Issue 6 2007 - acpfg

Issue 6 2007 - acpfg

Issue 6 2007 - acpfg

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ACPFG VECTORMake the leapIn this issuePage 4 Sorting out Salinity StressPage 6 Growing Arabidopsis in HydroponicsPage 7 Arabidopsis (Part 2)Page 8 Providing Clues for Gene ExpressionPage 10 Looking Out for Health and SafetyPage 12 Out in the ColdPage 13 Lab to LandPage 14 CSIRO <strong>2007</strong> Root and Soil Biology WorkshopPage 15 PhD Candidate Nominated for Best PaperPage 16 Transforming the Scientists of TomorrowPage 20 Get into Genes New DevelopmentsPage 22 New FacesIs your advertising agency treating you like a small fishin a big pond – but charging you big fish prices? Make theleap to Deep Blue Water Communication and enjoy bigagency expertise without a big agency price tag.Call us today on 08 8359 3332or visit www.dbwc.com.auGrants won!ACPFG were recently notified of the following successful grant and award applicationsDr BN Kaiser; Prof MA Tester; Dr JA Rafalski; Dr K Dhugga won anARC Linkage Grant titled ‘Targeted approaches to improve nitrogen useefficiency in maize’ valued at $900,000 over three years. Collaborating /Partner Organisation and co-applicant is DuPont Pioneer. The grant willsupport collaborative research by the University of Adelaide and DuPont-Pioneer into the efficient use of nitrogen in maize. The collaboration withPioneer was established by the Australian Centre for Plant FunctionalGenomics of which the University is the largest shareholder.Jenna Malone and Alexandra Smart were awarded a‘Commercialisation Training Scheme Scholarship’ to undertake theGraduate Certificate in Commercialisation at the University of Adelaidecommencing in semester 2, <strong>2007</strong> valued at $20,000 each. Recipientsof these scholarships must maintain full time enrolment in a higherdegree by research while undertaking the CTS.Prof MA Tester won a Crawford Fund Training Award valued at$8000 towards the training of Dr Sunita Gupta. Dr Gupta is workingwith Dr Yuri Shavrukov on salt tolerance in Triticum monococcum.Dr Jacqueline Batley from ACPFG’s Queensland node won aYoung Scientists Exchange Scheme travel grant offered through theDepartment of Education, Science and Training (DEST) and theChinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). Dr Batley willtravel to China to participate in the Australia China Young ScientistsExchange Scheme. The visit will take place from 22 July to 6 August<strong>2007</strong>. This newly established scheme aims to promote collaborationbetween younger Australian and Chinese scientists by allowingparticipants to form research networks and explore possible areasof collaborative research.2

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