Y represents the number of<br />

defective tubes in trr" r"t, it"n i6,z)is the pr<strong>obability</strong> that the television set is<br />

5 years old and needs 3 new tubes'<br />

2"8 The function f (x, y)is a ioint pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution or pr<strong>obability</strong> mass function o/<br />

the discrete 'lon''lo^ uariables X and Y if<br />

7. f (x, y) > 0 for all (x, Y)'<br />

, \\.f(x, y): 1.<br />

3. P(X:x,Y:Y):f(x,Y)'<br />

For any region A in the xy plane' Pl(X' Y) e Af : I I 16' il'

64 Ch. 2 - Random Yariables and <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

Example 2.8<br />

i.,. j<br />

Two refills for a ballpoint pen are selected at random from a box that contains<br />

3 blue refills, 2 red refills, and 3 green refills. If X is the numbcr of blue refills<br />

and Y is the number of red refills selected, find (a) the joint pr<strong>obability</strong> func-<br />

{oni(x, d, ana 0)"1(X,Yf e Af,whdre.4 is the region {(t, y)lx + y < 1}.<br />

Solation<br />

(a) The possible pairs of values (x, y) are (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 2), and<br />

(2,0). Now,/(0, 1), for example, represents the pr<strong>obability</strong> that a red and a<br />

green refill are selected. The total number of equally likely ways of selec-<br />

ting any 2 refills from the t - 0 : 28. The number of ways of selecting I<br />

red from 3 red refills and I green from 3 green refills is (?Xi) : 6. Hence<br />

,f(0, 1) :6128 -- 3114. Similar calculations yield the probabilities for the<br />

other cases, which are presented in Table 2.6. Note that the probabilities<br />

sum to 1. In Chapter 3 it will become clear that the joint pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution<br />

of Table 2.6 can be represented by the formula , !<br />

' -o;<br />

for x : A, \2; | : 0, 1,2;0 < x + Y < 2.<br />

(b) P[(X, Y] e A]: P(X + Y < 1)<br />

:"f(0, 0) +/(0' 1) +/(l' 0)<br />

:rr3+*+*<br />

:&<br />

., \-00(,-1-,)<br />

Jtx,y):T__,,<br />

\r/<br />

Table 2.6 Joint <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong><br />

Distribution for Example 2.8<br />

f(x, v)<br />

0<br />

yl 2<br />

Column<br />

Totals<br />

x<br />

o ii i^.\ 2<br />

'_tle<br />

l28l28i<br />

i -r- I -r-<br />

,1411+<br />

rli<br />

i 2R:i<br />

-r ,r-r i<br />

-L<br />

28<br />

La. 2g 2a<br />

i<br />

l-.r'<br />

t,<br />

Row<br />

Totals<br />

ll'<br />

2A<br />

3<br />

7<br />

-L<br />

2A<br />


I<br />

Sec. 2.5 Joint <strong>Pr</strong> ob abiltt y <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

65<br />

When X and Y are continuous random variables, the joint density function<br />

f(x,y) is a@, and P[(X, Y\ e Af, where,4 is any<br />

region in the xy olane- is eoual to tht uolg-e of th" !!ght t<br />

the base .4 and the surfiG]-<br />

Definition 2.9 ,**;1t?;f(*,y\ isc jointdensityfunction of thecontinuousrsndomoariablesX<br />

l.f(x,v)><br />

O for all (x, y).<br />

fa fo<br />

r. f(x, y) dx dy : 1.<br />

.J__ .l__<br />

3. Pt(x, Y) e Af: iitO, fl dx dy<br />

for any region A in the xy plane.<br />

Erample Z.g ) A candy company distributes boxes of chocolates with a mixture of creams,<br />

' toffees, and nuts coated in both light and dark chocolate. For a randomly<br />

selected box, let X and Y, respectively, be the proportions of the light and<br />

dark chocolates that are creams and suppose that the joint density function is<br />

given by<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

f(x, v): {::t<br />

Verify condition 2 of Definition 2.9. *)<br />

Find P[(X, Y) e A], where.4 is the region<br />

+3y), 0

66 Ch. 2 ' Random Variebles anil <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> Distributians<br />

(b) P[(x, Y) e Af<br />


t<br />

J oint <strong>Pr</strong>obsbilitY <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

Lxample 2.11<br />

2<br />

P(X:1):9(1):lf0,t)<br />

v=0<br />

:/(1,0) +/(1, 1) +f(r,2)<br />

--&+rnr+o:4;'<br />

2<br />

a P(X : 2) : g(2) : L f(2, v) :f(2,0) + f(2' r) + f(2'2)<br />

)=0<br />

:*+0+0:*,<br />

which are just the column totals of Table 2'6' In a similar manner we could<br />

show that the values "i-lttyl "* given by ll9 to't" totals' In tabular fornr' these<br />

margittut distributions may be written as follows:<br />

Find g(x) and h(y) for the joint density function of Example 2'9'<br />

Solution. BY definition'<br />

ra f r')<br />

s$): v)<br />

.J__r,*, dY : (" + 3Y) dY<br />

.|. ;<br />

4xv 6v'lt= 1 4x * 3<br />

: s *lol,=o 5<br />

for 0 < x ( 1, and g(x) : 0 elsewhere' Similarly'<br />

ro lr )<br />

h(y): .|_to, r) dx: J. i,t.<br />

-4r t_3v\<br />

)<br />

for 0 < Y S 1, and h(Y) :0 elsewhere'<br />

+ 3) dx<br />

The fact that the marginal distributions g(x) and hlyYt: inlef the prob*<br />

abitity distributions ,iiir-iiai"idual variiL. X "nA Y alone can easily be<br />

verified by showing ;1";;;""ditions of Definition 2.4 or Definition 2'6 are<br />

..iitn"a. io, examplc, in the continuous case<br />

[* n(r) ar: l* i' ,,', v\ dv dx: I<br />

j-- J-o J-o<br />

lu:<br />


68 Ch. 2 ' Random Yariables anil <strong>Pr</strong>obabtlity <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

and<br />

P(a < X < b) : P(a < X 1b, -co < Y < co)<br />

lb l*<br />

:l I f@,v)dvdx<br />

JoJfb<br />

: I g$\ dx'<br />

Jo<br />

In Section 2.1 we stated that the value x of the random variable X represents<br />

an event that is a subset of the sample space. If we use the definition of<br />

conditional pr<strong>obability</strong> as given in Chapter 1,<br />

P(Bl A) :<br />

P(A o B)<br />

P(A)<br />

P(.4) > 0,<br />

where / and B are now the events defined by X : x and Y: y, respectively,<br />

then<br />

P(Y : ylX: x): P(X--x,Y:l)<br />

P(X : x\<br />

: IJ+!, s(x) > o,<br />

s@)<br />

when *Itlr X and Y are disglgte'raadam-raua-bles*."<br />

""i Aiffilt t; show that the function f(x,y\ls!), which is strictly a<br />

function of y with x fixed, satisfies all the conditions of a pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution.<br />

This is also true when/(x, y) and g(x) arc the joint density and marginal<br />

distribution of continuous random variables. Expressing such a pr<strong>obability</strong><br />

distribution by the symbol/(y lx), we have the following definition.<br />

Definition 2.11 Let X and Y be two random variables, discrete or continuous. Ihe*cgndjtional<br />

distribution of the random uariable Y, giun thot X : ,, it gir.4<br />

f ulx) : W, s(x) > o.<br />

-<<br />

Shnilarly, the conditional distribution of the random variable X, giuen that<br />

Y : y, is giuen by<br />

f(xli:W, h(v)>0.<br />

If one wished to find the pr<strong>obability</strong> that the discrete random variable X<br />

y, wE<br />

falls between a and b when it is known that the discrete variable f -<br />

evaluate<br />

P(a < X < blY : y) : I.f(rly),

J oint Pt obabilitY <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

where the summation extends over all values of X between a and b' When X<br />

and Y are continuous, we evaluate<br />

lb<br />

P(a < x < blY : !) : J"ft*li a*'<br />

Solurton.<br />

Now<br />

Therefore,<br />

w" needl find/(xly), where y : 1' First we find that<br />

h(l) = i .f(x, 1): * + * +o :+'<br />

x=O<br />

f(x, l) t .(r, ,), x : o, l, Z.<br />

/(xl1):7f=3r<br />

/(0t1) : +f(a,l):<br />

(3x*): *<br />

/(11 1) : !f(r,l) : (3x*) : I<br />

/(21 1) : zf {2,1) : (3x0) : 0<br />

and the conditional distribution of X' given that Y : l' is<br />

f(x I l)<br />

FinallY, O r€t Y: 1):.r(ol1): *'<br />

bnra<br />

G)Therefore, if it is known that 1 of-the 2 pen refills selected is red' we have a<br />

-;;;;;;uiiv<br />

"qutt to-r/z tt'ut the other refill is not blue'<br />

/-' ^ r-^^+r^n Y nf male runners and the fraction Y of female<br />

*fu "qlp1s-z,reJw.*Jn'ff JfiT'*,f,*?:::,':#TFilil#;ii":"*'densitv<br />

function<br />

o!\(t{r<br />

r(x, y): til' I,i"J,i;.<br />

o < / < 1<br />

Find g(x), h(v),/(y I x)' and determine the pr<strong>obability</strong> that f:Y-": '1"'n<br />

69<br />

1/8 of the<br />

women entered i' u pJrti"oru, marathon d;lly i"tshed if it is known that<br />

;xafi; ip;i;" male runners completed the race'

70 Ch. 2 . Random variables snd pr<strong>obability</strong> Dis*ibutions<br />

Example 2.14<br />

Solution.<br />

and<br />

Now,<br />

By definition,<br />

fo lx<br />

s@): I f6, y) dy : | 8xy dy<br />

J-- Jo<br />

lY=t<br />

:4xy2l :4xt, o

J oint <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> <strong>Distributions</strong> 7I<br />

Therefore,<br />

and<br />

:n"ru mi,stic al Independence<br />

f (xlt):<br />

t<br />

(t<br />

Pl -<br />

\4<br />

f (x, y) _ x(l + 3y2)14<br />

h(y) - (1 +3y\2 -/". -tl<br />

< x

7 2 Ch. 2 - RandoTn Variables and <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

The continuous random variables of Example 2.L4 are statistically independent,<br />

since the product of the two marginal distributions gives the joint density<br />

function. This is obviously not the case, however, for the continuous variables<br />

of Example 2.13. Checking for statistical independence of discrete random<br />

variables requires a more thorough investigation, since it is possible to have<br />

the product of the marginal distributions equal to the joint pr<strong>obability</strong> distribution<br />

for some but not all combinations of (x, y). If you can find any point<br />

(x, y) for which/(x, y) is defined such that/(x, y) + S6)h(y), the discrete variables<br />

X and Y are not statistically independent.<br />

Example 2.15 Show that the random variables of Example 2.8 are not statistically independent.<br />

Solution.'Let us consider the point (0, 1). From Table 2.6 we find the three<br />

probabilities,f(0, 1), g(0), and i(1) to be<br />

Clearly,<br />

/(0' l): t )<br />

s(o): I f$, v): * +<br />

'=O<br />

2<br />

h(1): I ,f(x, 1): * +<br />

x=O<br />

/(0, l) # g9)h(t),<br />

3 r I<br />

14r 28-t4 -l-<br />

*i + o:;.<br />

and therefore X and Y are not statistically independent-<br />

All the preceding definitions concerning two random variables can be generalized<br />

to the case of n random variables. Let f(xr, x2, ..., x,) be the joint<br />

pr<strong>obability</strong> function of the random variables Xy Xr, ..., X,. The marginal<br />

distribution of Xr, for example' is given by<br />

s(x):I I f(xyxz,...,xJ<br />

for the discrete case and by<br />

s(xr): I: f<br />

* .rtrr, xz, ..., xi;,) dx, dx3 '' ' dxn<br />

for the continuous case. We can now obtain ioint marginal distributions such<br />

as @(x1, xr), where<br />

It L f@r,<br />

xn<br />

l-t<br />

6(xt, xr) :<br />

xz, -.', Xo)<br />

ll- "J-'-tt'"x2r"'r<br />

(discrete case)<br />

x^) dx3 dxa "' dx, (continuous case).

t<br />

Sec, 2.5 Joint <strong>Pr</strong><strong>obability</strong> <strong>Distributions</strong><br />

one could consider numerous conditional distributions. For example, the joint<br />

conditional distribution of Xr, X.r, and X., given that Xnl rn, X, : x5, ...,<br />

X n : x,, is written<br />

f (xt, xz, xtlx+, xs, ..., xn) : f lxt xz' ' ", x)<br />

"' g(x+, x5, .. ., xJ'<br />

where g(xa, xs,..., x,) is the joint marginal distribution of the random variables<br />

Xn, X s, ..., X n.<br />

A generalization of Definition 2.12 leads to the following definition for the<br />

mutually statistical independence of the variables X ,, X r, . .-. , Xn.<br />

mk'finition 2.13 Let Xr,Xr,.", xnbenrandomuariobles,discrete or continuous,withjointpr<strong>obability</strong><br />

distribution f (x,., xr, . . ., xo) and marginal distributions fr1xr1,, yrlxrj, ...,<br />

f,(x,), respectiuely. The random uariqbles X ,, X r, ..., Xn or, ,iti'ti b:i*iiually<br />

statistically independent if and only if<br />

for all (xr, x,..., Xn) within their range.<br />

f (x,., xr, .. ., x,) : fr$)fz(xz) . . . f ,(x,)<br />

frample 2.16 Suppose that the shelf life, in years, of a certain perishable food product packaged<br />

in cardboard containers is a random variable whose proUaUitity density<br />

function is given by<br />

tvt:{'^"<br />

[0,<br />

x>o<br />

elsewhere.<br />

Let X r, Xr, and X, represent the shelf lives for three of these containers<br />

selected independently and find p(X, < 2, 1 < X, 1 3, X, > 2).<br />

Solution. Since the containers were selected independently, we can assume<br />

that the random variables X r X z, and X. are statistically independent, having<br />

the joint pr<strong>obability</strong> density<br />

f (xy xz, xr) -,f(xr) f $rlf(xr\<br />

: g- x\ e-<br />

xze- xl<br />

: e-tt -J2-r3<br />

for x, > 0, xz 2 0, xr ) 0, aqd/(xr, xz, xs): 0elsewhere. Hence<br />

P(J' < 2, 1 < x2 < 3, xt > 2) :l-,[t<br />

lr', r-',-xz-x1<br />

: (1 - "-2)'1r-r - e-3)e-2<br />

:0.0376.<br />

d,x1 d.x2 dx,<br />


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