Issue 2 - Vienna High School

Issue 2 - Vienna High School

Issue 2 - Vienna High School


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Volume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2 December 2003 <strong>Vienna</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Vienna</strong>, IllinoisAnnouncing the 2003-2004 VHS Homecoming CourtKala SimsKala Nicole Sims is thedaughter of Rusty and MicheleSims.Kala has one sibling, abrother, Randy.Throughout her years atVHS, Kala has been involved ina variety of activities. She iscurrently enrolled in FCCLA,and is enrolled in the NursingProgram. Kala is also a firstyear member of the <strong>Vienna</strong> <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong> Dance Team.She would like to attendShawnee College after graduationin hopes of attaining aRegistered Nursing Degree.Kala has chosen Mrs. JoanClayton as her homecomingsponsor.Kala stated that she was verysurprised about being chosen asa homecoming candidate.Keri TealKeri Teal is the daughter ofKeith and Rhonda Teal.Keri has one sibling, a sister,Rebecca Mesparine, 20.During her years at VHSKeri has been a member of the <strong>Vienna</strong><strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Dance Team.After high school, Keri planson attending Southeastern IllinoisCollege for two years, andthen she would like to move awayand go to a university.Keri Teal has chosen Mr.Marc Palmer as her homecomingsponsor.Keri commented that shefeels very honored about beingchosen for homecoming court,but at the same time feels a littleoverwhelmed.Kimberly WelchKimberly Diane Welch is the17 year old daughter of Scottand Marcia Welch.Kimberly has a 20 year oldsister, Courtney.During her years at VHSKimberly has been involved ina variety of activities includingbeing a member of the VHSDance Team, FCCLA, EcologyClub, and Pep Club.After high school, Kimberlyplans on attending college to oneday become a veterinarian.Kimberly Welch has chosenMs. Julie Gage as her homecomingsponsor.Kimberly commented thatshe is very excited about beingchosen as a homecoming queencandidate.Sarita FaulknerSarita Faulkner is thedaughter of Greg and CarolynFaulkner.Sarita has one sister, Tessa,14.Sarita has been involved ina number of activities over thepast four years. She is a memberof the Lady Eagles basketballteam, FCCLA, FCA, and is amember of Ecology Club.After graduating Saritaplans on attending college andone day hopes to get married.Sarita Faulkner has chosenMr. Corby <strong>High</strong>t as her homecomingsponsor.Sarita was very surprisedabout being chosen as a candidateand also feels very hon-Bryan WatersBryan Waters is the 17 yearold son of Mr. David and CindyWaters.Bryan has two brothers, Cory22, and Tom 19. He also has onelovely cousin Richard, 17.While attending VHS Bryanhas played basketball for the<strong>Vienna</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Eagles.Bryan has chosen Mr. PatrickHarner as his homecomingsponsor.Upon graduation Bryan(continued on page 2)Vince SteeleVince Steele is the 17 yearold son of Mike Steele and DianaWright.Vince has 3 siblings includinga brother and two sisters:Aly,19, Abbey, 13, and Keith,4.During his years at <strong>Vienna</strong><strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Vince has been amember of the Eagles basketballteam for 4 years and participatedin baseball his freshmanyear.(continued on page 2)Derek MeyerDerek Meyer is the 18 yearold son of Fred and Pam Meyer.Derek has one brother Jason, 28and a sister, Alexis, 12.Over the years at VHS Derekhas been involved in a number ofactivities including FFA, Ecologyclub, and Junior homecomingattendant.After highschool, Derek planson attending Shawnee CommunityCollege to attain an AssociatesDegree.Chris CarrickChris Carrick is the 17 yearold son of Joni Ellis and MikeCarrick.Chris has one sibling, JamesEllis III, 8.Playing on the <strong>Vienna</strong> <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong> basketball team hasconsumed much of Chris’s highschool life.Upon graduation Chris plansto go into the workforce, but atthis time he is uncertain as towhat career he will pursue.(continued on page 2)

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2Junior HomecomingJunior AttendantsPage 2December 2003Nathan ThurstonNathan is the son of Jerryand Donna Thurston. He hasa brother, Andrew, and a sister,Rachel.Nathan is involved in theMadrigal and the <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Pep Band.Nathan says that one of hismost memorable moments atVHS was, “Um... The Homecominglip sync last year, and thisHomecoming will probably bepretty memorable.”Nathan says it was “awesome”being chosen as a homecoming attendant,because he did not expectit at all.Grayson SummersGrayson is the daughter ofJohn and Vicki Summers. Shehas one sister, Reagan.Grayson is involved with thehigh school’s Dance Team andBand. “I’ve had a lot of greatmemories at VHS, but if I toldsome of them I might get intotrouble. Just being with my goodfriends day after day, they alwaysmake me laugh!”“I was surprised, stunned,grateful, and honored,” Graysonsaid about being chosen to representthe Junior class in the 2003Homecoming.Jennifer ReederJennifer is the daughter ofKay and Ray Hill. She has threesisters: Desiree, Candice, andLinsey.Jennifer is involved in the Talon,and is a member of the EcologyClub. Jennifer also enjoysbow hunting with her boyfriendDoug. Jennifer said that her mostmemorable moment at VHS was,“When last year’s Sophomoreshad a clean up day and Mr. Palmerwas our group leader. It was deinitelyan experience.”Jennifer said she was shockedabout being chosen as attendant.She said, “I wouldn’t like to thankthe Junior class for voting forme.”Isaac TaylorIsaac is the son of Ann Taylorand John Skaggs. Isaac has anolder brother, Ray.Isaac is in the high schoolband. One of Isaac’s favoritemoments at VHS was, “Not beingable to drive my hearse and gettingsent home for driving it oneday.”About being chosen forHomecoming Attendant, Isaacsaid, “Eh, I didn’t think I wouldget it and I didn’t really care eitherway.”Bryan Waters Vince Steele Derek Meyer Chris Carrick(continued from page 1)plans on attending college.Bryan has chosen Mr. PatrickHarner as his Homecoming sponsor.Bryan said he was shockedwhen he found he was chose tobe on homecoming court.2003HomecomingTheme(continued from page 1) (continued from page 1) (continued from page 1)After high school, Vince willbe in the Marine Corps for fouryears, and then plans on attendinga four year university.Vince has chosen Mrs. BarbaraMizell as his Homecomingsponsor.Vince says that he was shockedwhen he found out he was chosenfor homecoming court.Derek then plans to attendMortuary school.Derek has chosen Mr. RickReichert as his homecomingsponsor.Derek is very happy aboutbeing chosen as a Homecomingcandidate and is glad that hisclassmates think enough of himto make him a candidate.Chris has chosen Mr. RossHill as his Homecoming sponsor.Chis is most honored aboutbeing chosen as a Homecomingcandidate and would like to thank“Legends ofThe SilverScreen”

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2Sophomore HomecomingSophomore AttendantsPage 3December 2003Brock AckmannKendy DunningJennifer HaleBill ArndtBrock is the son of Mary Wilsonand the late Allan Ackmann. and Debbie Dunning. She has one Russell and Karla Hale. She has Sue Arndt. He has four siblings,Kendy is the daughter of Greg Jennifer is the daughter of Bill is the son of Bill andBrock has one sister, Kimberly brother, Michael.one brother, Aaron, who is 9. James, April, Vicki, and Ann.Shoemaker.Kendy is invovled in the Lady Jennier participates in band His most memorable momentsBrock enjoys playing basketballfor VHS and is also on theEagles basketball team and theVHS track team. Her most memorablemoment at VHS was when and Shawnee Community Col-wheelchair.and is involved in the Madrigal at VHS were his weeks in hisVHS track team. Brock’s mostMr. <strong>High</strong>t ate moldy chocolate. lege musicals. She said that her “I am excited but kind ofmemorable moment here at VHS“I think it’s pretty cool and I most memorable moment at VHS nervous,” Bill said about beingwas “when Cody Goins slid intoam honored to have been picked,”the trash can last year in Englishwas, “Sam’s Club tire department.”Attendant for the 2003 Home-chosen for the Sophomore classKendy commented about beingclass!”chosen for the Sophomore classUpon being chosen for HomecomingAttendant, Brock saidvery excited, and I am happy toJennifer commented, “I am coming.Homecoming Attendant of 2003.that he thought it was great andknow that my classmates wantcouldn’t wait for Homecomingme as their representative.”to get here.Harper Ford“Supporting the Future ofTomorrow”

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2Freshman HomecomingFreshman AttendantsPage 4December 2003Isaiah CorneliusIsaiah is the son of Jeff andConnie Cornelius. He has sixsiblings, Tenton, Rebecca, Eli,Uriah, Zeb, and Kayla.Isaiah enjoys playing basketball,riding horses, writing poetry,and spending time with HaleyHuff. His most memorable momentat VHS was, “When Mr.Gifin got the note that was toMr. Hill, and thought it was toAlden.”“ I f e e lgood about being chosen. I’mglad my classmates think enoughof me to pick me, but Haley didn’tget the other attendant, so it’s notthe best,” Isaiah said about beingchosen to represent the Freshmanclass in the 2003 Homecoming.Sarah FileSarah is the daughter of AngelaFile. She has one sister, AshleyMcClure, who is 13.Sarah is on the VHS dance team.Sarah commented about her mostmemorable moment at VHS. “Sofar being chosen for a FreshmanAttendant and making and beingapart of the VHS Dance team.”“I feel excited and proud to bea representative of the Freshmanclass,” Sarah said about beingchosen for the Freshman classAttendant.Lacie EndrizziLacie is the daughter of Markand Ginger Endrizzi. Lacie hastwo brothers, Matthew Endrizziand Chuck Ellingson.Lacie plays softball and basketballfor the VHS Lady Eagles.Her most memorable momentwas, “When Melissa got her footstuck in the fold up chair in thegym.”Lacie feels that it is a greathonor to be chosen by the Freshmanclass as an attendant.Kyle WillisKyle is the son of Larry andDenise Willis.He is involved in the highschool basketball and baseballteams. Kyle’s most memorablemoment at VHS has been, “P.E.with Mr. Palmer... he’s hilarious!!”Kyle said, “I feel good aboutbeing chosen as a candidate, becauseI get to represent the Freshmanclass.”Master and Mistress of Ceremonies2003 VHS Talon StaffEditor-in-ChiefMorgan JeffressEditorCaryn HillStaffAdam WallerJennifer ReederMandi GrantAdvisorMrs. Joan Clayton <strong>Vienna</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>601 N. 1st Street<strong>Vienna</strong>,IL 62995Phone (618)658-3011www.viennahighschool.comMaster Josh Stafford and Mistress Andria DavisThe <strong>Vienna</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Talon is a publication of the VHS DesktopPublishing Class. Unless otherwise stated, all articles and writingsfeatured are the work of the students in the class. If you would likeyour ad to appear in The Talon, contact Joan Clayton at 658-3011.

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2Sports NewsPage 5December 2003Eagles Basketball2003-2004 Lady Eagles Standing- Alysa Goins, Shorty Richardson, Kristen Rogers,Tori Webb, Cidney Wiggs, Kendy Dunning, Megan Gerdes, Aften Gill, Stacy Bean,and Lacie Endrizzi. Sitting- Jennifer Mize, Caryn Hill, and Sarita FaulknerNov. 18 Gallatin Co. ................................ TNov. 22 Anna .............................................HNov. 24-25;28-29McLeansboro RR Tourn. ....................McLDec. 4 Hardin Co ......................................HDec. 5 Massac Co ......................................HDec. 15-20 Anna RR Tourn ...............AnnaJan. 3 JAL Shootout .............................JALJan. 5 Meridian ........................................ TJan. 7 Carbondale .................................... TJan. 8 Cobden ...........................................HJan. 12 Shawnee ....................................... TJan. 14 Pope Co ........................................ TJan. 15 Dongola ........................................HJan. 19 Century ........................................ TJan. 22 Carterville .................................... TJan. 26-28-29-31 S.E.C. Tourn ....ShawneeFeb. 2 Egyptian.........................................HFeb. 4 Johnston City ................................HFeb. 5 Goreville ........................................ TFeb. 8-12 Regional ...............................TBAHead Coach- Ross HillAssistant/JV Coach- Beth WidowskiSeniors Jennifer Mize, Caryn Hill, and Sarita Faulkner with Coach Ross Hill2003-2004 Eagles Seated- Freshman Coach Chris Holhubner, Assistant CoachKelly Harper, Head Coach Jon Green, and Assistant Coach Max Hook. SecondRow- Anthony Steinmetz, Jamie Kerley, Garrett Davis, Elvanus Watts, IsaiahCornelius, Kyle Willis and Corey Huckelberry. Back Row- Chris Carrick, BrockAckmann, Chase Wiggs, Vince Steele and Bryan Waters.Go Eagles!Nov. 24-26;28-29 <strong>Vienna</strong> Classic ... <strong>Vienna</strong>Dec. 2 Carrier Mills ................................ HDec. 6 Gallatin Co. (Homecoming 6:00) HDec. 9 Anna ...............................................TDec. 12 Joppa ............................................TDec. 16 Hardin Co. ...................................TDec. 19 Shawnee .......................................TDec. 26-27-29-30 Sesser Tourn ........SesserJan. 9 Goreville ........................................ HJan. 13 Egyptian ...................................... HJan. 16 Meridian ......................................TJan. 20-24 Sec. Tourn ..................EgyptianJan. 30 Dongola ....................................... HFeb. 3 Massac Co. .................................... HFeb. 4 J.V. Tourn ..................................... HFeb. 6 Cobden .......................................... HFeb. 10 Pope Co. .......................................TFeb. 11 J.V. Tourn ...................... MeridianFeb. 13 Goreville ......................................TFeb. 14 Sec. J.V. Tourn. Finals .. MeridianFeb. 17 Carterville .................................. HFeb. 20 Century (Senior Night) .............. HFeb. 23-27 Regional ............................TBAHead Coach- Jonathan GreenAssistant/JV Coach- Kelly Harper

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2NewsPage 6December 2003ICA Students Attend Fall Summit at Bloomington<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>On Saturday, November 8th, Bloomington <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> hosted the Illinois International Career Academy annual Fall Summit. Thetheme of the Summit was Guns early September. They teamed& Diamonds: Conflict Gems,that focuses on an illegal diamondtrade fuelling armed conlict andmassive human rights violationsin Africa. Recent landmark cooperationamong governments,non-governmental agencies andthe diamond industry resulted inthe Kimberley Process. However,problems inherent in the processprevent it from being fully implemented.Students attending theSummit proposed improvementsto the Kimberley Process andconsidered other ways to reducetrade in conlict diamonds. KathleenWalz, a State Departmentdelegate to the Kimberley Process,conducted a role-play afterthe presentations, that allowedstudents to interact and debate themerits of their solutions.The ICA team from VHSconsists of Kelly Clayton, KaylynAdams and Stacy Bean, and facultycoach Joan Clayton. Thesestudents have been working onthe Conlcit Gem problem sincewith students from Herrin <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong> to create a solution to theproblem that included revisionand enforcement, an awarenesscampaign, and the creation of anew logo that incorporated a ifthC into the DeBeer’s four C’s DiamondGuide. Their presentationbrought an element to the solutionthat none of the 14 other schoolsthat participated had conceived.This element was a nationwidesurvey of both consumers andjewelry store employees to determinetheir knowledge of ConlictDiamonds and the KimberleyProcess. The results of their surveybecame the basis of the needfor the awareness campaign theyproposed.Ms. Clayton emphasized theimportance of learning aboutglobal and economic issues intoday’s economy. “These studentshave really been challengedin this program. They have risento the challenge and have shinedin a way that places a very positivelight on <strong>Vienna</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.They have also learned manyvaluable lessons and conceptsalong the way.”The ICA students have alreadybegun working on theirnext problem, which is creatingan economic platform for one ofthe presidential candidates forthe 2004 election. Their task isto create a 5 minute video thatcommunicates the componentsof the economic platform for thatcandidate. They will present theirplatform at the Spring Summit,which will be held at Carbondale<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> in April.Johnson County Farm Bureau809 N. 1st Street * P.O. Box 335<strong>Vienna</strong>, IL 62995(618) 658-2871Carol BurnettManagerCall us for all your animal healthproduct needsOwned by Mary Moran

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2SpotlightsPage 8December 2003Freshman Sophomore JuniorKyle PerryWhat do you like best about Homecoming?The Homecoming game.What is your favorite Homecoming dayduring Homecoming week? I don’t know--Ican’t tell you.Do you like basketball as our Homecomingsport? Yes, because basketball is awesomeand we don’t have football.What is your idea of the “perfect” Homecomingdate? The Captain of the basketballteam and the Head-cheerleader.Do you think we should have a HomecomingKing and Queen? Yes, what is the pointof a Homecoming if you don’t have a Queenand King.Steven LauderdaleWhat do you like best about Homecoming?Gooing around all week and watching us beatthe other basketball team.What is your favorite Homecoming dayduring Homecoming week? The day ofHomecoming events, only because we are outof class all day.Do you like basketball as our Homecomingsport? Yeah I like basketball, but I wouldrather have football.What is your idea of the “perfect” Homecomingdate? Deinitely my girlfriend, but itreally doesn’t matter to me because I don’t goto the dance.Do you think we should have a HomecomingKing and Queen? Yeah, I deinitely likeit because it gives the guys a little recognitiontoo. My senior year I am gonna vote forMushroom Ellet (Matt Ellet).Nick WymanWhat do you like best about Homecoming?The danceWhat is your favorite Homecoming dayduring Homecoming week? Friday becauseof the lip sync.Do you like basketball as our Homecomingsport? No, I would rather have football asour Homecoming sport.What is your idea of the “perfect” Homecomingdate? It should be someone thatyou’re close to and that you like spending timewith and having fun with.Do you think we should have a HomecomingKing and Queen? Yes, if there is a Queen,then why shouldn’t there be a King.Tessa FaulknerWhat do you like best about Homecoming?Getting out of class to see all the skits,the wildness of it all, and the Homecomingceremony itself.What is your favorite Homecoming dayduring Homecoming week? Spirit Day Iguess, even though I haven’t gone throughHomecoming week yet.Do you like basketball as our Homecomingsport? Of course. It wouldn’t be the samewithout basketball.What is your idea of the “perfect” Homecomingdate? One who is outgoing and notafraid to dance. Also one who is good looking,sweet, and fun to be around.Do you think we should have a HomecomingKing and Queen? Yes, I do, especiallythis year because my sister is a candidate.Plus, without a King or Queen most of theexcitement and fun would be taken out ofHomecoming all together.Amber RussellWhat do you like best about Homecoming?The lipsync or Twin Day.What is your favorite Homecoming dayduring Homecoming week? P.J. DayDo you like basketball as our Homecomingsport? Yes, since we do not have football, butif we did have football then that would be thesport I would want to be used as the Homecomingsport.What is your idea of the “perfect” Homecomingdate? A good friend I can hang outwith and joke around with.Do you think we should have a HomecomingKing and Queen? Yes, because the fun ofHomecoming is having a King and Queen.Shannon DixonWhat do you like best about Homecoming?Dressing up and looking good, having fun, anddancing with my friends.What is your favorite Homecoming dayduring Homecoming week? Pajama Day. Ilove wearing pajamas. They are so comfortable.Do you like basketball as our Homecomingsport? Sure. I’m not really into sports so Iguess I don’t really care.What is your idea of the “perfect” Homecomingdate? Someone I can relate to andhave fun with, sweet, very funny, and talkative.I hate those silent moments.Do you think we should have a HomecomingKing and Queen? No, people who competeto be King or Queen always have to meetcertain criteria--pretty, handsome, popular,intelligent, and social. Some people do nothave all of those qualities; for example: ME!I would love to be Homecoming Queen! Itprobably would not happen! It makes thepeople who lose hurt.

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2VHS StylePage 9December 2003

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2Life at VHSPage 10December 2003

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2NewsYearbook DancePage 11December 2003Cheeseburger LoversSale2 cheeseburgersfor $2.222 Double Cheeseburgersfor $3.33VEACHSHORTSTOPIntersection ofR t.45 & Rt.146<strong>Vienna</strong>, ILWeth-Dentistry805 N 1st Street<strong>Vienna</strong>, ILPhone: 658-8361

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2HomecomingPage 12December 200310 Things You Didn’t Know About.......Sarita* I’ve been with my boyfriend Robbie Reedersince my freshman year.*I have had metal rods in my backsince I was 12.*I’ve been playing basketballsince I was in the 4thgrade.*My mom was the startingpitcher for the softballSalukis in college.Bryan*My favorite movie is Armageddon.*Both my brothers were HomecomingEscorts.*My hampster’s name isPeanut.*My favorite TV show isSeinield.*My dog’s name is Porkchop.*Two of my aunts wereHomecoming Queens atVHS.*I Love To ish*I never got my ears piercedbecause I hate needles.*I’m the only Queen Candidatewho isn’t a dancer.*I hate football.*My mom was a VHScheerleader.*I once pushed Chase offa bluff.*I’m NOT going to be aMarine.*I’ve broken my arm three times.* My favorite color is red.*My hair is naturally curly, and I hate it!Sarita Faulkner & Bryan Wa-Lawrence& BeanInsuranceAgency“Contact usfor all yourinsurance needs”John HuckelberryTax Service658-9252We have Electronic Filing!Endrizzi Lawn Care ServiceMatt Endrizzi- Owner/Operator“On the Square”Box 126, <strong>Vienna</strong>, IL 62995(618) 658-9121A Tradition in Service Since 19811-618-528-4343

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2HomecomingPage 13December 200310 Things you Didn’t know about.......Keri*Severe addiction to cheese (ahhh! thepower of cheese)*I cannot pronounce the word“vulnerable”*I love to paint and drawChris*I lived in Decatur for 14 years.*I dunked over Chase my irst yearhere.*My role model is ShaquilleO’neal.*I am in love with JohnyDepp*I am on the Dance team*Two of my favorite hobbiesare Fishing & Fourwheeling*I am a waitress at Ponderosa*I have a pet squirrel*I love to read and write*I’m an aunt.My sister just had a babyboy*My hair used to cover myeyes.*I love Stephanie Yates.*I have a dirt bike, 4wheeler, and golf cart.*I used to play football.*I cut my leg with a chainsaw.*I am 6’5”*I hunt just about everything.Keri Teal and Chris CarrickJohn A. SimmonsAuctioneer<strong>Vienna</strong>, IL658-8030Call: 995-1533

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2HomecomingPage 14December 200310 things you didn’t know about.......KimDerek*I work at IGA*I love Chinese food*My boyfriend is Zeb Hicks*I have a sister that isalmost 21*I have a dog namedChase*My favorite color isblue*My birthday is June9th*I love Wal-Mart*I drive a Honda Civic*My mom’s name is Pam*My dad’s name is Fred*My favorite color is JohnDeere Green*I went to VGS*I have 1 brother and 1sister*I live by Vince andKaylyn*I want to be a morticianwhen I grow up*When I was a freshmanmy other “Mom” was asenior.*I had a coon dog namedSaidy, but she diedKim Welch & Derek MeyerReal Rehab & Fitness658-8144Physical TherapyWater AerobicsFull FitnessCenterSwimming Pool811 N. 1st<strong>Vienna</strong>, IL

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2HomecomingPage 15December 200310 Things you Didn’t know about......*I’m in love Brian McHugh*My Dad lives in SpringieldVince*Mrs. Clayton is my hero*I lived in Tamms, IL for3 years*I hate cheese!*I’m on the danceteam*There isn’t a “Y” inmy name*My favorite color isorange*My favorite movie isDirty Dancing*I have a pet mouse named Turbo*I hit my best friend’s car with my truck (Felicia)*My dog’s names are Sugar and Sadie*I have a 4 year old brother namedKeith*I have a 12 year old sisternamed Abbey*I really like to ish*I have enlisted in the Marinesand leave June 21st*I enjoy playing golf*My girlfriend and I have beentogether for 3 years*I moved to <strong>Vienna</strong> when I was in sixthgrade*I’ve worked at NAPA for 2 yearsKala Sims & Vince SteeleJ.W. Reynolds Memorials“The CompanyYou’ve HeardAbout AllYour Life”Phone: 658-2911 or 1-800-526-9180BaileyFuneral705 N. First Street<strong>Vienna</strong>, IL 62995(618) 658 - 2311HomeBrian & Julie BaileyBrent Williams

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2NewsVHS Students Participate in International ConferenceTwelve VHS students recentlyattended the First Annual SouthernIllinois International <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong> Association Fall Conferenceat John A. Logan College.Stacy Bean, Kaylyn Adams,and Kelly Clayton gave a presentationon the opportunitiesoffered to students that attend aschool with an International <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong> designation. They toldabout their experiences with theInternational Career Academy,the International Day at VHS lastMarch, and other opportunities relatedto International <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>curriculum.Following their presentation,VHS students delivered a fashionshow. The show consisted ofauthentic clothing worn in manycountries across the world, includingSwitzerland, Italy Africa,England, and many others. (Participatingstudents are pictured onthese two pages in the clothingthey modeled.)The clothing was donated byMrs. Willadene Brown, a formerPage 16December 2003VHS educator who has traveledextensively and has collectedmany interesting artifacts fromvarious countries. Joshua Staffordemceed the fashion show,which gave information aboutthe clothing and the country fromwhich it originated.VHS students also participatedin a roundtable discussionthat focused on the developmentof ideas for teaching Internationalissues in high school courses.Also speaking at the conferencewere former Senator Paul Simon,and Dr. Ahrar Ahmad, Professorof Political Science at Black HillsState University.Haylie Jones - Norway Bree Smith - Egypt Kaylyn Adams - MexicoThe Secret Garden“We Deliver”Telephone- 658-9215FlowersFor all your Fall NeedsBalloonsMonday- Friday 9:00-4:30

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2NewsPage 17December 2003VHS Students Participate in International Fashion ShowEmily Ketelsen - JapanKaren Nodeen - TurkeyAriel Adams - ChinaKassie Ross - SwitzerlandKelly Jane Clayton - ItalyMegan Gerdes - TaiwanStacy Bean - EnglandHaley Huff - Jordan(Not Pictured: Aaris Miller - Africa)ShoemakerConstruction, Inc.General ContractorsSAM’S<strong>High</strong>way 45 North<strong>Vienna</strong>, IL“Build with Us”695-3372 <strong>Vienna</strong>, IL

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2Pep Club Keeping BusyBy Morgan Jeffress and Caryn HillThroughout the year the PepClub has been staying busy witha variety of activities and fundraisers.One fund-raiser was sellingformer VHS apparel and bumperstickers during lunch. Anotherbig project that the Pep Clubhas ahead of them is windowdecorating . This is a irst for<strong>Vienna</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Clubs andother school organizations willbe coming together to paint communitywindows a week beforehomecoming. This is just a wayto let the community know thatit is Homecoming week. Eachclub and/ or organization has thechance of winning a cash prize forthe best window.New Pep Club shirts are alsoin for the 2003-2004 school year.They will be royal blue with adesign on the front and back of theshirt. (See design below) Theyare $15.00.They will also be orderingorange lanyards with Go Eagles!on them to go along with the t-shirts.Pep Club held a “Bring YourOwn Shirt” party where memberswere able to create their own shirtto support Eagle basketball. Besure to look for them at the basketballgames! They also decoratedposters to be hung around thegym.Though the Pep club has notbeen as active in past years, pleasetry to make this year the best yet.NewsSenior NewsBy Caryn Hill and Morgan JeffressThe Senior Class wrapped uptheir magazine sales in early November.They cleared just under$700. All money the senior classmakes goes to help create the bestsenior prom ever!They are also in the processof ordering t-shirts and hoodies.The t-shirts will be orange whilethe hoodies will be royal blue.Also starting in January theseniors will sell discount cards tofurther fund the prom.T-ShirtsFrontPage 18December 2003The prom committee is alsoworking hard to organize thisyear’s prom. It will be held againin Paducah but this time at theRobert Cherry Civic Center.They have decided not tohave a sit down dinner. This waycouples will be able to eat whereverthey want to. However, theywill be providing inger foods anddrinks.The theme for this year’s promwill be “Tales of a Dream.”Hood-FrontHoodNew Pep Club T-shirts modeled by Kaylyn AdamsShawneeTitle and AbstractRick WiggsSherri Ross<strong>Vienna</strong>, IL658-5555618-658-3191 FAX: 618-658-5007GODDARD’SAUTO BODY and BODY REPAIRSCOMPLETE AUTO BODY REPAIRSPOST OFFICE BOX 927VIENNA, ILLINOIS 62995500 E. Vine Street, <strong>Vienna</strong>, IL(618) 658-9230JAMES E. GODDARDLATE MODEL USED CARSCHIEF FRAME EQUIPMENTHUNTER WHEEL ALIGNMENTWRECKER SERVICEAUTO SALVAGEMULTI MILE TIRE DEALER

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2Beta Club Hosts Fazoli’s DinnerBy Adam WallerBeta Club and Student Councilmembers held a tasty Fazoli’sdinner on November 24, 2003.The dinner was a huge success.Well over 150 people attendedthe very organized dinner.Everyone said that the dinnerwas excellent. The cooks workedhard on the salads and spaghettithat was served from 4-7pm. Thisdinner was taking place while thebasketball game was going on.Many ball player’s familiescame in to eat and watch a goodgame. Between visiting with oldfriends and eating some good food,everyone had a good time.NewsVHS Alum Tom Moore VisitsTom Moore visited VHS onTuesday, November 25. Tom isa 1996 graduate of <strong>Vienna</strong> <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong> and has been in Japan forthe past year and a half workingas an English teacher.Tom Moore is a participantin the JET (Japanese ExchangeTeacher) program. This programgives Americans with bachelor’sdegrees the opportunity to teachin Japan.Tom and his wife Tokikoprovided VHS students insightPage 19December 2003into Japan’s culture, educationalsystem, and lifestyle.One interesting fact he sharedwas that on Christmas, the ultimatedinner is KFC. Japanesepeople make reservations monthsin advance, and even with reservations,have to wait hours in linefor their KFC Christmas dinner.Tom is the son of Mr. MichaelMoore, who subs often at VHS.Beta Club members serving at the Fazoli’s Dinner on the irstnight of the <strong>Vienna</strong> Classic TournamentTom and his wife Tokiko live and work in Japan. Tom is ateacher at a middle school where he teaches English.HappyHolidaysVHSStudents!P.O. Box 35<strong>Vienna</strong>, IllinoisRobin Harper - WhiteheadJohnson Co. Clerk/RecorderBrian TrambleyTogether Works...For YouPhone: 658-2961States Attorney658-9318Not Paid For With Johnson County Tax Payer Money.

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2NewsHalloween Costume ContestPage by Caryn HillThe Student Council sponsoredthe annual Halloweencostume contest. There were approximately50 students and facultyin costume. Contestants werejudged in four categories: MostCreative, Scariest, Funniest andan impromptu category, CutestTeacher, which was won by Mrs.McGinnis. The winner (picturedbelow) were Elizabeth Voelz,Most Creative; Amber Nicholson,Scariest, and Cody Goins, Funniest.Page 20December 2003

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2NewsPage 21December 2003Mr. Reichert and Six VHS Students Competein Shooting TournamentBy Adam WallerIn honor of Veterans Day,Jackson Purchase Rile Club helda Garand Rile Match. Six VHSstudents and Mr. Reichart went tothe match on November 9, 2003.Seth Vaughn, Ryan Davis, TimMorris, Isaac Goins, Alex Stockdale,Zach Moore, and a formerVHS student, Travis Ames participatedto honor John C. Garand,whose guns are widely used amongour armed forces.The participants had the opportunityto shoot a 1903 Spring,1941 Johnson, US Greg Rile, or 30caliber MI Carby, but every shooterused a MI Garand Rile model, allsupplied by Jackson Purchase RileClub.The event starts with fivepractice shots, then ten shotsfor record in the prone position(laying down) for 15 minutes.Afterwards a rapid ire seriesbegins in standing position, thenten more shots are ired in 70seconds in prone position. Thelast ten shots are ired standingup with a ten minute limit.Seth Vaughn was 1st amongour students with a score of 228*0and Ryan Davis placed 2nd in ourgroup with a score of 223*1. TimMorris placed 3rd in our groupwith a score of 208*0.The event was a huge successand the guys had barrels full offun.Mr. Reichert and his students attending the Garand Rile Tournament in the Jackson Purchase Rile Club<strong>Vienna</strong> OutdoorEquipmentAmerican Fitness & Tan24 hour Key ClubTanningFitness SupplimentsPackages to meet yourbudget104 Locust St. <strong>Vienna</strong>, IL“ We Repair All Brands & Models”On the Square in<strong>Vienna</strong>658-3202Now available at both locations:Elliptical cardio-machine210 S. BroadwayGoreville995-1956

NewsThe TalonPage 22Volume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2December 2003Mr. Palmer Inducted into Softball Hall ofPage by Caryn HillWhen you mention the nameMr. Palmer at <strong>Vienna</strong> <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong>, many think of the audaciousart and PE teacher that takesa special interest in his students.He is known for being the lovable,carefree teacher that can bring asmile to anyone’s face.There is a different side to Mr.Palmer that not everyone knowsabout. He has been playing softballsince his college baseballcareer ended at SIU in 1986.In 14 USSSA (United SpecialtySports Association) seasons,Mr. Palmer has played onseveral powerhouse teams fromSt. Louis and Chicago. He’s aversatile player who plays irst,third, catcher, and also pitches.However, he is mostly knownfor his bat. He is a .700 lifetimehitter with over 1,000 homerunsunder his belt. His play hasearned him numerous honors inseveral association’s National’sand NIT’s.On November 8, 2003, Mr.Palmer was inducted into theUSSSA Hall of Fame. He saysthat it is quite an honor and “feelsgood!”So the next time you see thefriendly Mr. Palmer in the hall,give him a high five to showyour admiration for his great accomplishment.From all of us atthe Talon, Congratulations, Mr.Palmer.Mr. Palmer in front of USSSA Hall of Fame banner in Peoria, Illinois.He was inducted on November 8, 2003.Mr. Palmer with Illinois State Director Brenda PaulsonMr. Palmer with two team mates, John Kramer, who introducedhim, and Brian Schultz who was also inducted into the Hall ofThis -N- ThatFlower ShopTuxedo RentalFloral Arrangements658-9776<strong>Vienna</strong>, ILPlush AnimalsAlso Specalizing InZoppini CharmBraclets

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2Trovillion BrothersDo-It-Best CenterNewsPage 23December 2003Ben Adams Randy Spurlock809 N. 1st Street, P.O. Box 335<strong>Vienna</strong>, IL 62995Ofice Phone:(618) 658-2881505 E. Vine Street 658-3761Life - Health - Auto - Home - Farm - Crop - Hail -Commercial Annuities - Estate Planning - Vehicle Leasing“A Special Brand Of Caring”709 East Vine Street<strong>Vienna</strong>, Illinois 62995Phone: (618) 658-6300Fax: (618) 658-6402For Reservations Call 1-800-2-RAMADAOperated under franchise agreement withRamada Limited, Inc.Dan Ker-Vice President Of Operations<strong>Vienna</strong>, IL658-3278402-04 Court StreetP.O. Box 185

The TalonVolume 10, <strong>Issue</strong> 2NewsPage 24December 2003Gholson Insuranceand InvestmentsMember NASD, SIPCP.O. Box 64284St. Paul, MN 55164Rodney R. GholsonRegistered RepresentativeP.O. Box 245<strong>Vienna</strong>, IL 62995Telephone: (618)-658-7008Fax: (618)-658-8207Cellular: (618)-713-1304nsure66@midamer.net

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