Sep 11 - Indian Airforce

Sep 11 - Indian Airforce

Sep 11 - Indian Airforce


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intended final destination. The consignment reachedits destination after about three weeks.From the above incident the inferences that canbe drawn are as follows: The captain of the aircraft showed a positiveattitude in double-checking with the Logistic Officerbefore accepting the re-vouched aero-engine toGauhati. Although the loading party at Bangalorementioned to the captain that the aero-engine wouldhave to be sent by road to its final destination whichwas closer to Kaliakunda than Gauhati, the same hadnot been clearly annotated on the manifest. The Logistic Officer and the SNCO I/C, atKaliakunda were following the laid down orders/procedures issued to them. All the delay and additional expense in sendingthe consignment to Gauhati and back could havebeen avoided only if our personnel are trained tothink positive and take initiative in resolving thedoubts at the earliest. In this case, making a call to either despatchingagency/MCU could have cleared the doubt andensured that the consignment reached its intendeddestination at the earliest. This action by anyoneor a collective decision by them could be termedas positive attitude of an individual or a groupcontributing to the organisational goal of speedydelivery of the consignment. Although the captain showed positive attitudetowards the organisational need, others who justfollowed the book nullified it. This only goes toshow that it is not sufficient for a few of us to show apositive attitude but the whole lot of us interactingwith one another need to develop positive attitudetowards the organisational needs and goals. Only when this positive attitude is well ingrainedin all the personnel of the Air Force would it bepossible for it to harvest & synergize the talentsof highly skilled and trained manpower towardsachieving its goals.Similar lessons can be drawn from almostevery activity involving a group comprisingindividuals from Squadrons, Wings and or evenhigher formations when given a common goal/task. It is possible to take a holistic view of suchactivity and analyse only when the personneldevelop a positive attitude and start believingthat they form not just a self-accounting limbor organ of the Air Force but a vital part of thegreater body. The contribution and co-ordinationwith other parts is very essential to achieve theset goals.The individual also would tend to apply thepositive attitude that has been inculcated inthe Air Force surroundings to understandingthemselves, their family members and friends.This would make him a caring, confident, patient,and a humble man.The Benefints From Building Positive AttitudeThe Air Force as an organisation could derivemaximum benefit only when all its personnelare motivated to think positive. If an air warriorcapable of displaying positive attitude, all othersissues of flight safety, maintenance safety androad safety are well taken care off.Some of the benefits that accrue to the AirForce by inculcating a positive attitude in itspersonnel are as follows: Encourages one to take a holistic view of allthings happening in the Air Force. It enables greater understanding of theorganisational goals.It fosters teamwork and camaraderieIt breeds loyalty.INDIAN AIR FORCE 2 0 1 1 S e p t e m b e r Aerospace Safety 17

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