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Untitled - Chic Eco

Untitled - Chic Eco


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<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 2 of 72ContentsDisclaimer ..................................................... page 2Introduction ................................................... page 3How to Read This Directory, Chapter I ............................. page 4Worthy of review.Companies, Chapter II ........................................... page 6Suppliers listed alphabetically.Periodicals, Chapter III.......................................... page 48Environmentally-focused reading.Glossary, Chapter IV ........................................... page 56Words and terms frequently used by environmentalists, sustainablefarmers, designers and earth-friendly consumers.DisclaimerThe information in this directory is believed to be accurate at the time of final editing, yet I, DeliaMontgomery, d/b/a <strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong>, rescind responsibility for any damages or liability that may result from itsuse. I believe the data herein is from reliable sources, yet I make no guarantees. I do not acceptresponsibility for any claims made about the products or services listed. All warranty information mustbe obtained from the appropriate vendor.© 2008 Chíc <strong>Eco</strong>All rights reserved.Cover imaging by Clayton Montgomery, Graphic ArtistThis directory may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent fromDelia Montgomery, d/b/a Chíc <strong>Eco</strong>.Chíc <strong>Eco</strong> is in the business of improving manufacturing for a happier, safer and cleaner planet Earthby acknowledging who is making what in the world of environmental fashion and design.Active member of Organic Trade Association’s Organic Fiber Council. Supporter of Hemp IndustriesAssociation, Farm Aid and Co-op America.Chíc <strong>Eco</strong>13-4008 Lauone StreetPahoa, Big Island, Hawaii 96778 U.S.A.Phone/Cell 859 619-2704www.<strong>Chic</strong><strong>Eco</strong>.comInfo@<strong>Chic</strong><strong>Eco</strong>.com

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 3 of 72IntroductionThis is the seventh edition of a Chíc <strong>Eco</strong> Directory. Due to demand and the grandexpansion of sustainable goods, the Chíc <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory is here for a second time.Herein learn where to get what in our world of earth-friendly fibers, fabrics, yarns, and more.Within these informative pages are one hundred twenty four companies that cater to theneeds of fashion designers. Consider this accurate Directory your ultimate green designreference bible.The first chapter, How to Read This Directory, is self explanatory. It is well worth your reviewbefore you ponder your goals or start a project.Next is the core of this book, the Companies chapter. It is important to know that unlike otherdirectories, earth-friendly designers and their businesses do not have to commit toadvertising, membership dues, or any hidden fees for their listing. Doing what they do for ourplanet deserves complimentary recognition. As a result, you have the most thorough andconvenient list of green design resources available on the planet.Know, however, that suppliers who did not respond to a verification request are revealed inthe notation summary. Otherwise, companies were verified from January to February 2008with additions and revisions August 2008. Indeed I wonder how material suppliers manageorders when they did not confirm their business information, but that is for you to decide.Some no-responders were foreign companies. Thus, agents and sales representatives wereincluded in this Directory to assist you with potential language barriers and qualityassurances.Environmentally-focused reading follows. Learn what magazines are relevant to your goalsfrom this Periodicals chapter. Discover trends, new products, and stir creativity. Read,subscribe and/or advertise to publications of your choice. Remember to visit the Chíc <strong>Eco</strong>Bookstore to easily place subscription orders available through Amazon.Even if you are a pioneer of the green market, the Glossary chapter is one you will likely referto often. Learn the definitions of words and terms used by environmentalists, sustainablefarmers, eco designers, and earth-friendly consumers around the globe.Thanks to automation, an Index is not necessary. Search by state, country, material ormerchandise. Familiarize yourself with the format, keywords, find, and search tools.Merchandise and service keywords utilized in this Directory are listed at the end of the HowTo Read This Dictionary chapter.The title Chíc <strong>Eco</strong> means vogue ecology. Think nature and art. Here is proof that sustainablelifestyles enhance human creativity.Welcome aboard the sustainable living revolution,Author, Broker & Environmental Design Consultant

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 4 of 72How to Read This DirectoryFor maximum benefits, understand how each part of the directory can help you.Alphabetical Company ListingsEvery source you find in this directory offers wholesale and/or quantity discount pricing. Theonly criteria for inclusion in the directory is that the supplier provide natural, organic orrecycled materials. Every listing attempts to include: Designer contact information with fax number as well as Web and e-mail addresses. Environmentally conscious materials utilized. Merchandise and/or service offered by the source. A one paragraph summary of the business. The minimum order required.Business & AddressEach researched business is listed with a verified address as of January/February 2008.Phone & Fax NumbersWholesalers frequently designate a toll-free phone number for taking orders. When a nontoll-free number is listed, please be courteous and use it for queries. When applicable, faxnumbers are included, although diminishing for newer technologies. For sources outside ofthe United States, the note section includes instructions for making international calls. Itincludes the U.S.A. international code 011 followed by the country code. For example, To callfrom the U.S.A. to France, dial 011 33 and the phone number you wish to reach.Web & E-mailBecause so many businesses are benefitting from Internet and e-mail communications,changes are constant. If you don't see a web address listed with a source, try an Internetsearch. They may be somewhere on the web by the time you read this directory. Thanks tospam abuse, a growing number of companies prefer not to post an email address. Thereforeit is sometimes necessary to correspond by phone, at least initially.ContactThe contact persons listed in this directory are the individuals who can take your order.Business-to-business queries may require another contact person not listed with the source.State your purpose to speak with the appropriate person.MaterialsMaterials are listed alphabetically, and in initial caps format. Recycles (an invented word notin your dictionary) are considered environmental simply because they are not disposed, butreinvented. Thus, "Recycles" may consist of synthetic fibers. If you are concerned aboutmaterial purity or specific certifications, please inquire with the source for details. Suppliersshould readily provide certification copies upon request. When certification does not apply,the supplier should guarantee ingredients and products. Also know that many sourcesexpand or revise their materials and certifiers, sometimes frequently.MerchandiseWholesale products and services are listed alphabetically in lowercase format. Somedesigners change their offerings frequently, while others do not. Occasionally, a source offersno products, but an environmental service instead. Of course some companies offer both.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 5 of 72NotesA notation about each business or individual with product detail can be found here. This iswhere you look for more information than materials and merchandise. Some companies arelooking for business-to-business needs, such as sales reps, which may also be displayed inthis section.MinimumThe minimum amount of money to place an order is noted in this section when provided bythe source. Sometimes the minimum quantity is listed instead of the amount. If you have notfound a supplier with quantity terms you seek, I encourage contacting the source anyway.Most suppliers can assist with splitting orders or advise you of an affiliate to order lowerquantities from.PeriodicalsMatch the appropriate national or global publications with your pursuits and interests tobenefit the environment. Many subscription orders are available from the Chíc <strong>Eco</strong>Bookstore. Although some environmental community papers are excellent, they areexcluded from this chapter. Also excluded is a thorough list of growing digital periodicals, asthe print world is rapidly changing. A few are included for insight.GlossaryThis is a dictionary of common words used in green, environmental businesses. It includesaromatherapy, botanical, fiber, and slang expressions. Brand names are included withrestraint.Search KeywordsMerchandise searches are recommended. Accordingly, below are words and phrases in thisDirectory:beadsbuttonsdye consultationdye servicesdyeselasticembroideryfabricsgarment labelslacesmordantspackaging materialssewing accessories and notionsraw fiberropetextilesthreadwallcoveringweaving servicesyarnszippers

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 6 of 72Alchemy Goods3220 1st Avenue S, Suite 400Seattle, Washington 98134phone: 206 484-9469web: www.alchemygoods.come-mail: info@alchemygoods.comcontact: Eli Reichmaterials: Recycles, Rubbermerchandise: accessories, bags, fabrics,tote bags, walletsnote: Stylish handbags made from bicycleinner tubes, car seat belts, andbillboard vinyl. Designers maycontact this company for rawmaterial availability.minimum: $200.Alvarez Farms1049 MercantileLa Union, New Mexico 88021phone: 505 874-3170e-mail: Lazy_A@msn.comcontact: Dosi Alvarez, Ownermaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: raw fibernote: Farms cover more than 900 organiccertified acres in Southern NewMexico. Founded 1977. Cropsinclude Pima and Acala varieties ofcotton and various culinary andmedicinal herbs.Arasy OrganicaMc Mahon 5368casi Rca. ArgentinaAsuncion, PARAGUAYphone: 21 612 691fax: 21 612 694web: www.arasy.com.pye-mail: info@arasy.com.pycontact: Olga Segovia, CommercialManagermaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: apparel (adults), fabrics,raw fiber, yarnsnote: This listing was verified only fromthe website. Producer and trader ofagro-industrial products, natural andorganic certified. Organic cottongarments sized for adults andteenagers. To call from the U.S.A. toParaguay, dial 011 595 and thephone number you wish to reach.minimum: 1 ball fabric,12-15 garments.Arumeru Cottons2nd Floor, Shanmugam Buildings,1990, Trichy RoadCoimbatore 641028INDIAphone: 422-6548370fax: 422-2319274web: www.arumerucottons.come-mail: svn@arumerucottons.comcontact: Gary Natarajan, CEOmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: garment manufacturingservices, raw fiber, shirts, yarnsnote: Offerings consist of certified organiccotton. Shirts are yarn-dyed, subjectto minimum order sizes. Customand private label queries arewelcome. Quality pride withcompetitive prices. To call from theU.S.A. to India, dial 011 91 and thephone number you wish to reach.minimum: USD $5,000.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 7 of 72Associated Button CompanyLion Button Company Inc.246 W. 38th StreetNew York, New York 10018phone: 212 768-7090fax: 212 768-7095web: www.lionbutton.come-mail: postmaster@lionbutton.comcontact: Fred Lehrermaterials: Horn, Nuts, Shells, Taguamerchandise: buttonsnote: Founded 1985 in New York City, thecompany became one of thepremier suppliers of buttons andtrimmings for the global apparelindustry. You can find theirproducts on clothes from leadingdesigners and retailers around theworld. Connect with a salesrepresentative for buttons that meetyour business ethics.minimum: Inquire.Atlantis Fabrics6115 Ninety-eighth StreetRego Park, New York 11374phone: 877 294-7111web: http://store.fabrics-textiles.come-mail: care@fabrics-textiles.comcontact: Budmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: fabricsnote: Sales representation for organiccotton fabrics such as jersey, fleece,terry, and wovens such as denim,canvas and poplin. Plus apparel andbaby wear. All organics are certifiedand fair trade.minimum: $9.00Aurora Silk434 N.E. Buffalo StreetPortland, Oregon 97211phone: 503 286-4149web: www.aurorasilk.come-mail: cheryl@aurorasilk.comcontact: Cheryl Kolandermaterials: Botanicals, Hemp, Silkmerchandise: books, dye consultation,dyes, fabrics, yarnsnote: Naturally dyed colors on 100% silkand 100% soft hemp yarns. Customnatural dyeing and consultationoffered. Founded 1969, more than38 years professional experience.minimum: Low minimums vary.Avanti Inc.Ninomiya Bld 1F31 Daikyo-cho, Shinjyuku-kuTokyo 160-0015JAPANphone: 3-3226-7789fax: 3-3226-7580web:www.pristine.jp/english/shopping/findex.phpe-mail: info@avantijapan.co.jpcontact: Chieko Watanabe,Representative Directormaterials: Organic Cotton, Silkmerchandise: fabrics, raw fiber, yarnsnote: Due to no verification response,company information is onlyconfirmed from the website. Theyspecialize in raw organic cotton andyarns, fabric. Special order queriesare welcome for production offinished goods. The manufacturingprocess is in accordance with strictrules and regulations. Hydrochloricor sulfuric acid, adhesive or gluebonding agents, or synthetic dye arenever used. Substitutes are hotwater, low impact andbiodegradable anionic, citric oracetic acid. To call from the U.S.A.to Japan, dial 011 81 and the phonenumber you wish to reach.minimum: 1 meter; queries welcome.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 8 of 72Beads and Pieces1320 Commerce StreetPetaluma, California 94954phone: 800 652-3237 or 707 765-2890fax: 707 765-2983web: www.beadsandpieces.come-mail: sales@beadsandpieces.commaterials: Glass, Nuts, Recycles, Seedsmerchandise: beadsnote: Direct importer and wholesalesupplier of recycled glass and seedbeads. Product emphasizes nature,with much of the selection madefrom indigenous materials whichhave been expertly transformed intobeautiful beads. Most arehandmade. Also offers an unusualand unique selection of seed beadsfrom the Philippines. The buri andthe salwag are two varieties of palmtree seeds. The kukui and sibucaoare nuts from trees of thePhilippines.minimum: None; volume discountsavailable.Bean Products, Inc.1500 S. Western Avenue<strong>Chic</strong>ago, Illinois 60608phone: 800 726-8365 or 312 666-3600fax: 312 666-3629web: www.beanproducts.come-mail: info@beanproducts.comcontact: Chuck Blumenthalmaterials: Buckwheat Hulls, Hemp,Kapok, Organic Cotton, Recyclesmerchandise: accessories, bags,beanbag chairs, body pillows, bolsters,dog beds, furniture, meditation cushions,pillows (for sleeping), raw fiber, showercurtains, yoga matsnote: Handcrafted durable, natural, usefuland sustainable products since1987. A leader in environmentalmanufacturing offering dozens ofnatural choices for a healthy home,self, and environment. Find a choiceof fills that include recycled polyfiberfrom soda bottles, organic kapok,organic buckwheat hulls, organiccotton batting, and bean bag filling.Services include private label,product development, and dropshipping.minimum: $350.Bean ProductsEnvironmentalManufacturing

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 9 of 72Bergman RiveraJr <strong>Chic</strong>layo 987 MirafloresLima 18PERUphone: 1 242-3106fax: 1 447-3001web: www.bergmanrivera.come-mail: info@bergmanrivera.comcontact: Orlando Rivera, Chief ExecutiveOfficermaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: fabrics, garmentmanufacturing services, yarnsnote: Business was founded 2007 withWhite Cotton brand from themerger of Bergman Sweden(formerly Verner Frang) andCortextil’s organic cotton projects.They are one of the pioneers of theorganic cotton movement in theworld with independent farmers inCanete, Peru, since 1985. Fullycertified from field to ready-madegoods. To call from the U.S.A. toPeru, dial 011 51 and the phonenumber you wish to reach.minimum: Varies.Blue Moon Button Art25 Clover LaneBayfield, Colorado 81122phone: 970 884-5256fax: 970 884-5263web: www.bluemoonbuttons.come-mail: sales@bluemoonbuttons.comcontact: Rona Yohalem, Presidentmaterials: Antler, Bone, Coconut, Horn,Recycles, Shells, Stone, Tagua, Woodmerchandise: buttonsnote: Find a complete line of buttons innatural materials: wood, coconut,shell, tagua nut, recycled materials,semi-precious stones, bone, hornand antler.minimum: $50 in U.S. or $100 elsewhere.Bo Weevil BVdivision of Uristal ProductsP.O. Box 236NL 3850 AE ErmeloNETHERLANDSphone: 341 562 767fax: 341 562 913web: www.boweevil.nle-mail: info@boweevil.nlcontact: Marck van Esch, ManagingDirectormaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: apparel (children's,women's, men's), baby towels, bags,fabrics, polo shirts, raw fiber, robes, t-shirts, towelsnote: Importer, exporter, and producer oforganic cotton. <strong>Eco</strong>tton® collectionoffers private labeling. Guaranteesthe ecological quality of its productsthroughout all the processes ofgrowing, spinning, knitting,manufacturing, and printing withcertification labeling. Fabrics arefrom Turkey. Consultation available.To call from the U.S.A. to theNetherlands, dial 011 31 and thephone number you wish to reach.minimum: See minimums with terms onweb site.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 10 of 72Buffalo Export LLC99 S. Spokane StreetSeattle, Washington 98134phone: 206 682-9900fax: 206 682-9907web: www.buffaloexportllc.come-mail: Anthony@BuffaloExportLLC.comcontact: Anthonymaterials: Recyclesmerchandise: accessories, apparel(infants, children's, adults), bags, fabrics,footwearnote: Business buys, sorts, and sellsshoes, belts, purses, stuffedanimals, vintage items, hard goods,new surplus, seconds, close-outs,and other items. Brokering highqualitymixed rags throughout theU.S. and Canada.minimum: $1,000.Buhler Quality Yarns CorporationP.O. Box 5061881 Athens HighwayJefferson, Georgia 30549phone: 706 367-9834fax: 706 367-9837web: www.buhleryarns.come-mail: sales@buhleryarns.comcontact: Linda Newton, Sales Managermaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: yarnsnote: Cotton mill with parent company,Hermann Bühler AG in Switzerland.Founded 1813. Production and rawmaterial sourcing.Buttons, Etc.2 Heitz PlaceHicksville, New York 11801phone: 800 237-0613 or 516 931-4436fax: 516 931-4561web: www.buttonsetc.come-mail: buttonsetc@aol.commaterials: Bamboo, Bone, Coconut,Shells, Stone, Tagua, Woodmerchandise: buttons, display fixtures,sewing accessories and notionsnote: Offers an entire spectrum of naturalfashion buttons, from trendy toclassic. Many styles are handmade.Also offer Japanese bambooknitting needles and clear acrylicdisplay cube options.minimum: Low minimums vary by style.Carnegie RVCInternational Headquarters110 N. Centre AvenueRockville Centre, New York 11570phone: 516 678-6770fax: 516 678-6848web: www.carnegiefabrics.come-mail: mail@carnegiefabrics.commaterials: Ramie, Recycles, Woolmerchandise: fabrics, textilesnote: There was no reply to verify thislisting as of January 2008. Thecompany serves interior designersand architects internationally whorespect the environment.Sustainable materials available inevery category from windows toseating and walls. Conscientiousmanufacturing to develop a productline that is free of chlorine,stabilizers, PVCs and plasticizers.Visit site or phone to find a regionalsales representative.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 11 of 72Carol Leigh's Hillcreek Fiber Studio7001 Hillcreek RoadColumbia, Missouri 65203phone: 800 874-9328 or 573 874-2233fax: 573 874-0141web: www.hillcreekfiberstudio.come-mail:carol_dennis@HillcreekFiberStudio.comcontact: Carol Leigh Brack-Kaiser &Dennis Kaisermaterials: Alpaca, Angora, Bamboo,Botanicals, Cashmere, Corn, Hemp, Milk,Organic Cotton, Soymerchandise: cord, dyes, raw fiber,webbing, yarnsnote: Distribution includes Soy Silkyarns, bamboo and Silk Lattefibers. Natural dyes for natural fiberssold by the ounce, pound or as retailkits. Also find equipment, tools,supplies, and educational materials.<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong>13-4008 Lauone StreetPahoa, Hawaii 96778phone: 859 619-2704web: www.<strong>Chic</strong><strong>Eco</strong>.come-mail: info@chiceco.comcontact: Delia Montgomery, Consultant &Brokermaterials: Hemp (and blends), OrganicCotton, Silkmerchandise: fabrics, garment labelsnote: Wholesale representation andsourcing agency with a variety ofcustom services and merchandisefor designers and retailers. Garmentlabels are offered for import. Otherdesigner tools such as heattransfers and recycled paper hangtags are available, in addition tofabrics. See site to register aswholesale buyer and view ordownload catalogs of goodsavailable.minimum: Varies.Continuum Textiles108-1424 Walnut StreetVancouver, British Columbia V6J 3R3CANADAphone: 604 732-7514web: www.continuumtextiles.come-mail: anne@continuumtextiles.comcontact: Anne Gillespie, Presidentmaterials: Organic Cotton, Woolmerchandise: apparel (infants, children's,women's, men's), fabricsnote: A sales agency representing textilesand garments from environmentallyresponsible supply chains. Thecompany offers organic cottongarment production out of India,denims out of Indonesia, organiccotton and merino wool knits fromChina and Australia, and aninnovative blend of organic cottonand merino wool called Meritton.They also represent a fully verticalorganic cotton garment producerout of India. The partners havedecades of experience in organiccotton, merino wool and the textilebusiness.minimum: Medium to high volume.Cotton Plus, Inc.822 Baldridge StreetO’Donnell, Texas 79351phone: 806 428-3345fax: 888 439-6647web: www.organiccottonplus.come-mail: info@organiccottonplus.comcontact: Sharon Patridgematerials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: fabrics, textilesnote: Has organic cotton twills, chambray,flannels and more.minimum: 1 yard.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 12 of 72DBWT (U.K.)47 Portway LaneWarminster, Wiltshire,England BA12 8REUNITED KINGDOMphone: 1985 220491web: www.denisebirdwoventextiles.come-mail: info@denisebirdwoventextiles.comcontact: Ms. Denise Birdmaterials: Alpaca, Bamboo, Hemp,Organic Wool, Organic Silk, Soymerchandise: accessories, apparel(women’s), fabricsnote: Denise's company is a rapidlygrowing venture embracing localproduction units and povertystrickenhandloom weavingcommunities overseas. Her silksinclude noil, peace, and wild. Theorganic cotton collection includesPakucho, a naturally colored andorganically grown cotton fiber fromLatin American. To call from theU.S.A. to United Kingdom, dial 01144 and the phone number you wishto reach.minimum: Varies.Design Operations Pvt. Ltd.#102-A, 54 / 3 Rt, P.S. Towers, S.R.NagarHyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500038INDIAphone: 40-23325408e-mail: vamsidharreddy@gmail.comcontact: Vamsidhar Gangireddymaterials: Botanicals, Jute, OrganicCotton, Silk, Woolmerchandise: apparel (infants, children's,women's, men's), bedding, dye services,home furnishingsnote: Fashionable ready-to-weargarments are primarily made withorganic cotton. Dyes are ofvegetable origin extracted fromroots, fruits, flowers, plants andvegetables, which arebiodegradable botanicals. Fair tradeand artisan quality are emphasized.To call from the U.S.A. to India, dial011 91 and the phone number youwish to reach.minimum: $5,000.Designtex200 Varick Street, 8th FloorNew York, New York 10014phone: 800 221-1540 or 212 886-8100web: www.thedesigntexgroup.come-mail: info@dtex.commaterials: Recycles, Woolmerchandise: paneling, rugs, textiles,wallcovering, window blinds, windowshades

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 13 of 72note: Environmental commitment is toground the company’s decisionsand actions in sustainable thinkingand use a spirit of inquiry to inspiresustainable awareness in others.The company has environmentallyfriendly product offerings thatenhance surface options for thecommercial furnishings industry.Environmentally responsiblesolutions include textiles made fromrecycled polyester, recycledsolution-dyed polyester, Climatex®Lifecycle (EU flower certifiedwools), recyclable Zeftron® ContexSolution-Dyed Nylon and Ingeo.Alternatives to PVC wallcoveringsare available with Greenwearperformance wallcovering, 180Walls, a self-adhesive, recycledpolyester wallcovering thateliminates the use of paste, andDuraprene wallcoverings. Alsofind architectural panels and surfaceimaging. Rugs are hand-tufted.minimum: Varies.Dibb ABGotabergsgatan 12SE 411 34 GoteborgSWEDENphone: 31 711-1018fax: 31 711-2018web: www.dibb.see-mail: hakan.skoglund@dibb.secontact: Hakan Skoglund, CEOmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: duvet covers, pillowcases,raw fiber, sheets, towelsnote: The largest importer from the TexasOrganic Cotton MarketingCooperative of organically-growncotton to Europe. Supplies rawcotton for making feminine hygieneproducts, yarn, woven cloth, andfinished products made fromorganic cotton throughoutScandinavia and USA. Allproduction takes place in Swedenand at Krenholm, Narva. Privatelabeling queries welcome. To callfrom the U.S.A. to Sweden, dial 01146 and the phone number you wishto reach.Earth Guild33 Haywood StreetAsheville, North Carolina 28801phone: 800 327-8448 or 828 255-7818fax: 828 255-8593web: www.earthguild.come-mail: inform@earthguild.commaterials: Botanicalsmerchandise: dyes, flowers (dried),mordantsnote: Tools, materials and books fortraditional and contemporaryhandcrafts offering volumediscounts.minimum: $400 order for 20% discount.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 14 of 72Earthues, A Natural Dye Company5129 Ballard Avenue, N.W.Seattle, Washington 98107phone: 206 789-1065fax: 206 783-9676web: www.earthues.come-mail: info@earthues.comcontact: Michele or Kathymaterials: Bark, Berries, Botanicals, Bugs,Rootsmerchandise: dyes, extracts, hennanote: A fair trade, woman-ownedbusiness, working in partnershipwith artisans. Partners travel theworld teaching and learning aboutnatural dyes and sustainable,eco-methods for creating beautifulcolors. They provide expertise incolor, textile design and artisan craftdevelopment for the globalmarketplace, sell natural dyes, andassist visionary companies indeveloping environmentally soundmethods for creating and coloringtextiles. Color collection kits are fullof generous amounts of natural dyeextracts, raw dye materials,non-toxic mordants and detailedinstruction books that includerecipes. There is enough materialfor dyers, designers or study groupsto create almost any hueimaginable. Kits will dye over 40pounds of natural material: yarn,fiber, fabric, paper, wood, tagua nut,grasses and reed. Packaged in areusable box. Also sell the highestquality fresh Moroccan hennaavailable.minimum: Varies; small orders welcome.<strong>Eco</strong> Source, Inc.10573 West Pico Boulevard #189Los Angeles, California 90064phone: 310 474-5513fax: 310 474-2136web: www.hempweave.comcontact: David M. Rossmaterials: Bamboo, Hemp (and blends),Organic Cotton, Soymerchandise: fabricsnote: No response to verification requestas of January 2008. Resource fornaturally grown pure hemp,bamboo, soy, organic cotton andcorn, blended knits, woven textiles,fiber, yarn, webbing and rugs for theapparel and interior designindustries.minimum: Varies upon items ordered.<strong>Eco</strong>butterfly1930 Thayer AvenueLos Angeles, California 90025phone: 888 564-8674fax: 310 475-5759web: www.ecobutterfly.come-mail: stephanie@ecobutterfly.comcontact: Stephanie Schiff, Ownermaterials: Bamboo, Glass, OrganicCotton, Recycles, Taguamerchandise: bag or purse handles,beads, buttons, gift tags, sewingaccessories and notions, yarns

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 15 of 72<strong>Eco</strong>butterfly<strong>Eco</strong>-Friendly OrganicCotton Yarn & Morenote: Offer certified organic, color grownand veggie dyed, fair trade cottonyarns in different weights andtextures, both retail and wholesale.Pakucho, <strong>Eco</strong>-Rainbow, Monarchand Inca are primary yarns. Naturalbamboo purse handles are madewithout chemical finishes. Buttonsinclude bamboo, glass and tagua innatural ivory, chocolate or lowimpact eco-friendly dyed colors.Large selection of recycled glassbeads and eco-knitting needles.Grow-A-Note gift tags make unusualprice tags as well. Use eco-friendly,high post-consumer recycledpacking material for shipments.minimum: None to low varies.<strong>Eco</strong>fibre IndustriesP O Box 426Ashgrove, Queensland 4060AUSTRALIAphone: 7 3369 5925fax: 7 3367 1218web: www.ecofibre.com.aue-mail: admin@ecofibre.com.aucontact: Phil Warnermaterials: Hemp, Hemp Seedmerchandise: automotive parts, buildingmaterials, essential oils, fabrics, hemp oil,mulch, raw fibernote: An agricultural industry company,producing sustainable hemp fibrefor national and export industry.They are Australia's leading hempresearch, development andcommercialization company,involved in all aspects of the bastfibre value chain. To call from theU.S.A. to Australia, dial 011 61 andthe phone number you wish toreach.ECORE InternationalP.O. Box 989715 Fountain AvenueLancaster, Pennsylvania 17608phone: 866 883-7780 or 717 295-3400fax: 717 295-3414web: www.regupol.come-mail: sales@regupol.comcontact: Carolyn Beach, MarketingSpecialistmaterials: Cork, Recycles, Rubbermerchandise: automotive parts, buildingmaterials, equine surfacing, flooring,insulation, packaging materialsnote: Environmentally friendly rubber andcork flooring for offices, retail,education, healthcare, hospitality,and amusement. Products madefrom recycled rubber have low VOCemissions and provide excellentindoor air quality. Outstandingreferences with recent Nikepartnership to recycle used shoes.Formerly Dodge-Regupol.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 16 of 72<strong>Eco</strong>source Paper, Inc.111-1841 Oak Bay AvenueVictoria, British Columbia V8R 3N6CANADAphone: 800 665-6944 or 250 595-4367fax: 250 370-1150web:www.islandnet.com/~ecodette/ecosource.htme-mail: ecodette@islandnet.comcontact: Odette Kalmanmaterials: Cotton, Flax, Hempmerchandise: envelopes, greeting cards,journals, paper, raw fiber, sketch books,stationery, wrapping papernote: <strong>Eco</strong>-21 paper is a composite of 40%hemp, 40% flax, and 20% cotton.Wrapping paper, too. Also sellshemp fibers to spinners andweavers.<strong>Eco</strong>tintesFrancisco Almenara 250 BUrbanización Santa CatalinaLima 13PERUphone: 7845310 or 93383190web: www.ecotintes.come-mail: daniella.calmet@ecotintes.com oreltambo@yahoo.comcontact: Daniella or Ricardo Calmetmaterials: Alpaca, Cotton, OrganicCotton, Woolmerchandise: dye services, yarnsnote: Company provides a natural dyealternative for alpaca, cotton, wool,and other organic fibers. Theycombine traditional techniques,innovative technology and researchto develop equipments andprocesses for minimum or nullenvironmental impact. Researchedfocus on vegetal natural colors ofthe Peruvian biodiversity thatguarantee sustainability.Environmental values with fair tradeethics. To call from the U.S.A. toPeru, dial 011 51 and the phonenumber you wish to reach.minimum: 1 kilo, maximum batch 45Kilograms.<strong>Eco</strong>vigor Inc.division of Textile USA33476 Alvarado Nitles Road, Suite 7Union City, California 94587phone: 510 487-1991fax: 510 487-8199web: www.dongpinghemp.com orwww.apparelsolution.come-mail: ecovigor@sbcglobal.netcontact: Nancymaterials: Bamboo, Hemp (and blends),Organic Cottonmerchandise: apparel (adults), fabrics,garment manufacturing services, t-shirtsnote: This company did not respond toverification request January 2008.Fabrics and stocked garmentsincluding t-shirts, hoodies,sweatshirts, button-down shirts,pants etc. Full packages offeredfrom China. Natural prepared-fordyefabrics are available for customcolors. Also sell hemp yarn, hempsliver, and flax fabrics. Private labelgarment producing services in bothU.S. and China.minimum: Varies.Effort Industries, Inc.225 Nugget Avenue #3Scarborough, Ontario M1S 3L2CANADAphone: 866 391-8601fax: 416 291-5963web: www.efforts.cae-mail: sales@efforts.cacontact: Jonathan Zhangmaterials: Bamboo, Hemp (and blends),Soymerchandise: apparel (adults), fabrics,hats, t-shirts, wallets, yogawearnote: Manufacturer of hemp, bamboo andsoy ready-to-wear made overseasand in Canada.minimum: Varies.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 17 of 72EnviroTextiles, LLC3214 South Grand AvenueGlenwood Springs, Colorado 81601phone: 970 945-5986fax: 970 945-4456web: www.envirotextile.come-mail: info@envirotextile.comcontact: Barbara Filippone, Founder &Presidentmaterials: Hemp (and blends), OrganicCotton (and blends), Silk, Soy, Woolmerchandise: fabrics, t-shirts, yarnsnote: SBP® Sustainable BiodegradableProducts - Hemp andhemp-blended natural fiber textilecollections, including Hempcel®,made in USA, Europe and China.Canvas, twill, muslin, plain weaves,jersey knit, fleece, specialty weaves,apparel and heavy-duty upholsteryweight fabrics. T-shirts made inChina From 55% hemp, 45%certified organic cotton, prepared fordye or natural preparation forsilkscreen, embroidery, or heattransfers.minimum: None; call for private labeling.Expanko, Inc.1129 West Lincoln HighwayCoatesville, Pennsylvania 19320phone: 800 345-6202fax: 610-380-0302web: www.expanko.come-mail: sales@expanko.commaterials: Cork, Recycles, Rubbermerchandise: cork board, fishing rodrings/handles, flooring, packagingmaterials, raw fiber, tilesnote: Innovative, environmentally friendlyproducts which are durable,comfortable and easy to maintain.Company is best known for highquality cork flooring, but also offersfloating floor, recycled rubber andcork/rubber flooring, as well as othertypes of cork products. Cork is theouter bark of the cork oak tree,grown predominately in thesouthern half of Portugal. Used inproducts ranging from enginegaskets to wine corks, to buildingsupplies, cork is one of the mostenvironmentally sensitive materialsavailable.minimum: None.Eurolaces555 Lawnsdale PlaceSan Marcos, California 92069phone: 877 793-8371 or 760 290-3209web: www.eurolaces.come-mail: robert@eurolaces.comcontact: Robert Seneker, CEOmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: lacesnote: Company manufacturers machinemade100% organic cottonmacrame cotton laces. They havebeen in business more than 41years, making high quality laces thatlast for generations. Trims suitablefor quilting, clothing, bedding andmore. Sales representation queriesare welcome from motivatedindividuals anywhere in the world.minimum: 200 yards.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 18 of 72Fiberactive Organics, LLC5917 Oxford Green DriveApex, North Carolina 27539phone: 919 772-1412web: www.fiberactiveorganics.come-mail: fiberactive@earthlink.netcontact: Julie Mullin, Owner & Designermaterials: Organic Cotton, Recyclesmerchandise: fabrics, napkins,placemats, quilts, table linens, threadnote: A domestic fair trade company. Bothretail and wholesale terms,accepting commissions for customworks. Offer hand-dyed organiccotton fabrics by the yard and agrowing line of certified organiccotton sewing threads. Most quiltsand home decoration items areavailable on a continuous basis,some are limited production, andsome are one-of-a-kind. Garmentsand accessories are exclusive andmade with recycled and organicfibers including cotton, silk, flax andhemp and are embellished with allsorts of natural and recycled itemsfrom beads made from glass bottlesto organic and antique laces.minimum: Inquire for low minimums.Fox-Rich Textiles, Inc.37 Danbury RoadRidgefield, Connecticut 06877phone: 203 438-3153fax: 203 438-3803web: www.fox-rich.com/organice-mail: info@fox-rich.comcontact: Jeff Reichmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: fabricsnote: This business did not respond torepeated requests for verificationJanuary 2008. Organic fabrics are100% certified. The fiber ispurchased from U.S. farmers andfollowed each step of the waythrough opening, cleaning, carding,combing, spinning, weaving andfinishing. Business can even spinpartially organic yarn for thosecompanies who want to slowlyswitch to organic fabric. Help tomake the switch or to make finishedproducts is offered.minimum: 50 yards.Genopalette Inc.1110 County Road 319Franklin, Missouri 65250phone: 660 848-2626 or 660 848-3197web: www.genopalette.come-mail: sales@genopalette.comcontact: Andy McMurrymaterials: Woolmerchandise: raw fiber, scarves, shawls,throws, yarnsnote: Atypical in industry, rare undyedcolors of wool are used exclusively.Production of raw fiber andconstruction of finished productsdone "in-house." Rep inquiries areinvited.minimum: Varies upon items ordered.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 19 of 72Green Mountain SpinneryP.O. Box 568Putney, Vermont 05346phone: 800 321-9665 or 802 387-4528fax: 802 387-4841web: www.spinnery.come-mail: spinnery@sover.netcontact: David Ritchie, General Managermaterials: Alpaca, Organic Cotton,Mohair, Tencel, Woolmerchandise: yarnsnote: Founded 1981. Manufacturing handknitting and weaving yarns primarilyfrom organic and natural fibers.Custom processing queries arewelcome. Certified organicprocessors with yarns such asMountain Mohair (30% mohair 70%wool), 100% New England Wool,Cotton Comfort (20% organic cotton80% fine wool), and VermontOrganic Sylvan Spirit (50% wool50% lyocel). Can card and spin aslittle as 50 pounds of raw fleece or30 pounds of scoured fleece ascustom processing service.minimum: Varies.Green Textile190 Bellew Carver RoadSpartanburg, South Carolina 29301phone: 800 204-7628 or 864 576-3730fax: 864 576-9411web: www.greentextile.come-mail: john.simon@greentextile.comcontact: John Watson Simon, Presidentmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: fabricsnote: Company has been producingquality fabrics since 1938 with overten years of emphasis on producingecologically sound organic cottonand other sustainable fabrics.GreenChina Textile GroupKerren International MansionSuite B-90111660 Dalian Development Zone,LiaoningCHINAphone: 411 6278-6527fax: 411 6278-6530web: www.greenchinagroup.come-mail: info@greenchinagroup.comcontact: Johnson Zhangmaterials: Bamboo, Flax, Organic Hemp,Organic Cotton, Soy, Recyclesmerchandise: fabrics, raw fibernote: IMO Certified hemp and linen grownon their own farms. State-of-the-artequipment for all phases ofproduction. Fabrics areprofessionally designed in-house.English-speaking staff ships directlyto all points of the world. Customdevelopment, private labelingwelcome. To call from the U.S.A. toChina, dial 011 86 and the phonenumber you wish to reach.minimum: Varies.Hands of the Hills3016 78th Avenue S.E.Mercer Island, Washington 98040phone: 206 232-4588fax: 206 236-9009web: www.hohbead.come-mail: hohbead@aol.commaterials: Glass, Recyclesmerchandise: beadsnote: The wholesale division directlyimports trade beads, collectibleadornments, and folk art; plus highquality glass, silver & other metal,bone, and stone beads andcomponents from China, SE Asia,the Himalayas, Europe, and Africa.minimum: $75 with additional quantitydiscounts.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 20 of 72Hemp Basics LLCP.O. Box 4627Warren, New Jersey 07059phone: 908 822-2820fax: 908 755-9246web: www.hempsupply.come-mail: info@hempbasics.comcontact: Steven Logothetismaterials: Hemp (and blends)merchandise: accessories, apparel(adults), body care, fabrics, slippers, yarnsnote: This business did not respond torepeated requests for verificationJanuary 2008. Nonchemicalmanufacturers and distributors.Good fabric selection withproduction services.minimum: $150.Harmony ArtP. O Box 892Gualala, California 95445phone: 707 884-3347web: www.harmonyart.come-mail: harmony@harmonyart.comcontact: Harmony Susallamaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: fabricsnote: Sateen, twill, knits and more.Specializing in nature inspiredprinted organic fabrics andcoordinating solid colors. Printedand dyed with fiber reactivelow-impact inks and dyes inaccordance with the Global OrganicTextile Standards (GOTS).minimum: 50 yard roll.Hemp Traders11301 W. Olympic BoulevardSuite 121-514Los Angeles, California 90064phone: 310 637-3333fax: 310 637-3335web: www.hemptraders.come-mail: contact@hemptraders.comcontact: Lawrence Serbin, President &Ownermaterials: Hemp (and blends)merchandise: dye services, fabrics,prewashing/shrinking services, socks, t-shirts, yarnsnote: Custom dying, finishing, preshrinking,and pre-softening.Importer, converter, and wholesalerof hemp textiles. Been in businesssince 1993 and stocks the largestselection of hemp fabrics anywhere.Fabrics come from all over the worldand include various weaves ofgenuine 100% hemp, as well ashemp textiles blended with cotton,flax, lycra, wool, silk and Tencel.Inquire for warehouse address.minimum: None.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 21 of 72HempAge AGIndustriestrasse 9Adelsdorf, Bavaria 91325GERMANYphone: 9195 9476-0fax: 9195 9476-66web: www.hempage.dee-mail: info@hempage.decontact: Robert Hertel, CEOmaterials: Hemp (and blends), OrganicCotton, Wool, Yak Woolmerchandise: accessories, apparel(adults), fabrics, raw fiber, sweaters, yarnsnote: Founded in 1999 as the first publichemp specific corporation on theGerman natural textiles market.They concentrate on environmentaltextile products from varied sourcesand participate with hemp-relatedenterprises for technicalapplications. High eco standardsand fair trade practices. HempSupply is the company’s U.S.distribution partner. To call from theU.S.A. to Germany, dial 011 49 andthe phone number you wish toreach.minimum: None.Hempline, Inc.11157 Longwoods Road, RR1Delaware, Ontario NOL 1EOCANADAphone: 519 652-0440fax: 519 652-3063web: www.hempline.come-mail: info@hempline.commaterials: Hempmerchandise: animal bedding, mulch, rawfibernote: The most rapidly expandingapplication for hemp raw fiber is asa reinforcement in composites.Typical applications includeautomotive interior substrates,furniture, and other consumerproducts. Also offers HempChips®for natural animal bedding andmulch. Both products are producedfrom hemp stalks grown withoutpesticides in Canada.Herbalfab71, Ground Floor, New Cloth MarketO/S. RaipurAhmedabad, Gujarat 380002INDIAphone: 932 7002615web: www.herbalfab.come-mail: herbalfab@gmail.comcontact: Prashant Balar, InternationalMarketing Managermaterials: Botanicals, Herbs, OrganicCotton, Rootsmerchandise: apparel (infants, children's,women's, men's), curtains, fabrics,pillowcases, robes, sheets, towelsnote: Supplier of organic cottongrey/natural fabric with optionalcolors derived from medicinal herbssuch as turmeric, pomegranate,madder, and various flowers, roots,etc. Suitable for green resorts, spasand healing retreats. To call fromthe U.S.A. to India, dial 011 91 andthe phone number you wish toreach.minimum: Negotiable with quantitydiscount terms.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 22 of 72Hobbs Bonded FibersCraft Products Division200 S. Commerce DriveWaco, Texas 76710phone: 800 433-3357 or 254 741-0040fax: 254 772-7238web: www.hobbsbondedfibers.come-mail: sales@hobbsbondedfibers.comcontact: H.D. Wilbanks, Jr., Directormaterials: Organic Cotton, Woolmerchandise: bedding fill, pillow fill andquilt battingnote: Manufacturer of organic cotton quiltbatting and fill for bedding, futons,and pillows. The only organic cottonbatting made for both hand andmachine quilting.minimum: 4 cartons; assorted options.Indigo Handloom68 Jay Street, Suite # 117Ground FloorBrooklyn, New York 11201phone: 917 779-8420web: www.indigohandloom.come-mail: info@indigohandloom.comcontact: Smita Paul, Ownermaterials: Organic Cotton, Organic Silk,Silkmerchandise: fabricsnote: The business features severaleco-friendly materials, including theorganic silk Muga, the non-violentsilk Ahimsa and numerous ecofriendly vegetable dyed silks andcottons. Cottons are Khadi andorganic. Muga is the only silk fiberwhich is naturally gold. Valued for itsunusual color, it never goes throughany chemicals or dyes. They alsofeature non-violent Eri silk which ismade after the moth has escapedfrom its cocoon, also known asAhimsa silk. Eri silk sold by the yardin bulk is available in colors dyedwith vegetable dyes. Otherwise, allproducts are made, at least in part,with hand-woven fabrics. Thefabrics are produced on an ancientloom which requires no energy tooperate. Cater to home andwomen's evening and bridalmarkets.minimum: Inquire.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 23 of 72Indika Organics4009 Montana Highway 35Kalispell, Montana 59901phone: 800 458-3106 or 406 756-2427fax: 406 756-2428web: www.indikaorganics.come-mail: info@indikaorganics.comcontact: Richard Piekos, Presidentmaterials: Flax, Hemp, Organic Cotton,Silk, Woolmerchandise: bath mats, bedding, duvetcovers, fabrics, mattress pads, petproducts, sheets, textiles, towels,washclothnote: Simple and elegant designs tocapture Earth's essence and energyusing sustainable fabrics thatrecognize the benefits of natural andorganically grown materials. Craftedusing the highest standard ofquality, their custom designs arecreated especially for those peoplewho desire to live in a chemicallyfree environment and furtherpromote healthy living. Textilesinclude upholstery, drapery andcustom weaves.minimum: Varies.Indra Imports12819 Pasquale RoadNevada City, California 95959phone: 530 470-8655web: www.indraimports.come-mail: indrarr@hotmail.comcontact: Indra Rinzlermaterials: Hemp, Recyclesmerchandise: accessories, bags, fabrics,yarnsnote: This business did not respond torepeated requests for verificationJanuary 2008. Company importsfrom seven Asian countries andwholesales to hemp stores acrossthe globe. They carry hemp itemsfrom Thailand and Nepal with manyother things. Fabrics are made inThailand with no two bolts alike. Silkyarn is hand spun in Nepal fromremnant fibers that are harvestedand recycled from the weaving millsin India.minimum: None.Infiknit542 Mt. Pleasant Road, Unit 104Toronto, Ontario M4S 2M7CANADAphone: 800 408-1522 or 416 487-9401fax: 416 487-3296web: www.infiknit.come-mail: info@infiknit.comcontact: Carol Tomanymaterials: Coconut, Organic Cotton,Shells, Silk, Wood, Woolmerchandise: buttons, sewingaccessories and notions, yarnsnote: A wholesale knitting patterndistributor with kits, knitting yarnsand supplies for retail stores.minimum: Varies upon items ordered.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 24 of 72Innovations in Wallcoverings, Inc.150 Varick Street, 9th floorNew York, New York 10013phone: 800 227-8053 or 212 807-6300fax: 212 807-1942web: www.innovationsusa.come-mail: mhatfield@innovationsusa.commaterials: Botanicals, Paper, Recyclesmerchandise: wallcoveringnote: With a growing concern for thestrain on our environment, thecompany offers designers analternative to vinyl. The designs arecomposed of either natural andrenewable or recyclable materials,using water-based inks that containno heavy metals or off-gas harmfulpollutants. All wood products areharvested in managed forests, andall polyester components have arecyclable quality.Jagger Brothers, IncorporatedP.O. Box 188Springvale, Maine 04083phone: 207 324-5622, ext. 16fax: 207 490-2661web: www.jaggeryarn.come-mail: wool@jaggeryarn.comcontact: Scott A. Grey, Sales Managermaterials: Organic Woolmerchandise: yarnsnote: A 100% organic wool yarn supplier.Worsted wool and wool blend yarnsspun on worsted system fromcombed wool tops. Single and plyyarn for knitting and weaving.minimum: Inquire.James Wedel Farms1230 County Road 1028Muleshoe, Texas 79347phone: 806 272-5901fax: 806 272-5002e-mail: jimnsusn@fivearea.comcontact: James Wedel, Presidentmaterials: Botanicals, Organic Cottonmerchandise: raw fiber, soybeansnote: Farm producing certified organiccotton and soybeans.Japan Gold USAP.O. Box 3463Apollo Beach, Florida 33572phone: 813 486-9341e-mail: patrick@japangoldusa.comcontact: Patrick Lawler, National SalesDirectormaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: lacesnote: Extensive assortment of organicand fine lace options. U.S. branch ofa Japanese parent company, Muso,which is a long-established organicbusiness.minimum: Varies, inquire.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 25 of 72Jasco New York LLCP.O. Box 246White Plains, New York 10605phone: 914 421-1365fax: 914 421-1365web: www.jascofabrics.come-mail: maidas@jascofabrics.comcontact: Maida Silvermaterials: Organic Cotton, Organic Woolmerchandise: fabricsnote: Converter supplies 100% certifiedorganic knits in merino wool andorganic Peruvian cotton fabrics. Thecompany has been one ofAmerica's most recognizedhigh-end fashion knit resource forover 60 years. A registeredtrademark for quality, luxury,innovation, and personal service.Now has an online store for bothfabric and finished products.minimum: None.Kenex, Ltd.Rural Route 8, Chatham24907 Winter Line RoadOntario N7M 5J8CANADAphone: 519 351-9922fax: 519 351-6122web: www.kenex.come-mail: mail@kenex.comcontact: Jean Laprisematerials: Hempmerchandise: building materials,composites, raw fiber, mattingnote: Company is working with privatefirms to develop quality hemp basedproducts for a wide array of modernuses including body care,cosmetics, building materials,automobile interior parts, pulp,paper, and animal bedding.Privately-owned and operated forresearch, production andprocessing. They transform rawhemp into fiber products and corematerials.minimum: Varies.Katan House Japan Inc.2134 Green CreekSan Antonio, Texas 78232phone: 210 491-0112fax: 210 491-9351e-mail: info@avantijapan.co.jpcontact: Avanti Inc.materials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: bedding fill, raw fibernote: Distribution of raw fiber for parentcompany in Japan, Avanti Inc.minimum: To be determined.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 26 of 72Kevyn Woven Hempen HomeGeneral Delivery1400 Rock Creek RoadWilliams, Oregon 97544phone: 541 846-0288e-mail: Kevynwoven@yahoo.comcontact: Kevyn Woven, Ownermaterials: Cotton, Hemp, Organic Cotton,Silkmerchandise: bedspreads, fabrics, hats,robes, ruanas, rugs, scarves, shawls,skirts, vests, yarnsnote: This business did not respond torequests for verification January2008. Owner does not haveconvenient access to email.Telephone contact isrecommended. Small weavingenterprise in the woods of Oregon,spinning yarn and weaving beautifulfabrics out of all-natural materials inconcordance with nature. From amixture of hemp and silk to thenewest in organic fibers such aschenille and Colorganic. Providesfabrics, yarn, and clothing which notonly look beautiful, but let you knowyou're doing your part in helping tosustain a vibrant planet.minimum: Varies upon items ordered.Made By IndiaF-38, Sector-8Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301INDIAphone: 987-1302656fax: 120-4259969web: www.madebyindia.come-mail: info@madebyindia.comcontact: Pawan Ojhamaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: apparel (infants, children's,women's, men's), aprons, baby bedding,bags, bath mats, bedding, carpet, curtains,duvet covers, fabrics, kitchen accessories,promotional products, quilts, raw fiber,robes, t-shirts, tote bags, towels, yarnsnote: Manufacturer and exporter ofnumerous 100% organic cottongoods, natural, peroxide wash, orlow-impact dyes. Production doesnot include harsh chemicals orbleaches, and is allergy free. Therange of clothing styles are limited,but new patterns are beingdeveloped to keep pace with thegrowing demand. Inquiries arewelcome. Certification is posted onsite. To call from the U.S.A. to India,dial 011 91 and the phone numberyou wish to reach.minimum: USD $5,000.Manoir Inc.951 ReverchonMontreal, Quebec H4T4L2CANADAphone: 800 597-1150 or 514 344-1111,ext. 243fax: 514 344-1151web: www.manoir-inc.come-mail: timothy.howick@manoir-inc.comcontact: Timothy Howickmaterials: Alpaca, Bamboo, Lycra,Organic Cotton, Soymerchandise: fabricsnote: A vertically integrated manufacturerof fine circular knit fabrics. Inaddition to their full product line of100% combed cottons, cottonblends and branded syntheticperformance products for more than35 years, they have become acertified North American leader inthe development of a sustainablefiber fabric line that includes organiccotton, bamboo, soya and wool.minimum: Varies between 300 to 1,000yards, pending on fabric and weight.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 27 of 72Med Imports1710 N. Leg CourtAugusta, Georgia 30909phone: 866 363-6334706 364-6334fax: 706 733-8120web: www.medimports.nete-mail: info@medimports.netmaterials: Botanicals, Clay, Minerals,Sandmerchandise: wallcoveringnote: Unique product called TERRAMEDto texture walls, recreating theatmosphere of Mediterraneanhomes. Made for today's marketdemand while respecting theauthenticity of the techniques ofyesterday. Historically accurate withcolored clays that have been usedin construction for hundreds ofyears throughout the Mediterraneanregion.Mod Green Pod46 Waltham Street, Suite 101Boston, Massachusetts 02118phone: 617 670-2000fax: 610 602-2765web: www.modgreenpod.come-mail: lisam@modgreenpod.comcontact: Lisa Mimsmaterials: Hemp (and blends), OrganicCotton, Papermerchandise: fabrics, wallcoveringnote: Fabrics are for upholstery inresidential and work spaces.Wallpaper is vinyl-free. Both fabricand paper are silk screened byhand in the U.S. and both are freeof harmful chemical finishes.Organic cotton fabric is sold by theyard. Wallpaper is 27 inches by 5yards, sold by the roll, anduntrimmed.minimum: $100.Nantong Bangni Fashion Co., Ltd.Baibang EnterprisesSuite 501, Nantong Building, 28 RenmingRoad EastNantong, Jiangsu 226001CHINAphone: 513 85332218fax: 513 85332201web: www.bbqy.cn/bn/ene-mail: bnfs@bbqy.cncontact: Mr. Gematerials: Bamboo, Corn. Organic Cotton,Soy, Tencelmerchandise: apparel (infants, children's,women's, men's). fabrics,fulfillment/productionnote: The company was verifiedDecember 2007. They design,manufacture and sell the latestfashions to overseas customers, aswell as provide OEM services.Being in the industry for manyyears, they provide advancedproduction technologies andmanagement concepts. Their mainproduct lines include baby andchildren's clothes, both genderpants, jackets, suits, dresses, skirts,coats, etcetera. Their customers areglobal, including Japan, U.S., SouthKorea, Australia, E.U., and Canada.By providing not only products oflots of varieties and latest styles, butalso good quality, and on-timedeliveries through honored trust andsupport. They actively utilizle ecofabrics, including soybean fiber andPLA, which can be sold withoutproduction services. This is aleading company in the green textilebusiness. To call from the U.S.A. toChina, dial 011 86 and the phonenumber you wish to reach.minimum: Varies.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 28 of 72Nasrin Appareldivision of Nasrin Impex Pvt. Ltd.# 66/1, 5Th Main, 5Th CrossSaithpalya, LingarajpuramBangalore, Karnataka 560084INDIAphone: 934 1063944web: www.nasrinapparel.come-mail: nasrinimpex@hotmail.comcontact: Mr. Sheikh Mohammad Ahiyamaterials: Organic Silk, Silkmerchandise: accessories, apparel(women’s), fabrics, home furnishings,neckties, scarvesnote: The organic silk is certified Tussah.The entire process is withoutchemicals, and is handwovenwithout machinery. Colors arederived from plants and are azofree.Expanding merchandiseincludes saree and homefurnishings. Primarily Jharkhandvillagers are employed withadmirable work conditions,government support, and withstandard India wages. To call fromthe U.S.A. to India, dial 011 91 andthe phone number you wish toreach.minimum: Approximately USD $2,000.note: A "one stop shop" integrated supplychain for a wide range of organiccotton products from certifiedorganic fiber to finished packagedproducts, made to customer'sdesigns. Founded 1996, withheadquarters in U.S.A. and officesin Australia. Company offers a fullyintegrated supply of certified organiccotton products manufactured inIndia and manages delivery logisticsfor finished products to anyworldwide location. Special focus onbaby and children's products.Company also provides services toexpand international marketing andsales of these products in Australiaand New Zealand. Wide range ofwoven and knit fabric options areoffered along with full embellishmentcapability, including roller, screenand wood block printing, andembroidery. Manufacturing in fullcompliance with Organic FiberProcessing Standards and FairTrade Labor Practices. Experiencedin working with designers.minimum: 5,000 yards.Natural Origins U.S.A.909A Georgia StreetVallejo, California 94590phone: 707 649-1915fax: 707 649-1915web: www.naturalorigins.come-mail: raja@naturalorigins.comcontact: Susanna Ramji, Presidentmaterials: Organic Cotton (and blends)merchandise: dye services, embroidery,fabrics, garment manufacturing services,printing services

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 29 of 72Nature's Laboratorydivision of Parcheh Inc.4826 S. FigueroaLos Angeles, California 90037phone: 323 544-0171fax: 323 544-0174e-mail: shakibag@gmail.comcontact: Shakiba or Moe Ghobadpourmaterials: Bamboo, Botanicals, Cotton,Organic Cottonmerchandise: dye services, dyes,garment manufacturing services, t-shirtsnote: Vegetable and GOTS approved ecodye services for t-shirt orders.Natural dyes can be sold separately.Fulfillment and production queriesare welcome for other fabrics, suchas cashmere, wool and silk.Company is the result of two textilesengineers with more than 20 yearsexperience. Textile production withhigh volume capabilities in CentralAmerica. Small designer queries arewelcome for natural dyes on organiccotton shirts.minimum: Negotiable.NatureWorks LLC15305 Minnetonka BoulevardMinneapolis, Minnesota 55345phone: 989 633-1746 or 800 664 6436web: www.natureworksllc.commaterials: Botanicals, Cornmerchandise: raw fibernote: Supplier of biopolymer derived from100 percent annually renewableresources (plants) with cost andperformance that compete withpetroleum-based packagingmaterials and fibers. NatureWorks®biopolymer is the brand name ofPLA biopolymers that are used for awide range of packaging andconsumer goods applicationsmarketed under the Ingeo brandname. Ingeo is the brand namefor innovations made uniquely fromNatureWorks® biopolymer. Thebiopolymer is ideal for packaging,consumer goods and fibers; ideallysuited for apparel, furnishings andnon-wovens applications. The fiberworks in both pure qualities andinnovative blends for everythingfrom dress shirts to draperies. See"How To Buy" on website forinstructions to partner yourbusiness.minimum: Varies.NearSea Naturals, IncorporatedP.O. Box 345Rowe, New Mexico 87562phone: 877 573-2913web: www.nearseanaturals.come-mail: info@nearseanaturals.commaterials: Hemp (and blends), OrganicCotton, Organic Wool, Rubber, Silk,Tencelmerchandise: buttons, elastic, fabrics,laces, threadnote: This business did not respond torepeated requests for verificationJanuary 2008. Offers fabrics whichbusinesses can purchase by the fullroll for a deeper discount. The vastmajority of organic cotton fabrics aremade in the U.S. Primarily retailcompany with notions.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 30 of 72New World TextilesP.O. Box 1484-WBlack Mountain, North Carolina 28711phone: 828 669-1870fax: 828 669-1870web: www.charkha.bize-mail: cotton@charkha.bizcontact: Eileen Hallmanmaterials: Flax, Hemp, Organic Cotton,Silkmerchandise: raw fiber, yarnsnote: Develops and provides organiccotton and natural raw fiber blendsfor hand spinners and handweavers. Offers tools and classes.Founded 1995.minimum: 10 pounds.OLIVEIRA TEXTILESEnvironmentally friendly fabrics forthe homeO <strong>Eco</strong>textiles, Inc.942 18th Avenue EastSeattle, Washington 98112phone: 206 633-1177fax: 206 322-9974web: www.oecotextiles.come-mail: info@oecotextiles.comcontact: Leigh Van Dusen, U.S. GeneralManagermaterials: Bamboo, Flax, Hemp, OrganicCottonmerchandise: fabricsnote: Luxurious natural fiber fabrics forinteriors, emphasizing hemp andother bast fibers, which areprocessed to GOTS standards.They maintain rigorous qualitycontrol and performance standards.Ethical business practices areemphasized as well asenvironmental stewardship.Showrooms in several U.S.locations and London.minimum: Varies.OLIVEIRA TEXTILES4 Howe StreetBristol, Rhode Island 02809phone: 401 396-9194fax: 401 396-9194web: www.oliveiratextiles.come-mail: info@oliveiratextiles.comcontact: Dawn Oliviera, President &Creative Director or DeborahOliveira-Olson, Vice President &Cofoundermaterials: Flax, Hemp, Organic Cottonmerchandise: fabrics, pillows (decor)note: A textile design company thatproduces original, contemporary,printed and organic textiles for thehome furnishings market. Classifiedas eco-friendly with a contemporaryedge. Market is interior designersand architects.minimum: Varies.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 31 of 72Onlyone Products, Inc.16428 Vista Roma CircleHuntington Beach, California 92649phone: 714 840-1014fax: 714 840-8462web: www.onlyone-pro.come-mail: only1@onlyone-pro.comcontact: Tomoe Maeda, Presidentmaterials: Bamboo Extracts, Woodmerchandise: accessories, bags,briefcases, cork sheets, handbags,wallets, wood sheetsnote: Partner company is ZerooneProducts, Inc. in Japan offering twocollections. "Tennage" is a line offlexible and durable wood sheets.They can be sewn and formed intojust about any shape. The woodsheets are water and UV resistant,plus environmentally friendly bybeing remnants that wouldotherwise be discarded. They canbe utilized for making variousproducts such as bags, belts,fashion accessories, stationery, orattaching to computer hardware,interiors for automobiles,architectural buildings, homefurnishing, and much more. "Higgie"is a line of briefcases, handbags,wallets, and purses made fromwood sheets. Each wood has itsown unique look and texture;therefore, no two pieces are exactlyalike. Each one is a work of art!Sales rep queries welcome.minimum: Inquire.Organic Culture1231 Race Street #3EPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania 19107phone: 215 864-0430 or 484 358-2449web: http://organicculture.tripod.come-mail: organicculture@gmail.com orellebamboo@hotmail.comcontact: Ulysses Mcgheematerials: Bamboo, <strong>Eco</strong>Spun, OrganicCotton (and blends), Recyclesmerchandise: consultation, fabrics,garment manufacturing services, shawlsnote: This business did not respond torepeated requests for verificationJanuary 2008. They offer anextensive fabric selection withservices ranging from consultancy,sewing and production. Shawls andstole offerings are made fromvarious natural and recycledmaterials.minimum: Typically 40 to 45 yards.Organic Textiles.com LLC1121 E Santa Ana BoulevardSanta Ana, California 92701phone: 714 541-3510 or 714 282-0808fax: 714 550-0852web: www.organictextiles.come-mail: info@organictextiles.comcontact: Ian Sharieff, Presidentmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: baby bedding, bedaccessories, bedding, blankets, fabrics,mattress pads, sheets, towels, yarnsnote: Company designs, manufacturesand distributes organic cotton textileproducts for homes and apparel.Fabrics are knit or woven, includingwide and pre-shrunk sateen orpercale. Custom yarn, fabric anddye queries are welcome, as well asproduction for clothing. Lowminimums possible for private labelmanufacturing.minimum: $500.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 32 of 72Pan World Traders, Inc.<strong>Eco</strong>lution, Inc.P.O. Box 697Santa Cruz, California 95061phone: 800 973-4367 or 831 479-4803fax: 877 817-4367web: www.ecolution.comcontact: David Heinbackmaterials: Flax, Hemp (and blends)merchandise: accessories, apparel(adults), bags, fabrics, hats, homefurnishings, jewelry, placemats,potholders, rope, textiles, twine, walletsnote: This business did not respond torepeated requests for verificationJanuary 2008. All <strong>Eco</strong>lution branditems, including fabric, are made inTransylvania, Romania. Customorders and private labelingavailable. Discount pricing withquantities. European distributionand Romanian office with U.S.headquarters.minimum: $200.Panoco Trading CO LTD JapanShin-Sudacho Kyodo Building 2F1-5 Kanda-Sudacho, Chiyoda-kuTokyo 101-0041JAPANphone: 3 5298 6634fax: 3 3255 2202web: www.panoco.co.jpe-mail: Minori@Panoco.co.jpcontact: Takako Shiozakimaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: fabrics, raw fiber, yarnsnote: This business did not respond torequests for verification January2008. Organic cotton productssupplier and manufacturer. Importorganic materials from overseasand manufacture organic goods. Tocall from the U.S.A. to Japan, dial011 81 and the phone number youwish to reach.Panoco USA6216 43rd Avenue N.E.Seattle, Washington 98115phone: 206 528-1472fax: 206 528-1491web: www.panoco.co.jpe-mail: info@earthcotton.comcontact: Sam Dicki, U.S. Agentmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: fabrics, raw fiber, yarnsnote: This business did not respond torequests for verification January2008. Organic cotton productssupplier and manufacturer. Importorganic materials from overseasand manufacture organic goods.Parkdale Mills, Inc.531 Cotton Blossom CircleGastonia, North Carolina 28054phone: 800 331-1844 or 704 813-0522fax: 704 874-5176web: www.parkdalemills.come-mail: dwoolweaver@parkdalemills.comcontact: Doug Woolweaver, AssistantVice President of Salesmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: yarnsnote: World's largest organic cotton yarnsupplier. Dedication to producingthe highest quality and providingworld-class service.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 33 of 72To call from the U.S.A. to Turkey,dial 011 90 and the phone numberyou wish to reach.minimum: Varies with each product andservice.Parko Textile Co. Ltd.Dokuz Eylul MeydaniNo:13 Meydan Han, Kat: 602Basmane, Izmir 35230TURKEYphone: 232-483-8103fax: 232-483-8132web: www.parkotex.come-mail: Info@parkotex.commaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: accessories, apparel(infants, children's, women's, men's),buttons, fabrics, fulfillment/production,garment labels, raw fiber, robes, thread,towels, yarns, zippersnote: Founded 1999 with headquarters inTurkey. Offices in London andHangzhou, China. Sell globally withhigh-quality fabrics, raw or dyed.Include woven and wide forsheeting. Can spin both knitting andweaving yarns. All type of dobbyborders and embroideries arepossible for towels. Optional lowimpact dyes, heavy metal-freedyestuffs, and peroxide bleachedfabrics. Offer suitable accessoriesfor green market. Buttons consist ofcoconuts, mother of pearl and more.Garment labels are printed orwoven. Competitive prices with fastdelivery times. Located wherevessels sail to six continents everyweek. Utilize Aegan cotton, which isthe world's second best qualitycotton in the world. Independentquality assurance systems withcertifications. Specific minimumsand lead times posted on site.Pepper Farms1041 Borden County Road #130O'Donnell, Texas 79351phone: 806 439-6648fax: 806 439-6646e-mail: tpep@pics.netcontact: LaRhea & Terry Pepper, Ownersmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: raw fibernote: Fiber with grading; staples from30(24mm) to 36(28+mm).Specifications can be shippedanywhere. Consultation available.minimum: None.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 34 of 72Peru Naturtex PartnersSan Patricio 295Urb Villa MarinaChorillos, Lima 09PERUphone: 1 254 7469fax: 1 254 8939web: www.perunaturtex.come-mail: info@perunaturtex.comcontact: Dr. James Vreeland, Jr., Ownermaterials: Alpaca, Organic Cotton,Organic Woolmerchandise: apparel (infants, children's,women's, men's), bags, bedding, curtains,jeans, shirts, socks, fabrics, hats,sweaters, textiles, towels, yarnsnote: Contract manufacturer and fullpackage sourcing agent andexporter of certified organic cottonyarn, textiles, and apparel usingauthentic native, naturally coloredcotton, alpaca raw fiber, andtherapeutic copper blends. Offerssustainable textile products andservices (SKAL), includingsilkscreen printing, low-impactdying, and hand and machineembroidery. Materials includeblends with pure metals, knit andwoven textiles, ring spun andcombed yarns. First textile companyto be Fair trade (FLO CERT)certified in the Americas, andorganic/GMO free since 1982.Registered trademarks: Pakucho,Native Cotton, Vicuña Cotton andMorrope. To call from the U.S.A. toPeru, dial 011 51 and the phonenumber you wish to reach.minimum: Varies per needs.Pickering International888 Post StreetSan Francisco, California 94109phone: 415 474-2288fax: 415 474-1617web: www.pickhemp.come-mail: info@pickhemp.comcontact: Dawn Pickeringmaterials: Bamboo, Hemp (and blends),Organic Cotton, Soy, Woolmerchandise: fabrics, socks, webbing,yarnsnote: Due to no response to verificationrequests, this business was verifiedper website January 2008. Animport and wholesale companyfounded in the early 1990's.Specialize in textiles made fromnatural fibers. Also offer offshoreproduction services to clients forgarments, bedding, handmade toys,and accessories all using naturalmaterials.minimum: 10 yards per fabric, 300 to 500yards for custom dye.R. L. Stowe Mills, Inc.100 N Main StreetP.O. Box 351Belmont, North Carolina 28012phone: 704 825-5314, Ext. 4010fax: 704 825-7414web: www.rlstowe.come-mail: mljohnson@rlstowe.comcontact: Marshall L. Johnson, VicePresidentmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: yarnsnote: Company is a spinner and dyer of100% combed organic cotton ringspun and open end yarns for thehosiery, knit apparel, and homefurnishings markets. All yarns areoffered as single and two-ply.Certified by IMO to the GOTSstandards for yarn spinning,twisting, and package dyeingorganic cotton.minimum: Inquire.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 35 of 72Renaissance Buttons25 Clover DriveBayfield, Colorado 81122phone: 970 884-9620fax: 970 884-5263web: www.renaissancebuttons.come-mail: sales@renaissancebuttons.comcontact: Susannamaterials: Bone, Coconut, Horn, Shells,Stone, Tagua, Woodmerchandise: buttonsnote: For the warmth and character ofnatural materials, take a look atthese offerings. Note sistercompany is Blue Moon Button Art.minimum: $50 in U.S. or $100 outsideU.S.RL Creations2014 S. Myers StreetBoise, Idaho 83706phone: 208 713-4563e-mail: sivapartha@yahoo.comcontact: Partha Sivakasi, USA SalesRepresentativematerials: Bamboo, Cotton, Hemp, Lycra,Organic Cotton (and blends), Tencelmerchandise: duvet covers, fabrics,fulfillment/production, home furnishings,linens, pillowcases, sheets, t-shirts,underwear, yarnsnote: Manufacturers and exporters of allkinds of garments from India. Basesare in Tirupur and Mumbai, India,with U.S. liaison herein and China.Offerings include color-grownmaterials, fiber to produce yarn,specified knitted weaves, certifiedorganic dyed yarns and fabrics,GOTS approved dye and printservices, all shirt styles, bed linens,and home accessories. Notewide-width sheets up to 118 inches.Abide by Fair Trade and certifiedstandards in safe workenvironments for employees.Expect competitive pricing withexperienced exportation skills andglobal market credentials. Privatelabel queries are welcome.minimum: 1,000 kilograms in accordancewith terms.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 36 of 72Roberta FrenchCrespo 213Oaxaca CP 68000MEXICOphone: 951 516-0654fax: 951 516-4239web: www.oaxacanstuff.come-mail: scorpionmezcal@yahoo.comcontact: Roberta Frenchmaterials: Cotton, Silk, Woolmerchandise: bedspreads, fabrics, tablelinensnote: An environmentally responsibletextile manufacturing companyusing a dual production system thatcombines the traditional skills ofindigenous craftsmen with modernfactory spinning and weaving.These different techniques are theirtools to make beautiful andluxurious fabrics which are primarilyused for curtains and upholstery.Also appropriate for hotels,restaurants, homes, departmentstores, gift stores, furniture stores,offices and design studios. Theirnatural-colored cotton has highquality light and wash fastness,saves resources and preventspollution. The processing of the fiberinto yarns and other finishedproducts is done without usingbleaches, dyes and formaldehyde.Therefore, pollution is reduced andnatural resources are conserved bynot using the water and energy thatthese steps normally require. To callfrom the U.S.A. to Mexico, dial 01152 and the phone number you wishto reach.minimum: Varies.Rodger & Sandy Farms9201 Lindsay RoadBakersfield, California 93311phone: 661 837-0181 or 661 319-0453fax: 661 835-8980e-mail: sdsfarm@aol.comcontact: Rodger & Sandy Sanders,Ownersmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: raw fibernote: Rodger and Sandy have beenfarming organically since the early1980s. They are produce providersalso.Sanko TextileSani Konukogu BulvariNizip Yolu UzeriSehitkamil27001 GaziantepTURKEYphone: 342 2113524fax: 342 2410303web: www.sankotextile.come-mail: marketing@sanko.com.trcontact: Arzu Elbeyli, Marketing Specialistmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: yarnsnote: Long-established company offersSankor Organic collection of organiccotton yarns and conventionalgoods. To call from the U.S.A. toTurkey, dial 011 90 and the phonenumber you wish to reach.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 37 of 72Sew <strong>Eco</strong>-Logical LLC1280-B E. 28th AvenueEugene, Oregon 97403phone: 541 683-5828fax: 541 683-6333web: www.seworganic.come-mail: textile@seworganic.comcontact: Kayleen Anderson Hannamaterials: Hemp (and blends), OrganicCotton (and blends)merchandise: fabricsnote: Due to no response to verificationrequests, this business was verifiedper website January 2008. Broker,sales rep and converter selling tobusinesses only. Founded 1998.Offers organic cotton blended withspandex, hemp, linen, etc. Alsowoven and linen textiles, knits,denim, and color-grown Foxfibre®materials. Custom print affiliate withminimums from 100 to 120 yards ofa single style. Other minimums arebased upon dye lot. Fiber reactivedyes abide by organic standardswith new organic dye developmentsin progress. Custom fabricproduction available to qualifiedbusinesses.minimum: 100 yards per style.Silk Road Trading Concern2410 Arizona StreetHutchinson, Kansas 67502phone: 620 860-0060fax: 805 426-0926web: www.silkroads.come-mail: sales@silkroads.commaterials: Cashmere, Cotton, Silkmerchandise: art, embroidery, gifts, homefurnishings, textilesnote: This company was verified bywebsite research beginning 2003.Staffed in Kathmandu, Nepal with adistribution center in the UnitedStates. Founded upon the principlethat fair compensation forcraftspeople, coupled withenvironmentally conscientiousproduction methods, can besuccessfully joined for all partiesinvolved. Specialties includereligious art from the Buddhist andHindu traditions. Find secular crafts,silk brocades, thangkas,pashminas, and door covers forincorporation by interior andspecialty designers.minimum: $250.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 38 of 72Silk'n Weaves43 Iron Side RoadKolkata, West Bengal 700019INDIAphone: 983-0160071e-mail: rajatpasari@ricmail.comcontact: Rajat Pasarimaterials: Cotton, Flax, Jute, Silkmerchandise: fabricsnote: This modest company providesnatural fabrics and fibers such asMuga, also known as "The GoldenSilk" and Eri, known as "Peace Silk".A little-known fabric description isKhadi, which is hand-spun naturalcotton. All fabrics are made onhandlooms from master craftsmenwho have been weaving cloth in thetraditional handlooms forgenerations in small India villages.Muga is the only silk in the worldwhich has a natural golden colorand is only available in the smallstate of Assam, India. Muga silk inpure form (if not blended with othersilks), is washable and with everywash the shine of the fabricincreases. Eri is described as peacesilk because of the unconventionalprocess where the silk worms arenot killed and is therefore favored bymonks. Eri offers excellent thermalproperties that keeps the wearercool in summer and warm in winter.The company also supplies fabricscolored with vegetable dyes, blockprinting, embroidery, etc. Othernatural yarns, such as wool andlinen, are also utilized for exclusivehandwoven fabrics andaccessories, such as scarves,stoles and shawls. The beauty ofhand weaving is that you can alsodesign your own material in smallquantities, which is not possible inpower looms. To call from theU.S.A. to India, dial 011 91 and thephone number you wish to reach.minimum: USD $2,000.Singhakalpanagar Traders364/25 Mhepi Marga, Mhepi KathmanduWard No.29KathmanduNEPALphone: 1 438 3715web: www.skntraders.come-mail: skn@mos.com.npcontact: Damodar Pradhanmaterials: Cotton, Hemp, Recycles, Silk,Woolmerchandise: accessories, bags, fabrics,hats, raw fiber, yarnsnote: This business did not respond torepeated requests for verificationJanuary 2008. Himalayan stingingnettle, goat wool, and recycled silkare some of the core materials thisleading manufacturer and exporterutilizes. Devoted to thesocio-economic growth of Nepalwhere people use century-oldtraditions for processing plants toweave. Most of production is donemanually without using any powertools. No chemicals are involved.Both azo-free chemical and naturaldyes are offered. Most natural fiberinventory is exported to USA,Canada, Europe, Australia andJapan. Founded 1991. To call fromthe U.S.A. to Nepal, dial 011 977and the phone number you wish toreach.minimum: Varies.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 39 of 72SixSensesApparel Sourcing and Marketing225-C Faisal TownLahore, Punjab 54700PAKISTANphone: 300-8093139fax: 42-5162082web: www.sixsenses.com.pke-mail: tanveer@sixsenses.com.pkcontact: Tanveer Ahmad, MarketingDirectormaterials: Hemp, Organic Cotton, Woolmerchandise: accessories, apparel(infants, children's, women's, men's),aprons, bags, belts, blankets, boxershorts, carpet, fabrics, gloves, hats, homefurnishings, jeans, robes, rugs, sheets,slippers, tote bags, towelsnote: A buying house that deals in organicand earth-friendly materials only.Motto and theme is "reduce, reuse,recycle." To call from the U.S.A. toPakistan, dial 011 92 and the phonenumber you wish to reach.minimum: Varies upon items; averageUSD $5,000.Softtextile Fabrics325 Patel RoadCoimbatore, 641009INDIAphone: 422-3296558fax: 422-4379459web: www.softtextile.bize-mail: softtextile@softtextile.bizcontact: Mr. Jagadish, CEOmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: fabrics, yarnsnote: Producers and exporters of topquality fine-count combed cottonyarn, which has been a specialty forseveral generations. Certifiedorganic yarns are made fromSupima®-cotton with very highquality standards and with respectto ecology. 2007 added organicfabrics for exportation. To call fromthe U.S.A. to India, dial 011 91 andthe phone number you wish toreach.minimum: Bulk quantity to be determined.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 40 of 72South West Trading Company918 S. Park Lane 102Tempe, Arizona 85281phone: 480 894-1919fax: 480 726-2901web: www.soysilk.come-mail: info@soysilk.comcontact: Jonelle Raffino, Creative Directormaterials: Bamboo, Corn, Hemp, OrganicCotton, Milk, Soy, Yak Wool, Woolmerchandise: raw fiber, yarnsnote: Founded by a mother/daughterknitting team in 2001, the businessis a family-run company dedicatedto offering innovative, luxurious andenvironmentally friendly textileproducts. To date, the company isbest known for its uniquely “green,”high-end products for knittingenthusiasts, including yarns madefrom soy, bamboo, corn, milk andchitin (recycled shrimp and crabshells). Their passion is SOYSILK®.Visit the site for more information.minimum: Varies.SYKA Textiles Trading Corp.32933 Boothby AvenueMission, British Columbia V2V 7R3CANADAphone: 800 901-8260fax: 604 814-0900web: www.syka.cae-mail: info@syka.cacontact: Susan Gagnonmaterials: Bamboo, Hemp (and blends),Organic Cotton (and blends), Soy, Tencelmerchandise: fabricsnote: Known for exclusive <strong>Eco</strong>-LuxCollection of high-quality andfashion-forward fabrics ideal forapparel. Queries for more detailswelcome.minimum: 1 meter or importationrequirement.T.H.G. NetworkP.O. Box 807Seal Beach, California 90740phone: 800 775-1969 or 562 799-9550fax: 562 594-8778web: www.threehighguys.come-mail: Info@threehighguys.comcontact: Eric Wilder, Presidentmaterials: Essential Oils, Hemp, OrganicCotton, Recycles, Rubber, Woolmerchandise: apparel (adults), baby bodycare, bags, body care, candles, cosmetics,gifts, gloves, home furnishings, jewelry,paper, promotional products, rope, socks,t-shirts, twine, walletsnote: One stop wholesale shopping withyears of marketing experience. Onlinereview from approximately 45ecological based suppliers withshopping cart and sourcingavailable. Also provide retail links for"private" purchasing. Can save youtime and effort by setting up yourstore up with any or all of theirsuppliers. No markups to retailers.minimum: Varies with each supplier.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 41 of 72Taos HempbizP.O. Box 747El Prado, New Mexico 87529phone: 505 770-7517web:www.wesstartisans.com/RuthFahrbach.php3e-mail:RuthFahrbach@WesstArtisans.comcontact: Ruth Fahrbachmaterials: Hempmerchandise: bags, gift packs, travel kits,washcloth, sewing accessories andnotionsnote: Three styles of hand-sewn, elegant100% Romanian hemp DharmaBags and two styles of sturdy 100%Hungarian hemp bags.Tela Verde970 Manhattan Avenue, Suite 2LBrooklyn, New York 11222phone: 917 861-1490fax: 718 228-5621web: www.telaverdenyc.come-mail: info@telaverdenyc.comcontact: Laura Wehrman, Ownermaterials: Bamboo, Organic Cottonmerchandise: fabricsnote: Agent for organic and sustainablefabrics, both wholesale and retail.Provides sourcing services forfashion designers and otherinterested parties.minimum: Varies.Taos Valley Wool Mill104 Lower Hondo RoadBox 567Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico 87513phone: 505 387-5928fax: 505 387-5928web: www.newmex.com/woolmille-mail: woolmill@taosfiber.commaterials: Hemp, Organic Cotton (andblends), Organic Wool, Woolmerchandise: weaving servicesnote: A premium quality, semi-worstedspinning mill that offers the mostversatile custom spinning options inthe fiber industry. More than likely, ifyou can imagine it, they can spin it.The staff is considered wool andexotic fiber specialists, who canwork from one pound to thousandsof pounds of natural fiber. Dependon precision and attention to detailand quality. Over 30 years ofexperience in research anddevelopment of yarn production forall your spinning projects.minimum: None.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 42 of 72Tenfold Organic Textiles, LLCTruly Organic Apparel4112 NE 103rd PlaceSeattle, Washington 98125phone: 206 930-6713fax: 206 260-0202web: www.tenfoldorganic.com orwww.truly-organic.come-mail: Paul@tenfoldorganic.comcontact: Paul Weinstein, President &General Managermaterials: Botanicals, Organic Cottonmerchandise: dye services, fabrics, quilts,towelsnote: Company offers naturally dyedorganic cotton products, using acompletely non-toxic, certifiedorganic dye process. Their dyedcloth provides rich colors in anenvironmentally friendly way, usingthe ancient craft of vegetable dyes.Provide goods to consumers,manufacturers and retailers.minimum: Varies.Texas Organic Cotton MarketingCooperative2514 82nd Street, Suite DLubbock, Texas 79423phone: 806 748-8336fax: 806 748-8302web: www.texasorganic.come-mail: anita@texasorganic.comcontact: Anita Morton, General Managermaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: raw fibernote: A marketing cooperative (TOCMC)comprised of a group of producerscertified by the Texas Department ofAgriculture (TDA). A central contactpoint for raw cotton, consistentsupplies, quality control, andshipping.minimum: Varies upon items ordered.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 43 of 72The Mykonos245 Main StreetHyannis, Massachusetts 02601phone: 888 695-6667 or 508 778-0698fax: 508 778-1283web: www.mykonosbeads.come-mail: mykonosjo@aol.commaterials: Glass, Recycles, Woodmerchandise: beadsnote: Recycled glass and wood beads ina good variety of sizes. Glass colorassortment is nice. The exoticwoods used to create the recycledwood beads include mulga, pixiebush, gimlet, boree, jarrah, gidgee,and sandalwood. All woods werefound on the forest floor or recycledfrom discarded timbers. Woodbeads are sold by kilo or 200 gramquantities, assorted, or "small only"or teardrops.minimum: $150 initial order.The Weavers Loft24647 Zimmer RoadGuilford, Indiana 47022phone: 800 449-6115 or 812 576-3904fax: Barb Gallagherweb: www.weaversloft.come-mail: weaving@nalu.netmaterials: Bamboo, Hemp, OrganicCotton, Organic Wool, Silk, Soy, Tencelmerchandise: raw fiber, yarnsnote: Natural, specialty yarns availablebelow retail, discounted for bulkorders.minimum: Varied.Tierra Woolsdivision of Los Ojos Handweavers, LLC91 Main Street, P.O. Box 229Los Ojos, New Mexico 87551phone: 888 709-0979fax: 505 588-7044web: www.handweavers.come-mail: tierrawools@zianet.comcontact: Robin Collier, General Managermaterials: Botanicals, Organic Woolmerchandise: jackets, rebozos, ruanas,rugs, vests, yarnsnote: Finished products are made withcertified organic wool. Small lot rawfiber scouring yarn production withnatural dyeing and weaving.Organic Rambouilett naturally dyedknitting yarns. Worker ownedcompany offers retail, too.Tinotex2946 E. 11th StreetLos Angeles, California 90023phone: 818 293-2206fax: 818 293-2204web: www.tinotex.come-mail: sales@tinotex.comcontact: Kathy Constantino, Ownermaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: fabrics, yarnsnote: Independent sales agency thatdevelops and markets organicproducts.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 44 of 72Treliske Organic Wools2RD, Roxburgh, Central OtagoMoa Flat, OtagoNEW ZEALANDphone: 3 446 6828fax: 3 446 6602web: www.nzsouth.co.nz/treliskee-mail: info@treliskeorganic.comcontact: Robert & Jackie Aitchisonmaterials: Organic Woolmerchandise: yarnsnote: A 3,000-acre family farm certifiedorganic by the New ZealandBiological Producers andConsumers Council. Farmed by theAitchison family for more than 50years, it runs both Merino, Romney,and colored sheep flocks andAngus and Hereford cattle. Fleecesare hand-selected and spun intoundyed, unbleached quality yarns.Hand and machine knitted garmentsare produced for discerningcustomers who appreciate that thewool has not been chemicallytreated throughout the entireproduction process. Wool bedding isa potential product. The company iscurrently exporting to Japan and theU.S.A. To call from the U.S.A. toNew Zealand, dial 011 64 and thephone number you wish to reach.Vermont Organic Fiber Co.52 Seymour Street, Suite 8Burlington, Vermont 05753phone: 802 388-1313fax: 802 388-4351web: www.o-wool.come-mail: info@vtorganicfiber.comcontact: Caroline Bargerstockmaterials: Organic Woolmerchandise: blankets, fabrics, yarnsnote: A company (VTOF), willing to workwith you to meet your certifiedorganic wool needs through anextensive network of relationshipswith organic wool producers andprocessors around the world.Produces high-quality yarns, fabrics,hand knitting yarns and blanketsusing 100% certified organic wool,O~Wool®. Offers consultingservices with product developmentavailable.minimum: Varies.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 45 of 72Vreseis LimitedP.O. Box 69Guinda, California 95637phone: 530 796-3007fax: 530 796-3007web: www.foxfibre.come-mail: info@vreseis.comcontact: Sally Foxmaterials: Organic Cotton, Organic Woolmerchandise: fabrics, raw fiber, yarnsnote: Sally introduced colored cotton tothe world in 1989 and a revolutionbegan. She concentrates on smallermills and customers as sheexpands her network of growers.Foxfibre, Colour-by-Nature andColorganic are registeredtrademarks of Vreseis, Ltd. Fiber,sliver, fabric, and yarn are availablein Foxfibre® cotton. Foxfibre®organic naturally colored worstedmerino wool yarns are available onskeins.minimum: Inquire.Vulcana, Inc.123 South Avenue East, 3rd FloorWestfield, New Jersey 07090phone: 908 928-0550fax: 908 928-0552web: www.vulcanabags.come-mail: info@vulcanabags.comcontact: Customer Servicematerials: Recycles, Rubbermerchandise: accessories, bags,bracelets, cases, fabrics, tote bags, travelkits, walletsnote: Lower the landfill, with style.Accessories and fabric by the yard(.38" thick) made from patentedrecycled car tires and eco-friendlyhemp. Water-resistant, durable andavailable in various colors withscreen printing options. An earthfriendlysubstitute for leather. Todust clean these products, simplyuse a damp cloth. For a greatershine, apply any standard tirecleaner.minimum: $200 initial; $150 reorders.Wellman, Inc.P.O. Box 2050Fort Mill, South Carolina 29716phone: 803 835-2000web: www.wellmaninc.come-mail: jim.ciccone@wellmaninc.comcontact: Jim Ciccone, Marketing &Advertising Managermaterials: <strong>Eco</strong>Spun, Recyclesmerchandise: raw fibernote: One of the leading polyester staplefiber and PET resin producers in theworld. Its polyester staple ismarketed internationally under theFortrel® brand name. <strong>Eco</strong>Spun® isthe 100% post-consumer recycledpolyester staple fiber. The companycontinues to make headway in thefield of innovative products withfibers like Sensura®, ComfortrelXP®, and Spunnaire®. Withstate-of-the-art technology and awhole new body of chemistry, thesefibers provide outstandingaesthetics and performanceattributes.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 46 of 72White Lotus Home191 Hamilton StreetNew Brunswick, New Jersey 08901phone: 877 426-3623 or 732 828-2111fax: 732 828-4159web: www.whitelotus.nete-mail: sales@whitelotus.netcontact: Marlon Pando, President orSales department at 732-828-2111materials: Buckwheat Hulls, Kapok,Organic Cotton, Woolmerchandise: baby bedding, babyblankets, cribs, duvet covers, futons,mattresses, pillowcases, pillows, raw fiber,sheetsnote: Call for raw fiber quotes of kapok,green cotton, non-borate greencotton, 100% organic cotton, 100%organic buckwheat hulls, 100%virgin wool, or Ultracel foam.Custom and private label queriesare welcome. Retail and wholesaleterms.minimum: Varies pending on choice ofwholesale or discount terms.Winter Sun, Inc.302 S. Locust StreetFloyd, Virginia 24091phone: 540 745-7880fax: 540 745-7881web: www.wintersuninc.nete-mail: tagua@wintersuninc.netmaterials: Taguamerchandise: buttonsnote: Since 1990 this business hassupported the revitalization andgrowth of the Tagua button industryon the Ecuadorian coast. They buyTagua nuts from local suppliers witha goal of helping to develop asocially, economically, andecologically sustainable enterprisein the Ecuadorian rainforest which isone of the world's most species-richareas and one of Ecuador's poorestcommunities.minimum: Inquire.Woolworksdivision of Hudson Valley WoolworksP.O. Box 588Bedford, New York 10506phone: 914 234-9550fax: 914 234-4052web: www.HudsonValleyWool.come-mail: info@HudsonValleyWool.comcontact: Shirley Bianco, Ownermaterials: Woolmerchandise: raw fibernote: Company raises Merino sheep forwool harvest. Committed tosustainable farming practices, andethical animal care with bestmanagement techniques forrotational grazing. See farm missionstatement onwww.HilltopHanoverFarm.org. Thewool is not certified organic, yet onlyorganic methods are utilized. Nopesticides are ever used.minimum: Inquire.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 47 of 72Yedicanlar.comKara Ali caddesi No 11Firuzköy/AvcilarMarmara, Istanbul 34325TURKEYphone: 212 690-9690fax: 212 690-9692web: www.yedicanlar.come-mail: tolga@yedicanlar.comcontact: Tolga Demircaparmaterials: Organic Cottonmerchandise: apparel (infants, children's),baby accessories, fabrics, toysnote: Founded company 2000 asproducer and exporter ofconventional knitted fabrics. Nowoffering organic fabrics with a widerange of knitting machines to satisfycustom demands. Sell both naturaland dyed fabrics with desiredfinishing processes requested bybuyers. To call from the U.S.A. toTurkey, dial 011 90 and the phonenumber you wish to reach.minimum: Negotiable.Zen Sheep Farm®4963 East Co Road 900 S.Cloverdale, Indiana 46120phone: 765 795-5526web: www.michiganorganic.org/zensheepe-mail: ZensheepFarm@ccrtc.comcontact: Tom & Nancy Zenniematerials: Organic Woolmerchandise: raw fiber, yarnsnote: Organically farm-raised sheep. Rawor washed roving or batting; finishedyarn is also available.Yunnan Industries Hemp Co., Ltd.Suite A33-A35, 3rd Floor, #3 Jinkai RoadKunming National <strong>Eco</strong>nomic & Technical,Development ZoneKunming 650217, YunnanCHINAphone: 871-8099968 or 871-8099585fax: 871-8099266web: www.yunnanhemp.come-mail: service@yunnanhemp.comcontact: Ms. Yuanni Yuan, VPmaterials: Hemp, Hemp Seedmerchandise: raw fiber, oils, papernote: The only government approvedhemp industry in China. Providesmost effective raw materials derivedfrom industrial hemp. No English onweb site. To call from the U.S.A. toChina, dial 011 86 and the phonenumber you wish to reach.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 48 of 72PeriodicalsEnvironmentally-focused magazines related to designing, working and living, in and beyondlocal communities. Note publishing address may differ from subscription or advertisingcontact. Also know that most printed magazine subscriptions offer digital format options andmany publications are converting from print to online issues. See Periodicals from the Chíc<strong>Eco</strong> Bookstore to place subscription order(s) for most publications below.ACRES U.S.A.P.O. Box 91299Austin, Texas 78709phone 800 355-5313 or 512 892-4400web www.acresusa.comThe only national magazine that offers a comprehensive guide to sustainable agriculture.Find practical, hands-on information you can immediately put to work on your farm orgarden.Audubon700 BroadwayNew York, New York 10003phone 212 979-3000web www.audubonmagazine.orgCommitted to protecting birds and other wildlife and the habitat that supports them.Awareness Magazine446 S. Anaheim Hills RoadSuite 183Anaheim, California 92807phone 714 283-3385web www.awarenessmag.comDevoted to improving your life and the life of the planet.Backwoods Home MagazineP.O. Box 712Gold Beach, Oregon 97444phone 541 247-8900web www.backwoodshome.comA country oriented instructional magazine to build a home, produce independent energy,grow food, and make a living without being tied to a city.BackHomeP.O. Box 70Hendersonville, North Carolina 28793phone 800 992-2546web www.backhomemagazine.comDelivers useful do-it-yourself information on sustainable, self-reliant living.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 49 of 72BiocycleThe JG Press, Inc.419 State AvenueEmmaus, Pennsylvania 18049phone 610 967-4135web www.jgpress.comFocused on transforming America’s recycling residuals into value-added products fromcompost to household goods.Body + SoulMartha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc.42 Pleasant StreetWatertown, Massachusetts 02472phone 617 926-0200web www.wholeliving.comAll about inspiring you to live a healthy, balanced, and fulfilling life.Conscious Choice920 N. Franklin Street, Suite 202<strong>Chic</strong>ago, Illinois 60610phone 312 440-4373web www.consciouschoice.comJournal of ecology and natural living.Dirt MagazineDirt DoctorP.O. Box 140650Dallas, Texas 75214phone 866 444-3478web www.dirtdoctor.comA monthly online magazine that covers up-to-date organic information and the mostcommonly asked questions and answers on organic gardening.E/The Environmental Magazine28 Knight StreetNorwalk, Connecticut 06851phone 203 854-5559web www.emagazine.comEverything environmentalists need to know from rain forests to recycling and from thepersonal to the political.Earth Island Journal300 Broadway, Suite 28San Francisco, California 94133phone 415 788-3666web www.earthisland.orgGroundbreaking coverage of environmental and social issues published quarterly.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 50 of 72ecocoloDaini Okazaki Bldg. 4th Floor3-3 Sakuragaoka-choShibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0031JAPANphone 03-3496-8501web www.ecocolo.comA Japanese eco-fashion and lifestyle monthly publication with very little English. To call fromthe U.S.A. to Japan, dial 011 81 and the phone number you wish to reach.ecoLogical Home Ideas622 Anthony TrailNorthbrook , Illinois 60062phone 847 239-7155web www.ecologicalhomeideas.comAll about making your home healthier for your family and the earth.eco-structureSpiderweb Publishing Inc.1415 Highway 54 W.Suite 105Durham, North Carolina 27707phone 919 402-9300web www.eco-structure.comImproving environmental performances of buildings and their surroundings.<strong>Eco</strong>textile NewsMowbray Communications Ltd.80 Featherstone LaneFeatherstone, PontefractWest Yorkshire WF7 6LRUNITED KINGDOMphone 1977 708488web www.ecotextile.comA monthly magazine for sustainable and ethical textile and apparel industries. To call fromthe U.S.A. to United Kingdom, dial 011 44 and the phone number you wish to reach.Environmental Building NewsBuilding Green LLC122 Birge Street, Suite 30Brattleboro, Vermont 05301phone 800 861-0954web www.buildinggreen.comFeaturing comprehensive, practical information on topics related to sustainable building fromenergy efficiency and recycled-content materials to land-use planning and indoor air quality.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 51 of 72Environmental Design + Construction2401 W. Big Beaver Road, Suite 700Troy, Michigan 48084phone 248 244-6258web www.edcmag.comDedicated to Efficient and Sustainable Building.Green Car Journal1241 Johnson Ave. #356San Luis Obispo, California 93401web www.greencar.comConsistent and thorough quarterly coverage of vehicles and technologies that takesenvironmental performance into account.Green GuideNational Geographic432 W. 45th StreetNew York, New York 10036phone 800 647-5463web www.thegreenguid.com/magazineA green living source for today’s conscious consumer, the publication makes living in anenvironmentally-aware way easy, understandable, and practical.Green Teacher95 Robert StreetToronto, Ontario M5S 2K5CANADAand United States:P.O. Box 452Niagara Falls, New York 14304phone 416 960-1244 or 888 804-1486web www.greenteacher.comBy and for educators to enhance environmental and global education across the curriculumat all grade levels. Fifty pages of ideas and activities, four times a year.green@workGreen At Work, Inc.325 Clematis Street #400West Palm Beach, Florida 33401phone 561 693-4469web www.greenatworkmag.comDedicated to telling the stories of ecological pioneers, products, and systems that are drivingan important change in corporate and bureaucratic America.Home PowerP.O. Box 520Ashland, Oregon 97520phone 800 707-6585 or 541 512-0201web www.homepower.comDedicated to renewable energy and sustainable living solutions.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 52 of 72Journal of Soil and Water ConservationSoil and Water Conservation Society7515 N.E. Ankeny RoadAnkeny, Iowa 50021phone 515 289-2331web www.swcs.orgBimonthly issues promote creative thinking and encourage investigation of conservationissues and concerns in the area of soil, water, and related natural resources.Mother Earth NewsOgden Publications, Inc.1503 S.W. 42nd StreetTopeka, Kansas 66609phone 785 274-4300web www.motherearthnews.comAmerica's leading magazine about sustainable, self-reliant living.MotheringMothering Publications, Inc.P.O. Box 1690Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504phone 505 984-8116web www.mothering.comBirthplace of the natural family lifestyle, philosophical inspiration, and practical advice inbimonthly issues.Natural HealthWeider Publications, Inc.,1 Park Avenue, 10th FloorNew York, New York 10016web www.naturalhealthmag.comHelping readers improve their lives physically, emotionally, and spiritually with informationthat embraces a natural and holistic approach to health.Natural HomeOgden Publications, Inc.1503 S.W. 42nd StreetTopeka, KS 66609phone 800 340-5846web www.naturalhomemagazine.comBringing individuals and families inspiration, information, and know-how to create an earthfriendly,healthy, and harmonious dwelling.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 53 of 72Natural LifeLife Media508-264 Queen's Quay WestToronto, Ontario M5J 1B5CANADAphone 800 215-9574web www.life.caBimonthly news and information about sustainable healthy living, including greenbusinesses, energy efficient housing, organic gardening, wellness, and holistic parenting.U.S. address is Box 112, Niagara Falls, New York 14304.New Consumer23 Mitchell StreetEdinburgh EH6 7BDUNITED KINGDOMphone 131 555 2594web www.newconsumer.comA passionate, irreverent, positive and fun monthly magazine that exists to champion fair tradeand ethical living throughout the world, and to ultimately change consumer and businessbehavior by illustrating the ethical alternative. To call from the U.S.A. to United Kingdom, dial011 44 and the phone number you wish to reach.Organic GardeningRodale, Inc.33 E. Minor StreetEmmaus, Pennsylvania 18098phone 610 967-5171web www.organicgardening.comBimonthly advice for making your yard and garden beautiful and productive without the useof pesticides or other chemicals.Organic Spa MagazineOceans Publishing Company, Ltd.19035 Old Detroit Road, Suite 205Rocky River, Ohio 44116phone 440 331-5750web www.organicspamagazine.comHome, work, play, and rest attention in every issue about personal care.Plenty250 West 57th Street, Suite 1915New York, New York 10107phone 212 757-3447web www.plentymag.comSmart living for a complex world with fashion inclusion.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 54 of 72Pure LivingMarkham Publishing31 Regal RoadWeasenham Lane Industrial EstateWisbech, Cambridgeshire PE13 2RQUNITED KINGDOMphone 1945 461 452web www.greenguideonline.comA consumer magazine devoted to organic food, natural health and eco living in UK. To callfrom the U.S.A. to United Kingdom, dial 011 44 and the phone number you wish to reach.The Healthy Planet20 North Gore, Suite 200Webster Groves, Missouri 63119phone 314 962-7748web www.thehealthyplanet.comTwo monthly publications promoting eco-friendly, socially responsible, health-consciousproducts and services to readers throughout the greater St. Louis area and Aspen.Whole Life TimesConscious Enlightenment Publishing1200 South Hope Street, Suite 300Los Angeles, California 90028phone 213 747-6378web www.wholelifetimes.comOffers readers viable alternatives for living healthy, conscious and satisfying lives, and forcreating a sustainable society.Yes!Positive Futures NetworkP.O. Box 10818Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110phone 206 842-0216web www.yesmagazine.orgA four issue per year journal of positive futures, which combines analysis of key problemswith news of actions people are taking in the United States and around the world to create amore positive future.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 55 of 72Paperless PeriodicalsA few digital format options.Ethics GirlsEthics Girls Ltd6 Lowry PlaceRosyth, Fife KY11 2PRUNITED KINGDOMweb www.ethicsgirls.co.uk/magazineA paperless UK magazine for fashion,shopping and ideas with an ethical twist.Greener Living MagazineMarkham Publishing31 Regal RoadWeasenham Lane Industrial EstateWisbech, Cambridgeshire PE13 2RQUNITED KINGDOMphone 1945 461 452web www.greenguideonline.comAn online magazine to keep you in touchwith all that's best and new from thenatural and ethical world. To call from theU.S.A. to United Kingdom, dial 011 44 andthe phone number you wish to reach.Greenlight Magazine944 Market Street, Suite 821San Francisco, California 94102phone 415 773-2053webwww.greenlightmag.com/magazine.phpA digital magazine guided by markettrends consumers help create. Theirphilosophy is to support and encouragethe efforts of all companies, organizationsand individuals who are trying to make theearth a better place.LOHAS Journal360 Interlocken BoulevardBroomfield, Colorado 80021phone 303 222-8263web www.lohas.com/journal/Provides insight, perspective and analysisfor executives and decision-makers atcompanies producing products andservices promoting healthy living and asustainable economy.Organic Family MagazineScience Librarian PressP.O. BOX 1614Wallingford, Connecticut 06492web www.organicfamilymagazine.comDigital quarterly entailing organicgardening, nature, conservation,parenting, pets, herbs, health andwellness issues, organic foods, politics,books, and much more.Organic Style750 Lindaro Street, Suite 330San Rafael, California 94901web www.organicstyle.comEngaging articles on eco living delivered toyour inbox for free.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 56 of 72GlossaryWords and terms frequently used by environmentalists, sustainable farmers, designers andearth-friendly consumers. For hazardous chemical descriptions, visit "Chemical Research"from www.Lifekind.com.AbsoluteA concentrated liquid generally extracted by alcohol from plants that are used inaromatherapy.Acetic acidA volatile, colorless, weak organic acid made by oxidation of acetaldehyde or ethyl alcohol, ordistillation of wood. Vinegar is a naturally occurring acetic acid.AlabasterA fine-grained, massive, translucent variety of gypsum, a hydrous calcium sulfate. It is purewhite or streaked with reddish brown. Like all other forms of gypsum, it is shaped by theevaporation of bedded deposits that are precipitated mainly from evaporating seawater. It issoft enough to be scratched with a fingernail and hence it is easily broken, soiled, andweathered. Because of its softness, alabaster is often carved for statuary and otherdecorative purposes.Alkyd resinA synthetic resin made from a dicarboxylic acid, such as phthalic acid, and diols or triols:used in paints and adhesives.AlpacaLong, lustrous wool, which naturally varies from black, brown, and ivory provided by Alpacamammals primarily located in South America.AngoraClipped fur of the Angora rabbit. Ideal for warm and comfortable clothing that allows the skinto breathe.Animal based dyesDyes formulated from the secretions or byproducts of animals.AromatherapyThe use of scents to affect or alter a person's mood or behavior.Azo dyesAny of a broad series of synthetic dyes produced from amino compounds by diazotizationand coupling.BacbacFiber from a sturdy variety of banana tree often used to make baskets and roped ribbon.BagasseWarePaper pulp made from plant fibers, either grown or covered as crop residue. Maybe sugarcane, wheat, bamboo, or rice based. Safe for microwave and freezer. Biodegradable,compostable and sustainable.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 57 of 72BalataA water-resistant gum obtained from a South American tree that is used for products such asgolf balls and machinery belts.BaleUnit of measure for harvested fiber products.BambooThe stem of a bamboo plant used as a building material and for making furniture, poles, etc.A rayon fiber can be produced from the pulp.Bamboo fiberMade by grinding, wringing, and combing pulp from Moso bamboo plants. The fiber is silkysoft and spins easily, much like high quality ramie.Bast fiberA type of fiber that grows in the stalks of plants with the usable fibers in the outer layer of thestem surrounding a woody interior. Examples are hemp, flax, sisal, ramie, and jute.BattingA stuffing material, usually made from non-woven fabric used to fill pillows, toys, and quilts.Bio-polishingThe use of enzymes to whiten or brighten fabric during the finishing process.BioBagBags and can liners made from mater-bi, derived from cornstarch. Used for t-shirts, bagsand can liners. Biodegradable, compostable, recyclable and burnable.BiodegradableThe ability of a material to be broken down by micro-organisms, such as bacteria, intovarious other compounds.BleachingA finishing process that brightens and removes natural and artificial impurities from yarn andfabric using either chlorine, hydrogen peroxide or other substances.BrakingPassing bast fiber, after being drafted, through a series of wide toothed, fluted rollers to crushthe woody portion of the stem.BroadclothTightly woven fabric which is usually cotton.BrocadeAn interwoven fabric with raised patterns and an embossed effect.Buri MidribA non-wood forest product from palms which makes a valuable raw material for furniture andhandicraft manufacture in cottage industries.

BurlapCoarse canvas fabric made from jute, hemp, or cotton.<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 58 of 72Butter(s)Certain concrete fat oils remaining nearly solid at ordinary temperatures such as shea,jojoba, cocoa or vegetable butter.CalenderingPassing cloth through hollow heated cylinder rolls by running it through a friction or glazingcalender in order to produce a smooth, shiny surface.CardingAn industrial yarn process in which raw cotton or washed wool and other animal fibers areseparated, opened, cleaned and made into sliver.CarnaubaA vegetable wax obtained from the leaves of the Carnauba Palm. Widely used in cosmetics,particularly in stick applications. It is the hardest natural wax and is a primary choice for foodor pharmaceutical coatings and polishes. Color varies from pastel yellow to greenish brownyellow. Available in lump, powered or flaked form.Carrier oilsPure vegetable oils used to dilute essential oils.CashmereA luxury fiber obtained from the soft, fleecy undergrowth of the Kashmir goat of Tibet,Mongolia, China, Iran, Iraq, and India.Certified organicVerification that a product has been produced in accordance with specific guidelines andorganic standards (insecticide, pesticide, and chemical fertilizer free), as established by acertifying agency.ChenilleSoft, fuzzy yarns stand out around a velvety cord on this fabric, whose name comes from theFrench word for "caterpillar."ChinoA twilled cotton fabric made of two-ply yarns and vat-dyed khaki.Citric acidAn organic acid made from fermentation of sugar, usually from citrus fruits, pineapple ormolasses.CoirA species of yarn made from the husk of coconuts and formed into carpet and matting.Color-grownNaturally grown colored cotton that is not dyed. Frequently spelled as one word, colorgrown.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 59 of 72Colorganic®Registered name that ensures certified organic growing practices were utilized to make thefinal product from naturally colored cotton.CombingAn industrial yarn process in which fibers are combed to make them parallel in the sliver andto remove short fibers.CompactionA mechanical finishing process designed to help eliminate shrinkage in fabric. Compaction isaccomplished by applying heat and pressure on fabric stretched over a roller or drum. Thefibers are literally compacted or squeezed to prevent distortion (shrinkage) when washed.Conventional cultivationTilled and/or drilled soil preparation typically incorporated with herbicides.Conventional dyesOrganic (carbon based) and mineral dyes used by the textile finishing industry, including anyadditives. See Dyestuffs.CorkFrom the bark of the cork oak tree, which grows in the forests of Mediterranean countries.CornstarchCornstarch is an ultra-fine, powdery flour ground from the endosperm, or white heart, of cornkernels.CottonUnless specified as organic or untreated, cotton is conventionally grown. Farmers use moreinsecticides (such as aldicarb, phorate, methamidophos and endosulfan) for cotton than anyother single crop.D-panthenolThe provitamin of pantothenic acid, vitamin B5, improves the moisture-retention capacity ofthe skin and stimulates skin regeneration. It has an anti-inflammatory and anti-itching effect.It makes hair easier to comb and provides sheen.DamaskFabric with a textured and reversible pattern.DenimA twill-weave, cotton-like fabric made with different colored yarns in the warp and the weft.Due to the twill construction, one color predominates on the fabric surface.Direct dyesDyes that do not react with the cellulose in fiber products, but rather bond on the surface ofthe substrate.DownUnder feathers of fowl, duck, and geese used for stuffing.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 60 of 72DraftingThe process by which slivers of natural fibers are pulled out or extended after carding orcombing. The sliver weakens until it becomes very narrow. The process is also known asdrawing.DyestuffsColorants derived from plant, animal, organic or mineral substances. A formulationcontaining a dye, usually with other auxiliary components, used to color fiber products.EATwareMade from bamboo, rice, or sugar cane and corn starches. Sturdy disposable foodcontainers are microwave, oven and steamer safe. 100% biodegradable All natural, nobleach, chemicals or lamination. Oil and hot water resistant.<strong>Eco</strong>Spun®Certified by scientific certification systems to be made from 100% post-consumer recycledsoda, water, and food containers. Fortrel and <strong>Eco</strong>Spun are registered trademarks ofWellman, Inc., the world's largest plastics recycler.ecotainerPaper hot cups and soup containers made with a PLA lining, making them fully compostable,biodegradable and sustainable.Egyptian cottonA fine, lustrous, long staple cotton grown in Egypt.Essential oilOil obtained from plants, possessing the characteristic odor of the plant, and volatilizingcompletely when heated. Not usually oily to the touch.Fatty acidsSaturated or unsaturated monocarboxylic acids, occurring in solid, semisolid and liquidforms.FeltA non-woven fabric or interlocked fiber made from wool, fur, and hair fibers that meshtogether when heat, moisture, and mechanical action are applied.FilamentA very slender natural or synthetic fiber.FlaxFrom an annual plant used mostly for producing carpet, linen, and paper. Seeds arecultivated for oil.FleeceFabric with a thick pile or nap, used for warmth, as in garments or linings. Formulated fromanimals, plants, or recycled synthetics.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 61 of 72FlokatiA unique, deep, thick, and soft woven rug where wool is obtained from mountain sheep inGreece and transported to spring water falls for cleansing and traditional environmentalprocessing.Floral waterThe remaining water that is left with the fragrance of the steam distilled plant. Also known ashydrosol or Hydroflorate.Fortrel®Fiber made of from 100% recycled plastic bottles. Fortrel and <strong>Eco</strong>Spun are registeredtrademarks of Wellman, Inc., the world's largest plastics recycler.FoxFibre®Registered name that ensures organic cottons are bred with the fiber quality, spin-ability, andcolor intensity necessary to suit today's industrial textile machinery.FSC certifiedStandards set by the Forest Stewardship Council to encourage environmentally appropriate,socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests.Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS)A standard for organic textiles that covers the production, processing, manufacturing,packaging, labeling, exportation, importation and distribution of all natural fibers. Thestandards define requirements for credible assurance to the end consumer.GlycerineObtained from fats by saponification, or, on a large scale, by the action of superheatedsteam. It is used as an ointment, as a solvent and vehicle for medicines, and as anadulterant in wine, beer, etc. It is a triatomic alcohol, and hence is also called glycerol.Grapefruit seed extractA potent antibacterial and anti fungal. It can also be used as an internal medication to relievecandida infections.GreenModern slang particularly referring to resource efficiency, as in recycled, reused, orrenewable.GreigeFabric just off the loom or knitting machine, prior to any finishing.HempFiber extracted from the stalk of the hemp plant and used to make a variety of paper andtextile products.Hemp seedThe fruit of the hemp plant where oil is extracted. Frequently spelled as one word,hempseed.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 62 of 72Hempcel®Registered name for 55% hemp and 45% Tencel® fiber blend that provides a beautiful flowand drape.HolisticEncompassing social, emotional, spiritual, and physical concerns.HurdThe inner, woody part of the hemp or flax plant that is discarded during the post-harvestprocess.HydrosolSee floral water.HypoallergenicA product that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction.i-Merino WoolWool grown and processed according to sustainable practices.Ingeo PLASynthetic fiber from ethanol (corn, sugar cane, rice). It is compost-able and recyclable.IngeoTrademark of Cargill Dow LLC and introduced in March 2003, fiber made in America fromcorn. The poly lactic acid is removed from the corn and processed into a liquid. The liquid isthen extruded into long continuous fibers, cut, and competed into top Form. Ingeo is sharpwhite in color, soft, and shiny. The staple is long, making it easy to spin.InterfacingA stiffening fabric used to give additional body and strength to certain parts of garments orproducts. Interfacing is made of horsehair, goat hair, wool, man-made fibers, or combinationsof these fibers.Iron oxideA natural mineral pigment used for makeup.JojobaTrees that live more than 150 years and yield an annual crop of the nut-sized seeds thatcontain 98% pure jojoba esters. Jojoba oil is a yellow liquid wax pressed from the bean of theplant.JuteFiber from plants native to India and the East Indies used to manufacture burlap, carpet, andother course cloths.KapokSilky fibers contained in dangled pods of the ceiba tree. These fibers are fine, air-filled tubes,valuable for making mattresses, upholstery, lifesaving equipment, and insulation.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 63 of 72KenafAn annual of the Hibiscus family native to Africa and East Indies used primarily to makecanvas, cordage, and paper.KombuchaAn anti-bacterial tea containing glucuronic acid which is a building block for connective celltissue. It is derived from the fermentation of various yeasts and bacteria and used for skinand hair care products. Also known as Manchurian tea, mushroom tea and Kargasok tea.LanolinA greasy fatty substance extracted from wool. Used in ointments, cosmetics, waterproofcoatings, finishing and preserving leather, etc. Forms an emulsion with water. Also known aswool wax, wool fat, or wool grease from wool processing.Lenzing Modal®A brand name for regenerated rayon fiber derived from beech wood pulp. Produces highqualityknitwear, lingerie, towels, and linens.Lenzing Viscose®A brand name for regenerated rayon fiber derived from beech wood pulp. Absorbent andwell-suited for fashion knitwear.LinenSee flax. The manufacture of linen from flax is complex, time consuming and passes throughseveral stages.LinoleumA hard, washable floor covering formed by coating burlap or canvas with linseed oil,powdered cork, and rosin, and adding pigments to create the desired colors and patterns.LoktaA type of strong paper traditionally prepared from the fibrous bark of Daphne Cannabina,which grows impervious to insects at high altitudes in the Himalayas. Typically handmadeand hand-dyed without chemicals in Nepal, with slight variations in color and thickness.LoofahThe dried fibrous part of the fruit of a tropical plant used as a washing sponge or strainer.Other spellings are luffa, luffah, and loofa.Low impact dyesDyes whose manufacture, use and disposal have less impact on the environment thanconventional dyes. Such dyes do not include heavy metals.Manila hempStrong, durable, saltwater resistant fibers obtained from Musa textilis, the same genus as thebanana family. Used for binder twine, matting, rope, wrapping paper, and fabric. Also knownas abacá or abaka.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 64 of 72MercerizeFinishing process used on cotton yarn and fabric in which a cold, strong sodium hydroxidesolution is impregnated into a material to increase the yarn’s strength, its affinity for dyes andits luster.Mercerized cottonA caustic soda solution process first discovered by John Mercer in 1844 to swell andincrease the luster of cotton, hence stronger cotton with brilliant dye absorbency.MetalA chemical element displaying certain properties by which it is normally distinguished from anonmetal, notably its metallic luster, the capacity to lose electrons and form a positive ion ,and the ability to conduct heat and electricity. The metals comprise about two thirds of theknown elements. Some metals, including copper, tin, iron, lead, gold, silver, and mercury,were known to the ancients; copper is probably the oldest known metal.Milk proteinThe major protein constituents of milk are casein and whey proteins such as lactalbumin andlactoglobulins. Immunoglobulins occur in high concentrations in colostrum and in relativelylower concentrations in milk.MineralAn inorganic substance occurring in nature, having a characteristic and homogeneouschemical composition, definite physical properties, and, usually, a definite crystalline form. Afew of the minerals (i.e., carbon, arsenic, bismuth, antimony, gold, silver, copper, lead,mercury, platinum, and iron) are elements, but the vast majority are chemical compounds.Modal fiberA trademarked brand and variant of rayon fiber made from cellulose, combining benefits ofnatural fiber with modern microforms.MohairThe hair or fleece of the Angora goat, also known as Angora mohair.Mother of pearlThe iridescent substance that forms the lining of the shells of some fresh-water and somesalt-water mollusks. Like the pearl, it is a secretion of the mantle composed of alternatelayers of calcium carbonate and conchiolin. Among the chief sources are the pearl oysterfound in warm and tropical seas, chiefly in Asia; freshwater pearl mussels, which live in manyrivers of the United States, Europe, and Asia; and the abalone of California, Japan, and otherPacific regions.Natural dyesDyestuffs made from naturally occurring substances, either plant or animal. Indigo wasoriginally a natural dye, although synthesized today. Natural dyes generally have no affinityfor cellulose without the addition of aluminum, iron, tin or other mordant.NatureflexFood films made from renewable wood-pulp. Suitable for wrapping and bagging food. Ovenapproved, heat sealable, biodegradable, compostable and sustainable.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 65 of 72NatureWorks PLAMade from corn grown in the U.S., PLA is used to make clear plastic cups, bowls, boxes,straws and can liners. Biodegradable, compostable and sustainable.NeemFrom the Neem tree native to South Asia but widely planted and naturalized in Africa too.Natural Neem pesticides are increasingly used in India on crops like cotton.NitoA vine harvested and separated into weave able strands.Noil(s)Short fibers separated during combing from the long fibers of cotton, wool, or anothermaterial.Optical brightenersChemicals that make fabrics appear to reflect more light than they really do in order to makethem seem brighter by converting ultraviolet light to visible light in the blue region.Organic cottonNaturally grown cotton with no pesticides, fertilizers, or defoliants applied on land or plants.Organic leatherA new term for cotton fabric soaked in latex that is culled from seringuera rubber trees.OxfordFabric with a lustrous, soft finish typically used for shirting. It is characterized with narrowstripes and can be woven in plain or basket weave. Also a term used for wool fabric that hasblack and white fibers.OzoneAn unstable, powerfully bleaching, poisonous, oxidizing agent with a pungent, irritating odor.PakuchoA naturally-colored and fair trade certified organic cotton trademarked in 1994 by the NativeCotton Project of Peru.PantoneA system of standards for selecting, specifying, matching and controlling colors. Aidsworldwide fashion designers, apparel designers and manufacturers, in addition to graphics,print and publishing industries.PerborateA borate salt compound used with hydrogen peroxide as an oxygen-type bleach.PerfumeSee scents.PETThe material most commonly used in plastic soda bottles produces. Recycling produces apolyester fiber.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 66 of 72PimaA high quality and extra long staple cotton variety.PiñaA fiber made from the leaves of a pineapple that is commonly used in the Philippines. It issometimes combined with silk or polyester to create a textile fabric. The material islightweight, easy to care for and has an elegant appearance similar to linen.PiquéCotton fabric with a honeycomb pattern.PlyingThe twisting together of two or more single strands of yarn to form one yarn.Poppy oilAn important ingredient in oil painting extracted from the seeds of the White Poppy only. Coldpressed oil is colorless, but further pressing using heat will turn the oil of a pinkish to reddishtone.Post-consumerRefers to the age of material that has been used, discarded, and then reused to make otherproducts.PumiceVolcanic glass formed by the solidification of lava that is permeated with gas bubbles. Usedchiefly as an abrasive and in scouring preparations. Ground pumice is used in finishingfurniture. Usually found at the surface of a lava flow, it has the general appearance of a rockfroth.PycnogenolA complex of water-soluble, highly bioavailable, antioxidant nutrients extracted from theMaritime Pine tree.QiviutThe downy-soft underside wool shed from Musk Ox (or plural, musk oxen), which arepeaceful animals that look like bison. Habitat is in the Arctic tundra of Canada, Alaska,Greenland, Norway, and Siberia habitats. Frequently spelled as one word, muskox (or plural,muskoxen). Also known as Oomingmak or Ovibos moschatus.RaffiaFiber of a raffia palm used as light cordage and in making hats and baskets.Rain forestForest in Central America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia where between 80 and400 inches of rain fall per year and the average temperature does not change more than 15degrees a year, from 75 to 90 degrees. Frequently spelled as one word, Rainforest, and notalways capitalized.RamieA vegetable cellulose fiber also known as China-grass, rhea and grass cloth, found in thebark of the stalk. It is very fine and silk-like, naturally white in color, and has a high luster.

RattanThe tough stems of various palms used for wickerwork, canes, etc.<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 67 of 72Raw fiberA textile fiber in its natural state, such as silk "in the gum" and cotton as it comes from thebale.Reactive DyesColoring agents that chemically bond with the cellulose in cotton.RebozosAppears the same as a shawl or wrap, offered in different lengths. For centuries women haveused them for carrying their babies, or just about anything else. Typically wool material, butsome cultures prefer silk and claim the longer the fringe, the higher the value.RecyclesProducts that consist of pre- and post-consumer materials found, salvaged, or purchased. AChíc <strong>Eco</strong> word not found in dictionaries.ReedDescription used for several perennial plants of the grass family, Graminae, but has manyother common names which differ in regions around the globe. Can be used for buildingadobe huts, cordage, ornamentation, and instruments.RetTo soak or moisten plant fibers such as flax or hemp so that they become easier to separate.RosinUsed in making cements, varnishes, paints, sealing wax, adhesives, and some soaps; fortreating violin bows; as a dressing for machine belting; as a sizing material for paper; in thepreparation of certain metals for soldering; and, in pharmacy, in some ointments, plasters,and similar preparations. Obtained as a solid residue from crude turpentine, it has no taste,but a faint pine odor. Not a pure substance, but a mixture of several compounds, chieflyabietic acid. It is soluble in alcohol, ether, turpentine, and several other organic solvents, andin solutions of various metal hydroxides.RoveTo twist fibers of cotton or wool into a form suitable for a bobbin prior to the final stage ofspinning.RuanaA woolen covering resembling a poncho.RubberA highly elastic solid substance, light cream or dark amber in color, polymerized by the dryingand coagulation of the latex or milky juice of rubber trees and plants.ScentA distinctive odor that is pleasant. In this Directory, the word scent is used to describeperfume, a toiletry that emits a fragrant odor, or eau de toilette, a perfumed liquid, becausethey typically contain unnatural and chemical ingredients.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 68 of 72SeagrassA flowering plant complete with leaves, a rhizome, and a root system found in ocean waters.Shoji screenA Japanese translucent screen made of a wooden frame and covered with rice paper.SilkFiber obtained from the cocoon of the silkworm. Raw silk has not had the natural gum thatprotects the fiber removed.Silk LatteA new fiber introduced in May 2003 made from milk. This fiber is easy to spin and made fromproteins in milk, then extruded as Soy Silk.SisalFiber from plants grown in West Indies and Mexico used frequently in carpeting.SizingAny glutinous material used to fill pores in surfaces or to stiffen fabrics.SliverA loose, soft, untwisted strand or rope of fibers resulting from carding.SmartWoodCertification program which assures that forestry practices maintain the vitality andfunctioning of the ecosystems, and protect the balance and diversity of the native species ofthe forest land.SoapstoneA soft stone having a soapy feel and composed essentially of talc, chlorite, and often somemagnetite, resistant to acids and heat. So soft that it can be easily cut with a knife or othersharp tool, making it a popular material for sculpting. Also used in the manufacture oflaboratory table tops, kitchen sinks, laundry tubs, furnace linings, and electrical apparatus.Sometimes two words, soap stone.SoftenerAny of a large number of chemical compounds used in fabric finishing to give cloth a mellow,soft, appealing hand.Soy SilkAn environmentally friendly fiber made from the waste of the tofu manufacturing process. It issoft, shiny, and has a beautiful drape.SpudWareBiodegradable cutlery made from 80% starch, such as potato or corn, and 20% soy, or othervegetable oil that is able to withstand high heat.Soybean FiberThe first commercial quality synthetic wool made from the protein of soybeans. Also knownas soya, it is anti-bacterial and UV light resistant.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 69 of 72SpinningThe final operation in yarn manufacturing consisting of drawing, twisting, and winding newlyspun yarn onto a device such as a bobbin, spindle, cop, cone, etc.SpritzSquirt or spray of liquid which is typically a hydrosol for floral water.StapleA term used to describe the average length of fiber.StearinFat that is the triglyceride of stearic acid; an ester of glycerol and stearic acid. It is a whitecrystalline solid at ordinary temperatures and is insoluble in water and very slightly soluble inalcohol. It is found (often mixed with palmitin) in many hard fats and oils, such as in tallow,suet, butterfat, cottonseed oil, and olive oil. It is used in making soap and candles.Sugar cane ethanolBy-product of organic sugar production. Sugar Cane Ethanol, is a natural solvent for organicherbal extracts.SuintNatural grease formed from dried perspiration found in the fleece of sheep.SurfactantsCompounds that reduce the surface tension of a fabric to lift off soil, dirt, grime, grease andother foreign matter.SustainablePlanned creation with longevity, self-renewal, and resource preservation in mind.SynergyA blend of essential oils fused in proper proportions. Synergy is preferred over single oilbenefits.Tabu-koA highly valued tree for timber, medicines, and dyes in the Orient. A natural binding materialpowdered to make incense. Also known as Tabu-no-ki, or Machilus Thunbergii.TaguaThe seed of several kinds of palms that grow plentifully in tropical rain forests. Also known astagua nut, vegetable ivory, corozo, or corrozzo.TanguisA type of cotton developed by an engineer in Peru whose last name was Tanguis. Organiccertification of both the growing and textile transformation processes were awarded to PeruNaturtex Partners by severally internationally recognized and accredited inspectionorganizations.Tea treeAn Australian tree, Melaleuca alternifolia, that yields a 100% natural oil which is an antiseptic,a fungicide, and mild solvent.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 70 of 72Tencel®A cellulosic fiber made from wood pulp. Brand name for Lyocell by Lenzing Fibers. Offersdesirable properties, such as drape.ThinsulateState-of-the-art micro-fiber (nylon or polyester filaments) technology developed by 3MCompany for synthetic insulation.TickingTightly woven cotton fabric commonly used for pillow and mattress covers.Tree-freeDescription of products made without the use of wood from trees.Treetap®A 100% cotton fabric, drenched in latex extracted from Hevea brasiliensis rubber trees,smoke-cured in clay, and vulcanized in special ovens.Tussah silkSilk fiber made from the cocoons of wild tussah silkworms.TweedAn irregular wool or cotton fabric made of two-and-two twill weaves.VOCAcronym for volatile organic compound made of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide, carbondioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate, whichparticipates in atmospheric photochemical reactions.VoileA plain-weave, crisp, sheer and very lightweight fabric of cotton, rayon, silk, or wool. Usedespecially for making dresses and curtains with favorable drape. Note that when it is madefrom wool, it is called Voile de laine.WarpLengthwise, vertical yarns carried over and under the weft.WebbingA strong, narrow woven fabric made from natural or synthetic fibers used for belts and strapsthat must resist tension from carrying weight.WeftThe crosswise or filling pick yarns in a woven cloth.Wet ProcessingA myriad of processing steps to prepare cloth for final assembly or use. Typically involves theuse of water, heat, added chemicals and specific machines to produce desired traits andfunctionality.

<strong>Chic</strong> <strong>Eco</strong> Materials Directory - page 71 of 72Wild-harvestedBotanicals picked in their wild native habitats, not grown on a farm. Frequently spelled as twowords or sometimes known as wild-crafted.WoolThe soft curly hair that forms the fleece of certain animals made into various dirt and flameresistant textiles.YakThe Yak is related to the Bison and can be shades of gray, brown, black and white. The outerwool coat is made up of coarse long hairs and the down undercoat is under one inch short,very soft and silky. Yak down should be spun and treated the same as cashmere. Yak woolhas a short staple length but with a great crimp that is not slippery which is easy to spin. Alsoknown as poor spinner's qiviut.ZabutonA large, flat cushion as used in Japan for sitting or kneeling on the floor.ZafusYoga cushion designed to facilitate lotus sitting positions.Zinc OxideA soft, heavy white mineral powder that acts as a sun block and creates a soothing,protective barrier for the skin. Zinc oxide occurs in nature as the mineral zincite.

www.<strong>Chic</strong><strong>Eco</strong>.com859-619-2704 Hawaii TimeInfo@<strong>Chic</strong><strong>Eco</strong>.comDelia Montgomeryd/b/aChíc <strong>Eco</strong>Author, Broker and Consultant

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