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asscciation for mexican cave studies box 7672 ut station austin ...

asscciation for mexican cave studies box 7672 ut station austin ...

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17The Joya de Salas ... UnsolvedThe exploration of El Sotano de la Joya de Salas was be~un by AMCSmembers in 1965 - yet 12 years later the <strong>cave</strong> has still not been bottomed.The recent ~~CS success in Sotano de San Agustin encoura~es us to take aclose look at the Joya's possibilities.September, 1973: A group of six Canadian, En~llsh and Texas <strong>cave</strong>rsfailed to pass the rimstone barriers that stopped exploration at -1,234 feet.On the way o<strong>ut</strong> Peter Lord and Blake Harrison stopped to check a lead thatgoes back underneath the drop that is just below the Angostura de Linda.A narrow, b<strong>ut</strong> interestin~ passa~e, Peter pushed on throu~h a squeeze whileBlake stayed behind. The passage dropped steadily down climb-downs to apoint where Peter estimated that he was nearin~ the level of the deepestportion of the <strong>cave</strong>. Se was in a low water passage that ended in a rims tonedam that came to ~ithin abo<strong>ut</strong> 8 inches from the ceiling. Beyond, Peterlooked into a large rift passage running at right angles to the passa~ehewas in a "T" junction. There were absol<strong>ut</strong>ely no rocks" to be found, b<strong>ut</strong>by splashing water over the dam Peter estimated it was abo<strong>ut</strong> a 70 foot dropto the bottom of the rift. The dam is rotten flowstone and could quicklybe chipped away with ,a hammer.Joya de Salas drains over 100 km 2 of land area. Past the Sima Terrible(-300 ft level) the passa~e becomes constricted and finally sumps at -1234 ft.It seems unlikely that the whole volume of water entering the <strong>cave</strong> goes thisway. Perhaps the rift passa~e will p<strong>ut</strong> us back on the ro<strong>ut</strong>e to the resur~ence.~o <strong>cave</strong>rs have been to the Joya since the CETENAL sheet came o<strong>ut</strong>. Thesenew maps now rule o<strong>ut</strong> the possibility of a resur~ence to the west, leavin~the ~acimiento del Rio Sabinas as the only likely o<strong>ut</strong>let - 1,400 meters below.Also the map shows several unvisited dolinas 1.5 km S.E. of Joya that lookvery promising.Pe ter Sprouselathmus of TehuantepecDec. 27-Jan. 6Don Broussard and David Honea Investi~ated an uninhabited re~ion inthe State of Oaxaca, lyin~ northeast of Juchitan de Zara~oza," looking <strong>for</strong><strong>cave</strong>s. The area was rumored to have limestone and some <strong>cave</strong> potential.A few <strong>cave</strong>s were found b<strong>ut</strong> were mainly horizontal and did not seem veryprom1sin~. The only access is bv backpackin~ and the limestone area isat least ewo to three days hike from anv vehicular transportation.David Honea

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