Dec 1907 - Newspaper Archives of Ocean County

Dec 1907 - Newspaper Archives of Ocean County

Dec 1907 - Newspaper Archives of Ocean County


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<strong>Ocean</strong> City SentinelPnurrmD AKD finn-lump tvui TnumDAT.R. CURTIS "ROBIN5ON~7'.Editor and Proprietor ', ' •OCEAN CITY, — - NEW JERSEYInter-State 'Phone Na iai 'A'tvertlMmenU In locnl eoluuiiiN. 5 cent**per Una. «Acb iDMirtion. Monthly nnd yewlyrale* rurqUbed on uppllciitlou.Job work promptly done by oxperlcnoMihind*."THURSDAY, DECKMIIKU5, <strong>1907</strong>.'. Entered nt the I'oul onjfu in Ocvun Oily,.- N* J.,'ui* wecoml oluiw mull mutter.. .FEES for signboards appeals plvait-• ontly to the municipalities. It willuot be long now before they willwonder why they ever'permllted IIIIH,source <strong>of</strong> revenue to be overlooked.THE mite founded by Seiialor-eleetWIUou, <strong>of</strong> Atlantic, In favor <strong>of</strong> pus*-Ing fewer lawn IIUH xtruck u renpoi>Hlvechord all over the Htate, Hay» tbe New-York Herald. There Inn perfect clu»ruV<strong>of</strong> entbunluittlc liKlorHOinent <strong>of</strong> IIIHHUgRcatlnu. The people <strong>of</strong> New JerwyKot u Hurfelt <strong>of</strong>' legislation uud la\fniaUiiy;tld» year.THE natlou1» richer than It everwas, the bropH have been abundant,we are making enormousnali'foreign countries, and we lackuothliiisbut, temporarily, enough medium olexchange to curry ou, the operations<strong>of</strong> business. If people Reneriilly couldRet this fact througUtheir heupicturesque »lope» unil ruvlncn coveredwith tropical verdure, while directly jin front ure the cornl reefr. where tbe j 1 ' 11JUDGE'S CHARGEIN LAP CASEli'oinlli'mrIrnm Klml l*«i-.l' 'nine uponthe'he lot», ot ut leuHtl onblue Fnclllc dasliej nnilKUMI-IIM InthentmllKht.Kverywhere Hie broml,Whiteroudsvery*xtrelvh out If toehulleuKe tlieautouiobillnl to test theHpeed <strong>of</strong>.'IIIN cur along tbylr HIHOIIIIIsurfaceInnumerable trip*' .may be, for, although tlie.lslaudH arcthe iu>rlli»e»lcrly Ir <strong>of</strong> Alluntle avenlie,to which vinllieu'H' tl'le went,Unit hi followIIIK'the-cull In UIOHOiteeilx In. Atlhnllc avenue,MutheWHuiel l>y the ordinary high waterWIIHlineyour venllct inu»t lie for the plaintiffan the laud lyluif. In rrmit or that lot.Klflb: The heennd eruelul duleIH depteiuher 4th< 1H8:.', and relalen'lolotM 1)87, U8U.mil, (M.I und Wo. II youbelieve from the evidence .tliiit at tliat*Unit tlierc w u\i. ever HO narrow u Hlrip<strong>of</strong> la d between .Hit ordinary highwater llue<strong>of</strong> Ilie ocean mid the ennternboundary <strong>of</strong> IOIH Not*. 087,1M1), 1)01, IKHnnd'UU.'), then your venllct uuinl be furthe plaliitill'uH to'the -euliintToils *wlinesove indicated, for lu that eventthe title <strong>of</strong> suld property flopped atA Littla Vfueline Improves and, Preservesthe Binding.An <strong>of</strong>ficial nf the rongrexs'lonal 11-brary was talking with a - frlpnd whorecently lnul iinroliasiil'u bnnilHome sot<strong>of</strong> leather Imuml volnnici ami Hilld:"You hud hotter examine those volumcMcarefully to sec If the leathernciilK fceiling. If It ix new stock tlioyyears. but"tf they have- hi-i-n on theshelves for Home time tlio leather willhave lo»t most <strong>of</strong> JtH natural nil nndbecome brittle. ' This applies especially,fo books kept luprlvate iionses, whichare ns.a ritle much hotter than the hookHtncks" <strong>of</strong> n largo library.There Isnothing more attractive thitu n fresh,well preserved leiilhiT binding on avolume nnd Hcnrcdy nnythlin; IOA.4 HOthau 11 dilapidated. crnckiMl one. -"You can ndd yours to the life <strong>of</strong> alentber binding and u' hundred per centto itH n'ppeiiranco by riiblilng-ln a littlevn^i'llne. wlih. a plitnn—not too rnucl). Just as iniicli us theleiithvr will tbonniulily nbsnrb. \Vlioreliigh wuler murk, and tbe call for Al-i Hie binding bcmlH Is whcrCit Is moslhe! Hkely to emck.The leather will untI I.H» creasy, as the vaseline will lie' absorbed.One treatment over.v year ortwo In Riillleleiit unlesi the' IIOOUH ureunduly cxpositl to limit,"—WashingtonStur. ....' -lutitic uveuue'in said deed wouldsurplusage.Seventh:Whether Atlantic uvenueWas or Mils not laid out ou the mapbelow Sixth 'street is not decisive, ifthe ordinary high water mark washedthe lots In question or wanhi-d thecentre <strong>of</strong> the street iu front or the lots,for lu either siich case the defendantwould be entitled-lo .the accretions, i i, ou, critics , mid coiiiiiiinirenders,ind in such ease your verdict should s"«:ilil It wns the griiiiesiSlayer and 8leigher,In tin- ilrsl "nuinlii'i- <strong>of</strong> tin- AtlantisMonthly ltnlph Wultlo l-Jiuer.soii hail a[ioou> cnlti'tl "ltrah|iiji." which pti/'/ledbe for the defendant• Ki^litb: The <strong>Ocean</strong> City Associationhaving conveyed lots !)&">, liS7, US!),IKIli'fW and Ujlo, In Section A, tnCbus.Matliews, calling for Allanllc uvenueas a boundary, iieltherlhe association,nor any person or cor|uirallon claimmK under them, can deny that suchan avenue existed unless at the timeor s.icli sale the lauds within thebounds or such avenue were coveredby ti lal waters, lu which case the'callTor Atlantic avenue iu the deed wouldbe void and the real boundury wouldbe tbe ordinary high water markNinth: Where a lot Is conveyed,and the lot Is waxhed by the ordinaryhigh water<strong>of</strong> the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong>, thetitle.toiliR lund follows the ordinaryhigh water, Irrespective <strong>of</strong> the culls lthe deed, whether the ordinary high.water mukes la'udward or-oceanwurd,ami If the lot washes a >ay It ix theowner's losx. If It makes up by uccrelionit jx liix gain and the land so madeis ITenth:, If the ordinary high watermurk <strong>of</strong>. the Atlantic .<strong>Ocean</strong> on thetwenty-»lxtli day <strong>of</strong> July, lKKO.washedlot numbered 085 or the centre <strong>of</strong> thestreet or avenue Iu front <strong>of</strong> it in theuiatiuer ubove Indicated then yourverdict should be for the defendant asto'the land in front <strong>of</strong> that lot.Eleventh: If the ordinary, highwater murk <strong>of</strong> the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong> oilthe lourlb day or .September, 1HH-2,A'usbed' lots Nos. 987, 089, 091, IHC! and1KI.>, or the centre <strong>of</strong> the street or avenuefu front or them, lu the mannerubove indicated, then your verdrctshould be for the. defendant as to allthe laud in.front <strong>of</strong> those lots.Twelfth: If the ordinary high Wutermurk <strong>of</strong> the Atlantic'<strong>Ocean</strong>, on thedates or the respective deeds, waxhedall the lots numbered 985, 987, 08ft, 991,•Mi and 995, or the centre <strong>of</strong> the streetor avenue iu front <strong>of</strong> them; in themanner above indicated, then yourverdict should be for the defeudaut asto the land in front or all the lotsNumber four has been withdrawnand number uiue is refused except asalready charged. I omitted a sentenceor two lii that request.In requests one aud two. or the defeudaut, I charged about the presentowner <strong>of</strong> the laud being bound by thestatements <strong>of</strong> the predecessors lu title,and I am requested and do say to youthat that would be binding both as tothe plalutlir and the defeudaut, becausethey both get their title from acommon source, tbe <strong>Ocean</strong> City Association.• . "I-'.UKTJIKK ClIAIlOE TO JL'i»Y.Oeiitlemen: My attention is calledto one thing which I may not' havemade entirely plain to you. I willread request number ten <strong>of</strong>' the plaintiff:' ' ' "If the lands <strong>of</strong> Sooy were not washedby tbe high Water Hue at the time <strong>of</strong>these conveyances lu 18S0ahd I8£V Itmatters not' even if, 'they • were "soWashed at a later date, and Sooywould acquire iio rights because 'tbewater washed' bis lots at such laterdate.That Is, to allow Hooy to recover, tilelotM must have beeu washed lu 1BS0and 1BS2, and not at Some later dateby the ordinary high waler'mark..TbeTnllCcdiitiilDnrel.Tall Cedars <strong>of</strong> Lebanonwillr^^Vb.Hrr.he me^^<strong>of</strong>high Water mark or the ocean and tbe this mysterious and maguanlmoiuteastern boundary <strong>of</strong>. lot No. 08S, • then order will be on hand.the c-entiiry.Somecense. Tin' llrst1 <strong>of</strong>sttld Itrun ax follcuvs:If tlio rod »InHentlnel. -, Whet Ckthocd His Mind,,"I li:iil.KUpi>'i-i> 1'lintll yMtonlnJr, doo-.tor. thnt.thP ilnys or'the hl(«(lhiB <strong>of</strong>patient* w.eri> paiit.""And RO tliey nre. But wtiat'changedyonr mind?""The : bill you seat me." . * ' 'Huatle Whll. You WaltWhile waiting for yonr prayer to boanswered try to get what you. wantLoots Globe-Democrat.Flrr Alarm BOMH.When you heur the' llre-alurm bell,>uk at the subjoined list <strong>of</strong> liiimlierHor'lire-Uixex,' and you.will, nscertainDie Iqcntlnn <strong>of</strong> the lire:' • '111—jSecoud aiid Ai-bury uv'eiiuc'IH—iMiurih mid Axbury avenue.•S7— Kourlli and <strong>Ocean</strong> avenue. ,HIS—Sixth und Central avenue.Vi—Klgh'th and Asbury aveiiue., -18—(.'Ity.Pavilion, Boardwalk.M—'Ninth and <strong>Ocean</strong> nyenue.• tU—Tenth and Asbury avenue.711—Kleventh und Central avenue-..W—Thirteenth and Axbury uvenue.'Ill —.Sixteenth nud -Asbury avenue.1THUC XOTICE.••>'.':, 'Nnilrvijii'iti-rrliyIJIVJII tlmt llif fmiiilyllonnl ror the ,Ki|iliill»itli4ti!t*ufx. 'I'l 1 *' liosril will uifvl »l mo-eliH-K n. in.' AA|,,,N w. HASH.rri'ililt'iil it, at l.ai n'l'iiM'k in th- HIHTH ontiiKu!.! iiH^.ni'iiifsiifiiir-.diw.i', )n 'jir*-MuyI'tmri Hou «•, » u\>v \lu.\ t oiiniy. N(»Jermjy, • . . .Siiuiiu* In tlu-t'iiv ttf iwi, I niitrliiid Muhji'i-i lit ilu'cmi«l|tl'tM-nii.t n«.irii tton*orilif n.tMti t'»v A—n.*jiiii HI.lh*tni:»l»tri. mill Mr l'"^HlOtllllltlt! l "7~ *SAWSMRSUMMER COTTAGEfi£T MY PROPOSITION BEFORE YOU BlllljIIOTELS, A PAUTMEXTS, CoTl'AGKS, BAY VjLUS,J JUNG Allows,'ETC., DESIGNED A>D ERECTEDI will prepiire your plans and specifications ;without charge. ' They will be thoroughly prac- . .tical an4 adapted, to local-.condltipns :;:: • : . - ."'600D MATERIALGOOD WORK* ~ QUICK SERVICEOTIS M. TOWNSENDOFFICElitb St. ti Haven Avc. BUILDER OCEAN CITY,'.M..J."Successor to JOS. G. CHAMPIONIX CHANCERY4IF NEW JEltSEY.rii o. Hri4«l\vuy,ft.rillrix <strong>of</strong> ttuluml VtTiion Hr- ilua>:Ity vinu«*<strong>of</strong> iirt urUr ot inr Court <strong>of</strong> * him«'»-r> <strong>of</strong>NVu .itTM-'j. iniiih «III Ihi- ilii.v ol HiitHit* liiTtMil. 111 ut'iiiiH* u'luTfln Willhiiii A.M>i>.i.fy i» contf lulnuii'. in*! you uml OIMT*iiri'deri-tnliintx. >otinrfrt*|ti)rt»1 m u|>|t-ur,plfiuJv unr-ut-r or tiriitur to ih«> hill ol "nt*.furii|tiitiiiniit,oti or U-rorc (hf .iufiii>wii:nui•Iiiy ol J'Viiiiury, t^M.tir Die MI hi I'.HI will N-lukt*n KM 1 onf-"MMI im.thi'-t >oii.'I'lic H.I1*1 hill I" lllt-d to tmv«Mo**"» inoriunu) 1 .liHult It* ^.1 nlUII itfuawiOmiil . Iti'lNVfu '•ifrti>lwu>, hl« uir*. lo" U'tllmn* A. M(t-M-v.4l)|l4'll •«• pICIUl »T Hit,IMC, Oil I)ll)>1» III ttt(rlty or 11,-, mi niv. 4'iuinii <strong>of</strong> Cii|if..Miiy ntnls.ut«I Nivv. Jrr»?>; nn-t >ou«-hiiiii titouu iti" >>uid p v] 11 i»f«. or hnvvu.iihinit*r«»t llMTt-in; HIHI>OII K.-t«-ivu«>, \'. r n>twiy.uxV-.' trl\ 01 tlu-f-utt-<strong>of</strong>.lo-h»lijiruil«'»}'«itf*-\ou r nun Minit* iui**n'»-i u*> xiich t-xtvutrlkin llif-,•!«! h.u-liun.l011 > Jii " • OCEAN CITY, N.-J*.K«ltu)iiU>N rlit^Tfillly i!ivt'l|. *Muil'liiiKw frpeteit t>y cnntnit'i or tiny.UOMIN MAiRTSContracting BuilderHill* i'O|t .tli'M H N|M^*lltltyKHiliuuifHctit'crruU.v ftiriil«lif%t Avr., tr'rumre, ;1.", yi irmii xihirie-, »j*iii ii^' fromnun-. >'_'l icrioiiruiirbiiuv. rI-'t 1 • I fromi>be-. ii'.'i HI from frim iuir uml »j*>. in'ruin Ilirln- he triITr-l'iTri'il Mini':i|i|.ro.rlatfil lo ihe iii'ni <strong>of</strong>inlerrwi,A11.I1T-..11 Itmirue ii-.u«kfi| for a i|iil(.•laiiii tleeil. suivl the nmiter u'a^ reiri'ilin I hi- i-ny -nlii'iiiir.II ^'!i- uL'ri'ol In ri'tieu -imie- I'uinudiKMiinl. lu pay •tn-li iiumey n> I-TheiiiiiI'tlylltele-I.-liilarle-.irnlll:lL'r..lU'hl-,'.Vlller,iarhaL'e.\-hu-.rlniniL-."tuv Slrrel-,i'.htilanre'., ,a* rei^un'rI'litiin|,liiit,1.V1.1t:r>. inIlls.-,::lli.lliI' A' .'A er-,Inihl I—lie, IT.Snikini: IMI'HI,«i^ .-in>-iiiir I'liiiil,I;HI"I. I'iivltiun, In'Ihu' KlIIH),l!tn*». Siriere-l, •,.., K«'">. Si-Hi!.' l-'inid,iL'ai'lli.ni.siiik-) " I111.Sink-ISlllMI'inlieanl:• -'liiii.Y T'llMTV.."U'linle-heiirlvd Service" 4»nlijwfnf the llev, Ur. I'nukin 'Hnly ,'i;rlulty I- |'',| chiire'lay niiirnhii;.|) r. fiink^, lir. i'nuk said in. |mrt: .' ••" •"Ou the fariii at- 1'iTksklll, wljlrhwas the treat Plymouth preaeher'sdellKlu, there wu-ii very.,Kie ordinance, tn hevitlid,must be iiitmilueed at a regularuiectiut; <strong>of</strong> a eoiitniiiiius « ntineil . Weare UIM> advised lhal the iiresent C01111-eil wtinld nut eontinut' heyoml Die end<strong>of</strong>iho year, und lhal, thiTefure; Iheiirdiuuni'e cniild not he enusiilered attwo regular ineelini;s uf tlml hmly.In view ol tin- eundllinn, we reull/eh ilIhut it woiihl lieto haveDie uiea-ure,intrndiu'eil jo-tluv. VV_-hall, there'fore, urrunire fnr ii-*fireseiilulinuliefnre the lin-niitini; roiinellupon II- orisuul/atliHi lu January^Very lte>|iei:lfiilly Vmirs, "Ari.A.M'li ( rr.v AMI tli'CAN. iovw 11 upon the IIIMJI liled the-econd day ul* lieceinher.11M 17. withIhe Clerk ol <strong>Ocean</strong> 1 uy, and marked"I'iVliilul for K^U'iisjuu Ordinance nltin- Ailauin' > ity and liinm I liy HailroadCoinpan.^," which »uii| rmile I-a- follow s: Itc^uinim; al a poliil <strong>of</strong>,'oniicctlon with Ilie e>;i-liiii« track ntIhe sti'nl riiilrulid cuiniiitny, saidpoint liciim -w fi-cl in a souihen-leri.vdiieeliou fioin Hie last 'pile *i,cn.l,k'ninui a- No. I'll, ot ilie lic'-lleoltlie-aid ititlruad coinpiiuy, nieii-iiicir•iloni; ihe.cenler line <strong>of</strong> sal,I railroad,thence ea-lerlv l»v a curve tu ihe left,linvitii'tion-: and so we wnuld lenrii 11 lewli^—on-, frnm.the fadini; leaf wlilt'h I--11 rohtmnii at ihl- season <strong>of</strong> ilit? yeai."P'irst, let 11- learn Hull II I'ltnnul liean aei'ldeiil. lliiit. Iheiiatural uurldshoiild l,i':u siii'li wiinderfiil uu.ilouleuiihand iiiiord -o utitiiy emblemsuudIlln-trallnu--plrltual Wnrld.Tor eNow, lssing theintendednaliire nr \V- lawnshnnld lit 1 oilrteacher, and when we read, "we all dnfin If lisa leaf/we fhuiilii appreciate,the simiie-tion and learu the IV.ou.that it 1- a truth tu he reiuetnliereilI'liclr hiiiir and each day. Xot tomake Us inure niornse, or sad, lie-t loli-ar'ii to Iiiuke the 1110-t uf .oiir'oppnrtnnitles. • • ••"Aiinther kwin jre learn Is lliii.lC11.I loves Hii-heatilifiil. All lliroiiulithe iiulvcr-e lie has-i-attirt'cl iiewildcriiiuheanly in |niTjillu iirotitsliiii.CiniliotweU'tinifrom this Unit (.'nil .iuletideilmlr lives to l.e_ heaiiillul andfall nf -iliisliiilu'It is.no -11x11 <strong>of</strong>a a lllillll^ol'iisi; 7 feel. IT"»7.1 I feelo a |tolm in the center line oj' Klulilhslri'ii, whli'li polnl |s L'ul r.'i letl troinHie wc-icrl.vline nl Hay nveniie,iiicasiir'-d 'iiliniix the 4'eti.terline/<strong>of</strong>Kmhlh sireet, iu a northwi'-ierly "lireetln; ihetice easierlv nlnnix the iviiierline nl' Klghth street, In '< point <strong>of</strong>swtii'li, stud point 1 helm; Ineaied .101leer easterly Iriijn the easterly line nlAllaldlc avenue. • .—SeJ'tinTrL'—"l!ir"ir"firrfiiyr~nnrinneirHint the Al HiticCiiy and iic'eati CilyKa-llruad I niiipany lie itiid it Ijerehy i*umnied the i luhl, perfill—Ion: privileue'iin.1 fmnchl-e In hiy, eoiisirucl andoperale a dniihlc.track rallroail ill Hiesaid City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> City, w uh ii iloiihleer r-s uver coiinecttim the-aid douhletracks, alnni; the route slinw'n uponihe afure-'alil ni'P, wlilcll -alii I.IIIIC is:|s- lollows.'Itetilnnlui; at a point ul'^w-Heh—de-*'riiKMl—in—SeeiUni-1-tif—Ihi^ordinance, from which said point <strong>of</strong>switch the said double tracks -h:tlldlverire lu a point' L'lll feeteasterlyfniin the easterly line.iif. Ailt|niii; avt'-.riui.-, inoasiired nil a tine parallel .withthe center line <strong>of</strong> l-'iKhtli street, atw'Uich poiui.the I'euler lluu <strong>of</strong> tracks-hall lie S feet, (I Inches nil either sideol said-center hue <strong>of</strong> Highlit sirei'i,measured at rlixlilIUIHIL—i thereto;Hience • riinnini: parallel w'ilh . Haldcentre line loa pinnl |.~>s feet ci-icrlyI'roin the -aid easterly line <strong>of</strong> Atlanticavenue, th-point or ending, .•'Seiition '•'* Ite* it further ordainedHint the Atlantic ; ! . ' . . ..".(i , i l . . . k „ .*.. t. , , lIvl-.'ar M. Creiory.-ft us i' 1HarveyC. Iviloii ;^Vi. l-ot lilli. Section-William' II. Murphy et ux tnThomuj.Howard i--" 1 - !•"> •I"-' 1 - rfl ' t -'V""Clara It. Dunn el al- fn (iVn l-'ri)~i,,,,,: i\. \M- i-j'ii. ;-'»•>. I- I)S . y- utuv avenue '•'. : • •I'l.S, |iou'i«la-.-el al». h>'S|iL'C.Ala-ier,1 John Wiilliira.Conveys lua IIIIIK fil"I,el II- learii aiiniher lessuiir.Snineleaves when ilyiui!, put nil theif mn-tL'liruV'.ii- apparel, and so'nie, un theoilier 'hulid, hecoiiie asurt, <strong>of</strong>. ru-t.vhiowii, and, a- If di-irnsted, fall to theurniiiid iinnotieed'1'llis. is ihe le-son:j i.m us strive lo U'r>iw old heiiiiiifully.i Nut all people lake on heauiy nf char-'aeter In old ace. Soitii.', liixlen") <strong>of</strong> 1I liveiiinliil! inellmv uml snft in Inve,shrjvel iu everytliiiiifKIMHI, anil fade'"liitiihlliwne.snO! ihe sorrow nfiirowililis-jilil, llieliiiielliie'HHuf K/owliiu old.| unloved iiVi'i iinlouely! dried andiere-meailow lii.nd. Tiiek.uh.te ItH'er, |_,irilW|| ,,,f(| wrinkled, .wlih ii ras|ijii•y(inr. voice wiilcli all men InUi',to heari und little childrenI lee 1 rroiiL 'As .wei L'roW old, lel.tin eiitl'h a Klimpse <strong>of</strong>- tlieI Son <strong>of</strong> rlKliteoiiHiies-s, thai He. maynud Int'iwl.'Si'elHin II. Oraih'CliyHarry Kates et us in Clura It ; thuutlals. 'fL hut" _l-"l. I-Jinl, IL'iW, \:Ulav' aven'ui' >'• '. • '• , •linrry Kiile-i'i "*• «" s " 1 ' ' '" Hll> 'vj, IM lii-!. Iliiy avoniieCavper I'enii.ick et HX t» K-iellf .\ •Dunk. "?:W». LotTILSeellot. CJohn !>. Powers-ft US to f^!"^'-Yoeuiii. ?.' , ''""'. ""' ' i."• i"I'I'I" •''(i 1iS'p ll sta;u!;; 1 e| i .;5'j.ii»>.i> ;s the I'-riinkford Herald:-:. enrneal, f-r several jvurs M,u, beou,.,in.ii-Hs transferred fromollJ In.romnttoii.' IVitfi'"-' .i' 1 - ttn "lrankf.ird.Mf i. - «VUL'aliiiuke uml ke«|> our lives . beautiful.Lt't us jiruy ilii« jiruyer,-Sd i bteaeh us'Ltt j yjin iiiinibi'roiir duyxibut we may jretheart" <strong>of</strong> wHlom.'"' " •^ !••>:>• (*cn««i S«M.'».. IThe inenilierrt nr nie'.Siipbonioreelus'Hhave juHt eompleleii "Silux Muliier."For bihtructloiiMupoil tin; iiic«haiil>.m<strong>of</strong> the air brake, auk F. C.i r t ii|ipolnteda lilRh wrlioulA cuiuiiiUteu or twoby eueli ela"* '". Kt ' l *» suit-el aniliiniise hy electrieltv or KIIIIIV oiliersy-leiii or ll^hiliiu ei|iially elllcieiil.iji The salil eoiiipaliy HIIIIII kiVpilu- ieiuperaiiire <strong>of</strong> all Us curs uhoveilei-ree- l-'aliienhell al all time-.kiKvery closeii cur mi wlili-h aiiiutorm'aii shall lie siailotied shall he'-lihiiled In such a manner at shalltiicci »iicli iiiotoriiiati.>J) M'he sul.l I'oinpally squill applylo each car, or train run over suld railnay,a proper fender, or pilot, In enii-Mlolly lu »ncli laws an are now luWANTS ANOTHER. SQUARE OF WALKFifty-ninth Street PropertyOwner Sends Request•to Council.0The follow ln>; self-explanatory-letterwas read t.erore''ouiicjljit II- nicellneon Moniluy nielli and ordered receivedaiid'l(|ed: . . . . ' .>' ,T

T.r<strong>Ocean</strong> City Sentinell*iiiirniD AND FusLiJtniD KvtuYR. CU«TI'~Editor.and ProprietorOCEAN CITY.. - - NEW JERSEYi. I Inter-State 'Phone No uiAitvorttHamenlH In l*ine nf the sermonsare1 lea Illill.V TltlMTY."'nio Hl'lile" wa.-.Uie s'llbjeii <strong>of</strong> Ihe\lv\\ |)r. rook'sMTiiiuil In HolyTrlnitytt'liiirrli l.n ,Sufiiluy 'jiiiirnliiK.lie tn.ik In- testrrom l««,, SI: Hi:' Seek ye out Ihe. bunk <strong>of</strong> Ilie l.onl,nnd. ri-uil." '. • .Ih. look Mtlil in-paft."The i-ecimdSunday- in Advent Ii- culled'ItlultSiiti.ti.y.*Kvcry. Sunday" IH. "prueii.-:ill\',liit.le Stindiiy, l.ir we lead, it- ilnili- *i\ "p^aUu*. two chapter* Irouithe• 'hi Te-tiutient iiml two iilitii ter» frjiwHa- Ni-vi. liu-ults- Ilic portions-electedt'nnn imc i.r^lii- L-"-|ICU and uu epistler.tu ili.u rhurcli piu-spei-iitt emphasis.."ii.tlu -iit.je.-t in-day.'riiii». early iu'in- I IIFI-IIUU ..Vi'tir, all her cluldrejj,:>ic Iii lu'lit Ilii It---.m that tlie bible Ithe \V..id nt I.ml: mi,I not only, uu: >IIIII|II,V-. I.nt every .lay. it we u.nilil'imve -I'lrinml- l.u.d aiid'noiiri-liiiieu e .-hull l.c I'ltr.-liil'lo hear, read, mark,li-iirn und inwiildly ilmc-t nhal hitiivn -o'unu-iou-ly itr.ividi-d and M.OII-• lerlulty |.re-erved lor the soul'- need-"Tiie bitilerali.Mi fur 'Ii- all account <strong>of</strong> the prei;a leeord <strong>of</strong> Ills life:alm> all point oul.i t^l.ri-t, who .'time tlown fromlieaveii for ii-'ineii ami fur our salvutioii," What I- latent l.n Ihe • >ld i'e-tuinenti- pHteut iu the New'The biblei- the record <strong>of</strong> t\ revelation.' It Imbeen truly -itld that we are riot entirelydependent ou Ilie bihle for ourevideuce<strong>of</strong> the life', death and re»iirreclion ot our hie—eil r.nrd.* We do lintdepend upon the bible for the ueuerai..inline uf His tL-Hi.lili.tr.I'lie iiiiiinfni-ts nre.htinde.1 down in tile Iruditiou..t' tlie.cluiri'l.We euiiiinl adn|Uttelye\|ilain Ilie cKi-teuce oT the ehllreh or.if Uie -iicntiiieiits<strong>of</strong> the cliureh if Ihefuel- l>. wfilcli they bear ulttic-s annul[rue. 'These fact- cnu only beuuder-tood wbeii ieste.1 tiy ttie writtenword.'Tlie tradition must be purgedby it continual lefereiice to -Scripture,in tlie uui-pels »•[ liave the ri'Co'rd, not"• inlv ol ill- Ilie, bin ulso <strong>of</strong> the teaching ol Je-us.He is.set fortlruot onlyn- a Saviour, lint us it Teacher.. ToHim let us ao, ilieu. a- lo the 'DivineTea.'her sent froiji Hod/.-"Wiiatever book- you may -tudy,.u imli'MT paver- and iiiiiKU/liicr. youuiuy read, never .tetrard yourself itilitelliueiitund edin-Hlcd people if youlet the dust gather on liie corners ol.'in uiiMiidied btbie,The Scriptureshave trained itiiiuy an Intellect.Danltl Webster allrlbilted hi-style u:ui oiklor to ill- life-long study <strong>of</strong> thehltile, ilr-l tiiilu'lu.iilin by his mother.< 'lad-tone bear- -imilar tes-ilmony.Slum-peiire and Itacoli learned fromIlie bible. So did Browning andHits! M. K . .. The Ucv. N. J. Wright,° PresidingKiller <strong>of</strong> the lirldgclnu District,preuclied ut bum services iu Ihe FirstM. K. Churtdi oil Sunday. In themorning, he ilellvere ' - . , •ii|uin divine hel|> in -ucce-sfullyHIIVini: Ilii'prolilem-<strong>of</strong> life. "In tlie evening, Presiding KlderW-rnrtilt-X|.re—e.i hi- i^leiistire atiiL'alu neiiiu |ire-eni at the clo-iug sere «>l ilie day. lit prV-ached a slroim-i-rrtiou from the lc\t, "N'evertliele—,llii-loiiudatloti.it Cod -tandeth -lire,liuvtntr thi- -seal, the LordkiiowcthIl.i'in .Unit are 111-. • And, let i-Veryiiieijiui nanietn .tlie name <strong>of</strong> Chri-lilepitrt lr..iii-inii|Uity."—Il.Tiui., '2; 1!..;I'rior to'"iiie sermoil, there.wa- alleiiiiie-i. coinprehen-h'e prayer by thepu-tor tin.- Itt'v: Dr Hruliyaie.Tlie -liigini; Iiy I lie" choir,, iruilerfj..i'i..tt .it pr<strong>of</strong>, II. - IILake. wa>-'Tlie'«.ir.r-iif hi- text,' Mr VV right-'iid, si ific trlo-|..oi' Paul to 'TimniheusI'..ul Mu- un experienced.^, and ,nili.ieiiti:ilpreiicjier und teacher <strong>of</strong>-tliedoctrine- nl the I hrl-tlau faith.Paulhalf n.'liiri.-il IIt Iiy iiito'tliechi'irchmid hud li lit) 'in triiinlng for tlieiiniil-hy.. In ihis.-ecoiid letter, Paulrut is tiie alti'iilliin <strong>of</strong> Tliiiiitliy to' thehere-it--IIIMI vngurloii- views t'jiut luidi-oiiii' ii|..iii the ui.rlil, :in(l Paulwiitiied .him against ful-e teachfiig-Hi* tinrctl him to "-hun 'prol'ttue uti'dvain liiilihlitigs, for tlicy, will increase(into more iiuuoilline-s." . 'Paul -peak- iif the deplorable teachi'ii-..i those, days, hut puts over•auiyii-i the-e, "Nevertheless,* tliefniiudlilloii <strong>of</strong> ,;oiiiHmH againstthe church. The truth remaiiiH. Itnever hux been dlsturbwl. . Paul lovedCiod. Kvoli when iu priiton, he wroteinspired letters. He was not dismayed.TheN are alarmists who say tlie .worldin growing woise; that we are on theverge or UopulesH dlnanter, who auk, inChrlstialiliy dead, after all VPut over agalust thin the words <strong>of</strong>the text, the apeuker, urged, God Isguiding the denllny <strong>of</strong> the world.Don't worry.lugersoll, Voltaire aud10,000 men like them are dead, butGod .Is alive- His words shall abideforever. Tbe foundation <strong>of</strong> the churchis or God. It means that tbe fouiiduiirlglnThere have been schisms unit vagaries,Iu tlie,organic .church, but the xub-Htantial apoi-lolli! teachingsremain]All i-oys' <strong>of</strong> uilsslles*wlll be hurled'ugaliiHl the church; but you go home -and don't wuVry. Ciod dare not forgetHis ch'iirch. He would not if Hecould. 1'here will be havoc and dls- .a-ier', but tlie Clirlstluu men nndwomen will.Maud against all <strong>of</strong> llie-e"(>'od kuowetli them that are ills.Who'are Gndjs people ?" Tuos'e wliohave aligned tlicmselv.es vllh(ioil'spuiposes, In llis>erviees for tlie world.God thinks <strong>of</strong> them, lie has care 'orthem. God watches over His peopleair* HI* church, so tlmt no evil maycome to lliehl and that He may bringIliem to high groundTbe-e are themcuniiiKs<strong>of</strong> His M'onli.They mean,loo, that God will get for them airiuuipliover ev'il and Dually coronateand put tjieiu on a throne beside Himself.God wauls a clean church. Hewants a church wiijiout blood uponher loyal attire;'•The speaker said lie rejoiced hi thepower, wealth, culture, refinementand .'quipmeiil <strong>of</strong> tlie church, but thee»"eiillulf!id is not reiill/.cil nu!e— Ihe,churclK Is pure and clean'anil holy.-God wants rich men If they n-e llie.lrrlcti rightly, but t«od waulV. mdre ,than anything, maiihoini—"royal iiiuiihoiui—mentle-ts character. (J.elrlclu-; gel honors, get power. If youwill, but Ih-t get 'wisiliiuiSeek I liepowerful help <strong>of</strong> Christ. >Open.every -•evening,untilXmas-JHwHff^w!^Atlaijtic pity's Largest and Best Department StomBRAUNSTEIN'Slast, after ntany busy monthV <strong>of</strong> tin.-ktss preparation, our vast e^ttiblishment is t»:i:minjj with Thousandslousamls <strong>of</strong> Good Tilings "with which, to jr'adtlon the liuarts <strong>of</strong> those you lriyarcd to serve'oiir customers as cliirine'this Glorious Chri'itnias Carnival.-which |yromises t.o'swwpAt last,upon Thousandswe so well pnipared to serve our customers as during this Glorious Christmas v-armvai.- WHICH priiniises v> swwpall previous rcomls-bHoro'it.Tin; same policy <strong>of</strong>jjivin^ the l»tst <strong>of</strong> quality for the smallest outlay <strong>of</strong> money willcontinue at this busy store. Our buying for spot Oash. together with-b'-inji' satisfied with smallpr<strong>of</strong>it-takinii;u>. .IVI.I.itilic*' Pure I.incn-'Itiitiiil ILnnlkiii'liieN. i-.ti-h 12 l-2C;«'xlia.[iiality: uveat value.Lailics" All-over Svvi-- l-juht.iiiU-ri.-il Haiiilki'n-huN,- lii-nn'tiiVil. (lesions. \ery" slii-cr .|na!iiy f'it in a luix: per tiox.- £1.50;worth S2.5.1. . • 'Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, ttewot coloriiit;^. tu-at ilol> iimFfigures, very jutpiilar, e.ni'h JZ I-2C; i'n' valrn-, "l-'ine variety <strong>of</strong> Linen and SilkIisiiiilkeri'liiets fur tile tiii'ti_ folks at i-i|tiiilly jjreat-Iiat;Kains. . • '-..':Bring the little folks to visit ToylandLet them see theWONDERFUL MECHANICAL TOYSThat move as if aiive• r ' • •• ' • . ' ' 'TOYS FOR THE BOYSTOYS FORJ^P f IRISFire Engines.Doll Beds. ' MilkOpean City Sentinel, i)KCKMHKIt li:, HH17.nnall boulml to receive UJUIIH or>ud c«Hiiuiuulci»tionH <strong>of</strong>in'teresiii i iJJ, thl« community ami oiir reii.h-rslere'Jcomtuiinlcatlons should he acwith the full name andKAMA BOYS INiPLANS FOR NEW CHURCHATLANTIC CITYGuests <strong>of</strong> Pcquod Tribe, TheyWere r.iycn n Grcab_ ..Reception.jddreM <strong>of</strong> the writer, not necessarily ; ,\n iiiiii-iiiclK-|.i ri:u. ,1 ,f,,'•wpaUlentlnn. •'"! »" " K««nintee or i lleini 1,. r. ,,r .K,',| m| n Vrn!"e*• N* """•••'iT'goodf»ltli. • .: - . Imp.- 0..11. M.., ,,| n,|,.|.|' ly" ' (t, l|H"',' l'S—— • ' • " Irii'crinil vl-it to Vi.|ii'|id Trllii. nf-\t••';'-, ;.DOTS., , .< '• .""'HI'' < H.v,. ..|, Vilduy. evenhiii 1,',.,/jor iv.|.i,.d Tin,,[I.The local iili.c ii!,.|viui a -ijn-iml cur at 7«;-,' ""•' """ '" All "" t " 1liK Unit town, tln.v •,,„., ,d, ,., the »igw,,,n|,|v .i vl,r iv, |lm,|:CbrMw.* 11 tree«..•'.'•B,pk Btntcuients.KICCllotiH <strong>of</strong> nlileers.^Advertise In the NKNTI N KI..Wettber priilltx—jlnihr.ella saleBay llm' C'lirlMtiiinH n'renent yi't ?,„.„ n,,.,,,i',i.r. "J,,',',,,'-'.^.';^ i'^'',",,'],",';[Eutertttlnnient here to-morrow i"Ken, nh. vi-ii,,r- CMV -tc -,i,'|, tiMl'"w«!rk.log.. _ " . • | ' l >e-*l«;ureeli.:iiii,,f-|v.,.i..d 1 rrllie hagoonbe time,tothink .<strong>of</strong> lurkcy ; ili.'.d.-civv.l i.|.iii;iil.,,, ol' liciiu- ,,n,..pin. , ' "rilic vi'iy l.ot in tin.,.,ntnirv.One doesn't live very loni; .1111 A M •«•"•—Inn t.ili.iui--l 'ami tin*'vi-il..r- »cr.-r.,.vall>veuli..l:ilncd. Pi'l'iibr ...iiL'-'Wi'n- -mm I.y c|m..forllNMi are-HAVE-BEEN ACCEPTEDWork-to be Pushed on Hnn'dsotneEdlfiqc for MethodistTliciit>W'|ilan» for the I'lr-l \|. I",''hlltell I'llilli'i- \\eri. in-i-t>|itt-tI allhi'Ililril ' 111: i r 11- r I >• .•oiilrrunri- til lln'I'liuri'li 1111 Siitiiriltil'PASTOR IS ASKEDTO RETURN HEREGRAND 0R6MS iN>RELIGIOUS LIFEThe. Rev. H. T. Cnsselberry'sInteresting Discourse on.'This Theme. •In the llr-t1'reAiyteriaii I'lilireli,oil 'Sniiiltiy iiiornlni; the im-tor, (lieKev, 'Il.-T, Ca«-elberry, Hpoke In•'hurrlitin Siittirdnyuvi-iilneln-i', ufier VT, _, ., .,' _, ' _. structively upon the theme "Ihe Menll»'.lr«Hi,m- 'hud ii'cen.'winc i,v..r. 'liy' Unusual PlstincHotl Given Dr. ;ilTM,.v.lin clty-Will,...-Mali ,,f tJulllee."iUie I'lTiimh'nlTt<strong>of</strong>iil* miYl. llirc r l 1 i foilier, aml'llio repiirl uf l,li>. lni'il,liii|VI'oiiiiiiitiee hml heeii ii|i|irl.Ilialrnian H. ITmiiinl 'I'lmrn, ••r.llitiBrunytXtC by MethoclJ'St ' I In l-he evenrnw,' Mr.t :assell.eri;y''Church Board. ;Jei-l.»n- "The (fraud. Ormm us „' Hew' l>r I-'. It, Itruiiynle, pa-lorIniil.litit! ciniiuilttee. Im- orilcicd ilic "> tin- l-"lr-t >l. H. I'hur.h. Im- lii'en'let!iil |il:in- frmu A ,,f irivcn Ilie utiu-ual di-tinclioii <strong>of</strong> re-I'liila.lelphla, mid tlic-c in'.- i'\|.ccl.'.| I'l'lvlntr, at Ihe third i|imrlcrly .'onlV'rtoreach tlil- city Iiy Sultiriliiy neM. ence, a iinunliiiou-invlliiiloii to rcliirnThen' tlie plan- will in- "L'IVCU tn tin. I" hi-pa-loral .IUIIUH In till- city lorI'liiil'iui-lnr-i for their I.I.I-. anotlmr year. ' .'I'lie cliurcli i-to l.c <strong>of</strong>-tone,'Inn IlicIttiri'ly I- a pu-lor a-kt'd to -returnuntil the luiirlli'ii^inri'i-rly •coiilcrelicc,aiid lot -..me ycul- pii-t 1114- p'.-tors oitlie I..r:il I'liilriji hiivc 11..t rccelvi'd inklti.1 <strong>of</strong> -tone lia- not IH'I-II 4It-.* 1upon,tit thli linn-. The I.nil.Ilii..'I'V Tllsll'J feel."•The mam aiidinirluui wHI In-';.; 'is'ii ,\ iiiilinn- to,return,feel In ilu-i'-lt-iir. 'I'lu-S lay -.-1 1 ' the Ililid ^iiuri.'rly.j'oiil'i'r.'n.-ctrlbuted.Tlie chrnuli' kicker niii-l envy theTrain CarsTool Boxes .SoldiersHorse and CartsTen PinsMagic Lanterns- Locomotives' Steam Boats •Games ".Toy Stables" . Etc.. Etc.Doll HousesDoll CarriagesSets DishesDolls, Dolls .Etc , Etc.A beautiful.display <strong>of</strong>DOLLS<strong>of</strong> every description.• in., 1,-1...11 .\..i> -.I*.... i!..;. inI! l.y.n.l-'lrt* Alarm I|4»K«-M.\ ' WJien you In ir tile llre-alariii lull, -look at the sul'ijoitied li-t or i.unil.tr-, <strong>of</strong> Ilie-hiixe-. und you »ill a-irrlatii \j he location <strong>of</strong> the lire:jI»l— Second IIIKI A-lniry aVfiiucIs -Koiirth and Aslmry iivenue.\1~ -Knlirth uniMicean avenue.:ui—SINIII itii-t-t'entrai tivcuue.•l.">—Kluhth anil A-lniry m'cnue.-Is—('lly Pavilion, Itottrdualk.- M(.V•M —Nllitli ulid *iceuu avenue.".- ''''^J",''oi—Tenth and A-t.ury uvenue.T.'i — I'.teventh apil ('eiitrtil avenue.,.SIIKUIrTS SALE.'|. 1412 TO 1-422 ATLANTIC AVENUESAVE MONEY vSifR SUMMER COTTAGEGET MY PROPOSITION BEFORE YOU BUILDMem-Jny; <strong>Dec</strong>ember 16th. <strong>1907</strong>.1 lOTKLS, " APAKTMKXTS. C>:•(•..'c r. .|.l• I HlnIRecent real estate transfer* In Oct-unOlt'y recorded in the olllce <strong>of</strong> <strong>County</strong>.Clerk Way are an follow*:' •Albert-W..Henry et ux to (Woll'iieF, LarickB and Wurren O. LurlckH,. Lot 685, Bectlou O. '"•William U. Hmlth to Charles H.I'arvln. $1. tjouthwest half <strong>of</strong>. lot314, Hcctloll O. '.'Hame to Lemuel Coney, il. • N rtliea»thalf <strong>of</strong> lot 3M, Section O.', Ctirl«tuiH> O|fiB Here.A One line <strong>of</strong>,inedlpm-prlced picture*and all kludu orumall frames; beautifuluuframed "pictures— we frame themlo suit you. Come aud look at them.Open evening* until Xmau.H It. Hit mi & BONS, 1018 Asbury ave.For in-- r.-itl'ivt. I ..[ niirl. ij*- tri.in 11..I.- uiiiiu-ir ll.t- rivili-L-i- nr i.'i,i..i..l .. ul Ih- *.x|i|ri>ll>iil lll.'i.'.i'l. lor I"-, .i'1'llll..llul%veiir-.r-'-vIv inu IliiT.'Iot llu* -u'ni.. •,i^':»XJ:v^^"'iX'l'Z;ti&::!- Contractor and BuilderS"iff,!;"i;r":-"r;,r 1 eos.c 8 ntraiA^U. ;ul sulil ii-ciiil-i!., iill liiirliaup i-iill..i-iiiiii-.> OCEAN CIT.V. N. J.•*!\ r.-.'vi'Si''-" mull .Vii"'-ii' l |i 1 ''i'.i- l i'-V.'."'l'««'i • KHII """'7 J•••"•••rr.ilIJ iriv.-n.in-.tr tiu--.tr^ft *ir-:N'«'i-11-iTto'tl.-itl im.t n.n I Ittlll.iltli;- crfi-u-,! i>>- e.nitriii-l or dliy. •'.. iit-'oifi-nwlw to ^lulii or -mi-it rrom .Hi.' ] • ' . ,^ ~'Ti'r.-v.'.'nwlf u 1;-**]j^'-;j'J'_';• r>•-''.«;•• •' iii • j JOHIN•^^.'•T'rr^M^Builderinn.*. ' .K-lliiilil*-m-liM'rrillly ltiriili.|ii.i|OTIS M. TOWNSEIMDBUILDERSuccessor to JOS. G. CHAMPIONOCEAN-CUY,N. J.MERCHANTSAND MINERSTRANS. CO.STEAMSHIPLINESi^ ltull t i p ll III tlUU**Vt>ni.I|lt'*lri ll•hull U> -ili.ifi.n^f in*) l10 1 hi- -nvrVNIon or IIMr fini>ii»yfi 1.'. T 1 j ...|t\. ,ll t li () | kll,UrU. jHit- molt lh> <strong>of</strong>ti iiinlApril, ninit; trtvit-fkly durmiriICt:-.TI>>:M'i:--..lll (VnirHi A*SEORGE fl. BOURGEOIS-X SONl"ni^"i^"!!';i'!h".'iI'.iu'iTI'Anu.w^i^m.;Carpenters and Builders.".'."i'i?!. d "*°'Hl »"'""W «(>ct«i YHHuric**; Fiinny om twciltyfourth firailttl• 'out.*!rli.Tirloil work fti nil kltnl.mumMI iiir r*** il Jur tu'inlfd to. All Mllltf rlnt Ulirt>, for tn** work |k'r* uiflctly t\ru\ CIUMU> om> iwcilty^oHT'Hi (-t »t »v . !._„ ', D '. ,iiim»riunioMiiuiiiji> wuu>r nub* luiufovurciiUnacrtnlcer and bmbalmerV on lOUlltnl. . ',. ' ' ' vilAItKY IH-'AIHIKV,11. H, HAMl'.-iUN.i.vrt.'.F. l-'i, fW.7'). U.irbucu foiiiiullKW. 'HUono IKI ' Oc'KAN CITY, N, JOF^SEA-TRIPS^BETWEENPhiladelphia .-and BostonPhiladelphia' - -and SavannahShortest ami nuist direct route lo KiiAterit.atKl Soittlierti Resorts•M..>t dclijjitltil wny to reach Ceorgia', Florida, Alabama.'ittiij 1 '. iiiJitits in the Sotttli'atid Southwest. Steamers new, fast. ami. 't'let-ant. Ai'commodatioiis . and cuisine unsurnaBst-d, Send'for "booklet". . •. . ' .. ' . • • ' • ' . " • .CITY TICKET OFFJCE-Hls S. NINTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PA.'GENERAL OmCES-BALTIMOHE, MD. .HI H KMATi: .%.%!» ISSI HANI >..N. C. ClellandREAL ESTATE BROKER'::":lii li-'mv M" "' '"""•" Vwl " r t '"" > .'' s . i i . i - ' - ' i ; -I: "ThecliiltlrOn.<strong>of</strong> Israel mill Ilie Levilesi iini^^he|ini>t* priiiMMt the l.ortj, ; <strong>of</strong> Now Ji'rm'V, uimU" on tlu 1 iltty ul th*>l>tif titr.-..!, hi n.titw«- uli-T.H. Wllilton A,Ml>oti4*rr Ultin- Hit th«vtitii|i|iitu)inl.(ui *>r U-liirv tlifLv%t,'tiiy-t'li{liiltiliiy nl .hiinntry, iii'\},i.r lhf.*ahi hill wilt !«•'t 'Vu"i^ltV!!ilU^IU?iMu^»^"« ll, IMC, (ill lull.l» III llll*S.'nit* I \i \\ .JtT«"-.v; umt >nu K*-l.*-rrH i).llrnitwtiv liri- utu'li'ii "Ifli'lliluii! IH,"-IIIIM«- y«tlifliiltn louwii iht-MIIII) ptiH.-ir-.iir lmv«-« Illi-Inlrri'xMlifrrln; mul you Iti'lwmtli,IUIKIf,iiy,f\ii l\,M Murvh U, \ pill '.'. ll.itinl Mil) 7. 1'**^- tm t itiu mln'riiiiil" II nl I'l.-kii Aui'nfH. nrI I. U I>II|I,I'.-- -it; •Tritln- Miiii'iji.lo.WIIIIVII.iji'iiiTiil l-iniirr Am'. I'l.n, il.ll'l.u.. I'II..- THKELBHRON(l-'uriili'rjy tti.. l-^iHini'ltl'ICtielilli imcl CemnilAvenue(HDAX CIVV, X. J.ill VVat*..ulli.iiil- iin.l livII well-loeuteeeaii front prupertleH. -1 'hoii'c cottijues for-•ale. 'Al-.. lot- fur iiivc-inieHt tin.I'for Improvement- the cholt-c <strong>of</strong>(leean t'liv. A|i|.lv In " ' •" . J. M. CHESTER it CO.,Oi.KAN CITV, N. J.Iliiio il»ele-s,ilfui.lv f.ir tin-Wi .'i \V ' I'rnttii'..f W -liii' 'J""I>-|'M | -'. >» uro oiir lu-iirt-nnd livu-i..* I ..* I l i . . . , L I i ' i i . 1 > . f a . _ l . 1 j t I . , . i l l J * k _ i * - a . _ l ' |v_ i . 1--''tr;,,,;:,, • w.,,.;-v" : r : -- w '"'-"" ? " t:t:;.:rr:t^,—::tz> /^. rC ^i >\l 1>| ^i I lien* arc lo i»c uitir.iiM i - u i.iunii. j |,itr~V""*-'^.^^- 1 ""' ^'""^. . • • l|..i!iii:iii \N ilH'.ni I II 1 ..-, H.i'.i .M» I'II itriii.in "i 1 ni 1 mi-i,-. I am. m wnttiix .ir IIITIH..^^xzr* r , -v^r^Jy Mr ,t,e winter mnnt.H. Tli.-re- , ,.,,,» - «•''"";--•! ,,.„„„ tt,. rli ,..,mf .In- -^~ - ^ (|! ^M^ Si!!,w« weru w.l.w, both voi-,.1 un.l : .-,',„. ,;|, lll,,. 1nt. i'''"""'" L '" ' . i mittti 1 . '. ' ' ' ,, „,,.„,,, „, lllkl. ,„„ ., |,,. t.,, H. 1()louruiueiila't, and thewi, together "ilii ,,,,.„„,„! li fiidm.j; IU'.VIIIKI MU un , v l | m (. m|,,. r..|i,.uld .'i.'i iiiiiiii'.linU'l.V . „ , . „ ' . . , - • .lanieti, liejped to |iuKri iitt'tty till' evei'»». lltefrt'Hiinieiil* weie served, ulid " •(•,, ,\. \|. Smitli l"r A»'»late liojir all depuned for tlifln ,.i,tMy" ;,VIIIU'I- . . ;bomen, tliunkiiiB tiit lio-te~« for tlif j- n ^ ,\| Sinilli' l"r A|.S-l>.ilty iivei.ni'mid11.11 '.tini.t. i""'!> i"•,-'•': « h: " ""' ' '"" ;iVier-»WL.".HiL'l..'.|.., V.i\ llrxittui-rpreiieiii ijere ^li—e^ llului . 'Siuitii r«r Murii Adniu-WIM, Kthi-rxJrcom, Itluiu-hc H' 1 ''-.'., ,,.,:,,„.;,v,-u.n- .ind l'lyni..'iiii riii.-e."••n,'lttuiao John 'U- timve^for Mr. Mel,,'tUuVmCoudUlo.. iH..*. * ]|l 1 '|flh.l"'IJV» i '. l .y^1!!__i''filwybero iu tblH lH«iie. .<strong>of</strong> the SKS-J• MOt4-t» »u viu*'•'««» ld * 11 '*'^KEican" be found the report <strong>of</strong> the: lf (i(U.t.rl,nr SInUi^ I- ".ven""Klttlou <strong>of</strong> iim Virui MHIIIIIIIII ItaliU , ' -"f thU city,toettta•howiiTtte frame class, room structure <strong>of</strong> ,Z~~ic"*r V. HV'* 1 '* •the old Firm M. K. Uhurch. whli'h ( ,';,'„ " or" Hit) W C '•'• lI *»M«el«cbed from the main bull.ll.iK'I'"* »' B '" 111 "^",,,„„„ nt. Mr-, (to.***>» K: B. Torbert begau rnbvlnn will meet ui 1 , |||(! Utter to Eighth and We-t aveuue, lioii.meol•• ^" h .„„,, Heredity" I"°" beeu moved to IIH nlaco aloliealde the lbth^ ' JIJ.,IIIM«1'.' A fullinovetl to IU iilaco aloiiK«We the 18th«£***>. The wo^^^ep^^. "1'itit at 4.'iii>,-- sfi">••-• ' • •• t'litii. I.. Mn-i'Uley, i>. I!. Muyliew'," ' _• •tiinl-ltei'J (irnveii, ,iif Ilil- city, tti'ro01.• due oil rent. .Tlie' i..a-e «'u« trleiliefore Ueeiirder llrawnenud iijury In.VhieUnd.. Tlie Jiify dlnMissvd the'evidence for l.iyn hours .and then eoiildnotMenbuck from Atjuiil.e «'iiy early .01'.Sutlirduy ni'oriilin.' made th" Jmirii' 1 }irdiu A'llunlii; uvetine to till-fity, Ineludl'iiKfour sto|.-' on the wny, intlilrty-nue IIIIIHII*" 1 -;| ' l " u Wl " 4 *"'}"*[ $, 0. ((iiilffr.v'n House .l-'imiisii-Hiitue. Murk Ijiike'.-wlin lni>> '• " " lu i j,,^ sIOit- IIIIM milll.V llni'l'lll Ill'tinll'Srt'inilation u» mi- 11'iVlerliiker, niinle .Vl,,.y siiitahli> liir Clitistiims I'ti'M-Koud u w *il I'Otidlietnr on till" tiei'U-Uiu. [ (l|(tJ, ni>u fer«,eKirVNaTl"^" !>»»•{, «»• '*>*i louk bOJC 111 their-vault for** perin which to Keejf your valualiloSJ, 'Viliu'kft, riMimill'lt'ti'l'M, I'lll'IM't SWI'l'jM'iH, Ohillllt 1lctidt, l , ;nmiiliii.c.H tlmt .ili'o till' ImutI'liiitinitoiiH Kli'iiiK"I' Kinnlli'rticli's. Articli'M )IIII'(:IIIIHI'(It'lii't'fitlly |ittf tiWity itml.rtolivcrw'XVIUMI dtsirwl. •Si'W Or'vr (if All.ilr-.!.. ll..-M.irn. ,Mi-eu Itere ' ii^lhN l.-in. 1 nf llicSt:^-jINI-:!., Stirroiriiti 1 Vuuuiiiiin itivi.--!illit'.tliut, tn-miiniiiL' lunv, all k-t-^ furli-rvii-etilt tlie•»iirr(iifiiif'» nllh't 1 11111-tn 1p.iid IM udvani'i 1 , u- urovidt-d • Iiy jlie ni'tt' law. Tin 1 ueiv siir'rouiitf 1-nder --ttltiry, mid all <strong>of</strong> the.fee- nf flii-jItli'ti will u'o tn tin' .'.iiinry.Tlieri'-;, it lieeome* in-ct---ury .for lilniloj•..lli'.'l Ilie-i- fi'i 1 - in advintiv, >-im'i-' hf- re.piiliKllilc r for IIIIMU IIMI), 111 cii-e <strong>of</strong>my failure tn mlln't,. M'oiil I lie emu- ;ii-lled to niiiUi' cooil.oiit' "f In-. iitt'n'iiu-ket.Cluiiiit l.nt-t'oh Wi'sli'y A\+nne, fill n|j to j^r.-ii'c,I'vi-ry improvt'incriH, Price $600 and up.Clmii'i: Lot mi Aslmry Avenue; ll.t^ siilr'unlk.Price, $400.;•I'll'ty f«M ; t <strong>of</strong> liiMili• !'"n.i;t, with -Riparian Rights,near Pavilion, For'Sale ;tt a Bargain, lVicc i>n. •, A | i , | . ) l i < M t i o n . . • * . ' • • • . . ' . ' •Two liny. Front r.ots,.with Ri[i:irian Rights;. oiu; 4<strong>of</strong> tin 1 lirst'. locations alonjj .tin: IJay,. Price,$400 each.:" - " ' • -Clioui' lot' on" I'.irk • i'.acc,/joxioo-l'i-et. Price$0.00. ,:-.', . .'I'll.' livi^-i'.u , Hr'^htnn l'laeo arc nearly all sold;•only ."a low .left at the low price: the prettiest

<strong>Ocean</strong> City Sentinell"aiKT*D 'in PPOLUIIIO, Evur TPDUDAT. R. CURTIS ROBINSON• ' .Editor and ProprietorOCEAN' CITY,-- - '- NEW JERSEYInter-Sute "Phone No. aaiA IvortlMnnairtn In local oolumnit, 5 C«MHpur Una. each Insertion. Monthly and yearlyraloa furalntiod on application.Job work promptly iloue l>y exporlcmcodbiucu. •9•THURSDAY; D&CKMBKK 10. 1807.Kntorod *t the font Oinai nt'Ocoun City.N, .I.* ait «ooond CIIUM mull matter.In '•.".':B*«-10 Thursday....20 Friday.......21 Saturday., i..' 22 Sunday21 Monday :.. believe lliut WHeau do Ilkt'WIwo. We need the harborand It would be <strong>of</strong> advantaiie to all• Such beiiiK tile flic!, whatare the obHtucIeH we cannot overcome?THE United Htaten llfe-navlni; M-rvtr'elia.i more than u|uu tliousunil mile* <strong>of</strong>Heabuard uinl Inland cou*t to loukafter, or twice thut <strong>of</strong> the royul lifc-»aver» <strong>of</strong> KiiK'und. There are completeequipment and anparatux oiltwo hundred and Movcnty-two>iialli>ii'»,placed at the most dauKcruiiH point*.now nomlnationB, electloud and Installationswill occupy the attention <strong>of</strong>tbe lodge men and take up much <strong>of</strong>tbe time <strong>of</strong> tbe regular meeting".' "PUTyourcelfiu bin place." Applythis to every relation In life and'youwill find your nyoipathleti.growlufrbroader, your luHlgbt keener, your tact'. more delicate, your connideratlon- forothers more beautiful. C'hrlmuiuH' comes on apace aud tbe ChrlMmsHspirit should be abroad iu the land.THE people bave raith Iu the hunksbecause lu forty years tb'e average Ion*to depositor* taaH been iess than onetenth<strong>of</strong> one percent, HuyHtlieTrtMiionTrue American. They do not u~5k thegovernment to guarantee their depoults.They, on the contrary, would, dbtruBt such a guarantee, because,•luce politics has brought to pas*present conditions, tbe lucreaxe <strong>of</strong>political Influence luvolved In such uguarantee "Would ' Increase-the country'sliability to future Uuuiiclal criHls.HAYS a writer" In the New YorkTribune: Vengeance on the beer audliquor element Is not contemplated bythe Republican majority In tbe Legislature,despite the nenst'Ies* and expensivefight waged In the Jiint.election;but BB "the wicked flee wbeu noman pursueth," no tbe brewers aud' many <strong>of</strong> their tools nre still frightenedover tbe bugaboo <strong>of</strong> retaliation. \V hattbey should bave recalled before theelection is coming home to them now.There are twenty-nine <strong>of</strong> the forty-* nine Stales in which the people have~~ either prohibited the manufacture ana•„• *ale <strong>of</strong> intoxicating drink or commandthe privilege or voting for exclae'franehtsesIn their uiuulelpalitles. Tbeliquor element In Jersey should He lowand stay ibat way 1'• . OJtB noticeable««cilt <strong>of</strong> the fi uancialslump and scarcity <strong>of</strong> currency Is theieflrement~Into obHCiirliy <strong>of</strong> tlie promoters.<strong>of</strong> wildcat Inventrneut schemesund withdrawal from the newspapers* <strong>of</strong> advertisements <strong>of</strong> get-rlcb-qulckmining, oil and "development" companies,says . an exchange.- Theseschemes flourish ouly In * prosperoustimes, when there is plenty <strong>of</strong>- moneyand stocks are.soaring.Wheu° firstclassstocks are to be had at a bargain,the"cats-and-dogs 1 ? <strong>of</strong> 'tbe • stockmarket are consigned to the limbo <strong>of</strong>neglected things.Gullible Investorswho loaded up w.ltb these "securities,"and In the recent financial stress tried' to sell or raise moneyIlle ,,r t h e HCrmonHactive Interest agmlil III the IOIIK phur- |1(.Iiri|. ' .. . • ,IxhenJ plan <strong>of</strong> seeing a grunt <strong>of</strong> moneytrom Washington to improve the Inlet.SONDAY IN THELOCAL CHURCHESStrong Sermons and Excellent• Music Heard by Large *• Congregations..Thechurclies In this city were alllargely attended Sunday.- FollowingSome people believe.that ellort In this.'. KlllST'VltKHHVTKIllANi I.' AaltniK for Christ" was the sub>direction Is useless.- Hut no one bus Jet-l or the Hev..H. T I'asbejberry'sever won 'a'favor in. Washington with-pennon lu .the Klrst. l>rexbyterlauout being persistent. In addition to j Uliureh oir Sunday evening. His textbeing persistent, we can prove by fuels was froiul.uke, '»•, 40: • 'They were alland'figures that a harbor here Is unecessity ailii would be un advantageto all coustu'i"e slilppliiK.., .Millionstilling for Him.''.Mr. ''uxxeltierry suld in purl:"There they were, hundreds <strong>of</strong> them,ure squandered 1 .-upon Jiar-lsirs und Itliou'sunds <strong>of</strong> men, women and dillrivers<strong>of</strong> less Importance to commerce dren.poople in all conditions •and <strong>of</strong>tliuiandour Inlet, mid if these unknownI'he servicemillion and a halfdollars a year, but In this . thue, *avesan average value <strong>of</strong> twelve milliondollars In property and more 'Humthree thousand lives. -There IN. anaverage <strong>of</strong> one'dlsunter a dity, Hinl yetthe average annual loss lu ships-isouly forty-eight, and tn lives onlyforty-five. Comparing this result withthe condition* obtaining before theservice was orgaui/eil, when a yearlyaverage <strong>of</strong> more than oue thousandlives were lost by* drowning ou thecoast north or Sandy Hook only, themarvelous etllciency <strong>of</strong> our surffighters is u mutter to be proud <strong>of</strong>TIIK I.AW'H nV.I.tVSAs an example <strong>of</strong> the law's niuiiy.unwarrantable delays jji thi* .State,the Newark News cites the'easenf umail who lost both hand* by, un accidentsix years UKO while in the employ<strong>of</strong> a mauufacturliii; company.He brought suit against the companyfor damages aud his case- was triedfour time-i Iu the'Mercer <strong>County</strong>-i'puriand t'vfe taken to theSupreiuel.'ou'rt.In oije trial.lie received u verdict orjk delivered an Instructivesermon lu Holy Trinity'Church,, ou Sunday •nornlng, fromthe text taken from Rev., 22; 17; "Audthe spirit and the bride say, come.And'let him thet. nearest say, come.And let him that- la athlrst come!And whosoever will, let him take thewater or lire rreely." . "The lutroducl'iin <strong>of</strong> the sermon waxthe spiritual character or the Hook <strong>of</strong>Itevelatlon. St. John tells us he waslu the spirit <strong>of</strong> the Lord's day,and In that slate he received thiswonderful revelation, l)eglnnlng.,wifhthe i-eveu churches which are thomemage <strong>of</strong> Christ nut only to these'vencliurchfs In A'sia Minor, but also tothe church <strong>of</strong> all ages. The closingchapter from which our text Is \* avery striking one; especially lliat purtin wiulcli Clirlst spnaks In Ills ownrersonfHa '.calls Himself the roI|1»1|I' WniHt*'.Kridmr'i Pei'tfiiitwr ' iih, ltv.', m an- «Vlor> tnHit* Htu'rnu'tn.iu thu Stfrltittf H'ltH.rortier <strong>of</strong>Ktthi i ktrtN-'i untl (ivun ttwnnt*. In tin* rlty•>f ih-ove C-UUM-.'IVrm*! euNli,lUttt'il U**c Itllt), 1KI7.J.i'llAK,WINTKIt^;.AttH*ri A. llout*||,Aiulintr,Ally, uf Plutntlil.'' U». It.. I.'..*-'., ¥ - 2i-SBALBI^PHOI^SALS.-.-M'Hkfl I'ro^t^itlKhkr tilt* r«*tn*tyiit <strong>of</strong> tfHrhnIn >it'itti'il t'H.v Tr**ii>*nr«T. /ir, rtii-li.-lo tin*UMHHltll I ililer wMll fX-rTUl^tMihlriK't iiniJ furnish uniff.-ji'ulilf "Itoml < > oni iicct-nM tu renttitKlil 1 P'^IIIIH^M. lil I tfHrt'tiiit' L-OMTIMIOHW••hull h* niud-i* Ir*un thi 1 front utMiUi pri-Miit-^'-*,.A r«''"f tHiiH-B. In ull CUR«4 nil 1| bt' [tltii-fJ k>*Dfiir the Hlrt-i-t or ntf-trU au prm-Hoi) uixl notfi t>u 'bir^ii^lv't* lo ultflit or -M io h*-iHrti,••hullI to Miibjtffi iy l>oiii, iindtT niiMt-lt biicli ifttrb • tj-tr oti tbt'-itorw r wti.trt IIo( HHttl ctty, uwultlnif houCi but •nuiut*...|oiid«d directly from ih • wultou or oibi'r i"Oo-Vt'ytiii 'f to b-tmt or.xi'ctw.In y-itni<strong>of</strong> ili« *Ton.i"HciMI t'l.OOIt) ' ,'; GREAT FUR VALUE—$10.00 FUR SETSBlack Cnrucul Fur Sots, ina'de-fr-uii ^ucxl quality skins ami finelyworked, large pillow imifT and lony; tlirow oyer •scarfs."witli, wide ends .' . . .. .' • . • $6.95Large Mack quilted'-.lined, full length Cbat, I-'ur Collar, S:o.orteil that the city muy havebaikel bull KunieM In the'near futureH'Ha Rood plan to mind your iiunbaMlnenii. If you ilou't, >-onie"iif el-i'•HI. . .Many a fellow IIUH bin IIONC to thegrindntoiie without Hliurjionloi; hl»•IU.. ,.'Frldiiy, the 1,'ltli, wa»,a prelly lineday here, from the weather point otview.•LookHSH tlioilKhthe local nifcliuiih'-wlll be kept .btiny,thl.H winter and next'ipriuK. _ .' . •Heaven won t neem like honie to•omeuieil unlexn there-1-MIIUUIIIMIVto kick about.Many a man pride* lilm-ulf HO onbeing level-headed tliat he i'un'1 uet11bat to IU him. - . .> Tbe way for n girl to think i-he nulllove a muii in for everyliwly el-"e to.think she oughtn't to.The way to eoinpllineiit your u Ifebu tlie meatn nhe K***'e" you In lo initkefun <strong>of</strong> other wouienV."LJnleHH'a inniijo^et* hit temjier Innpolitical ark'Uiut'iit he doesn't feel he j>being loyal lo hln |>urty.Halrthe fiin to u.woiiiun.<strong>of</strong> Imvln'i;a Kood cry \H for *oniebody elte to hethere and enjoy It with her.. When the Kirln way 11 yoiini; muiil« Ju»l heavenly it neiienilly itieauxthat be In <strong>of</strong> no enrtlily U"e. , • .John JaKHern, <strong>of</strong> thin -liii?," und. MI well did they r.|imand net. they Mere ene<strong>of</strong>ed. A reeilutlonhy Ml- K-ihert-Mlrt- nun !«• lit- T.III'Hmiikerwu- eneored, u-^il de-erved, ainl '-Mr, Shoeinuker und wl-ler Vecpniideil'MUII uiiolher ple-i-int >eleeiiou.' Sll«ii Irene /iculer reluled u ".l.'lirlsl-Iliak i:|il-lli|e" HI umill »ty'leiher im.tIc-iK-f hiiiiien-ely.One.<strong>of</strong>tlie hlL'l^i'-l i-iin-e-M. 1 -'-<strong>of</strong> tlieeveiilui; WUH iniiile hy yoimi;' l.ulherWalluee UH "l!u-t| " ||t» raee wuclilaokeilid uinl lie Mure a Mrlkiiit,- IOK-!Av"" ()i|i| ,,ll(||li|lll,l, ,lH prolltahle'Hlliat the reeelptn: for the year ".'„.•„;,-J)rv They u-wr tu row1the larKext In the hUlory or the ""• ""•tli,|'i^ ilicy c.iiilil fr< iil The' recoml-breiikliit! reeelptH " L " ^ ( wutl.'inii now a L-a-olliii'1 derived- from the • rollnwiini "". ", un~u\.',, pr.i|iL;llor uti-l drivec-e»:.|^,i«;ti;$|)U,HI)7;Kraiit^, *!•!•>.- VM.'.\ ilw sea al a'liiioil.Kiilt. 'Blpurlun ConimlHxIoi.erM-WirltThe annual report <strong>of</strong>. the StatePoard>bowiwere the Iboard•ere derived • from the•ourcw:.|^UHft.,' $|)U,H»7;600;eonverBloi'm, t21,4l7.»0; rtniulm>n' •] tattea, tao.OTI) 04: total,f«».l,tt» : '--" Boibe <strong>of</strong> the mo»t linporluiit griitit"made during the year, were an follows:Atlantic City, grant oil Atlalitlo'ttVebueaiid Abuecou lulet, *-4,"lM; «'"»l'**•IM»y Real Katate Company. AtlanticOceau aiid thorounhfareJ, £10,000; At*Untie City, Atlantic ,Oceati and At*Wcob Inlet,ii$'Jl,(MI2Theteeelpti' aredevoted to the HCIIOOIH <strong>of</strong> the State,,1 | in |iViuti,,iiiniueh in Uriel ovei tlie lo-<strong>of</strong> her IwoLocinslillIUCodllshinu i» a"' iniportant parl nf.Me ln.-in."-"l iMienuen at the re-url*In this coiiiltv.th..iiL'h.perlm|is,littleintruded'oi, Hie public notice.Thesehardv nit-n pu-h "ll' int.. the winter....'an well a- i"l» tboi-y<strong>of</strong> Hprini! anduud'i'll. hi March.<strong>of</strong> theirJ.Vnthem over Hit* «ea al " Kiiod^aLUtor uuelalmed lettem reiiialuiHK-_,ln the Oceau Oliy JPont Ollliso I"' i |uiwe«k eudlUR <strong>Dec</strong>ember 14, 1WI7: .- WOM KM.Colllim, MlaS Grace• Loomls, Mru. Jno.Bnyder, Mm; A, P. .WbeocallluK for the above please•ay advertlHed. ' ." ., ' KDWAKU M. BUTTON,'' . JPontixiafeter1 TheFlnit Natlouul Uaulc cordially*'I Bavlugu accouuta.. tHu-, Itlute Sir Henry IrvlniS.uii.l,(wl-oMi^liisformt-r pnL.il), »IHInto iht* proiiuction °' .Stiukw-• i .t.Lj i k r<strong>of</strong>e-i'-or {jiiiilam i M'^^^^JC.n.'M^'-.--'entertilt' SOU(this coiinty,'and IIB" »»" "" lue Iklli.lilli' CUV I**"Nliort- l-'iiHSay- Id-.' Aihiiitic'liy -vein- lo he motie management uf.|alCtlllfl..Inc.e in fitvor. wiih.the Shore I'a-l|i4cwiiol' -,-iirliiuu fheMI,- .-.r.till, U'IHI tl,|H'irlliiitt* <strong>of</strong>. hi-* MiirthTliru'L'i'e.ir* Iwrorv Kmnkllttpl-ti'liiltdlt'illi, ))'••! lift*11 fk't'It'il tiy I7,(HMI;•ix yi'Hf Itufnri- Siokf", \'.»iirlnc- u«,ttitil.V nl.uiii :HMHI, IIIKI thr<strong>of</strong>yt'iir- |irt'Vi..ii-io ViM.rhfUH-'-ulifii tlu? SiaieVi."-Hirh'»I over to* Uii- Ke|'.i!l*lic-iM-, hf-4-iiti-i. 1 irf thi' riu'i'-iriick M'lttiiluU iitulthu lontitm "| tin* |nit*M*' (rctiHiir.v—Uttfnitij.niiy lor (Jrluu- «li'f nm* mil iineliuirot Unit for Stnkt»-ii) ll-M. ..(.oVt'rinn'Sl.ikL^ \.cut in onii'c «H Ure ft >rm t*r II • liu-r.m||iMif.r,ln unite,t- u'fL'ftir iiur^ mut imihattly •Inriiii;nU iHlnitiii^iriitiiiii ihe Siuu* Iiti't in eiitnrt' nt|tli)nK, ".le-u* is Come," *ehool;recilutliin,.Muliel Foster; • lirlsiinaseseici-e, Mllliird, IluiHl, Suruh.Smith,J'tllu Ciimphell, Iliiivey ttoH'nnil Uos>I'" e runHon:" reciiuMon,' ''''hrlHtinu'*Twice u Yeur," We-ley Uurclny; .-onj»,"Suntu < 'Inns," l-'lrnt utnl Seeimdarmies;, rii'ltuilou,-^ "KmptyStuek-IiiL's." Jennie illrd; recltutlnn, "AluskiirecitiulonH".lack l-'rnst," Helen Sietzer;recitutlnn,_ "n« for i»i>JSi will resume' lil« bu»h.o« here'In bndKe committee ' . . '^uliKn%i^Slir^"^.rW^the spring,for tliriw iluys,' lurly H0|telillnrlow Milrtrndur tblu oiitlnir |.urtli'ii>•n.'k-ls will IM s.ilil HI lluil tU fiu from Ni-w Vir k. Mibook, JuBt publl»hed,entlii«J,"»Jildl ftalrttikl dulok.'My IIIUB! 1 '. BMITtr& W»NS, IMS ABbUry aVe.I^SS.:'l-Wlaailpuia.'SEE WASHINGTON- THKHIvAKT Ol-THIv NATIONCHRISTMAS HOLIDAY TOURVIAPENNSYLVANIARAILROADDECEMBER 26,<strong>1907</strong>ROUND TRIP RATE S1O.55OR S13.O5rlttJlTDAci-onliim to lloit'll"«Hvi" iu '•^(^r%• feet. Price'Tlii! Ints'.on-. Br'fjhton I'lace are •nciirly all sold;only a lew.left at tin; low price;, the prettiest cot-, ta'j-*''- stri'ft in city: Pon'r delay if yoti are. .,thinkinjjf <strong>of</strong> locating oil tb'is .street. • • ..'•'•'APARTMENTS FOR RENTIf you want, a. Complete Home-for the winterwithout the care ol fires, sue our apartments.Thoy are

wTwo on a Tour«b' Jj .^ • ' %By TROY ALLEON.Copyrighted, ItWT. by Mury.McKeon.boy* itim-li Infcly, tilttier,." IK- Hnlil. ul>-HCMmltuli-dly, wnti'liliiB IIIT idciidortinkers nrrunp- the iiiVKc*t dalxli"*'nttilclover; loaves tlint »lu> fomvl near lioriiivcs,->ralllns to see \\t«tpallor, "lor || will not hi- the boys I'llbc> niixxlnu-'. It will !«•• Jiixt you."Her ciili.ir I'iturc buck, with -u • riish,nnd she aviiMcil Ills eyes us she ro tin- croiind.'I'm sure 1 will-It,' Into for iny.tralnIf we ' don't • hurry hack." she - xiil|liihrup.tly. -"1 .ilino—t w;-h yui would miss It — It.cms a sh.-tjiH 1 . lieu ; iiti fiitiiiiit atVnnli -.lay l-ii':i:.'r when I h:kvo more.nicy llr'n'1 .',Mi p i.-;i«ly -peild-.tin-.. th" I'.u'n vvll l..t 1'U^lil "clni.,llii-r l.i.-iri, V'ii| c.nil tn'l let m». -•" 'Ii' -!.ll!i!>;er-d. lint 1,11 isvllli; tlinvLONDON'S EAST SIDE.earful Picture <strong>of</strong> Poverty andDissipation.SATURDAY NIGHTSCE!\l£he Awful Spoctncle That a BitterlyCold Evening In Winter Diiclaiad tothe Wayfarer In the Streeti—TheHuckster"* and Their Customers.'. *l.ct ine sjntw you something which Islore tcrrllilo than .tragedy nud moreliNwiiis il.uili > v lce.» It Is it close wedgedivtfesshni <strong>of</strong> thoijsauds <strong>of</strong> hufi^y butuiliby* men and wonuyr und childrenlI • !•-. ....... MlMsi'll'.'"N'». 1 O'III iln'i." ^M 1 - blii/.o.l. oiitohlni;his half f.iniiiil'ide.i,•-'Ilioro'tlior.. - littlo \umiaii' *km'tget bniTy. 4 siippoM 1I do .bump upagainst o.ilivoiitli'Halltlosoccasionally,but soiiiolniw I hato for you not tohave ftvorythhii; jmn wnnr," bo blurteilour.Her eyesreached tt;oMirieiied, and when tlwystation shoT wutchotl his"I reckon you niv n-ferrlng to the rpart <strong>of</strong> the pentencr-. 'It Is sowould really swm more suitable.". "That's rlsut." he.hmi!h' size' nf Ir," helaughed, with a whole xouh-il lu-tirrlncss.he hndn't exporleuccrl fur dliyx."We sure found It In large sized ple"i'X.and I Jnst thoiiElit'i'd-tnfce n ynt-utlon, to see the .world. I've never be*n ciistbefore.". • ."Do you Ilke'lt?", Slip fulled to put:na much doubt as to the" ehtmiin <strong>of</strong>Washington In liCi' tone nx she inlclithave put bulf tin hour tiurlti'r! '"Fv'e been-about the Inncllcxt personthe dome ever shadowed. I eotild iicton very well In the dnytlnip, hut I've'wanted to tilt round the fire ut uluhtand talk It over with the hoy*. How 1long are you going to stuyV" he uskedeagerly,."Ten days. I've lieen here three".His face lengthened visibly,'"I'U be hero n whole mouth." h.>added dolefully.".Why.don't yon »rnylonger?" 1 ' . '. ''.'Troo ^ee I htiyon't struck lt,rlcli—Inhnge chunks.Tlio trustees <strong>of</strong> my'•school aro rather a parxhuonl'iiix Int.""I don't know much rthoiit I'liHtcj-netiquette, but I wonder If It wouldn't: be tolerably .proper for us' to do some• sigatseelng togeilier this afternoonrbesaid with a touch <strong>of</strong> lioylsh Khyness,"I wonder,^ Hhe HUldnlowly,The Joy.<strong>of</strong> coniuimlonxhlp nettled the'question for them, uild ho called at her'boarding bouso morul(i% after morning,guidebook: .In'bund, the plan for the: day already In Id o'uti' • ' • . • ' , ' - • • • * • • • • . ' • * * . ' . *:*i' .Tney bad left tho trip" to Arlington. • for the last nftcrnoon <strong>of</strong> her Ktay, and. -j'they wandered through' the grounds,more beautiful than ever in their early;_;•;;.:'summer foliage, luitll they reaehed the>;,spot, overlooking;th^ t'otomuc,. where"ifi'•'.th«:.tall sbnft rifti^i In hotior <strong>of</strong> the''vheroe* <strong>of</strong> the Spaulsli wur.r'V;;?*ThlB:Ja thii loveliest «p»t <strong>of</strong> ull^" ber BaId, ns they sat down on the grassy'i''f5''ff i -mef!at,~Mttto ymmaaV a slight nervoiu-"5iS«ai:4u.;hto" " "" "' "thmu(;h ih'l crowd at tho ticket otlici*and wondered why, now her. face waxturned liouiewiiril. she xhoiild fci'l mor^home Ick tluin e\cr. . .When In- hnd put 'her mi the train,he lean'.sl over :unl x|xtUe determinedly."I'm • ciunlnu to Soul 1. Carolina IM>foreI is"—he waited, a big.awkward boy In Ills embarrassment,for her to look at lilni."I- I—the train Is starting," she salil.holdltiir «ut her. bund dustily, "hill—Ifone tlndx n f enme."—Harper's Week-'ly.' • 'The Perfect Sei-l/ant.Tin* thoi-oiiginy trained English servuutlsIn lilx w-ny ea Isle flty,isited frleuds" here omtiuuday.K. K. Sooy. <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, was Inown the latter part <strong>of</strong> last week.Councilman Head ley ban gone tnXoitti Curollna ou a gunning tripMrs OM and \vo:!t" afysmile. •' Unundrim uf tho o-irs unil at the edge <strong>of</strong>n L' 1IU . utz lips Is a line <strong>of</strong>Thi-.v - i in, hang 'ttfere like.In- pre^Mliiir the hlghiM bhlilor for u "few coppers.Aiil. whllo this (uarkellng Is gulut; onud wllllo tin- air I- tlllod wlih the:ioarvii!!ioti, uiatiy eg>ii toand s|nir.Tilt- iiuxhaiul turnsnud lutia'w. 1 " The child In Illswith dnzed .cycx, winches herii'itlic:' K'ljighitr.tiiul iliim-liiL-. The dirtyiiicii c:ip OM t!u. baby's head slips <strong>of</strong>f\i tii... nn.ihcr whirls nlioiir, ami we•.[• Hi.. ].....r Ililli. I,;il.I bead cnlngroilinl .aitd Miiml in ihe glare <strong>of</strong> tin:i:11.!11]i;i.llow that, tiny hralli umxti'vltnl' How It imiKt »-iimler at the-Uclll 1 ntiiliti't' <strong>of</strong> its. Kwa.vlng'mother!Tin' tmly ix im turner ihiiu a skinnednilililt.Itoiind nnd ion nil, round andiMimd, to ttic xlii-ii'Ucd tune <strong>of</strong> "Sa!ly(Knlly.' Wiis-In thi'Mtalli't," whlie tinmtiniii'l xtitudx gt*iuiilug und the girlfriend suddenly reels and goes Otowu'hiinl :i 'hiirrou-,, chuckling und curs.g.—in'trolt" N't.Ws, - • .|A iijutcmp.inli-y states that while awi»tditig liroaki'ast was being held ln-art'si'iiiti-ant at l-'rosues les Uungls a nuvul "Illcei- Iu uniform cutered the-roomami was Itivlteil to prcs'lde over thest.\U* uiaih* hluiwelf very agreouMe, saio.' *»ms and di-llvored speeches.tie w:is pro|KMltlg the bride's hc.-nl.tliwjieu two pulli;omt)ii rushed In lind uriod hint as an escaped lunatic fromlielulilKirlug usylilhi.' it U furthertii"sortod that' ho thereupon polltelytnrneil tii the ottlccrs and wild: "I think;;nn irive'mado a .mistake, gentlemenTlicro".-|>o1iitliii; to the •hrhk'grooiu-Is the man you want."—l-rtudon Trtbline. • • • • ' . • . •Kni'iilirnttl'd tn Mliiir at MTork.'At the works af n. firm df soap mbkers In Hiis-hmd the girl ctivployoes ,areouroiiragod to shig part ttougs while n'work. Tho 1 object l»'to relieve tinmnn'otntiy. Iu tliu, de|iurtments thanuinli<strong>of</strong> mure than thirty girls andhave not uotsv machinery they are encotirnged to silng dtlrlllK tho lust boui<strong>of</strong> work In the .morulug and In theafternoon.A Jake., The other iliiy a Ik'iiuvoleut otd goutteniuu was Ktiippcd by n tramp, whoasked for money fur n -night's lodging,"Well, look here, my man," the oldgeutlcm-ni.Hnld, "what would you nay•If I <strong>of</strong>fered .you work.'r""Bless yorlife, sir," dime Hie reply* "I wouldn'tmind n bit. 1 enn take a Joke mi momost peoplo." '. ''Paint <strong>of</strong> Resemblance.Stella—Does ber .auto match begown? 1 .Bella—Yea. thsynre neither <strong>of</strong> th«mpaid for.—Now York Sun.Member* <strong>of</strong> I*, o. •. at AAtlantic CHy.A delegation <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong>WaHhlngt<strong>of</strong>f Camp, No. 75, P. O. S. orA , ut tills city,, pnld afra{erual visittol'ainpHO, lu Atlantic City, on'fuenduyevening, going over and returniUKon the Shore Fast Line. The visitorswere well treated by the boys uf CampHi), and returned homo pleased .withtheir trlp.lIn the party frouaj here were' H.'Howard Thorn, Warren AV. Hrowp',he Rev: J.' \V. 'Hualtli, E. A, Honr-;eolH, Win, Lake, Haniuel Carhart,Homer Shoemaker, Joshili Sluirp^A'l.Satterlee, Wulter-, McCorkle,' H. It;»au and Lawrence I.car. ,PERSONALS.More* Concrete ColKttfeM., - .A new cottage for McCorkle llros.,f this city, on tliePleasure Park tractf laud, at Fourteenth street, near theiay front, Is 'hearing completion. Itwill have two storlcs-unil a basement.The basement and IIr»t story urc otMlicrete block. The cottage is beinglilt to sell-for ubout $2!(M). Knc-Ji ilder j P. Fox will build a similar(•ttagc, near by, before next seasun,1 Is said. . ' ' . ' •. Cl^r KHre.t. H.-Wheeler, <strong>of</strong> Mo Oraiide;iVas a visitor here u few dayx sinceid.regixtereit at the («arwooDO, to beHill iu me vicinity ind Wesley avenue, formrtles.r . l-.ievcntliI'hiladclplilaHotelArrtvaiM.'(IAKWII1III.(i. W. Shirley, John Itrlllon, I'lnlaclplliu;Mrs It. Wheeler, I'dotirliiide:as. Haiinun, Seelt-y.KI.IIKItit.V.It. .It. Warwick. JohnHuH'muii,'ape May Court Hjiuse: F. It. Wllnt^c,•rklgcton; Horace Cake, Wjishlugtun,).•«:.: Jos: CJ. Clituupion. t)cean.Clty:>lrn. Marshall, I'. S. li.wOey, Phlla-Iclphla; li. H. Falrlumb, Wilmington.lllst'AVSKItotit. (^iirsoii, Ciias. ^vliv virt|it> <strong>of</strong> mi orkr at tin- i'uiiri nf t'ltunvry ut Wu- .liTwy. tniiATLANTIC ICE COMPANYPnpnnn M 0U ntain IMOtnom. 1014. Asbury ***•OCEAN CITV N. J. .DARBY'S<strong>Ocean</strong> City Laundry656 Asbury Aver'iret-clasa Work lu Every' PaHlt'uta"Laundry collected on.VOX*. XXVIII OCEAN CITY, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2(5, <strong>1907</strong>.NO. 39OcfcanCity Sentinel'pubti«ti«i> Wtekly »t.;OCCAM CITV. tM. J.' -By- • ; '- .HCORTIS ROBINSONEditor and Proprietor-,.«,'per Year, Suictly In AdvanceSI.JO at End <strong>of</strong> YearDIRECTORY.CITV. OFFICIALS-' >rnm\i.vv.»MOIiGAX HAND,ATTORNEY| JONATHAN HAND,I OouniMsiUtr-at-Ijaw,jSolk.lli.r.-MAHliT Illl'llum-fry, Notary I'Mbllc,!(:.\1>K MAY C'OVUT MOL'SK, \. J.U 1 . Uol.t AI'i.AU.AMlltKW I"! Illl-WKI.I.B. T ABBOTT, M. D.,iyfticlaii ami NurKeAi'iOFFICE—Corner Central -and Elgbtb Street.• I THI II ii. in. *tcc MOUHB: AVhM'huh'l iJt.lM'H STIt,IM KAN « II Y. N, .1f Happy New Year ^*/MiVto-OurCHRISTMAS IN/ 'THE OLD DAYS^::^>ie n i i l l v. ,N.ICIvi'oK- •At in t j i1 ml MIHHIH.V iiifht, IHI|- du tin. removaliiifilir i'li) mirliiim' 'iliirlnu tK'\t yi-iir.iii-,svt-ftJ. S81 YEARS OLD EXCELLENT WORKTF1D R.'CHARLKS B. "RIDER" j1 "', 1 ". 1 " 1""*' rt "''N '"!" rl1 "'-,. • , j could he taken ill an adjourned•• 1 >«>ni iKt •• . I —-....-iS09 Cirntnal Avenue . .. mi:t\ < 1 ri, %. j. I-^ : : _ |nclloiSllect-[-.-^,. It ix prnlialile' tnat 11 xpeciul,'uicctlim will lie held within Ille next;lew dayx . ' •' t , _ Ill...'i,i,u u- received. Wercax r.iimembcredby His Many1 Friends.Cnpl. ,1. S.'llv'xwell k\\\ 1 ilh,i>'j|M'l-til'-illl'l Krl.TheatrettluiitU* < It.V- X. 3-III,Till, N I L Ill II.. Ut-v. H.T. *.'u—i*iut_t>vuvn, io,to u. m. tutt*i\ V i t v sn•Bd rievuutii Htrtfi, p*»u>r. Hunduy *vbi *t Jo'cliR'k. siniiiuy fotunii i..v*ittttr. It T. cW»'.t*rr>\ ^iUHM-lnlVniK-nifkMM<strong>of</strong> Tru»*ive>.— J»Ka. i'hitiii|*tiin. |• 11 nt l^nvtil 11. MtlU, "mretury, U. M. I'Mtiauurer JIM. !• ^-nil, I*"*W V,. sm tuffAI.l'HL. GOKl-\CIVIL ENGINEER, ' •. " SURVEY6P.M.X'I'INKK -;:tVIrl.l. Cotu»tr.h,troriiiuf i*IHt.Klt-V*-tilh, |i l>. ITit'-it JH.MII.a. m.; Uorntitkf ."MTIUIHI, in 1 •:KtfQiuic I'mji-r utid h^ruKMi. *••'»» p. nt huiy«vro.;ottierWtu» ( l |l >"i Htlu H. tu.; limy h .) *,I0OJH.M1MlKftt KHX> rENTRAL AVENUE,'OCKAN CITY. N. J. -Money for Mortgages...Hi. Abbarye'H Kuiniiti r'tiilioitf Ciniii' 1.u«% lietwwnThirt»-itiili un M t rtiurvli, Kuhth•tmjlkvna Wi^t iV«uiiM. K.-V, J. It. Itntu ion,pwtar. Huuility »trvii**.-t*, pr**iu'limv ii a.m.ud d p. tu t i H * U Il OJORDAN MATHEWSA V.. I'llT. I'll) 1 Htf I I'l.llltlttJ.i \ \I}' II'til !.( II tllll). Ih'l'.'-i* tllMl 'jSMiriM;r. s%Tiitn\% "'TheGreatDivide"(ii'oritf \\'. Krn-i, >ll:il; Slitton ,V:l'or-011, -'.'."io:AiHlcr-oi) Dtoiuueulx,rl-_iiii: "J. I'.-l'i>\. rll'i'i, and .1. M.t'he-ter.V I'O., TIII111 Thc*e hidx wetefor the removal o! llic_ nurii:n;e friuiiilie ciirpinjiteiiuiit- nf Ihe city.D-liiini t'or^ou u»ked for >:'.:'.li>-foriltc work <strong>of</strong> rtfiuovitit; the t^arinme1 t't.oui the'corporalc hnill*, and rU'll<strong>of</strong>or rcuiovini; -Hie unrlnme frmn 'tlieI'olui ul l;cach tn llw.-iily—ccoud•I reel ' .' • , •; t'i.uiicitiiiau II. A AV. Sinit.li prc-1 "ideil ill tin- ali-eiiee <strong>of</strong> I'iv-idcnt (I. OAdauix.•;• -""•*••'••.; WEEK OF PRAYER 'Willelx, one <strong>of</strong> Hccauumvii.auilhiirlily rcxpected,re-identx. wiix'iiverwhehiiediiy-a- po-'t-cin;d xhinvor ou Tuesday •the umhly llf-tatinlverxiiry <strong>of</strong> liixlilflh.- ' 3 i -'ff'"''''KJSlli -iiS•1 .',.;'•••.;..• ••-: i '. i 3KK-.'-ViiyiW!NEXT WEEKI r' " •|*I'|U"4S[|.M W..fU, The week <strong>of</strong> prayer wil| III-HIII' in tlieV.>".:ii'*- ; .."" cy.s.i ••• . . . . . ;churclie»i>.u Sunduy, Ihe'iih, IntliH4 ..iiiiiH'iii'liii: Mmiilu . l.w. Uo ! ,, * , ,,, , • ,, r-»ir»r; ' • : cliy union-eiilcc-will lie luld hy iheM A K K V H. FCIC^E, The Great New England Play ; inciiiiier- <strong>of</strong> the Mcihndi-t and 1'n-s.ABCIUTI-CT I ' " -l.vicrhiiime «*r \v11 It'll wtTf vary thrilling.. VVilU'l- \vu-i In 1 In* llftvitvltii;horv fuf iwuiily yeurs *.m-enAnn,I ,oo-e.n taJiinir part hi tlie' play were a-, followxle, I.Kin-'n ' CnrlMiu: Nursery.Aleihea Tilwnxend; MoiherMaude Slieppafd:' Jack", I'll IUearly hi tlie xprlnn. No douht Ihi'will mil tie calleil for liiltll April'tiuil June—xay one-half In April midthe haluncc hi June or July, a nieinlierxayx. _' - • ' .,Ilix Imped hy the c.niiiiiillcc thateach nieiuher'wlll he aide to XIIIIMTIIICto uLleii't two boiidx<strong>of</strong> i-ileach, mid, If nienihorx do not feel that'they careI (11 xuhscrlhe to thix amount, hi eachnemlicr Mlli-crlbe to at lea-l- one Jj-Uliond, which would place ih the liaiiiUi>f Oilx couiniillce about 5-1JHHI, it ix HIIKd.• With thlx miiouiit the chiliwill undoubtedly have ax line a chilie ax any other xoaxhore rt-Hirl.They Wero->UUUI»> Kl.n.-.,tu. 1' ..yer iiierttui:,x 0 cloch I' r'.l.iv.. Ultli'tn. J llie iiouril—iliilrli'.. ll.Moviiril, rliulriilitu. J "111 s. 1 ruuvr, ll.'ii-Ojer: U, Ui4ri:lll. M..-.». mrv. Mticlclon AdamsJiituf* A.M. K. i"hur.ti. rnrru-r ;Httvniuvt] mo OIVHII t'tiy. N .).,wy, in-,it>r:Stnutity f*r^ht K.Moiitiuy fwutViUALliiry:u-lwuf-iViiuU^-AjLliiiry:JiltiiAMtr^vU I'.i;., Peyton Viuiiiii, U. Uowurd 1 Hunt. ,loUCuUiu-ll, Nil. .'#, Jt*Ty TiittMtitiy eventtiifC'lt'"SHORE-FAST LlSE-THfiCe I - ' M - I I . I ' m I h W\vifeilieil twu yearhyierhui .-litiri'ln-. ' .- . •'"'"• I'liere nre two ehll.lren-Capt.The -eivlre> will tie• buhl In Hit K • rf • W't»«ls. i;r I'anl'leii. unit ('apt.Mi'tlimir-lriiun-li on M.n'i.lny.iW l""" " billets "flhl" eity, vithWiiltit—•liiv'tiiMl I-'riihiV iiiulili. Hint in I vvll " ! " '•'''-"" "ns'iKt--. '»: Tlu> .liuitii-ier-. Inehi.l!l> " :il( "« '>'"' ""111'"-' with iiiueli!i-l\ lir,i'o.ik.iij- U'liiv'rilnity.if'^i-tire •lurliii; the < e i ili'i'M uf wlilrli hi- \v-u- keeper "f the Ituriey;. l.iltlo Jluy" I! I 11 e, ' Iti.y.upper -tut i.ni" lie retire! uliiiiu the 'IJIiuirm-nl-; .luek llnrynr, .li'i-eph Swmi:yenr fs!t;t, 1111 " •"••••> i.'n.. ««<strong>of</strong> I'., tCaaiiryandlinrtliewill lake |>art, -.Niwaia'iliiid i-l't-.--.A nuiiiher nl7llie new f'Jo nold plecerwcn*-tir~cn»"it!tlioii—hutV—iliaiiii;Uie_week.".'I'lux I-the .-erii'- oi irold coinwhich tltere. hax tiei'ii --o uiiicjlover«.y tlir.iiiuhout the ciiuntryTill- word-, "1 ll'('«tid A'e l'ni-t," arcoiiiitti'd, aiidttiere l-evidiMic.. that tlievery niuterially diU'crx Irnul II11-liird nn oilier pieces uf inoueyCiiin. Willfl- 1- a nieinlier if I Inlti-a-lcy'x_I'oiiit M. !•; ('liurcji mid:il-.. u nieinlier <strong>of</strong> Tu.-kulioc Lndiie, I-'.A! A. Al. ' .TlieSt:>;i:isi:i.joliw hi-, many friendin CMCIKI-ea-on.Ml-x Mi.llctt, Mitn Moore: ItolihyStiaflii. Wiiliani .lell'rie-: feier IMpvr,Snlilii tliecvc; llo-l'eep, Dnr.itliyllandolpli: Simple Simon. .1'.. Iliiirl-;Maru'cryKa.v, Harriet V.ilih: \ll«tre—Mary. Klltli Hilton: Toniniy Tucker,N'II/C I.utlon: S uila I'liiU-, Karl Newkitk. . ; -All w.ere liecouilimly co-tiluledMn-li'r Newkirk,. u-> Suiita »' C*lill4tr«.-ii t'lider Tt»«- uvviiiin:.-J An adimix-ion <strong>of</strong> tvn centx will he chtirili'dItcfre-iiiueutx will l.e-i:rved.<strong>Ocean</strong> City V. j fjicre will he xlniiinu Ijy tin- children., In the afiernooii, al ^o'clock, the cl|il-1 dr^u <strong>of</strong> t tie Sunday xchool.wiil a-'-enildi'in the rectory, when" they will he pre1 rented wllli tiift-.tiy tin- rector,, w'lio! iui- Jhem iu.chai'iie.-the l-'lr-l M.'K Cliurch Jin New VearVI'.vc. 'lit'L-MiiiniL' at III ".(I o'clock. Thexefvicex will in-.iu chariie <strong>of</strong> tlie paxtnr,tin- Itev. l>r. ItrunyiitcThe Itev. II'TCjtx-ellufry, pa-hir <strong>of</strong> the' h'lrxtI'l'e-liytcriiin riiurch, Vlli lie ptt-ent.~ r ~' M01 may ia-r^rK=~jr^'tTiTTe~il:i>-7 ii —liteiime-t, .Tin- "cutlierUrevv vtorjiiy | f^.t,duriim Sunday umiit, and. tlie rainfell iu loicntx for -.nine hoiirx on Monday.It wax a hud day fur vm-lilmrthin. The people- were<strong>of</strong> uiiiulxed l'*,nixllxhxtoeintelligent, ludiixtrioiix midThe KCuoral liahltx <strong>of</strong> life were Hlniploand fniK'iil, hut even In jlic Hiiujllurtownx there were <strong>of</strong>ten a few fiiinlllex -[which niiifiittiitieil a Iradltioiml/coniparalivulyIIIKII xtandanl—»freilnelueiit,<strong>of</strong> lutt'llecttial cnltutu nud <strong>of</strong>niiHlerate eleKuiiL'^, There wax imvurn titoru truly tluiuoerat'ic' communitynor niiv In which thu advaiitiiKux uuilopportuultlex <strong>of</strong> a xoclety 'liaxed upontlemocratle principle* wiir-,-more fullyaud_freely enjoyed,"Anohf-faxhloucil New Kn^laiiddinner ut tMirixtmax wax mtii'li like tli<strong>of</strong>cxttvnl.nf I'liankx^lvln^, which waxmoro Kunernlly ohxervtMl',The dinnerhCKuir with a ro'axt, ulthoUKh xometlinexthere wn'-> tiyntcr xoup, -anil WU.HfolluWcii by the aliundiintpuddingand i>'ixtry courxo, '"• Winter peurx uii'd npprex were »r-"'"'~~ J"V , ., ., • t , ranged fur a centrepiece, SomothuencloM'<strong>of</strong> theuxerclxex on |. riilny after- i ,, . ,, ,',n,,:..! laxt.Mis, 1'rexlL.r received „; rabh.t pie-,-clam frltterx -roaxt part-,xllvcr jewel e»«o and a ..,u,Khor <strong>of</strong> | f ''K"-»»'• »}*»?•.'"••'• 'I xhex were InhandkerehlefxMtxx -.MaVretl wax « ll "°; 1 ' l.>lm.er wax enjoye, early In. - ,, ... ' . ' .,, the afleriiooii, und the evetiluu xjteiitKivvn a ((old.nioiinti'd jewel eaxo. Mlxx .', ,.',,* , ,, ,,^. , 1 , , ,. . at the clmrcliex,- tluU, x hy tlio inlddloSuyder received a pretty inatilciiru xet, i , , , ',,„ J , ,,J- ' *• <strong>of</strong> the hixt t-c'iitiiry. .Iliu family tretwax-ee.ti early tMirixttnuH murniiiK.1 At Hie chltrehex appropriate xcrvlee-tI were held for the Sunday xchnnl ehil-'Uecetit real t-xtntc-trnuxfcrx in <strong>Ocean</strong>U7J0p. III.. Ill K.oMMiUll. M, I'. «"-4-rmuir^. - :WabMlulh l'oiiii.-Ui No. l. or I';, "",'•;•«ry Mummy »l«e|>al T-'uK-lii lyv"l I ""Mra.l(i>li[ilux,CIIIII|>IXI|I, K.or It.CHURCH SOCIETIES.KiuttT PHKHMVTKKIAN ChifKCn. •Ladlw' AU*llliiryiiot-ti)ty uii«l» lir»t Mulday eveulnii <strong>of</strong> •ui--ll inoiilll.'"'"'J""DLBRUMATEiRECEIVES PURSEMODERN PLUMBING AND HEATINGM.SMITH &CG.WILL CITY HAVE BANDIN PAVILION NEXT YEAR?miniI'lu-reJ. Spleer l.eaniiiiu, Special M .!) H. furkl'r: '"""'"*nl*ry,Mm M. Mlinur: lr«*«irirHHwuii. . . • , • • ' .':Vaehllnin'n AwiooliTlon. . WIUoillimliteni: Murk .IJiko, wcretiirynMUDKWtllbe.beldlu June. .N C'GODFREY'S'Business House. 657 Asbury Avenue. Spring <strong>of</strong> 1901.> . - - •Very Pleasant Feature <strong>of</strong> the• 'M.E. Sunday SchoolEntertainment. ..TroweV- Hall wax Illlt-d on Mlnida^,'lil^lit la-t, when the i-'irsi M. I*', SunilnySchool held itx Chrt-tniax festival,iiuil w.ln'ii uiftx w p e.re prexeuiei'l loclierx and pupilx."Mmlior * JmistfV.. ..rixttiiax 1 ' Wax the play uiven, andall <strong>of</strong> tin' particlpaulH a>'*. Wall, hux htieniioinliuiied 'one <strong>of</strong> the hoard <strong>of</strong> ilirectorx<strong>of</strong> tile yachtxiuiiliidilhjuxt I'urnitdinIMillmielphlii. It, M. Vim eliihhaua nieiiilierxhlp <strong>of</strong> nearly "Mi. I'', I'.Hcheu, alxo a xmninui' coliauer here,Saitl to Object to the•|, ' • Expense.t ; Kiir xntue tinic pa-t -in fact,>-incit tlie .latter part oi ht-i ^inunicrthent liax'e .IK'CIIruiiinrx t litii - lu.t 11 IV-w|ieo.i?t' 'M tiiix re-orl arc.. upoo-i l d totile- i!y I'iuploylui! n lulinl in utve freeI coil'-. 1 ;'!" lu the pavilion on tlie uoar,d~I witi!c ne\t -uninier.I T!r* ownei'x nf vti^rex uuil "aiitiiM'-•loliii IMward Voxx,' sun uf Mr. ujiil mi'nt re-ort-; mi the watt; or xom'e, atMix. .IOIIII Voxx, ot yil«('lly, Imx Jn'-t.i lea-t' : are.ai»alnxt a liiuni liecattxe, llu"raduateil, with- hijrh'xiaii'dini!, from . tnu'.' coucertx, jliey claim, interfereWith Iheir hii'.lnesx lii ilie eveniut:*..Some pio|u!i'iy ownerx are oppoxed tothe city' paying fur 11 hand ou tlie.... ,,._.....„_ . -core ol'eoniiiny. .They claim Jhat tlie<strong>of</strong> the OITII'II I'iiy IIIKII Sclniui; where N'iiy .will need all or itx money nest,year for oilier piirpu-ex.Durum n talk a few oveninirx xiui'e,('..iincllniaii l>. S,S:ini|won_ mnl Cityix. - '.|tl»lni!i" tlieru wn thef Ilie |ihy«!clati-i ut the hospital j diuniiy '«;clrll»u;.Mrx.jlarrlet.M Ultter, nf I'hllndel-[ilitu. .Uiuirlitcr ,.»I,,WI muinrinndlctuieiil uliiirKlni; Jumex I 'ralitreo, <strong>of</strong>IMilliidel|ililn, with Illegal voting atSen Ixfu City a year 11 n», wux illxpoxed<strong>of</strong> hy the enlerint; <strong>of</strong> a iiolle pro",Reiiieiulvvi' tt>« l*«»l»r.'trlxtmiiH Ix a utiax^iti thiit l>rlni;xJoy and xornnv to luuiiy fioiiaex, 1'hoxuiihlu tu purilclpute In the plcuxiirox olIheoi'cuxlnn, ivhluti xlunilil uu a merryone to all, xlioulil not forget that theycan bo xtlH more buppy by uenriliiK adonation to uouie dimly lluihteii itro-Hltle, where the ru.HtlvlMex <strong>of</strong> tlilxooea-Hlnii aroxeldoju enjoyeil to their fgllextextent. Thlu IH n periud <strong>of</strong> the yearwhen tlie. poor Hliould not be foritottenThe l'lrxt National Ituuk lit ready tohelp you xnvtj money fur your old ageThe Hchoo'f watt orunnlzwl under tlio -,..uxptecH <strong>of</strong> the State board, and anoli'ort will he made to obtitln lei;lxlatlvontteiitloii ut tho nextHoxxto'n,The il«claratlon nf the Htutu hoanl that •the teaoliliiK <strong>of</strong> the brnnelicst Jt coverxwill he. reqillreil In tlie elemoiitary•huolxor tlio KtiUi) Will uiako xuch:liool« necexxary nx u part nf 1(10tate'x xchool xy«leiu. .' , . ISoiiciti Avc-vplrfl. . ' .The bondx <strong>of</strong> City Collector NicholasCorxou uiid Conutnule-clectWalter[•'outer Were accepted by Council at IMiuuetliiK laxt Monday, iilRht. CitySolicitor Thonipxon wilt a uoteKaylligtliat a Mll|>ht correction ' (11 Fouter'Bhood miRht be uecosxary If CouncilthoiiKht proper. Thin corroctlou wan -uiudo. . .•'..•. '.-. '. •.'. '"'.•\ it

f'lfi<strong>Ocean</strong> City Sentinel1*M1MTBD AND PUIIMMIKD KVKRVR. CURTIS ROBINSON• Editor and Proprietor.' *•' .'OCEAN CITY,, - - NEW JERSEY• Inter-State 'Phone No m -AilvertUemenlN- tn lot-ul eoluiiiiiH, .', rentsp«r Upe. eHcli InNurltun., .Monltily,uuil,yi'iiw>'rntoi* furntwtKHl un iii>|»tlc»ii-lon:Job Work promptly dont* by vxiKirltMio'tlh'xndJiTHURSDAY, l)i:ci:.M UK It M, 1!H1T"tCatonMl ut Hi* I'o-tt omit* IUN.J.. imscclmilolu". mull nuUU11.111. \> III. I, III. pThiirnduy...K1I1I nySaturday....Sunday.....Motiddy. ...Tuewlay ....Wednesday!ThurMluy...FridaySaturdiiy....Sunday.....Monday.....I 7.x:.1 8.1:1S..VIK.XOhium 10HI. Ill 111 !.:••! l l .,17' ids 1!iroi L'1 :i.u:s it,Ut: 1,os •J:.V\ a.1". :(..-Ml07:I..VI. I 1"i in ii-.111«1 Tuewlay'. .I.iil.,l!i ",,'L'ii s,.Jit In.•-Ii II.i-'" 1'17, 7us, s,Ml II.Itt in,li:; II,01I" 1If: : . • ;DON'T alwnjH lie ton willing tnlirarevil report* <strong>of</strong> your nelKliimr.CHTiii.u.i.Y, whiter lioKan lust -uuday.We may How beKltt to look forciilil weatber, nltliouKh. tale. riet\neii a li^ldflil v\ l|,i tin* Invni|imlllled 1" vnu. i>y natlllall/alKiliaiidt>'l,.. 1,..^ t.i.t l.i.i.n I I , , M , . I . 1 I n .made Rood. • . .WITH a High <strong>of</strong> regret the StaratidWave KayN: "(.'ape May would he comparativelywealthy' to-day, if themoney made here had been kept hereInstead <strong>of</strong> belnj 1-tent out. for varimi-Kel-rlchquick pro|iositlons '•Tab Atlantic: Hevlpw, <strong>of</strong> -AtlatilifCity, has been uuder the iiinuaKciuent<strong>of</strong> ||8 prewont owner, U.S. Wallace.'for a year, and during that luye it hitsmade uotable progress.., Itw appear.arioe Indicates the nit wow Mr Wallaciaayait ban achieve*! during the lasttwelvemonths.. THE -home' pupcr In always a favorite.It iHthe llrrt to -be rend' by thefamily. It IH like an old friend—nutaltogetlierwitliout faults, but welcome:<strong>of</strong>ten grumbled at, but missed wheiijtdoesn't coine. It breathes <strong>of</strong> homeaud <strong>of</strong> those we know, and is closelyassociated with every, public enterprise,The Mucce»s <strong>of</strong> a home jiaper1» Intimately connected wIlli the pro-,KrenB <strong>of</strong> the town, aud there IK mi onefactor.that wields HUCII an influencefor good tt properly mip'porled. Kt'erycitizen sUoiild give IiU Nilppon tjyentering hi-*.Hub»cription.-WHEN' JudRC Kort paid a vl-it 10Trenton, a few day* atta, he mil. themcrabcK ol the Hoard <strong>of</strong> JliparlaitCommirtHloners, and, Incidentally,' helet It be known that when fielakeU his. neat.be will be governor- In fact as wellax In name, The riparian commlaslouerfc took ar-tlou whicli."«liott -Ttl.ut they and other Stul* 1 (lepitritiH'inwlllnot oiler any resistance to theplans <strong>of</strong> the new executive. This u;i-Hbown by the fact that the board decided"to lay over, .until he-Is Inaugurated,all'applications for Kraut* amilessen, as liereceutly.advisi.il.THE- word "ballot," as generally"iiigr;IfaH wandered 157 from ffi>original ' meaning or '•little bull."Even"blackballing".- Ix no longerueceitaarily literal. 1-uuKuuRe hus-several fossil relics or primitive'• methods <strong>of</strong> votlilK'. Most famous -is"ostracism, 1 . 1 , which" perpetuates, thememory <strong>of</strong> the '.'ohtrtittaii," the putsberdortfhellupon which tUe Athenian• citizen voted for the banishment "ot11too promiuent-personUKe.Anotherinstance IH "spondulicks" the shinnword for "money. A •'spoiululos,"properly a vertebra <strong>of</strong> thaspiuu, ciimcto mean any round thluir, uud in"particular the "votiUK pebble or itsmetal efmivaient.';Tut New Yi*k isupremc-" Court," hiGerrardy v«. Louisville .& K. It. (n.,102 N. Y. Supplement, 548, .holds tliuta musician, who boards a train twohours late anil arrives at his dcstliintlootwo bourn and twenty .mliiuH!-late, and thereby is unable to keep hisengBKement, cannot recover from thecarrier bin loss occasioned thereby,though be may huve made knottu totho carrier's apjetit his euKaKeiireiit,aud may have been told thul : tlie trainwould arrive on tiu'ie. The eurrlerVobligation to run HH train hi conformityto schedule la not an absolute, and tin'.conditional one, it IH declared, and themere taklug <strong>of</strong> a ticket' does not olItnelf prove a' contract to sturl u«scheduled.Furthermore, a ticketagent cannot make n xpeclui t'ltitru'ctthat a train will arrive on time. •THE medals now, beinK presented bythe btate <strong>of</strong> New Jersey to veterans <strong>of</strong>the Civil War who nerved in regimentsenlisted In the Btate are <strong>of</strong> bronze. Alittle pin bearluB the State. armssupports the three links 00 either sideaud from thlu Is fastened the medalproper. On the pin.part, Ilk addition'to the State arms, are the dates- 1W1I1865. Tbe inscription oil the front )>ftbe medal reads "Iieady to Die :forHonor <strong>of</strong>. Our Country,',' arid themedallion shows a soldier on thebattlefield. The reverse vide <strong>of</strong> thel 'ti-Vtiminalc 11I II-Ihtkey<strong>of</strong> It," Iteast- <strong>of</strong> luirdeii, mi,follow the law* ut' hurium'ty 111 "Diesounds they ' make "Ihe hor-i;-'Vhinucy In a ^"iiori tune.ot'-emi lotieruntiitit;throtii'h e\ery half lone <strong>of</strong> tliescifle.I\veu the.ilonkiy,- th"tii;h uvery bud tliu-iciun, doe- inn 111 hluwi'ul-bray immre lit.- niii-h-al -Vale;et his harmonies arc U'rniic and hiellina%horrilde"ILUtllHATIvlilIIICItANTli..The uifnuul report ot'( >-cai S Straus,Secretary "I" ''• •>• ,•!• iii the inornitiV'It •;' iij I'ourlj that iii-'xt .rtlly llliim-; U'I ' '' "' i- at ttork, ttliil In 1 kept at.j -• !-'."i!'..i.t that In 1 tlnl'shisl iH.fiire"-'ll: -• t 1 ;.' 11 In' 1 it-Hit 10 tlie liotlst 1 tp-. - 1 '•' • ,•'I ••• - . The First Houso <strong>of</strong> Commons. •Tii-iMii.i'-r iriie«»i -<strong>of</strong> 1 ill.. r;ii'^ii«iilii,n-,. ,'t 1 - >• .ii.nii.its'nr* 1fotitiil In thet-.'.-ir I•>•.".. 'lliai tear Sinioii di* Montfi 1 ?. "I'Tuf.I.i 1ii'i'. laiisei) lOrriJ tfi!•!• ;•-• ,"! ;:i IIH 1 l.ii'ux's iiaiin 1 •r< ii (tiirUi'ir,- ', t| '. • • :T- -f a rotlllly to retlini Toa 1 i 1 : < ; ( t\ [lii'h In 1 |.r,.p,tsi,d to'h'.'l'l( . • I ' _-'ii< U*v .lilt! -l,:r*- under! ;- .1 ;• i. i 11. Tt-.,. 1. hi-/, •us for t-ailt'.'..V ' '-';-'i I'- H11.IUiilut two Inir--. • 1 T , I. !l l_',|i\^rll. The plll'llll'I* . ..;. i; ' .-•! I tin- .priii i ;le|ill.v tli('1':•• :•, • ' • b i'l; 1- jh'i'i'li'. us ilis 1 -I.,-'!! I I in,, 1'' jlit 1 iieli:-_"' ; - U'nitiT Itasjellt'l Inlltl lit!" ll«-i-li.l e V l:;'Mi "ol'llitlin'lllill."- Tilt 1 poWel*.,,!' iii',. eVi.ttii Iii Ktmlund. Is merelylion ''.J. n^ is thatalsn <strong>of</strong> the IIOUKO<strong>of</strong> I,,; 1 ... U'ld-ii tin 1 people spunk oiitI'-'Idij Ilil'oliuli 'llli-lf Ilinw <strong>of</strong> .l.'iilll-11.on., iliat as 11 trtMiiM'iil rule settles' It.Too Impulsive,A in; 11 wli" hud ll^lli'ed hi two streot.'•n'f;"IU'I iili'iiN in'ndi' 1111 ntti-tnpt lifterJils'sml rccovci'.v to renew hlx acclillentlit ainjl.iei' policy,Th*\ coinpmiyrei'ii--e '. i" Insure*hhn IIKHIH. ."\0e '-an't aiToril to," wilil jhi" occnt,"/m urvni.iii" iif ymir..bnliltx.""My hahlt-J';" I'Xpliilucil ' tlio 1111m.•"A'liMt's" the. mutter with my Imhlts?I don't drink or iiliytlitng jjlui-thnt." •'"N 1 "." said Ihi' u^'fiir; ''pi'iiuipH not.hut yi.il .1" si'lncililui; J lls t as Imilfi'oui our Ktiiud]i4i|nt.Vi>u are lmpul-Klvc, >'''U ml:c uniieceHMUry ehuiiceH IncrouKluK Kd'eciB. und, whilt Is worst<strong>of</strong> till, 'you yet <strong>of</strong>f d cat* hackwiini.Wifkiiow. for. wo'have watilir^d you.So fur us this chinpuuy fa concerned,no more Insurance can" liu Usued to auiali who habitually leaves tho curiTiih fiHlilon, Thi' liability to accidentIK too trout."--Now York I'ost.Slit Had a Substitute.'T, lu!|iu'utlu'l Mi'hih' k r-'I inn, irlml'to ti't.tlec." iliu'tor. lluit ymir wlfi" iii>vi>r ttiriixhi', liciiil to see who i-oiiu's liilii churchlul«" on Wur.dny titOinluK. Vho Ite\', Dr.'iioiiiliiiiiii- \'o, hut u)n> inakitM,iiii) tehhiT' nil'iilMii.tt Itit'iii afti.T We (,"0 homehl Tlh. Nntt>f«l.I'roud Father -My child la only amonth old,' iirid'ln> crli'ti for tlie moon.Fraud. Moilicr—,Mhm Isn't tt'weck old,ntid , he crlt't* f.ir t'i»t < nillky wliy;s^Piii'k. • . . 'Every utro him' llx.proulc'ui, by Bolv-Inii wlilck humanity lit Helped forward.-Heine.CHRISTMAS IS .;POOR'S FEAST-DAYPERSONALS.The Rev. Jbnn "J.' .SweeneySpeaks,<strong>of</strong> the Joys ot• the Season.•SpeukhiK'<strong>of</strong> I'hrlotmus as Ihe clilldriMiVfeast and that <strong>of</strong> the poor,, theRev. 'John J. Sweeney, teelor «r,Si.,.\uv:ii-tluv's fhureh, said:, '*' There IM im huppler tune than thejoyous ('.hrlstnias seasoh ' The 'swivtjoy <strong>of</strong> the mystery <strong>of</strong> love which l»eelehrirteil by Chrisltmlom pervade*everything, permeate-al It Iif lhoii«hlsund dohii_--<strong>of</strong> life JCvery heart knowsto some, client thl- loving' happine-s•In my opinion, Christina- i- theureat joy-day ttf rhihlhood—a' «iaywhen tile mutliul love <strong>of</strong> purents andchildren muhlfesl* Itself hy tokens <strong>of</strong>pareutul all'erTton uud' <strong>of</strong> lillul irralitude.'• _.'•Tho Infancy <strong>of</strong> .le-iis i'hii>i i- aitdet ot littm'aiilty, meekne—aud inno.'cnce.'anilthe-e are the cliaraV'terl--llc- which all falhtT" and" >n"thershouldsi.t.k to chcri-h.and di'Vidop intile children entrusted to their careThe honot- we pay to the inlaneyami i-hrldhoMil <strong>of</strong> i'hri-t al-o -civet"remind parents ho*.* tenderly our Lordlovel little childrenI le relinked thedi-c pie- who wouldprevent themfrom up|irt>uchlmr Ithp.. He hie—edthem and.placed' Ili- protectiuc In.tidon. tlieir liertds, ,-aylmr. 'Suller Ihelittle children to come 1111I0 Me, andforbid them not, for <strong>of</strong> *iich 1- thekingdom <strong>of</strong> heavet;.'."The tfraees <strong>of</strong> -implc. innocent,ifufl'des- 'i.'hildhoodap|ieal to our, ''» < ' l ' i V-nU'. 1 Me tiu. '(rivenvisitor here iml'-fltlav. ,.••''• n.hand«»iiK' .-ollur ui nil bos, u Kin• «• •!> .1. 1 ' 1 ' • "•. • heiippri'cf.iles very hlKhly. •,\\.i r.'l'rlncle, uf l,aiisdowne, I'u..•PROI'OSALS.•I VM,|..'-MI- ttlil. ',. r,i"i'lt..,l ,lit' Ilii'nl riiii-,11 i-r,,'!',.1.1.1- 01 tih.iiu.'t'ltlllilt', on \V>, In,-Mint,.lltllillir.t s. luis, alII yl oViix'k 111 ilie r>i|t-iuioh, in Mi mortallliitl.s.iinrii Nett ^ orU'iiM li'H-, A I -111 ll't "II t.N .l.rlnr I iif I'IOIII niu ot tin- t liinu t Illuli.'..tt'it Itrnlui. .tyer Illl' 111,'Uiil Ulter, illItl'ttl'lH^i-a visitor here Sutuluy. ''• l»eputy Slierlll'win II. n'rluhl was•11 vwtor here im Tlitirsilay, l>. ('.' Ilillcmi-H-, <strong>of</strong> i'hlluilelphljii' wasin town tlurinu the Week. -It'liarlCi- II. \Vels-, tif, liermanlowii,wu» til town duriuit tlie week. '• ', 1 nikniio,., ,s. .11. • • ,•,vv ,,' ^i 1^!,. ^ .r I.I j'i , -'', ' I *-iu iMlli'titiiiii- ,,'iin .Hi' ot'iiilii*' 1 ! l.\ ttrltliit;t> 1(1. .-surilir, 01 1 Illlliflelptllu,- WHS, u,,, IIII.J,.!,!^,,,.!! ,ir, tmm AlilhiMiy lt,.Siiiltli,(' .'.l. ''• (ill!. . '; ' -itvri'iiihi-r lii.'t'i,", , . • , •Alou/lKSittiin, <strong>of</strong> \'lncluiu|vwas in l v I-II ivit|,'|iv nl' Vl'U' U'l'sil'VKeeun Clly Krldtiy.'look'luu after Ills .l\* ».».>' M'1 Mr .\r,M,.ir,l>^r,l.real estate,• Mrs Thonias I'.'Me^ahaii <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,war* um<strong>of</strong>n* tin- vj-uor- to this 'clly on Thursd iy., 'SAVE MONEY A SUMMER COTTAGEBET MY PROPOSITION BEFOBE YOU BUItnKPV AI'AHTMKNTS." C()TTA iif litL* I-'MHTOH,Phtl-iHeliihinu ii-umniiu llu-(.» thi* fityor, Krhliiy * , .•.I.VIVMVV"! 1 !-'."-.!".'. 1 . 1- - i"l I't.i, I- Mr - !•.• • \ t * . t i - i i i . . p i» l l \ . I t ' * ' < V ' l , t « .Ill(•t• I I! |.f.M-lt.tt *' n. lieMi"UKHH ll.iml 1- vKiihiL' her V,':,.V' ^\W v u.;Z l "''\.l\'• IU 1 VM-V^'.'VI!MERCHANTSAND MINERSTHANS. GO.STEAMSHIPLINESBETWEENPhi'atitlpha"and tic.to rLavanrahpitlit. ilurhiir tin 1J, II. Kt'iiiiey, **f *fi-IH-Mnl the < < hrMnii>i>i»'oli:ii:g; l'ltlii A-liiiry aI II'1 I I *t till-1 I III, ' H l ' t M i l lI »i'(.t ', t • I. •'•• n m . i ' v r l n \ ( H . l h i ' . . ' » l - . l M i i l I n i i >li II' ii'li \ \ U t W i l l „»'•'•> . |I' ••(•H-..-.1, i i r . - n i i i ' l f 14 •!. l . l i ' l i t n l i».-i'Mt*t«, ". . . % > y . *• II ! t n , - < t i i i r . n l i i ' » i T > - m t ' * \ ' . t i l i l \. - i l l h i - 1,, iii«- * u < l I t m l : t u u i x n , f * i < | * n i i I I . H i < l u n t1 .»!«' l l l t t l l f 11* i h ' l i l l ' iill I* 1 t>< . ' U i , - ,1 t u t ti-1'tllllWilIN Hur-I. <strong>of</strong> Millville, -••cut " 1U . ul "\ ll.N .-Hy, "ni'.I j '-.- . • U ' lil i lt i l J', r'.!\,\ r'.lmuVi..fnliuly -lireUIIH* "<strong>of</strong> Mr*. INmiMr^J ('.'.t^Ti'lAri!!!!?. 1 , 1 -- 1 ''!'"^-"'' V ;l ."v' "P'K'J-'ikTitruii" •* i *~riii.'y tiT»J (il>tv.Y(||t« iiiil|i|nv.ind every door wus elo-ed ui;uuisl In-r.Her eliUtl, Ihe Sui nr (.oil, was hornin 11-inl.le: lie is <strong>of</strong> the jiuor. . (iooil'lirl-llaii-,follotters <strong>of</strong> the KitliieInfaui, always reinetuhtr the poor unf'hrl-imas Ihty. I'tittortliy, indivtt..i ill he the I'hri-lm:!- ulvltiir, ii'ile--UIIIO;IK the uilts.tt ill lie wnne Tor Iliepoor, ! ii-ellUhui 1 — Is the de-lruhlevirtue tliiriuir lliese fe-lul tlay-. I'u-*ell|s|i in liviuir, uu-eltl«ii Iulie i- live mull whn appreciates the-llzmlicaiice <strong>of</strong> f 'hrl-11etistoiUH."mis und its -ueelI.-I irri.uias|oiilill-liie-s In Ihe IJuukef City,'KllrfKey-er. til I'ltlhulelplilii, \\ howho hu.[cMt ill I.I III lcontractors and BuildersMENDEL'S+tottItilO AnburyALLEN SCULLContractor and BuiidorOOB Control Avo*>m.OCEAN CITY, N..J.I ' - l ! i , H t , - ••(„", r f i l l l t f i t , I I , * •lim'•liiiu*' rri-i l.-il I'} i .,iil rtii-i >•' iluy.JOHN MA'RTSContracting Builder'Kt-t;T»tliln|. yp.i wunl in Mrn'l. HnJ Ilnj%' Suil».UiuUTt%r;ir; hlnrlv. TlirH.Nfi.'riiei.; 'conlC'ril'!mill Sil-pnulrr\,C.,rteTs ;m«l u.in,ls' Wcuirvtlie. l.lt,:rsl UkMiiirtient 01 Swiakr. II, Ik,;Clly. iill ;>!*.. -..vttn; ol IOIC is 1'cl lent.Men's nnd Vounu Men's Winter Overcuatin\ l-.lti 'H'l"-nun niTi-,'1;'.iiiii.i.t-,,ii. '• tvi-;lt' •; \'i'r Hi 1 ! "•tt--\,.Vtnirim_n!fot!A mftll Ihllt lulf* l( i oe reioi iiit'ii.eati t•rel tlie present you wi-.|ai|• Ix Imvlni; the Unit 1 <strong>of</strong>Try »»"'"'" '" tlieSKSiiMi- 1«lll l«y >•'»>• ,An tiltl uiiiltl wot.ildit'l mind il •'Diurli If it wa-n'l railed so,X«l lo heiim i! I Ihe. mo-l mil ••ln«tlil"n?'- '" he/'Hiiishl heini! 1" tl.A voter rnil Bi'l very ei;ell."l ".ivt'ii ir he Illl- lietfr .nvidii -eason for all unitii'. • • N..•• • |• 1l fowl'', ••ltJ > -i 1 - "I" 1 K't'i'inl"'',„^ in Two Plages <strong>of</strong> Wor-• ' ship Sunday.Speelal Chrlstnui- -irvu-esSuccumbs to Iufirmities,1< <strong>of</strong> Years.|ii .Moiiility L'V.'iiInu•'Ratlin flail- itn'l*. CfolksMi-'JVl-t o( ehI Clilu-, ' .,Illi.. , .•.-•aiilJi'ciririswas!!, f,,|.|fI 1 ; 1 ie, llt.'rlii'rl Smltltl.awri'iii' • I.cur 1'- ' Atlu liiuii'k-• M:ilu.'l l.iivtjny., Nuriiiiin Suiilli. U1,Ji;r• Zli'L'lel '-Illle.-eullI lei- I Hllleim.\t,..'i.l.*i o'elyek oiivl'Hestlay ininntimr;tlie l^ev. l'!tlwiiri| Totyn-tMiil, for'nt'iii.-I'lrsi I'resh.vUMianihureh on Sunday ' |y nriy years au atrllve, /.ealmis ^u,\I'tslTlie liiiu-e- o'l worship wert'.'ap-'"prtiinlnent nieiiih'i-r nf Ihe Melhotll'-lmu-ii 1 ' inlnl-li.v. ai'iswc^retl tlu; eall <strong>of</strong>. lifheaveitlyMasleraiid joinetl t Iteeele-lliilt-holr in llii- realms almve. '.Mr. 'rowii-i'iitl, wiio IIIKI Invn ut tie-I'hnnur lii'ahh f.ir several years, Iimlheenhedfa-t for Iwelye tlays, liep:is-ei|.uwaj» i|iiiell,v, surrountle.l liyMrs, 'Mac,v Town-end J111 -111 theilaiiKjiter \tllhwhom lie hail Jlvii'lhere lor iiliuul three year-: 'Mr-. WinII, Carey, "n'nollier tlaimhler, .nf Mini Iii.I'a , Stpiir.e .1. S. l!n-li, a -nii-in-jaM ,FOR INDUSTRIAL 'EDUCATION HEREla-t. A eantiila,mile Slim," wa, propfialely. ueeoniletl ainl Hile hy the yuuiu' I „, ,,r unii-unlly uniul urtier.The regular, (,'hrl-liini- Haywen; held'.yesterday in Si A|uCltureh autj In Holy. 'VVlnil.v.. ' riu>r 1'itivsiivri|'i:iAN. .1In tlii; Kirst I'H.'slivurhui IMiunli iiiIlitt iiiiirnlt,i;, tin- pu-inr, tin 1 itev. II.TCiissolln'rry, »|n>ke iif :','Tlie I iif.-iriiatiini •" llIt.:Imil Iniliit-Iliey an« lu'ii ~\,t-,\GEORGE fl. BOURGEOIS '&' SON.Carpenters and BuildersIII:I:.I\ iirv, >. j. ;i Men's nnd V'ounR Men's Trousers| > •*'• ll't:;s.l*t Iroll-.r. :il . HI.Illl•- 1 !''.',o,'.'i"."''.".'i"r.;,,,.;r.,;, • • • "•,.»»'Everything New. Tasty, -•stylish! CAR FARE ALLOWED AND SOUVENIRSTO CUSTOMERS.'JOS. MENDEL-.1625 ATLANTIC AVE., ATLANTIC CITYHullJliittiitiHl t>\ fanKiir»t-l 'ir liiV.AIHIITIOSS. \Llf;UMIIINS'AM) Ul I'AIIVSSpencer B. SwanjobijinuCarpentera specialty and BuilderQi!.\ku:s"L. uov:' like a iluek, tin •••I' walerpronf -hue-,'tliey are not merely damp prnol. llti'Vaie ttitierpioiir.Only the iiiMihd enn-III I i'i I to Ihe holi-eciiil atlonl lo lie'tt itlioiila pair.< nine in ami he tilled.LIKE ALL OUR SHOESthey are ju-i u ;utle heller than 11 ley90S WALNUT STREET.• PHILADELPHIA -iu vt, IMATI: AMI I>Bgaln her-Itleals after liiairiiuie I- Intecome a wnlotv.. A man seems to.lhlnk if In-••iin'l I'iinjlhlni! el-e he. eiin hi- a pohlieiiiii,lud mnylie lie 1- rlu'lil.CiuiNlderliii: Itotv iiiiuiy uinhreHtareborrowetl, one Is ;ij*t lo vtohileiwb«"ln the world huys tliein.'Ifa woinan eoultl hiiy-iinett- Imlwhenever she plea-ed she \touewi'tly wtiut" III'IIIIS in heavenAdverlisliur i" u seieneen'otnliiys•wl reaiier-t pny a-inili-li uiliiiiion to.mtl|iiK them a- linytlii the n'.-titlemx.. ' • ' , ' ' . '. • iThe Nett Year, inni k'loeUinir atIhe iliHir. proini-e- in he one ot ihenwt eteutftii In Hie hl-loiy .,1 thecouniry. • t 'Home men are-oselllsli they IhlnUthey otiishl to lie iHoived tospetfdapartiirthe liuiuey they earn for then.U.l-hI l.'l,;; it.-,\ 111- 11,'tiil 1 li-le'^uili'.h-l l.l,'le-.'-|l,.,ll'UIli-ill.lhIII h |i 'l U:ilI 1.1, illll'ltLlI |l,|,;W'llleI'l 'U'IIIIII;I II-'.III hII'Ti:ihelAlleli'-Mela I'.alll.lllilWei-I.'i1Allee VVllllilee.' l.ne/ I'OI-OIIl-.-llier rarliutll.'tilier W.,11:,,-,.ph'l.o.lhroyd.Until Mnrri-Aui.v Km-tMini.I Koul.l-:t'or-oiiS,-lh'lI!"". '.lie took hi-text from I.like,lil'll: "I'ntii yiiu l> 17'irn ihl-glay iuthe eil.y <strong>of</strong> '.Duvid'ti Savior,-tthleh inMin-t, |l,e Kuril," ' .Mr. I'a--t i lherr,v -alii In p.-ni:"The, |iuy or the Lord hu-r -: Main 'I l-.i-iei. I'le-ton Ko-ter, j «f iiin-t pre-s tiiem l.u.'l. iii Ihe la-tWinner, ll-irold* l-'eruii-oit,; analy-i-,. tt hie.li ini-aii- in ileuy iheIei • • !• t-t - 1 t-iii, Pi iitriry room very eNi-tenee <strong>of</strong> rhtl-I. tt liieh uieaui-.|ohii >s.'hiie|der, i-'redii Snillh, i thai .Mill liltt-l rett'iile hi-loiy <strong>of</strong> Hiee.-I JeorL-e ; la-l loon year-,ainl then a-k, lim, III'M/ il.el h ; < 'liri-l had eome Id any other^tiiy| itoiild-tl'ial intte -ull-lh'd u-.' I1in-II'oultl have eome iu -onie i.ther \\iiy,I'Ut'rlieii he would n"l iVite I,,-, inelder hrolher, kilotlli'^ me heller t ll'iuI kuotf iny-elt, ' , .• An-ulii-l tnilh «,! 11111-1 i,j li.'e to I-tlli-JleiiVeu's inleli-l iti the tllliiL'- id(•arlh, ll 1- nor '-utie.1 IIIIIL 1llrii j t-lti!i|;t'eut'd tt'ith tlo-e- -in.I t he l.i, 1.lim hii-li, Midi' 1 '!!! mi the ihiuslituL-,Hour,Miilthe'tv al Hie, de-k, .lolni,.... IV-ter and Jauli- at, net-, lle.t'tiii i-al' iiuuie-teit In. work n- ttell as. tt or-hipllur (eel need not he oil'the etlilh. lull• nir hearts'.-may In' Hlied ttlih thelllli. loo. l-t Ill-'rulllllUi -ert'lee--0I111- <strong>of</strong> ihe IIIIUCN...|,.,ii.|ir •"• I •'Another truth'.»!•'Iiriy leant MWhile th.» lief Mi fii-i'll.erry wii- tlay, « hleji ,le-u- i'ame" lo" ieVi-.il:• ; i:.n.'.-' in.'' pie-eiilatlon-^ III' tin- 1 , fi-.d -flit loll'li - III- S"U th'tl weirli :i |.|e.i-liil li.leirupllotl h*V Wlrt. j Illitflllleeelte the adopliou ol ,-till-.;I ihe oilli'er- <strong>of</strong> the I'he Son ol j>lerfour'Melhi'iili-t I'dtl-t'opal elercyineniT Millville have, seen red enlel lilloiiieiitlor Jin or the Kin-Is and arerapidly llmliiiK plaeus Tor the olhers.Thein-'lo fexerve Krmiiids underw liter as Slnte ptopetly.'TlilK-'aetlo'n wii- 1 liriuiclil two yearsiiK« iineertmrarl. Kyldeiree was takenL-nlni: .sermon <strong>of</strong>tlieeotirer- Ihen for holh itldes. before Supremeenee will lie delivered on .Tne-dny •'»'"rt rialiiiHlL' I"" 1 l "" ILr ''^Mk. The ehildren or the tiabhiith <strong>of</strong> naltlinoKe^-' _^_"cbool will Imve their outeHttimueni I^ ^ "' . [tuiik l»'rvmty t'Mtbe Kuray to morrow' "(Krlday) I This V'U»t \"J l^,iey for yniirold ui? 1 wa-ln-iiluteil hy tlie aiilliurity olindeeal a111 itiuryi'iir wlly. il tleel-loll or tl" 1 eotlll-. ,s'.lill'nio'iilh- nun, tin- year's •hii-lni 1 - nowha- lo lie llhl-hed jlp in lieeemhel', In.-U;.'iil ol the follmvloj; '.May. a- hadheeii Ilie I'ti-toui wilh soiue houM- olrreehttliler-or the Sum 1 .' •GATES NEEDED»- K«T.iTE .\Sl»roninii--i.ineriii hietl-lor^New .ler-ey. ,loiuniis-liiiier <strong>of</strong> l>e

I . ...The Conquestpf Cutler. , ,By LOUISE M|RRIFIELD.Copyrluht.-ii, I ( .»C." lis I 1 . 1 1". .KnVnumt.Toiinnnt •««»•..u'heu shefnlo the \l,'y. To Teiiiiiint U wimmore Ihnn mere ulillsli wllli'iilness:. Itwas fninkly tluiiuthiif In his fuee herconquest <strong>of</strong> (,'Mtier anil our dclluuce <strong>of</strong>• himself nnil preference for thlUK3 bolongingto KIIM Ciitlor. . .'lie wtitch.-d ber as Hho neiircfl theplor. If she saw the lull, liiooily tluureIn £Say tlmiin-Ix, she it'iud.- ti > sign.ITutloss,. the wind l.lowl'm: h.r brownhalr'buck from'her tunned. « Irar cutfaco. she .held her way su-twliy towardtho open buy,-one liaiid ••••< tli«> littlebrass-tipped I'""t wheel .•;: idlooked'ncltbcr to thv'rUrlit nor II • ci'LPhil Ti'iiniint iiiiiiiori'(.'siiuU'tlitneUnilerhls hntath'an»l (urn • I nutcUly onhis hoc! towiml tin- luvtM. It \v,aH after7. If ho hurried. ln> i-oiiiil still cntchthe'night boat ftir CliltHicn. - Perhapshe could even Ki't awny before sho re-"turned. It wns urowinjr Inti*. Up ntthe botel they wi'ii- li'uhttnir'tbw.colori'ilJopaneKc Iniiti-rns arouti '> i!h Ms launch, hlimotor cur, his ••. • . , 1 i.l nil.tho otheaccessories <strong>of</strong> b.'i • •• izeii million oi'so, and Muriel tun. • ued to waver.The nlglu .air U'us wtlll untl'hemrySuddenly a sweep "f eool. ki-en win* blew In frenlily from tile !uty. \ Icaught the frnll Jap h^utei-us and tosSn• them like leuves to :i ikj fro. Thi.'hamboo curtains at the long Freiirh windows rustled'and swung Inward, ntnoxit on tho lawn the palms nnd wl'.lows .bent before It with a lithe; swjfTcnnant Jutiim'il hi* but low over hieyes and started ...u u fun for tho pli'Tbe rain fipluHhcd in his face. iindglare <strong>of</strong> ilnzzllntr llcht shot Heroin tlnorthwest heavens. ITUe Btorm broko, be could take ibsteamer.Just as tlie 'thunder bIn a low' report from the irrSy course <strong>of</strong> the WhileIty. . A.i.l .•llti'.-lii;.; to tl..-. little-pilot.111'.']. Stl'l.ll.i: I" UUldi' the Inlinclluck siil.ulr .I...*cross hiIt Was Accepted by tho Lawyer, andthe Battle. ,Was Fought In Delaware.'Sad K-lc (>f tlifi Two Principals. In thoUmoi'lunAtq, Meeting.''i'iuii-settir-iiieut <strong>of</strong> iiunri'cU by nppcul J .rti.U'.i. ".rule <strong>of</strong> boiTer wim ill) loutfor to] "1 have Keen them iunwritten.luw <strong>of</strong> ihe American j conditions,'coming: toHigher Education Wai tho Rulri <strong>of</strong>Till* Intelligent Pieh- *"H is* •lire lutelll^eiit little boiuttB.Tlnil Is tlii>- reason tliey .travel lnitrlio (is.'^ivinarUeil Waller' I|uui|>llng,mi indlioiiiy on tlsliuig mid a cumjl-.dine for the natiin' fiiklr class.';! have .fre.iuently 'observed them.•tud.vlng." he I'liiillnuiHl. "whether It,wtii> iHMter tttste'to swallow a minnowwlmle. on on the 'InstnlWucnt |ilan. 1huvf. seen them seek' knowledge con-(eruliig rnhlier froKs painl, havtiig mudvtheir tuliiils. that It was a fnlse'"I 1friend, pi jilt nud 'warn their comwhleli.ill;i:rr, was sjnlu lu a personal'.mt;|ii uluiu; the norllu'ru circlei^v;tr.j" The man who tireil tileI-M,;I -.I|.i| u;i- .\llil>lil|uiiau I'liarles 0.llu.itfi', mid Ilu* eiieoimter look place.'iilniitf Niianftin's .leek on the at'ternoou..I' Miii.lny. Mur.li '.'I. lsj'.u. ; , ,i 'Shii:iiiarl.N .e'ui.i'cl". neither Miller,>!.,. i ,-i h!s 111'.-, nor llus'ter. wllo kill-.-I |._ .. \v.i- prlii.igial \)ir the orlglunl!-ini.t I licit li-it t...ilie meeting on thej I...ill. ... the little' eieei; In liehiwrre.S.-lili. r.ti.id seen ihe oilier until a fewli'iIll's l.el'ul'e tlie ullillleli^e Was tiviltllll'l aee.'|i|e'l.Sillj|i!,v II liil.-sln.t In it' gill le <strong>of</strong> lillliiii.l-|.|.,y.'d :it -Thlril and Chestnut• r.rjii .idelj.hi.i. le.i_to tlv tragedyu !tv\.i homes iuii> sorr*»wTed the lite <strong>of</strong> the maul s|i*.'l eau-ele-sly slli'd llU-. A l l , ] il-i l!i.-he ^l\(.' r"- 1pt nud luitii'itrijin; h;uid '.n.Hot wheel,.1'hll. I'lill. iV-Me l.ltu In tli.'-J\ 11, .•- \\ lli. s.l. l.ut s'i' llnlelmnrse-SW1I1IU by«-H, ,wavere,with :iiiss tipped.i.i.liinl.ivv. h.,... pi .i1.: .1, I.! I.II. i ry AVharti.il lirullih and It. I'll-| i.-ii li> MI.-:" Pown I*-vMt ki|i>ll Muriel, whiteIrippy. lii;.;iy'l>liiv, I:.,I'.l.eif the f:ief that (li.-y two Iiud facedleiith top.'her but :t*Il Instant Iwfore."Hid w.fsnuis], i,u old l.".'it;.'",iXlisi-iliiiely."Temi.lilt's arms tljplit-'n.lib a taunt rivni lirake,n.j llately stru. k In theII ei'si' by iiL'aitisi tliU man. 1 never^lieui'.l -.r him iiinil two days.ii::a , Let.ilii.s.v, vvli.ise .jiiai'i'ei eiutir.'.ll.'.t hlui be;vs;i."lisll.|e'toi'"liis death." . ' •* At''.;'' il it.iri'..'.l c.Hisiiliaii.in-It win.Felt'Acquainted, ,A Host.in la.ly ot 1 tlie most reserfe.land cxcliiflve typ.- w:|s walti.li! (orher chiiiiL'o ut the ci.ne counter Iu one.<strong>of</strong> the larue stores \\\eii slie was nplafi.-i.,irau.lllyiiV uotn.'tn, vhoproiiched ",i,v . adressed iiud .l.ni.lheld out u pudu.v hand^iuid Mild: ("Why. bow do you d'o, Mrs. Ulank?" < t sharplyover Ills KliN*cs tlutt she Involuntarilypaused. • •"l' thouiilit you'hud sent him abouthis business." he snldL , *-"I dld-barid down nn ndverne decision."fdio nnnwored, |'a*nd bo declaredthnt be would appeal. However, I cpn-.Vinc.'.rbhii that \ wns the I'lturt <strong>of</strong> lastresort In license like that mid thnt "noiippeal'woiil.l lie from my decision." •"l'o-isihiv the court wus IISSUIWIIK a"little mure power tlvui rightfully lw>lon*« to It." saii.l'tlie Jiidve thoniibtfully."Imt let that PIISD. What did be do;then'.-" ' ' 'j ,"1I>. tiled u petition for n relieurlne.;'"The iijiiul course," said the Judsc"but It Is Usually' notblui: but a niereforituilily." • .; "So I. tlinimhi," rettiriied the Klrl,'"nmr I was |ir,.|.ai-e.l to deny It without.jiaJjini'iii. l.iit'ilic f.'u.'tH set forthIn hi- p:-tlt|..|i were siiitlcletit to mukeme h"-lt;ite und wonder whether his.-u^e li.nl rclly been properly present-IHI in !!..• lint ti'lul." '. . ,-"t'loiii WIIM m-.tijiiils did lie m.-ike thelltinli" usUed'the .ludp'. iti-owl-GRAVITATION.'IU Wonderful and. Far Rraohlna til.foct« Upon the -World."The I'uVtiH <strong>of</strong> giavlliitlon n n, m, j fcailllar us to.demmiil only-the hrlurmt'meullou. yet most <strong>of</strong> us |iortiupH m.|.l t t i slUr ho'fy |oin Htop.tii eonslUer how'fur rthese elTeels/are,", sliys Dr.ltiKHenryittiThe Ideal Summer Resort..king In one day at \\ urron'aolinnil'ers, XI111 notleed.thnt beseemeda llt'le. troubled. 1"It Is." suld the lawyer-uovellst,"most unfortunate. Iought to have dlmil toulgbt with thelord chancejlor, but Mrs. Warren IsalHiut to present me with uuothcr olive•braiieh. How can I leave her? I hopehis 1'irdslilp won't, lie nnnoyed. at" rayputting him <strong>of</strong>f." "Oh." returned Ull!;"don't make yourself uneasy. I aiuone <strong>of</strong> the guests. I kuow him RO wellI can put It ull right for J-ou." Withthose words the visitor iirepnred toIonvi> the room. •At tlrsf" pr<strong>of</strong>usely .grateful, Warrenpri'seutly yei'iiieil u little iwrpiejcod and |snld: "Ity the bye, nfter nil, -I won't]trouble you to say anything about xoato the e.haueellor. ,Iletween ourselves,'have not -been Invlteil.".. •"JVell." rejoined Hlli. "iwjko yourself,comfortable on thnt point. For thatOCEAN CITY, N. JBATHING SAFE AND UNSURPASSEDFINEST BEACH ON THE COASTTHE HOME OF THE FAMILY MANln».I"Well." vile, replied.. bhislihii; a little.! "yon s.s-. he prop.wed' by li'.ter, iind|hln-eonteiitlon was'thnt the case wusJ.<strong>of</strong> tbut peculiar .ihuriicter that cannotj he properly pre-.-iited by hrlefH, lint| dcniati'N or 11 iiruitin.ents. The fact thatthe lali.'i' l'."l I.ii'ii (iinltte.l, he held,•ihoiil.l I... held nn error, nnd tbe pointwas sii.-h u ir»vol one that I consentedto let him a-L'.te II. Then his nrirument"nils MI full, ful ilt,i-t—%—i;rsvnt*sl hln'pfctltlonnnd ..•.inseui...] 4o benr the wholeeiis•• Shnklnc the boy, Rrlpplntr him' uutllbe squealed with pain, Tenuunt wrilnefrom him somehow that the only boatto be had was (tatter's electric motorbout, a small, low nffiilr that only carriedone, ana thut In fair weather."JToa ain't going; out on Michigan^h btil lit 1 feel Yen! 'well lli'(|H;lltlt«'il wlth.Jyou.I.'leii-Miu iliiy, nln't It? Well. Ifshe nln't poJIte to sj 1,!_! <strong>of</strong>f without fonitioh «>< n word:Ktious her raisin",anyhow!" •' Withi.n Her Rijlhts.A Ter.V lilark.Wotilttll In 11 ullVcr praynntnnioMle/viat was seen a fe.w,morn-Inits nco'linnllni: nii iiuwllllns nnd.dls-'reputableinoIJtis yellow Uou by aleather thot a.'A frleililly illspoieil iioll^einiin'oiice'lcaj'imll.v: "Why don't .you turn tho dr*clot-"'? He don't look able to run <strong>of</strong>fatld nohody'll ivimt to otenl him?" ,"Ain't I11 'oiiian?' wan thn tartquery. • • *There was no disputing the fact."Ain't

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