Establishment of a soybean (Glycine max Merr. L ... - Plant Sciences

Establishment of a soybean (Glycine max Merr. L ... - Plant Sciences

Establishment of a soybean (Glycine max Merr. L ... - Plant Sciences


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<strong>Plant</strong>a (2009) 229:279–289 287Fig. 8 Putative somatic Ds transposition in the <strong>soybean</strong> genome. F 2individuals derived from a cross between Ac-transposase parent 538-5used as male and pPTN335 event 457-13 used as female. Lanes designatedwith ‘U’ and ‘L’ refer to upper and lower leaf tissue samples.Lanes under F 2-8 are double null. Ds lanes are samples from femaleparent, while Ac lanes are male parent + and ++ lanes indicate 50 pg <strong>of</strong>pPTN335 and pPTN398, respectively. Blot was hybridized with GUSORFDNA with transposon-based systems as the delivery vehiclefor activation tag elements allows for the launch sitesto be strategically situated within transcriptionally activeregions <strong>of</strong> the genome. Moreover, multicopy integrations<strong>of</strong>ten occur with T-DNA and some chromosomal perturbationmay be induced proximal to the site <strong>of</strong> integration(Kim et al. 2003; Ohba et al. 1995; Olh<strong>of</strong>t et al. 2004),which may impact the activation <strong>of</strong> a nearby gene.Coupling T-DNA with transposon-based systems circumventsthis potential problem given the movement <strong>of</strong> thetransposon from the original site to the new location willresult in a single copy intact integration with fewer proximalrearrangements in the genome (Marsch-Martinezet al. 2002).Limited information is available on the activity <strong>of</strong> themaize Activator in the <strong>soybean</strong> genome (Aljanabi et al.1999; Zhou and Atherly 1990). We demonstrated here putativesomatic and germinal transposition <strong>of</strong> Ds is induced inthe <strong>soybean</strong> genome upon stacking a constitutive Ac-cDNAexpression cassette, with a non-autonomous Ds allele.However, one <strong>of</strong> the drawbacks <strong>of</strong> inducing Ds transpositionwith a constitutive Ac cassette is that somatic transpositionstend to be more frequent than germinal. In addition,transposition can occur throughout plant development,which may complicate cloning <strong>of</strong> the desired tagged gene.To circumvent these potential pitfalls associated with theuse <strong>of</strong> a constitutive Ac transposase, we assembled an Accassette under the control <strong>of</strong> the Arabidopsis meiosis-speciWcDMC1 promoter (Klimyuk and Jones 1997). Transgenic<strong>soybean</strong> events carrying this latter Ac cassette willpermit comparative studies designed to monitor germinalDs transposition frequencies induced upon stacking <strong>of</strong> theconstitutive verses meiosis-speciWc transposase expression.Clearly data gathered from such a study, monitoring theaVect <strong>of</strong> Ac expression over development and level on thefrequency <strong>of</strong> Ds transposition in the <strong>soybean</strong> genome, willbe a key factor that determines the ultimate power <strong>of</strong> thismaize two component transposon system as a tool for functionalgenomics in the crop.The limited screening <strong>of</strong> the events currently housed inthe transposon-based <strong>soybean</strong> collection has revealed thatlaunch sites established by T-DNA integration tend toreside in gene rich regions (Table 1). Analysis <strong>of</strong> genesequences across taxa provided insight into what transgeniclocus may be linked with the male sterile phenotypeobserved in event Ds82, highlighting the power <strong>of</strong> comparativegenomics brought about by the previous investmentsmade in plant genomics.Arguably one <strong>of</strong> the most critical components that willenable a transposon-tagged repository to be <strong>of</strong> value to the<strong>soybean</strong> community is the establishment <strong>of</strong> a reliable identity-preservedstorage and distribution system. Importantly,the collection must be linked to a user-friendly searchabledatabase. To this end we developed GmGenesDB (http://digbio.missouri.edu/gmgenedb/index.php). This databasehas a set <strong>of</strong> tools to Wnd insertions in gene(s) <strong>of</strong> interest, andto retrieve all annotations related to a tagged gene. Additionalinformation <strong>of</strong> the respective <strong>soybean</strong> events housedin the repository includes foreign locus number, genotype<strong>of</strong> the event, and phenotype observed. The ultimate goal <strong>of</strong>this program is to provide a resource to the <strong>soybean</strong> communityto facilitate the translation <strong>of</strong> the basic tools toapplied technologies that can be exploited for downstreamimprovements in <strong>soybean</strong> genetics.Acknowledgments This work was supported by grants providedthrough USDA/NRI Award No. 2002-35301-12195, and the UnitedSoybean Board. Additional funds provided through the National Centerfor Soybean Biotechnology and Nebraska Research Initiative.ReferencesAljanabi SM, Shibli R, Ajlouni M (1999) Insertion <strong>of</strong> maize transposableelement Ac into <strong>soybean</strong> (glycine <strong>max</strong> L. <strong>Merr</strong>.) by Agrobacteriummediated transformation method. Dirasat. 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