Stars and Stripes Forever - C.mus - Ukulele Play

Stars and Stripes Forever - C.mus - Ukulele Play

Stars and Stripes Forever - C.mus - Ukulele Play


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The <strong>Stars</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Stripes</strong> <strong>Forever</strong>Words <strong>and</strong> Music by John Phillip SousaArranged by M Ryan TaylorAb3fr.G˙ .œJ œ ˙& 4 œ˙ .œbœnœœ # œ˙LetLetC C +A mD mG D 7G6&œ.mareag--jœ œ.tiallenoteshriekjœinfromœ.tri - umphlof - tyjœ œ œfloat,peak<strong>and</strong>theœ# œ œ œ œ nœli - ber -tyex - tend itsne-ver-end-ingwatch-wordœ œ œ œmightof- yourh<strong>and</strong>,l<strong>and</strong>.ALetC G 7C E 7A mE 710&œ.jœ œ.jœœ.jœ #œ.jœœ # œ œ œ œ œ# ˙. œflagsumap - pears, mid thun - d'rous cheers, the ban -ner- mer breeze waft through the trees the e - choofofthetheWest-ernchor - us-l<strong>and</strong>.gr<strong>and</strong>.TheSingCG14&nœ.emout-jœ œ.blemforoflibjœthe- er -œ.bravetyj# œ œ œ<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong>true,light,itssingœ.foldsoutjœ œœpro-tectnofor free - domœ.ty<strong>and</strong>-jœ œ.rantthecrew,right,jœthesing<strong>Ukulele</strong><strong>Play</strong>.com

The <strong>Stars</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Stripes</strong> <strong>Forever</strong> - Page 2CC mD2fr.Gj& œ. œ œ.jœ jjœ. # œ œ bœ.œ. # œ œ œ ˙18œ .jœredout<strong>and</strong>forwhiteUn -<strong>and</strong>ionstar<strong>and</strong>- ry blue is Free-dom'sshieldits might, oh, pa - tri - ot -<strong>and</strong>ichope.sons.Oth-erCG 7CF23&˙ œ.jœna - tions may˙deem˙their˙flags˙the˙ œ.best,<strong>and</strong>jœœ ˙ œcheer themwithD 7CG 7CG 728&˙ œ.œJwfer - vid e - la -˙œ.jœtion, but the˙ œ.jœflag of the˙North˙<strong>and</strong>˙South˙<strong>and</strong>C C 7FF mCG 7C34&˙ œ.jœWest is theœ œœ.œJflag of flags, theœ œ . œjœwœ Œ ˙flag of Free-dom'sna - tion. Hur -bF39& b˙œ œ˙# œ œw˙# œ œ˙# œ œrah for theflag of thefree,mayitwave as our

C 7The <strong>Stars</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Stripes</strong> <strong>Forever</strong> - Page 344& b˙ œ.J œw˙˙˙# œ œ˙# œ œwstan - dard for - e -ver,thegem of thel<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> thesea,FBbC 7F50& b˙œ œœ ˙ .˙.œwœ Œ ˙˙œ œtheBan-nerof the Right.Let des - pots re -A 756& b˙# œ œw˙# œ œmem - ber the day,when our fa - thers with fer - vid en -˙# œ œœ œ . œjœD mBb m7F61& bw˙˙˙ œ œb˙œ œwdeav- or, pro -claimed as theymarched to thefray,C 7FF5fr.66& bœœ œ œœœ œ œœœ œœw˙Ó4that by theirmight, <strong>and</strong> by theirright, it waves for- e -ver!

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