August 2008 - Irish American News

August 2008 - Irish American News

August 2008 - Irish American News

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Page 38<strong>August</strong> <strong>2008</strong>High Kings in GrandRapids on Sept. 17The High Kings will perform atthe Devos Performance Hall in GrandRapids, MI on Wednesday, September17th at 8pm. Ticket prices rangefrom $35.50 to $60.50 and can bepurchased at 616.456.333 or www.ticketmaster.com.The balladeers of the High Kings,Finbarr Clancy, Brian Dunphy, MartinFurey, and Darren Holden, all havenames and musical pedigrees thatresonate with <strong>Irish</strong> music lovers. Producedby the same folks that broughtus Celtic Women, the High Kingshave a new U.S. tour this September,which is expected to sell out in all theirvenues. The Grand Rapids performanceis their only stop in Michiganon this tour, and their only Chicagodate is Sunday, September 21, at ParkWest. After September they return fora much anticipated tour of Ireland.Kalamazoo <strong>Irish</strong> Fest September 28-29By Neil MullallyThe <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>American</strong> Club of Kalamazoo,Michigan, has scheduled thatcommunity’s annual <strong>Irish</strong> Fest for<strong>2008</strong> on Friday and Saturday, September28 - 29. The Fest hours on Fridayare from 4:30 pm until midnight, andon Saturday from 10:30 am until midnight.Admission is $7.00 per adult,and children 12 or under accompaniedby an adult are admitted free. On Saturdaycollege students with school IDcan buy their tickets at half price. TheFest’s venue is Kalamazoo’s permanentdowntown festival park, ArcadiaCreek Festival Place.On Friday evening the mainstageperformers will include Embarr,Whiskey Before Breakfast, HarvestHome, and the popular regional bandFonn Mor.On Saturday, the full entertainmentline-up will showcase The <strong>Irish</strong> DanceCompany of Lansing, the QuinnSchool of <strong>Irish</strong> Dance, the KalamazooPipe Band, String Cheese, Freshwater,Rare Combination, Kennedy’s Kitchen,Donnybrook, and Belfast Gin.Freshwater hails from MountPleasant in northern Michigan, andRare Combination finds its talentedmembers in the Battle Creek/Kalamazooarea. One of Rare Combination’slead musicians is Father PatrickMurphy. Chicago and northernIndiana <strong>Irish</strong> music fans should beno strangers to Kennedy’s Kitchenand Donnybrook, because both bandsappear regularly in Chicagoland,Merrillville, and South Bend. BelfastGin is a celtic rock group fromKalamazoo, and a past winner of the“Battle of the Celtic Bands” there.At the Session Tent musicians arewelcome to drop by to create theirfoot-stomping, hand-clapping musicwith others who love to entertain theappreciative fest patrons.The Heritage Village is popularwith everyone attending the Fest. The<strong>Irish</strong> <strong>American</strong> Club sponsors the<strong>Irish</strong> Tea Room, where tea, coffee andscones are served. Genealogy researchguidance is provided by experts fromthe Kalamazoo Valley Genealogy Society.The Pendragons Guild’s skilledcalligraphers demonstrate the fine artof medieval lettering, illumination,and drawing of Celtic designs andknots. Members of the KalamazooWeavers’ Guild take observers backin time as they spin wool into thread,and weave the thread into cloth, withseveral of their creations also on display.Even a palm reader and Celtichealing shaman are on hand.The <strong>Irish</strong> Marketplace has a fullarray of purveyors of <strong>Irish</strong> goods andfood choices.Families with young children mustvisit Ti na nOg (Land of the Young)Children’s Center. Special activitiessuch as handcrafts, games, and facepainting await the wee ones there.Kalamazoo is located east of Chicagoon I-94, and is a pleasant, allexpressway drive of 145 miles, with adriving time of between 2 - 2.5 hours.For more information and to get updates,go to www.kalamazooirish.org.<strong>Irish</strong> in MichiganBook Review by Frank WestThis is an outstanding book. In itsbrief length of 63 pages of text (92with index, etc.) it tells the amazingstory of the <strong>Irish</strong> in America. Ourancestors came here to find workand the freedom to improve life fortheir families.From the time the first <strong>Irish</strong> settledin Michigan, in the early 1800’s, theybuilt the railroads, worked on farms,in factories and saw mills, for thelumber and fishing industries, etc.The thing common to all of this is thatthey were to work hard—very hard.About this the authors, Seamus andEileen Metress, say “They deepenedand smoothed harbors. They alsoworked on the docks and the boats onthe lakes. They drained the swamps,tilled the fields, and cleared the land.They excavated and built the early ca-… continued on next page

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