Programme - British Council Schools Online

Programme - British Council Schools Online

Programme - British Council Schools Online


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16Chris Tweedale,Director, <strong>Schools</strong> and YoungPeople, Department for Education and Skills– Welsh Government, UKIn the first part of hiscareer, Chris taught infive secondary schoolsin England including 8years as a secondaryHead in Herefordshire.In 1999, the nationalinspectorate, Ofsted,judged his school tobe in the “most improved” category in thefourth year of his headship. After that he wasappointed as the Senior Education Adviserto UK Ministers and Senior Civil Servants onschool improvement and school workforceissues. During this time was also invited tojoin the Education team at the Prime Minister’sDelivery Unit in the Cabinet Office.Chris joined the Welsh Government four yearsago and has spent this time focussed on raisingachievement and school standards in Wales.PISA and other international benchmarks havesuggested that there is a big job to do and thisyear student outcomes have started to show amarked increase. With the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, Chrishas been involved with Connecting Classroomswork in the UK as well as in Beijing and Taipei.John Duggan,Head Teacher, Lamptom School, UKMr Xu, JianguongVice Director, The Education Bureau ofChengdu Qingyang District, ChinaMr Xu, as ViceDirector, is currentlyresponsible forsecondary education,vocational education,teacher professionaldevelopment, andmathematics & scienceeducational research.He holds a Masters degree in Education fromAustralia. He has been holding various positionswith in the Ministry of Education in China. Hisexperience in education sector with variedresponsibilities is strong in education researchand professional development of teachers.

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