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Parliaments should adopt a region-wide binding instrument on term-limits and lock it;Minority leadership of committees should be authorized and clear rules of procedure fordebates, established;Political leaders and parliamentarians should work with civil society organizations (CSOs),research institutions, academia, media, and religious groups;Political leaders and parliamentarians should share experiences with other parliaments andparties;UNDP and the international community should continue offering support with consistence andin a proactive manner.19. Mr. Baffour Amoa, President of the West African Action Network on Small Arms (WAANSA), andrespondent during session 1, further stressed that parliamentarians, as direct representatives of thevoice of the people, play a crucial role in violence prevention including in land and religious disputes.He laid special emphasis on the notion of transparency mentioned by Mr. Souare, stating that freeand fair elections are crucial in a conflict prevention perspective. He also insisted that the lack ofresources and capacities of many parliamentarians should be considered as a top priority. Finally,he stressed the important role of national parliamentary committees and urged parliamentariansto increase their involvement and participation in peace missions.Hon. Touré (left) and Mr. Amoa (right)20. Hon. Abdoulayé Touré, Member of the Parliament of Guinea – and also respondent during session 1– recalled that political violence has always been present in the history of Guinea and referred toCaptain Camara’s recent coup in 2009. With regards to the causes of political violence, he criticizedthe behaviors of too many parliamentarians who are more committed to their personal interestsrather than those of the nation. He underscored the failure of the political institutions to take intoaccount the concerns of the people resulting from the lack of interaction between civil society andthe Parliament in Guinea. The following actions were recommended:Enhance consultations between all the political stakeholders to prevent violence;Strengthen the capacities of the executive and legislative;12

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