riprap - Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program

riprap - Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program

riprap - Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program


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2.5 V. MONITOR POPULATIONS AND HABITAT AND CONDUCT RESEARCH TOSUPPORT RECOVERY ACTIONSThis category consists primarily of research and monitoring activities that haveapplication to more than one of the foregoing elements. In the General <strong>Recovery</strong><strong>Program</strong> Support Action Plan, this element includes: monitoring populations and habitatand annually assessing changes in habitat and population parameters (i.e., populationestimates); determining gaps in existing life-history information and recommending andconducting research to fill those gaps; and improving scientific research and samplingtechniques. Research activities are identified for each subbasin only to the extent thatsuch activities are related to another recovery action in that subbasin. Suchidentification now, however, does not preclude further research in that subbasin thatmay be identified later or that is identified in the General <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Program</strong> SupportAction Plan.2.6 VI. INCREASE PUBLIC AWARENESS AND SUPPORT FOR THEENDANGERED FISHES AND THE RECOVERY PROGRAMPublic information and education is crucial to the <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Program</strong>’s success. Astrategic, multi-faceted information and education program is being implemented to:develop public involvement strategies at the beginning of any and all projects; educatetarget audiences (including media, the public and elected officials) about endangeredfish and increase their understanding of and support for the recovery of these fish atlocal, state and national levels; provide opportunities for the public to participate inactivities that support recovery; and improve communication and cooperation amongmembers of the <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Program</strong>.Numerous site-specific activities are undertaken to promote understanding of, andsupport for, <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Program</strong> actions and to involve the public in decisions which mayimpact specific locations in the <strong>Upper</strong> Basin. These include public meetings,presentations, communications (e-mails, newsletters, etc.), exhibits and distribution of<strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Program</strong> publications.The information and education program continues to develop a number of productsincluding an annual newsletter; up-to-date fact sheets; interpretive signs and displays;bookmarks; Congressional briefing documents; and a website. In addition, the<strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Program</strong> actively seeks news media coverage of its activities. Specialeducational publications are produced as needed.Because funding for capital construction and ongoing operation and maintenance(O&M) for the <strong>Upper</strong> <strong>Colorado</strong> <strong>River</strong> and San Juan <strong>River</strong> Basin <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Program</strong>s istied together in Federal legislation (Public Laws 106-392, 107-375, 109-183, and 111-11), an annual publication is produced that highlights accomplishments of bothprograms. The <strong>Program</strong> Highlights publication serves as a briefing document for the13

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