Christ Church Hymnal - The Rev. Paul M. Frolick

Christ Church Hymnal - The Rev. Paul M. Frolick

Christ Church Hymnal - The Rev. Paul M. Frolick


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#& # 8 9 œ œœ œBless - edPer - fectPer - fect? # # 8 9 œ œ œas -sub -sub -œ . œ.surancemis-sionmis-sion,œ .œ .Blessed assuranceœœœisde -atœ œ œœ.mine!light,rest,œ.œ . œ.œJe - susper-fecallisOVi-Iœœwhatsionsinœœaofmyœœ.œforerap- turetastesav - iorœ .œjœofnowamœJœ œ # œglo - ryburst onhap-pyœœdi -myandœœ . œ.vine!sight;blest;œ.œ.3œ.œ.&?œ . œ.# #œ œœ œHeir ofAn-gelsWatching# # œ œ œsal - va - tion,de - scendwait-ing,and ing,œ .œ .œpur -bringlook -œchasefromingœœ œ œofa -a -œ.God,bovebove,œ .œ œœ œBorn of HisEch - oes ofFilledwithHisœ . œ.œ œœœ .œ. œœ œspir - it, washed inmer - cy, whis - persgood-ness,lost inœ.œ.œœ.œœHisofHisœœ . œ.blood.love.love.œ . œ.&?# #œ œ œThis is myœ œ œ# # œ œ œœ . œ.œ œ œsto - ry, this is my. œ . œœœ.œ œ œ œ œœ . œ.song,œœ.œœ.œ œ œpraising myœœ œ œ œ œœ.œ.sav - iorœ.œ.œ œ # œall the dayœœ œ œœœœ . œ.long;œ .. œ . œ&?# #This is myœ œ œ # œ œœ œ #œ . œ.sto - ry,œœ.œœ.œ œ œthis is myœœ œ œ œ œœ . œ.song,œœ.œœ.œ œ œPraising myœ œ œ œœ .œ. œ .œ œsav - iorœ.œ.œœ.all the dayœ.œ œ œœ . œ.long.œ . œ.Words: Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915)Music: Phoebe P. Knapp (1839-1908)

4Come, <strong>Christ</strong>ians join to sing#&? #cc˙ œ œCome,Come,Praise˙˙Chris -liftyetœ œ œtians,yourourjoinhearts<strong>Christ</strong>œœtoona -œ˙singhigh;gain;˙œAl -Al -Al -œle -le -le -œlu -lu -lu -œia!ia!ia!œ œ œ œ œœœA -A -A -˙men!men!men!œ œ ˙˙˙&?##˙ œ œLoudLetLife˙˙praiseprais -shallœ œ œtoesnot<strong>Christ</strong>fillendœœourthetheœ˙King;sky;strain;˙œAl -Al -Al -œle -le -le -œlu -lu -lu -œia!ia!ia!œ œ œ œ œœœA -A -A -˙men!men!men!œ œ ˙˙˙&#˙œœœœ˙˙œœœœœ˙?#LetHeOnall, withis ourheav - en's˙ œ œheartguidebliss -andandfulvoice,friend;shoreœ œ ˙Be -ToHis˙˙foreusgood -œ œHisHe'llnessœ œthronecon -we'llœre -de -a -œ œjoice;scend;dore,˙&?##˙œœ œœPraiseHisSing -œœœœisloveingœœHisshallfor -œœœ œ ˙gra -nev -ev -œciouserer -choice;end;more,œ œ œœAl -Al -Al -œle -le -le -œlu -lu -lu -œia!ia!ia!œ œ œ œ œœœA -A -A -˙men!men!men!œ œ ˙˙˙Words: <strong>Christ</strong>ian Henry Bateman (1813-1889)Music: Spanish Folk melody. Harmonized by David Evans in the <strong>Rev</strong>ised <strong>Church</strong> Hymnary 1927.Used by permission of Oxford University Press. Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-717456.

#& # œœ? # # œœJEv' - ryœœJœœjœœjœtime I feel theœEv'ry time I feel the spirit 5œœ œJœJœ œ œj œ œœjœspir - it, mov - ingœœœœJœœJœ œ œjœœjœin my heart, I willœœœœœJœœœœJ&?# #pray.˙# #˙jœ œœ œ JœJEv' - ryœJœœjœ œ œjœtime I feel theœœœ œJœJœ œ œj œ œspir - it,œœœœjœmov - ingœ œJœJœ œœjœ œjœin my heart, I willœœœœœ œ JœœJ˙pray.˙Words: TraditionalMusic: African-American Spiritual

God be with you till we meet again7& # # 24 ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œGodGodGodGodbebebebewithwithwithwithyouyouyouyou& # # ˙ œ œ ˙ ˙guide,tectthickfloat--upingconing--holdhidefoundo'eryou,you,you,you,tilltilltilltillwewewewe˙.œ wmeetmeetmeetmeetaaaa----gain;gain;gain;gain;. ˙ œ ˙ ˙withdailputsmite-theystrongdeath'ssheepmanarmsthreat--senaun'ning--˙by'neathwhenkeep# ˙ ˙.wisebrightlife'slove'scounwingspeban---˙ œ œ ˙ ˙curestillfailwave--lyproingbe--foldvideroundforeyou:you:you:you:œselsprorilsner-& # #˙ ˙ œ œ œ œGodGodGodGodbebebebewithwithwithwithyouyouyouyoutilltilltilltillwewewewe˙.œ wmeetmeetmeetmeetaaaa----gain.gain.gain.gain.Words: Jeremiah Eames Rankin (1828-1904), alt. John L. Hooker (b. 1944)Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958), alt.; © Oxford University PressReprinted under OneLicense.net #A-717456.

8#&? #ccjœ. œ œ œ œ œGod,AndHo -œœGod, who made the earth and heavenwhowhenlyœmademornFa -œthea -ther,œjœ. œ œ œ œ œearthgainthronedœ.œandshallinœheav -callheav -en,usen,jœ œ œœ˙ œ œ œ. œDark -ToAllnessrunho -˙ œ œœ.jœandlife'slyœJwlight:way,Son,ww&#œ. jœ œ œ œ œjœ. œ œ œ œ œ˙ œ œ œ. œjœw?#YouMayHo -œœœthewelydaystill,forwhat -Spir - it,œœworke'erfree -œ.œhave giv -be - fallly giv -œen,us,en,œjœ œœForYourBlestrestwillThree˙ œ œœ.theo -inœJnight.bey.One:ww&#œœœœœœœœnœœœœœ œ œ. œ . œjœ œ œ?#MayFromGrantyourtheusan -pow'rgrace,gelofweœ œ œ œ guardse -nowœœde -vilim -œfendhideploreœus,us,you,œSlum -InTillœœbertheweœœsweetnar -layœœyourrowourœmer -path -crownsœ.œ.cywaybe -œœJsendguideforeœus,us,youœ&#.œ.jœœœjœ. œ œœ œ œ˙ œ œ œ. œjœw?#Ho -Nev -Andœ.lyerinœJdreamsbewor -œandyourthierœhopessmilestrainsœ.œat - tendde - nieda - doreususyouj œ œ œœœAllAllWhilethroughthrougha -˙ œ œœ.thethegesœJnight.day.run.wwText: Reginald Heber (1783-1826) st. 1; William Mercer (1811-1873) st. 2-3Music: trad. Welsh

Here I am, Lord9& # c Œ œ œ œ.I,I,I,thethetheLordLordLord& # Œ œ œ œ.AllIIwhohavewilldwellweptset& # Œ œ œ œ.IIFin& # Œ œ œ œ.& #œWhoIIœHere I& # œ œI willj œofofofjœinforaj œœ œ ˙seasnowwindœ.darklovefeastandandandsky,rain,flame,jœ˙and sinof them.for them.œ œ ˙whowillmadebreakthetheirstarsheartsofofnight,stone,- est bread I will pro - videwillwillwill˙am,˙go,bearspeakgive˙Lord.˙Lord,jœmymymyœ Œ œ œIsitœ Œ œ œif youœ.lightwordlife˙jœ˙to them?to them.to them.˙I, Lord?˙lead˙me.Œ œ œ . œŒIIIhavehavewillheardbornetendœ œ œMy<strong>The</strong>yMyhandturnhandwillawillŒ œ œ . œœ Œ œ œIGiveTillŒI haveœ Œ œ œwillthemtheirmakeheartshearts-œ œ œWhom shallWhom shallWhom shallI will˙˙heard you. ˙holdIIIœj œmymythewsave.way.save.j œtheirforbewœ œ ˙peo - plepeo - ple'spoor andsend?send?send?œ œ œcall-ing in theœyourœ.cry.pain.lame.œ œ ˙!dark - ness bright.love - a - lone.sat - is - fied.wjœ œ œpeo - ple in mynight.œwheart.Œœ ŒWords & Music: Daniel L. Schutte© 1981, Daniel L. Schutte; and New Dawn Music, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213.All rights reserved. USED WITH PERMISSION, LICENSE# 90085552.

10How great thou art& b b c?b b cjœ œ œOWhenWhenœœJLordthrough<strong>Christ</strong>œœmytheshallœœœ.God,woodscomeœ .jœwhenandwithœœJœ œ œ œ œ œIforshoutœ-inestofœawe - someglades Iac - cla -œœœwonwanmaœ---œ.derdertionœ.jœ œ #œ Con - sid - erAnd hear theAnd take meœJœnœœ&?b bœ.b b œ.allbirdshome,jœthesingwhatjœJœ œ œ œ œworkssweetjoyœœthy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the- lyshallinfillthemytrees,heart!When<strong>The</strong>nIIlookshalldownbowfrominloft - yhum-bleœœœœœœ˙˙œœœ œ œœœœœœœœ.œ .jœœœJœ œ œ œ œ œœœroll - ingmoun-tainad - or -œœ&?b bb bœthungranaœ---œ.der,deur,tion,œ.jœ œ œ #ThyAndAndœJpow'rhearthereœnœthroughtheproœ-œ.- outbrookclaim,œ.jœtheandmyjœJœ œ œ œ œu - ni -feel theGod, howœœœœversegengreatœœ-distlethouœœ-˙played.breeze.art.˙jœœJ&?b b jœb b œœJœœ<strong>The</strong>n sings myœœœœœ.bJ œ œ # n œ. œsoul, my Sav - ior, God, toœœ.œJœœœœœ.œ.œœ˙<strong>The</strong>e;˙˙œœœœœœHow great ThouœœJœ

& b bart,˙?b b ˙˙œœœœœœhow great Thouœœœœœœ˙art!˙œœœœœ<strong>The</strong>n sings myœœœœœœœ.bJ œ œ # n œ. œsoul, my Sav - ior God, toœœ.œJœœœœœ.œ.œœ&?b b˙b b ˙˙œœ<strong>The</strong>e: How great Thouœœœœœœœœ˙art,˙œœœœœ˙˙how great Thoun œ œœ œ ˙˙Art!jœœœJWords: Stuart K. Hine (1899-1989)Music: Swedish Folk Melody; arr. Stuart K. HineWords and arr. Copyright © 1953. Renewed 1981 MANNA MUSIC, INC. 25510 Stanford, Suite 101,Valencia CA 91355. International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-717456.

I have decided to follow Jesus12& c œ œ œIThough<strong>The</strong>haveIworld& œ œ œdemaya--˙cidwonround˙--˙˙edder,me,œ œ œ œtostillthefol -ILordœ œ œ œlowwillbe-˙˙Jefolfore--˙˙sus,low,me,œœIThough<strong>The</strong>haveIworlddemaya--cidwonround--edder,me,tostillthefolILord-lowwillbe-Jefolfore--sus,low,me,& œ œ œIThough<strong>The</strong>haveIworlddemaya--˙cidwonround--˙edder,me,œ œ œ œtostillthefolILord-lowwillbe-˙Jefolfore--˙sus;low;me;œ& œ œ œNoNoI'mturnlookmov---ingin'in'wback,back,on,œ œ œ.nonoI'mturnlookmov---jœingin'in'wback.back.on.(Repeat Verse 1)Words: Ascribed to an Indian Prince; as sung in Garo, AssamMusic: Indian Folk Melody

13I need thee ev'ry hour#&? #4 3 4 3 œ œIIIIœœ.needneedneedneedœœ.jœtheetheetheetheeœevevevev----œ'ry'ry'ry'ryjœ œœ˙hour,hour,hour,hour,˙œMostStayInTeachœœ.˙grathoujoyme- - -jœ œ œciousnearorthy˙ œœ˙Lord;by;pain;will,˙˙&#œœ.jœœœ˙œœ.jœ œ # œ˙?#NoTempComeAndœ-tentaquickthyœ.---dertionslyrichvoiceloseandpromliketheira- isœ œ œJ--thinepowerbide,es˙CanWhenOrInœœpeacethoulifeme˙˙afartisfulœœœ--ford.nigh.vain.fill.˙&#œœ.jœœœœ˙œ.jœœœœœ?#Iœneed thee, O Iœ.jœœœneedœœthee,˙˙Ev - 'ry hour Iœ.œJœœœneedœœthee;œœ&#œœ.jœ œ œœœœœ.jœœ˙?#Oœbless me now, myœ.œJœœsav - ior, Iœœœœcome˙toœthee.˙˙Words: Annie S. Hawks (1835-1918)Music: Robert Lowry (1826-1899)

I want Jesus to walk with me14& b c œIInInœwantmymy˙Jetrisor---˙susals,rows,œœ œ œtoLord,Lord,walkwalkwalkwithwithwithwme;me;me;˙& b œœ˙˙œ œ œ œ œw˙Iininwantmymy& b œ # œallwhenwhen& b œ.Lord,Lord,Lord,athemyœJIIIJetrisor-œwantwantwant---˙longshadesheart˙JeJeJesus,als,rows,---˙myofwith˙sussussustoLord,Lord,œ œ.- - -pillifeinwalkwalkwalkœJœ œ œ œtototowalkwalkwalkwithwithwithœ˙me;me;me;- grim jour -are fall -is ach -withwithwithwme.me.me.˙ney,ing,ing,˙œText & Music: African American Spiritual

15& b 4 3 œ œ œInIftheehe& b œ œ œByHethee aresees andisis& b œ œ œ˙Our souls thouWhere - fore the& b œ œ œAndstandsfor -In him for -& b œ œ œDy - ing orLove him and˙glad -ours,œgiv - enbless - esœ.˙œnessœwak - est;sto - ryev -ev -˙liv -praisejœ œœer:er:ing,himœ œ œA- midWe fearœ œ œ<strong>The</strong>InIn thee is gladnessgiftsworstœbœallnoofdis -œOurbondsthouTell of hisœ œ œAl - le -Al - le -œ œ œlu -lu -To thee areAnd still shall˙œsad - ness,pow - ers,˙œheav - en,tress - es;˙œbreakglo-est.ry˙ia!ia!˙Œœcleav - ing;raise him˙Je -Not˙ThouHeœsus,ofœthecanœ œ œœ.sun -earthœ.truechangeWho trusts theeWith heart andœ œ œOur hearts areWe shout forœ œ œNaught usGlad hymns˙jœ œshineorjœ œsure -voic -˙pin -glad -canfor -re -themœlyes;œingness,œ.sev -ev -˙ofsin˙deem -withœmyorœeraœ œ œHas built se -All heav'n re -œbœœTo see thyTri-umpho'erjœ œer:er:œ œ œAl - le -Al - le -˙heart.death.˙art.breath.˙ŒŒœcure - lyjoic - es˙lu -lu -shin -sad -˙.ia!ia!œing,ness,Words: Johann Lindemann (1549-1631), tr. Catherine Winkworth (1829-1878), altMusic: Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi (1556-1622)

It is well with my soul16& b b b b b?b b b b bccœWhenMyAndœ˙ œ œ˙ œ œ˙haste the day whenœ œ œ ˙ œœœlike a riv er, atoh, the bliss ofpeace,sin,Lord,- - tend -thistheglofaith.œ˙œ œ œ ˙shall be˙ œ œœ œ˙..˙eth my- ri - ousway,thought,sight,œWhenmy<strong>The</strong>œ&?&?b b b b bb b b b bb b b b bb b b b b˙sorsin,clouds˙˙˙taughtbearLord˙˙œœ- rows like sea bil - lows roll; What - ev -notbeinrolledpart,backbutastheawhole,scroll,Is<strong>The</strong>nailedtrumpn œ ˙œ˙œœ˙ œ œœmeitshallœœœnœtonodeœœ˙nœ œsay,more,ItPraise- scend, "E -œistheven˙ œ œ œ. ˙˙.˙.œ œœ˙˙˙˙ œœœ œwell,Lord,so,"itpraiseitistheis˙ œ œœertoshallœœ˙wellLord,wellœmythereœ-˙ œ œœlot,crosssoundœ.˙withOwith˙ œ. œ .jœmymymyœœthouandandjœU˙hasIthenœsoul.soul!soul.˙u&?b b b b bb b b b bœItÓœiswwellÓœ(Itœœisœ˙ œ œwell)˙withÓmywsoul,Óœ œ œ(withœœmyœœ&?b b b b bb b b b b˙soul)˙˙œItœœisœœ˙œœwell, it is˙œœ˙œ.jœwell with my˙ œ.œ.jœœ˙.soul.˙..˙Words: Horatio Spafford (1828-1888)Music: Philip P. Bliss (1838-1876)

17& b b b b 12 8?b b b b 128&?&?&?&?b b b bœ.b b b b œ.œ.LeanLeanLeanb b b b œ. b b b b œœ.whatgrowswithœ . œ.WhatOWhatœ .---. œingingingœ.œ.œ.afrommyœœ.ahowhaveœonononœœ .œpeacedayLordœœjœ œthethetheb b b b ˙ . ˙.Lean ing,b b ˙ .b b œ œ œ ˙.J.œ . œ.evevevbœjœ œœ.fel - low-ship,sweetItotowalkdread,---œjœerererœ œ œJ Jjœ œ.is mine,to day,so near,œœJœ .---œ œ.Jœ . œ . ˙.lastlastlast---ingingingarms;arms;arms;œ . n . ˙.œ˙.œ.LeanLeanLeanœ.œ.---˙ . ˙.. œingingingœ.œ.Lean-ing on Je - sus, lean - ing on Je - sus,b b b b ˙ . ˙.Lean ing,b b ˙ .b b œ œ œ ˙.J.œ . œ.Leaning on the everlasting armsœonononœ.œ.whatinwhatœœ.jœ œthethetheœ.athishaveœœ.œ . œ.WhatOIevevevœ œ Jœ.---jœœerererœbœJahowhave---œ.œjoypilIœœ-bœjœ œ.di - vine,grim way,to fear,œœJœ.jœ œœ.bless - ed-ness,bright the pathbless - ed peaceœœ œ.Jœ . œ . ˙.lastlastlastœ.œ.---ingingingœ.arms.arms.arms.- lean - ing, safe and se-cure from all a - larms;˙ . ˙œ œ œJ. œ .œ.˙ . ˙.Lean-ing on Je - sus, lean - ing on Je - sus,œ.œ. .œœjœ œ.jœœ.œ.œ.œ.˙.˙.œ . œ . ˙.œ . n . ˙.œ˙.- lean - ing, Lean-ing on the ev - er - last - ing arms.˙ . ˙œ œ œJ. œ . œ.œ.. œœjœ œjœ. . œ.œ œ œ jœœjœbœœ . œ . ˙.œ.œ.œ.˙.˙.Words: Elisha A. Hoffman (1839-1929)Music: Anthony J. Showalter (1858-1924); arr. Carl Haywood (b. 1949) from Songs of Praise, Copyright ©1992.

Let all things now living18& # 4 3œLetByœ œ œ œalllawthingsGodnowen -œ œ œliv - ingforc - es.A<strong>The</strong>œ œ œ œ œsongstarsofinthanks -theirœgiv -cours -œinges,& # œTo<strong>The</strong>& #œWho<strong>The</strong>œ œ œ œ œGodsunourinœ œ œ œfash -hillsionedandandtheCre -itsœ œ œa -or -torbitœ œ œmade us,moun - tains,Pro -<strong>The</strong>tri -o -œtect -riv -œ œ œum -be -phant -dient -œ œ œ œedersandandlylyœ˙raise;shine;stayedfoun -œus,tains,& # œBy<strong>The</strong>œ œ œ œ œguid -depthsingofustheœ œ œono -toceanthepro -œ œ œendclaimofGodourdi -˙days.vine.& # œ œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œœ œ œ œ œœœ& #God'sWe,œban -too,nersshouldarebeœ œ œ œ œo'ervoic -us,ingœ œ œPureOurlightloveœgoesandœbe -re -# œforejoic -˙us,ingAWithpil - larglad ad -ofo -firera -shin -tion,ingaforthsonginlettheusnight:raise:& # œTillTillœ œ œ œshad -allowsthingshavenowœ œ œvan - ished,liv - ingAllU -œ œ œ œ œfear -niteful - nessin thanks -œban -giv -œished,ing,& # œAsToœ œ œ œ œfor -Godwardinwetheœ œ œtrav -high -elest,fromho -œ œ œlightsan -in -natoand˙Light.praise.Text: Katherine K. Davis (1892-1980) alt. © 1939, 1966, E. C. Schirmer Music Company, Boston.Music: Welsh folk melody, harm. Gerald H. Knight (1908-1979).Used by permission of Royal School of <strong>Church</strong> Music. Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-717456.

19Lord, I want to be a <strong>Christ</strong>ian& b b b?b b bccœLord,Lord,Lord,Lord,œœIIIIœœ.wantwantwantwantœ.jœtotototoœbebebebeœ œJœamoremorelikeœœ œ œ œChrislovhoJe----tianinglysusInInInInmymymymyœ œ œ œ˙heart,heart,heart,heart,˙œInInInInœœœmymymymyœœœheart;heart;heart;heart;œ˙œœ&?b b bb b bœLord,Lord,Lord,Lord,œœIIIIœœ.wantwantwantwantœ.jœtotototoœJœbebebebeœœœamoremorelikeœœ œ œ œChrislovhoJeœ----tianinglysusœInInInInœœmymymymyœœwheart.heart.heart.heart.w˙˙&b b bœœwœœ˙œ œwœœ˙?b b bInÓmyheart,Óœ(Inœmyheart)˙InÓmyheart,Ó(Inœœmyœœheart)˙˙&?b b bb b bœLord,Lord,Lord,Lord,œœIIIIœœ.wantwantwantwantœ.jœtotototoœJœbebebebeœœœamoremorelikeœœ œ œ bœChrislovhoJeœ----tianinglysusœInInInInœœmymymymyœwheart.heart.heart.heart.w˙˙Words: TraditionalMusic: African-American Spiritual

Lord, you give the great commission20& b b b?b b b& b b b?b b bccœ.œ.Lord,Lord,Lord,œ.jœœ œœJyouyouyougivecallblesstheuswithjœœ œJ œjœœ œ œJLest the <strong>Church</strong> ne -ThatFaiththeandworldhopemayandœ.jœœ œJ œœ œ œ œ œgreat com - mis - sion:towordsyouras -serv -sur -ice:ing:œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œglect its mis - siontrust your prom - ise,love re - stor - ing,œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ"Heal the sick and"In my name bap -"I am with youœ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œand the Gos - pellife a - bun - dantmay we serve asœ œ œ œœ œ œ ˙preach the word."tize and teach."to the end."œœœnœ˙œ œ œ ˙gomeantyouœœun - heard,for each,in - tend,œnœ˙&?&b b bb b bb b bœ œ œ œ œhelp us wit - nessgiveand,usa -allmidnewtheœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œœ.œ.jœœ œœJœ œ œ œ œto your pur - posefer -caresvor,thatdrawclaimusus,œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œœ.œ.jœ œ œ œJœ œ œ œ œ.jœJwith re - newed in -clos - er in com -hold in mind e -œ œ œ œ œ.œ œ œ œ œ œ œjœJnœ.jœ J˙teg - ri- ty;mu - nity;ter - ni-ty;œ.jœ ˙J ˙œœ œ ˙?b b bwith the Spi - rit'sœ.jœ œJœgifts em- power usœ.jœ J œ œfor the work ofœ œ œœ œ œœ œ œ œmin - is - try.œ œ œ œ ˙Words: Jeffery Rowthorn (b. 1934)Music: Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-717456.

21 Mine eyes have seen the gloryMine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;He has loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword,His truth is marching on.RefrainGlory, glory, Hallelujah!Glory, glory, Hallelujah!Glory, glory, Hallelujah!His truth is marching on.I have seen Him in the watchfires of a hundred circling camps,<strong>The</strong>y have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps,His day is marching on.RefrainHe has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never sound retreat,He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat;O be swift, my soul, to answer Him! Be jubilant, my feet!Our God is marching on.RefrainIn the beauty of the lilies, <strong>Christ</strong> was born across the sea,With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me;As He died to make men holy, let us live to make all free,While God is marching on.RefrainWords: Jula W. Howe (1819-1910)Music: William Steffe (1830-1890)

My soul proclaims your greatness22#&? #ccœ œMyToToœ œ œœ œ œ œsoulallIs -pro -whora -claimsliveel,yourinyourœ œ œ œ œœ œ œœ œ œgreat - ness,ho - lyser - vantœLord,fearblest,Iyouryourœœ œ œ œœœœ œ œ œ œsingmer -helpœœmycyisœœSav -ev -ev -œœior'sererœ˙.praise!flows.sure;˙.œ&?##œ œYouWiththeœœœœ œ œ œlooked up -might - yprom-iseœonarmtomyyouourœ œ œ œ œ œœlow -dashpar -œœ œ # œli -theentsness,proud,madeandtheirtheirœnœœ œ œœ œ œœœI amschem-inchild- renœœœœ œfullheartswillofex -se -œ œ œ œœ.˙.grace.pose.cure.˙.&?##œNow<strong>The</strong>Singœœœ œ œ œ œ œev -ruth -glo -œœ'rylessryœlandyoutoandhavetheœ œœ œ œœ œ œœ œ œ œev -castHo -'rya -lyœœ œageside,One,œthisthegiveœœœœœ œ œ œ œ œbless -low -hon -œœinglyorœœœœshallthronedtoœœpro -in -theœ˙.claim:stead;Word,˙.œ&?##œ œgreattheandœœ œwon -hun -priaseœœœœ œ œ œdersgrytheyoufilledPow'rhavewithofœ œœœœ œœ œœ# œœdonealltheœnœœœœ œ œ œfor me, and ho - ly isgoodMostthings,High,theonerichGod,sentbyoffallœœœyourun -a -œ œ œœ.˙.name.fed.dored.˙.Words: Luke 1: 46-55; tr. With One Voice, 1995.Music: English melody, arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958.Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-717456.

23Oh, sing to the Lord& # 4 3œOh,ForSoOh,Forœ œ œsingGoddanceshoutJe -toisfortosusthetheourouris˙Lord,Lord,GodGod,Lord!œoh,andandwhoA -œ œ œsingGodblowgavemen!GodhasallusAl -adonethethele -œnewwon -trum -Spir -lu -œsong.ders.pets.it.ia!& # œOh,ForSoOh,Forœ œ # œsingGoddanceshoutJe -toisfortosusthetheourouris˙Lord,Lord,GodGod,Lord!œoh,andandwhoA -œ œ œsingGodblowgavemen!GodhasallusAl -adonethethele -œnewwon -trum -Spir -lu -œsong.ders.pets.it.ia!& # œOh,ForSoOh,Forœ œ œsingGoddanceshoutJe -toisfortosusthetheourouris˙Lord,Lord,GodGod,Lord!œoh,andandwhoA -œ œ œsingGodblowgavemen!GodhasallusAl -adonethethele -œnewwon -trum -Spir -lu -œsong.ders.pets,it.ia!& # œOh,Oh,andOh,Oh,œ œ œsingsingsingsingsingtototototoourourourourour˙God,God,God,God,God,œohoh,andoh,oh,œ œ # œsingsingsingsingsingtototototoourourourourour˙God.God.God.God.God.Words: Brazilian folk song; tr. Gerhard Cartford (b. 1923)Music: Brazilian folk tune.Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-717456.

26Precious Lord, take my hand& b b b b c?b b b b cœPre -WhenWhenœœciousmytheœ˙Lord,waydark˙˙œ œœ œtake mygrows- ness ap -œœ˙hand,drear,pears˙bœœlead me on, let mepre - cious Lord, lin - gerand the night drawsœœœœ˙ œ œ˙˙œœœœœœœstand,near,near,œ˙œ œ&?b b b bœ œIwhenandb b b b œœœammythe˙ œ œtired,lifeday˙˙Iisisœamœ˙œnœœœ œ ˙weak, I amw worn;alpast- mostandgone;gone;˙˙˙˙&?b b b bœ œ throughhearatb b b b œ œthemythe˙storm,cry,riv-œthroughhearerœthemyI˙ œ œ˙night,call,stand,˙bœleadholdguideœœmemymyœ˙ œ œonhand,feet,˙˙tolestholdœœtheImyœœœœœlight,fall,hand,œ˙œ œ&?b b b bœ œtaketaketakeb b b b œœœmymymy˙hand,hand,hand,˙˙œpreprepreœ---œciousciousciousœœ˙ œ œ œ.Lord,Lord,Lord,˙˙leadleadleadœ.œ.jœmememeœJwon.on.on.ww˙˙˙Words: Thomas A. Dorsey (1899-1993)Music: Thomas A. Dorsey; arr. Horace Clarence Boyer (b. 1935)© 1938 by Unichappell Muisc, Inc. Copyright renewed. Internaional Copyright Secured.All Rights Reserved. Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-717456.

Shall we gather at the river27& b b b?b b bccœ œ œ.ShallOnEreSoonœwethewewe'llœgathmar -reachreachœ.œ œ . œ œ- erginthetheœat theof theshin-ingshin-ingœ.œ˙rivrivrivriv˙˙----˙er,er,er,er,˙œ œ œ.œ œ.WhereWashLaySoonœœbright- ingweourœœan - gel feetup its silev - 'ry burpil-grim-ageœœ.œœœœ.--œhaveverdenwillœœ˙wtrod;spray,down;cease,ww˙&?b b bb b bœ œ œ.WithWeGraceSoonœitswillourourœcryswalkspirhapœ.œ œ œ.- taland- its- pyœtideworwillheartsœ.-œforshipdewillœ--˙ œ œ œevevlivquiv˙˙----erer,er,erœFlow-ingAll theAnd proWith theœœ-œ œ œ œ œ œbyhapvidemelœœ-thepya- o -œœthronegold -robedyœœofenandofœœœwGod?day.crown.peace.w&b b bœœœ.œœ.œ˙ . œjœœ.n œ œ.œ œ.œ œ œ˙˙?b b bœœ œ.Yes, we'll gath - er at the riv - er, <strong>The</strong> beau - ti-ful, the beau - ti-fulriv -n œœœ.œ˙˙œ.œJœœ.œœœœ.œœœœ.œœ œ œ˙er;˙˙&?b b bb b bœ.œ œ.œ. œ œ œ. Gath - erwith the saints at the riv -œ .œœ .œ œ.n œ œ.œœ˙ œ œ˙˙er Thatœœœ œ.œ œ œ œflows by the throne ofœœœœ.œœœœœ œœwGod.wWords & Music: Robert Lowry (1826-1899)

28Shine, Jesus, shine& bb b b c . œ& b b b b . œLord,Lord,Asdark -toplayjœ œ œ œtheIwelightcomegazej œ œ œ œnessyouryourshin -ralike--ing;diance;ness,oftoonyouryouryour. œloveawe -king -j œ œ œ œissomelyshin -presbright--œ œ œ œ œJe -ByEv -sus,theer& bb b b œ œ œ œ œSetsearchMir -usme,rored& b b b b ˙ œ œShineon& bb b b ˙ œ.wme,jœland with the& bb b b ˙ ˙heartson˙.fire.& bb b b ˙ œfreetryhere,byme,mayLightbloodchang -thecon -our˙ œ œShineonœ œ œ œFa - ther'sŒœJ˙glo - ry.œœJj œFlow, riv - er, flow,j œSend forth your Word,ofIingthemayfroming,ence,nessœ.InFromSojœ œ œ œthe midstthe shad -our fac -ofowsesœ œ œ œ œ œworld,en -glo -shineterryup -yourtoonbright -glo -œ œ œ œ œ œtruthsumeliveswme.˙˙ œ œLord,youalltell˙nowmyyourœbringdark -sto -œJj œShine, Je - sus, shine,œœJj œBlaze, Spir - it, blaze;˙ œ œandflood the˙œ.jœna - tions with˙ œ.jœlet there byus;ness;ry;us,ness;ry;thein -dis -˙ œ œfill this˙ œ œsetourœ œ œ œgrace and mer - cy.wlight.Words & Music by Graham Kendrick. ©Copyright 1987 Make Way Music. CCLI License # 3137541

& b b b b 8 6 .œSoftWhy?b b b b 8 6 Oh!œ.œ.œœ- ly and ten-shouldforwethetarwonœœœœSoftly and tenderlyœ œœœœ œ œ œ ‰ œœ œ œ nœ.der - ly Je - sus is call - ing, Call - ing for you- ry when Je - sus is plead - ing, Plead - ing for you-der- ful love He has prom - ised, Prom - ised for youœ œ œ œ œœœ œœ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ.œandandandœforforforœ œ. œ . œ29œ ‰me;me?me;œ.œ ‰&?b b b b.œb b b b œ.œ.See,WhyThoughœonshouldweœœœthewehaveœœœœ œœ œœ œ œ ‰ œ œ- tals He's wait-ingand watch -ing,Watch-- ger and heed not His mer - cies, Mer -He has mer - cy and par - don, Par -œ œ œ œ œœœ œœ œ ‰ œ œporlinsinned,ingciesdonœforforforœœ.youyouyouœ.œ œœ œandandandforforforœ œœ.me.me?me.œ.œ.œœœ&?b b b bb b b bj œCome‰. œœJœjœhome, come(come home)ŒœJœ J œ œœhome,(comejœ œ.Jœ jœ œ.Jhome)œ œ œ n œ œ.b n œYe who are wea - ry, comeœ œ œ œ . œœœhome!œnœb œ ‰Jœ œ J ‰&?b b b b.œb b b b œ.œ.œœœ œœEar-nest-ly,ten -der - ly, Je - sus is call-ing,Call - ing, O sin - ner, comeœœ œ œœ œ œ œœ œœ œ œ œ œœ œœœœ‰œœ ‰œ œ.œœ.œœœ .œœœ.œœœ.home!œ.œ.œ‰œœ ‰Words & Music: Will L. Thompson (1847-1909)

30Soon and very soon& b?bccœ œ œ œ œ œSoonNoNoSoonœandmoremoreandœver -cry -dy -ver -yin'in'rysoontheretheresoonœ œ œ˙˙œweweweweœœareareareareœœ.goin'goin'goin'goin'œ .jœ œ œ œtotototoœJseeseeseeseethethethetheKing,King,King,King,œ œ œ˙˙ÓÓ&?bbœ œ œ œ œSoonNoNoSoonœandmoremoreandœver -cry -dy -ver -œyin'in'yœsoontheretheresoonœ˙˙œweweweweœœœareareareareœœœ.goin'goin'goin'goin'œ .jœ œ œ œtotototoœJseeseeseeseethethethetheKing,King,King,King,œ œ œ˙˙ÓÓ&?bbœ œ œ œ œ œSoonNoNoSoonœandmoremoreandœver -cry -dy -ver -yin'in'ysoontheretheresoonœ œ œ˙˙œweweweweœœareareareareœœ.goin'goin'goin'goin'œ .jœ œ œ œtotototoœJseeseeseeseethethethetheKing,King,King,King,œ œ œ˙˙ŒŒ&?bbœœHal - le -œœœ.jœ œ œ œlu - jah, Hal-le -bœ.œœJœœœœœœœ.jœ œœ œœ œlu - jah, we'rebœ.œ.œœJœœœœœ.jœ œ œ œ œgoin' to see the King!œ.œ.œœJœœœœ˙˙ÓÓWords & Music: Andreae Crouch (b. 1942)Copyright © 1976 Bud John Songs, Inc./Crouch Music/ASCAPReprinted under OneLicense.net #A-717456.

. & b bœ œ œ.œ œ.œ œ.Stand-ingon the prom-is-es?b b œœ œœ œœ.œ œ.œ .œ œ œ .Stand-ingon the prom-is-esStand-ingon the prom-is-esStand-ingon the prom-is-esStanding on the promisesœofthatofIœœœ˙<strong>Christ</strong> my King, throughcan - not fail, when<strong>Christ</strong> the Lord, boundcan - not fall, lis -œœœœ˙˙œ.œ œ.œ.e -thetoteningœœœ.œ œ.ter - nal a - ges lethowl - ing storms of doubthim e - ter - nal - lyev - ery mo - ment toœ.œœ.œ.œœœ.31œhisandbytheœ&?b bœ œ ˙prais - esfear as -love's strongSpir - it'sb b œ œ ˙œ œ ˙ring;sail,cord,call,œ.œ œ.œ œ.œ œ.globyorestœœ.---ry inthe livver - coming inœœœœ.--theingingmyœœhighWorddaiSavœœ.---est,oflyiorœIGodwithasœ .œwillIthemyœœshoutshallSpirallœœ-œandpreit'sinœ-˙sing,vail,sword,all,˙&?b b.œb b œœ.œœ.œœ.œ . œ œstand-ing on the prom-is-esstand-ingon the prom-is-esstand-ingon the prom-is-esstand-ingon the prom-is-esœœœ .œofofofofœ.œ œ.œ˙.God.God.God.God.˙..˙ŒŒ˙œ.œ œ.œ ˙œ.œ œStand - - - ing, stand - - ing,(Stand-ing on the prom-is-es,stand-ing on the prom-is-es)œœ.œœœœ.œœœœ.œœ œ œ˙œ ˙. œ œ.œ œ.œ œœ.œœ.œœ.œ œ&?&?œ. b bb bb bb bœœ.œœ.œ.œ.œstand - ing on the prom - is - es of God my Sav - ior, stand - - - ing,(Stand - ing on the prom - is-es,œ.œ œ.œ .Uœ.˙œ . œ œ.œ œ.œ œ œœ.œ œu Jœ œœœ œ œœ˙œ.œ œ.œ ˙œ.œ œ œœœ œœ.œœœœ.œœœœ.stand - - - ing, I'm stand - ing on the prom - is - es ofstand - ing on the prom - is - es)œ.œœ.œœ.œœ Juœœ.œœ.œœ.œ.œ œ.œ .œœ.œ œ œ.œœwGod.wœ œœœ œ œWords & Music: R. Kelso Carter (1849-1928)

&?8686jœSweetSweetSweetJœJœœjœœjœhourhourhourofofofprayer,prayer,prayer,sweetsweetsweetœœJœœœœJœœœjœœjœhourhourhourofofofprayer,prayer,prayer,ThatThyMayœœJœœœœJœœœjœ œ œjœcallswingsImeshallthyfrommyconapesoJ œœœjœœœœjœœœjœœworldtilaoftiontioncare,bearshare,œœjœœœœ-----&?jœAndToTillJ œ J œœjœœjœbidsHimfrommewhoseMountattruthPismyandgah'sœœJœœœœJœœœjœœjœFafaithloftther'sfulythronenessheightMakeEnIœœJœœœœJœœœjœ œ œjœallgageviewmythemywantswaithomeandingandJœœœjœœœœjœœœjœœwishtakesoulestomyknown.bless;flight:œœœjœœœ----- - --&?jœInAndThisJœœœœjœœjœseasincerobesonsHeofofbidsfleshdismeI'llœœJœœJœœœjœœjœstressseekdrop,andHisandgriefface,riseMybeToœœJœœœœJœœœœjœœjœsoullieveseizehasHistheofwordevtenanderœœJœœJœœœjœœfoundtrustlastreHisinglief.grace.prize.œœJœœœœ- ---- - --&?jœAndI'llAndJœJœœjœœjœoftcastshout,esonwhilecapedHimpassthemyingœœJœœœœJœœœjœœjœtemptevthrougher's'rythesnarecare,air,ByAnd"FareœœJœœœœJœœœjœ œ œjœthywaitwell,reforfareturn,theewell,sweetsweetsweetJœœœjœœœœjœœœjœœhourhourhourofofofprayer.prayer.prayer!"œœœjœœœ-------Sweet hour of prayerWords: William Walford (1772-1850)Music: William B. Bradbury (1816-1868)32

Taste and see33& b?b22˙.Taste˙..˙œandœwsee.w˙.Taste. ˙œandœ. ˙see. ˙œtheœ˙.good. ˙. ˙-œnessœ˙.of˙.œtheœwLord.ww˙˙˙O˙&?bb˙.Taste. ˙. ˙œandœwsee.w˙.Taste. ˙œandœ. ˙see. ˙œtheœ˙.good. ˙. ˙-œnessœ˙.of˙.œtheœwwLord,ww˙˙œ œof theœ œ œwLord.wWords: Psalm 34Music: James E. Moore, Jr. ©Copyright 1992 G.I.A. Publications, Inc.All rights reserved. Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-717456.

34<strong>The</strong>re's a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place& # cœ<strong>The</strong>re's<strong>The</strong>reIf& # œ œandtillnowIyouyou'reœaareyouœ.knowknowweak,˙sweet,blesssay-˙sweetingsheœJœ œthathimyou'reit'sinbound,thehisandœ œ œ œSpiryousaved-itcanyouin this- not re -from yourœ.œ œ œ.Spirfullcan- it of--ness,notanden -œ œthebeterwplace,ceivesin,-wLord.lieve.in,˙˙& # œ œ<strong>The</strong>reYou'reyouarethecan˙sweetonemake˙extoit- pres -pro -rightœ œ œ œsionsfitifonwhenyoueachyouwillwface,say,yield;˙& # œ œand"Iyou'llIamenœ.œ œJ œknow they feel-goingjoytothewalkHo -thewithlyœ.œ œ œ.presJeSpir---encesusitofallthatœ œthethewewLord.way."feel.. ˙Œ& # ˙ œ œœ ˙.˙ . œœ œ. ˙ŒSweet Ho - ly Spir - it,Sweet Heav - en-lyDove,& # ˙ œ œStay right hereœJ œ.with us,˙œ.œ œ œ.œ œfill - ing us with your˙.love.Œ& # ˙ œ œAnd for theseœ œ . œ.Jbless-ingsj œweœ œ œ œlift our hearts in˙ ‰. r œ œ.praise; without aœ& # œ œ œ œ.œ œ.œœ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œwdoubt we'll know that we havebeen re - vived whenweshall leave thisplace.Words & Music: Doris Akers (1922-1995)© 1962, renewed 1990 MANNA MUSIC, INC.Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-717456.

We all are one in mission35& bb b c& bb b& b b b œœourOurtheNowAtoYetWe& b b b œtosofreeourœWeWeWeNowœ œ œ œ œallallallletarearebeusonecalled- holdbeœ œ œ œ œvarminstewlet---iedisardusgifts- triesofbeuaresalaœ œ œ œsintouchresall--gle,theurare-greatlivesrectone-œ œ œ œ œplanpeo -re -var -andpleconiedworkof- cilgifts-toalliu--comofedininforoneu--˙gethnaanit-˙misservinit----œsion,vicesion,ed˙ œ œnitdifvavesœ----- misothJusmis--------œertionstionededf'rent,tionselbyourwasforœwetoaandnœœ œœthatmayandbysionersticesion,combygivesweœ œ œ œallwitstarklet-arenessreour-oneinalsong-inGod'sibe-œ œ œ œ œ œ<strong>Christ</strong>,purnailedGod's--theposeupreLordisondeem-- -oftheaingœ œ œ œpelsGod'sriseallussurthatare-fromprisweone-œ œ œ œ œ œallfeelhope<strong>Christ</strong>,mayGod'sa -theknowwarmmidLordaingmayin<strong>Christ</strong>'semdeof---˙.call,name.ty;heard.˙.all.same:tree.Word.˙.bovegrace,sharecall,˙.love.brace.spair.all.Words: Rusty Edwards (b. 1955) © 1986 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, IL 60188.All rights reserved. Used by permission.Music: Finnish folk melody; adapt. and harm. David Evans (1874-1948).Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-717456.

36We are marching in the light of God#&cœ œ˙œ œ œ œ3œ œœ‰ œjœœ œ œ œ œ œ œ3.˙.?#cWe areœœmarch˙-ing in theœ œ œ œ œ œ œlight of God, we areœ œ œ ‰3œœœœJmarching in the light ofœœœœœœœœœœœ3God.œœ˙.˙.&#œ œ˙œ œ œ œ3œ œœ‰ œjœœ œ œ œ œ3jœ ‰ j‰ œ J˙œ. œ nœœ?#We areœœmarch˙- ing in the light of God, we are march-ing in the light ofœ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ ‰3œœœœJœœœœ œ œ œ œœœ3jœœ ‰God.(thejœœJ3light of3œ œ œ˙.God)œ&#œ œœ œœ œ œŒ˙œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œŒ œ œ œ œ?#Weœœareœœmarch - ing,Oo - oo, we are(march-ing, we are march-ing,march-ing)œœœœŒœœœœœœœ œ Œœœœœœœ&?##œ œ œ œ œ3jœ‰ jœJmarch - ing in the light of God.(theœœœœœœœœœ3jœœ‰jœœJ˙œ. œ nœ3light of God)œ3œ œ œ˙.œ

#&œ œœ œœ œ œŒ˙œ œ œ œœ œœ œ œŒ œ œ?#Weœœareœœmarch - ing,Oo - oo,(march-ing, we are march - ing, march - ing)œœœœŒœœœœœœœ œ Œœœ&#œœœ œ œ œ œ œ œ3.˙.? #weœœareœœmarch - ing in the light of God.Words: South AfricanMusic: South African © 1984 Utryck, admin. Walton Music Corporation.Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-717456.œœœœœœœœœœœ3œœ˙.˙.Singing...Living...Marching

37We believe in God Almighty& bb b c œ œ œ œ œWeWeWebebebe---lievelievelieveinthatin& b b b œ œ œ œ œMata--kerkenOne, churchoffromcath& b b b œ œ œ œWeWeInœGodJe -God'sthethe- o -œ œ œ œ œAlsusownœearthcross,licbe - lievebe - lieveinthatGod'sonson,thethe bod - y's res - sur -- might -suf -spir -y,fered,it,œ œ œ œ œandwasandheavburhoœ œ œ œJethirdrec---ens,ied,ly,œ œ œ œ œru -scourgedbond -lerandingofscornedallœ œ œ œ œkeep - ertrue lifewhere for- sus,daynow<strong>Christ</strong>forwasusraised- tion from the break -ofthere- give -œ œ œ œbothupingallandthethehadnessœ œ ˙things that be.crusaints- ci - fied;with - in.œ œ ˙skytrufreesand- lyfromœ œ ˙Lordfromofandthedeath'ssea.died.sin;<strong>Christ</strong>,grave,chain& b b b œ œ œ œ œofthengivestheasthe-Spicentlife- rittothat'sœand ofGod's ownev - er -œ œ œ œ œMarrightlast---y,hand,ing,œ œ œ œ œbornHethistowillthebringcomefaithatothatœ œ ˙- bun - dantjudge andwe havelife.save.claimed!Words: Adapted from Sylvia Dunstan's Creed.Music: Karen Noble HansonCopyright © 1999. Used with permission.

39& # 8 6& #& ##&? ##&? #j œCome,Let<strong>The</strong><strong>The</strong>nj œJoinBut- Be-We'rej œAndMayOrToœJWe'reœœJœ. œ . œwethosehillletœJthatreofourœ-œJœ œ œ œlovefuseZi -songsthe Lord,to singon yieldsa - bound,in a song with sweet ac - cord,chil - dren of the heav'n-lyKing,fore we reach the heav'n-lyfields,march-ingthrough Im - man-uel'sground,jœWe'reœJœœ . œ.thusspeakwalksurtheirthefair - er. œ-œœjœœjœAndWhoAAndœ J œ œ j œroundjoysgold -worldsjœthe throne,a - broad,en streets,on high,jœœletnevthouevœj œœ œ œ-ourerjoysknew- sand sa -- ry tearjœœjœbeourcredbeœ.known;God;sweetsdry;Join in a song with sweet ac - cord,But chil - dren of the heav'n - ly King,Be - fore we reach the heav'n - ly fields,We're march-ingthro' Im - man - uel's ground,AndMayOrToœthusspeakwalkfairœjœ œ j œsur - roundtheirthejoysgold -- er worldsthea -enonmarch - ing to Zi - on, Beau - ti-ful, beau - ti-fulZi -œ.œjœ œ œœœJ. œœ‰œ . œ ‰. œœ œ œ. œ . œœ . œ œ œ.march - ing up-ward to Zi - on, <strong>The</strong> beau - ti-ful cit-y ofœœJœ œ œWords: Isaac Watts (1674-1748)Music: Robert S. Lowry (1826-1899)We're marching to Zionœ.œ.œ.œœœœœjœœœjœ.œ œ œ œ.œœ.œœ œ œœœ.œ œœ œ œœœœ.œ.œœ.God.œ.œ.j œ. œthrone.broad.streets.high.œœœœon;œœœœ

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