Rules & Ontologies OWL 2 RL & SWRL Description Logic ... - LPIS

Rules & Ontologies OWL 2 RL & SWRL Description Logic ... - LPIS

Rules & Ontologies OWL 2 RL & SWRL Description Logic ... - LPIS


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SW<strong>RL</strong> and Open World Semantics:sameAs, differentFromSW<strong>RL</strong> is Monotonic:does not Support Negated Atoms4-37Publication(?p) hasAuthor(?p, ?y) hasAuthor(?p, ?z) differentFrom(?y, ?z)→ cooperatedWith(?y, ?z)• Like <strong>OWL</strong>, SW<strong>RL</strong> does not adopt the uniquename assumption– Individuals must also be explicitly stated to bedifferent (using owl:allDifferents restriction)<strong>Rules</strong> & <strong>Ontologies</strong>A Semantic Web Primer, 3rd Edition4-38Person(?p) not hasCar(?p, ?c)→ CarlessPerson(?p)• Not possible - language does not supportnegation here• Potential invalidation - what if a person latergets a car?<strong>Rules</strong> & <strong>Ontologies</strong>A Semantic Web Primer, 3rd EditionSW<strong>RL</strong> is Monotonic:retraction (or modification) not supportedSW<strong>RL</strong> is Monotonic:counting not supported4-39Person(?p) hasAge(?p,?age) swrlb:add(?newage, ?age,1)→ hasAge(?p, ?newage)• Incorrect:– will run forever and attempt to assign an infinitenumber of values to hasAge property• There is no retraction of old value– Even if there was, it would run forever<strong>Rules</strong> & <strong>Ontologies</strong>A Semantic Web Primer, 3rd Edition4-40Publication(?p) hasAuthor(?p,?a) → SingleAuthorPublication(?p)• Not expressible - open world applies• Potential invalidation - what if author isadded later?<strong>Rules</strong> & <strong>Ontologies</strong>A Semantic Web Primer, 3rd Edition10

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