Human Allergy Catalog - Greer

Human Allergy Catalog - Greer

Human Allergy Catalog - Greer


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25 VanAsperin, P.P., Kemp, A.S., Mellis, C.M.: Skin test reactivity and clinicalallergen sensitivity in infancy. J. <strong>Allergy</strong> Clin. Immunol. 73:381-6.26 Committee on Safety of Medicine: Desensitizing vaccines. Br. Med. J1986;293:948.27 Lockey, R.F., Benedict, L.M., Turkeltaub, P.C., Bukantz, S.C.: Fatalities fromimmunotherapy (IT) and skin testing (ST). J. <strong>Allergy</strong> Clin .Immunol .1987;79:660-7.28 Norman, P.S., Van Metre, T.E., Jr: The safety of allergenic immunotherapy.J. <strong>Allergy</strong> Clin. Immunol. 1990;85:522-5.29 Ownby, D.R., Adinoff, A.D.: The appropriate use of skin testing and allergenimmunotherapy in young children. J. <strong>Allergy</strong> Clin. Immunol. 1994;94:662-5.30 Data on File - Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Food and DrugAdministration, Rockville, MD.31 Board of Directors, American Academy of <strong>Allergy</strong> and Immunology Guidelinesto minimize the risk from systemic reactions caused by immunotherapy withallergenic extracts. (Position statement). J. <strong>Allergy</strong> Clin. Immunol. 1994;93:811-12.32 Reid, M.J., Lockey, R.F., Turkeltaub, P.C., and Platts-Mills, T.A.E.: Survey offatalities from skin testing and immunotherapy 1985-1989. J. <strong>Allergy</strong> Clin.Immunol. 1993;92:6-15.33 Bousquet, J.: In Vivo Methods For Study of <strong>Allergy</strong>: Skin tests, techniques,and interpretation. In <strong>Allergy</strong> Principles and Practice, 4th Edition, Middleton,et al eds., C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, MO, 1993.16

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