GOT ASAT 88 58 99 - AXIOM Solutions

GOT ASAT 88 58 99 - AXIOM Solutions

GOT ASAT 88 58 99 - AXIOM Solutions


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Page 3 / 4D I A G N O S T I CPage 4 / 4D I A G N O S T I CPREPARATION AND STABILITYR1: Ready for use.R2: Ready for use.Unopened kit components:Up to the expiration date at +2°C to +8°COnboard stability: R1 28 daysR290 daysSPECIMENCollect serum using standard sampling tubes.Heparinized or EDTA plasma. Do not use citrate, oxalate or fluoride.Stability: 24 days at +20°C to +25°C3daysat +2°C to +8°CFasting and nonfasting samples can be used.Centrifuge samples containing precipitate before performing assay.TESTING PROCEDUREMaterials provided• Working solutions as described aboveAdditional materials required• Controls as indicated below• 0.9% NaClManual procedure serum start:WavelengthHg 334 nm, 340 nm or Hg 365 nmTemperature+25°C / +30°C / +37°CCuvette1cm light pathZero adjustmentagainst airMix R1 and R2 5+1. This solution is stable: up to 10 days at +2°C to +8°C orup to 1 day at +20°C to +25°CReagent mixture 1000 µlSerum / plasma 100 µlMix and incubate 60 seconds at assay temperature and start stopwatch simultaneously. Read again after exactly1, 2 and 3 minutes.Calculation:Hg 365 nmHg 340 nmHg 334 nm3235 x !A/min1746 x !A/min1780 x !A/minManual procedure substrat start:WavelengthHg 334 nm, 340 nm or Hg 365 nmTemperature+25°C / +30°C / +37°CCuvette1cm light pathZero adjustmentagainst airR 1 1000 µlSerum / plasma 100 µlMix and incubate 60 seconds at assay temperature then addR2 200 µlMix, read initial absorbance and start stopwatch simultaneously. Repeat reading after exactly 1, 2 and 3 min.Calculation:Hg 365 nmHg 340 nmHg 334 nm3823 x !A/min2063 x !A/min2103 x !A/min<strong>AXIOM</strong> Gesellschaft für Diagnostica und Biochemica mbH; Siegfriedstraße 14, 67547 Worms, GermanyTel.: 0049-6241-50040 Fax: 0049-6241-50044<strong>99</strong> e-mail: info@axiom-online.net webseite: www.axiom-online.netDISPOSALPlease note the legal regulations.LITERATURE1. Bablok W et al. A General Regression Procedure for Method Transformation. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 19<strong>88</strong>;26:783-790.2. Bergmeyer HU, Herder M, Rej R. Approved recommendation (1985) on IFCC methods for the measurement of catalyticconcentration of enzymes. Part 2. IFCC Method for aspartate aminotransferase. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1986;24:49.3. Glick MR, Ryder KW, Jackson SA. Graphical Comparisons of Interferences in Clinical Chemistry Instrumentation.Clin Chem 1 986;32:470-474.4. Greiling H, Gressner AM (Hrsg.). Lehrbuch der Klinischen Chemie und Pathobiochemie,3. Auflage. Stuttgart/New York: Schattauer Verlag, 1<strong>99</strong>55. Karmen A et al. J Clin Invest 1955;24:126.6. Schmidt FW. Ref Med Ges, Marburg/Lahn, December 1959.7. Passing H, Bablok W. A New Biometrical Procedure for Testing the Equality of Measurements from Two Different AnalyticalMethods. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1983;21:709-720.8. Thefeld W et al. Dtsch med Wschr 1974;<strong>99</strong>:343.9. Tietz NW (Hrsg.). Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests, 3. Auflage. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders, 1<strong>99</strong>5:76-77. Wallnöfer H,Schmidt E, Schmidt FW (Hrsg.). Synopsis der Leberkrankheiten. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1974.<strong>AXIOM</strong> Product range Clinical ChemistryEnzymes Ions Other MetabolitesAcid Phosphatase Ammonium fluid Bilirubin T/DAlkaline Phosphatase Copper fluid Creatinine fluid!-Amylase direct Calcium fluid Glucose GOD-PAP fluidCK-NAC actived Chloride fluid Glucose Hexokinase fluidCK-MB (NAC- actived) Inorganic Phosphorus UV fluid Urea Enzymatic fluid"-GT fluid Iron fluid Urea UV fluidLDH fluid TIBC Uric Acid PAP fluidCholinesteraseMagnesium fluid<strong>GOT</strong>/<strong>ASAT</strong> fluidPotassium fluidGPT/ALAT fluidSodium fluidControlsLipase UV fluidControl Serum NLactate PAPControl Serum PProteins!-HBDHLipidsAlbuminCSF-Protein fluidCholesterol fluidMicroprotein fluidHDL CholesterolHemoglobinLDL CholesterolProtein Total fluidTriglycerides fluid<strong>AXIOM</strong> Gesellschaft für Diagnostica und Biochemica mbH; Siegfriedstraße 14, 67547 Worms, GermanyTel.: 0049-6241-50040 Fax: 0049-6241-50044<strong>99</strong> e-mail: info@axiom-online.net webseite: www.axiom-online.net06/09 M/kd

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