Course e Summ mary & A Annual R Report F FEMP 2 011 - 20 012

Course e Summ mary & A Annual R Report F FEMP 2 011 - 20 012

Course e Summ mary & A Annual R Report F FEMP 2 011 - 20 012


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EMC 2<strong>011</strong>-<strong>20</strong>12<br />

Marta Dec – Wroclaw University of Technology<br />

In my eyes after those 8 months, EMC it's not just a mining<br />

educational course. It is unbelievable how much of the<br />

personal improvement I gained here. The last months were<br />

full of traveling, experiencing new cultures but also learning<br />

about different ways of mining application implied in different<br />

countries. EMC teaches you to think outside the box. Of<br />

course there is a part of great friendships which we made<br />

here. There is also a space for more. You make your EMC<br />

special, the program is flexible and adapts to your needs and<br />

abilities. If I would be able I would love to continue the EMC<br />

for at least couple more years!<br />

Eero Tommila – Aalto University<br />

For me EMC was much more than what I expected. I was<br />

expecting a year just full of studying, but the whole group has<br />

been so amazing it has been so much fun. Of course there<br />

has been some hard studying also. The most important for<br />

me on the EMC, I think, has been the group itself, I have<br />

learn a lot about other cultures and differences between<br />

people. Very useful has of course been the information I<br />

have obtained. Most of the courses are well organized and<br />

quality of the professors is usually very good. Last but not<br />

least I would say that it is nice to see how respected the<br />

course is, at least in Finland, which helps looking for jobs and<br />

internships a lot.<br />

Julian Lindhorst – RWTH Aachen<br />

The EMC was great. Did it change me? Certainly! How? I am<br />

not sure yet, but I know that I have met many people I am<br />

happy to call friends. I am sure that I will keep contact to<br />

many and meet them again during my career. I am sure it<br />

changed my view on the mining industry, giving me a global<br />

picture I was not aware before getting contact to the major<br />

companies and giving me a real perspective of working for<br />

them. The chance to study at four universities across Europe<br />

gave me the great opportunity to get the view on mining from<br />

new perspectives, I did not know from my studies before.<br />

Thank you for the wider picture and Glückauf!<br />

Tijs Peskens – Delft University of Technology<br />

Participating on the EMC is something I can recommend to<br />

anybody who is mastering in Mining Engineering. The<br />

courses within EMC program are of high quality and gave me<br />

all the knowledge I need in my further career. Especially the<br />

excursions showed us all the ways they implement mining in<br />

each country, and I learned a lot from them. It has been a<br />

wonderful time not only with great courses but also with a lot<br />

of social activities. Being part of an international group<br />

creates opportunities in working together with different<br />

cultures and languages. How amazing is it to travel around<br />

Europe visiting different universities in different countries, it<br />

was a time I will never forget.<br />

Edu Yuliardi – EMMEP Student (Indonesia)<br />

EMC is AMAZING! Quitting my job and joining EMC was a<br />

correct decision for me. Lots of good times and new<br />

experiences, as well as making new contacts with people<br />

from companies and organizations. I didn't say the year was<br />

smooth sailing, but all the time I spent was priceless. Crazy<br />

Dutch, zees German, hyvä Finnish, Polish, Iran and<br />

Botswana and myself Indonesia were all mixed up perfectly.<br />

Working with them was just great. Furthermore, living with<br />

them gave me a better idea about different cultures, how to<br />

appreciate them and took the most of it for my personal<br />

development. The courses were quite intensive, although<br />

<strong>Course</strong> <strong>Summ</strong>ary and <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>FEMP</strong> 2<strong>011</strong>-<strong>20</strong>12<br />

some of them are quite similar with my bachelor courses, but<br />

still, knowledge will never be expired, which goes like wine or<br />

cheese, the older it is, the stronger or the better it gets. and<br />

finally heaps of appreciation to Hans and his team who made<br />

all of these things happen.<br />

Kerstin Schroeder – RWTH Aachen<br />

I can just say that applying for EMC was definitely the best<br />

decision I could have made during my studies. I learned a lot<br />

about mining because of interesting lectures and very nice<br />

excursions. But I also improved my skills in communicating<br />

and dealing with other people which is especially challenging<br />

when they are all coming from different countries. You get to<br />

know cultures from different sides and discover aspects of<br />

them you would not expect. EMC is definitely more than just<br />

passing courses it can really change your personal way of<br />

thinking and makes you never forgetting this great 9 months.<br />

Jaakko Ingerttila – Aalto University<br />

After nine amazing months it is easy to say that it was a right<br />

decision to take part on the EMC. Even though the main<br />

reason to join the EMC was to have a chance to study mining<br />

engineering, I learnt a lot of valuable things also outside the<br />

lectures. Living together in small houses and sharing<br />

everything taught a lot about other people, other cultures but<br />

also about myself, and it was a lot of fun! I hope these<br />

friendships made during the year will last into the future. The<br />

studies were really intensive, but I think all the courses were<br />

relevant and the things learnt will definitely be useful in our<br />

careers. Overall the EMC was a great mixture of hard<br />

studying and having fun with great people from all around the<br />

world.<br />

Jens Woehlert – RWTH Aachen<br />

EMC is not only improving your language or mining-related<br />

skills, I could learn a lot from and about my fellows and I<br />

don’t mean vapid H&R social skills – here I could find real<br />

friendships and great guys. I wish you all the best and many<br />

thanks to companies and persons, who made this possible!<br />

Ko Korenromp – Delft University of Technology<br />

This year has been extraordinary in all ways imaginable. The<br />

close connection between the <strong>FEMP</strong> organization and the<br />

industry creates an educational environment which is unique.<br />

Not everything might be rocket science, but it is directly<br />

applicable in your future career. The biggest lesson I have<br />

learned is how to deal with other cultures. Even within<br />

Europe differences on a small scale are everywhere. Great<br />

things can be achieved if you can cope. Unknown people<br />

become fellow students, fellow students become friends and<br />

I hope that these friends will become dear colleagues. An<br />

amazing experience.<br />

Andreas Kutsch - RWTH Aachen<br />

For me the European Mining <strong>Course</strong> clearly broadened my<br />

mind – not only for the huge possibilities and challenges of a<br />

mining industry in a globalized world, but also for the<br />

cooperation and living with people and colleagues from all<br />

around the world. People with different characteristics,<br />

different cultural backgrounds and different ways of thinking<br />

and working, but with the same objective to gain a wider<br />

knowledge and to cope with new and unknown situations.<br />

Even though my time with the EMC was sometimes stressful,<br />

it will always be a part of my life I will remember as very<br />

interesting and valuable experience. Furthermore I’m sure<br />

that the people, which I got to know in my group and at the<br />

four different universities, build a useful network of friends<br />

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