Beatitudes / Alleluia - PeaceHost.net

Beatitudes / Alleluia - PeaceHost.net

Beatitudes / Alleluia - PeaceHost.net


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"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 2 of 17lead4#& #∑∑∑∑Sop I4&# #b œ œ . ‰jœœJ œj œ# œ Œ j œj œœJœ.jœjœjœSop II4&# #moun - tain.b œ œ . ‰Andjœwhen he wasœJ œj œset, his dis -# œ Œ j œj œci - plesœ œJ.came un - tojœjœjœAlt4&# #moun - tain.Andœ œ . ‰ j œwhen he wasœj œj œset, his dis -œ Œj œj œci - plesjœ œ.came un - tojœjœjœTenmoun - tain.4n œ œ.?# #And,‰ Jœwhen he wasœn J œJ œset, his dis -œŒ J œ œ Jci - plesœ œ.Jcame un - ton J œJ œ J œBari4?# #moun - tain.œ œ.And,‰ J œwhen he wasœJ œ J œset, - his dis -œ Œ Jœ Jœci - plesœ œ.Jcame un - toJ œJ œ J œBass4?moun - tain.And,when he wasset, his dis -ci - plescame un - to7 8 4 8 8 6 7 8 8 57 8 4 8 8 6 7 8 8 57 8 4 8 8 6 7 8 8 57 8 4 8 8 6 7 8 8 57 8 4 8 8 6 7 8 8 57 8 4 8 8 6 7 8 8 5# # 7 8 n œ . 4 j jœ ‰ œ 8 œ nœ œ 8 6 œ Œ 7 8 8 5J J œ œ jJ n œ œ.J œ j œj œmoun - tain. And, when he was set, his dis - ci - ples came un - to,,- 2 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 3 of 17lead8#& #∑P∑Sop ISop IIAltTenBariBass8&8&8&???# ## ## ## ## #œ ‰ j œPœ ‰ j œP‰ j œP‰ nœJPPj œhim. And Hej œhim. And heœj œhim. And he8œ88J œhim. And heœ ‰ J œ J œhim. And he8 5 7 8 8 68 5 7 8 8 68 5 7 8 8 68 5 7 8 8 68 5 7 8 8 68 5 7 8 8 6# # 8 5 œ ‰ œ J J œ 7 œ8 J J œ œ J œ ‰ œ J 8 6Phim. And hejœjœjœœ‰ j œo - pened his mouth, andjœjœjœœ‰ j œo - pened his mouth, andjœnœJjœjœœ‰ j œo - pened his mouth, andJ œ J œ œ ‰ J œo - pened his mouth, andœJJ œ J œ œ ‰ J œo - oened his mouth, ando - pened his mouth, and- 3 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 4 of 17lead10#& #∑∑∑Sop ISop IIAltTenBariBass10&10&10&10?10?10?# ## ## ## ## #jœjœtaught them,jœjœtaught them,jnœjœtaught them,bœJtaught them,œJtaught them,‰ j œ‰ j œ‰ j œUœsay - ing,Uœsay - ing,Uœsay - ing,n J œ ‰ J œ œusay - ing,J œ ‰ J œ œusay - ing,8 6 4 8 4 8 4 88 6 4 8 4 8 4 88 6 4 8 4 8 4 88 6 4 8 4 8 4 88 6 4 8 4 8 4 88 6 4 8 4 8 4 8# # 8 6 nœJ J œ ‰ J œ œ4 8 4 8 jœ4 8u Wœ‰utaught them,say - ing,WBlessed are the poor in spirit:for theirs is the kingdom ofWBlessed are the poor in spirit:for theirs is the kingdom ofWWBlessed are the poor in spirit:for theirs is the kingdom ofWBlessed are the poor in spirit:for theirs is the kingdom ofjœUœhea - ven.jœUœhea - ven.jœUœhea - ven.œJœuhea - ven.œJnœuhea - ven.hea - ven.‰‰‰‰‰- 4 -

lead13#& #∑∑∑"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 5 of 17∑Sop I13&# #Wjœj œ œU ‰WUœ‰Sop II13&# #Blessed are they thatmourn: for they shall beWcom - for - ted.jœj œ œU ‰Blessed are the meek:for they shall inherit theWearth.Uœ‰AltTenBariBass13&13?13?13?# ## ## #Blessed are they thatmourn: for they shall benWWBlessed are they thatmourn: for they shall beWBlessed are they thatmourn: for they shall becom - for - ted.jnœUj ‰œ œcom - for - ted.œJJ œ œ u ‰com - for - ted.œJ J œ œ u ‰com - for - ted.4 8 8 5 4 8 8 3 4 84 8 8 5 4 8 8 3 4 84 8 8 5 4 8 8 3 4 84 8 8 5 4 8 8 3 4 84 8 8 5 4 8 8 3 4 84 8 8 5 4 8 8 3 4 8# # 4 8 8 5 jW œ# J œu œ ‰ 4 8 8 3 œ‰nW u 4 8com - for - ted.Blessed are the meek:for they shall inherit thenWWBlessed are the meek:for they shall inherit thenWBlessed are the meek:for they shall inherit theearth.Uœearth.œuearth.œuearth.earth.‰‰‰- 5 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 6 of 17lead17#& #∑∑∑∑Sop ISop IIAltTenBariBass17&17&17&17?17?17?# ## ## ## ## #WBlessed are they whichdo hunger and thirstafter righteousness: forWBlessed are they whichdo hunger and thirstafter righteousness: forWWBlessed are they whichdo hunger and thirstafter righteousness: forWBlessed are they whichdo hunger and thirstafter righteousness: forjœjœjœthey shall bejœjœjœthey shall bejœjœjœthey shall beUœfilled.Uœfilled.Uœfilled.œJ J œ œ J œ uthey shall beœJfilled.n J œ œ J œ uthey shall befilled.4 8 8 5 4 8 4 8 4 84 8 8 5 4 8 4 8 4 84 8 8 5 4 8 4 8 4 84 8 8 5 4 8 4 8 4 84 8 8 5 4 8 4 8 4 84 8 8 5 4 8 4 8 4 8# # 4 8 8 5 j J œ œ J œ W œ 4 8 4 8j # œu W œ ‰ 4 8uWBlessed are the merciful:for they shall obtainWBlessed are the merciful:for they shall obtainnWWBlessed are the merciful:for they shall obtainWBlessed are the merciful:for they shall obtainjœmer - cy.jœmer - cy.jnœmer - cy.œJmer - cy.œJmer - cy.Uœ ‰U ‰œU ‰œœu ‰œu ‰they shall befilled.mer - cy.- 6 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 7 of 17lead21#& #∑∑∑∑Sop ISop IIAlt21&21&21&# ## ## #WBlessed are thepure in heart: forWBlessed are thepure in heart: fornWjœjœjœUœ ‰they shall see God. - -Bles - sed - are - the - peace - - ma - kers: -jœjœjœUœ ‰they shall see God.jnœj#œjœU ‰œjœjœjœjœjœjœœJœJBles - sed are thejœjœjœœJœœjœjœUœUœpeace - ma - kers:œjœUœTen21?# #Wthey shall see God. -œJœ J J œ œ u ‰Bles - sed are theœJœJJ œ J œpeace - ma - kers:œJ œœ UBari21?# #Blessed are thepure in heart: fornWthey shall see God.jnœJ œ J œ œ u ‰Bles - sed are theœJœJJ œ J œpeace - ma - kers:œJ œœ UBass21?Blessed are thepure in heart: forthey shall see God.4 8 8 6 4 8 8 5 4 54 8 8 6 4 8 8 5 4 54 8 8 6 4 8 8 5 4 54 8 8 6 4 8 8 5 4 54 8 8 6 4 8 8 5 4 54 8 8 6 4 8 8 5 4 5# # 4 8 8 6 jœnW nœJ J œ œ u ‰ 4 œ œ8 J J J œ œ J 8 5 œJ œ U œ 4 5they shall see God.Bles - sed are theBles - sed are thepeace - ma - kers:peace - ma - kers:- 7 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 8 of 17leadSop ISop IIAltTenBariBass25#& # 4 5 ∑ Ó. Œœ 4 6 œ ˙ ˙.c25#& # 4 5 Œœ œ œ œ ˙. Œœ 4 6 œ ˙ ˙.cfor they shall be called the child - ren of25#& # 4 5 Œ4 6 cœ œ œ œ Œ˙. œ œ ˙ ˙.for they shall be called the child - ren of25#& # 4 5 Œœ œ œ œŒ 4 6 c˙. œ œ ˙ ˙.for they shall be25? # # 4 5 Œ œ œ œ œ˙. œŒ 4 6 œ ˙ ˙.cfor they shall be called the child - ren of25? # # 4 5 Œ œ œ œ œ ˙.Œ œ 4 6 œ ˙ ˙.cfor they shall be called the child - ren of25? # # 4 5 Œ œ œ nœœ ˙.Œ œ 4 6 œ ˙ ˙.cUwUwGod.UwGod.Uwcalled the - - - - - - - -wuGod.wuGod.Uw4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3for they shall becalledthechild - renofGod.- 8 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 9 of 17lead29#& #Aadd9˙.’ ’ ’’ ’ ’ŒœœD/A˙œSop I29&# #Rhythm In˙.∑∑Œœœ˙œSop II29&# #˙.∑∑ŒAl -œleœlu - ia,˙œAlt29&# #˙.∑∑ŒAl -œleœlu - ia,˙ œTen29.?# #˙∑∑Al - le - lu - - - ia, -Œ œ œ ˙ œBari29?# #˙.∑∑Al - leŒ œ œlu - ia,˙ œBass29?# #4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3˙.∑∑Al - leŒ œ œlu - ia,˙ œAl -lelu - ia,- 9 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 10 of 17lead34#& #Œœ œAadd9˙œŒœœE m/G.œ..œ..œ.Aadd9˙˙.Sop I34&# #Œ œ œ˙œŒœœœ . œ . œ.˙.Sop II34&# #al - le -Œ œ œlu - ia,˙ œŒal - le -œ œlu - ia,praiseœ . œ . œ.God!˙.AltTen34&34?# ## #al - le -Œœ œal - le -Œ œ œlu - ia,˙ œlu ia,˙ œal - le -Œœ œal - le -Œ œ œlu - ia,praiseœ . œ . œ.lu - ia,praiseœ . œ . œ.God!˙.God!˙.Bari34?# #al - le -Œ œ œlu - ia,˙ œal - le -Œ œ œlu - ia,praiseœ . œ . œ.God!˙.Bass34?al - le - lu - ia,al - le - lu - ia, praise8 9 4 38 9 4 38 9 4 38 9 4 38 9 4 38 9 4 3# # Œ œ œ ˙ œ Œ œ œ 8 9 œ . œ . œ.4 3God!˙.al - lelu - ia,al - le -lu - ia,praiseGod!- 10 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 11 of 17lead39#& #ŒAadd9œœ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œCAadd9w ˙.Sop I39&# #Œœœ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œw ˙.Sop II39&# #ŒWeœareœcalled to be ser - vants of˙ ˙ œ œ œ œGod,w ˙.Alt39&# #ŒWeœareœcalled to be ser - vants of˙ ˙ œ œ œ œGod,w ˙.Ten39?# #We∑arecalled to be ser - vants of∑God,∑Bari39?# #∑∑∑Bass39?4 8 4 74 8 4 74 8 4 74 8 4 74 8 4 74 8 4 7# # ∑ 4 8 ∑4 7∑- 11 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 12 of 17lead42#& #˙ œ w˙œC3˙ ˙ ˙Aadd9. ˙˙ŒœSop I42&# #˙ œ w˙œ3˙ ˙ ˙. ˙˙ÓSop II42&# #wit - nes - ses˙ œ wto His king - dom - on˙ œ3˙ ˙ ˙earth,. ˙˙ÓAlt42&# #wit - nes - ses˙ œ wto His king - dom on˙ œ3˙ ˙ ˙earth,. ˙˙ÓTen42?# #wit - nes - ses∑to His king - dom on∑earth,Ó. Ó Œ œwhereBari42?# #∑∑Ó. Ó. œwhereBass42?# #∑∑Ó. Ó. œwhere- 12 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 13 of 17lead45#& #D/A˙ ˙ œ œ œA. ˙˙ŒœD/A˙ ˙ ˙.Sop I45&# #∑Ó. Ó Œœ˙ ˙ ˙.Sop II45&# #∑Ó. Ó Œwhereœno one shall˙ ˙ ˙.Alt45&# #∑Ó. Ó Œwhereœno one shall˙ ˙ ˙.Ten45?# #˙ ˙ œ œ œ˙.˙ Ówhereno one shall∑Bari45?# #peace and jus tice shall˙ ˙ œ œ œreign,˙.˙ Ó∑Bass45?# #peace and jus - tice shall˙ ˙ œ œ œreigh,˙.˙ Ó∑peace and jus - tice shallreigh,- 13 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 14 of 17lead48#& #DAœ ˙ ˙Œ œG7n˙.œ Œ ˙C Maj7. ˙wAadd9˙.Œ œ œSop I48&# #œ ˙ ˙ÓÓ. Ó˙. ˙w˙.Œ œ œSop II48&# #hun - ger,œ ˙ ˙ÓÓ. Óor˙want.. ˙w˙.Al - leŒ œ œAlt48&# #hun - ger,œ ˙ ˙ÓÓ. Óor˙want.. ˙w˙.Al - le -Œ œ œTen48?# #hun - ger,Ó. Ó. œn˙.orœ Œ ˙want.˙.w˙.Al - le -Œ œ œBari48?# #orÓ. Ó. œthirst,n˙.orœ Œ ˙want.˙.w˙.Al - le -Œ œ œBass48?or thirst,or want.Al - le -4 6 4 34 6 4 34 6 4 34 6 4 34 6 4 34 6 4 3# # Ó. Ó. œ n˙.œ Œ ˙ ˙.w 4 6 ˙.Œ 4 3 œ œorthirst,orwant.Al - le -For future, extend bar 50 by 2 bars in duple meterwith crescendo.- 14 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 15 of 17lead52#& #D/A˙œŒœ œAadd9˙œŒœœE m/G.œ..œ..œ.Sop I52&# #˙œŒ œ œ˙œŒ œ œœ . œ . œ.Sop II52&# #lu - ia,˙œal - le -Œ œ œlu - ia,˙œŒal - le -œœlu - ia, sha -œ . œ . œ.AltTen52&52?# ## #lu - ia,˙ œlu - ia,˙ œal - le -Œœ œal - le -Œ œ œlu - ia,˙ œlu - ia,˙ œal - le -Œœ œal - le -Œ œ œlu - ia,sha,œ . œ . œ.lu - ia, sha -œ . œ . œ.Bari52?# #lu - ia,˙ œal - le -Œ œ œlu - ia,˙ œal - le -Œ œ œlu - ia, sha -œ . œ . œ.Bass52?lu - ia,al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, sha -4 3 8 9 4 34 3 8 9 4 34 3 8 9 4 34 3 8 9 4 34 3 8 9 4 34 3 8 9 4 3# # 4 3 ˙ œ Œ œ œ ˙ œ Œ œ œ 8 9 œ . œ . œ.4 3lu - ia,al - le -lu - ia,al - le -lu - ia, sha -- 15 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 16 of 17lead57#& #∑Gadd9œ œ. œœ.Aadd9˙˙.Gadd9Œœ œœ œAadd9˙˙.Sop I57&# #˙.œ . œ.˙.Œ œ œ˙.Sop IIAltTen57&57&?# ## ## #lom.˙.lom,˙.lom,57.˙œ . œ.œ . .œ . œ.sa -sa -œsa -laam,˙.laam,˙.laam,˙.bles - sedŒ œ œbles - sedŒ œ œbles - sedŒ œ œbe!˙.be!˙.be!˙.Bari57?# #lom,˙.œ . œ.sa -laam,˙.bles - sed,Œ œ œbe! - -˙.Bass57?# #4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3lom,˙.œ . œ.sa -laam,˙.bles - sedŒ œ œbe!˙.lom,sa -laam,bles - sedbe!- 16 -

"<strong>Beatitudes</strong> / <strong>Alleluia</strong>" 17 of 17lead62#& #˙˙.˙U˙.∑Sop I62&# #˙.˙.u∑Sop IIAltTen62#& # ˙.62#& # ˙.62.?# #˙˙.uI should extend this by 2 bars; singers do threebars of 'God' (61-63 -- end on 1st beat of bar 64.˙.uDo the above for futer performance -- piano track already done.˙U .∑∑∑Bari62?# #˙.U˙.∑Bass62?# #˙.˙u .∑- 17 -

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