The Wood User's Guide to Green Building - California Redwood ...

The Wood User's Guide to Green Building - California Redwood ...

The Wood User's Guide to Green Building - California Redwood ...


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Materials Origin and Impact — How <strong>Wood</strong> RatesUse of steel had 33 percentmore global warming impactthan wood. Steel generated 11percent more air emissions and867 percent more harmful wateremissions. <strong>The</strong> solid waste impactwas the only fac<strong>to</strong>r in which woodand steel were roughly equal.Similarly, concrete had 80 percentmore global warming impactthan wood. Concrete had 46percent more air emissions and164 percent higher impact onsolid waste. Concrete and woodgenerated the same amount ofwater emissions.While wood conserves moreenergy and releases fewergreenhouse gas emissions, it willstill be part of a mix of materials.Tools like the Athena InstituteEcoCalcula<strong>to</strong>r can help strike themost environmentally soundbalance.Understanding the Value of <strong>Wood</strong>Environmental performance indices for above-grade wall designsMinneapolis HouseAtlanta House<strong>Wood</strong>Frame<strong>Wood</strong>FrameSteelFrameConcreteFrameDifferenceDifferenceSteel vs. wood(% change)Embodied energy (GJ) 250 296 46 +18%Global warming potential (CO2 kg) 13,009 17,262 4,253 +33%Air emission index (index scale) 3,820 4,222 402 +11%Water emission index (index scale) 3 29 26 +867%Solid waste (<strong>to</strong>tal kg) 3,496 3181 -315 -0.9%Concretevs. wood(% change)Embodied energy (GJ) 168 231 63 +38%Global warming potential (CO2 kg) 8,345 14,982 6,637 +80%Air emission index (index scale) 2,313 3,373 1,060 +46%Water emission index (index scale) 2 2 0 0%Solid waste (<strong>to</strong>tal kg) 2,325 6,152 3,827 +164%A comparison of wood, steel and concrete shows wood <strong>to</strong> be an energy efficient buildingmaterial. Focusing on exterior wall assemblies that directly substitute concrete or steel for woodhighlights the environmental benefits of using wood.32

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