Canadian DiscoveryLtd. - JuneWarren-Nickle's Energy Group

Canadian DiscoveryLtd. - JuneWarren-Nickle's Energy Group

Canadian DiscoveryLtd. - JuneWarren-Nickle's Energy Group


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software surveyoutlook–style user interface accelerate and streamlinemulti-layered afE approval practices. afEnexus isoffered with flexible hosting options, full auditability andcan be integrated with the most commonly usedfinancial systems, including JVnexus, Qbyte and others.Value-added Features:• Enables access from anywhere with a current iEweb browser• Models your business processes through a robustworkflow engine• Provides a full audit trail on property changes,workflow transitions and system generated emails• reduces errors through direct integration withfinancial accounting systems• Supports file attachments through a built-indocument repository• Sends automatic “action required” emails toapprovers and reviewers• Supports role-based security• offers detailed reports including Estimated Exposure,Capital Expenditure and field Estimate VarianceEANexus: Economic Analysis SoftwareEanexus is intuitive, easy-to-use project economicssoftware designed to quickly and accurately evaluatenew projects for your existing western <strong>Canadian</strong>properties. go from installation to economic results inminutes, and let the Eanexus Case wizard guide you inbuilding your economic cases. Eanexus helps you makeefficient project decisions, so you can avoid the hassle ofbuilding cases and waiting for results in cumbersomesoftware systems that are meant for your operationaleconomics.Value-added Features:• includes a Case wizard to guide you through thesteps of creating an economic case• incorporates quarterly product price forecasts frommajor engineering firms• allows you to click and drag directly on decline plotsto establish production forecasts and estimateremaining reserves• facilitates multiple economic case evaluations forprojects and acquisition targets• Supports batch editing for automatic generation ofcases from existing decline profiles, and fine-tuningmultiple existing economic casesGeoNexus: Land Management Softwaregeonexus is Canada’s only web-based land managementsolution. it enables you to securely access all yourleases and contracts from anywhere you happen to bewith simply an internet browser. whether you’remanaging 50 or 100,000 land records, geonexus helpsmaintain, retrieve and compile all your lease informationall in one place. it is industry recognized for itsstraightforward user interface, concise reporting andintuitive management of contracts, leases and relatedwell information.Value-added Features:• Provides secure access to the application fromanywhere with a current iE web browser• reduces your it costs through data hosting onPandell’s secure servers (optional)• delivers seamless integration with accumap andgeoScout mapping software• integrates with JVnexus financial accounting softwarefor your joint-interest billings• facilitates standard or customized data exports inExcel spreadsheet format• includes comprehensive, flexible reports such asacreage counts, land schedules and rental calendarsJVNexus: Joint Venture Accounting SoftwareJVnexus is a robust joint-interest billing and financialaccounting system used by hundreds of o&gexploration and production companies from start-upsto international enterprises. Manage your accountingoperations in real-time with the help of fast data entryshortcuts, intuitive master file names, concurrent workwindows flexibility and comprehensive reports.whether you’re managing two or two million records,JVnexus’ straightforward entry screens, real-timevalidation and data import functionality will maximizeyour workflow efficiency.Value-added Features:• integrates with vendor e-invoices for faster receipt,coding, review, approval and automatic data upload• integrates with afEnexus to allow budget, actual andincurred costs to be accumulated directly• Maximizes aP/ar efficiency with real-time validationand data import functionality• offers configurable security to align access rights ofusers with their functional roles• includes 20+ standard management reports &custom analytical reporting• Enables roll-back and rebooking to make correctionson vouchers or cheque-runsPANexus: Production Accounting SoftwarePanexus production accounting software is known for itsuser-friendly interface, remote access and integratedinformation sharing with financial, operational andgovernment systems. Manage production accounting formultiple provinces, including Saskatchewan, through thePetroleum registry of alberta.Value-added Features:• Manages production accounting for alberta,Saskatchewan, british Columbia and Manitoba• Supports easy access to your data from remotelocations• implements and calculates crown royalties• outputs government-approved documents forelectronic upload and paper reporting• Provides a high level of integration with your financialsystem to reduce data entry time and errors• is backed by Pandell’s expert support and productionaccounting servicespetro manaGement <strong>Group</strong> Ltd.Suite 401, 100 - 4 ave SwCalgary, ab, Canada t2P 3n2t: 403-216-5100w: www.petromgt.comContact: tim dregerContact’s Email: tim@petromgt.comKAPPAwhen reservoir fluids move, on whatever scale, andpressures and/or rates are measured, modelled andused for forecasting and predictions we are performingdynamic data analysis (dda).kaPPa Engineering is a petroleum engineering software,training and consulting company specializing in dda.almost all international, national and major servicecompanies now use kaPPa software as standard. thefully integrated Ecrin dda suite includes pressuretransient analysis (Saphir), production logginginterpretation (Emeraude), production analysis (topaze),advanced 3d reservoir modelling (rubis) and wellperformance analysis (amethyste). the applicationportfolio is complemented by a smart data manager,kaPPa Server, a client-server solution for the handling ofmassive data flows.New Features & Future Versions: as reservoirs havebecome technically more demanding, standard analyticaltools have been complemented by numeral solutions thatcan handle complex geometries and rigorously solve forreal PVt variations. recent developments include numericaltools for unconventional gas (shale gas and CbMwith desorption using analytical and numerical multi-frachorizontal well models) and the addition of mini-fracanalysis to handle both pre-closure and after-closureanalyses, thermal modelling, surface networks, andkaPPa Viz (3d visualization module). development isunderway for the new generation 5 workstation/Serverthat will provide an increasingly open access to thirdparty data and applications. another new development inthe works is the “wriggly well” model for pressuretransient analysis, production analysis and historymatching. the wriggly well is a numerical model thatallows a well to follow any trajectory, at any angle. themodel will allow any number of reservoir layers for thewell to intersect.seisWare internationaL inC.Suite 900, 940 - 6 ave SwCalgary, ab, Canada t2P 3t1t: 403-265-6577w: www.seisware.comContact: kerry befus, VP Sales and MarketingContact’s Email: kbefus@seisware.comSeisWareSeisware international inc. develops, markets andsupports Seisware seismic interpretation software toexploration and production companies and consultantsworldwide. Seisware is a comprehensive 2d/3dpackage, and it is the leading interpretation tool in the<strong>Canadian</strong> market used by geoscientists at largemultinational oil and gas companies, as well as themajority of intermediates, juniors and independents.New Features & Future Versions:• Seisware 7.4, released March 2012, included anumber of new features and enhancements:• Sessions – Save basemap, Seismic Viewer and 3dVisualizer displays• well Caching – cache wells once for quickeraccess in 64 bit projects• Merge Culture – create single layers from cultureimported and created at different stages• Seisware 8.0 will be released in the fall of 2012 andwill include new functionality and enhancements:• rSi attribute integration• Project sharing• Co-blending and rgb blending in the 3d Visualizer• Many more…New technology Magazine | July/August 2012 41

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