2012 [2.8 MB] - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

2012 [2.8 MB] - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

2012 [2.8 MB] - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

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THE COVEFor 24 years, the <strong>Billy</strong> <strong>Graham</strong> TrainingCenter at The Cove in Asheville, NorthCarolina, has trained and equippedbelievers to “take up [their] cross daily”—(Luke 9:23, ESV) to follow Christ andlive out the Gospel for a watching world.In keeping with its founding principlesset forth by <strong>Billy</strong> and Ruth <strong>Graham</strong>, TheCove invests in personal transformationthrough biblical instruction, inspiration,intercession, and impact—all in anenvironment where participants canexperience retreat, rest, relaxation,and renewal.In an unprecedented year ofministry, The Cove welcomednearly 50,000 programparticipants and visitors during<strong>2012</strong>. For the seeds that wereplanted in the hearts of eachof these individuals, may Godreceive the glory. Of these,almost 29,000 attendees tookpart in 371 Seminar, GuestGroup, and Personal SpiritualRetreat ministry events, while49,200 people visited theChatlos Memorial Chapel.The Cove also hosted sevenSeminar webcast sessions in<strong>2012</strong>, which were transmittedlive, with more than 6,000home viewers in over 100countries. By year’s end, morethan 4,100 guests indicatedthey had made life-changingcommitments at The Cove. Wepraise God for these, whichranged from decisions forChrist to new ministry, career,and family commitments.“In the chaos of life, I hadforgotten my purpose,”responded one militaryservicemember after attendinga Seminar. “I needed to beshown how to get back to thelight. A recommitment of faithand forgiveness of my sin liftsmy spirit.” Another attendeeexplained, “I am a prodigaldaughter who can celebratethat God welcomes me homewith a party. I can release mybucket of guilt and shame.”“But grow in thegrace and knowledgeof our Lord andSavior Jesus Christ.To him be the gloryboth now and to theday of eternity.”—2 Peter 3:18, ESV<strong>2012</strong> MINISTRY REPORT21

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