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NOTES to the financial statements<strong>Saxo</strong> Bank Group<strong>Saxo</strong> Bank A/SNote (DKK 1,000) 2009 2008 2009 200819 Domicile premisesCost, beginning 53,797 52,080 - -Exchange rate adjustments - (225) - -Reclassification - 1,809 - -Additions 700,000 133 - -Disposals (22,514) - - -Total cost, end 731,283 53,797 - -Depreciation and write-down, beginning (9,234) (1,318) - -Exchange rate adjustmens - 5 - -Reclassification - 4 - -Depreciation for the year (429) (705) - -Write-down in the year (5,997) (7,220) - -Reversal of depreciation and write-down, disposals 12,262 - - -Total depreciation and write-down, end (3,398) (9,234) - -Total domicile premises 727,885 44,563 - -20 Other tangible assetsCost, beginning 300,986 211,649 195,265 172,068Exchange rate adjustments 9,114 706 1,087 (2,420)Reclassification - (2,161) - (18)Additions 54,320 150,757 37,038 85,600Disposals (59,947) (59,965) (43,865) (59,965)Total cost, end 304,473 300,986 189,525 195,265Depreciation and write-down, beginning (107,800) (88,041) (82,133) (83,255)Exchange rate adjustments (1,469) 211 1,679 1,073Reclassification - 90 - -Depreciation for the year (58,376) (54,666) (49,891) (40,057)Write-down in the year (28,356) (15,576) - (10,076)Reversal of depreciation and write-down, disposals 38,313 50,182 34,443 50,182Total depreciation and write-down, end (157,688) (107,800) (95,902) (82,133)Total other tangible assets 146,785 193,186 93,623 113,13221 Debt to credit institutions and central banksDebt on demand 9,779 1,500 19,345 1,286Within 3 months 1,132 309 - -3–12 months 12,557 929 - -1–5 years 61,159 2,907 - -More than 5 years 393,852 9,455 - -Total debt to credit institutions and central banks 478,479 15,100 19,345 1,286ANNUAL REPORT 2009 · SAXO BANK · 59

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