Sep 11 - Indian Airforce

Sep 11 - Indian Airforce

Sep 11 - Indian Airforce


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RecommendationsThe following measures arerecommended to incorporate yoga practicesin the <strong>Indian</strong> Air Force: Voluntarily not many people wouldtake up to yoga, primarily due to inertiaand laziness and secondarily due to lackof knowledge. Therefore, there is a need toinstitutionalize it and accept it as a part ofour daily activities. Yoga may be incorporated in the presentcurriculum in addition to or replacing PTfor a few days catering for organizationalcommitments. It may be done collectively instation auditoriums or sports ground. Its awareness can be encouraged byincorporating it in all the training institutesmaking it a part of their curriculum. Only basic yoga can be resorted to withthe primary aim of improving health andfitness and reducing stress. The GTI’s can be instructed in their initialstages at training institutes making it a partof their curriculum. Additionally, selectedpersonnel can be made to undergo coursesin basic yoga, who can later on educateothers. Making use of a large number of resourcesavailable today such as books, videotapes andtraining sessions on yoga can be very helpful inincreasing the awareness about yoga amongstthe personnel. Identification and categorization of highlystressed groups such as flying branch, techniciansetc would lead to focusing more on thesegroups. Eminent personalities in this field may beinvited to conduct sessions at major Air ForceStations and even families can be encouraged togain from such programs.Yoga improves strength and flexibility of themind as well as the body, and aids relaxation.It is a very useful tool to promote self-esteem,emotional competence, and self-care. It hasbeen experienced that personnel who possessmore positive internal assets such as high selfesteemand self reliance, social and emotionalcompetency, and positive values are more likelyto lead successful, satisfying, and productivelives in our community. By cultivating basic yogapractices in a supportive environment, the <strong>Indian</strong>Air Force personnel can find a much-neededaffirmation of self-worth and confidence as wellas real tools that would help them counter stressand fatigue.-Sqn Ldr A SangwanINDIAN AIR FORCE 2 0 1 1 S e p t e m b e r Aerospace Safety 13

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