Christ Church Hymnal - The Rev. Paul M. Frolick

Christ Church Hymnal - The Rev. Paul M. Frolick

Christ Church Hymnal - The Rev. Paul M. Frolick


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10How great thou art& b b c?b b cjœ œ œOWhenWhenœœJLordthrough<strong>Christ</strong>œœmytheshallœœœ.God,woodscomeœ .jœwhenandwithœœJœ œ œ œ œ œIforshoutœ-inestofœawe - someglades Iac - cla -œœœwonwanmaœ---œ.derdertionœ.jœ œ #œ Con - sid - erAnd hear theAnd take meœJœnœœ&?b bœ.b b œ.allbirdshome,jœthesingwhatjœJœ œ œ œ œworkssweetjoyœœthy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the- lyshallinfillthemytrees,heart!When<strong>The</strong>nIIlookshalldownbowfrominloft - yhum-bleœœœœœœ˙˙œœœ œ œœœœœœœœ.œ .jœœœJœ œ œ œ œ œœœroll - ingmoun-tainad - or -œœ&?b bb bœthungranaœ---œ.der,deur,tion,œ.jœ œ œ #ThyAndAndœJpow'rhearthereœnœthroughtheproœ-œ.- outbrookclaim,œ.jœtheandmyjœJœ œ œ œ œu - ni -feel theGod, howœœœœversegengreatœœ-distlethouœœ-˙played.breeze.art.˙jœœJ&?b b jœb b œœJœœ<strong>The</strong>n sings myœœœœœ.bJ œ œ # n œ. œsoul, my Sav - ior, God, toœœ.œJœœœœœ.œ.œœ˙<strong>The</strong>e;˙˙œœœœœœHow great ThouœœJœ

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