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Conditions of Entry1. Maiden Horses are not eligible to compete. Inthe event of a legitimate complaint of a maidenentry, that entry will forfeit all points and rights towinning any prizes at the campdraft2. All entries and fees to be forwarded to: TheSecretary, Warwick Show and Rodeo Society Inc,PO Box 190, Warwick Qld 4370.3. Enquiries to be made to: Glenn Moffatt,Campdraft Chairman, 0428 316510 or theWarwick Show and Rodeo Office on 07 46619060. Office hours are Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9 amto 3 pm.4. All horses must be ridden in order of the drawand that any changes must be decided on by thedisputes committee.5. Nomination fees must be included with entries.Telephone entries will not be accepted. Releaseand waiver must be signed by the competitor.6. Unless otherwise accepted, competitors canregard their entries as having been accepted, butthe Warwick Show and Rodeo Society Inc will inno way be responsible for non receipt of entries.7. Twenty percent (20%) of first round competitorswill compete in the second, after which, theleading twenty (20) competitors at least willcompete in the final (except the Newcombe’sCharbrays Champion of Champions Campdraftand the Frasers Livestock Transport StallionCampdraft). The competitor gaining the highestaggregate of points throughout the contest shallbe the winner.8. Owners of horses must state when nominating,the order in which they wish their horses tocompete. All horses starting from number one (1)must follow correct order. Failure to observe thiscondition will result in your horse, possibly, beingdisqualified.9. All drafts except the CG Welding Ladies Silver Cupare open to lady and gentleman riders, but norider under the age of seventeen (17) years will beallowed to compete.10. Gates open for competitors camping 7 amSaturday October 22, <strong>2011</strong>. No early camping isavailable.11. A substitute horse will be allowed when thenominated horse cannot start. The name of thesubstitute horse MUST be in the hands of theSecretary no less then one (1) hour before thestart of the draft (earlier if possible would beappreciated). The horse must be bona-fideproperty of the nominee.12. Cancelled or withdrawn entries must besubmitted in writing to the Secretarial Office. A100% refund of the entry fee will be given if thecompetitor withdraws more than 7 days prior to 8am on the morning of the program. 7 days beforeand more than 3 days prior to 8 am on themorning of the program a levy of $66 per entrywill be retained to cover administration costs andstock levy for cancelled or withdrawn entries. If acompetitor withdraws within 72 hours prior to 8am on the morning of the program the full entrywill be retained unless a veterinary certificate isprovided and/or there are extenuatingcircumstances when a levy of $100 will beretained. Scratchings and any changes must be inwriting.13. Horses must score outside to be eligible for a final14. Stallion stalls will be allocated on a first in firstserved basis upon receipt of your entry form. Noother horse stalls will be allocated. The horsestalls are only available for horses competing inthese campdrafts.15. Stallions are not be loose in temporary fencedyards16. Temporary fences are to be erected only in EvansPaddock on the southern side of the grounds.Yard sizes are to limited to four (4) x four (4)metres per horse.17. Due to the limited area available for camping,only horses competing in any of the five (5) draftsare permitted on the grounds.18. All dogs must be restrained at all times. Chainsare to be no longer than one (1) metre in length.19. Prize money will be mailed after the conclusion ofthe event.20. Please note that all scratching and refunds willnot be processed until after the conclusion of theevent and will be mailed directly to competitors.21. Whilst it is not compulsory, the Society stronglyencourages riders to wear safety helmets.22. Schedules and nomination forms are available onour website at www.warwickrodeo.com.au23. The decision of the Warwick Show & RodeoSociety Inc Committee on all matters pertaining orincidental to the competition shall be final andconclusive and binding on all nominations for thecompetitions and in addition, the Committeereserves unto itself the right, at any time, withoutbeing liable for any loss or damage which may besustained, to alter or postpone the date of thecompetitions or cancel the same ro the changethe venue of the competitions. The Committeereserve the right to limit nominations for anycampdraft/s depending on availability of cattle.<strong>24</strong>. Competitor must be a member of the ACA eitherordinary or casual. Membership can be paid andwaiver singed at the Warwick Show and RodeoSociety office before commencement of the draft.25. A Horse Health Steward will be available duringcompetition days.26. Any competitor who wishes to lodge a complaintat an affiliated campdraft must lodge thecomplaint in writing with the Secretary of the hostcommittee within one (1) hour of the incidenttaking place. A fee of $20 must be lodged withthe complaint. If the complaint is dismissed bythe Committee, the $20 is forfeitedWarwick Show and Rodeo Society IncPO Box 190, Warwick Qld 4370Phone: 07 4661 9060Email: info@warwickrodeo.com.auWebsite: www.warwickrodeo.com.au

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