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lost their CBR licenses. The Russian Government h<strong>as</strong> provided liquidity to the banking system and interest rates havebeen decre<strong>as</strong>ing since the second half of 2009, but maj<strong>or</strong> banks <strong>are</strong> still unwilling <strong>or</strong> unable to transfer money to theeconomy in the f<strong>or</strong>m of long-term loans. A prolonged <strong>or</strong> serious banking crisis <strong>or</strong> the bankruptcy of a number of banks,including banks in which we receive <strong>or</strong> hold our funds, could materially adversely affect our business and our ability tocomplete banking transactions in Russia.The banking and financial systems in the CIS <strong>are</strong> even less developed than in Russia and may be m<strong>or</strong>esusceptible to the current economic downturn. Few international banks have subsidiaries in Kazakhstan,Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Armenia, and no international banks operate subsidiaries in Tajikistan and Ge<strong>or</strong>gia.We have attempted to mitigate our banking risk by receiving and holding funds with the most creditw<strong>or</strong>thy banksavailable in <strong>each</strong> country. However, in the event of a banking crisis in any of these countries <strong>or</strong> the bankruptcy <strong>or</strong>insolvency of the banks from which we receive, <strong>or</strong> with which we hold, our funds could result in the loss of ourdeposits <strong>or</strong> negatively affect our ability to complete banking transactions in these countries, which could have amaterial adverse effect on our business, financial conditions and results of operations.Inf<strong>or</strong>mation <strong>that</strong> we have obtained from third party sources may be unreliable.We have sourced certain inf<strong>or</strong>mation contained in this prospectus from third parties, including privatecompanies and governmental agencies, and we have relied on the accuracy of this inf<strong>or</strong>mation without independentverification. The official data published by governmental agencies in Russia and the CIS is substantially lesscomplete and less reliable than similar data in the United States and Western Europe. We cannot be certain <strong>that</strong> theinf<strong>or</strong>mation <strong>that</strong> we obtained from government and other sources and included in this document is reliable. Whenreading this prospectus, you should keep in mind <strong>that</strong> the data and statistics <strong>that</strong> we have included relating to Russiaand the CIS could be incomplete <strong>or</strong> erroneous. In addition, because there is limited reliable data and no currentofficial data regarding the relevant telecommunications markets, including our competit<strong>or</strong>s, we have relied, withoutindependent verification, on certain publicly available inf<strong>or</strong>mation. This includes press rele<strong>as</strong>es and filings underthe U.S. securities laws, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> inf<strong>or</strong>mation from various private publications, some <strong>or</strong> all of which could beb<strong>as</strong>ed on estimates <strong>or</strong> unreliable sources.Risks Related to the Social Environment in Russia and the CISSocial instability in Russia and the CIS could lead to incre<strong>as</strong>ed supp<strong>or</strong>t f<strong>or</strong> centralized auth<strong>or</strong>ity and a rise innationalism, which could harm our business.Social instability in Russia and the CIS, coupled with difficult economic conditions, could lead to incre<strong>as</strong>edsupp<strong>or</strong>t f<strong>or</strong> centralized auth<strong>or</strong>ity and a rise in nationalism. These sentiments could lead to restrictions on f<strong>or</strong>eignownership of companies in the telecommunications industry <strong>or</strong> large-scale nationalization <strong>or</strong> expropriation off<strong>or</strong>eign-owned <strong>as</strong>sets <strong>or</strong> businesses. There is relatively little experience in enf<strong>or</strong>cing legislation enacted to protectprivate property against nationalization <strong>or</strong> expropriation. As a result, we may not be able to obtain proper redress inthe courts, and we may not receive adequate compensation if in the future the Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Tajik,Uzbek, Ge<strong>or</strong>gian <strong>or</strong> Armenian governments decide to nationalize <strong>or</strong> expropriate some <strong>or</strong> all of our <strong>as</strong>sets. If thisoccurs, our business could be harmed.In addition, ethnic, religious, hist<strong>or</strong>ical and other divisions have, on occ<strong>as</strong>ion, given rise to tensions and, incertain c<strong>as</strong>es, military conflict. The spread of violence, <strong>or</strong> its intensification, could have significant politicalconsequences, including the imposition of a state of emergency in some parts <strong>or</strong> throughout Russia and the CIS.These events could materially adversely affect the investment environment in Russia and the CIS.Risks Related to the Legal and Regulat<strong>or</strong>y Environment in Russia and the CISWe operate in an uncertain regulat<strong>or</strong>y environment, which could cause compliance to become m<strong>or</strong>ecomplicated, burdensome and expensive and could result in our operating without all of the requiredpermissions.Although the Communications Law regarding license renewals in Russia h<strong>as</strong> been clarified, the licensingprocedures, including obtaining new frequencies and numbering capacity and the consequences of non-complianceremains unclear.41

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