Summer - Lee University

Summer - Lee University

Summer - Lee University


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FaCulty FaCtsFive Recognized for 25 Years of ServiceFive members of the faculty were highlighted duringcommencement for the milestone of 25 years ofcontinuous service on the <strong>Lee</strong> faculty. Allarrived at <strong>Lee</strong> College in the fall of 1987:12345Dr. Jerald DaffeProfessor of Pastoral MinistryMr. Danny MurrayDirector, Voices of <strong>Lee</strong>Dr. Doyle GoffProfessor of PsychologyDr. Hermilo JassoAssociate Professor of BusinessDr. Mark WickamProfessor of Health andExercise Science1 23 4 5<strong>Lee</strong>’s athletic program is takingwhat <strong>University</strong> President Dr.Paul Conn terms as the beginning of aprocess that “we believe will raise thelevel of athletics at <strong>Lee</strong>.”Gulf South Conference Commissioner(GSC) Nate Salant announced onMay 25 the GSC Executive Committee’sunanimous approval of an invitation to<strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong> to apply for membership.The approval comes on the heels of arecommendation from the GSC ExpansionCommittee, which visited <strong>Lee</strong>’s campusin May. The Executive Committee alsoendorsed sending a letter to the NCAADivision II (DII) leadership, indicatingthat the GSC plans to add <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>upon its acceptance into the DII membershipprocess.Commissioner Salant expressed hisexcitement about <strong>Lee</strong>’s acceptance. “Iam pleased to make this announcementbecause we know we've added one of thebest NAIA schools in the country, not onlyfrom an athletic perspective but also froman academic one. <strong>Lee</strong> is not your typicalprivate school in that it is very large, has atremendous following in the community,and is in very good financial shape.“The stability and steady growth thatis the cornerstone of President Conn's26 years at the helm impressed us, as did<strong>Lee</strong> Gets Invitation to Join Gulf South Conferencethe overall quality of its athletic facilities.<strong>Lee</strong> puts significant emphasis on women'sathletics, another important item in theevaluation process, and anytime you canadd a four-time defending championwomen's soccer program, you want to doso. They field very strong teams in twosports in which we need them, men'ssoccer and women's golf, and will alsostrengthen our volleyball league.”Conn reported that the applicationhas been filed and said, “We are optimisticthat they will act favorably, althoughthat is far from a sure thing.”Conn added, “<strong>Lee</strong>’s trajectory forthe past two decades has been always tobecome better and to operate at a higherlevel in every way, including athletics,and moving to the NCAA DII is the naturalway for us to do that.“This move will be a big challengefor all of us. We will be competing againstsome very strong institutions. I believe ourathletes and our coaches have earned an opportunityto test themselves at this level.”A look back at the athletic historyshows <strong>Lee</strong> being a member of the NAIAsince 1975, competing first in the TVACconference, then in the TranSouth, andfor the past several years in the SouthernStates Athletic Conference.After gaining final approval from thespoRtsNCAA, <strong>Lee</strong> will compete in the NAIA andthe SSAC for the upcoming 2012–2013year then begin competing in the newconference in the fall of 2013.Under the leadership of Athletic DirectorLarry Carpenter, <strong>Lee</strong> has won theCommissioner’s Cup, for the best overallathletic program in the SSAC six out ofthe last seven years, including the lastthree years in a row.”We have been discussing the moveto NCAA DII for the last two years, andvery intently for the past year,” pointedout Conn. “I discussed it with the Boardof Directors in its January 2012 meeting,and in its meeting on May 4, I recommendedthat we pursue DII membershipin the Gulf South, and they voted toauthorize me to do so.”Carpenter, who has been part of<strong>Lee</strong> athletics for 37 years and witnessedmany historic events during that timeas a player, coach, and athletic directorsaid, “The invitation to join the GulfSouth Conference marks yet anotherevent. We’ve enjoyed a tremendousamount of success in the SSAC and NAIAbut understand the challenge that comesby playing in the most competitive conferencein NCAA II. My staff and I areexcited about what the future holds for<strong>Lee</strong> athletics.”Music Professor Passes AwayPaula Wyatt, a special adjunct instructor of music, died on May 12 of astroke suffered several days earlier. She was the wife of Alan Wyatt,assistant professor of music at <strong>Lee</strong>.Known for her vocals and original music, Paula Archer-Wyatt recentlycompleted a jazz CD of her original tunes performed by her jazz quintet andendorsed by the legendary jazz bassist, Rufus Reid. She has performed withDonald Brown, David Baker, the Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra, and did a season atDollywood in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, where she holds the distinction as beingthe first female musician. At <strong>Lee</strong> she taught classes in music theory, pianoclass, ear training, applied piano, applied composition, improvisation, smalljazz ensemble and jazz ensemble lab.WyattPresident Paul Connrecently initiatedrenewed buzz about<strong>Lee</strong>’s football future viaTwitter by tweeting: “Arewe ready for football at<strong>Lee</strong>? I’ve always said ‘no,’but maybe it’s now timeto take a fresh and seriouslook at the question.”According to Conn, the tweet was used to indicate thatactions are being taken to discover what might be involved inmaking football a part of <strong>Lee</strong> athletics in the future.“It’s never actually been on the table…I haven’t been opento it,” Conn said. “I’ve decided the time has come to take a goodhard look and to actually [do the research], and then decide ifit’s a good fit for <strong>Lee</strong>.”<strong>Lee</strong> currently belongs to the National Association of IntercollegiateAthletics and is a member of the Southern StatesAthletic Conference. Since the SSAC does not include football,Conn is considering other options that would better serve theFootball at <strong>Lee</strong> <strong>University</strong>: More Than Just Intramurals?university’s needs, should it choose to begin a football program.That’s even if that decision means advancing the school intothe National Collegiate Athletic Association. (see story above)One of the reasons for reconsidering the issue of footballwas that schools similar to <strong>Lee</strong> have acquired football programsin recent years, Conn said.Many schools, including Shorter <strong>University</strong> (Ga.), BerryCollege (Ga.), Reinhardt <strong>University</strong> (Ga.), and Lindsey WilsonCollege (Ky.) have implemented successful football programs intheir athletic departments within the past seven years.“We need new goals; we need aspirations…football wouldbe a big project for us,” Conn said. “So why not put it out there,and let’s decide. Maybe I’ve been wrong all these years, ormaybe I’ve been right all these years, but now its just time [tosay yes to considering].”The timetable for setting football in motion has not beendecided, but Conn seems to be adamant on making a decision bythe fall semester of 2013.“It would take at least a year, and maybe might take more thanthat,” Conn said. “I don’t think we need to prolong the discussion.”—Taylor Hoffman, <strong>Lee</strong> Clarion22 T RCHTRCH| summeR 2012 | www.leeuniversity.edu23

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