Year 12 English

Year 12 English

Year 12 English


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4. You should collect at least 25 images relevant to the context. These might be photographs,cartoons or advertisements, for example. They need to be neatly pasted into your writer’scontext journal, and should be annotated. (See the section on this handout aboutannotation if unsure about this.)5. You should find 3 songs that you feel are relevant to our context. Each song should explorethe context in a different way. Paste a copy of the lyrics for each song into your journal andannotate them.6. Collect 6 newspaper articles that are relevant to our context. Three should deal withAustralian stories/ideas/issues. The other three should deal with internationalstories/ideas/issues. Each article must be pasted into your journal and should bethoughtfully annotated. (Note: only two articles are allowed to come from the Herald Sun.The others must come from other national or international newspapers.)7. Watch two films that explore ideas relevant to our context. Write the name of the film in thecentre of a page in your context journal, and brainstorm around this all the ways in whichthe film explores ideas associated with Encountering Conflict.8. You may include anything else of your choice in your writer’s journal that is relevant to ourcontext. Other things that you may like to include are poems, short stories, web-links, blogs,journal articles, headlines, film posters or famous quotes - really anything you like! You canbe extremely creative in putting your writer’s context journal together. Whatever you chooseto include, it is important to annotate your entries. Be thoughtful and imaginative!What does it mean to annotate my entries???Rather than just pasting things into your journal, we want you to think about how they relateto our context. This is why we will ask you to annotate them.To annotate means to “add explanatory notes.” In other words, there are written commentsextending from the entry, where you will make notes about your thoughts (be it photograph, songor famous quote).In your written annotations, think especially about how the entry links to the main idea beingexplored (in our case, this is our context Encountering Conflict.) You may also like to think abouthow it could relate to the context ideas explored in our two texts.

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