SIGNAL/LCA Maritime Conference

SIGNAL/LCA Maritime Conference

SIGNAL/LCA Maritime Conference


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NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WATERFRONT EMPLOYERS<strong>SIGNAL</strong>/<strong>LCA</strong><strong>Maritime</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>Hyatt Regency Penn’s LandingPhiladelphia, PAMay 21 – 23, 2012S C ASHIPBUILDERSCOUNCIL OF AMERICAJoin us in Philadelphia!Signal Mutual Indemnity Association Ltd.Longshore Claims AssociationNational Association of Waterfront EmployersShipbuilders Council of America

Longshore Practice in the 21st Century:“Enhancing the <strong>Maritime</strong> Industry’s Vision and VoiceThrough the Pursuit of Educational Excellence”The 21st Century has seen the rise of unprecedented uncertainty in Americanbusiness and the <strong>Maritime</strong> Industry has not been immune from these pressures.The cost of meeting mandated port security provisions, the possible expansionof coverage under the Act and the economic roller coaster of the past fewyears have all presented serious challenges. The changing face of Longshoreemployees due to aging and increased diversity, along with a workplace alteredconsiderably after 9/11, demands that those in Longshore practice adjust theirhandling of cases. Signal Mutual Indemnity Association Ltd and the LongshoreClaims Association, along with co-sponsors National Association of Waterfront Employersand the Shipbuilders Council of America, have gathered a faculty of expertsfrom the government and the private sector who will explore optimum waysto remain responsive to these challenges.On the first teaching day the Director of the Office of Workers’ CompensationPrograms, Division of Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation and theAssociate Chief Administrative Law Judge will share the Department of Labor’sperspective on the impact of the changing landscape under the Act going forward.Then, throughout the program, Department of Labor (DOL) representativeswill join experts from the industry, legal and medical communities to examine avariety of current issues. New medical procedures require the consideration ofhow to handle questions of right to treatment and future medical costs, as well asa need to examine methods and manners of delivery of medical services. A lookat the impact these various changes will have on Medicare Set Asides will closeout the first day.The final day of the conference will offer a close look at the challenges createdby America’s aging port facilities, the increased cost of security complianceand the expansion of the global economy. The day will also include a thoroughfocus on the issues of jurisdiction, average weekly wage, legal updates and ethics.Signal and its co-sponsors invite all attendees to spend two days gazing into thefuture of the Act and helping to establish appropriate responses to the challengescreated for practice and procedure protocols.signalmutual.comlongshoreclaimsassociation.comnawe.usshipbuilders.org

Longshore Practice in the 21st Century“Enhancing the <strong>Maritime</strong> Industry’s Vision and VoiceThrough the Pursuit of Educational Excellence”MONDAY, May 21, 20122:00 – 4:00 Pre-Registration (at hotel)2:00 – 5:00 Aker Philadelphia Shipyard Tours (Two one-hour tours)For early bird registrants who are interested there will be a tour of AkerPhiladelphia Shipyard. The facilities and equipment were installednew in 1998–2000 with the specific intent of reducing materials handlingoperations and are based on the experience from state-of-the-art AkerYards in Europe.Early Bird Optional Choice – First Come, First Served4:00 – 6:30 Welcome ReceptionTUESDAY, May 22, 20127:30 – 8:30 Registration/Breakfast8:30 – 8:40 Welcoming RemarksNancyann Griesemer Flood, Co-sponsors’ RepresentativesThe Evolving Face of Longshore Practice in the 21st Century“One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”Oliver Wendell Holmes8:40 – 9:30 A visit with the Director and the Chief JudgeWhere Do We Go From Here?Tony Filiato, Miranda Chiu (Invited),Judge Paul Johnson, Jr. (Invited)The Evolving Face of Medical Protocols in the 21st Century“There is no medicine to be found for a life that has fled.”Ibycus9:30 – 10:30 The increased use and reliance on prescription pain killers:the impact on the worker and an appropriate response througheffective management of medical treatmentPatrick Veale, Sankar Pemmaraju, D.O., Mark Pew10:30 – 10:45 Break

10:45 – 12:00 Occupational Medicine – An answer for the 21st Century?Mike Horray, Susan Connolly, John Dellorso, M.D.,Lisa Loeber , Margaret Ward12:00 – 1:00 Lunch - OSHA’s Subpart F Final Rule and SCA’sPetition for ReconsiderationTony Filiato, Ian Bennitt- SCA“He who will not apply new remedies must expect new evils.”Francis Bacon1:00 – 2:30 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Legal and Technical Approachto Cumulative Trauma ClaimsNancyann Griesemer Flood, Michael Schaff,Elaine Serina, Ph.D.2:30 – 2:45 Break2:45 – 3:45 Knee Injuries: Number Two on the Longshore ChartWhat to Expect MedicallyJohn Chamberlain, David Cooper, M.D.“No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive.”Gandhi3:45 – 4:45 Medicare Set Asides: New Considerations forthe Changing Face of the Longshore EmployeeJean Fernandez, Michelle Allen, Judge Adele Odegard (Invited)6:00 -8:00 Reception aboard M/V MoshuluWalk a scant quarter mile south from the hotel to enjoy anetworking experience. Hors d’oeuvres and beverages.WEDNESDAY, May 23, 20127:30 – 8:15 Breakfast8:15 – 8:30 Welcome BackNancyann Griesemer Flood & Co-sponsors’ RepresentativesThe Evolving Face of Longshore Jurisdiction in the 21st Century“Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else,and thinking something different.”Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

8:30 – 9:45 Jurisdiction, Jurisdiction, Jurisdiction: It’s All About Jurisdiction.A focused look at Longshore versus Jones Act versus StateCompensation schemes and their impact on the claims process.Handling claims outside the continental United States: Guam,U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico.Mike Horray, Eddie Johnson, John Karpousis,Mark Reinhalter (Invited)9:45 – 10:00 BreakThe Evolving Face of America’s Ports in the 21st Century“The wind and waves are always on the side of the best navigator.”Edward Gibbon10:00 – 11:00 Sailing into the Future: America’s Ports in the 21st CenturyErik Lassow, Jolke Helbing11:00 – 11:45 Serving America’s Ports in the 21st Century – A conversationbetween shipyard, terminal and worldwide trade specialistsErik Lassow, Scott Clapham, Jolke Helbing, Mark MurphyThe Evolving Trends in Longshore Practice in the 21st Century11:45 – 12:45 Average Weekly Wage: What is it? How do you prove it?Does it vary from industry to industry and coast to coast?A deep focus on current issues.Nancyann Griesemer Flood, Laura Bruyneel,Chris Field, Theresa Magyar12:45 – 1:45 Lunch – Is there any serious possibility of LHWCA reform giventhe political polarization in Washington?Tony Filiato, Chuck Carroll – NAWE“If we want everything as it is, it will be necessary for everything to change.”Giusippe Tomasi Di Lampedusa1:45 – 3:00 Legal Updates from around the countryTony Filiato, Nash Bilisoly, Frank Hugg, Karen Koenig3:00 – 3:15 Break“Conscience is the inner voice which warns usthat someone may be looking”H.L. Mencken3:15 – 4:15 Ethical Issues in the 21st CenturyMary Clarke-Brown, David Linker, Elizabeth Luzuriaga

CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTSContinuing Education CreditsThose attendees seeking credit for the conferencewill be provided with the appropriate forms to apply totheir state bar associations. For further information pleasecall Jennifer Pappas at (203) 761-6059 or email your inquiriesto jennifer.pappas@signal-ctc.com. All registrantswill receive a Certificate of Attendance which may beused to apply to other professional organizations forcredit. Due to declining interest, CEUs will not be offeredat this conference.Hotel InformationThe Hyatt Regency Philadelphia at Penn’s Landingwill provide this year’s beautiful conference venue. Thehotel boasts a variety of amenities, breathtaking viewsand waterfront dining. Attendees and guests will be justa short walk from the most historic square mile in America.You can visit Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, the BetsyRoss House, and many cafes, restaurants, bars, andshops in Old City. The Hyatt has provided a very generousroom rate of $179 (15.2% tax) single/double occupancy.Please call them directly at (888) 421-1442 andmention the Signal <strong>Maritime</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> to receive thespecial rate. The room block will be released on April 23,2012.

Special EventsA tour of Aker Philadelphia Shipyard will be availableon a first come, first served basis, to a limited numberof early bird registrants. Please be certain to mark yourregistration form with the number of guests, includingyourself, who can definitely be available for the tourbetween 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Monday, May 21. Bustransportation will be provided from the hotel to AkerPhiladelphia Shipyard. Photo identification is required toenter the shipyard premises.Plan to join your friends and acquaintances in theindustry for a Welcome Reception at the Penn’s LandingHyatt Regency on Monday, May 21, from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm.On Tuesday, May 22, your hosts invite you to jointhem from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm for a reception aboardthe M/V Moshulu, located just a short walk from the hotel.Spend your evening visiting and networking on the largestfour-masted sailing ship in the world still afloat. Dine onFour Diamond cuisine and enjoy cool drinks as you strollthe decks of a vessel that served the United States in WorldWar I and the Germans in World War II. Imagine the excitementof traveling to ports in Europe, South America,Australia, Africa, and America and slipping around CapeHorn 54 times. Take a step back into maritime history.

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