riprap - Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program

riprap - Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program

riprap - Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program


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GENERAL RECOVERY PROGRAM SUPPORT ACTION PLAN Gen Table Page 5ACTIVITY WHO STATUSFY 1210/11-9/12FY 1310/12-9/13FY 1410/13-9/14FY 1510/14-9/15FY 1610/15-9/16OUTYEARSAssessment of significant accomplishments (!) and shortcomings (X),(Focused on February 1, 2011 - January 31, 2012)III.B.4.Incorporate final Procedures into State aquaculture permitting process.Meetings between CPW and nonnative fish coordinator with <strong>Colorado</strong>'s <strong>Fish</strong>Health Board have described recommended modifications to existing Stateregulations. <strong>Colorado</strong> and <strong>Fish</strong> Health Board have yet to agree on implentingthese recommendations.>* III.B.4.a. <strong>Colorado</strong>. CDA/CDOW CompleteIII.B.4.a.(1) Evaluate effectiveness of <strong>Colorado</strong>'s stocking regulation. CDOW CompleteJanuary 1999.Martinez & Nibbelink 2004.>* III.B.4.b. Utah. UDWR Complete>* III.B.4.c. Wyoming. WYGF CompleteIII.B.5. Explore options for tribal acceptance of Nonnative <strong>Fish</strong> Stocking Procedures. FWS-FR CompleteTribe verbally accepted Procedures (per memo from Dave Irving to BobMuth, 2003).III.B.6.Review, evaluate, and revise as needed, the Nonnative <strong>Fish</strong> Stocking Procedures.PD/FWS/STATESAs neededCPW pursuing 2012 regulation revisions to implement 2009 StockingProcedures for private sector with <strong>Colorado</strong>'s <strong>Fish</strong> Health Board. Utahworking toward shifting all stocking to triploid salmonids. Signatories shouldadhere to Procedures's recommendation regarding use of triploid/hybridwarmwater fishes for which literature/experience/example supportsfunctional sterility and utilization in other states/agencies in all proposals forstocking warmwater fish species in the UCRB.III.B.7.Increase law enforcement activity to prevent illicit stocking.NNF coordinator hosted meeting of CPW, UDWR, WY G&F, and USFWSfishery and law enforcement personnel on October 17, 2011 in GJ, CO toreview and discuss extent and implications of illegal fish stocking in theUCRB and to formulate proactive/consistent/strict/severe practices, policies,regulations and penalties to combat illegal fish movements within andamong UCRB states to protect sport fisheries, native fishes, and prospectsfor endangered fish recovery.III.B.7.a. Develop plan STATES Ongoing X>* III.B.7.b. Implement plan STATES Pending X X X X X XIn 2011, <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Program</strong> and FWS (included in 2011 sufficient progressmemo) recommended upper basin states squarely addresses the issue ofillicit stocking by adopting strict and severe penalties for illegal introdution ofnonnative aquatic species and facilitating education, enforcement andincentives to promote compliance and prosecution as needed. Review ofexisting best management practices provides examples for combatting thisproblem; <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Program</strong> encourages consistent adoption andapplication of penalties and enforcement strategies. The PDO urgespersonnel from the upper basin states, <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Program</strong> and FWS tocontinue to meet on a regular basis to expedite progress in implementingstrategies/policies to address the expanding problem of illegal fishintroductions.X Review of extent of illegal fish introductions demonstrates existing,expanding problem and need for urgent response by States to curb problemin UCRB.Last modified: 6/11/2012 9:43:00 AM

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