The Parish Magazine - Parish of Greater Whitbourne

The Parish Magazine - Parish of Greater Whitbourne

The Parish Magazine - Parish of Greater Whitbourne


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<strong>of</strong> <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Whitbourne</strong> Page 15yourself plenty <strong>of</strong> time. Entrynumbers must be collected by10am. and exhibitors mustvacate the Village Hall by10.30 am., when judging willcommence.5. No exhibitor can be presentat the judging unless appointedby the Committee.6. <strong>The</strong> entry fee is 30p peritem, up to a maximum <strong>of</strong> £5.Entries are free thereafter.Entry fee is to be paid at thetime <strong>of</strong> entering.7. All Divisions are open toexhibitors living within a radius<strong>of</strong> 7 miles <strong>of</strong> the VillageHall, <strong>Whitbourne</strong>.Ofsted, who visitedQueen Elizabeth HumanitiesCollege for twodays in the first week inDecember have describedit as, ―a goodacademy that is rapidlyimproving.‖ <strong>The</strong> schoolbecame Herefordshire‘snewest academy on December1st and receivedthe call from Ofsted aday later. <strong>The</strong>y cited the―highly effective leadership,the quality <strong>of</strong> the curriculumand the quality <strong>of</strong>teaching‖ as factors in the―academic standards that thestudents are now achieving.‖Apart from recognising outstandingand good teaching,the inspectors also noted that,―students have strong valuesand demonstrate these in activepromotion <strong>of</strong> charitiesand in their respect for each8. It is the responsibility <strong>of</strong>the exhibitor to mount andmark photographs, picturesetc. for display (but please donot put captions or names onthe front, to keep them anonymous).<strong>The</strong> Committee acceptsno liability for any damage.Please place the numberstickers supplied on the dayon the side <strong>of</strong> jars, not the lidsso there is no mix up.9. Where weight or number isset down for a Class, entriesrisk disqualification if they donot conform.10. <strong>The</strong> show will remain openuntil 4.30 pm. Exhibitors maythen remove their exhibits.11. Points will be awarded asfollows, to determine overallDivision winners, where applicable:1 st prize: 3 points; 2 ndprize: 2 points; 3 rd prize: 1point.12. <strong>The</strong> cups and trophiesawarded to overall winners ineach Division are as follows:A <strong>The</strong> <strong>Whitbourne</strong> Garden SocietyChallenge Cup. E <strong>The</strong>Silver Jubilee Trophy.other.‖ Further mention wasmade <strong>of</strong> ―good links with thewider community, who in turnvalue their contribution.‖Mayor <strong>of</strong> Bromyard, Cllr NigelDavies said, ―As a town we areso proud <strong>of</strong> QE and this reportconfirms this. Bromyard TownCouncil will continue to give itour full support.‖Headteacher, Dr MichaelGoodman said, ―Staff and stu-B <strong>The</strong> Howard Mayson ChallengeTrophy. F <strong>The</strong> ClarissaJones Challenge Bowl.C <strong>The</strong> Pimpernel Art Trophy.G1 Under 5s <strong>The</strong> TiblandsTrophyD <strong>The</strong> Juro Trophy.H Hughes Brothers Trophy<strong>The</strong> Bill Pittman ChallengeTrophy is awarded for the singlebest exhibit in Division B.13. <strong>The</strong> decision <strong>of</strong> the judgesis final. <strong>The</strong>y may withhold ordiminish any award or give anadditional award in a Classwhere the number or quality<strong>of</strong> entries justifies it.14. All cups and trophies areheld for one year only.Further information fromElaine BrownQueen Elizabeth Humanities Collegepraised by OfstedKatie Lloyd, Mark Oliver and Jack Muirheaddents have worked sohard over the past twoyears to bring aboutthis improvement inour achievements. Weare pleased that Ofstedrecognise this. Wewill go even further bystating that we wish tobecome an outstandingacademywithin the next twoyears. Every one <strong>of</strong> the28 categories weremarked as at least good, withoutstanding grades beinggiven to the extent to whichpupils feel safe, our effectivenessin promoting equalityand tackling discriminationand the school‘s engagementwith parents and carers.‖<strong>The</strong> full report available atwww.qehc.org.ukDavid Kemp

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