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Choiseul <strong>PIN</strong> V1.0 12022013 As one of the key NGOs engaged in REDD+ in the Pacific, Live & Learn’s strong relationship with key players and ability to enhance local capacity to work in REDD+ is mirrored in other project sites in Vanuatu and Fiji. With support across the region and from key technical specialists, Live & Learn is mobilised and ready to further its work in the Solomon Islands. 1.2.3 Government RelationsMust have the capability to negotiate and deal with government, local organisations & institutions, and buyers of ecosystem services PV Eligibility Checklist, p1 Live & Learn has long lasting and trusted connections with a range of stakeholders in the Solomon Islands. Of particular importance to the REDD+ project is the MOU with NRDF (a project partner), our relationship with the Department of Forestry and Research and our partnership with the European Union. Some of Live & Learn Solomon Islands’ relations with government and non-­‐government entities are outlined briefly below. Live & Learn Solomon Islands Office have signed MOUs with the following partners: • MOU – NRDF (Natural Resource Development Foundation) and Live & Learn Environmental Education Solomon Islands (ADB REDD+ Project) • MOU – CDC (Curriculum Development Centre) Ministry of Education and Human Resources and Live & Learn Environmental Education Solomon Islands • MOU – TDA (Tetepare Descendent Association) and Live & Learn Environmental Education Solomon Islands Live & Learn Solomon Islands Office work actively with the following development partners: • UNREDD Program (Live & Learn are members of the Solomon Islands REDD+ Taskforce established through UNREDD) • Asian Development Bank (ADB) • Australia Agency for International Development (AusAid) • European Union (EU) • Save the Children • United Nation Development Program (UNDP) • United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF) • World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) • United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-­‐HABITAT) Live & Learn Solomon Islands Office work actively with the following Government Partners: • Ministry of Environment, Conservation, Disaster Management and Meteorology • Ministry of Forestry and Research • Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs 11

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