Ayush Herbs Newsletter - Editpro-Services

Ayush Herbs Newsletter - Editpro-Services

Ayush Herbs Newsletter - Editpro-Services


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April 15, 2009<br />

Volume 1, Issue 1<br />

On the Inside:<br />

An Ayurvedic Guide to<br />

Springtime Allergy Care<br />

Your Personal Kapha<br />

Cleansing Diet<br />

Featured Products<br />

Does Nasal Irrigation Ease<br />

Allergy Symptoms?<br />

Herb of the Month:<br />

Tinospora cordifolia<br />

Meet Dr. Sodhi<br />

Our Commitment to Product<br />

Safety<br />

Dr. Virender Sodhi’s<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

Ayurvedic News<br />

The Safety of Ayurvedic Supplements - My View<br />

Recent headlines have been<br />

ablaze with warnings about the<br />

safety of certain Ayurvedic supplements.<br />

High levels of heavy<br />

metals including lead, mercury<br />

and arsenic have been found in<br />

supplements purchased via the<br />

Internet.<br />

Two American studies, one conducted<br />

in 2008 by Boston University’s<br />

School of Medicine and<br />

other by Harvard School of Medicine<br />

(2004) reported these findings,<br />

echoing similar findings<br />

reported in the Indian media.<br />

In the Boston University research,<br />

193 preparations randomly<br />

purchased from the Internet<br />

were analyzed.<br />

Reportedly, 60 percent of the<br />

preparations were manufactured<br />

by US companies and 40 percent<br />

came from Indian companies.<br />

Of those tested, 21% had significant<br />

levels of lead, mercury and<br />

arsenic.<br />

The Harvard team bought Ay-<br />

urvedic supplements from ap-<br />

proximately 30 stores in the<br />

Boston area and found that the<br />

formulations had “potentially<br />

harmful levels of lead, mercury,<br />

and/or arsenic.”<br />

Among the supplements found<br />

to contain heavy metals were<br />

the products of some of the<br />

leading companies within the<br />

Ayurvedic community. Our clinic<br />

has received many frantic calls<br />

from patients and doctors from<br />

all over the world.<br />

When I graduated from Bastyr<br />

University in 1988 as a naturo-<br />

Spring—Nature’s Time to Cleanse<br />

It happens every spring. You fling<br />

open the windows, shed your<br />

winter coat, and suddenly get the<br />

urge to clean your house. But do<br />

you ever think about "spring<br />

cleaning" the toxins from your<br />

body?<br />

Detoxifying in spring is an important<br />

part of the Ayurvedic seasonal<br />

routine (ritucharya). Spring<br />

is known as the Kapha season,<br />

A digest of the latest news and information on Ayurvedic and herbal medicine.<br />

because the wet and cool<br />

weather reflects the moist, cool,<br />

heavy qualities of the Kapha dosha<br />

that predominate during this time<br />

of the year.<br />

Nature supports cleansing of the<br />

body in spring. In winter the digestive<br />

fire is high, and people eat<br />

more sweet and heavy food. Most<br />

of the time they aren’t able to<br />

assimilate these hard-to-digest<br />

pathic physician, I saw a great oppor-<br />

tunity to bring Ayurvedic prepara-<br />

tions to patients in US. To my dis-<br />

may, I found that many products<br />

imported from India were of a sub-<br />

standard quality.<br />

Foreign companies are not subject<br />

to the high quality standards main-<br />

tained in the US, and unsanitary<br />

manufacturing practices are com-<br />

mon. Virtually every product I ob-<br />

served was contaminated in some<br />

way.<br />

During the same year, I saw a patient<br />

who had acquired lead toxicity from<br />

taking a popular Guggal preparation.<br />

It was then that I decided to launch<br />

my own line of Ayurvedic formula-<br />

tions, and <strong>Ayush</strong> <strong>Herbs</strong> was born.<br />

Our sister product line, R-U-Ved,<br />

provides consumers with optimum<br />

safety and superior quality.<br />

foods, so Ama (the sticky, toxic<br />

product of indigestion) starts<br />

accumulating.When the warm<br />

weather melts the snow in spring,<br />

it has a similar effect on the body.<br />

In spring the Ama melts and the<br />

volume of Ama becomes so great<br />

that the shrotas, the microcirculatory<br />

channels of the body, become<br />

clogged.<br />

Look inside for ways to “spring clean”<br />

your diet . . .<br />

For more information about Dr. Virender Sodhi and the Ayurvedic Clinic, please visit www.ayurvedicscience.com.<br />

For information on our herbal products, please visit www.ayush.com.

Dr. Virender Sodhi’s Ayurvedic News<br />

Volume 1, Issue 1<br />

Page 2<br />

Ayurvedic Product Safety (continued from page 1)<br />

The Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia is made up of a huge variety of<br />

preparations—from powders (Churan) and tablets, (Gutika), to<br />

Avleh preparations which are similar to jams. Asv and Arisht<br />

preparations are based on wine and other alcohols, and still<br />

others are based on oil and ghee (clarified butter).<br />

Other Ayurvedic preparations use burnt oxides of different<br />

metals, (Bhasma). A preparation known as Ras is based on<br />

mercury and sulfur. Since these preparations use heavy metals,<br />

I personally have not used them for the past twenty-five years.<br />

It is my belief that Ayurvedic companies must practice higher<br />

standards and not use preparations which include heavy metals.<br />

<strong>Ayush</strong> <strong>Herbs</strong>, Inc. products are unique in that we abide by the<br />

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) established by the World<br />

Health Organization, and are ISO certified.<br />

The negative media coverage caused by substandard manufacturing<br />

brings a stain on Ayurvedic medicine as a whole in the US,<br />

potentially depriving patients of valuable treatment options. I<br />

always advise my patients to exercise healthy skepticism when<br />

reading critical articles. Usually, such reports fail to point out<br />

that small levels of heavy metals are non-toxic, and are present<br />

even in our drinking water. Similarly, low levels of bacterial or<br />

fungal contamination are normal.<br />

An Ayurvedic Guide to Springtime Allergies<br />

“The Lord hath<br />

created medicines<br />

out of the earth,<br />

and he that is<br />

wise will not<br />

despise them.”<br />

- Ecclesiastes 38:4<br />

Flowers are blooming, the trees are releasing pollen,<br />

and your sinuses know it. The beauty and warmth of<br />

spring are welcome, but the allergies spring brings are<br />

not. Millions of people suffer from allergic rhinitis, or<br />

‘hay fever’ and the itchy eyes, nasal congestion, headache<br />

and scratchy throat seasonal allergies cause. This<br />

is all due to immune response to airborne pollens of<br />

different plants and flowers.<br />

Diagnosing and treating springtime allergies can be a complicated<br />

matter. Springtime allergies may be as mild as the<br />

common cold or as severe as life-threatening anaphylaxis.<br />

It’s not uncommon for a person with allergies to have different<br />

allergic symptoms from year to year. Allergic rhinitis can<br />

accompany the common cold, which is a highly contagious,<br />

and seasonal allergic reactions can cause secondary infections,<br />

such as chronic bronchitis.<br />

Usually, if rhinitis is caused by a seasonal allergic reaction,<br />

nasal discharges are clear, unlike discharges associated with<br />

viral and bacterial infections. Medical allergy testing can<br />

determine the source of most reactions. Some people react<br />

to pollens released at certain times of the year, while others<br />

suffer from perennial allergies and may suffer throughout<br />

the year. As many as 30 million people suffer with<br />

allergies. Usually, symptoms begin during childhood and<br />

adolescence, but people at any age can develop allergies.<br />

Usually, it takes at least two years of exposure in a new<br />

place before seasonal allergy symptoms begin. This is why<br />

often people don’t experience allergies until they have<br />

lived an a new place for several years.<br />

Pollen—from trees, grasses and weeds—is the most common<br />

cause of springtime allergies. In perennial allergies,<br />

house dust, animal dander and molds are usually the cause,<br />

and many people are troubled by both types. Ayurvedic and<br />

Naturopathic medicine have much to offer this kind of allergy<br />

sufferer. Ayurvedic herbs, such as Amla, Guggal, Pippali, and<br />

others offer natural relief for many allergy symptoms. These<br />

herbs are best used in special combination formulas, such as<br />

Guggal-lip from R-U-Ved. When herbs are taken together, their<br />

effect is synergistically enhanced.<br />

Commercially-available breads, jams and packaged foods typically<br />

contain allowable levels of fungi, bacteria and even insects. at<br />

allowable levels. and insect fragments. In my view, these contaminants<br />

pose less of a real concern than man-made chemicals<br />

and medications. Mankind has been living with<br />

natural contaminants for millions of years, but the impact<br />

of chemicals is largely unknown so far.<br />

On the other hand, while the majority of Ayurvedic<br />

herbs may be safe, many herbs—aconite, belladonna,<br />

strychnine, podophylin, and digitalis, for example, are<br />

extremely toxic and should be used only under the<br />

guidance of expert clinicians for short periods of time.<br />

All of our products are formulated according to<br />

the industry’s highest safety standards. Stringent quality<br />

control is performed at our own laboratories by a team of<br />

scientists using the latest technologies.<br />

Please see page 7 for our commitment to<br />

quality and safety.<br />

Natural care also incorporates safe, simple measures such as<br />

sinus cleansing to keep nasal passageways clear and free from<br />

pollens, molds and other allergens. Neti douching with a saline<br />

solution soothes irritated mucous membranes. If you suffer<br />

from allergies, cleansing with Neti is as important as brushing<br />

your teeth.<br />

Herbal teas are often overlooked in allergy treatment. Hot<br />

herbal teas help to thin mucous so it can be flushed out of your<br />

system. My favorite tea during this time of year is ProKapha TM<br />

from R-U-VED.<br />

The Role of Diet<br />

Nutrition is a critical component of Ayurvedic and Naturopathic<br />

care for all health conditions. In the case of allergies, I<br />

have found that even seasonal allergies can be aggravated by<br />

many allergy-producing foods. Eliminating such foods from<br />

the diet can assist the body and help to reduce the severity of<br />

symptoms. I usually begin by eliminating dairy, nightshades<br />

(tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers), and citrus fruits<br />

(oranges, grapefruit and tangerines) from the diet.<br />

Guggal-lip is especially recommended when food allergies<br />

are a factor. Guggal-lip acts like a steroid, but without the<br />

terrible side effects. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory, reducing<br />

the pain of sinus headaches. I have had great results in my<br />

practice using Guggal-lip for chronic ear and sinus infections.<br />

I recommend taking 1 tablet of Guggul-lip three times a day<br />

for 3-4 months.<br />

The Indoor Environment<br />

Every allergy sufferer needs to consider the effect of indoor<br />

air on their symptoms. Pets can also be a factor. Forced air<br />

heating, gas heating and carpeting provide an indoor environment<br />

in which molds, dust mites, and bacteria can grow and<br />

thrive. Electric heating, although costly to install, creates the<br />

most allergy-free indoor environment. If forced air is used,<br />

HEPA or charcoal filters can improve air quality.

Ayurvedic Supplements for Allergy Season<br />

The Ayurvedic supplements Guggal, Shilajeet, Amla, and<br />

Pippali offer excellent relief from springtime allergy symp-<br />

toms.<br />

Shilajeet is a mineral pitch that helps boost the immune<br />

system. I recommend taking 1 capsule of 500mg of Shila-<br />

jeet extract three times a day for 3-4 months. Pippli is<br />

another powerful anti-allergic herb that helps to improve<br />

digestion. Adding Amla Plex (1 teaspoon, three times a<br />

day) will help in the prevention of allergies.<br />

Zinc 15 mg twice per day, Vitamin A water soluble 10,000 IU<br />

three times per day and Vitamin C 500 mg three times per<br />

day also help boost your immune system during allergy<br />

season. Quercetin, a bioflavoid 500mg taken to twice a<br />

day, is also an excellent supplement. My most favorite is<br />

Flucomune TM.<br />

Your Personal Kapha ”Spring Cleaning” Diet<br />

The Kapha diet is designed to keep things moving. Kapha foods<br />

are warming, light and dry. Cold, heavy and oily foods should<br />

be avoided during this time of year. The best Rasas (tastes) for<br />

a Kapha diet are pungent, bitter and astringent, and foods with<br />

sweet, salty and sour tastes should be avoided. The Kapha<br />

constitution needs to eat three meals a day, with lunch as the<br />

main meal. Kapha people should avoid sleeping immediately<br />

after meals. Exercise will make a difference.<br />

Follow the food guidelines below to design your personal<br />

spring cleaning diet.<br />

Vegetables<br />

Most Moderate Least<br />

alfalfa seaweed yams<br />

asparagus corn cucumbers<br />

broccoli bell peppers<br />

beets cauliflower<br />

celery eggplant<br />

chiles okra<br />

chard squash<br />

cilantro spinach<br />

cabbage<br />

carrots<br />

lettuce<br />

green beans<br />

watercress<br />

turnip<br />

mustard<br />

greens<br />

Guggal-lip is especially recommended when food<br />

allergies are a factor. Guggal-lip acts like a steroid,<br />

but without the terrible side effects. It is a powerful<br />

anti-inflammatory, reducing the pain of sinus head-<br />

aches. I have had great results in my practice using<br />

Guggal-lip for chronic ear and sinus infections. I<br />

recommend taking 1 tablet of Guggul-lip three<br />

times a day for 3-4 months.<br />

See page 4 for more great allergy care products.<br />

Fruits<br />

Most Moderate Least<br />

cranberries grapefruit dates<br />

dried fruit pomegranate bananas<br />

apples prunes oranges<br />

lime papaya melons<br />

lemons figs<br />

pineapple plums<br />

strawberies cherries<br />

Grains and Legumes<br />

mangoes<br />

Most Moderate Least<br />

barley buckwheat white rice<br />

quinoa millet couccous<br />

lentils corn oats<br />

aduki rye brown rice<br />

mung basmati rice wheat<br />

lima kidney beans<br />

split peas<br />

garbanzos<br />

Page 3

Dr. Virender Sodhi’s Ayurvedic News<br />

Volume 1, Issue 1<br />

Page 4<br />

Flucomune— Nature’s finest for allergy season from R-U-Ved<br />

I developed Flucomune after acquiring severe<br />

environmental allergies here in the<br />

Northwest. Flucomune has boosted my<br />

immune system, while also acting as a mu-<br />

colytic, antiviral, expectorant and detoxifier.<br />

I have experienced much greater al-<br />

lergy relief with Flucomune than with allergy<br />

medications like Claritin, which pro-<br />

duce grogginess and headache.<br />

Amla Plus is made from 38 selected ingredients, including herbs,<br />

spices and herbal extracts, is one of the world’s most powerful<br />

immune-enhancers, and a rich source of Vitamin C and bioflavon-<br />

oids. Its primary ingredient, the Amla fruit, has traditionally been<br />

used as a rejuvenative and adaptogen.<br />

Research has shown that the fruit’s anti-oxidant properties are<br />

due in part to its ability to enhance SOD (superoxide dismutase)<br />

levels. Studies have also shown Amla to increase lean body mass,<br />

accelerate tissue repair and regeneration, and to protect against<br />

chromosome damage from heavy metals and environmental<br />

pollutants. Amla is known as a rasayana said to preserve vitality<br />

and youthfulness.<br />

Flucomune contains:<br />

Amla ...200mg<br />

Basil ...200mg<br />

Bahera ...200mg<br />

Guduchi ...100mg<br />

Mulathi ...100mg<br />

Trikatu ...50mg<br />

Vasaka ...50mg<br />

In Sanskrit, Trikatu means “three spices.” Trikatu is an<br />

ancient blend of Piper nigrum (black pepper), Zingiber offi-<br />

cianalis (ginger), and Piper Longum (pippali), which to-<br />

gether form a powerful energizing tonic. Trikatu improves<br />

overall health by boosting metabolism and enhancing<br />

elimination – critical components of whole-body health.<br />

In Ayurvedic tradition, Trikatu is known as a heating for-<br />

mula. It promotes “AGNI,” or “digestive fire,” burning<br />

harmful toxins and revitalizing the metabolism. Studies<br />

have shown that Tritaku can enhance the body’s absorp-<br />

tion of nutrients and boost elimination. When digestive<br />

health is restored, healthy weight can be maintained with<br />

ease. Tritaku also helps to free the body from a harmful<br />

buildup of toxins in the digestive system, which can lead<br />

to serious illnesses. Free from toxins, the body’s balance,<br />

vitality and well-being are restored.

Dr. Virender Sodhi’s Ayurvedic News<br />

Volume 1, Issue 1<br />

Does the Neti Pot Really Work?<br />

Research indicates it does . . .<br />

Pollen forecasters are predicting a heavy season this<br />

year, so allergy sufferers may be struggling to find<br />

relief.<br />

For some, the neti pot, a nasal irrigator that resembles<br />

a small teapot, has become an alternative remedy.<br />

While it is not nearly as convenient as popping a pill or<br />

using a spray, several recent studies have found that<br />

nasal irrigation can reduce symptoms of allergies and<br />

other nasal problems.<br />

One benefit is that irrigation can clear nasal passages<br />

without dryness or “rebound” congestion, which occurs<br />

when overuse of decongestants leads to dependence<br />

and irritated tissue.<br />

In one independent study in 2008, researchers examined<br />

a group of children with severe allergies. They<br />

found that regular nasal irrigation with a mild saline<br />

solution significantly eased symptoms and helped<br />

reduce the need for steroid nasal sprays.<br />

Herb of the Month— Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi)<br />

J Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Jan 15;96(3):445-9. Epub 2004 Nov 23.<br />

Page 5<br />

A 2007 study at the University of Michigan<br />

looked at 121 adults with chronic nasal and sinus<br />

problems. Over two months, the scientists<br />

found that those treated with nasal irrigation<br />

reported greater improvements than those<br />

treated with a spray.<br />

Other research, including an analysis of studies<br />

in the Cochrane database in 2007, found that it<br />

can be an inexpensive adjunct to medication:<br />

most neti pots are about $10.<br />

The efficacy of Tinospora cordifolia (TC) extract in patients of allergic<br />

rhinitis was assessed in a randomized double blind placebo<br />

controlled trial. Seventy-five patients were randomly given either<br />

TC or placebo for 8 weeks. They were clinically examined and Hb<br />

%, TLC, DLC and nasal smear was done. At the end of trial baseline<br />

investigations were repeated, drug decoded and results analyzed.<br />

With TC treatment 100% relief was reported from sneezing<br />

in 83% patients, in 69% from nasal discharge, in 61% from<br />

nasal obstruction and in 71% from nasal pruritus. In placebo<br />

group, there was no relief in 79% from sneezing, in 84.8% from<br />

nasal discharge, in 83% from nasal obstruction, and in 88% from<br />

nasal pruritus. The difference between TC and placebo groups was<br />

highly significant. TLC increased in 69% patients in drug treated<br />

group and in only 11% with placebo. After TC, eosinophil and neutrophil<br />

count decreased and goblet cells were absent in nasal<br />

smear. After placebo, decrease in eosinophil and neutrophil count<br />

was marginal and goblet cells were present. TC significantly decreased<br />

all symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Nasal smear cytology and<br />

leukocyte count correlated with clinical findings. TC was well tolerated.<br />

( Tinospora Cordifolia is part of Flucomune)

Page 6<br />

Dr. Virender Sodhi’s Ayurvedic News<br />

Volume 1, Issue 1<br />

About Dr. Sodhi -<br />

Dr. Virender Sodhi was the first Ayurvedic and Naturopathic physi-<br />

cian in the United States. He received his degree from the<br />

Dayanand Ayurvedic Medical College in Jalandar, India in 1980.<br />

Consequently, in 1986, the Indian government chose him to share<br />

Ayurveda with the Western society as part of a cultural exchange<br />

program.<br />

Upon his arrival into the United States, Dr. Sodhi enrolled at<br />

Bastyr University, a world leader in natural medicine, located in<br />

Washington State where he received his N D degree in Naturo-<br />

pathic Medicine. He was then subsequently asked to join the fac-<br />

ulty at the university to teach Ayurvedic sciences. Currently, he is a<br />

visiting professor at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine<br />

in Scottsdale, Arizona, School of Pharmacy University of Washing-<br />

ton and Des Moines University Iowa.<br />

Aside from educating students at different institutions, Dr. Sodhi<br />

also took it upon himself to educate the general public about the<br />

benefits of naturopathic medicine. He has been featured on sev-<br />

eral radio and television programs across the country including an<br />

hour-long talk show on KEZX: a local radio station in Seattle, Wash-<br />

ington. This program was titled “Ayurveda: Wealth of Health” and<br />

was featured during the summer of 1997. He has also taken his<br />

knowledge about Ayurveda to the national and international level<br />

where he’s lectured not only in hospitals, conferences and other<br />

universities in the United States, but also in countries like Italy,<br />

Switzerland, Holland, Japan, New Zealand, Australia and Canada.<br />

Dr. Sodhi sits on the Panel of Experts with Dr. Andrew Wile for<br />

Natural Health Magazine, and has also been featured in the “Ask<br />

the Experts” column many times. To add to his growing list of<br />

accomplishments, he was also the most quoted naturopathic phy-<br />

sicians in the reference book: Alternative Medicine, The Definitive<br />

Guide, and is featured in The Textbook of Natural Medicine . He<br />

has also written for several publications including the Protocol<br />

Journal of Botanical Medicine, World & I Magazine, and the Ay-<br />

urvedic News Quarterly. He writes regular weekly column Ay-<br />

urvedic Medicine updates, for India Post.

Our Commitment to Product Safety<br />

<strong>Ayush</strong> <strong>Herbs</strong>, along with our sister concern, R-U-Ved, join the ancient<br />

principles of Ayurvedic medicine with the latest scientific<br />

technology to provide the highest quality herbal supplements available.<br />

Ayurveda literally means "the science of life," and our com-<br />

pany was founded by Ayurvedic and naturopathic physicians who<br />

believe in healthy living in body, mind, and spirit and who also be-<br />

lieve in maintaining the highest quality-control standards in the<br />

herbal supplement industry.<br />

<strong>Ayush</strong> <strong>Herbs</strong> has maintained these standards since it was founded<br />

and is committed to continuing that tradition as it meets the needs<br />

of our customers in the years to come.<br />

Why <strong>Ayush</strong> <strong>Herbs</strong> Was Founded<br />

The Sodhi brothers founded <strong>Ayush</strong> <strong>Herbs</strong> in 1988. When they first<br />

started their Ayurvedic and naturopathic practices in the United<br />

States, they experienced difficulty finding products that were free<br />

of heavy metals and other dangerous contaminants. They tried<br />

products from reputable sources from India, but discovered that<br />

even those products were too contaminated to satisfy FDA require-<br />

ments. Knowing how critical unadultered products are to the treatment<br />

of any patient, the Sodhi brothers decided to grow their own<br />

herbs. All of our herbs are grown in the Himachal Pradesh region of<br />

the Himalayas, where indigenous herbs have been used for centuries<br />

in Ayurvedic medicine.<br />

Providing uncontaminated, unadulterated herbal products is the<br />

founding principle of our company. We have full knowledge of and<br />

confidence in the contents of our herbal products for the sake of<br />

our patients and our own families.<br />

Supporting Our Community<br />

The tribal peoples in the Himachal Pradesh region have long wildcrafted<br />

(harvested) native species of plants. However, despite tribal<br />

traditions, our company recognized the importance of teaching<br />

sustainable practices to ensure the long-term health of these medicinal<br />

plants and of the way of life of the people. Throughout our<br />

history, these sustainability efforts and commitments have won<br />

recognition by the Indian government in the form of awards for<br />

providing outstanding services to society, technological innovation,<br />

and product excellence, as well as recognition of commendable<br />

entrepreneurship.<br />

Today we continue our commitment to our growers, the community,<br />

and our patients by providing better-than-market-wage jobs; educa-<br />

tion about sustainable harvesting; community clinics free of charge to<br />

those who cannot pay; water facilities for areas that historically had<br />

none; and other services, including educational opportunities for the<br />

tribal communities in the Himachal Pradesh region.<br />

Quality Matters<br />

All of our herbs are grown and harvested to the highest quality speci-<br />

fications exclusively for our products. Close attention is paid to the<br />

quality of each plant in every aspect, including the health of the plant,<br />

the size of the root, and the timing of harvesting, to ensure optimal<br />

potency and quality.<br />

In-house manufacturing, lab testing, and heavy-metal testing of all<br />

herbs grown and cultivated in the Himachal Pradesh region confirms<br />

that this area, which is the natural habitat of most Ayurvedic herbs,<br />

yields the highest quality organic herbs. These herbs are ideally suited<br />

for use as supplements to enhance good health in accordance with<br />

the 5,000-year-old Ayurvedic tradition.<br />

Stringent quality control is performed at R-U-Ved’s laboratories by a<br />

team of scientists using the latest technologies. R-U-Ved's patented<br />

herbal-extraction method uses state-of-the-art technology to obtain<br />

the maximum level of active principles, as well as full-spectrum extracts,<br />

after which the extracts are spray-dried, oven-dried, or freeze-<br />

dried. As the extracts are concentrated, they go through another<br />

inspection for heavy metals and further microbiological testing. Fi-<br />

nally, each batch is hygienically packed and samples are tagged and<br />

kept for future reference. Additional testing by third parties is per-<br />

formed on every one of R-U-Ved’s formulations, ensuring that each<br />

product meets R-U-Ved’s own high standards of excellence.<br />

Every product we produces has been verified to contain what is<br />

claimed on the label. These tests reflect the potency and purity of our<br />


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