by: W. C. VETSCH - Love for Life

by: W. C. VETSCH - Love for Life

by: W. C. VETSCH - Love for Life


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Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, there is a secret cartel of renegades who have amassed tremendous wealth who havebeen manipulating the governments of Earth <strong>for</strong> some time. These people felt their selfish power tripthreatened should the general population of Earth become enlightened.They persuaded the National Security Agency (NSA) to declare President Kennedy a "security risk" andorder the Secret Service agent driving his car to shoot him in the head with a CIA Assignation Guncontaining exploding capsules filled with deadly "shellfish toxin". His orders to tell the American peoplethe truth were destroyed and never implemented.When Mr. Kennedy started the Space program and indicated he wished to embark upon a new era oftruthfulness and openness, the IGC, following its standard protocol, sent observer teams to the Earth toobserve and help out. The team commander was authorized to issue an upgrade <strong>for</strong> the Earth Planetfrom its present N6 rating to the N3 status rating which would have made the Earth a member if theinter-galactic community of advanced races and allowed it free access to data on how to build deepspace vehicles and to the shared data base of scientific and medical knowledge of the advancedplanets.If Mr. Kennedy had not been assassinated, in the thirty or 50 years that have now passed, medicalknowledge from this data base would have now wiped out all incurable diseases and the Earth would bewell established in the "Star Trek"-like exploration of deep space.IRON CURTAIN PLANETWhile the concept of an "Iron Curtain Country" with its air tight borders and secret police watchingeveryone and terrorizing the helpless people, is gradually drifting out of public consciousness, it appearsthat these zones may have simply been replaced <strong>by</strong> a larger zone: an "Iron Curtain Planet".We call our little Earth a "Global Village". Actually, it is more like a "Global Plantation". You know theconcept of a Plantation. The Master and his family live in a big beautiful mansion and the slaves workthe grounds and live in trash shacks.In the case of the Earth, the "master's mansion" is represented <strong>by</strong> the underground cities where the Elite- surrounded <strong>by</strong> every conceivable luxury - live and the slave quarters are the surface of the Earth wherethe ordinary people "work the land" and "dig in the mines".They are "surrounded" <strong>by</strong> a system of spy and attack satellites that watch everything they do.Eventually, they will even be "branded" [like cattle] with identification microchips.All sources of in<strong>for</strong>mation they can access are controlled and censored. Government agents "quietly"live in every neighborhood. Everything they do is "quietly" watched and recorded. Like classicplantations, if the "master" wants them <strong>for</strong> anything [like <strong>for</strong> some spare parts - liver, kidneys, orwhatever - or some weird medical experiment] they are taken to the "master's house" underground,never to return.Also, you can't leave. One reason slaves stay slaves is that they do not realize that a better situation isavailable. On traditional plantations, many slaves were content because they were protected and "themaster took care of them". They felt they had a pretty good deal. That's why the system worked. Theyalso felt that "there was no where else to go".Today, the equivalent is the propaganda that "Earth is all there is so make the best of it here". If peopleknew that anti-gravity technology can get you physically anywhere in the physical universe quickly andthat it is simpler than the technology of a common transistor radio, they might decide to leave andsearch <strong>for</strong> their dreams of a better life and "freedom" elsewhere.But, of course, they are programmed to believe that the only way to leave the Earth is to sit on top of agiant size bottle rocket and be slowly blasted off on short trips that take a long time. They are told"science proves" you can't exceed the speed of light.Science also proves that a bumblebee cannot fly.Mystical-ebook from site-T.E.X.T..doc Page 34 of 964 June 2008

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