Microsilica containing refractory castables - Elkem

Microsilica containing refractory castables - Elkem

Microsilica containing refractory castables - Elkem


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36:00 12:0030:00 6:0020042005971-200728:48:0024:00:00FS20CalgonDarvan 811DTTS [h:min]24:00 0:0018:0012:00TTS (h:min)19:12:0014:24:009:36:006:004:48:000:0024/1 3/2 13/2 23/2 4/3 14/3 24/3Sampling dateFigure 11. Initial set as a function of productiondate for microsilica from one silicon furnace duringwinter/spring 2004 and 2005. Values obtained withmicrosilica grade 971 is added for reference.The set time as defined by the time to the firstexotherm of the castable, TTS, shows a verypronounced dependency on the addition level, withCalgon being the prominent example. In Figure 12and 13 the set time is shown for the bauxite and thewhite fused alumina system, respectively. In bothcases the set time of the Calgon dispersed <strong>castables</strong>has a very long set time at addition levels around0.35mg/m 2 . This coincides in the white fusedalumina example unfortunately also with themaximum flow. In the bauxite example, as themaximum flow was obtained at higher Calgonadditions this is no longer a problem. FS20 shows aflatter response to the addition level, although byvery high addition level there is a tendency towardsprolonged set.TTS (h:min)24:0020:2416:4813:129:366:002:240.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00Dosage (mg/m 2 )FS20CalgonFigure 12 The effect of dispersant addition on settime of bauxite based LCC (1 & 2 Table 1)0:00:000.00 0.30 0.60 0.90 1.20 1.50Dosage (mg/m 2 )Figure 13: Effect of additive on set time of thewhite fused alumina based LCC.If the two different systems are compared, at thesame addition level, the two systems reactsimilarly, yielding similar set times and flowvalues. The bauxite however needs more water (5.5as compared to 4.15).Shelf lifeShelf life of castable 1 and 2( Table 2) with 0,05%FS20 and 0,20% Calgon respectively, wasmeasured on dry-mixed samples (25kg, 6minutes inHobart mixer) placed in closed, plastic lined paperbags. Two conditions were chosen, one was anunheated warehouse at the <strong>Elkem</strong> site inKristiansand Norway, the other was in atemperature and humidity controlled room,>50%RH at 20°C. The differences between the twoconditions were thus that the warehouse fluctuatedwith the weather and seasons while the climateroom had close to constant conditions withrelatively high humidity. This controlled conditionhas earlier been found to accelerate ageingsignificantly and is used in accelerated ageing testsin <strong>Elkem</strong>. In Figure 14 the self-flow of the <strong>castables</strong>are shown as a function of storage time.Although not having a very strong effect on flow,some lowering in self-flow is seen particularly forthe Calgon samples after extended storage in theclimate room.In Figure 15, the set time as expressed by the timeto the first exotherm (TTS) is shown as a functionof storage time.As opposed to the flow, the storage has a strongeffect on set time. Already after 30 days of storage,the set time increases significantly for bothdispersants at both storage conditions. While the

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