2012 [2.8 MB] - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

2012 [2.8 MB] - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

2012 [2.8 MB] - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

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RAPID RESPONSE TEAMIn the aftermath of a disaster, not all thedamage can be repaired with medicine,plywood, and insurance. Even asemergency and relief workers respondto physical needs, the <strong>Billy</strong> <strong>Graham</strong>Rapid Response Team (RRT) deployscrisis-trained chaplains to help meetemotional and spiritual needs. Theyshare God’s hope and comfort throughJesus Christ with survivors, theirfamilies, and first-responders, andprovide support to pastors and churchesin devastated communities.Franklin <strong>Graham</strong> and his wife, Jane, bring thecomfort of Christ to victims of Hurricane Sandy.BGEA’s nationwide networkof crisis-trained volunteerchaplains—always ready todeploy at a moment’s notice—were especially busy in <strong>2012</strong>comforting people affectedby tornadoes, floods, wildfires,and mass shootings. RRTdeployed 549 chaplains to 30disaster locations, includingAurora, Colorado, andNewtown, Connecticut, whosecommunities were shattered byunthinkable violence.During the year, RRT assistedmore than 88,000 victims andpersonally prayed with over22,000 individuals. As chaplainsministered to hurting hearts,consoled the grieving, andshared the love of Jesus Christ,836 people responded to thehope of the Gospel by makingcommitments to Him.RRT trained and equippedalmost 2,900 individuals at18 training sites in the UnitedStates, including churchleaders in Newtown. The teamcontinued its presence inJapan following 2011’s historicearthquake and tsunami.Sixteen chaplains ministered incamps for displaced persons,praying one-on-one with morethan 2,300 individuals—69 ofwhom found eternal shelter inthe One who “commands evenwinds and water, and they obeyhim” (Luke 8:25, ESV).BGEA also supported RRT-Australia, RRT-Canada, andRRT-United Kingdom as theyprovided biblically based griefand crisis training to more than230 individuals.“When they come out toyou, and you see theirways and their deeds,you will be consoled.”—Ezekiel 14:22, ESV<strong>2012</strong> MINISTRY REPORT17

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