The Evolving IP Marketplace: Aligning Patent Notice and Remedies ...

The Evolving IP Marketplace: Aligning Patent Notice and Remedies ...

The Evolving IP Marketplace: Aligning Patent Notice and Remedies ...

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B. <strong>Patent</strong>ing by Small Companies <strong>and</strong> Start-ups<strong>The</strong> ability of patents to play several roles in facilitating open innovation can beparticularly important to small companies <strong>and</strong> start-ups because they often transfer theirtechnology to larger companies for commercialization. That dynamic, coupled with the dramaticgrowth in the amount of R&D conducted by small companies, warrants a closer examination ofhow small companies pursue <strong>and</strong> use patents to further innovation. That information can helpidentify the issues that should inform any attempts to align patent <strong>and</strong> competition policy.In some sectors, patenting by start-ups appears to be common. One study of start-upsfounded between 1987 <strong>and</strong> 1999 revealed that patenting by start-ups was common in the medical59device <strong>and</strong> semiconductor sectors. A 2008 survey of high-technology entrepreneurs also foundthat patent ownership was widespread among responding venture capital-backed start-ups in thebiotechnology, medical device <strong>and</strong> IT hardware industries, although less common in the software60industry. <strong>Patent</strong>ing may be common because start-ups view it as an important means of61securing competitive advantage from their technologies.Panelists representing start-ups explained that having patents was important to their62ability to attract investment capital. Without a product, one of a start-up’s most valuable assetsmay be its patent estate, <strong>and</strong> investors may view patents as important for recouping their63investment, according to panelists. Investors may also view patents as a signal of technical59Among those that had received venture capital funding, for every $10 million invested, medical devicestart-ups filed an average of nine patents, semiconductor firms an average of 6.5 patents, <strong>and</strong> softwarefirms an average of about three patents per $10 million invested. Ziedonis 188-93 (12/4/09); RosemarieZiedonis, Startups as Sources of New Technologies . . . <strong>and</strong> <strong>Patent</strong>s, presented at FTC Hearing: <strong>The</strong><strong>Evolving</strong> <strong>IP</strong> Marketpace (May 4 2009), available athttp://www.ftc.gov/bc/workshops/ipmarketplace/may4/docs/rziedonis.pdf. In each of the three sectors,larger, publicly traded firms have similar patenting rates per R&D spending dollar as do the start-ups ofthis study. Hall at 200-01 (5/4/09); see Bronwyn Hall, FTC Panel on Markets for <strong>IP</strong> <strong>and</strong> Technology,presented at FTC Hearing: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Evolving</strong> <strong>Marketplace</strong> (May 4, 2009), available athttp://www.ftc.gov/bc/workshops/ipmarketplace/may4/docs/bhall.pdf.60Graham et al., supra note 34, at 1277 tbl.1 (2010) (97% of responding, venture capital backedbiotechnology start-ups sought patents; 94% for medical device; 91% of IT hardware; 67% of software).Start-ups without venture-backing were less likely to hold patents. Id.; see also BREITZMAN & HICKS,supra note 32 (reporting on patenting rates by small companies).61Graham et al., supra note 34, at 1287-90.62Sousa at 89, 116-17 (5/4/09) (explaining that investors in solar cell technology company wanted to seethat a start-up has patents, but not all are sophisticated about the content <strong>and</strong> quality of individualpatents); but see Devore at 43 (5/4/09) (“Most venture capitalists use attorneys who are trained . . . toactually look through the portfolios . . . freedom-to-operate analysis is getting more <strong>and</strong> more savvy.”).63Singer at 228-29 (3/18/09) (“[W]ithout that patent estate, there’s really nothing for the venture firm tomake an investment in.”); Devore at 31 (5/4/09) (venture capitalists seek “the ability to claim the ongoing43

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